Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
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Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 91 - 2/4/10

Post by Double Trouble »

keepsmiling7: Oh, they’re gonna make it very interesting!

Earth2Mama: It was bound to happen eventually! M&M, they do the whole argument thing very well. Poor Kyle… he may not be alone by the end of the night, lol!

LOL, we’re glad you liked that territorial display by our Candy couple.

Yes, we’d like to hang our heads in shame, but well… you knew it was coming, so we won’t. Well, no promises that there won’t be more misunderstandings, but maybe we’ll avoid those ultimate smackdown bitch fights.

Hmm… you just never know.

Dinner is still in the near future. Karen and Bren… hmm… we’ll find out their daughter’s name in an upcoming part!

Natalie36: Ex’s can be a pain. Kyle knows he’s right, he’s not backing down.

Cardinal: Hmm… who could’ve orchestrated that? Oh, that’s right… us!

LOL, a motel room, huh?

Michael and Maria are both territorial and they’re not about to let someone move in on each other.

We’ll see a little more about that in this next update.

We’re not sure Tony agrees with you.

begonia9508: LOL, we’ll see if things go according to plan.

kismet: Tony’s plans may have to detour slightly.

We have decided… and your vote has been noted.

80s_UnLove_Child: Ungh, totally sleazy, right?

Yeah, Alex won’t escape unscathed, lol.

An exchange of fists is quite likely with this group of guys.

mary mary: Yeah, Tony’s plans for that guys night out might not go the way he had originally anticipated.

RiceKrispy: Yes, just love how that worked out.

Zaneri1: LOL, thanks!

Maiqu: Gotta love that reverse personality disorder!

Hey, we’ve all gotta have a little somethin’ that sets us apart, makes us unique and special!

Well, this fight may just last a day or two, lol.

Oh, you’re gonna see that here in this next part!

Dinner with the Parkers is still a little ways away.

Alien_Friend: Nope, their first one. And leave it to Tess to make this a big one, lol.

These two… they just don’t share.

Hard to avoid the ex’s in little old Roswell. We’re glad you like Tony. Guys’ night… well, it may not go exactly the way Tony’s planning.

LOL, and the poor guy doesn’t have a clue.

90 parts and still going strong… lots more to post!

Aww, we’re sorry you’ve been sick – that’s just no fun! Glad you’re better!!

Philosophy is confusing! We sooo agree – updates are more fun than homework!

Part 91 – Twins: Two Sides of the Same Coin

“Alex, I was just talking to him,” Isabel was saying as they joined their friends again. She briefly wondered why Tess looked so angry.

“What could you possibly have to talk to him about? The guy treated you like shit, so why give him the time of day?”

“We were together for several years, Alex.”

“I’m not sure what part of ‘he treated you like shit’ you didn’t understand.”

Isabel sighed. “Whatever. I’m not gonna argue about this.”

Alex just stared at her. “You’re not gonna argue about it?” he repeated stupidly. “I’m not askin’ you to argue about it... I want you to explain why you even feel the need to talk to him.”

She shrugged. “I just wanted to know what he’s doin’ right now. Why is that such a big deal?”

“Who cares what he’s doin’ now?” And why was he picking a fight? he wondered.

What the hell was wrong with him? Since when was he jealous like a high school teenager? Isabel wondered. “Alex, leave it alone. It’s my choice who I’m gonna talk to.”

He had no idea why he was pushing the issue. He wasn’t normally the jealous or territorial type, but the thought of her engaging in conversation with her ex just made his blood boil. “Did I say you couldn’t talk to him? All I wanted to know was why you... y’know what? This’s a stupid argument. If you wanna spend time with a teenager instead the man who fathered your child, then who the hell am I to have an opinion?”

“You know what? Our baby and I will sleep in our bed tonight while daddy gets to know the comfortable couch.” She walked over to Tess. “Wanna go home?”

“Sure, it’s not like Kyle’s getting lucky tonight.” She glared at him. “Not with me at least.”

“Where’s Liz?” Isabel asked.

Maria turned around in Michael’s arms, leaning back against his chest as she scanned the crowd. “Uh-oh,” she muttered when she spotted Liz standing between Max and Sean. “That can’t be good.”

“Max, we’re just talkin’,” Liz explained for what felt like the tenth time.

“I’d better go. Bye, Liz... Max.” Sean nodded and made his way through the crowd. He didn’t want Liz to get in trouble because of him.

Max tried to bring his irritation under control but it seemed like every time he turned around he saw Sean monopolizing Liz’s time and he was getting tired of it. “He needs to back off.”

“We’re still friends, Max. I don’t want him to back off.” Sean was still trying to come to terms with things and she wouldn’t desert him just because Max was having an issue with them talking.

“Well, I do. I’m not gonna be put in this position, Liz.”

Liz looked at him, puzzled. “What position?”

“Competing with your ex.”

“Competing?” she asked, almost amused. “There’s no competition, Max.”

“Then why is he always callin’ you an’ hangin’ around? Damn it, if he’s always gonna be in your face maybe we should’ve just invited him along for Christmas, too.”

“Good idea,” Liz snapped.

“Good... wait, what?” he asked, taken aback.

Liz sighed. “Look, Max. Sean and I are still very good friends. Friends! And I don’t wanna change that. End of story.”

“So, what you’re sayin’ is he’s not goin’ anywhere? That I’m gonna have to put up with him for the rest of my life?”

They reached their friends and Liz turned around to face Max with crossed arms. “That’s what I’m saying.”

“What if I don’t like that?”

“Then you’ve got a problem.”

Max felt his mouth drop open in shock when she delivered that little statement and turned back to the others. That was not the answer he had expected. He didn’t know what he had been expecting, but he knew that wasn’t it.

He saw her talking to Tess for several seconds and she suddenly turned to face him again. “Tess just told me that the couch in the living room is very comfortable. I hope you don’t wake up with an aching back.”

“You’re puttin’ me on the couch because I don’t like you hangin’ out with Sean?”

Liz shrugged.

Max was proud that she was standing up for herself, but damn, couldn’t she have picked something besides her ex?

“Looks like you’re the only one who’s gonna get to sleep in a bed,” Maria said, still wondering what had suddenly happened to all the couples.

“Yeah, how weird is that?” He shrugged. “No reason to question it, I guess.” More like no reason to tempt fate, he thought.

“We’re goin’ home,” Tess said to Maria. “What about you?”

“Nope, I think I’m just gonna stay here.”

Tess nodded and hugged her. “Okay, have fun.” She turned to Michael. “And you, behave.”

“You want us to have fun or behave? ‘Cause those two don’t necessarily go together when you’re talkin’ about the two of us.”

Tess rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

Michael just shrugged one shoulder and glanced at Kyle. “You gonna hang since you don’t have any other plans for tonight now?”

“I might,” Kyle started to say but was immediately interrupted by his girlfriend.

“You might stay and hang out?” Tess asked, her tone low and dangerous.

Kyle shrugged. “You don’t want me in your bed.”

“So, you think that means you can hang out here with every skank in town?”

Kyle rolled his eyes. “Would you stop that, please?”

“Fine, do what you wanna do, Kyle.”

“Fine,” he snapped back and turned in his seat to face Duke. “Tequila!”

Oh, no, he did not! “Okay, fine, if that’s the way you wanna play it, that’s how we’ll play it.”
She felt her temper boiling over when he ignored her rant.

“Tess,” Maria reached out and placed her hands on her friend’s shoulders, “calm down, okay?”

She took a couple of deep breaths to bring herself under control. “Okay, I’m fine.” The fists clenching and unclenching at her sides as she considered strangling her boyfriend implied otherwise, but no one contradicted her.

“I’m still here, okay? He won’t do anything, sweetie. Just go home and leave him here with us for now.”

“He’d better not do anything,” Tess snarled.

Kyle turned around at that and met her gaze head-on. “Trust is a two-way street, babe, either you trust me or you don’t.” He took a drink and set his glass down again. “I’m not gonna argue about this with you, not here and not now.”

“Alright, go now, Tess. This is goin’ nowhere fast,” Maria begged her friend.

Liz glanced at Max. “Are you stayin’ or comin’ with us?”

Max glanced between Kyle and Liz, trying to decide which way to go. “I’m just gonna stay with the guys since I’ve been banished to the couch anyway.”

She frowned. “Wait, seriously?” That wasn’t what he was supposed to say!

“Unless you’ve had second thoughts about me sleepin’ on the couch.”

“Have you changed your mind about Sean?”

“No.” He pulled a new toothpick out of his shirt pocket and slid the tiny plastic wrapper off before sticking it in the corner of his mouth. “Guess I’ll see ya in the mornin’ then.”

“Fine. Goodbye,” Liz said and turned to walk away without looking back.

Maria was so proud of her. It was great to see how much strength she had developed over the past few weeks.

Max was torn between being pissed and proud, but eventually his annoyance with the Sean situation won out. Put out on the couch, he thought with a mental snort.

“Looks like we’re spendin’ the night together, Evans,” Kyle said, handing him a shot.

“Perfect,” Max muttered. “My dream come true.”

“See,” Tony interrupted, “that’s why I prefer to be single.”

“Not me,” Michael growled in Maria’s ear.

Maria smiled. “Amazing how things can change, huh?”

“You guys aren’t gonna just sit here and cry in your beer are you?” Tony asked, horrified at that prospect.

“No, we’d have to be really drunk for that,” Kyle said, drinking half of his beer in one shot.

“Did Alex and Isabel go home, too?” Maria asked, when she didn’t see them anymore.

Tony shook his head at Kyle and Max. “Well, with the way you two are goin’ that won't take long.” He rolled his eyes and glanced around, looking for the couple.


Alex was irritated that Isabel wasn’t seeing his side of things and he crossed his arms over his chest when he heard Tess and Liz bitching about their boyfriends as they walked outside.

Isabel said good bye to her friends before she and Alex walked to their car to go home. She didn’t look around, but she knew that Alex was right behind her. He wouldn’t just stay there with the other guys while she went home alone. She took her seat in the drivers’ seat and waited for him to get in the car.

Alex slid into the passengers’ seat and reached for his seatbelt, locking it into place as he settled back and turned his head to stare outside.

They drove home in silence. Since when does it take so long to get from the club to the house? Isabel wondered. She was glad when they finally reached the house she had grown up in. She needed to get out of the car; the heavy silence between them was unbearable.

Once inside the house Alex found himself alone in the entryway. Isabel had wasted no time heading upstairs and hadn’t so much as bothered to tell him where to find a blanket, a pillow, or anything else.

He wandered into the living room since a faint flickering light was coming from that direction and he paused in the doorway, leaning against the frame and smiling at the scene he had walked in on.

Socrates was lying on the floor with Brooke’s dogs sleeping between his gargantuan paws and his sister was sound asleep in front of the television, using the big dog as a pillow.

“They’ve been asleep for a while now,” Joe said quietly from his recliner. “You two have a nice evening out?”

Alex walked further into the living room and rubbed a hand over his face. “Wouldn’t exactly call it nice.”

Joe muted the television. “Wanna talk about it?” He could see that the younger man was upset and he wondered what had happened.

“Her ex showed up,” Alex said simply.

“Ah, you met Logan then.”

“Close enough.”

“What’d you think of him?”

“I don’t really know him. But from what I’ve heard, I don’t really look forward to getting to know him either.”

“Um-hmm, I’ve got a feelin’ that you’ve got an opinion of him though.”

Alex shrugged. “I just don’t know how he could leave Isabel the way he did.”

“Was she upset about running into him?”

“No! That’s the problem. They talked together for almost half an hour.” Alex shook his head. “I mean, why would I talk to an ex who didn’t treat me well?”

“Ah,” Joe mused quietly, “and now you’ve been ordered to sleep on the couch.”

“Yeah, you think I can get a pillow and a blanket?”

“Sure, no problem.” He leaned back, watching Alex as he paced around the room. “Is it a problem for you for her to have contact with Logan?”

Alex shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s weird that she actually wants contact with a man who left her the way he did.”

“Maybe it’s more about her needing closure than her wanting to maintain a friendship with him, Alex.”

He hadn’t thought about it that way. Maybe her dad was right and he had behaved like a total jerk. Alex sighed heavily. “I guess I’ll have to talk to her tomorrow.”

“You want some advice from an old married man?”


“Don’t let it wait... the longer a man lets a problem rest, the more women build it up to ridiculous proportions. Deal with it as soon as possible.”

“You think she’ll listen to me right now?”

“I think my daughter will most likely tell you where you can stick anything you have to say right now, but from my experience with her mother, it’s best to push through that kind of anger.”

Alex smirked. “Go in and win! Right?”


Karen ran down the hall and took the stairs, knowing that Brendan wouldn’t have taken the elevator in his condition. He had suffered from the panic attacks when he was younger and she had studied everything she could get her hands on to help him learn to control them because his father had refused to seek professional help for him.

It didn’t take long to find him and she hurried down the stairs so she could sit on the step below him and reach up to wrap her hands around his wrists. He was hunched over, arms wrapped around his chest and she could hear his breathing, the raspy, shallow sounds indicating that he was having trouble catching his breath.

“Brendan, sweetie, look at me,” she urged, her tone gentle but firm. “C’mon, focus on me or you’re gonna get yourself all worked up and you’re gonna end up getting sick.” Okay, they were making progress, she thought when he lifted his head to look at her. “Hey, you remember that Saturday we spent out at Yankee Stadium? Hmm? You got your glove autographed by the pitcher and a couple of the other players that day, remember? You were hangin’ over the wall as close to the dugout as you could get and you were so excited that you nearly fell over. Who’d they play that day? You remember?”

The questions were designed to focus his mind on something that would make him forget about the panic clawing at him and before long her voice reached him and his mind diverted back to that sunny afternoon.

“Played the Red Sox…”

“That’s right,” she encouraged. “C’mon, take a deep breath… keep it slow and easy. What else do you remember about that day?”

“Yankees won… stopped and had pizza after leavin’ the game…” He took several deep breaths and let her touch soothe him as he felt the panic begin to subside. “It started to rain while we were walkin’ home from Luigi’s… and we danced in the rain right in the middle of the street. That’s the night I told you I loved you for the first time.”

Karen reached up to brush her fingers against his cheek and she smiled at him. “Yes, you did.”

“I was ready to walk away from him for you, Karen.”

“Makin’ that choice of your own free will would’ve been one thing, Bren.” Her heart clenched at the hurt she could see in his dark eyes. “What would you have done at almost 18 years old when you were six months away from graduating if your father had cut you off?”

“We could’ve made it work!”

“How? You knew how to buy anything you wanted, but what did you know about struggling with the little details of everyday life?”

“I would’ve learned, Karen!”

“You would’ve tried, but you weren’t ready for it. You knew how to go out, look at a car, tell the dealer you’d take it right then and there, and pay for it in one shot.” She shook her head. “You wouldn’t have had the slightest clue how to take the money that working class people make and stretch it over a month – you don’t even know what it’s like to make payments on anything, Brendan. Could you have worked a menial job that paid above minimum wage if you were lucky and paid a month’s worth of bills and groceries out of it? We’re talkin’ about less money than your trust fund earns in interest every month, Bren. And I couldn’t have dealt with your father coming around and getting in our faces while I was pregnant… I most likely would have lost the baby to stress. 17 years old, no work experience, no idea about how to make a day to day living, and a baby on the way; be honest with me, Bren, were you ready for that?”

He hated the truth in her words because they were indisputable.

“Your father is a hateful, vindictive man and I hope one day you’ll see that. Not because I want you to get hurt – and I know when you do see him for what he is it’s gonna hurt you – but because you’re only gonna be free of his influence if you realize that truth on your own. I stopped tryin’ to make you see it because I knew you were eventually gonna start to resent me for it and I didn’t want that. I also felt like it was pushin’ us apart. I saw what your father did to all of you and I can’t and won’t have our daughter subjected to that kind of behavior.”

“I know the truth about Hank, and you’re right, it wasn’t an easy thing to deal with and it hurt like hell when I finally saw the damage he’s done. I couldn’t get him to admit what he’d done to you though.”

Karen’s head snapped up. “You confronted him?”

“He let somethin’ slip during a visit a couple months back and I went to get an answer when he and my mother came out to California at Thanksgiving.”


Brendan pinched his upper lip between his teeth for several seconds before he spoke. “He didn’t care for the girl I was datin,” he admitted, hating the look of hurt that appeared in her eyes even though the sight of it gave him hope. “We dated just long enough for both of us to admit we wanted completely different people.” He chuckled as he thought about Michael’s utter denial in the beginning.

Hurt turned to jealousy when he laughed to himself. “Did you sleep with her?”

“No, she was never attracted to me.”

“Michael?” she asked when he emphasized the last word.

“Um-hmm, they’ve been exclusive for the past few months.”

“Your brother Michael, right?”

“Yeah, we were all surprised.”

“Was she using you to get to him?”

Brendan smiled when he heard the edge in her voice. “No, she had several run-ins with him while we were dating, but she had no idea that I had a twin – “

“You guys are completely different!” Karen exclaimed. “How could she not notice the difference?”

“She told me a while back that she had thought I had some sort of personality disorder.”

“She sounds charming,” she hissed under her breath.

“Say how you really feel, Karen,” he teased. “And just to answer the question that you haven’t asked, I wasn’t attracted to Maria either. The two of you share some interesting personality traits and I was drawn to her for that reason; we’ve become really good friends, but it’s nothin’ more than that.”

Karen nodded, accepting his explanation. She had no reason to doubt him; he had never lied to her. “Do you…” She cleared her throat. “Do you date a lot?”

“Um, you do remember how awkward I was when we first started dating, right?”

She smiled at the memories. “It was sweet and that awkwardness disappeared with time. As I recall you didn’t have any problems expressing yourself before we… I…”

Brendan shook his head. “Let it go, Karen. You were protecting us… all of us, the only way you could.” He took her hands, running his thumbs over her knuckles as he met her gaze. “There is only thing that matters here, only one thing that I need to know.”

Karen felt the tears welling in her eyes, knowing what he was going to say before he could vocalize the words. She leaned forward and brought her hands up to rest against his cheeks as she stared into his eyes. “Yes, Brendan, I still love you. That hasn’t changed, but we’ve been apart for two years and I’m not naïve enough to think that we can just pick up where we left off.”

“That’s fine with me because I wasn’t that excited about where we left off. Come to California with me, Karen. You and…” He frowned when he realized that he didn’t even know his own daughter’s name.

“I named her after you.”

“You named her Brendan?”

Karen tried to stifle her amusement and ended up snorting instead. “No, I named her Brenda Michaela Guerin.” She nodded when his eyebrows lifted in surprise. “You wanted so badly to patch things up with Michael… it just seemed right to name her after both of you.”

“We’ve patched things up, Karen; the only thing missin’ now is you and my baby girl. You can transfer to CU, we can get you set up in an apartment there, and we can get to know each other again.”

“Brendan, it’s sweet that you wanna do that but it’s been two years, we have a daughter that you didn’t even know about until a little while ago, and there’s so many – “

“Let’s not confuse things, Karen; what I wanna do is drag you to the nearest justice of the peace, put a ring on your finger, and take you two back home with me. We’ve already lost two years and I won’t lose anymore.”

“We can’t get married just because we have a child – “

“Girl, the day I walked in here and you broke my heart I was plannin’ to ask you to marry me. If you don’t believe me I’ll show you the receipt for the ring.”

“You came here to ask me to marry you?” Memories of that day flooded back and she could still remember the look on his face with breathtaking clarity.

“Yeah,” he laughed, relieved that she hadn’t run away from him at the mention of marriage. “And if it weren’t for the fact that I know you’d say no right now I’d be askin’ you at this very moment. That’s also the only reason I suggested you getting your own place in Long Beach. Hell, Karen, I know it’s been two years… there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by that I haven’t thought about you. I never even considered that there would be a baby in the picture, and I don’t have any idea what to do with people that small, but… teach me, because I wanna know my little girl and I wanna be a part of her life and yours, too.”

“There were so many times that I wanted to go to you, Bren.” She shook her head as tears filled her eyes again and she felt completely undeserving when he pulled her into his arms and rocked her gently. “I never wanted our daughter to grow up without knowing you.”

“So, why send me on a wild goose chase to Boston?”


“Michael said he ran into you a while back… you gave him an address, told him you’d be alone?”

“Oh, my God, it never occurred to me that he’d really pass that information along, Brendan. I didn’t even know you guys were talking at that time.”

“We weren’t. He gave me the address a few weeks ago. So, why the bogus address?”

“Honestly? Your brother had a few choice things to say to me after I broke up with you and I didn’t want a repeat performance. It wasn’t easy havin’ him tear into me… I deserved it, but it wasn’t easy.”

“Because we’re identical,” he guessed.

Karen nodded.

“Why didn’t you go to college in Long Beach? You had the scholarships in the bag…”

Had being the operative word,” she answered quietly.


“Look, Bren, it didn’t matter… with the pregnancy – “

“My father did somethin’, didn’t he?”

“Can we just say yes and leave it at that? Please?”

“Okay.” Brendan leaned back slightly so he could look down at her and he waited for her to raise her head to meet his questioning gaze. “How difficult was the pregnancy?”

“The doctor recommended terminating the pregnancy because it was high-risk for both me and the baby, but I couldn’t do it. It was a long seven months and I was on bed rest for almost all of it. When I went into labor…” Tears clogged her throat and it only got worse when he picked up on her distress and pulled her closer.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, Karen.”

She sniffled and wiped her eyes as she looked up at him. “It’s not your fault, Bren. We should go back up to the apartment; Mom just got home from work and I know she’s tired.”


Brendan wandered into the kitchen where Karen’s mother was busy making dinner preparations and he cleared his throat to get her attention. “You’ve gotta be tired, Rosie. All this fuss isn’t necessary.”

“It’s the least I can do for the father of my grandchild,” she said with an apologetic smile.

“You didn’t agree with her decision to not tell me,” he guessed.

“No, I most certainly did not.”

Brendan moved to stand in front of her and he reached for the dishtowel she was strangling. “I don’t like that I missed so much time with her and my daughter, but she had a valid reason for making the choice she made and after the things I’ve learned about Hank in the past month I can’t really blame her.” He hugged the woman who had always treated him like one of her own. “It hasn’t been easy for the two of you, but that’s gonna change, Rosie.”

“How did you manage to stay so sweet?”

“It’s a mystery,” he answered with a smile as he dropped a kiss on her head and released her. “Why don’t you have a seat and let me finish getting dinner ready while you tell me all about my daughter.”


We should probably go home,” Maria said, glancing at Kyle and Max. “Those two have had enough to drink for one day.”

Michael glanced over at them and nodded. Neither of them was drunk yet, but they were both working their way in that direction. “You’re probably right about that.”

“Alright,” Maria spoke up loud enough to get the attention of the guys. “Let’s go home, boys.”

“Hell, DeLuca, had no idea you were into group sex,” Billy said as he overheard her attempting to round the guys up.

Maria turned around even though she already knew who had dared to sneak up behind her again. Seemed like the guy was just begging for a beating. “You have no idea of anything, Billy. Now get lost.”

“Things could’ve been different if you’d just told me you needed it that bad,” he said, ignoring her dismissal.

“Alright, that’s it, I’m gonna kill him,” Michael hissed as he and Tony turned to place their empty bottles on the counter.

Billy glanced up at the guy who had been hovering around Maria all night. “What was that?”

“Guerin,” Tony called him as he grabbed his arm.

Michael shook Tony’s hand off. “You'd better back the fuck up,” he said, shifting so that he was facing Billy directly.

Maria’s cousin came up next to him. “Relax, just want a good view when you rearrange Darden’s face.”

Maria frowned at this turn of events and pushed in between the guys. “Michael, stop this right now.” She turned to look at her cousin. “And you, you’re not helping things.”

“C’mon,” Tony complained, “he’s practically begging for this.”

Unfortunately, by getting between the guys Maria had her back to Billy and when she suddenly jumped forward and her face expressed shock, anger, and revulsion Michael was in the perfect position to see the slimeball retract his hand. “Did he just... did you just put your hand on her ass?” He carefully and deliberately moved Maria out of the line of fire before he shoved Billy. “You put your fuckin’ hands on her?”

Billy got more comfortable when some of his friends showed up, ready to jump in. “There was a time when I had my hands on more than her ass...”

Michael’s temper flared at the comment but he forced his fists to remain at his sides as he glanced at Tony. “Get her out of here.”

Kyle and Max moved to stand up on either side of Michael, facing off against Billy and his friends and making the fight a little more even.

“Get her out of here?” Maria echoed, not believing his audacity.

Michael didn’t take his eyes off of Billy, knowing instinctively that he would take a shot just as soon as he looked away. “I’m not kiddin’, Tony. I’m about to wipe the floor with this asshole and I don’t want her trying to get between us.”

Maria shoved Tony’s hand away when he tried to reach for her. “Leave me alone. If you really wanna do this, go ahead; I’m not gonna try to prevent it. Goodbye.” With that she walked way, preparing for a long walk home.

Tony glanced at Michael when she stalked off. “One of us needs to go after her; she’s stubborn enough to walk all the way across town at this time of night.”

“Would you mind?”

Max cleared his throat. “Uh, Michael, you let her go home alone and then have Tony follow her to make sure she gets there safely... you’re just diggin’ that hole deeper, man. Anyone comes after but you and it’s just gonna piss her off even more.”

Michael’s eyes shifted between the prick in front of him and the entrance Maria had just stormed through as he searched for a way to settle this quickly. His right hand clenched one last time before he drew his arm back and let it fly, connecting solidly with Billy’s jaw. “Better make it fast then.”

Billy stumbled a few feet backwards and he shook his head to get rid of the dizziness and the ringing in his ears. “Sonofabitch,” he mumbled.

Kyle and Max both glanced at each other and nodded before they reached out to hold two of Billy’s friends back; the two guys were about to go after Michael while Billy was fighting to stand upright.

Billy finally managed to get his vision and balance under control and he charged his opponent, hitting him low and shoving him across the floor to pin him to the bar.

Michael winced when his right shoulder slammed into the column behind him and the momentary shock caused him to lose his concentration for a couple of seconds.

Billy took advantage of the lapse and he swung hard and he felt a rush of adrenaline when the ring on his hand cut into the skin next to the other guy’s eyebrow and blood started to well up and spill over from the wound within seconds.

Michael took several deep breaths. He could feel the warm blood running down the right side of his face, but he couldn´t feel any pain from the wound. He pushed himself away from the counter in one quick move and reached for Billy’s collar to tug him close to his face. “You don’t ever touch her again. Or talk to her or even think about her.” With that he pushed him away again and his right fist followed, smashing into his face.

“You broke my fuckin’ nose!” Billy shouted, outraged when he reached up and his hand came away with blood on it.

Michael shrugged. “It needed to be rearranged anyway.”

Tony snorted as he watched Billy ranting over his nose. “Yeah, think of it as an improvement.”

“Fuck you, Tony,” Billy snarled.

Tony straightened up and held his arms out at his sides. “Wanna piece of this, Darden? Last time it didn’t work out so well for you.”

Michael took his beer from the counter and drank the rest of it while watching Billy. “His face is already startin’ to swell. Give him a few more minutes and he won’t even to be able to see anything.”

“He can’t see what’s in front of his face anyway,” Tony muttered, wondering if Michael was going to remember that his girl was walking home.

Michael nodded, satisfied. “Alright, I guess I’m outta here.”

He glanced at Kyle and Max and nodded appreciatively because he knew that they had prevented Billy’s friends from jumping in.

Kyle tipped his beer in Michael’s direction before taking a drink and finishing it off. “Guess we’re walkin’, huh?”

“I’ll walk with you guys. I can’t risk havin’ you getting lost in Roswell.”

Max snorted at that. “You think we’re gonna get lost? I think my high school campus was bigger than this town.”

“Yeah, whatever. Let’s get outta here.”

Kyle held onto Max’ shoulder as they walked out into the cold night air. “Hey, there’s more than one couch at Tess’ house, right?” He frowned in concentration. “For some reason I can’t remember and since we’ve both been kicked outta bed...” He scratched his chin. “Just wanna know if we’re gonna have to fight over the couch.”

“There’re two,” Max answered. “At least I think there are.”

“Cool... if not though, you’ve got the floor. I’m callin’ the couch first.”

Michael glanced over his shoulder at them. “Are you two seriously discussin’ this?”

Kyle lifted his gaze. “You, my friend,” he pointed at Michael with his forefinger, “will be banned to the couch before the night is over.”

“You, my friend, couldn’t be more wrong,” Michael corrected him.

The cool night air was refreshing after the heat inside the packed club. “Alright. How ‘bout we meet tomorrow at my place? Around eight?” Tony asked.

“That works for me,” Michael answered, nodding. “And I’ll give Alex a call, let him know what time.”

“Okay, you two have to drag your drunken asses over there,” Tony nodded to his left. “Just stay on Forest Lane and you’re gonna run right into the Harding place. And, Guerin...” Tony pointed to the person standing in the dark not far from them. “Good luck with her.”

Michael shook his head, unconcerned. “Not a problem,” he assured Tony. “Look, man, I was fightin’ with her ex because he insulted her.” He shook his head at Tony’s eye roll. “Girls love that shit, man, trust me.”

Michael's swagger was in full force as he made his way over to where Maria was standing, ready to let her fuss over him while she went on about how brave he was and how much she loved that he had been defending her honor.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 91 - 2/4/10

Post by Double Trouble »

NotYourChick: Oh, he will.

Earth2Mama: Not living there, but he’s definitely stopped in for a visit! Yes, we think it’s quite possible that Michael and the couch will be spending some quality time together.

Well, we can all hope that there’s some sort of psychic connection going on, but, well… ya know. Hey, no haters here, lol, we totally agree with ya!

He’s just not the brightest crayon in the box. No worries, Michael’s gonna be in perfect condition for cabin fun.

Karen knows her boy. We’re pretty sure Uncle Mike’s gonna love his niece. LOL, who knows, by the time she’s a teenager he’ll have one of his own running around. You can definitely see some of those similarities between Bren and Michael, huh?

80s_UnLove_Child: You’re so right!

LOL, you’re close.

True, but this is all new territory for Liz. The boyfriend is allowed to know, but not all girlfriends share a friend’s secrets with their significant other.

Now that would be funny!

Alien_Friend: Well, he was doing well… until ol’ Billy just had to reach out and touch Maria. We’ll try to keep Michael away from any dark alleys.

We’re thinking Liz is gonna make Max trust her. She gave Sean her word that she wouldn’t tell anyone and she takes that seriously.

Alex just doesn’t understand why Isabel feels the need to talk to her ex.

It is good advice! Now if more people would just pay attention to it.

Karen and Brendan are gonna do fine. He’s not the type to hold a grudge and he loves Karen and wants to get to know his little girl.

They should be good!

Well, we’ve had fun… and that doesn’t sound anything like it!

Cardinal: Probably a safe assumption.

Ah, c’mon, give ‘er a break. She’s new to this and she gave Sean her word that she wouldn’t tell anyone his secret.

They’ll get past it.

There was no intent behind Isabel talking to Logan and she didn’t realize how long she had been talking.

The night out isn’t gonna go exactly the way they have it planned.

kismet: Well, yes and no, lol. Look for Tony to be giving the guys a little more help.

LOL, Bren and Karen, huh? Guess we’ll see… eventually.

Oh, don’t look for Max and Kyle to be outta the hot seat just yet.

begonia9508: Yes, there will be some ass kicking happening.

These boys aren’t out of the woods yet.

keepsmiling7: Chances are good that Liz wouldn’t care for that… although it would certainly give her a different perspective on the situation.

sunrise102: Oh, ya know Michael isn’t far behind in this race! He must’ve gotten hit harder than we thought because he does seem to be suffering from some delusions, doesn’t he?

We’ll be following Bren and Karen’s storyline.

Natalie36: For some reason we think you’re right!

Maiqu: Lovin’ jealous Alex, huh?

Ironic, but only for a short time, lol!

We’re glad you like the name of Brendan’s little girl!

April: Isn’t that a great name? LOL, that’s great!

It had to happen at some point. And of course, Michael is under the impression that he’s exempt from this rule, but we’re thinking he’s… wrong.

guelbebek: Well, howdy and welcome back!

We’re glad you’re lovin’ the two couples here. Liz is re-establishing her own boundaries, expanding her horizons and learning new things with Max. LOL, yeah, we think you’re right.

The guys aren’t too happy about that sleeping on the couch thing either.

Still got a lot of parts to post!

Part 92 – Bar Fights and Being Banished

Maria tensed when she noticed that he was walking over to her. Her anger almost broke free when she saw the cut over his left eyebrow, but she was able to control herself – for now. So, that jerk had really started a fight with Billy.

He faltered when he realized that her expression wasn’t welcoming in the least. Matter of fact, she looked... angry. Oh, it was probably because that asshole had clocked him good and she could see that he was hurt. “Hey, baby, I took care of that dickhead; he won’t be botherin’ you anymore.” He pointed to the wound over his eyebrow. “This’s no big deal,” he assured her.

“You took...” she lifted her hands to mimic quotation marks, “care of him, huh? You think beating somebody up is taking care of something?” Her voice raised with her anger. “I’ll tell you what it is: It’s stupid! That’s all it is!”

Michael took a step back, surprised to discover that her anger was directed towards him. “What?! He had his hands on you! How is me defending you stupid?”

“That wasn’t about defending me. That was just about your ego, Michael.”

She started to walk home. No need to let anyone who came out of the club know what they had to discuss.

“It was not about my ego,” he argued as he hurried to follow her stubborn ass. Well, okay, part of it might have been about his ego, but not all of it! “He had his hands on your ass... you do recall that, don’t you? What’d you expect me to do? Just stand there while that bastard pawed you?”

“He was provoking you. And you fell for it. I told you to stop, but of course you were too occupied with thinking about hitting him first.”

“So... so, you wanted me to what? Just let him put his hands all over you and stand there and do nothin’?”

“I wanted you to stop when I asked you to.”

That actually stopped him in his tracks and he just stared at her when she continued walking. He was gritting his teeth so hard he could feel his back teeth starting to grind against each other. “Maybe it’s different with girls, Maria, but guys do not just stand there while another guy puts his hand on his girl’s ass.” Which was such a line of bullshit, he thought, annoyed. If some girl had come up to him and started to cop a feel Maria would’ve been on her like green on grass.

“Yeah. Whatever!” Maria replied. She didn’t want to talk about this anymore. Obviously, he was totally convinced that beating someone up was the right thing.

“Fine, whatever,” he muttered. “You do know that you’re the very definition of stubborn, don’t you? I swear, it wouldn’t have mattered what I did tonight, it would’ve been wrong!” he shouted, making sure she could hear him since she was still walking.

Maria stayed quiet this time. There was nothing to add right now and she was thankful when they finally reached her house. “I’ll bring you a pillow and a blanket in a minute. Welcome to our couch,” she said and walked upstairs without even looking back.

“Fine, I wanted to sleep on the couch anyway.” He threw himself down on the couch and picked up one of the frilly pillows and started to throw it across the room, stopping himself when movement caught his eye and he realized their arrival had drawn Amy to the front of the house. “Oh, hey, I didn’t know you were home. We didn’t wake you, did we?”

Amy shook her head. “I just got home from work; short shift tonight. Are you two having a fight?”

“Apparently we are, but I’ll be damned if I understand it.”

Maria’s mother nodded. “Why don’t I go talk to her,” she suggested and walked upstairs to her daughter’s bedroom. “Sweetie? Can I talk to you for a second?”

“What’s up, Mom?” she asked offhandedly.

“Everything okay?”

“Of course, everything’s perfect if I wanna stand back and let my boyfriend handle everything for me,” she grated out, annoyed by Michael’s testosterone-driven behavior.

Amy sighed. “You want him to sleep on the couch?”

“No, what I want is for him to lie awake all night straining his tiny brain for some semblance of understanding about why his behavior is unacceptable,” Maria ranted.

“What’d he do?” Amy walked over to the bed and took a pillow and a blanket.

“I ran into Billy while we were out and you know how he is... he can’t keep his hands to himself.” She rolled her eyes. “And of course he just had to touch me while Michael was watching. I told Michael to back off because I am capable of handling Billy on my own, but do you think Mr. Macho, the ultimate Alpha male, would back down? No! No, he had to go and get into a fight with Billy.”

Amy tried to hide a smile. Of course her daughter would get mad about that and there was also no way Michael would have let it go without going after Billy.

“Ungh, men are so stupid sometimes! What exactly did he accomplish by fighting with Billy? Nothing! Nothing but getting bloody and bruised.” She softened just a little bit as she remembered his battered face. “Think you can have a look at him? Make sure he’s not permanently damaged physically even though he’s obviously suffered brain damage from being hit out on the football field one too many times.”

Amy nodded. “I’ll see what I can do. Do you need anything else?”

“No, I think I’m just gonna get some sleep for now. Maybe that’ll help and when I wake up in the mornin’ Michael will have magically grown a brain.”

Amy closed the bedroom door quietly and walked back downstairs again. Michael was still sitting on the couch, elbows on his thighs and his head held in his hands.

Michael glanced up when Amy walked into the room and placed a blanket and pillow on the couch next to him.
“Headache?” she asked softly.

He shrugged. “She still pissed at me?”

Amy nodded. “Quite a bit, yes.”

Michael reached up to scratch his eyebrow out of habit and winced when he caught the tip of the open wound. “Well, she’s just gonna have to get over it because I’m not wrong and I won’t apologize for goin’ after anyone who treats her like that.”

“We have to take care of that,” she said, gesturing to his cut, “or you’re gonna end up with a big scar there.”

“Yeah,” he muttered as he moved to stand up. “I should’ve cleaned up before sittin’ on the furniture; I’ll go do that now.”

Amy nodded. “There’s a little kit in the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom. Bring that with you when you get back and I’ll see what I can do for your face.”

“Oh, no, that’s not necessary,” he denied, shaking his head. “I can just slap a band-aid on it.”

“We need to staple that, Michael. It’s too deep for just a band-aid; it wouldn’t heal properly.”

“I don’t wanna be any trouble.”

Amy smiled. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m a nurse, Michael, and it’ll just take a moment.”

“Well, alright, but... it’s really not necessary.” He had more people who wanted to take care of him since Maria had come into his life than he had in all of his years on Earth and it was still hard to get used to.

Amy walked over to the kitchen to get something to drink while Michael went up to the bathroom. She had already suspected that if Billy made an appearance it would cause trouble between her daughter and Michael.

He leaned in close to the mirror as he cleaned the wound and he frowned when he realized that it was deeper than he had realized. Ungh, yeah, that would leave an ugly scar if it wasn’t closed properly. He finished cleaning up and then dug around in the cabinet under the sink looking for the kit Amy had told him to bring back.

He walked to the end of the hall and leaned against the doorframe as he looked in on Maria. She was lying with her back to him and he could tell by the sound of her breathing that she wasn’t asleep. He started to say something and then changed his mind because he didn’t want to get into a fight with her. He didn’t regret the fight with her ex and he’d do it again in a heartbeat, but he didn’t understand why she had a problem with it.

After several minutes he quietly backed away from her doorway and walked back downstairs. He went into the kitchen when he heard Amy moving around in there and he cleared his throat to get her attention. “Did you want to do this in here or the livin’ room?”

“No, come over here and take a seat,” she motioned to the small table in the kitchen.

He nodded and did as she said, sitting down and placing the kit on the table.

Amy opened the little white bag and spilled it on the table to find what she needed. “Let me try to explain why Maria reacted like she did,” she started while she poured some disinfectant on an absorbent cotton ball and dabbed his cut. “Maria’s an independent woman as I’m sure you’ve already noticed. She wants to take care of her own problems and she doesn’t want anybody to act as her guardian.”

“I’m not tryin’ to take that independence away from her, Amy.” His eyes were watering slightly from the sting of the antiseptic. “I would never do that.”

“I know that, Michael. But she felt like you did when you stepped in and took care of Billy.”

“So, how do I balance my need to protect her with her need to be independent?”

Amy sighed and looked at him. “I doubt there’ll ever be a real balance, Michael.”

“I don’t understand... does that mean we’re just gonna go on fightin’ about this?”

“You two have to find a way to live with it and try to make some compromises. Maria was raised without a father and I had a job that took me away a lot of the time, so she had to grow up fast. That’s why she’s the way she is, Michael. Or at least, it’s a big part of the reason.”

“I didn’t really think she’d see me fightin’ with her ex as me questioning her ability to take care of herself.” He shrugged one shoulder. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to react differently if some guy puts his hands on her or disrespects her the way he did.”

“Well, I hope there aren’t that many guys out there who are gonna act like that. Billy was always a player and I’m sure he provoked that response out of you.”

“It’s just... she’s the same damn way,” he exploded finally. “She’d react the same way if it was the other way around, but I wouldn’t be pissed at her for it.” No, he’d actually think it was pretty damn hot, but he wasn’t gonna tell her mother that.

Amy examined his cut carefully. “I need to stitch this. It’s too close to the eye for stapling. Want me to numb it first?” She didn’t know what to say to his little outburst because he was probably right.

“No, I don’t need anything to numb the pain.” He watched her as she prepared to close the wound and he sighed as he thought about this newest predicament. “You think there’s any chance she’s gonna forgive me for this? Not that I was wrong,” he hurried to add, just in case she thought he was switching sides on his opinion of his actions.

Amy chuckled. “Well, from what I’ve heard and seen, her feelings for you are strong, so you don’t have to worry too much.” She held the little needle up. “Ready?”

Michael nodded and sat still while she quickly and efficiently stitched the wound closed. He was so lost in thought that he barely felt the needle and before long she was finished.

Amy looked at him intensely. The poor boy was totally lost in his thoughts. “Maria was very hurt after she broke up with Billy; she really lost her belief that she would ever find a man who actually cared about her.
And it was only compounded by her father’s lack of interest in her life."

“Yeah, well, fathers are overrated as far as I’m concerned,” he muttered without thinking.

Amy bit her cheek before he could ask any questions about what he had meant. She knew he wasn’t talking about it as a way of inviting conversation and pushing the subject probably wasn’t a good idea. She walked over to the sink to get a glass of water and after throwing a tablet in it she handed it over to him. “For your headache,” she explained.

He accepted the glass and drank the contents down. “I guess some people actually want their old man around and it’s probably tough when they’re not there. Was she ever close to her father?”

“Only for the first few years, but she doesn’t remember it very well. He left when she was six.”

Michael nodded. “That’s probably good. That she can’t remember it, I mean.”

“Yeah, I think so, too.” Amy sighed. “Well, at least we managed to live our lives pretty well, I guess.”

“You know you did an amazing job raising her... she’s perfect just the way she is. No father could’ve done a better job.”

Amy smiled. “Thanks for saying that even though my perfect daughter is making you sleep on the couch tonight.”

“Well, between you and me,” he grinned, “she can also be a perfect pain in the ass.”

She laughed out loud. “Don’t let her hear that or you won’t be sleeping anywhere but the couch for a very long time.”

“I’ve got a feelin’ this won’t be the last time I get tossed out of bed.”

“Can you live with that?”

“Well, the other option is not havin’ her in my life, so...” He shrugged. “Guess I’d better make sure I invest in a comfortable couch.”

“You still have you own places, right?”


“Well, then you’ll always have an alternative place to sleep, I guess.”

“Yeah, but one of these days that’s not really gonna be an option.”

“You’ve already thought about that?” Amy asked, surprised. She had thought that Michael would try to stay independent as long as possible.

“Well, not a lot or anything... but, I know that it’s a possibility down the road.”

Amy yawned widely and then used it as a cover since she could see he didn’t want to talk about it. “Okay, Michael, I think it’s time for me to get some sleep. You okay here?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Oh, and, thanks, y’know for...” he pointed at his eyebrow.

Amy nodded. “Make sure you don’t sleep on it. Good night.”

“Night, Amy.”


Alex paused outside of Isabel’s bedroom, his hand hovering above the doorknob as he took a deep breath. He had considered whether or not to knock and he had decided that Joe was right, he was just going to take the bull by the horns and deal with this situation before it got out of control. He just hoped that the door wasn’t locked because that would totally mess up his plan. He took a deep breath and wrapped his hand around the knob, turning it slowly.

Isabel rolled her eyes when she heard the door open behind her and a moment later it closed once more.
The mattress dipped when Alex sat down beside her and she ignored him, refusing to roll over and look at him.

“I know you’re pissed at me, but we should go ahead and just deal with it right now... get it all out on the table.”

“I’m really tired, Alex,” Isabel said, hoping that it would send him away again.

“Yeah, well, guess what? So am I, but we’re not goin’ to sleep until we’ve settled this.”

She sighed and rolled over just enough to look at him in the almost dark room. “So, are you still mad at me because of Logan?”

“I’m pissed because you won’t tell me why you were talkin’ to him, Iz. It makes no sense to me why you’d wanna waste a single minute on him.”

“It’s complicated, Alex. I can’t really explain it, but I had to talk to him.”

“About what?”

“About how things ended between us and what he did afterwards.”

“So, it was just about getting some closure?”

“I needed to know what happened to him after he broke up with me.”

Alex picked at a loose thread on the blanket as he tried to force down the nervous energy running through him. “Are you havin’ second thoughts?”

Isabel’s eyes widened. “You mean about us?”

He shrugged one shoulder. “I know the past few months have been pretty rocky; we didn’t exactly get much of an opportunity to just be a couple before I had a full-time teenager under my roof, a shitload of responsibilities, and parents who have made life even more difficult. Now we’ve got a baby on the way, which is even more responsibility... I can see why you might be wishin’ things had gone differently.”

She took his hand in hers. “This had nothing to do with us, Alex. I don’t wanna change anything. I love you and your sister and the twins, and the fact that we’re having a baby.”

“You’re sure?”

She smiled. “Absolutely, Alex. I don’t wanna miss having you in my life. And true, our relationship didn’t start slow, but that’s okay.”

“I may not be the type to run around beating my chest and bragging about my status as an Alpha male, but I’m normally pretty confident about things... watchin’ you talk to him earlier tonight... I was jealous and I felt my confidence slip just a bit and those aren’t feelings I’m used to dealin’ with.”

She chuckled and cupped his cheek in her hand. “It’s good to know that you’re not so perfect, honey. Jealousy isn’t a bad thing at all. And it’s natural.”

“Does this mean I don’t have to go back downstairs and sleep on the couch?”

She leaned in and kissed his cheek softly. “No, you can stay and talk to our baby, ‘cause Hector’s been wreaking havoc on my stomach all day again.”

“Those new pills the doctor gave you aren’t workin’ either?” he asked with a slight frown.

“No, not really. And I don’t want to take them very often. You never know.”

“Stubborn woman,” he chastised with a gentle smile. He leaned over to press a kiss to her stomach. “You need to stop bein’ so difficult for Mama, Hector,” he whispered. “She needs to keep her strength up, too.”

He lifted his head to meet her tired, amused gaze. “I love you, Isabel.”

“C’mere,” she whispered and reached for him with both arms.


“What the hell went wrong tonight?” Kyle complained while he and Max were walking in the direction of Tess’ house. “I mean, one second everything was okay, and then the next... everything’s all fucked up.”

He sighed and shook his head. “I’ll never understand women. What the hell does she think I should’ve done?”

“Man, I don’t know what the hell happened. How am I supposed to just accept the fact that Liz wants to be...” he held his hands up to make air quotes, “friends with Sean?”

Kyle snorted. “I don’t know. You know what? Let’s get back to the club! We’re not gonna miss anything by not bein’ at the house.”

“Good idea. What would you do if Tess wanted to be friends with an ex she had been engaged to?” Max asked as they turned around and started walking back to the club.

Kyle shrugged. “I don’t know, but I don’t think I’d like it.”

“It’s like... I know there’s nothin’ sexual or romantic between them, but it just bugs the hell outta me when he comes around.”

“Yeah, and he’s not even a cool guy. He’s boring.”

Max sighed and shook his head. “I just don’t... I don’t know what to do. I can’t see us ever bein’ friends or anything, but what if that’s what she expects?”

“Hell, tell her no. That’s just too much to ask to be friends with your girlfriend’s ex-fiancé.”

“Yeah, that’s for damn sure.”

Kyle nodded. “Women are so complicated. Us,” he gestured between him and Max, “we’re simple. Not Guerin, but he doesn’t count.”

“Exactly! There’re no complications with guys like us. And what the hell is Liz thinkin’ actin’ like I should just be okay with her an’ Sean bein’ friends?” He was starting to warm up to his topic. “And Tess? Man, it’s not like you asked that girl to come up and give you a lap dance... totally not your fault.”

“Right,” Kyle snapped his fingers. He opened the door of the bar for both of them. “Let’s get a drink.”

“I’ve got the first round.”

“No complaints here.”

“Duke, set us up down here,” Max called as they settled down on a couple of barstools at one end of the counter.

“I thought you left,” Duke called while preparing their shots.

“We enjoyed your company so much we thought we’d come back for some more of that witty conversation.”

“Here ya go, guys.” Duke put the shots in front of them.

Kyle lifted the shot glass as he glanced at Max. “Here’s to the women who make our lives a livin’ hell one day and absolute paradise the next,” he said, clinking his glass against the one his friend held.

“Amen,” Max answered grinning.

They downed their shots and slammed them on the counter, motioning for a refill.

Duke watched them as he fixed another round for them. “You boys ain’t drivin’, are you?”

“Nope, and no point rushin’ back to the house since we’ve been granted the dubious honor of sleepin’ on the couches in Tess’ living room,” Kyle grumbled.

The man behind the bar couldn’t stop his laughter and it earned him a pair of matching glares. “You know what? Those two are on the house,” he pointed at the freshly refilled shot glasses.

“You’re the man, Duke!” Kyle tossed the shot back and enjoyed the burn of the alcohol as it slid down his throat.

“Well, look who came back,” a voice said from behind them.

Kyle and Max turned around slowly, recognizing the guys they had held back earlier when Michael had been fighting with Maria’s ex.

“You got a problem?” Kyle asked.

“If you boys are gonna get into another fight, take it outside,” Duke said before they had time to start anything. “I don’t want my place getting trashed.”

“Are we getting into a fight?” Max asked as he watched the jerks facing off against them.

“Only if you little pansy-ass Californians think you can throw a decent punch with those limp wrists,” the taller one taunted.

Kyle glanced at Max and nodded. Max grabbed the ever-present toothpick and dropped it in his empty glass. “Let’s go.”

“We’ll be right back,” Kyle said to Duke.

Duke cleared the counter in front of their barstools and watched them as they walked outside with two of the towns biggest troublemakers.

“Which one d’you want?” Kyle asked Max when they stepped outside.

“I’ll take the taller one.”

“Alright,” Kyle nodded, glancing at his opponent. “Should be easy.”

“Always is,” Max said, high-fiving Kyle and quickly shoving him back when the shorter guy ran towards him.

Max and Kyle had gotten in enough fights together that they knew what they could expect from each other and they met their opponents the same way they did on the football field.

Blows were exchanged and insults flew back and forth as the guys fought to take each other down. The guy Kyle was fighting with plowed into him and they crashed into the side of a parked car, setting off the alarm.
The noise went ignored as they continued to hit each other as often as possible and it wasn’t until they were pulled away from each other that they realized they had drawn a crowd.

Max swore under his breath when one of the local cops pulled his arms behind his back and slapped a pair of handcuffs on him. “Well, if the girls weren’t pissed before, they’re sure to be pissed now.”

Kyle rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Hell, a night in jail or a night on the couch... what’s the difference?”

“Uh-huh, I wonder what Tess will say about that.”

“Tess will undoubtedly tell me exactly where I can go.” He glanced at the cops escorting them over to the waiting cars. “Uh, we do get a phone call, right?”

“First we’re takin’ you to the station, buddy.”

“Max, you’re gonna have to call your girl because Tess isn’t gonna find this the least bit humorous.”

“Uh-huh, and Liz will?”

“C’mon, man, she’s definitely the most understanding and she won’t let you spend a night in jail.”

“Maybe we should call Maria?” Max thought loudly.

“Uh-huh, Michael’s my best friend, so she’s probably pissed at me just because he’s my friend... y’know how girls’ minds work, Max.” He shrugged and ducked his head as he was pushed down into the backseat of the car. “Besides, Tess is pissed at me and Maria’s her best friend... she’s obligated to be pissed at me for no other reason than that.”

“We’re totally screwed.”

The guys fell silent until they reached the police station and they were taken inside. The guys they had been fighting with were taken to the opposite side of the large room and the officer motioned to a desk in the corner.

“Alright, you each get one phone call. Only one, so choose the right person to call.” The police officer sat down next to them, gesturing to the phone in the middle of the desk.

Kyle motioned to the phone with his cuffed hands. “You go first... if Liz blows you off at least we’ve still got another call.”

Max nodded and took a deep breath, preparing for the call. “Alright.” He picked up the phone and dialed her cell number quickly. It felt like hours before she finally picked up.


Liz stared at the unfamiliar number on her cell phone and almost didn’t answer it.

“Who’s callin’ this late?” Tess asked, leaning back on the bed.

“I don’t know... I don’t recognize the number.” She held it out to Tess. “Do you?”

Tess chewed on her lip. “It’s definitely a number here in Roswell. You think somethin’ happened to one of the guys? Pick it up!”

Liz flipped her phone open and raised it to her ear. “Hello?”

“Liz? It’s Max...”

“I noticed you haven’t made it back here yet. Did you get lost?” She covered the mouthpiece and glanced at Tess. “It’s Max,” she whispered.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Um, the thing is... me and Kyle, we’re kinda…” Damn, it was hard to actually say it. He sighed. “We’ve been arrested, Liz.”

“Arrested?” she yelled, surprised.

Tess’ eyes widened and she ripped the phone out of Liz’ hand. “Is Kyle with you?”

Max cleared his throat and looked at Kyle. “Um, yeah, he’s here, too. You wanna talk to him?”

“No.” Before she had time to think twice she hung up the phone.

Liz stared at Tess. “What’d you just do? They’ve been arrested; we can’t just leave them there.”

“Yes, we can, Liz. The jail in Roswell isn’t that bad, believe me. They’ll survive it. And they deserve it.”

“Well...” Liz picked at the cover on the book in her hands. “You think so? I mean, Max couldn’t have done anything that bad.”

Tess snorted. “I bet my ass that they got into a fight.”

“What if they’re hurt?”

“Did he sound hurt?”

“Well, I don’t know, I didn’t talk to him but for a minute. Don’t you think we should go down there and get them?”

“No,” Tess said, determined to hold out.

“But... but, they’re in jail, Tess.”

“It’s not like real jail, Liz; they’re just gonna spend the night in a holding cell. And, it’s Roswell, the only other people there are probably the guys they got in a fight with.”

“I know, but...” Liz couldn’t help it. She didn’t want to just leave Max in jail overnight. “So, you’re gonna tell Kyle no when he calls you?”

“Of course.”

“But, won’t he be mad tomorrow?”

“And? I’m still mad at him, Liz.”

“You don’t believe that he didn’t want that girl touching him like that?”

“Fact is that he let her touch him and he touched her, too.”

“It just didn’t seem like he was... y’know, into it.” She sighed when Tess glared at her. “I know, I’m the new kid on the block when it comes to relationships and their dynamics, but... he’s so into you I can’t imagine him ever doing somethin’ like that.”

“Liz, sweetie, just leave it alone. He deserves to be punished, end of story.” Tess sighed and shook her head. “Look, if you let guys get away with this kinda behavior once then they think they can do it again. Do you really want Max to make a habit of getting arrested and callin’ you at all hours to bail him out?”

“Well, alright.” She bit her bottom lip, still not totally convinced that leaving Max in jail overnight was the right thing to do. She looked up when the house phone rang. “You think that’s Kyle?”

“I’d bet money on it,” Tess said, jumping up from the bed and practically running downstairs.


Kyle frowned when Elena, the housekeeper, answered the phone and he remembered that she didn’t speak English. “I need to speak to Tess,” he said, wondering even as he spoke why he was talking so loud. People always did that and he had no idea why. Saying the words louder didn’t mean that the other person was going to magically translate the damn things.

The housekeeper held the phone away from her ear and looked at it when the person on the other end started to yell. She shook her head and made a sound of annoyance when he did it again.

Tess was running down the wide staircase when her father suddenly entered the room and motioned for the housekeeper to hand him the phone.

Kyle glanced at Max. “I don’t speak Spanish.” He held the receiver up. “It’s the housekeeper.”

Max rolled his eyes and groaned. “Great.”

“You’re from Texas, don’t you speak Spanish?”

“What? No.”

“Seriously? You cuss in Spanish all the time... I’ve heard you.”

Max glanced at him. “I can cuss her out if you’d like, but that’s probably not gonna get us very far.”

“Hello?” A male voice suddenly answered the phone.

“I don’t recall Elena’s voice bein’ so deep,” Max muttered when he heard the voice coming through the phone.

“What?” Kyle looked at him puzzled and pulled the phone up to his ear. “Hello?”

“Kyle?” Ed’s voice held just a hint of surprise.

Shit, Kyle mouthed to Max. “Uh, yeah. Hey...”

Tess motioned wildly to get her father’s attention. “He’s in jail, Daddy, and that’s where he needs to stay.”

Ed bit back a smile and turned his attention to the call. “I understand you’re in jail, Kyle?”

“Ungh, yeah.”

“Um-hmm... for doin’ what, exactly?”

“We got in a fight with some guys at a club.”

“We? I’m gonna assume that means you and Max based on the looks I’m getting from the girls.”

Kyle cleared his throat. “Yeah, Max and me, that’s right.”

“You boys win?” He chuckled when his daughter’s boyfriend choked out an affirmation. “I’ll be there in a little while to get you out.”

Tess’ mouth dropped open in surprise and she stomped her right foot when her father hung the phone up. “Daddy!”

“Tess, you seriously wanna leave your boy there? Why?”

“Because he needs to learn that I will not put up with certain behavior.”

Ed shook his head. “He’s a college boy, Tess.”

“He’s also my other half and there are things that he’s just not allowed to do.” She shook her head when her father just moved to collect his car keys and his wallet. “What’re you doin’?”

“I’m not gonna let the boys stay there overnight, Tess!”

Tess couldn’t believe her father was going against her wishes and she stomped out of the room to express her displeasure. Liz bit her bottom lip and started to tell Ed to please make sure Max was alright but before she could get the words out Tess reappeared and grabbed her arm, dragging her back upstairs.

Ed shook his head again. Sometimes she was just like her mother.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 93 - 2/11/10

Post by Double Trouble »

kismet: Yup… they are.

Well, if Ed hadn’t gone against Tess’ wishes the guys would’ve been spending the night in jail… they probably wouldn’t have appreciated that, lol.

Score one for Michael!

Earth2Mama: Because they’re guys… and they’ve got it all figured out, lol.

Well, we’re all entitled to moments of sheer stupidity. The guys won’t be bonding with the living room furniture in Tahoe.

At least Michael has an excuse, lol. Amy is a wise woman.

Chances are good it won’t be the last time, considering this group!

Alex got some good advice and ran with it… he’s a smart one. Hmm… what Logan told Isabel? We’ll see.

begonia9508: Kyle has an ally in Ed. Liz is listening a little too much to Tess, but she’ll figure it out.

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

keepsmiling7: Funny how it’s easier to pick up on slang and curse words in other languages first!

Alien_Friend: Yeah, who would’ve seen that one coming? Nope, they didn’t have to, but… well, it certainly occupied their time.

Well, we’ll see how long Tess can keep this one going. It’s easy to get caught up in winning the fight rather than settling the issue – there’s a lot of that going on right now.

LOL, that perspective seems to be one-sided for the guys and the girls right now.

Michael and Amy had a great conversation, huh? We enjoy writing their scenes.

Alex was smart enough to take that advice and run with it!

sarammlover: LOL, they are. Easy, no punching of the characters. We’ll see if Liz takes your advice… we’ve just gotta get her to realize that listening to Tess right now isn’t helping her. Alex definitely did the right thing by not letting it sit overnight. We were glad Michael decked Billy too! Tess will get there… in time.

mary mary: Well, the cops broke the fight up before a winner could be declared, but had it reached its conclusion, we’re certain our boys would’ve won.

April: Boys, boys, boys… Whaddaya do with ‘em?

LOL, we love writing scenes between Michael and Amy.

Um, yes, you did see things straight… what can we say? The muse keeps us chained up and refuses to rest!

sunrise102: LOL, we’re pretty sure you’re not alone with that thought! Kyle didn’t do anything wrong – he didn’t invite the lap dance, didn’t encourage Joy to hang out and finish, but he’s paying for it in spades anyway, poor guy. Liz is still learning and Tess has been her friend since childhood, so it’s gonna take time for her to realize that Tess is not the all-knowing when it comes to what is and isn’t acceptable in a relationship. Please, rant away, lol!

Maiqu: They do make for a great scene, don’t they?

Even the smart ones have dumb moments, lol.

zaneri1: We’re glad that made ya laugh. Liz will figure that out… as soon as she realizes that she needs to tune Tess out and do what she thinks is right. Well… actually Max is friends with one of his ex’s and it wouldn’t hurt for Liz to remember how that felt. Liz made a promise to Sean and she doesn’t feel that it would be right to break that trust, even with Max.

It would do Tess good to start listening to her friends.

Cardinal: Nope, not those two.

It’s not just about Michael defending her honor, Maria’s annoyance with the situation actually concerns Michael himself. We’ll find out more about that later though.

Tess still has some growing up to do. She is the pampered princess, used to getting her way, and it seems to be showing itself even more now that she’s on her home turf.

Liz is still learning to expand her boundaries. She’s been a follower her whole life, so it only stands to reason that she’s gonna fall back on that at times until she finally breaks out of that pattern.

Michael craves the sort of affection he gets from Amy and he finds himself listening to her without even realizing it.

Their night out… isn’t going to go exactly as planned.

Part 93 – The Battle Continues…

Kyle wasn’t sure what to expect when the deputy led them out of the cell in the back of the sheriff’s office and he saw Ed Harding waiting for them at the desk, laughing at something the night shift clerk was saying. He had known that Tess was pissed, but he had hoped she would at least let it go long enough to come down and get him and Max out of jail.

“What’s that you were sayin’ about Liz bein’ the most receptive?” Max grumbled as he followed Kyle out to the counter where they were given envelopes containing their wallets and other personal effects.

“Hey, my girl’s not here either,” Kyle replied.

“Hey, you two, troublemakers,” Ed greeted them.

“Hey, Ed,” Kyle said slowly. “Sorry about draggin’ you away from home this late.”

“No problem. Couldn’t sleep anyway.” He turned to the officer. “Are they ready to leave?”

The officer glanced up and nodded before going back to his reports.

“Alright, let’s go, guys.”

“So, I guess Tess is still pretty pissed at me,” Kyle said as they followed Ed out of the station.

“I wouldn’t advise talkin’ to her right now. She wanted me to leave you boys here.”

“Yeah, well, if our positions had been reversed tonight, I’d have left her ass sittin’ in jail, too.” He winced when he realized what he had just said and he grinned sheepishly at her father. “Sorry, she just makes me crazy sometimes.”

Ed laughed. “That’s my daughter.”

Max scratched his chin as he slid into the backseat and he leaned forward to brace his arms on the front seats as Ed started the car. “Did you happen to see Liz before you came to get us?”

“Yeah. She isn’t as crazy as Tess but my daughter will do her best to make sure that Liz stays mad at you tonight.”

“Perfect,” Max muttered as he leaned back and dropped his head against the headrest. Damn Tess and her vindictive, bitchy moods.

“What did happen? Who’d you get in a fight with?”

“Y’know Billy Darden?” Kyle asked.

Ed groaned. “Yeah.”

“They were a couple of his friends... Michael kinda got into it with Billy earlier tonight and we kept them from jumpin’ in and we ran into them again a while ago.”

“Let me guess; Michael got jealous? Billy’s a piece of work and so are his friends.”

“The guy started playin’ grab-ass with Maria... not somethin’ that Michael was gonna tolerate.”

Ed laughed. “Your first night out in Roswell went well, huh?”

“I know it’s a night I won’t forget.” Max rubbed his eyes tiredly. “I can honestly say this’s the first time I’ve ever had my ass tossed out of the bedroom.”

“What about you, Kyle? First time, too?”

“First real relationship, so, yeah, my first time, too.”

“Won’t be the last time I think.”

“I wasn’t wrong... if anything, she should be the one sleepin’ on the couch.”

“What happened anyway?” Ed asked as he parked in front of the house.

“Some girl lost a bet and chose me out of every other guy in the club to practice her lap dancin’ skills on... I was reachin’ out to push her away but all Tess saw was my hands on the girl and suddenly I’m the biggest ass on the planet. She wouldn’t listen to reason.”

“And you, Max?”

Max cleared his throat. “Uh, well... I’ve got a problem with Liz wantin’ to stay friends with Sean.” He chuckled quietly. “It’s hard to be pissed about getting kicked outta the bedroom because my girl’s really startin’ to exert her independence. It means she’s getting comfortable enough with me to tell me what she really thinks without holdin’ back. Of course, at the same time...” He sighed and shook his head. “At the same time it fuckin’ sucks.”

“You guys like whiskey?”

“Hell yeah.”

“Okay then, let’s have a drink.”

Kyle and Max walked into the living room and stared at the two couches. They glanced at each other. “I’ll take this one,” Kyle said, gesturing at one of them.

Max nodded. “Okay.”

Just then Ed walked in with a bottle of whiskey and three glasses. “Are you already going to bed?” he joked when the boys sat down on different couches.

Max glanced over at Kyle. “Your future father-in-law has a really bad sense of humor,” he muttered quietly.

Ed sat down next to Kyle and poured some whiskey into the three glasses he had brought back with him before he handed one to each of the boys. “Either of you wanna propose a toast?”

Max shook his head. “Nothin’ I can think of.”

“Me neither,” Kyle added.

“You wouldn’t happen to have any insight into women, would you?” Max asked as he took a drink.

“Well, there’s a simple formula you have to know: Never say that they’re wrong and never answer the question ‘Do you think I’m fat?’”

Kyle slumped back against the couch and pressed the cool glass against his temple. “Well, I’ve already fucked that up.”

Ed slapped his back. “Don’t worry. It happens now and then. But, at some point they get over it, believe me.”

“I don’t know... your daughter – and I say this with love, Ed – but, your daughter can be a royal pain in the ass with the memory of an elephant.”

“True. But she’s gonna be bored with bein’ mad at you soon enough.”

Kyle snorted. “God, I hope so. This isn’t the way I wanted to spend my holiday.”

“She doesn’t wanna spend Christmas at war either, Kyle.”

Max wasn’t really worried that he’d have to spend the entire holiday on the outs with his girl; thankfully they would be leaving for Lake Tahoe fairly soon and Tess wouldn’t be there to instigate anymore trouble. Not for a few days at least.

“Are you all goin’ to that cabin over the holidays?”

Kyle shook his head. “Nah, Max and Michael and their girls are goin’ up before Christmas. The rest of us are stayin’ here and we’ll fly up to Tahoe after Christmas.”

Ed nodded. “How long are you gonna stay out there?”

“We’re stayin’ for a couple of days, but we’ve gotta be back in time for a few practices... got a game on New Years’ Eve.”

Max nodded. “Thank God it isn’t on New Years’ Day this year... playin’ with a hangover last year sucked!”

“Oh, yeah.” Kyle remembered that game. “That was a really tough one; I had a hard time standin’ upright.”

“At least this time around the game will be before the big party... I don’t know what they were thinkin’ scheduling it the day after.”

Ed laughed. “I’m glad that college life is still the same as it was back in my day. I definitely have to come to see you guys play one day.”

“You should do that, but until then, the game’s gonna be televised.”

“Yeah, but it’s so much better when you’re right there next to the field.” Ed poured more whiskey into their glasses.

“Yeah, there’s nothin’ like bein’ on the field on game day,” Max agreed. “I can’t believe this season is almost over.”

“And without any broken bones, fractures, or serious injuries. That’s new.”

“Well, Guerin’s carried the injuries for this season.” Max patted his leg and grinned. “I’m just glad to make it through another year without seriously damaging this knee again.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Ed added.

The older man emptied his glass in a gulp and placed it back on the table in front of the couch. “Alright, I’m gonna go to bed now. You’ll find pillows and blankets right under here,” he tapped on the couch Kyle was sitting on. “Just lift the upper part up. Need anything else?”

“Nah, we’re good, Ed.” Kyle lifted his glass up in salute. “Thanks.”

Max nodded. “Yeah, goodnight, Ed.”

The boys glanced at each other after Ed had left. “You’d better not snore, Evans!”


Michael woke up when the curtains in the living room were suddenly flung open and bright sunlight poured inside, blinding him. He knew without looking that it was Maria who was responsible for the abuse and he rubbed his burning, watering eyes as he rolled over.

“Damn it, Maria,” he groaned.

Maria ignored him and pushed the play button on the stereo. Humming to the music she walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast. There was no way she was just forgiving him for last night.

Michael considered just laying there and going back to sleep but he had a feeling she was only going to escalate her annoying activities until she pushed them into a fight and he wasn’t giving in to that today. He forced himself to his feet and immediately sat down again when a wave of dizziness swept over him. “Note to self... don’t do that again,” he muttered.

Maria leaned in the doorframe, watching him as he struggled with the physical reminders of the fight from the night before. It took all her strength to stay where she was and not go to him and hug him. No, she told herself, it’s all his damn fault.

Michael cursed when he reached up to rub his eyebrow and he hit the stitches Amy had done last night. He slowly got to his feet and made sure he had his balance before he walked towards the room’s only entrance. He paused at the door when Maria continued to stand there and stare at him and after a moment he just shook his head and pulled her into his arms. “You wanna be pissed at me... be pissed, but I’m not startin’ my day without my good mornin’ kiss,” he muttered before taking her mouth in a hard, fast kiss. He winked when he released her and gently set her aside so he could head for the shower.

Maria watched him leave, startled. She hadn’t expected the kiss and she could slap herself for allowing it. How was it possible that he could still make her knees weak with a simple kiss? Damn!

Michael was feeling fairly proud of himself as he walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. He knew she hadn’t expected the kiss and now he had the upper hand. “That’s right, baby,” he said to his reflection, “let’s see you fight back against that.”

Maria walked back into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to decide what she wanted for breakfast. Of course, she wouldn’t make anything for HIM, no!

She heard Michael turn on the shower and an idea crossed her mind. “Oh, yeah, you’re gonna suffer, buddy.” She walked to the bathroom and sneaked inside, almost giggling and giving herself away as she thought about what she was about to do.

“Time to cool your brain, Guerin,” she pushed the button to flush the toilet, knowing that the water in the shower would turn ice cold.

Michael’s moment of victory was suddenly interrupted by the blast of ice cold water that hit him with the force of a tidal wave. “Damn it, Maria!!” he roared, knowing that she was the one who was responsible.

“Enjoy your shower, baby,” she answered, verifying his belief that she was there. She flipped him off and walked back to the kitchen without a backward glance.

Michael flung the shower curtain back and jumped out to avoid anymore of the freezing water and he winced when he banged his knee on the corner of the cabinet under the sink. “Fuck!” he howled as pain shot through his frozen leg. “You are so payin’ for this, DeLuca!” he shouted after her.

“I doubt that,” Maria said to herself in a sing-song voice when she heard him screaming.

He leaned over to check his knee as his mind scrambled to come up with a suitable payback. There was no way she was getting away with this.

Maria placed a bowl with cornflakes and milk on the table before she went to get the newspaper. Tess had called her an hour earlier and declared that all the girls were going to a day spa as a treat from her father. She wasn’t about to argue with that, she definitely needed her hair done, and a good manicure wouldn’t hurt either.

Michael hobbled into the kitchen, bent over awkwardly as he rubbed his right knee. He smiled when he spotted the bowl of cornflakes on the table, topped with a liberal sprinkling of sugar and strawberries. His smile switched to a smirk when he saw her walk past the window and he hurried to grab the salt shaker and dust salt all over her cereal before she made it back inside.

Besides that, she thought as she came back inside, she could avoid Mr. Macho. “Oh, did something happen to your knee?” she asked, pretending to be shocked as she sat down to eat.

Michael shrugged one shoulder nonchalantly and dropped a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster. “Nope, old football injury.”

She scooped up a spoonful of cornflakes, but just before she took the first bite she saw the salt crystals in it. Jerk!

“Problem?” he asked, his tone too sweet.

“No,” she answered in the same tone. “I made these for you.” She placed it on his side of the table and smiled angelically at him. “Enjoy!”

“So, cornflakes for me, huh?” Fuck, how was he gonna get out of this?

“Uh-huh. The girls and I are goin’ to a spa; I’m gonna have breakfast with them.”

“Oh... well, y’know, I don’t really like strawberries in my cornflakes.”

“Well, take them out then.”

She knew. He didn’t know how she knew, but she knew. He wasn’t giving her the satisfaction of letting her win this round so he shrugged and reached for the bowl. After picking the strawberries out and setting them aside he looked at the salty cornflakes and swallowed hard. Gross! He grabbed the sugar and dumped more on top, hoping it would disguise the bitter taste of the salt. “I like them really sweet,” he said when he caught her expression.

Maria watched as he grabbed the bowl and almost felt sorry when she looked up into his face. This wasn’t the way she had imagined their time together in Roswell. And now she was going to leave him alone all day… in a foreign house, in a town he didn’t know. But it was all his fault. Yes. “Uh-huh.” She glanced at her watch. “I think I’d better go now.”

“Guess it’s good you’re goin’ out... where was it? A fat farm or somethin’? ‘Cause me an’ the guys made plans anyway.” He couldn’t believe she was actually letting him eat this shit!

Did he say FAT farm? She forced down the urge to smack him upside his thick head and smiled knowingly. “Baby, we both know you love every inch of my body.” She grabbed her bag. “Have fun with the guys and try to not get arrested like your buddies last night.”

Now she was just playing dirty, Michael thought when she lowered her voice and gave him THE look. Uh-uh, baby, not winning this one! His mouth dropped open when she made her escape before he had the chance to respond to her last comment. “Wait! Who got arrested?” But she was already out the door.

He followed her out the door and ran down the steps, calling her before she could reach the car. “Hey, wait a minute...”

Maria turned around and leaned back against the car. “What?”

Shit, now what? “Uh...”

She almost smiled when she saw his helpless face.

“I, um...” He reached up to scratch his eyebrow. “Well...”

Michael frowned when she still refused to give an inch. He couldn’t believe she was so calmly standing there, one eyebrow raised while she tapped her right foot impatiently. “Y’know, you don’t have to go to a fat farm so you don’t feel bad about all the junk you’re gonna eat over Christmas.” Uh-huh, that’d piss her off.

Now that was enough! “You know, maybe I’ll just stay here. My mom’s gonna be at work, so no junk food for Christmas.” Before he could say anything else she started to climb in the car. “See ya tonight… or in the mornin’.”

“What?!” He jumped back out of the way when she threw the car into drive and hit the gas, the tires spinning and kicking up dirt and gravel.

“You might stay here?” he repeated dumbly. “I’ll be damned if you’re stayin’ here.” He glared at the cloud of dust left in her wake before walking back inside.

Maria looked in the rearview mirror and saw him standing alone in front of the house with a stunned expression. She tried to ignore the strange feeling in her chest.


Tess blinked a few times against the sunlight that was coming through a tiny gap in the closed curtains. She smiled slightly and turned around to snuggle closer to her boyfriend. She frowned when he wasn’t there and suddenly the images of the night before came rushing back. She sighed and threw her blanket off so she could get up. It was almost 10am, so maybe her father was preparing breakfast. She went to the bathroom after pulling on a robe and she leaned over the sink to splash some water into her face.

Liz stopped in her tracks when she walked through the door and saw Tess in the little room. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you...”

Tess shook her head. “No, it’s okay, come in. I’m done anyway.’

Liz nodded and stepped further into the room. “Soooo... are we still mad at them today?” She felt stupid for asking that, but how was she supposed to know how to make up after a fight with her boyfriend? She and Sean had never really had any fights.

“Are we still mad?” Tess repeated stupidly. “Of course we are, Liz. Don’t back down! They need to suffer a while longer. Let him come to you, girl.”

Liz nodded and stared at the ground.

“Look,” Tess said when she started to leave the bath again. “We just go down and play the ignoring game with them, okay? That’s not too difficult and they’ll honestly hate it.”

She bit her bottom lip and looked at Tess, unsure of this game... at least that’s what it felt like to her. “Are you sure about this? I don’t even know why it’s gone this far and I’m pretty sure if I just go talk to Max – “ She jumped back in surprise when Tess whirled around to look at her.

“If you just let him off with that, Liz, he’s never gonna take you serious again.”

“But...” she just shook her head and decided it wasn’t worth facing one of Tess’ rants first thing in the morning. “Okay.”

Tess nodded, satisfied, and went back to her room to change into a pair of jeans and a shirt before she made her way downstairs. She stopped in the hallway when she heard laugher coming from the dining room.

Kyle, Max, and her father were sitting around the table. “Are ya serious?” her boyfriend asked, excited.

Ed nodded. “Sure, take it out for the day.”

Her eyes widened in shock when her father handed Kyle the keys to his most prized possession… the holiest car in his personal fleet. Great, just great. “Mornin’,” she greeted – only to her father – and took a seat at the table while she happily ignored the boys.

Kyle reached for his coffee and slouched down in his chair as he watched his girlfriend for several minutes. He was still trying to figure out what exactly was going on because he had missed the memo on this one. “So, we’re carryin’ that nonsense from last night over to today?” he asked finally.

She leaned forward to get one of the pancakes, not answering his question or even bothering to acknowledge that she had heard him.

He glanced at Max. “Guess that’s a yes.”

“Sorry, man.” He was pretty certain that Liz would have spent the night trying to work things out in her head. She wouldn’t be interested in playing these little games; she’d come down for breakfast, they’d go for a walk and talk it out, explain things from both of their viewpoints and settle this stupidity once and for all.

Liz walked down the hallway to the kitchen slowly, preparing for the little game Tess had told her to play. She wasn’t really sure this was right, because seriously, the fight between her and Max hadn’t been that bad and it was also a little sweet that he had gotten jealous over Sean... but on the other hand, she wasn’t going to ignore Sean because of Max. Maybe someday she could tell Max that Sean was no threat – that he wasn’t even interested in girls, but she had promised him that she wouldn’t tell anyone and she wouldn’t.

One last breath, she thought, and entered the kitchen. “Morning,” she said, her gaze focused on Tess.

That was not exactly the reception he had been counting on, Max thought. “Hey, Liz, why don’t we go out after breakfast?” He didn’t often jump to conclusions but he was sure that Tess was behind his sudden status as the invisible man.

Damn, Liz thought, how could she not respond to that? “I don’t know... these pancakes look delicious,” she replied and put one on her plate.

“You just got the...” Kyle made quotation marks with his fingers, “subject change, which means we should just go on and spend the day with the guys like we were talkin’ about earlier.”

Max glanced at his girlfriend intensely and nodded slowly. “Yeah, sure.”

“Look, if the girls just wanna sit around here an’ be pissy all day, let ‘em.” He shot a quick glare at his girlfriend. “I didn’t come here to spend my vacation getting the evil eye and bein’ ignored.”

Ed frowned at the couples around the table and decided that it was time for him to leave them alone. “I’ll see you all later,” he stood up and glanced at his daughter. “Join me in the living room for a second will ya?”

Tess glanced up at her dad, recognizing the order below his request. She threw her napkin down on the table and leaned over to look at Kyle. “This is not over,” she hissed before hurrying to follow her dad.

Ed waited until his daughter joined him. “What’s that all about, Tess?”

“What’s what all about?” she asked innocently.

“You, Kyle, Liz, Max – ya think this kinda treatment will help the situation?”

“Daddy, I love you, but this’s between me an’ Kyle! And how dare you try to be friends with him!”

Ed lifted his eyebrows in warning. “Don’t let this thing become more than it really is, that’s all I’m saying.”

“I have everything under control,” she assured him. She did, she insisted silently. She had everything under control. Now she just had to figure out what to do next.

Ed nodded. “Good, make sure it stays that way. Now go on back.”

Tess kissed his cheek and just barely refrained from stomping her feet as she went back into the dining room.

Liz glanced up when she entered the room again and sighed. God, this silence was killing her.

Tess took a seat again and reached for the last piece of toast, just at the same time that Kyle did. He reacted quickly and grabbed it before she could – smiling at her sweetly when she glanced at him, annoyed.

“Sorry, last piece... did you want it?” he asked.

“No,” she growled and took another pancake instead.

Max was watching the couple as they shot daggers back and forth, not really interested in getting pulled into the drama. He had probably overreacted to the whole Sean thing the night before and he could admit that... maybe not right here in front of everyone, but he could admit it. Rationally he knew there was no reason for Liz to go back to Sean; she had chosen to end things with the other guy so they could be together, but he doubted he was ever gonna care for the two of them hanging out.

Kyle leaned back in his chair and stared at Tess, waiting for her to say something. And she would because it would drive her crazy that he was just staring at her without saying a word.

“Didn’t you two want to leave or something?”

“Why would we wanna leave when your company is just so charming this mornin’?” he countered. He brought his right hand up over his heart. “Tess, babe, the past 12 hours have made me so glad that I came here instead of just goin’ up to Tahoe an’ hittin’ the slopes... in some ways it’s just like bein’ there.” He narrowed his eyes. “Especially where frigid temperatures are concerned.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it here,” she said, deliberately misunderstanding. “How’s the service at the police station?”

Kyle shook his head at her. “Surprisingly enough, it was more hospitable than what I’m getting here.” He glanced up and winked at Elena when she came into the room. “Maybe I’ll just see if Elena’s interested in showin’ us around Roswell today.”

The woman smiled at him even though she had no clue what he was talking about.

Max picked at his breakfast for a while longer before he turned to look at Liz. “Are we seriously gonna play this juvenile game?”

Liz was about to open her mouth when Kyle stood up. “C’mon, man, let’s go and pick up Guerin.”

He waited another minute before nodding and standing up. He walked around the table and unsubtly pushed Tess’ chair aside so he could crouch down next to Liz. “I’m not gonna push this, but I’m not gonna sit here an’ be ignored either, so take today to figure out how we’re gonna handle this. Ball’s in your court, darlin’.” He gave her a quick kiss before standing up and walking out of the room.


Michael walked into the kitchen and snatched up the bowl of salty sweet cornflakes and dumped them down the disposal before going after his abandoned toast and biting into a cold slice.

“Surely that isn’t breakfast?”

He turned his head when Amy entered the kitchen and he looked down at his toast before looking at her again. “It’s better than what Maria left for me,” he shrugged.

“I’m gonna make you a good breakfast.”

He perked up at the thought of a home-cooked meal. “Oh, well... this’s good. I mean, I know Maria said after the next day or so you’ll practically be livin’ at the hospital because your hours will be so crazy, so you should get some rest.”

Amy searched around in the refrigerator. “I love to cook, Michael. There’s just no one to cook for, so let’s make something.”

“Oh, well... if you’re sure. As a rule I don’t turn down food.”

Amy laughed. “Maria’s already gone?”

“Yeah, I guess the girls planned a day out together... not that I recall her talkin’ about it before today.”

“She’s still not talking to you?” she asked, her tone sympathetic as she brushed his hair back to look at the stitches she had done the night before.

“No, I’m still in the doghouse and now she might not go to Tahoe for Christmas.”

Amy shook her head. “I’ll talk to her later.”

“It’s kinda like we’re fightin’, but at the same time it’s like it’s not a real fight...” He frowned. “Does that make any sense?”

“Of course. She’s just trying to annoy you.”

“Well, she succeeds whenever she puts her mind to somethin’.” He shrugged. “I’m not sure if spendin’ the day with all the girls will be good or bad... she might come back and be madder than she was when she left.”

“Yeah. You never know with Tess around, but you two are only here for a few days; I don’t think she wants you to still be fighting when you leave.”

“So, you don’t think she really meant she wasn’t gonna go with me?” Normally he wouldn’t bother asking these questions, but there was nothing judgmental about Amy.

She looked at him, surprised. “Did she actually say that?”

“Well...” He reached up to rub his eyebrow self-consciously, carefully avoiding the stitches. “She said somethin’ about just stayin’ here instead of goin’ with me.”

Amy frowned. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it.”

He straightened up and shrugged. “Yeah, that’s kinda what I figured, too.”

“How’s your head?”

“S’okay. Doesn’t really hurt now.”

She placed a cup of coffee in front of him. “Any plans for today?”

“Nothin’ planned, but I’m sure the other guys are gonna call before long since the girls are all goin’ to plot against us all afternoon.”

Amy rolled her eyes. “Yeah. I don’t have to work today, so if you need anything...”

Michael pulled his cell phone out of his pocket when it started to ring and he recognized Kyle’s ringtone. “Speak of the devil,” he muttered, flipping it open and raising it to his ear. “Talk to me, Valenti.”

“Guess your girlfriend left you alone, too?”

“Uh-huh. You an’ Evans, too?”

“Yeah. We’re plannin’ to go to the mall to buy some Christmas presents for the she-devils. Wanna go with?”

Michael snorted at that. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I wanna do... go buy a Christmas present for the woman who gave arctic a whole new meanin’ this mornin’.”

Truth was he already had Maria’s gift; he'd picked it up before they had left Long Beach a couple of days before. He had been worried that the shop wasn’t going to be finished with the customizing he had ordered, but they had called just in the nick of time.

“Well, if you don’t wanna make it any worse you’d better have a present.”

He cleared his throat. Part of him wanted to brag that he was well ahead of the game and that he had her gift with him, but at the same time he wanted to keep it to himself. “Yeah, you’re probably right... she’s pissed enough as it is. No need to make it worse, right?”

“Right. Besides, we can take one of Tess’ dad’s cars,” Kyle said, sounding excited. “We’ll pick you up in a few.”

Michael rolled his eyes. Kyle was just a little too excited about going shopping, he thought as he agreed and hung up.

“So, your friends already called, huh?” Amy asked, placing a plate of pancakes in front of him.

“Yeah, guess we’re goin’ shoppin’,” he muttered. He nodded as he sat down in front of the plate. “Wow, you really didn’t have to go to this much work.”

She just waved him off. “You think you can pick something up for me at the mall?”

Michael paused with his fork halfway to his mouth. “Yeah, okay.”

“The shop’s called Retro Fit. Just ask for a package for Amy DeLuca.”

Michael shrugged. “Okay. Do I need to do anything special with it?”

“No, just bring it with you; it’s already paid for.” She retrieved a receipt from her purse and handed it to him.

“Alright, I’ll take care of it,” he said after she explained where the shop was located.

Amy glanced out through the window. “I think your friends are already here.” She shook her head when he hesitated. “You go on and spend some time with your friends.”

Michael straightened up to look outside and his mouth dropped open when he saw the car sitting at the curb. “Huh-uh... no way.” He got to his feet and ran outside, his eyes sliding over the absolute perfection of the car idling so smoothly. “Man, this is fuckin’ awesome!” he yelled when the guys climbed out of the car. “Hell, I’ve only seen these on the showroom floor.” He ran his hands over the cherry red paint job, nodding at the black racing stripes that ran over the roof and hood. “You’ve gotta let me drive it,” he begged.

“You won’t believe what this baby can do on the highway, Guerin.” Kyle grinned.

Max whistled and nodded as he motioned across the hood at Kyle. “Show him what she looks like under the hood.”

The guys crowded around the hood as soon as it was raised, mumbling, muttering, and praising the capabilities of such a fine piece of mechanical genius.

“You sure Tess’ dad is okay with this?” Michael asked, still stunned. If it was his car he sure as hell wouldn’t let anyone drive it but him.

“Are you kiddin’? Man, you’ve gotta see the cars he’s got garaged! He collects them the way I collect baseball cards. He showed us around earlier this mornin’ and then said to pick one to drive around while we’re here.” He shrugged. “Tess’ dad is fuckin’ cool.”

“Hell, no doubt!”

He stood back to admire the sleek lines of the car and he shook his head again. “C’mon, Valenti, lemme have the keys.”

“Maybe on the way back.”

“You suck,” he grumbled.

Kyle grinned. “This is a badass car, Michael. Only people who got arrested are allowed to drive.”

“I’ve been arrested.”

“Yeah, but not yesterday.”

Max nodded and snatched the keys out of Kyle’s hand. “True, but I was.” He laughed and headed for the drivers’ side.

“Wait, you both got arrested? When?”

Kyle shoved Michael out of the way when it became obvious that he intended to take the front seat. “Already called shotgun,” he said and slid inside.

“We went back to the club last night,” Max answered while Kyle played with the stereo. “Got into it with Billy’s friends.”

Michael groaned. “I should’ve gone back, too.”

“Well, there was a downside to it... Tess is still highly pissed at me. Matter of fact, she hung up on Max when she found out that we’d been arrested.”

“Maria’s pissed, too. And why the hell didn’t you guys call me?”

They exchanged a look before meeting his curious gaze in the rearview mirror. “Because Maria was pissed,” they answered together.


“Man, I’ve already got one little blond pissed at me... don’t need two.”

Michael shrugged. “She probably wouldn’t have even noticed.”

Max glanced over his shoulder. “You don’t think she would’ve noticed if you’d gone back out?”


He shifted behind the steering wheel when Michael slouched down in the backseat and propped his elbow on the window as he reached up to gently trace over the stitches. “She didn’t say anything about that?” he asked, referring to the cut he had gotten from Billy’s ring.

Michael shrugged. “She was pissed like hell and she dumped my ass on the couch.”

“Looks like we all spent the night on the couch.” Kyle turned in his seat to look at his best friend. He could see that Michael was quickly tiring of the current conversation. “Hey, you wanna call Alex? See if he wants to go with us?”

“Yeah. I’m sure Isabel went with the other witches anyway.”


The guys wandered around the mall for a while until they found one of the directories located near a fountain. Max and Alex browsed for jewelry stores, Kyle immediately zeroed in on an adult store, and they all stared at Michael when his finger rested over an electronics store.

“What’re you doin’?” Max asked.

“Been thinkin’ about getting one of those Blu-Ray players.” He shrugged.

Kyle shook his head. “Uh, you said Maria’s pissed at you... and you’re gonna go look at electronics?”

“Why should I buy an apology gift? I didn’t do anything wrong. You can call it a Christmas gift all you want, but you guys are just lookin’ for somethin’ to smooth things over because your chicks got their feathers ruffled last night.”

Alex nearly laughed at Michael’s assessment of the situation. The others looked shocked that his brother had come up with that observation and he quickly turned his attention back to the directory. “I think I’m gonna head over here,” he said, tapping one of the jewelry stores listed under that category.

“I’ll come with you,” Max said, walking past Alex.

“I’m headin’ for the adult store,” Kyle said with a grin as he glanced at Michael.

“Don’t look at me, Valenti,” he growled. “Best friends does not mean we go shoppin’ together, especially not when it’s a sex shop.”

Kyle shrugged. “Your loss; just thought you’d be interested in their selection of sexy underwear for women.”

Uh-huh, because he wanted any connection between Kyle and Maria’s sexy underwear, he thought. “I’m headin’ for the electronics store.”

“We’ll meet back here in half an hour,” Kyle said before he turned around to go and find the shop.

Michael wandered off in the direction of the electronics store so he wouldn’t make any of the guys suspicious. When he was certain that they were far enough away that they wouldn’t see him he sat on a bench and pulled a small box out of his pocket.

He flipped it open and glanced at it, the fingertips of his free hand tracing over the item that rested inside. After a few moments he closed it again and shoved it back in his pocket before pulling his phone off of the clip on his belt and opening it up.

“Should I ask what you’re doin’ hangin’ out at the mall by yourself today?”

Michael turned his head to look at Tony when he spoke from behind him. “Hey, man.” He shrugged and looked back down at his phone, wondering if Maria would respond to the text. “I’m not here alone.”

Tony glanced around before stepping up on the bench and sitting on the back of it. “I hate to have to point it out to ya, but there’s no one around but you.”

“Oh, the guys have gone to buy suck-up gifts.”

“But not you?”

Michael snorted. “I have no reason to suck up.”

“My cousin’s still givin’ you hell about last night, huh?”

“That’s Maria… I’d be worried if she wasn’t pissed at me. Do I agree with her? No. But, in her crazy, demented little brain I stepped over the line when dipshit put his hands on her and I got involved.”

“So, when’re you meetin’ up with the other guys?”

Michael glanced at his watch. “About 15 minutes.”

“How ‘bout we meet up with them, I’ll treat you guys to lunch, and then we’ll head over to my job and I’ll show you guys around.”

“Why would we wanna spend an afternoon hangin’ around your job?”

Tony just grinned. “Trust me, Guerin.”

Michael rolled his eyes. Why did he have a feeling that Tony was up to something?
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 93 - 2/11/10

Post by Double Trouble »

mary mary: We’re pretty fond of our Max too.

Hmm… with Tony, there’s just no telling.

kismet: LOL, great, that’s what it’s supposed to do!

No confirmation or denial of “the ring”… although we know you’re just waiting for “the wedding”, lol!

We’ll find out about Tony’s job in this next update.

The gifts… we might find out about some of them, but others will have to wait for Christmas.

Not much longer.

We’re not sure since they didn’t tell us, but we’re sure it was something cool

One angry DeLuca woman is more than Michael needs… he won’t forget the gift.

She is taking it too far, but don’t worry, Liz may not follow along for long.

We’re glad you’re still lovin’ Max!

80s_UnLove_Child: LOL, that’s certainly one possible option.

Yep, we’re feelin’ a little sorry for Kyle ourselves.

begonia9508: Well, Tess is gonna try… no guarantees that she’ll succeed though.

Don’t lost faith in Liz.

keepsmiling7: She’s having a moment, it’ll come back.

sunrise102: Max is a sweetheart. She will, just give her a little time.

LOL, you just never know.

Oh, we hope it is good.

Earth2Mama: Yup, total guy moment.

She is taking this thing too far. LOL, they’re gonna work it out and soon.

With Tony there’s just no telling.

He picked out a pretty awesome gift… but we’re neither confirming nor denying the engraved ring idea.

sarammlover: It’s a step in the right direction. Michael’s behaved pretty well, isn’t he? Nope, Kyle’s not in the mood to put up with Tess’ craziness right now. You’re right about Liz, she’ll make the right decision.

Alien_Friend: Tess will be the one to hold out the longest just because she’s in a mood, lol.

The guys are behaving well… who would’ve expected it?

We love the dynamic between Amy and Michael.

Tony’s job will be revealed in this next part. As for Michael’s gift… we’ll find out at Christmas.

Natalie36: We’ll find out soon!

Cardinal: Things will work out before long.

It’s possible that Tony knew where to go… after all, Aunt Amy knew exactly where Michael was going to be.

Author´s Note: We´re finally back with some music for this fic. The song in this part is: Lifeline by Papa Roach. We insist you listen to it, lol: Very great song!

Part 94 – Drawing the Line

“Sooo, what’re you gonna buy for Liz?” Alex asked as he and Max stood on the escalator to get to the second floor where the jewelry store was.

“Um, to be honest… I’ve already got my present for her. I was just going with you, ‘cause I know shoppin’ with Michael or Kyle would be a disaster and we would all end up in the sex shop.”

Alex laughed. “You´re probably right about that. What’re we gonna do now then? ‘Cause I already got my present for Isabel too.”

“You do? Whatcha gonna give her?” Max glanced at his phone to make sure the ringer was turned on.

Damn, he had thought Liz would at least send him a text after they had gone.

“Well, things have been really exhausting lately. We could definitely use some time on our own, so I bought a hotel voucher for a first class wellness center not too far from Long Beach where we can spend a few days on our own. I’ve already talked to the twins and they’re gonna take care of Brooke during that time. The place provides massages and treatments for pregnant woman, so I hope Isabel will like it.”

Max nodded. “She will. Like you said, things have been pretty wild for your family here recently.”

The other man sighed. “Yeah, seems like it’s been happening a lot here lately.” He shook his head. “But that’s over now, so what about you and Liz? What’s your Christmas gift?”

“I guess I can tell you; you’re not a klutz like Michael or Kyle. They couldn’t keep it a secret for more than a couple of hours. I’m gonna take her out on a motorcycle road trip. I’ve already planned a route and booked some hotels where we can stay over for a few nights.”

“Sounds like fun,” Alex said as he stopped in front of shop that sold baby articles.

“Isn’t it a bit early for that? Your woman doesn’t even look pregnant yet.”

Alex smiled. “Yeah, I know. C’mon, let’s go.”

They walked along the first floor of the mall, not really paying any attention to the shops around them. “Do Isabel’s parents already know that she’s pregnant?” Max asked to keep the conversation up.

“No, we’re planning to tell them on Christmas Eve.”

“Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad,” Max said grinning.

“Yeah… at least we’ll be leavin’ the next evening… in case they don’t react the way we’re hoping for.”

Max nodded. “I’m really glad we’re leavin’ before then.”

“Have ya met Liz’ parents yet?”

“No, we’re goin’ over to their place tomorrow night. Let’s hope my girlfriend’s talkin’ to me again by then. I’ve got a feelin’ that this dinner isn’t gonna be very comfortable without that particular issue thrown into the mix.”

“Isabel told me that her parents are still trying to get her back with Sean.”

Max snorted. “Yeah, can you believe that? She’s almost 19 years old; you’d think that her parents would let her decide on her own who she wants to be with.”

“Yeah,” Alex said lost in his own thoughts. This was the first Christmas he would spend together with all his siblings, but without every other member of his family. He wouldn’t miss Hank of course, but he felt a little sorry for his Mom, even if she did probably deserve it.

“Hey, ya wanna get back to the others?” Max glanced at his watch. “I think we’ve killed enough time.”


Kyle made a slight detour as soon as the guys had each gone in their own directions. He enjoyed shopping in the adult stores but that was so much more fun when he and Tess were out together, and what he had in mind was a little more tasteful. It was still nothing he could give her in front of her father, but this wasn’t really a Christmas present either.

He snorted at that thought. Like he was really gonna be less than 72 hours from the big day without her gift already selected, purchased, and wrapped. Normally he wasn’t above a little sucking up to get back on her good side and he hadn’t done a damn thing wrong this time, but it wouldn’t hurt to have the little gift for a little later.

He was smiling as he walked into Victoria’s Secret and his gaze moved over the mannequins dressed in barely-there negligees and other sexy underwear. He knew plenty of guys who would be too embarrassed to step foot into the store and most of them would make complete fools of themselves when approached by one of the pretty salesgirls.

Kyle was in his element as he browsed the selections and when one of the salesgirls spotted him and asked if she could help him with anything he turned on the charm. He’d be happy if Tess wanted to wear nothing but his football jersey but she loved sexy underwear and who was he to argue if his woman wanted to tease him with wispy, nearly non-existent bits of satin and lace?

He left 20 minutes later with a tiny bag and a sizeable charge on his credit card. He made a brief stop in the adult store for some of the massage oil that Tess preferred and he carefully tucked the small bag from Victoria’s Secret inside before hurrying to meet the guys.


Tony leaned back in his chair and watched the guys as they talked among themselves while the last song played before he switched back to the question and answer portion of his show. The guys had only been observing so far and he smiled as an idea came to him. He shifted to sit on the edge of his seat, elbows braced on the table as he leaned forward. He nodded when his producer motioned behind the glass, letting him know they were five seconds from being back on the air.

He put his headphones on and flipped the switch that would activate his mic and send his voice across the airwaves in Roswell. “Welcome back to the afternoon show with Tony Vinson on Roswell’s only classic rock station K-ROZ. For anyone just tuning in we’re hangin’ out with a group of guys from USC in Long Beach. Now, for anyone who doesn’t know – and let’s be honest, folks, I’ve been talkin’ about my cousin and her friends for years – Maria, Tess, Isabel and Liz all flew the coop and landed in sunny California with the intention of pursuing various degrees. However, as things often do, that plan took a backseat to these four guys sittin’ across from me today.” He paused just for a heartbeat. “This is the part of the show where we talk it up and since I’ve got a studio full of guys who’re datin’ four of our very own hometown girls, let’s see if we can get them to talk to us. Whaddaya say, Roswell? Wanna hear what they’ve got to say?”

Michael glanced up when Tony rapped his knuckles on the table to get his attention. His gaze shifted to follow the guy’s pointing finger and he leaned over to pick up the headphones lying on the table. Tony motioned for him to put them on and he shifted uncomfortably as he turned them over in his hands. He didn’t think Maria’s cousin would get him on-air and put him on the spot, but Tony knew she was pissed at him and he didn’t need anymore problems to deal with.

“Looks like I’ve got a shy guy on my hands this afternoon, folks. Mr. Silent over here belongs to my cousin and it looks like the cat’s got his tongue.” He grinned unrepentantly when Michael shot a murderous look at him.

“Ooh, I’ll do an interview!” Kyle reached around him and snatched the headphones out of his hands, hurrying to put them on. They had done a couple of interviews for the college radio station in Long Beach and he loved it.

Yeah, get yourself in more trouble with Tess, Michael thought when Kyle put the headphones on.

Tony shook his head at Michael and motioned to another pair of headphones when his producer sent someone in with several more pairs. He leaned over to hook them up and dropped them in Michael’s lap before tossing the other two to Alex and Max. “Okay, folks, looks like we’ve got one taker so far for an interview. Let’s talk to CSU’s star quarterback Kyle Valenti.”

“How’s it goin’ out there, Roswell?” Kyle greeted.

“How’re you likin’ our little town so far, Kyle?”

Michael watched his brother and Max settle their headphones over their ears and after several moments of listening to Kyle and Tony banter back and forth he followed suit. It didn’t take long before Max and Alex had been introduced and they got in on the conversation. He glanced at Tony when he spoke again, his tone teasing. “Kyle, you and Silent Sam over here are both members of a band back at CSU, correct?”

Tony shook his head at Michael, wondering why the guy hadn’t loosened up. He knew the guy liked to have a good time and he had a great sense of humor, so why wasn’t he saying anything? “You think we might get a song outta you guys? I think the listeners would enjoy your talent.”

Kyle glanced at Michael and he grinned when he gave a small nod. “Yeah, we might be persuaded to do that, but only if you’ve got some instruments in-house.” He gave Michael a friendly shove. “Besides, music will make this guy loosen up a little bit.”

Tony laughed and turned to make a few hand gestures in his producer’s direction. The guy nodded and hurried to take care of Tony’s request. Sometimes it was good to work with someone for so long. “Alright, folks, listen up for the regional news and then we’re back with our California guys,” Tony told the listeners and then pressed a button while his producers sent the news out over the air.

“Okay, we’ll get the equipment set up and you guys can do a song... and then we’ll go back to the interview part.” He kicked Michael under the table. “Interviews go a lot smoother if the interviewee actually speaks.”

Michael shrugged. “You’d better come up with somethin’ interesting then.”

Tony grinned. “Be careful what you wish for ‘cause you just might get it.”

He didn’t really know what to say that other people might want to hear. “Uh-huh, I’m gonna kill you if you bring up Maria. You know that, right?”

“Don’t worry about it... we’ll get you to open up before the afternoon’s over.”

Michael rolled his eyes and turned to Kyle. “Which song?”

“Let’s do that new one we’ve been workin’ on.” He knew who it had been written for and they hadn’t yet performed it outside of practice when it was just the two of them. He had a feeling Maria would understand the song’s meaning as soon as she heard it.

Michael lifted one eyebrow. “But it’s not ready yet.”

Kyle shook his head. “It’s ready... you’ve gone over it and over it and over it. If you’re not ready to put it out there that’s one thing, but that song’s ready.” He had a feeling it was just a case of nerves because while all of Michael’s music came from the deepest parts of himself, this song was his first attempt at expressing something besides pain, anger, and hurt.

Michael knew that Kyle was right but he still felt nervous about it. “Fine, we’ll do that one.”

“She’s gonna love it, man,” he said quietly so the others wouldn’t overhear him.

If she hears it, Michael thought.

“You think the girls are even listenin’ to this?” Max asked.

Tony nodded. “Hell, yeah, they’re listenin’. This’s the clearest station in the county.”

“I’ll take this and get set up.” Michael grabbed a guitar that was similar to his own.

Alex watched his brother as he tuned the guitar and checked the mic before sitting on the stool and hooking his feet on the rungs. He could see the nervousness and agitation as Michael psyched himself up to perform. Normally he wasn’t so antsy, so the song had to be something pretty important to him.

“We’re on again in one minute,” Tony told them. He flipped the switch again and leaned in close to the mic. “We’ve got a special treat for you folks this afternoon. I had the opportunity to listen to these guys play just last month when I visited sunny California and I can attest to their talent.” He glanced at Kyle where he was sitting behind the set of drums. “Kyle, anything special about this song?”

Michael cleared his throat and Tony winced when the sound echoed through the headphones. “This song was written for someone special and it’s never been played publicly.” He straightened up as he shot a glare at Tony. “It wasn’t intended to be played on sub-standard equipment, but I guess we’ll work with what we’ve got.”

Maria was reclining in the hairstylist’s chair as the woman rinsed her hair, relaxing and listening to Tess sing along with the radio. She rolled her eyes when her best friend hit a note that in no way belonged in the song. “You should leave the singin’ to the singer.”

Tess rolled her eyes and stayed quiet.

“No hair color for me this time,” Isabel said to the hairdresser. “I’m pregnant.”

The woman nodded and motioned to the radio when the deejay started talking. The girls had been coming out to the spa for the past few years and she was used to hearing him talk about them, but her ears perked up when he mentioned guys from California. “Sounds like you girls have been busy,” she said with a slight smirk.

“What?” Tess asked, turning her head to look at the woman.

They were so used to Tony rambling in the background that they didn’t even really listen to what he was saying when he was on-air.

“Sounds like he’s with some people you might know,” the woman answered quickly.

“What?!” Maria and Tess exchanged a look of horror as they sat upright and shouted at the same time.
“Y’know, you’re lucky you don’t have a bald spot after that move,” the woman working on Tess said as she shook her head.

“Turn the radio up!” Maria insisted.

The woman who was doing Maria’s hair walked to the radio and turned it up louder.

“What’re they doin’ there?” Liz asked. She was the only one of the girls who wasn’t about to change her hair again. It was still good they way it was.

“I’ll tell you what they’re doin’,” Tess hissed. “They’re talkin’ about us! Kyle is in sooo much trouble for this!”

“Shh,” Maria hissed. “I can’t hear anything with you talkin’ all the time.”

“What’s to hear? Y’know what Tony’s gonna do... he’s an instigator! He’s gonna get the guys all riled up and they haven’t even been forgiven for last night!”

Maria rolled her eyes when Tony announced the guys from California and all that she could hear was silence.

Michael wasn’t much of a talker when someone wanted to talk about him.

“Well, he picked the perfect guy to start with,” Tess laughed. “He’d have better luck talkin’ to the wall.”

“Shut up, Tess,” Maria said, feeling the urge to defend Michael.

“What? I’m not bein’ mean, I’m just sayin’ he can be remarkably silent when he chooses to be.”

“Uh-huh, listen, your man’s on the spot now.”

She fell silent when Tony started talking to Kyle, introducing him as the star quarterback and totally playing into his ego.

“Hey, you think I should change my hair color into something dark?” Maria asked the girls when the woman who was doing her hair asked her if she wanted to use some hair color.

Brooke looked at Maria in horror. “What? No!”

Maria’s right eyebrow quirked up in question. “No?”

Brooke nodded. “Definitely no!”

“Not even a little?”

“My brother has always been into blondes, Maria. Besides that, me and Liz, we’re the only dark-haired girls here and that’s gotta stay that way.”

“I don’t know,” Maria mused, studying her reflection in the mirror. “It might not hurt to shake things up a little bit.”

“We could use some different shades of blond. So it would still be a bright hair color, but also interesting,” the hairdresser suggested.

“Well, maybe we’ll change it up just a bit,” she decided after a few moments. Besides, it’d be interesting to see Michael’s reaction. “Nothin’ too drastic because I don’t think Michael could handle it.”

The woman nodded. “You want your hair to be cut? Or should it stay the way it is?” The woman let her fingers trail through Maria’s hair. “A little bit shorter and more flat would fit your face very well.”

“What the hell, let’s go for it.” She smiled, imagining Michael’s reaction.

“Of course Tony would convince them to sing a song,” Tess sighed.

“Well, they are really good,” Liz said, looking up from the magazine she was reading.

Maria nodded. “Oh, yeah.” She wondered which of their songs they would do as she listened to the commercials droning on in the background.

Isabel looked up from the magazine she had been flipping through and she glanced at Liz. “Can Max sing?”

“Um, no, not really,” Liz said, remembering him singing while he was working on her car and then again while he had been showering.

Isabel wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, Alex can’t really carry a tune either.”

They fell silent when the commercials ended and Tony started talking again. Maria rolled her eyes when he asked about the song’s significance and Michael cleared his throat too close to the microphone. That was a clear indicator that he was nervous, she realized. She held her breath when she heard Michael talking, revealing that the song had been written for someone special... and then of course, he followed it up by insulting the equipment the station had on-site.

“Written for someone special, huh?” Tess teased, glancing at Maria. “Wonder who that could be.”

Maria shook her head. “That doesn’t mean it was written for me,” she denied even though her heart was jumping madly in her chest.

Tess rolled her eyes. “Of course it’s for you.”

“Well, I won’t complain if it is.”

Michael glanced at Kyle, making sure he was ready to start. He turned his gaze to Tony and nodded, waiting to see if he had anything to say before they could play.

Tony thought about dragging it out and putting the attention back on Michael since he wasn’t being cooperative, but finally decided to just let it go with a simple introduction. “So, Michael, you wanna give us the name of your song and play it for our listeners?”

“Sure,” Michael replied, more confident now that they weren’t talking about him. “The song’s called “Lifeline’.” He glanced at Kyle one more time, counting quietly to three before they got into the song.

When I was a boy
I didn’t care ‘bout a thing
It was me and this world and a broken dream
I was blaming myself
For all that was going wrong

Alex listened to the lyrics Michael was belting out just as passionately as he did on stage and he knew without a doubt that the special person it had been written for was Maria.

I was way out there
On the wrong side of town
And the ones that I loved
I started pushing ‘em out
Then I realized

Michael kept his eyes closed while singing the song. The words came out of his mouth easily, just as when he had written them down first. It had only taken him a couple of hours to come up with the lyrics.

I’ve been looking for a lifeline
For what seems like a lifetime
I’m drowning in the pain
Breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline

Tony watched Michael as he lost himself in the song, knowing that his cousin was perfectly safe with the other man.

So I put out my hand
And I asked for some help
We tore down the walls I built around myself
I was struck by the light
And I fell to the ground

Max was surprised when the lyrics revealed yet another side to Michael and he knew Maria was responsible for it. Too bad he couldn’t sing, he thought, knowing Maria wouldn’t be able to stay mad at Michael after hearing the song.

There was silence in the radio station for several seconds after the song had ended and Michael opened his eyes slowly.

“Powerful,” Tony commented as the last strains of the music died down. “Must be someone pretty special to inspire lyrics like that.”

Michael placed the guitar next to him, not replying to Tony’s comment.

Tony turned his head to look at his producer, nodding when the man motioned to the board that was lit up like a Christmas tree. “Looks like the listeners enjoyed that and they’ve got somethin’ to say! Let’s take a call.” He waited for his producer to introduce the caller.

Chad, the producer, leaned forward, glancing down at his notes as he spoke. “We’ve got Kimberly on line two...” He rolled his eyes. “She wants to know how serious Michael is about his girlfriend and do they have an open relationship.”

Michael looked at Tony in surprise when he heard the question posed by the caller. “Uh... am I supposed to answer that?” he growled.

Tony grinned and punched the button for line two. “Hello, Kimberly, you’re on the air...”

“Hey, Tony,” the girl answered.

Maria sat up and leaned forward in the chair. “Open relationship? Is she kidding?!”
“Relax,” Isabel told her, “he’s not gonna say anything wrong after that song.”
“I’m not worried about him,” she denied. “And who is that little tramp? She sounds like she’s about 16 years old!”
“Well, hello Kimberly...” Michael started. “My relationship with my girlfriend is serious.” Great, that’s just what I wanna discuss on the radio, Michael thought as he leaned back, hoping that the girl wouldn’t ask anymore questions like that.

Tony bit back a grin at the look on Michael’s face and he leaned in toward the mic. “I think it’s safe to say this boy’s in a relationship that doesn’t allow for any... outside involvement. Matter of fact, I think it’d be safe to say that for all of them.” He flipped the switch, cutting the call. “Okay, Chad, who’s up next?”

Maria relaxed a little. I like that answer, she thought and grinned. Hopefully the next caller won’t be for Michael.

“We’ve got Clint on line four and he wants to know how these guys have settled for four girls from the sticks when there are so many California girls to choose from. The question is for any and all of the guys.”

He nodded at Tony so he could take the call.

Tony punched the button a little harder than necessary. “Clint, you’re on the air... and with an interesting question. Definitely ballsy of you to call in with that one. Who wants to tackle this one?”

“Well,” Max started, “I’d say that California doesn’t have a monopoly on girls that’re sexy and pretty, but those things don’t necessarily mean intelligence and substance.”

“Is he implying that we’re not pretty and sexy?” Tess asked furiously.

Kyle hurried to pick up the commentary when Max paused. Idiot, he railed silently, how could he leave it like that? “What Max means is that our girls are hot and sexy AND intelligent.” He kicked Max under the table. The guy was gonna get them all in even more hot water with the girls!

Tess grinned secretively. That’s my boy, she thought for a second before remembering that she was still mad at him.

“Clint, thanks for callin’,” Tony said, ending the call. “Okay, who’s next?”

“God, Tony, can’t you just end this interview?” Maria complained. She didn’t want to share her private life with all of Roswell and she had the feeling that there were more stupid listeners who would ask more questions like that.

“Next up we’ve got Allison; she went to school with the girls and she’s just wondering who’s with who and what was it that attracted you to the girls?”

“Is that Allison Porter?” Maria asked Tess.

Tess listened to the girl’s voice as she engaged in conversation with the guys. “Yes, it is! She would call in... what a bitch!”

“Well,” Alex started, “I’m with the beautiful and talented Isabel Whitman. And I can’t really say what attracted me to her. I just saw her and asked her out.”

“Yeah, he was real smooth,” Kyle muttered, rolling his eyes. “It only took my girlfriend Tess and the promise of access to his recordings of American Idol.”

The girl on the phone laughed. “Yeah, I know Tess. How’d you meet her?”

Isabel frowned as she closed her magazine and turned to look at Tess. “What’s Kyle talking about?”

Tess looked at her innocently. “Nothing.”

“Don’t give me that, Harding.” She shook her head. “What’s American Idol got to do with anything?”

Tess just shrugged. “I just agreed to encourage you to be a little more receptive towards Alex and in exchange he gave me access to some episodes of American Idol I had missed.”

“Uh-huh, thanks, Tess,” Isabel replied, not really mad at her.

“Shh,” Tess hissed when Kyle started to talk again.

“I met Tess at a bar near the campus first. We started to talk and flirt, but she told me she couldn’t go home with me ‘cause her best friends had some issues with my best friend,” Kyle grinned at Michael.

“Maria is her best friend,” Allison said thoughtfully.

Maria rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna kill her if I ever see her again.”

“Yeah, and my best friend is Michael,” Kyle said, knowing that it would make her even more suspicious.

“Uh-huh, and Michael... he’s the singer?”

“Bingo.” Kyle punched Michael on the arm, waggling his eyebrows.

“What’d Maria have against you, Michael?” the caller asked.

“Bitch,” Maria muttered. “Tess, your man has a big mouth,” she went on rambling.

Michael shifted uncomfortably as the spotlight was once again focused on him. “You’re a friend of Maria’s?” he asked, knowing that she wasn’t.

“Well, we just went to the same school.”

“Uh-huh, well, I’m sure if you were someone relevant she would’ve already shared that information with you.” He leaned forward and punched the button to disconnect the call as he glared at Tony.

“Ha!” Maria yelled. “That’s why I love him.”

Four pairs of eyes swung in her direction, wide with shock.

Oops, what’d she just say? “You know what I mean,” she tried to cover for her slip.

“That’s enough, man; I’m not answering questions like that,” Michael decided.

“We’ve got a call from Josh on line one,” Chad said. “Says he was at the club last night and he claims our boys here were involved in some sort of altercation over there.”

All of the guys groaned when they heard about Josh.

“Hi, Josh,” Tony greeted him. “What’s your question for my guests?”

“Just wonderin’ what your girls think about the fight? From personal experience with my own girl, it never matters if you’re protectin’ ‘em, they always get pissed at you... just wonderin’ if you guys had any insight into that?”

“Well I guess girls want to stand up for themselves or somethin’,” Michael started, “but to be honest, I’d rather get into a fight with my girl than let anyone touch her.”

“Yeah, but how d’you make them understand it’s not a matter of questioning if they can handle themselves?”

“Still workin’ on that one.”

“C’mon, Maria,” Brooke said, “you can’t be seriously mad at him.”

“You’ll understand when you start dating someone and he insists on steppin’ in any time some guy even thinks about makin’ a move on you.”

“It’s his first relationship, Maria. And he’s still not completely comfortable with his feelings.”

“And I understand that... it’s his ‘I’m the man and I’ll deal with any guy that so much as breathes in your direction’ thing that’s so annoying.”

“So that means your girl is still mad at you?”

Michael grinned, seeing the opportunity for some payback. “Not as mad as Kyle’s girlfriend is at him.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Josh asked. “How’re you plannin’ to get back on her good side, Kyle?”

Tess laughed. “There is absolutely nothing he can do.”

“What?” Liz asked, surprised. “There’s gotta be something otherwise you’d always be mad at him...” She shifted. “Personally, I’m tired of being mad at Max.”

“Oh, no, Liz, you can’t forgive him so fast.”

“But, he didn’t really do anything and I’m not really mad at him.”

“Well, knowing Tess, all I can do is hope that she’ll believe that I didn’t want a certain girl to give me a lap dance.”

“Oh, your girl’s not pissed at you because of a fight then?”

“No that’s Michael’s girl.”

“And I’m not discussin’ it,” Michael growled.

“Alright, Josh, we’re gonna have to cut you out; there’re a few more people who want to talk to the guys.”

Tess leaned back in her chair when Tony said that the interview with the boys would continue after the next song. She chewed on her lip, thinking about what to do about the whole situation. Suddenly she sprang up from her chair wildly. “Tess,” the hairdresser sighed, “how am I supposed to style your wild curls when you’re movin’ around all the time?”

“You have to call the radio station!” Tess pointed at the woman with a genius smile.

The poor woman took several steps back as she shook her head. “Oh, no...”

“Oh, yes! This will be so much fun!” Tess clapped her hands.

Maria rolled her eyes at her best friend. “Sweetie, sit down and relax, okay?”

“And what exactly is she supposed to say?” Isabel asked, already suspecting where Tess’ idea was going.

The girl shrugged. “She just asks Kyle how he thinks his girlfriend should have reacted after that.” She turned to the woman. “C’mon, please? It’s just one question. I would do it myself, but he’ll know my voice or their voices,” she pointed to Maria, Isabel, Liz and Brooke.

The woman was still shaking her head when Tess smiled and put the phone in her hand.

“Isn’t this a little underhanded?” Liz asked.

“I’ll give you an extra, extra tip for this,” Tess promised. “And, no, Liz, it’s not!”

Liz shrugged and went back to her magazine as she chewed on the tip of her little finger. “Too bad you can’t work in how I should’ve reacted to Max havin’ a fit over me talkin’ to my ex,” she muttered aloud without thinking.

“Did you hear that?” Tess asked the woman. “Ask that one, too!”

“What? No, no, no!” Liz scrambled to stop Tess before she could convince the woman to ask that question too.

“Why not?”

“It never hurts to get a little insight into guys,” Maria advised. “It’s hard to get them to give you a straight answer sometimes.”

“Well... alright, but just the one question for Max,” Liz capitulated.

“Shh... I’m almost on the air,” the woman said.

Tony glanced at his producer when Chad motioned to get his attention. “Looks like our next caller is Bridget; she’s callin’ from the next town over and she’s wonderin’ how these guys think their girls should’ve reacted to their different situations last night.”

Tony bit back a smirk. Another advantage to small town living, he thought. Bridget was one of the women who worked at the spa where the girls went to get away for a day. Did they really think he’d forget that?

He pressed the button to bring her call up. “Hello, Bridget, I understand you’ve got a question for our boys?” He nodded when she repeated the question and he was positive that Tess had put it together and most likely promised a fat tip if the woman called in for her since none of the guys would recognize her voice.

“Hey, um, yeah, I wanted to know how the guys think their girls should’ve reacted to their situations.”

Michael snorted. Trick question, he thought. Sounded like the kinda thing Maria would come up with. “Let’s turn that around,” he countered. “Do you think a guy should just let another guy put his hands all over his girl and just stand there and do nothin’?”

“Yeah,” Kyle said, jumping in, “and since I’ve given my girlfriend no reason to question my commitment to her, she should’ve known that the lap dance was not my idea. And she sure as hell should’ve listened to me when I tried to explain instead of goin’ off on me.”

Alex held his hands up when Tony looked at him. “Don’t look at me; I’ve got things settled with Isabel, so there’s no need to go over that again.”

Max cleared his throat when the focus shifted to him and he shrugged. “I’d be happy to keep our issues between me an’ my girl... and Liz, I know you’re listenin’, so if you’ll stop takin’ Tess’ advice and just talk to me, I think we can work this out without all the outside interference.”

“How dare he imply that I’m interfering!” Tess huffed indignantly.

“Because you are, girl!”

“See?” Liz grumbled, “I should’ve just gone to get him when he called last night.”

“I second that,” Michael agreed.

Kyle slowly smiled as he leaned forward. “Bridget... just out of curiosity, you wouldn’t happen to work at a spa, would you?”

The woman’s eyes widened in surprise and she looked at the girls helplessly. They all shook their heads no wildly.

“Um, no, no, I don’t.”

“Uh-huh, you can tell my girlfriend that I think the exact same thing I thought last night... I wasn’t wrong and I won’t apologize for what some girl did when I wasn’t involved in any way.”

Bridget hung up the phone immediately. “Okay, that’s enough of that,” she told Tess.

Tess stomped her foot angrily when Kyle called her out. “Damn it!” she exploded. “How dare he just put it out there like that for all of Roswell to hear!”

“Um, you started it, Tess,” Liz reminded her and immediately stuck her nose back in her magazine when the agitated blond turned to glare at her.

“You think Michael’s right?” Maria asked Isabel.

“I think if he had stood there and just let Billy get away with putting his hands all over you then you’d have a better reason to question his actions.” She shook her head. “Michael isn’t the kind of guy who’s ever gonna stand back and just let another guy touch you... and you know that.”

Maria sighed. “Yeah, I know. I’m not really mad at him because he did what he did. It’s just, he has to think before he does things. I don’t want him to get into any trouble.”

Liz looked back up when Maria spoke again. “Wouldn’t it be easier if you just told him that?”

Maria stuck her tongue out at the younger girl. “Wouldn’t it be easier if you explained to Max why you and Sean are still friends and why he keeps showin’ up to talk to you?”

“Shh,” Tess interrupted them when Tony spoke again.

“Alright, folks, we have a new caller. And it’s also an interesting one,” he said, excited. “Joy, what d’you have to say?”

“Hi, I’m the girl who gave Kyle the lap dance last night,” she admitted. “I just wanted to clarify that he had nothing to do with it; I lost a bet and my friends and I were looking for a guy who looked like he’d be a good sport about getting a lap dance from a stranger. Picking him was actually a mistake because we were told that the group of guys at the bar were taken with the exception of the one on the end... I guess I picked the guy at the wrong end. So, I just wanted to apologize because it sounds like you’re in trouble with your girlfriend and that was never my intention.” She cleared her throat. “And the truth is, he told me right away that I should stop because he had a girlfriend and she wasn’t going to appreciate the show, but I just wanted to get that damn bet over with, so it’s really my fault.”

“Thank you!” Kyle shouted from the background.

“God,” Tess muttered, “now he’s gonna be insufferable.”

“Just because you wanted to leave him in jail, Tess. The poor guy... it wasn’t his fault and what the girl said was the truth; I told them that the guys were all taken except for Tony. But he was standing at the other end of the bar,” Maria tied to convince her.

“I hate bein’ the one who has to apologize,” she ranted as she paced around.

Isabel hid a smile behind her magazine. She was so glad she and Alex had worked things out the night before.

“Now, that’s a nice twist, huh?” Tony said as if the question was directed at Tess. “Alright, we’ve got one last caller for this afternoon. A lot of you know him. It’s Brian, the owner of a pretty cool club right here in the middle of Roswell. Hey, dude, what’s goin’ on?” Tony had known Brian for a long time and was curious to find out what he was up to.

“How’s it hangin’, T-man?” Brian greeted. “I happened to be tuned in this afternoon and I heard your friends playin’. As you know I have a live band several nights a week and my band for tonight cancelled, which kinda leaves me in a bad spot... so, I’m wonderin’ if they’d be willin’ to fill in for the night?”

“Uh-oh, nice,” Tony answered, interested. “Michael, Kyle, what d’you guys say?”

“Hell, I’m in,” Kyle agreed. “I don’t have any other plans tonight.”

“That’s not exactly true, Valenti,” Michael disagreed. “You’ve got a date with a couch, don’t you?”

“Shut up, Guerin!” Kyle replied. “Yo, Brian, you have someone who can play an electric guitar over there? ‘Cause we really need a third person.”

Tony leaned back in a casual sprawl. “I’ve been known to play a little guitar on occasion.”

“A little guitar, huh?” Michael asked doubtfully.

“What? You think I can’t hold my own with you guys?” he challenged.

Michael shook his head. “I think Maria would’ve mentioned it if you had any musical talent.”

Tony rolled his eyes. “You and Maria talk about everything, huh?”

He fought to keep his defenses from slamming into place at the personal question. Instead of answering he turned to look at his brother. “You in to play the keyboard? No singin’ though, because you couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket if it had two handles.”

“I think I can do that,” Alex agreed.

“Cool. So, about havin’ someone who can play electric guitar, Brian...” Michael said, waiting to see if the guy knew anyone.

Brooke frowned. “I can play... why didn’t he think of me?”

“’Cause it’s a guy night and we’re not supposed to be around,” Maria said.

“Oh, yeah,” Brooke snorted, “like you guys won’t show up there.”

“Of course we won’t,” Tess stated seriously.

“Uh-huh, whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “Who’s gonna do backup vocals? Alex can’t carry a tune and whoever they get to play with them won’t know the songs.”

When Brian told them that he had to check around, another idea came to Michael’s mind. “It’s okay, my younger sister will be able to do it. That is if Tess hasn’t pulled her to the wrong side already.”

Tony grinned as he ended the call with Brian, assuring him that the guys would give him a call after the show to work the details out. “So, little miss Brooke... why don’t you give us a call and tell us if you’ve been pulled over to the dark side by that mistress of darkness Tess, or if you’re feelin’ generous enough to take pity on your big brother and give him a hand tonight.”

“Don’t you dare call him,” Tess said when Brooke was about to pull her phone out. “You’d be admitting that we had heard all of this.”

“I’m not leavin’ him hangin’ like that. Besides, they already know we’re listening.”

“Not for sure! Come on, Brooke, you can call him later.”

“He’s gonna be hurt if I don’t call him.” She frowned. “He’ll think I’m takin’ your side.”

“Bullshit. Just wait an hour and then call him.”

“Fine, but I’m tellin’ him you made me wait.”

“What? No! You won’t tell him anything like that.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Shut up,” she turned in her seat to present her new hairstyle to the girls. “Whatcha think?”

Isabel nodded. “Definitely suits you.” She waggled her eyebrows playfully. “I know a guy who’s gonna love it.”

Tess shook her head. “We aren’t doin’ this for the guys!”

Maria glanced in the mirror. “I love it. It kinda looks more adult and... sexy.” She wondered if Michael would notice the difference. Men never cared about stuff like this.

Tess threw herself back down in her chair, ignoring her hairdresser’s sound of exasperation.

Tony raised an eyebrow when Brooke didn’t call in and he shot a quick glance at Michael who only shrugged.

“She’ll be there tonight,” he said confidently. “Tess is just tryin’ to prove that the girls are in control... and that’s okay... they’re welcome to their little fantasy world.”

Kyle shook his head at Michael’s comment. “You do know that I’m not interested in bein’ at war with Tess for the rest of this year, right?”

“Well, then you’d better do something quickly, Valenti, ’cause your girl’s a bad influence! And she’s makin’ life difficult for the rest of us.”

“Okay, that’s it!” Tess snarled, snatching her phone up and dialing the radio station. She was not putting up with anymore abuse from any of them. They were all acting like this entire mess was her fault!

Tony grinned widely when he was told that Tess was on the phone. He pressed the button, but before he could say a word, the girl started to yell.

“Kyle Valenti, I can’t believe you went on the air and told half of the southwestern United States about what happened last night! And then you just sit there while your best friend talks like that about me? You think things were cold last night? You’d better hope to God that I don’t throw your short ass out in the street after this! And as for you, Michael Guerin, I am so gonna kick your ass for tellin’ people that I’m a bad influence! If it weren’t for me – “

“If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be stuck with two guys who spent the night on the couch because of you jumpin’ to conclusions and interferin’ in other people’s relationships,” Michael interrupted.

Kyle bit back a smile as he forced his voice to stay level. “Back it up just a minute. Did you just call me short?”

“I just told you you’re gonna be sleepin’ in the streets and your only reaction is to my comment on your height?” she demanded.

“Oh, look at the time. Sorry, folks, but our show is over,” Tony said as he kicked Tess off of the line. “Have a nice day and remember that the guys and I will be at Brian’s club tonight. Alone.”

Tess shrieked when the line went dead and she heard Tony’s announcement. Half of the female population in Roswell would show up at the club tonight, damn it!
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 95 - 2/18/10

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: We kinda thought so too. He’s doing great, huh?

Max hasn’t come this far just to be derailed by Tess!

Tess’ tantrum has just about run its course.

We’ll see Michael’s reaction to Maria’s hair soon.

We’re gonna make sure Billy gets that warning… girls too!

keepsmiling7: She will!

Natalie36: Makin’ up’s coming soon. Candy/Dreamer not far away! You should enjoy the trip to the cabin since the first couple of days up in Tahoe won’t include Kyle/Tess or Alex/Isabel. Lots of Max/Liz and Michael/Maria for ya!

mary mary: LOL, we’re glad you’re enjoying it!

80s_UnLove_Child: Oh, she’s gonna try…

The guys are holding their own.

Well, Billy and his little friends have been warned to stay away, but we’ll see.

Alien_Friend: Tess is doing her best to keep the girls on her side, lol.

Thanks! Ya know Tony was gonna stick his nose into things, but he provided an excellent opportunity for our guys! Glad you liked the song.

Well, ya know the girls can’t just let the guys go out alone now!

Oh, they’re gonna get a chance… and if it helps, the two couples will be going up to Tahoe for several days before the others… lots of Candy/Dreamer moments.

zaneri1: These guys know better than to be so close without gifts!

They may start tuning her out soon. Michael and Maria will get those issues all sorted out. Liz’s parents… yeah, that’s coming soon. Kyle isn’t about to let Tess get the best of him.

Thanks! We’re glad you’re enjoying the story!

Cardinal: Oh, Tess is going to eventually realize that she’s not gonna win this one.

That’s an excellent quote – and very true!

And deal with them, they will.

The guys did do well, huh? We were pretty proud of them.

kismet: Hope it was a good surprise!

Well… we can assure you that there is some Candy/Dreamer coming up!

kay_b: Why? We may find out. They’ll get it figured out… Tess too.

begonia9508: Well, we’ve never denied that Tess is riding the crazy train!

You really think Brooke would leave Michael? Nah.

Yup, Liz is about done with Tess’ little tantrum.

sarammlover: You’re not alone there! We’ll see that reaction soon.

Maiqu: Tony makes a good radio personality, doesn’t he?

That might happen soon.

Part 95 – You Can’t Stay Mad Forever

Maria parked in front of the building that housed the studio for Roswell’s best photographer.

Liz frowned. “What’re we doin’ here? I thought we were going out to eat now?”

“That doesn’t look like a restaurant,” Brooke considered. “But if we’re gonna get out of this car, I won’t complain.” She was sitting between Tess and Liz in the backseat. “Why the hell didn’t we take two cars?”

Maria ignored the younger girl and turned to Liz. “Tess and I made an appointment here. Do you guys mind?”

Tess crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ve changed my mind,” she muttered. “I don’t wanna do this anymore.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “C’mon, Tess. You begged this photographer for almost an hour over the phone until we got this appointment.”

“And I was talkin’ to Kyle at that point.”

Liz glanced between the two of them. “An appointment for what exactly?”

“A little photo shoot,” Maria waggled her eyebrows mysteriously.

“Huh-uh,” Brooke said, shaking her head, “you guys aren’t doin’ some kinda sexy pics are you?”

“Think your brother’s gonna like it?” Maria asked with a smirk.

“My brother would like anything you gave him,” the teenager said with an eye roll.

Isabel turned around in the passengers’ seat to look at Brooke. “Hey, wanna go over there?” she asked, pointing at a building across the street. “It’s a very nice little coffee shop and they have the best cupcakes in the world.”

“If it means avoiding any further damage to my mental health.” She grinned at Maria. “Hey, ya know I love you and I love that you and Michael are together an’ all, but there’s no reason to know too much about what you guys have got goin’ on.”

“Cool.” Isabel climbed out of the car and glanced at Liz. “Wanna come with us?”

“I’ll come with you,” Tess said even though she hadn’t been invited.

“Tess,” Maria complained. “You seriously aren’t gonna do this? Come on!”

“I don’t really see the point now.”

“Are ya planning to stay mad at Kyle over Christmas?”

“Nothing is set in stone yet.” She crossed her arms over her chest. She didn’t fully understand this whole fight herself and she wasn’t sure why she couldn’t just let it go. “Look, the photographer had two spots reserved for us so take Liz with you.”

Liz shook her head. “What kinda pics are you guys talkin’ about exactly?” She knew there was no telling with these two.

“Nothing totally naked,” Maria assured her. “You can pick out some sexy clothes or lingerie.”

“Uh-huh...” Liz repeated slowly. “How close to naked is ‘nothing totally naked’?”

Maria shrugged. “I guess you can just decide on your own how far ya wanna go.”

Liz’ eyes widened in shock. “You mean you could be like, totally naked if you wanted to be?”

“Yeah, sure. But guys like it more when some of your body’s hidden in sexy clothes.” She smirked at her friend.

“That’s true,” Tess said. “C’mon, Liz, Max would love it.”

“I don’t know...” Liz couldn’t deny that there was a part of her that wanted to do it. Sometimes she just wanted to burst out and do something a little daring. Not full nudity daring, she thought silently, but there wasn’t anything wrong with wanting to give her boyfriend this type of photograph. And she did feel better about herself since she and Max had gotten together.

“Max is gonna freak out,” Maria added.

“In a good way or a bad way?” Liz asked uncertainly.

“In a good way of course.”

“Yeah, go on, Liz,” Tess assured her, “knock that Texan on his ass.”

“Are you sure you don’t wanna do this anymore?” she asked the curly blonde.

“Nope.” Okay, she really did, but she wasn’t going to while she and Kyle were fighting.

“You’re gonna regret this,” Maria said to her, shaking her head.

“No, I won’t,” she denied even though she could hear the little voice in her head calling her a liar.

“Then come with us at least.”

“Alright, but don’t try to talk me into takin’ a pic ‘cause I’m not gonna do it.”

“Whatever,” Maria said in a sing-song voice as they got all out of the car. “We’ll come over to the coffee shop when we’re done,” she told Isabel.

“Take your time,” Isabel said as she and Brooke started to cross the street. “Hector’s actually been quiet this morning so I intend to enjoy eating something that I like for once.”

“Hector,” Maria snorted as they started to walk towards the studio.

Liz followed Maria, wondering what she had just gotten herself into. What if she just looked stupid doing this? She had no idea what she was even doing!

“Relax, girl,” Maria told Liz when she noticed her friend’s nervousness.

“I’m relaxed,” Liz said, tossing her hair back and then ruining it by tripping on the curb.

The woman behind the counter glanced up when they walked inside. She smiled politely, “Hi. Do you guys have an appointment?”

Tess nodded. “DeLuca and Harding, but you can cancel Harding and pencil in Parker.” She motioned to Liz. “She’s gonna take my spot.”

“Okay, you sure? We’re pretty much booked up until spring.”


“Alright.” She leaned over the counter and glanced to the right. “Val?”

A tall black haired woman appeared in the hallway. “Yeah?”

“Your appointment’s here.”

Liz was relieved to see that the photographer was a woman. She could do this... she wanted to do this.

“Oh, good,” she walked towards the girls. “Hey, I’m Val. Which one of you wants to be first?”

“She does,” Liz blurted out nervously.

“I’ll go first.” Maria turned to look at Liz. “No one’s gonna try to talk you into doin’ anything you’re not comfortable with.”

Liz nodded. “I know.”

They followed the older woman into another room. “Sooo... do you already have an idea about what ya want, Maria? You are Maria, right?”

“I am.” Maria grinned. “I haven’t quite decided. What would you suggest?” It never hurt to get a professional opinion.

“Hmm...” She studied the young woman for several seconds. “The pic’s for your boyfriend, right? Does he have any interesting hobbies? Or can you think of anything else he likes a lot?”

“Hmm... things he likes a lot... well, me of course, then there’s the usual – sex, sports, and cars.”

“Maria!” Liz gasped.

“What? It’s true!”

Val laughed. “Okay... you think he’d like to see you in a car? We have a model car we use and we can manipulate the photo after taking it and turn it into a car he would like... or if you want to have the whole focus just on you, we can take some pics in sexy clothes or lingerie with a black background... maybe with a fluffy fur on the ground where you could lay down…”

“Hmm... there’s something so primal about that last one, so let’s go with it.”

Val nodded. “What would you like to wear? How much ya wanna cover?”

“Not much... let’s keep it very basic.”

“Basic....” Val mumbled and glanced through the different outfits. “Oh, I like this one here,” she took out some simple black lingerie. “Not too much in the way of designs on it; it’s very simple, but very sexy as well.”

“What color is the fur?” Maria asked.


“Then, yes, I think this’ll work perfectly. Simple, sexy... um-hmm, Michael will love it.”

“Alright,” she handed the negligee over to Maria. “You can change over there and I’ll get the fur ready.”

“Okay, thanks.” Maria looked at Liz. “See? Very simple.”

“We’ll see,” the other girl muttered.

Tess grinned at the case of nerves Liz was experiencing. “You’ll be fine, Liz. Trust me, a good photographer will practically make you forget he or she is even in the room with you.”

Maria came out of the little room behind the curtains a few minutes later. “Oh, wow, you look totally hot,” Tess said. The black lingerie fit Maria’s slim body very well and the small hem trimmed with lace made it even sexier.

“You do look really pretty, Maria,” Liz agreed.

Val walked up in front of her. “Your hair looks great, we don’t have to change that at all. You wanna use some eye shadow? We could make your eyes a little darker... that would look a little bit more... daring.”

“Daring is good,” Maria said. “Let’s go for it.”

“Okay,” Val glanced at Liz. “Feel free to look around while I’m helping Maria.”

Liz nodded and bit her lower lip as she glanced around. She really had no idea what she was doing and she was scared to ask Tess for her opinion. There was just no telling what kind of costume her friend would have her in.

“Hey, what about this?” Tess walked up to the clothes rack and picked out a very small denim skirt. It was more like an oversized belt than a skirt, but it would look so good on her friend.

“That doesn’t really leave much to the imagination.” She glanced over her shoulder, making sure the photographer was out of earshot. “I don’t want Max to think I’m... I don’t know... slutty?” She wondered if Tess was going to laugh at her now.

“He won’t think that, Liz,” Tess denied. “Besides all the important parts are covered with this and that leaves A LOT of room for imagination, Liz. And you could wear this,” she grabbed a white strapless top that almost looked like a corsage.

“Really?” Her mother would have a completely different opinion. Her fingers trailed over the top that Tess had picked out. “It is nice.” Could she pull it off though?

“It’s not nice, it’s sexy.”

“It’s just weird to say that... ya know, about... about things related to me.”

“Have you even taken a look in the mirror lately, girl? You are so pretty, there is nothing you need to worry about.”

“I was feeling more confident in California... now we’re back in Roswell and I just feel like I did before Max. Unsure of myself and like I’m gonna disappoint my parents.” She sighed.

Tess shook her head. “We have to work on your way of thinkin’ about yourself, Parker.” Both girls glanced up when Maria and Val came back into the room.

“You’re already done?” Liz asked.

“Just with my face, girl,” Maria gestured to her eyes.

Tess waggled her eyebrows. “Damn, if I was a lesbian...”

Maria laughed. “I know you and Kyle are fighting right now, but don’t get any ideas.”

Val took the beige fur and arranged it on the ground in front of a big blue background. “We’re gonna change the blue to black after we take the photos.”

“When will the photos be ready?” Liz asked.

“Oh, if ya wait about 30 minutes after the shoot you can take them with you.”

“Really? That’s quick.”

“We invested a lot of money last year, so we have the newest technology right here in the office.”

Liz watched curiously as Val finished checking her camera equipment and then made some final arrangements to the fur before she was satisfied.

“Okay, Maria! Come over here and get comfortable.”

Maria lowered herself to the fur and ran her fingers through it as she smiled. “It’s soft... very sensual, sexy, and erotic.” She glanced up at Tess. “I have got to get one of these.” She debated about the pose, wondering which one Michael would think was the sexiest.

“Maybe you could lay on your stomach first, prop your arm up and let your chin rest in your hands. Maybe lift your lower legs up too.”

“You must’ve read my mind.” Maria shifted into the suggested position, bending her legs at the knees and crossing her ankles.

Val nodded and crouched down to take the first pictures. “Okay, can you raise your upper body a little bit more? We wanna give your boy a better view, don’t we?”

Maria grinned and lifted herself up just a bit. “He does enjoy visual stimulation.”

Tess rolled her eyes. “Every man does. You man isn’t an exception, DeLuca.”

Val laughed and move to the left to take a pic of Maria which showed more of the rest of her body.

“I assure you, my man is THE exception.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re just pissy because you’ve put Kyle in the doghouse and you don’t even know why.”

“Uh-huh... and what exactly did you do with Michael? And don’t tell me now that he sang that song for you…”

“I know why Michael did what he did and he probably didn’t deserve to be kicked outta bed last night... that has nothin’ to do with the song.”

Val paused, right eyebrow raised. “Those were your guys on the radio?” she asked, glancing around at all of them.

Liz nodded. “Yeah, our glorious boyfriends.”

She smirked and turned back to Maria. “So, the song was for you?” She lifted the camera up once more, snapping off more pictures.

Maria couldn’t hide her smile. “Yeah.”

Um-hmm, Val thought as her subject’s eyes came alive, there was nothing sexier than a woman who was loved and satisfied by that one special man.

“He was just singing that song to get back into your bed,” Tess said, smirking.

“Whatever. Michael wouldn’t have put himself out there like that just to get back into my bed.”

“Wanna turn around?” Val asked.

Maria followed the photographer’s directions and resituated herself. “How’s that?”

“Very good. Maybe you could bite your lower lip a little...”

Tess rolled her eyes. “I don’t even wanna know what you’re thinkin’ about,” she muttered when Maria paused for a moment before doing as instructed.

Val took her time, taking a lot of different pictures of Maria until she was sure that there would be plenty of quality ones they could choose from. “Alright, I think I have all I need now.”

“You’re sure? Because I want them to be perfect.”

The older woman nodded. “Yeah. Unless you’ve got something special you wanna try?”

“No, I’m good. Just wanna make sure these pics make Michael stand up and pay attention.”

“They so will,” Val said grinning and turning to Liz. “Did ya already take a look at the clothes?”

“Um, yeah...” Liz bit her bottom lip and glanced at Maria. “What do you think about this outfit?” she asked uncertainly as she pointed at the clothes Tess had picked out.

Maria grinned. “That would definitely fit your body.”

“You don’t think it’d be... too much?” She glanced at the barely there clothes. “Well, y’know what I mean.”

“No, it’ll look really great on you, girl.”

Tess shook her head at the conversation. “Besides, Max will love it.”

“Oh, yeah,” Maria nodded.

Liz nodded and took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m gonna do this.”

“She’s a little unsure about it,” Maria told Val when Liz had disappeared into the other room to change.

“I’m gonna try to make it as comfortable as possible for her.”

“She’ll be fine if you can get her to relax. Get her focused on her boyfriend and you’ll have it made.”

Liz pulled the curtain slightly back after she had changed and glanced out.

“Come on, Liz. Show us!” Tess told her.

“I’m not sure about this,” she said hesitantly as she inched out from behind the curtain.

Maria’s eyes grew wide. “You’re not sure? Damn, that looks really hot, Liz.”

“Really?” Liz stood up a little straighter and glanced down at herself.

“Of course,” Val nodded. “Your boy’s gonna go wild.”

“Okay, let’s do this before I chicken out.”

“Tell me something about him. What ya think he would like?”

“Um... Max is... he’s really into sports, he’s very outdoors-y...”

Maria bit back a grin when Liz looked at her helplessly. “Don’t give her a list of things he likes, girl; tell her about Max.”

“Oh, well, Max is...” she smiled softly. “He’s attractive, sweet and caring, a little demanding at times.” She blushed lightly. “Sexy, too.”

“You think he’d like to see you outdoors? We’ve got a little garden outside behind the studio. It’s surrounded by trees and hedges. Nobody would see you and we could take some pics of you leaning on a tree maybe. The outfit would fit.”

Liz nodded. “Yeah, I think that sounds good.” She glanced at Maria for reassurance.

“Yeah, the sun is setting; that totally fits.”

She turned to the photographer. “Okay, yeah, let’s do that then.”

Val nodded. “Alright, this way,” she gestured to a door. “I’ll be right with you.”

Liz nodded and headed for the door, resisting the urge to tug the short skirt down over her thighs.

“Look they have a hammock,” Maria said and gestured at the trees as she came outside after putting her own clothes on. “That could be a cool location for pics as well.”

“What, like in the hammock?”


Damn, the skirt just barely covered her privates, Liz thought. And Maria thought she should lie down in the hammock? “Um, really?” How was that supposed to work?

“You don’t have to... It was just a thought.”

“No, I’m just trying to figure out the logistics.”

“You still have your underwear on, right?”

“What? Yes!”

Tess laughed at Liz’ scandalized tone.

“Ah, you already saw the hammock,” Val said as she came into the garden.

“You think it would make a... sexy pic?” Liz asked, trying hard not to blush as she used the word in reference to herself.

“Sure... you could lie down and I can use a ladder to climb a little higher so I can take a pic of you from there.”

“Okay, but if I fall out do me a favor and don’t take a pic of that.”

“Don’t think of the worst Liz. Get your cute ass in the hammock,” Maria said.

“My cute ass,” Liz muttered under her breath as she cautiously maneuvered herself into the hammock.

Val had gotten the ladder and placed it next to the hammock, in a position where it wouldn’t throw a shadow on Liz. “Okay, have ya ever seen Titanic, Liz?”

Her eyes widened comically. “Oh, my God... you want me to pose with my top off?”

Val laughed. “No, but can you remember the way Rose placed her hand next to her head and how she held her head while he drew her?”

“Oh, yeah, sure, I can do that.” Hopefully without throwing myself to the ground. She moved into the requested position and glanced up at Val. “Like this?”

“Yeah,” Val took the first few pics. “Turn your head a little more to the side, but still look into the camera.”

Liz moved her head slightly, keeping her gaze locked on the camera lens. She let her thoughts turn to Max and she smiled as she thought about his reaction to the photographs.

“Very good, Liz.” Val climbed a little lower on the ladder. “Maybe you can lay your other hand on the hem of the shirt and push it upwards just a little bit.”

Another round of nerves caused Liz’ stomach to knot up for a moment, but she relaxed again as she let thoughts of Max distract her and she imagined that it was his hand touching her, slowly pushing her shirt up to reveal more skin.

“Our little girl,” Maria mumbled, smiling as she and Tess watched Liz.

“Alright, now gaze away from the camera... as if you’re daydreaming. Look up into the sky and try to think of something that would make you smile.”

“Why do I think she must be remembering something Max has done or something she wants him to do?” Tess asked when she saw the smile on their young friend’s face.

“Yeah, probably...”


Maria walked in the house around 7pm. She wanted to see if Michael was home. Maybe they could talk before they went out again; she didn’t want to fight with him anymore. “Hey Mom,” she greeted her mother when she walked through the living room. “Is Michael home?”

Amy looked up when her daughter walked in the house. “No, I haven’t seen him since this morning.”

Damn, he was probably hanging out with Tony then. “Oh, okay.”

“What’s going on with you two?”

“We had a little fight as the entire Southwest now knows.”

“Um-hmm... little? Guys do not normally end up sleeping on the couch for a ‘little’ fight.”

Maria sighed. “Do we really have to talk about this now, Mom?”

“Yeah, I think we do. Did you even bother to ask him if he was alright when he came home last night?”

“Well, he could walk on his own, he could talk… So, he was okay besides the cut. Wasn’t he?”

“Are you really that angry with him for getting involved when Billy showed up? It wasn’t just a cut, Maria; it had to be stitched up.”

“I’m not really mad at him because he got involved, well, at least not for the reason he thinks I’m mad.”

“Did you try to explain why you’re mad at him? Because he seemed awfully convinced that this is about Billy.”

“No,” Maria admitted.

“And what is this about you telling him you might stay here over Christmas?”

“That was just teasing. He knows that I didn’t mean it seriously.”

“You’re sure about that?”

Maria frowned. “Did he say something to you?”


Maria rolled her eyes when her mom didn’t go on. “What’d he say?”

“He thinks you’d rather stay here than go up to Lake Tahoe with him.”

Shit, she really hadn’t meant to make him think that. “I’m gonna talk to him, Mom.”

“Well, I hope you’re not gonna make him wait long because that boy genuinely cares about you, Maria.”

“You know, Mom, one day you’re worried that it’s just sex that Michael wants and the next you’re tellin’ me he cares about me. I already know that.”

“Then why are you treating him like this?” She shook her head. “We’re agreed that men need to know their place, but it’s possible to do that without hurting them... and he plays it off well, but last night hurt him.”

Maria bit her inner cheek. “Well, sorry that I’m not perfect, Mom!” With that she ran up the stairs to her room to change her clothes so she could go out to meet the girls at the restaurant they had agreed on.

Amy rolled her eyes and got to her feet, following her dramatic daughter. “You wouldn’t be getting this defensive if you didn’t know I’m right,” she said as she stood in the doorway of Maria’s bedroom.

“I already told you that I’ll talk to him, Mom. But as you said he’s not here and I’m not doin’ it on the phone.”

“I’m not taking sides, Maria. You wanted me to accept him, to see what you see in him, and I think that I do see some of what you see. When I first met him I knew your relationship with him was sexual, but I also knew there was more to it.” She smiled when Maria made a sound of impatience. “I’m backing off now. Don’t put him out on the couch again tonight,” she warned as she went back downstairs.

After taking a deep breath, Maria undressed and looked around her room to find her favorite pair of tight jeans.


Michael grabbed a beer and sat down on the stage while the others got ready behind him. He pulled his cell phone out and looked down at it, wondering why Maria hadn’t responded to his earlier text. She had to be seriously pissed if she was ignoring text messages, too.

Oh, well, he couldn’t get any sappier than he had earlier that afternoon, he thought as his thumb punched in a message. He was tired of pretenses and he had realized that with Maria it was all or nothing, so with that in mind he hit the send button and then shoved his phone back in his pocket.

Brooke nudged him with her foot and he looked up at her. “What’s up, brat?”

“Sexting Maria?” she teased.

He choked on the swallow of beer he had just taken and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he shook his head at his sister. “What’d you just say?”

“You heard me,” Brooke said as she sat down next to him.

“You’re growin’ up too fast,” he muttered.

“Is she still mad at you?”

“Well, she’s still not talkin’ to me.”

“You were right... on the radio I mean. Tess is a bad influence.”

“I know. Between you an’ me, I don’t think she means to cause so much trouble most of the time, but we’re never gonna tell her that, are we?”

“No.” Brooke stared down at the ground. “Can I ask you somethin’?”

“You can ask me anything, brat.” He gave her a gentle shove with his shoulder. “You know that.”

“Do you love her?”

Michael reached up to scratch his eyebrow and he cleared his throat. Of course the kid would come up with that question. Why couldn’t she ask him something simple? “Wow, where’d that come from?”

Brooke shrugged. “I was just wondering. It’s okay, you don’t have to answer.”

“Well, no, I’m not tryin’ to get outta answerin’ it; I was just wonderin’ what brought it up.”

“I guess it was the song you sang this afternoon.”

“Maria hear it, too?”

“Of course she did.”

“Of course she did,” he mocked, grinning as he collared her with his left arm. “She say anything?”

“No, not much, but I think she was just keeping her thought to herself ‘cause Tess was bitchin’ around all day. You could see that she was really nervous.”

“You think it made Maria nervous?”

“Nervous before you sang it; wondering if it was for her when you said it was written for someone special.”

He snorted. “I hope she knew by the time it was over.” He rubbed his eyebrow. “It sounds better when it’s played with the right equipment.”

“It was great, Michael, don’t worry about that.” She let her head rest on his shoulder. “And she definitely knew that it was for her.”

“So, how’d she seem after the song?” He rolled his eyes. “Besides bein’ quiet.”

“Um, happy... proud... overwhelmed.”

“Yeah?” He couldn’t control the smile as he looked at the floor. “Cool.”

“Um-hmm, you don’t have to worry about that, just don’t be disappointed if she doesn’t show up tonight. Tess told everyone to not go. I doubt that they’ll really listen, but ya never know.”

“Tess isn’t gonna stop them from doin’ anything they wanna do. Well... she might have more influence over Liz, but not the other two.”

“Want me to call her?”

“Nah.” He didn’t want to admit that he’d sent several texts that were still unanswered.

“Hey, Brooke,” Max said as he hopped up to sit next to her. “What’s the scoop on my girl? Think she’ll show tonight?”

“Well, if Tess is out of sight, maybe.”

“She still pissed at me?”

“No, actually she said the opposite, but of course our Tess told her she can’t give in.”

Max grinned and shifted the ever-present toothpick to the right side of his mouth. “She’ll show then.”

“Have you heard anything from Brendan yet?” Brooke turned to Michael again. “I was wondering how things are goin’ with Karen.”

“I talked to him last night and he said he had found her and that things were goin’ well. I guess he ended up flyin’ to New York because she wasn’t in Boston.” He shrugged. “Couldn’t get much more than that out of him and he didn’t stay on the phone long. I guess her mom must still watch kids because there was one screamin’ in the background.”

“I wish he would spend Christmas with us.”

“Put it on your Christmas list, kid,” Kyle said, tapping one of his drumsticks on the top of her head as he walked behind them.

“Yeah,” Alex agreed, “we’re kinda doin’ the family thing the day after Christmas, so maybe he’ll change his mind and fly up to join us.”

Brooke got to her feet too. “I guess I’m gonna go pee before we get started, and Michael?”

“Thanks for the 411, kid,” Max muttered.

“What’s up?” Michael asked.

“I am well aware of the fact that you actually talked yourself out of answering my original question,” she said with a smirk.

“No clue what you’re talkin’ about.” He dropped down to the floor. “I’m gonna grab a drink before we get started.”

Brooke shook his head at him. Well, it was okay that he hadn’t answered directly. One day he would.

Alex glanced up when Isabel sat down next to him on the bench behind the keyboard.

“It’s good to see you guys doing this together.”

“Uh-huh, we’ll see if you still have that opinion when we get started.”

“Well, you promised you wouldn’t sing, right?” she teased.

“No, I’ll definitely leave the singing to Michael here.”

“That’s a very good idea,” Michael said when he stepped up onstage and overheard the couples’ conversation.

“When do we start?” Brooke asked when she came back.

“Soon as you’re ready,” Michael answered as he stepped back from checking the amp connections.

Max settled down at a table nearby, his body slouched down in a comfortable sprawl as he listened to his friends launch into the first song of the set.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 96 - 2/21/10

Post by Double Trouble »

Alien_Friend: He does! And, yup, you’re right on target! We do, too!

Maria would do well to take her mom’s advice.

We’re pretty sure the guys will love them, too! Well, perhaps Liz will do just that, very soon.

Oh, the first few days at the cabin are gonna be lots of fun!

Should be interesting when the rest of them find out about Caela.

mary mary: Timing is everything! Oh, the guys will appreciate them.

kismet: Yup, Max is gonna love them.

Yeah, stay behind while Kyle’s at the club with all those girls? Tess isn’t likely to sit at home for that, lol!

You’re so right! That dinner with the parents has got Liz on edge.

80s_UnLove_Child: She’s making progress.

LOL, quite possible!

No, Tess didn’t run off with Maria’s phone, lol.

Well, if the guys took sexy pics, they didn’t tell us about it.

Eva: Tess brings pig-headed to a whole new level. She’ll come around soon.

Maria really didn’t realize it. She would never intentionally hurt Michael, especially not with his past. Think she’s gonna be there, huh? You could be right.

Earth2Mama: Nah, we agree, Tess is being an idiot. Well, she’s certainly done her best to turn it into girls versus the guys, but for the most part she hasn’t really been successful. Well, Liz is the one she would be able to influence the easiest.

Being back home in Roswell is dragging up those old insecurities, feelings, and habits that Liz is just starting to shed. Add that to the impending dinner with her parents and you’ve got Liz turning into a mass of nervous tension. But, don’t worry, even Liz is going to escape Tess’ clutches soon.

We’ll see those reactions at the cabin.

Hmm, two outta three, huh? Wonder which two you’re voting for? LOL!

sarammlover: Brooke continues to be the voice of reason. Tess is going to see the light soon. That little talk helped to clear things up. Now, let’s see what Maria does with that information.

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

begonia9508: Yup, we think she’ll regret it, too.

We think it’s a safe bet that the guys are gonna love ‘em!

Part 96 – Making Amends

Brendan stared down at the little girl sleeping peacefully in his arms as he kept the rocking chair in motion with his right foot. Karen was sitting on the large trunk at the end of her bed, her chin on her raised knees as she watched him. He had spent the entire day with them and he was fascinated by everything his daughter did and what she had to say even though it wasn’t much at her age. The only male figure that was a constant in Caela’s life was her pediatrician so she had been curious about him and she had refused to go to sleep until her little eyes just wouldn’t stay open any longer.

“It’s weird,” he murmured after a while, “but I can actually see both of us in her features.” He looked up at Karen in the soft light from the bedside lamp and he could see the tears in her eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Bren,” she whispered shakily. “I shouldn’t have kept her a secret from you.”

He shook his head. “Is she gonna be okay if I put her down?”

“She’ll be fine; she’s exhausted so she’ll sleep right through the night.”

“How um… how do I…? She should sleep on her back, right?”

“Yeah, just put her down on her back.”

“You’d never know she was premature just lookin’ at her,” he said as he leaned over and carefully laid the little girl down in her crib. “I mean, she’s a little on the small side, but that doesn’t really mean anything, right? Brooke was born on schedule and she was really small, too.” He pulled the blanket over Caela and tucked it in around her.

“Don’t forget her moose,” Karen reminded him quietly. “She’ll raise holy hell if it’s not there when she wakes up.”

Brendan turned around and grabbed the little stuffed animal that had fallen in the rocking chair when he had stood up, brushing his hand over it before arranging it under his daughter’s right arm. He traced over her chubby face with his forefinger, amazed at how absolutely perfect she was. “She’s beautiful, Karen.”

Karen smiled at his hushed tone. “I can’t take all the credit for that,” she said with a quiet laugh.

Brendan glanced at his watch, noticing how late it was already. “Do you want me to leave?”

It was getting late, but Karen didn’t want to say goodnight just yet. “You feel like goin’ for a walk? Mom’s not workin’ tomorrow, so I’m sure she’d watch Caela for us.”

He nodded. “Sure.”

She stood up and tried to take a step back when she realized just how close he was standing. Instead her hands landed against his chest and she lifted her gaze to his, not surprised to find him staring at her.

He reached up to cover her left hand with his as their eyes locked. “I’m gonna kiss you if you don’t stop me right now,” he whispered.

He was pure temptation, always had been, but she still wasn’t sure he could really just accept the changes that had occurred in his absence, so she shook her head. “I’ll just go let Mom know we’re gonna step out for a bit,” she said shakily.

He nodded and let his hand drop from hers again, trying to hide his disappointment.

“Later, Bren... we just need to get some things figured out first.”

He followed her out of the room and waited until she had told her mother that they were going to go for a walk.

“You ready?” he asked quietly when she joined him again.

“Yeah.” She shrugged into her coat and motioned to his where it was still hanging on the hook by the door. “Put your coat on; it’s December in New York, Bren. Way too cold for you to be wanderin’ the streets in just a shirt.”

Honestly, he didn’t care, but he nodded and grabbed his coat anyway. “Still used to California,” he muttered.

“Well, you don’t wanna catch a cold and spend the entire holiday sniffling and sneezing.” She nudged him with her shoulder as she stepped out into the hallway. “You’re a big baby when you’re sick,” she teased.

“I am not,” he denied and they walked down the stairs that lead to the streets outside.

“Oh, you sooo are, Bren!” She pushed the lobby door open and they stepped out into the cold night air. The city was alive even at the late hour, but the sidewalks weren’t as crowded as they were during the day.

“Where ya wanna go?” He glanced left and then right.

“We could walk through the park,” she suggested and pointed across the street. “It’s a little quieter than right here on the street.”

“Okay,” he looked at her, trying to decide if she would allow him to at least hold her hand while they walked.

Karen reached over and slid her hand into his without thinking as they crossed the busy street, dodging a couple of the cars and ignoring the honking horns. It was such a small thing, but just holding his hand gave her such a feeling of warmth and safety.

They walked in silence until they reached the park and it got quieter around them.

“It’s really weird how things can change so fast, ya know? Just a few days ago we found out Alex is gonna be a father in a few month and now...”

“What?” Her eyes widened in shock. “Alex? He’s like Mr. Responsible!”

“Yeah,” he laughed. “We couldn’t believe it either!”

“Not that we really have any room to talk,” she said with a laugh. “I can’t believe Alex is gonna be a daddy and Michael’s in a committed relationship...” She glanced up at him. “What I really can’t believe is that you’re here.”

He grinned. “Well, we’re the Guerin brothers and we’re just full of surprises.”

“Yeah, you boys always were into somethin’.” She smiled and shook her head. “How’s Brooke?”

“Brooke has finally discovered that there are guys out in the world,” he growled.

“Uh-huh, I’m sure that’s a great discovery with your father around.”

“My father isn’t around, Karen.”

“He’s out of the country on business?”

“As far as I know Hank’s in Europe and he no longer has any claim on Brooke.”

Karen stopped and turned to look at him. “No claim on her? Brendan, what’re you talkin’ about?”

“Alex has custody now and hopefully Hank won’t make an appearance ever again.”

“Whoa, let’s back up a minute here. How in the world did your brother take custody of Brooke from your father? There’s no way Hank would’ve just let that happen. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it did because he always treated her like she was worthless, but... how?”

“I think I should start at the beginning. My mom and Hank brought the kid to California at the beginning of the semester. Hank had business in Germany and they were gonna be stayin’ there for a year or more and Brooke needed to finish school. On Thanksgiving they suddenly came back, totally unexpected. Michael, Maria, Brooke, Isabel – that’s Alex’s girlfriend, and I were all at Alex’s house and they just shoved up.”

She winced. The last thing Hank Guerin would ever want to see would be his children uniting against him. “Why do I have a bad feeling that didn’t go well?”

Brendan sighed and shook his head. “No. Hank was going off of Michael the whole time. And I don’t mean like they usually disagreed at all, Karen. I mean, he treated him hatefully... like he’s not even good enough to breathe the same air.”

“Hank always treated him horribly.”

“Yeah, but I never witnessed it like I did on Thanksgiving. Michael and his girlfriend left together and I still don’t know how she managed to get him to let her stay with him. You know how Michael is. The rest of us stayed at the house while Alex threw my parents out of his place.”

“Good for him. So, how does your parents coming in and ruining Thanksgiving end up with Alex gaining custody of your sister?”

“After that Hank came back and took Brooke away from us. They were gonna take her with them to Germany and we had to find a way to get her back. Brooke was crying when they came for her and the bastard had the nerves to just kick her dogs out of the car in the middle of nowhere. She was able to call Michael at one point and he heard Hank hit her.”

“Oh, my God, he is such a horrible excuse for a human being.” She tugged on his hand. “You’re keepin’ me in suspense here; tell me how you got her back!”

“We went to the airport where they were leavin’ from. The press was there too, and we threatened him with telling them the truth about what a cruel abusive father he was and still is. Michael really made the difference though; when he said he’d speak up Hank knew it was over and he signed the necessary papers. Alex’s lawyer helped us figure it all out.”

“When you say abusive... you’re talking about more than just the mental and emotional abuse?”

He stared at the ground and nodded slightly.

“Michael,” she guessed, knowing he was the one that Hank had always singled out.

‘I had no clue until that day,” he whispered.

“God, Brendan, I’m so sorry.” She reached up to frame his face in her hands, rubbing her thumbs over his cold cheeks. She knew he would be kicking himself for not seeing it earlier.

“I feel horrible that I was so blind all those years, Karen. Hank is a monster and he tried to destroy all our lives. Michael’s, Brooke’s, ours...”

“Bren, you believed him and he could be very slick and charming when he wanted to be... don’t blame yourself for things you can’t change. You know the truth now and you’ve taken your life in your own hands. Hell, it sounds like all of you have done that.”

“The last month has really been a roller coaster and it seems like it’s gonna stay that way. We just found out that Hank isn’t me and Michael’s biological father.”

“Okay, I think we’d better sit down... you keep hittin’ me with news like this and I’m gonna fall over.” She led him to a nearby bench and they sat down. She pulled her left leg up under her and took his hand in hers as she reached up to lift his chin and keep him focused on her. “Before you tell me that story, tell me how you feel about this news.”

“I don’t know, Karen. I’m still trying to get used to that thought.”

“That’s a life-altering piece of information,” she mused quietly. “Have you put any thought into lookin’ for your biological father?”

“We plan to do it.... just wanted to have some quiet time over the holidays first.”

She nodded. “So, Michael wants to look for him, too? How’s his girlfriend... Maria, right? She supports him?”

“Yeah, actually she’s the one who found out about all of this first.”

“Are you guys all plannin’ to spend the holidays together?”

“You remember that cabin at Lake Tahoe? Michael and Kyle used to hang out there during their school breaks in the winter.”

“Um-hmm. You guys are all goin’ up there?”

“Yeah, they’re all gonna be there with their girlfriends. Brooke’s gonna be there and they kinda invited me as well.”

“That’s great,” she said, forcing a smile. She had hoped that he would say that no, he was planning to spend the holidays with her and Caela. “You’ll enjoy that.”

He shook his head. “I’m only going if ya go with me, Karen. You and our little girl.”

“What? Oh, Brendan, I don’t know... I mean, it’s sweet of you to offer, but... Do you really think that’s the best way to spring Caela on your family? It’s just that, it sounds like you guys have had a pretty rough few months, and this is gonna be another big shock.”

“They’re gonna learn the truth anyway, Karen. Besides that, I think Michael, Alex, and Brooke are gonna be great with Caela.”

“Yeah, well, Michael’s always been good with kids. I remember when Brooke was little and she followed him everywhere... not many guys his age would’ve let their little sister tag along like that and not be pissed or embarrassed about it.”

“Does this mean you’re comin’ with me?”

Karen studied him for several minutes. “You’re that sure about us, Brendan?”

He took her hands in his. “I wanna be with my family, Karen. That includes my brothers as well as you and our daughter.”

She took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay, yeah, we’ll go with you.”

He smiled. “Thanks. That really means a lot to me.”

Karen bit her bottom lip. “How do you think they’ll react to our daughter?” She smiled. It was the first time she had said it aloud and she loved the way it sounded. Our daughter.

“They’re gonna be surprised, for sure. But I think they’ll do fine. If ya want we can go up there the day after tomorrow. Only Michael and his girlfriend will be there then. Oh, and probably Max and Liz – you don’t know them yet, but they’re great.”

Michael would be the hardest one to deal with. He had used his attitude and his anger as a wall to keep people from getting too close and even though Hank had made sure to keep the twins from being close Michael had tore into her after she had broken up with Brendan. He would be the one who needed to be convinced the most that she wouldn’t hurt his brother again. “Yeah, I think that’d be nice... just kinda ease into it.”

“He’s changed a lot,” he told her, when he saw the worry in her eyes.

“He’s still Michael though,” she said with a smile.

“True,” he chuckled, “but we’re finally getting back to being twins, ya know what I mean?”

“I’m glad... you guys need that.” She reached up to run her fingers over his lightly stubbled jaw. “I never allowed myself to think that we could find our way back together,” she admitted.

He reached up to hold her hand against his cheek. “What about now?”

“Now? Now it’s all I can think about.”

He wanted to kiss her so badly, but she hadn’t let him earlier, so he just stayed where he was. “We’ll make this work, Karen,” he promised.

She smiled at his confidence and she realized that she believed him. She didn’t know how they were going to make it work, but she knew they would. Her thumb slipped down to trace over his bottom lip, wishing she had let him kiss her in the apartment.

“Maybe I should walk you home,” he said quietly when he felt her cold finger against his lips.

“Maybe you should,” she whispered. “Or maybe you should just kiss me like you said you would earlier, Bren.”

He smiled softly and leaned forward. “I was hoping you would say that.” His lips brushed against hers gently, before he leaned back again to study her face intensely. “I still love you,” he breathed and leaned in again.

“God, Brendan, I’m always gonna love you,” she whispered before he silenced her with a kiss.


Liz was nervous as she opened the door to the club and paid the cover charge. She had waited until Tess went to the bathroom so she could leave the house without her noticing. Now that she was here she was asking herself if it had been such a good idea. Maybe she should have waited until he had come back to the house.

But after that interview on the radio, she was sure that there would be a lot of hot woman around the club tonight and well... yes, she was kind of jealous about that.

She scanned the room and found Max and Isabel alone on the other side, watching Michael and the others on the stage. Alright, she told herself and started to walk across the room, you can do this, Liz.

Max noticed her the moment she walked into the club but he forced himself to sit still. He didn’t play games like a lot of guys did and he wasn’t interested in putting all of the blame on her, but it was important for her to be the one to approach him first. He needed to know that she wasn’t gonna let herself be completely influenced by what her friends said and that she wasn’t afraid to confront him after a disagreement. He held his breath when she spotted him and started walking in his direction.

“Hey,” she greeted him quietly and nodded at Isabel.

Isabel smiled to herself, glad to see that Liz had ignored Tess’ mandate and found her way to the club to talk to Max.

He pulled the toothpick out of him mouth and stood up. “Wanna dance?” he asked.

“How about we talk first?” She nodded in the direction of the outdoor part of the club, which was open on the warmer days.

Max hid the smile of pride that tried to surface when he gave her an out and she chose to deal with the problem head-on instead. That was exactly what he had hoped she’d say. “Lead the way.”

She took his hand and started to walk again; her nervousness was still there, but not as much as when she had entered the club. From what she could tell from his reaction he wasn’t pissed at her as she had feared.

The cold air hit her face as they stepped outside and she shivered slightly. She took a deep breath to concentrate on what she was going to say. “There isn’t really a good way to start, so I guess I’m just gonna say what I have to say. I don’t want to tell Sean that we can’t see each other anymore, Max. We’ve not only been engaged, but we’ve also been friends for so many years now and I can’t just forget about that. There’re things goin’ on with him right now and he needs me, but only as a friend,” she assured him.

Max wanted to say something, but she shook her head and pressed a finger against his lips as she met his gaze directly. “Let me finish first, okay? I’m tellin’ you, there is nothing going on between us except friendship. I’m sorry for not coming to the police station last night. I didn’t want you to stay there, but I was too stupid to stand up to Tess, so I am sorry for that. Being back in Roswell has just had me so rattled.”

Max remained silent for several minutes, digesting what she had said. “I shouldn’t have gotten so bent outta shape over you talkin’ to Sean last night. You’re right and I know you’ve got a long history with him that extends past your engagement and I shouldn’t expect you to just cut him outta your life.” He shrugged one shoulder. “I’m not gonna lie and say I understand either; he said some pretty shitty things to you and yeah, if I had my way the two of you would never have another word to say to each other. But, like I said a while back, this is new for me, too, Liz, so I’m gonna do my best to deal with this.”

She smiled at him and cupped his cheek in her hand. “I missed you last night and all day today.”

“Yeah? Missed you too, darlin’,” he whispered as he lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers in a soft kiss. “Spent the whole day and most of the night listenin’ to the guys bitch about everything under the sun.”

“Uh-huh, we got some insight into that this afternoon when you guys were on the radio. But if it helps, it was nothing like the bitching Tess is capable of.”

“There’s no way I’m gonna deny that,” he said with a quiet laugh. “I’d hate to be in Kyle’s shoes right now.”

“So, what about the dance you asked me for earlier?”

“You gonna make me sleep on the couch again?”

She shook her head. “No.”


“Where the hell are you?” Maria muttered to herself while crawling all over the floor of her bedroom to look under the bed. She had been missing her cell phone all day and it was still nowhere in sight. “Damn it,” she hissed and got up from the floor as she considered where to look next.

“Of course,” she suddenly mumbled, running out of the room and down the stairs. “Mom, where are the car keys?” she yelled and then saw them on the kitchen counter. “Nevermind.” She walked outside and around to the front of the house to open the passengers’ side door. “Please, be here!” she begged as she knelt down and reached inside.

After she finally located the switch to turn on the interior light she bent down to fumble around the footboard, which was still dark. “Yes,” she hissed when her fingers came into contact with her cell phone. She immediately glanced at it and saw that there was one missed call and three new text messages.

The call was from her mother earlier that day and the first two messages were from Michael. Her heart pounded faster when she read the first message from him:

I’m never gonna be able to stand back and let someone treat you like that. It’s not a question of your ability to handle things and I’m not trying to take away your independence. Part of it’s a guy thing but most of it’s that you deserve to have someone who’ll fight for you, protect you, and do everything in his power to keep assholes like Billy from screwing with you. I can’t... I won’t apologize for that, but I’m asking you to understand it and accept that it’s a part of who I am.

“Fuck,” she whispered. Now he thought she had just ignored his message. He had sent it early in the afternoon. She quickly opened the next text, which was also from him:

I don’t wanna spend Christmas at the cabin without you, baby.

Her heart clenched painfully when the realization hit her that she had really hurt him. And that the text was also two hours old. “Oh, God,” she groaned, “now he’s probably totally mad at me and hurt and maybe even drunk.”

A terrible picture came to mind. Michael at the club, totally drunk and talking to that shank Allison because she had pushed him away instead of talking to him.

She quickly opened the last message. It was from Tess:

Remember, we agreed to not go to the club!

Maria snorted. “Sorry, Tess, but fuck this.”

She glanced down at herself. She was still wearing her tight jeans and a snug black pullover, not really an outfit for a club night, but the sooner she got there, the better.


Brooke sat cross-legged on the stage while the band took a break, plucking at the strings of the guitar while humming along with the music being played over the sound system. Max and Liz had been on the dance floor for most of the evening and Alex and Isabel were taking advantage of the break to dance as well.

Kyle was sitting by himself at their table nursing a beer and checking his phone every few minutes and Michael... where was Michael? She looked around and frowned when she finally located him sitting at the bar conversing with some white trash girl who was hanging on his every word.

What was he doing? she wondered. And why? She knew it didn’t mean anything; he was too into Maria to step out on her, but there were just so many ways that the scene could be mistaken for something that it wasn’t.

She was considering going over to him and asking him what he was thinking when she looked up and noticed Maria standing near the entrance. Uh-oh, that wasn’t good.

Michael tossed the single shot back and then reached for his beer, nodding at whatever the empty-headed blond next to him was saying. She had been talking him up since he had stepped off the stage and he wasn’t even sure she had stopped to take a breath yet. He had already figured out that she was the caller from earlier that day and he had no interest in her. There was only one blond he was interested in and she was stubbornly ignoring him.

“So, you’re like, dating Maria?” she asked.


She frowned when he didn’t elaborate beyond the grunt of agreement. “You never did say why she was pissed at you.”

“Don’t recall it bein’ any of your business.”

She was on the verge of throwing her drink in his face and telling him to go fuck himself when she noticed Maria moving towards them. “Oh, c’mon, don’t be like that.”

Michael’s eyebrow shot up when she suddenly changed her tone. He had been sure that his last response was gonna be enough to run her off. “You wanna tell me what your issue with Maria is?” he snapped.

“No issue, I’m just curious about how the two of you got together.”

“How is it that you’re always goin’ after my man?” Maria asked Allison, her voice eerily calm.

Michael held his breath. Damn, Maria had ignored him all day and now she had to show up just when this other girl refused to back off. “You two need to talk?” he asked, not really wanting to get between them. “I can go... away.”

“No, you sit still,” Maria ordered.

“Got this one trained, Maria?” Allison taunted.

“Fuck you,” Maria hissed. “Why is it that you have to go after the men that’re already taken?”

“You really think I could get them if they really belonged to you?”

Maria snorted. “I think I should thank you for that little stunt with Billy. Rumors have it that he caught a bad case of gonorrhea after that night.”

Michael’s gaze bounced back and forth between the two girls and he suddenly figured out what was going on. “Okay,” he muttered to himself. He motioned to Allison to get her attention.

“Yes?” she asked, smiling brightly.

“You, STD girl... go away. I’m pretty sure she’s here to see me anyway.” At least he hoped that was why Maria was there.

Allison made a face and stood up. “You don’t know what you’re doin’, buddy.”

Maria rolled her eyes when the girl finally went away. “Bitch!”

Michael lifted his beer in a silent toast before taking a drink. He motioned for the bartender to bring another one over and he accepted it with a nod of his head. He turned and held it out to Maria, waiting to see if she would take it or if she was going to give him hell for whatever he had done wrong now.

“Thanks,” she said and took the bottle from him.

“So...” He picked at the label on his own bottle as he finally raised his head to meet her gaze.

“Shouldn’t you be over there?” she nodded in the direction of the stage.

“Break between sets,” he answered. “You um... you heard the song earlier today?”

She nodded with a soft smile on her lips.

He shrugged one shoulder as he stared at the bottle in his hand. “What’d you think?”

I think I love you, she thought and reached up to let her hand wander over his upper arm to his shoulder. “I love the song.”

He nodded, his gaze still lowered. “I wrote it for you.”

“Hey, baby, look at me,” she said softly.

Michael swallowed hard before finally raising his head to meet her green eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she mouthed when Kyle spoke into the microphone to get Michael back on stage.

He held his hand up, motioning for Kyle to wait a minute. He wanted to know what Maria had been about to say and he needed to know things were okay between them.

“It looks like he needs ya over there.” Maria nodded at the stage. She took his hand to pull him up from his barstool, looking up at him when he stood. “We’ll talk when you’re done, okay?”

“We’re okay?”

She didn’t answer, just tugged on his hand until he bent down a little so she could kiss him quickly.

Michael leaned back so he could look into her eyes, searching for reassurance and finding it. He gave her the smallest of smiles. “Wanna hear your song again?”

She leaned in for another kiss even if Kyle was getting impatient. “Of course.”

“And you’re not goin’ anywhere... you’re gonna stay here and wait for me to finish the set.”

She nodded. “I won’t go anywhere without you.”

“Okay. Everybody else is sittin’ near the stage. You should go sit with them.” He winked as he walked backwards. “You’ll be in a better position to intercept any crazy girls who rush the stage.”

“I don’t care about crazy girls. I know you just want me!” She waggled her eyebrows playfully.

His expression turned serious. “Don’t ever doubt it, Maria.”

Kyle coughed loudly into the microphone to get Michael’s attention.

“I’d better go before they start thinkin’ Kyle’s havin’ an asthma attack or somethin’.”

Maria laughed, her knees still weak from his last confession.

Michael moved through the crowd and hopped up on stage, waving Kyle off and reaching for his guitar. “We’re gonna do Lifeline,” he said before turning back to the microphone.

Behind him, Brooke exchanged a grin with Alex because if he wanted to perform that song again, he and Maria were okay.

Maria walked to the table where Tony, Isabel, Liz and Max were sitting. “Hey.”

“What’s up, Cuz?” Tony hollered to be heard over the music.

She sat down next to him. “You have fun discussing our private lives on the radio?” she asked, but wasn’t really mad.

“You guys are talkin’ now, aren’t you?” he asked smugly.

“Uh-huh, because Michael didn’t share a lot with you or your public.”

“Well, the man is definitely not an open book, but his feelings for you are pretty obvious.”

She glanced at Michael. “You think so?”

“Damn, girl, are you lookin’ at the same man I’m lookin’ at?” He rolled his eyes when a group of guys nearby gave him a strange look. “Okay, that sounded way too gay for me.” He grabbed his beer and stood up. “It’s time for me to go find companionship of the female persuasion. Catch y’all later.”

Maria just rolled her eyes at him and turned her gaze back to Michael. It still was kind of surprising for her to know she had managed to get through to his heart.

Michael nodded when he caught Maria’s gaze and he held it steady as he ran through the lyrics, wanting to make sure that she felt the impact of every word he had written for her in an attempt to tell her how he felt about her and what she had done for him.

It was hard for her to hold his gaze during the song. Hopefully nobody could see the tears glistening in her eyes right now. It was one thing to hear it on the radio, but hearing him sing the song while she was face to face with him felt more intense than anything she had felt before.

His heart was pounding like crazy, doing its best to beat its way out of his chest. He watched Maria, taking in every nuance of her expression and he didn’t miss the tears glistening in her eyes. As soon as he saw her reaction he knew he had been right to put his feelings down on paper and give them life through music.

The song ended and Maria blinked a few times. Her heart was still pounding wildly against her chest and she smiled up at Michael, sure that he knew how she felt. “I need a drink,” she finally said when the next song started.

Tony waved his hand, motioning for her to stay seated. “I’ll get it... anyone else want anything?”

“I’ll take a beer,” Max said.

“Same here,” Maria added.

Liz stood up and walked over to sit next to Maria after Tony had left. “You okay?” she asked, running a hand over her hair.

“It’s just... that song... it’s so powerful.” She reached up to dab at her eyes in an effort to keep from ruining her makeup. “I mean, I know he puts so much of himself in his music, but... I wasn’t expecting that.”

Liz glanced up at the stage for a second. “I guess it’s his way of saying that he loves you.”

Maria smiled and accepted the beer that Tony brought back for her. It was time to change the subject or she was gonna end up bawling like a big baby. Speaking of babies... “So, Isabel, have you and Alex told your parents about the baby yet?”

Isabel made a face. “No, not yet. We want to wait until closer to Christmas. Then it won’t be long until we leave.”

“Didn’t you tell me that I should tell my parents about what was going on at Thanksgiving?” Liz asked with a quiet smirk. “And not drag it out?”

Isabel stuck out her tongue at Liz.

Maria laughed, “I guess I can understand that. Amy would have a major flip out if I told her that I was pregnant.”

Liz shook her head. “My mom would be homicidal.”

“But yours will react just fine,” Maria added quickly when she noticed Isabel’s face.

“That’s true,” Liz agreed. “Your parents will be supportive once they get past the initial shock.”

“My parents would be supportive,” Max said, his eyes twinkling with humor.

Liz reached over and covered his mouth with her hand. “Shh, don’t even suggest such a thing. We’re not even gonna consider anything like that until after college,” she said, not even realizing what she had implied.

Max just grinned and pulled her hand away from his mouth, pressing a kiss to her knuckles before turning his attention back to the stage.

“Uh-huh, let’s change the subject,” Isabel decided. “Ya think our little Tess will show tonight?”

Maria snorted. “Oh, she’ll come slinking in at some point... just to make sure that no one’s hittin’ on her boy.”

Isabel rolled her eyes. “She can’t even admit to herself that she was a little bit too furious about everything.”

“Kyle can handle her,” Tony said, nodding to himself. He hurried to scoot back in his chair when three pairs of eyes shifted to him and he held his hands up in defense. “Okay, sooo didn’t mean that to come out the way it sounded.”

“How long do the guys have to play?” Maria wanted to know.

“Two more songs,” Max said, familiar with the lineup of songs the guys were playing.

“Okay.” She still had to talk to Michael and the sooner she could get it over with, the better.

“I’m gonna step outside so I can call my dad,” Isabel said as she stood up. “He’s gonna come pick Brooke up when they’re finished so Alex and I can stay out late.”

Tony jumped to his feet. “I’ll go with you,” he offered. He wasn’t so dense that he would risk her wrath by implying that it would be safer if he went with her, but it was true all the same.

Maria leaned back in her chair, watching her boyfriend on the stage. From the corner of her eyes she saw Allison glaring at her. Maria shot a triumphant smile in her direction. This time, you won’t win, bitch! She remembered all too well the day she had caught Allison and Billy in his bed… the day she broke up with him.

She turned to face the stage again, thinking about how she would explain to Michael why she had been mad and why she had hurt him with the threat to stay here over Christmas.

Michael thanked the crowd before turning around to put the guitar back in its stand. He took a deep breath as he tried to bring his heartbeat under control. He was ready to face Maria, to deal with whatever had happened between them, but there was still just the slightest bit of nervousness there.

“That was great; you saved the night,” Brian said to Michael when he left the stage.

“Nah, man, we were glad to do it. I got a chance to perform with my brother and sister.” He grinned and collared them as they came down off of the stage. “Let me get a beer for this guy and a root beer for the kid.”

“Yo, Collin, the drinks are on the house for this bunch,” Brian told the bartender and gestured to Michael. “Alright, guys, enjoy your night and you’re welcome to play here whenever ya want.”

Brooke moved to squeeze in between her brothers and she glanced up at Alex. “Hey, y’know, I don’t have to go back to Mom and Dad’s... I can stay out with you guys. It’s not like it’s a school night.”

Alex shook his head and smiled. It hadn’t taken long for her to start calling Isabel’s parents ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’. “Huh-uh, you’re goin’ back to the house when Joe gets here.”

“Alex,” Brooke complained.

“You’re not stayin’ out late at a bar.”

“Fine,” she said, annoyed.

“Don’t be like that, brat,” Michael growled and then ruined it with a grin. “Hey, he let you come out and spend the evening playin’ in a band in a bar...” He glanced up when Alex left them to go over to Isabel. “He could’ve easily said no to us when we asked about it... ya gotta know how to pick your battles.”

“Yeah, whatever. Just send me home alone. I’m used to it.”

Michael snorted. “Try the pity party somewhere else, brat. You’ll probably keep Isabel’s dad up all night kickin’ his ass at video games.”

Brooke just rolled her eyes. “Sounds like fun,” she mumbled before walking off.

He shook his head when Kyle intercepted her and quickly swept her out onto the dance floor before she could get into a bad mood. Satisfied that she was in good hands he turned to look at the table where everyone was sitting and he smiled when he noticed Maria watching him. He waved between them, the simple gesture asking if she wanted him to come to her.

Maria shook her head and stood up to walk over to him. “Hey,” she said softly.

Michael’s gaze followed her, taking in the tight jeans and the black pullover that hugged her curves perfectly and he felt hot all over. His eyes lifted to move over her hair and he seriously thought about not commenting on it simply because he knew it was expected.

“Yeah, I know, not really an outfit for a night out clubbing,” she said when she noticed his gaze.

Instead his right hand came up to gently touch her hair and he let the silky strands sift through his fingers. “Perfect as far as I’m concerned... makes me kinda jealous actually.”

“Jealous? Why?”

“’Cause that material’s a helluva lot closer to you than I am.”

She smirked. “Doesn’t feel as good as you though.”

“I sure as hell hope not.” He tugged on the ends of her hair. “It looks good like this. I like it,” he said simply.

“I was hopin’ you would. I wanna look good next to my man,” she said with a wink.

“No worries there,” he muttered, wondering how soon he could get her home.

She took a deep breath before starting to tell him what still remained unspoken. “I’m sorry for bein’ a total bitch to you all day and last night.”

Michael sobered up when she turned serious and he shook his head in denial. “There might’ve been some bitchiness, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say you were a total bitch, Maria. But, if you wanna explain, I’d appreciate it.” He shrugged. “I mean, I get that you didn’t want me steppin’ in when...” He gritted his teeth. “When your ex put his hands on you, but...” He shook his head. “I’m not wired that way, baby. I’m never gonna be able to sit back while another guy does that.”

“Yeah, I know. And I don’t want you to. It’s just,” she bit her lip as she struggled to find the right words, “I don’t want you to get hurt. And if something like this happens on campus, there’s the possibility that you could get kicked out of college or off of the football team...” She took his hands in hers. “I don’t want you to ruin your life because of me.”

His hands came up to cradle her face and he met her gaze, wanting to make sure she could see just how serious he was. “Maria, you’re more important than college or football. You think I give a flyin’ fuck if they toss my ass out for kickin’ some guy’s ass? You’re more important to me than anything else... d’you understand that?”

She rested her hands on his chest when her knees started to weaken again. “And you’re important to me.” How could she explain to him that she didn’t want to be the reason for anything else going wrong in his life?

“Michael, I really love what you’ve just said, I really do.” She shook her head slightly. “But I don’t want you to put me over yourself.”

He sighed and shook his head at her. How was he supposed to get it through her thick head that it wasn’t in his nature to just stand by and let things like that happen? Did she really think college or football was more important than her?

“I don’t think I’m explainin’ this very well,” he muttered, frustrated.

“We both know that we care about each other, right? But that doesn’t mean that we should stop caring about ourselves. Who we are and what we want. I know you want to be with your family, I know you love to play football, and I know that you want to be an architect one day.” She smiled slightly, “I’ve known it since that day we met on the pier and you pretended to be Brendan, telling me all the things about the different buildings there.”

His mouth turned up into a smile as well as he remembered that day. It seemed like that was all so long ago. But actually it was just a few months.

“Look, baby, if we’re totally honest with ourselves, we can never say if we’ll still be together in a year or in two or in ten. And I don’t want you to look back one day and regret anything you’ve done just because of me.” She took his chin in her hand and looked into his intense brown eyes. “Your parents never made you feel that you’re important and that the things you want are important. But they are, baby. I want you to be happy and proud of who you are and what you’ve done in your life when you look back at it later. And of course I want to be a part of that life.”

He stared at her, speechless. How was he supposed to respond to that? Damn, his throat felt thick and he didn’t think he could get a word out right then even if he could think of a response worthy of what she had just said. Well, when all else fails, go with what you know, he thought.
He pulled her into his arms and his lips crashed into hers as he tried to convey his feeling through a kiss.

Maria wrapped her arms around him, resting her back against the counter and holding him close as the rest of the world faded away.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 97 - 2/25/10

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: You would be counting right! We’ll see about Tess pretty soon now.

Brendan’s gonna be a great daddy. And nope, Caela didn’t have to do much more than just look at him with those big brown eyes.

The cabin should be fun. Yeah, just no way to deny it… Michael’s gonna love his niece.

Never fear, the search for bio dad will continue.

April: We’re glad you enjoyed that scene! It’s such a sweet sight!

Eva: It was past time for them to take that step.

Brendan’s not about to miss anymore time with his two girls.

mary mary: Kyle’s a big sweetheart. LOL, hopefully that next one didn’t shatter your nerves… we kept it mild this last update.

80s_UnLove_Child: LOL, well, you’re right about Tess making a mistake in identity… just not saying who.

That should be interesting! Brooke’s settled right in with Joe and Katherine and she’s made herself right at home.

Keep those fingers crossed!

Natalie36: Thanks! LOL, we’ll see how that goes.

Alien_Friend: Thanks! It was past time for them to talk things out. Michael’s working hard to express himself with Maria.

Yup, Liz had just had enough.

The holidays are looking promising! Brendan’s gonna be a great daddy.

keepsmiling7: Of course, lol!

Maiqu: Thanks!

Do ya really think we’d do that? LOL

We love those brother/sister moments too.

You know he does!
That reaction will happen over the holiday.

Bren & Karen are a great couple… Caela’s a lucky little girl.

Lots of makin’ up going on!

begonia9508: Maybe not for much longer though.

Yeah, Brendan definitely gets the award for biggest surprise, lol!

sarammlover: Our couples are on the right track… well, with the exception of one. Bren and Karen are a sweet couple and Caela’s gonna have a lot of love from her parents and her new extended family. Liz was tired of playing along when she didn’t even want to be involved in that game in the first place. Michael and Maria have come a long way and those three words are going to be said out loud at some point.

destinyc: Yay! Welcome back! She’s getting there. You can look for those reactions at some point during their stay at the cabin. Brendan’s gonna have a big surprise for his family!

kismet: Liz is definitely starting to take some steps.

Michael’s reaction… coming up before too long!

Part 97 – Makin’ Up and Makin’ Out

Tess entered the club through the back entrance, avoiding the cover charge and smiling at Brian when she passed his office.

“There’s a reason I have a front door.”

Tess stuck her tongue out at him. “I’m not payin’ twenty dollars to get in here,” she said with a negative shake of her head. “Not with the prices you charge for drinks.”

He rolled his eyes and waved her on. She’d more than make up for the lost cover charge with the drinks she ordered.

The music was loud as she stepped out from the back near the end of the bar and she winked at the bartender when she recognized him.

“Get you a drink, Princess?” Collin grinned when she nodded. “The usual?” he asked.

“Of course.” She looked around, noticing that the band was no longer on stage and she frowned when her gaze landed on Michael Guerin kissing some blond. “Tramp!” she hissed as she moved around the people lined up at the bar, intending to give him a piece of her mind.

She stalked up behind him and shoved him, smirking when the kiss ended abruptly. He cursed loudly and the blond squealed indignantly. She was feeling quite proud of herself until Michael turned to look at her and she noticed Maria glaring at her. His expression was furious, but she wasn’t concerned with him.

“What the hell, Tess?!” Maria snapped, annoyed with the interruption.

“Maria? What the hell are you doin’ here?” Tess snapped back.

“Don’t turn this around on me. Go find Kyle and fix the mess you’ve made. The rest of us have already done that in case you missed it.”

“The mess I’ve made?” Tess asked, shocked. “Well, I’m sorry I interrupted your little make out,” she kept yelling, “I was just thinking your boyfriend was cheating on you.”

Maria shook her head at her best friend. “I appreciate the concern, Tess, but that’s one thing I don’t have to worry about with Michael.” She reached out to rest her hand on Tess’ arm. “And it’s somethin’ you don’t have to worry about with Kyle.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Tess said, tiring of all the drama.

Maria rolled her eyes when Tess walked away again and glanced up at Michael. “Does this still hurt?” She brushed her fingers ever so lightly over the stitched cut from the night before.

“Haven’t really noticed it for a while now,” he said with a smile.

“I didn’t even ask you about this last night. I’m sorry.”

He shrugged one shoulder. Her lack of concern had stung, but there was no way to change the past.

She grimaced when she remembered something else she had said to him in the past 24 hours. “And since I’m so good at apologizing right now: I’m also sorry for saying I might stay here for Christmas. I thought I said it in a way that made it obvious that I didn’t mean it, but after I read your message I’m not so sure about that anymore.”

“Yeah, your mom said you hadn’t meant it,” he said, not realizing what he was admitting with those few words. “So, what we were doin’... it was like fightin’, but... not really fightin’.” He shook his head in confusion. “I don’t really understand that.”

He had talked to her mom about it? Ouch, then she had definitely hurt him. “Yeah, don’t understand it either.”

“But, it’s normal? In a relationship?”

“We’re not normal, Michael,” she replied with a smirk.

“That’s for fuckin’ sure. Now, I think we were doin’ somethin’ before we got interrupted by your psycho best friend... remember what that was?”

“Hmm...” she hummed as she pretended to think about it seriously.

“Sounds like some Buddhist thing Kyle does and I can assure you that wasn’t it.”

She laughed. “I really can’t wait to leave with you day after tomorrow,” she said and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Did I tell you the hot tub’s off of our room? We missed out at the cabin a while back, but we’re not gonna miss it this time,” he promised.

“Snow, a fireplace, a hot tub and you; sounds like a perfect Christmas to me.”

“So... does this mean you’re not gonna make me go out in the cold to find a tree?”

“What? We need a tree Michael!”

He rolled his eyes. “Why don’t we make Max and Liz go find the tree? It’s not like they’re gonna be doin’ anything else.”

She pinched his upper arm. “We’re goin’ with them!”

“But, Maria,” he complained, “we have somethin’ else to do!”

“And we’ve got a lot of time,” she said. “Come on, baby. I NEED a tree.”

“You NEED a tree?” he repeated. He didn’t understand what the big deal was, but if it was important to her then it was important enough for him to go out and get the damn thing. Even if it was taking time away from his plan for them to have lots of sex. “Alright,” he sighed, “we’ll go with them to get the tree.”

“Great,” she said, smiling brightly and unable to hide her excitement.

“You’re not gonna make me wear a stupid Santa Claus hat or anything are you?”

“No, I just want you to do the typical Christmas things with me.”

He shifted uncomfortably. He had no idea what typical Christmas things meant.

“Relax, baby.” She ran her hands over the sides of his neck. “I just want to spend a few nice, quiet days with you. We’ll do a lot of sleeping after we’ve had lots of sex and somewhere in there, we’ll have a lot of food.”

Oh, well, that was a different story altogether, he thought. Sex, food, and sleep... he knew all about those things. He relaxed and wrapped his arms around her again. “It’s gonna be nice to get away for a few days.”


Kyle sighed and nodded when Max and Liz decided to make their escape. He could feel Tess’ blue eyes staring at him, waiting for him to take the bait, but he wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of an argument.

“You can sit down and talk to me like a normal human being or you can take your pissy attitude and walk right back out the way you came in.”

Tess crossed her arms and stared down at him. “Must be a shortage of women tonight. I don’t see a bitch in your lap.”

“Y’know what, Tess? I’m not gonna do this with you. I don’t know what the fuck your problem is, but when you’re ready to talk and deal with this like an adult, come find me.” He shoved himself to his feet and grabbed his jacket before heading for the door at the front of the building.

Tess stared after him in shock. “Oh, no, you’re not just leaving me here, Valenti,” she muttered and hurried after him.

The cold night air hit him as soon as he walked outside and he hadn’t made it more than halfway across the street before he heard her angry footsteps chasing after him.

“Kyle! Hell, wait.”

He stepped up on the curb on the opposite side of the street, the neon green sign from the bowling alley highlighting his features as he turned to face her.

“Fuck,” she hissed when she hurt her ankle because of her high pumps and the crappy street.

Despite the little devil on his shoulder that was urging him to stay still and wait for her to fall on her sexy ass he stepped down off of the sidewalk and reached out to take her arm, helping her up on the curb and easing her down to sit on one of the benches that lined the street every few hundred feet. He shrugged out of his jacket and draped it over her shoulders when he realized she wasn’t dressed warmly enough for the weather.

“Thanks,” she mumbled. Damn, why he’d he have to be so nice now?

He pulled the sides of the jacket together as he crouched down in front of her and he looked up to meet her gaze. “Would you please tell me why you’ve been actin’ like such a bitch?”

She shrugged. “I... I don’t really know. It kinda got outta control.”

“Tess...” He scrubbed his right hand over his face before shaking his head. “I don’t even know what to say about this... We’ve been together for three months and in that time I’ve never once given you any reason to think I’d screw around on you...” He shrugged helplessly. “I don’t understand why you’d think I would now.”

“It’s my first relationship, Kyle. I don’t know how to deal with this... this jealousy.”

“Jealousy is one thing, babe, and I don’t think that’s what this was. Or at least, not all it was. I think we’re on your home turf and you suddenly realized what a huge step it was to bring me home to meet your father.” He exhaled slowly as he took her hands in his. “I think it scared you and you latched onto a convenient and meaningless event in order to sabotage us because of it.”

Was he right about that? she wondered. “I don’t want to sabotage us, Kyle.” She shook her head, searching for the reason why she had acted as extreme as she had.

Well, it made perfectly good sense to him, he thought. Maybe he needed to stop reading her Psyche textbooks. “Then what is it?”

She shrugged. “I really honestly can’t say, babe. Maybe just the thought that you could be interested in someone else freaks me out.”

“Have I done anything to make you think I’m interested in someone else?”

“No,” she answered quietly.

“Do you honestly think I was getting into that lap dance? Or that I wanted that girl to be all over me like that?”

“I didn’t think anything. I just saw her and freaked out.”

He reached out to take her hands in his. “Tess, babe, I’m not interested in anyone else.”

“Me neither.”

He knew he could drag it out, point out that she was the one at fault, but he had no interest in doing that. “So... does this mean we can call a truce?”

Tess smiled lightly. “Yeah, I’d like that. I’ve missed you.”

“Me too. I wasn’t really plannin’ to spend our time here bonding with your dad.”

“Well, it’s pretty clear he likes you.” She pulled his jacket closer around her. “Wanna go back inside?”

“I don’t know,” he hedged, biting his lip to keep from smiling. “There’re girls in there, y’know? Might be another one who loses a bet...”

Tess rolled her eyes. Of course he wouldn’t miss the chance to make a smartass comment. “I think you can handle it.”

“I’d rather handle you,” he growled as he leaned in to kiss her.

“And you do that pretty good,” she mumbled against his lips.

“Just pretty good? Hmm... I’d better step my game up then.”

Tess laughed. “You’re the best.”

“Sure you wanna go back to the club? We could just go back to your place.” He sobered and met her gaze directly. “I don’t want a repeat of the other night… another night like that and I’m goin’ on up to Tahoe by myself.”

She nodded in response to his tone. He wasn’t making a joke and he wasn’t making light of the situation. If she went off on him like that again she was gonna be sitting at home alone. “I’m sorry, Kyle.”

“S’okay, just don’t let it happen again.” He smiled. “Back to the club then?”

“Alright, as much as I just wanna see you naked right now... it’s our last night here in Roswell where we’ll be able to all hang out together, so maybe we could join the others for a while before heading home?”

“Well, if you’d rather hang out than get naked...” He heaved a put-upon sigh before grinning and tugging her to her feet. “C’mon, let’s get back inside; it’s cold out here.”

Tess saw all of their friends sitting together at the table, talking. “Over there,” she told Kyle and took his hand to walk over to them.

Max leaned back and glanced at Kyle. “This mean the deep freeze is over?” he asked, earning him a smack to the back of his head from Tess.

Kyle nodded slightly with a smirk.

“’Bout time you got your woman under control,” Michael muttered.

Maria was sitting in Michael’s lap and pinched his stomach for the comment. “You’d better not start that again.”

“I’m just sayin’,” he complained.

“I know we’re not leavin’ until day after tomorrow, but what time’s our flight?” Liz asked as she snuggled closer into Max’ embrace. “Do we have to get up early?”

“Flight leaves at 11am,” Michael answered.

Max grinned when Liz grumbled about that. “So, yeah, we’re gonna have to get up early.”

“We can sleep in the car later when we land at the airport,” Maria said. “Michael said the resort’s about an hour drive from the airport.”

Michael leaned in to nip her earlobe. “Storin’ up your energy for later?” he growled quietly.
Maria shivered when his lips brushed her skin. “Um-hmm.”

“That’s good, ‘cause you’re gonna need it.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “It’s gonna be a porn up there in the mountains.”

“Oh, yeah, like you two aren’t gonna be goin’ at it every chance you get,” Michael said, shaking his head at his brother.

Brooke sighed when Isabel’s dad finally arrived. “At least I don’t have to hear about my brothers having sex anymore,” she said and got to her feet to say goodbye, hugging everyone before taking her leave.

Alex snorted. “Uh-huh, we’d just better not hear anything about you having sex,” he muttered under his breath when she went to join Joe.

Michael’s eyes widened. “Uh-huh, not for the next 10 years, if ya ask me.”

Tess rolled her eyes at them. “Please! You guys cannot honestly believe that she’s gonna wait until she’s in her mid-twenties to have sex!”

Maria nodded. “Right? That’s just unrealistic.”

Alex glared at both of them.

“What? I’m only 19,” Maria said. “So, that would mean, in your opinion that I shouldn’t have sex for the next five years or what?”

“Good point,” Isabel said with a grin. “Maria, you and Michael shouldn’t have sex again for at least another five years... I mean since it’s unacceptable for girls to have sex until their mid-twenties, right, Michael?”

Maria laughed. “Oh, I think Michael really appreciates that.”

“What’s your opinion, Liz?” Michael asked, ignoring the girls. “Anything wrong with waitin’ until you’re older?”

Liz shrugged. “It’s a personal choice as far as I’m concerned, but when the time is right...” She tipped her head back to meet Max’s dark eyes. “I think it really depends on the girl... and the guy she’s with.”

Michael’s mouth dropped open; he had been expecting her to say a girl should wait until marriage or some shit like that. “Whatever. You don’t know anything.”

Maria shifted in his lap to look at him. “So, what? We’re gonna get all decent now? You don’t wanna have sex with me anymore?”

Liz rolled her eyes and turned to look at Max again. Their gazes met intensely and Liz swallowed hard as she was hit with the feeling that the big step for her maybe wasn’t so far away as it had been a few weeks ago.

Max met her gaze steadily as he leaned forward to kiss her. They had been moving forward slowly for weeks and she was getting bolder with each passing day.

“No, it’s just different with Brooke, Maria... she’s my sister.”

“So, I can still expect your hands on me tonight?” Maria whispered teasingly.

Michael snorted. “I sure as fuck hope so.”

“Thought so,” she replied, satisfied. She let her hand run down his arm as she turned her attention back to the others.

“You’re awful quiet,” Tess observed as she glanced at Kyle. “No opinion?”

“I’m just thinkin’ of the many ways we can get it on tonight, babe.”

“Oh, well, don’t let me interrupt your thought processes,” she teased.

“Uh-huh, you’re gonna be really satisfied after tonight.”

“How much longer do we have to stay here?” Tess asked, squirming around in anticipation.

“You’re the one who suggested we stay, girl.”

“You weren’t talkin’ like this before.”

“Wanna go?” He waggled his eyebrows.


“Alright.” Kyle practically shoved Tess to her feet. “We’re outta here. Guerin, don’t forget to make sure your gear’s all in order.”

“Why? So I can kick your ass out on the slopes?”

“Uh-huh, we’ll see.”

“Boys, boys, boys,” Maria chastised with a laugh, “put the measuring sticks away.”

“Whatever, Valenti... hope you like the snow, ‘cause you're gonna be lookin’ at a lot of it up close and personal.”

Kyle turned to the others. “We’ll see y’all at the cabin in a few days.”

“Think we can head home, too, baby?” Maria suddenly didn’t want to stay any longer either.

“Girl, I’m just waitin’ for you to say the word.”

Tony groaned as he joined them again and he overheard the comment. “You’re such a slave to her, Guerin.”

Michael grinned. “Not complainin’ about it either.”

Maria hugged him tightly. “He knows what’s waiting for him at home.”

“TMI, Cuz!” Tony growled.

Maria laughed and loosened her grip around Michael to hug Tony. “It was nice to see you again, though.”

“Yeah, I guess by the time I get off the air tomorrow night it’ll be too late to catch up with you,” he said as he returned the hug. “I’m glad you’re happy, Cuz,” he whispered before releasing her.

She couldn’t hide her smile. “I really am.”

Tony held his hand out to Michael. “It’s cool if we shake, right? I mean, you don’t wanna hug or anything now that you’re all...” He made a face. “Y’know, happy.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Shut up, man,” he said as he shook the other man’s hand.

Tony just grinned, waving to a woman motioning to him from the bar as he stood up. “Take this grumpy man home and put him to bed, Cuz. Y’know these California boys don’t have the stamina that us country boys have.”

Michael just snorted at that, giving him a shove when he left.

Maria laughed as she watched her cousin swagger up to the bar, grin set in place as he hit on the woman who had waved him over. “Wanna take me home and give me a demonstration of your stamina?” she asked, turning back to meet Michael’s watchful gaze.

“Think we’ll make it home first?” Michael teased.

She shifted in his lap and shook her head. “Considering how hard you are? Probably not.” She dropped a teasing kiss on the corner of his mouth. “Then again, home is pretty much wherever you are, so...”

He placed his big hands on her thighs. “Stop movin’ around so much, baby.”

“Why?” she asked, putting on her most innocent expression.

“Why?” he repeated incredulously. “You’re seriously askin’ why?”

“Um-hmm,” she murmured against his lips. She loved winding him up when he was on edge like this.

“Not fair to take advantage of me like that, baby.”

She leaned back and cradled his face in her hands, letting her fingertips trail over his lightly stubbled jaw. “Aw, don’t be like that.”

“Like what?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Now you wanna be difficult? Um-hmm, I think maybe it is time to take you to bed.” She leaned in to kiss him again. “And the sooner the better.”

He lifted her up from his lap and stood up. “No complaints here.”

“I like it when you’re agreeable.” She turned to grab her jacket and she paused when she realized that there were still two couples at the table. “Oh, hey... kinda forgot you guys were still here,” she admitted sheepishly.

“Yeah, obviously,” Liz said, shaking her head.

“Going home now?” Alex asked.

“I’m gonna start complainin’, woman,” Michael growled from behind her.

Maria elbowed him as she glanced at his brother. “Yeah, we’re gonna call it a night.”

“Well, we’ll see you in a few days then, I guess.”

The girls were all planning to spend the day with their boyfriends and families the next day so they weren’t expecting to see each other again until they arrived at the cabin.

She leaned over to hug Isabel. “You guys have a great Christmas, and call if you need anything.” She pointed at Liz as she moved back to stand next to Michael again. “And you? I’m sure Max is fun to snuggle up with, but don’t oversleep ‘cause we don’t wanna miss our flight.”

“We won’t,” Liz promised.

“Did Brendan call you?” Alex asked his brother.

“Not since last night. He said he’s gonna try to make it to Tahoe before you guys get there. Brooke doesn’t think he’s gonna make it and he wants to surprise her.”

“Alright, give us a call when you get up there.”

“Will do.”

“You have the Christmas tree diagram, right, Maria?” Isabel asked.

Michael exchanged a look with his brother as he mouthed the words, Christmas tree diagram?

Alex just shrugged his shoulders.

“Of course,” Maria said, nodding. “I promise you we’ll find the perfect tree.”

“It’s a tree,” Michael grumbled as he followed Maria to the entrance. “What the fuck do we need a diagram for? You go into the woods, you find a Christmas-tree shaped tree, chop it down, and stick it in a stand...” They were kidding, they had to be. “Did she seriously make a diagram?”

“Do we really have to talk about this now?” she asked, sensing that it could ruin the mood.

“Do you really have a diagram?” He was feeling the first hint of irritability and he didn’t know why.

Maria sighed. Damn it! “Michael, come on, forget about this for now.”

He walked beside her until they reached the car and since she had given him the keys earlier he pulled them out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He reached out and placed his hand on the door, stopping her from opening it and causing her to turn and look at him. “Look, I’m just... this Christmas thing is just a little bit stressful for me, okay? I know you love it and it means a lot to you... and I don’t mean to be a dick about the details, okay?”

She leaned back against the car and grabbed a fistful of his tee shirt to pull him against her. “It’s gonna be a great Christmas, I don’t doubt that.”

Well, that made one of them, he thought. He just hoped he didn’t do anything to fuck it up for her. “Just keep thinkin’ like that,” he whispered as he settled against her, loving the way their bodies fit together so perfectly.

“Do you think something will happen?” she asked, irritated when he didn’t sound very convinced.

“Huh? No, I just meant... Fuck, see? This’s the kinda shit that ruins the...” He took a step back and ran his hands through his hair as he fought to rein his temper in. “Okay,” he breathed after a few minutes. “Okay, look, all I meant was for you to keep thinkin’ that way and maybe fate or whatever won’t fuck the holiday up.”

“C’mere again,” she said and reached out for him. She ran her hands along the side of his face and neck. “Baby, I know the last month has been rough, I know that. But it doesn’t mean that it has to go on that way.”

“Sorry,” he mumbled, feeling his nerves begin to settle in response to her touch.

“And y’know we’re pretty much used to dealing with new and shocking situations. There isn’t much left that could surprise us.”

“I can’t help it, Maria. Every Christmas that I can remember was just some phony staged farce and the only thing good about it was that Hank was usually too busy with clients to smack me around. I only got my ass kicked a couple of times on Christmas.” He shrugged. “Lotta bad memories, y’know?”

“Time for you to make some better ones then. Hank won’t be there this year, baby.” She smiled softly and brushed her lips against his. “You’ll be surrounded by people who love you.” It was so much easier to say the L-word when she wasn’t just referring to herself, she thought.

Michael shifted and reached up to scratch his eyebrow. “It’s gonna be different, huh?”

“For sure.”

“I think we got sidetracked,” he whispered. “We left so we could be alone and we’re alone, but this isn’t what I had in mind.”

“Well,” her hand wandered down his strong chest, “show me then.”

“Get in the car,” he growled, quickly releasing her and hurrying around to the drivers’ side. He slid in behind the wheel, started the engine, slapped the settings to get the heat going, and shoved his seat back all before she managed to get inside.

She smiled when she climbed in the car. “You’re quick.”

“I’m motivated,” he corrected, knowing they weren’t gonna make it any further than the parking lot.

“It’s been a while since we did it in a car.” She remembered the day when her mother had showed up in Roswell and they had said goodbye in the car.

“Actually, I think this’ll be the first time we go all the way in a car... before this it’s just been getting each other off. I mean, we’re gonna do that, too, but the right way this time.”

“We were so stupid.” She shook her head and laughed before leaning over to kiss him deeply.

“No reason to repeat past mistakes, right?” He reached out to check and make sure that the vents were kicking heat out before he started to tug on her jacket. “You would pick tonight to wear jeans,” he grumbled as she shifted to help him get rid of the jacket.

“It’s cold outside, Michael.”

He paused. “So?”

“Besides you like me in tight jeans,” she answered confidently.

“Oh, okay, got it now.” He gently tugged on her bottom lip with his teeth. “I do love you in tight jeans, but right now I’d love you more out of them.”

“Then help me out of them,” she groaned when his hands brushed her breasts.

Michael pulled her shirt off before dropping his hands to the waistband of her jeans, popping the snap and unzipping the zipper before sliding his hands inside to settle against her hips. “Gonna need your help for the rest of it.”

She raised her hips from the seat and helped him to pull her pants down. “God, remind me to never wear these jeans again.”

“No such luck, baby; like you said, I happen to love you in those skintight jeans.” He let his gaze roam over her hotly and he shifted as his own jeans became uncomfortably tight.

“Time for ya to lose some clothes too, baby.” She tugged on the hem of his tee shirt. “I want that gone.”

He shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it in the backseat before pulling his shirt over his head. The air was just cool enough for gooseflesh to rise up on his skin for a few moments before the heat from the vents began to warm him up. “Maybe we should give it just a few more minutes before we bring Mike Jr. out to play,” he suggested as he reached for her again.

“No problem with that as long as you’re gonna put your warm hands on my skin.”

“Just try to keep me away,” he muttered as he helped her over the console and she straddled his lap. He added her bra to the growing pile of clothes and his big hands moved over her skin.

She wrapped her arms around him, searching for some warmth. “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered without even realizing it.

“Yeah, it was kinda lonely by myself last night.” He reached around her to aim the vents at her before he resumed rubbing her skin to generate some warmth.

“I wouldn’t survive a whole week without you, seriously.” She studied his face intensely, still amazed by just how good looking he was. She knew that he was the man she had always wanted and the one she could imagine still being with a long way down the road.

“A week,” he echoed. “Last night was bad enough.” He lowered his head to tease her nipples with his tongue as one hand moved between them to tug on the edge of her panties.

Maria groaned and ran her hands through his hair. “God, Michael, your hands are amazing.”

“I got somethin’ else that’s pretty amazing, too,” he growled, lifting his hips to nudge her with his erection.

“Uh-huh,” she breathed, “no doubt.”

“You warm enough?”

She mumbled a positive response. That was all he needed to know, he thought as he reached for his zipper. Their frustrated laughter mingled when their hands collided at their joint destination.

“Let me do that,” she said, taking his hands and placing them back on her thighs.

His hands massaged her thighs when she took over and while she was otherwise occupied he moved his right hand further up and inched his fingers under the last bit of material separating him from his goal. She was hot and wet, ready for him, and she moved restlessly against him when he slid the tip of one finger inside her just to tease her.

He groaned when she finally freed his erection and her hand wrapped around him, sliding up and down with just the slightest bit of pressure.

She leaned her forehead against his, her breath heavy. “You know I like it when we drag it out and all baby, but maybe we can do that later?”

“Hope you weren’t expecting any complaints from me,” he growled as he withdrew his hand just enough to push her panties aside to give her what she needed.

Maria dug her nails into his skin when he entered her. “You have no idea how good this feels, baby.”

“No, I’ve gotta pretty good idea,” he groaned.

She moved slowly against him, pulling his mouth into a hot kiss.

Michael’s hands roamed over her body, tracing random designs on her skin until he felt her pace change and he knew she needed more. His hands settled on her hips so he could guide her movements as he planted his feet against the floorboard to give him better leverage to thrust harder and faster.

How does he always know what to do? she wondered. She felt that she was close to the edge and she held onto him even tighter. “You’re ready, too?” she asked breathlessly.

“So ready,” he panted. They climaxed within seconds of each other and he held her close when she collapsed against him, her ragged breaths brushing against the skin of his shoulder.

“Now I wish we were already lying in bed,” she whispered drowsily.

“Well, we could stay here all night, but I’m thinkin’ in the mornin’ you wouldn’t appreciate bein’ tied up in a knot or havin’ an imprint of the steerin’ wheel on your ass.”

“God, no!” She shivered slightly. The damn Jetta never got warm enough.

“Tell ya what,” he mumbled against her temple, “give me a few minutes to recover and then I’ll take you home and put you to bed.”

“Sounds good.” She leaned to the side to get their clothes.

“Sounds good, my ass,” he said, pressing a kiss against her breast. “You just like it when I fuss over you.”

“Of course,” she winked and climbed into her own seat again.

Michael shifted to put himself back together and then pulled his tee shirt over his head.

“Fuckin’ jeans,” Maria muttered when she had a hard time pulling her pants back on. “Remind me to never wear them when we want to have sex.”

Michael snorted. “Well, since that’s pretty much most of the time...”

“Uh-huh. Wonder if that’ll change someday?”


Maria glanced down at herself. “Think you’ll still look at me the same way in a few years?”

“Where d’you come up with these crazy questions, baby? So we get older, who cares? We both take care of ourselves and besides that I can’t imagine not bein’ so turned on that I can’t see straight when I’m around you.”

Maria shrugged. “I don’t know, was just wondering.”

He bit the inside of his cheek and turned to look at her. “What about me?”

“What about you?” she asked irritated at first, and then she realized what he meant. “I want you. And not just physically.”

Michael rolled his eyes at her. “I think it’s time to get you into bed.”

She leaned across the console to kiss him. “You’re such a smart boy.”

“I know.” He grinned at her as he shifted around to put the seat in the correct position. “Genius, baby… how do you keep forgettin’ that?”

“Take me home and remind me.”

He laughed as he shook his head at her, but he was already putting the car into gear and backing out of the thankfully secluded spot she had parked in.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 97 - 2/25/10

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: Kyle had to let Tess know they wouldn’t be doing that again!

And you were right! We’re pretty sure Max will appropriately express himself.

Well, we will be getting to the big dinner with Liz’s parents in this next update. The baby news will be a little later.

It’s gonna be a great Christmas!

Alien_Friend: Thanks!

We’re pretty sure Maria’s gonna make sure Michael has a Christmas to remember!

Kyle did handle things with Tess well.

80s_UnLove_Child: They are!

You would be correct!

mary mary: He did. We’ll, we’ll see about the presents, but there will certainly be a lot of love to go around for that little girl.

begonia9508: Thanks for reading!

sarammlover: Tess had to finally realize what she was doing and face up to it. Michael and Maria, yup, we think they’re pretty perfect, too! Liz and Max… about damn time, huh? C’mon, you’ve only waited 1,200+ pages, what’s a “few” more? LOL!!

Cardinal: Kyle’s a smart boy!

Think so, huh? Hmm, so ya think she’s gonna be a screamer?

That would be a double helping of Double Trouble drama, so we’re gonna deal with one of those issues at a time, lol!

Natalie36: About time, right?

Maiqu: Just don’t think Hector Guerin has a nice ring to it, huh?

Well, it would’ve been sooner if Kyle had his way.

Not just ready, but totally ready, lol!

Okay, yes, the next part will be the meeting between the Parkers and Max. We won’t make you wait any longer since you’ve been so patient!

zaneri1: The Parker dinner is coming up in this next update.

kismet: Here we go, the long awaited Meeting, lol. Let´s see how that goss. Any guesses?

Part 98 – Meeting the Parkers

Max reached over to take Liz’ hand when they pulled up in front of her parents’ restaurant. She lifted her gaze to his and she tried to smile but it refused to surface.

“I’m not goin’ anywhere, darlin’. Your parents may not like me and they may not like that we’re together, but it all comes down to one thing… we’re livin’ our lives for us, not them.”

“You’re right, Max. I know you’re right.”

He reached out to cup her cheek as he leaned in and kissed her. “You walk in there with your shoulders back and your head held high because you haven’t done anything to be ashamed of.”

She took a deep breath. “Okay.”

Max refrained from commenting when they reached the front door of her parents’ home and instead of walking in she reached up to ring the doorbell. He rested his hands on her shoulders and rubbed at the tension he could feel there. “It’s just dinner, darlin’,” he said quietly. “A couple of hours and then we’ll go back to Tess’ place and kick back in the hot tub.” He couldn’t believe how tense she had gotten in the time it had taken for them to drive across town.

“There’s no such thing as just dinner with my parents,” she denied and quickly took a step back when the door was opened and she met her mother’s displeased eyes.

“Liz. You’ve brought company,” Nancy said by way of greeting.

“Mom, this’s – “

“Is he incapable of speaking for himself?”

Max reached around Liz to offer his hand to the woman, forcing a smile despite her obvious disapproval. “Max Evans, Mrs. Parker.”

“Um-hmm,” she muttered, shaking his hand without the slightest hint of welcome. “Well, you’re already here, so come inside.”

“Mom, I told you I was bringing Max with me.”

Nancy waved one hand dismissively. “I don’t know how you can just flaunt him around in front of Sean.
You’ve completely devastated him, you know.”

Liz stopped walking. “What? Why is Sean here?”

“Elizabeth Parker, could you possibly be anymore rude?”

“I’m not tryin’ to be rude, Mom! Sean didn’t want to have a family dinner anymore than I did; I came home to visit with you and to introduce my boyfriend, not to have dinner with my ex and his family.”

“I thought I heard my little girl,” Jeff said as he entered the room and immediately recognized the signs of a confrontation in the works. He pulled his daughter into a hug and he glanced at the young man she had brought home with her. It was easy to see the difference in his little girl; she was happy for a change and it was obvious that the guy with her had played a big part in that change. “Jeff Parker,” he introduced himself. He nodded in satisfaction when Max shook his hand and he felt the strength in the younger man’s grip.

“We do have other guests, Jeff,” Nancy reminded him with a marked lack of subtlety.

“Can I give you a hand with anything, Mrs. Parker?” Max asked, doing everything he could to keep from telling the woman where she could put her attitude. Damn, couldn’t she see how much she was hurting Liz with her words and her attitude?

“No, thank you,” she said coldly.

“She’s still adjusting to the change,” Jeff said when she left the room. “Why don’t I go see if she needs any help while you two come inside and settle down.”

Liz watched her father hurry after her mother and she turned to look at Max, recognizing the tension she could feel radiating off of him. “I’m sorry, Max, I didn’t think she’d invite Sean and his parents – “

“This has nothin’ to do with them, Liz,” he said, shaking his head. “I can handle dealin’ with them for a couple of hours. But, your mother has no right to treat you like that.”

“It’s okay, Max.”

“No, it’s not okay, Liz.” He cupped her cheek as he met her gaze. “It’s not okay and I’m on the verge of bitin’ my tongue off so I don’t go off on her. I’m tryin’ to be respectful, but it’s not easy.”

Liz’ eyes locked with Sean’s when the couple entered the living room. He looked at her as if he was trying to say: I had nothing to do with this.

Max could feel the hostility coming from Sean’s father and he did his best to ignore it as he shook hands with the couple. He nodded at Sean, seeing the misery in the guy’s expression at being put in an uncomfortable situation.

“So, where’s the man who’s managed to destroy my son’s relationship come from?” Sean’s father started as if he was trying to make small talk, but his tone and eyes said that he was angry with Max.

“Dad, stop,” Sean begged. “Liz and I were never right for each other. We only went along with the engagement for so long because neither of us wanted to disappoint our parents.” He shook his head. “She knows what she wants and she’s happy; she’s got that with Max and I’m okay with it.”

Darren turned his head to look at his son. “You’re okay with your fiancé dumping you? Did you even try to put up a fight?”

“This is so ridiculous,” Max muttered to himself.

Darren’s gaze shot to his son’s replacement. “You got somethin’ to say, boy?”

Liz squeezed his hand in warning when she noticed that Sean had gone pale. This wasn’t a position that either of them wanted to be in and as uncomfortable as it was for her, she could only imagine how much worse it was for him.

Max was sure he was going to chew his tongue off before dinner was over, but he nodded to let her know he had received the message loud and clear. Sure, his parents had taught him to be respectful, but there was a limit to how much a man could take.

Liz sat down across from Sean and pulled Max with her. God, this was gonna be an awful evening. She tried hard to think of something to say or do that would make the situation a little bit more... friendly, but there was just no way. She was almost glad when her parents entered the next room and started placing dinner on the table. Maybe they would be too distracted with eating and they wouldn’t talk the whole time, she thought hopefully.

Sean coughed slightly. “So, are you two still going to Lake Tahoe for Christmas?”

Max sat forward, elbows braced on his knees as he looked at the other guy. It was so much easier to be polite now that Liz has assured him that Sean was no threat to their relationship. “Yeah, we’re thinkin’ about hangin’ there until close to New Years’. What about you? Got plans?”

He shot his parents a glance but had gone to the dining room and they were busy talking to Liz’ parents. “Well,” he whispered, “I guess I’ll be stayin’ with my parents.”

“You’re staying here over the holidays?” Liz asked, knowing how unbearable that would be for him.

Sean shrugged. “Well, that or I’ll go back to California early.”

“Well, no offense, but I think I’d go back to Long Beach,” Max said, shrugging one shoulder.

“Yeah, probably not the worst idea.”

“Have you talked to them?” Liz asked, certain that the answer was no.

He shook his head. “My dad’s already so pissed at me for screwin’ things up with you...” He held a hand up when she started to protest. “It doesn’t matter which one of us finally had the guts to end things, Liz... my parents blame me and yours blame you. That’s just the way it is,” he said sadly.

“That’s not fair,” Liz complained. She felt bad for her ex-fiancé. True, her parents weren’t any better than his, but she had Max. Sean hadn’t found someone else to be with.

“Maybe not, but that’s the hand we got dealt when parents were bein’ handed out. Don’t worry about it, Liz; I’ll probably just head back to California right after Christmas.” He sighed as he glanced at their parents. “Maybe earlier, I don’t know yet.”

Max watched Liz and saw the sadness in her eyes. It almost broke his heart and he sighed deeply. I’m sooo gonna regret this, he thought. “Why don’t you join us up at the cabin?” Had he really asked that question aloud? Max wondered, hoping the guy would say no.

Liz’ shocked gaze flew to him and after a moment she smiled. That had been the last thing she had expected, but she appreciated that he had made the offer.

“Oh, no,” Sean declined, glancing up when they were called to join their parents at the table. “I mean, that’s great and all, but I’ve still got some things to sort out. No, you guys go and enjoy bein’ with someone you genuinely care about and want to be with.” He glanced at Liz. “I know you care about me just like I care about you and I’m at a place now where I can see that this is right.” He took her hand and smiled at her before taking a seat. “You’re happy, Liz, and as much as I didn’t wanna see it at first, he’s the one who makes you happy...” He glanced at Max before looking back at her. “We should all be so lucky,” he said with a wink.

“I doubt that,” Nancy said as she sat down at the table.

Liz made a face. Of course her mother would just ruin the moment.

“Why?” Max asked simply.

“Why what?” Nancy asked, her tone rough.

“Why shouldn’t we all be lucky? Liz and Sean are both good with this situation. What’s the point of stayin’ with someone you don’t love?”

“This has nothing to do with luck,” she said, shaking her head negatively. “This is a matter of bad judgment. You mark my words,” she pointed at him with her fork, “this will run its course and when it does, Liz will realize that Sean was the one for her all along.”

Sitting across from Max, Sean could see the effort it was taking for the guy to remain polite in the face of such adversity. “Does anyone here care that Liz and I are in agreement that our engagement was something that wasn’t gonna make us happy?” he asked, not really directing the question at any certain person.

Darren glared at his son. “Why are you just sittin’ back and takin’ this so casually? Be a man and fight for the woman you’re supposed to marry,” he insisted, thumping his fist on the table. “Damn it, how did I manage to raise such a chicken-shit?”

Sherry placed a hand over her husband’s fist. “Darren, not at the dinner table.”

“How do you not have a problem with our son bein’ kicked to the curb so she could have an affair with some little surf bum?”

Max tugged his collar away from his throat. Surf bum? Seriously?

Nancy turned to look at her daughter. “Do you see how much trouble you’ve caused? How could you go and get involved with this... this...” She waved her hand at Max with an irritated look on her face.

“Mom, stop talkin’ about him like that!” Liz said, her voice raised. “Max does not deserve to be treated like this and if this is how you’re all gonna act then we’re leaving.”

Jeff cleared his throat and took a step forward, trying to close the distance between them. “So, Max, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself? You’re from California?”

“No sir, I’m from Texas; my family’s still back home in Dallas. I come from a respectable family. My parents are lawyers, own their own firm, I have an older sister – “

“Evans,” Darren interrupted. “You play football at USC?”

“Yes sir, I do.”

“You had an older brother, right? Played ball at UT, right?”

Max swallowed hard and nodded, grateful when he felt Liz’ hand settle on his thigh. “I did, yes.”

Darren glanced around the table. “Kid died a couple years back... damn shame, too. He could’ve gone to the NFL. Heard scouts were already lookin’ at him.”

“God, could you be anymore insensitive?” Liz snapped.

Sean stared at his father, shocked at what he had said. “Damn, Dad, was that necessary?”

“Unless you’re gonna grow a set of balls and do somethin’ to get your fiancé back – “

“For the last time, we’re not getting married!” Sean shouted as he leapt to his feet. He was so sick of this charade! “Didn’t you ever wonder why I never chased girls in high school? Why Liz and I never got caught makin’ out when we were left on our own?”

Nancy waved Sean’s outburst aside. “You were obviously brought up right, Sean. Unlike some boys.”

Liz bristled at the implications when her mother glanced meaningfully at Max. “That’s the last insult, mother,” she warned. “We’re leaving.”

“Sean, sit down and eat your dinner.”

“I'm a grown man, Dad. I don’t need to be told what to do like I’m five years old! Answer my question!”

Darren shrugged. “You just hid it very well, I guess.”

“Yeah, I’ve hidden it well,” he muttered. “I hid it from everyone including myself.”

Sherry glanced at her husband, her eyes slightly rounded as she heard her only son’s quiet words. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m talkin’ about the fact that I’m not interested in girls!” he exploded, shocked and relieved to finally have it out in the open.

The room went painfully silent for several minutes. Darren was the first who dared to make a sound when he cleared his throat. “Um, what?”

“I didn’t stutter, Dad.”

“No, but it sounded like you said you aren’t interested in girls...” Darren laughed, feeling uncomfortable.

Max leaned in to Liz. “Did you know?” he whispered.

“Remember when I told you that you had nothin’ to worry about?” She smiled and nudged him with her elbow. “It wasn’t just because what Sean and I had is over.”

Nancy looked at Sean, staring at him for several minutes as if he were an exhibit on display. “Sean, that isn’t your only option; Liz will come around.” She turned to look at her daughter. “Do you see what you did?”

Liz shook her head and stood up. “Max, Sean, we’re leaving. Now!”

Sean shook his head. “Not yet. Look, you guys can blame Liz for this all you want, but it has nothin’ to do with her. Our engagement allowed me to ignore the truth and it kept both of us in a relationship that neither of us wanted.”

“You’re tellin’ us that you want a relationship with...” Darren swallowed hard. “Another man?”

He slumped back down into his chair. “I’m tellin’ you I don’t know what I want right now, Dad; all I know is that Liz and I were never attracted to each other. And on my end, it's because I’m not into girls. Liz is quite obviously into Max, so her not bein’ attracted to me was simply a matter of not seein’ me that way.”

Darren shook his head and his hands were clenched into fists on the table. “You’d better be out of my house by the time we get home,” he said quietly.

Sean looked at his mother for some sort of support and it hurt when she avoided his gaze. He glanced up as a hand settled on his arm and helped him to his feet.

“C’mon, Sean, let’s go,” Max said quietly. He turned to Liz and handed her the keys. “Take him out to the car and I’ll be right behind you.” He waited until he heard the front door close behind Liz and Sean and he shook his head as he looked at the people still seated at the table. “Y’know, I was raised to respect my elders, but I think this is one time when my parents would not only understand me steppin’ out on my manners, but they would be cheerin’ me on from the sidelines.”

He nodded at Sean’s parents. “It couldn’t have been easy for him to tell you how he feels and instead of tryin’ to be supportive or understanding you just threw him out. Don’t you think he’s confused enough right now? Sure, it’s a shocking piece of news, but you didn't even try to deal with it!”

“We didn’t ask you to interfere here! That’s none of your damn business!” Darren shouted back, still reeling from his son’s confession.

“None of my business? Your son is my girlfriend’s best friend; that kinda puts me in a position where I’m involved.” Max couldn’t believe these people. How could anyone treat their children the way they did? He turned his attention to the other couple and he felt his temper spike when Nancy gazed back at him coldly.

“You’d better leave now,” the woman hissed, pointing to the door.

“You can think what you want to about me because I don’t care one way or the other about your opinion of me, but your daughter deserves better from you. You treat her like she’s insignificant and nothin’ could be further from the truth. You’re drivin’ her away and one of these days she’s gonna realize that she doesn’t need you if this is all she can expect from you.”

He shook his head. “She wants to be close to you, that means so much to her, but if you keep slammin’ the door in her face she’s gonna eventually stop tryin’. You made her feel like shit over Thanksgiving and I’ll be damned if you do the same thing for Christmas or any other day of the damned year. If you can’t or won’t accept her and love her for the woman she is then I can assure you she has a family in Texas that will. My family has accepted her and they love her just like she is, no questions asked.” He turned to leave and then paused a moment before crossing the room to stand across from Nancy. “I know you hit her and I’m tellin’ you right here and now that you will never repeat that mistake.”

“We’re leavin’ tomorrow mornin’ and I’m only botherin’ to tell you that in case you decide that you can accept your daughter’s choices and simply be happy that she’s happy. That’s all she wants from you.” He shrugged. “You wanna stop by and see her, make things right, you’ve got until 9am.” He turned and left without another word.

Nancy stared after Max in disbelief, her hand was shaking and she dropped the fork she was still holding to the table. For the first time that evening she found herself wondering if she had made a mistake.


Liz glanced up when Max finally stepped out on the street where she and Sean were waiting. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know what had happened inside.

“Well, that didn’t go very well, did it?” Sean asked, confused. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

Liz shook her head. “We shouldn’t have come here. I knew it would be a disaster.”

“Well, at least it’s over now,” Max said as he draped one arm around her shoulders and pulled her close against his side. “Any idea what you’re gonna do now, Sean?”

He shrugged. “Can I catch a ride with you to the airport in the morning? I think I’m gonna try to get a flight back to California.”

“Yeah, no problem.” He glanced at Liz, waiting to see how she wanted to proceed. Was she going to ask Sean if he wanted to come back to Tess’ place with them?

“You think your father was serious about throwin’ you out of the house?” Liz asked.

“He’s never made a threat he didn’t carry out. I think this’s one of the reasons why I was always so afraid to deal with this... I knew there was a good chance that my father wouldn’t want anything to do with me.”

Max reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Give them time to come around, Sean. They may never be able to deal with it, some people can’t, but sometimes it’s just a matter of time.”

“You don’t know my father.”

“I know more than I wanted to after that little display at dinner. If they refuse to deal with it and they won’t accept you... not your decision, but you, then you’re gonna have to find the strength to move on and get past that.”

“I can ask Tess if it’s okay if you come with us for the night. They have such a big house, so I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem.” Liz had already opened her bag to find her cell.

Sean glanced at Max. “I don’t know...”

“Yeah, and her father’s got tons of whiskey. I could really use a drink now, what about you?” Max asked.

Maybe he would never be his best friend, but now that Max knew the whole truth, he also knew why he needed Liz in his life. She was probably the only person he trusted. “You wouldn’t be uncomfortable hangin’ out with me?” he asked, unsure of his welcome. “I mean... I’m your girlfriend’s ex and now you know that I’m totally fucked up and may or may not swing for the other team.” God, he was so confused!

Max laughed. “Nah, I’m good with it. I live with Kyle Valenti and Michael Guerin, believe me, nobody is as fucked up as those two. And about the gay thing...” Max just waved him off, “it was a surprise, but I really don’t care. Honestly, I’m glad, ‘cause I don’t have to worry about you and Liz anymore.”

Sean nodded, relieved that the other guy wasn’t making a big deal of it. “Okay, maybe we could stop by my parents’ place and pick up my stuff first? That way I don’t have to deal with them again?”

“Good point.” Max snapped his fingers. “Yeah, let’s go.” They walked to the car and drove the few streets to Sean’s house in silence.

“Alright, I didn’t really unpack my stuff, so it’ll only take me a few minutes,” he said as he hurried out of the car. Hopefully his parents wouldn’t come back until they were already gone again.

Liz turned in her seat to watch Max and she placed her hand over his. “Thanks, Max.”

He lifted one eyebrow. “For what?”

“For everything!” she answered seriously. “For dealing with my parents even if they acted like total jerks, for defending us in front of them, for letting Sean stay with us even if he isn’t a friend of yours.”

Max gently cradled her face in his hands. “I should be apologizing for getting so bent outta shape over you spendin’ time with Sean. To be honest, knowin’ the truth would’ve made it easier, but I understand why you didn’t tell me.”

She nodded. “It wasn’t my secret to tell, but I’m glad you know now.”

“He’s got a tough road ahead of him if his parents refuse to deal with him or the situation.” He shook his head. “It’s good that he has you for a friend, Liz.”

She sighed. “I wish I could do more. He feels so lonely right now. You think we could convince him to come with us to the cabin? I don’t want him to be alone over Christmas.”

“We can try, but I don’t know how much good it’ll do.”

“’Cause it’s mostly couples... right?”

“Well, that and he might just need some time to process this on his own.”

“What’d you tell my parents? Ya know, when Sean and I went outside.”

“That they need to get their heads out of their asses,” he said.

“I’m really glad that we’re spending Christmas far away and on our own.”

“Me too.” He glanced up when Sean stepped back outside. “I can’t wait to get you alone in that cabin,” he growled as he leaned in to kiss her.


Maria groaned slightly when the Navigator they had rented at the airport in Lake Tahoe hit a pothole and her head thumped against the window. She had been drifting off to sleep and back all morning, first on the flight and now on the drive to the cabin. Liz and Maria had gotten comfortable in the backseat while Michael was driving and Max checked the map.

“When are we finally gonna get there?” Maria asked tiredly, reaching around the front seat to touch Michael’s chest.

“Soon,” he said, covering her hand and threading his fingers through hers. “You gonna be awake by the time we get there?”

“If you keep driving through every pothole in the road then... yes, probably,” she teased.

“I don’t know who’s responsible for the upkeep of these roads, but they’re doin’ a piss-poor job.” He glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “Whatcha wanna do first?”

“Eat,” she replied without thinking.

“Eat? You makin’ lunch?”

“Me?” she asked, sounding agonized.

“You want me to make lunch?”

Her face brightened. “Yeah.”

He had been attempting sarcasm, but it was obvious that she was ignoring that and choosing to put him to work.

“I’d love a big grilled cheese sandwich. Yummy.” She leaned back and rubbed her belly, winking at him in the mirror.

“A grilled cheese, huh? I might be able to put one of those together.”

“Well, I’m hungry, too,” Liz spoke up sleepily.

“Uh-huh,” Max said and grinned from the passengers’ seat.

“I’m not cookin’ for everyone,” Michael grumbled.

“I’ll help you,” Max said, placing the map aside. “Left at the end of the road and we’re there. I can’t believe the other road in is under construction; it was so much more direct.”

“I can’t wait to get out of the car. My muscles hurt,” Maria complained. “I need a massage, baby.” She loved to make him take care of her because she knew he would never say no.

Michael lifted her hand up and pressed a kiss to her palm, smiling at her in the mirror. “I’ll take care of you while Max is makin’ lunch.” He’d much rather be in bed with Maria instead of cooking for all of them.

“You can forget that, Guerin,” Max answered.

“You take care of your girl and I’ll take care of mine.”

“Well, guys, we want something to eat, that’s for sure. Right, Liz?” Maria elbowed her.

“Huh?” Liz was still half-asleep and her brain wasn’t functioning at its full capacity. “I mean, yeah, we’re hungry.”

“See,” Maria smiled sweetly at Michael in the mirror.

He shrugged. “It’s your muscles that’re gonna have to wait.”

“First food, then my muscles.” She leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

Michael had to accept that he had been out-maneuvered this time. “Alright... food first.”

Maria leaned back, satisfied again, and looked out of the window. “Is that our cabin?” she asked excitedly when Michael pulled into a driveway.

“No,” he answered dryly. “I just thought we’d stop here and introduce ourselves to the neighbors.”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Whoa, that is a lot of snow,” she said, when she opened her door.

“Better put a leash on that tongue unless you wanna put it to work,” he teased. “Guess y’all don’t see snow like this in New Mexico, huh?”

“You’ve gotta carry me, Michael.”

“Carry you?” he repeated as he opened his door and dropped one foot to the ground. “The driveway’s clear, so why the hell would I carry you?”

She shrugged and grinned. “Just because it’s fun.”

“Fun? I think you just get a kick out of havin’ me carry your ass around.”

They both climbed out of the car. “Don’t be mean.” She pressed herself against him, her arms coming around his neck as she stared up into his eyes.

She was playing unfairly, he thought as he met her gaze. “Oh, alright,” he muttered ungraciously. He reached for her and he shook his head when she smirked, seeing that she was getting her way. He shifted his weight at the last second and instead of lifting her up against his chest he tossed her over his shoulder and hooked his arm over her knees.

“Michael, what’re you doin’? Michael!” she shrieked. “Let me down!”

Of course he didn’t listen to a word she was saying, but the snow on the side of the driveway was high enough for her to reach. She grabbed a handful of it and pulled the waistband of his jeans back, just enough to let the cold snow fall into his pants.

“Maria!” he roared when the snow slid down where snow had no business being. There was no way to dislodge the rapidly melting clump of snow without exposing the family jewels to the freezing temperatures and there was no way that was gonna happen. “Alright, baby, y’know that means war!” He tossed her into the snow and followed her down, quickly pinning her hands down and shoving a handful of snow down the front of her shirt.

“Fuck!” she hissed. “That’s freaking cold, Michael!” She managed to get free and grabbed a huge load of snow with both hands. She threw it all right into his face and laughed while she got to her feet to run away.

“You are in sooo much trouble when I catch you!” he yelled, scrambling to his feet and taking up the chase.

He knew he had the advantage because she wasn’t used to snow, so he waited for her to tire herself out trying to dodge him as she hopped around in the deep snow.

Liz was watching them, enjoying their happiness when a handful of the soft white stuff hit the back of her head and showered down over her. “Max!”

Max glanced around. “I have absolutely no clue who did that,” he said, amused.

“Uh-huh.” She shook her head and scooped up a handful of the snow and did her best to pack it into a suitable snowball. She took aim at him and threw it as hard as she could... and it completely missed him.

“Liz, darlin’,” he teased, “you throw like a girl!”

She placed her hands on her hips. “I am a girl, Max Evans!” she said before running right towards him with the intention of shoving him into the snow.

Max caught her in his arms, carrying her down to the ground with him. “I’m very happy about that little fact,” he said as he kissed her.

“Uh-huh, you’d better be.” She kissed him back, not caring about the fact that the cold from the snow was already creeping through her jeans.

Maria frowned when she realized that her legs felt tired and it was getting harder to move through the snow. Michael was just waiting for the right moment to attack and she knew it was getting close. Her eyebrows lifted when she noticed Max and Liz lying in the snow and Michael frowned at her loss of concentration.

He turned to see what had caught her attention and he grinned. “Go, Evans!” he shouted, laughing. His breath was forced from his chest when he suddenly landed on the ground, a familiar weight pinning him down. He spit out the mouthful of snow and reached up to brush it out of his hair as he considered the best way to get the upper hand.

“Is there a female football team at our college?” she asked, proudly sitting on top of him.

Michael snorted as he shifted to roll over under her. “No, and what you did would be like cheating.”

“No, it’s not,” she denied, shaking her head. “That,” she pressed her lower body in his lap, “would be cheating.”

“You do realize the lower half of my body is not only ice cold, but now it’s also wet from melted snow, don’t you?”

“So?” She bent her upper body down so she could nudge his nose with hers. “I’ve already got something in mind how we can get warm again.”

“Yeah? ‘Cause, I’m thinkin’ you wanted me to cook before anything else...”

“Maybe we can grab a hot shower first…”

“You just wanna get me hot and naked.” He paused to think about that and after a few moments he fumbled to pull the keys out of his pocket. “Go unlock the door while I grab our bags... get that shower started,” he growled as he kissed her hard and fast.

“Hey, Liz,” she called her when she got up from the snow. “C’mon, leave your boy outside with your bags and let’s go inside to decide which bedrooms are the best.”

“Hey,” Michael yelled after her, “I already called the bedroom on the east side! Hot tub’s on the deck off of that room.”

“That’s my man,” Maria shouted before the girls disappeared into the house.

“You just claimed the room with the hot tub?” Max grumbled as he tried to pull his cold jeans away from his skin.

“Of course. Last time Kyle had it, when he brought that chick with him from Tahoe. Remember?”

Max snorted. “Don’t mention that with Tess around.”

“Better not mention that to any of the girls,” Michael said, remembering the previous year when none of them had girlfriends.

“Yeah, let’s just keep that in the past where it belongs.” He hooked the strap for two of Liz’ bags over his right shoulder and then grabbed a third one. “Damn... how much luggage did Maria bring?”

Michael shrugged. “Obviously too much.” He took two bags in each hand and headed for the front door. “But as long as there’s sexy underwear in it I won’t complain.”

“Good point.”

“You’ve got your Christmas present for Liz?”

Max rolled his eyes. “Uh-huh.”

“Great, so we just need the stupid Christmas tree.”

“C’mon, Guerin, huntin’ down the tree won’t be that bad.”

“Uh-huh... you know they’ve got a damn diagram?”

“A what?”

“Not kidding.”

“It’s a tree... what exactly do we need a diagram for?”

“Don’t ask me, man, I didn’t come up with it. All I know is that we’ll probably spend a whole day in the woods before we find the tree.”

Max laughed. “It’s just a tree... you want one that’s bushy and full, what more is there to know? Who made the diagram?”

“Isabel, I think.”

“Well, look, you’ve got three people with you who have been pickin’ trees out for years, so I think we can do this without a diagram. Seriously, what’s she gonna do, count the needles or somethin’?”

“Are you talking about the tree again?” Maria asked when the boys joined them in the house.

“Yeah, Michael’s tied up in knots about some diagram or somethin’.”

“We’ll find the perfect one, I’m sure,” she said before going upstairs. A minute later they could hear excited high-pitched sounds coming from the second floor.

Michael smirked. “She found the hot tub.”

“Wonder which room Liz is gonna pick,” Max mused aloud.

“There’s the one with the big balcony,” Michael guessed.

“True... great sunset from that balcony.”

Sex with the sunset in the Background, Michael thought, but resisted the urge to say it out loud. He was turning into a big sap.

“Don’t choke on your thoughts, Guerin,” Max said, shaking his head.

“Like you know what I was thinkin’, man.”

“Yeah, I know where your mind was.”

“Don’t tell me ya hadn’t thought about it, Evans.”

“Not sayin’ that,” was all Max said.

Michael just rolled his eyes. Thank God, he and Maria had left no-sex land.

“Liz, what room’re you in?” Max hollered as they reached the second floor.

“I’m in here,” Liz called. “The one with the balcony.”

“This the one you want?” he asked, hoping she’d say yes so he could unload their luggage.

“Yeah, it’s amazing. The balcony is huge.”

“Awesome sunset over the mountains, too.” He grinned as he dropped the bags on the bed. “Not to mention, it’s the farthest from the room Michael and Maria picked.”

“Probably a good thing, huh?”

Max snorted and pushed the bags out of the way so he could flop back on the bed. “That’s a very good thing.”

Liz smiled and crawled over him. “And the door has a lock,” she said playfully.

He returned her smile and his arms came around her when she settled against him. “It does, huh?” He pressed a series of small kisses along her jaw. “We might need to check it out to make sure it works.”

“You’d better do that,” she replied confidently. They hadn’t had sex yet, but Liz was getting more and more comfortable with the thought. She trusted Max and she knew he wanted it badly and was just holding back for her.

Max looked up at her, his dark eyes scanning hers as his breath caught in his throat. “Seriously?”

She smiled. “I... I don’t know. Maybe.”

He tugged her shirt free of her waistband and slid his hands up under it to rest against her skin. “Why don’t we just stay here for now,” he suggested. She was getting more comfortable with him and with her own sexuality, but she needed to be the one to decide when they took the big step and he wanted her to be sure when the time came.

In response, Liz’ stomach started to growl loudly, reminding them that they had planned to eat something.

“I think your stomach disagrees,” Max said with a smile.

Liz made a face. “Sorry.”

He grinned at her and shook his head. “It’s all good. We’ll grab lunch, decide if we wanna hunt down that tree today or tomorrow, and let the cards fall where they fall.”

“Did we actually bring something for lunch with us?”

“Huh-uh, we called ahead, had them stock the cabinets and the fridge, so we’ve got plenty of stuff to eat.”

“Okay,” she pressed a kiss to his clothed chest. “Let’s go get something then.”

Max growled and shifted, rolling her onto her back so he could get to his feet. “Let’s go find some food, darlin’ or I’m gonna get back in that bed with you,” he said, smiling when she seemed to pause and consider her options before getting up.

“Save it for later, darlin’,” she teased, letting her fingertips brush against his jaw as she passed him and stepped out into the hall.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 99 - 3/4/10

Post by Double Trouble »

kismet: Right now Sean just wants to be by himself to try and figure things out. Maybe at some point in the future Max’s words will get through to one or more of the parents. Max is pretty lovable, lol. Michael… lose that sharp tongue? Never. He may have his softer moments, but he’s not gonna lose his edge. He’s still Michael after all.

Hmm… thinkin’ Liz is ready to take that step, huh?

The guys will get the pictures over Christmas.

Here’s hopin’ Thursday gets here soon enough for ya!

keepsmiling7: Yeah, not a dinner we’d like to be part of either!

Sean’s made it over a big hurdle. Hopefully now he’ll be able to start moving forward.

Earth2Mama: A reappearance of either set of parents has yet to be decided, but ‘nuff said for now, lol.

That could have been awkward, huh? Nope, Sean knows that Liz is happy now and while he does still value her as a friend and wants her to be around, he didn’t want to be the ol’ fifth wheel. Ya just never know what’ll happen with Sean.

Snowball fights rock!

LOL, yup, looks like our Dreamer couple is definitely on the same page.

The news about Hector is coming… soon. Yep, we’re thinkin’ you’re right about Michael and Maria.

begonia9508: They are, aren’t they? Jeff should stand up for his daughter, but he hasn’t quite made it that far yet.

mary mary: Max couldn’t just let that go. Chances are good that the parents (some of them anyway) will regret the way they’ve treated their children.

LOL, they are on their way. They weren’t planning to arrive first, just early when only two of the couples were there.

kay_b: Glad you’re lovin’ ‘em! Hmm… well, guess we’ll see what Liz decides as the holiday progresses.

Natalie36: It’s taken time, but she’s getting there. Max, well, he couldn’t just let those things go without a response.

Alien_Friend: Max to the rescue, lol. Sean’s story won’t be left unfinished.

Glad you liked Max’s response to the situation.

They’ve earned the right to a little playful fun.

We’ll be seeing more of the Dreamer couple now that they’re up in Tahoe.

80s_UnLove_Child: LOL, surprise!

Sean’s not a bad guy despite some of his actions in the past.

That would be cold… especially since some of that snow went where it had no business being!

LOL, and there’s another vote for Max’s Christmas present!

We’ll see who gets their hands on that hot tub.

zaneri1: Thanks! Glad ya enjoyed it! Max is pretty lovable, huh? The fun’s about to begin.

sarammlover: Thanks! You’ll get plenty of these two couples while they’re at the cabin. Max couldn’t let those words or actions go without speaking up.

Maiqu: Not at all, huh?

Well, your patience is paying off!

Nancy and Darren… now there’s a couple of horrible people.

Sean, he’s needin’ some love and understanding.

Wow, we’re speechless! Thanks! We’re glad you love DT Max so much… he’s a lot of fun to write.

Part 99 – Surprise, It’s A Girl!

Michael walked into the bedroom he and Maria had claimed and dumped their bags on the floor before stretching and glancing around for his girlfriend. He finally located her standing out on the deck, leaning on the railing as she looked over the nearby snow-covered mountains.

He stepped outside and winced when the cold air hit his damp clothes. “Whatcha doin’ out here?” he asked as he wandered over to check the hot tub. Perfect, he realized when he saw that it had been filled and was ready to go.

“It’s amazing here, Michael. How often do you come up here?”

“I don’t know... few times a year for the past couple of years. It’s quiet here and it’s paradise for someone who enjoys snow sports.” He walked up behind her and placed his hands on the rail next to hers as he rested his weight against her back.

She leaned back, enjoying the feeling of his body. “Wanna show me how to snowboard?”

“You really wanna learn?”

“Ya think I could do it?”

“Yeah, if you really wanna learn.”

“I want to,” she assured him.

“Yeah, we can hit the slopes after lunch if ya want,” he offered, thinking that it would give him the perfect opportunity to avoid the tree hunt.

“Sounds good, we can get the tree tomorrow.”

Damn! “Okay, I’m gonna go put some dry clothes on and then I’ll go get lunch started since you’d rather eat than have hot sex with me.”

“Wait,” she turned to come face to face with him and grabbed his collar.

“Change your mind?” he growled.

Her eyes wandered to his lips. “Hmm... haven’t decided yet.”

His hands slid down over her hips to grip her thighs and he lifted her with ease, smiling against her lips when she locked her legs around him. He kept one arm around her and used the other to feel behind him as he moved along the deck, searching for the door. He turned the knob as soon as his fumbling hand found it and he pushed it in with his shoulder, kicking it shut behind him.

He almost made it to the bed before he tripped on the small rug in front of the nightstand, but he was close enough that they landed on the mattress. “Sorry,” he muttered when he landed on top of her and she squeaked out a protest.

“You almost crushed me,” she said playfully and smacked his shoulder before letting her hands run down his strong arms that had carried her inside.

“We’ll wanna move that rug.”

“Let’s go take a shower, baby,” Maria breathed against the bare skin of his neck. “I’m cold.”

“Knew you couldn’t resist the chance to get me naked,” he said smugly.

“Never,” she said honestly.

“You already got the water runnin’?”

“No, didn’t have a chance to take a look at the bath.”

“Didn’t I tell you when I gave you the keys to get the shower started?”

“But that would be a total waste of water, Michael.”

“Um-hmm, we’ll see if you still think that when you turn the water on and it takes about five minutes to get hot... Mike Jr. isn’t interested in a cold shower.”

“No, but he’s interested in me,” she replied and slipped her hands into the waistband of his jeans.

“He’s not gonna be happy if you stick him in a cold shower... and it’s not gonna matter how much he likes you.”

Maria unfastened his belt and opened his jeans to trail her hand over his boxer covered hard length. “Alright baby, I’ll get the shower started.” With a quick kiss she stood up and hurried to the bathroom

Michael glanced after her and then down at himself. “Here that, buddy? No cold showers for us.” He grinned to himself and got to his feet so he could start taking his clothes off. Definitely a downside to cold weather, he thought. So damn many layers!

“Can you bring that tiny pink bag with you, baby?” Maria called from the bathroom.

“Do I look like the kinda guy who carries tiny pink bags around, Maria?” Even as he asked the question he was looking around for the bag. What’d she have in it? he wondered.

She leaned in the doorframe and watched him as he searched the room for the bag. “Think you are,” she smirked.

“Why d’you need the bag to get naked and wet?” he complained.

She went further into the room and grabbed the bag when she noticed it had fallen out of one of her bags and it was halfway under the bed. “That’s why,” she said as she opened it and pulled a little plastic package out of it. She popped it open and shoved one of the small pills into her mouth.

“Oh. ‘nuff said,” he muttered.

Maria laughed. “Thought you wouldn’t complain about that.”

“Okay, back to the shower... ready for the fun stuff to start.”

“Want to help with my jeans?” she asked, unbuttoning them.

“Yeah, like I’m gonna say no.” He was reaching to give her a hand when his phone rang. He glanced between his jeans and her delectable little body as he debated whether or not to answer whatever dumbass was trying to interrupt his plans.

“Just in time,” Maria shook her head. “It’s probably Alex makin’ sure we arrived safely.”

“This whole impending fatherhood thing has made him act like an old woman,” he grumbled as he snatched his jeans up off of the floor and felt around for the cell phone.

“Join me in the shower when you’re ready,” she said and walked in the bath again.

“Son-of-a-bitch,” he snarled, nearly snapping the phone in two as he jerked it open with more force than necessary. “Somebody had better be dyin’,” he threatened.

“Uh...” was all Brendan could answer to the ‘nice’ greeting he had gotten from his twin.

“Bren, what’s up? You’ve been off the grid for the past couple of days.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve been kinda busy.”

“You still in New York?”

“Um, no. Are you guys already at the cabin?”

“Yeah, got here a little while ago.”

“That’s good, ‘cause I’m almost there too. Need the address.”

“Yeah? Cool, hold on a sec.” He dug through the other pockets and pulled out the crumpled up directions he had scribbled down and then read them back to his brother. “Hey, you hungry?”


That was a stupid question, Guerin, he chastised himself. “Well, we were getting ready to get lunch started. How long before you get here?”

“About 30 minutes I guess.”

“Be careful and we’ll see ya soon, Bren.” Damn, there went his plans for shower sex! “Maria! Change in plans, baby,” he hollered as he dug around in his bag for a set of dry clothes.

“Why?” Maria pouted, already under the hot water.

“Bren’s gonna be here in half an hour!”

She stuck her head out of the shower. “Really? Is he alone?”

“I didn’t think to ask.” He mentally kicked himself. How could he have not thought to ask that question?

Maria shook her head at him.

Michael paused, pulling his tee shirt on as he met her gaze in the mirror. “What?” He shrugged and grinned sheepishly. “It’s just kinda cool that he’s gonna be here, that’s all.”

“I’ll hurry.” She said and disappeared back into the shower. It was so good to see Michael happy about the fact that his twin was coming. It had been a different story a few months ago.

“Okay, I’m gonna head downstairs before lunch gets ruined ‘cause Max is too busy starin’ at Liz and makin’ cow eyes at her.” He rolled his eyes and hurried out of the room.


Brendan stepped up on the porch and took a deep breath before reaching for the door that Michael had told him would be unlocked. He had never been invited to the cabin, but it wasn’t hard to follow the voices coming from inside. He made a motion for silence as he reached the kitchen doorway and he rapped his knuckles on the doorframe before stepping inside alone. “Hey,” he greeted.

Michael glanced up from the grilled cheese sandwich he was making for Maria. “Hey, Bren.” He flipped the sandwich on a plate, moved the pan back off of the burner, and wiped his hands on a towel before walking over to his brother to take two bags from him.

“When you said cabin I had kinda pictured some rustic little shack in the middle of the woods... this is pretty awesome,” he said, gladly letting Michael take a couple of the bags.

“Come on, this house will be crowded when Christmas rolls around; we wouldn’t just rent a shack.”

“Yeah, about that... I kinda brought some company with me.”

“You did?” Michael asked, unable to hide a smirk.

“Yeah, hold on a sec, okay?” He backed out of the room, oblivious to the looks of amusement being exchanged behind his back. He motioned for Karen to join him and he leaned over to scoop his little girl up in his arms.

“You ready for this?” he whispered.

“Yeah, I think so.” She took a deep breath and then accepted his hand as he turned to walk back into the kitchen.

Michael’s mouth opened and closed several times when he saw the little girl in his brother’s arms. His mind ran over every possibility as to who the little girl could be. “Um...” He felt stupid for not knowing what to say but he knew he didn’t want to say the wrong thing and scare Karen off because it was pretty obvious that Brendan wanted things to work between them. “Hi, Karen.”

His girlfriend took the lead when she noticed Michael was... speechless. “Hey, I’m Maria.”

“Michael,” Karen greeted before turning to shake the blonde’s hand. “Maria, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Brendan grinned at his brother when he saw the look on his face and he took a step closer to him. “Michael, I’d like you to meet my daughter.”

“Your...” Michael swallowed hard, “…your daughter?”

The little girl was busy looking between the two men, most likely confused by the fact that they looked alike.

“My daughter,” he repeated proudly.

“Uh-huh. How... how did that happen?” He shook his head and laughed. “I mean, I know how. I’m just... confused.” Michael took the little girl out of his brother’s arms. “Hey, baby girl. What’s your name?”

“Brenda Michaela Guerin,” Brendan answered with a big grin. “Caela for short.” He reached out to stroke her head when she leaned back in Michael’s arms to study him.

Michael was overwhelmed by the situation and was glad that he could lean on the kitchen counter to steady him. “You’ve definitely got the best name, little girl.” He looked up to meet Karen’s eyes. “So, you’d already had her when we saw each other that last time.” He chuckled. “And I thought you were just hiding some extra pounds under your clothes.”

Karen laughed outright when Maria turned to stare at him and he backed up involuntarily. “No, it’s okay. There was a lot going on last summer and I was still trying to lose the extra weight I had gained during the pregnancy.” She shook her head. “Let me tell you, those pounds do not just magically fall off after having the baby.”

“Uh-huh,” Maria said, “don’t let Isabel hear that.”

“Isabel... the girl Alex is with, right?” she asked, glancing at Brendan for confirmation.

Brendan nodded. “Yeah, she’s just at the beginning of her pregnancy. You can’t see much right now.”

“Seems like the Guerin family is growing fast,” Max said with a smirk and smacked Michael’s shoulder.

“Yeah, Brendan, Alex...” Liz smirked, enjoying the rare opportunity to have the upper hand. “That just leaves one Guerin boy.”

“Uh-huh, I think I have a say in that, too.” Maria clarified.

“Yeah, we’re just gonna wait on that,” Michael agreed, still staring at the little girl he held. “How old is she?”

“She’s 18 months,” Karen said. “You gonna keep her? That way Brendan and I can get the other things out of the car. I tell you, there’s a lot of stuff you have to bring when you’re traveling with a baby.”

Max wiped his hands on a dishtowel and shook his head. “Nah, you stay in here where it’s warm. I’ll give Brendan a hand with your stuff,” he offered.

Michael’s eyes followed the little girl’s hands as she tugged on the chain around his neck until she had managed to pull it free of his shirt. She made a sound of happiness as she held the dog tags up and then met his gaze over them.

“Sorry, but you can’t have those, Caela.”

She frowned up at him and tugged on them stubbornly.

“Uh-huh, looks like you’ve already got the Guerin temperament.”

Maria walked over to them to rub the little girl’s back. “Think I was wrong when I said there isn’t much left that can surprise us, huh?”

“Gotta admit, I didn’t see this one comin’,” he said with a smile. “She’s cute, huh?”

Maria smiled. “Yeah, and seems like she already likes you,” she said when Caela rested her head on his chest, her tired eyes staring dreamily into the air.

“She’s a girl,” Max muttered, rolling his eyes. “All girls like Michael.”

“I don’t complain as long as they’re that little,” Maria replied.

Michael glanced at Karen. “You guys want me to call and have them send a crib up here?”

She watched Michael, amazed at how naturally he held the little girl in his arms. Most guys his age would be too scared to even touch a baby, much less carry her around. “No thanks, we stopped at the lodge and picked up a few things… crib, high chair.”

“So, how’re things between you an’ Bren?” Michael asked without any subtlety. “I guess it’s a good sign if you came here with him.”

“Well, we still have to work a lot of things out. I know that this’s gonna turn his life upside down, but I’m confident that we’ll make it work somehow.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I can see a difference in him already.”

Karen glanced around the room. The other girls had decided to go and help with the stuff in the car. “I can see a difference in you, too, Michael,” she admitted with a soft smile.

“Yeah? That good or bad?”

“Good, of course.”

“Most of it can be credited to Maria,” he said with a shrug.

Karen nodded with a smirk. “Your brother already told me that a woman had finally made it into Michael Guerin’s bed AND his heart.”

“Well...” He reached up to scratch his eyebrow “... she wouldn’t give up on me, so...”

Karen glanced at her daughter. “You sure you’re okay with us stayin’ here with you over the holidays?” To be honest, she was kind of surprised that Michael was reacting so calmly and so... happily. She had expected him to freak out or yell or at least be... more like the Michael she knew from New York.

Michael shook his head. “Nah, this’s cool. I’m glad you didn’t say anything about Caela when we ran into each other. I would’ve been a total di – “ He glanced down at the little girl... his niece, and cleared his throat. “Looks like Uncle Michael’s gonna have to watch his language, huh?”

“Yeah, probably a good idea. Here, give her to me; she’s so tired. I think I’ll lay her down as soon as Brendan has the crib ready.”

Michael untangled the dog tags from Caela’s hand and he rubbed her back when she protested sleepily. “Um... her name... What made you decide on it?”

“Well, Brendan’s her father and you’re his twin. I always hoped that one day you two would get along again. And it meant so much to him, Michael.”

He nodded, unable to come up with a suitable response to her answer.

“So, what’re you guys planning for dinner tonight?”

“We hadn’t gotten past plannin’ lunch,” he said, glancing over his shoulder. “And it looks like Maria and Liz ran off with everything we’d already made.”

“We stopped and picked some things up, so I’d be happy to cook tonight.”

Michael straightened up as she took Caela from him. “You uh, you gonna make that homemade lasagna like you used to make back in New York?”

“Yeah, sure, if the others like Italian food, too.”

“Italian food?” Maria asked with interest.

Liz came in behind her. “What about Italian food?”

Michael groaned. “You’re not gonna find a shortage of Italian-food lovers here, Karen.”

“We love it,” Maria stated emphatically.

Karen laughed. “Okay, tonight then. Probably good, since I’ve heard the rest of your group will be comin’ up in the next few days?”

“Yeah, they’ll be here on the 25th or 26th,” Max answered as he dropped down into one of the chairs next to the breakfast table. “You weren’t kiddin’ about all the stuff you’ve gotta haul around with a kid.”

“I guess we didn’t really introduce you after the little surprise here,” Michael said and rubbed the little girl’s cheek. “Karen, this’s Max, he shares an apartment with me and Kyle. And the girl next to him, that’s Liz, his girlfriend and Maria’s friend.”

“You and I are gonna have to talk, girl,” Karen said with a look at Maria after all the introductions were finished.

“Um, we are?” Maria asked, wondering what Karen had in mind.

“Oh, yeah... do you have any idea how many different ideas I came up with to get these two blockheads to talk?”

Maria glanced at Michael then at Brendan, wondering how much Karen already knew about their past with Hank and the newest fact... that he wasn’t their father.

“These boys have got to be the two most stubborn guys on the planet. Trust me we’ve got a lot to talk about.”

Maria knew that Michael wasn’t comfortable with her speaking behind his back about them and all that had happened in the last month, so she didn’t know how much she really could tell Karen.

“Not to mention we’re gonna need all the help we can get with all the drama going on over their biological father,” she said quietly when the guys started discussing which slopes they should tackle first.

So Brendan had already told her. That was good. “Yeah, um, there’s a little brochure in the living room that says there’s a massage-center at the resort nearby. We could go over there, what ya think?”

“That sounds heavenly,” she said with a smile.

“What about you, Lizzie? Wanna come with us?” Maria asked. She didn’t want to leave her friend out.

“Oh, thanks, but um, Max and I are goin’ for a walk and then maybe spending a little time in the hot tub.”

“Well, that leaves our twins with the baby,” Maria smirked.

Karen bit her bottom lip uncertainly. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Brendan because she trusted him unconditionally. But, he had never spent much time around children and she wasn’t sure if he was ready to take such a big step.

Michael watched the girls as they talked and he glanced at his brother. “Tell her you’ll watch the kid, man,” he whispered so the girls wouldn’t hear.


“The girls wanna hang out... tell her you’ll watch the kid so they can go.”

“Oh.” Brendan turned to look at Karen. “I can watch Caela, Karen.”

“You sure?”

Brendan looked at his daughter. She was sleeping, so how hard could it be to watch her? “Yeah, no problem. I’m gonna have to get used to doin’ this stuff anyway, right? So, now’s as good a time as any other to start.” He smiled at her. “Besides, you could use the break.”

Karen smiled. “Okay, she’ll probably sleep most of the time anyway.”


Maria entered the sauna with a small towel wrapped around herself and joined Karen, who was already inside. She started to sweat as soon as the door was shut behind her again. Brendan’s girlfriend hadn’t said much yet, but she had the feeling that the questions would start soon since they were practically the only ones there today.

“It’s been a while since I was in a sauna,” Maria admitted. “It’s hot.”

“It is hot, but it feels good after that massage.”

“Yeah.” She sat down next to Karen and rested her back against the wall behind her, the wood planks pleasantly warm against her skin. “The massage was a good idea after all that traveling this morning.”

“I take it you guys just got here, too?” Karen asked. “Did you fly in?”

“Yeah, we were in Roswell before and took a flight this morning to Tahoe.”

“Michael’s very...” She chuckled. “I’m not sure this’s a word I ever really thought of associating with him, but he’s very happy.”

Maria nodded. “Yeah, it’s good to see him like that.”

“I have to admit that I’m impressed with the way you’ve gotten through to him.”

“Oh, believe me, our history is many things, but I’m not sure impressive is one of them.”

“I beg to differ. I’ve known him for years and while he always came across as this major prick I knew there was more to him than that.” She sighed and leaned her head back against the wall. “Brendan wanted so badly to find some common ground with Michael and it’s just amazing to see them together now.”

“That’s true. When I was first getting to know them, they didn’t have anything nice to say to each other.”

“They used to get in the worst arguments and you could see that it was just tearing both of them up, but it was like they couldn’t stop. Michael fights dirtier than Brendan does and his emotions are a lot closer to the surface than Michael’s are... he would be so hurt after their fights and I couldn’t do anything to make him feel better.”

“I know what you mean. There were situations where I felt completely helpless.”

“They’re like opposite sides of the same coin... it was just wrong for them to not be getting along.”

“True, you just kinda expect that from siblings, especially twins.”

“I hated what Hank was doing to them, but Bren wouldn’t listen to anything negative about the man and Michael just wouldn’t listen to anything.” She snorted. “Damn stubborn men.”

“Yeah, but it’s no wonder with the parents they had.”

“True. I know you shouldn’t hate people, but I can’t help but hate that bastard.”

“Well, that makes two of us.”

“God, I am so relieved that they aren’t related to him in any way. I feel bad for Alex and Brooke though... especially Brooke! Bren told me what Hank did to her.”

“Yeah, there was really a lot going on this past month.”

“I’m glad you’re friends with Bren and that you’re involved with Michael; you’re a big part of the reason they’re re-establishing their relationship.”

“I don’t know,” Maria said, “I didn’t really do anything.”

“You did more than you know.” She smiled. “When Bren first told me about you I was ready to hop the first flight out here and give you a piece of my mind... we’ve been apart for a long time, but damn, when he said the two of you had dated I was ready to commit murder.”

“Uh, well, it was nothing serious between me and Brendan, I promise,” Maria said quickly. God, she hadn’t thought about the fact that she had kissed Brendan so long ago.

“Oh, no, don’t worry about it, Bren explained everything. Fact is, he’s back in my life and he wants to be there for me and Caela... I won’t screw it up a second time.”

“I only thought I was attracted to Brendan ‘cause Michael pretended to be Brendan.” Just to be sure, Maria thought.

“I couldn’t believe it when he said you hadn’t noticed the difference between the two of them.” She laughed and held a hand up as she shook her head. “No, it’s just that I knew about both of them from the beginning and watchin’ people who don’t know them is hilarious.”

“I honestly thought Brendan was schizo or something. I did notice the difference, but it never occurred to me that they could be twins. I thought if he had a twin brother, he would have told me.”

“Brendan has a tendency to pretend that the things that scare him aren’t a threat to him.”

“Just like Michael. The more you get to know him, the more you see the similarities in them. And you realize that they aren’t as different as they seem at first.”

“Ain’t that the truth? D’you know that Brendan actually has a temper and he can argue like you wouldn’t believe? Most people never see it and would never suspect that underneath that sweet, gentle exterior there’s a very passionate man. Whether it’s arguing or...” She grinned mischievously. “Other things.”

Maria grinned. “Uh-huh, sounds like a Guerin boy.”

Karen snorted. “Speaking of Guerin boys, one of your friends is dating Alex?”

“Yeah, Isabel, and of course as you already know she’s pregnant.”

“I’ll bet she’s got some stories!”

“Oh, yeah, you can be sure about that. You’ll get to know her soon; they’re gonna come up to the cabin with Brooke at Christmas.”

“That’ll be fun. Brendan wanted to surprise everyone with Caela. I’ve gotta admit, I’ve been so scared of what his reaction would be when he found out about her.”

“Can I ask you something? But don’t be mad at me, I don’t mean it in a taunting way, I was just wondering why didn’t you tell Brendan when you found out you were pregnant?”

Karen smiled sadly. “Hank knew I was pregnant the same day I did... he was having me followed and he showed up at my apartment while I was still trying to make sense of things.” She sat forward and turned to look at Maria. “You saw how he was with Hank when you first met him, right?”

Maria nodded.

“God, we argued about Hank so many times because he couldn’t see what was right in front of him. That afternoon, Hank showed up at my door and he threatened to cut Brendan off and he may have been ready to walk away from his parents at that time, but it couldn’t be because his hand had been forced, y’know?” She shook her head. “I didn’t want him to wake up one day five years down the road if not sooner and realize that he resented me or our daughter. And he wasn’t ready to suddenly have to learn how to exist without a trust fund that’s worth millions.”

“It had to be hard to do that all alone. The pregnancy and all. I don’t know what I would’ve done.”

“I was lucky; I had my mom and she was very supportive. Not about keeping the pregnancy from Bren, because she really didn’t agree with me on that decision, but she was great about everything else.”

“Michael thought I was pregnant when he found Isabel’s pregnancy tests under my bed. He totally freaked,” Maria remembered.

“He’s a natural with kids, has been for as long as I’ve known them, but I think he’s always been scared to let himself believe that he was capable of having children of his own one day. You can see that he’s terrified that Hank’s influence has damaged him so badly that he’ll turn out the same way.”

Maria sighed. “Yeah, I know. Hank did a damn good job makin’ him think that he doesn’t deserve anything good. I’m still workin’ on that one.”

“Looks to me like you’re making some progress.”

“Yeah, it’s easier to get through to him when you know his background, ya know? At first I was constantly askin’ myself why he reacted the way he did to things. And he didn’t make it easy for me to not just turn my back to him and leave. From what I know now, I can understand why he did things and said things like he did.”

“They’re not easy, but they are so worth it if you can get through all the bullshit.”

“True. And my mother already likes him,” Maria added with a grin.

“Wow, now that’s impressive.” She laughed and smoothed a hand over her towel.

“Really weird how things can change so quickly,” Maria mumbled.

“Isn’t it?” She inhaled deeply, enjoying the heat surrounding them. “You think the guys are ready for a break?”

“I bet they are.”

She laughed. “How much you wanna bet she’s worn them both out?”


Michael was in the process of checking his gear over when Brendan came into the living room and sprawled out on the couch. He watched his younger brother as he picked up the baby monitor he had been carrying around with him for the past couple of hours and he rolled his eyes. “Y’know, you can leave that on the coffee table. She’s not gonna disappear or anything if you don’t have the damn thing in your hand every other second.”

“Whatever,” Brendan muttered. It was his first time alone with his daughter, so it was normal that he was nervous, right?

Michael laughed and reached for the next item in his pile of equipment. “I’m just sayin’ it’s normal to be nervous in this situation, Bren, but you’re gonna have to relax a little bit.”

“Uh-huh, we’ll talk about this again when you have your own kid.”

“So, how’s it feel?” Michael put his stuff down and turned his attention to his brother. “Y’know, bein’ a dad.”

Brendan shrugged. “It’s hard to describe. I’m still tryin’ to get used to it. If you had asked me before I think I would’ve freaked out. But the weird thing is I didn’t, not really. In fact, I was, well, surprised of course and also shocked ‘cause I never ever would’ve imagined this, but I’m happy with it.”

“How’re things goin’ with you an’ Karen?”

“We’re still workin’ on it, but we both still have feelings for each other and we’re planning for her to move to Long Beach.”

Michael’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline at that. “Really? Way to go, little brother!”

“Yeah, I mean, I wanna finish college, but I also wanna be near my family.”

“You thought about how strange it is that six months ago we were all alone and now we’re getting our family together and we’ve got some pretty incredible women in our lives?”

Brendan nodded. “It’s totally unexpected.” He glanced down at the baby monitor when he heard quiet chattering and he nearly dropped it in his haste to get to his feet.

Michael grinned when Brendan nearly tripped over himself trying to get to the room where they had set the crib up.

Brendan’s heartbeat raised when he entered the room and saw Caela standing upright in her crib, her tiny hands gripping the railing around her bed. She cried quietly and looked up at him with puffy eyes when she noticed him.

Uh, what to do, what to do? Brendan thought and picked her carefully up in her arms. “Hey, baby, what’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?” He kissed her forehead and started to walk out to the living room again.

“She okay?” Michael asked, glancing over his shoulder. Yeah, Bren was doing just fine.

“I think so. Maybe she’s hungry. Traveling in the morning changed her daily schedule, so she’s a little upset. Think you can hold her and I’ll go and get her something to eat?”

“Sure, hand her over.”

Brendan placed her in his brother’s arms and caressed her cheek. “I’ll be back in a minute, sweetie.”

“Y’hear that? Daddy’ll be back in a minute, so for now you get to hang out with your cool uncle.” He lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “The cool one, don’t forget that, okay?”

Caela stared at him with her big brown eyes. Her hand came up to touch Michael’s face and he grimaced when he remembered that she had been sucking on her fingers just seconds before.

“Okay, we’ll wanna work on that,” he grumbled, “’cause bein’ covered in baby spit and drool will totally ruin the whole cool thing I’ve got goin’ on.”

The little girl looked at him curiously. He could tell that she had no clue what he was talking about.

“Tell ya what,” he said as he stood up and settled her in the crook of his arm, “why don’t we go find your daddy and see what he’s got for you to eat? That’ll be fun, huh?”

Caela made some sounds of happiness, drawing Michael’s attention and he saw that she had just discovered his dog tags again. “Just drives you girls crazy, doesn’t it?” He shook his head at her when she stuck them in her mouth and he reached up to pull them back out, making a face at the line of drool that ran from his tags to her mouth. She clapped her hands and laughed at the face he made. “What is it with you babies havin’ to put everything in your mouth, huh?” Michael asked her as he entered the kitchen. “Your daughter’s tryin’ to make lunch out of me, you ready with the food?”

Brendan was reading over the list that Karen had left for him and he shrugged one shoulder. “It’s not time for her to eat yet.” He scratched his chin and reached for a banana from the bowl of fresh fruit on the counter. He peeled it and cut it in half before holding one of the halves out to his daughter.

“Think we should put her in the high chair?” Michael asked, dodging the banana when she shoved it towards him, obviously offering him a bite. “No thanks, kid.”

“She’s just gonna cry if we put her in there. And it’s just a banana.” He looked down at the hardwood floors. “If she drops it on the floor it won’t make a mess.”

Michael nodded. That made perfectly good sense as far as he was concerned. “Good point.” He put her down and watched her for a moment when she started to wander around the room, checking things out.

“Good thing that there’s practically nothing in her reach,” Brendan said as he glanced around the kitchen, making sure there was nothing that could hurt his daughter.

“I don’t know why people say this is so hard.” Michael leaned over to grab an apple out of the bowl. “You gonna go snowboardin’ with us tomorrow?”

“Don’t know how to snowboard, man, besides that, I don’t have one.”

“Bren, we specifically rented the cabin near a resort for that reason... equipment rentals. Brooke doesn’t have skis or anything and if we can get her away from Captain Cautious you were gonna teach her to ski, remember?”

“Yeah, I will if I have the time. Ya know, my life kinda changed a little with her,” he pointed at the floor, but Caela wasn’t there. “Uh, where’d she go?”

Michael looked around, trying to locate the little package of trouble that belonged to his brother. “Well, fuck, she’s not that big, she can’t have gone far.”

They scrambled to check the kitchen and the dining room, and they both pulled up short when they entered the living room and found the little girl.

“Oh, man...” Michael muttered, shaking his head. Caela had found the entertainment system and on one of the lowest shelves was a VCR. Who even had VCR’s anymore? he wondered. She was happily babbling to herself while shoving her banana through the little door where the tapes went and he winced as he thought about the mess she was making.

“Caela! No, girl, that doesn’t belong in there!” Brendan hurried over to her and lifted her up in his arms. Her happy murmurings stopped and her bottom lip started to tremble in response to his tone and his expression fell when her big brown eyes filled with tears. “Oh, no, baby, don’t cry. Come on, we’ll get you a new banana while Uncle Mike cleans up the VCR.”

Michael frowned as he stared at the mashed banana stuck all over the VCR. “Uncle Mike’s gonna do what?” he asked in disbelief.

“You’re doing what?” Maria asked when she and Karen entered the living room.

“Uh...” The guys quickly shifted to stand next to each other in front of the entertainment center. “Just discussing the pros and cons of uh...” Michael looked at Brendan with a help me! look on his face.

“Of snowboarding and skiing?” Brendan suggested.

“Uh-huh,” Karen muttered, not buying it for a second. “You do realize that the tips of your ears still turn red when you’re lying?” she asked, looking at Brendan.

“Yeah,” Maria wandered around the room, “and I think you guys already know that bananas don’t work in the VCR,” Maria said, laughing when she saw the mess.

Karen winced at that. “Ungh, I guess I should’ve warned you that she’s in the discovery stage and anything that moves fascinates her.”

“Yeah, we know that now,” Michael said, scratching his eyebrow.

“Maybe you can get outta tryin’ to figure that out,” Maria said with a grimace when she saw the mess all over the VCR. “Liz said Max is a genius at taking things apart and putting them back together.”

“I can do that, too,” Michael grumbled.

“I wasn’t implying that you couldn’t, baby,” Maria soothed when he went straight to grumpy. “What I meant was that while he’s doin’ that you and I could be doin’ something else.”

Karen laughed. “Their moods can change quickly, can’t they?” she asked, familiar with that very thing.

“Y’know, we’re standin’ right here,” Brendan grumbled, making a face when he looked down at the banana mashed all over his shirt now.

“Uh-huh.” Karen walked over to him and took Caela out of his arms. She lifted her up and scrunched her nose. I think somebody needs a new diaper.”

“My shirt...”

Karen shook her head at him. “It’ll wash out,” she assured him, taking his hand and leading him out of the room.

Maria couldn’t hide her amusement as she watched Michael trying to unhook all of the wires from the back of the VCR without getting anything on himself.

“I don’t remember Brooke ever doin’ this,” he complained, leaning into the shelf so he could see the back of the device when one of the cables refused to come undone.

Maria couldn’t resist. She walked over and smacked his ass lightly. “Sorry, it was just so tempting,” she said, grinning.

Michael just grinned and shook his head. “Uh-huh, just remember that the next time I can’t resist the temptation to return the favor.”

“So, what’s for dinner?” Maria asked. “Somebody mentioned Italian food earlier.”

“Karen’s gonna make lasagna. She made it back home and it’s fuckin’ awesome.” He finally pulled the last cable free and he stepped back to slide the VCR off of the shelf.

“Can I help you with dinner, Karen?” Maria asked when the other couple came back into the room with Caela.

“Sure, if you think Michael can survive without you.” She handed Caela back to Brendan and patted his cheek. “Keep an eye on her,” she said with a teasing smile.

“Oh, he’s busy with the VCR anyway. Right, baby?”

Michael grunted, not really paying any attention to what was being said. He had sat down in the middle of the floor with his toolkit and the VCR and he was in the process of taking the top cover off.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 99 - 3/4/10

Post by Double Trouble »

80s_UnLove_Child: We totally agree.

These two girls have common ground where their guys are concerned.

LOL, now that was funny!

Well, it is Michael and Maria, so you just never know.

kismet: No way Michael could resist that little girl!

Alex and Brooke… we’ll see.

Alien_Friend: And he is! Brendan’s new family is merging well with the rest of them.

Maria and Karen have common ground and they’re gonna get along great.

Brendan’s already missed a lot with his little family and he doesn’t want to miss anymore.

100th part… who knew?

Earth2Mama: A very sweet sight, right? How could she miss?

The twins have come a long way.

Oh, it could’ve, but well… who could resist that little girl? Maria’s done a helluva job and Michael’s becoming the man we all know he can be.

LOL, you’re so right about that support! And quite possibly about Bio Dad, too.

Well, it was Liz’ turn to get a shot in.

Kids and VCR’s… most of us probably have a similar story! Oatmeal… quite possibly more of a mess than mashed banana!

begonia9508: Sometimes it’s really hard to tell which one is the biggest baby!

sarammlover: Karen has the advantage of knowing Michael pre-Maria, so she can really see those changes! Brendan will do well with his little family!

mary mary: Toddler’s can be very tricky and jeez they can be hard to keep watch over! Catching them can be quite the athletic event!

Natalie36: She is a sweetheart!

zaneri1: Yup, we think you’re right!

Eva: Thanks!

Michael just couldn’t resist that little girl. Nope, no way, no how.

April: Michael and his niece are fun to write… so sweet. He has grown a lot. We’re not exactly sure what his reaction would’ve been a few months ago, but now? Now he’s so much more comfortable with himself and who he is.

It is a lot of writing, and the best thing? Lots more where this came from!

Part 100 – Hot Tubs and Christmas Trees

Liz placed her plate along with Max’ into the sink after they were finished with dinner. It had probably been one of the craziest dinners she ever had experienced. Well, with the exception of the dinner with her parents, she thought. But this had been much more fun. Michael had been having a hard time focusing on eating with Maria groaning with every bite she took. Brendan and Karen had tried to eat and feed Caela at the same time – until Brendan mixed the spoons up and he shoved her food into his mouth while giving Caela a bite of lasagna. It had definitely been too spicy for the little girl and she had made a face and spit it out, managing to cover half of the table.

Max had been sitting on the opposite side of the table and had started to rub his foot against her leg... higher and higher. Just the thought alone made her cheeks grow hot again.

“So...” She heard his rough voice from behind her. Max placed his hands on the counter, trapping her from behind. He leaned down to nip her earlobe. “How ‘bout we get in the hot tub now?”

Liz felt her body respond to having him pressed up against her, his lowered voice raspy as his breath brushed against her skin, and she closed her eyes for a moment before she turned around to meet his heated gaze. She placed her hands on his chest, sliding them up over the defined muscles and feeling them twitch at her touch. The urge to touch him without the barrier of clothes between them had her nodding enthusiastically. “Let’s go,” she whispered as she stretched up to kiss him. It was doubtful that the others would miss them and she was eager to spend more time alone with Max.

Maria stood in the kitchen’s entryway and watched them. She smiled when she saw how confident Liz had gotten in such a short time. Max was definitely good for her. Her gaze moved to the sink when the couple disappeared upstairs without ever noticing her. Great, now she had to do the dishes alone.

“Why don’t we see how fast we can knock this out,” Karen said as she entered the kitchen and looked around at the mess. “We could send the boys in here to do it, but, between you and me... we’d end up with a bigger mess that we’d still end up cleaning up.”

Maria laughed. “You’re probably right about that.”


Liz stepped out into the cold night only wearing her bikini and a towel around her. “God, it’s so cold, Max,” she shivered.

He was already in the tub and he shrugged. “Not in here, darlin’.”

“I’m not sure this was such a great idea,” she chattered as she hurried to get into the tub. “It’s like... sub-arctic out here!”

He stood up and reached for her hand to help her to get in. “I’m sure you’re gonna change your mind as soon as you’re in here with me.”

Her body quickly sank into the heated water and she sighed when the cold feeling began to disappear. “Okay, that’s much better.” She glanced at the snow-covered mountains that seemed near enough to touch before looking at him and smiling.

“Told you so, darlin’!” He smirked and sank into the tub until just his head was above the water.

“Um-hmm, you were right... although I’m not lookin’ forward to getting out again because getting from here back to our room is gonna be freezing!”

“Well, hopefully we won’t be getting outta here too soon,” he said, leaning forward until he was right in front of her.

“I’m not in any hurry,” she said as she wrapped her arms around him.

“Good to know,” he groaned when Liz pressed her body against him. His hands started to travel over the sides of her body. He thought back to the dinner at her parents’ house. Now it all made sense with Sean; he had always wondered how a guy could resist such a delicate body for years.

Liz traced her fingertips over the ridged muscles of his abdomen, watching his eyes as she let her fingertips brush against the waistband of his trunks. A month ago she wouldn’t have dared such a bold move, but it hadn’t taken long for her to really understand that Max made her want things she had never even thought about with Sean.

His hands trailed along her back, resting over the clasp of her bikini top. He leaned back just enough to look into her eyes and asked silently for permission to open it.

She gave just the slightest nod and nipped his bottom lip before soothing it with her tongue and following up with a deep kiss.

Max unclasped her top easily and he reached up to brush the straps from her shoulders.

Liz shivered when his hands ghosted over her skin and she groaned when he eased the material of her top off. His hands on her bare skin would be the next thing she felt and she nearly held her breath in anticipation.

“Damn, Liz, do you even know what you’re doin’ to me?” Max whispered against her lips.

“I’ve got a pretty good idea,” she teased, shifting her knee to playfully graze his erection.

“Evil girl,” he groaned, placing his hands on her hips to pull her against him where seconds before her knee had been.

Liz shifted to wrap her legs around him and her head fell back as she felt him press against her so intimately. God, he felt so good! She bit her bottom lip when he rocked against her gently and her hands came up to press against his cheeks as she forced herself to meet his nearly black eyes. “Who’s being evil now?”

“You started it,” Max denied with a grin. She had absolutely no idea how hard it was to not just go all the way, he thought. But he also knew that it would be special when they finally did it, so he was willing to wait until she was ready.

“How did I start it?” She let her lower lip stick out in a pout. “I think that was your foot under the table... it was you who came up behind me in the kitchen... and it was you who just removed my top... see? All you.”

“But you’re the one who’s too sexy to resist. See?”

Well, who was she to argue with his logic? She smiled and kissed him again, enjoying the freedom to be with him without feeling guilty.

He rested one hand on the edge of the tub to steady himself, while his other was traveling down over Liz’ body painfully slowly. When he reached her knee he stopped and went back in the direction he had just come from. Only this time his hand brushed along her inner thigh.

“Max...” She whispered his name breathlessly and at that moment in time it felt like her entire world revolved around his touch.

His hand brushed against the fabric of her bikini bottom, using one finger to playfully pull on the hem.

Liz knew it was only a matter of time before her bikini bottom ended up with her top. She was no longer hesitant about being naked in front of Max and that still surprised her. She had never thought her body was that amazing, but she had quickly learned that the important thing was that he believed it... and before long the realization that she could get him hot with just a look began to boost her self-confidence. The look in his eyes when he watched her from across a room, when he touched her with such undisguised need, and the way his hands moved over her body all combined to make her feel that she was as beautiful as he thought she was.

His gaze locked with hers when he started to pull the last bit of fabric that covered her body down her legs. He placed it next to her top on the ground before he grabbed her hand to pull her up and towards the other end of the tub. He sat down and rested his back at the edge. “C’mere.” He pulled her between his legs, her back against his chest.

“Seems kinda unfair,” Liz mumbled as she settled back against him.

“You’re gonna like it,” he promised when his hands cupped her breasts.

“I have no doubt about that.” She smiled dreamily as she dropped her head back to rest against his shoulder.

He turned his head towards her face, his lips crashed down to hers, sucking and biting them hotly, while his fingers started to play with her nipples. She was squirming against him wildly and he groaned into her mouth and placed his hands on her thighs to still her movements.

Liz made a sound of protest when he held her still, his hands resting on her thighs but not moving any higher. He was driving her mad and she knew he was aware of it. She could feel his heart pounding along with his insistent erection poking her in the back and she knew he would give in to what she needed soon.

Max leaned down to bite the flesh of her shoulder teasingly. He knew she was more than ready, but it was just so tempting to make her wait because she looked so beautiful in this state. He wrapped one arm around her to hold her in place, while his right hand started to move up her thigh slowly.

Liz squirmed when his hand moved, not only because she needed his touch but because she wanted to badly to touch him in return. When his fingers crept over her thigh, maddeningly slowly, she couldn’t take it anymore and she pressed her legs together in search of friction.

Max chuckled. “I can’t give ya what ya need this way, darlin’.”

She forced herself to relax and let her legs part for him. Her heart pounded in her chest when his fingers started their torturously slow journey once more and she shivered when he chuckled at her impatience. “Max, stop playin’,” she complained, wrapping one hand around his wrist and trying to hurry him along to his destination.

He finally gave in and cupped her fully with his hand. She released his wrist to grab his thigh firmly when a loud moan escaped her lips.

Max heard a door open downstairs followed by the sound of someone stepping out in the snow. “There’s plenty of wood for the fireplace,” he heard Brendan say. Max kissed her hard so that no one could hear them while his hand between her legs started to move.

For just a moment the noise from below had been distracting but in less than a heartbeat it was completely forgotten as Max made her body respond wildly to his touch. She couldn’t stay still when the feelings became too strong and she pushed up against his hand, seeking even more pleasure.

Max knew she wasn’t far from her orgasm and it would have been just cruel to make her wait even longer. He slipped one finger inside her while teasing her clit with his knuckles.

Liz felt the buildup finally reaching its peak and the sensations he was producing between her legs finally became too much when he slid a second finger inside and she felt that thing inside of her snap. Her fingernails dug into his thighs as she rode his fingers hard, trying to take them even deeper. She moaned loudly as she went over the edge and he stroked her just right to draw it out.

He waited until she calmed down a little before he pulled his fingers out and wrapped both arms around her tightly. He nipped at her neck softly, waiting for her heartbeat to settle into a normal rhythm again. “I love you, Liz,” he whispered against her skin, not sure if it was even loud enough for her to hear it.

Liz shifted in his arms when she heard his quiet declaration and she reached out to lift his chin up so she could meet his gaze. “Say it again.”

He smirked slightly at her response. “I love you, Liz Parker.”

“Oh, Max,” she whispered tearfully and turned to throw her arms around his neck. “I’ve been wanting to tell you the same thing but I wasn’t sure if it was too soon!” She leaned back to run her fingertips over his goatee before settling against him and kissing him slowly. Their tongues tangled together lazily and they enjoyed being able to simply take their time and enjoy every moment of it.

The kiss ended just as slowly as it had started and she looked at him for several long moments, studying him and letting her feelings for him wash over her. “I love you. So much, Max.”

She reached between them and let her fingertips trail over his erection, watching the way his eyes darkened at her touch. His reactions always amazed her and she loved watching him when she touched him. It was a powerful feeling and while he was very open with his feelings on a regular basis, in these moments the connection they shared was heightened.

She smiled as she thought about the first time she had touched him like this. It seemed like it was so long ago when really so little time had passed. She had been so nervous and even embarrassed about being naked with him and touching him. It hadn’t taken long to get over that, she thought with an ironic grin.

“What’re you grinning about?” Max asked breathlessly with half open eyes.

“Just thinkin’ about how much things have changed,” she answered, adding pressure to her strokes. “How glad I am that they changed.”

“Yeah,” he groaned, “me too.” Max let his head rest against the edge of the tub. He was gonna explode if Liz kept touching him like this.

Liz knew he was ready, could feel it in the tautness of his body, hear it in the way he was breathing, and she used her free hand to grab his dog tags and pull him closer so she could kiss him as she started to stroke him faster.

“Oh, God, Liz,” he groaned when he couldn’t hold back any longer. It felt like a big explosion inside him and he grabbed the edge of the tub tightly so he wouldn’t sink into the water.

Liz couldn’t help but smile proudly when he latched onto the side of the tub to keep from going under the water. He was always so... she grinned... limp was the wrong word, she thought with a mental laugh. She had made the mistake of using that word once and he had seriously pouted for several hours afterwards. Hmm... boneless, yeah, that worked. After coming he was always a boneless mass of satisfaction and most of the time he was completely drowsy afterwards and without a decent distraction he would go to sleep before long.

“C’mere, darlin’,” he said quietly, reaching out for her.

She happily moved into his arms, snuggling up against his chest.

“I’m glad you’re here with me,” he admitted, pulling her as close as possible and kissing her hair.

“Me too. Are you sure you’re okay with bein’ away from your family at Christmas?”

“Yeah...” he sighed, “to be honest... I’m a little bit glad that I can spend it alone with you. Since my brother... well, Christmas just isn’t a very happy holiday anymore.”

“I’m sorry.” She shook her head. “That just seems like such an inadequate thing to say.”

“I know there’s nothin’ that can change what happened. I miss him, I’ll always miss him, but I know he’d want us to go on... and be happy. I love my family, but all I need is you right now. I’m happy with you, Liz. I don’t need anyone else.”

“I love you, Max.” She yawned sleepily and smacked his chest lightly when he laughed. “It’s your fault and you’d better come up with a way to get me back inside without me turning into an ice sculpture.” She wanted to change the subject before he got lost in it. He’d had a difficult time with the loss of his brother over Thanksgiving and while she knew he was still healing she wanted to keep his spirits up.

“Tell ya what, I’ll go inside and get one of those big bath robes for ya.”

“Well... if you insist.”

“Next time we come up here remind me we need to call this room first; havin’ to arrange some time alone with you is a pain when it means makin’ a deal with Michael.”

“Um-hmm, should I ask what you had to agree to?”

He grimaced. “No.”


Maria sat on the couch with her legs curled up under her, watching Michael where he sat on the floor in front of her playing the guitar he had found somewhere. Caela was sitting between her parents on one of the other couches, freshly bathed and dressed in her pajamas. Brendan looked exhausted after just a few hours of watching his daughter and he had told Karen that he didn’t know how she did it day after day while working and going to school at night. She had just smiled and shook her head at him before kissing his cheek and sitting down.

They were cute together and Caela and Brendan seemed to be adjusting to each other pretty well. The little girl was testing her boundaries with him constantly, trying to figure out just how much she could get away with before he told her no or made her stop doing whatever she was doing. Her gaze strayed back to Michael and she smiled. He was taking things remarkably well and she loved watching him with the little girl.

Her attention was pulled away when movement caught her eye and she watched Caela as she slipped down off of the couch and padded across the floor to lean against the couch next to Michael’s right shoulder. She tipped her head to one side as she studied him, fingers of her right hand stuck in her mouth.

Michael’s fingers paused on the strings when his niece grinned at him. “What’re you lookin’ at?” he asked, smiling when she giggled and ducked her head bashfully. He strummed out a few chords and pretended not to see her when she reached out with her free hand to pat his head.

“Ki ki!” she shouted suddenly and immediately brought her other hand up to rub his hair.

Michael grimaced when wet fingers landed on his head. “Ungh, no, you did not just do that!”

“Ki ki!”

He looked up at Karen when she started laughing. “What the… I mean, what’s that mean?”

“That’s her word for kitty cat,” she explained.

Michael turned to his niece and he shook his head. “No ki ki for you,” he muttered. “I’ll bet you know this one…” He plucked the strings for a few seconds before launching into the song.

“Oh, I know it!” Brendan shouted. “It’s from The Lion King, right? The one Timon and Pumba sing… Hakuna Matata!”

Michael rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t askin’ you.” He went back to singing and Caela clapped her hands when she recognized the song.

Maria shook her head. She never would’ve guessed that Michael would have any idea what the Lion King was, much less know any of the songs from the movie.

“What?” he muttered when he felt his girlfriend staring at him. “It was the only thing that Brooke watched for like a year when she was five and she wouldn’t go to sleep without hearin’ the song.”

“Oh, my god, that’s right,” Brendan said. “I had forgotten all about that.”

“Yeah, because I was the one who had to sing it to her day after day,” Michael said. “She knew you couldn’t sing.”

“I can sing,” Brendan muttered, offended.

“You can make noise without a carrying a tune or havin’ any rhythm,” Karen corrected. “That does not qualify it as singing.”

“Whatever,” Brendan said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Sooo,” Karen said and got up from the couch. “I think it’s time for someone to go to bed.”

Caela shook her head and latched onto a handful of Michael’s hair. “Ki ki!”

“Ow, ow, ow! Okay, you’re gonna have to cut that out, squirt,” Michael growled as he tried to loosen her stubborn grip.

“Caela, leave Uncle Mike alone, dear,” Karen said and picked her up.

Maria leaned forward and nipped Michael’s earlobe. “Meow.”

“Stop that, Maria,” he grumbled, ducking out of her reach.

She laughed and snuggled back on the couch again. “Sorry, it was just so funny that I couldn’t resist.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna show you funny tonight.”

“I can’t wait, baby.”

“Was that funny or furry, ki ki?” Brendan asked, snickering.

Maria put her hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing out loud.

“Y’know what? Maybe you should just go put your kid to bed.” He shook his head and raised his arm to nudge Maria with his elbow. “And don’t think I don’t know you’re laughin’ back there.”

“Wanna join me up here?” she asked to distract him.

Brendan got up to go see if Karen needed any help. “Aw, Maria, looks like his fur’s got a little baby slobber in it. Maybe you could help him out before it gets all matted.” He ducked out of the room before his brother had enough time to retaliate.

Michael stood up and placed the guitar aside. “I wanted to shower anyway,” he grumbled and left the room.

Maria rolled her eyes before getting up and following him. “Michael,” she said in a sing-song voice as she walked into their room and shut the door behind her. “Don’t be a pissy pussy.” She bit her tongue to keep from laughing when he barreled out of the bathroom and glared at her.

“C’mon,” she tried again.

“You ever spent much time around cats, Maria?” he murmured silkily as he approached her slowly.

“Um, no...”

“Um-hmm...” He stalked her when she started to back away from him. “Funny thing about cats," he mused. “Y’know what they do when they’ve finally cornered their prey?” He gave her a feral grin when she shook her head. “They pounce!” he shouted unexpectedly and tackled her, taking her down to the bed and kissing her.

Maria shrieked loudly and then started to giggle. “Stop it, Michael.”

“Never.” He nudged her shirt up so he could rub his head on her belly. “That’s what you get for laughin’ at me... now you can have some baby slobber, too.”

“Ungh.... thanks.”

“No problem.” He rested his chin on her belly and looked up at her. His dark eyes were still shining with mischief, but there was something else there as well. “Wanna shower with me?”

“Think we’d make it downstairs again if I get in the shower with ya?”

“Well, no.” He shrugged. “You wanna go back downstairs?” He already knew the answer, but he was still gonna try to get out of it.

“Brendan already got wood for the fireplace so I think he wants to spend some time with you after Caela’s in bed. So yes, I think I wanna go downstairs again.”

“Maybe he just wants to spend some time with Karen.” He waggled his eyebrows and grinned. “Y’know... alone.”

“I don’t think so. Karen told me that she was glad that her mother was there last week to watch Caela so the two of them had plenty of time alone.”

“Really? So, they’re havin’ sex?” He rolled his eyes when she shook her head at him. “What? It’s an honest question.”

“Why wouldn’t they have sex?”

“Well, I don’t know. I mean, it’s Brendan... knowin’ him he might think they need to go through the whole ‘getting to know each other’ routine again.”

“Oh, come on. He’s not like that.”

“How d’you know?”

“Because he’s your twin.”

“Meanin’ you think they’re already hot an’ heavy again?”


“Go, Brendan!” He sobered for a moment. “He does seem to be happy, huh?”

“He is,” Maria nodded.

“We talked while you guys were gone. Y’know, I always knew Hank had to be involved, but...” He shook his head. “He took two years away from them.”

“Yeah,” Maria said sadly. “They would’ve been happy together from the beginning.” She sighed. “It had to be really hard for her to just let him go, knowing that she was pregnant with his child and havin’ to do this all alone.” She shook her head. “I hate that he missed so much time with Caela, but I can see where Karen’s comin’ from, too.”

“Yeah... Bren hasn’t really said much, but I know he’s kickin’ himself over it.”

“Maybe it would help him if you tell him that it isn’t his fault.”

“Yeah, maybe I can get him alone tomorrow while we’re out on the slopes.” He snorted. “After I kick Max’s ass since he thinks he’s so much better out there.”

“Can you believe you’re an uncle now?”

“Are you kiddin’? I was still tryin’ to adjust to Alex havin’ a kid and that’s still months down the road. This one's already here an’ callin’ me names.”

“Yeah, that was really a big surprise, huh? At least it was something good for once.”

“It’s kinda cool though. I mean little kids are a lot of fun and I know we’re nowhere near bein’ ready to even think about kids, so this is the next best thing.”

“True.” She gave him another gentle kiss on the lips before she rolled from the bed to leave him alone for the shower. Maria stopped in the doorframe and turned around again. “You’re gonna be a good daddy someday, baby.”

Michael went into the bathroom and glanced at himself in the mirror. “Kids, huh?” Hmm, maybe one day... he could see that with Maria. He shook his head. “Stop that,” he growled at his reflection.

Maria settled down in the living room while she waited for the others to join her. It looked like Max and Liz had decided to call it a night, she thought with a smirk. She lifted her head to stare at the baby monitor when she heard Brendan’s hushed voice coming over the small speaker.

Despite the temptation to listen in on their conversation she reached out and turned the volume down, silencing their voices.

“Hey, baby,” Michael said when he came downstairs again, his hair still damp and sticking to his head.

“Hey.” She motioned for him to join her on the couch just as Brendan and Karen entered the room again.

“This day was so exciting for her, I think she’ll sleep like a rock now,” Karen said.

“She’ll probably still be up early in the mornin’,” Brendan said as he flopped back on the couch. “Caela’s up at the crack of dawn every mornin’,” he said with a glance at the other couple.

“Well,” Michael grinned, “that’s why I’m glad she’s your daughter.”

“Yeah, ‘cause this lazy-ass likes to sleep in every chance he gets,” Maria said, poking him in the side.
“As if you’re different in any way,” he snorted.

“Not the point.”

Karen laughed. “How long have you two actually been together now?”

Michael slouched down and leaned against Maria, catching her hand when she draped her arm over his shoulders. “Since we hooked up? Or since Maria got her head out of her ass and set me straight?” He grinned. She wouldn’t let that one go.

“ME????” she asked in disbelief. “No, no! That’s so wrong!”

Karen shook her head as she watched them, glad to see that Michael had finally found someone who could not only handle him, but who gave as good as she got.

“I wanted to tell you but you wouldn’t listen,” she reminded him.

“I wouldn’t listen?” He shook his head. “Nope, don’t remember it that way.”

“Okay, then share your opinion with us.”

“Well... I um...” He cleared his throat and shifted around to get comfortable. “So, Bren, you still goin’ skiing tomorrow?”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Yeah, just avoid actually answering the question.”

Michael tipped his head back so he could look up at her. “We’ve been together since September and official since last month,” he said with a smile.

Maria smiled back. “Yeah, we had our little initial difficulties at first.”

“Yeah, she was completely unreasonable at times, but I think I’ve got her all straightened out now.”

“Michael,” Maria slapped his shoulder, well aware that he was only joking.

“Alright,” he grumbled, grabbing her hand and pulling her arm tighter around him. “Seriously, we had some pretty big difficulties at first, but we finally got past them.” He pressed a kiss to Maria’s knuckles as he settled down against her again. “Most of the credit goes to Maria for bein’ so damn stubborn and refusin’ to let me go,” he admitted with a grin. “The woman puts up a helluva fight.” He sighed. “And I think we’ve already been put through the fire with Hank.”

Karen glanced between the twins. “So, are you guys gonna look for your biological father?”

Michael and Brendan exchanged looks and both shrugged at the exact same time. “We wanted to wait until after the holidays,” Michael started.

“You haven’t started to look for him yet?”

“Alex wanted to contact his lawyer, see if he can get any information, but I think he said that he’s away with his family for the holidays, so I guess we won’t hear from him until after New Years’.”

“How’re Alex and Brooke dealing with findin’ out that you have different fathers?”

“Brooke wasn’t too happy about it at first, but I think she’s okay with it now.”

“And big brother? How’s he doin’?”

Michael shrugged. “I think we all got pretty much used to there always bein’ a new surprise in our life that changes everything. So, he reacted pretty calmly to it. At least from what I saw.”

“Alex has had quite a few big changes in his life this year, too. Bren was tellin’ me that Alex has custody of Brooke?”

“Yeah, we finally made that bastard sign the damn papers,” Michael grumbled.

Maria squeezed his hand lightly. She knew that he still had a hard time talking about Hank.

“I can’t believe that your mom had been keeping such a huge secret,” Karen said, rubbing Brendan’s shoulder when she felt him tense up.

“I think Hank did a great job makin’ sure that she would be too scared to admit it,” Maria said, remembering her first talk with Maureen.

“She still should’ve told us,” Michael muttered.

“What made her finally admit it?” Karen wondered aloud.

“I think losin’ custody of Brooke to Alex allowed her to finally be free of any threat that Hank could make,” Maria said.

“Our family is so fucked up,” Brendan muttered.

“True,” Michael admitted. “And I wonder if our real father is just another Hank.”

“No,” Karen said, shaking her head, “don’t say that, either of you. Hank is the one who’s fucked up, not you guys.”

“Yeah,” Maria agreed, “Karen’s right.” She thought back to the day when Maureen had told her about Adam. “I can’t imagine that your real father’s anything like Hank, Michael.”

“He doesn’t even know that we exist. I wonder if he really wants to know it now,” Brendan added.

Karen could see that he was having a difficult time with this new issue. “I don’t know either, but at least you guys aren’t facing this alone.”

“Yeah, and if you don’t even try then you guys would just end up askin’ yourselves what he’s like for the rest of your lives,” Maria said.

Michael had been quiet for a while but he made a sound of agreement at Maria’s comment.

She recognized it and pressed a kiss to his temple. She would always be there for him, no matter how his real father reacted to them. She hoped that he knew that.

He shifted and wished they could change the subject. He didn’t really want to talk about Adam; it was a topic that he was still uncomfortable with. He wanted to find the man, but sitting around talking about it was a different story.

“Well, it was the only way to get through to you,” she said quietly, going back to their original topic.

“Amen to that,” Brendan said, remembering all the problems, especially after Tess’ birthday party.

“Well, whatever it took to get you to this point, I’m glad to see you happy finally.”

“Same to you and Brendan,” Maria answered, glad that Michael’s twin had finally gotten back what he had wanted for so long.

“Thanks.” Karen smiled at Brendan, shaking her head when she saw that he was trying hard to stay awake. “Amazing how exhausting chasing a baby around the house can be, isn’t it?”

“He’s not used to so much exercise,” Michael joked. “Normally he just hides behind his books with a load of chocolate.”

Brendan just grunted. He would’ve thrown something at his brother but that would require actual movement and he didn't feel like moving.

Michael laughed. “See, he’s even too lazy to ramble about what I’ve said.”

“It takes some getting used to.” Karen wrapped her arms around Brendan and hugged him as she leaned down to press a kiss to his head. “And maybe we’ll even get a chance to sleep in tomorrow and Uncle Mike can keep an eye on Caela.”

“Uh-uh, I’m not getting up at dawn,” Michael grumbled.

“Oh, c’mon, Michael, I’ll make breakfast,” Karen said, knowing how much the man enjoyed good food.
“Are you getting up with me?” Michael glanced at Maria questioningly.

She stuck her tongue out at him. “I believe Karen said Uncle Mike... nothing was said about me.”

“Uh-huh, when she said Uncle Mike she automatically included Aunt Maria as well.”

Karen glanced at Brendan when the couple started to bicker back and forth and he snorted. “What?”

“Ungh, they’re gonna be makin’ out before long. They do that all the time. They even did it back on Alex’ porch while I was still out there, can you believe that?”

She laughed at his disgruntled tone, easily hearing the amusement beneath it. “Then maybe it’s time for us to make our exit for the evening,” she said suggestively.


“No, that one won’t work.”

Michael glared at Maria when she rejected yet another tree that he had selected. They had been traipsing through the snow for almost two hours now and she and Liz had done nothing but say no all afternoon. “You wanna give me a hand here?” he demanded, turning his glare on his roommate.

Max grinned lazily and shrugged one shoulder as he leaned on the axe handle. “The girls said that’s not the one. Whatcha want me to do about it?”

“Not a fuckin’ thing apparently.” He turned in a circle, staring at the hundreds of trees surrounding them. “Too tall, too short, too skinny, too fat, not enough needles, the branches look pathetic, it leans to one side, the top won’t support the star or whatever, it’s too scrawny, it’s just plain ugly… do either of you see one that doesn’t offend Isabel’s sense of Christmas tree perfection?”

“Somebody’s grumpy,” Liz muttered, quickly moving behind Max when the death glare turned in her direction.

“Y’know what? I would be a lot more fuckin’ happy if I hadn’t been dragged out of bed without havin’ sex so I could be dragged all over the mountain lookin’ for a tree that doesn’t exist! Maybe you don’t know anything about that since you don’t have sex – “

“Nope, wouldn’t know anything about that,” Liz said agreeably. “We woke up early and Max and I were both very satisfied when we finally got up this morning.”

“Go, girl!” Maria laughed at Michael’s shocked expression and she moved to high-five her friend. “Did not expect that.”

Max chuckled and hefted the axe back up onto his shoulder. “Okay, Guerin, why don’t we try a new direction?”

“Now you’re gonna have fun at my expense, too?” Michael asked Maria grumpily and then turned to Max. “Yeah, whatever. We aren’t gonna find a fuckin’ suitable tree anyway.”

“Michael, baby, there are plenty of suitable trees,” Maria said, shaking her head at him. “We just have to find them.” She glanced back at Liz. “You and Max make yourselves scarce for a few minutes; let me see if I can’t adjust his mood just a little bit.”

“Just a few minutes, huh?” Max teased and took Liz’ hand.

Michael shook his head when the other couple walked off. “This is stupid... who the fuck cares this much about a tree?”

“Well, Isabel... And believe me, you’d rather look around for a fitting tree a whole afternoon than deal with her mood when it’s not the perfect one.”

“Are they havin’ sex?” he demanded after several moments of silence. He had no idea why, but it grated on his nerves that he hadn’t had sex that morning and Max and Liz had.

Maria shrugged. “I don’t know... Liz didn’t say anything. But as you know there are plenty of ways to get off...” she winked at him playfully.

“I wouldn’t know... I woke up and started my mornin’ takin’ care of Caela so my brother could start his mornin’ with sex... by the time he got up and I handed her over you were up and discussing this stupid tree hunt with Liz.” He turned to stare at the mountains, looking away from her as he tried to get control of himself. His outburst really had nothing to do with sex and he was sure she was aware of it; she had a way of seeing right through him.

The whole Christmas thing was making him edgy again and he hadn’t been able to shake it. He didn’t know why the thought of the holiday was so nerve-wracking, but it was, and he wasn’t dealing with it very well.

Maria bit her lip and stared up at him. “Baby, what’s wrong?” she started softly. “I know this isn’t about the tree.”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “It’s just...” He sighed, frustrated. “I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Okay,” she replied, leaning her upper body against him, arms wrapped around his hips. She didn’t know what else to say, she was still trying to figure out what it was.

“I just... it’s all this Christmas stuff, y’know? It’s just... it means somethin’ to all of you and it’s just another day to me.”

“It’ll mean something to you, too, baby. You just have to really celebrate it for once.” She pressed her cheek against his jacket. “Don’t even think about it, the feeling will just come naturally.”

Michael wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. “Sorry, I’m not tryin’ to be a dick about this.” He pulled back so he could kiss her. “I’ll try to be... better, okay?”

She shook her head slightly. “You don’t have to try anything, Michael. Ignoring your feelings won’t help at all. And I understand what you feel. I really do.”

“I was watchin’ Caela this mornin’ and it hit me, y’know? This’s her first Christmas with all of us and it should be good for her. She shouldn’t ever have to look back and remember that any of her Christmases ever sucked.”

“Like yours,” Maria added sadly. She took a deep breath and looked up at him, directly into his eyes. “But we’re gonna change that.”

“I can’t believe Brendan’s got a kid.”

“Yeah, me neither. It was so... unexpected.”

“He seems to be doing well with it though.”

“I’m sure he’s still realizing it slowly. But he’s gonna be a good dad, just like Alex.”

Michael bit his bottom lip. “You really think I’ll be a good dad one day?”

She nodded without hesitation. “No doubt about that.”

He sighed. “Alright, let’s get back to lookin’ for this stupid tree. I’d like to get back to the cabin before my nuts freeze off.”

“Yeah, neither of us wants that.”

Michael snorted. “Let’s get movin’ then.” He glanced around. “I suppose we’ve gotta go find Max and Liz now.”

“Can I ask for another kiss first?” she asked with a grin.

He laughed, amazed at her ability to turn his moods around. “Like you’ve gotta ask.” He lowered his head and softly brushed his lips against hers in greeting before deepening the kiss.

Maria held her eyes closed after he ended it. “Mmm, still feels like the first time,” she said dreamily.

What’d girls mean when they said stuff like that? he wondered. “That’s a good thing, right?”

“Yeah. That’s a good thing, baby.”

“Alright,” Michael growled, “gimme that damn diagram from hell and you go get smart ass and Paul Bunyan so we can find this damn tree and get back to the cabin.”

“Okay, and don’t call her a smart ass.”

“She got smart with me... that makes her a smart ass.” He wandered off, muttering about virgins mocking him.


We´ve got a little surprise on our Author´s page to celebrate the 100th part! (link in the sig)
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas