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Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:32 pm
by Earth2Mama
April wrote:I cannot stand my Educational Psychology Professor (aka: Professor Fuckface) any longer. I have put up with this dumbass for the entire semester, and I'm at my breaking point with him. I'm taking my complaints about him to the Department Chair, and if that doesn't work, to the Dean. I swear, this guy . . . :roll:
Oh boy ... what did he do?

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:57 pm
by killjoy
Ohh yes the fun old college professors :roll: I got into it very badly with my English Lit II one back during the very short time I was in college.I hope you have better luck than I did April

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:36 am
by tequathisy
I hate people who write in all caps. It's so rude.

We just got a circular email at work today to make sure that nobody parked in a certain spot because there's an important delivery due. Great. Except the email was in bold, large letters, some of it was red and it was all in capital letters. It felt like I was being screamed at. It was way too much and completely unnecessary. They had the place cordoned off anyway. The email writer came across as a jackass bully.

Using all caps does not emphasise your point. It does not make people listen and behave. It pisses people off and makes the all caps user look like a twat.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:58 am
by Rowedog
tequathisy wrote:I hate people who write in all caps. It's so rude.

We just got a circular email at work today to make sure that nobody parked in a certain spot because there's an important delivery due. Great. Except the email was in bold, large letters, some of it was red and it was all in capital letters. It felt like I was being screamed at. It was way too much and completely unnecessary. They had the place cordoned off anyway. The email writer came across as a jackass bully.

Using all caps does not emphasise your point. It does not make people listen and behave. It pisses people off and makes the all caps user look like a twat.
Didn't you know? Caps lock is cruise control for cool. Nothing makes your point more rationally and persuasively as screaming and shouting.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:27 am
by April
Earth2Mama wrote:
April wrote:I cannot stand my Educational Psychology Professor (aka: Professor Fuckface) any longer. I have put up with this dumbass for the entire semester, and I'm at my breaking point with him. I'm taking my complaints about him to the Department Chair, and if that doesn't work, to the Dean. I swear, this guy . . . :roll:
Oh boy ... what did he do?
It's so stupid. I feel like we're having an issue about something that shouldn't even be an issue.

There was an assignment that we had to do where we had to make a powerpoint covering some of the information we had discussed in our lectures, and then we had to make a video presentation out of that powerpoint. So what most students are doing is just being boring and filming their computer screens, showing the powerpoint slides, and talking through the slides. But I tried to be a little more creative. I made a video on Movie Maker that has effects, music in the background, etc., and uploaded it to my "educational" Youtube account (which is different thant he one I use for all my Roswell vids and stuff). It's pretty damn good if I do say so myself. I spent SIX HOURS working on it and getting it all done. I was so proud of it. My classmates said they loved it and really wanted to do a video like I had rather than just filming their computer screens.

The thing is, my video has no "audio component." I'm not talking during the video. Big deal. I still expressed my thoughts through writing. This audio component was NOT laid out as a requirement when the assignment was originally given to us. He only added this on as a requirement after someone in the class asked him about it. So basically I did six hours of work for nothing. He said that the way I did it was wrong. I'm arguing that the way I did it was right because he didn't tell us to do otherwise. To me, it's so simple that there shouldn't even be an issue. That's all there is to it right there. He messed up.

Am I right or am I right?

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:21 am
by Earth2Mama
Asshole! :roll:

Basically, he's trying to cover his ass and put it off on you - like you should have "known" about ALL the requirements, regardless.

I agree with you. He's a twat.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:23 pm
by April
Earth2Mama wrote:Asshole! :roll:

Basically, he's trying to cover his ass and put it off on you - like you should have "known" about ALL the requirements, regardless.

I agree with you. He's a twat.
Exactly. I'm meeting with him after class on Tuesday. I doubt I'll change his mind, but at least I'll know I tried. I'll do what I have to do to get the grade I deserve, but he'll know that I'm not happy about it.

Let's just say that Professor Fuckface is going to get one colorful teaching evaluation from me at the end of the semester. :twisted:

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:10 pm
by valentinebaby
April wrote:
Earth2Mama wrote:Asshole! :roll:

Basically, he's trying to cover his ass and put it off on you - like you should have "known" about ALL the requirements, regardless.

I agree with you. He's a twat.
Exactly. I'm meeting with him after class on Tuesday. I doubt I'll change his mind, but at least I'll know I tried. I'll do what I have to do to get the grade I deserve, but he'll know that I'm not happy about it.

Let's just say that Professor Fuckface is going to get one colorful teaching evaluation from me at the end of the semester. :twisted:
If he won't accept it, go above him, like you were talking. That's bullshit.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:55 pm
by juliecollard87
People who ask "do you work here" when you are wearing the uniform and the name tag. I just enjoy walking around being bothered all day by their stupid questions.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:19 pm
by killjoy
People who get in the 12 items or less express lane with a full over flowing cart! :roll: And than when the cashier tells them they have to many items they want to pitch a fit over all the other lines being too long and how the cashier should check them out no matter how many items they have in their cart.....all of this holds up those of us who actually only have 12 items or less in our carts :roll: