If all were Different (AU, CC+, Teen) Thread #1

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Post by Luvya »


"Max, the thing is do you know that Michael and I are adopted?" I ask him

I don't know why it's so hard to tell him. It should be easy.
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Post by isabelle »


I don't understand where this is going. I wish she'd start making sense.

"Okay. So you're adopted," I shrug. Maybe I did know that, once, but I'd forgotten. Serena's adopted, too. It's no big deal. "Where are you from?"
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Post by FallenMagic »

~*~* Maria ~*~*

When Michael took out his anger on me it stung a little bit but then I had to remind myself that he's worried about his life here! If Max was to tell anyone, any one at all, it could all be over for them. The thought of losing Michael and Liz has me biting my lip from saying something I'll regret later. Instead my gaze falls on the door Liz just rushed out of.

Sighing, I lay a calming hand on Michael's shoulder, waiting for him to shrug me off. When he doesn't I smile a little but quickly quench the burst of happiness. "Michael, right now all we can do is trust Liz!" I tell him. "She believes and trusts Max to keep her secret - your secret..."

I try to make Michael see Liz's side. "Remember when I got hurt and you healed me?" I ask. When Michael looks at me in confusion I press on. "Liz didn't have any say in what you did. She had to trust you and your instinct that I'd keep your secret. You have to do the same for her right now. She feels the same way about Max as you felt about me." suddenly realizing how that sounds, especially since Liz is in love with Max, I cover up quickly by saying, "She cares for him, as a friend...she had to save him."

I bite my lip, waiting for Michael's reaction.
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »


I close my eyes, trying to calm down but it’s hard when the whole world seems to be teetering on the edge.

It was different when I saved Maria. She was already our friend. We saw her every day. Worked with her. Studied with her. Hung out with her. Max is – he’s Liz’s lab partner. He comes in here almost every day to watch her, but it’s not like they talk. We really don’t know him that well.

Still, it’s clear that Max does care about Liz. He probably wouldn’t want to hurt her. But how is he gonna react, now that he knows Liz is different? Will he still feel the same way? People can be pretty unpredictable when they’re scared.

Trust Liz. That’s what Maria says. Liz said Max could be trusted. And I have to trust that she’s right. It’s not that I don’t trust Liz. I do. It’s just so hard knowing that there’s nothing I can DO to help. It’s out of my hands, and I hate feeling helpless.

“You’re right,” I say after a while. “Liz could never let anything suffer. I can’t imagine her letting someone she knows die at her feet when she could save them. I just wish I could be there, in case she needs help, when she talks to him.”

Maria smiles at that. “It’s bad enough Liz is gone. Your dad would kill us if we left him here on his own.”

I nod, amused at the way Maria automatically assumed she’d be there, too. Still, Dad's anger would be easier to deal with than the real trouble we could be facing if Max tells the Sheriff or the F.B.I. about what happened. Hopefully, Liz’ll have time to come back and warn us if things go badly.

“Could be worse,” I tell Maria.
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Post by Luvya »


I sigh as images of Maria staring at Michael and I flash through my minds. I point my hand up wondering if he's going to get this.
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Post by isabelle »


Liz is standing there pointing up. What is that supposed to mean? "Up? Up North?"

She shakes her head, and raises her hand a bit more, glancing to the ceiling, as 'though looking at some point above her finger. What the heck is she trying to say? Why won't she just tell me, already? And what could it possibly have to do with the mark on my chest, and her healing me? That's just not ...

Oh my god.

"You don't mean ... You're not trying to say that you're ... that you're an ... an alien?"
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Post by Luvya »


I nod slowly and sliently. I wonder how he's takening this. I know I wouldn't be taking this very good if it was me. I look for something that I can monuver incase he doesn't believe me.
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Post by isabelle »


An alien. She says she's an alien.

I stare at her for a moment. Unsure what to think. Then a grin explodes across my face and I just stop myself before I burst out laughing. "You know, Liz. I've always thought you were out of this world, but -"

I stop myself at that. Hey, I grew up here in Roswell. Aliens may not be real, but a heck of a lot of people think they are and they can be pretty unpredictable. Not that I think LIZ is gonna go ballistic, it's just habit. The polite nodding and smiling you always see when people go off like that.

Besides, Liz has to be joking. This is all a practical joke on me.
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Post by Luvya »


I sigh seeing the slightest of doubt in Max's eyes.

"You don't believe me do you?" I ask him, Maria didn't believe us right off the bat either (she ran out of the crashdown screaming if I remember correctly)
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Post by isabelle »


My impulse to laugh is ended when I see the hurt look in her eyes. I never want her to be hurt. Can she possibly believe this?

"Liz, I -" It was a joke, wasn't it? It has to be. "I don't know what to say."