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Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:24 pm
by behrluv32
can i just say i hate this line so so much...what show were the writer's watching that they could even think to put these words in max's mouth...

Max: Liz, i just want to put everything that happened behind us.

Liz: Yeah, you know that I would, too, if i had impregnated an alien killer who murdered one of our best friends and then left the planet with my unborn child.

Max: So you're still holding on to that?

Liz: It's hard not to, max. See, you slept with tess, and then you got her pregnant. I don't know how to just move past that. You hurt me, you know?

Max: Liz, meeting someone, someone like me, it attracted me. I admit that. It was something I had to find out about, and now I'm over it.

..... ok the only reason he tried it out and it had "attracted" him so much that he had to just "find out about it" was b/c of the whole FM thing and believing liz and kyle were together; this makes it seem as if max had wanted to hook up w/that other chick since she showed up. from the very first moment those words came out his mouth i was beyond pissed and could not appreciate the rest of this episode the first time it aired...arrrrrrrrrrrgggg roswell writers agrivated me for so long starting season 2 that it wasn't even funny :oops: :oops: :oops: :!: :!: :!: :!:

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:03 pm
Yeah. That line was a pretty crappy attempt at Max giving a pretty crappy explanation to the whole Future Max thing. I had issues with that line too.

You know, I said this before.....I had issues with season 3, period.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:00 pm
by sylvia37
Season 3 was an anomaly that should have never happened. "Busted" was like some....recap of season 2 of a Roswell that never happened. Having Max say that line was just a way to summarize and move on, but it was incredibly stupid and offensive to the fans who knew that it was total crap.

Anyone who watched season 2 knows that Max was not "attracted" to Tess because she was like him and had to try her out. He turned to her in a moment of weakness and because he thought the girl he really loved had slept with someone else, blamed him for her friend's death and because the idiots in charge decided to go for the easy soap opera breakup/boy sleeps with enemy story line rather than going with the sweet nuance of season 1.

Okay, rant over.


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:59 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
this makes it seem as if max had wanted to hook up w/that other chick since she showed up.
Very good point. That line made it seem as if she was a temptation he couldn't resist. What the hell? She attracted him at first, but only because he felt a sense of familiarity towards her. He didn't want to be with her after that. He wanted Liz. When Liz broke his heart, and when he was alienated from everyone he loved, he went to Tess as a last resort.

I don't blame Max for that one, though. I fully blame the writers. How could they forget the sweet Max he was supposed to be, and turn him into such a jerk?!

Sorry, I'm venting a little. This makes me feel better. :lol:

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:57 pm
by Lolita
I just watched Busted again today and I must say that from an artistic point of view it is still by far my favourite episode of Season 3. The lighting and style of film was very gritty and appropriate for that type of episode. However, yeah that line totally made go, "Huh?" That was totally inappropriate what Max said. It was something that he would never say. "I tried it and now I'm over it." What the f--? It was very dismissive and the writers should have not included that line in the episode.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:53 pm
by cutie
Hmm you're right guys. That dialog does sound stupid. I'm guessing they didn't realy think too much about what the characters would say and that piece doesn't make too much sense.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:13 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
They were trying to sweep it all under the mat. Or at least, that's my guess. Instead of having the two deal with it and work it out, they decided to have Max dismiss it and Liz go along with it.

I hated when Liz was drunk and yelling that she hated cheaters, personally. It was out of line and pretty uncalled for. So she's finally feeling what she put Max through and she doesn't like it. Max was a jerk, but Liz did bad things too. I just think they should have addressed all of it. Had Max and Liz talk it out, and figure out that they were both wrong.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:20 pm
by touched by an alien
behrluv32 wrote
can i just say i hate this line so so much...what show were the writer's watching that they could even think to put these words in max's mouth...

Max: Liz, i just want to put everything that happened behind us.

Liz: Yeah, you know that I would, too, if i had impregnated an alien killer who murdered one of our best friends and then left the planet with my unborn child.

Max: So you're still holding on to that?

Liz: It's hard not to, max. See, you slept with tess, and then you got her pregnant. I don't know how to just move past that. You hurt me, you know?

Max: Liz, meeting someone, someone like me, it attracted me. I admit that. It was something I had to find out about, and now I'm over it.

..... ok the only reason he tried it out and it had "attracted" him so much that he had to just "find out about it" was b/c of the whole FM thing and believing liz and kyle were together; this makes it seem as if max had wanted to hook up w/that other chick since she showed up. from the very first moment those words came out his mouth i was beyond pissed and could not appreciate the rest of this episode the first time it aired...arrrrrrrrrrrgggg roswell writers agrivated me for so long starting season 2 that it wasn't even funny
My words exactly. That whole "I was attracted to and I found out and now I'm over it" speech UGH! :x That's such a typical guy thing to say. It made Max Evans seem like the average over hormoned teenage boy in America!

Anyways what you said :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:24 pm
by AmeliaML4
This is such a funny thread.

Getting back to the yucky dialogue that made us all barf...

The glowing heart toes thing from Sexual Healing ----disgusting, too cheesy

The whole "Not like I love you" what the hell? Come on Max, you can do a little better than that....

Now to explore the Incestual Relationship between Isabel and Max

It first got really bad during the Hybrid Chronicles. I'm not sure if Jason and Katherine were dating at this time and they just couldn't get into their brother-sister roles but going back and rewatching some episodes...just look at the way he hugs her. My brother never rubs my kneck or caresses my back when he hugs me...or holds the sides of my face and tenderly moves my hair out of the way when I wake up from a scary dream.

It was gross

I could hardly stand to watch it, seriously I thought the Hybrid Chronicles had a LOT of FUNNY parts with M/M they were hilarious but somehow the caressing and falling way over the sibling boundaries for Max and Isabel was too much for me.

<3 Amiee

p.s. I was always bothered by the fact that Nicholas, Lonnie, and Rath just disappeared. What did they just give up, and say "Yo, dem sewers ain't that bad?" I mean come on! And Ava...Helllo?!?!?! she had nowhere to go and she does leaves the episode walking out into the light....bye Ava.... :roll:

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:10 pm
by AmeliaML4
Also the Samuel Rising Episode from S3. What was that, Max just adopts this family, puts Liz in the backseat aGAIN....

Also did anyone else notice that Samuel lives in the same house Brody lived in during the S2 episode....

Oh yeah...

What ever happened to Brody?