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Be Careful What You Wish For (UC, Mi/L, ADULT) pt6 [WIP]

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:47 am
by Drogyn

Title: Be Careful What You Wish For

Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell, I’m just borrowing the characters and make them do things mr Katims would never have dared.

Pairings/Couples/Category: AU, UC, Mi/L, No Aliens

Rating: ADULT

Summary: When Michael finds out that Liz is actually a genie, she is forced to grant him seven wishes.

Author's Note: Based on a challenge by Jezebel Jinx. My first POV-based story and my first polarizer fic. The story won’t be very long; I’d say around 6 parts. Tell me what you think about it.

PART 1: Secrets, Stares and Stamina

Michael’s POV

Once again, my so-called friends have dragged me to yet another party. Max and Tess really believe that they can set me and Isabel up and it’s just annoying… no, make that sick and twisted. The whole night, they’ve been giving me and Isabel these weird stares that I just can’t stand. I know Isabel is weirded out too. I know her well enough to know that she is.

Max and Tess are the kind of teenagers who just have to grope each other everywhere preferably in front of me, or so I’m beginning to think, and it’s really disturbing. The first twentythousand times, I told them to get a room. I wonder if they ever heard a word I said through all the stifled moans. God, here they go again. He’s sliding his tongue down her throat and I can see his hand descending under the table towards her lower body.

“Jezus Christ Maxwell. Why don’t you just lay her on the table and fuck her right here, for crying out loud?!”, I can’t help but hiss at him.

I meant that in a total sarcastic way, but it seems like, for a second, they’re actually considering it. I rolls my eyes and turn to Isabel.

“Don’t look at me”, she says “They don’t listen to me anymore than they listen to you”

Max and Tess stand up, breathing heavily and looking flustered. Damn, they even look like they just had a hot round of sex.

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom”, Tess squeals.

“Yeah, me too”, Max says hastily as they both disappear into the men’s room.

Damn, this is just disturbing. Why the hell did I even agree to come, I ask myself. My eyes spot a waitress, smiling at the customers she’s helping. She’s definitely the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen; Liz Parker. I stare at her for a few seconds. Right, that’s why I came.

What can I say about Liz Parker. She has something unique, something classy but still dangerous. We’ve been friends for years, but I always thought she had a thing for Maxwell so it’s not like I’d ever try anything with her. She and Isabel never really got along well though. I don’t know why exactly. It could have something to do with the fact that Isabel, despite her association with a moron like me, is considered one of the queen bees at school while Liz is considered more of a bookish kind of girl… hey, I didn’t say geek! But since Isabel is also a good friend of me they manage to be civil to each other which is pretty much all I can ask for.

“Michael, are you staring at Liz again?”, Isabel asked with a bored voice.

I guess this has to be even worse for her. Not only is she practically forced to watch Maxwell and Tess have a go at it, but now she has to watch me making mooneyes at another girl as well. But hey, I’m only a guy and it’s not my fault she doesn’t have a boyfriend. I mean, if she would ever make a suggestive comment about wanting a boyfriend, dozens of guys would eagerly line up and volunteer.

“Don’t start with me Iz. She’s the only reason I came and you damn well know it”, I say without taking my eyes off Liz.

Isabel and I have been friends for a long time and she’s actually the only one who knows I have a crush on Liz. She’s not making a big problem out of it, which I appreciate. Most friends I have would either try to talk me out of it or try to set us up like those two lovebunnies in the bathroom.

Is it me or can I actually hear two two in the bathroom moan from all the way here? I glance at Isabel who rolls her eyes. Okay, it’s not just me. Granted, our table is right in front of the bathroom but other people are probably hearing her moans too. But, I figure, that probably only turns them on.

“You know Michael, as much fun as it is watching you gawk at the geek and hearing those two bunnies in the bathroom hop.. pardon the pun.. it’s getting tired.”

“What are you saying Iz?”, I ask, still staring at Liz.

Lis is looking my way now and she’s watching me stare at her. She gives me a sexy smile and then turns the other way. Too bad the bathroom’s taken, I think by myself. Oh, who are you kidding? She’s just toying with you like cat plays with a mouse. She’d never dump that loser boyfriend she has and go for you.

“Michael!!”, Isabel shouts directly in my ear. I jump up and turn towards her in shock. She looks at me like I’ve gone crazy. “For heaven’s sake will you just stop it. You’re driving me nuts”, she says.

“I have the perfect solution for that”, I recover while I motion towards a nearby waitresss and order two scotch. I know I’m only seventeen and not nearly at the age where I’m allowed to have those kind of drinks, but I can get that waitress; Courtney, to do practically anything, which comes in handy at a time like this. I honesly never drank that kind of stuff but I figure there’s a first time for everything. Isabel doesn’t object in the least and when Courtney comes back with our drinks, me and Isabel pour the liquid in our throats in one motion.


Liz’ POV

I see Michael has decided to pay me another visit tonight. It’s sweet really, but it could never work. We’re just too different and besides, I’m a taken woman and Kyle would more than freak out if he found out there was anything going on with me and Michael. Regardless, I love the way Michael is staring at me but I’ll just pretend I‘m not seeing him.

“Oh my god, is he here again?”, my best friend Maria asks. She gives a wink to where Michael is sitting to indicate she meant him.

“Don’t look. I’m pretending I’m not seeing him”, I say with a big smile on my face. I just can’t help it. I love it when Michael looks at me like that. I’d really love to look back at him and see the look on his face but I know he’ll just look away when I do.

“Uh, why?”, Maria asks.

It turns me on.

“I don’t wanna make him uncomfortable”, I lie

“Right. Well, he does look pretty comfortable at the moment. God, he’s almost drooling”, Maria says with a smile on her face, knowing fully well that only makes me hotter for him. What the hell is wrong with me? I finally can’t ignore him any more and look straight at him, shooting him a sexy smile before he diverts his look.

Hellooo! Boyfriend? Kyle? Any of those words ring a bell? I keep asking myself that question over and over but that wouldn’t do much good now, would it? Oh, come on, it’s not like I’m actually gonna act on anything and besides, it’ll be my sweet revenge on Kyle for not showing up tonight.


I should have expected that Michael couldn’t take all those drinks. I never saw him drink anything stronger than a coke and now suddenly he and that floozy were pouring scotch down their throats at an alarming rate. I never thought he’d last more than an hour and it seems I was right. I see him passing out as he pours the contents of the sixth glass into his throat.

“Michael!”, I shout as I see him pass out. I rush towards him to help him; he is my friend after all. As I reach the table, I can see that floozy Isabel checking his pulse and trying to wake him up. God, what a bitch. She’s probably the reason he started drinking that vile liquid in the first place. I look back and I see my dad running towards the table. I suppose he feels responsible because he owns this place.

I watch for a minute as my dad manages to wake Michael up but when he tries to get up, he falls down immediately. “I think I need to lie down for a sec”, he says in a kind of voice only someone who’s complely hammered can use.

“Sure Michael, you can lie down upstairs”, my dad says to him. Truthfully, I think he wants to avoid a lawsuit for serving alcohol to minors. Courtney is so gonna get a yelling for serving them those drinks. I sure hope my dad is feeling forgiving tonight, for Courtney’s sake. I see dad is more or less carrying Michael to our house which is directly above the Crashdown. I suppose he’ll be alright, but now my night is gonna be so boring.

Ah, I see his two bunny-friends finally decided to come out of the bathroom. Took ‘em long enough. She looks really spent. That Max sure has stamina. They were in there for thirty friggin minutes. I wonder if Michael has the same sort of ‘endurance’.

Oh well, I guess I’ll never know.


Tess’ POV

“Max! Max!”, I hiss into his face. It’s that weird voice you get when you wanna shout and keep your voice down at the same time. God, at times like this, I forget why I’m even dating this guy. All he had was a few beers before we came here and now, he’s been throwing up for the last twentyfive minutes. I have to say that this is not exactly why we went to the bathroom.… not me at least. I mean, we had been teasing each other for hours getting us both worked up and I figured we were gonna do something about that, but two minutes after we got busy he started throwing up.

I know I should be angry… Dammit, I am angry! Ah well, I’m sure he wouldn’t have lasted longer than a few minutes anyway; he never does. And I guess I should be happy that he didn’t toss his cookies all over my outfit. But still, it’s pretty frustrating. I mean, here I am, ready, willing, and the guy who’s supposed scratch that itch is trying hard to keep from throwing up. It’s a good thing for him that I’m not easily offended. Most of my friends would never see a guy again if he threw up while they were making out with him.

“Okay”, Max says softly

Okay? Okay?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?

“Let’s go home”, he says, holding his head in pain.

That’s just great. Leave it up to him to leave a girl like this (not that I’m still in the mood or anything but that’s not the point). It’s such a mystery to me why everyone seems to think he’s such a sex-guru.

“Alright, but Max?”, I say softly as I look him in the eyes until I see him looking back at me. “Quick tip Max. Don’t you ever, ever, do that again”, I say in a half-angry voice. I can feel my eyes hardening as I say it and I can see in his eyes that even though he’s not exactly in the best state of mind, he understands me.

He stands up and walks towards the bathroom-door, reaching for the chain-lock on the door.

“Uh, Max”, I say while pointing at his exposed parts. Max looks down and notices his dick is still hanging out of his pants. It’s really kinda sad to see at this moment. I can’t help but smile though at the thought of taking a picture with my cellphone and spreading it over school. It’d be the perfect revenge, not to mention it’s be sooo funny. But I guess I’ll stick with just thinking about it cause I just couldn’t do that to him.

He rearranges his clothes and we both walk out of the bathroom, just in time to see Jeff Parker guide a nearly unconcious Michael upstairs.

What is wrong with all the men?


Michael’s POV

When I open my eyes, I’m lying in a bed and it’s definitely not my own bed. I can’t remember how I got here and that’s never happened to me before. This is just weird. I glance to the left and the right to see if there’s someone with me, but it’s a one-person bed and I’m in it alone.

Bummer, for a second there I thought that maybe I had made a move on Liz and I’m lying in her bed. I guess that’s be too good to be true. On the other hand, to have been with Liz and not remember afterwards wouldn’t be very good either.

I get up and slide out of the bed. Things are coming back to me a little. I remember drinking glasses of scotch with Isabel. That sure as hell tasted different. I probably got so wasted I passed out right there. At the moment, I’m just glad I’m not having a huge hangover like I’ve heard Max talk about. Still, I wonder where the hell I am, so I walk towards the window and notice I’m in a bedroom above the Crashdown. Whoa! Maybe I was sleeping in Liz’ bed after all. I can’t help but smile widely at the thought.

On the other hand, if I’ve been sleeping in her mother’s bed, I just wanna kill myself now. I see a computer on a desk in the corner of the room and when I walk over to it, I see several photo’s standing right next to, and on top of, the monitor. I see a picture of Maria, a picture of Alex and a picture of… me?

Okay, I’m definitely in her room but I still can’t get over the fact that she has a picture of me on her desk. Does she have a thing for me? Nah, probably not, these are just her friends and as far as she’s considered, I’m just that… a friend. I then spot a picture of Kyle on the other side of the monitor. Have you ever felt like you wanted to tear up a picture, shred it into a million pieces and then burn it? No? Well, that’s what I feel right now. It’s not like I’d actually do it, or course (Liz would kill me if I did), but it is what’s going on in my mind.

“Are you just gonna stand there while you’re in the room of the girl you want?”, I ask myself quietly. Of course not. The next few minutes, I walk around the room and look at all the books she has in her room, the pictures spread around the room and the various items on her shelves. I wouldn’t go so far as actually going through her stuff though. I mean, I’m not that kind of guy… but I can’t lie to myself, I come pretty close.

My eyes spot a really old-looking book on the top shelf. My curiousity gets the better of me as I decide to take it out and flip through it.

“Whoa!”, I whisper when I open the book. It looks really old and the drawings look like they were copied out of a Dungeons and Dragons game. I can’t read a word of the text though. I can tell it’s not English or French but what language it is, I have no idea. I flip through the book for awhile until I get tired of it and try to place the book back where I found it. That’s when I notice a strange bottle hidden behind where the book stood.

“Weird”, I find myself saying out loud. I grab the bottle and look at it carefully. It’s really beautiful and it seems to be changing colors when you move it. I know, it’s probably just a trick of light, but it still looks cool. Upon further examination, I notice that the bottom part of the bottle is socketed with several sparkling pieces of glass. At least, that’s what it looks like to me. The bottle doesn’t feel heavy so I open the bottle to see what’s inside.

My eyes open wide in amazement. Wow, did she make this in school or something? The inside of the bottle looks even more beautiful than the outside. It looks like a living room, except that it is about tenthousand times smaller. I could see a tiny closet, a tiny carpet, a tiny bed and even a tiny bookshelf and if my eyes are not mistaken, there are even tiny books on the tiny bookshelf. The entire furniture has a beautiful sky-blue color and the light shning inside through the glass of the bottle is a beautiful yellow.


Just then, Liz comes storming into the room, looking extremely pissed off at the sight of me holding her bottle. I was just admiring it, I wasn’t hurting it or something. Jeez, gimme a break.


Liz’ POV

I come home at eight in the morning to find my dad reading the newspaper in the kitchen. I guess he doesn’t believe much in sleeping in until ten. He looks up from his newspaper and smiles at me. “Hey honey”, he says. I like the way he treats me; no endless questions about where I’ve been or judgements when I’m later than usual. She probably assumed I stayed the night at Maria’s.. which is actually true.

“Hi dad, I’m just gonna grab some movies from my room and then I’m on my way back to Maria’s”, I say to him.

“Oh honey, try to be quiet. Michael’s asleep in your room.”, he says.

My breathing stops for a second and I fear I may get a heart attack. “What?!”, I shout at him. There’s one simple thing I’ve asked my parents; ‘never ever go into my room’. I’ve said it a million times and I thought they had accepted it. And now, they let someone sleep in my bed. What if he finds the bottle? What if..

“Sorry honey, I know you don’t like it when someone else is in your room, but your mom wasn’t feeling well and I couldn’t very well put Michael in bed with your mother… besides, I didn’t think you’d mind. Michael’s your friend, right?”, he said

Yes, he is my friend you moron. That’s why he might think it’s okay to snoop around. Oh my god! I make my way to my room as fast as I can. When I open the door, I think I died and went to hell. Here was the first scene of my worst nightmare; Michael holding my lamp and looking amazed.

I enter the room and he looks at me. I’m sure he can tell I’m pissed. I’m so pissed I’d like to take my bottle from his hands and beat him on the head with it a couple of times. I hapen to know for a fact that it won’t break.

“Michael… what are you doing with that? Are you going through my stuff?!”, I say in an angry tone. I grab the bottle from his hands and hold it close to me.

“Jeez Liz, what’s with the stupid bottle?”, I hear Michael say.

My response comes out before I know it. “Stupid? My bottle is not stupid!”, I shout in anger. Damn! I’m pushing it, I gotta get him away from here.

“I want you to go Michael”, I say, trying to sound calm, but being anything except calm.

“What are you getting so bent out of shape for?”, Michael asks.

“Get out”, I say keeping the bottle close to me. I know that was a mistake when I see him looking at the bottle.

“What’s with the lamp… are you like, a genie or something?”, Michael says and immediately laughs his ass off at his own joke.

“Noo!”, I scream. I can’t help it, I suddenly feel weak in the knees and I feel tears waiting behind my eyelids. He said it. He actually said it. This can’t be. Not now. I don’t want to go back. There’s suddenly a familiar, itchy feeling on my wrists..


Michael’s POV

What the hell is wrong with her? I’ve never seen anyone get so crazy over something so silly as a bottle. No matter how beautiful it is. Look at the way she’s holding it close to her body. There’s something going on with that bottle. A picture from the book I just flipped through shoots through my mind.

“What’s with the lamp… are you like, a genie or something?”. I thought, realizing I actually said it out loud. I can’t help but laugh at it. In know it’s ridiculous but the thought of Liz as a genie amuses me. I know girls hate it when a guy laughs at his own jokes, believe me, Isabel informed me plenty of times, but I can’t help it.

“Noo!”, I hear Liz scream.

Whoa, she’s taking this comment way too seriously. I look at her and the look she gives me back is almost enough to make me cry myself. She’s looking at me like I just killed her dog or something. I see the hurt in her eyes and I’m instantly sorry I didn’t just leave when she asked me. I want to say something, but I suddenly notice a strange glow on her wrists. She looks at her wrists and I notice the glowing stops and she’s left with some sort of golden cuffs on her wrists.

“Alright..”, I ask cautiously, “What just happened?"

Part 2: The Trophy Be Told

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 3:32 am
by Drogyn
Thanks for the feedback emmalee, Lissa, orphyfets and Jezebel Jinx. I’ve already finished the next chapter so here it is. Now I better get my ass back to the other fic I’m writing. If you wanna give it a try, it’s called ‘A Beautiful Brain’ and it’s in the AU-section. Next chapter of this fic should be ready in a few days (hopefully this weekend).

PART 2: The Trophy Be Told

If things do not turn out as we wish, we should wish for them as they turn out.

Liz’ POV

No, no, this can’t be happening to me. It’s not fair. I don’t want it to happen, but I can already feel those dreaded golden cuffs around my wrists again. If I’m asleep, let somebody please wake me up now.

I start speaking even though I don’t want to. “Master, you have discovered my true identity. I am obliged by sacred law to fulfil seven wishes”, I said. I actually want to lunge at him and start beating on him, but I just can’t, and I mean that quite literally. I really can't.

“Your seven wishes can fulfil your every dream, but two rules apply and cannot be broken. The first rule is that you may not bring back those that are departed from this world. The second one states that love is the holiest of all emotions and cannot be tempered with in any way.”, I say. I’m not even trying to stop myself from saying these things anymore. I know I don’t have a choice. I’ve actually been in this position before.

“Liz, what the hell is going on?”, Michael asks me. He’s really dense. Didn’t I just explain it to him.

“Are you really a genie?”, he asks

No, of course not. Don’t be silly. Genies don’t exist.

“Yes”, I say lowering my head. Damn, for a second there, I forgot about that truth thing. Better not let him know I have to speak the truth to him and just be casual about it.

“Well then Liz, I wish for a million dollar”, he says while smiling so widely that it’s almost falling from his face. He obviously doesn’t believe me.

“As you wish”, I say and wave my hand. I can see him thinking I’m ripe for the loony bin until he looks down at his feet and sees a small bag lying there. When he picks up the bag and opens it, he takes out several packets of money.

“How the hell did you do that?”, he asked, completely dumbfounded

“How many fucking times are you gonna ask me the same question?! It’s magic, okay!”, I shout. I may have to grant his wishes and I may not be able to lie, but that doesn’t mean I have to act like I’m his slave.

“Liz, what happened to you?”, Michael asked while sitting down. He kept looking at me the entire time. I look back at him for a few seconds. I really don’t wanna tell him but it’s not like I have any choice.

“You happened to me. I was free, and you had to wreck it.”, I tell him.

Maybe he’ll feel guilty and release me. Stop kidding yourself Liz, it’s not like he’s just gonna give up his wishes just because you make him feel guilty.

“Me? What did I do?”, he asked with yet another dumbfounded look on his face.

Is he really this stupid?

“I was only free as long as nobody knew who I was…”, I say before being interrupted.

“You mean, what you were”, he says

Can I hit him? Please, just once?

“Whatever. I thought I was pretty clear that I wanted you to shut your mouth, put my bottle back and get out, but you just had to make that goddamn genie-comment!”, I say, my voice getting louder and louder until I shout the final words of the sentence.

“So, let me get this straight… you lied to me and all the people you call your friends, and no one has any idea what you really are?”, Michael asks.

I hate it when he’s right

“In a nutshell”, I say bitterly

He looks at me for a few seconds. I don’t like that look; there’s something sinister in that look. I recognize the look; like I said, I’ve done this before. “So… any wishes you can recommend?”, he says with a smile.

He’s just trying to get under my skin here.

“I have one piece of advice. Don’t wish for two wishes or something like that. Such kind of greed will only get you in trouble”, I say.

“There’s one thing I want more than anything. I want you to love me and not that crazy football-jock.”, Michael says.

Michael has his good days and his bad days when it comes to using his brain. Today is definitely not a good day. “Did you listen to anything I’ve said?”, I ask.

He looks at me with that same dull-witted, questioning stare.

“I can’t temper with love, I told you that”, I say, trying not to sound too annoyed.

“Then I’ll just have to work around that”, he softly says


Michael’s POV

I’m confused to say the least. Did Liz just tell me she would grant seven wishes. Maybe this is some crazy fantasy she wants to act out. But why the hell wouldn’t she go to Kyle? “Liz, what the hell is going on?”, I ask.

I know Liz can’t be a genie because, well, such things don’t exist. But then what about those golden cuffs around her wrists. They weren’t there a minute ago. If that’s fake, it’s one hell of a trick. “Are you really a genie?”, I ask. I honestly have no idea why I’m asking it. I don’t even believe in that kind of weird stuff.

She’s thinking about her answer quite a lot. The thought that I’m a part of some ridiculous joke is getting stronger and stronger. She finally answers “Yes” while she averts her eyes from me. Now I just know there’s something up.

“Am I on candid camera or something?”, I ask myself. Ah what the hell, why don’t I just play along? It’ll be fun. “Well then Liz, I wish for a million dollar”, say and I can’t help but smile. I’m sure I look ridiculous with that large smile on my face but I’m dying to find out how she talks her way out of this one.

Is she waving her hand at me? In know it’s a weird thought, but is she high or something? I then notice a small bag on the floor. That wasn’t there a few seconds ago…. was it? My curiosity gets the best of me and I reach down inside the bag and pull out several packets of money.

“Alright, how the hell did you do that?”, I think. Liz looks at me for a second. Did I say that out loud?

“How many fucking times are you gonna ask me the same question?! It’s magic, okay”, she shouts. She’s so hot right now, I don’t know what’s the bigger turn on… the fact that she has to do everything I say, or the way she’s trying desperately to hide her vulnerability from me.

What happened to the confident Liz Parker who shot me that sexy smile the night before. The Liz Parker who would lecture me for over an hour when I did something to upset her again, which by the way happened a lot? “Liz, what happened to you?”, I asked. I had to know.

She looks really pissed off and some part of me is thinking about running for the door before she explodes. That part is not in control of my body… thank God for that… so I just keep staring at her. “You happened to me. I was free, and you had to wreck it.”, she says softly.

That look she’s giving me… it’s just terrible. “Me? What did I do?”, I ask, but somehow, I already know the answer.

“I was only free as long as nobody knew who I was…”, she starts.

“You mean, what you were”, I interrupt. Why the hell did I just say that? I don’t know what came over me there. I guess it’s just a little uncomfortable to find out that the girl you have a crush on is actually not human. I’m sure she wants to hit me… why does that turn me on? Am I crazy? Don’t answer that!

“Whatever. I thought I was pretty clear that I wanted you to shut your mouth, put my bottle back and get out, but you just had to make that goddamn genie-comment!”, she screams.

I’m pretty sure she can’t hurt me. If she could have, she’d probably be battering her fist in my face in anger. I have to say I can’t really blame her for wanting to hurt me. “So, let me get this straight… you lied to me and all the people you call your friends, and no one has any idea what you really are?”, I ask, wanting to be completely clear on things.

“In a nutshell”, she says and you’d have to be blind, deaf and stupid all at once not to notice the bitter tone in her voice.

I stare at her for awhile. I understand that I’ve hurt her but I can’t stop thinking about how much she turns me on. I shouldn’t feel guilty about it. It’s what she is… who she is. She’s a genie; her job is granting wishes. Oh, there’s that deadly stare again, I better change the subject back to the wishes. “So… any wishes you can recommend?”, I say forging a small smile on my face..

“I have one piece of advice. Don’t wish for two wishes or something like that. Such kind of greed will only get you in trouble”, she says. Funny, that one hadn’t even occurred to me.

Well, don’t you worry. Six more wishes is more than enough for what I want. In fact, I only really need one. “There’s one thing I want more than anything. I want you to love me and not that crazy football-jock.”, I say without thinking.

I know, I know, she said she couldn’t temper with love and I’m sure she’ll call me a deficient fool and remind me of the rules. “Did you listen to anything I’ve said?”, she asks.

Hey, that’s a less sarcastic tone than I expected. I look at her face questioningly, waiting for that ultra-sarcastic comment to slide out.

“I can’t temper with love, I told you that”, she says, not even annoyed.

I want her so bad and now I’m in the perfect position to do something about it. “Then I’ll just have to work around that”, I think. Damn! Did I say that out loud again?


Liz’ POV

What? Did he just say he wants to work around it. I don’t know what he means by that, but for some reason I don’t like the sound of it. “Work… around it?”, I ask cautiously.

“You’ll see”, he softly says and I like the sound of that comment even less.

He then walks over to me and lays his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. I have to admit it turns me on. Please god, don’t let him ask me. “Liz, you know I’ve wanted you for a long time. Don’t even try to tell me you didn’t notice.”, he says.

Well he’s right I actually did notice that. I mean, sometimes he was actually drooling. I noticed, Maria noticed, Courtney noticed, heck, I think even my dad noticed.

“Liz, I just have to know… did you ever want me?”, he asks.

Kill me. Kill me now!

“Sometimes, yes”, I can’t help but say. A smile creeps over his face.

“Do you want me now, Liz?”, he asks while giving me an intense stare.

“Yes”, I say softly. I know, I’m a weakling. He may think this is funny but it’s really not. I may have had some fantasies about him and even though I hate this situation, I still want him… but there’s not a snowball’s chance on Earth I’d actually consider doing anything.

“Liz…”, he says and I just know what he’s gonna say. Call me a psychic, which I’m not or call me crazy, which could be considered a point of debate, but I just knew what words would come out of his mouth.

“…I wish you’d make love to me”


Michael’s POV

“Liz, you know I’ve wanted you for a long time. Don’t even try to tell me you didn’t notice.”, I say to Liz, keeping my stare focussed on her eyes. “Liz, I just have to know… did you ever want me?”, I ask dreading the answer.

I have been pining over her for a long time and I can’t help but hope she feels the same way. I just had to ask it but I just know that she’s gonna say no, either because that’s the truth or because she doesn’t want me to know. I just wonder what sarcastic comments she’s gonna use.

“Sometimes, yes”, she says. That’s weird, did she actually say she wanted me too? And what happened to the sarcastic comment? I’m getting the weird feeling there’s something she’s not telling me. Liz would never admit a thing like that in a situation like this. I can feel a smile creeping over my face; she can’t lie to me.

I suppose I should milk this latest revelation a little further. “Do you want me now, Liz?”, I ask her, giving her an intense stare. “Yes”, she says softly.

I think I just died and went to heaven. She actually wants me right now. I know Liz and she would never just act on what she wants. Well that’s gonna change. “Liz..”, I say, “.. I wish you’d make love to me”.

She just stares at me for a few seconds. Didn’t it work? I lean in to kiss her and I’m relieved that she’s kissing me back. Part of me is feeling guilty for forcing her to do this, but it’s not like she doesn’t want this as badly as I do so I push that thought to the background. To be precise, I’m actually shoving all thoughts to the background. For what seems like forever, the world around me seems to disappear and all there is, is me and Liz.

She’s so fucking hot, I just hope I won’t blow my load right now. She pulls away from me, letting me inhale some air which I completely forgot I needed. She smiles at me and snaps her fingers. I’m naked and so is she, and all I’m thinking is: did she just smile at me?

I focus quickly and force myself to inhale some more air so I won’t pass out. When you fantasize about someone naked, you tend to fantasize her body as flawless. Normally, that’s sure way to get disappointed but in her case it’s actually true. Her body is perfect in every way. She has a perfect figure. She could have stepped right out of a magazine with that body.

She’s looking at me with a smile on her face. Wait, she’s not looking at my face. I look down to where she’s staring. Needless to say I was rock-hard already and it definitely caught her attention enough to keep staring at it with her mouth open. Wait, is this my wish or hers?

After a few seconds of gawking at each other’s naked bodies, Liz kneels down and grabs my cock. I can’t help but moan at the touch. She gives it a few strokes before leaning forward and taking it into her mouth. She slowly takes an inch or so in her mouth and slowly starts bobbing her head up and down my dick. She can’t take all of it in, but I’m not bothered by that at the least.

She then suddenly pulls back from my, now glistening, cock and stands up, shooting me a seductive look. She doesn’t have to encourage me any more. I slowly guide her towards her bed and I gently lay her back. I start kissing her neck and slowly work my way down to her beautiful breasts. Did I mention she has the body of a goddess?

I slowly let my tongue slide over her breasts, teasing her by avoiding her nipples. After more than a minute of teasing, she starts to moan softly, slightly moving her body to make it harder for me to avoid her nipple. I do not give up so easily though and focus on avoiding her nipples even more.

“Michael…”, she whines. “…Please, stop teasing me like that”. I decide that the time is right and place my mouth over one of her nipples and start flicking my tongue over it. She starts moving more vigorously, but for a completely different reason now. I switch to the other nipple and her reaction is about the same.

I then kiss my way down her body to her sweet snatch, looking at it with amazement for a second. Her cunny is as beautiful as the rest of her body. Her pink lips are shining with juices and her hair is neatly trimmed in a triangle like an arrow pointing an unknowing man to his goal. I slide a finger over her lips and she moans loudly at my touch. My finger is soaking. If she was ever ready for me, it’s now.

I move up her body until I’m staring in those beautiful eyes. I then guide my cock to her wet opening and I slide in easily for an inch or two. Then I encounter something completely unexpected. It’s unmistakable; she’s still a virgin. I wonder for a second if I should really be doing this. Damn, I deserve a medal for this second.

“Why are you stopping?”, she pants. I take that as my queue to continue and slowly push my cock in a few more inches, carefully looking at her eyes to make sure she isn’t in too much pain. Whenever I see her flinch, I stop and give her time to adjust before moving my dick further in. It takes a few minutes but then it’s all the way in. I then start to slowly slide my dick in and out of her cunny. She’s adjusting nicely and seems to be enjoying it more and more.

I start to moan and it doesn’t take long for her to join me by moaning loudly. I push back the urge to cum until Liz starts panting: “Oh god, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, Oooooooh!”. At that point I kiss her full on the lips and pick up my thrusting speed. After a few seconds, Liz and I climax at the same time and I shoot load after load into her divine honey pot.

“God, I love you Liz”, I mumble as I pull out of her and lie myself down right next to her, my face turned towards her glorious form. I wish this scene would never end and just repeat over and over until eternity. And just to be clear, I didn’t say that out loud.

And to think I have five more wishes.

Chapter 3

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 2:17 am
by Drogyn
Thanks for the feedback everyone. It's really appreciated. If you have any ideas for one of Michael's wishes, I'm open to it. I haven't settled on a particular wish for wish #5 and if one of you has a good idea I'll definitely consider it.
brendanfan1962 wrote:This is a great story and I hope that you continue it. But the question I have is how did Liz become a genie and how was she able to keep it a secret? Also is Jeff Parker her dad? I am so confused! Plus what will Michael's next 5 wishes be? Also are the aliens still aliens?
Any way I hope that you come back with more soon.
Well, all of that will be explained. The first part of, how Liz became a genie and what happened after that, will be in this part. More will follow in the next parts until there's a complete picture. It's safe to say that Jeff Parker is not really her dad, but more on that later. As for the five wishes, just wait and see.

PART 3: My command is your wish

The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake.

Liz’ POV

What came over me there? I honestly have no idea. I know I had no choice but to do as Michael wished and have sex with him, but while we were busy I started to feel so weird, so… I dunno what exactly. One thing I do know, I definitely enjoyed that.

“That certainly was a wish well spent”, Michael comments with a blissfull look on his face while he’s lying next to me.

“Michael, that was a wish you wasted”, I comment. For a second there, he gets this confused look on his face. I love that look.

“What do you mean, that was great… right?”, he says with an uneasy tone in his voice. I wish I could lie just once and tell him it was terrible, and then take a picture of his face. I love to torture him almost as much as… what we just did. No, I take that back.Nothing comes close to… what we just did.

“You were really great, but you didn’t need a wish for it”, I say. I have a hard time reading his expression at this point.

“Liz, can I ask you something… about you?”, he asks cautiously. I suppose telling him no would mean that I don’t have to answer questions that I don’t wanna answer, but I’m just too curious to what he wants to know. Besides, if I say no he’ll probably ask anyway.

“What do you wanna know?”, I ask.

“Tell me about yourself Liz”, he asks me.

That’s not a question Michael; that’s an invitation for me to talk all day long. I don’t even know where to begin. “Fine, I’ll start at the beginning. I was born in the year 1284, and…”, I say.

“Whoa, slow down! Did you just say you were born more than seven hundred years ago?”, he interrupts.

Well, it seems all those math tutorial sessions were good for something after all. I’ve never seen Michael calculate this fast. “Yes, that’s what I said”, I answer.

“Wow, you look good for a seven hundred year old woman”, he says and I can’t help but smile at that comment.

“Continuing… the first seventeen years of my life, I lived as a human”, I continue.

“A human?”, he asks.

“If you keep interrupting, this is gonna be a long story.”, I say. Jeez, it’s two minutes after we had sex and he’s already getting on my nerves again. He doesn’t say anything back now so I take that as a sign that he’ll shut up and let me finish.

“On the day after my seventeenth birthday, I found this bottle. When I uncorked it, this guy came out. He said he was a genie and that he would grant me seven wishes.”, I say

I glance over to Michael to see he’s listening intently, but not as intently as he’s staring at my still naked body. I snap my fingers again and we’re fully dressed again, just like we were before I snapped my fingers the first time. He looks dissapointed… I’m a little dissapointed too, but I want his attention what I say.

“Anyway, I thought I’d won the lottery or something… only better. I made wish after wish until I had one wish left.”, I say.

“And what did you use your last wish for?”, he asks. I just stare at him for a few seconds. I have the feeling that he knows what I wished for.

“You wished for two more wishes, didn’t you?”, he says. See, I knew he knew.

“Yes… I was greedy and after six wishes, I’d gotten used to the fact that I could get whatever I want.”, I say

“Then what happened”, he asks me.

“He died. The genie just dropped dead. And then I was suddenly sucked into the bottle. I realize that because I was too greedy, that I was cursed to take his place”, I say softly.

“Cursed? Are you crazy? This is great!”, he says to me. If I could, I would slap him; hard.

“Great? Would you care to trade places with me here, you self-serving prick?”, I shout out. What the bloody hell is wrong with him? Did his brains melt or something? There is nothing good about being a genie.

“Hey, most people don’t live to see their sevenhundredth birthday”, he says defensively.

“I was in the fucking bottle for almost six hundred years. What is so great about that?”, I softly ask him.

I wipe my eyes clean. Better stop talking before I start to cry. “Alright, any thoughts on your next wish”, I ask.


Michael’s POV

Oh my god, I’m dizzy. I just had sex with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met and she’s still laying besides me, not even caring that she’s still naked. I can imagine she’s a bit confused now. I thought she hated my guts, but she was a bit too eager for that. I can’t think about that for long though. I just had sex. “That certainly was a wish well spent”, I say.

“Michael, that was a wish you wasted”, she comments. Alright, my comments was meant as a compliment. Way to ruin the mood Liz.

“What do you mean, that was great… right?”, I say. She seemed to be have enjoyed herself pretty good, but I heard stories about women faking the whole stuff so I just gotta ask. She’s considering the answer for a few seconds and I’m not sure whether or not that’s a good thing. I take those precious seconds to gawk over Liz’ body again. Damn, how can I be turned on two minutes after I had sex?

“You were really great, but you didn’t need a wish for it.”, she says. I have a hard time reading her expression to see what she meant, but to be honest, I don’t think I wanna know.

“Liz, can I ask you something… about you?”, I ask her as friendly as I can. I know I don’t have to ask, but I want to.

“What do you wanna know?”, she asks..

“Tell me about yourself Liz”, I say. I wanna know everything about her.

“Fine, I’ll start at the beginning. I was born in the year 1284, and…”, she says.

Whoa, wait a minute… 1284?? Isn’t that like, a very long time ago. Like, seven hundred years or something? “Whoa, slow down! Did you just say you were born more than seven hundred years ago?”, I say, automatically speaking my thoughts.

She smiles a little. Must be because of the fast math; I kinda always acted like I was terrible at it so she’d keep tutoring me. Don’t give me that look, didn’t you hear me when I said she was like a goddess? “Yes, that’s what I said”, she answers.

“Wow, you look good for a seven hundred year old woman”, I say. I have got to learn to think things and don’t speak them out loud. Well, at least I made her smile.

“Continuing… the first seventeen years of my life, I lived as a human”, she continues.

Human? But she’s not human… is she? Maybe I misunderstood. “A human?”, I ask

“If you keep interrupting, this is gonna be a long story.”, she says, visibly annoyed. Jeez, it’s two minutes after we had sex and she’s already getting on my nerves again. I want to say something back, but I honestly don’t know what so I decide to let her continue her story. I look at her intensely, trying to look interested, but I cannot help but get aroused by her naked form.

“On the day after my seventeenth birthday, I found this bottle. When I uncorked it, this guy came out. He said he was a genie and that he would grant me seven wishes.”, she says while I’m trying to keep my focus on her words. For a moment it almost seems like everything is silent, like you muted your television, and all I can see is her; her glorious, godlike body. God, I’d love to….

What the hell? She’s suddenly dressed again. Well, that sucks.

“Anyway, I thought I’d won the lottery or something… only better. I made wish after wish until I had one wish left.”, she says.

“And what did you use your last wish for?”, I ask, but somewhere, deep down, I think I know. “You wished for two more wishes, didn’t you?”, he says.

“Yes… I was greedy and after six wishes, I’d gotten used to the fact that I could get whatever I want.”, she says.

So you cheated.. I can understand that. “Then what happened”, I ask.

“He died. The genie just dropped dead. And then I was suddenly sucked into the bottle. I realize that because I was too greedy, that I was cursed to take his place”, she said softly.

Cursed? Did she really say that? She has lived for more than seven hundred years while most humans don’t even live to see one hundred. And even now, she still looks like a goddess. Damn, seeing her naked really screwed me up. “Cursed? Are you crazy? This is great”, I say out loud. If only there was a part of my brain that could control the things I say.

I see she’s giving me the famous Parker I’ll-slag-you-with-my-deathray-eyes look. I probably should have kept that little comment to myself. “Great? Would you care to trade places with me here, you self-serving prick?”, she shouts out at me.

I really don’t get what’s bugging her. She’s immortal, eternaly beautiful and she has great powers, and all she has to do for it is fulfill some people’s wishes and move on. “Hey, most people don’t live to see their sevenhundredth birthday”, I say.

“I was in the fucking bottle for almost six hundred years. What is so great about that?”, she softly asks. Six hundred years? She was in there for six hundred years. It’s a nice bottle indeed but six hundred years. I’d go insane in there.

Alright, maybe I’d better apologize. I can see her wipe her eyes like she’s about to start crying. “Alright, any thoughts on your next wish”, she asks.


Liz’ POV

Maybe I should have talked about it with him some more, but he just doesn’t understand. He’ll never understand what it’s like to be me; constantly afraid that someone will find out who you are, and constantly afraid of what they will make you do when they find out.

“There’s the issue of your current boyfriend Kyle”, he says. “I wish….”, he starts to say but I cut him off.

“Please don’t make me hurt him”, I practically beg him. I hate the fact that he can make me do whatever he wants, but I hate the fact that he can make me beg like this even more. I think he likes it because I can see a smile forming on his face. Can’t he just fuck me five more times and call it a day?… Good thing I didn’t say that out loud.

“Who said anything about hurting Kyle?”, Michael said with an evil grin on his face.

“Then what about Kyle?”, I say cautiously

“Well, I’m sort of uncomfortable with Kyle being your boyfriend”, Michael says.

Well duh! When we made love I kinda figured that out. Get to the point Guerin. “What are you saying?”, I say in an innocent voice.

“What I’m trying to say is that I want you to break up with Kyle in a way that he knows it’s really and completely over between you two”, he says.

I was gonna do that anyway but he doesn’t need to know that. “Sorry Michael but if you’re gonna wish something, you gotta use the magic word”, I say

“Magic word??”, Michael asked dumbfounded, “You mean, please?”

Sometimes I swear his IQ drops a point a minute when he’s with me. “No doofus, you wanna make a wish, you gotta use the word wish.”

I have no doubt he’ll make the wish. “Alright, I wish you would break up with Kyle in a way that he understands it’s completely over between you two”.

I suddenly get a feeling that I’m forgetting something. Oh right, those cuffs. What am I gonna do about those. If Kyle sees them, he’s gonna get suspicious. “Michael, what do I do about these?”, I ask holding my wists up and showing the golden cuffs.

Saved by the bell. Or more precisely, the phone. When the phone rings, Michael motions me to pick it up. “Hello, Liz Parker”, I say


Maria’s POV

“Liz? Where the hell have you been”, I ask. I mean, she said she was gonna get some movies and then get straight back here. Why is she still there?

“Home… as you can see since you called me here”, Liz says on the other end of ther phone.

I swear, Liz is a nice girl; smart and funny and everything, but sometimes can act really weird. “Liz, you were gonna get some movies and then come here. I’ve been waiting for half an hour”

“Yeah, sorry Ria but I kinda got tied up here. Can I take a raincheck?”, she says. Okay, that’s the voice she uses when she’s not telling me something. That girl just can’t lie. But who am I to argue with her?… Maria DeLuca, that’s who!

“Now what could be so important that you would blow me off, just like that?”, I say as I audibly snap my fingers.

“Well, I gotta go see Kyle”, Liz says to me.

“Liz, you’re blowing me off so you can hang with Kyle?”, I ask cautiously. I can feel my eyes narrowing. I’m now officially annoyed.

“No, I’m gonna break up with him”, she says.

“Finally. It’s about time”, I can’t help but say. She’s got a crush on Isabel’s friend for years and for some reason, she’s still dating Kyle. I think that’s just wrong. Alright, alright, the fact that I sorta like Kyle affects my judgement a little, but still… you don’t like a guy, you should tell him. “So, you gonna start things up with what’s-his-name?”, I ask.

“Uuh, I dunno. Okay Maria I gotta go”, she says nervously and hastily breaks the connection..

“Uh, okay”, I say but the line already went dead. Now I know she’s hiding something. Maybe I better get over there to find out?


Michael’s POV

Alright I don’t wanna sound impatient, but I’m kinda impatient. For some reason, I don’t wanna wait too long for Liz to dump Kyle. She’s on the phone now and I heard stories about girls and phones… let me tell you, not good. Well, at least she has a speakerphone which I turn on so I can follow the conversation.

“Liz? Where the hell have you been”, I hear a girl ask. I think I know this girl; she’s Liz’ best friend Maria. I don’t think Maria likes me very much.

“Home… as you can see since you called me here”, Liz says. I see she has saved some of the famous Parker sarcasm for someone other than me. I don’t know whether I’m relieved or dissapointd by that.

“Liz, you were gonna get some movies and then come here. I’ve been waiting for half an hour”, Maria says. I can’t help but smile at her comment. Half an hour and she didn’t call the police… wow.

“Yeah, sorry Ria but I kinda got tied up here. Can I take a raincheck?”, Liz says. Hmm, tied up, there’s a visual. I better keep that one in mind.

“Now what could be so important that you would blow me off, just like that?”, Maria says with an audible snap in the background. Blowing off? And the visuals just keep on going.

“Well, I gotta go see Kyle”, Liz says to Maria.

And the visuals are gone.

“Liz, you’re blowing me off so you can hang with Kyle?”, Maria asks. Oh boy, she’s annoyed all right. Isabel always uses this tone if she gets pissed off.

“No, I’m gonna break up with him”, Liz says.

Damn right she is!

“Finally. It’s about time”, I hear Maria say and for some reason, she sounds relieved. I guess Maria doesn’t like Kyle either. Either that or she likes Kyle a little too much. I smile at the thought. “So, you gonna start things up with what’s-his-name?”, Maria asks.

God, please let me be whats-his-name.

“Uuh, I dunno. Okay Maria I gotta go”, Liz says nervously and hastily breaks the connection..

Alright, that was weird. And now, she’s giving me this sheepish forget-about-it smile. Come on Liz, that’s never gonna happen. “So, who is what’s-his-name?”, I ask.


Liz’ POV

“So, who is what’s-his-name?”, Michael asks.

Oh great, thank you very much Ria. He so doesn’t need to know right now. “How should I know what Maria meant?”, I ask, trying to dodge the question.

“Alright, let me rephrase that“ Michael says.

I’d like it better if you just dropped it.

“Are you in love with me Liz?”, he asks and I actually start to sweat.

“No”, I answer, amazed at my own words.

Part 4

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 4:49 am
by Drogyn
Thanks a lot for the feedback gentle viewers. This chapter was heavily overdue but here it finally is.

PART 4: Breakup Sex

A wish is a desire without an attempt
--Roberto Dato

Michael’s POV

No? She.. she doesn’t love me? I can’t believe it. I know that she has to speak the truth, but I was so sure she was in love with me, even though she’d never admit it. Maybe I’m wrong altogether and the whole truth thing is a bust after all. Now where does that leave me and Liz? Is it right for me to let her break up with her boyfriend if she doesn’t love me? Maria said Liz liked someone else and even if that someone isn’t me, she still should break up with Kyle.

And then I got four wishes to make her love me.

Easier said than done.

“Alright, let’s go to see Kyle”, I say to Liz. She looks at me with a questioning look, holding her arms up.

Oh right, the cuffs. What the hell can I do about that? I suppose she can break up over the phone but that’s just too cruel; even for a dick like Kyle. I guess I’m not a member of the Kyle Valenti fanclub, but if a girl breaks up with a guy, the least she can do is stomp on his heart in person; face to face. Focus Guerin, focus! The cuffs.

What is the big deal anyway? If she goes to Kyle’s wearing those things, Kyle will probably just think it’s a new fashion trend or something. He’s too much of a jock to know much about jewelry. If Liz is uncomfortable with that, she could always just wear a long sweater. “Just wear a sweater or something”, I just say.

She doesn’t argue with me and grabs a sweater from her closet and pulls it over her body. Alright, let’s get going.


We arrive at Kyle’s place a few minutes later. When Liz gets out, I figure I’d better stay in the car. For some reason, I think me standing next to Liz when she breaks up with Kyle will result in several broken bones. And knowing Kyle, I doubt it’ll be his bones. I gaze at them from the car, which is parked quite a bit away to the Valenti front door. Liz rings the doorbell, Kyle opens the door and a few seconds later, Kyle motions Liz to come in, which she does, and then closes the door behind him.

Dammit, I can’t see anything with the door closed. Where’s X-ray vision when you need it?
Suddenly, there’s a few knocks at the window at scared the crap out of me. You know that feeling when you’re doing something you aren’t supposed to do and then someone sneaks up on you… that feeling. I literally jumped up and hit my head on the roof of the car.

I look at the passenger side of the car; I was behind the wheel of course, and I see Maria standing there with a smile on her face. I reluctantly open the door so she can step in and st down. “Jezus Christ Maria, you should wear one of those little bells”.

“Excuse me?”, she retorts. I guess sarcasm is out of her reach.

“Don’t sneak up on people like that”, I explain.

“I did not sneak. You’re the one who’s sneaking; sitting in your car with your head low, staring at the Valenti house. So, you some kind of stalker?”, Maria blurts out.

Okay, maybe I was wrong about the sarcasm. She has that fully under control. “Something like that. And you?”

“Oh, I was just in the neighbourhood”, she says. Yeah right, she just happens to be in the neighbourhood of Kyle Valenti’s house ten minutes after Liz tells Maria she’s gonna break up with him.

“So… you here for Liz or for Kyle?”, I ask bluntly. Her eyes grow a little wider than usual.

“Ooh, so you’re the reason she’s dumping Kyle?”, she asks flatly

“I guess you could say that. And don’t try to tell me you’re upset about it. Isn’t that why you’re here?”, I say, looking at Maria with a smile on my face.

“You think you know everything?”, Maria says questioningly

“No, but I know this. You got the hots for Kyle?” I ask

She doesn’t answer. Ladies and gentlemen, I won.

It takes only as few minutes, which seem like hours, until Liz finally comes outside. Kyle gives her a goodbye hug and Liz walks away. Kyle doesn’t seem hurt and it looks as if they’re parting as friends. Way to go Liz. As Liz walks back to the car, I completely forgot about the sultry blonde sitting next to me. Liz also notices Maria in the car and gives me a questioning look. I shrug and Liz sits herself down on the backseat.

“Ria, what are you doing here?”, Liz asks as soon as she stepped in.

“She’s getting ready to make her move on Kyle”, I blurt out. “Oooow!!” She actually slapped me.

“Shut up… what’s-your-name…”, Maria starts

“Michael”, I interrupt

“Don’t worry Maria. I already broke up with him. If you want him, go ahead.”, Liz says, pointing at the house.

Maria’s eyes start to sparkle. She really has the hots for this guy. “Thanks Liz”, Maria says as she turns around towards Liz. She then turns to me and leans in very close.

“If you hurt her, I’m gonna beat you to death with a shovel”, she softly whispers.

I shiver at the thought and she gets out of the car and walks towards the Valenti house. Liz quickly moves to the passenger seat. “You know, she’s one scary lady”, I say to Liz, pointing at Maria.

“Better believe it”, Liz says

I start the car and drive back to my place.


Liz’ POV

When me and Michael arrive at Michael’s place, I throw myself down on the couch. Don’t judge me. If one morning someone finds out your innermost secrets, you get fucked for the first time and then break up with the boyfriend you’ve been seeing for over a year, and all before lunch, you’d be a little tired too. The large sweater also has to go; it’s far too warm for that now, so I take it off and throw it in a corner.

“So, what now?”, I ask Michael.

I see Michael looking at me with that weird gaze again. I look down at my body and I notice that my shirt has risen up when I took off the sweater. It rose up so far that my bra was un plain sight.

I look at Michael and I see a huge tent form inside his jeans. What is he, insatiable or something? We just had sex less than an hour ago. Oh, who am I kidding? The thought of his gorgeous body all over mine makes me so….

“Hot?”, Michael asks me.

Damn, did he like, read my mind or something? Cause that’s just wrong. I mean, if he wants to know something, he can just ask, so why the hell is he trying to invade my mind? Oh wait, what the hell am I babbling about now, he was referring to the sweater I threw in the corner. “It’s better now, thanks”, I say with a small smile

I am quickly losing my ability to come up with sarcastic comments. What is wrong with me? The fact that he can have his wicked way with me doesn’t even bother me all that much anymore; in fact, it kinda turns me on. Oh my god, I did not just think that. Am I just the biggest nympho in the world? Don't answer that.

“Well I’m not”, Michael whispered “I’ve never been hotter in my life. I wanted to jump your bones the entire ride over here. And don’t tell me you didn’t; I could see it in your eyes”, he continues.

“Well maybe if you kept your eyes on the road, you wouldn’t have almost hit that mailbox”, I say back. On the way back, that idiot drove straight towards a mailbox, only to steer away at the last second. I guess it makes sense now; he was driving with his dick instead of his head. “Guys”, I say out loud.

“Well, be that as it may. I have thought of a really good wish”, Michael smirked.

“Oh really?”, I say a little more enthousiastic than I wanted. I don’t really care a lot about how I sound at the moment however because I see this big grin on his face and I just know this is gonna be either really good, or really humiliating…. probably both.


Michael’s POV

Liz and I finally arrived at my place. I think it’s a friggin miracle we arrived here without any major accidents. Can I just tell you how incredibly hard it is to drive with a raging hardon and a beautiful girl sitting next to you?

Liz looks really tired and as soon as we step into my place, she throws her sweater in the corner and falls back on the couch. Damn Liz, as if wasn’t my hardon hard enough, she now has her shirt tucked up all the way to her neck, exposing her bra to my eager eyes. Well I’ll be damned, I think my cock just grew another inch.

“Hot?”, I ask, noticing that she’s sweating a lot. She gives me this weird look that I can’t really place. Well, if she’s as hot as me, we can both sweat some more very soon if you know what I mean.

“It’s better now, thanks”, she says. That really did not sound like Liz. I hope she’s not getting sick or something. No, it probably has something to do with the fact that she’s staring intently at the bulge in my pants. That’s right ladies, you go one round with me and you’ll never want anyone else.

Her staring doesn’t make the bulge in my pants any smaller. “Well I’m not”, I whisper to her, “I’ve never been hotter in my life. I wanted to jump your bones the entire ride over here. And don’t tell me you didn’t; I could see it in your eyes”, I continue. I can see her startled expression and I can practically hear her brain search for a sarcastic response.

“Well maybe if you kept your eyes on the road, you wouldn’t have almost hit that mailbox”, she says. Not her best sarcastic comment, I gotta say. I mean, I’m in a car sitting next to the most beautiful girl on the planet who’s totally at my mercy and just broke up with her boyfriend. Gimme a fucking break! Besides, it’s not like I actually hit the friggin mailbox.

“Guys”, she says sarcastically as if she just read my mind.

I just had an epiphany. The best idea I’ve had in the last… ten minutes just lodged itself deep in my brain, and it didn’t even hurt. “Well, be that as it may. I have thought of a really good wish”, I say and I can’t help but smile widely.

“Oh really?”, she asks. Wow, by the tone in her voice she’s really excited. And she’s probably hitting herself on the head for sounding like that about now.

“Why don’t you redress and I’ll take you somewhere for lunch”, I say softly.


Liz’ POV

“Uh, redress? We’re at your place, remember?”, I say to him. If he wanted me to change, he should have just taken me to my place.

Not saying a word, Michael walks towards one of the closets and grabs a large box out of it. “I bought this for you for your birthday a month ago but I uh…”, he stammers. I smile at the thought. He was too much of a coward to give it to me and I honestly don’t know if that’s a turnon or a turnoff for me. I’ll just let that decision be based onm the contents of the box.

Smiling timidly, he hands me the box. God, he’s nervous. I’ve never seen him this nervous. He can make me do anything he wants but it looks like he’s seriously concerned with what I think of it. As I open the box, I can feel his eyes watching for changes in my expression. God, it’s beautifu. First, I take out a sky blue skirt, which about comes to my knees and then I take out the second and last item in the box; a white and blue sleeveless shirt with a kind of cloudy motive.

“Oh god, it’s beautiful”, I say to him and I see him relax at the sound of those words. “You mind if I take a shower…”, I say as I see him smirk. “…alone!”, I add. He gives me a kind of half-smile and points the way to the bathroom.

About half an hour later, I’m showered dressed and pretty much starving. “So, you ready to go?”, Michael asks me. There’s that cocky smile back on his face. He knows something I don’t know and for some reason it’s creeping me out.


Fifteen minutes later, me and Michael walk into a large restaurant. It’s a little darker than the usual restaurant but not overly so, but the place looks really nice. A waiter takes me and Michael to a table in the far back of the restaurant. When we reach the table, I see a card marked Guerin standing on the table. I see he made a reservation.

After he brings us to our tables, we order a cup of coffee which is brought to us within two minutes. Wow, they’re fast here. But still, I am wondering why Michael brought me here.

“So Michael, why are we here?”, I ask, a little afraid of the answer. He has a look of lust on his face and somehow, I don’t think it’s about the cup of coffee that’s standing in front of him.

“I have this fantasy that I wanna play out”, he says, knowing damn well that I’m not in the position to refuse. “I wish you’d go along with it”, he says with a smile on his face. And there is that horrifying word again; wish.

“Alright Liz, take your panties off and give them to me”, he whispers. Is he fucking crazy? There’s people here, there’s a whole number of reasons why I should slap his face and tell him he’s nuts. But as I’m thinking that, I’ve already pulled my panties down to my ankles and at this very moment I’m reaching down and grab them, after which I hand them over to Michael. This is so weird. It’s like I don’t have any control over my body.

“Have you ever masturbated, Liz”, he softly asks me.

I can feel my face turn bright red. Not only do I understand what he wants, but also because he asked me a question no girl should ever have to answer. “Yes”, I whisper softly.

“Show me”, he says softly.

Okay, now he’s pushing it. “What?! Here?”, I say a little louder than planned, but no one seems to notice.

“Yes here. Don’t worry, if you keep your face in check, no one is gonna notice”, he says seriously. I hesitate for a second. Thank god that oversized tablecloth is hanging over the edge of the table far enough to shield everything below the waist from the outside world.

Realizing I have no choice, I let my hand travel up my leg towards my pussy. When I touch it, I can feel it’s dripping wet. You have got to be kidding me? I can’t possibly be turned on by this utterly humiliating display. I slowly massage my outer folds before slowly sliding a finger in and out an inch or so.

I can’t help it; it feels great. This is so much more a turnon than I thought. That leads me to another problem: how is any girl supposed to keep up a normal expression when she’s busy shove a finger… aah, make that two fingers… into her dripping pussy. Michael is staring into my eyes and I’m staring into his. It’s like he’s enjoying it as much as me, though I very much doubt he’s busy like me.

Michael and I both see the waiter coming our way with the menus. “Don’t stop Liz”, Michael says softly. When the waiter arrives at our table, he hands me and Michael a menu each. He looks at me for a second and probably notices my reddened face.

“Miss, are you feeling alright? You look a bit….”

What… horny? Humiliated?

“I’m fine. Just a little hot”, I say to him, “It’ll pass”. He seems to buy that and walks away.

“That was good Liz”, he says, “Now, are you horny enough?”

I don’t answer that. Horny enough for what? Horny enough to hump my fingers here in public? Obviously. But I think my look towards him speaks for itself.

“Come with me”, he softly says. We quickly walk towards the men’s bathroom where we both walk in. I don’t even try to talk him out of it. It won’t do any good anyway. When we get inside, he carefully checks to see if there’s anyone here. And then he locks the door behind him.

“Bend over”, he softly says and I can tell he’s almost as horny as me. I say almost because there’s no friggin way he’s as horny as me at the time. When I bend over and rest my head against one of the sinks, he lifts up my skirt, takes his dick out and plunges it deep inside me.

“Oh fuck yes!”, I shout loudly. I sure hope these doors are soundproof otherwise we’re gonna have a lot of explaining to do when we come out.

He starts thrusting, slowly at first and very slowly increasing his speed. God, this is perfect. I dunno if it’s the weird setting or just the fact that it’s Michael but I’ve never felt this hot. As he starts to increase his speed even more, I feel my knees starting to weaken. Jezus Michael, you’re like a god. I really have to make an efford not to say these things out loud.

After several minutes, I can’t keep myself up anymore and my knees give in, making me crumble on the floor. Michael and I are far from done however, as I’m laying on my back, he lifts my legs over his shoulders and thrusts his dick inside me again. He starts picking up a steady pace, going faster and faster until an orgasm hits me and I shout out Michael’s name.

That seems to be enough to send him over the edge as well and I feel his hot seed filling my worn out pussy. He pulls out of me and lies himself down right next to me as if we were in bed together instead of in the bathroom. “That was fucking great. You’re really amazing, you know that?”, Michael says.

“I do. And you’re not so bad yourself”, I say with a breathless voice and a small smile.

After waiting a minute to catch or breaths and find the strength to stand up, we try to get back on our feet. I wobble for a few seconds but when Michael holds me to make sure I won’t fallback on the ground, I feel my strength return. When he cautiously releases me a few seconds later, I can stand on my own feet.

“Here”, Michael says, handing me my panties.

“Thanks”, I just say, after which I put them on again.

We then walk out of the bathroom and find our way back to our seats. No strange stares from anyone. Pretty well done. Now we can finally have some friggin food. I was hungry when I came here, but now I’m fucking starving. I look at Michael and he seems to feel the same way as I can literally hear his stomach growl from across the table.

“What?”, Michael asks with a smile on his face. Was I staring again?

“What? I can’t look at you? Is that like, a rule now?”, I ask.

“No, no, stare as long as you please. See anything you like?”, he asks and actually gives me a wink. Friggin unbelievable, three minutes after we had sex, he’s coming onto me again. Well, he’ll just have to wait until I’m up to it again and that could take awhile. At least I need something to eat first because I’m close to passing out now.

“Yes”, I say back to Michael, opening the menu, “I see a lot of things I like”, I add.

We look at each other for a few seconds and as if we rehearsed it, we both mutter at the same time: “Where the hell is the damned waiter. I’m fucking starving”. We both laugh as we hear ourselves.

Part 5

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:21 pm
by Drogyn
A slightly shorter part. I'm trying to work towards an ending and I guess it'll take 2 or 3 more episodes to get there (probably 3). This chapter is a little less fluffy and a little more serious. Not too serious though. Enjoy.

PART 5: The Cautionary Tale Of A Young Girl In Love

It is in a man’s nature to wish only for that which he cannot have

Michael’s POV

That was fucking great… or should I say, that fucking was great? This is by far the best day of my life, and it’s not even past lunchtime. I am starving though… and who can blame me after having sex with Liz Parker twice in one day? I just know that there’s some sort of twisted smile on my face, that’s making me look ridiculous but I don’t care one bit. Have I mentioned this is the best day ever?

“Hey, Liz”, I ask softly while shooting her a smile, “Tell me more about yourself. What happened after you got trapped in that bottle?” I don’t know exactly why, but I really wanna know everything about Liz’ life as a genie. I know there’s a good chance that it’ll only creep me out or that I’ll start to feel sorry for her, but I still have to know.

“Well, I was originally trapped for less than a week until someone found it”, Liz says softly and then sighs deeply and looks away from me. “My best friend Sarma found the bottle in my bedroom on the floor. When she opened it and I magically appeared, she was more than a little shocked.”

More than a little shocked? That must be the understatement of the century.

“Anyway, I figured I could trust her so I told her everything that happened”, Liz says with a sad look on her face. “I figured she’d help me and try to get me out of the mess I was obviously in….”

“She didn’t help you… did she?”, I ask and she shakes her head softly.

“She used me to get her wishes granted. Now, I really wouldn’t have minded to grant my best friend a couple of wishes… but then she wished someone dead; I mean literally. She wanted me to kill someone”, Liz says emotionally and I can’t blame her.

“So did you?”, I ask, afraid of the answer.

“Yes. She wouldn’t take her wish back… so I was forced to kill him”, Liz whispers as she averts her eyes from mine. “Then she wanted me to make my boyfriend fall in love with her. I told her that I couldn’t do that and I begged her to stop… but it was of no use”, Liz continues as she closes her eyes and breathes heavily, trying to get a grip on herself again. “She… she…“, Liz stammers.

I can’t stand seeing Liz like this. I just wanted to know more about her, not make her relive the most painful moment of her life. “Liz… you don’t have to continue”, I say in the most calming voice I have.

“No, I… I want to”, Liz says softly before breathing in deeply. “She made me change her body so she looked and sounded exactly like me. After that, she wished me inside the bottle again and pretty much took over my life.”

“Jezus Christ, what a bitch!”, I can’t help but say. I know that kinda speaks for itself, but I felt the need to say it out loud anyway. “What kind of best friend was she?”, I ask in an angry voice

“She just wanted my boyfriend. Rurik had been my boyfriend since I was twelve. We used to talk to each other about everything and sometimes, we’d talk all night long.”, Liz says with a small smile on her face that disappeared at this very moment. “Sarma never liked me, in fact she hated me for being so close to Rurik…”, Liz pauses for a few seconds, “..she must have hated me a lot. She… she buried the bottle, with me in it, somewhere in the forest near our village. I can still remember her last words: thanks Eliza, you’re the best friend ever”, Liz finishes. I can see several tears streaming down her face.

I can feel a lump in my throat. Someone who pretended to be her best friend made her kill and then buried her alive. How could her best friend do that to her? How could anyone do something so horrible to a girl like Liz? I stand up from my seat and walked around the table, feeling the urge to hug Liz and let her cry on my shoulder. She hugs me back, much to my surprise, and continues talking.

“It took six hundred years for someone to find me”, Liz sobs.

“My god, six hundred years?! I’d go insane!”, I say loudly. I remember my foster dad would lock me in my room for an entire day whenever I pissed that fuckhead off again, and even with one day, I went insane. I can’t even begin to image what six hundred years of that would feel like.

“I took a long time, but I got used to it. At least no one would make me kill anyone as long as I was buried”, Liz whispers. How could anyone not pity her at this moment?

“What the hell did you do for six hundred years?”, I ask, not really thinking about the fact that maybe I should drop this painful subject.

“I’ve been reading a lot”, she says, “There’s a magical bookcase in the bottle… and I guess that solves the mystery of why I’m doing so well in school”, she adds with a smile, trying to break through the sobs.

“Yeah, that explains the mystery of Liz Parker the genius”, I reply, smiling. “So how did you end up here?”

“Well, about fifteen years ago, Claudia Parker found me on one of her camping trips. I have no idea how I got so lucky, but she dug a hole at the exact place my bottle was buried and found me”, Liz says and when I look at the smile on her face, she seems different than a minute ago. This Claudia Parker must have been an amazing person. “When Claudia opened the bottle, I came out and I was forced to tell her everything, just like you did. At that point, I wished she never found me… but I was lucky; Claudia didn’t want me to suffer and she didn’t want any wishes granted either. She was so kind and she became my best friend and helped me… until she got very ill about five years ago. She somehow managed to get her son, Jeff Parker, to propose to take care of me without telling him anything about me. She was really sneaky when she wanted to be.”

“Liz, you’re over six hundred years old. You don’t need anyone to look after you.”, I say. I gotta admit I didn’t really put much effort in thinking this question through.

“I know, but Claudia wanted me to go back to school. Besides, I didn’t have a lot of choices. I don’t exactly look like an adult and I didn’t have any ID to say otherwise, so I needed someone to help me. And Jeff and Nancy have been really nice”, Liz continues

“And do Jeff and Nancy know anything?”, I ask but I already know the answer.

A startled look appeared on Liz face. “No, they don’t… and you can never tell them anything”, Liz continues hastily, “Please Michael, you can’t tell anyone”

I give her a sympathetic look. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone”, I say but before Liz can continue, I begin to spit out the questions that are popping in my head.

“So you haven’t aged in the last centuries… at all?”, I ask

“No, genies don’t age”, Liz answers

“So, what are you gonna tell the Parkers when you still look sixteen in ten years? You’re gonna tell them that you’re the youngest-looking six hundred and fifty year old girl?”, I ask

I see Liz’ expression change. I think I hit a nerve. “You know, this might be funny to you, but I’ve been thinking about that for years and the only thing I can come up with is to get out of town after graduation and never see them again”, she says emotionally.

“Sounds a bit radical”, I respond without thinking. Hey, don’t judge me. It’s not like I’m known around the world for my great thinking skills or anything.

“I guess it is, but unless you have a better idea…”, Liz says, but I cut her off

“Can’t you be freed? Turn human again?”, I ask

“Oh sure. All I have to do is drink a glass of water through my nose and then recite the alphabet backwards”, she responds, sarcasm dripping off her words. “If I knew how to free myself, don’t you think I would’ve done it?”

Okay, I’m an idiot. Sue me.

“The book doesn’t say anything about freeing a genie”, Liz retorted.

Uuuh… book?


Liz’ POV

Great, that’s just great! Why in God’s name did I mention the book. I glance in Michael’s direction and he’s already giving me a questioning look. “Is there any chance you didn’t hear that?”, I ask with an awkward and probably annoyed half-smile.

“What book?”, Michael asks. Of course he’s curious; I can’t blame him for that. What am I saying… of course I can blame him for that. Doesn’t stop me from being forced to tell the truth though.

“It’s an ancient book about genies. It pretty much describes what I am and the rules I have to go by… starting with a phrase about how greed will consume you.”, I answer

“You mean the whole getting turned into a genie thing. So, what else does it say?”, Michael asks

“Well… a lot. It’s written down that a genie’s obligations are not to be called upon when it comes to love”, I say

“And what does that mean in English?”, Michael asks. He’s really not one for thinking before he speaks, is he? It’s a little annoying…. okay, very annoying. Maybe I should just get used to it. “Pretty much means that I can’t grant any wishes that temper with love”, I respond

“Well, as fun as it is for me to reveal all my innermost secrets to you… you still have three wishes to go”, I say, trying to change the subject.

“Hold on a second”, Michael says. “What are you not telling me? Is there something in the book you don’t want me to know?”. I thought I was being subtle but he’s obviously smarter than he appears. Hmmm, better not say that out loud.

“Michael, that book contains everything I know about myself. Of course there are things in there that I don’t want people to know… not even you. So please, just stop asking”, I say in a begging voice.

I’m starting to get pretty good in reading Michael’s eyes. As I ask him to basically back off, I look into his eyes and see a small sparkle in his eyes and at this point I know he’ll back off… for now at least. But knowing Michael, he’ll bring it up again soon enough.

“Come on, let’s go”, Michael says and he practically drags me out of the restaurant.


Isabel’s POV

Okay, what was that? One minute I’m sitting here, drinking coffee in my favorite place on a Sunday Afternoon, next thing I know, Michael and Liz are sitting two tables away and so into themselves they’re oblivious to anything around them. Wasn’t he the kind of friend who told me everything?

That’s not the weird thing though. I’ve heard bits and pieces of what they said (I didn’t eavesdrop, I just listened to their conversation) and it doesn’t make sense. She said she was buried alive and did she say she was over six hundred years old?

One thing’s for certain, something’s not right here and I’m gonna find out what.

Part 6

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:09 pm
by Drogyn
Hi guys, remember me? I’m finally back with a new part. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with this part so it took me ages to finish it. Well, I finally did it. You judge for yourself if it was worth the wait. I really hope the next part won’t take me another one and a half months. And by all means, tell me what you think of it

PART 6: Restraint

Do you know what the saddest thing in the world is?
To love someone who used to love you
--Darla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Isabel’s POV

So this is what James Bond must feel like when he’s tailing the criminals. Well, I know that technically Michael and Liz aren’t criminals, but indulge me okay? The two of them are walking through the streets of Roswell and I’m walking about thirty feet behind them… the perfect distance. I still have the feeling that I’m gonna get caught any second though. The streets are almost deserted so one glance my way would pretty much blow my cover. I wonder what James Bond would do in such a situation. In the movies, the streets are always crowded when he has to tail someone.

Well, I’m in luck. They seem so encaptivated by each other that they could have walked right past an pink elephant dancing the tango and they wouldn’t have noticed. I really wonder what happened there. I know that he wanted her, so no surprise there… but I was under the impression that she already had a boyfriend.

Well maybe I’m wrong and it’s just two friends having lunch but my feeling tells me it’s more. The way they sat at that table, the way they’re walking right now; so close together… it’s just wrong; it’s sick and wrong.

Okay, maybe that came out a bit cynical but I just don’t like her. Now don’t get me wrong, I am in no way interested in taking her place but I always figured he could do better than her. I myself have a bigger fish to hook than Michael; Alex Whitman. Granted, most people think he’s a loser, I really like him. And as soon as he stops his insane crush on Tess Harding, something might actually happen.

Ok, we’ve reached the Crashdown. Hmm, this town is even smaller than I thought. I glance inside and I see a lot of familiar faces. Tess and Kyle are sitting in a booth together. Those two together creep me out sometimes. Have you ever seen a Donald Duck cartoon with those triplet nephews who finish each other’s sentences. Well, that’s what they do very often. Still, I’ll take a dose of Kyle/Tess over a dose of Max/Tess anytime.

I see Liz and Michael are going to the back; probably making out in Liz’ room or something. Okay… what’s wrong with that sentence?


Tess’ POV

“I mean, is that not the weirdest thing?”, Kyle asks me. Well, his girlfriend breaks up with him out of the blue and then five minutes later, her best friend tries to make a move on him. Yeah, I guess that actually is weird.

“Yeah that’s weird… so what’d you do Kyle?”, I ask. There’s gotta be something he’s not telling me. His eye is twitching and that means he’s not telling me something.

“Nothing. We hung out two days ago and everything was fine. This morning, she comes to my house and breaks up… just like that”, Kyle says, his eyes going wide and using his most innocent voice.

“Well, there she is. You can ask her yourself”, I say with a smile on my face as I see Liz and Michael coming in. They look quite close. “On second throught, don’t bother”, I correct myself. Those two are obviously a couple now.

“What?! Him? And her?”, Kyle hisses.

Okay, I gotta do something before he jumps up and attacks Michael. I mean, I like Kyle’s face as it is and I know that even though Kyle is an athletic guy, Michael will totally kick his ass. “Okay Kyle, down boy”, I say.

“What? You don’t think I can take him”, he asks. Well no I really don’t, but I can’t very well say that to his face. You see, Kyle’s ego is very fragile and I’d better not push my luck.

“That’s not it Kyle, I just think you can spend your time a little more useful”, I say.

“Yeah? Like how?”, he says, as expected of course.

“Like telling me what happened when Liz friend came over”, I say. I’m not nosy or anything… I just like to know stuff, even when it’s none of my business.

“What, you mean Maria? Why is that important?”, he asks.

Ouch! Bad move Kyle. I know you and I know when you’re not telling me something. “So, did you two rabbits go straight to the bedroom or did you make out in the living room first?”, I ask. Sorry, I can’t help but grin a little at my own words.

“What?”, Kyle says in a panicked voice. I so hit the jackpot with that remark, I should get an award for it. “No, I didn’t have sex with her, we just kissed”, he says and I know he’s regretting the words as they leave his mouth.

“So, let me get this straight… Liz breaks up with you out of the blue and you kiss her best friend five minutes later?”, I ask.

“Yeah, that’s about it”, Kyle said dryly

“Too bad that Michael went for Liz though”, I say, changing the subject “After all the trouble we went through to set him up with Isabel”. Oh well, I guess some things aren’t just meant to be. I should’ve known though; I’ve seen how Michael was always staring at Liz.

“Speaking of people having sex in the bathroom…”, Kyle says, “I heard about you and Max last night”. Okay, I don’t even know how to react to this.

“Yeah, that was a bust”, I say in a dissapointed voice. “That sad excuse for a boyfriend actually started throwing up while we were busy”

“When you say throwing up…”, Kyle says and I see him trying to keep a smile from forming of his face. I see his eyes water slightly and his lower lip is trembling.

“I mean puke, vomit, barf, shitting through your mouth”, I let out, a little annoyed.

“And he…. did that while you were….?”, Kyle asks, not being able to wipe that smug smile off his face. I look at him sternly and nod.

“Did he at least….?”, he asks.

“Well, him throwing up was kind of a moodkiller... I swear to god, I’m gonna castrate him if he ever does that again”, I say

“Okay Tess, down girl”, Kyle says. I hate it when people throw my own words in my face. I guess Kyle knows me too well.


Liz’ POV

You know what the funniest thing in the world is? No? Well I don’t either. But what I see here sure ranks high on the list. Me and Michael have just left the restaurant where we just had the best sex I ever had (kind of an empty statement because he was my first, but what the heck) and are walking towards the Crashdown. Now you’re probably wondering, what’s so funny about that? Well, it’s the fact that Isabel is trying to covertly follow us and it’s sooo funny.

The streets are almost empty so she’s easy to spot and I think she’s set off two car alarms already… and yet, when I covertly glance back, she’s still following us at a distance like we’re friggin deaf, blind and stupid. Hell, she would have been more covert with a screeching siren in her hands. Now you gotta admit that’s funny…”Right, Michael?”, I ask out loud in the midst of my thoughts.

“Huh?”, Michael asks. It looks like he was lost in some of his own thoughts there.

“Isabel… funny”, I state

“What’s funny about Isabel?”, he asks

Oh. My. God. Is he actually claiming that he doesn’t know? “You can’t be serious, Michael”, I can’t help but say.

“No, I’m serious… what’s so funny about Isabel?”, he asks. Okay, it’s official, no career as an international spy for Michael. I’m very dissapointed.

“I’m talking about the fact that Isabel has been following us since we left the restaurant. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice; she’s like the female version of Johnny English”, I retort. I glance back and I see Isabel still trying to follow us. Michael also glances towards Isabel and smiles at me when he sees her.

“Oh my god”, he says, “She’s following us… why?”

Well, don’t ask me… she’s not my friend. Hmm, that’s probably not the best response. “She probably saw us together and wants to know if you and I are a couple now”, I explain.

“Yeah, but what if she finds out you’re a g….”, Michael says before I am forced to ridely interrupt him.

“Shhh! You idiot, keep it down!”, I say in a forcefull tone. I didn’t mean to snap like that but he of all people should understand the concept of things being ‘secret’. “Look Michael, if you manage to keep your mouth shut about it, there is no way she’s gonna find out”, I say and at this very moment, I wish I believed it myself.

“We’re here”, Michael says as he holds the Crashdown door open for me.

“Well thank you, kind sir”, I say as I step through the door he galantly holds open.

Oh my god, over there, in the second booth to the right… that looks like Kyle and Tess. Better hope they don’t spot me and Michael. I mean, I just broke up with the guy and if he sees me and Michael here… I have to admit we look kinda snuggly… he might do something stupid. Dammit, too late, he saw us…. Tess, say something to him… quickly! Better get upstairs fast.


Michael’s POV

As I walk up the stairs to Liz’ room, I suddenly realize how much everything has changed… and not just for Liz, but for me too. Downstairs, Kyle was on the verge of attacking me and my best friend Isabel was practically stalking me for Christ’s sake!

“Uh, Michael?”, Liz softly says from her room. Oh damn, I’m so lost in thoughts that I just stood still on the stairs. That voice alone is enough for any man to regain his foocus on the here and now so before I know it, I’m practically running up the stairs towards her.

As I enter the room, I see Liz sitting on the edge of her bed, looking at me. “So, have you thought about another wish Michael?”, she asks me while flashing me one of those instant-hardon smiles. Yeah, I think I can come up with another wish.

I’m sure Liz saw me looking at her with the same lustfull look I always give her. “Do I need to get naked for this?”, she asks with a wide smile.

“Oh my fucking god, yeah”, I let slip. I wonder who’s turning into the nymph here, her or me… or both? Can’t say I fucking care though. When Liz stands up and starts to slowly sway her entire body from left to right as she removes her shirt, all thoughts leave my mind, all blood is pumped away from my brain and I can feel my heart pumping twice as fast as it should. Dammit woman, you’re gonna give me a heartattack.

Well, at least I’ll die a happy man, I can’t help but think as Liz removes her bra and shows me her beautiful upper figure. Last times, I didn’t spend so much time just looking at her beautiful form before so this time, I really want to take my time to memorize her beautiful features and all the curves that are just in the right place.

I know I’m gawking at her now completely nude form now. I know I am, but I simply don’t give a shit. God, look at her standing there. She looks so confident, and with such a body, why the hell wouldn’t she?

“Are you just gonna stand there?”, Liz seductively says. That’s it, I gotta do something before I shoot my load just by watching her.

“No… we’re gonna play a little game”, I say as an idea pops in my, admittedly, perverted mind. I open one of Liz’ drawers and grab one of her clean shirts. I nearly refold it and tie it around her head, effectively blindfolding her. Took me all of three seconds to do this.

“Okay… what’s this?”, Liz asks, a little taken aback by this sudden movement. She reaches up to untie the shirt but I gently hold her arms back.

“No Liz, keep it there. I wish you played along”, I say

“I see you’re still wasting your wishes”, Liz tells me

“Oh, I wouldn’t call it a waste”, I say as I use another shirt to bind her wrists together behind her back.

“Come on Michael, this isn’t funny… what if someone walked in?”, she asks, a little desperate to be let free..

“You’re right…”, I say and I hear her sigh in relief, expecting to be released now, “… it’s not funny… but it is really hot”, I continue, shattering her hopes. Gently pushing her backwards, she’s now lying on her back, helpless against the assault she won’t be able to see coming.

I decide to wait a few seconds to let her squirm a little more. That confident attitude of hers had crumbled and if possible, it made her even more desireable. I used this small window of time to silently push one of the heavier closets in front of the door. It may seem to her that I don’t care if anyone walked in, but I’m not that keen on having her old man walk in or anything.

After about thirty seconds, I silently approach her, circling her naked form like a predator circling his prey. Finally, I lean over her and give a slow wet lick over one of her nipples.

“Ooooh”, she moans as she starts to squirm again. I gently grab both sides of her head and I passionately kiss her on the lips; a kiss that she greedily returns. Despite the simulated protests, she’s definitely turned on.

“You like that, huh?”, I say as I let my hands roam over her entire upper body, gently massaging her breasts and her flat tummy, occasionally brushing over her nipples which makes them really hard.

“Come on Michael, stop teasing me”, she whines

I respond by sliding my hand between her legs, feeling her juices voat my hand as I slide over her cuntlips. “Oh my gaaaawd”, she squeals.

“Now… do you still want me to stop?”, I whisper while gently sliding my hands over her most sensitive parts.

She breaths loudly for a few seconds. I’m sure she wants to sound strong but at this point, she’s at my mercy… and I think she likes it. Suddenly, I stop my motions and pull my hands away. “Noooo, please Michael… I’m so close”, she pants.

I decide to have pity on her. Slowly, I move in front of her and I gently motion her to open her legs which she does without any hesitation at all. I can see her excitement… hell, I can even smell it; her juices are leaking from her engorged pussylips and her entire cuntarea is soaking wet. I use my hands to spread her pussylips and locate her most sensitive spot.

As I touch her cuntlips, she starts to pant. I don’t have to look long for her clit as it’s already swollen and sticking out proudly. I figure there’s no time like the present and in one fluid motion, I bend over, place my mouth over her clit and start sucking vigorously.

Immediately,. Liz starts moaning like crazy and shaking like she’s being fucking electrocuted. Het juices practically squirt out of her cunt and onto my face. I can’t say that I mind so I keep sucking and sucking, drawing out her orgasm as long as I can, until she stops shaking.

“Oh my fucking god”, Liz says between breaths.

“Calling me God already? Ahead of schedule”, I joke, enjoying the annoyed/amused expression on her face. But, back to business, even though I enjoyed pleasuring Liz, I do still have a raging hardon so hard it actually hurts to keep it confined in my jeans. I quickly strip my clothing… no need to make a show out of it, she’s blindfolded anyway.

I walk towards her head which I gently pull to one side. I then softly push my rock-hard dick against her lips, motioning her to open up. She does so without any protests… not that it would have helped… and I slowly push a part of my cock in.

Whoever thought heaven was having a halo above your head and playing harp was gravely mistaken. This, exactly this, is heaven. I slowly pull out of her mouth and then slide back in a few times. It takes me an awfull lot of self-control not to plunge my entire length in her mouth, but since I know it won’t be appreciated, I control myself.

“Give me all of it”, she pants. Okay… I stand incorrected. Oh my fucking god, she’s getting aroused again. Well, I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and without further ado, I pull out my cock and shove my entire length down her throat. I’m not huge, but eight inch is definitely not small… it isn’t, right?.... but she doesn’t seem to have any trouble with it as she starts sucking hard, swirling her tongue over my cock.

Not wanting this to end so soon, I pull out and position myself in front of her still soaking cunt. Without warning, I shove my entire length inside her cunt. She gasps at the unexpected entry but starts to moan immediately after that when I slowly slide my entire length in and out of her. I reach forward and use my hands to play with her nipples. When Liz’ panting increases in both volume and speed, I start to increase my speed as well. I’m surprised I lasted this long without blowing my load, but I can’t possibly last any longer. I hear Liz is approaching another orgasm as well and I try really hard to come together with her. The second I feel her cuntmuscles contracting, I start shooting deep into her cunt. I didn’t think I had this much sperm left after out two earlier fucksessions, but apparently, I have as I shoot five large blasts of cum into her.

“God Liz, I love you”, I say breathless as I lay down next to her, exhausted. With my last strength, I remove her blindfold and look into her beautiful eyes.

“Calling me God already, huh?”, she retorts. I wanna give her a witty comeback, but in my current condition, I just can’t.