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Nothing to Lose (CC,K/T,MATURE) COMPLETE - 6/19/05

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 1:54 pm
by jbangelo
Title: Nothing to Lose
Author: Jenny
Disclaimer: I don’t own it.
Pairing: Kyle and Tess (alternating POVs)
Rating: MATURE
Summary: Takes place after A Roswell Christmas Carol, on New Year’s Eve to be exact. (Some of this is adapted from an RPG I used to participate in as Tess. Only the parts that I wrote are included.) This one will be fairly short, only about five parts.
Author's Note: Um, I'm kinda nervous about this one, so please be gentle. :oops:

Special dedications:

To Kerri, aka kerri240879, my wonderful and fabulous beta. You rock my socks mate! ;)

To Jen, aka bunniefuu, who played the part of Kyle in the RPG. Obviously, none of her parts are included in this, but without her, I couldn’t have written what I did. So thanks girl! I love ya!

To Paul, aka lostnfound1, who was there to listen to me whine when I was really struggling with a certain part of the RPG, and really helped me put some of Tess’ thoughts into words. You’re amazing, sweetie, I love you and I treasure our friendship!

And to Elvin, aka Yaga, the self-proclaimed King of Lamptrimmer Fanfiction. I hope I do you proud.

Part One ~ Kyle POV

“Kyle…” she whispers breathily into my ear as I run my hang along the smooth expanse of her leg. She has the silkiest skin I’ve ever felt in my life. I swear I could stay here forever, just touching her.

Hands move more urgently and clothes begin to disappear. Things are moving too quickly, and my head tells me that we should slow down. I don’t even know how we got here, and right now, I couldn’t care less.

She moans my name again as our movements become almost frantic. I’ve never needed anything like I need this now – like I need her. “Kyle…” she moans louder.

“Oh, god, Tess…” I moan in return, cascading kisses down her neck and collarbone.

She writhes beneath me as I touch her in the most intimate of places. We’re both panting and I know that it’s too late to turn back now.

“Oh, Kyle!” she says, louder still. “Oh my god…Kyle!”


I bolt upright and shield my face as bright light penetrates my eyes. What just happened here? Where am I?

“God, Kyle, wake up! You sleep like the dead.”

Oh geez, I was dreaming. I shake my head to clear the fuzziness, and realize that it’s the object of my desire that has woken me. She’s dressed in a pair of snug blue jeans and a pale purple v-neck sweater that gives me a nice view of her cleavage. I groan and wrap my blanket tighter around me, praying that she won’t notice what kind of dream she just roused me from. Oh god, I hope I wasn’t talking in my sleep.

“Come on, Sleepyhead,” she says, “get up and get dressed. I can’t believe you slept so late. We’re supposed to be meeting everyone at the Crashdown for lunch, remember?”

Oh, that’s right. To make the big New Year’s Eve plans. Insert eye roll here. This has got to be the most overrated night of the year.

I get up and get ready anyway, and soon we’re on our way to the Crashdown. We ride along in comfortable (well, semi-comfortable on my end) silence, and I steal glances at her every few seconds. She’s bopping her head and humming along to the music on the radio. My mind wanders back to the dream I’d been having. It’s not the first dream I’ve had about her, but lately, they’ve been coming more frequently, and they’ve been more…um…explicit.

Ever since Christmas, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. Well, that’s a lie. I thought about her all the time before. I mean, she sleeps in my bed for Christ’s sake. But before, my thoughts were mostly along the lines of, Man, I’d like to get with that. But now, I look at her and think, God, she’s beautiful.

It’s a little disconcerting for a guy who’s never had feelings like this before. Sure, I’ve dated my share of girls, but this is different. Even with Liz, it was just something to do for fun – someone to hang out with on the weekends. But with Tess – I don’t know. I want to talk to her, protect her, be her companion. I want to know everything there is to know about her.

Sometimes I think maybe she feels something for me too, but it’s hard to tell with her. She’s just naturally so guarded, and every time I feel like maybe I’m getting past some of her walls, she’ll crack a joke or insult me. I guess we’re more alike than I ever thought.

When we get to the Crashdown, everyone else is already there. “It’s about time you two got here!” Maria exclaims.

“Blame it on Buddha Boy here,” Tess says, giggling. “He sleeps like a log.”

A waitress comes over to take our orders, and after we have all decided what we want to eat, the planning begins.

“Pam Troy is having a party at her place tonight. We could go to that,” Isabel suggests.

Liz and Maria both roll their eyes. “Ugh, I’d rather gauge out my own eyes,” Maria says with disgust, and everyone at the table laughs.

“There’s the usual hoopla at the soap factory,” Alex says with a shrug, but that suggestion is met with a chorus of snores.

“What about Enigma?” I suddenly ask, and everyone shuts up. I can see an excited spark in Maria’s eye, and I know I’ve gotten her attention.

“What’s Enigma?” Tess asks, the only one of us who didn’t grow up here and hasn’t heard all the crazy stories about the elusive New Year’s party.

“It’s a secret party that’s held in a different location every New Year’s Eve,” Liz explains. “Clues are left all over town, and you go on this sort of scavenger hunt in order to find it. It’s been going on for years. Since our parents were kids. Some people have searched for it for years and never found it.”

“But what if we don’t find it?” Tess asks.

“Then at least we’ll have fun looking, right?” Alex responds.

Maria bounces excitedly in her seat. “Let’s do it!”

“Everyone in?” Max asks, and we all agree. “Great, we’ll meet…” he starts, and I tune him out. I’m not in the mood for Evans and his need to control everything.

I excuse myself from the table, and go to the counter to get a refill on my drink. I realize that Maria has followed me.

She takes my glass and refills it at the soda fountain, giving me a smile. I cock an eyebrow at her. What’s she up to?

“So what’s up with you?” she asks casually. “You’ve been awfully quiet today.”

“Nothing,” I say.

“Oh, come on. I know you better than that.” She sets my glass down in front of me. “Tell Auntie Maria what’s wrong,” she says, propping her chin on her hand.

I can’t help but laugh at her. “It’s nothing, really,” I say again.

“It’s Tess, isn’t it?”

I sputter and almost choke on my drink. She grins. Damn, I’m caught.

“How did you know?”

“I’m perceptive. It’s a gift,” she says with a wave of her hand. “Things getting a little tense in the Valenti homestead?”

“No, it’s fine.”

“Why don’t you just ask her out?”

“What?!” What is she doing, reading my mind?!

“Oh, come on, Kyle,” she says with an exasperated sigh. “You two have been doing this dance for months now. It’s so obvious that you’re into each other.”

“It is?” I ask.

“Kyle, trust me, if you ask, she’ll say yes.”

I glance over at Tess, laughing at something Michael just said. Maybe Maria’s right. Maybe we should quit doing this “dance” and go for it.

I look back at Maria, and she winks at me. “What have you got to lose?”


After all the arrangements for the evening have been made (I trust that Tess knows the details since I didn’t listen to a word Max was saying), we head back home in silence. I’m replaying my conversation with Maria over in my head, and Tess is again lost in the music.

“Are you okay?” she suddenly asks me.

“What? Yeah, I’m fine,” I say.

“’Cause you’ve been acting weird all day.”

I give her a fleeting look, and she’s looking at me with concern written all over her face. Okay, Valenti, I coach myself, just do it.

“Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you.”

“Okay…” she says with uncertainty.

“I was wondering if…maybe…you and I should go out. Like…on a date.” There, I said it. I hold my breath and wait for her response.

When she doesn’t say anything, I look back over at her, and she’s smiling. That gorgeous, stunning smile that lights up her whole face. Okay, that’s a good sign.

“I’d really like that, Kyle,” she says.

“Really?” I say, hoping my voice doesn’t sound as retarded as I think it does. “Okay, great.” I breathe a sigh of relief.


“Uh…” I think quickly. “How about tonight? We could go to dinner at Señor Chow’s before we meet the others.”

“Sounds good,” she says.

“Okay, then, it’s a date.”

“It’s a date,” she repeats, smiling at me.

It’s a date.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 11:57 am
by jbangelo
Sorry for the delay! Kerri and I had a case of the missing e-mails. :lol:

This part goes out to Kerri, the world's best beta!

Also, I did a little research for this part. There really is a restaurant in Roswell called Pasta Café, and there really is a Best Western Inn on Main Street. ;)

Part Two ~ Tess POV

What do you wear on a date with a guy that you live with who has already seen everything you own?

Sighing heavily, I collapsed back onto the bed. Why am I so nervous about this? I’ve known Kyle for months now. We live under the same roof. We’ve even done our share of flirting. And, of course, there was day that we…almost…before Liz interrupted.

So what’s the problem? Why is my heart beating so fast that it feels like it might burst out of my chest? Why do I care so much about what I’m going to wear? Why does the thought of kissing Kyle give my butterflies in my stomach?

I guess it’s because things are finally starting to feel real to me. Spending the holidays with Kyle and the Sheriff and Amy – it was like a real Christmas with a real family. I’ve never known anything like that before. Growing up with Nacedo and seeing all the holiday joy around me, I never thought that would be me. Nacedo just thought of Christmas as “another one of those human idiocies.” I readily agreed with him, because it was always pointless to argue. But deep down, I longed for what I saw around me. The beautifully decorated trees, the big dinners, the shopping frenzies. Maybe that’s why I forced things on Kyle and the Sheriff like I did. It was my first chance to have a real Christmas.

I’m also starting to feel like I have a real home here. Not just in this house, but on this planet. I’m finally starting to feel like I fit in with everyone else – like I belong. Sometimes I even forget where I came from and why I’m supposedly here. Sometimes I just feel…normal.

That’s what this date is tonight. It’s normal. It’s real. And this thing with Kyle – it’s gone beyond just flirting and witty banter. I’ve tried to ignore it, but that’s hard to do when it nags at the back of my mind all the time. Sometimes I catch him looking at me, and it’s unlike any look I’ve ever seen before. There’s something in his eyes – something that tells me he really cares about me. And not because he has to, but just because he does.

That in itself is a whole new concept to me. Nacedo never really cared about me. I was just a “job” to him – just something he was responsible for. He was programmed to look after me and take care of me – he didn’t do it because he really cared. And that never really bothered me – until now. Now that I’m finally starting to see what I’ve been missing.


Glancing at my watch, I see that’s it’s almost 7:00. I hold it to my ear. Yep, still ticking. We’re supposed to leave for the restaurant at seven. Kyle was sitting on the couch watching TV when I went into the bathroom for my shower, and when I came out he was gone. Now it’s almost time to leave and he’s nowhere to be seen. Where did he go?

My heart rate quickens and I start to panic slightly. What if he changed his mind? What if he decided he didn’t really want this? Was I being a fool to believe that things might actually progress between us?

But Kyle wouldn’t stand me up…would he?

Compulsively looking at my watch again, I pace the kitchen. Should I call him? Maybe something happened to him. Maybe he had to run out and got a flat tire…or worse. Oh god, what do I do?!

The jumble of erratic thoughts in my head stops at the sound of the doorbell. Fearing the worst, I run to the door and open it quickly, caught between shock and relief when I see Kyle on the other side.

“Kyle?” I’m confused. Where has he been and why did he ring the doorbell? Did he forget his key?

“Good evening,” he says politely, bringing his hand from behind his back to offer me a single red rose. Gasping, I take the beautiful flower and bring it to my nose, inhaling its soft fragrance.

“Kyle, what are you doing?” I ask with a smile when I finally gain my composure.

“I’m picking you up for our date,” he says casually, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

I blush profusely and don’t know what to say. This is, without a doubt, the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

“Are you ready to go?” he asks, holding out his arm to me. Who knew Kyle Valenti could be such a gentleman?

Finally finding my voice, I say, “Let’s go,” and take his proffered arm. He walks me down the stoop and to the Mustang (did he get it cleaned?), opening the door for me and helping me inside. I shake my head and smile to myself. Something tells me this night is going to be full of surprises.


Kyle pulls the Mustang to a stop in front of Pasta Café, which is a fairly upscale Italian restaurant that I’ve never been to before, but I’ve heard about it. It’s supposed to be one of the nicest restaurants in town, and a little on the pricey side. I’m surprised that Kyle brought us here.

“I thought we were going to Señor Chow’s,” I say as he opens my door for me.

“I changed my mind,” he says. “I thought this might be nicer. Is it okay?” His face shows momentary uncertainty.

I smile to reassure him. “It’s perfect,” I say.

The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere, and the hostess seats us at a comfortable table for two in a quiet corner. Still being the perfect gentleman, Kyle pulls my chair out for me and I sit down, unfolding my napkin into my lap.

We sit close together while we wait for our food, talking comfortably about school, sports, and Enigma. I confess to him that this is my first New Year’s party, and that I’m pretty excited about it.

“Well, then we’ll just have to make this a night to remember, won’t we?” he says, giving me a wink. I find myself blushing at his suggestive tone.

Our food arrives then, causing us to break eye contact. Everything looks and smells delicious, and I’m glad that Kyle decided to bring us here instead of Señor Chow’s. Simultaneously, we reach for the saltshaker, and our hands touch, sending little shivers through me. I make eye contact with Kyle again, and the look in his eyes tells me that he feels it too. His hand lingers on mine momentarily before he pulls away.

We continue our meal in comfortable companionship, but now an air of sexual tension hangs over the table. I’ve always found Kyle to be attractive, but now it seems like every little thing he does makes my body heat up. The way he raises his eyebrow when he smiles, the cute way his hair curls at the nape of his neck, the way he licks marinara sauce from his lip after a bite of his spaghetti. It’s all driving me crazy.

“Oops,” Kyle says as some sauce drops onto his hand. Feeling bold, I lift his hand to my mouth, and gently flick my tongue across his flesh to lick the sauce away. I look up at him from under my eyelashes before releasing his hand, seeing that he appears to be in shock, with a look of hunger in his eyes as if he could devour me right here and now.

“Just wanted to help you clean up,” I say flirtatiously before returning to my own meal. I grin internally, as Kyle just sits there, completely speechless.

The tension hangs even thicker in the air as we finish our food and order some tiramisu to share for dessert. It seems as if every move we make has a sexual overtone to it. At this rate, it’s going to be a very long night.

I decide to push the envelope even further as we eat our dessert. As sensually as I can, I raise my fork to my mouth, sliding my eyes shut and slowly and deliberately taking a bite. I can feel Kyle’s eyes glued to me as I savor the sweetness of the Italian delicacy. I open my eyes and look at him, slowly licking a bit of whipped cream from my lip. “Mmm, tasty,” I purr.

Kyle is practically squirming in his seat. Mission accomplished, I think with a smile. Our eyes lock on each other, and time seems to stand still as Kyle moves closer to me. This is it. He’s finally going to kiss me. The butterflies in my stomach flutter about at a rapid rate until Kyle’s lips are mere centimeters from mine.

“Yo, Valenti!”

And the moment’s gone. Damnit!

We both look up, and it’s one of Kyle’s idiotic jock friends – Paulie something-or-other. He’s with some brunette that I recognize as being on the cheerleading squad.

“Hey, Paulie,” Kyle says, trying to mask his irritation.

“What’s up, man?” They do some weird handshake thing. “You guys gonna look for Enigma tonight?”

“Yeah,” Kyle says. “Maybe we’ll see you there.”

Not getting the hint, Paulie keeps talking until Kyle interrupts him. “Dude, I’m kind of in the middle of a date here.”

“Oh, man, I’m sorry!” Paulie apologizes, and he and his girlfriend finally excuse themselves.

Kyle and I just laugh after they leave. “Sorry about that,” Kyle says. “Paulie’s pretty dim sometimes.”

I shrug it off. “It’s okay,” I say as the waiter arrives with our check. Yep, the moment’s definitely over now.

“Sir, did you drop this?” the waiter asks Kyle, handing him a small index card from the floor.

Kyle takes the index card from the waiter. “Paulie must have dropped it. I’ll give it to him.” He looks at the card, and I see his eyes grow wide.

“Kyle, what is it?” I ask.

“It looks like a clue to Enigma,” he whispers excitedly. “I think it leads to the Best Western on Main Street.”

“Oh my god, really?” I’m equally excited. “Should we call the others?”

“Let’s go check it out first. We can call them when we get there.”

Kyle hurriedly pays the check and we exit the restaurant, all thoughts of kisses and sexual tension temporarily forgotten as we head for the hotel.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:53 am
by jbangelo
Thanks for the fb, Gerry, roswellian504, LovinGuerin2much, and Innocent Eyes! Glad you like. This story is now complete, so I won't be so long between updates anymore. ;)

Note: The song used in this part is "You and Me" by Lifehouse. I also borrowed a little line from We Are Family or Disturbing Behavior, can't really remember which episode it came from. :lol:

Part Three ~ Kyle POV

We make the short trip to the Best Western in excited silence, but I can’t stop thinking about our almost-kiss at the restaurant. I realize it’s the second time that we’ve been interrupted after coming so close. Buddha help me, I hope it’s not a sign.

I glance over at her in the passenger seat, looking so cute and sexy as she smiles back at me with an eager spark in her eyes. I love it when she smiles. I love it when she’s happy. And there’s nothing I want more than to be the one that makes her glow.

My heart skips a beat at that thought. My feelings for Tess are getting deeper and deeper every time I think about her. Part of me is scared, but mostly I’m exhilarated. I know I’m falling for her – I’m falling hard and I’m falling fast. I just wish I knew if she felt the same way.

I pull the Mustang to a stop in a secluded part of the parking lot and look around. “Do you see anyone else?” I ask, wondering if the clues have led any others to this point yet.

Tess looks around as we get out of the car. “I don’t think so,” she says. Looking at me, she asks, “Where do we go?”

I pull the note card with the clue out of my pocket and read it again. It’s a little hard to discern and I’m really not quite sure where we should begin looking. “I’m not sure,” I say, furrowing my brow in confusion. “Don’t you have some alien mumbo-jumbo that can help us figure it out?” I ask with a chuckle.

She laughs. Oh my Buddha, even her laugh is sexy. We’re never going to get anything done tonight if I can’t stop scrutinizing every single move she makes.

Thankfully, she takes the lead. Grabbing my hand, she says, “Come on. Let’s go have a look around.”

We head towards the left side of the building, away from the reception office for fear of someone seeing us and wondering what we’re doing. I have no idea where we’re going, so I just follow Tess. Suddenly she stops, and I nearly collide with her. She grabs onto me, pulling me into the shadows. “Someone’s coming,” she whispers.

I see a door to our right and motion to her. “In here,” I whisper, but when I pull on the door, it’s locked. She places her hand over the lever and it glows a soft red color as I hear the lock click. She gives me a sexy smirk as she pushes the door open. “Come on.”

“Oh, wow,” I hear her say as we enter, and as my eyes adjust to the dim light, I realize that we have stumbled upon the indoor pool. The crystal blue water glistens from the dim fluorescent lighting above, and there’s a small, round spa to the left. Some miniature, potted trees in the back and the thick, muggy air give it an outdoorsy feel.

“Pretty cool,” I say, stepping further into the room. “I wonder how deep it is?”

“Why don’t you go see?” she says with a playful gleam in her eye.

“Oh, no, I’m not falling for that,” I laugh.


“As soon as I go over to edge, you’re gonna push me in!”

She feigns innocence with a mock gasp. “Would I do that?” she says with a giggle.

“Maybe I’ll just have to beat you the punch,” I say, lunging at her.

“No, Kyle, don’t you dare!” she squeals, backing away from me. But I’m too quick for her, and I’ve picked her up before she has a chance to get away. She’s as light as a feather and fits perfectly in my arms. Like she was meant to be there.

Chill, Valenti, I say to myself and shake my head. You’ve had enough of those thoughts for one night.

“No, Kyle, stop!” she screams and laughs as I make my way closer to the edge of the pool. “I’ll use my alien mumbo-jumbo on you!” she threatens.

No sooner has she said it than I feel my foot slip from beneath me and we both go tumbling into the frigid water. I come up sputtering for air and see Tess doing the same. “You jerk!” she says, playfully splashing me. “That’s what you get!”

I grab her again and toss her back in the water as she screams with delight, and a battle of wills ensues as we chase each other around the pool. Being with Tess makes me feel so carefree and uninhibited. I feel like I can totally be myself with her. I don’t have to be the jock, or the tough guy, or the class clown. I can just be me, and I don’t have to worry that she’s going to turn away. I trust her.

There’s something about you now
I can’t quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right

I don’t know what it is about her, but I know I can trust her, which is something that I’ve never really felt with a girl, or with much of anyone really. When my mom left, it hit me pretty hard. I didn’t understand why someone who supposedly loved me so much could just leave me behind. It kind of gave me major trust issues with other people. Even with my dad, there’s always been this gap between us. Things have been better over the last couple of months, but we’ve still got a long way to go.

But Tess – I don’t even know how to explain it. It was weird at first, having her living under our roof and sleeping in my bedroom. But with each passing day, I’ve gotten more and more at ease with her until I can hardly even remember what it was like before she lived with us. And at Christmas, when she went to such an effort to make the holiday special, something just clicked in me. No longer was she just some orphan who needed a place to stay. It felt like she belonged with us – with me. I think…I think I could fall in love with her.

‘Cause it’s you and me…
With nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it’s you and me…
And I don’t know why
I can’t keep my eyes off of you

There she is, trying to catch her breath by the edge of pool. Water drips from her hair and her chest heaves as she pants from exhaustion. So help me – I don’t think she’s ever looked so beautiful.

“Ready to give in?” I ask as I stealthily approach her, cornering her against the edge.

“Not even close!” she retorts, and reaches out to grab my shoulders with the intent of dunking me again. But I move quicker than her and grab her around the waist, pulling her closer to me. And before I even have a chance to think about what I’m doing, I capture her lips to mine in a fervent kiss.

God, her lips are just as soft as they are in my dreams, and her body fits perfectly against mine. Needing a breath, I pull away and look into her eyes, not quite sure what I read there. “Sorry,” I say, looking down. “I…uh…I just…I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”

All of the things that I want to say
Just aren’t coming out right
I’m tripping inwards
You got my head spinning
I don’t know where to go from here

“Don’t be sorry,” she says breathily and leans forward to kiss me again. This time she parts her lips, allowing my tongue entrance into her mouth. Our tongues tangle and caress each other, exploring each and every crevice. She runs her fingers through my wet hair and I pull her body even tighter against me. I know she can probably feel the way my body is reacting to hers, but I don’t even care. All conscious thought is gone.

I feel her shiver as I run my hands down her back, so I pull away. “You okay?” I ask.

She giggles. “Just ticklish,” she says as she kisses me again. Feeling encouraged, I move my hands to the hem of her shirt and lift it slightly to touch her bare skin. It feels even better than I could have imagined.

Jeez, it’s not like I’ve never done this with a girl before. But Tess makes everything feel brand new and exciting – like I’m experiencing all these feelings for the first time. I even hesitate as I contemplate removing her top. Sensing my hesitation, she pulls away from me and peels the drenched fabric from her body, revealing her perfect breasts encased in a black lace bra.

My hesitation gone and instinct taking over, I reach out and slide one strap off her shoulder, gently placing a kiss on her bare skin. I hear her sigh, and look up to see that she’s smiling, and even blushing a little bit.

“Hey, what’s going on in here?!”

We abruptly pull apart at the sound of the booming voice and see the beam of a flashlight coming from the direction of the plants.

“Let’s get out of here!” Tess says in a harsh whisper as she grabs her shirt and we scramble to get out of the pool as fast as we can.

“Hey!” the voice calls again.

“Quick, come on!” I say, grabbing Tess’ hand as we make our way out of the water and back to door from which we came in. We run out the door as fast as we can and I look behind us to see if the guy is following us, but I don’t see anything.

“Hurry, Kyle!” Tess calls as we come in sight of my car. We hop in quickly and I start the car, peeling away just as I see the guard rounding the corner of the building. I drive off as fast I can, hoping he didn’t get my license plate number.

“Oh my god!” Tess exclaims with laughter, pulling her shirt back over her head. “That was close!”

Now that we’re in the clear, I allow myself to breathe a sigh of relief and laugh too. “You know, you could have used your mind freeze to get us out of there.”

“It’s called a mind warp,” she laughs.


“Besides, it was more fun to get away the human way, don’t you think?” she says with a wink.

I chuckle and say, “Well, I guess we should go home and get into some dry clothes. We’re already late for meeting the others.”

“Yeah, I guess,” she says.

Call me crazy, but I think she’s as disappointed as I am that we won’t get to finish what we started at the pool.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:48 am
by jbangelo
Thank you so much for the fb, LovinGuerin2much, Innocent Eyes, and roswellian504! So glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you like this part as well.

Many thanks to Kerri and Paul - I couldn't have written this story without you guys. :)

Note: The songs used in this part are "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith and "Hanging by a Moment" by Lifehouse.

Part Four ~ Tess POV

“Admit it, you were freaked!” Kyle says as we enter the dark house.

“Okay, fine, I was a little freaked!”

“You’ve been chased by the FBI but a little old security guard scared you!” he taunts.

“Shut up!” I laugh and hit him playfully on the arm. “Hey, where’s your dad?” I ask, seeing that the house is empty.

“Oh, he’s spending New Year’s Eve with Amy. You see what you started?”

“Oh, admit it, you’re happy for them,” I say. “Besides, they’re so cute together. Like two teenagers in love.”

“Except that they’re not teenagers,” Kyle says with a laugh, tossing his keys on the coffee table. “I guess we should get changed and head on over to the school to meet everyone.”

“Yeah,” I say, heading towards the bedroom. Truth is, I had forgotten all about our plans while Kyle and I were at the pool. I’m a little bummed that we got interrupted.

Kyle follows me into his bedroom. “I just need a clean shirt out of the closet,” he says, while I rummage around in the dresser drawer for something else to wear. As he passes by to leave the room, he turns to me. “Tess,” he says, “I had a really great time tonight.”

I smile. “Me too, Kyle. Thank you.”

He smiles back at me and goes to leave, but then stops and pauses for a moment. Turning around, he comes back over to me and places a searing kiss on my lips, pulling my body flush against him. I drop the sweater that’s in my hands and wrap my arms around him, completely losing myself in his embrace.

Our kisses become more heated as he removes my top and then his own. I almost gasp at the feel of his skin against mine. His body is so warm, and his chest is so smooth. I touch him everywhere, learning the feel of his body. I feel him reach behind me to unclasp my bra and he gingerly removes the garment from my body. Gently, hesitantly, he reaches out to caress my breast, making my whole body tremble.

And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever

I love being with Kyle. He makes me forget about everything—destiny, home planets, wars with enemies. He makes me feel…normal. Something I’ve never felt before. Just a few weeks ago, I would have scoffed at the very idea, but right now, it seems like the only thing that matters.

I can feel the shivers from my head all the way down to my toes as his hands caress my body, making me feel things that I didn’t even know existed. Not that I’ve never done this sort of thing before, but, god, it has never felt like this. Physically, emotionally, mentally – it’s all so new.

His hands travel down my sides until they come to rest at the waistline of my jeans. He stops there, looking into my eyes as if asking for permission. I simply give him a nod. I couldn’t speak now if I wanted to. The world around us has ceased to exist. It’s just me and him…and the remaining clothing that creates a barrier between our bodies.

Oh god, I want him so bad that the feeling is almost primal. I have no words to describe it. And yet, there’s part of me that’s afraid. Afraid to take that next step…afraid to reveal myself completely to him. He already knows what I am...but he doesn’t truly know who I am. No one really knows who I am…not even Max, Michael, and Isabel. Do I trust Kyle enough to lower my guard, to let him inside, once and for all? To expose myself to the risk that is inherent in such a moment of intimacy?

And then he kisses me. A kiss so tender, so gentle, that I can feel all of the fear and uncertainty begin to melt away. I look into his eyes, and the colors of the world seemed to fade away, until all that is left is black and white. It all becomes so clear. I kiss him back, increasing the intensity, and the kiss seems to linger forever. Our lips part briefly, both of us almost gasping for breath. I can feel Kyle’s desire, but I can also sense that he is nervous. I’m surprised because I know Kyle has had his share of girlfriends, and I’ve seen his confident stride close up, but now that arrogant demeanor is gone. He almost seems hesitant, waiting for a sign from me. So I give him one. I reach down to my sides, where his hands rest, and grab him by the wrists. I slowly guide his hands to my breasts, and whisper three simple words into his ear. “I trust you.”

He looks at me with such sweetness, almost as if to say thank you. I have never seen this side of Kyle before...and it makes me want him even more. Not just in a physical sense. I want to hold him…to reassure protect him. To let him know that he is as safe with me as I feel with him. I reach down and grab the front of his jeans, and pull him closer. Our lips come together again and I can feel his weight against me as I lower myself to the bed. The air in the house is chilly, yet every inch of my skin seems to be on fire. My hands are still holding on to the waist of his jeans, and I slowly begin to unbutton them. Then I reach for the zipper, and slowly, nervously begin to lower it, until he reaches down to undo the last bit himself. He hesitates for just a moment, and I reach down to help him remove them completely. I then begin to unbutton my own jeans, as Kyle watches. I look up and smile ever so slightly, and quietly say, "Help me?"

Kyle grasps the waistband of my jeans, and gently pulls them down over my hips. I feel his hands brush against my sensitive skin, and it sends shivers reverberating throughout my entire body. I can hardly wait any longer. I think I might burst from anticipation. I need to feel him…need him close…as close as he can possibly be.

Suddenly, he stops and pulls away, and I’m hit with a moment of uncertainty. Oh no, my mind races. Things are moving too fast. I was wrong…he doesn’t really want this. That thought grips me with fear, because I know I’m already in too deep. I’ve already let myself feel too much.

”Tess,” he says, “I just…I want you know that you’re not just some girl to me. I can’t even explain it…but you make me feel so comfortable…and so real…and I feel like I can completely be myself with you. I’ve never felt that way with anyone before. I just…I…I think I’m falling for you. I wanted you to know that.”

I’m at a loss for words, and all I can do is swallow the lump in my throat and nod. I lean back into him and kiss his lips, hoping that my gesture shows him how I feel too.

He pulls away again. “Are you sure?”

His whole speech reruns through my brain, and I allow the words to sink in, taking in their meaning. I’ve always heard in the movies and on TV talk about true love and soul mates, but…is it possible? Is it really possible that there is one person…one person who can reach inside me, and see the real me because…because…because it’s the real him too?

There’s nothing else to lose
Nothing else to find
There is nothing in the world
That can change my mind
There is nothing else…

In this moment, I feel connected to Kyle on a level that I’ve never experienced before. Not with Nacedo, not with Max, or Michael, or Isabel…never. Now I know what this is supposed to feel like…what love is supposed to feel like.

I reach out and graze my hand along the smooth skin of his chest, bringing it up until I am cupping his face. Unwavering, I look into those deep blue eyes of his and say, “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

I’m living for the only thing I know
I’m running and not quite sure where to go
And I don’t know what I’m diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you…

He covers my lips with his and gently pushes me back onto the bed. The remainder of our clothing gone, he caresses my body as we slowly and tenderly make love. His body fills every part of me as we move in sync with each other. I’ve never felt anything like it before in my life, and words can’t even describe the overwhelming feeling that consumes me.

I can feel every emotion coming off of him, and it fills me to the brim. In this moment, nothing else matters. This is what is real to me—nothing about this is fake. What I’m feeling here is real—so real I can almost reach out and touch it—and I know that Kyle can feel it too.

I can feel myself getting close, and I dig my nails into the flesh of his back. I raise my hips up to meet him thrust for thrust, until I feel my walls clamp down on him. The room echoes with the sound of our cries of pleasure, both of us shuddering as the orgasms rush through our bodies. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced, and I don’t think anything has ever felt so good.

“God, Kyle..” I pant as he buries his hands in my hair and nuzzles my neck. I don’t even think I can put into words what I am feeling. He lifts his head to look into my eyes, and our lips meet in a tantalizing kiss. I don’t ever want to leave this room again.


Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 10:47 am
by jbangelo
Muchos gracias for the fb, Gerry, LovinGuerin2much, Innocent Eyes, To_Kiss_A_Frog, and Robyn! You guys make me blush. ;)

This is the final part. It's very short, and I was going to try to flesh it out a bit, but then I felt that this short bit was enough to finish it up. I hope you enjoy and I thank you guys for reading. :D

Part Five ~ Kyle POV

The incessant ringing of a telephone wakes me from my peaceful slumber. Still dazed from sleep, I am momentarily caught off guard when I feel the warm body next to me, but I smile when I see the head full of blonde hair and the clear blue eyes behind Tess’ fluttering eyelids. “What’s going on?” she mumbles, trying to wake up.

“My cell phone’s ringing,” I say, reaching over to the nightstand to grab it. Looking at the caller ID, I see that it’s Maria. With a roll of my eyes, I answer. “Hello?”

“Kyle!” Maria practically shouts and I have to momentarily hold the phone away from my ear. Tess laughs.

“Maria, why are you shouting?” I ask. “And what’s all that noise?” I can hear shouts and loud music on the other end of the line.

“Where the hell are you guys?” she shouts. “We’re here! We found Enigma!”

She rambles on excitedly for a few more minutes, and I give her some lame story about car trouble, telling her that we’ll meet them at the Crashdown later for an early morning breakfast, and finally manage to get her off the phone. I hang up and return my attention to the naked goddess in my bed.

“That was Maria,” I tell Tess, rolling back over to put my arm around her. “They found Enigma.”

She gasps and brings her hand to her mouth. “Kyle, oh my god! We missed it!”

“It’s okay,” I say with a shrug.

“But, Kyle, it was your idea. Aren’t you disappointed that we missed out?”

I pull her close and give her a feather-light kiss on the lips. “We’re not losing out on anything. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than right here with you.”

She smiles and snuggles in closer to me and we lie in comfortable silence for several minutes as Tess draws lazy circles on my chest with the tip of her finger. Then I hear her say faintly, “Thank you.”

I look down at her. “For what?” I ask.

“For everything,” she says, looking into my eyes, and I know what she means. “This was the greatest night of my life, Kyle.”

I kiss her on the forehead and don’t say anything – I know she knows I feel the same way. Glancing at the clock, I see that’s 12:02. With a chuckle, I say, “Hey, it’s after midnight. It’s officially 2001.”

Smiling, she runs her finger down the side of my face and kisses me so deeply that I feel it all the way down to my toes. “Happy New Year, Buddha Boy,” she says with a giggle.

“Happy New Year, Tess.”

The End