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The Law of Love (AU,M/L,Adult) AN 9/06/05 [WIP]

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 12:33 am
by Michelle17
The Law of Love
Disclaimer: Not Mine
Rating: Adult
Category :M/L and others
Summary: Challenge 11 of LoveIsForever
Check it out. Here is the link
Authors note: This is my first fic and my first time to write adult. So tell me what you think.


Thank you for beautiful banner monkeycgm

Max Pov

Now that I’m married to my beautiful wife Liz Parker, I am the happiest person in the world, but just thinking about going home to tell my family that we’re married is very scary, but I’m not going to worry about that now. I’m going to spend time with my loving wife.

I have this beautiful night planned. First I’m going to spoil her with a bubble bath, white roses, and from there it’s up to Liz.

Right now I have left Liz at the spa, so she can relax. I want her to relieve some of the stress she's been having lately, because it’s not good for the baby. With Liz and I as lawyers, we work long hours, and lately we haven’t had much time together.

Lately I have been feeling guilty, but it has nothing to do with me being with Liz. When Liz told me she was pregnant with my child, I was out with a friend of Isabel's. Tess was the name of Isabel's friend. But the night I almost lost the baby and Liz I changed.

I changed for the better I think. The thing I’m scared of is Liz finding out I was with Tess from someone else. I want to be the one that tells her, but I have a bad feeling that I’m not going to be the one to do so.

If you're wondering why I said this. It’s just a feeling I have and I can’t escape it. I have tried and just can’t.

Well I know everyone still wants to know how I got to this place where I am now. I will tell you but it won’t be easy. Where should I start? I’ll start off when I first met Liz. I was eight years old and I knew I was in love with her. I didn’t know how I knew that I was in love her, but I did.

I was really shy and I didn’t even talk to her until we got paired up together for our English paper. Mr. Taylor said he wanted us to get to know each other, and to write a paper about what we learned about each other. I was thinking to myself this should be interesting. I don’t know what Liz thought about us working together.

I never really asked her, but it wasn’t because I didn’t want to know. I don’t know why I never asked. Anyway after class was over she left in a different direction then I did, but we said we would meet at the Crashdown later. I went to go find my sister Isabel and my friend Michael before lunch. I found Isabel and Michael at my locker waiting for me.

Michael nodded. “Hey Max”

Isabel spoke up after him, speaking to me. “Hi Max”

I smiled at them. “How were your classes guys? Class was great for me; I get sit with a girl named Liz Parker.”

Isabel watched me. “Math class was good; I met this boy named Alex Whitman. He is really cool Max, plus he told me if I needed help he would help me.”

“Cool Isabel. What about you Michael?” I asked him.

Michael grumbled. “Max nothing really good happened today, but if you consider meeting a girl named Maria that is going to drive me crazy good. Then ok.”

“Wow Michael found someone to challenge you Michael can’t handle it, can you?”

Michael glared “No!”

Isabel spoke up. “Guys can we go to lunch?”

"Yeah," both of them answered.

That’s one of the conversations I remember from elementary school, it sort of just stuck with me.

Then phone suddenly rang.

"Hello Max."

"Maria. "

“What’s up Maria?”

“Where are you right now?”

“Out of town. Why?” I asked Maria.

“ Your Divorce case trial time got moved up.”

I was shocked. “What?!”

“You have to be in court at 9:00 AM. So where ever you are get back to Roswell now!”

“Ok bye.”

“Bye Max.” Maria hung up and I put away the phone.

I feel really guilty now because we won’t get a honeymoon. I also still have to tell everyone we’re married.



Should I continue? Can someone please make me a banner?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 2:44 pm
by Michelle17
Thank you all, and lurkers feel free to stop by. Anyways here is the second part

Part 2

Max Pov

I have been working on Serena Lyn's divorce case for a couple of months now; she is getting a divorce from Sean Moore. The reason I have to go back to Roswell for the trial is because Serena doesn’t really trust any of the other lawyers expect myself and Liz. Since Maria just called and said we have to be in court tomorrow.

I know Liz is going to say 'why can’t we get someone to cover for us?' Then it’s going to be it’s our honeymoon. But right now I’m going to the spa to tell her that we have to go. I’m at the door and I see that she is getting a massage. I see Ava giving her the massage, and tap her on the shoulder. I quietly ask her to leave, she says 'ok', and then say, "I’ll be out side if you need anything." I don’t say anything for a moment eyeing Liz.

“Liz Baby”

“Max, what’s the matter?”

"Liz promise me you won’t you get mad and put any stress on the baby. "

"I can’t promise you that because I don’t what your going to say yet, but I’ll try."

"Liz we have to go back to Roswell because Serena’s divorce case starts at 9:00 am."

"What? Why can’t you just get someone to cover?"

"You know I can’t. Serena doesn’t trust other lawyers like us."

"What you’re telling me is that you would rather be in court than here in Las Vegas, in this beautiful hotel."

"Liz, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I would love to stay here and spoil you, but we can’t. I promise Liz I’ll make it up to you."

"You promise?"

"Yes I promise. "

"Ok." She paused. "Max?"

"Yeah baby?"

"You are going to tell everyone we’re married when we get back right?"

"I was thinking we could wait to do that after Serena's trial."

"No! Max we are not."

"Why are you so scared? Huh?"

"Max, I’m tried of hiding our relationship, and now that we have a baby on the way. I don’t want to hide anything from everyone."

"If you don’t want to tell your family why are we married at all?"

"Liz don’t be like that. You know why we’re married, I love so much. I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I’m just really scared to tell them. Telling them after Serena's case is over will give me time to work up the courage to tell them.

So can we go get packed to go back to Roswell now"

"I guess, but this isn’t over. I’m to tried and you’re stressing me out now, so I’ll let it go."

In Roswell....

Michael walks in office. "Maria?"

"Hi Michael. What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you got in touch with Max?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Serena called and asked what time to meet him at the court house?"

" Oh ok. I don’t know what to tell you to tell her."

"Ok. "

"Oh Michael one of you clients is here too."


"Pam Troy"

"What did she do this time?" He grumbled, annoyed. Pam Troy was in his office more than anyone.

"I don’t know."


I know it's short but the next part will be longer.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:19 pm
by Michelle17
Part 3A

In Roswell

"Ok thanks" Maria spoke.

"Maria send Pam in my office" Michael said.

"Ok, you can go into his office and wait"

"Thanks Maria"Pam said.

Pam walked in Michael's office and sat down. Pam sat thinking how to ask Michael to help her get custody of her son. She hadn't realized that Michael had come into his office a few seconds earlier

"Hi Pam, What can I do for you today?"

"Michael, I don't know how to ask you this, but can you help me get custody on my son Brian? Please? I know I lost custody because I was an alcoholic, but I started going to rehab I have a stable job now; I work at the mall now. Brian isn't doing any better at his father's place; I mean he isn't going to school. That isn't what I want for my son."

"Pam slow down." Michael sighed eyeing her. "Ok I'll help you get your son back. Here's what I'm going to need from you. I'm going to need proof that you're going to AA, and I'm going to need something from your jobs saying how long you've worked there."

"Ok Michael I can arrange that."

"Good and our next meeting will be sometime next week.? Just check with Maria at the front desk."

"Thanks, Michael." Pam walked out of Michael's office, and goes to the front desk. "Maria?"

"Yes Pam?"

"Michael told come and see what does the best time meet him next week?"

Maria checked the schedule for next week, and saw that Michael's Monday at 12:00 was clear. "Monday at 12 do you want that?"

"I can do it on Monday at 12:00"

"Ok we'll see you on Monday"

Pam left the Lawyer office.


I'm in our hotel room packing my things to go back to Roswell. I'm not really happy about it that much because no honeymoon. is possible. My husband doesn't even want to tell his family about us being married. That hurt more than I ever thought it would. I was broke out of my thought's when Max came in the room, and said the car is waiting for us down stairs.

"Ok" I answered." Max can you take the bags downstairs, and I'll be down in a minute."


"Thank you, baby"


While Max took the bags down I started thinking again. 'Why won't he tell his family? Well I'm going to teach him at little lesson. He will be one lonely man until he tells his family.' I thought and walked out the hotel room.

The next day I knew I was in the car going to the airport, but I had other ideas for Max.

Max was busy staring out the window car that when I ran my hand up is chest he jumped."Baby you startled me."

I thought to myself that seducing him in the car was going to be fun. I continued running my hands over his body until I found the spot that were going to drive him crazy.

Max moaned. "Liz?What are you doing Liz? We don't have time for this."

"Yes we do Max besides the driver will tell us when where at the airport. Now shut up Max, and show me how much you love me."

With that Max did as he was told. Max touched Liz's silky skin; softly caressing her breast, then down her leg. Max thought to him self that he was glad that Liz was wearing a skirt today. Max pulled Liz from sitting next to him to on top of him.He sat her on his lap, and with that he set the speed that got them going.

She said, "You like that baby?"

"Y...Yeah", was all he could get out.

I was about to finish my little seduction game, when the driver yelled to them in the back that they are getting to pull up at the airport.

"We will finish later," and I kissed him.

"Finish now?"

"No! Max we have to get ready to get out the car. Remember you said we have to get back to Roswell."

They walked hand and hand to the gate. Once they gave their tickets to the lady to board, and walked on to the plane. I took the seat next to the window, and Max the one beside me. I took one last look at the beautiful Las Vegas before they took off, sighing.

"What's the matter, Liz?" Max asked

"Nothing Max" I answered laying my head on Max's shoulder and soon after that, went to sleep.


Part 3B


A Couple Hours Later

Maria was busy at the front desk.Michael was out at lunch with Isabel going over stuff.

Isabel was telling Michael about Max going out with her friend Tess. " Michael you should seen them Max and Tess make the perfect couple."

"Ok Isabel, but I think you're wrong"

"Whatever Michael let me finish. He took Tess out to this place in town, I don?t remember name the place he took her. Tess said that she had a great time, and wants to go with him again. Isn't that great Michael?"

"No Isabel. I'm glad Tess had good time, but did Max say he wanted to. I mean I know you're brother hardy dates, but Isabel I don't think he's going on another date with Tess ever"

"Tess isn't Max's type either"

"Why would you say that?"

"I know your brother"

"You don't him "

On the Plane

The flight attendant was making the announcement , they were about to land when Max woke up.Max kissed Liz's head again, and she started to stir from her sleep.

"Hmm Max?"

"Baby time to get up we?re landing now"

"No sleep?"

"We can sleep when we get back home"


Then the plane landed, and they went to go get their bags and put them in the car. Max drove them to his place, but Liz slept the whole ride home.Max arrives at the house, the first thing he does is put Liz in bed.After that Max goes back out to the car to get the bags. He also checks his mail and phone also. Michael left one and said to call him. He made a mental note to do it in a couple hours. He back upstairs to sleep with his wife. They slept about four hours, then the phones started ringing and ringing, but neither go up at first. Liz was getting mad, but she got up and answered the phone.


"Hey Liz its Michael"

"What can I do for you Michael?"

"Is Max around?Can you ask him what time he wants to meet Serena?"

"Yeah sure hold on"

"Max?"Liz said and kissed him, to wake him

"Hmm? What's the matter?"

"Michael is on the phone, and wants to know what you want meet Serena at the court house?"

"Oh ok"

"Let me talk to him."

"Hey Michael"

"Hi Max"

"Can you tell Serena meet me outside the court house at 8:30 AM?"


"So where you the last couple of days?Why was Liz answering your phone? Huh?"

"Michael can't tell you. I'll answer all your questions after Serena's court case. Michael I'll see you in the office tomorrow.

Max hangs up the phone and calls out Liz. Liz was in the shower so she couldn't hear him. Max starts to walk towards the bathroom, and hears the shower going, so he walks in the bathroom. She doesn't answer him. All she does is turn off the shower and wraps a towel around her.

Then goes into their room and gets dressed for bed. "We have an early morning and all I feel like doing is sleeping."

"Liz why are you mad all sudden?"

"Max I heard what Michael asked you.Why couldn't you just be honest with him? I told you I was tired of being your secret."

"Liz I--"

"You know never mind. I don't want to hear it until you tell your family about us. Goodnight Max."

" 'Night Liz"

Max didn't go to bed after that. He went downstairs, and started looking over his files for tomorrow case. While doing that he couldn't help but think about what Liz had said to him upstairs. He knew it was wrong for him to want keep his relationship with Liz a secret from everyone else, but it was special and private. After thought about what he was going to do he went to bed.


I'm sorry I didn't post part 3B sooner, I was just waiting on it to be edited.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:18 am
by Michelle17
Part 4


The next morning I woke up early, and took a shower also continuing thinking about what Liz said the night before. I decided that after court I was going to tell my family we’re married. After getting out the shower, and wrapping a towel around my waist walked over to the mirror. I started shaving when the door to the bathroom opened. I turned and look at Liz and she wasn't looking good.

I knew it was the morning sickness, I also knew she wasn't dealing with it well, but she wouldn't tell me that. When she walked in I didn't say anything to her. I knew it would only upset her, so I continued to what I was doing. I knew she would call me when she needed me.

After I was done shaving I walked in our room to finish getting dressed. I put on a black suit and tie. It was about 7:30 when I was done getting ready for court.

"Are you ok? Are you almost ready to go?"

"Yes I'm ok; yeah I'm almost ready to go. Liz, I want to stop at the office to get some files."

"Ok," she yells from up stairs, but she was on her way down. She walks in the kitchen "ready to go?"

"Yes" Max says. "Let me get our stuff, and we can go." Liz walks out to the car and unlocks it to get in while she's waiting Max.

While Liz is waiting for Max her cell phone rings.” Hello Liz?"

"Who is this?"

"It's Jessica Martin, and I'm calling because I have a case I would like you to represent me on."

"Ms. Martin how did you get my cell phone number?"

"I called your office yesterday and Ms. DeLuca to me how to get in touch with you. I had called early last but you weren't in."

"So what type of case is it? When does it start? I'll see if I can take it"

"I want to take custody of my daughter Sally from her father. The custody case starts in July , and my case is out in California. I heard you are the best lawyer for custody cases."

"I will have to call you back later about the case. Right now I am heading to into the office, but you can call in and schedule a time to meet."

"Ok thank you Ms. Parker. I'll talk you later”

When Max walked out the car and got in the car, Liz had just hung up the phone.

"Who was that on the phone Liz?" Max asked

"A client," she answered

Once we are at the office, went our separate ways. I went my office, and got my files.

I saw that had messages from Serena since last week. Maria told me she had been trying to get with me. I also had some from my mother and sister. I put down the messages seeing that it's 8:00. I went to Liz's office to find her on the phone. I knock on Liz's door to tell her we have to go. She looks up to see who it was. She saw it was Max, and told her doctor she would call them back. She walked towards the door and says, “I’m ready to meet Serena."

Maria sees us on our way out, and says," Hi guys. Have a good day in Court."

We walk to the car, and I say, "I decided something this morning, after we had that conversation last night. I will tell my family today after court."

"We better get going or we’re going to be late meeting Serena. "

It was about 8:10 when we arrived at the court house. We went in court house and waited for Serena. "Max what time did you tell Serena to meet us?"

"I told her to meet us at 8:30 why?"

"She is standing right over there?"

"Serena" Max called out. "How long you been waiting?"

"I haven't been waiting long; in fact I just got here myself."

"Do you have any new information for us before court?" Max says?

"Yeah actually I found out that husband has been cheating on me with Tess Harding.” Max had this look on his face after that, it was a really guilty look after Serena said that name. "Serena how long had you're husband been cheating?"

"Um a year I think."

Liz had took her note pad out a while ago, and started to take notes. "Did you have a detective follow him or anything?"

"Yes," she answered.

"Do you have the pictures with you now by any chance?"

"Yes," she said again.

"Max do you have anymore questions for Serena??"

“I think we’re ready to go in to court now" Max Says.

TBC I know it short. Don't kill me I was running out of ideas so i posted what I had.

Chapter 5 08/09/05

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:40 am
by Michelle17
Thank's for the fb.

Emz80m Thank's for edit this for me.

*Zans-gurl* Glad you like.

LegalAlien Glad you like it so far.

cocopucks I'm back

kittens This is Liz Pov.

martine This part will explain why Max desn't want tell his family.

LoveIsForever Thanks

Part 5


I haven't said much of anything. That's only because if I say what I want right now I might say something wrong, and I don't want to fight with Max about telling his family about us. He told me he was going to tell his family tonight night after Serena's case.

Right now we just got finished talking to Serena about everything for the case. We?re walking in the court room, and the other lawyers say, "good morning". All three of us replied.

Max finally said, "you're going to open"

"Ok" I replied.

All of a sudden Serena spoke up. "The hearing doesn't start for another 10-15 minutes right?"

"Yep," Max replied.

"Good I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Ok," we both replied as Serena walked out the room it left time for Max and I to talk.

"Max?" I said. "I want to let you know how I feel about telling our family about our relationship. Well Max, you see have been going out for three years, and I know the reasons you don't want tell everyone. I know you inherited the law practice after we graduated college. Also you never wanted anyone to think you hired me just because we are dating. Three years is enough hiding. I know that I'm pregnant, and I just want everyone to know we're married now. I also know you've been hiding things from me, but I'm not going to force you to tell me. I just want to know one thing though will it hurt us?" I paused. "Oh, why did you look at me weird when Serena said that her husband was cheating on her with Tess Harding? Think about what I said, you don't have to answer anything now. I just thought you'd want to know."

By the time I had finished telling Max how I felt, ten minutes had passed.

"Liz?" Max said. "I know you know I'm scared to tell the family. It has a lot to with our jobs, and the people that work for me, judging me about why I hired you. You know I love you, that I have loved you forever. Nothing you do will ever change that, but another reason I don't want tell everyone is because our relationship is special to me. You know me I am a private person. You're the only person I tell private things to."

With that our conversation ended because Serena had walked back in, and the case was about to begin. Court started minutes later

'Will everyone please raise may I present Judge Kate Johnson. Everyone maybe seated."

Meanwhile in the office.

Michael was waiting for Max to get back from court. He needs someone to talk to. While doing that he was working in paper work.

Maria walks in his office, and says do you need anything done? Because
I'm going to makes some copies for Liz while she out so. Do you?

Michael look's up at Maria and says yep I do. "Can you make copies of
Pam's files for me while you're in the copy room?

"Sure" she answered

"Thanks" He said.

No problem Michael with that she walked out the office.

When Maria was in the copier room the office door open in walk's Alex Whitman. Alex was walking toward Liz's office, but stopped at Michael's office to say hi.

"Hey Michael"

"Hey Alex" What brings you by this early? "I wanted to catch up on some of
Liz's case plus I think she has a new one." "You know Liz is still in court with Max right."

"Yeah I know"

"Michael " You know we're suppose to be having dinner at Max's parents house tonight, but I think I know what they want to tell us.

"Alex" I know we're suppose to be having dinner tonight. What do you think they have to tell us?

Maria walks back in Michael's office when Alex was about to answer
Michaels question, but before he does he says Hey Maria. "Hey Alex" What were you guys talking about before I came in?

Michael says what tonight's dinner is about. Alex was about to tell what he thinks it's about. Maria says I want to hear. "Ok Alex finishes now." I think their going to together. Michael and Maria said. Why do you think that?

I don't know but I have a feeling they are.

They continue talking while Max and Liz just finished court. As they are walking out they said Serena we will see you soon. Bye Max Bye Liz and then Serena walk's of to her car.

Max says Liz I want finish our conversation we had earlier over lunch.
Liz's says ok.


Don't forget to check out Forgotten Memories.

Chapter 6 updated 08/15/05

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:10 am
by Michelle17
Thanks to all you who left feedback. Lukers feel free to say hi.

Emz80m Thank you for editing this from.

martine I'm sorry it's still confusing. Glad you're liking the story though.

Don't forget to check out my other story I'm writing with DestinyDreamer. It's called Forgtten Memories.

With that all said Here's part 6

Part 6

Max Pov

We arrived at the crash down about 20 minutes later. I hadn't said
anything to Liz on the way over to the restaurant. When we got there I
parked the car and then said "Liz?"

"Yes Max" she answered

"Are your parents working today? Or are they out?"

"Out" she answered

"Good so they are going to be at dinner tonight right?"

"Yes" she said as they walked in the crash down, and took their seats.

"Ok" he said.

"Max" what do I need to know about tonight's dinner? "Why didn't you
answer my question about Tess earlier? I want to know now before dinner tonight.

I don't want to find out at dinner.

"Liz I can't tell you about that. The Tess thing is confusing, but I promise
> it won't hurt us though." "Are you sure Max? Because I have this feeling it will, and I can't shake the feeling. Max I'm begging you to tell me now.

"Liz" I know what you're thinking, and it's nothing like that. "Ok Max" so what am I thinking then? "You're thinking I slept someone or something.

But I didn't do any of that.

"I'm not sure to believe you Max because you won't tell me the truth."

After that I told him I'm ready to head back to the office. When we got back in the car I asked him a why he wouldn't my question about Tess. That's when she told me that I not saying was making her think I did something even more.

When we got back to the office I saw that everyone was in the office

Maria said "Max" you have a few things on your desk that need to be taken care of.

"Ok thanks" Maria. Then Maria saw Liz walk in after Max so she turned to her and said "Liz Ms. Martin just called you.”Ok thanks Maria I'll call her back." "Is Alex here?" "Yeah he's talking to Michael, oh and Max Michael wants to talk to you.

"K" was all Max said. Then Liz and I went to our offices. Liz went to her to office call her clients, and I think to her doctor to.

I walk in my office and saw the papers that Maria was talking about I need to be sign; I also saw calls I have to return. I saw that my mother called to remind me about dinner. She said it's at 7:00 pm and to leave my office early.

Meanwhile in Michael's office.

"Alex I just saw Liz walking to her office." "She back from court Michael I wonder how court was." "Alex said think it went well. "I'll talk to you later Michael." I have to catch up with Liz. Bye Alex and then he turned left Michael's office.

As Alex was leaving Michael's office I walk in. I said hey Alex. Hey Max.

"Hey Michael" I said as I walk in. You wanted to talk me about something.
"Yeah I do." "What about Michael?" "It's about Maria."

"What about Maria?" What does she have to do with to talk wanted to talk about?"

"Max I want be with Maria, but I know I'll just mess it up." "Michael you don't know that."

Meanwhile in Liz's office.

The first thing Liz does when she get in her office is calling her doctor, so she can schedule her appointment. Liz thought to herself while she was doctor that she was at a month pregnant.

When the doctor said Hi Ms. Parker, how are you doing? "I'm good Dr.

I'm just returning your call about schedule my appointment to check the baby.

Well today is May 1, 2005. I want to see you in my office on Tuesday May
5. at 1:00 pm. I'll to re arrange my schedule around a bit, but ok. "I'll talk you soon Doctor Miller. Bye Ms. Parker. Bye Doctor Miller

Soon after the call ended Alex in Liz's office and says hey Liz. Just came to in get updated you're cases. Hey Alex, oh ok. "How was your weekend Alex?" "It was really good Liz.” Are you taking the Martin case?" I haven’t decided yet Alex." I've been thinking about it, and I'll make my decision after dinner at Max's parents tonight,

"Why after dinner?" Just have a bad feeling that I'll want get away for a while.

“Ok Alex” said. Alex said it’s close 6:00 I have to get ready to go. So we will talk about the Martin case soon? Bye Alex. Bye Liz see you at dinner Alex. After Alex left Liz started to get herself ready to go. She wanted to go and change before dinner. So she started walking to Max office.

When she was there she didn’t see him so she walked out front. She said “Maria have you seen Max?” She replied not since you came back from court. “Ok thanks Maria” Then she said check Michael’s office. I will.

Liz had walked to Michael’s office and saw him. “Liz” Michael all suddenly had said. I stopped talking to Michael said “what’s up Liz?”

Max it’s close to 6:00 and I need a ride back to my place. “Ok” I answered and realize Liz was right it is close to 6. I told I’ll be ready in a minute. “Ok” she answered. Then Liz left to let me finish talking to Michael.

I walked out Michael's office after I told him we'll finish talking about him and Maria later. "I'll see you at the dinner."

I went to tell Liz I was ready to go, but I didn't find her in her office. I walked pass Maria, and then she said that Liz was outside waiting for me.

"Ok" I replied and then said "see at you at dinner."

"Bye Max"

I walked out and saw her at the car. "Are you ready?" she asked me before I could say anything.

"Yep" I replied.

We got to the house and walked in, both us went in to the bedroom and got changed. I changed into some blue jeans and green shirt. Liz had on a beautiful light blue sundress. She looked so beautiful and it took my breath away.

I didn't hear Liz call my name for a minute. I was too caught up in my own thoughts. "Max" she said again.

"Yeah" I answered her.

"We're going to be late." She said. I look at the clock and realised that it was 6:45 already. Liz was still putting her make up on "I'm going to call my mom and tell her we're on our way" I told her.

"K" was all she said.

We are on our way now. We made it to my parent's right on 7:00. I was
driving faster then I realized I thought to myself. I knock on the door to my parents place. As I walked in I hugged my mother and father.

"Good to see you son, Where is Liz?" My Dad asked me. "She is the only not here."

"Actually Liz rode with me so she'll be in a minute."

"Ok" both parents answered.

"Come in said hi to everyone else," my mom said. I went to the living room and saw Michael, Isabel, Maria, Alex, and Tess. Oh no I thought.

Liz still hadn't come from the car yet. "Hi guys."

"Tess what you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm Isabel's friend and she invited me to dinner." She answers

"How was your date with Tess, Max?" Isabel asked then.

"Good but that's not what I wanted to talk to you guys about tonight."

"Wait a minute" Michael says "Max you went out with Tess?"

"Yes" I answered.

"Max does Liz know about this?"

"No! And that's the way I would like to keep it."

Little did I know Liz was listening to everything that was being said.

"Max" Tess said. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me again?"

"No Tess I don't have those type of feelings for you. The only reason I went out with in the first place is because Isabel wouldn't leave me alone. The reason I came tonight is to tell you that Liz and I are married."