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Stories by Lindsey - Updated - (11/25/05)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:27 pm
by linliz68
<center>Completed Fics:</center>


Candy Shop

Rating: Mature

Summary: Liz Parker has always had a sweet-tooth, but this time gets more then she bargains for.

Status: Completed</center>


Goin' Crazy

Rating: Teen-Mature

Summary: This is Liz’s view on things that have happened in her life, how she felt when she lost almost everyone she’s ever loved. Begins from 2nd season to 3rd, but there will be a few things mentioned during the 1st season as well. Starts at Destiny and goes on from there.

Credit goes to: Natalie’s “Goin’ Crazy”. This is her song. There are also quotes taken from the show, which was written by amazing writers.

Status: Completed</center>

<center>Wrong Side of the Tracks

Rating: TEEN

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell or any of its characters, I am simply borrowing them.

SUMMARY: Liz, Maria, and Alex are forced to move from small town Portland to the big city, New York with their parents.(Liz,Maria, and Alex are brother and sister) They start school at a private school where they meet Max, Michael, and Isabel. (Max and Isabel are brother and sister, Michael is their friend) Kyle and Tess are in the story only a little bit, I couldnt find solid characters for them, but they'll be in the story, periodically. There will be if you dont like that, dont read it.

Status: Completed</center>


Not Without You

Rating: Mature

Summary: Takes place during the episode “Max to the Max”. What happens when Max stops listening to what others tell him to do and finally does something he wants to do?

Status: Completed</center>

Writings in Progress

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:02 pm
by linliz68
<center>In Progress:


Title: Changing the Past

Rating: Teen/Mature

Summary: If you had the power to change what had already been changed, would you?

Status: W.I.P</center>

coming soon

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:03 pm
by linliz68
<center>Coming Soon:


Title: Is Justice Enough

Rating: Mature/Adult

Disclaimer: I do not own the show or the characters, as much as I wish I did. Roswell belongs to Jason and the other amazing writers.

Summary: Max Evans and Liz Parker were the ‘it’ couple in High School, and dated up till their senior year, when they broke up. Now, five years later, Liz is a famous lawyer, who is working on a major case for her department when she is told by her boss to drop it and is handed a new case to work on. Once she receives the file, she sees a name she’d never thought she’d see again. Now it was up to her to find out if he is guilty or innocent and figure out what happened to them those five years ago.


Title: Life on the Streets

Author: linliz68

Rating: Teen/Mature

Summary: Max's life has never been easier. He got into the University he’s always wanted and has just met the girl of his dreams. Yet his habits and the habits of others caught up with him. For the past three years, his life has been straight street. His cousin, Zan, brought him into the ‘Crips’, one of the toughest gangs in Brooklyn. Since then, everything's been black and white for Max, but when an innocent bystander is nearly killed, how will Max deal with his actions? And is this bystander someone who can help change Max’s life for the better?

Authors’ note: This fanfic will contain things that real life gangs do. I just want you guys, th readers, to brace yourselves for it. A lot of research went into this story. If you chose not to read this story, I fully understand.


Title: Finding My Past

Rating: Teen/Mature

Summary: This is a story with aliens. A future story...set 18 years in the future. Zan, now an adult, goes in search of his real parents. A search that will lead to answers he might not be ready to face. What will his search prove? Will he find his real parents?</center>


Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:06 pm
by linliz68
By the looks of it, it may seem like I dont know much or anything. But I'm a write-aholic. It's just hard to find time to write, let alone post or find someone talented to make an amazing banner for me. The ones Completed are on this site, and the ones I'm currently working on and the ones coming soon, have all be started, I just haven't had time to get them to the place I wanted them to be to be able to post at a steady pace and I can't wait to post them or get banners for these amazing stories. I also want to say to those who've been reading my stories or who've helped me in any way, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn't be here w/out you guys. I'll be back soon with an update!!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:07 pm
by To_Kiss_A_Frog
Yay!! New fics. I read your other fics already and I'm completely looking forward to these next two!!! Especially the challenge!!



Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:19 pm
by linliz68
"Changing the Past" and "Finding my Past" Will be up shortly!!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:21 pm
by Michelle17
I can't wait for Is Justice Enough


Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:56 pm
by linliz68

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:13 am
by Michelle17
I just wanted stop by and say Hi, and keep up the great work.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:29 pm
by linliz68
Posted chapter 10 to Changing the Past