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Michelle17 Author's Note

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:11 pm
by Michelle17
Hi All My name is Courtney and I go by Michelle17 on board. I'm revamping my page.


Title: One Night
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything of Roswell. I’m just borrowing the characters for entertainment. Also I don’t any of the songs I’m using. The songs belong to Danity Kane and Bad Boy.
Author: Michelle17
Rating: Adult
Summary: What would you do your last night home? Would you get even with a crush? Or Leave?
Autor's Note: I would like to give a Special thank's Jan for being my Beta for the story and to Thank DreamerLaure for this beautiful banner. ... 161OneNght

Coming soon updated 1/1/09

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:42 pm
by Michelle17
Works In Progress

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:02 pm
by Michelle17
Dead and Barired
Hot Lesson In Real Love
Hot Lesson In Real Love
Disclaimer: Don't own anything
Rating: Adult
Summary I'm sorry I'm not really good with make summary with giving to much away.
Author's Note: Hi all, i wasn't happy with the plot for this story I posted before so I came up with new and better one. A special thank's to Jan for help me with this fic.
Forgotten Memories
Author: Michelle17 & DestinyDreamer
Disclaimer: Not ours
Rating: Teen/Mature
Category :M/L and others
Summary: Challenge 161 Here is the link ... &start=170
The Law of Love
Disclaimer: Not Mine
Rating: Adult
Category :M/L and others
Summary: Challenge 11 of LoveIsForever
Check it out. Here is the link
Authors note: This is my first fic and my first time to write adult. So tell me what you think.


Re: Michelle17 04/09/06

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:34 am
by francesca
Mr & Mrs Evans looks like a great story and i cant wait to read it!

Re: Michelle17 Update 06/24/08

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:54 am
by POM
For your story...Mr. & Mrs. Evans did you have a banner made? I have one--that I found. I didn't make it but see if this is one you have. I dunno you never know. ... smanip.jpg

<3 POM <3

Re: Michelle17 updated story 03/29/09

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:46 am
by Michelle17
Challenges I have Taken


AU Without Aliens
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T
Any Rating Is Fine.

At the young age of 12 Liz Parker was kidnapped on her way home from school.The kidnapper locked her in a tiny completly dark closet for days as he/she tried to ransom Liz.Lucky for Liz,Jim Valenti found a clue that lead him to where Liz was being held and he rescued her.But the little girl had been traumitzed by what had happened.

What happens to the kidnapper....caught,escaped....I'm going to leave that to you.

It's now four years later and Liz is now 16 and she's still not over the ordeal she went through. Still scared and jumpy Liz lives her life in her 'safe' zones Areas and places she feels safe at or being with people that she feels safe and secure with.If she's not in these places or with someone she trust she has sever panic attacks.

Places Liz feels safe at....The Crashdown and her home above,Jim's office at the Sheriff's station,Jim and Kyle's house and Alex or Maria's house..

People that Liz feels safe with enough to travel outside her safe zones with.....Jim is number one(seeing how he was the one to rescue her)....her parents,Kyle,Maria and Alex.Liz's school was nice enough to fix it that in each of her classes either Kyle,Maria,Alex,or all of them is in her classes with her.At school they go with her everywhere.

I was thinking that now due to her being locked up in that small dark closet Liz has a phobia over darkness and small places.

Liz is living life balanced on a thread.She may get better she may fall off the deep end.But right now it's a balancing act.

But things change when a new group of people move into town....Max,Isabel,Tess and Michael.They can all be Evans and brothers and sisters...or Michael and Tess can live with the Evans as foster doesn't matter how it works but all four kids live with one another and move to town at the sametime.They also all start Roswell High.

I was thinking that the Crashdown cook suddenly quits on the Parkers.Needing a job Michael tries to get hired.The Parkers aren't sure of this for they know Liz won't be comfortable with a new stranger working in one of her 'safe' zones.But sadly they have no chose and hire him.Liz is jumpy and nervous around Michael and poor Michael has no clue what's wrong with Liz.I see him shaking his head and muttering "what the hell is up with that crazy chick?" Maria of course hears him and that sets the two off on their bickering path.

Max comes to visit Michael at his new job one day and is totally smitten with Liz the second he sees her and she waits on him.He comes in everyday after school and slowly he builds a trust up with Liz.Jeff and Kyle(who acts like a big brother to Liz) doesn't like this.But when Nancy sees the smiles on Liz's face,how happy her daughter gets and how she comes out of her nervous shell when Max is around...well Nancy puts her foot down and has a talking too with Jeff and Kyle.

Hi KillJoy
#183 (old thread) - AU, M/L, ALIENS OR W/O ALIENS (your choice) - Taken by Michelle17

I've just seen the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith and thought it would be fun to read a story about Max and Liz based on the movie.

Max and Liz are happily married or dating(your choice) for the past three years. Max is an engineer with a prominent company and Liz is the VP of a fortune 500 company. That's their cover stories. They're really hit men/women (don't really know the PC term) working for different agencies. Neither is aware of the fact that the other is a hit man/woman for their rival agency until they become each other's mark(target).

If you want to write the story with aliens, you could have Liz working with the Special Unit of the FBI and Max working for an alien based agency intent on eliminating Antarian threats on Earth which includes Skins and agents of the Special Unit.

-Michael, Isabel and Tess must work for Max's agency.
-Alex, Maria and Kyle work for Liz's agency.
-When they become each other's marks, neither has the intention of killing the other because they love each other until Max accidently shoots at Liz with his gun (w/o aliens) or accidently sends a blast her way(with aliens) which causes Liz to think he's trying to kill her. Max tries to explain that it was in accident but Liz doesn't believe him and so the war between the two begins.
-Max and Liz must live with each other and have hidden, secret compartments with in their home hiding their weapons. They will use these weapons when trying to kill each other.

With Aliens:
In the mean time, Kivar has come to Earth and is a threat to both sides. Kivar kidnaps someone from Max's agency as well as Liz's agency (your choice as to who) and the two must work together to rescue their friends.

W/O Aliens:
Someone wants to destroy both agencies and begins to target agents from both agencies. He manages to kidnap an agent from Max's camp as well as Liz's and both must work together to find out who's behind the plot to take out agents and rescue their friends.

Dreamer story so M/L happy ending is a must.
By behrlyliz
Challenge 12. Taken

The Law of Love
Author: Michelle 17 Story was abandon

Au: No Aliens

Liz has been in love with Max's her whole life. And finally after college and getting his own law firm did Max take notice of her. Liz is Max's co-worker and they start to date. Max's keeps it a secert because he doesn't want the clients to get the wrong idea about why he hired Liz.

Three Years after they started dating Liz is ready for more but Max isn't he likes being single and living alone. Liz knows she will never love anyone else but also feels the need for a family of her own.

So she does something that surprises Max's she asks him to get her pregnant so she can be a Mother. Liz tells Max's that they can keep their relationship as it always has been and that she doesn't expect him to pay child support or even play the role of Daddy.

Liz's explains that she loves him and knows if things don't work out between them she will never be with anyone else and she doesn't want to pass up this chance to have a child.

Max of course isn't sold on the idea and instead of answering her just decide to never mention it again. Only that doesn't work because Liz takes his none answer as a yes and gets pregnant.

Max's then finds himself not knowing what to do his girlfriend of the last three years is pregnant with his child and his sister Isabel is trying to set him up with her sister-in-law Tess.

(Remember no one knows Max's is seeing Liz.) Just to please his sister Max's goes out on a date with Tess after months of Isabel begging. Only on that very night Liz gets pains and goes to Max's apartment waiting for him because he told her he would be home early. Hours go by and Max's finds he actually did enjoy Tess companying as a friend but nothing more. Getting home pass midnight he's shocked to see Liz passed out on his sofa white as a sheet.

At first the Doctor don't know if Liz and the baby are going to make it. Both pull through and the Doctor tells Max not to upset Liz it could harm her and their child.

Max's feels so guilted for ever going on a date with Tess and lying to Liz about it. Because of his behavior he almost lost the two most important people in his life. Doing a total 180 Max's asks Liz to marry him Liz agrees.

The two get married in Vegas as soon as it was safe for Liz to travel. Max then takes Liz home to his family not being able to wait to tell everyone that Liz was his wife.

(You can end it here with everyone happy or you can pick some of my ideas below to continue it)

*Isabel shocked and asked Max what happened to him giving Tess a chance?
*Tess being there and asking Max didn't he have a good time on their date a few weeks ago?
*Liz learning where Max was really the night she took sick and almost lost there baby. Turning and leaving him. Max then having to beg and plead to get his wife back.
*Max and Liz have twins.

Love Is Forever

Re: Michelle17 updated story 03/29/09

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:29 am
by Michelle17
Art For My Stories Thank You to all the creators





Re: Michelle17 updated story 03/29/09

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:51 am
by Michelle17
Story Ideas
Liz has been in a abusive relationship for 5 years now. It started when Liz was younger her father used to beat her mother. Liz mother would turn around and beat her. Liz started middle school when she first met Max Evans. Max had just started that school. Liz was on the cheerleading team and knew who to cover up her bruises. Max family wasn’t great either. Max had an older sister and she left him with they’re parents who were very mean to him. Max had a best friend at the school at school Michael. Michael has girlfriend named Maria and she is only family. Alex worked for the school as the Computer teacher. He notices that Max and Liz have problems and doesn’t know how to help them. He wants to meet with the parents. He realizes what Liz problem after that. Max and Liz this quite friendship and protective one and they start to fall in love with each other.
Mature –Adult
Happy ending

#2 M/L M/L/T
Max is the king on Antar, and his wife Ava. He is well known threw out the whole galaxy as a peaceful person. Liz Parker comes to work at the palace for him and his wife. Liz parents died in a fire at the crash down months before becoming a servant the palace. Liz lost everything she had. Liz is on call to the king and queen every hour of the day. She also takes self defense lessons from Rath. The king starts to fall in love with a servant, and the servant is in love the king. Ava his wife is the devil herself. Kivar is sleeping with Ava, and Ava is sleeping with Liz. But one night the king Zan and Liz sleep together for whatever reason. He continues to do so. That nigh Ava walked in on them and she is turn on, and not even mad all.

Re: Michelle17 updated story 03/29/09

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:19 pm
by L-J-L 76
Hey. I hope you will start working on Law Of Love, Mr. And Mrs. Evans and Hot Leasson In Real Love really soon? Those are really great stories. I just re read what you posted of Law Of Love, Mr. and Mrs.Evans and
Hot lesson In Real Love. Those are great stories. I hope you will post more to them really soon. T hose stories are really really great so please post more to Law Of Love, Mr.& Mrs. Evans and Hot lesson In Love. and for the ones you want to tart I say they are good I like the one you have about Liz in a abusive relationship. The Summery sounds interesting. And so does the one about Max being King. Liz is having sex with Max and Ava. That one sounds different but intersting too.

But I really hope you will updating Law Of Love, Mr. & Mrs. Evans and Hot Lesson In Real Love. Please let me know if your going to work on them because I really can't wait to read what you are going to have happen
next in the stories.


Re: Michelle17 updated story 03/29/09

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 12:49 pm
by Michelle17
Hi all,

I wanted to let you all know that I have been working on Hot Lessons, but a bit of bad news I have had to stop because my computer decided to stop working. Oh have everything backed up on my boyfriends computer and now his not working. But don't worry all my stouts are on an exsternal hard Drive so I will be able to work on it when the computer is fixed. I couple try and write updates on my iPod touch. We will see I'm also working on Forgotten Memories to.
