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Battlestar Galactica

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:23 am
by The Keeper
Woah...Im amazed there is no thread for this kick arse show!

So I decided to take it upon myself to create one.

Ive only seen all of season one, we here in Australia are deprived of such things as 'second seasons'...*sighs* stupid free-to-air television, anyways...

My favourite part of the whole entire show is the Apollo/Starbuck ship. Oh how I love conventional couples. lol.

Gauis Baltar is wierd, and Six even wierder.

I could go on about lots more BSG stuff, but just dont have the time.

What do you guys think of the show? Better than the original or what?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 7:17 pm
by cookiely
So far I have only seen the Pilot thingy.

But it does look interesting. Very stylish und the backround music is fitts too.

:D I actually had to laugh when I saw that Boomer and Starbucks are female now.

:D Its like after Buffy and Xena every show has a kick ass female.

As for now I like the new version more than the old one because the storylines look comprimising and the characters have more depth

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:43 pm
by StormWolfstone
Yeah, I have to say it seems strange seeing Starbuck and Boomer as women..... especially after having watched the Original series...

In fact, Apollo from the original (Richard Hatch) was in Atlanta labor day weekend and spoke on the show. He was one of the few 'big name' actors that I can actually say was nice and rather funny. The original Boomer was a jerk from what several told me. I walked past him but he didn't look to open so didn't go up to him. I didn't get the chance to see the other BG actors/actresses that were there unfortunately.... lines were long and the place was packed.....

Be assured, next year we'll probably be lucky enough to have more of them there.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:11 pm
by Roswelladdict
Have to say that as a child I loved the original and even carried a crush on Apollo for many years. I can remember staying home so I could watch Battle of The Network stars b/c Richard Hatch was on there.

Anyway, I have seen all of the eppies and I have to say once I got past the whole Starbuck and Boomer are women thing, I really like the show and my brother will even call me so we can discuss the latest eppi. I have been recording it lately and sending it to him in Iraq and as he watches he calls so we can discuss it. I know it is starnge but it makes my brother happy just as recording college football games and sending those makes him happy. I am just a saint of a sister is what it is. :wink:

Anyway, what is your take on Baltar and 6? Is she in his mind or are the cylons sending her image to him? That one is a strange story to follow.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:32 pm
by Lillie
Just saw an episode of this show and I fell in love with it. Well, with Helo actually. And Sharon. I love them, they are so cute together. And they don't even show any of the previous episodes on Sci Fi, so I decided to buy them from Amazon. So than I will probably understand the show, and probably fall in love with Helo and Sharon some more. Maybe finally understand what is going on with Apollo and Starbuck, the episode I saw didn't have a whole bunch of interaction. I'm curious about what exactly their relationship is.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 10:02 am
by To_Kiss_A_Frog
My brother has all the DVD's and got me addicted to the show over Christmas break. I've seen all the episodes so far and while I wanted Starbuck and Apollo together, I'm not so sure that's gonna happen. I don't want to say too much though for those of you who haven't seen the second season... but I love the show!

As far as Gaius and number 6, I wasn't ever sure about her but I really think she's just in his head.


Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:28 am
by Lillie
Finally saw all the shows, well except for the two episdoes after Pegasus. I can see the appeal in Apollo and Starbuck. They might actually do each good. But seriously, I've got nothing but love for Helo and Sharon. I love Helo. I don't believe that Sharon will do anything bad, all she wants is to be with Helo and have their daughter, nothing else.

Now, I think that it's kind of interesting that there are 12 Cylon's, which when you think of Greek Mythology, there are 12 Gods/Goddesses. Coincidence? I don't think so, Ron Moore knows exactly what he has planned. Maybe Number Six is supposed to be like the Greek Gods, Aphrodite?

I've got plenty more to say, but time is short. So I'll come back later.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:26 pm
by Lillie
I'm obsessed, I know that I am. But how can one not be obsessed with Helo. ... o.jpg#file
So is there anyone else with love for this amazing show, which happens to be created by Ronald Moore, who was also very involved in Roswell. Not to forget Toni Graphia.

Hello??? Anyone? I feel an echo in the room. :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:03 pm
by Lillie
Geez, I couldn't believe it when Admiral Adama asked Sharon if she would tell him what the other Cylons looked like and she said NO. She wouldn't tell him. At first I was like ah, Sharon. But than I thought about it, what good would that do for her to tell him what the other Cylon's looked like. She has helped them for weeks, and where has that got her? Nowhere. They keep her in the brig, she's freaking pregnant. They still consider her the enemy, so why should she help them so much? How much can she keep on giving to them, without getting anything in return?

I'm definitely excited though for the next episodes. Sharon is going to give birth and I think that'll make me cry a little. Can't wait to see Sharon and Helo's baby girl.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:56 pm
by Kzinti_Killer
I watched a couple of shows just out of curiosity.

Aside from the fact that this new version is way too dark for my taste, I'm uncomfortable with having to try and find out which version of the show a fic is being written for, so I'll know whether a given Apollo/Starbuck fic is slash or not.

No fan with two brain cells to rub together (other than a few whackos) thought that the original cast was ever coming back in the remake.

So I can live with Boomer as a cylon. I can handle Boomer as a woman. I can even handle Boomer as both.

I could even deal with all the mangling of the original canon. Like Hummers being driven around on Caprica.

But there are limits. Re-imagining ladies man Starbuck as a woman was a deal breaker for me. She's no lady....and the thing is, if she were a guy, she'd be no gentleman either.
