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Unexpected Circumstances(M/L,Mat) [WIP]

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:06 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
Thanks for the lovely banner go to mrsjbehr

Author:LovinGuerin2Much a.k.a. Frances :)

Title: Unexpected Circumstances

Couplings: M/L,CC ( No Aliens/AU )

Rating: Mature for the moment, will let you know when and if it gets Adult.

Disclaimer:Just borrowing, nothing belongs to me please don’t sue, thank you.

Summary: Max Evans is a 25 year old very successful business man who is running his fathers business after he retires.

Liz Evans a 23 year old and also workaholic with no time for fun, she has a goal and she will be damned if she doesn’t reach it.

What happens when Max is faced with an ultimatum that he cant see a way out of?

Will unexpected circumstances change his life and take away what he has always dreamed of or will it give him something he never even knew that he wanted.

Authors note:This story will not be a fluffy piece there will be drama (not major drama) but I can promise that there will be a Dreamer insured ending. :D

Special thanks to Icequeen for all the support and encouragement.

<center>Chapter 1: </center>

Max Evans was sitting behind his desk on the 25th floor of Evans Imaging & Construction , he had a grin on his devilishly handsome face as he turned his chair around and gazed out the floor to ceiling window that overlooked Seattle’s beautiful yet rainy down town metropolitan area.

“Can life get any better then this?” Max thought to himself as he mentally congratulated himself for landing the biggest most substantial accountant his fathers company had ever had.

He leaned forward in his chair placing his elbows on his knees and smileing again as he thought about all the zero’s the check sitting on his desk had.

“Beat that Dad.” He thought with a laugh as he turned around and buzzed his secretary through the interoffice intercom.

“Betty do I have any messages?” He asked as his fingers raced over his keyboard checking out the latest drop and raises in the stock market on his razor thin flat top computer screen. Max was always in motion, his mind always on the lookout for another challenge.

“Not at the moment Mr. Evans.” Betty the elderly secretary that had been working for the company since he had been a little kid responded.

“Ok keep me informed I’m waiting for a call from Dad, put him though to me I don’t care what I’m doing, thanks Bet.” Max said as he pressed a button disconnecting the conversation.

He got up from his desk and went over to the mini bar that was set up along one wall of his enormous corner office.

He grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge and went back to his desk, getting lost in numbers and figures until his father came by with a surprise visit.

Max heard a knock on the door he looked up and blinked a few times, he had been working on the computer for a little too long if his eyes were hurting he thought to himself.

Moments later his father walked in, Max laughed out loud at his fathers attire. He was going golfing or his pants had been attacked by a plaid monster.

Max got up and greeted his father with a very warm and loving hug and pat on the back.

“Hello Max how are you?” Phillip asked as she sat down on one of the plush leather chairs that faced Max’s desk.

“Great since I landed the downtown water front accountant.” Max said while he opened a drawer of his desk and took out a manilla folder and handed it to his father.

Phillips eyes rounded while he read the amount of attention and money this accountant would give the company.

“That’s great son.” Phillip said with a sad smile on his face.

“Great.. That’s all you have to say Dad this is huge.” Max said excitedly as he got up and began to pace behind his desk.

“I agree that it’s huge but I came here to talk about something other then business.” Phillip said as he tapped his fingers on his knee.

“What going on?” Max asked instantly worried, his dad only tapped his fingers when something major was going.

“How’s your love life?” He asked with a completely serious expression on his face.

Max started to laugh, a deep laugh that made his eyes water and his chest hurt.

“Are you serious?” Max asked when he saw his fathers expression had not changed one iota.

“Your mother and I are completely serious we’ve had enough Maxwell.” He said sternly.

“What does that mean and why do you and mother insist on grilling me on whom and whom I am not dating?” Max asked, he was starting to get annoyed.

“Max we are worried about you, when we agreed that you’d take over the company once I retired I didn’t think that you would take it so seriously, when was the last time you got out of this office before 9 at night?”

“So what sometimes I stay late, I’m working and as a matter of fact I went out last weekend.” Max said while he pulled out his palm pilot and started fidgeting with it.

“Going out with your sister and Alex doesn’t count, I’m talking about a real date not a fling.” Phillip said as he got up and took the palm pilot out of Max’s hand.

“Dad I was doing something with that, the stocks for copper went up and I was..” Max managed to say before Phillip got up angrily from his chair.

“That’s exactly what I mean, work, work, work that’s all you think about!”

Max rolled his eyes as he tried to not let himself get aggravated, he knew that his father meant well.

“Your mother and I would like it if you could join us for dinner tonight.”

Max thought about the project that he had wanted to start, the loss and gain profit report that he had wanted to complete, but if he didn’t go to dinner tonight he’d never hear the end of it from his father.

“Fine where at?” Max asked as he checked his Rolex he wanted to measure how much time he’d have before he had to leave.

“At the house at 7 sharp.” Phillip said as he got up and grabbed Max in a fierce hug.

“Wow at the house, please say that Mom isn’t cooking.” Max asked a look of pure terror on his face.

Phillip laughed “No way see you later.”

Max watched the door close quietly behind his father, he sat behind his desk his father instantly forgotten as the the work that he loved so much consumed him.


Liz Parker raised both arms over her head yawing as she stretched the tired muscles of her back. Who ever said that sitting at a desk all day was a easy job, better think again.

She looked at the time on the corner of her computer screen and saw that she had been at work for almost 10 hours.

“Wow I’m a loser.” She thought with a laugh as she got up and grabbed her oversized purse and shut her computer off.

She looked around the office and saw that she was the last one left as always. She didn’t mind though it seemed that when she was alone and no one was bugging her to research this or find that she actually got a lot more work done.

But working at Evans Imaging and Construction wasn’t so bad, they paid well and allowed her to have weekends and major holidays off which helped since she was doing several online courses at the Community College.

As she stepped into the elevator she critically studied her appearance in the shiny metal doors that met in the middle. Her long chestnut colored hair flowed around her shoulders but the dark circles under her eyes seemed to not go away.

She shrugged, nothing that could be done about that since from the minute she got home to the time she went to sleep was spent with her head in a book studying.

The doors opened with a quiet swish and she was in the main lobby.

She waved at Andrew the security guard as she quickened her step and walked through the lobby her high heels making a click-clat noise as she almost jogged to the exit door.

The sun was setting when she stepped outside and for the hundredth time where does the time go.

A strong gust of wind then blew making her hair tickle her face and neck as she rushed to the bus stop that was right outside of the building.

She sat down and pulled out a notebook from her purse and flipped to the page Marked To Do List.

1. Study for the exam on human behavior
2. Get our of work early to stop at the grocery store. Ok so that didn’t happen she thought
3. Weekly call to Dad.

The sound of the approaching bus had her closing her notebook and digging into her pocket for bus fair.

Surrounded by a cloud of black smoke the bus stopped and Liz tried her best not breathe until she was seated inside.

As she got in and sat down she leaned the back of her head against the window pain and closed her eyes.

Meanwhile At the Evans Mansion.

“Hello Max, its been ages since you’ve had dinner with us.” Diane scolded as she wrapped her arms around her only son and squeezed tight.

“Mom I came for Thanksgiving.” Max teased as he hugged her back.

“Ha ha that was 3 months ago, I never get to see you.” Diane pouted as she took Max’s jacket and laid it on the sofa.

“Max you’re here, wonderful.” Phillip said as he walked into the large living room and sat down in his favorite recliner.

“Let’s eat, I’m starved.” Max said puzzled when he saw his mother sit down as well.

“There’s something that we need to talk about first son.” Diane said while she rung her hands together.

Shit this cant be good Max thought.

Max sat down and looked anxiously from one parent to the other. The tension was so thick in the room you could have cut it with a knife.

“Max your mother and I have come to a decision and we wanted to share it with you tonight.” Phillip said as Diane reached out and grabbed his hand, locking her fingers through his.

A united front damn even worse Max thought.

“I brought this up with you today at the office and I’ll finish this discussion now, your mother and I have seen how in the last 2 years you have become a workaholic, you aren’t going out and acting like a man your age is supposed to act.

At this rate your going to burn out, and that’s not what I wanted when I asked you to take over the company." Phillip said emotinally.

“What are you getting at Dad?” Max asked.

“An ultimatum son.” Diane said sadly.

“You need to get out have fun, meet a nice young lady and start a family.” Phillip said.

Max heard a rush in his ears like a wave had just washed over him.

Diane and Phillip watched as there handsome son blinked rapidly then his face took on a look of pure disbelief.

“What?” Max asked in a whisper.

“You either do as we ask or we are going to have to fire you with best intentions at heart” Phillip said so seriously not a hint of a smile on his face.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:39 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Yay I'm glad that you guys liked it pretty much so far... thanks for all the feedback.. hope you like the next chap.. and just a FYI..I'll be updating this on Sundays but Im going out of town so I thought I'd drop it off early.. have a great weekend.

Behrsgirl1230: Thank you for the very nice feedback, hope you like the next part.

begonia9508- Glad you liked it thanks for the feedback.

FSUMSW94-Thanks for the very intersting FB I know that right now you are proably thinking what the hell Phillip, but I can say that he really does love his son and'll see lol.

maya- Thank you for the feedback!

cocopucks-Thanks for reading. :D

icequeen- Thanks for making me write this fic and telling me that the idea is

anonymousarfan-Hey thanks for the feedback and the PM that was so helpful.

Lady_vixen-Hello sister.. hope you like the next part...say hi to my :D

Michelle17-Thanks for the feedback.

Get Over It- Ultimatums thanks for reading.

Emz80m- Thanks for reading, hope you like the next part.

Ellie-Thanks for your feedback, I know that you kinda felt like FSUMSW94 did..kinda like butt the hell out Phillip..but theres a point to it'll see ::wink wink::

BehrObsession-You guessed correctly my on to the next part, hope you like it.

rosbuffyangelfanatl-Thanks for the bump.

<center>Chapter 2:</center>

Liz opened her eyes slowly as the sound of her alarm clock brought her out a deep sleep. She had gone to bed at a 2 am and it was now 15 minutes till 7. Saying that she would be tired for the rest of the day was a huge understatement.

Rolling out of bed and with her eyes half closed she stepped into her tiny bathroom. She looked into the small mirror that was graying and black in the corners and let out a little sigh as she rubbed her palms across her face a few times before grabbing her toothbrush.

“Ok so what do I wear today?” she thought to herself as she brushed her teeth.. The brown corduroy skirt with the black short sleeve button up shirt.. No too hot.

The black trousers and her favorite royal blue silky blouse with her black high heeled boots... a frown creased her brow when she thought how those boots made her feet hurt but they gave her some much needed height.

After she placed her toothbrush back into the little cup on top of the sink she pushed her rainbow colored Care Bears shower curtain to one side and turned on the hot water in preparation for a quick shower. This building being as old as it was... it was understandable that the water took forever and a day to heat up.

Liz leaned against the sink and for a second thought about the dream she was having before the rude alarm clock woke her up.

“Elizabeth Parker” called the man standing at the podium that was set up on the small stage.

She got up and was walking towards the podium praying that she wouldn’t slip or stumble since her legs felt like jelly.

The little yellow tassel from her graduation cap kept getting in the line of her vison as she reached the stage and accepted her diploma.

In the crowd her mom and dad beamed up at her with such an expression of pride and love on there face's and then BEEP BEEP BEEP.

As the small bathroom began to get foggy Liz shook her head and came back to the present. It had been a nice dream while it had lasted she thought as she quickly disrobed and jumped in the shower.

When she stepped out of the shower the smell of coffee had her sighing in delight and not for the first time she was thankful for modern technology and automatic coffee makers.

20 minutes later she was dressed and took a final sip from her coffee mug before setting it in the sink.

Making her way to the front door she grabbed her purse and a small briefcase before taking one last glance at herself in the small oval mirror that was beside the front door.

Her hair was in a simple pony tail at the nape of her neck and the only jewelry she had put on today were small gold hoop earrings that her grandmother had given her when she was 16 and a thin chain with a simple gold heart shaped locket that her father had given her on the day she graduated high school.

Liz stepped out of her apartment and quickly locked the door behind her.When she was a few steps from the elevator/death trap as she liked to call it she heard a door open and close behind her without looking she knew exactly who it was.

“Hey Parker so when are you going to let me take you out on a date?” The man asked as he leaned against the door jam and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Good morning Kyle.” Liz said as she adjusted the heavy strap of her purse to a more comfortable position on her shoulder and turned around slightly.

Kyle then came strolling out of his apartment that just so happened to be across the hall from hers.

Since she had moved in Kyle had been trying unsuccessfully to take her out with no avail.

“So how about tonight I cook you a nice dinner... some wine.” Kyle said as he admired Liz’s simple beauty. One of the major reasons he was attracted to her was because she was so natural and not the type of women that had to wear tons of makeup or dress like she was going to a strip club to go to the corner and get a gallon of milk. Well he also liked her because she has a fabulous ass but he couldn’t tell her that...yet.

“Oh Kyle that is so sweet of you but I have to work late and well.” Liz’s face took on a look of embarrassment as she lowered her voice and took a step closer to him.”I’ve had this rash and its really itchy my doctor said it was highly contagious.” Liz then placed her hand on his forearm and she smiled shyly as she cocked her eyebrows up at him.

Kyle’s eyes had taken on the appearance of saucers at the word contagious. “Maybe some other time then, I hope you umm feel better.” He said as he took small steps back and quickly shut the door to his apartment.

It took all the strength that she possessed to not laugh hysterically at her little joke on Kyle’s expense but it had been funny she thought as a small chuckle escaped her lips.

The elevator doors then opened with a groan and Liz held her breathe as she stepped inside and hoped that the elevator would not choose right now to get stuck again...

When she had left her apartment she had exactly 43 minutes to get to work... if there was one thing she hated was being late.

As Liz walked out of her building she was oblivious to the stares and double takes that men made as she walked by them.

The people that knew Liz wondered why such a nice intelligent girl had such a boring life, they wondered why she didn’t go out on endless dates or party till the wee hours of the night but what they didn’t know was that since she was a little girl she had a dream.. A dream that one day she was going to be someone, that she had promised herself that was wasn’t going to be like her own mother who had given up her dreams of college and being a business women when she had become pregnant with her.

She would make her mother and father proud and maybe she could share her accomplishment with Mom.

It didnt help that she also preferred to curl up on her comfortable second hand use sofa in her most comfy pajamas with a glass of wine then go out partying with her best friend/party animal Tess.

As the bus pulled to the corner Liz mentally reminded herself that if she didn’t get out of work at a decent hour tonight she’d be eating out of a can for dinner.

A little while later the bus driver was making its stop in front of her job as she stepped out she hoped that today would be a good day.


It was official this had to the second worst day in his life, the first being his parents ultimatum last week.

Max paced his office from one end to the other his brain working over time at the horrifying idea his parents had suggested.

“Get married.. Settle down..” just hearing those words combined with his name gave him the creeps.. How the hell was he supposed to do those things if he couldn’t meet a single women that kept him interested its not like he didn’t want to get married or have kids but... He sighed then as he ran both hands through his hair urgently

Betty his secretary voice interrupted his pity party.

“Mr. Evans you have Ms. Deluca on line 4 for you should I take a message?” She said efficiently.

“No, I’ll take the call.” Max then stood behind his desk and hit the flashing button on his phone.

“Is hell freezing over that I actually am getting a hold of you and not your voice mail?” His best friend said sarcastically when Max picked up the phone.

“Hello to you too Maria.” Max said as he rolled his eyes affectionally.

Maria and Max had been friends for over 10 years and she knew him like the back of her hand.

“So how’s life sweetie you have been avoiding me for the last week what’s up did stocks go down in China or something?” Maria said as she chuckled over her joke at his expense.

“Well since you asked the Dow did go down by 15 points and that had me almost having a ulcer and personally... my life is in shambles right now.” Max said as he sat down in his leather chair and sulked.

“Aww poor baby talk to Maria... tell me what I can do?” She said oozing sympathy.

Max then went into a lengthy discussion about the dinner with his parents and the fact that they wanted him to either settle down or get out essentially.

“Wow so what are you going to do you don’t even date as much as you should... so how are you going to miraculously fall in love and get some one knocked up?” Maria asked in a such a serious tone of voice that Max couldn’t help but laugh at hearing it from someone else’s standpoint.

“Yup that’s what I said but they are gung ho about it...I just don’t know what to do you know how much this company means to me.” Max said as he massaged the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed.

“Ok you need to relax because I have a fabulous idea that will speed up this whole process.” Maria said as she inspected her nails and waited for Max to take the bait.

“What?” Max asked.

Maria smiled as a huge grin broke out across her face she said three words “Blind date time.”

Max groaned on the other end of the line as Maria began listing several friends that would love to be set up with him.

“Fine well at this point I’ll give anything a shot...Maria one request.” Max said as he braced himself for Maria’s reaction.

“Try to set me up with someone that doesn’t attend your weekly “Feminist against the World” meetings.”

Maria laughed as she hung up the phone.

As Max placed the phone back onto the cradle he smiled at he replayed the conversation. He sighed as he thought of the blind dates that he was going to be set up on blind dates usually sucked so he wasn’t really looking forward to it.

Max wasn’t the type of person that entered a personal relationship with just anyone. To be honest with himself he knew that maybe he set his standards pretty high but the type of women that he kept going out with were more interested in his portfolio then him.

Sure lots of them had acted like they wanted the same thing he wanted, a relationship that gave was fulfilling, a kind of person that understood you and made you grow as a person just by being with them. Sadly he had yet to find that person.

He checked the time on his Rolex and saw that it was a quarter past six...the conversation with his father played back in his mind especially the part about him being at the office at all hours of the night and day. On impulse he picked up the phone and made a call. After a few rings his very good friend picked up the phone.

“What are you doing tonight?” He asked without bothering to say hello.

“I’m going to Cozy’s Bar to watch the Dolphins Game why?” Sean Deluca who happened to be Maria’s cousin said in a suspicious tone of voice.

“I’ll meet you there what time are you going to be there?” Max asked as he began to log off his computer and pick up random folders of work that were spread out on his desk.

“About 7...are you shitting me... your really going to come?” Sean asked surprised since Max had taken over for his father it was hard even getting a hold of him much less hanging out like they used to.

“I’ll be there, see ya at 7.” Max said as he placed the folders into his black briefcase and took one last look at desk making sure that he hadn’t left anything behind.

As Max walked out of his office he felt kinda guilty about leaving early...well early for him anyways but if he was going to meet someone he had to get out there and be more social.

Who knows maybe he would meet someone tonight he thought as he pressed the down button for the elevator and waited.

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:57 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Ok so first thing I have to say is WOW I got alot of feedback from you guys... thanks so much... I cant tell you how good it feels.

I know that alot of you guys are antsy as to when Max and Liz are meeting up.. and I can tell you that its soon... but not this chapter (hides behind hands) lol.. :D

FSUMSW94- Thanks for the feedback..glad that you liked the little joke Liz pulled on Kyle.. I was laughing as I wrote that part.

txndreamer06-Thanks for reading. :) and Max and Liz will be meeting soon.. ::wink wink::

begonia9508-Good thanks for reading.

anonymousarfan-Great feedback.. I love reading what you guys think.

Lady_vixen- I knew you were going to like the Dolphins, glad your liking it so far.

Behrsgirl1230- Thanks for the feedback.. and that would be cute.. imagine them being stuck in a elevator and Liz has a panic attack or I cant stop laughing.

To_Kiss_A_Frog- thanks for reading glad you like the Kyle/Rash thing. :)

Emz80m-Thanks for the feedback..and its coming soon.

g7silvers- Hi.. just wanted to let you know that there wont be too much drama..nothing super agnsty I think... and for now the updates are once a week cause I'm

obsession- I'm really glad your liking it so far.. hope you like the next chapter...

pandas2001-Thanks for the feedback :)

hazz- Thanks for reading, glad that your liking it. :)

BehrObsession- There going to meet I wont keep you guys in too much suspense.. and wow you guys really like the elevator things.. I might have to think about that...wink wink...

Corinne_85- Thanks for reading and liking

icequeen- Thanks for the feedback and the support.

Ellie- Lol your feedback made me laugh.. Liz is a little tired and needs someone super hot like Max in her life... (who doesnt) lol..thanks for reading.

Blink1lit- Glad that your liking it... :)

<center>Chapter 3:</center>
<center>1 week later:</center>

As Max sat on the bar stool of a very trendy nightclub he picked up a bottle of beer and took a swig. The music was blaring in the background and if one more drunken person stumbled into him he was going to turn around and deck someone.

He sighed as he looked towards the restroom to see if his date had emerged. This date happened to be the third one in the last week alone.

First had been Linda or was it Lisa he couldn’t remember...but it hadn’t gone had started with her guard dog that happened to be a chiwawa that seemed to have fallen in love with his leather loafers and had peed on his foot the moment he had set a foot into her apartment. Needless to say it had gone down hill after that.

Then was Sandra she was smart funny and dressed very nicely but once they had reached the restaurant she decided that Max was the perfect person to get advice on about some guy that had just dumped her because she had thick ankles...which then led to her asking him if he thought that she had thick ankles.

Max shook his head from side to side as he thought back on how that night ended she had been so drunk that he had to throw her over his shoulder and lay her down on her couch where she soon passed out.

He had locked the door behind him and hadn’t heard from her since...he was kinda grateful for that since he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

His date then emerged from the bathroom and Max watched the way that heads turned as she walked by her black mini skirt that rode high on her shapely legs and breasts that almost spilled out of the halter top she was wearing. He didn’t blame the guys for looking she was very sexy in the Pamela Anderson kinda way but what the didn’t know was that she could barely string 2 words together and make a sentence.

“Did you miss me honey?” She asked as she leaned into him pressing her breasts into his arm. The smell of cigarettes on her breathe made his stomach roll in protest.

Max pasted a fake smile on his face as he watched her sit down on the tip of the stool. He caught a glimpse of her white underwear underneath her skirt.

I know that typical guys would be all over her right now she was sexy and has an awesome body but what good was all that if he couldn’t even have a conversation with her.

He liked women that could understand the line of business he was in and also someone that he could have fun with. Clubbing wasn’t his thing but since his friend Sean had insisted that he go out with her he felt bad refusing. But the truth was he wasn’t at all interested in her.

She ordered another drink and lit up another cigarette Max shook his head no when she offered him one.

“So what do you want to go do no?” She asked as her gaze went from his crotch and then back up to his face.

Max cleared his throat and thought “What the hell am I going to do now?” he picked up his drink and took the last swallow of the amber colored liquid in the bottle.

“It’s getting kind of late, I have a business meeting in the morning.” He then handed the bartender his credit card to pay for the round of drinks Cindy had consumed.

“Well you can’t be all fun and no play that’s no way to live.” She said as she pulled her compact out of her purse and applied more red lipstick to her full lips.

Max accepted the receipt from the bartender and stood up. Cindy then immediately put her cigarette out in a nearby ash tray and stood up too.

Cindy lead the way out of the crowded club and Max followed closely behind. When they stepped out Max took in a big gulp of cigarette free air before giving the valet his ticket.

“Thanks again for offering me a ride home.” Cindy said as she ran her fingers through her long blonde hair and blinked repeatedly up at him.

“No problem.” Max thought as his 2 door black Porsche was pulled up in front of him he hand the valet a twenty and then opened the passenger side door for Cindy.

20 minutes later and after several non to subtle attempts for Max to go upstairs to her apartment. Cindy pulled out all the stops.

She leaned over closer to Max’s seat and ran a long finger nail up and down his thigh. Her whispered words into his ear had his eyes growing wide in surprise.

Cindy then leaned back into her seat and winked as she waited for his answer.

Max felt like a deer caught in headlights. How was he going to get outta this one, he said the first thing that came to mind.

“I really am flattered, I mean your beautiful and sexy but I- I cant go upstairs with you.” Max said as he gave her a sympathetic look.

“Why is that?” She asked annoyed as she arched one perfectly plucked eyebrow.

“I’m gay.” Max said with a serious face.

5 minutes later he was driving home and a very pissed off Cindy had threatened to slap Sean Deluca for wasting her time and setting her up with a homo.

Max smirked as he thought a perfect ending to a perfect evening. He stepped on the gas and drove home glad that this night was over.

Earlier that same evening someone was also having a rough night:

Liz had just heated up some left over Chinese food and had opened her physics book when she heard someone knocking on the front door.

She swung her legs off the sofa and wrapped the blanket she had thrown over her lap around her waist as she looked through the peep hole.

A small smile appeared on her lips as she opened the door and came face to face with her best friend.

Tess was standing there looking as if she had just stepped out of Vogue. She was wearing a pair of faded skin tight hip hugger jeans with several tasteful holes. Her black off one shoulder black poncho made her look very exotic and brought out her blonde hair and blue eyes even more...if that was even possible. To top off the outfit she was wearing black stiletto heels that Liz would surely topple over in if she tried walking in something like that.

As Tess wrapped her arms around her she could smell the sweet scent of Chanel’s Chance that had been Tess’s signature perfume for years.

“What the hell are you doing home on a Friday night and looking like that?” Tess asked as she held Liz by both hands and looked down at her favorite worn out PJ’s.

“Hi Tess you look great!” Liz said with a smile on her face ignoring Tess’s comment on being home on a Friday...after all it wasn’t unusual to her to be home.

“Don’t change the subject Missy.” Tess said as she laid her black Gucci purse on the sofa placed one hand on her hip and looked at Liz waiting for an explanation.

Liz sighed as she sat back down on the sofa and picked up the container of Chinese food chopsticks poised ready to take another scoop.

Tess sat across from her and daintily crossed her legs and waited for Liz to finish chewing.

“You know that I don’t like going out plus I have a lot of studying to do so I thought that I’d call it a night and have myself a little sofa picnic.” Liz said as she used her chopsticks to pick up a piece of chicken.

“Liz don’t take this the wrong way we are best friends no fuck that more like sisters...and this is coming from the bottom of my heart.” Tess said dramatically as she placed a perfectly manicured hand over her heart.

“You are too young and beautiful to live like this.” Tess said and when Liz tried to interrupt Tess hushed her.

“It’s Friday and most people are age are out having a good time dancing and your home wearing a pair of PJ’s with little yellow ducks all over them.” Tess had to laugh at that one.

“I know Tess but I just don’t feel like going out, I like staying home.” Liz tried to convince Tess even though deep down inside she wouldn’t admit that maybe it would be nice to be like her. Fun, outgoing.

Tess then jumped up from where she was sitting and went straight into Liz’s bedroom closet.

Liz followed her into the bed room and asked “Why are you going through my closet?”

Tess then poked her head out and said “I’m looking for something for you to wear, we my studious little friend are going out and having some fun.” as she then diapered into the closet again.

Liz wrapped her arms around her stomach and began to argue “I don’t want to go Tess, I’m fine here you go out and have fun.”

“I am NOT taking no for an answer.” Tess then held up a pair of dark blue jeans in one hand and a simple white tank top with tiny white crystal sewed in around the V-neck of the collar.

“Tess really I ...” Liz said as Tess dumped the clothes into her arms.

“This will be fun trust me ok.” Tess said her blue eyes twinkling in delight.

Liz sighed then and placed one hand on her hip “Fine I’ll go but I want to be home by at least 12:30 I want to cram for a exam that’s coming up.”

“Fine, you have my word as a girl scout that you will be home on time.” Tess then did the girl scout hand gesture thing.

“Shut up you weren’t even IN the girl scouts.”Liz laughed as she nudged Tess and went into the bathroom to get dressed.

As Tess watched Liz retreat and she hoped that her friend would find some happiness and for once learn to relax and let go a little bit.

2 hours later:

Liz had grabbed Tess’s hand on the dance floor “I’m going to get some water” She yelled.

“What?” Tess shouted as she continued dancing to her favorite song that was blaring over the loud speakers or the nightclub.

Liz then did the hand gesture of taking a drink to which Tess nodded and continued dancing.

Liz then began the slow journey towards the bar, it was hard though with so many people dancing and jumping. There was barely room to even walk let alone dance.

As she approached the bar she placed both elbows on the counter and asked the bartender for a bottle of water.

Liz then felt a tap on her shoulder and turned her face slightly to see who it was.

There standing behind her was Kyle Valenti her neighbor.

“Hey what are you doing here, I thought you had the rash or whatever.” Kyle said as he placed his mouth next to her ear to be heard over the music.

“Oh that...yeah its better.” Liz said wishing that the floor would open her up and swallow her, Kyle’s remark to her had turned a few heads.

‘So you want to dance?” Kyle asked as he pointed towards the dance floor.

“Ahh no thanks I- Tess hi!” Liz said thankful that Tess had picked such a perfect time to show up.

“Hey ...who is this?” Tess asked as she checked out Kyle and gave him a flirtatious smile. The action was not missed by Liz.

“This is my neighbor Kyle, Kyle this is my best friend Tess.” Liz watched Kyle smile shyly and reach out to shake Tess’s hand.

After a few seconds of awkward silence Liz spoke up.

“Kyle didn’t you want to dance?” Liz asked innocently.

“Yeah I do..” Kyle began to say when Liz interrupted.

“Tess could you dance with Kyle I am beet, I think I’m gonna take a cab home.”

Tess looked at her watch and saw that it was almost 12:00 “Fine go but call me when you get home so that I know you got home ok.” Tess then gave Liz a hug.

“See ya Liz, glad that you’re feeling better.” Kyle said as he smiled at her.

“You were sick why didn’t I know about that?” Tess asked as she rapidly turned around and gave Liz a curious glance.

“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you about it later bye babe.” Liz said as she placed a 5 dollar bill on the counter and watched Tess and Kyle hit the dance floor. They made a cute couple she thought with a smile.

When Liz steeped out of the club she took a big gulp of fresh air. It had been fun but she was looking forward to going home and catching up on her studies plus she had quite a large workload to catch up on at work Monday. She didn’t want to draw any negative attention to herself at work. She quickly hailed a cab and drove home.

Little did she know that she had missed bumping into her boss by a few minutes.

TBC :twisted: lol

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 11:26 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: You guys kick ass.. lol, thanks so much for the incredible feedback...I really do look forward to seeing what you guys think about each chapter... hope you enjoy this one...

Maxsgurl- Your FB made me laugh.. brown haired babies are so cute, thanks for reading. :)

madroswellfan- I'm glad that your enjoying it so far :)

FSUMSW94 - I loved that Max wasnt a bimbo either, even though the chick was pretty hot AND throwing herself at him.. hehe and yes Max is not really Liz's boss per say.. he owns the entire company.. lol

icequeen - I was hoping that someone would find Max saying he's gay as funny.. I know that I cracked up when I was writing it. Glad you like the Tess Liz friendship..its really fun writing them.

begonia9508 - Thanks for the FB glad you like the "gay" part

Strawberry88 - lol your request is happening today.. hope you like it.

Lady_vixen - Hello sis, to answer your question they work in the same building that is very very big, its a corporation so him being the owner and her an employee they dont exactly mingle.

To_Kiss_A_Frog - I'm so glad that you liked the Tess and Liz description, I wanted them to be complete opposites but still very good friends...

hazz - Thank you for reading. :)

brillantsmiles - Thank you for reading, hope you like the next part.

obsession - Very very soon...hehe thanks for reading.

Emz80m - Yes it seems that Tess is going to get the Kyle situation under control. Thanks for reading.

anonymousarfan - Thanks for the feebback and the meeting is coming very very soon. :: wink wink ::

g7silvers - Your right about the big office thing and she will know of him but not know him personally... thanks for reading.

Corinne_85 - Your feedback makes me get a very stupid smile on my face.. lol.. thanks for the nice feedback and you wont be waiting to much longer for the meeting.

Behrsgirl1230 - The suspense is killing me too! lol I cant wait to see what you guys think when they do finally meet... IM NERVOUS!

kittens - Yes they are 2 work aholics but since it is a huge multi floor buidling they havent met.

lizard_queen - Well hello hello, lol thanks for the FB lady! When are you updating The Noose? that fic...

rosbuffyangelfanatl - Thanks for reading glad you like it.

OmegaRam1 - Thank you for the nice feedback, hope you like the next part.


"Mr. Evans, Ms. Deluca is on line 2 she states that it is imperative that she speak to you." Max’s secretary stated over the intercom.

"I got it, thanks... Hey Maria what’s up?" Max asked as he jotted down some information into his personal planner.

"Don’t what’s up me Max...How could you tell Cindy that you are gay!" Maria shouted into the phone.

Max tried to hide the chuckle that wanted to come out so bad. "Maria I had to, you don’t understand the predicament she put me in." Max said in his defense what he wasn’t going to say was that she offered to quote "sex him in ways that he hadn’t even seen in porno."

"Yeah well... so that you know half of everyone that we know are wondering if you really are gay and I have had 5 female friends of mine calling to ask me if it was true." Maria said a pout on her full lips.

"Tell them to bite me, I don’t care you know that." Max said as then laughed him being gay was like saying that Elton John was straight...It wasn’t happening.

"Yeah ok, so I’ll use that wonderful phrasing for the next person that calls." Maria said as she laughed.

"So did any of the dates go well, hold on Max... yea that section of blouses are 35% off, your welcome hon, ok... like I was saying how did it go?" Maria was the sole owner of MaDe Designs a very chic clothing store that she had started all on her own.

"Well to be honest every one of them tanked big time and before you say that it’s my fault it wasn’t...they were basket cases and I would prefer that you don’t set me up anymore." Max said as he squinted his eyes and waited for Maria to go off.

"Okay." Maria said as she shrugged.

"Okay, you’re just going to say okay?" Max asked as he looked at the phone puzzled. Maria never gave up on anything.

"You don’t want me to set you up I wont that’s fine." Maria said as a plan formulated in her mind.

"Well I’m glad that you’re taking it so well." Max said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah babe of course ok I got to go I have some customers that need ya talk to you later." Maria then hung up.

Ok so Max doesn’t know that I will just have my cousin Sean set up the dates from now on my behalf. Ahhh well what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

"How can I help you ladies?" Maria asked as she turned around and smiled at group of young women.

Meanwhile 3 floors down:

"Liz we need the demographics file on the Kramer case faxed to building committee STAT." one of Liz’s boss shouted at her over her cubicle.

"Ok I’m on it." Liz quickly got up from her cubicle and towards the records department to get said document.

As Liz passed the break room the smell of coffee made her sigh. On my way back I’ll grab a cup she thought.

"Liz did you get the zoning permit for the Seaside ocean resort addition?" Yet another one of Liz’s bosses asked as the zoomed by.

"Yeah there on my desk, I was just getting..." Liz was cut off when he said "Bring it to my office in 10 minutes Parker." and continued walking.

Crap today was sucking big time, I’m tired my feet hurt from dancing and I just want some coffee. Liz thought as she found the file she needed and went to fax it.

As Liz was about to grab a cup of coffee she heard her phone ringing on her desk. She placed the white Styrofoam cup down and rushed to her desk picking it up right before it went to voice mail.

"Elizabeth Parker speaking how can I help you?" she answered a bit out of breathe.

"Hey dork what’s up?" Tess asked as she took a sip of coffee.

"Hi, oh nothing you know...working." Liz said with a grin on her face.

"Oh that sucks... Did you have fun last night?" Tess asked innocently.

"Yeah I did... the important question is did YOU and Kyle have a nice time?" Liz asked as her grin turned into a huge smile.

Tess cuddled into Kyle that was asleep next to her and said "Yeah we had a really nice time, thanks for the introduction."

"Good, tell me all the details later, I got to go back to work." Liz said as they said goodbye and hung up.

Coffee I need coffee Liz thought as she made her way to the break room and was once again stopped to do something else.

Today was going to be a long freaking day.

Over at the Whitman House:

"Alex babe have you talked to my brother today?" Isabel called out as brushed her hair in front of her iron vanity table in her room.

"Umm no not today why?" Alex asked as he came out of the closet and was tying his tie.

"Well Daddy called yesterday and told me that he was going to call him today and put the pressure on him." Isabel said as she used a small clip to gather her hair up by the temple.

"I don’t think its right and you know that. Max is a grown man capable of making his own decisions." Alex said as he looked into the full length mirror and made sure his tie was not crooked.

"Well I don’t think its right either, he’s not going to back down on this whole crazy idea of his, he thinks that by pressuring Max to get into a relationship so that the outcome can be a baby is just crazy." Isabel said as she applied a very sheer lip gloss to her lips.

Alex looked over at her and not for the first time admired how beautiful his wife was. He licked his lips as he watched the precise way she applied the gloss to her soft full lips.

"What time do you have that client meeting today?" Alex asked as he stuck his index finger through the knot of his tie.

"I don’t have to be there for another hour and a half, why?" Isabel asked as she looked over her shoulder and saw him taking off the tie she had just seen him tying.

"Well Mrs. Whitman I was thinking of some marital entertainment." A sexy smile on his lips as he reached down and caressed her face gently with his fingertips.

"That sounds like fun." Isabel said as her husband bent down and began kissing her lips ever so softly, she could feel the smile on his lips as she stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck, returning his kiss and then some.

Back at the Company:

Finally it’s time to go home. Liz thought as she tiredly picked up her desk a little bit before leaving. When she looked up at the clock on the wall she realized that she had worked longer then she should have.

She had 9 minutes and counting to get downstairs and to the bus stop.

Grabbing her purse and briefcase she jogged to the elevator and pushed the down button.

Come on, I don’t want to miss the bus.

Seconds later the elevator dinged and the doors opened. As soon as the doors opened in the main lobby Liz sprinted out and began a mad dash to the bus stop. 4 minutes and counting.

As Liz looked down for a split second she then felt herself colliding with something very tall and warm, as she fell back on her bottom her purse went flying along with all the contents inside of it.

A small groan behind her had her head whipping around and when she saw who it was her face paled instantly.

She had just run over the president of Evans Construction. Although she had seen him in person once or twice at the most there was no way she would forget a face like his.

Liz opened her mouth to speak but no words would come out.

"Are you ok?" Max asked as he too sat up and rubbed his elbow which he had fallen on. He was looking at the young women who had plowed into him but all he could see was a portion of her cheek and chin, her hair had flown in her face.

When she didn’t answer he reached out and placed a hand at her elbow "Excuse me are you all right?" Max asked again this time bending closer down to the women.

She then looked up and pushed her hair back from her face and for a second Max felt his breathe catch in his throat.

A very delicate face looked up at him; she had big brown expressive eyes and perfectly shaped pink lips. She then jumped up and began talking really fast.

"I am so sorry, I didn’t see you coming and I was umm...” Liz stopped talking when she saw the bus she was supposed to be on drive off from in front of the building, she sighed then.

Max followed her line of vision and saw her almost sad expression as she watched a bus leaving from the parking lot.

The women then began to pick up the contents of her purse that were all over the floor. Max bent down to help and gathered several pens and to his embarrassment a pink tampon.

Liz face turned a bright pink as she grabbed the things from his outstretched palm and shoved them back in her purse.

"Thanks I am really sorry about that, are you ok?" Liz asked as she turned to leave.

"Yea I’m fine I’m Max Evans by the way." He said as he watched her straighten her clothing out.

"Yeah I know who you are Mr. Evans bye." Liz quickly turned around with out another word and fled outside.

Max scratched his head at her odd behavior she hadn’t even told him her name. He bent down to pick up his briefcase which she had knocked out of his hand when he noticed something wedged underneath it.

He lifted his briefcase and stuck to it was a plastic name badge that the employees used as clocking in ID’s.

An E. Parker smiled up from the picture. Max looked up again and out towards the parking lot where he could see her figure moving rapidly between the cars.

He was going to have to find out exactly who this women was and were she worked he thought as he looked back once more at the parking lot and saw that she had disappeared.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:31 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Hey guys... thanks so so much for all the really nice feedback, I do appreciate it...hope you enjoy the next chapter. :D


<center>Chapter 5:</center>

The next morning before Max entered his office he stopped at Betties desk and patiently waited for her to get off the phone.

“Good morning Mr. Evans, what can I do for you?” She asked surprised that he waited for her to be done with the call rather then summoning her into the office.

“Morning, I need to find out some information about a employee.” Max said he handed Betty the ID card.

“All right I’ll get her file from Human Resources as soon as possible.” Betty said as she began flipping for the phone number for HR in her Rolodex.

“Ok great just bring it right in when ever you get them.” Max said he waved at the mailman who had just dropped off some packages on Betty’s desk.

The mail man who had happened to hear the conversation peeked a glance at the ID card. His eyes rounded in surprise when he saw the very nice girl from the 13th floor smiling up from the card.

He would have to tell her that she was being inquired about. Grabbing his mail cart he rushed to the elevator intent on telling the girl that always had a nice word and a smile for him.

10 minutes later Liz felt sick to her stomach. Her personal file was going to be sitting on Mr. Evans desk in a matter of moments. She was getting fired, she knew it. Why else would he request her file, and that was where her freaking name badge was. 10 minutes of her life had been wasted searching like a maniac for it this morning.

Liz was sitting at her desk rubbing her temples and thinking the worst as Max flipped through all her information.

He noticed that all her reviews were positive and she was a very hard and dedicated worker.

He went over her application and saw that she was not married or divorced and also was not a parent. Interesting.

There was something about her that was very mysterious, the way she didn’t even tell him her name and the fact that she seemed to just run away from him. Most women didn’t have that sort of reaction when meeting him.

As he leaned back into his leather seat his cell phone began to ring. Max recognized the ring tone and knew that it was either his mother or father calling. He really wasn’t in the mood to talk to them but he knew if he didn’t pick up they would just call back.


“Hello son, how’s it going?” Phillip asked.

“Good just doing some....research what’s up?” Max asked as he closed the manilla folder in his hands.

“I just wanted to know how your dates went... Isabel mentioned them to me.”

“Oh they were all right.” Max said very nonchalantly.

“Just all right, that doesn’t seem promising.” Phillip said the tone of disapproval carried very well over the phone, Max could just see him on the other end, lips pursed.

“Dad I really wish that you would stop riding me about this, I have been going out what do you want me to do mail order a bride or something?” Max asked annoyed, instantly he felt guilty for getting so angry.

“Well desperate times call for desperate measures Max, think about that...good bye.” and then Phillip hung up.

Max just held the phone to his ear for a few seconds thinking that something was seriously wrong with his father. All of a sudden he felt like a caged animal. The confines of the office seemed to be closing in on him.

He got up and grabbed his suit jacket in one hand and his cell phone in the other and walked out of his office.

“Betty take messages I’m going to lunch.” Max said as he headed towards the covered patio area that was on the 13th floor and also had an amazing view. He needed to clear his head before going back to work.

As he got out of the elevator he saw that the patio area was empty and he was glad that it was he didn’t feel like socializing with anyone. A few seconds later he changed his mind.

There sitting on one of the benches with her nose stuck in a book was Ms. Parker.

He opened the double glass doors and just stood quietly observing her. He smiled when he saw her stop reading and start writing something in the open notebook that she had placed on the bench next to her leg.

Max took a step towards her and cleared his throat slightly to alert her of his presence, when that didn’t work he took a step closer... still nothing.

“Ms. Parker.” He said to which Liz was visibly startled.

“Oh hi Mr. Evans, I’m- I’m on a break.” Liz blurted out, it was really hard to have a coherent thought in the presence of this man, with his jacket thrown over one shoulder and his longish hair blowing in the wind it looked like he just stepped out of GQ magazine.

“Please call me Max.” he said as he pushed the hair of his forehead and gave her a dazzling perfect smile.

Liz gulped as she closed the text book in her hand and began to nervously pick up her things.

“You don’t have to go on my account, I just wanted some fresh air.” Max said as he sat down next to her and looked over the balcony and towards the very nice view of the city that was provided.

Liz felt blind deaf and dumb...had he come out here to fire me, she had been taking her lunch here since she had started working for the company and never seen him out here before.

As Max was looking out Liz slowly turned her face slightly and secretly admired his face from the corner of her eye. Was it even possible that someone could be so close to perfection.

At such a close view she noticed for the first time what a beautiful eye color he had, she had never seen anything like it. His jaw line was so defined it looked as if it had been chiseled by hand.

Max turned his head and caught her looking at him which had her standing up in a hurry and saying that she had to get back to work.

Max couldn’t help but think how cute she was, she seemed so innocent and even kind of skittish but it was also endearing and a change of pace for him.

As she turned to leave Max did something he knew he shouldn’t have but he did anyways.

“Would you like to have lunch tomorrow?” He asked as he stood up in front of her.

“Lunch?” Liz asked looking at him as if he had lost his mind?

“Yeah you know the course of food that comes after brunch?” Max said as he laughed, he was liking her more by the minute.

“Why?” Liz asked suspiciously. Was he going to fire her over lunch I mean granted there were other people that could fire her but she found the request very odd.

Max looked down at her and noticed how her facial expression had become very guarded.

“Well because I’d like to get to know you, if that’s all right with you.” Max said as he stuck his hands in his pockets and waited for her response.

“Oh...okay umm meet you here at 12:30?” Liz asked.

“Sounds good I know the perfect place that makes great sandwiches.” Max said with a smile on his face.

Liz just nodded and walked away.

Once she was out of sight she leaned against the wall and passed a shaky hand over her face.

Was this a dream or something, the president of the company asking her to go to lunch with him.

Liz stood straight up and told herself “Don’t over react here its not like a president of a company wont be nice to his employees then a little voice inside her head said “Yea but im sure he doesn’t take everyone out.”

“I gotta call Tess, she will know what this means.” she thought as she rushed back to her office.

Max had a bounce in his step as he went back to his office. He had a lunch date, with someone that appeared to be normal. Goal.

Liz was a nervous wreck by the time she reached her desk, she ignored the piles of work that had been added to her desk in the 20 minutes that she had been away and called Tess.

After 8 rings a very sleepy Tess answered the phone.

“Someone better be seriously hurt if you are calling me at 12:00 pm.” Tess said in a very tired voice.

“Good morning to you too, I need help.” Liz said into the phone as she looked from left to right making sure that no one was in listening distance to her.

“I just fell asleep 2 hours ago...” Tess whined as she cuddled her face deeper into the pillow.

10 minutes later after Liz told her everything Tess was sitting up in bed talking a mile a minute.

“Do you know what this means Liz?” She asked excitedly.

“That he wants to break bread with me?” Liz asked and then laughed at her own joke.

“Ha ha, it means that it appears that after knocking him on his ass he has taken a likening to you.” Tess said in a sing song voice.

“Maybe he wants to fire me in person.” Liz said matter of factly I mean come on it wasn’t every day that a drop dead guy asked her on any kind of date, no not date a lunch she corrected herself.

“You say tomato I say potato, you know what I’m saying.” Tess said as she covered a yawn.

“Ok so when you get out of work I’ll meet you at your house and we’ll find something very sosphistaced and sexy for you to wear on your date.” Tess said.

“It’s not a date!” Liz whispered as someone walked by her desk.

“Whatever, potatoes bye!” Tess said laughing as she hung up the phone and left Liz feeling even more unsure.

Was it really like a date, butterflies began to fly around in her stomach as she hung the phone up.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:19 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Hey guys.. first off as always I want to say a big THANK YOU for reading and leaving such lovley feedback... I seriously always get such a great feeling when I read what you guys think... I really enjoy writing and its awsome to know that you enjoy it. Enough of me rambling.. I am posting early b.c I will be working some overtime at my job 2morrow..BLA!

Emz80m- yay I am glad that you liked that part...thanks for reading.

Erina258- Thanks for the feedback!

FSUMSW94-Thanks so so much for your great feedback it always leaves a smile on my face.

brighteyes- I'm glad that you liking it so far...yay

BehrObsession-Thanks for reading and I hope you like the lunch date... wink...

begonia9508-Lol the tomcat thing made me laugh, thanks for reading.

Strawberry88- Thank you so much for reading and hope you like the next part.

g7silvers- I'm glad that you liked that Liz was nervous.. I thought it would be cute too.. shoot I'd be a nervous wreck if I was eating with Max..wait let me rephrase that IF I WAS IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIM! lol

hazz- Thank you for reading and leaving feedback, its appreciated. :)

anonymousarfan- Thanks for the lovely feedback and I hope you like the next part.

dreamer destiny- Hi thanks for reading and glad that you are enjoying it so far.

Lady_vixen- Thanks sister for the feedback.. love ya.. ttyl

lizard_queen- HI thanks for reading :) and can I say that The Noose kicks

Heavenli24-Thanks for the feedback hun, hope you like the lunch....hehe

Corinne_85- Thanks for always leaving such great feedback... hope you enjoy this part. :)

<center>Chapter 6:</center>

When Liz woke up the next morning it seemed that the day was going to start off on the wrong foot. When she had gotten out of bed sleepily she had stubbed he toe and had cursed like a sailor for about a minute straight.

Her automatic coffee maker had decided to stop working and Tess who had come over last night hadn’t left till almost 2 in the morning but she had helped her find something cute to wear.

After showering and putting on the outfit Tess had left for her Liz felt slightly better. It wasn’t that she was fashion challenged per say, it was just that to her what was comfortable and easier on the pocket was better for.

As she adjusted the material of the black turtle neck long sleeve blouse and ran her hands down the loose white slacks she crinkled her nose and shrugged her shoulders. It wasn’t like she was going on a date or something, relax she kept telling herself.

She closed the apartment door behind her she heard the familiar creaking sound of her neighbors door opening.

“Good morning Kyle.” Liz said as she looked into Kyle’s warm brown eyes.

“Hey I was hoping that I’d catch you.” He said while he ran a nervous hand through his hair.

“You caught me what’s up?” Liz asked as she looked up at him.

“Well umm I don’t know really how to quite say this but I want you to know that Tess and I well something happened between us the other night and I feel kinda weird with you now.”

“It’s ok Kyle, I knew that you guys would hit it hard feelings okay?” Liz said as she gave his forearm a squeeze.

“Whew I feel better.” Kyle said as he let out a deep breathe “I’ve come to think of you as a friend Parker and I didn’t want you to think I was some sort of sleeze ball.”

“Kyle come on, I’ve always thought that you were a sleeze ball...just kidding.” Liz said as she laughed.

“Ha ha have a good day Liz it was great talking to you.” Kyle said as he turned to go back into his apartment.

“Likewise, bye.” Liz then turned around and began her trip to work forgetting for a moment that today was the date with Max.


“No Steve I cant meet you for a lunch meeting, I have something it cant be rescheduled...yeah I’ll call you when I’m free and we’ll go over the proposal... bye.” Max said as he hung up the phone and was surprised to see his sister standing in the threshold of his office.

“Wow do my ears deceive me, you just turned down something business related?” Isabel asked with one perfectly shaped eyebrow suspended in surprise a goofy smile on her face.

“And how do you know that what I have planned isn’t work related?” Max asked as he bit the tip of his pen playfully a small smile on his face.

“Well I guess what tipped me off is the smile you have on your face right now baby brother.” Isabel sat down across from him in a leather chair facing his desk and crossed her legs.

“If you must know I am going out to lunch with a nice young lady that I met.”

“That’s great Max dad would be so happy to hear that.” Isabel said waiting to see his reaction.

“Yeah I really don’t know what the hell has come over him lately.” Max said as he faced his computer and began typing what Isabel said next made him miss hitting several keys that he had intended to hit.

“You know he’s still worried about you after what happened a few months ago, we all are Max.” Isabel said a note of sadness in her voice.

“Isabel that period of my life is over, I took the damn pills because I was working like a maniac, it was the first year that I was in charge of the company, I got help and I’m fine now.” Max said as he exhaled deeply. It appeared that after almost a year of the little incident his father still didn’t believe that he was better.

“Yeah but dad doesn’t see it that way, we were all worried about you Max and it seems that the solution for dad is that you get married and start a family, he thinks that will help settle your life down.” Isabel said as twirled her wedding ring around and around on her finger.

“Did he tell you that?” Max asked.

“Yeah he did, and I did tell him that was a long time ago and that he shouldn’t push the issue but he was really adamant about you settling down, I just wanted to come by and warn you.” Isabel said as she got up and made her way around the desk separating them.

“I just want you to be happy that’s all.” Isabel said as she then placed a kiss on his forehead and left.

Max shook his head from side to side as he thought about what his sister had just said. He thought back to when everything has started. He had been working 18 hour days trying to prove that he could take the responsibility of running the company. It had gotten to the point where he was exhausted but still couldn’t sleep.

So he had tried some sleeping pills, and before he knew it he was hooked... and one day his dad had come to his house unexpectedly and seen the presciption bottles on his night stand. Needless to say he wasn’t too happy about it, understandably.

But to his defense he had stopped taking the pills and had cut down the hours at the office some what... and he was fine now but what would it take for his father to believe that.

As he looked at his watch he realized that it was time to go meet Liz for lunch. The thought made him feel better.

<center>~*~*~ </center>

Liz was sitting down on one of the benches nervously fingering the crease in her white linen slacks when she heard foot steps coming towards her.

And there he was... he looked so freaking hot in black slacks with a baby blue long sleeve button up shirt and tie. Wow.

“You came, I wasn’t sure that you were going to show up.” Max said as he offered her his hand palm up.

Liz looked from his palm to his face and nervously placed her hand in his palm, the difference in size made the corners of her lips go up slightly.

“So are you hungry?” Max asked as he helped her get up and then guided her towards the patio door with his hand on the small of her back. It felt warm and safe was what Liz thought for some odd reason.

“Yea very.” Liz said as they made there way to the elevator, she noticed that several heads turned there way as they made there way out of the office. Great she would be the talk of the water cooler tomorrow for sure.

“There’s this mom and pop shop that sells the best sandwiches its not too far from here.” Max said as they stepped out of the elevator and began walking towards the parking lot.

Liz assumed they would be walking there since he had said it was close by so she was a bit surprised when he stopped next to a sleek silver 3 door Mercedes Benz.

“Were driving?” Liz asked as Max opened the passenger side door for her.

Max looked up at her and then smiled “ Would you rather walk?” he asked.

“Oh no, we can drive that’s fine.” Liz said as she slid into the plush leather seat and admired all the buttons and the small little TV screen that popped out of the dash board. The smell of leather was very strong. Moments later he slid into the drivers seat.

Max turned the car on and turned slightly as he placed an arm behind Liz’ seat as he reversed out of the parking spot. Liz managed to get a whiff of his cologne. It smelled of citrus and clean not at all overbearing.

The sounds of Dave Matthews Band played softly in the back ground, his choice of music was a good one, they were her favorite band.

“So tell me about yourself Liz if you don’t mind.” Max said as he drove the car perfectly in and out of traffic.

“Tell me what you want to know and we’ll go from there.” Liz said as she nervously placed her hands in her lap and tried not to leave nail marks in the inside of her palm.

“Good one, ok do you drink?” Max asked as he stopped at a red light and turned slightly to look at her.

“Not really.. I drink some wine every now and then but I’m not a big about you?” Liz said as she broke eye contact with him and looked straight ahead.

“Same as you, I drink every now and you smoke?” Was his next question.

“No!” Liz said forcefully. Ok so she wasn’t a smoker another big plus he thought and as they drove to the restaurant they asked each other silly questions back and forth until he pulled into a parking space and turned the car off.

Liz hurriedly got out of the car and walked to the front of the car he joined her and once next to her he gently grabbed her elbow as they went into the restaurant and found a table and sat down. After placing there orders they both sat quietly for a moment not really saying anything.

Ok act cool, don’t look like a nervous wreck even if you feel your stomach doing cartwheels Liz thought as she took a sip of water from the glass goblet in front of her.

I wonder what she is seems that she is going to bolt out of her seat at any moment Max thought as she avoided eye contact with him...maybe they hadnt broken the ice yet. Max said the first thing that came to mind and was rewarded with a shy smile from Liz.

“Are you having fun yet?” Liz laughed when Max said that and from there on end the lunch seemed to go a lot better.

Liz realized that Max had a very good sense of humor and wasnt at all the way she had heard him described before. Ruthless workaholic just didn’t seem to fit his personality.

“So Liz tell me something...anything at all.” Max said as he popped a golden french fry into his mouth.

Liz wiped the corners of her mouth with a linen napkin and thought about his question for a few seconds before she responded.

“I have been wondering why you asked me to have lunch with you?” Liz said as she used her fork to push some vegetables around on her plate.

“Well if I can be honest with you Liz I’m looking for a wife.” Max said in a serious tone of voice before Liz almost choked on the sip of water she had taken.


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:28 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: First thing I have to say right off the bat is thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone, I have such amazing feedback from you guys... Its like a drug... makes me very happy to read.

Everything is back to normal, well pretty much anyways so I hope to get back to my regular posting schedule.

Thanks again to everyone for the support, and for the PM"s and the bumps. Also a big hello to the new readers. :D Last but not least a huge cyber hug to FSUMSW94 for helping me out with this part, thanks girl! :D

Oh and Happy Halloween everyone!

Thanks to....
dreamer destiny

Hope you enjoy the next part. :wink:

<center>Chapter 7</center>

What the hell did he just say? Liz thought as she tried to stop coughing. His little announcement had made her choke on the sip of water she had just taken.

“Are you all right?” Max asked as he placed his hand on her back and patted her softly.

“Umm yeah did I hear you right a second ago...because I could swear that you said...that you said.” Liz couldn’t even get the next words out.

“I’m sorry Liz I shouldn’t have blurted it out that way.” Max said as he took his hand off her back and leaned back in his seat.

Liz looked at him questioningly.

“There are some things that are going on in my personal life and well I thought that you were someone that I could talk to.” Max said as he leaned in closer to her and lowered his voice as a waitress passed by.

He wasn’t the most tactful person when it came to getting what he wanted. As a business man that’s what got the deals done, being a straight forward kind of guy.

Maybe he came on a bit to sudden for her.

Max then decided that he would be straight up with her and tell her the truth, lest she think he was insane or something.

“How about we go somewhere and talk more privately.” Max suggested as he placed his credit card in the black leather bound book the waitress had left on the table.

“Max I have to go back to work, there’s things that I am responsible for I can’t I’m sorry.” Liz said as she grabbed her purse and got up.

“What are you doing tomorrow night?” Max signed the slip of paper the waitress left on the table and quickly followed Liz out of the restaurant

Later that day:

“Yes I’m serious that’s what he said Tess, and I’m just like freaking out right now.” Liz said as she looked around her cubicle and brought her voice down lower...the walls in this office had ears and that was a common know fact.

“So what’s wrong with least he’s not trying to get into your pants...for god sakes he using marriage as a come on.” Tess said as she sat in the styling chair of her favorite salon.

Liz let out a long drawn out sigh, everything had seemed so promising and now she was just confused. It was great that Max wanted to get to know her, she wanted to get to know him too but the fact that he said he was looking for marriage was a bit alarming.

“Liz are you listening?” The sound of Tess’s voice on the line made her come back to the present.

“No, I’m sorry what did you say?” Liz spoke a bit louder as the sound of a hair dryer kicked on in the back ground and made it difficult to hear her friend.

“I said what do you have to lose, go out with him and see what happens, but I gotta go Franco is giving me death looks over here.” Tess said as she laughed and said to keep her informed before hanging up.

Liz hung up the phone and looked at the time. She couldn’t help but feel anxious. When she got out of work today she was going to vegetate big time.

Meanwhile at the water cooler:

“Did you see her... she was all over him!” Joan the nasty receptionist for Liz’s floor said to one of the other known witches from the office in a whisper while shaking her head.

“Yeah must be nice to try to sleep your way up the ladder, but I wouldn’t say a thing it’s none of my business Joan.” Susan said as she inspected her long magenta colored nails.

“Well I don’t care, I have never liked her anyway I was thinking of doing something about it Susan.” Joan said as she looked over the rim of her thick black glasses.

“What did you have in mind?” Susan replied with a nasty grin on her face.


Max sat at his desk a pensive frown on his face. He had been a bit too blunt with Liz now that he thought back on it. There was something about her that made it so easy for him to open up, he hadn’t told any of the other women that he had gone out with recently about the ultimatum with his father...but then he goes and potentially ruins the first outing with Liz. He had to make it up to her, once she got to know she would see that he didn’t have his foot permantely sewn into his mouth.

The ringing of his cell phone in his pocket had him reaching into his pocket. He smiled when he saw his good friends name flashing across the screen.

“Hello Maria.” Max said before Maria’s screeching had him removing the phone from his ear.

“Max I thought that we were friends yet I had to find out from Kristy fucking Swanson which you know I hate... that you were all goo goo eyes over some brunette at Havana Subs.” Maria said in a whisper before Max was able to say another word.

“Maria take a breathe, I didn’t elope I went out to eat with a women and for your information your making me feel like a loser here.” Max said as he winced.

“Okay I’m sorry you know that I hate being out of the loop and you are too cute to be a loser but what the hell, who is this chick, how did you meet her, do I know her....tell me tell me tell me.” Maria said all traces of anger gone from her voice.

10 minutes later after Max told Maria everything from how he met her to the stupid thing he told her at the restaurant he held his breathe and waited for her reaction, as suspected it wasn’t good.

“Oh Max, not good babe, not good at all.” Maria said she covered her mouth with the tips of her fingertips. Her friend has botched it up pretty good she thought. Max groaned on the other side of the line.

“Listen we need to do damage control A.S.A.P.” Maria said as she took over and by the end of the conversation Max was feeling a hell of a lot better about the whole situation.

The next night:

Liz took a glance at herself in the mirror before leaving her apartment. She had flat ironed her hair to bone straight perfection and now her thick long chestnut colored hair flowed down her back very nicely if she did say so herself.

Casual was the way to go tonight. Max had just called her and told her he was waiting for her downstairs.

She turned away from the mirror next to the door and gave herself a once over. Tess would approve of her outfit. She had picked out dark denim jeans with a red cashmere cardigan and matching little jacket that Tess had given her last Christmas.

She locked her apartment door behind her as she thought back to the conversation the day before with Max outside of the restaurant.

“I’m sorry Liz; I don’t know why I told you that...I can tell that it made you uncomfortable.” He then went to the passenger side of his car and opened the door for her.

She let out a deep breathe as he made his way around to the other side of the car and got in.

“Max you don’t have to be sorry but I wasn’t expecting you to say that.” Liz said as she put on her seat belt.

“Listen how about tomorrow night I pick you up and maybe I can make you understand why I said that.” They stopped at a red light and he turned slightly in his seat and said her name very softly.

Liz turned towards him as he said “I meant what I said before Liz you do seem like someone that I can talk to and I’d like to do that if you would let me.”

Liz smiled shyly and said that he could and to pick her up at 7.

Liz stepped out of her apartment building and there he was leaning against the side of his car, his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing jeans as well with a white long sleeve button up shirt, the cuffs rolled up to just a little above his wrists.

“You look great.” he said as he smiled and held out his hand to her.

“Thanks.” she managed to say as she noticed that he had not come in the Mercedes she had seen yesterday but in a white Land Rover, which happened to be her very favorite car.

He opened the door for her and once again she had the urge to sit on her hands to stop herself from touching all the buttons and little levers that were on the dash board.

“Are you hungry?” Max asked as he sat behind the wheel and effortlessly reversed the car out of the parallel position that it had been in.

“Not really I had a late lunch today.” Liz could smell his cologne again; it was the same woodsy scent he had worn the day they had gone to lunch. It smelled even better then it had yesterday.

“Okay would you like to grab a cup of coffee or something?” Max asked as he took his eyes off the road for a second and looked at her.

She looked amazing, simple but beautiful, her skin had an almost dewy appearance to it, she reminded him of flowers for some reason.

“That sounds great, there’s a little coffee shop slash bookstore a few blocks from here, they have the best vanilla coffee.”

“Sounds good.” 15 minutes later they were seated at a small iron table that was inlayed with mosaic tiles along the top, both sipping on there coffees.

Max put his coffee mug down on the table and leaned forward slightly in his seat.

"I thought about the conversation that we had yesterday and first let me tell you that I’m not really good with tact, sometimes I say things with out really thinking about the effect they will have on other people."

Liz nodded and lifted both her eyebrows and thought you’re telling me.

"So I wanted to take the time to explain to you why I said the thing about needing a wife." He took in a deep breathe and 10 minutes later he had told her everything about his parents and what they wanted and how he could lose his position at the company if he didn’t show them that he was serious about settling down.

"Wow, that was quite a ultimatum they gave you." Liz said as she took a sip of her coffee. What she really felt like saying was Holy shit but that didn’t seem appropriate at this point in time.

"I know so I have gone on too many blind dates to even tell you about and they have all turned out pretty badly." Badly was putting it mildly he thought, but he wasn’t going to bore her with all the details.

"Come on Max you can’t tell me that you would have a problem finding a date or even a girlfriend, I'm sure that women must be lining up for you." After she said that her cheeks began to feel really hot, thank goodness the lighting out here was very dark.

"Well I wouldn’t say that I have a problem meeting women, its more that none of them meet my standards and I know that might sound really arrogant, but I mean that in a good way, I want someone that I can relate to, that enjoys some of the things that I like, someone who’s main goal is not to get into my bank accountant."

"That shouldn’t be too hard to find, I would think." Liz took another sip of her coffee, she couldn’t help but feel a little ball of hope in her chest, but then again why would someone like him rich, sophisticated, smart want someone like her.

Her parents weren’t rich; as a matter of fact there were times that she could remember that it had been a struggle for them to just pay the bills.

“So what do you think?” Max asked as he watched how for a second her thoughts had gone some where else and a small frown had appeared on her face.

“What do I think…you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.” Liz put her coffee mug down and ran her fingers through her hair. What she really was thinking was that she was at a loss for words. Here was this gorgeous man spilling out his life story and she was still wondering what all this had to do with her.

“Tell me about it.” Max said as he frowned. What could he do to get his parents off his back, to make his life go back to some sort of normalcy. He brought one hand up to his chin and used it to rest his head while he thought.

Liz meanwhile was lost in thought herself when an idea occurred to her, it was risky but it just might work.

“Do you have any close female friends or someone that you could trust completely?” Liz asked as she brought the coffee mug to her mouth again and took a sip.

“Yea well my best friend Maria, she’s great...why do you ask?” Max asked intrigued and trying tactfully not to stare at her lips that seemed so full and soft.

“I just finished reading this book, in the story the heroine has to get married in order to meet the requirements of her fathers will, so what she does is hire someone to fill that position.” Liz said as she focused her gaze on Max’s. His face had become unreadable. Maybe she I shouldn’t have said that, he probably thinks that’s the most stupid idea he has ever heard.

“So your saying that I should get married, but really it would be a marriage of convience yet it would get my parents off my back, and I could go back to a normal life...well some what normal.” Max said to himself in almost a whisper as a waitress came and refilled his coffee mug.

“Yeah basically.” Liz replied. Or you could get to know me and see what happens. Or maybe Liz you could win the lotto tonight and become a millionaire. Fat chance she thought to herself.

Max took a sip of the hot coffee and just thought about what Liz had suggested. What would be the pros and the cons of doing something like this. It wasn’t as if he was in a relationship that he wanted to take to the next level. Shit he didn’t even have someone serious in his life at the moment. And just the idea of more dates, of getting to know more people and knowing that a deadline was hanging over his head was too much to bear sometimes.

He could do a fake marriage, at least for a little while, he could focus on getting the company exactly where he wanted. Then he wouldn’t have to put in so many hours and so much effort into it. He could seriously look into finding someone to share his life with once the company was stable, once he completed all the projects he had in mind.

“So what do you think, stupid idea I shouldn’t have even mentioned, I mean why would you even want to do that right?” Liz asked as she shrugged her shoulders and laughed all be it a little nervously.

“No...although its not what I was hoping to do, the idea has merit.” Max said brushed a hand through his hair, pushing strands of hair that had fallen over his forehead.

“Cool, so what about your friend Maria do you think she would be into doing something like that?” Liz asked innocently.
“Umm that would be a no...she’s like a sister to me and my parents would never go for that.” Max replied as he began to drum his fingertips on the top of the table.

“Oh...ok so back to the drawing board huh?” There has to be some one that he could ask to do this for him. Liz thought even as she felt a unexpected sense of sadness at the idea of him getting married. She had just started to get to know him and now her idea seemed to be what was going to get him out of the predicament he was in with his family.

“Will you help me Liz?” Max asked as he studied every feature of her face.

“Help you how, I don’t know anyone that would be into doing something like that if that’s what you mean.” I cant find someone to marry you Max ,I regret even giving you that idea now. Me and my stupid mouth why did I even mention this!

Max bit his bottom lip and looked away from her for a second before he mustered up enough balls to say “Is there any chance that you would want to marry me?”


Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:46 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Hey guys thanks so much as always for the great feedback, I love hearing what you guys think, and I hope that Max isnt getting on your nerves too :wink:

Thanks to...

dreamer destiny

And to any lurkers....hello :!:

<center>Chapter 8</center>

“Alex honey could you answer the door.” Isabel called out as she put the finishing touches on a vase of wild flowers that her loving husband had brought her a short while ago. He was always doing little romantic things for her and she loved it. Alex was the best thing that had ever happened to her, she thought as she arranged the baby breaths to perfection.

“Yup, I got it.” Alex answered as he walked backwards to the front door, his eyes glued to a pool tournament that was on TV. “Yesss he made the shot!” he called out as he opened the door with out looking at who was on the other side of the open door.

“Who made the shot, what shot....never mind, Alex is Isabel home?” Max asked as he poked his head in through the door frame and towards whatever had Alex’s attention riveted to the the den. Ahh pool figured, Alex loved that game.

“Yeah Isabel is in the kitchen Max.” Alex walked back into the den and sat down in front of the huge flat screen televison in his man chair that he had refused to let Isabel get rid of when they moved into there new house.

Max quickly made his way to the back of the house and found Isabel wiping the counter down with some paper towels.

“Well hello brother, what are you doing here, not that I’m not happy to see you, just asking.” Isabel said with a smile as she placed a peck on her brothers cheek.

“I have something to tell you.” Max said as Isabel noticed for the first time that he appeared really nervous and even jumpy. His hair was wind blown and he was pacing now.

“What is it Max, your scaring me, is it mom or dad...did something happen?” Isabel asked as she placed a hand on her chest over her heart. Her eyes had grown wide in anticipation of Max’s response.

“No no its nothing like that, you don’t have to be scared. I meet someone Isabel and we went out tonight, had a really great time actually.” Max said as he continued pacing the kitchen.

“Max spill it you cant be so agitated because of a date, what’s up?” Isabel asked as she looked at Max through narrowed eyes.

‘I think... I’m getting married.” Max said in one breathe, and then began to breathe in out and out deeply. Max still couldn’t believe that it was even a possibility but maybe it was going to happen. Like always he had blurted it out, and now it was too late to go back. The ball was in motion. Being completely honest he was actually kind of relived and excited all at the same time.

“Come again.” Isabel asked as she blinked repeatedly and cocked her head to one side. She watched how Max continued breathing in and out deeply, almost as if he were hyperventilating.

“I asked her to marry me, and she is going to think about it ...” Max said as he stopped pacing and looked at Isabel a big smile on his face.

“Who, who did you ask, Max marriage... I know that dad wants you to settle down, but what do you mean married, you don’t even have a serious girlfriend.” Isabel had opened a kitchen cabinet and took out a bottle of Brandy.

She poured two fingers into a cup, and chugged it down in one gulp. Her eyes filled with water immediately.

Max grabbed her hand and lead her out the french doors just outside of the kitchen to the patio. They sat down on two reclining lounge chairs. He then told her about the conversation he had with Liz earlier tonight. Isabel sat there across from him with her legs crossed and her lips pursed. She patiently waited till Max had finished speaking before she got up from where she was sitting and began to pace just as Max had done before.

“Isabel...what do you think, I’m really confused and I got all this pressure from Dad riding on my shoulders...” Max said as he passed a passed a weary hand over his face.

Isabel looked out at him and let out a deep sigh, she sat down next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked a mess, and it wasn’t very often that he even admitted needing anyone.

“Max... I wish I had an answer for you, something that could help you...but...” she sighed again as she looked into Max’s eyes and saw the desperation there “ Who is this girl.”

Max smiled as he went into detail on what he knew of Liz, they spent the next hour talking and Isabel listened.


“Liz, that’s crazy this isn’t some novel, we are talking about your life, and I mean even though this guy is loaded and very very hot I don’t think that it’s a good idea.” Tess said as she opened a bag of chips and through herself down on Liz’s couch.

“I know it’s crazy, don’t you think that I Liz Parker, miss do everything by the book know that... its completely insane yet I am really thinking about doing it.” Liz said as she crossed her legs Indian style on the couch and put both palms to her cheek as she sighed deeply.

Tess’s mouth formed a little “O” of surprise, Liz appeared to be treading on some seriously thin ground. She was almost a bit hysterical and Tess had never seen her like that...ever.

“Ok take a deep breathe, release the negative vibes and repeat.” Tess said as she got up from her position on the opposite couch and sat down next to Liz, rubbing her palm up and down the middle of her best friends back.

“Hold on when did you get all “let the negative out from”?” Liz asked a little surprised to have heard those words from Tess who could curse like a sailor and drink like one too.

Tess blushed slightly which had Liz’s eyebrows shooting up. “It’s this guy I am seeing, he’s into that kinda stuff...guess its rubbing off on me or something, but getting back to you, are you seriously considering this?” Tess said as she stopped rubbing Liz’s back and waited for her to respond.

“Ahh I don’t know, he mentioned something about money and compensating me for the time that we would have to be together, and you know how much I could use the money, I could help my parents... I could go to school full time maybe, cut back from my hours at work.” Liz was now chewing on her bottom lip and was lost in thought again.

Tess felt bad, she could see how confused Liz was right now and wished there was something that she could do for her.

“Okay do you know how we are going to handle this...we are going to go rent some movies buy a ton of junk food and soda and we are going to relax, no more talk about marriage tonight.” Tess said as she jumped off the sofa and went and grabbed hers and Liz’s jacket off the coat rack by the front door.

“No Tess... I cant even focus right now..I’m...I’m...” Liz looked over at Tess who had gone very quiet and saw that she had put on her puppy dog face complete with the sad puppy eyes and hands locked together in front of her chest as if she were pleading, head cocked to one side.

“Fine... but we have to get caramel popcorn, and umm renting “The Notebook” is a must, I am in love with Ryan Goseling.” Liz got up and took her jacket from Tess’s out stretched hand, grabbed her purse and keys and lead the way out of the apartment.

“You have a deal Parker, sappy love movie it is.”Tess said a smile on her face as she locked the door behind her and followed Liz.

The following Monday:

“Elizabeth Parker you have a call holding for you on line 1.” Liz heard as she approached her desk and placed a stack of files she had just gotten from the file room. Who could be calling her she wondered.

“This is Liz, how can I help you?” Liz said as she sat down and began organizing the stack of paper work that seemed to multiply by the hour.

“Hey honey, I cant believe I actually got a hold of you.” Nancy Parker said to her daughter as she smiled.

“Oh Mom hi, I know I’ve been really busy, how are you?” Liz and her mother spent the next few minutes talking about this and that, when Liz realized that something was off.

“Mom you sound kinda funny, is something wrong?” Liz asked as her brown furrowed and a uneasy feeling began to settle in her stomach.

“Oh well...I haven’t want to mention anything, I know that you have enough on your plate with out worrying about your father and I.” Nancy said as she looked over towards her husband and saw him sleeping his head lulling off to one side.

“Mom what it is?”

“Your father hasn’t been feeling to well lately, and I finally persuaded him to go to the doctor you know how much he hates getting his check ups, and well...the doctor thinks that your father may have some kidney failure.” Nancy said as she stepped out of the living room and into the kitchen, far away enough from Jeff that he wouldn’t be able to hear her.
Liz listened as her mother told her something about kidney stones, and them being painful, and that right now would be a horrible time for Jeff to stop working but that it seemed he was going to have to go on light duty at the power plant.

“Mom, I’m going to see you guys, you need me.” Liz had all ready pulled up flight prices on line to catch the first plane home.

“No, you don’t need to do that, I can handle everything... I was offered some more hours at the diner and that can make up for the time your dad will be out of work.” Nancy said as she shook her head from side to side.

She knew that Liz would want to come and help but she also knew how important it was to Liz to become successful and finish her schooling. And being stuck at home helping her parents wasn’t going to get that done.

“Mom are you sure, because you know that I’ll go.” Liz said as she waited for her mother to respond. She could picture her standing in the kitchen wiping down the counter top. Something that she always did when she was upset or nervous.

“I’m fine honey, your dad will be fine too... I just wanted to let you know what was going on.” Nancy said as she grabbed a dish rag and began to wipe down the counter even though it was sparkling clean.

“Ok mom I love you and dad, tell him that I’ll call him later tonight okay?” Liz said as her mother said good bye and hung up. Liz held the phone to her ear even after the line had begun to beep loudly in her ear.

Why was it that when ever things seemed to be going some what normally for her, things always took the most unexpected turns for her.

She sat there mulling over what do to, a way to help her parents when she heard someone snicker behind her.

“So it seems that some people don’t have to pull there load around here anymore.” Susan said as she walked just past Liz’s cubicle.

“I wish I could be so lucky.” Joan said as she pointedly looked at Liz who had just placed the phone back on the hook.

“What the hell are these two witches talking about?” Liz thought as they continued talking to each other in hushed tones, but looking over there shoulders every so often to glare at her.

Liz shook her head and ran a hand through her long brown hair, she didn’t have time to worry about the evil twins...she had to do some serious thinking and on her own.

She logged off from her computer, grabbed her purse and headed to the shift supervisors office at the end of the hall.

“Hey Maggie, I had a family emergency come up, would it be okay if I left early today?” Liz asked the elderly red haired women, that always had a plate of cinnamon buns for the employees on her desk.

“Sure thing Lizzie, hope everything is all right, and don’t worry about your desk, I’ll have someone cover for you.” Maggie said as she lifted the plate of cinnamon buns off her desk and offered one to Liz.

“No thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Liz said as closed the office door behind her and almost jogged to the elevator.

Liz tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for the seemed to be taking forever, sighing she headed towards the emergency stairwell. There was something she had to do, and she couldn’t put it off or she knew she would loose all nerve.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 12:30 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Hello everyone, let me say right off the bat, thank you so much for the PM"s and bumps, they mean more to me then you could know. I had this part mostly written out, I added some stuff, took out some stuff, and thought that it was halfway decent to post.

I really sat down the other day and thought about this story and were I want it to go. I have a plan. So thats good, anyhoot thanks again.

Sorry that this part isnt very long but its all I had at the moment.

Chapter 9:

“What do you mean I can’t make the withdrawal?”Liz asked annoyed as she tried to keep her cool and not make a scene in the quiet almost library like setting in the bank.

“Ms. Parker when you created this accountant you put a freeze on it for at least 1 year, if you were to try to access these monies now, well frankly you would be penalized for it.” The teller at the bank answered, a sympathetic smile on his face.

“Ok , so I’ll take the penalty and take whatever is left of the 3 thousand dollars.” Liz insisted, she had to use this money, even if she had been saving it for school desperate times called for desperate measures.

“I’m really sorry to tell you this but if you went ahead and went through with the withdrawal, you would be getting back exactly...” The teller began punching furiously on his keyboard before speaking again “You would have exactly nine hundred and eighty two dollars and twenty seven cents.” He nervously cleared his throat as Liz just looked at him and said nothing.

This cant be happening, I need this money... I could give it to my mother so she wouldn’t have to struggle while Dad got better, but Liz just nodded and turned around briskly making her way out of the bank. Tears had begun to fill her eyes.

What am I going to do now...

Get married...

A little voice said inside her head. Liz shook her head as she started walking not knowing where she was going, but needing to do something.

She found herself at one of her favorite spots, it was a huge park in the middle of the down town area. It had beautiful fountains and was a calming place to be.

Sitting down on a bench with her arms crossed she couldn’t help but notice that for everyone else it appeared to be a normal day, the birds were chirping kids were laughing and running around, yet for her it felt as if she were completely lost.

When Max had asked her to marry him, she had given it serious thought but had figured out that her answer had to be no. She had a career that she wanted to achieve and most importantly she wanted to fall in love with someone and get married the old fashioned way.

But now what choice did she have, she could help Max and in the meantime he could help her as well. Liz quickly opened her purse and took out her note book and a pen and began writing the numbers 1- 10 on the list. There would have to be rules to this arrangement, if it suited Max then great if not she would have to think of some other way to help her parents.

**Mean while back at the office**

“Betty do I have any messages?” Max asked as he sat down behind his desk and turned his computer on.

“No Mr. Evans, would you like a cup of coffee?” Ever efficient she pushed her tiny little glasses up on her nose.

“No, thanks.” No messages meant that Liz hadn’t called, meaning she didn’t have an answer for him. Who was he kidding, the idea had been doomed from the beginning.

Max leaned back into his plush black leather chair and scoffed, he crossed his arms over his chest, the baby blue button up shirt stretching tightly across his muscular arms.

The sudden ringing of his private line had him sitting up and answering with a very grumpy hello.

“Mr. Evans, there is a Liz Parker here to see you, she doesn’t have an appointment.” Betty said her tone of voice grew quieter as she said the last line.

“Oh, okay send her in.” Max sat up and quickly picked up a pen and begin scribbling rapidly on a piece of paper, he didn’t want her to get the impression that he was sitting there sulking.

Moments later Liz walked into his office, looking a bit flustered and clutching a note book to her chest. Max held back a smile as he watched how she stood just inside of the threshold of the door nervously.

“Hi, come in, sit down.” he pointed to one of the chairs that were directly across from his desk.

“Hello, umm I would rather stand if that’s all right.” Liz took a few more steps into the room and used her free hand to run through her long hair which was loose and flowing in waves around her face.

“Okay.” Max got up and walked around to the front of his desk, and leaned on it bracing one hip slightly on the corner as he watched Liz pace back and forth. She reminded him of himself the other night at Isabel’s house.

He tried not to smile. She probably was trying to figure out a way to say no to his proposal. Watching her so distressed made him feel bad, he would make it easier for her. Even though he felt a pang of disappointment for what could have been.

“Liz...Liz is there something on your mind?” Max asked softly as Liz continued to pace back and forth.

“Umm yea... I mean yes... remember the other night you asked me, well you wanted to know if we, I mean if I would... marry you.” Liz barely got out as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and stopped pacing long enough to look at him her breathing shallow and hands trembling slightly.

Oh no, she’s going to tell me no, even though I knew she was going to she’s doing it in person Max thought.

“Yes I remember and Liz I understand that you don’t want to do it, I was really upset at the time and maybe I should have really given the idea more thought before as always I go opening my big mouth and saying things without thinking about them first, why are you shaking your head?” Max leaned away from the table and looked at Liz caustilousy.

“See I gave it some serious thought and well I wanted to ask some questions about the whole thing before deciding what I am going to do.” Liz hugged the notebook to her chest and let out a deep breathe. She was really doing this.

“Really... okay what kind of... questions?” Max felt really nervous and anxious all the same time, he decided to sit down...and try to look more relaxed even if he didn’t feel that way at all.

Liz sat down across from him and set her purse down on the floor, she unclipped the pen that was attached to the notebook and quickly began turning pages, her brow was a bit furrowed as she looked for what she wanted, she smiled slightly as she uncapped the pen.

“How long would this marriage have to last?” Liz continued looking down at the piece of paper, hand poised as if to write down whatever it was that he was going to say.

Shit I hadn’t really thought of a time frame he thought... “I was thinking at least 8 months to a year, by that time I will have set up a whole new branch to the company that cant be taken away by my father and his ultimatum.”

That’s not that long, I can do that amount of time Liz thought as she wrote down his answer.

“Do you expect me to live with you?” Liz again kept her gaze locked to the papers in her hand.

“Well I would leave that up to you, if you wanted to move in, if it was lets say beneficial for you sure... but you wouldn’t have too... the only thing that really jumps to mind about that is that I take a lot of business trips and I know that it will be expected that I bring my wife along, you know big business’s love the family values things.”

Liz wasn’t surprised by the last part of the answer, it made sense. Max leaning toward brought her attention back to what was going on at the moment.

“Do you see any problems with this so far Liz?” Max asked before she quickly looked away.

“No not yet, It seems pretty cut and dry right, I mean we could totally look at this like a business proposition, you get what you need, and I get what I need right?” Liz gently closed her notebook and recapped her pen as she asked this question, still not making eye contact with Max.

“Yea absolutely...Liz you really don’t have to do this, I mean its not like I would fire you or something if you said no.” Max had eased himself off the desk and was now standing just to the side of her. He had to give her that option out, he would feel like scum if she was scared to say no, at least by saying this it gave her a out.

“No Max, I need to do this, but there are some things that I do need, financially.” Liz looked up at him and gave him a shaky smile.

“Done, money really isn’t a issue Liz, but are you sure about all of this?” Max asked again as he leaned down and was eye level with her now, he was close enough to see for the first time the streaks of a lighter brown in her eyes.

She exhaled deeply before shaking her head the corners of her lips rising slightly as she said “So when’s the wedding date?”

Max grinned as he got up picked up his planner and started leafing through the pages.

2 hours later:

“Im freaking coming damn it, stop that knocking.” Tess practically yelled as she stumbled out of her bedroom tying her robe around her waist as she looked through the peep hole and saw Liz on the other side of the door.

What the hell, isn’t she supposed to be working at this time, Tess thought as she opened the door barely moving out of the way before Liz rushed in past her.

Okay, this is odd Tess thought to herself as she followed Liz into the living room with her arms crossed over her chest and waited for Liz to say something.

She sat there looking at Liz for several moments before she grabbed her arm and dragged her to the sofa, sitting down next to her.

“Liz you’re freaking me out here, what’s wrong?” Tess asked as Liz continued to just stare at the wall, slowly she exhaled and turned to face Tess.

“I said yes, I went there talked about everything...I even brought a list with me.” Liz said as she sort of chuckled then grimaced.

“Okay you said yes to what exactly?” Tess asked as she rubbed both of her palms over her face trying to ease some of her grogginess at having been woken up so early.

Liz whispered “To getting married” and burst into tears.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:34 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Hey guys, back with another part, I have to say thank you so much to everyone for reading and leaving the bumps and FB, it really gets my bootie into gear, thanks also to the new readers. :D

Hope you enjoy this next chapter I had alot of fun writing it. :wink:

Happy July 4th everyone.

Michelle in Yonkers
L-J-L 76

<center>Chapter 10:</center>

What are you crying for, it’s not that bad.” Tess exclaimed “He’s freaking hot as hell, I don’t see the problem here!” Her big blue eyes giving her best friend a questioning look.

“Don’t see the problem, don’t see the PROBLEM!?” Liz jumped up from the couch and began to run her fingers through her hair rapidly making it stand on end giving her a crazed appearance.

“Do you realize that I am going to give vows to love this man forever, be his wife and its all a lie, Im going to be divorcee...I making a mistake.” Liz groaned, closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

“Okay first off, its not 1942 or something where divorce is this big bad thing, you wont have a big red X on your forehead or anything, yeah I’m sure this isn’t what you envisioned when you were a little girl, but this is going to work for you and him.” Tess got up went into the kitchen and began to make coffee as Liz continued to pace and talk to her self quietly in the living room.

Okay, she needs a serious venting session Tess thought as she returned minutes later with two cups of steaming coffee.

“Sit.” Tess patted the cushion of the love seat and took a sip of coffee.

Once Liz sat down Tess said “Listen to me okay, you are going to be fine, say it with me.” Tess grabbed the mug out of Liz’s hand and set it on the coffee table.

“Repeat after me, I can do this.” Tess smiled slightly as Liz sighed again and whispered the phrase under her breathe a few times before she was satisfied that some sanity had returned to her best friend and that her nerves had calmed down somewhat.

“Okay feel better now?”

“Yea Tess, thanks for being here for me.” Some color was now returning to her face as she took another sip of coffee.

“No problem that’s what I am here for, and now a very important question when are we getting married, cause we have TONS of shopping to do.” Her blue eyes twinkling with delight.

“1 month from today, and he made me take this.” Liz reached for her purse which she had dropped on the floor and pulled out a shiny black American Express credit card.

“Holy shit, do you know what that is?!” Tess screeched as she snatched the card out of Liz’s hands and examined it closely.

“A credit card?”

“Not just any credit card, you have to be like a billionaire to have one of these, they are highly exclusive and he just gave it to If you don’t want to marry this guy let me do it, please.” Tess laughed as she ran to her bedroom to get dressed.

“Ha ha, well he just insisted that I take it, and buy whatever I wanted, he told me that he would take care of everything.” Amazing to think that an hour ago I had 3 thousand dollars in a savings accountant and 32 bucks in my purse, now I was about to go on shopping spree.

“I’m ready, let the shopping begin!” Tess grabbed her purse with one hand Liz with the other and almost ran out of her apartment.


“Guerin & Associates how can I direct your call?” Laura Michael's long time secretary answered smoothly.

“Michael please, Its Max Evans.”

“One moment please.” Classical music came on and before he knew it his old college buddy picked up the phone.

“Who died?” Was the first thing that Max heard.

Max laughed at his friends remark “No one died man, what’s going on?”

“I’m doing great, heard you been going through the ringer at work, too busy to take a weekend away and fly to New York to see your old buddy.” Michael replied, Max could picture the smirk on his friends face.

“I have been working a lot... but listen I was wondering if you could fly into town, in about 3 weeks?” Max cracked his knuckles while he waited for the questions to start pouring out.

“What, hold on a second Max, so no one died and you want me to fly across the country to go see you, for no reason in particular...what’s going on?”

“I need you to be my best man.” Max said with a smile on his face.

“Laura get me a flight booked out to Seattle STAT.” was all Max heard before he heard a dial tone in his ear.

12 hours later:

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Michael said for the tenth time as he continued to shake his head from side to side. He was sprawled out on Max’s couch, a beer in one hand, legs propped up on the coffee table. He was exhausted after taking a red eye flight to get to Max’s apartment and do his venting in person, rather then on the phone.

“No I’m not kidding you, it’s going to work Michael and Liz is a really nice girl, really sweet... beautiful eyes.” Max took a swig of the beer that Michael insisted he have.

“Shit she could have a lot of great qualities Max but this is extreme, tell your Dad to shove the business up his ass, and come work for me in New York.” A smirk once again appeared on his face.

“Thanks for the offer but no, trust me I got this all planned out. You still haven’t given me an answer about being my best man.”

“Of course I’ll be your best man, even though I don’t agree with what your doing but your friend Maria going to be there?” Michael asked non-chalantly as he all of a sudden found great interest in examining his beer bottle label.

“Yes, but I told you before Michael, Maria is like a sister to me, she’s not one of these chicks you are used to going out with.” Max’s voice had turned stern. Michael had eluded on several family functions that he had attended that Maria was very hot and other things that totally grossed Max out.

“I know, I know, she’s not a bang em and leave em kinda chick, that’s cool.” Michael was now all smiles.

“I’m going to hit the sack, long day and I got a lot of planning to do, the 2nd bedroom is all set up for you.” Max got up and was about to enter his bedroom when Michael called out.

“Can I get Maria’s number?”

Max closed the door with out giving Michael an answer and laughed as he got ready for bed.

He still had to call Isabel and Maria and tell them about what was going to happen, hopefully Isabel would help him set everything up and Maria.... she was going to be in for quite a shock.

Max threw his cloths in the hamper as he made his way to the shower, once he was under the many jets of hot water, he felt better. He could picture Liz the way she looked when she said yes to marrying him.

All nerves, hands shaking but she still managed to look so fresh and just beautiful. He still wasn’t sure if he had made the right decision, but looking at it logically, he could set up his own branch of the company and once that was done, nothing his father could do about how many hours he worked, or who he was dating.

He closed his eyes and let the water cascade down his face.


“Just try this last one on Liz, come on...then we’ll know that we literally tried on every wedding dress this store has.” Tess said as she opened the door to the dressing room Liz was in and handed her yet another wedding dress.

They had been shopping for over 4 hours, and had gotten quite a bit of shopping done but had not found a single dress that Liz had liked to be married in.

Either they were too fluffy, too simple, too overdone, too something, and Tess had just about had it.

“Fine but I don’t think that this is really my style Tess it’s really bare in the back.” Liz called out over the dressing room door.

“Listen your going to be marrying Max Evans in a month, one of the hottest most wanted bachelors in Seattle, you need something sexy okay.” Suddenly Tess felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turned around and was staring at a beautiful tall blonde who was dressed to perfection, she looked vaguely familiar.

“Excuse me I’m sorry to be eavesdropping but I couldn’t help but hear what you just said....did you say that Max Evans was getting married?” Her forehead was now furrowed and one eyebrow had gone up slightly.

“Yeah actually that is what I said.” Tess said all smiles. “We have been out shopping all day for the lovely occasion, do you know Max?”

“Oh yea, I know him... very, very well.” Isabel said as she pulled her cell phone out of her Coach purse.

“I actually like this one Tess, what do you think?” Liz asked as she stepped out of the dressing room, completely oblivious as to what was happening outside, in a white off the shoulders princess style wedding dress covered in tiny pearls and crystals.

Liz couldn’t hold back her gasp of surprise at seeing Isabel Whitman, Max’s sister staring right at her and look of pure shock on her face.

“This can not be good.” Liz thought as she turned around as quickly as she had come out of the dressing room and began to take off the wedding dress. Moments later she heard Isabel....

“You couldn’t even call me, your own sister!?”

“Not good at all.” Liz thought as she shook her head from side to side.