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Land of Hope (Mature/AU/CC/UC/Slash)

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:24 am
by Anna-Liisa
Title: Land of Hope
Rating: Mature
Genre: AU;Romance;Adventure
Pairings: All the CC's + UC,slash
Warnings: Incest included
Disclaimer: Not mine, okay? Except the idea.

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

In the land of Elimica, a war has started once again. Four chosen one's have been called to bring peace and of to the people. These chosen one's are Kyle, Alex, Liz and Maria. They all posses their own unique power and necklaces that release their specialities. But what if they need help and support from the land's people? Who will be there to help them? Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess have also specialities, because they are from the land of Alycsum. The were banned from their own society who though them as freaks.

The other side of War is a much darker one, who have also their special heroes, warriors. Nicholas, Jack, Alphonse, Samuel, Ili, Daniela, Tamara and Erica. They all have their specialities, some even similiar to the Chosen four's powers.

Chosen four
NOTE: Their Necklaces are the only one's in the whole world. They got theirs from their parents, whom have died in the previous war.

Kyle: Has the power of controlling fire. His necklace has a carved Phoenix feather on it which he only uses if he gets serious.
Alex: Has the power of controlling water. His necklace has a carved water-drop on it which he used when he needs to make water.
Liz: Has the power of controlling the ground and talking to the animals. Her necklace has a carved lion on it, which she only uses when getting serious.
Maria: Has the power of controlling the wind. Her necklace has carved eagle's feather on it, which she used when she wants to jump high.

Other Special one's
NOTE: Powers that are hidden can only be opened when a certain relationship is achieved. It has to be a person who has a special power (like the chosen ones).

Max: Has the power of healing and creating a protective shield. Also he has two hidden powers he doesn't know about.
Michael: Has the power of Destroying and levitating. He also has two hidden powers he doesn't know about.
Isabel: Has the power of Dreamwalking and Fast-learning Also has two hidden powers she doesn't know about.
Tess: Has the power of Mind warping and Mind reading. Also has two hidden powers she doesn't know about.

The Dark Side
NOTE: Some power similarities explained in relationships/blood-relatives. Dark siders do not have hidden powers.

Nicholas: Has the power of Destroying and brinnging despair to people.
Jack: Has the power to grow spiked and poisonous plants.
Alphonse: Has a power to control fire. Also fire does not effect him at all.
Samuel: Has a power to Read minds and make himself change into another person.
Ili: Has power of controlling thunder and storms.
Daniela: Doesn't have one strong power, but can copy others's.
Tamara: Can manipulate people's minds without saying anything.
Erica: Can heal, but only herself. Also can jump high without any equipment.


Kyle and Alphonse are brothers. Alphonse has always been the jealous one and always the bitter one. That is the reason why he is on the dark side.
Liz and Jack are cousins because of the earth controlling. Jack has never likes Liz all that much.
Isabel and Max are siblings. They've been together as long as they can remember.
Michael and Nicholas are brothers. Nicholas had no reason for turning evil, he just did and wants to hurt Michael just because it's fund to him.
Maria and Ili are distant relatives. They come from the same family tree but they are so far they don't consider theirselves as family.
Tess and Samuel are siblings. Their father was a Shapeshifter assasin so Samuel followed in his footsteps.


Kyle/Alphonse: Kyle tries to get his brother back to the good side when Alphonse tries to get Kyle to the dark side. They end up getting into close situations during their fights, which is more than brotherly touching.
Kyle/Tess: Tess has a crush Kyle, but he doesn't seem to see her. She tries to get his thoughs away from Alphonse, but it's starting to feel hopeless.
Nicholas/Tess: Nicholas is getting more interested in Tess when she doesn't look at him. He wants her and says that he will have her.
Jack/Maria: Jack is getting obsessed with the wind. Maria can create it, so he wants her to create wind for him, only for him.
Maria/Michael: Maria has a crush on Michael, Michael seems to be drawn to her and another one, so he can't get into a relationship.
Michael/Samuel: Sometimes Michael feels like he needs someone who can be a different looking person, even if it would be a guy. But Samuel reads his mind completely, and doesn't care.
Max/Erica: Erica wants to learn more about healing through Max but is afraid of approaching him. Also there's another girl in the way.
Max/Liz: Liz doesn't know Max's feelings, Max doesn't know hers. Max likes to watch Liz talking to animals and helps with them, hoping that something happens between the two of them.
Isabel/Alex: Alex likes to see her in his dreams, Isabel likes to visit, but her feelings are more brotherly because she has someone else in mind.
Isabel/Daniela: Isabel has always considered herself a bit strange. Somehow she stills knows Daniela is as strange as she is. So the feelings grow - in both sides.
Ili/Daniela: Ili is a really shy girl who is always with Daniela. She dislikes Isabel, because she knows. Daniela doesn't mind her around, but sometimes she needs to tell her to go away.

Pairings can also change, as long as they are discussed about first. Example, Tamara can fall in love with anyone she wants to, it's the players choice. [No, it's not just because I forgot her, lol]


Kyle: Anna-Liisa
Alex: NightshadeIsis
Liz: StormWolfstone
Maria: StormWolfstone

Max: magikhands [Temp]
Michael: magikhands
Isabel: StormWolfstone
Tess: OPEN

Nicholas: StormWolfstone
Jack: Anna-Liisa [Temp]
Alphonse: magikhands
Samuel: StormWolfstone
Ili: StormWolfStone
Daniela: magikhands [Temp]
Tamara: Anna-Liisa
Erica: Anna-Liisa

To Join
Comment here and after that, PM me with a writing Sample and I'll add you to the cast list as "Audition". In some cases, you don't need to send anything [I'll inform you if you don't need to]
If you can, please take more than one character.

When posting, I want the posts to be long. Not a few sentences or a thing the character says. Add feelings, make the character think. And oh, write in POV.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 3:18 pm
by StormWolfstone
Hey Anna.... don't have to have the question marks :D I'd told ya in PM's I was in and I still am :D

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 3:20 pm
by Anna-Liisa
Cool. Good to have you in this, Storm.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 3:40 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
I did prewriting in this Anne and sent to your pm, do I get Liz or not?

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:57 am
by Anna-Liisa
I did read it, but sorry, you're not in. I don't mean to be evil or anything. It's just the way it is.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:50 pm
by StormWolfstone
Oh, Anna..... could I also have Maria :D Plus, I am speaking to some people about this RP so don't be surprised if you get some PM's...

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:03 pm
by Anna-Liisa
Okay, 'Ria is yours ^^; And thanks for talking about this other people.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:14 pm
by magikhands
Hey Anna...Storm pushed me in this direction :wink: and it sounds interesting... How about Michael and... how about Alphonse?

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:16 pm
by Fehr'sBear
Hmm, on the encouragement of Storm, I have decided to ask for Alex. Can I have him? I'll send you a PM post soon.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:03 am
by Anna-Liisa
magikhands, got Michael and Alphonse.
Fehr'sBear, you got Alex.

Since I've seen you both play (and you're both really great) you don't need to send me anything ;) And Storm already sent some audition posts to me, so it made my decicion clear.

Oh and if you want to, you can make profiles for your characters. You don't need to, but you can. And what the 'Dark siders' look like. Up to you. I'm trying to decide Erica's looks, at least.