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The Wall (CC, POV, Teen) 1/1 10/12/05

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:48 pm
by Biged
Title:The Wall
Authors: Biged
Couples: CC, Alex POV
Rated: Teen
Disclaimer: Roswell does not belong to us nor do we own the characters and anything else related to the show.
Summary: Just some rambling on a topic thats hit me recently.
A/N: no bash to any character intended never know what some people see though :)


The wall, such a plain, barren, static and ungrudging thing. A solitary figure watching it with hollow eyes, as his lone companion in dire times the wall mocks him with its inability to change. Life an alien thing to him, a small smile appears on his lips at the word alien. The word has much more meaning then it did before. Simpler times were they when the world was so big in his eyes. Now the world seems miniscule, unworthy of noting, just existing. Yet the small things affect him so. Tears fill his eyes as he stares unblinkingly ahead. His memories shift to the night his life became unfamiliar to him.

A night like any other as he sat and played a computer game after completing his homework. Somewhat contemplating a certain blonde woman. A sharp knock at his door wakes him from his gaming reverie. The door opens and his life from that point changes forever. The rush over the next few minutes all a blur to him, his fingers dialing emergency services, the flashing lights of the ambulance, his father on the floor, weak and broken.

He continued to stare at the wall, his book bag slipping from the back of his chair but that didn’t concern him. Things like “tests” and “homework” all foreign to him now, the only words he cared about now were “stroke” and “surgery”. He looked around his room for something anything to distract him, he reached for the phone and dialed. “Evan’s Residence”. His fingers hit end quicker then he thought possible. Why had he dialed the number, there was no comfort for him there. Isabel had long since forgotten about him over the course of the past few weeks. Max was just as uncomforting as his sister, refusing him in this his most dire hour. “We just can’t risk it Alex…it’ll draw too much attention. I’m sorry I can’t heal him.” He thought of who he could call but nothing came to mind. His two friends had their own problems to be of any help besides he didn’t wish to bother them though they had offered. “Call us if you need anything Alex.”

He lay the phone down and went back to staring unblinkingly at the plain wall. His brothers had come home and tried to comfort him but were little help, each of them going through their own grieving. A soft knock came at his door, a knock he knew well, his mother. “Honey I’m going to go and visit your dad in the hospital, want to come?” her soft voice came slowly through the haze of his brain. He shook his head slowly, not bothering to look away from the wall. His mother slowly backed out and returned the door to its almost permanent closed position. He thought of Isabel once again and how his relationship with her turn in the direction it currently was. One bad day and a misguided statement was all it took to crumble the foundation which stood their delicate relationship. “I can’t talk to you, I never thought you would hurt me Alex…”

He got up and paced his room, his eyes down cast as he walked. The room felt small now, suffocating him with its very being but it was his last line of solitude so he endured it. He sat back down and moved to his computer to check his email hoping for something to distract him or comfort him somewhat. Nothing. He turned his chair, the feeling of rejection returning yet he knew he should fight it. To get back some semblance of his life, to mend broken fences but what energy he did had left him quickly as he settled once again and stared at his one true friend, The Wall.

The Wall, a true friend in dire times when all else seems to abandon you and leave you broken in the corner, the wall will always remain to hold you up.