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Trick or Treat (A/I Teen 1/1)

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:46 am
by KaraGail
A/N This is a short story I wrote this morning. It was done in just a few hours so I am sure it will have many faults. :lol:


Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Category: Alex and Isabel

Rating: Teen

Part 1/1

Trick or Treat

By: KaraGail

Alex stood at the door of his house and waved good bye to his parents as they left for their costume party. “Have a great time!”

“Bye sweetie” His mother called back and he almost chuckled at the sight of her and his dad dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. He tried not to think of what they would be doing later with those same costumes.

Once their car pulled out of the drive, Alex shut the door and headed back to the living room. He spotted the huge bowl of candy sitting on the coffee table waiting for the first round of trick-or-treaters that would come through out the evening. He had been left with the duty of passing the treats out since he had decided not to participate in any events this year.

With a heavy sigh he plopped into his dads recliner and picked up the remote. He hoped to find something on television to take his mind off the fact that this was one of his favorite holiday’s and somehow, this year, he was spending it

His two best friends, Liz and Maria, were stuck working at The Crashdown and without them it wasn’t the same. Alex smiled as he thought about those past Halloween evenings when the three of them had dressed up, he as one of his favorite super heroes and them as princess’, and then they spent hours knocking on neighbors doors and screaming “TRICK OR TREAT!”

Alex knew things would eventually change and they would have to grow up but there were times, like tonight, when he wished he could turn back the clock to those simpler days and relive them over again. But he knew that none of their lives would ever be that simple again.

They knew a secret that many would kill to know. It was a secret that the three of them had vowed to take to their graves and never tell another soul. A secret that had gotten them into trouble during the last year over and over again. While others theorized and speculated, they knew the truth. ALIENS DO EXIST.

Not only do they exist but they were on earth. In fact 4 of them currently lived in Roswell and went to the same high school as Liz, Maria and himself.

Alex frowned as he thought about the event that took place that revealed the secret. One day while working at the Crashdown Liz had been shot during a scuffle between 2 patrons. One certain customer had rushed to her side and healed her with no thought to his own safety.

It hadn’t taken long after that for Liz to figure out that Max Evans, his sister Isabel, and their friend, Michael Guerin, were aliens. Maria had found out a few days later and Alex was finally let in on the secret a few months later.

He recalled those months as the worse time of his life. He had felt abandoned by his friends who had gone secretive on him and seemed to always vanish at the drop of a hat. Alex had spent many hours worrying over the girls who had become sisters to him and when he was let in on the truth his worry seemed to triple.
Alex sighed again as he shook his head. Liz and Maria weren’t the real reason why he was home alone tonight. He could have gone to the Costume party dance that the school was putting on that evening. In fact, he had the perfect costume hidden in the back of his closet where he had placed it a few weeks ago. A policeman’s uniform.

Thinking about that uniform made Alex groan aloud as he remembered that night when he had come home, not only embarrassed, but heartbroken. It had all happened on the night of the surprise birthday party of one of their resident aliens, Isabel Evans.

DING DONG! The doorbell rang breaking Alex out of his thoughts as he stood from his seat and grabbed the bowl of candy.

“TRICK OR TREAT!” Four little kids dressed up as Batman, Harry Potter, Spider-man and Wolverine cried out as the door opened.

Alex grinned at them and handed out a handful of candy to each while giving them compliments on their costumes. This was what Halloween was about to him. Kids who got to dress up for one night and become something or someone that they could only fantasize of.

He waved at the parents standing at the curb who were waiting on their children before going back into the house. Looking at the clock he noticed that it was already 7:30. The party at the school should already be in full swing and he wondered briefly if SHE was there.

“Stop it, Alex” he scolded himself as he went back to his seat, “It’s over between you two. She made it very clear that she wasn’t ready for a relationship that day in the Crashdown. And if that didn’t make it obvious then the fact that she showed up to her birthday party with a date should have.”

His heart still ached over the fact that she had flaunted her relationship with an older man in front of him when he was still reeling over the fact that just days prior she had told him that she couldn’t date anyone. Though he hadn’t known about her date until after he had made a fool of himself by stripping out of the Police uniform in front of everyone in an attempt to make her smile and have a good time.

Alex had been told by Maria and Liz what had happened with Isabel and the new girl in town, who also was an alien, Tess. Though he had seen her many times since then at school or at the diner they had never gotten the chance to speak with one another.

Which comes to the real reason why Alex Whitman was sitting home alone instead of going to the party and enjoying the festivities. He believed that Isabel would be attending and by her side would be the new man in her life, Grant Sorenson. So he had made the choice to stay home and brood instead of going to the party and getting his heart stepped on all over again.

DING DONG! The door bell rang again and he repeated his actions from earlier as he again handed out the candy.

He was about to shut the door when he looked up to see a lonely figure walking up his path way. He didn’t have to see her face to know who she was especially since she had starred in almost everyone of his dreams since he was 10.

“Isabel?” he asked with a frown wondering what she was doing here.

“Hey Alex” she smile as she climbed his steps and stopped in front of him, “Happy Halloween”

Alex nodded but continued to frown, “Is someone in trouble or are we having a meeting?”

She shook her head, “No. Nothing like that.” Isabel shrugged her shoulders, “I was at the Crashdown and Maria and Liz said you were home tonight so I thought I would stop by.”

Again he nodded as he stood there gazing into her brown eyes and not being able to say anything. For the millionth time he was awed by her natural beauty and gave himself a mental kick at the fact that he hadn’t figured out that she was an alien on his own. He should have known that there was nothing on earth more beautiful to him than Isabel Evans.

“Umm..Can I come in?” She asked as they continued to stand there a few minutes longer.

Alex gave himself another mental kick as well and stepped to the side so that she could enter the house. He continued to remain silent as they made their way to the living room where the tv was the only sound heard.

Finally remembering his manners he asked her, “Would you like something to drink?”

Isabel turned to him and gave a smile, “Sure. Do you have cherry coke?”

“Yes as well as some Tabasco sauce.”

She chuckled and reached into the pocket of her jacket to pull out her own bottle, “It’s like my Credit card. I ‘never leave home with out it’ “

Alex returned her smile, “Well make yourself at home and I will get the drinks. My parents are out at a party so it’s just me here giving out the candy tonight.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Oh yeah. It’s been a barrel of laughs.” he gave her another smile before heading into the kitchen leaving her there.

Alex was still wondering why she was her at his house when he had just been picturing her out with Grant or some of her friends from school. But instead she was sitting in his living room waiting for him to return with her drink.

DING DONG! The doorbell rang again.

“I’ll get it, Alex!” Isabel called from the living room.

“Thanks!” he returned as he scrounged in the cabinets for plates. His mom had made her famous chocolate cake for dinner and he thought Isabel would like a piece.

A few minutes later he returned to the empty living room. Setting the small tray down he walked over to the entry way to find Isabel standing there with the bowl of candy smiling down at a little tow headed girl that couldn’t be dressed up as anything but a princess.

Alex gave a small chuckle as he thought how funny it was that this little wannabe princess was actually talking to a real princess and she had no idea. He watched the animated conversation for a few minutes as he realized that it had been weeks since he had seen Isabel smile like she was doing now.

“Happy Halloween” Isabel called out as the kids departed and she shut the door and turned to Alex, “They were just too cute.”

He nodded, “I know. I was just sitting here a few minutes ago remembering how Maria, Liz and I would go trick or treating every year.”

She gave him another smile as they headed back to the living room, both settling on the couch to begin eating the snacks that he had brought from the kitchen, “Max and I used to trick or treat when we were little. That was until we realized that every day to us was Halloween.”

Alex frowned, “What do you mean?”

Isabel sighed, “Once we realized that we were not of this earth it became apparent that we were wearing a costume every day. One we couldn’t take off and return home.”

“I’m sorry, Isabel” He consoled her, “I know how hard it is to want to fit in with everything around you but somehow knowing that it will never happen.”

She frowned at that, “You feel that way?”

Alex nodded, “Every day of my life.”

Isabel seemed to think this over for a moment before nodding. He had no idea how she had taken his comment but he had just wanted to be truthful with her. They sat in silence for a few moments enjoying their cake and drinks before Alex spoke the question that was on his mind since she arrived.

“Why are you here, Isabel?”

The tall alien princess looked at him before quickly looking away, “Well...umm..I’m not really sure, Alex.”

He sat their quietly trying to encourage her to talk instead of trying to understand her motives by questioning her.

“Actually I do know why I am here.” Isabel took in a deep breath and looked over at him, “I wanted to say I am sorry, Alex.”

He frowned not understanding, “Sorry for what?”

“I’m sorry for how I have been treating you.” she closed her eyes and shook her head, “I’m not proud of the things I have said and done to you over the year, Alex. You have been nothing but kind, gentle and caring to me even when I am totally the opposite to you.”

Alex sat there shocked at her words. He never thought that the Ice Queen of West Roswell High would ever admit to ever do anything wrong. This girl had been known to date and dump many of the popular good looking guys at school without even giving a glance back. But here she was apologizing to him, the Geek of West Roswell High.

“Why now, Isabel?” he asked wondering what had happened to make her say these things.

The blonde reached out and took his hand, “Tonight as I was sitting in the Crashdown talking with Max and the others I felt that something was missing. When I looked around I noticed one face missing in the crowd. A face that has always been there year after year without me ever realizing it.” she sighed and reached up to cup his cheek in her hand, “I missed your face, Alex.”

He enjoyed her touch for a moment before reaching up and taking her hand in his and removed it from his face, “What about Grant?”

Isabel closed her eyes and shook her head before opening them again, “Grant was nothing more than a diversion, Alex. Someone who could help me escape my reality for a few hours because he did not know the truth.” She gave his hand a squeeze “I was scared of my feelings and I just wanted something that I could control.”

Alex continued to listen as she sat there with tears pooling in her eyes. He wanted more than anything to pull her into his arms and comfort her but knew if he did she would never finish telling him what seemed to be weighing heavily on her heart

“On the rare occasion that I allow myself to think about a future here on earth there is only one person I think of spending it with.” she pulled his hand to her and pressed it over her heart, “Alex, you are that person.”

He knew his mouth was hanging open in shock as he heard her admit that she wanted a future with him. There was no denying that he had often dreamed about this moment but nothing compared to the real thing.”So what are you saying, Isabel? Do you want to be with me?”

The blonde nodded as the tears slipped down her cheeks, “I never stopped.”

With those words, Alex could no longer control himself and wrapped her in his arms pulling her close. He pressed his lips against her ear whispering soothing words as she continued to cry into his shoulder. He knew that they were not tears of sorrow but of relief that he had forgiven her and still wanted to be with her even after everything she had done.

Finally he pulled back and looked into her eyes, “I feel like I have waited a life time for you. I promise that you will never regret your choice.”

She bit the bottom of her lip and gave a shy smile, “That will never happen.”

Alex returned her smile before dropping his lips to hers and kissed her soft and slowly wanting to savor this moment of sweetness. He knew they would have moments in the future where everything would be crazy but he hoped his love for the alien princess would always bring her back to him. Nothing would keep them apart now...


Except for those damned Trick or Treaters.

Then End.