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Getting Away...(M/M,AU, Mature)Pt.7 7/16/06 [WIP]

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:21 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
<center>Thanks for the amazing banner to Crashdown_51</center>

Title:Getting Away from Here.

Couplings: Maria/Michael, CC/AU no aliens.

Rating: Mature will warn when and if it becomes Adult.

Summary: Maria Deluca is tired... she works constantly, she got dumped by her high school sweetheart and 2 years later she is still single.

Until one day everything changes... Maria is forced to stand up for herself and suddenly finds some very unexpected free time... she decides that she needs to get away from here...even if its just for a little while.

What happens when she meets a special someone that makes her feel alive for the first time in a long time..

Authors Note: Ok guys...I dont have alot of self control when it comes to I have 7 parts of this written, and I'll be posting once a week, so hopefully everything will run smoothly... Hope you candies enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing our lovley M&M.

<center>Chapter one: </center>
Sometimes Life Sucks...

You know when you have those kinda days that just kick you in your ass and you wish that you could go home and wake up all over again...start the day off in a completely different way. Well that was my day today...this might take a second so. Here were warned...

Maria Deluca’s hands were shaking slightly as she picked up a one of many little nick knacks that she had collected over the years and had used to decorate her small yet comfy office.

She stopped what she was doing and used her palms to swipe at the tears that were streaming down her face.

As Maria picked up a framed picture of her and her best friend Alex and set it in the big card board box she thought “How could you go from being so angry one minute to depressed and crying like a baby in another.”

Well being fired from your dream job doesn’t happen everyday a little voice in her head replied.

“Maria do you need any help is there anything I can do?” Kyle her co-worker and lunch buddy asked as he poked his head into her office a solemn expression on his face.

Maria quickly grabbed a tissue and dabbed her eyes as she tried to smile.

“I’m all right.” she turned slightly trying to keep him from seeing her cry.

“Man you have a lot of stuff, your gonna need some help taking that downstairs call me where you’re ready okay?” Kyle said as he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a light squeeze.

“Thanks, I’ll call you.”

Maria watched him leave, it was actually kinda funny to see Kyle with a serious expression on his face, he was always goofing around and saying stupid things making her laugh.

She would miss him when she was gone.

3 years working for the same company, starting at the very bottom and slowly making her way up for nothing. In a snap of a finger she had been fired...or maybe it was more like a knee to the groin.

The Day Before

“Maria I need you to come to my office immediately.” Her over bearing dick head of a boss’s voice said over the speaker phone of her desk.

“Be right there.” Maria said as she made a face at the phone and got up from her seat. If she would have left the 20 minutes earlier that she was supposed to she would have been home by now.

As she was about to walk out the door she turned around and grabbed a notebook and a pen.

After arriving at his office door, she knocked once then entered. His face lit up with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. His gaze traveled from her black high heel pumps to the white knee length pencil skirt, past the long sleeve black v-neck blouse and then finally to her face.

Maria took a deep breathe and sat down across from his desk, a very uncomfortable feeling was washing over her as he just sat there and waited.

With her pen poised over her notepad she waited for him to deliver his usual list of impossible commands and stupid requests “Hurry up and tell me what I’m here for so I can go.” She thought.

“I got the report on the daily productivity, right on time just the way I asked you to, good girl.” He leaned forward in his seat, exposing a very gross amount of chest hair through the open buttons of his long sleeve shirt.

Maria raised one eyebrow at the good girl remark and was debating on whether to address it or not, over the last year that he had come into the office he had never stepped out of line physically but he did like to patronize her with sexist’s remarks every now and then. How she missed her old boss at times like this.

“Let’s go to dinner tonight and go over what the results of this were.” He said holding the paper work that she had given him earlier in one hand.

“Ah, no I don’t think that would be a good idea, is there anything else that you needed to discuss with me?” She asked as she began to get up.

That’s when things had turned ugly, her boss had quickly gotten up and went over to the door of his office and locked the door.

Maria who had turned her head to see what he was getting up in such a hurry for felt the bile rise in her throat when she saw him lock the door and began to make his way over to her.

“What are you doing?” Maria asked as she got up and took a few steps away from him.

“I’m doing what I have wanted to do since the first day I admired the tight little skirts you wear that hug your ass so perfectly.” He wore a sick smile on his face as he advanced towards her even more.

“You’re sick, if you lay one hand on me I’m going to scream.” Maria said as she began backing away from him.

“You can scream all you want honey, everyone has left for the day it’s just you and me.” He smiled and ran his tongue over his lower lip as he advanced towards her.

Maria looked towards the door and back at her boss, she was trying to figure out how many seconds she would have to get away if she hit him with the solid glass paper weight that was sitting on his desk when he lunged towards her.

She stiffened as his arms came around her shoulders and the smell of alcohol on his breathe washed over her face as he tried to kiss her.
Maria did the only thing that she could think of, she raised her knee as hard as she could and kneed him right in the groin.

“You bitch.” He squealed as his overweight body began writing on the floor in pain.

“Fuck you asshole, don’t ever touch me again.” Maria said as she quickly made her way out of his office, she ran to her desk grabbed her purse and left as fast as her feet could take her.

Her gaze traveled from right to left as she dashed out; of course there wasn’t a single person around. No one to tell what had happened to and show the proof of her ripped skirt too.

The ringing of her phone on her desk brought her back to the present. She had come back to work the next day ready to file a complaint against her boss when she had seen the pink slip on her desk.

Moments later her sleaze ball boss stopped by to make her firing official.

When Maria had stormed out of her office and went back to confront her boss he had told her that it was his word against hers, that she could leave quietly and not make a scene and he would pay her for 3 months or she could try to fight him and not even get a reference from this job if she needed it in the future.

So here she was packing away her memories in a card board box, jobless and feeling so very low. Walking towards the only window in the office she took one last look out, at the hustle and bustle of the people that looked like ants from this height, with a heavy heart she turned and grabbed the box.

Balancing it on her hip she grabbed a small bamboo plant that her friend Liz had given her for luck and walked out.

20 minutes later she was in her car, she had stopped to say goodbye to the friends she had made over the years and she had cried a little bit too.

Every dog has there day and her boss would get payback eventually, Karma was a bitch well that’s what Kyle always said anyways. That thought made her feel slightly better as she pulled out of her parking space and drove home.

Maria’s apartment

As Liz opened the fridge and grabbed a pint of Chunky Monkey ice cream, Maria grabbed two spoons and sat down at the small kitchen table that was set near the bay window overlooking the backyard.

“So you’re just going to take it, you aren’t going to fight this?” Liz asked as she took a scoop of ice-cream straight out of the carton and into her mouth her face transforming in delight at the rich taste.

“What the hell can I do, it’s his word against mines Liz.” Maria said as she stabbed at the ice-cream with the tip of her spoon her lips pursed with annoyance.

“Well you did knee him that was worth something.” Liz said as she nudged Maria with her elbow and grinned.

“Yeah that did feel good.” Maria smiled as she set the spoon down and crossed her arms over her chest.

‘So what’s the plan?” Liz got up and placed both spoons in the sink.

“Plan you’re asking me if I have a plan?” Maria laughed as she said this.

“Well yeah I mean what are you going to do, I know that you have money saved up so you don’t have to look for a job immediately.” Liz grabbed her arm and dragged her out to the living room where she plopped down on the sofa.

“What are you getting at Liz?” Maria asked while grabbing a cushion from the sofa and wrapping her arms around it.

“Taking a vacation, that’s what.” Liz said with a huge smile on her face.

“What are you crazy I can’t take a vacation when I don’t even have a job Liz.”

“Yes you can, you have been talking about it forever use this time to get away, have fun have some random mind blowing sex.” Liz managed to say before Maria threw a pillow into her face and jumped up from the sofa.

“I talked about it but it’s its...just not the right time now and I have...” Maria said before Liz interrupted.

“Maria please I know how stressed out you have been do you honestly think that your going to get a great job walking in for interviews looking like death warmed over?” Liz asked in her I know what I am talking about voice.

“What do you mean, what’s wrong with how I look?” Maria asked as she looked at herself in a small mirror that was hanging in the living room.

“Ok fine I didn’t want to do this but I love you and you’re my friend... your skin Maria you look as pale as a ghost, and your hair...when was the last time you got a trim hmm?”

“I haven’t had time besides it not like I’m dating someone that I should look all...” Maria stopped talking as she looked back into the mirror and saw the truth of what Liz was saying.

Her waist length blondish brown hair needed to be cut big time and it had been ages since she had gotten a tan, the dark circles underneath her green eyes were very apparent... Maybe it was time for a change, a little mini-make over.

“Fine, I’ll do it.” Maria said as she turned away from the mirror and gave Liz a crooked smile.

“What...did you just agree with me?” Liz asked her big brown eyes wide with surprise.

“Yeah...maybe you’re right I’m going to take some time for me and go from there.” Maria said as she shrugged.

“Yessss... so where are you going then Miami, Jamaica ...oh no how about the Bahamas...even better!” Liz said as she grabbed Maria’s hand and began jumping around.

“Actually I was thinking of going somewhere else Liz.” Maria said as she walked over to her small desk in her living room and opened a drawer.
When she turned back around she was holding something in her hand, she then offered it to Liz.

“What the hell… you want to go to a cabin in the middle of the woods, that’s not fun Maria, that’s barbaric!” Liz said as she flipped through the pamphlet and saw that there main activities had to do with skinning and gutting fish and also having bon-fires.

“Liz, my dad used to take me and my mom there when I was a kid before he passed away, I have a lot of good memories at that place.” Maria said as she began warming to the idea even more. Memories of the summers that she had there were flashing through her mind.

“Oh sweetie...when I said take some time away I meant to have fun, not to be alone in...You know what if that’s what you want then have fun.” Liz said as she handed Maria back the worn out pamphlet.

“Thanks, it’s going to be great.” Maria hugged her friend, forgetting for the moment that she had been fired, that her boss had attacked her and that she was jobless.

“Let’s at least hope that there’s some sort of fishing tournament going on our something so that you could at least meet some hot fisherman.” Liz said as she laughed and hugged her friend back.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 9:51 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note Thanks RhondaAnn, Fehr'sBear, gnrkrystle, FaithfulAngel24 and icequeen for your feedback, I'm glad that your liking it. :D Oh and when you see this ** it's a small flashback.

<center>Chapter 2</center>

“Maria you looking amazing.” Liz gushed as the stylist that was working on Maria’s hair turned the seat around and finally let Maria see what they had been doing to her head for the last two hours.

“Wow, is that me?” Maria got up and had stepped closer to the wall of mirrors in front of her. She reached out and touched the long strands oh bone straight hair that had been highlighted with a lighter soft blonde color.

The stylist smiled and stepped out of the room.

Maria continued to examine her face from different angles a small smile shown on her face. It looked pretty good, her once waist length hair had been cut to 2 inches below her shoulders dramatic but much needed, her eye brows had been plucked and to top it all of she gotten a facial as well as a tan in the tanning salon.

“I told you that you’d like it...didn’t I, admit it!” Liz said as she laughed.

“Ok, your right I look a hell of a lot better now...thanks for being a pain in the ass.” Maria said as she tipped the stylist and walked out of the salon.

“All right it’s time for the last and most hated part of the make-over for you.” Liz said as she walked towards the side of the busy road and began hailing a taxi.

“What could possibly be worse then waxing?” Maria asked while she tucked a strand of caramel colored hair behind her ear.

“Why cloths shopping of course, even if your going to be roughing it you still have to look cute.” Liz said as a taxi pulled over and stopped in front of them.

“Lord help me.” Maria grumbled as she slid into the seat next to Liz and closed her eyes as Liz gave the taxi cab driver directions to the shopping district.

Liz was a marathon shopper and since they were both very close to wearing the same size she had just to look at something to see if it fit.

3 hours and many shoe stores later:

“Ok that’s it Liz, I have had enough for one day, please.” Maria said with a huge sigh as she sat down at a little wrought iron table outside of the first restaurant that she had seen.

“Well what about the...” Liz began to say before Maria began shaking her head from side to side.

“Fine...spoiled sport.” Liz stuck her tongue out at her before going into the restaurant and ordering 2 coffees.

Maria looked at her watch and thought at this time tomorrow I am going to be on a plane and it’s going to be all R&R from there.

“Maria is that you?” She heard someone say from just behind her.

As she turned around in her seat her stomach dropped.

“Well I’ll be damned it is you, you look so different.” Billy said as he lowered his sunglasses down to the tip of his nose and looked at her over them and smiled.

“Billy hi, long time no see.” Over a year to be exact she thought.

“Well honey I have been busy doing this and that, you know me.” Billy said as he gave her a crooked smile and winked at her.

Maria remembered how that look used to make her feel it made her feel sick.

Suddenly a tall red haired women stepped out of the restaurant and sauntered up to Billy wrapping her arm around his waist and giving Maria a once over.

“Oh Maria this is my fiancée Sophia, Sophia this is my ex-girlfriend Maria, I told you about her honey.” Billy said as he looked from his fiancée to his ex-girlfriend.

“Nice to meet you Sophia congratulations.” Maria said as she tried to swallow down the big lump that had appeared out of nowhere and made a home in her throat.

Sophia just lifted an eyebrow at Maria and leaned farther into Billy, if that was even possible.

“Maria I got you a triple mocha latte I don’t know what... Billy what the hell are you doing here?” Liz asked as she set down the coffee cup in front of Maria and looked at Billy through narrowed eyes.

To say that Liz didn’t like Billy was a very nice way of putting it.

“Liz I was just leaving.” Billy said as he looked back at Maria who hadn’t looked at him since Sophia had shown up.

“Great, bye!” Liz said as she gave him a huge very fake smile and waved at him.

“Bye Maria it was great seeing you.” Billy said as he gave her one last glance, took a hold of his fiancées hand and walked away.

“Are you ok?” Liz asked instantly at Maria’s side a very sympathetic look on her face as she looked at her friend.

“Umm yeah I’m fine why wouldn’t I be fine.” Maria said as she ran her palm across her check and thought about how it had been with Billy so many years ago.

**1 year after graduating high school**

“Billy are you home babe?” Maria asked in a sing song voice as she opened the door to the small barely furnished apartment she was sharing with her boyfriend of 2 years.

She stopped dead in her tracks with a bouquet of yellow roses in one hand a bottle of cheap champagne in the other.

Billy looked up guilty from what he was doing and stuck his hands in the back pocket of his jeans.

“What are you doing?” Maria asked in barely above a whisper, confusion evident in her trembling voice.

“I have to go Maria, I’m sorry.” Billy said as he looked back down at his scuffed sneakers not having the nerve to look at her in the face.

“What do you mean you have to go, it’s our two year anniversary I bought you flowers.” Maria said as her lower lip began to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears.

“Hell Maria don’t look at me like that you know that we have been having problems.” Billy said as he turned his back to her and continued packing away his clothes into the large duffel bag that was lying on top of the bed.

“Yeah but I had no idea you wanted to leave, were you even going to tell me, if I hadn’t gotten home from work early would you have been gone?” She asked as she took a step closer to him and saw that he had packed almost all of his belongings already.

“I was going to leave you a note, and call you later to talk about things... Look it isn’t you.” Billy said as he placed his palm on Maria’s cheek the feel of her warm tears made his stomach clench in guilt.

“I’m not the marrying type, I cant settle down with just one women, I need to be free... shoot we have been together for over 2 years if you count our senior year of high school.”

Maria took a step back from him as her heart felt as if it were breaking into pieces inside her chest.

With the last words spoken between them Billy picked up his bag throwing it over one shoulder and had placed a very detached kiss on Maria’s cheek before walking out of there apartment with out once looking back.

Maria fell to her knees as the sobs she had been holding back in his presence ripped through her chest. It hurt so bad, this had to be a nightmare...was all that she kept thinking as she laid down on the cold tile floor of her apartment and fell asleep with a bottle of champagne and a bouquet of flowers at her feet.

“Maria...Maria did you hear what I said?” Liz asked as she took a hold of Maria’s hand and gave her a squeeze.

“I’m sorry Liz I was having a little flashback there.” Maria said as she blinked rapidly a few times.

“I was saying that I don’t want this stupid chance meeting upsetting you before your trip...he’s an asshole and he’s going to make that red head out of a bottle Mrs. Asshole.” Liz said with a totally serious expression on her face.

Maria burst out laughing; amazing what 2 years could do to a person. There had been a time that she couldn’t say his name much less see him and not burst into tears. Now she could laugh.

“Let’s go finish the shopping spree, I feel rejuvenated.” Maria said with a twinkle in her green eyes as she got up.


“Man how the hell did you get so lucky?” Alex Whitman asked as he sat down at the kitchen counter of his co-workers apartment as he shook his head from side to side in disbelief.

Michael laughed as he opened the fridge and took out several boxes of film that he had stored there. “I can’t help it if the boss thinks that I am better photographer then you.” Michael said before he dodged a paper towel ball that Alex had aimed at his head.

“A whole freaking month to just relax take in the cool mountain air, fish, takes some pictures here and there… I mean that’s a dream assignment.” Alex said as he got up and followed Michael into the kitchen.

“Yup I can’t wait, get out of the city for awhile.” Michael said as he picked a few CD’s out of a stack that were sitting on top of the TV and shoved them into a black Jansport back pack.

“How’s Courtney taking this time away?” Alex asked as he maneuvered by a big cardboard box that was sitting in the middle of the living room. Michael had been living in this apartment for over and year and he still had boxes that he hadn’t unpacked.

His answer as to why he hadn’t unpacked them when Alex asked him once was, I haven’t found home yet.

“We broke up.” Michael said as he straightened up and looked at Alex.

“Whoa you didn’t tell me about that.” Alex said as he stuck both hands in his pockets and found an interesting patch of wallpaper to look at it. Alex knew that Michael wasn’t the easiest person to get emotion and feelings out of.

“Yeah it’s better this way.” Michael said as he zipped up his back pack and threw it down on the floor next to the TV.

“Yeah but I figured since you guys have been together for awhile...” Alex said before Michael interrupted him and said that he didn’t really want to talk about it.

“10- 4.” Alex said as he pressed both his lips together in silence. “So what time are you leaving again?”

“I have to be in the airport in 2 hours so...” Michael said as he gave his barely furnished apartment a once over.

“Cool, I’ll drop you off; I have to go that way anyway.” Alex said as he grabbed the remote control for the TV off a sofa cushion and turned it on.
“Cool.” Michael said as he ran a hand over his very short hair and went to the only other room of the house... his bedroom.

The room was even worse then usual, there were clothes strewn
everywhere. The smell of Courtney’s perfume still hung in the air.

2 hours earlier:

“Michael are you fucking shitting me?” The tall blonde asked as she flipped her hair to one side and looked at him angrily.

“What, it’s my job, this is what I do.” He said the annoyance evident in his voice.

“I am not stupid, I know that’s your job but its like you don’t even give a shit anymore, its nothing for you to just pack up and go whenever duty calls.” She said sarcastically.

“Whatever Courtney.” Michael said as he stuck his hands in his back pockets and leaned against the wall. He wasn’t in the mood to argue quite frankly he was pretty damned tired of it.

“Just say it I know something in on your mind, I can see it.” Courtney said as she stood in front of him and crossed her arms over her chest, her breasts almost spilling out over the top of her skimpy blouse at that action.

“Don’t you think that this is getting old... are you really happy like this?” Michael a serious expression on his face.

“Oh please this is what we do, we fight, it’s always been this way.” she said as she placed her hands on her hips. She noticed the way his eyebrows went up for a second and how his lips pursed.

“What are you trying to say?” Courtney asked a smirk on her face.

“That this isn’t going anywhere, we should call it off.” Michael said before her felt the stinging of her palm against his cheek. The sound echoed off the empty walls.

“Fuck you Michael; I’m sick of this... You know what… you’re an emotional cripple you never cared about me... we've been together for convince and that is it but your right it’s getting old.” Courtney said as she breathed in and out heavily.

Michael ignored the stinging in his cheek as he watched her opening the closet and taking the few things she had left on the times she had slept over. She was taking no care in grabbing her things and knocked over quite a few oh his belonging in the process.

“Good luck with your life loser.” She said as she pushed her way out of the room, slamming the front door on her way out.

Michael stood there for a few more minutes before moving. It was over...the relationship with her had been what she had said more out of convience then anything else. They had stopped caring about each a long time ago.

As he went to the closet he picked up several pieces of his clothes off the floor that she had thrown to the ground and thought “To new beginnings...”

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:56 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Thanks tequathisy, Grace52373, RhondaAnn and Fehr'sBear for reading. :D It means alot to me.
Credit for the lyrics of the song in this chapter belong to Avril Levine...

<center>Chapter 3</center>

Seat 24A & 24B

“No thank you I’m fine.” Maria replied to the flight attendant who had asked if she needed help putting away her carry on bag in the overhead compartment.

She then sat down in her seat by the window and buckled her set belt tight. Flying always made her feel a little nervous, she was taking deep breathes and had her eyes closed when she heard a deep male voice say “Excuse me.”

Her eyes snapped open and she was looking into the brownish hazel eyes of a tall attractive man.

Maria blinked a few times as she looked up at him the corner of his mouth went up slightly showing a hint of a smile, he then cleared his throat and pointed to the seat next to her were Maria had put a few magazines down when she had tied her seat belt.

She looked towards where he was pointing at and realized that she had not picked her magazines up. Immediately she scooped them up.

“Sorry about that.” She said once she had tucked them in between the side of her seat and the arm rest.

“It’s okay.” The man said as he sat down next to her and began trying to get comfortable.

It had to have been hard though seeing as how his shoulders were very wide and the airplane seats were small all ready.

Once he was seated his cell phone began to ring and Maria had to hold back her chuckle as he had to undo the seat belt and stand up to get the phone out of his jeans pocket, it also gave her a few seconds to check out his fabulous ass.

He sat back down once the ringing of “The forgotten” by Metallica stopped as he flipped the phone open.

“This is Michael.” He said in a clipped voice as he buckled his seat belt and held the phone up with his shoulder.

“Michael...cute.” Maria thought as she tried not to ease drop the conversation. He gave a few one word responses and quickly disconnected the call. It appeared he wasn’t much of a talker.

Maria then reached into the pocket of her zip up style baby blue jacket and pulled out her I-pod.

Michael watched out of the corner of her eye as she pressed a button and saw the names of different bands flash by. She had good taste in music he noticed.

A few minutes later after the plane had taken off the pilot’s voice was heard over the speaker system detailing the flight and weather conditions. He leaned his head back against the head rest and closed his eyes.

Maria who was listening to one of her favorite songs got lost immediately in the lyrics.

I'm standing on the bridgeI'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound
The lonely months she had been through kept flashing thorough her mind, the things she had gone through with Billy and yet this song always made her feel hope.

Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you...mmm

Would she really find someone, it had been so long since she had even been on a date and to be honest she missed the intimacy of being with a man.

Missed feeling strong hands caressing her. The getting to know each others moods and likes and dislikes was something so personal.

I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know?
'Cause nothing's going right
And everything’s a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Maria began to mouth the words as she looked out the little window and saw that they had just gotten off the ground, she closed her eyes.

Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you...

“That’s a really good song.” Maria heard close to her ear, she took the earphone out and cleared her throat.

“Yeah its one of my favorites.” She said as she smiled at him. “I’m Maria Deluca by the way.” as she held out her hand.

Michael looked to her hand then up to her face before he engulfed her small delicate hand in his big rough one.

“Michael Guerin.” He said as he left go just as quickly as he could.

Maria was glad when the stewardess stopped to ask them if they’d like a drink and what not.

15 minutes passed with them not speaking to each other again. Maria began to browse through her magazine while she noticed that Michael took out a manila folder out of his back pack.

Maria’s eyes widened in surprise when she noticed that he also had a pamphlet to the same cabin resort that she was going to. Could it be such a coincidence that he was going there too?

“Are you going there?” Maria asked as she pointed to the pamphlet.

“Yeah I am.” Michael said as he closed the folder and quickly put it back inside his backpack.

“Me too.” Maria said with a half smile on her face.

“What?” Michael asked as he turned to look at her. She was a very beautiful women...with big clear green eyes and lips that seemed to perfect to be real.

“I said that I am going there too...I’m on a spur of the moment vacation.” Maria replied she noticed the way he was staring at her lips. She felt her breathe catch a little as his intense gaze.

“Wow that’s different...I was told that it’s very rustic and well...boring.” Michael said as he turned back into his seat and faced forward. He had to stop looking at her; she was going to think he was some sort of pervert if he didn’t.

“Yeah well I like nature and I’ve gone there a few times already.” Maria said as she leaned back into her chair. Wow that sounded so lame.

“I’m going there to work.” Michael said wanting for some reason to keep the conversation with her going.

“Oh really what do you do?” She asked.

“I’m a photographer; I was hired to take new pictures for a website that there creating.” Michael said matter of factly. What he didn’t say was that photography was his passion that once he was behind the camera lens he felt that he could just let loose and loose himself.

“How must be an amazing feeling to take pictures and have them published and seen by millions of people.” Maria said as she smiled at him.

“Do you want to see some of my work?” Why the hell did I just ask her that?

“I’d love to.” Maria said as she placed her magazine back in the space between the seat and the armrest.

To say that she was amazed was an understatement, his pictures weren’t just pictures they were works of art. One picture made her throat was of a little girl no more then 5 or 6 years old, she was holding the hand of a older gentleman most probably her grandfather.

The emotion that he captured were just amazing, she then heard his voice say in a lower tone of voice that he had been at the park one day and taking random pictures when he saw them and had to take the shot.

“Wow I think there beautiful.” Maria said as she looked at several more pictures before closing his portfolio and handing it back to him. There fingers brushed and Maria felt a tingle run through her arm.

Wow it has been way to long that I have been attracted to a guy if just touching a complete all be it hot stranger made her feel the shivers.

She took a deep breathe and looked out the window at the puffy clouds that resembled cotton balls from this height.

“So do you have any plans tonight?” Michael asked as he leaned forward to place his portfolio back into his back pack.

A shy smile appeared on her face.

“No not really.” She said as the pilots voice came out over the speaker system again announcing that they were going to touch down very soon.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:44 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Hey guys, thanks so much for the feedback, I hope you like the next part. :D

<center>Chapter 4</center>
Dinner for two?

After getting to the airport Maria and Michael had gone separate ways and he had told her that he would see her later tonight at the cabin resort.

Maria caught a cab from the airport and sat back and just admired the beautiful scenery on the drive there. Sprawling mountains and lots of little rivers and streams could be seen through the thickness of the forest.

The movement of the car and the beautiful crisp winter weather had her lulling off to sleep. The general slowing down made her open her eyes and as always a smile broke out across her face as she set sight on the place that always reminded her of happy times and of her father.

“Miss do you need help with your luggage?” The taxi cab driver asked as he set one of two suitcases on the floor.

“No thanks, I got it.” Maria said as she reached into her pocket and paid for the cab fare and a nice tip.

He smiled and said goodbye as Maria made the short trip towards the check in area.

She smiled broadly as the soft wind whipped at her hair, caressing her neck. Some things never change.

The layouts of her vacation resort were about 20 little cabins all set around an enormous lake with the main cabin where meals were provided as well as other amenities in the middle.

After checking in and getting her key she was very happy to have gotten the same cabin that she had shared with her mom and dad.

Trudging to the cabin she had to stop and before entering, the front of the cabin had a long wrap around porch, with a wooden swing set up right by the door. She was feeling better all ready.

Making her way up the steps she unlocked the door and was pleasantly surprised to see that a nice cozy fire had been set up and the 1 bedroom cabin was nice and toasty.

Setting her bags by the door Maria did a quick run through and couldn’t wait to unpack and settle in.

Entering the one and only bedroom she flopped down on the bed that was covered with a old but very soft plaid quilt and placed both hands behind her head.

Liz was right; this vacation was very much needed she thought as she closed her eyes and smiled.


As Michael walked up towards the cottage that was provided for him as part of the job his fingers itched to pull out his camera and get to work. There was no limit to the beauty of this place.

He took in a deep breathe and exhaled slowly as he sat down on the steps of his cabin.

For some reason that women he had met on the plane came to mind. She seemed so open and well innocent. He looked at his watch and noticed that he had a few hours to burn before meeting up with her.

He got up and entered the cottage; he placed his luggage on the floor next to the sofa and went into the small kitchen to store his film.

After doing so he opened the little white cabinets that hung over the counter and saw that the necessities of food had been delivered but there was still some things that he needed to pick up from the tiny grocery store if you could call it that, that he had seen set up not too far away from the resort.

Grabbing his wallet from his back back he slipped it into the back pocket of his jeans and left the cabin with an idea forming in his mind.

Maria awoke one hour later and stretched her entire body as she came awake fully. Looking at the electric clock radio on the night stand she noticed that she had slept for about an hour. Feeling hungry she went into the small kitchen and began ransacking the cabinets.
Finding some packets of instant cocoa she put some milk that had been provided by the resort in a pot and made herself a nice cup of hot chocolate.

Grabbing the mug with one hand and a throw blanket that had been lying across the back of the sofa she walked outside to the little swing and sat down.

It was beginning to get dark, she could hear the crickets...she laughed to herself softly; you don’t hear crickets in the city.

Bringing the mug to her lips and using the tip of a sneaker clad foot she softly rocked herself back and forth. As she sat there she saw a beaten up gray pick up truck stop at the cabin right next to hers.

She leaned forward trying to make out the form of her neighbor when she realized that it was Michael the photographer she had met on the plane.
Placing her cup down she headed towards the pick up and as she got closer she saw that there were several brown paper bags on the passenger seat.

“Need some help?” Maria asked as she stood a few feet away from Michael.

Michael turned around quickly and with a small grin on his nodded and handed her a bag.

“You sure bought a lot of food.” Maria said as she placed them on the bench next to the front door.

Heading back towards the truck Michael said “Yeah they had some stuff here all ready but I gotta have my favorites.”

“I hear ya.” Maria said as she grabbed the last sack of groceries and placed them along side the other bags.

“Do you want to come in?” Michael asked as he opened the door and then reached down to pick up a bag.

Maria thought about it for a second, the old Maria would not go in with a complete stranger but this is the new Maria besides he seemed normal enough and there were still several people walking around the lake and also fishing.

“Maria do you like spaghetti?” Michael asked as he took out several tomatoes from a clear plastic bag.

“Yes I love Italian food, it’s my favorite.” Maria said down at the small round 2 person dining table that was set up in the corner of the small kitchen.

“Do you want to stick around maybe we can watch a movie or something, I mean unless you have other plans or somewhere to be…” Michael said as he turned his back to her and finished putting away some cans in the cabinet.

“Umm no spaghetti sounds great, thanks for inviting me.” Maria said as she admired the way the T-shirt he was wearing fitted against him as he put some cans on a high shelf.

Michael turned abruptly and noticed that she quickly averted her gaze. Why was she so jumpy he wondered as he turned around and opened and closed cabinets looking for a deep pot to boil water for the spaghetti noodles.

“Are you looking for a pot?” Maria asked as she noticed him looking and looking for something under the sink and near the stove area.

“Yeah can’t seem to find one though.” Michael said as he stopped what he was doing and used his index finger to scratch the spot between his nose and eye.

“I actually saw one over at my cabin, I’ll be right back.” Maria said as she rushed out and took the steps of the front porch two at a time.

She ran into her house and went straight to the little bathroom that consisted of a small pedestal style sink and stand up shower stall.

When she flicked the light on her face was bathed with fluorescent light she grimaced at the way the back of her hair had gotten all knotted up on her nap.

She ran out of the bathroom opened her luggage and quickly ran a comb through her hair, dabbed on some clear lip gloss and sprayed herself with her favorite perfume before rushing out of the cabin.

When she was down the steps of her own porch she remembered that she had gone back to her cabin to get a pot, with a laugh she went back grabbed it and made her way back to Michaels.

“Are you all right?” He asked, she seemed a little out of breathe when she came back.

“Yeah, I’m fine it’s just cold out there, and I forgot my jacket.” Maria said as she handed him the pot and tired to figure out what the hell to do.

“Here take mine.” Michael said as he slipped off his worn out but very warm jean jacket and placed it around her shoulders. The smell of him assailed her senses and it took all the effort she possessed to not bring the lapels of the jacket to her nose.

“Michael where are you from?” Maria tried to make some small talk as she watched him cut and dice vegetables and pour them into a pot, she noticed that he looked like he knew what he was doing. Funny Billy couldn’t boil an egg.

NO don’t think about Billy she thought to herself.
Michael watched out of the corner of his eye the way she kept looking around the room then back at her hands, something was up with her. Maybe if she was doing something she would feel more comfortable.

“Do you want to help me make some homemade garlic bread?” Michael asked as he ran his hands under the water faucet and then used a dish towel to dry them, then slinging the towel over his shoulder.

“Yes I feel useless sitting over here why you are doing all the work.” Maria said as she smiled and got up joining him at the small island that was set up in the middle of the kitchen.

Moments later Maria was slathering thick pieces of French bread with butter and then seasoning them with garlic powder.

Michael watched as she made sure that each piece of bread was buttered to perfection. Michael was more of an observer then a participant.

He made it a habit to study people’s mannerisms and body language. Having grown up in one foster home to the next it had been very difficult to just accept people for what the showed you at first.

It was only after getting to know someone really well did he even consider opening up. Yet Maria had made him want to talk to her, show her art work…invite her to dinner.

“Ok we can let this cruise on it’s on for awhile.” Michael said as he placed the bread in the oven and turned around to face Maria.

“Smells really good all ready.” Maria said as she stuck her hands in the pockets of his jacket. Her hand touched something very cold and with a surprised expression on her face she pulled out a silver locket.

The name Courtney was etched into the front of the heart. Maria felt her mouth open slightly as she took in the significance of the necklace.
Michael reached forward and took the locket from her hand and instantly saw the way that Maria’s once very open and innocent looked vanished.

“She’s my ex-girlfriend; she must have left this in my jacket.” Michael said as he closed his fist around the locket and then went to the kitchen throwing the necklace into the drawer.

“My hands were cold, sorry I didn’t mean to…” Maria said as she looked over to the front door and stopped in mid sentence.

Michael was watching her facial expressions and he could feel the corners of his lips go up at the look on her face. A soft smile was now playing on her face.

He looked out and saw that it had started to snow very lightly.
Maria went over to a window and pushed the white curtain to the side to look out. Michael went over to the fireplace in the corner of the room and began gathering pieces of kindling from a basket that had been set up there to make a fire.

“Isn’t that beautiful?” Maria whispered over her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around herself and felt as if she were going back in time, she could remember clearly being her with her mom and dad, and the snow falling, her mother making hot cocoa her dad taking her hand and standing by the window.

It looked like something out of a postcard doesn’t it Ria?” She could hear his voice clear as day in her mind.

Michael turned around after the fire got going and saw how she had a small smile on her face still.

There was something very mysterious about her and for the first time in a long time her felt like finding out what it was that made her smile so. What memories did she associate with the beautiful falling snow outside?

He sat down on the leather couch and propped his black booted feet on top of the ancient wooden coffee table. It seemed a shame to snap her out of whatever she was thinking about. Besides he had all the time in the world, and it wasn’t as if looking at her was any kind of hardship.

Maria sighed the room felt cozier and warmer, she turned away from the window, from the falling snow and saw he had started a fire, saw how he had been watching her when she turned around. She smiled then as she sat down across from him in a rocking chair.

“Who does the snow remind you of?” He asked as he laced the fingers of his hand over his chest. A pensive look on his face.

“What do you mean?” She asked as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“As soon as you saw the snow, you went somewhere else, not saying that I minded, just that I noticed the look on your face.” He said matter of factly.

She laughed; Michael noticed the way her nose scrunched up a little bit and couldn’t help but think that this women got more interesting as the minutes past.

“My father loved snow, loved nature so seeing the snow falling and being here just reminded me of him, and brought back a lot of good memories that’s all.” Maria rocked herself back and forth and felt so very comfortable.

“That’s nice; sounds like you have a really good relationship with him.”
“Had, he passed away a couple of years ago, cancer.” That sad look was back on her face again and he regretted bringing it up.

“Sorry.” He said as he made eye contact with her.

“Thank you, but it was a long time ago and thankfully I have a lot of good memories.” She felt comfortable, it seemed that her old life was millions of miles away, all her problems, the anxiety that she had felt over seeing Billy were all gone. And she was glad.

They continued talking about this and that and before either of them knew it they had finished off the pot of spaghetti and had each had there fair share of bread with some wine.

“I am so full, that was great thank you for inviting me to dinner.” Maria said as she washed the last dish and set it on a small dish towel to dry.

“Thanks for doing the dishes, I hate having dish pan hands.” Michael said as a quick grin appeared on his face.

Maria laughed out loud as Michael held up his hands and said “Just kidding.”

She looked at her watch and saw that it was almost 11 and she was beginning to feel tired.

“Well thank you for everything Michael; I had a great time tonight.” She was slowly making her way towards the front door. In a way she felt like staying, and continuing what had been an amazing evening but she didn’t want to intrude either.

“Maria can I ask you something?” He was a few steps behind her.

“Shoot.” She turned around and he was steps away from her, she was close enough to smell his woodsy cologne, to see the golden flecks in his eyes.

“Do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, significant other?” He had a serious expression on his face and she could tell from his facial expression that it hadn’t been easy for him to ask her that but he had. She felt butterflies in her stomach.

“No, definitely no and no.” She said as she tilted her head to one side and felt the corners of her mouth turning.

“Good because I want to do this.” He took a step towards her and used his index finger to lift her chin up, there gazes locked for what seemed to be an eternity, it was almost like he was giving her a chance to say no, but when she nodded slightly, he dove in his soft warm lips were on hers and Maria felt a hotness travel through her body.

Maria felt as if the bottom of her stomach had dropped down to her feet, the only places that they were touching were there lips and it felt as if her body were on fire. His lips were rubbing against hers in a dance that was older then time.

His hand had snaked into the back of her hair gently and hers went around his arm as her fingernails bit into him gently. Both were lost in the passion of the kiss, minutes passed as they stood there lips and tongues caressing one anothers.

A heavy throbbing had begun in her loins and if it hadn’t been for the need to breathe, she would have continued kissing him forever.

Michael let out a deep breath as laid his forehead against Maria’s and tried to take a deep breath in. His heart was hammering against his chest so hard he was surprised that she couldn’t hear it too. That one kiss did to him what he handnt felt.

“Wow.” Maria said as she brought her finger tips to her lips that felt bee stung from the passionate kiss they had shared.

“You can say that again Deluca.” Michael had taken a step back and was now running a hand over his very short hair.

Maria laughed as she looked over her shoulder at him and walked out of the cabin, closing the door behind her very softly as she left.

He quickly went to the window to make sure that she got to her cabin safely, he laughed when he saw her stop look up into the sky and close her eyes, she made a beautiful picture standing there, snow falling all around her. He felt something he hadn’t felt in a very long time stir in his chest…hope.

Maria felt like skipping, but she contained her self. The cold wind didn’t even affect her as she looked up into the darkness of the sky and saw so many twinkling stars. She closed her eyes as the snow flakes fell on her cheeks.

Things were looking up; she thought a smile on her face as she made her way to her cabin, fished the keys out of her pocket and went inside.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:04 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Man you guys... you have no idea how much it means to me to see that you took the time and gave me little bumps and PMS and stuff... I really appreciate it... I dont know what happened tonight... I just sat down and read the bumps and it kicked my butt into gear, I wrote this chapter although its not that long

On a side note, this was not beta'd or proof read, sorry for any mistakes...

I hope you think it doesnt suck, and I hope that this ends my looking for my muse who has been MIA lately....

Thanks again. :D

dreamer393- Seeing that she was a reader of this fic made me feel so freaking sad. Sigh... RIP

Chapter 5:

Maria could hear kids laughing , she snuggled her face deeper into her pillow and brought the thick cover to just above her ears. A yawn escaping as she fought to go back to sleep. It was too early to get up, 20 more minutes of sleep would be heaven.

A child’s high pitch squeal had her opening her eyes in surprise. She was annoyed… she got out of bed dragging the sheets with her along the floor to look out the window and see where all that noise was coming from. All her aggravation flew out the window when she saw a group of kids having a snow ball fight.

There laughter was contagious, she shook her head from side to side as she let the curtain fall back to its place and threw the blanket on top of the bed.

Making her way out of the bedroom she went straight to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. It was cold since the fire had died out last night while she had been at Michaels.


Just thinking about him brought a smile to her face. She measured water and poured it into the coffee maker as she thought back on last night.
She bit her bottom lip as she remembered the steamy kiss that they had shared.

His breath had been so sweet against her lips and by god he knew how to use that mouth to perfection. She remembered how goose bumps had broken out on her body.

Once the coffee was going she went back to the living room and built a fire. A feeling of contmepment washed over her. Maybe she should look into the job market around her. The area was beautiful, she didn’t mind the cold weather. It was something she would have to give some serious thought to.

After taking a quick and almost deathly cold shower she hurriedly put on a black turtleneck, her most comfortable jeans and very cute black hiking boots that Liz had forced her to buy. She ran a brush through her hair and went into the kitchen grab a cup of coffee.

She was surprised to see Michael walking out the back door of his own cabin. He looked over in the direction of her cabin for few seconds before looking at his watch then turning around and disappearing into the woods, camera in tow. It was just a little after 8, he probably thought she was sleeping.

Maria sighed as she watched him go. Last night had been amazing but come on, they were here for a month, why start something that had to end anyways. I mean come on its not like something would come out of it...

Ok It was one kiss Maria, get your head on straight, she thought as she rinsed her coffee mug, grabbed her thickest jacket and walked out of the cabin.

Somewhere in the woods:

Michael held his breathe as the shutter clicked. Just one more shot, he took a step forward and a branch snapped beneath his weight sending the deer that he had spotted running into the dense forrest.

Shit, he slowly let his camera rest against his chest as he mentally went through the shots he had all ready taken this morning, and hell there had to be more deer in this immense forest.

He stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a crumbled pack of cigarettes. Taking one out he broke off the tip of it and proceeded to light it. Taking a deep drag he felt calm. Kicking the habit wasn’t easy but little by little he was weaning himself off, and smoking a smaller portion of cigarette every time.

Quickly finishing off his cig he decided it was time to head back, his stomach was rumbling and he had over heard on the radio this morning that they were expecting a small snow storm to come through.

As he made his way back to his cabin he found that his jacket the same one that Maria had used the night before was now neatly folded on a rocking chair in front of his cabin.

Interesting, I wonder why she didn’t give it back to me herself? He fished his keys out of his pocket and opened the door grabbing the jacket as he went in.

As Michael put his camera bag down he couldn’t help but think that maybe he had gone a little to fast last night. It had felt so right though, kissing her, feeling the silkiness of her skin... and being completely honest with himself he didn’t regret doing it, but now out of the moment he realized that it wasn’t his smoothest move.


How could he go about fixing this one...Flowers... hell no too cheesy, making dinner...that didn’t seem right either. He opened the fridge and took out a ice cold Pepsi and straddled a kitchen chair, lost in thought as drank his soda.

A few minutes later a mischievous smile appeared on his face before he got up and grabbed his jacket, heading out the door.

Maria had just reached her cabin door when she heard her name being called out, slowly she turned around, the sight before her making her pulse jump slightly.

“Hey Michael.” She turned around slipping her keys back into the pocket of her jacket, lest she drop them and look like a clumsy oaf.

“Hey, how’s it going?” He had taken a few steps towards her and was now leaning against the railing of the porch a secretive smile on his face.

“Good, cant complain.” God why does he have to look all sexy and manly and damn appealing, she didn’t want to feel this way especially after the long talk she had with herself just this afternoon.

“Well I wanted to know if you had any plans... for lets say later tonight.” Michael noticed the way her forehead scrunched up a little as if she were pondering the question deeply. Shit he had fucked up, she didn’t even want to hang out with him again after last night.

“Actually I’m going to the bonfire there having out by the lake tonight, it’s a tradition here.” Maria said as she took a step back, edging closer to the door. Your making the right decision Maria, keep it light, no feelings will get hurt this way, especially your own.

“Oh all right, I didn’t know they were even going to do that...guess I should have read the brochure right?” He tried to play it off as he stood up straight, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

“Maybe another night, or something...” Maria said vaguely, feeling a bit guilty about acting like this but not able to stop the words as they came out.

“Yeah sure, sure another night.” Michael knew he was getting blown off, her attitude all ready appearing much different from the way she had been in the plane, and last night. He would back off and give her some space.

“See ya around then, let me know if you need anything.” Michael replied as he turned around and made the short trek back to his cabin. A feeling of regret stirring in his chest.

Later that night:

“Tell me everything, leave out no details.” Liz demanded a trace of laughter in her voice as she waited for Maria to begin the story of what had happened last night.

“It’s really not a big deal.” Maria said in a low voice as she tried to keep her voice down, seeing as how she had to go to the main reception cabin to make the phone call. People were constantly walking back and forth, shouts of laughter and people talking could be heard in the background.

A few minutes later Maria wished she wouldn’t have even told Liz everything that happened the night before with Michael. She was currently trying to regain the hearing in her left ear that Liz’s high pitch squeal had made sounds of bells ring in.

“So he seems totally into you, why on Earth would you say no to whatever it was that he was asking you to do with him tonight?” Liz asked exasperated at Maria’s behavior.

“Liz hello, I am here for a month, its not like something can come out of this, besides its better this way...I am here to relax you know...not make some sort of love connection.” Although it would have been nice she thought to herself but didn’t dare say to Liz.

“Maria I swear you can be so dense sometimes, I am not telling you to marry the guy, but what’s wrong with having a little fun, shit you could look at it like making a new friend... besides who cares that you are there for a month, its not like you live on different planets or something...there’s such a thing as email, cell phones... give yourself a chance.” Liz had changed tactics, to try to get through to her best friend.

Maria sighed, she knew that was Liz was saying was right, but she wasn’t strong like that, she all ready was feeling things that she shouldn’t about Michael. Maybe it was because she had been out of the whole dating scene for such a long time, or maybe it was because she just wasn’t ready.The last thought made her feel like long was Billy going to effect her future for?

“Your totally right.” Maria answered as she looked at her watch.

“Wow that mountain air must be magical, you have never agreed with me so fast before.” Liz said a smile on her face and laughter in her voice.

Maria laughed “I have some things I need to do...but you know what...your right, what have I got to lose?”

“That a girl, call me back as soon as you can okay, and please Maria...have fun will ya?”

Maria released a long held breath and said goodbye hanging up the phone and feeling a new sense of excitement at what was to come...hopefully.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 6:03 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Hey guys, I'm back with a little something, something, lol.

Thanks so much for reading.


Chapter 6:

“What the hell am I doing here?” Michael asked himself for the fifth time, as he found a seat apart from everyone else on a stump of a tree that had been cut down. Everyone else was laughing, drinking hot cocoa around the bonfire. He looked up and was dazzled by the amount of stars you could see here in the middle of nowhere.

And here he was as always feeling like an outsider. The need to smoke a cigarette was there, but he had been trying to quit and didn’t bring along his emergency pack just in case. He brought his cupped hands together and blew into them, it was getting colder and colder around this place. His hot breathe made a little cloud of air.

“What the hell am I doing here?” He asked himself again, I’m cold, I’m bored... and I really came to see if Maria would come. Pathetic, the girl blows me off and here I am waiting to see if I get a glimpse of her. I messed up big time, but on the same hand when we kissed, it felt as if she wanted that too. Stupid me. He sighed.

“Is there any room on that stump for me?” He heard from just behind his shoulder. He turned slightly and there she was, looking so damn cute in a pair of corduroy pants and a big white fluffy looking jacket zipped up to her chin, a white cap lay low on one side of her face.

Michael scooted over a bit and gestured that the spot was her’s with his hand.

“Nice night isn’t it?” Maria asked as she stuck her hands in her pocket and looked out to the huge fire that was burning not to far from where they were sitting.

“Yeah, its kinda cold though.” Duh Michael smooth, real smooth he thought.

Just then a older women wearing a jacket bearing the name of the resort came with a tray, holding steaming hot chocolate. “Oh what a lovely couple the two of you make.” She smiled as she offered each a mug.

Michael grinned slightly and grabbed a cup for himself and one for Maria.”You two have a wonderful evening.” she said as she walked away.

Maria accepted the mug from Michael and chuckled a bit, when she had been walking up towards him unseen she debated whether to talk to him or not, he looked so serious and lost in thought, and so damn handsome, why was it that she always feel for the mysterious kinda guy, but in a brief split second decision she had come out from behind the tree where she had been standing and spoke up.

“So about earlier today.” Maria said as she held the mug tightly in her hands, “I didn’t mean to come off the way that I did.” She looked over at him and admired his profile as he stared straight ahead, the light from the fire making shadows appear and disappear on his face.

“It’s cool Maria, maybe I read the signals wrong last night, I’m not some pushy perverted guy, ya know, I’m sorry if I came off that way or made you feel uncomfortable.” He took a sip of the steaming cup and continued to look at the fire.

“Oh no Michael, it’s not like that at all, that...kiss we shared last night was really, really great and it wasn’t unwanted, I just have... some things... you know baggage.” She said as the corners of her lips turned down in a frown.

“Don’t we all Maria?” Michael got up placed the empty mug on a nearby picnic table before coming back and extending a hand to her.

Maria laughed and shook her head yes.

“So how about we go roast some smores; I haven’t had those since I was a kid.” Michael said as there fingers enter wined with one another and both headed toward the snack table.

In the main office of the resort:

“So that’s right folks, we are expecting one heck of a blizzard, the weather will easily be in the low 20's with as much as 8 feet of snow expected, so bundle up now and get ready for it.” The weather man of the local news predicted as the show went to commercials.

“Honey we need to get everything set up, all the emergency procedures in place, we have almost every cabin rented out this season.” The elderly owner of the resort told his wife before hitting the off button on the remote for the TV, cutting of a smart little jingle about dishwashing liquid.

“Ok Pete, let’s wait till morning to let all the guests know, no sense in getting them all worked up just yet, they said we have at least 48 hours to prepare.”

“Okay Bette, we’ll wait till morning but first thing, I don’t care if they get made because we are waking them up early.” Pete said as he slowly made his way back out to the campfire, followed closely by his wife.

What they had missed was when the news did come back, they advisory had just been pushed up to 24 hours, not 48.

Later that night:

“Thanks for walking me to my door.” Maria said as she climbed the few steps up to her porch.

“No problem, I had fun tonight.” Michael said as he stayed on the bottom step of the ladder and looked up at her.

“Me too, do you want to come in, have something hot to drink or a snack or something?” Maria asked her hand on the door knob.

“Na, that’s okay, are we still on for tomorrow morning, there’s this amazing creek, I’d really like to show you.”

“Yea that sounds great, I’ll pack a picnic for us or something.” Or maybe you could come inside with me right now, and we could forget all about tomorrow she thought.

“That sounds nice, see you in the morning Maria.” The corners of his lips rising slightly, into almost a smile before he turned around and walked back to his cabin, stopping once to look back and make sure that Maria had gotten in safely into her cabin before entering his.

He opened the front door that he had forgotten to lock, Alex would laugh at how quick he was getting used to the country way of leaving your doors open. He took off his jacket and hung it on a kitchen chair. He grabbed his laptop and his camera and began downloading the pictures he had taken into the computer.

Maybe tomorrow Maria would let him take a few pictures of her. He grinned, he liked her, she made him laugh, which wasn’t a easy thing for people to do. About 2 hours later his eyes were blurring from staring at the computer screen and he was damn cold. They weren’t kidding when he had been told the temperature really went down at night.

He through a few logs into the fireplace, took of his boots and laid down on the sofa, covering himself with a thick hand woven blanket that the resort provided. He’d sleep better by the fire.

Tomorrow was going to be good, just Maria his camera and some very nice scenery to share with her. His last thought before he drifted off to sleep was that hopefully it wouldn’t be so damn cold when he went out with her into the forest to show her that amazing creek.

The Next Morning, 9AM.

“Bette, come on we have these last 2 cabins and that will make if official, everyone will know to stay indoors.” He trudged up the stairs of what his paper work showed was being occupied by a Maria Deluca.

He knocked once, and no answer, he knocked again and nothing not a sound came from inside the cabin. He called out to his wife who was at the cabin right next door.

“Nothing Pete, he musta gone out or something.” Pete’s wife hollered as she made her way to him.

‘Oh shit, that’s bad, the weather has all ready dropped at least 15 degrees since this morning.” Pete covered his mouth with one hand as he thought about what to do next.

“Let’s let the forest ranger know to keep a eye out for these two, with any luck they’ll be together and getting back here in no time.”

“Let’s hope so Pete, let’s really hope so.” Bette said as she wrung both her hands together nervously.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:45 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Authors Note: Hey guys I'm back, thanks so much for your feedback and kind words. I love Candy love, its my favorite to write, But I could be biased.. haha.

Anyways hope you enjoy the next chapter, I feel kinda funny about it :? Keep in mind I'm from sunny south Florida and have never seen snow in my life, lol... so if you see something that doesnt make sense, take pity on me. HA

Thank you for reading...
And if there are any lurkers lurking HELLO!

<center>Chapter 7</center>

“Just a few more feet and we’ll be there.” Michael called out as he continued pushing back tree limbs for Maria as they made there way through a thick brush of trees and bushes.

The wind had picked up and it was taking all of Michael’s concentration to hold back the branches of trees as not to smack Maria in the face.

Sticking her hands deeper in her pockets as she followed him, it felt even colder then it did this morning when they had left the cabin before dawn. The smell of snow was impending and soon it was going to start coming down, she could feel it in the air.

Michael almost slipped on a uprooted root of a huge pine tree and was stumbling to stand up.

“Are you okay up there?” Maria called out looking down at her own feet to make sure she didn’t fall.

“Just peachy, how about you?” He asked over his shoulder.

“Cold.” She answered then laughed.

He laughed out loud “Me too, but were here.” He finally made his way into what appeared to be a clearing in the middle of the thick forest.

“Wow.” Was all Maria could think to say at seeing the beauty of nature before her. There was a long winding creek, with stones of every color glistening under the fast moving water, dozen of little waterfalls where everywhere as the land was uneven and running along a mountain side. She had never seen anything quite so beautiful in all her life.

Click, Click the sound had her turning her head just as Michael was letting the camera once again rest on his chest, suspended from a leather band around his neck.

She assumed he had been taking pictures of there surroundings.

“How did you find this, It’s amazing.” A smile still gracing her lips as she took a few steps closer to the gurgling water just feet away from her.

“I was just walking through here the other day and kinda got lost and found myself here.”
Michael leaned against a huge rock and just watched Maria’s face, she looked beautiful and he was enjoying being around her more and more.

“It’ really amazing, thanks for bringing me here, its too bad that it’s so cold, it would have been nice to take my shoes off and pick up some pretty rocks.” Maria smiled.

“Its really something isn’t it?” Michael moved from his position of leaning against the tree and went to crouch down next to the stream of flowing crystal blue water.
Maria smiled as a sudden cold gust almost took her breath away.

“That was some cold air huh?” Michael got up and took a few steps towards Maria.

“I feel horrible for saying this I now we just got here, but I’ve been here enough times to know when the snow is going to start coming down.” Maria frowned and couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through her body at another gust of freezing air.

What the hell did I get us into, was exactly what Michael was thinking as the snow began to


“Dispatch over”

“Ok everyone we just got a call from “The Lodge” its missing two of there guests, we need to try to search the surrounding perimeter as fast and as throughly as possible until its not safe for us, suit up everyone, we all know the procedure.” The head of the search and rescue told his crew as he himself suited up in heavy winter gear and rushed out.

45 minutes later the search was called to a halt due to the severe change in weather.


What had started out as a partially sunny and bearably cold day was now a total nightmare.

Maria’s feather-down jacket which had seemed so comfy and warm this morning was now so cold and wet and sticking to her sticking to her skin. Michael was once again in the lead trying to take them back the direction of the old pick up truck he had borrowed to get them there.

The truck seemed so far away now, the continuing blasts of snow and wind was making her eyes water and her face hurt.

I have to maintain control here, I have to make sure that we get out of this safe, if anything happened to Maria... was all Michael could think.

He shivered as he tried to look up to the sky, they had come to a little clearing in the woods, the sky was a dark gray from the little pieces he could see through the tall trees.

“Are you okay?” He asked Maria as he interlace his fingers through hers. Her hands were as cold as ice now, he couldn’t help but admire her, she hadn’t complained once. She is one tough cookie.

“I’m okay bu-but I think we passed this groups of boulders about 10 minutes ago.” Her voiced cracked.

Michael did a complete circle of the area and realized that she was right, they had some how gone in a circle. Think Guerin think...

“Let’s go this way, you could do this Maria.” He could see the fear in her eyes. It broke his heart.

“I trust you.” She held her hand out to him again. He gave her a small smile and once again interlaced his fingers through hers.

25 minutes later:

“Oh thank you, thank you.” The chant was now stuck in her head, the truck was about 20 feet away from them now, somehow they had made it out of the forest.

Maria’s shriek of pain had Michael back tracking, she was hunched over holding her right ankle.

“What happened?” He almost had to yell for her to hear him, the wind was so loud.

“My ankle, I was so- so excited to see the truck, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” Her teeth were now chattering and she was hobbling as she tried to walk.

Michael calmly ran his hand down and around her ankle and didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary. He gave a mental thanks that she hadn’t broken her ankle.

He placed an arm behind her knees ans the other at her upper back as he lifted her off the ground and into his arms.

She almost sighed out loud, Finally some warmth, closing her eyes, she rested her cheek against his chest and tried to think of anything besides the throbbing in her ankle. Beaches... hot cocoa.

Moments later they he was sliding her into the truck and then running around to the other side to get in himself.

“Im so sorry, I didn’t have any clue about this weather, I feel like a total idiot. Michael gave the truck some gas as he slowly pulled out and tried to maintain control of the car on the now slippery road.

“It’s not-not your fault, don’t be sor-sorry.” Maria’s lips were now turning a light shade of blue, that scared the shit out of him. He knew that people could get hypothermia with conditions like this, they had been wet for over an hour now.

What seemed like hours later but really had been not very long they were pulling into The Lodge, the snow had to be at least 2 feet high, where he could have normally driven right up to there cabins, now he had to park 3 cabins down.

“We have to stop here, I’m going to carry you again okay Deluca?” Her eyes were closing a little bit as he spoke which only increased his fear, he jumped out of the truck, and had her out and in his arms again.

He reached the cabin door and grabbed the keys that Maria pulled out of her jacket pocket, after a few more minutes he was able to sweep the snow out of in front of the door and get them inside.

It felt like needles were prickling every part of his body, he needed to make a fire, but first Maria needed some help. She was struggling to the get the buttons on her jacket open.

“Let me help you.” Michael rubbed his palms together to get some feeling back in his own fingers.

Her trembling hands stopped him as he reached for her.

“Thank you for everything, I don’t know what would have happened...” Her beautiful green eyes were misting with unshed tears.

He gave her a crooked smile and before she knew it, he stripped off not only her jacket but her boots as well.

“I’m going to make a fire okay.”

“Please, fire yes...” Maria sighed just thinking of the glorious heat.

Once a fire had begun to burn Michael turned around and almost felt his heart jump out of his chest.

There stood the most perfect women he had ever seen.

She stood only a foot away from him, in a matching pink and white panty and bra set. Her arms were wrapped around her middle as she tried to stumble her way to the sofa.

It was so hard for him to even swallow let alone tear his eyes away from her.

Think of anything Guerin, anything.. X=MC....ahhhh.

“Michael could...could you hold me please, I feel so cold.” Maria whispered as she reached the sofa and wrapped herself in the quilt.

Dear God, help me he thought as he finally managed to swallow, he slowly began to take off his own jacket as he took a deep, deep breath.