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Not Without You - CC - (M/L, Mature) 11-25-05 COMPLETE

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:03 pm
by linliz68
Title: “Not Without You”

Author: Linliz68

Rating: Teen/Mature

Coupling: M/L

Disclaimer: Roswell in no way belongs to me, but to those creative minds of J.K. and others. Lines taken from “Max to the Max”

Summary: Takes place during the episode “Max to the Max”. What happens when Max stops listening to what others tell him to do and finally does something he wants to do?

A/N: Thanks so much to Crashdown_51 for the amazing banner and for Selena's persistance on how I've improved on my writing, and who just had to have a sneak peek at the banner for this story. I wasn't able to send this to my beta, because my muse so desperately wanted to post this, so any errors or gramatical mis-uses, I blame fully on her.


Previously on Roswell:

Tess, tired of seeing Max with Liz and desperate to get the others to believe what she believed, simply replied. “Liz is human. She has nothing to do with us.”

After hearing that, Max lost all patiences with her. “No, you have nothing to do with us.”

Liz felt the tears burning against the back of her eyelids but pushed them down. She wouldn’t let this monster see her weak and helpless. She believed deep down in her heart that Max would save her from this hell and she told him that much. But the reply she got wasn’t one she expected, so taking a deep breath she spoke up with all the strength she had. “ don’t care about anyone.”

Watching as that smirk returned to his face, she shuddered. His soulless eyes stared deep into hers as he spoke with a cold tone. “All I care about is protecting them. No one else matters.”


Pulling up to the carnival, his senses were attacked by loud sounds and bright lights. Immediately feeling nervous and uncomfortable, Max tried squeezing his eyes shut to block out everything that was a distraction, but cursed when that brought no peace to the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. Why did the lights have to be so bright and what pleasure did these people get out of hearing music that could possibly cause them to go deaf? The whole carnival experience bewildered him and made him wish for the solitude of his room and the soft mellow tones of Counting Crows.

Immediately getting out of the Jeep, he did a quick scan of the crowd. In that instant, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. Like a cold gust of wind that only he could feel, chills slowly appeared on his body. It was then that he knew, it was Liz. She was somewhere close by but her presence was being masked, hidden from him and anyone looking for her.

She was terrified and that fear, alone, almost brought him to his knees. The fear that radiated off her was so thick that Max could almost taste it and made him hate Nacedo even more. He took the one thing that made Liz feel safe and used it against her, making her collateral. In that second, he didn’t know what terrified him more, Liz being kidnaped by the one Tess told them they could trust or the fact that he was walking around with his face.

What could possible stop the Special Unit from grabbing her, after all Tess herself said that Nacedo didn’t care for her. He still didn’t understand why Nacedo would pose as him and take Liz? He knew where Pierce was, so why not go after him alone. So many questions, yet not enough answers. Tonight would be the end of that. He was a normal teenage boy, as normal as normal could get. All he wanted to be was another face in the crowd and just be live life the way he wanted to live it.

It still didn’t make any sense as to why he went to Tess to figure out the answers to questions he already knew. He already knew in his heart who he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. How could he be with someone else, when he had given his heart away years ago. Why couldn’t Michael or Isabel have gone? Why did they feel that it was so important to know things that would only bring more questions? Why did they look up to him at times like these? Didn’t they realize he was just as lost and confused as he was?

On a level that he could only understand, he knew the reason why he had gone to see her, he felt attracted to her. That attraction also disgusted him, because he didn’t feel the same way he felt for Liz when he looked at her. It just didn’t make any sense, if they belonged together like she claimed they did, why didn’t he remember anything or receive any memories from her when they were together? The only memories he had ever gotten from her was when she was in her pod, and even that didn’t make any sense. If he loved her like she claimed he did, wouldn’t he have felt something for her then?

Clearing his head of all thoughts, he once again searched the crowds for some recognition of the brunette who had stolen his heart, instead all he saw was people laughing and having fun. Why was it getting harder and harder to feel her? He could always tell when she was near, and even now it provoked him even more that the only person to be blamed was the one who carried his face and the girl who called herself his wife.

“Max, what do we do?”

His breathing stops as he sees someone who resembles her. As she turns around, Max sees that it is not her, but a girl laughing at something her friend says. In that instant, he is both saddened and relieved, which only motivated him more to find him to find Liz and take care of Nacedo once and for all.

“Split up and search for Valenti, he’ll lead us to Liz.”

Isabel nodded her head as Michael placed his arm around her shoulder, bringing normalcy to anyone who might be watching. They quietly begin their search in the opposite direction of where Max would head, and once again he was left alone with her.

“What do I do, Max?”

She looks like she genuinely cares, leaving him to wonder if it’s for real or all just a show. Right now, all Max can think about is Liz and is tired of playing Tess’s games.

“Nothing,” He pauses, letting his words sink in. “You’ve done enough.”

To the left of Max, something caught his eyes, jerking his head in that direction he catches a glimpse of Valenti, figuring it’d be his best shot at finding where she’d be, he took off after him and headed for the Maze of Mirrors. Crowds of people laughed as he passed by them, adults and teenagers alike, just enjoying the night. He wouldn’t let the pain of normalcy that everyone else had stop him from finding Liz and getting her to safety and away from the man who was supposed to be Tess’s protector.

Pausing several times to excuse the way he had bumped into others, he made his way over to the maze. The title wasn’t proving false, it was a maze unlike any he’s ever seen. Each step he took, he came face to face with himself and cursed to himself as he walked into one of the house’s many mirrors. Each face looked the same, but none of them held the evil within. As he passed each mirror, the fear inside him grew. What if he had indeed came across the one who held his face, but he just waved it off as a reflection of himself?

“No,” He told himself. “You’ll know it when you see it.”

Glancing to his left, a reflection of Valenti becomes clearer and clearer. The sheriff is getting closer and if found, Max knew there would be no way of explaining his actions. Especially if he was here looking for Liz, that could be the only explanation for him being here. Slowly backing away, Max turned to his right and walked right into another mirror. Rubbing his forehead from the impact, he slammed his fist into the mirror before stepping around it. Now he knew why he hated carnivals, he found no fun in them at all. The loud music, the bad lighting, the rigged games, all of it had no meaning.

Turning away from the mirror, Max comes face to face with the one he’s come to hate. “What are you doing here? Get out of her.”

“Where’s Liz?”

“Pierce doesn’t care about her. He only wants me.”

“He wants all of us, or didn’t you get that part already?” Max let out an angered sigh and continued. “You didn’t answer my question. Where is Liz?”

“I won’t let him take you.” Nacedo replied, not intimidated by Max’s threats.

“I don’t care anymore.”

“You need to leave right now or-”


Max immediately turned around to the sound of her voice. She was on the other side of one of the mirrors that he had run into earlier. He could feel the connection surging to life at their close proximity, and her relief at seeing him brought him some peace. He could feel the stares Nacedo was giving him, but he didn’t care anymore. Only focused on one thing, he ran over to where she was, the only thing keeping him from her was a simple mirror. One that could be easily taken out.

Taking his hand, Max placed it on the glass. His love pouring into the connection showing that she should not be afraid of him, but the fiend behind him. He focused only on her and everything she represented in his life. She was the peace he had been searching for, and the only one who made him feel complete. Her pleading eyes looked directly into his as she placed her hand against his on the mirror, the feel of her hand was so real that it didn’t matter if the glass was there or not. All that mattered was her safety and he would protect her from anything that threatened to harm her.

“Get out of here.”

“Not without you.”

Her plea brought some warmth to his heart, as she only focused on his safety and the heat coming from her hand warmed his as his eyes pleaded with her. He knew she was more concerned with his safety, but he had lost her once, he promised himself he wouldn’t lose her again.

“Liz, stand back.” he spoke in a soft voice.

Tears filled her vision as she simply nodded her head and took several steps back. Crouching into the corner of two mirrors, she covered her head with her hands. She looked up one final time, tears streaming down her face and once again nodded her head letting me know she was ready.

Turning away from her, Max looked behind him to see that Nacedo was still there watching the exchange between himself and Liz. Knowing he only had seconds, he raised his hand and with strength Max didn’t know he had, he threw Nacedo back several feet, shattering two mirrors in the process. Not being distracted by that, he quickly turning around, and used that same hand to shatter the mirror blocking him from Liz. The final piece blocking him from her was now removed, and he wasted no time in getting to her.

Pulling her up from her crouching position, he pulled her flush against him. Cradling her soft body in his, protecting her from anything and everything. Laying his head on top of hers, he reveled in the feel of her body, and let his guard down for just a few seconds. She wrapped her arms around his waist holding onto him as her lifeline.

“Liz, we need to get out of here.” I whispered, and began searching for the quickest way out.

Looking behind Liz, Max could see lights from the rides outside flashing. The music was not as loud as before, but taking a few steps towards the light, the music increased. He breathed a sigh of relief, and took her hand, quickly guiding them towards the exit. The glass crunching and breaking under their feet as they hurried. Taking her hand more firmly in his, Max brought Liz in front of him. He wouldn’t leave her behind nor would she be behind him where he couldn’t keep an eye on her.

Once on the outside, Max finally let all his fears go, and just envelope himself in her warmth. She buried her head in his chest and finally let some of the tears she’d been holding in go. The moisture seeped through his shirt and onto his skin. He ran his fingers through her hair, holding her tightly and letting her know that she was finally safe.

“Liz, we have to find the others.” Max whispered. “They’re here looking for you, too.”

“Maria?” Her voice cracked, as more tears slid down her face.

“No,” He paused. “She’s at the crashdown, just in case you were to call or if something happened, but Michael, and Isabel are here. They wouldn’t let you be taken without a fight, and neither would I.”

“And Tess?”

“She’s waiting by the jeep.” He sighed. “I wouldn’t let her help. She only cares for Nacedo, and I didn’t want her getting in the way.”

She looked up at him through tear filled eyes, and tried to smile. “Max, lets go home.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Sliding his hand down, he captured her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. Slowly they made their way towards the jeep. Those who passed by still carried the smiles that the carnival brought. The sky was darker then it was when he had first come in, and the stars were out. This would’ve been a better night if all this mess hadn’t of happened.


Max turned his head at the call of his name. Coming towards him in a panic was Isabel, Michael close behind her. Before he had a chance to let go of Liz’s hand, Isabel had pulled both him and Liz into a tight grip hug. The scent of Britney Spear's Curious engulfed Liz and she held on tighter to Isabel, thankful for the outcome of this night.

"Isabel, if she's not dead yet, she will be if you don't let go."

Michael grinned and pulled Liz from Isabel's grasp, but not before getting smacked on the back of the head. Liz quickly returned the strength of the hug as Michael buried his head in the crook of her neck.

"I'm really glad I didn't lose you." Michael whispered loud enough only for Liz to hear.

More tears streamed down her face, as she smiled and melted more into the embrace that is Michael. Slowly as more minutes passed, Liz pulled away from Michael and once again melted back into the Max's arms.

"Let's go home."

"Amen to that." Michael replied, recieving odd glances from Isabel as well as Max. "What, it's Maria's influence. I blame her."

Tess, who hadn't moved was now sitting on top of the jeep, her left leg pulled back as the other swayed back and forth. She was completely oblivious to their approach as her eyes were fixed on a group of kids in line for the local ferris wheel. Her eyes held such yearning, that Liz herself, felt a pang of sympathy for the young girl. The only thing she wanted was to belong, and her upbringing wasn't the best, but she was trying to turn her life around. Liz had to give her that.


Tess abruptly pulled her gaze from the kids back to Max, who had cleared his throat. Her expression was that of shock and happiness. She quickly slid off the jeep and pulled Liz into a hug.

Liz, stunned by Tess's actions, wrapped her arms around the petite girl and returned the welcome as best she could. The kindness coming from her warmed a piece of Liz's heart that had long been cold. "Thank you."

"I'm just glad you're okay." Tess replied, pulling away after a few seconds and began to look behind Max and Michael.

"If you're looking for Nacedo, he's not our problem anymore."

"Max.." Isabel began.

"No, Isabel. He made decisions in his life without living with the consequences. He forced his ideas and opinions on us without ever caring about our thoughts and opinions. He expected us to live the lives of our former selves, and forget about any and all human contact or emotions." Max paused, taking a deep breath. "Just a few minutes ago, he wanted me to save myself and forget all about Liz. Saying he was the only one Pierce cared about, but all of us know that that is not true. He only wanted to kill him, and if Liz were to die in the process so be it. After looking into Liz's eyes, I knew that if Nacedo were to return with us, our lives would never be the same. That's why I did what I did."

"What are you saying, Max?" Michael asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I knocked him unconcious, and left him for Pierce. He wants me so bad, he can have him. I'm through living my life by his standards. I'm ready to live my life by my terms."

"I don't-" Tess began.

"If you want to look for him, that choice is up to you. But ask yourself this Tess, do you want to live your life by your own free will or through others dreams?" Max spoke calmly.

"I'm just glad this is all over." Tess nodded her head in the general direction of where the Maze was. "I feel like I can finally breath now. I owe that, to the four of you. Thank you for giving me my life back."

"I'm just glad everyone's safe, although I have one question that still hasn't been answered." Michael spoke, the corners of his lips slowly turning upwards from a smirk to a smile. "When are we ever going to go back home?"

"Michael, talk about being rude." Isabel replied and smacked him on the back of his head.

"I am home," Max replied looking down at Liz.

With on final glance at those who had become his family, Max simply replied. "Let's go home."

The End.