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One Strange Night... (AA, CC/UC, Teen, 1/1) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 4:36 pm
by killjoy
Title-One Strange Night Down At The Crashdown.
Disclaimer-Own nothing that is mentioned in this story and so make no money off it.
Couples-UC mentioned but not really a factor in this story.
AN-This story came about by me being unable to sleep one night.So for some reason my sleep lacking mind came up with this weird fic. :lol: I don't know if you'll like it or if I'll write more for it but this is just what I came up with.Hope you like it.

"Max I can't believe that not only did you sleep with Tess but you got her pregnant also!" Liz yelled in a loud voice.

"Like you got room to talk Ms. I Slept With Kyle!" Max fired back in anger.

"What?!" Tess yelled out as she shot a death glare across the room at Kyle. The young man in question was sitting next to Michael,the two of them were munching on popcorn while closely watching the show that was unfolding in front of them. Although Tess wanted nothing more than to have Max as her lover she was also very possessive and jealous when it came to Kyle. And she didn't want anyone else in this world, especially Liz Parker to have him

"Damn it Max how many times do I have to tell you?! Me and Kyle DIDN'T sleep together. And besides it was you .....or a future you who told me to do that!"

"Oh yeah how could I have forgotten, Future Max." Max rolled his eyes and made air quotes as he said the now two infamous words "Liz, I don't know what you were smoking that day but damn it must have been some good shit!"

"I wasn't smoking anything! Future Max WAS there and in my bedroom damn it!" yelled Liz "But by chance if I did imagine him than I bet it was all a mind warp by Tess!"

"You bitch!" Tess yelled in anger as she jumped out of her seat and ran over to grab Liz by her long hair. Liz in turn grabbed Tess by her blonde hair and the two of them hit the floor pulling and tugging while rolling over and over each other.

"You know this is so much better than one of my Girls Gone Wild videos" said Kyle as he passed Michael the bag of popcorn while the two of them watched the show

After a few minutes of watching Liz and Tess rolling all over one another on the floor Michael and Kyle were startled when a voice suddenly spoke up next to Michael

"What the hell is going on here? And if we're going to have two HOT babes wrestling around on the floor like this shouldn't there at least be some Jell-O involved?"

Turning in their seats Michael and Kyle were a little stunned to see Alex sitting there watching the floor show. Spying the bag of popcorn that Michael was holding Alex smiled

"Hey man pass some of that over this way."

"Hey didn't you die?" Michael asked Alex as he handed him the bag of popcorn.

"Uh-huh" Alex nodded right before stuffing his face with a large amount of popcorn. Turning to look at Michael, Alex mumbled "Didn't you die too?"

"While yeah years ago." said Michael "But technically that wasn't me.I'm just a clone of him with some human DNA thrown in with it."

"To each their own." shrugged Alex.

"But what are you?" asked Kyle "A ghost? A hallucination?"

"Hell if I know."Alex shrugged again "I don't think they ever really had Isabel figure that out.And you want to know what? I don't really care. I'm just glad to be back here so I can see wonderful things like thi.......ohhhhh Tess just ripped Liz's shirt off!"

"WHOA!" Michael and Kyle turned back toward the fight so fast that it was a wonder their necks didn't get whiplash.

"Now you see I dated her for a whole YEAR and I'm just now getting to see those!" Kyle shook his head while pointing at Liz "That's just so not right!"

"Well we're getting to see them now so just set back, shut up and enjoy the show," said Alex as he shoved another wad of popcorn in his mouth.

"Hold up wait a second." Michael looked at Alex confused "Why are you looking at Liz now? Isn't she like your best friend or something?"

"Well yeah." nodded Alex "But just because I'm dead and Liz is my best friend doesn't mean I don't like to see a good looking girl with her shirt off."

"I mean come on I am a guy after all." explained Alex.

"Would you two guys kindly shut the hell up.You're distracting me." said Kyle while not once taking his eyes of Liz and Tess who were still on the floor and who were still rolling around on top of one another.

Shrugging their shoulders Alex and Michael turned back to watch the fight.