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Unexpected Blessings (A/I Teen 1/1) 12/10/05

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 8:28 am
by KaraGail
AN: This is the final part of my fluff trilogy that has become affectionaly known to me as the "Ding Dong" series (Trick or Treat and The Dinner Guest) :lol: I have tried to stay as true to the show as possible and what was happening at the time :lol: Also I want to thank Trude for always putting up with me and my questions :lol:

Unexpected Blessings

By: KaraGail

"Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended." The song "All I Have" is sung by Beth Neilsen Champan and I own nothing of it as well

Category: Alex and Isabel

Rating: Teen


“Dinner will be ready soon, Isabel!’"Dianne Evans called to her daughter as she watched her head upstairs to her room. She knew exactly why the young woman was hurrying and she couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ll eat later mom!” Isabel returned as she ran up the stairs and into her room. She had a standing date that she did not want to be late for.

Shutting her door she quickly went over to her computer and booted it up as she sat down in her chair. While waiting , Isabel picked up the framed picture that sat on her desk and smiled at the sight of herself wrapped tightly in the arms of her boyfriend, Alex Whitman.

For the umpteenth time in the last month she cursed the fact that he was currently thousands of miles away in Sweden on an exchange program. The chance for him to go had come up unexpectedly a few days after Thanksgiving and Alex’s first introduction to her family.

Isabel remembered how he had come to her house all worried at how she would react to the news. She had been quite upset at the fact that he would be gone until the next year but even more so when she found out he was leaving in two days.

They had spent those few days together never leaving the others sight for very long. If they weren’t on one of their couches snuggling and watching TV then they were gazing at the stars at their special rock in Frasier Woods.

When he had finally left, Isabel had made sure to send him off with a kiss that knocked his socks off. His eyes had been glazed over and a goofy grin on his face as he boarded the plane.

With a chuckle at the memory of his expression she sat the picture down and turned back to the computer noticing the Christmas theme desk top that appeared on her monitor. December had really been a hard month for her without Alex but she had tried to fill it with as much holiday festivities as she could.

Isabel had not only organized the 23rd annual Roswell holiday pageant, but she had also devoted her time to the hunger drive, a dinner at the nursing home and even the Christmas dog show. In between all of that she had also helped Michael by buying a pair of pearl earrings for Maria as well as torment her family with making sure they had the perfect Christmas.

She knew Michael called her the Christmas Nazi behind her back but this was the time of year that she just wanted to be a normal human being with a normal life. Not some alien who did not even know how to get home.

Signing on to her computer she wasn’t at all surprised when she immediately got the invitation to chat with izzy#1guy. Every time she saw his log on name she couldn’t help but smile at the fact that they had come up with their sign on name one night while stargazing and discussing how they would stay in touch while he was gone.

Izzy#1guy : How was your day?

Isabel sighed and looked at the picture again at the two of them together. Ever since she told him about the Vilandra situation he had been even more supportive and worried about her.

Bassmans-grl: I’m no longer tormenting my family about x-mas. Now I am just missing you.

Izzy#1guy : I miss you too. What are you doing tonight for New Years Eve? Got big plans?

Bassmans-grl: Parents r going out to a party and Max going to Crashdown with Michael. I will probably stay in. You?

Izzy#1guy: I do have plans. I can’t stay on for long tonight since I have to go meet some one.

Isabel frowned at the thought that Alex was going to go out with someone else not only for New Years Eve but also on their 2 month anniversary.

Bassmans-grl : who?

Izzy#1guy : A friend

bassmans-grl : Does this friend have a name?

Izzy#1guy : Are you jealous? Believe me when I tell you that you have nothing to be jealous of. I LOVE YOU!!

Isabel couldn’t help but smile at the sight of those words on her screen. She never got tired of hearing or seeing those words coming from him.

Bassmans-grl : I love you 2. Any idea when you will be coming home?

Izzy#1guy : soon. I better go. It’s late here and I still need to change.

Her heart fell at that. She had hoped to spend a couple of hours with him chatting as they had done many times over the last month. She was very disappointed that he had made plans and would not be sharing the night together.

Bassmans-grl: ok. Talk to you tomorrow?

Izzy#1guy: Definitely. Happy New Years, Izzy.

Bassmans-grl: Happy New Years

Izzy#1guy: Signed off

Isabel felt the tears fill her eyes as she turned back to the picture of them together. This was the first year that she had a steady boyfriend that she wanted to celebrate the New Year with and he was on the other side of the world.

Taking a deep breath Isabel stood from her desk and moved to her wardrobe. She pulled out a pair of grey baggy jogging pants and a t-shirt.

“Well since I am staying in tonight then I plan to be as comfortable as possible.” Isabel said to herself as she changed and pulled her hair up into a messy pony tail. Before heading back downstairs to dinner with her parents she scrubbed all the make up from her face. No one outside of her family had seen her like this but she figured that no one would dare bother her tonight.


A few hours later Isabel waved her parents off who were heading to a New Years Eve party given by one of their friends. They had given her hugs and kisses before moving out the door with a “Have a wonderful night, Honey!”

“How can I have a wonderful night when the guy I love isn’t here?” she pouted after the door shut behind them. Every one around her seemed to have some one to celebrate with except for her.

She grabbed a container of her favorite ice cream from the freezer and a bottle of Tabasco and headed into the den where she flopped on to the couch. With the remote in one hand and a spoon in the other she channel surfed hoping to find something on TV to take her mind off the fact that she was alone on one of the most romantic nights of the year.

It didn’t take her long to polish off half the container of ice cream and for a moment the thought past through her mind that she would regret eating this much tomorrow, “To hell with it. I am not trying to impress any one tonight.”

DING DONG! The front doorbell rang causing Isabel to jump in surprise. She wasn’t expecting anyone and all of her parents friends would be at the same party.

Most girls in the instance when they are home alone and not expecting anyone normally would get scared, hide or call the cops. Isabel, on the other hand, was very confident that she could take care of herself so she went to the door and opened it.

Her eyes widened at the sight before her. Standing there in a black tux was none other than her boyfriend who should have been in Sweden and not on her porch carrying a bouquet of red roses.

“Oh my God, Alex!” she cried as she threw herself at him wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him close.

Alex couldn’t help but chuckle at her expression when she had seen him. He had been planning this moment for days and was very happy to see that it had worked. He was just glad to be back home and in the arms of the girl he loved.

Isabel wanted to ask so many questions that were running through her mind but the tears that were caught in her throat and pooling in her eyes made it next to impossible. Finally she leaned back and looked into his eyes, “How?”

He gave her his famous smile and held her tighter, “ The exchange program was over. I had the chance to stay throughout the holidays but I missed you and my parents too much so I decided to catch an earlier flight. I arrived last night and have spent most of the day sleeping off the jet lag so I could spend the evening with you.”

She couldn’t believe how so happy she was at the sight of him. He looked even better than he had when he left a month ago. She wondered for a moment what was in the water over in Sweden because there was no doubt that Alex had come back a hunk.

Needing to reconnect with him she leaned forward and pressed her lips gently against his. Like always their kiss went from being soft and gentle to hard and passionate in seconds. They were not only trying to reconnect physically but also spiritually both having the same thoughts.

He better not leave me again/ I’ll never leave her again

Finally the need to take in oxygen caused them to pull apart slowly and look into the others eyes. There was plenty more they wanted to say and do but they knew that they had the whole night to reacquaint themselves after these many weeks apart.

“These are for you.” Alex smiled, his green eyes twinkling, as he held out the bouquet to her.

“They are beautiful, Alex” She felt the tears well up in her eyes again as she took them from him.

“Not as beautiful as you.”

At that moment Isabel realized what she looked like in her sweat pants and baggy t-shirt, “Oh no!”She moaned as she covered her face with her hands.

“What’s wrong, Iz?” he frowned worriedly at her as he noticed her distress.

“I can’t believe you saw me like this?” She muttered through her hands

Alex couldn’t help but smile as he reached up and gently removed her hands from her face and replaced it with his own. Leaning forward he barely pressed his lips to hers and whispered, “I have never seen you more lovely.”

Isabel’s heart just melted at his words as she recognized the honesty in them. Alex would always see the beauty within her and she would never have to worry about keeping up appearances with him. She pressed her lips more fully to his and for another few moments they became lost in each others arms.

This time Alex broke the kiss and gave her a smile, “Are you ready?”

Isabel couldn’t help but return his smile since she was in a daze after that kiss. Finally his words sunk in, “Ready for what?”

He chuckled as he brushed a finger across her cheek, “For our date of course. It is New Years Eve and our anniversary.”

She looked back down at her clothing, “I can’t go like this, Alex.”

“Why not?” he frowned

“Because you are in a tuxedo, Alex and I look like I am in competition for Miss Frumpy U.S.A.”

Alex couldn’t help but chuckle at her comment, “Believe me Isabel what you look like frumpy is what most girls wish they could be.”

Isabel smiled and gave him another kiss for his sweet comment, “No matter. I will be back in ten minutes changed and ready to go.”

He nodded and followed her into the house where she ran up the stairs and he headed into the den to wait for his girlfriend. He had a feeling that whatever she walked down wearing would totally knock him off his feet.

Alex was right when exactly 10 minutes later he heard Isabel enter the room and his heart almost stopped at the sight of her. He had never seen her in this dress before and the fact that it was red and off the shoulders made his mouth go dry and he wondered for a moment if drool was actually running down his chin.

“Now how do I look?” she questioned with a raised eyebrow and a twirl so that he could take in her whole outfit.

She couldn’t help but chuckle as he tried to find his voice as he continued to stare at her. She finally decided to help him out by pressing a kiss to his lips and whispering, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Alex felt the uncontrollable grin take over his face and gave a nod, “Definitely a compliment.”

After a few more moments just standing there and enjoying the closeness it was time for them to leave. He helped her on with her wrap taking note that he would need to make sure she stayed warm tonight.

Isabel took his hand in hers and would not let go until he settled her in the car and got in on the drivers side. Needing to keep touching him she rested her hand on his thigh and gave it a small squeeze. Alex gave out a groan and looked at her telling her with just his eyes what she was doing to him.

They had yet to go further than kissing in this stage of their relationship but Isabel wanted to be a lot closer to him. Not to say that she was ready to go all the way with him but she felt the need to touch and be touched with him in a more intimate manner.

Alex turned back to the road and drove them to a spot that was so familiar to them. Isabel wasn’t at all surprise to see that they were going to Frasier Woods and to their spot. She worried for a moment that she wasn’t exactly dressed for a night out underneath the stars but she knew she could just snuggle up with Alex who would keep her warm.

What did surprise her, when they got there, was the picnic spread out on the ground in front of the rock as well as soft romantic music coming from a cd player.

“I know it’s not a four star restaurant but since I didn’t know I was coming home until a few days ago I was too late to make reservations.” he turned to her and smiled, “And I didn’t want to take you to the noisy and crowded Crashdown where I couldn’t have you to myself.”

“It’s beautiful, Alex and perfect.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips on to his wanting to tell him, with out words, how special he made her feel.

Soon they were sitting on the blanket, Isabel a little more carefully in her dress, and enjoying the sparkling cider that he had brought as well as a piece of cinnamon chocolate cake that had all of her taste buds in heaven.

Alex rose from the blanket and held out a hand to her as a soft ballad came on the cd player, “May I have this dance?”

She smiled as she took his hand and allowed him to raise her from the ground. He took her in his arms and for a moment she flashed back to the dreamwalk she had experienced when she had visited him so many months ago.

You can say you love me
And I'll believe that's true
Trusting you is easy
'Cause I believe in you
There is nothing I would miss
As long as we're in love like this

There was no doubt that Isabel believed that Alex loved her. He showed her in so many way that she didn’t have to question his intentions.

All I have is all I need
And it all comes down to you and me
How far away this world becomes
In the harbor of each others arms

She knew that throughout her life no matter the ups or down all that she would need would be him and she would be able to find comfort and shelter within his arms.

I feel like I've known you forever and ever
Baby that's how close we are
Right here with you is where my life has come togetherAnd where love has filled my heart
You know I'd go anywhere
As long as I have you to care

Alex spun her in his arms and smiled down at her enjoying the feel of her body against his. He said a silent prayer of thanks to who ever it was that brought this beautiful woman into his life and allowed him to love her.

All I have is all I need
And it all comes down to you and me
How far away this world becomes
In the harbor of each others arms

Isabel wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder as she breathed in his unique scent. She would always be able to identify him in a dark room or with her eyes shut just by pressing her nose against his warm skin and inhaling.

Ooh-and with the love you bring
I never want for anything
I found what I've been searching for in you

Both Alex and Isabel were lost in the others arms knowing that this was were they belonged. He took her face in his hands and with rising passion settled his lips on hers.

All I have is all I need
And it all comes down to you and me
How far away this world becomes
In the harbor of each others arms

Once the song ended the sounds of fireworks going off in the distance caused Alex to look down at his watch. It was 12:00. He looked at Isabel and smiled thinking that they had begun the New Year together and hopefully that would mean they would be together for the next year.

“Happy New Year’s Isabel.”

“Happy New Year, Alex” she returned his smile and pulled him back to her for another one of his out of the world kisses.

Isabel had been blessed with finding Alex and letting him in the last year even though she had been so afraid. She had made many bad choices and had turned him away so many times that she wouldn’t have blamed him if he had finally walked away. Right then, as his arms tighten around her and his lips made love to hers, she made the resolution that the next year would hold more for them and she would never let him go again.

The End

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
