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Waking Up As A Girl K/M ADULT [COMPLETE]

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 8:21 am
by BeccaBehr
Title: Waking Up as A Girl
Author: MaxwellsGurlUk
Disclaimer: My story not anyone else's. I dont own Roswell, sadly becuase if i did i would have give it a better ending!
Summary: Kyle has suddenly found out he was a girl after waking up and he's Max's girlfriend Kelly.
A/N: I'm not sure which catergory this story goes in. Its AU and UC so if you think it belongs somewhere else tell me.

"Night dad" I said goodnight before shutting his door. I had a tough day. I had been shot and found out about the aliens, oh and healed by one who was now dating my ex girlfriend.
I wasnt sure if he could handle it, all these aliens running around town. I mean I always thought that there could have been some truth to the rumours of the crash but it wasnt really serious. Well not at the time anyway.

I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. I couldnt get to sleep at first I had almost died and now here I was just doing my same old routine of eat-drink-sleep. There had to be something out there for me I wasnt just supposed to be born and then die after seventeen years. No I had been saved and I had to make something of my life!
I finally fell asleep and woke up the next morning. Sun was streaming into my eyes which was odd because my window didnt face the sunrise. I sat up and my hair slipped down my shoulders. My hair it was long! It was girl long! My hair shouldnt be like this. I looked around sleepily and saw that I was in a different bedroom. I laid back down and tried to figure out what had happened. I put my hand on my chest to catch my breath but something wasnt right apart from the odd things already. I had boobs! I checked and that wasnt all I had!
I heard a noise from my side and I turned and saw Max lying next to me! He was just waking up and I fell out of bed half in shock half in anger
"Max! What the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?"
"Kelly?" he mumbled


Part Two

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 6:50 am
by BeccaBehr
"Max?" I gasped "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Kelly come back to bed its saturday!" mumbled Max and I looked at him
"Oh god you mean no way! Get the hell out now!"
"Kelly? Kelly are you okay?" he sat up and I found out he was naked. Not good
"Get out! Get you freaky alien ass out of my room!" I yelled at him and he looked at me all hurt and sad "You! Out now!"
"Kelly did I do something wrong?"
"Just get the hell out!" he got out of bed and I turned and spotted myself in the mirror. Long brown hair that passed my boobs Oh Dear God! I was wearing a long t-shirt and my legs were thin and girlish!
"Kelly are you okay?" he knocked on the door "Kelly?"
"Max" I quickly opened the door and pulled him in "Change me back! I know your little freaky alien shit has done something to me now change me back!"
"I dont understand. Change you back to what?"
"To my normal self!"
"But you are your normal self!" he stated looking confused
"You change me back or I go to the FBI telling how you like to turn boys into girls then mess with their heads!"
"Kelly what is wrong with you? What the hell is going on!" he was getting angry now and slightly scared
"You mean it wasnt you who did this?"
"Did what? Babe would you just explain to me what it is that I've done to get you so worked up?"
"Where are the scissors?" I asked him
"In the draw in the bathroom why?" I shoved past him and went into bathroom and slammed the door
"Kelly! Kelly! Open the door! Dont do anything stupid now! Come on let me in! Dont make me come in there!" he yelled as I took the scissors out of the draw and stood in front of the mirror. I cut my long brown hair down to a bob and then turned on the shower. I washed my hair to get all the little cuts out and Max burst in just as I was getting out.
"Max!" I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me very quickly
"Oh... Your okay. Dont ever scare me like that baby I thought you were going to hurt yourself!"
"Who said you could come in here anyway!" I spat
"You cut your hair!" he exclaimed as he came closer
"Yeah so..." I glared at him
"I like it. Come here... I'm sorry if you had a bad morning... We could get back into bed. I dont have to go to work till three and its oh only nine!"
"I'm not getting back into bed with you" he grinned and I stared at him he looked good when he smiled!
"Oh yeah. Is that what you think? Is it?" he got closer still
"Max what are you doing? Max?" he leaned in and picked me up towel and all. I laughed at the silly little alien carrying me back to his... our bedroom. The silly little cute alien... no dont think that about him Kyle your a guy! He's a guy it isnt right... but no dont!
He put me down and the bed and kissed me! I stopped laughing and giggling! He was kissing me!"


This Kiss

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 8:56 am
by BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: My story not anyone else's. I dont own Roswell, sadly becuase if i did i would have give it a better ending!
Summary: Kyle has suddenly found out he was a girl after waking up and he's Max's girlfriend Kelly.

He was kissing me! Actually kissing me! How on earth(or not) am I gonna get out of this. Kiss him back... NO! No... okay... well maybe a little... Kyle No! Keep hold of the manhood! Okay bad time to think of something like that! I wonder what his feels like though. Kyle what are you on shove him off!
But some how I ended up kissing him back. He pulled the towel off me and I wrapped my arms around his back.
"Max!" I gasped then I thought of Isabel and Liz. I shoved him off quickly and got off the bed.
"Kelly! I'm gonna get you! I'm coming to get you" he teased. God I wish he would instead of just teasing me.
"Not if I get you first!" i jogged back into the room and through myself down on top of him. :shocked!:
I kissed him till he kissed back and he rolled me onto my back.
"Max?" I heard Michael call. Fuck or not. Damn!
"I'm in here Michael"
"Oh jeez man putsome clothes on!" he turned his back to Max
"tell him to go. Its a saturday!" I ordered him
"No it might be important!" he pulled on his jeans
"and spending time with me isnt?" I wanted to feel him. I wanted to kiss him and have him kiss me back and have him love me!
"Okay i'll get rid of him but first I'll see what he wants" he went out and shut the door.
I looked about and grabbed up the towel and wrapped it around my girly body and went back into the bathroom and jumped back into the shower drawing the curtain but leaving the door open. I heard the door slam and Max came into the bathroom and shut the door
"You really are wicked!" he climbed in behind me
"So do you care?" i smiled as he caught me in his arms
"Yes. Of course I do I love you"
"Then prove it!" I grinned wickedly


Untitled. Its differcult making names for these things!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 4:24 pm
by BeccaBehr
Title: Waking up as a girl
Author: MaxwellsGurlUK
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Sadly.

"Max" I heard Maria call and Max leapt up quickly and threw the blanket over me.
"Maria!" he sounded surprised but it didnt work "How are you this morning?"
"Can it! Where is she?!" hissed Maria
"Who? Liz she isn't here" he stated
"I know that. Michael came and told us that Kelly was here and she burst out crying. I can't take it any more the fact that you're cheating on Liz! It's just wrong and I'm going to give you an ultamatum either you leave Kelly or Liz leaves you. She said she's going to Vermont if you choose Kelly"
"Then its Vermont isnt it! I love Kelly with all my heart. I want to marry her... if she would have me" Maria punched Max in the face then left.
Kyle's heart skipped a beat and the second Maria was gone. He was up and kissing him passionately and saying yes.

Kyle jumped in covered in sweat. He had been dreaming and he cursed because Max would never marry him. Now all Kyle longed for was to Wake Up As A Girl...

The End