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Fed up/sick of it

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:59 pm
by Lady_vixen
You know sometimes i see stuff on the news or on shows or just in life and think...I am so over that already.
Example...i am am watching world news on my local tv station and here comes BREAKING NEWS...Katie Holmes and Tom Crusie are broken up.
WTF? Who *ucking cares? I am watching news about soliders in war and you stop the news cast for this crap. OVER IT!
You know what else I am over, all the emails telling me I will get a gift certificate to a place if I forward it to 20,000 people. I cant get a discount when they mess up my order. WHy would they just give me $50 bucks.
I have many more but was wondering what you guys are sick of?
Let me know...I am sure i will be back for more.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:03 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
I know what you mean about celebrities! Why do we care so much? And why aren't the troops and the war more important? I hate how news like that takes precedence over other, more important stories.

You know what I get tired of? Non-horse people trying to talk horses. It's absolutely ridiculous, and it makes the person look like a fool. And they think they're right. I've seen people make huge mistakes when it comes to horses, dangerous ones, because they just don't get it. No, it isn't good to buy your beginner child a crazy horse so the kid can learn how to stay alive on it.

I've been having a problem with this lately, so that's why I brought it up. I know a lot of people probably aren't horse people, so they don't really understand what I'm saying, but trust me, it's annoying. Especially when the kid's getting hurt.

I feel better now. :D

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:02 am
by Surfgirl02
Paris Hilton. What has she ever done? Nothing. She parties and acts like a vapid airhead and gets all of this attention for it. She seriously needs to get slapped.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:21 am
by begonia9508
I have the same reactions like you!.... but I think the fault is from the TV reporters who choose what's people want and not what's important!

So I'm just checking the news written on TV (sorry I don't know the english name: for me it's teletext!)


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:22 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Hah good idea sis... umm lets see what am I fed up with... FOR SURE one thing would be Paris Hilton, I detest her...but among other things it would have to be this freaking lady that I work with who is constantly...WARNING GROSS COMMENT COMING NEXT... scratching her crotch in plain view of people, she'll be talking to me and I am in my seat and shes standing next to me picking at her self. Its disgusting and its ALL THE TIME... tell me that is not something gross.

I've worked there over 2 years and shes been doing it this whole time, and everyone in the office is to embarresed to say She asked me to use my stapler today and I said sorry its broken, when its not. heh

SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:51 pm
by Icequeen
Fran that is NASTY!!! LOL

I'm over all these pics of Brad and Angelina out and about. We know they are together i don't need to see every pic of them getting some food with the kids. OVER it!!

Paris Hilton get's an F for being annoying.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:29 pm
by Lady_vixen
Yay, other people are fed up too. :lol:
Maxandliz4ever1357***Dont know much about horses but since you do, I second your motion
Surfgirl02***Paris Hilton gets an F. SHe is so self involved. SHe is famous because grandpa had money.
Begonia***Right on
Lovinguerin2much**your co-woker is a mess. How nasty. We have a lady who eats over peoples food. YUCk, I am so over her.
Icequeen**Yes, they *ucked, we get it. Right on

You know what else sucks? Rubbernecks on the expressway when you are 2 minutes away from being late.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:03 am
by Norma Bates
My goodness! I hear you all!

I avoid the news if at all possible. They don't get the facts right frequently. They just want a quick response. (I recently had an experience of that. It was on TV, the news paper and even ended up on the internet news. Several pertinent details were missing or out and out lies/false information/not true.)

Frankly I could care less about celeb's love lifes, etc. It's not any of my business and it's irritating to have it blabbed about. I certainly wouldn't want people nosing in my personal life.

Rubberneckers are extremely annoying. Mini-van moms aren't any better (idiots who get in the fast lane and poke around below the speed limit and block traffic. People in mini-vans are notorious culprits around here. a.k.a.-Sunday drivers.) Sometimes I think its not the people talking on cell phones, doing their make-up, etc. that cause the most accidents, it's the rubberneckers and mini-vanners.

maxandliz4ever1357-boy, do I here you. We have almost 200 horses and ponies and I've seen it happen many times (although I was in the same situation as an 11 year old getting a 3 year old from the race track and never riding english before.) Too many people buy a horse without any idea on how much work it is, no idea how to care for the horse, no equipment, they buy for the looks, not for the purpose, etc. I absolutely despise the people who buy a horse and never come out or get the horse exercised. Another peeve on the horse front is parents pushing their kids too hard when the kid just doesn't want to ride to begin with or they don't quite understand that 7 year olds (or even older) just don't have the strength, attention span, balance, coordination, etc. to master riding in just a few lessons. I cringe at how many times I've heard "well, why isn't she cantering yet?" when the kid can't steer well and they have no leg strength and they can barely post. Or they constantly berate and belittle the kid's riding skills. I usually suggest that they take a lesson to see how easy it is.

An additional peeve is parents who just don't understand that you have no interest in marriage or dating, you absolutely don't want kids, and they are miffed that you aren't just like them in their yearning to have 20 rodents running around (kids).

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:30 pm
by Icequeen
I am sick of the local news telling you "Is what you are eating killing you." And it's like 5PM so you freak out until 11PM thinking "OMG what is going on." And it's something really lame. Ugh that annoys the hell out of me. If it's so damn important just say it then and get it over with.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:29 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
LOL, man this thread is making me laugh... I got another one that I dont think was mentioned Jessica Simpson & Nick Lache... I am so freaking OVER seeing covers with them on it and BLA BLA... also the new thing that happened with Britney and driving with her BABY in her lap... freak..

Last but not least....*this happened to me today* this car with a 98 year old woman driving is going 25 in a 35, of course I am stuck behind her... as we are appoaching a light, the old lady rams on the gas, takes the yellow light, and there I am stuck at the red... :x Man I get annoyed all over again just thinking about it...