When in Vegas (AU M/L Adult)- 10/10/06 COMPLETE

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Addicted Roswellian
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When in Vegas (AU M/L Adult)- 10/10/06 COMPLETE

Post by Icequeen »

Title: When in Vegas

Category: AU M/L

Rating: Adult

Disclaimer: They aren’t mine just borrowing them for a little while.

A/N: This will be mostly Max POV. There will be some heavy stuff in two chapters. I will post appropriate warnings before hand when needed. Sequel scare me so please leave FB :D THANK YOU TO THE AMAZING/SUPER TALENTED Crashdown_51 for the kick ass banner! You did it again Joye!

Summary: Sequel to What happens in Vegas... You don't really need to read that one to understand this one but it wouldn't hurt. :wink: Now that Max and Liz are married will they really have their happily ever after? This fic will deal with married life and all the up’s and down’s that come along with it. I am going to skip anywhere from a few months to a few years between some chapters. It shouldn’t be confusing though.


~~Chapter 1~~


It’s been two years since Liz and I got married for the second time and life has been great. Business is great as always and we’ve even added a studio to the house so Liz can work from home. My relationship with my parents is something that I have to get used to but it’s much better now. We have dinner with them at least once a month now and invite Kris, Michael and Maria over often. I’m a rich man and I don’t mean financially. I have great friends and now a great family.

“I love this.” I say staring out the window of the plane. We are on our way to Puerto Rico. I try to keeps things interesting with random trips such as these.

“I know.” She says and looks out the window.

“Do you think anything is missing?” She asks.

“No, we got everything I think. Whatever you forgot we can buy once we are there.” I pour myself a drink and offer her one.

“That’s not what I meant. I mean kids Max.” Ahh kids. I should have known. After the miscarriages I’ve tried to avoid this topic. I never know what to say and don’t want to upset her.

“I told you it doesn’t matter to me. It will happen when it happens. I enjoy our life right now. Not many people can just pick up and go wherever they want like we do.” I sit back and take my jacket off.

“Your right.” She flashes me one of her famous smiles and I’m a total goner. This woman can get me to do anything just by smiling at me and I’m not complaining one bit.


“I don’t want to go back home. Let’s stay here in this room forever.” It’s our last day here and Liz is still in bed.

“I would love that baby but I have to get back to work or else Michael will kill me.” I pick up the phone and order room service for breakfast. It doesn’t look like Liz will be getting out of bed anytime soon.

“So sell the company and stay here with me.” I laugh and walk over to the bed joining her once again.

“If I did that we wouldn’t be able to stay here at all.” She scoots over and leans into my chest.

“Humm very true. I guess we can go back home then.” I lean against the headboard with her against my chest admiring the view of the ocean.

“We need to hire a new architect. Michael wants me to help him this time.” We sit out on the balcony and enjoy our breakfast.

“I think that’s a good idea. Do you have any prospects?” Lately Liz has gotten more interested in my business.

“Yeah, a few. He has some interviews lined up for next week.”

“That’s good. So you guys are really busy now then?”

“After Johns project we’ve gotten a lot of work. It’s too much for the staff we have no now.” Our business has almost doubled actually.

“You’ll find someone soon.” Our flight doesn’t leave for a few hours so we spend the rest of the time doing some last minute shopping for gifts. We have made it a habit to bring back something for Maria, Michael and Kris from everywhere we go. Kris has started a magnet collection and insists on one from everywhere, even when I go away on business.


“So what did you get me?” Kris is over for the afternoon.

“I missed you to.” I laugh and grab the bag of things we got her.

“Ohh another magnet. Thanks.” She ignores the rest of the stuff and I have to laugh.

“So how was it? And please don’t say perfect yet again.” She rolls her eyes and sips her drink.

“Ok you need a man. I hate seeing you like this. What happened to that guy you met at the coffee shop? What was his name again?”

“Darin, and I’ll just say ugh. He went on and on about his Porsche showing me his key chain every five seconds then would come up with lame excuses as to why we was driving a Ford. Not that I care or anything but he was a liar. All he had was a key chain that you can get anywhere. Total loser.”

“Sorry. You’ll meet someone someday.”

“Someday? Wow, I can’t wait for that.” Sensing that this is getting her down I suggest we go get some food.

We walk around town window shopping when Kris spots someone we used to talk to every once in a while. We chat for a few then I head home. Max should be there soon.


“Honey I’m home!” It’s cheesy I know but I love saying it.

“You are such a dork.” Liz greets me with a kiss on the cheek then runs back to the kitchen.

“What’s all this?” I ask when I see all the food she has prepared.

“I was in the mood to cook.” She shrugs and checks something in the oven.

“No complaints here.” I go to the bedroom and change out of my work clothes then sit down to dinner.

“How are the interviews going?”

“Good. We’ve narrowed it down to two guys. We’re going to bring them back next week for a final interview.

“That’s good.”

“What about you? Do you have anything coming up?” I ask. She hasn’t been working that much lately and I wonder why since she loves it.

“Actually I have someone coming in tomorrow. It’s a new Sci-fi writer. His book is coming out in a few months.” I’m still not a hundred percent comfortable with her being alone with a male in the house but it’s her work so I don’t say anything as long as she is fine with it.

“Kris is going to be here with me. I’m just not…..you know after….. Anyway, Kris is going to be here.” I place my hand over hers and give her a reassuring squeeze.

“I know. It’s ok. I’m glad that she’s going to be here with you but nothing is going to happen to you Liz.”

“I know.” We eat the rest of our meal in silence then settle in in front of the TV.

“Why do we always get sucked into these reality things?” I don’t even know what this one is about but it’s yet another dating one.

“Just watch.” She hits me with a pillow then leans against my chest. I notice that she’s always doing that not that I’m complaining or anything.

“These girls are stupid. I don’t get when they act like this on national TV.”

“Oh please. Like you wouldn’t want a girl like that?”

“Nope. I wouldn’t. I have you, your all I need, all I could hope for.” She looks up at me and I lean down sealing our lips. The kiss quickly turns heated and I need to get out of these pants.

“Liz, I need you.” Before I know it she’s straddling my hips pulling at the hem of my shirt then lifting it over my head. She runs her hands down my chest and goes to work on the button of my jeans.

“Then you can have me.” She breathes heavily into my ear sucking my lobe before lifting off of me so I can take my jeans off. I free myself of the constricting material and pull her shirt over her head.

“God I love it when you don’t wear a bra.” I say before licking her nipple.

“Like I need one.” She snorts.

“These.” I say palming each of her breasts “Are perfect to me.” She slides onto me and rocks her hips back and forth.

“Let’s go to the room.” I lift her off the sofa and carry her to our bedroom.

~*~Two months later~*~

“Kris I’m freaking out here. You need to come over ASAP.”

“Ok give me a few.” I hang up and pace the living room floor. This wasn’t planned. How is Max going to take it? I thought about calling him first but I need to sort things out before I do.

“Ok I’m here. What’s going on?” I let her in the house and we sit out back.

“Well…I’m pregnant.” I say out loud for the first time since I found out.

“What? When?” She asks and I go through what the doctor told me.

“But what about all the other times?”

“I know, I talked to the doctor about that too and they are going to monitor me closely. I’ll have to go in twice a week to make sure everything is ok but so far so good.” I tried not to think about what happened with the other pregnancies but this is going to be different. I can feel it.

“I’m so happy for you!” She reaches over and hugs me. “What did Max say?” She asks.

“Don’t know yet. I haven’t told him.” I bite my lip worried about how he’ll react.

“Well get your ass up and call him.”

“I want to tell him in person. I’ll wait for him to get home.” The sun in beaming and I put my sunglasses on.

“Well I have an idea. Come on.” I don’t know what she’s up to but anything to help break the news will help.


“I don’t give a shit about that get it done or look for somewhere else to work!” I slam the phone down and run my hands through my hair. God I hate Mondays.

“What was that all about?” I turn around and find Michael standing by the door.

“That was about some idiot recent college grad that thinks he knows what the hell he doing.”

“Go easy on him. He’s a good kid.” I roll my eyes and grab a bottle of water.

“So how was the little getaway?” He asks sitting across from me.

“Great.” A smile graces my lips as I think back to the week we spent in paradise. Liz and I barely left the hotel room and that was fine with me.

“Must be nice man.”

“You complaining?” I ask taking a sip of my water.

“No. It’s just that with the kids Maria and I can’t exactly just pick up and go.”

“That’s true but you guys are ok right?” I ask hoping that they are.

“Yeah we’re great. Don’t mind me.” I laugh. We sit and talk about what’s going on with the kids and he goes back to his office. An hour later I feel my cell phone ring and see that it’s my mother.

“Hello.” It’s still odd that she calls me every now and then.

“Max I was wondering if you and Liz are going to make it for dinner this week?”

“I’ll have to check with Liz but I’m sure we’ll make it.”

“Ok well just let me know then.” I hang up and get ready to go home thankful that the day is over for me.


Kris is a freaking genius. I love that girl; she always comes up with the best ideas. We went shopping this afternoon and she helped me come up with a cute way of telling Max about the baby. I’m setting everything up in the room when I hear him come in.

“Liz?” He calls and I tell him that I’ll be out in a second.

“Hey.” I walk to the living room and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Hey yourself.” Instantly he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me flush against him.

“God I missed you.” He says trailing kisses down my neck.

“You’ve only been gone a few hours.”

“Too long to be away from you. I’m going to work from home from now on.” He lifts me into his arms and carries me to the sofa. I’m wearing a short white skirt and a pink baby T. He lifts my skirt up and runs his hands over my legs grazing over my womanhood.

“Fuck your so hot baby.” I can feel his arousal pressing into me as he lifts my shirt up and cups my breasts.

“No bra. I like.” He smiles and flicks my nipple with is tongue. I let his hands roam all over my body setting every inch of me on fire.

“Max I need you.” He lifts off me and unbuttons his shirt revealing his golden body. How I got get this lucky I’ll never know. He frees himself of this pants and boxers then settles between my legs. My skirt is lifted up revealing my white thong to him. He bends down and pulls them off with his teeth.

“God you’re gorgeous.” I feel his finger graze my lips then he dips a finger inside.

“You are so ready for me.” I nod and feel him slide inside me, then I’m home. We’ve gotten to know every inch of each other to the point where it’s like he’s reading my mind sometimes. He knows when I want it fast and hard or when I want it slow and lovingly. Today it’s fast and hard.

“Yes Max!” I moan and move my hips in sync with his. He knows how to hit my spot just right.

“Shit Liz.” Sweat forms on his brow and he bits his lip. Something I just noticed he does. It’s hot.

“Oh God Max harder….fuck me Max.” I feel him cup my breast and bite my nipple lightly. I need to be closer to him so I wrap my legs around his waist pulling him into me further. My nails graze his back not wanting to leave too deep a mark but I’m close. So fucking close.

“Fuck Liz I’m close.” He says as if reading my mind.

“Me too.” He picks up his pace and makes that sound in the back of this throat that I now know means he’s seconds away from coming. I let go and pulsate around him.

“Yessss. Shit!” I feel him release his seed inside me and latch on to his shoulder while riding my orgasm out.

“God I love you.” He rolls off me and kisses my forehead.

“I love you more.” I get up and fix my clothes.

“I need a shower.” He says and I realize that he can’t go in the room…not yet.

“Umm ours is broken. You’re going to have to use the other bathroom.” I try not to bite my lip. He’ll know I’m up to something.

“What happened?” He asks walking towards the room. Shit!

“Um I don’t know but the drain isn’t working right. I think the pipes are clogged or something. I took a shower and was shaving and I saw some hair…”

“Ugh ok ok stop!” I laugh knowing how much he hates to see hair in the bathroom.

“I’ll bring you something to wear.” He goes into the other bathroom and I laugh on my way to the closet.

~*~Later that night~*~

Liz and I had a wonderful dinner outside under the stars. She’s looking up at the sky through our telescope and I can’t help but stare at her ass while she does it.

“Max Evans are you staring at my ass?” She turns around and catches me.

“I believe I was. And it’s a mighty fine one at that.” I open up my legs and make room for her to sit between them. We sit in silence for a while just starting at the stars.

“I have something to show you.” She whispers and pulls me off the chair. We walk to the bedroom but stop just outside the door.

“Wait, you have to close your eyes and promise not to open them until I say.”

“Ok.” I agree wondering what’s behind the door. She pulls me into the room and I smell the distinctive odor of her Fig scented candles.

“Ok sit here.” She helps me sit on the edge of the bed and I hear her walking around the room. I want to peek so badly but don’t want to ruin the surprise.

“Open the box but don’t open your eyes yet.” I feel her place a small box in my hands.

“How am I going to open this with my eyes closed?”

“Just do it.” I laugh and feel something silky around the box. Slowly I pull on one end and feel it unravel.

“Ok you can open your eyes now.” She says once I have the box open. When I open my eyes I see candles all around the room.

“What’s all this?” I ask still not looking down at the box. I’m supposed to be the romantic one.

“Look at your gift.” She says softly scooting closer to me. I look down and see a pair of silver cufflinks.

“Why are these in the shape of a baby’s rattle?” As soon as the words leave my mouth I know what this means.

“Y-you’re……we’re going to…….you are…..” I can’t talk. I’m a bumbling fool.

“We’re pregnant.” She says with a huge smile.

“W-when? How?”

“I just found out today. And I think you know how.” She winks. It was bound to happen as active as our sex life is but with everything that has happened I don’t expect it to happen.

“Wow!” I look at the cufflinks and try to imagine myself as a father then my stomach tightens a little. What if she loses this one too? I don’t know how she will handle it. She seems so happy this time; it would kill me if she loses this one.

“What are you thinking?” She asks after my long silence.


“Liar. Come on tell me.” She sits next to me and I place my hands over hers.

“I don’t want to be negative but….what if….I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this but I just see you so excited and I can’t help it.”

“I know and you’re not being negative. It might not happen this time but I don’t know I have this feeling. I feel like this is the one, that everything is going to be ok.” I look over at her smiling face and smile back.

“I’m sorry. I’m happy, really happy.”

“Are you sure? Do you think it’s too soon? It’s too soon right? I should have waited. I’m sorry Max.”

“Hey.” I pull her to sit on my lap. “It’s not too soon. Everything will be fine. No matter what we will be ok.” I run my hand down her cheek and kiss her softly.

“I’m going to be a father.” I say prompting her to smile widely.

“Yes you are.” She says.

"Please let this one work out." I silenty pray.
Last edited by Icequeen on Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:07 pm, edited 29 times in total.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Post by Icequeen »

Thank you all for the FB. I’m so happy to see that you guys are enjoying this so far. Don’t forget to come chat with me tomorrow night at 8PM EST. The link is in my siggy. I’d love to hear from you guys and as an extra incentive I’ll bring cookies. :D

~~Chapter 2~~

~*~7 Months later~*~

“Maaaaxxx!” My lovely wife screams for me from our bedroom. She’s been ordered to bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy and she’s miserable.

“Yeah babe?” I come into the room and see what she needs.

“I’m hot.” She pouts and kicks the covers further off the bed. The air conditioner is already as low as it can go and I have the ceiling fan on in here.

“Ok let me get you some ice and another fan.” I kiss her forehead and walk to the kitchen. I’ve been working from home for the past month and have learned the art of patience. We hired someone to help with Liz but she still wants me. Kris comes over everyday and spends time with Liz so I can get some work done. I love that girl and owe her big.

The maid shakes her head at me as I grab a bowl full of ice. We had a spare fan in the garage so I grab that on the way back to the room.

“Ok angel here’s your ice.” I hand her the bowl. “And let me set this up.” I position the fan at the foot of the bed so it hits her straight on and plug it in.

“Thank you.” She says nibbling on her ice cubes.

“Your welcome baby. Lunch is almost ready ok?”

“K.” She says softly. I know something is wrong.

“What’s wrong?” I ask sitting next to her. I have a shit load of work to do but it can wait.

“It’s just that last time I asked for a BLT you didn’t toast the bread and I like the bread toasted.” Oh God here it comes. The tears.

“Ok baby I’ll make sure it’s toasted.” I sooth her not wanting to see her cry again today.

“And can I have some chips but the ones with ridges on them?” She sniffs.

“Anything you want angel.” Shit do we even have those kind here?

“And some iced tea, the raspberry one and not Snapple.”

“Ok let me go check on it ok?” She nods and I haul ass to the kitchen.

“Please tell me that we have chips with ridges on them?” I ask the maid who laughs and says yes. Thank God!

~*~1 ½ months later~*~

“I hate you!”

“I adore you.”

“Get away from me!”


“You did this to me!”

“I know.”

“Don’t leave me please. I’m sorry.” She cries.

“I’m not angel. Push.”

“Ahhh don’t tell me what to doooooo!” She says while pushing.

“Your doing great honey.”

“Get away from meeeeee.” She screams while another contraction rips through her.

“Your almost there baby.”

“How would you knooooooow?”

“One more Liz, you can do it.” She screams loudly nearly crushing my hand then I hear it. The most beautiful sound in the world. My daughter screaming her head off. She’s perfect. Small and beautiful just like her mother with a patch of brown hair on her tiny head.

“She’s here!” I come out of the room and tell Michael, Maria and Kris who have been waiting for nearly 8 hours.

“Congrats Man.” Michael slaps my back and hands me a cigar. I walk back into the hospital room and finally hold Kara Evans, the new love of my life.


“Max everything is perfect just relax.” Liz and Kara come home today and I want everything to be perfect. Kris has been helping me for the past few hours.

“Are you sure? Maybe we should move the crib to the other side of the room.” She rolls her eyes and me and sits on the rocking chair.

“You’ve moved it to every corner of the room including the middle. It’s fine there, just leave it. Everything is perfect, trust me.”

“Am I an asshole for being scared?” I find it easy to talk to her. Now I know how Liz feels.

“No. Everyone is scared in the beginning. You guys will be great parents. Don’t worry about it so much.”

“I know but I haven’t had that much experience with kids and all. I’m just worried that I’ll ruin this kids life. Maybe if it was a boy I could relate more but a girl, I don’t know.” I sit on the floor leaning my back against the wall.

“Look, I don’t have any kids so I don’t know exactly what you are going through but I can bet that any first time parent thinks the same thing you are right now. I really doubt you will ruin this kids life. At least you have help, you have Michael and Maria who are seasoned parents and I know your parents are going to go nuts over this kid.”

“And there is always aunt Kris.” She laughs.

“That is true. Ok well I’m going to get going. I’ll come by in a few days, I want to give you guys time to get settled before I become a pain.” I get up to walk her out.

“Hey.” I stop her before she gets into her car. “You would never be a pain. You know that you are welcomed here anytime for as long as you want.”

“Oh God your already getting all soft on me.” She laughs.

“I mean it. Your family Kris.” I give her a hug and watch her drive off. In a few hours we will be a family of three…officially.

I take one last look at my daughters room and get myself ready to pick them up. I spent a few hours yesterday getting a new car that was safe for Liz and the baby. It looks like I won’t be driving my sports car so much anymore. I realized that we didn’t have that many baby things, mostly because Liz didn’t want to buy anything too early just in case so I had to run out with Kris and get a few basics. Luckily Liz and I talked about what she liked so I was able to get those things. We’ll have to go out whenever she’s up to it and properly stock Kara’s room.


“Max, the room is beautiful.” Kara is asleep and we place her into her crib.

“I’m glad you liked it. Kris helped.” We stand above her crib looking down at her sleeping form.

“Well I love it.” I put my arm around her content to just stand here and look at my beautiful girls.

We sit in her room for what seems like hours. No words are spoken but I know that we are both I awe at the miracle that is in the crib near the window. It took a lot of heartache but she finally got here. In the end it was worth it and I’d like to think that Liz feels the same.

“She’s beautiful Max. She really is.” Liz says.

“Just like her mother. She’s perfect angel. Thank you. This was the best gift you could have ever given me.”

“Thank you. It wasn’t all me though.” I kiss her hair and pull her onto my lap. I know she’s tired but she’s fighting to stay awake.

“Why don’t you get some sleep honey. You should sleep whenever the baby is.” I read that in a book I bought. I’m not ashamed to say it.

“Your right. I’m going to grab a quick shower though. I smell like a hospital.” I help her up and bring the baby monitor with us into our room.

~*~*~ 2 weeks later~*~*

“Hello mommy.” Kris come in with a crap load of bags.

“Hey.” they hug and I burp Kara on the sofa.

“What is all of this?” I hear Liz ask.

“Open it.” Wanting to see what she bought I turn so that I can see them both.

“Kris this stuff is so cute. Thank you!” She got a bunch of outfits and baby shoes for Kara.

“Hey, you know I have to spoil this little girl so why not start now?” The baby is falling asleep so I take her up to her room while Liz and Kris catch up.


“So how are you feeling?”

“I’m good. I’m always tired but it’s not so bad. Max makes sure that I sleep when Kara does.”

“That’s good. I still can’t believe it Liz, you’re a mom!”

“I know.” I laugh. “It’s scary but I love every minute of it.”

“Well you are glowing.” We go outside for some fresh air and catch up. I feel like I haven’t seen her in forever.

“So what’s been going on with you?”
“Not much. I went out on a few dates but nothing special. One guy was a total nut job though. He really needs to be committed, I’m totally serious.”

“What happened?” I laugh wondering what the guy did.

“Well first of all I met him while I was shopping for some shoes. I thought it was strange that he was in the women’s shoe department but whatever, I brushed it off.

“So I’m trying on some shoes and he comments on one of them. I thanked him and went on with my shopping. I didn’t see him again until I walked outside. We got to talking and he asked me out for that Friday.”

“Ok so far so good.”

“Yeah, so far.”

“So we decide to meet at this restaurant, some steak house near the beach. Anyway I get there and he’s late, strike one. I hate waiting on people. He gets there like fifteen minutes late but I don’t say anything. We get seated and start looking though the menu. The waitress comes over and starts to take our order, this is where it gets nuts.” I shake my head waiting to see what this guy did.

“So anyway he places his order and says the price of everything he orders! He says ‘I’ll have the twenty seven dollar surf and turf’. I’m looking at him like he’s crazy and so is the waitress.”

“Oh my God. Are you serious?”

“Yes! But wait it gets better.” Just then Max comes out.

“Is this a girls only conversation?” He asks.

“Not at all. I’d love to get a guys view on this. Pull up a seat.” Kris says. She gives him the rundown on what she’s said to me so far.

“Ok so it’s my turn to order and I’m starving. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast and well, I was hungry. So I order an appetizer, the shrimp cocktail. So he goes ‘that’s fifteen dollars.’ I ignore him and order the rest of my food to which he lists the prices.” Max is now full out laughing.

“I’m so happy that you are enjoying this.” Kris says smacking him with a magazine.

“So by the time the check comes the asshole pulls out enough money for his half of the food! Can you believe this guy? On what planet do you take a girl out list the prices then ask her to pay for her half?”

“Man he sounded like a loser. I’m sorry Kris.”

“So I pulled out some cash and threw it on the table. Ugh! Men are such….pigs!”

“Hey!” Max says

“Oh whatever you are like some special breed or something. One of a kind I swear because the rest of us are stuck with losers.”

“And I forgot to mention that all he talked about the whole time was his mother. He still lives at home with no plans to ever move.” She rolls her eyes and I can’t help but laugh.

“Maybe it’s where you are looking?” Max says trying to help.

“I’m not looking, they just seem to find me. I didn’t tell you about the Jedi master either.” Now I start laughing. Poor Kris.

“I’m never going on a date again. Max, you need to start a search for your long lost brother or something cause at this rate I’m never going to find someone.”

“Hey, I’m not perfect and you’ll find someone. Trust me.” he kisses my cheek and goes back inside.

“I hate you sometimes.” I laugh and change the subject. I really hope she finds someone soon. I hate to see her upset like this.

~*~6 Months later~*~

I’m a horrible person. I have a loving husband and a beautiful daughter but I’m not happy. I don’t know when exactly it happened but things changed, drastically. When we fist brought the baby home everything was great. Max was home with me helping me take care of Kara but when he went back to work things changed. It’s like I don’t like my child or something. The only time I hold Kara is to breast feed her and even then I’m staring into space. I haven’t bonded with my daughter and I don’t even want to be around her. It’s killing me. Max knows that something is wrong but he isn’t pushing me. I can’t tell him, he’ll hate me.

I knew that having a baby would change things but I don’t even have the desire to make love to Max anymore. I don’t have the desire to do much of anything. If Kara were on a bottle I don’t think I’d leave the bed ever. Max has been working from home again. I think he knows what’s going on but doesn’t want to say. He notices that I never pick her up and have only changed her diaper once since Max has been home again. It’s not that I don’t love my daughter but I’m not connecting with her for some reason.

“Liz?” Max comes in our bedroom with the baby in his arms. I roll over and face him.

“Yeah.” I would have normally run to take a picture of the sight that I see before my eyes but I’m just not in the mood.

“Why don’t we have dinner outside tonight. It’s a beautiful night.” I love this man. He’s been so patient with me, I’m just not in the mood. What is wrong with me?

“I don’t know Max.” I sigh and turn around not wanting to face him. I can’t keep looking into his face and seeing the disappointment when he realizes that I’m not getting out of bed. A tear falls down my face as I hear him sigh and close the bedroom door. Like I said. I’m a horrible person.

I don’t even get out of bed to have dinner. I barely managed to get up and take a shower and I’m now lying in bed flipping through the channels aimlessly. Max brought Kara in a few hours ago so I could feed her and she’s due back any moment.

“Liz you need to eat properly.” I hold the baby in my arms while feeding her but I feel nothing. Max’s words are barely registering.

“I know.” I finally say after a few moments of silence.

“Angel talk to me please. Tell me what’s wrong?” He takes me off guard. This is the first time he’s really asked me what’s wrong and I know it’s bad. If he’s pressing me it must be really bothering him.

“I’m fine Max.” I lie. I can’t tell him that I don’t feel attached to our daughter. He’d hate me then leave me.

“I’m here for you. Whatever it is angel just know that I’m here for you. You can talk to me.” He smoothes my hair back and leans in for a kiss. His kisses used to drive me wild. Now I feel cold and disconnected.

Max takes the baby from me and burps her as he walks to the other room. We had the baby in our room for a while but I convinced Max to move her into the nursery. How can I not want to be around my daughter? Is this normal? Am I not meant to be a mother? Maybe the miscarriages were a sign that it wasn’t meant to be for me.


My wife doesn’t want to be with our daughter and thinks that I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know why Liz won’t talk to me about this but I know what it is. I’ve read about it and I’m worried that it will get worse. It’s not just the baby, she doesn’t want to be around me much either. Maybe I’m paying too much attention to the baby? Could she be jealous of the time I spend with Kara? Am I going nuts too?

Everything was fine until I went back to work. Maybe it was too much for Liz to do alone? Maybe I shouldn’t have left her alone with the baby? I noticed a change in her and started to work from home again. I miss being at the office, I miss talking to Michael but I need to be here for Liz and for Kara. Liz barely wants to feed her most days. I don’t get it, she wanted a baby. It’s not like it was forced upon her. I just don’t understand what brought this on.

I lay my daughter in her crib and it breaks my heart that Liz isn’t bonding with her. She’s beautiful, how could you not fall in love with her instantly? I sit in the rocking chair in the corner of her room and just watch her sleep. She’s been my only distraction from Liz besides work. I’m worried about her and miss my wife. It’s not so much the physical intimacy that I miss, even thought I do miss it a lot, but I miss talking to her. I miss watching TV with her or cuddling up to her at night. She’s been so cold and distant. Nothing like the woman I re-married years ago. How did we get to this point?

I slowly creep into our bedroom and slip under the covers after taking my pants and t-shirt off. Taking care of a baby and running a business is exhausting. Liz doesn’t stir when I make myself comfortable and it pains me. She used to instantly snuggle up to me, I’ve been replaced by a teddy bear I bought her a while back.

With my hands folded behind my head I stare up at the ceiling. I need to do something about this. Liz and I won’t survive if we keep this up. Something has to give before one of us does.


I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep pretending like nothing is wrong when it is. My marriage is about to fall apart and I’m lying in bed at 2 in the afternoon watching some lame soap opera. Max is out of the house today with Kara and said he’d be back by five. I didn’t bother asking him where he was going but now I wonder about it.

I take advantage of the quiet and take a long bath. As I strip down I catch a glimpse of myself on the mirror behind the door. My body hasn’t changed much except for my fuller breasts and small bump that hasn’t gone away fully yet. Thanks to Max I didn’t get any stretch marks. He made it his routine to rub coca butter on my stomach every night.

I venture out to the kitchen for the first time in weeks and make myself something to eat. A knock at the door brings me out of my thoughts and I get up to open it.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask Kris.

“Can’t I come by to visit?” She breezes past me and walks to the kitchen.

“Of course you can come by.” I laugh and join her out back, it’s become our usual spot.

“Well I actually came by to kidnap you. Your adorable husband requests that you meet him at this address in an hour. Pack your shit and don’t be late.

“What?” I ask taking the paper from her.

“Don’t what me. Pack some things for a weekend away and go meet your husband.” She pulls me inside and to my room.

“What is going on?” I ask watching her take my suitcase out of the closet.

“You two need some time alone so Max arraigned it. All you have to do is get your ass up and pack. Everything is set.” I see her pocking through my closet no doubt picking out my clothes.

“Arraigned what?” I snatch a pair of shorts that I don’t fit into anymore and put them away.

“A trip to the moon. Who the fuck cares. It’s a getaway, just go and enjoy. Why are you being so difficult?” She stand in front of me with her hands on her hips.

“I’m not. I was just wondering.”

“Well hurry up. I have to drive you over there and I have no clue where that place is.” She sits on my bed while I pack some things.

“It’s a private airport.” I call out to her knowing the address very well.

“You done yet?” She asks me after a few minutes.

“Yeah.” We get in her car and drive to the airport. “Where is Kara?” I finally ask.

“She’s going to stay with Michael and Maria. I would do it but small babies scare me.” She laughs.

When we get to the airport I see Max already there.

“Hey.” He wraps his arms around me and places a small peck on my lips. “You ready?”

“Yeah but where are we going?” I ask walking up to the plane.

“You’ll see.” We get settled and take off. The flight is uncomfortable for me. I want to talk to him but I can’t. He sits across from me but doesn’t say anything. I guess he can sense that something is off. Luckily the flight isn’t that long and a little over and hour later we finally land.

“Max.” I gasp when we land. We are in Catalina Island where he took me all those years ago.

“I love you.” He says before we get in the limo. We pull up to the same place we stayed last time and walk to our suite. The room is full of white roses and lilies.

“It’s gorgeous.”

“No, you are.” I smile and step out into the small patio we have. The view is priceless once again and I hold back my tears. Why am I so emotional?

“I booked us a couples massage but other then that we can do whatever you want.” He comes out to join me and we sit and have a glass of wine.


I hope this helps Liz open up and talk to me. We had a good time last time we were here so I hope the magic is still here this time. I don’t know what else to do. We enjoy a quiet dinner in our room and get ready for bed.

“Thank you Max. I think I needed this.” She lays her head on my chest and stokes my abs.

“Angel don’t thank me. I know that you haven’t been feeling great so I wanted to do something nice for you.

“It’s not that I haven’t been feeling well…” She stops and I know this is hard for her.

“What is it? You can tell me anything baby.” I stroke her hair reassuring her that I’m here for her.

“Your going to hate me.” I feel her shudder and know that she’s crying.

“Liz please talk to me. I want to help you but you have to tell me what’s wrong angel.”

“I don’t know what it is exactly Max. I really don’t and I wish I did.”

“Just tell me what your feeling, what your thinking.” I turn her so that she’s facing me and brush the tears from her face.

“I love you so much Max. So much and I’m so scared of losing you, or having you hate me.” The tears are rolling down her face freely now and I’m wondering what is making her think that.

“Nothing you can do would make me hate you, ever. Don’t ever think that. I love you, that will never change.” She smiles a little and I hope that we’ve made some progress.

“I’m a bad mother. I never want to be around Kara and I don’t know why. Oh God I’m a terrible person.” She breaks out into full in sobs and it’s breaks my heart. How could she not want to be around her baby? I have a feeling that I can’t help her through this but I’m going to try.

“Sweetheart your not a bad person. Your just going through something right now. I’m here for you, I’ll help you but you have to talk to me. Tell me everything ok?” I pull her against my chest again and go back to stroking her hair.

“I want to love her Max I really do. I want to be close to her but I just can’t. I don’t know what it is. I just don’t even feel like getting out of bed half the time. Maybe I’m not meant to be a mother.”

“Don’t say that. We’re going to get you help ok? I promise everything will be ok.” The rest of the night we just lay in silence. I love my daughter and I love my wife. I have to fix this.

The next morning we have a small breakfast and head down to the local shops for some sightseeing and shopping.

“I’m glad we talked.” She says while picking something out for Kris.

“Me too.” We walk around for a bit before stopping and having some lunch.

“Do you think I’m fat?” She asks out of nowhere.

“W-what?” I almost choke on my food.

“I ask if you thought I was fat? You know gross, disgusting, whale, fat, Max!”

“Liz your not fat nor where you ever.” Where is this coming from.

“Whatever, I knew you would say that.” She rolls her eyes and picks at her food.

“Liz your beautiful. Where is this coming from?”

“Nothing. Forget it.” We finish our food and go back to the suite. I think this day is shot to hell.

“How can you stand to be out with me in public?” She asks as soon as I close the door.

“What? Your beautiful. Why are you asking me this. Your perfect you know that.”

“I’m not. I’m gross. I bet you don’t even want to touch me anymore.” She stands in front of me tears streaming down her face. Is she crazy? She has no idea how much I want her.

“Your crazy. I want you just as much as I ever did.” I stand up and cup her ass before pulling her against me. “Your just as sexy now as the day I met you.” My hand trails up her sides and palms her breast. She throws her head back granting me access to her neck. I suck and nip at her sensitive flesh before walking us to the bed.

“God Liz I love you so much.” I slide my pants down and toss my shirt on the other side of the bed before resting between her legs.

“Max…” She sucks in a breath when I dip a finger into her folds. Luckily she’s wearing a dress so I have instant access to her.

“Shit! I want you so bad Liz.” I pull the dress up over her body and help her pull it over her head. She has to wear a bra now that her breasts are fuller and I fumble for a moment to unclasp it not being used to this.

“Don’t.” She says when I rest my hands on her stomach. It’s not as flat as it once was but she just had a baby.

“I don’t care, your perfect. I want to touch you.” It doesn’t bother me at all. I know that it will take time to get her body back but it wouldn’t bother me anyway. She smiles and I place gentle kisses on her stomach.

“Max I want to get better. I really do.” I look up and see the tears forming in her eyes.

“I know baby.” I sense that she isn’t really in the mood and lay next to her not wanting to push her.

“Don’t stop Max. I miss you, I want to feel you.” Lean over and kiss her passionately before positioning myself at her entrance.

“Are you sure?” I ask one more time. She smiles and nods that’s all I need before I slide into her. I hiss at the feeling of being inside her. It’s been so long. Her moans drive me crazy and I don’t think I can hold out too long.

“Lizzz.” I hiss and plunge deeper into her.

“Oh Maxx Yes.” I love the sound of my name on her lips. I’m so close and shift myself so that I’m hitting her spot binging her closer to the edge.

“Max Max Max.” She chants over and over then lets go. Moments later my seed pumps into her and I lay next to her bringing the sheets around our bodies.

“I promise that I will do whatever you need to help you. I love you Liz. We will get through this.” She lays on my chest before drifting off to sleep. Hopefully I can keep my promise.

I know i know drama already but the whole fic isn't like this. :wink:
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Post by Icequeen »

Ok I wanted to clear something up just so there isn’t a “Liz needs to get over it” bandwagon. When I wrote the last chapter I did some research on Postpartum depression and peripartom depression, which occurs after pregnancy. I’m not expecting everyone to know about this subject, although common, but I did so some research and tried to make it as real as possible without quoting references from websites. I will say, just to give you another view point on Liz’s behavior ,the following taken from http://www.womenshealth.gov/faq/postpartum.htm Causes and symptoms of postpartum depression…

--Feeling overwhelmed with a new, or another, baby to take care of and doubting your ability to be a good mother.

--Feeling sad, hopeless, and overwhelmed
When we fist brought the baby home everything was great. Max was home with me helping me take care of Kara but when he went back to work things changed.

--Having no energy or motivation
I don’t even have the desire to make love to Max anymore. I don’t have the desire to do much of anything

--Eating too little or too much
--Sleeping too little or too much
--Loss of interest or pleasure in activities
--Withdrawal from friends and family

As I said I don’t want to turn this into a lesson or anything but these are the facts. Liz isn’t perfect, no one is, and yes this is fan fiction but these things happen and I want to try to portray a realistic look into a marriage, good and bad.
I’ll end with this quote, which will answer why Liz hasn’t talked to Max or anyone else about it.

“Some women don’t tell anyone about their symptoms because they feel embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty about feeling depressed when they are supposed to be happy. They worry that they will be viewed as unfit parents.”

“Postpartum depression can affect a mother’s ability to parent. She may lack energy, have trouble concentrating, be irritable, and not be able to meet her child’s needs for love and affection.”

I truly do appreciate each and every comment but I felt that this had to be said. Hopefully I didn’t annoy anyone with this but I just needed to clear the air about it. Looking forward to your comments.
Last edited by Icequeen on Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
just a dreamer
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Post by just a dreamer »

just wanted to add that maybe people are getting post-partum blues and post-partum depression mixed up. post-partum blues is what mothers usually go through and can easily "get over" whereas post-partum depression is very serious and can last for a long period of time. just wanted to say i love your vegas series!!! absolutely love it!!!
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Post by Icequeen »

Thank you all for your comments. Sorry I don’t have time to reply to each of you but know that your words are appreciated.

There will be some heavy stuff in this chapter. I will post a warning right before that part, don’t want to give it away too soon. :wink:

~*~Chapter 3~*~*

~*~3 months later~*~

“Fuck you! When did you get all high and mighty?” She screams at me for the third time this morning.

“I’m not high and mighty Liz, but you can’t go on like this.”

“Get out of my face. I hate you! How dare you do what you did?” She throws a magazine at me and I have to duck so it doesn’t hit me in the face.

“I love you and I’m trying to help you. Why can’t you see that?” She crosses her arms in front of her chest and looks away.

“Your making things worse. I told you to get out!”

“I’m not going anywhere. This is bullshit. Get off your ass and do something. You said you wanted to get better didn’t you?” I get her attention for a moment. “Well you need to make an effort Liz. It’s not going to happen overnight and you laying in bed isn’t making anything better.”

“What would you know about this?”

“Your right I don’t know what you are going through but I’m trying to understand honey. Why won’t you talk to me? Why are you shutting me out like this?” I plead with her.

“I’m trying Max but it’s not good enough for you is it? I can’t be this perfect person you want me to be.”

“I never said I wanted you to be perfect. No one is perfect Liz. I just want you to get help before you get worse. You have to talk to someone about this. It’s not just going to go away one day.”

“I know that Max. Don’t you think that I want to hold Kara? I do but I just can’t and I don’t know why. I don’t know why I’m feeling these things but I am. I have these conflicting emotions right now. I know that I should be happy about having a baby after everything we went through but I’m not and it kills me.” She wipes a tear away and I move over towards her to hold her in my arms.

“Liz, you have to talk to someone, you have to get help for this. Let me help you angel.” Just when I think I’m getting through to her she snaps. I should have known that she would since this is a symptom but I’m still not prepared for it.

“Ugh get out ,get out, get OUT!!” This time she throws a book at me, a rather large book and I leave before she gets more violent. I love my wife with every fiber of my being but this can’t go on. I don’t care if she hates me for it I need to do something. She’s wasting away and it’s breaking me heart to see her like this.

“Damn, you look like shit.”

“Thanks Michael. Good morning to you too.” I stare out the window not being able to get any work done.

“So no progress?” He asks taking a seat across from me.

“Nope. None at all. In fact I think it’s getting worse. I had to hire a nanny for Kara.”

“Shit. I’m sorry man.” He gives me a sympathetic look.

“She went off on me this morning when I told her that I called a therapist for her.”

“Damn. Well hopefully she thinks about it when she calms down.”

“Yeah thanks. Listen I’m going to get out of here for a while. Call me cell if you need me.” I grab my suit jacket and keys.

“You going back home?”

“No.” I say and walk out. If I can’t get through to Liz then maybe Kris can. She’s my last hope. If this doesn’t work then I’ll have to drag her to a mental hospital or something.

“Well look what the cat dragged in. What’s up?” She smiles and lets me in her house.

“It’s Liz. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve tried to help her but she’s still the same.” We sit out back and she pours me a glass of iced Tea.

“I thought she was going to get some help?”

“So did I. She said she wanted to but when I brought it up again today she went off on me. I just really don’t know what to do at this point.” She leans over and places her hand on mine.

“I’ll try to talk to her but she needs professional help. There is no other way around it.”

“Thank you.” We sit and talk a little more before I head home. Kris agrees to talk to Liz tomorrow so now I just sit and wait.

I get home and check on Kara before changing. Liz is in the bed as usual and doesn’t acknowledge me as I change. I hear her change channels like a mad woman and know that she’s pissed. I’m not touching that one today. I don’t feel like having my ass handed to me again. I change into my board shorts and use the bathroom.

“Your going surfing?” She asks as I’m about to head out.

“I’m not sure. Maybe.” She groans and rolls her eyes at me. What was that about? I shake my head and close the door behind me.

I spend the rest of the night alone in the living room having the TV watch me more then I was watching it. I feel totally useless at this point. My wife doesn’t need me and with the nanny here Kara doesn’t need me. I spent a few hours in her room watching her sleep and don’t understand how Liz can’t be as overjoyed as I am? I look at my daughter and my heart swells. Why can’t hers? After being told that you might not be able to have kids wouldn’t having one be the best thing to have happen to you? Kara is a miracle to us.

The next morning I have my coffee and flip through the newspaper before going to work. The nanny is holding Kara nearby and I watch her wishing that was Liz. The doorbell rings and I get up to answer it.

“You’re here early.” I greet Kris and let her in.

“Well I figure it would take a while so why not get started now?” She spots Kara and rushes toward her scooping her out of the nanny’s arms.

“I’ve got to get going. Call me later?”

“Will do.” She winks at me and I place a kiss on Kara’s head before going to work.


My breasts start leaking and I get up to use the pump. I miss holding my daughter for those brief moments sometimes.

“Good morning sunshine!” Kris barges into the room and pulls back the curtains.

“What are you doing here?” I ask surprised she’s here this early.

“I’ve come to kidnap you. Get up and get dressed.”

“It’s too early and besides, I don’t feel like going out.” I sink back under the covers and attempt to pull them over my head.

“Well that’s too freaking bad. Your getting up and you getting dressed and sweat pants are out of the question.” She pulls the blankets completely off the bed.

“You know I don’t remember you being this annoying.”

“Well desperate times call for desperate measures. Get your ass up already!” I groan and get out of bed. “And take a damn shower, you look like shit!” She calls out before I close the bathroom door.

“So, Max guilt you into spending the day with me?” I ask as we drive to God knows where.

“No! You’re my friend I don’t need to be guilt tripped to hang out with you.” I sit back and enjoy the ride to wherever.

“What are we doing here?”

“You and I are going to have a day of relaxation and pampering.” We walk into the spa and Kris gives them our names.

“And don’t think that you and I aren’t going to talk later.” Great. I roll my eyes and follow her to the back. I’ll admit that the massage feels great. The mud bath felt surprisingly good as well. We spend a few hours here then get back in the car for some food and girl talk as Kris put it.

“Ok so do you want to tell me what’s going on?” We end up back at her house with some take out from a local place.

“Nothing’s going on.” I shrug and take a bite out of my sandwich.

“Ok so we’re going that route. It’s cool, I was prepared for this. Since you don’t want to talk I will.” She puts her hair up in a ponytail and gets comfortable. Oh God.

“I know what’s going on.” I raise and eyebrow at her. “Don’t look at me like that. I know you, you can’t bullshit me. When are you going to learn that? I know exactly what’s going on and I also know that you need help with it. You can’t just think that it’s going to go away one day, it’s not Liz. What you are going through is serious and can get worse. Why won’t you talk to Max, let him help you?” I feel the tears forming in my eyes. She’s right.

“I just can’t. He’s better off without me I think. I’m no good to him or my daughter.” The tears fall down my face now.

“Don’t say shit like that. There is nothing that you did, this happens all the time Liz. Your not the first and you won’t be the last. Max loves you, you know this. You need to seek help for you Liz.” I know she’s right but it’s still hard.

“It’s not that easy.”

“I know it’s not but how much longer can you go on like you are? You’re a zombie Liz. When was the last time you left the house? I can’t sit by and let you waste away like this. Let us get you the help that you need.” She puts her hand on my shoulder and my tears fall more freely down my face.

“I-I know that I need help and I want to get better but it’s so hard Kris.” I break down into a fit of sobs and she reaches over and shocks the hell out of me when she hugs me.

“I know it is but you have people around you that love you Liz. Just please don’t shut us out.”

“Thanks Kris.” She smiles and drops the subject. We finish out food and hang out for the rest of the afternoon. Everything was fine until I got home. The minute I walked in the house I started to cry. What is wrong with me? Why can’t I just be happy? This has to end…today.


It’s three in the afternoon and I’m biting my nails in anticipation for Kris’s call. I pray that everything went well.

“Mr. Evans like 3 is Kris.” I snatch the phone up as fast as I can.


“Hey. Everything went ok I think. She seemed to go for the idea of getting help. All we can do it sit and wait.”

“I’ve been waiting. I’m just afraid that she’ll get worse somehow.” I run my hands through my hair.

“I know you have but I think she’ll come to you now. I think she understands that it’s not her.”

“Thank you.”

“Hey, she’s my friend. It’s what we do.” I laugh and hang up. I hope she’s right.

~*~*~Suicide Reference~*~*

I get home a little past five after a meeting that I could not get out of and the nanny tells me that Liz went out to the store after she got home and has been in the room every since then. I check on the baby and go to our room to change out of my work clothes.

When I get in the door Liz is asleep in the middle of the bed. I grab some clothes and take a quick shower. Maybe she’ll be up when I get out if she hears the water on.

I get out of the shower and see that she hasn’t even moved. The closer to get to the bed something doesn’t seem right. She looks pale and a little too peaceful.

“Liz.” I call out trying to wake her up. I sit on the edge of the bed and look over at the nightstand where I see a bottle of sleeping pills and a half empty bottle of Vodka. I know that I haven’t opened it and Liz doesn’t drink this.

“That’s odd.” I say to myself and pick up the bottle of pills only to see that it’s empty as well.

“Liz!” I scream hoping that she didn’t take all of these. She doesn’t move.

“Liz, angel wake up!” I shake her and she doesn’t stir.

“Oh God angel what did you do?” I reach over her and grab the telephone calling 911.

“The ambulance is on it’s way sir. Stay calm.” I hang up and attempt to wake her up again to no avail. I rush out of the room and inform the nanny of what’s going on so she can stay with the baby.

“God why? Why would she do this?” I run to the front door when I hear the paramedics arrive and take them to the bedroom. They ask to see the bottle of pills and rush her to the hospital. They say her pulse is weak and her stomach would have to be pumped.

On the way to the hospital I call Michael and Kris to let them know what’s going on. Kris insists on meeting me there. I don’t know how she would feel about having her there but I can’t tell her not to come.

“Max!” Kris rushes into the emergency room and sits next to me.

“Hey.” I offer her a weak smile.

“What happened?” I tell her all that I know and we sit and wait. A few minutes later Michael comes in.

“They say anything yet?” he asks me.

“No. She’s only been in there a little while.” I pinch the bridge of my nose and breathe deeply. It’s the only thing I can do to not cry at this point. Why would she do this? How could she think that I would be able to survive without her? Why would she want to leave me?

“Mr. Evans?” The doctor comes out and pulls me aside.

“We’ve pumped her stomach and she’s just now coming to. It’s a good thing you got there when you did. The pills hadn’t fully streamed into her system.” He goes on in his doctor language and all I can think of is that she’s alive.

“She’s ok.” I walk back and tell Kris and Michael. “You guys don’t have to stay.” I say knowing that Michael has a family.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Kris says.

“Me either man.” I smile at Michael and thank them. Kris goes to get us coffee since we have to wait a bit longer to see Liz.

“Max, I had no idea things were this bad.”

“Me either. I’ve failed her Michael. How could she think that I wouldn’t want her around?” The tears finally fall and I don’t give a shit. I let them fall, my wife almost died.

“Hey, you can’t blame yourself. You did all you could, she knows that. Don’t think it was you.”

“I guess. I just don’t know why.” I wipe the tears away when I see Kris coming back.

“Here you guys go.” She hands us our coffee and I can tell she’s been crying too. I put my arm around her in an effort to comfort her. She’s Liz’s best friend and I know she would be just as devastated if Liz died.

“I’m going to call Maria. She was worried as well.” Michael gets up and walks to the pay phones.

“Max if she would have….”

“Shhh. She’s here now. Don’t think like that.” I place a kiss on her temple and get a nasty look from the nurse. Whatever.

“Why would she do this Max?” She can barely speak through her sobs.

“I don’t know.” I sigh and take a sip of my coffee. It’s nasty but I drink it anyway.

“She has to get better Max. I can’t lose her, she’ll all I have.” I give her shoulder a gently squeeze knowing exactly how she feels.

What seems like hours later but is only a few moments the nurse comes to let us know that we can go in. I walk in slowly but Kris rushes to her bed. I stand back and let them have their time together. Tears form in my eyes as Liz looks up at me with sadness in hers. I hear her tell Kris that she’s sorry and turn away so I can wipe mine away. She looks so broken.

“I’m going to tell Michael what’s going on.” Kris says before walking out. I walk slowly to Liz’s bed and smile as best I can.

“Hey.” I say softly and pull a seat up to sit next to her.

“Max..I’m..” Is all she can get out before she breaks down in a fit of sobs.

“Shhh angel, everything is ok. Don’t cry baby.” I smooth back her hair and place a kiss on her forehead.

“I don’t know why…I just….Max I don’t know what’s going on.”

“I know baby. We’re going to figure it out ok?” She nods and takes me hand in hers.

“I’m sorry.”

“Everything will be ok I promise.” As the words leave my mouth I wonder if I can keep that promise? I’m going to die trying that’s for sure.

“I want to get better Max i really do.”

“I know angel. You need to let me in ok? Let me help you. Don’t shut me out.” She nods and we sit in silence until the nurse comes in to tell me I have to go.

“I’ll be back first thing tomorrow ok?” They need to keep her overnight for observation. A psychologist is coming to talk to her as well. As long as she’s talking to someone I’m happy.

I let Michael and Kris know what’s going on and agree to keep them informed. The drive back home seems to take longer then the drive here. Maybe it’s because I was doing ninety miles an hour before.

I drive along the coast and try to process everything.

My wife just tried to kill herself, why?

My wife thought she couldn’t talk to me, why?

My wife dislikes our child, why?

My wife thought I could live without her, why?

The question is always why?

What did I do to make her get to this point? What could I have done to make her like this? Did I push her too hard to have a baby? Was she ready? She wanted to have a baby, she was just as excited as I was, wasn’t she? I come to realize that I don’t know much of anything anymore. Things need to change, drastically.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

WOW thank you all for your comments. I didn’t think you all would get this into it so thank you. All of your concerns regarding Kris will be touched on but no worries, Kris is my girl so all will be good.
Thank you all again.

Roswell 10/2/00
Poison Ivy

~*~*Chapter 4~*~*

~*~1 month later~*~

“Max, we’re going to be late!”

“I’m coming.” I throw on my shirt and rush out to the living room. “I’m ready.” I grab my keys and we head out.

“Are you nervous?” I ask her for the hundredth time today.

“Not really.” She smiles and looks out the window. Today is a sort of celebration with Liz’s therapy group. She started going as soon as she was released from the hospital and started treatment immediately. She’s been going three times a week and has made great progress so far.

“I‘m going to start one on one therapy now. I still don‘t feel entirely comfortable talking about everything in front of everyone.”

“That’s great.” I’m glad she wants to talk one on one now. The first few months were hard on her but she finally admitted her true feelings and accepted that she was suffering from postpartum depression. The doctor assured her that it was more common then she thought and she spent hours doing her own research on it solidifying the fact that it wasn’t just her that was suffering from this. We talked about Liz possibly taking prescription medication to help her with this but she really didn’t want to. The doctor agreed for now.

“I’m really proud of you.” I take her hand in mine and place a kiss on her palm. I joined her in a couple’s session a few times and we finally talked about the day she took the pills. I finally told her that I felt angry that she would be that selfish to do something like that. I regretted it when I saw her tears but it had to be said. We went back a few times and worked through it, both sharing our feelings about it. I know that it’s not completely over but we have been making great progress talking about it a little at a time day by day.

“Thank you.” We pull up to the facility and get out joining the others. A few weeks ago Liz came to me and we had a long due heart to heart.

“Max, if I tell you something swear you won’t hate me.” We were sitting outside enjoying our wine after dinner.

“I could never hate you baby.”

“I’ve been reading about postpartum and I know that it’s what I was going through but I also think it was something else.” I sat back and listened to her talk not wanting to interrupt.

“I never really took into account the fact that we had all those miscarriages. I mean, we dealt with them as they happened but I think that they affected me more then I thought at the time. Does this make any sense to you?” She laughed.

“Yes it does.” I urged her to continue glad that she was talking about this at all.

“Anyway, as you know I’ve always had issues with love and mostly being loved. I know that you love me but it’s just hard for me to believe it sometimes. It’s not you or anything your doing or not doing, it’s me. I have to accept that you love me and are in love with me as well. I’m not saying that I’m completely cured but I am getting better and I am coming to terms with what I did and why.” I took her hand in mine giving her a reassuring squeeze.

“I do love you angel more then you could ever know and I’m glad that you know that now. Whatever you are going through I’m here for you all the way. I don’t ever want you to feel that you are alone in any of this Liz. Whatever happens to either of us happens to both of us.” We talked the rest of the night cuddling together in our bed with Kara next to us in her bassinet.


The celebration was great. Liz knows that there are people there for her now and that she can talk to any of us when she needs to.


“Yeah babe.”

“I want to spend the day with Kara tomorrow.”

“Ok. You don’t have to ask me though Liz.” I briefly turn to her and say.

“I know that but I mean no nanny, just me and her.” She bites her lip.

“I think that’s great angel.” We get to the house and let the nanny go for the night. Kara is already asleep and Liz goes into her room to check on her. It warms my heart to see her like this with our daughter. She’s been more involved with Kara and the nanny really isn’t needed anymore but we keep her on hand just incase. I don’t want her to get overwhelmed again.

“I’ve missed you.” She slides under the covers after going through her nightly routine. She hasn’t been doing that lately and the smell is intoxicating. I’ve missed it.

“Me too.” We haven’t slept together in months and it’s been hard but I don’t want to push her. She wasn’t ready I had to respect that. I pull her towards me and she lays her head on my chest.

“No Max I’ve really missed you.” Her hand slides down my abs and rests on the hem of my boxers.

“Oh.” I say shocked. I didn’t think she would be ready so soon but I’m not complaining.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m ready.” Her hand slips underneath the hem of my boxers and wraps around my cock. I’m hard as hell and don’t know how long I’ll be able to last.

“Baby I want you so bad, are you really sure Liz?”

“Yes Max.” That’s all I need to hear before I roll us over so that I’m on top. Slowly I lift her nightshirt over her head and latch on to her breasts. Her moans entice me.

“Jesus how can I love you so much? How is it possible that I love you more and more everyday? Just when I think you’ve completely filled my heart it’s like it makes room to love you a little more everyday.”

“You have no idea how much I love you. You can’t possible know. There aren’t enough days in my lifetime for me to tell you.” I capture her lips in a searing kiss and wipe the tears away from her face. I can’t wait anymore and slowly slide into her.

“Yes.” She sighs and rocks her hips. She’s anxious and so am I.

“Angel I don’t know how…long I‘m going to…”

“Shhh I doesn’t matter Max. We have plenty of time tonight.” I hook her leg over my arm and thrust into her harder.

“Fuck Liz!”

“Ahh Yes Max….harder!” Not wanting to disappoint I give her what she wants and pick up my pace.

“Shit Liz I’m so close.” I hate that I can’t hold out but it’s been too long and she feels so damn good. I shift myself so that I’m hitting her clit and her moans get louder and louder.

“Oh God I’m coming Max.” She screams my name and moments later I shoot my seed into her.

“God I love you.” I say rolling off her.

“No more then I do.” I place a kiss on her lips and wrap my arms around her. This is the way it was supposed to be.

The past few weeks have gone by so quickly. I try to sit down and enjoy my life but things have been hectic at work to say the least. Liz has become the mother she always wanted to be and the sight of her with our daughter warms my heart to no end. I can’t express how it feels to see her holding Kara. Everyday I fall more and more in love with her.

I try to get home at a decent time as often as I can and today is one of those days. Liz is still going to her therapy sessions but is down to only once a week now. When she’s ready to stop going she will, for now I’m just glad that she’s talking to someone.

“Hey, your home early.” I get home and Kris, Liz and Kara are in the pool. Liz hands Kris the baby and gets out of the pool to greet me. Kris hasn’t been coming over as much as usual and as much as we love her it was for the best for a little while. Liz and I needed the time but Liz is doing great now and they are spending more time together like they used to.

“How was your day?” She asks me kissing me lightly so I don’t get wet.

“Long. You?” I sit next to her on the lounge chair.

“Not bad. We went to the park today and Kris just got here an hour ago.” Kara just turned ten months old and I turn my head when I hear her laughter. There is something about babies laughing that makes me smile every time.

“She loves it when Kris does that.” Kris ducks under the water then comes back up squirting water out of her mouth like a fountain. Kids are obviously easily entertained. They get out of the pool and sits with us.

“Hey.” Kris says handing Liz the baby. “So Liz here told me about your little accident the other day.”

“She told you that!” I look over and Liz who is laughing. Well, they are both laughing.

“Of course she did. Come on that was classic Max. She had to share that with me.”


“Sorry.” She says but she’s still laughing.

“I’m glad that I can provide entertainment for you both. At least Kara isn’t laughing at me. Right baby?” I blow a raspberry on her belly and get a giggle out of her.

“Yeah well she’s too young to appreciate it. So what was it that you did after you knocked down a rack of basketballs?”

“Nothing.” I’m not going there again.

“Aww come on Max. Tell us.”

“Why are you laughing?” I point towards Liz. “You left me there!” That makes them laugh even more.

“Well you were just standing there with a million basketballs around you and people were looking so I walked away. I didn’t leave you, not really.”

“I’m hurt.” I pout.

“You are such a dork.” Kris says rolling her eyes.

“Dor.” Our heads snap to Kara who I think just called me a dork!

“Dor, dor.” She says pointing to me and giggling.

“Oh my God she said her first word.” Liz says turning Kara to face her.

“Well this is just great. My daughter’s first word is dork and she’s calling me this.” Kris and Liz start laughing again.

“She’s advanced for her age.” Kris shrugs.

“That’s it. You’re a bad influence, sorry but you have to leave now. I can’t have you corrupting my child.” I stand up and she looks at me shocked.

“I’m serious.” Liz’s smile fades and they both stare up at me with blank expressions. Kris looks at Liz who shrugs and starts to get her things. She folds up her towel and drapes it on the back of the chair then slips into her flip flops. I take the opportunity to pick her up and throw her in the pool.

“You guys are the dorks. Did you really think I was serious?” I laugh and Liz bursts into laughter as well.

“I’m so going to get you for that.” Kris climbs out of the pool and dries herself off.

That was classic.” Liz says getting a huff from Kris.

~*~2 years later (Kara 3. Liz pregnant.)

It’s been a little over a year since we started trying to get pregnant and we did have to end up going to a specialist. Liz was put on hormone therapy and luckily we didn’t need anything stronger for it to work. A month into the treatment we found out she was expecting and was ecstatic about it. This pregnancy has been different. Liz hasn’t had as many cravings and she seems to be enjoying it more then the last time overall.

I was a bit worried at first when Liz said that she was ready for this but I can’t deny her. We talked about it in therapy and the doctor was sure that Liz would be fine. I know more about the symptoms of depression so I’ll be more prepared if anything happens like that again.

We are now out of the danger zone for her miscarrying and are just awaiting the arrival of our baby in a few months.

“Did Ann leave you instructions on the annual party?” I ask the new secretary. Ann is on vacation and we got someone from a temp agency to fill in for her since things are so hectic around here.

“No sir she didn’t, I’m sorry.” I curse inwardly and call her into my office so we can go over things. I always hate this time of year. No, it’s not the holidays or anything like that its worse.

Liz started the tradition of having a company party once and year and it’s that time of year. She said that it would be best if we stay away from having it near the holidays since there are people of different religions working here and it would avoid any headaches. I agreed at first but now it’s turned into this whole big thing and I’d rather not deal with it.

“Have a seat please.” I tell her when she walks in. I realize that I don’t even know her name. Whatever.

“Thank you.” She smiles and sits in front of my desk.

“Every year we have a party in lieu of a holiday party. I need you to find a suitable location as well as handle all the decorations and food and drinks.” I see her writing this all down like a maniac and laugh inwardly.

“How many people sir?” She looks up from her notepad and for the first time I notice that she has the clearest blue eyes I’ve ever seen before.

“Book it for two hundred. Most of the employees bring their spouses or significant others.”

“Will there be any children?” She asks biting the end of her pen. Why do girls do that?

“No. Adults only, and make sure there is plenty of alcohol.” She laughs and it brings a smile to my face. There is something about her that’s…innocent.

“Ok sir I’ll get right on it.” She closes her notepad but doesn’t get up. I don’t know what to do, do I tell her to leave?

I clear my throat. “Um that will be all.”

“Ok sir. Will you be going out for lunch today or shall I order you something?”

“I’m not going out but I’ll get my own lunch thank you.”

“Oh no sir, it’s not a problem really. I want to.” Suddenly she’s not sitting across from me she’s standing next to my desk.

“Thank you but its fine---really.”

“Ok sir but if there is anything that you need please let me know.”

“Thank you.” What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I watch her walk out and shake my head as soon as the door closes. What was that all about?

I have so much work to do that I don’t think I’ll ever leave the office. I call home in the afternoon just to check on things.


“So how are you feeling?” Kris and I are having lunch while Kara is in pre-school.

“Besides being bloated and having gas I’m fine.”

“Hello, we’re eating here! Gross.” I laugh and take a bite of my food.

“So what’s been going on with you?”

“Not much. I met someone but I don’t want to talk about it too much. I’m afraid I’ll jinx it or something.”

“Oh stop it. At least tell me his name.” I spot the waiter bringing someone some chicken wings and decide that I want some of those too so I flag him down.

“Jeez, how much are you going to eat woman?” Kris laughs.

“I’m eating for two.” We both laugh and she finally tells me the guy’s name.

“His name is Andrew and I really like him Liz. There is something different about him, I don’t know what it is but I really like him a lot.” I see her smile wide.

“Well keep me posted on that.” my chicken gets here and we finish eating then go back to the house.


“Max I’m so sorry that I can’t go. I just don’t feel right leaving Kara with a sitter with her being this sick.” tonight is the company party and Kara has a fever.

“It’s fine angel. Just keep me posted on how she is.” I throw on a shirt and search for a tie to wear.

“I will. I just hate to miss out on tonight.” Kara is asleep in the middle of our bed and Liz brushes some her bangs away from her face.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll try not to be home too late.” I fix my tie and spray on some cologne.

“I love you.” She says brushing her lips against my neck.

“I love you more.” I kiss her lips softly then brush a kiss on Kara’s cheek.


“I hate these things.” Michael and I are making our rounds as owners of the company.

“It’s not that bad. You just got here.” We shake hands and mingle with everyone.

“Yeah, and I want to leave too. I’m not a social person.”

“Stop it. You sound like an old man.” I shake my head at him and make my way to the other side of the room. My temp secretary, Nicole, did a good job. Everyone seems to be having a nice time.

“Is everything alright Mr. Evans?” She makes her way to me and asks.

“Everything is great. Thank you, you did a great job.”

“It was my pleasure.” I sit at one of the empty tables and before I know it she’s joined me.

“Your wife couldn’t make it?” She asks sipping her champagne.

“No she’s home with our daughter.”

“Oh that’s too bad. So how long have you been married?” She asks scooting closer to me.

“Oh a little over four years now not counting the first time.” I’ve said too much. Way to go blabber mouth Max.

“This is your second marriage?”

“Technically no. My wife and I were married before and got married a second time in an official ceremony. It’s a long complicated story.” I laugh.

“You look so young to be married.” I’m not comfortable talking about myself so I change topics.

“So what about you? Married?”

“Me? No I’m not married.” We get into conversation about her and her schooling and before I know it the party is almost over.

“Well it’s been nice talking to you. I better go say goodnight to everyone.” I get up and catch Michael’s eye. Has he been staring at me the whole time?

“See you Monday.” She says before I walk away.

“Getting chummy with your secretary?” Michael asks me when I approach him.

“No. We were just talking. She’s a nice girl.”

“Whatever. Be careful with that one. She seems star struck or something.” I laugh it off and say goodnight to my employees.


“How was the party?” Liz asks when I get home.

“It was fine. I missed you.” I loosen my tie and lean over to give her a kiss.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.”

“Don’t worry about it. How’s Kara?”

“Better. Her fever broke finally.” I change out of my clothes and go check on Kara before going to bed.

“Are you happy?” I ask her as she lies on my chest.

“Yes. Why?’

“No reason. I was just wondering.” I stroke her hair and feel her snuggle up closer to me.

“You asked for a reason. Aren’t you happy?”

“Of course I am.” Those words would come back to haunt me sooner then I thought.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:14 pm
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Post by Icequeen »

Thanks guys for the FB. I can’t comment on Nicole but you will find out in the next chapter what’s up with that whole thing. I’m going to try to post twice a week, I’m trying to get to the meat of this fic. I DO have a point to all of this. :wink:

Thanks again.


~*~*Chapter 5~*~*


“So how is everything going?” Kris is over for our weekly lunch.

“Alright I guess. I‘m just trying to get everything ready for when the baby arrives. I wish we knew what we were having though.”

“I think its better this way. Makes it more of a surprise.”

“Yeah, that‘s true. So how are things with you and Andrew?”

“Not really much to tell. We’ve gone out a few times and everything has been great but he’s really busy with work right now.”

“What does he do?”

“You know it’s funny but I don’t know. All he says is work so I have no idea.” She shrugs.

“Why don’t you ask him?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to seem like the pushy type I guess.” She shrugs

“It’s not being pushy; you’re just getting to know him that’s all.”

“Ok this is odd. You, giving me advice?”

“Shut up!” I reach over to grab some food when I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

“Liz? What’s wrong?” Kris gets up and stands by my side.

“I don’t know. Something it’s right. Call Max Kris.”

“Ok hang on.” She runs inside to get the phone and I feel another sharp pain. It feels like I’m in labor but it’s too soon. Way too soon.

“Ok we’re going to the hospital Max is going to meet us there. Can you move?” I nod my head and she helps me up.

“Kris it’s too soon. The baby won’t make it.” I cry as she helps me into her car.

“Just try to relax. Everything will be ok.” We drive to the hospital and the whole time I’m praying that I don’t lose the baby.

“We need a wheelchair!” Kris screams when we pull up to the emergency room. See nurses and doctors running around asking Kris questions.

“Where’s Max?” I ask wincing at the pain.

“He’ll be here Liz. Don’t worry.” I’m wheeled into a room and can’t concentrate on anything due to the pain.


As soon as I got off the phone with Kris I ran out of my office hoping that Liz and the baby are ok. I briefly told Michael what happened but was in too much of a rush to really talk to him. Thankfully the hospital isn’t that far from my office and I can take the back roads to avoid the traffic.

“I’m looking for my wife. Elizabeth Evans.” I rush to the nurse’s station and ask for Liz. She points me towards her room and I make a mad dash to get there.

“Kris!” I spot her and call out to her.

“Max! She rushes towards me with tears in her eyes.

“What happened?” She tries to tell me what she knows, which isn’t much.

“I’m going to find out what’s going on.” I track down a doctor and ask about Liz’s predicament.

“I’m going in the room now.” I tell her then walk to another room to put on some hospital scrubs. Liz is going into premature labor and I know that it’s not a good thing at all. The baby wasn’t due for another two months and was underweight as it was. We tried to everything to make the baby grow more but it wasn’t working. I know that Liz blames herself and would eat until she was sick to help.

“Max.” Liz moans my name when I walk into the room. She has something sticking out of her arm and they are monitoring the baby’s heart rate as well.

“Mr. Evans we’ve given your wife nifedipine to try to stop the contractions. As I’ve explained to your wife the side effect for the mom to be are redness of the skin, headaches, nausea, dizziness and low blood pressure. The up side is that there are no side effects for the baby.” I’m somewhat relieved but still worried for Liz.

“What about the baby? She isn’t due for another two months.” I look down at Liz and see that she is pretty out of it right now.

“We’re going to give her a corticosteroid, which will help develop the baby’s lungs mature that will help him breathe easier when he’s born.” He? We hadn’t found out what we were having yet. The doctor wasn’t able to see the sex every time we went in for a check up.

“I’m going to administer some antibiotics through her IV now.” I see the doctor push something into the IV bag and sit next to Liz.

“Angel.” I speak softly trying to get her attention.

“Max it’s too soon.” She says barely above a whisper.

“I know honey. Everything will be fine.” I lean over and place a kiss on her forehead then realize that she’s clammy. Searching for a small towel I wet it and gently dab it on her head hoping it will make her more comfortable. Nothing happens for the next few minutes and I get up for a second to let Kris know what’s going on.

“Angel I’ll be right back. I’m just going to tell Kris what’s going on.” She nods her head slowly and I get up. Kris turns to me as soon as the door opens and I give her the run down on what’s happening.

“I’m not going anywhere.” she says when I’m done.

“Ok.” I smile briefly at her and join Liz again. The doctor comes back in and looks at the machines for a minute and I can tell it’s not good.

“What is it?” I ask when she doesn’t say anything.

“The contractions haven’t stopped. We’re going to have to deliver the baby via c-section.” She doesn’t sound terribly enthusiastic and it worries me. Not wanting to say this in front of Liz I get up and motion for the doctor to follow me to the corner of the room.

“Give it to me straight. Is she going to be ok?”

“I’m going to do everything I can to save your wife and your baby. Just let us do our jobs and everything will be fine.” Ok she’s pissing me off.

“Bullshit. You can’t tell me that everything’s going to be fine. I want the truth. Is she going to make it?” She looks up at me with a stern face.

“Your wife will be fine.” She says coldly.

“And my baby?”

“Mr. Evans we’re wasting time here. Please, just let me do my job.” I don’t push her for answers knowing that she didn’t answer because she doesn’t know.

Liz is prepped for surgery and I’m given a mask to wear. We walk to another room and the doctor comes in with her gloved hands up in the air.

“We’ve given her a mild sedative but you can talk to her.” I can tell that she smiled briefly under her mask.

“Liz, angel can you hear me?” I brush a strand of hair off her face.

“Max, the baby?” She asks opening her eyes slightly.

“Everything is fine honey. Hey, we never talked about names.” I try to get her mind off of what’s happening.

“We…don’t know what we’re having.”

“A boy honey. So how about it? What are you thinking?” She smiles slightly and I’m glad it’s working.

“Caleb?” She says. I don’t like the sound of it and shake my head no.

“Adam?” I say and she nods her head no. This is hard.


“Ethan?” We go through a bunch of names, neither of us agreeing on one.

“Kaiden?” She says closing her eyes again.

“It’s perfect angel. Kaiden Evans.” I say and bring a smile on her face.

“Kara?” She moans.

“Maria is going to get her.” I remember telling Michael to have Maria get her for me. We keep talking and before I know it I hear a baby crying. It sounds different then Kara did, softer, smaller somehow.

“Mr. Evans would you like to…” She motions to the umbilical cord and I jump out of my seat to cut it. I look at my son for the first time and he’s so tiny. I knew he would be small but I never expected this. He looks so fragile. I cut the cord and see the nurse take him into an incubator right away.

“Everything went fine. We’re going to stitch your wife up then I’m going to check on the baby.” I nod my head, my mind not really wrapping itself around what’s going on.

~~~2 months later~~~

The past two months have been non stop. Kaiden had to stay at the hospital for observation but everything is going well. He is coming home today and I know that Liz is ecstatic. Liz was released a few days after the delivery and came to the hospital everyday to sit with the baby. In the mean time we’ve been getting his room prepared and getting Kara ready for the addition to our family.

The first night Liz got back we sat up all night and talked. She decided to get her tubes tied after what happened with Kaiden. I flat out refused but when she brought up everything that has happened and the fact that if she did fall pregnant again the changes of her going into pre-term labor were very high I started to see her side of it.

She told me that she didn’t think she could go through it again and that she was thankful that we have the two children that we do. After a long internal debate I realized that it’s her body and I had no right to tell her that she couldn’t go through with it.

“Are you almost ready?” I ask. She’s standing in the baby’s room checking everything over again.

“Yeah just about.” I see her smooth the comforter for the millionth time and laugh.

“Ok I’m ready.” She walks out and we get Kara from her room before driving to the hospital.

“What if the baby doesn’t like me daddy?” Kara asks with a serous face.

“He’ll love you sweetie. You’re going to be his big sister.” She flashes me a smile.

“What if he’s mean to me? I don’t like boy’s daddy.” Thank God is what I want to say but I reassure her that he won’t be mean to her.


“Where is that little impatient one?” Kris came over for the first time since Liz was taken into the hospital.

“He’s in the crib.” I walk with her to Kaiden’s room only to find Liz holding him in her arms while rocking in the glider. The sight I see makes my heart swell. I’m glad that she’s bonding with the baby, she was worried after what happened with Kara but so far everything is going fine. I was able to go back to work sooner then I thought and she’s been handling it well.

“Hey.” Liz says after hearing us come in.

“I’m going to take Kara to the park. You guys going to be ok?” I ask.

“Yeah. Bring some of that sanitizer with you. You know she likes to pick everything up.” I laugh and walk downstairs getting Kara ready for our day out just me and her like she says. I try to still do things with her not wanting her to become jealous of the baby and it seems to be working.


“So is everything ok now?” Kris asks

“Yeah. We still have to take him in for regular check up’s but everything seems to be going well so far.”

“He’s adorable Liz. Better watch out with that one.” I laugh and kiss the top of Kaiden’s head.

“Just like his daddy.”

“Ok not to change topics or anything but I found out where Andrew works.”

“Really? Where?” I put the baby on my shoulder to burp him.

“Well first let me tell you how I found out. It’s funny.” She scoots closer and laughs before she even starts talking.

“Hurry up and tell me before you go into a laughing fit.”

“Ok so we were having dinner at his house one night and I started to bring up work, even though I have no job.” She rolls her eyes and continues. “Anyway, he started talking about his job and about his boss. He said that he’s a cool guy but sometimes flies off the handle at little things. He mentioned control freak somewhere in there too. So he finally says his boss’s name and I literally choked on my food.”


“He said his name was….he said it was.” She’s laughing so hard she can’t even say it.


“It’s Max, Liz. His boss is Max. He’s an architect in the firm.”

“Wow.” I laugh at the irony of that then at the fact that he called Max a control freak. Well, it is true.

“That is so funny. Have you told Max about it yet?”

“No. I will later.”

“So you really like him?” I haven’t been able to talk to her in so long. We have a lot to catch up on.

“He’s so great Liz. I think he’s too great you know? I still get butterflies when I see him or when someone mentions his name. It’s kind of scary you know?” I get up and put the baby down in the crib taking the monitor with me incase he wakes up.

“I do know how you feel. Believe it or not I feel the same way about Max. It’s like I look at him sometimes and can’t believe that he chose me, that I’m going to be his wife for the rest of my life.”

“Ok that is way too mushy for me but I do know how you feel. I just worry that he thinks I’m some spoiled rich girl or something. I mean let’s be honest I don’t do anything.” We go outside and enjoy the nice weather.

“If it really bothered him he would have said something or cut out by now. How long have you guys been together?” It saddens me that I don’t know the answer.

“A few months.” I look at her and can tell that she’s happy. She has this glow about her that I’ve never seen and she can’t seem to wipe the smile off her face.

“That’s good. Just don’t over analyze things. If he had an issue with your lack of a job he would have said something or shown some signs by now. Men aren’t that smart.” We laugh and then the baby starts crying.

“I’ll be right back.” I go check on the baby leaving Kris outside. After feeding and changing him I come back to find Max and Kris talking.

“You’re back early.” I say and sit across from them.

“Yeah, Kara met Julia and her mom there and asked me if she could go to her house. I’m going to pick her up before dinner.”

“So I was telling Max here about Andrew.” Kris says.

“He’s a good guy. Good worker.” Max says smoothing back my hair.

“It’s funny that he works with Max, I mean what are the chances right?”

“I know. I thought it was too.” We sit and talk for a while then Kris leaves to get ready for her date while Max goes to get Kara.


When we get home Liz is on the phone. I listen to her for a few moments when I realize it’s my mother. With everything that’s been going on I haven’t really been in contact with my parents. It’s not that I want to shut them out of my life but I haven’t had the time to worry about them. They’ve come to the house to see the kids but never anything lasting more then an hour or two.

“Your mom is insisting that we come over next week.”

“Another dinner party?” I ask taking Kaiden from her and sitting on the sofa.

“No, she just wants it to be us. They’ve been complaining about the lack of their involvement in our children’s lives.”

“Do you want to go?” I ask her wondering how she feels about it.

“We should go. They’ve missed so much and the kids should know their grandparents.” I know that the subject is close to home for her given her relationship with her grandmother.

“So we’ll go then.” I get dinner started while Liz puts the baby down.

Liz comes to the table and we both wonder where Kara is.

“Kara baby dinner is ready.” Liz calls for her. A few moments later she comes out dressed up like she’s going to a dinner party or something.

“You’re a little dressed for dinner aren’t you?” Liz asks trying to hold back her laughter.

“I’m going to a wedding.” She says taking her seat next to Liz.

“A wedding huh?” I say placing the plates on the table.

“Yup.” Liz serves her some chicken and shrugs when I look at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Who’s wedding baby?” I have to ask.

“Mine.” I almost drop my plate when she says that as if it was no big deal.

“Who are you marrying?” Liz asks.

“Daddy.” She says and brings a piece of chicken to her mouth. Liz and I laugh a little and sit down to dinner.

“What about mommy?” I ask. This is too funny.

“I don know.” She shrugs.

“Mommy might be upset about that. Your mom and I are already married.” I pass the potatoes to Liz.

“Then we can share.” I can’t help but laugh out loud at that. The rest of dinner goes by smoothly and we put Kara to bed after a game of chutes and ladders.


“So Miss are you married because I could show you a good time?” Liz is applying lotion to her legs and I come up behind her whispering in her ear.

“I am, but my husband isn’t here now and you are.” She replies playfully.

“Well a beautiful creature like you shouldn’t be left alone. I bet I can show you a good time.” She swings around and pulls on my belt.

“Do you now? Well let’s see what you have to offer then.” She pulls me forward and un-buckles my belt then slides my zipper down slowly.

“Boxers, I like.” She says once my pants drop to the floor. My erection is painfully obvious and I see her get up slowly from her chair in front of her vanity mirror.

“So stranger how about showing me what you’re made of?” She winks at me and pulls me towards the bed.

“With pleasure.” I flip us over and nestle between her legs. Instantly she wraps them around my waist and lets me feel the heat radiating off her moist center. I pull her nightshirt over her head exposing her perfection to me.

“God Liz.” I hiss wanting to be buried deep inside her. I feel her rub herself against me and pull my boxers off freeing my erection.

“Impressive.” She says with a grin looking down at me. I smirk and rub myself against her center before sliding in.

“Max.” She hisses bucking her hips against me. I slide in and out of her at an agonizingly slow pace wanting to stay this way forever with her.

Palming one of her breasts I bring it to my lips teasing her nipple which I know is sensitive from breast feeding Kaiden.

“Does it hurt?” I ask softly licking it.

“A little, but its ok.” Not wanting to hurt her I place a kiss next to it and seal our lips snaking my tongue against her smooth one. Her hips buck against me harder and faster letting me know that she wants me to pick up my pace.

“Fuck Liz I’m coming.” I can’t hold back anymore and feel my release building up.

“Me too.” I brace myself with the headboard and pump into her harder and faster until we both scream out in pleasure.

As soon as we catch our breath we hear Kaiden crying over the baby monitor.

“He has perfect timing.” Liz laughs wiping seat off her brow.

“That’s my boy.” I kiss her quickly before getting up to tend to the baby. Being a father is the best job in the world. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

Thanks guys for your comments. Sorry I didn’t post twice last week but I’ve gotten wrapped up in writing for a new fic. At least this one is pretty much done already. :D

Dreamer 4 Ever
Vicki LVCM

~*~Chapter 6~*~*

~*~2 weeks later~*~

“I’m heading out to New York tomorrow is there anything you need before I go?”

“No everything is fine. Thanks for going for me. I’m totally swamped here.” It’s close to seven o’ clock and I’m still at the office.

“Hey we’re partners it’s what we do.” Michael smiles and takes off. If I wasn’t such a control freak I would hand off some of this work to someone else but I like to oversee all new projects for the first year or so myself.

“Mr. Evans I’m going to get going. Is there anything you need before I go?” Nicole comes into my office to tell me.

“No that’s all. Thank you for staying late again.” I look up from my paperwork briefly.

“It’s no problem at all sir. If there isn’t anything else I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight.” I unroll some sketches and walk over to my drawing desk to get a better look at them.

“Are those the sketches for the new waterfront properties?” She asks. I hadn’t noticed she was still there.

“Yeah.” I scan them thoroughly looking for any mistakes.

“I’ve been reading a lot about that in the paper. Is it true that you are using a new technique on them?” I look up at her surprised that she reads up on this.

“Yeah we are.” I’m too distracted to notice that she’s standing dangerously close to me right now. Before I know it her lips are on mine and her hands are on my ass. I snap out of my haze and realize that I’m kissing someone that isn’t Liz; someone has their hands on my and its not my wife.

“Nicole I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”

“Don’t be. I-I wanted to.” She says smiling up at me.

“I’m married, this can’t happen. I can’t do this.” I run my hands through my hair wondering what the hell is wrong with me.

“Max I’ve wanted to do that since I started working here. You’re a very attractive man and I’m sure I can give you want you want.” She runs her hand over my chest and I step away. I open my mouth to say something but she stops me.

“Don’t say anything. Here is my address, stop by anytime. I promise you won’t regret it.” She hands me a piece of paper and walks out. What the hell just happened and why am I staring at this piece of paper? Shit! This is not good. I shouldn’t feel this way. I shouldn’t even think about going there but I am. The door to my office opens and I think its Nicole coming back in but I’m met with Michaels accusing glare instead.

“Do you want to tell me what just happened?” He asks and I wonder how he knows.

“What?” I ask adjusting my shirt. How the hell did it get un-tucked?

“Well, I was coming back up to my office when I saw little miss home wrecker coming out of your office with a huge smile on her face. No one can like there job that much so I’m wondering what happened in here and by the look on your face I’m betting that something did happen.” He sits in front of my desk and I realize that I’m busted.

“It was a mistake ok? Nothing really happened it was just a kiss.” I get up and pour myself a drink. If there was ever a time that I needed one it’s now.

“Just a kiss huh? What the fuck is wrong with you!” He yells and it startles me for a moment.

“I just said it was a mistake. What do you want from me?” I gulp the liquid down and feel the burn as it travels down my throat.

“I want to know why you let that happen.” He gets up and looks down at my desk. Shit! The paper with her address. “And what is the meaning of this shit!” He says tossing the paper at me.

“She gave me her address. I wasn’t going to go.” It’s a lie but I can’t tell him that I did think about it for a moment.

“Bullshit! If you weren’t going to go you would have thrown it out Maxwell. What the fuck is wrong with you? Think about what you were going to do. After all the shit you went through to get back with Liz your going to throw it all away for some whore.”

“She’s not a whore Michael.” The second I say that I regret it. First for defending her and second because Michael walks across the room and punches me square in the jaw.

“Son of a bitch! What the fuck what that for?” I ask rubbing my jaw.

“That was for you being an asshole. You deserve worse then that. Defending her Max? Are you that much of a horny bastard that you would throw everything away for a piece of ass? Look, I can’t tell you what to do but I strongly advise you to stay away from her. No good can come out of it Max. You’re happy, I know you are. Think about that when you go home to Liz and your kids.” He storms out of my office and slams the door shut.

“Fuck!” I smash the glass against the wall and sit in my chair. What is wrong with me? Michael was right, I am happy. Why would I risk everything like that? I need to tell Liz. I learned my lesson about keeping things from her.


I pull up to the house and the sight that greets me makes my heart swell. Liz and Kara are lying on the couch side by side watching a movie. Kara has some of Liz’s hair wrapped around her finger. She wraps it around then un-wraps it over and over.

“Daddy!” Kara looks up and rushes towards me. I catch her in my arms and swing her around.

“How’s my princess?”

“I‘m all better now daddy.”

“You are?” She shakes her head and I put her down.

“You feeling ok?” I ask Liz when I see her yawn.

“Yeah just tired.” She struggles to sit up and smacks my hand away when I try to help her.

“I don’t need help.” She pouts and I laugh. “Get Kara to bed would you? Kaiden is asleep.”

“Sure.” she walks to the bedroom. “Come on little monster, its bed time.” Kara screeches when I run after her all the way to her room.

Two bedtime stories and several checks for monsters later I walk into the bathroom and watch Liz lay in the tub. I stand there and stare at how beautiful she looks this way. Soft sounds of Dave Mathew’s band come from the radio and she quietly hums along to one of the songs. What the hell is wrong with me that I would risk losing this for a one night stand?

“Hey, what are you thinking about?” Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

“Just how beautiful you are.” I smile and walk over to the tub.

“Shut up. There is no way that you could think this is beautiful.”

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” I grab the sponge and rub it softly over her body.

“That feels good.” She leans her head back and I continue to wash her off. Once she’s wrinkled enough she gets out of the tub and ready for bed.

“I-I have to talk to you about something.” I say once we are in bed.

“Ok.” She adjusts herself on the pillows and gives me her full attention.

“I almost did something stupid today. Monumentally stupid.” I pinch the bridge of my nose and let out a deep breath.

“What happened Max?” I tell her everything as fast as I can just wanting to get it all out. Quick and painless. Yeah right, who am I kidding about it being painless.

“I need you to know Liz that I wouldn’t have. I just don’t know what came over me but I love you. Please believe me.” She sits there in total silence and I don’t know if that’s a bad thing or not. I want to say something but I don’t.

“Is she beautiful?” She asks in a soft voice.

“What? N-no.”

“Liar. You had to be attracted to her in some fashion Max. You don’t kiss someone that isn’t attractive to you in some way.”

“Liz, it doesn’t matter. You’re the only one for me you have to believe that.”

“How can you expect me to believe that when you just told me that you almost slept with her?” I’m scared because she isn’t crying or showing any emotion really. She can’t hold back her feelings from me good or bad.

“Your right I did think about it for about a minute but I didn’t Liz. I couldn’t. I thought about you and the kids and I couldn’t do that. I love my life and I love you.”

“For a moment that love was almost not enough Max.” Finally one tear slips down her face but she wipes it away quickly.

“It is enough, it’s more then enough. God Liz, I’m such an idiot and I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to say.” I sigh in defeat. I don’t know what else to do.

“Thank you for telling me. I know that was hard for you to do.” A glimmer if hope maybe? “But you have to understand that I can’t trust you right now. I’m glad that you told me but she works with you Max. You have to see her everyday and now every time you are home late I’m going to be wondering and I don’t want to be one of those wives.”

“Liz she’s not working with me anymore. Anne is back in two days and I’ll have her moved in the meantime. She was only a temp. I’m not going to be working late anymore either. I’ll bring it home if I have to. I just want you to trust me. I want us to be ok.”

“That’s fine Max but what about the next one? Do I have to worry about every female that gets hired? If someone smiles at you should I wonder if you slept with her or kissed her? I don’t want to be one of those girls Max but now I am.”

“Angel I’m sorry. Just please say that everything will be ok. I can’t lose you Liz.”

“We will be but it’s going to take time. I really am glad that you told me, but it’s going to take time ok?”

“I can live with that.” I lean over and kiss her gently on the lips. She doesn’t pull away which is a good thing but she doesn’t return the kiss like she usually does.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:14 pm
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Post by Icequeen »

Thank you all for you comments. It does seem like Max has fallen from grace. Will he be able to fix it?? We shall see. :wink: Thank you again.

Poison Ivy

~*~Chapter 7~*~*

“Did you tell Liz?” Michael asks me as soon as I get to the office.

“Yes.” It annoys me that he’s asking me about this but whatever.

“How did she take it?” I know he means well, I do, but…

“Michael, seriously, fuck off right now. I don’t need your fucking condescending attitude this morning. If you are that bored or that interested in gossip why don’t you go to the break room and sit there. I‘m sure someone will come in with some juicy gossip for you.” I storm off to my office without a second glance at him. Whatever.

I tossed and turned all night going over what happened and mostly why it happened. It wasn’t anything huge but I still know that it wasn’t right. What it so wrong with me that I can’t just be happy? I have a beautiful family; a good home and a good job why isn’t that enough for me?

The worst part about it is that I do sometimes think about my life before Liz came back into it. I had a certain freedom and while I wasn’t one hundred percent happy I could do as I wanted. Now I have responsibilities. I love my kids more then anything and I love Liz but sometimes….sometimes I think that I don’t want this. That I’m not meant to be a husband. A father I’m fine with, a husband is starting to scare me a little. I’m scared that if I’m not faithful to Liz she will lose it and I couldn’t bear that. I love her, I truly do but I don’t think that I could make her truly happy for the rest of our lives. I know that someday I will fuck up and it will destroy her, I can’t be responsible for that but I can’t stop whatever’s going to happen down the road either.

The rest of the day goes by painfully slow and I decide to go for a drive before going home. As I was leaving I saw Michael trying to catch up to me but hit the button to close the elevator doors before he caught up with me. I wasn’t in the mood then and I’m not now as I hear my cell phone ringing. I know its Michael by the ring tone and hit the ignore button as I drive along the coast.

I hadn’t meant to stay out as long as I did but by the time I get home it’s past ten and the kids are already asleep.

“Where were you? I was so worried Max.” Liz rushes into my arms as soon as I walk in the door. She was half asleep on the sofa.

“I went for a drive. I’m sorry.” I put my briefcase down and return her kiss.

“A drive? Where?” I walk to the sofa and sit running my hands though my hair.

“Nowhere, just a drive.” I’m trying my hardest not to get annoyed but I feel it’s not working.

“Max you’ve been gone for hours. You couldn’t have been driving around for that long. Where were you?” She sits next to me with her feet tucked underneath her.

“I stopped by the beach.”

“Why didn’t you call? The kids were asking for you.” Now I feel like shit. I’ve always been here to put them to bed and I missed that tonight. Fuck!

“I’m going to check on them.” I get up and walk to Kaiden’s room. He looks like an angel sleeping with his thumb in his mouth. I pull the blanket up and kiss his forehead before walking to Kara’s room.

The sight of my beautiful daughter sleeping soundly in her bed brings tears to my eyes. She’s our first miracle. Her hair is fanned out over her pink princess pillow and she clutches a teddy bear Kris gave her for her birthday least year. I sit on the bench near her bay window and just watch her sleep. Right now, at this very moment I’m happy, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life but I dread what will happen as soon as I walk out of this room.

“Max?” I feel Liz shaking me slightly and realize that I’ve fallen asleep.

“You’ve been in here for hours. You fell asleep.” I rub my eyes and stand up stretching my back. Before walking away I kiss Kara’s cheek and secure the blanket around her.

As I get ready for bed I watch Liz out of the corner of my eye. She is beautiful and I’m attracted to her but something is off and I know that it’s me, not her. I don’t have a clue what exactly it is but I do know that it’s all me. She’s been through so much on her own and with me, caused by me and she’s still here with me. Loving me, trusting me.

“Max, what’s going on?” She finally asks me once she slips into bed.

“Nothing angel.” I lie. I’m too tired to talk about it now and I don’t know what to say anyway.

“Don’t pull away.” She says and reaches over to turn off the light. For the first time in years I don’t pull her into my arms nor does she lean on my chest. The bed feels cold, the room is cold, and I’m cold.


“You look preoccupied, what’s up?” Kris has come over for our weekly lunch.

“Nothing.” I can’t even begin to tell her since I don’t know what’s going on. I haven’t told her about the kiss either.

“Liar. What is it? Are the kids ok?”

“Yeah they are fine.” I slowly sip my lemonade and try to process what happened last night. I want to tell Kris but I sometimes feel that I shouldn’t tell her everything that goes on in my marriage.

“Ok is Max ok then?” At the mention of his name my head snaps up.

“Yeah.” I lie. I know she knows this too.

“Ok well you already know that I’m here for whatever.” I try to enjoy the rest of the afternoon with her before Max gets home.

I rack my brain trying to figure out what is really going on and come up with nothing. Its kind of funny in a way, Max kisses someone and instead of me giving him the cold shoulder he’s doing it to me. It’s not that I’m not upset by it but I’m not going to let it consume me. I love Max but if he’s going to cheat there really isn’t anything I can do to stop him. As much as it hurts me to think that it’s the truth. I won’t be one of those wives constantly worried about her husband having an affair with his new secretary.

Who the hell am I kidding? I’m already one of those wives. I don’t want to tell Max but I’m constantly worried that he will find someone else and leave me. I’m always looking around when we go out to see if anyone is checking him out or if he’s being too friendly with someone. I don’t want to be this person but I am….and it sucks.

After spending the rest of the day with the kids I clean them up and start on dinner. I want to make something special for Max and decide to make this pasta dish he said he liked when we went out to dinner last time.

I hear the door open and Kara rushes towards Max while Kaiden chants dada over and over.

“How’s my princess?” I hear him ask and set his briefcase down. Kara tells him all about her day while he picks Kaiden up out of his play pen.

He’s been here for fifteen minutes and still hasn’t said hello to me. I busy myself with dinner trying desperately not to let the tears that are building up fall down my face. He continues to talk and play with the kids as if I’m not even here. What did I do to make him this way towards me?

“Hi.” He comes into the kitchen and kisses me briefly on the cheek.

“Hey.” I croak. He looks at me funny but I turn away from him and check on the sauce.

“Everything alright?” He asks me and I have to wonder if he’s kidding.

“Not really.” Now I’m pissed. How can he stand there and ask me something like that knowing that he’s the one acting different.

“Oh.” He says and sits on a stool watching my every move.

“I’m going to get the kids washed up.” I say after minutes of uncomfortable silence. I don’t wait for his reply and take the kids into the bathroom to wash their hands.

Dinner was odd to say the least. Max acted like he always does which usually isn’t odd but after last night and today it took me off guard. He held my hand and kissed me every so often. Once we clear the dishes and put the kids to bed it’s a different story and I now know that he was acting that way for the kids’ sake and that hurts.

We haven’t said a word to each other since we put the kids down and I now sit at my vanity wondering what has become of my life. Up until Max’s kiss with his assistant I would have said it was perfect, beyond perfect but now, I’m not so sure.

I finish up my nightly routine and hear that Max is still in the shower. I’m tempted to join him but something tells me that it wouldn’t be welcomed so I get into bed and wait.


Tonight was difficult. My head and my heart weren’t in the same place. I want to hold and kiss Liz but at the same time I don’t. Maybe it would be better if I went away for a while. I know it’s not fair to Liz for me to act this way without an explanation but I can’t give her one. I don’t even know myself what is wrong so how the hell could I explain it to her?

I finish up my shower and get dressed in the bathroom, something I’ve never done. When I walk out I see that Liz is already in bed but she’s awake.

“Night.” I turn off the bedside lamp and pull the blankets over me. As soon as I roll over to my side I hear Liz let out a soft whimper.

“Liz?” I roll over and pull her into my arms. “What is it?” I ask softly placing a kiss on her head.

“I should be asking you that.”

“I know, I’m sorry.” I don’t know what else to say.

“What’s going on Max?” She asks me attempting to pull away but I hold her tightly against me.

“I don’t want to hurt you, I’m sorry.” I feel her shake against me and know that she’s crying now.

“Just tell me Max. I need to know. Are you leaving me?” That’s the million dollar question.

Do I want to leave her?

Not really.

Do I want to stay?

Not really.

“I don’t want to.” I answer. It’s partially true anyway.

“But you’re going to.”

“I don’t know.” Again she tries to pull away but I don’t let her. I can’t let her.

“Do you want to?”

“I don’t know.” I wish I did but I really don’t.

“Don’t stay for the kids.” That was not what I expected her to say and I’ll admit that it hurts like hell.

“I won’t. I-I want to stay.”

“No you don’t.” She pulls away and lays with her back to me. I wanted to go but now….I’m not so sure.

I wake up and see the kids off to school before going into work. Liz didn’t say a word to me and it stung. Last night I was the one ignoring her and getting the same treatment sucked.

Thankfully Michael is away on business today so I don’t have to talk to him. Anne is back and I’m glad for that. Nicole is gone and so is her phone number. I don’t know what I kept it but I know that I would never use it so I got rid of it.

A few hours later Andrew comes into my office and invites me out for lunch. I don’t want to go but figure it would be a good distraction.

“So thank you for coming Max.” We sit at a local seafood place and wait for our food.

“Not a problem.” He’s a nice guy and I’m happy for him and Kris.

“I wanted to ask you about something. It’s kind of personal.” he looks nervous.

“Go ahead.” I can’t imagine what it is.

“I was going to ask Kris to marry me. Since you know her so well and I don’t really know your wife I was wondering what you thought?”

“I think it’s great but you don’t need my opinion. Kris would be lucky to have you.” I smile happy for Kris.

“Thanks. Do you think she’ll accept?” our food arrives and the conversation stops for a moment.

“I’m sure she will. Is there any reason she wouldn’t?”

“I hope not. So I was wondering if you could do me a favor. Feel free to say no if you want.”


“I need either you or your wife to get her to this address on Saturday night. It’s her favorite restaurant and I’ve rented it for the night.”

“She’ll love that.”

“I hope so. I was thinking of having you and your wife say you are taking her there or something. I’m sure she’ll want to be dressed up and it’s the only way I can think of without giving it away.” I laugh at his nervousness. Kris would be crazy to say no to him.

“Don’t worry about it. Just give me the time and we’ll be there.” We finish our lunch and head back to the office.

I stand near my window over looking the city and reflect on my life. I know that he doesn’t know it and my never know it but Andrew just saved my marriage.

Grabbing my briefcase I race home needing to talk to Liz. I’m tired of fucking things up. I won’t let my marriage fall apart.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Post by Icequeen »

Thanks guys for the FB. This is a fly by posting but thank you all for your comments.

~*~*Chapter 8~*~*

I drive home as fast as I can wanting to talk to Liz and make things right. I had my doubts over my current life but I don’t want to end up alone. I want to be with Liz and the kids. I do love my life, whatever bullshit I was thinking before is just that. When Andrew told me about proposing to Kris something inside me just snapped. I remembered how happy and excited I was when I asked Liz to marry me for the second time. I remember how happy I was at our wedding, our real wedding. I want that again, I want that with Liz.

When I pull up to the house I notice that Liz’s car isn’t in the driveway or the garage. I step in the house and find it eerily quiet. I look at my wristwatch and realize that everyone should be home by now.

Putting down my briefcase I walk over to the kitchen to grab the phone when I see a note on the counter.


The kids and I are at Grandma Claudia’s house. You obviously need time alone so I’m giving you that to do…whatever. Please don’t come here, it will only make the kids more upset to see us fighting. I love you with all that I am but I doubt your love for me. You can call the kids later; I have my cell phone with me.


I put the note down and sit on the bar stool with my head down. I should have expected this. After all I shut her out and basically told her that I wanted to leave. Jesus, when did I become such an idiot? If Michael was here I’m sure he could pinpoint the exact moment. I’m sure if I thought about it I could too.

The phone rigs and I answer it before I look at the caller ID

“Liz?” I ask praying that it’s her.

“No. It’s Kris. I was looking for Liz also. Where is she?” Liz didn’t tell Kris where she was? That is odd.

“She’s at her grandmother’s house.” No use in lying to her.

“What? What the hell for?”

“It’s nothing. She has her cell; you can call her if you want.” If Liz didn’t tell her then maybe I shouldn’t either.

“You two have really gotten all CIA secretive on me lately. I ask Liz what’s wrong and she says nothing now you say that same thing. That’s a lot of nothing’s lately when clearly something is going on.”

“Kris you know we love you but if Liz didn’t want to tell you then neither am I.”

“Fine, I’ll give you that but I swear Max if you’ve done something stupid I’m going to kick your ass myself and before you get all defensive the same goes if Liz did something stupid.” I have to laugh at that.

“Ok.” She hangs up saying that she’s going to call Liz and I sit in the kitchen watching the sun start to go down.

Liz asked me not to come over there but I have to. I have to see the kids and I have to see her. A phone call is not enough. I grab my keys and drive up there. It’s a two hour drive, which will give me plenty of time to think of what to say so that I’m driving back with my family.


Being back in this house is odd. The last time we came up here I was pregnant with Kara. The house seems cold to me much like Max has been lately. Kara has asked for Max a hundred times while Kaiden says dada every now and then. I try my best not to cry in front of them but it’s hard not knowing what’s going to happen between Max and me.

I love him and I know that he loves me to a certain extent but I don’t think it’s the same as before. I don’t think he’s in love with me and it hurts. I look at my kids and can’t hate Max, as much as I want to. He and I made two beautiful miracles together and for that I will always love him and be thankful.

Kris has called me a few times but I don’t answer the phone. I know she’s going to wonder where I am and why I’m here and I’m not ready for that. I’m not ready to get into that right now, not with her.

“Where’s daddy?” Kara asks as I tuck her into my old bed.

“Daddy’s at work baby.” I hate lying to her but it’s the first thing that came to mind.

“But he always tucks me in.” She pouts.

“I know baby.” I finish tucking her in and tell her I’ll be back after I put Kaiden to bed to read her a story.

“Dada?” He asks. I hold back my tears and sing him to sleep. I tried to keep them busy this afternoon in an effort to keep their minds off Max.

He quickly falls asleep and I walk back to Kara.

“Mommy?” I half expected her to be asleep when I got back.

“Yeah baby.” I grab a book and lay next to her.

“Is daddy commin back today?”

“Its late baby, I don’t think so.”

“But why? He said that him likes tuckin us in.”

“I know baby but he had to work late.”

“Why he didn’t call us then?” I have no answer to that one and now that I think about it is pisses me off.

“He might be in a meeting baby. He’ll call you as soon as he can.” Max Evans is about to get a piece of my mind in a few moments.

I read her Cinderella trying my best at the different voices until she falls asleep. Slowly I slide out of bed and go downstairs so I can call Max.

“Hello?” He picks up and I can tell he’s in the car.

“You’re a bastard you know that!”

“Liz? Hold on a second.” the noise drowns out, I guess he pulled up the windows.

“Are you there?”

“I could fucking kill you right now you know that! Your kids are asking for you! How could you not call them Max?”


“Are they in bed already?” I ask not realizing how late it had gotten.

“Yes they are in bed. Look at the time Max!” I glance down at the clock on the dash and see that it’s a little past ten already.

“I’m sorry.” I’m blocks away from the house and speed up to get there faster.

“Sorry? That’s all you have to say? You’re an asshole.” I pull up to the house and continue to let her tear me a new one over the phone.

“Liz, I forgot ok. I’m sorry. Can I talk to them now?”

“Now? They are asleep already. Shit, hold on Max someone is at the door.” I rang the doorbell.

“Max?” She asks and hangs up the phone. “What are you doing here? I asked you not to come here.” She steps aside and lets me in which I take as a good thing.

“I tried to get here before they went to bed but got stuck in traffic. I’m sorry.”

“What are you doing here anyway?”

“I needed to see you. We need to talk…in person.”

“Now you want to talk?” She laughs.

“Yes but let me kiss the kids goodnight first.” She nods and I walk up the stairs searching for the kids. I find Kara in what was Liz’s old room and pull the sheets around her before placing a kiss on her forehead.

Kaiden is in the room right next to hers and I find him sucking his thumb again. I slowly pull it out of his mouth and kiss his cheek watching him bring it back to his mouth again before I walk out.

“Did Kara wake up?” She asks when I get back downstairs.

“No.” I know that she must have been asking for me and feel bad about that. I’ve missed putting them to bed twice now and vow to never miss it again.

“Liz I’ve been thinking…” I stop when I see tears form in her eyes. “Don’t cry angel.” We sit on the sofa and I pull her close to me.

“Max why don’t you love us anymore? Why are you pulling away?”

“I do love you and I’m not pulling away, not anymore. I’ve been a jerk Liz and I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened to be but I was questioning everything and I’m sorry for that but don’t doubt my love for you or the kids, our kids.”

“How can I not doubt it when you said that you were thinking of leaving? If you love us so much why did you want to go and why did you kiss another woman?” I knew this would come up again.

“For the record she kissed me and yes I didn’t pull away as soon as it happened but I didn’t initiate it nor did I want for it to happen. I told you right away because I knew it was wrong. I don’t want anyone else Liz you have to believe that. I’ve always wanted you from the moment I saw you it’s been you Liz.” She moves off my chest and looks me in the eyes.

“I don’t understand how you could be so cold? You pulled away so fast Max and it scared me.”

“I know and I don’t know what else to say but I’m sorry and I’ll never do that again. I’m going to be honest with you and tell you that I was re thinking everything. I had second thoughts for a moment but when I sat and thought about everything I’d miss I snapped out of it. I couldn’t go one night without seeing the kids. One night without watching you go though your nighttime routine while I lay in the bed waiting for you.”

“Max that’s not…”

“That’s not all I would miss Liz, I’d miss you. The way you smile when you look at the kids. The way you still blush when I tell you you are beautiful. The way your hair looks fanned out on the pillow after I make love to you. I’d miss everything Liz and I couldn’t live with that. I couldn’t live without you and the kids in my life, everyday.”

“What made you realize all of this?”

“Andrew is going to propose to Kris and it got me thinking. I saw how happy he was and I want to be that person again. I have everything I’ve ever wanted with the one woman I wanted it with. You make me happy Liz, so happy.”

“I don’t want to go through this again Max. If you don’t want to be with me then you need to just tell me. I’m not saying it won’t hurt but I couldn’t take you cheating again Max.” Cheating? Does she think I cheated? I guess I did in a way.

“I have always been faithful to you in my heart Liz. You have to understand that I didn’t want this. I don’t want to be with anyone else, ever. You are it for me.”

“It almost wasn’t enough.”

“It will always be enough. You are more then enough for me Liz.” I pull her against my chest and place a soft kiss on her lips.

“Wait a minute Kris is getting married?” Her eyes go wide and I laugh.

“Yeah, Andrew just told me today. He’s going to ask her soon and needs our help with the plans.”

“Oh my God, she’s going to freak out! I’m so happy for her.”

“Me too. We need to get her to go to this restaurant for the night. That’s where he’s going to do it.”

“She’s going to be so pissed that we knew before hand.”

“I know. Isn’t it great? She always knows everything first it will be nice to have the upper hand for once.” We sit in silence for a while and I don’t want to bring up bad memories but I need to make sure that we are ok.

“Liz?” I ask moving over so that she’s looking at me.


“Are we ok now?” I swallow hard waiting for her reply.

“I think so. I’m still hurt and need to learn to trust you again but we are fine for now.” I have to accept that and let her get over it in her own time.

“I’ve missed you.” I pull her down for a kiss and smile when she wraps her arms around my neck bringing me closer to her.

“Me too.” She straddles my lap and pulls her shirt over her head exposing her black lace bra to me. I cup her breasts and kiss them through the fabric but I want more. Expertly I reach behind her and unclasp her bra letting it fall to the ground.

My erection is painfully straining against my pants and her grinding into my is driving me crazy.

“Let’s go upstairs.” I whisper in her ear. She nods and we take the steps two at a time rushing to the bedroom. When we decided to make this our weekend getaway house Liz and I decided on some new furniture, specifically beds. Liz didn’t like the fact that we would be making love on a bed and mattress that her grandmother slept on at one point. We didn’t take the master bedroom but took the next largest one down the hall and converted it into a tropical style room.

“I’m an idiot.” I say as I hover above her naked body. “How could I actually think that I could live without this?” I bend down and tease her nipples with my tongue.

“You right. You are an idiot.” She says and I laugh. She couldn’t be more right.

“Max, I need you.” Those words couldn’t sound more beautiful then they do right now. I need her just as much as she needs me, maybe more.

“You have me.” With one swift movement I slide into her burying myself deep within her walls.

I’m in a haze through our lovemaking just basking in the feeling of being inside her and loving her. We made love several times that night reinforcing how much I love this woman. It’s not just the physical relationship that love it’s everything about her.

Now we have to get Kris settled and everyone that I care about will be happy. Life is good.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.