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Dekes & DEBs 4/15 [Mature] [complete]

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:00 am
by Behrystrwbry
Title: Dekes & DEBs
Rating: Mature, for now though it will like change.
Summary: Upon joining a sorority Liz and Maria start out as friends but end up enemies in the end. This is the story of how they work their back to one another, and the interesting characters they encounter along the way. On a college campus everyone has their own reason for wanting join a Greek Letter Organization. Who's to decide what's right and what's wrong? Read this sordid tale and maybe you'll decide for yourself.
Disclaimer: Parts of this story were posted a while ago by another author under a different title. With her permission and a bit of asissitance I've revamped al ittle and taken it in another direction. If parts of this seem familiar that is why. Additionally the characters used are the intellectual property of Jason Katims, Fox, UPN. I've just borrowed and put them in my own universe.

Oh and the organizations used in this story are purely fiction, except for D.K.E. Delta Kappa Epsilon is a real fraternity used here in a purely fictional capacity. If this offends anyone please don't hesitate to let me know and I will take it out.

Disclaimer: motto, clearly italicized, is borrowed from just playing around here no infringement intended.

Okay this is for my benefit more than anyone elses

Chapter One: Has the Whole World Gone Greek
Chapter Two: To Belong
Chapter Three: Keep It In The Family
Chapter Four: Just Loose It
Chapter Five: How To Play The Game
Chapter Six: The Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad, No Good Day
Chapter Seven: Do Me Right
Chapter Eight: Kiss & Tell
Chpater Nine: There Was A Spirit


To develop a stronger more womanly character.

This is one of the tenets of Delta Epsilon Beta sorority Inc.

I must say, I feel particularly womanly this morning waking up to a warm hard body pressed tantalizingly against my side. I stretch lazily reveling in the sensation before turning in the in the toned arms. A pair of amber eyes greets me.

“I was beginning to wonder if you’d ever wake up.” The baritone voice says, a hint of mirth paint the features that lean in for a peck on my forehead.

I groan in response to his warm lips “Hmm... Well, maybe if someone hadn’t kept me up all night.”

“I kept you up.” He says doing his best to feign ignorance. “That’s not the way I remember it...”

I dissolve into a fit of giggles as he peppers my face and neck with kisses. The truth was we kept each other up, vacillating between binge drinking, and sloppy lovemaking. And I can’t help but wonder if this is what my last year of college will be, as a newly initiated member of DEB here at good old Duke.

God, I hope not.

After all, my best friend and I vowed one thing when we started this nearly a month ago. That we wouldn’t turn into some air headed sorority girls.

However, if you asked me then, if I’d be waking up in bed with Delta Kappa Epsilon’s aptly named “Ace” Max Evans, known to ‘sleep’ in all the new pledges, I would have told you no also. And, he’s not the only person I turned out to be wrong about either.

“Max...” I protest against the sensual assault. His mouth is now dangerously close to my chest, “C’mon I’m all sticky and I probably smell...”

“Sexy.” he finishes for me “You smell like me, like us, it’s incredibly... arousing.”

“Apparently.” I say already reaching for his hardening member.

I absolutely love the amorous games we play, cherish the time we spend together. I could get lost in him. Maybe I already have, I’ve certainly been accused of just that.

To establish a perpetual bond of friendship among its members,

This was the part of the Sorority’s philanthropy that turned out to be completely bogus. I just can’t buy into that, when the best friend I had going in is the person who hates me most now.

Max’s lips linger over the sickly blue bruise on my left shoulder, he pauses when I don’t respond the way I usually do. “What’s going on in that head of yours?” The concern in his voice is evident as he props his head on his hand to study, what I imagine is, the far-off expression on my face.

“Don’t do that.” I say simply


“Hover, Mom.” I volley back “It’s distracting.”

With that, I roll away from him, almost to the opposite side of the bed. I have a lot on my mind right now, and the last thing I need is an interrogation even if it is borne of genuine concern.

Max throws his hands up, a gesture of mock defeat “Far be it from me to distract you from one of your self imposed freak outs.”

“I wasn’t freaking out I was just...”

“…thinking about how Isabel found us.” He provides, and by this time, he’s sitting on the edge of the bed, where he uses one of the bed sheets to cover his, now almost non-existent erection.

“No, but thanks for reminding me that a house full of my sorority sisters are mostly likely, by now gossiping about how much of a whore I am.”

I know that initially my sarcasm was one of the things that attracted Max, even if now it’s turning out to be a buzz kill.

I take a moment to appreciate the view, as he begins pacing the bedroom of his off campus apartment. We came here last night to get away, from the party where we’d been unwilling participants to sex with an audience.

I can see why everyone wants Max. He’s pre- med, on the basketball team, and member of the campus’s hottest fraternity. He has his own apartment lavishly furnished, less than half hour from the school, and it doesn’t hurt that his parents are loaded either. That may not be why I’m with him but it’s kind of impossible to ignore.

The Evans’ are the bluest of the blue bloods. They were members of all the right country clubs, Junior Leaguers from way back. According to Max, it all started when Great Granddaddy Evans opened up his own private practice in their quaint little Boston town. They started out with general family medicine but as advances were made in the field, ended up being geared more toward plastic surgery. People paid big bucks for the services offered there, as you usually had to go one of the major cities like N.Y., Miami, or L.A. for decent cosmetic work.

Every Evans male since, had entered the practice, boasting undergraduate and medical degrees from a host of Ivy League Universities. Max Evans had very big shoes to fill and every one at Duke knew it. This is probably why hoards of girls threw themselves at him. He was gorgeous yet blissfully ignorant of that fact.

As he moves the sheets hang scandalously low on Max’s his slender hips causing me to loose my train of thought. “Firstly, you’re not a whore, far from it. Sleeping with me doesn’t make you a whore it makes you...privileged.”

Okay I take that back, the man definitely knows he looks good. His previous track-record alone tells me that. If girls throw themselves at him, he certainly has a very large catcher’s mitt for unadulterated ass coming his way, even though he is attached.

“You mean naive.” I correct.

“Inexperienced,” he counters finally coming to sit beside me.

“Hmm not anymore...” I smirk as I drape my hand possessively over his lap. He takes the opportunity to play with my fingers.

Its little moments like this that convinces me that this time things will be different for him. True he slept around but he was never big on the affection...until now, until me.

“Secondly, Isabel probably didn’t say anything. She was just as confused about what she saw going on as we were...” then taking a moment to think about it “At first.” He amends

“I was gonna say... You certainly didn’t seem confused a moment ago.”

“I wasn’t.” Max admits “neither were you...but that’s not the point. The point is Isabel’s your sister now, that means something...She wouldn’t just go blabbing your secrets that way.”

“You sure give sisterhood a lot more credit than I do.”

“Someone sounds a bit jaded.”

“Can you blame me after what happened?”

And just like that, the reason I’m upset in the first place comes crashing back to me.

“You’re thinking about Maria aren’t you?” I don’t know why he bothered asking, Maria Deluca former comrade, best bud, and pledge sister has been the cause of just about all of my sour moods recently. Which is why I can’t believe the sorority’s motto is true, as least not the part about friendship.

However, I have made some new friends.

“At the risk of sounding very ‘After School Special’” Max cautions “I’m gonna tell you something so just humor me for a moment.”

“Here we go.” I say rolling my eyes.

He takes a deep breath then begins, “With this whole sorority, fraternity thing, with anything really, but especially with us; a bunch of egos, and emotions get involved with the politics of it.”

“You mean people trip out over a couple Greek Letters, while others become insanely jealous about it and talk trash about their friends”

“Something like that.” He nods bringing my fingertips to his lips “But if you’re not careful it can turn into this weird situation where everyone’s upset with each other, but no one knows why. You have to put all this stuff in its proper prospective.”

Max has been in the Greek system slightly longer than I have. More like two whole years so, he probably knows of what he speaks and I seriously consider listening to him.

To broaden moral and intellectual life,

This was the part of the philanthropy I can actually agree with. I’ve met many interesting people in the past month and I may know some of them better than the people I’ve known my entire life. Max was one of those people, his Sister Isabel another, Serena, and there were others. I’m finding they aren’t the shallow people I thought they were. Maybe this whole thing will help me broaden my horizons, and not be so judgmental.

Max is waiting for some indication that what he said is making an impact on me.

“Okay what are you even saying?” I finally blurt out.

“That if Maria was your friend once, she can be again. It’ll just take time and understanding on both of your parts.” He spoke softly though his words hit me like a ton of bricks.

“I don’t think I want to be her friend.” I tell him. If Maria wants to be an unforgiving bitch, then so can I,

So there.

Even as I thought that, I knew I didn’t mean it. That girl is my best friend. Maria and I picked out our first training bras together. We were supposed to pledge together to and we started then about halfway through she has to go and do something so heinous it got her voted out of the house. So now I’m a DEB and well… she’s not.

Maria hates me for it, and I hate her for doing what she did “You didn’t read the things she said about me, about us, all of it... She practically called your girlfriend a Frat hooker!”

“That’s partially true.” Max points out “Tess was a sweetheart long before she was a DEB.” Everyone knew sweethearts were unofficially fraternity fuck buddies. Tess Harding officially became Max’s girlfriend sometimes during her sophomore year, which by default meant she was a sweetheart.

Her family is old, southern, money; and according to Max actually owns two plantations. One they had refurbished and use as their summer home, and the other was on Georgia’s Parks and Recreation register and served as a museum five months out of the year. Ed Harding absolutely adores Max as a match for his girl. And everyone expects that the couple will marry after graduation. A Southern and Northern dynasty united like some bazaar fairy tale.

Unfortunately, this daughter of the confederacy is just a bit of a skank. As a cheerleader and now sorority girl Tess gets slightly more play than her boyfriend does. The strange part is; they both knew about the dirt the other did but neither cares.

“Both you and I know there’s more to Tess than that.” I say to which Max nods

Ms. Harding is actually quite the accomplished dancer, classically trained in Ballet; she’s due to study Grad at Juilliard. And from being forced to spend time with her, I’ve recently learned her sexual exploits come from some inexplicable need to belong.

“I mean I know Maria is passionate about her writing and sometimes it causes her to loose touch with reality but the things she said were just...psychotic. I don’t need a head case as a friend,” I tell him

“I just want you to be happy and Maria used to make you happy.”

“Max! If you mention her name just one more time...”

“Okay why are you barking on me? I didn’t write it. Post Menses, I tell ya...”

At that, I blush about three shades of red, and my mouth falls open as I hit him with a pillow “Evans how insensitive can you be.”

“It’s not insensitive if it’s true...” He says before delivering little biting kisses to my mouth. He makes quick work of moving the sheets aside to rejoin me. It feels good, his skin on mine once again “Besides it’s no secret, when you cut off the supply I know there’s a reason...I get a little lonely, it’s not like I’m getting the goods anywhere else.”
I know what he means. Still it’s a little weird being this intimate with someone. In my relationships previously, sex was an irregular occurrence it would have been near impossible for the guys to track my monthly.

It’s also nice to know that Max has quit the hanky panky for me.

“You mean you and Tess don’t...”

He visibly blanches at the mention of the girl that is still technically his girlfriend before he shakes his head in the negative “Not anymore, we haven’t done that in a very long time, not since you and I started...getting close. Before then even. Why you and Kyle still...”

“Kyle’s not really my boyfriend anymore.”

“Someone should tell him that.”

“He doesn’t remember me breaking up with him?”

“Babe, I’d be surprised if ‘Keebler’ remembers any of the past week. He knows he’s a Deke but that’s about it.”

My ex’s perpetual state of insobriety is nothing new, but this ‘Keebler’, “Can you really still call him that?”

“The names stick ‘Do right’ ”

“Sho’ Nuff ‘Sho Nuff”

During the one-month period sometimes, pledges are given names. Kyle’s name was ‘Keebler’ like the elf, in favor of his height. My name was ‘Do right’ because Isabel thinks I’m a Goody-Goody, that is until last night. And Max’s name had been ‘Sho’ Nuff’ short for ‘Sho’ nuff got the good stuff.’ I can certainly agree with that one, he most certainly does have ‘The Good Stuff’

“Where do you suppose they are now?” I ask referring to our aforementioned significant others.

“Who knows?” Max sighs wrapping his arms more firmly around me “Probably sleeping off their drunken exploits.”

“When are we going to tell them about us?”

“Eventually. Let’s just let things settle a bit.”

I nod though I’m not entirely sure things will settle too much. This is just the beginning for me “What about the rest of it?”

“You mean Isabel?” Max asks between smooches, having already returned to his amorous perusal of my lips mouth and neck “I told you she won’t say anything, just talk to her.”

“You first,” I say placing a stilling finger over his lips. “She is your sister... I mean by blood.”

“Okay I’ll talk to her today. Now may I have my sugar, please?” he said with most adorable pout I have ever seen. How can I resist that? Max always does this to me, running hot and cold. Sex God one minute, and an adorable teddy bear the next


“What I’ve been deprived.”

“Five days Max, I hardly think you’ll die. Besides you more than made up for it last night.”

“It was five days too long and I plan to be making up for it for the next five days.” With that, he captures my bottom lip in between his sucking gently. I welcome the intrusion of his tongue. We lay like that for God only knows how long, leisurely exploring each other’s bodies until our lower halves drift together and I feel him between her legs.

It takes every once of strength I have to say, “We should stop while we still can. We have class in less than two hours, showers are necessary, and then we have a fifth-teen minute drive ahead of us. Plus I need sustenance before I go do damage control.”

Max didn’t show any sign of relinquishing his position “You know some may argue that certain... bodily fluids are very nutritious, full of protein, I hear very good for bone health. I think we should test that theory.”

“Thank you for that very thoughtful medical advice. Come on lemme up.” I elbow him this time and that seems to get him moving.

“Oomph I’m comin’” he coughs rolling over so I can sit up.

I sway a bit as when I try to stand and end up falling right back down on the bed. “Whoa who moved the room?”

A smiling Max leans over me, placing a kiss on my forehead. “Welcome to your first hangover Baby.”

To assist its members in every possible way,
I suppose that’s true as well. I certainly needed a ton of assistance to make it to Chemistry Lab and actually feel human. The reason I made it through the whole process in the first place was a little assistance from a bunch of new friends.

Still I can’t help but feel guilty and wonder if with a little assistance from me maybe I’ll eventually be able to bring Maria into the fold as well.

be back in jiff with first chapter.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:04 am
by Behrystrwbry
Chapter One: Has the whole world gone Greek?

The Pre-Game

Five weeks earlier

“I‘ve got to do something with my life.” Maria comments as the two of us make our way through the crowd at the student union building. This is our usual routine, we meet in the dining hall everyday at 1p.m., after we finish our lunch we find a quiet space somewhere in the student union to hang out and dish before our next class.

Today however, there was no quiet space.

The place is swamped with girls eager to turn in their paperwork so they could participate in the upcoming Rush Week. Each of the thirteen sororities on our campus has tables set up lined with information packets… Everyone crowds around.

A claustrophobic’s nightmare

The whole sight was positively nauseating

“Maria you’re twenty years old.” I tell her “Hardly the time for this type of self-introspection.”

“Easy for you to say, you’ve practically got your whole life planned out. I expect you to be well on your way with a career in Micro Biology before you and Kyle settle into the house with the white picket fences and 2.5 kids.”

I laugh at the thought. Because, how can you even have half a kid?

“Firstly Kyle and I are far from getting married... And you have your writing thing. You have no idea what some people would give to express themselves like you can. The written word is powerful.”

“Yeah but poetry and verse don’t pay the bills,”

“Tell that to Maya Angelou, Tom Wolfe or any of the millions of others I could name.”

Before I can really finish my thought, I run smack into a wall of muscle. Strong hands steady me and I look up to see; Max Evan’s ladies and gentleman, campus pimp.

“Fancy meeting you here,” He says, “I never would have thought sororities were your thing.

“They’re not; actually we’re just passing through.”

“Hmm well if you do consider it just remember three letters D-E-B.” He hands me the turquoise flyer.

“Why? Is this the house you go to for your daily supply of ass?”

“Actually, they come to me, and Liz you know I always save special space in my heart for you.” He says taking my hands and holding them to my chest. “So what do you say we quit this charade, and we’ll set something up say… Tuesday it’ll be fun you won’t be sorry.”

I laugh at his offer, which he doesn’t seem to find so humorous.

“Oh you were serious.” I smile “Max as tempting as that is, I tend not to share myself with potential candidates for Venereal Disease.”

I look to Maria who’s pretending to read a magazine as she hides her smirk over my good-natured barb at the gigolo here. Ordinarily I would be offended by him, but this is what we do; he hits on me I quip back, the patented Max Liz banter

“Right well if you change your mind you know where to find me.” Max lets the statement hang in the humid September air before continuing

As if that’s supposed to make a difference.

“In the meantime Lab, Tuesday.”

“Yeah, have you been able to crack that formula from last week” I say thankful it seems he’s given up on me for time being “I spent the past three nights working on it and I still can’t get it.”

“Formula wait, we’re not talking about hot sweaty sex in the Chem. Lab.”

“Please leave...” I say pointing in the opposite direction, not even bothering to humor him.

“Okay you just...” he writes his number down on the back of the flyer “...hang onto that.”

“Anyway, back to civilized conversation.” Maria says once he’s gone “I need a hook Liz, something that will sell a manuscript.”

“Hmm what?” I was watching Evans walk away He may be an ass but I have to admit the man has quite an ass. Half listening to Maria a crazy thought passes through my head that she should publish an article about the bifurcation Max’s but cheeks. That would sell.

Hell I’d buy it.

“Oh my God Max was right you really do want to sleep with him,” Maria observes

Shock and outrage

Where would she get an idea like that? I have Kyle and I tell her as much

I look back to Max’s retreating figure and melt a little inside. Okay so maybe I’ve though about it. And even if I feel more like Kyle’s my brother than a lover; it can’t hurt to dream right?

Maria just nods her head. I know she doesn’t believe a single word of what I just said. She glances at the flyer in my hand “Liz this is it.”

“You want to be a DEB” I say brow creasing in confusion. One thing you have to understand about Maria is that she runs from anything that has to do with tradition. Delta Epsilon Beta screams tradition with their big pink and turquoise letters. They have an over one hundred year legacy here at Duke.

“Yes.” She answers simply

Then changes

“I mean no...”

But looks as if she’ll change her answer yet again.

I just watch thoroughly amused as my best friend has a conversation with herself.

“Well yes and no. I’m gonna write a book about sororities.” She finally says.

“Cause there aren’t enough pre-rush handbooks?” I say

“Not a handbook, an expose, but not in negative way, just an honest portrayal of sorority life. MTV already tapped into the market imagine how a book would sell.”

“You have to actually be in a sorority to be honest about one.” I point out but I’m almost sorry I did.

“Exactly Liz.”

She grabs my hand and pulls me to the end of a line that wraps around the hall twice before leading to that sign up table

“I’m going to sign up for Rush Week and you are coming with me.”


So Maria roped me into this whole rush thing which I must say, I was less than thrilled about, until I found out that Kyle got a bid from Delta Kappa Epsilon last week. Wherever he goes, I go. We’re in this thing together.

It would seem this Greek business has gotten to everyone.

I know it sounds kind of silly to follow behind my boyfriend like that. But you have to understand Kyle could have just about any girl he wants on this campus. He’s on the basketball team and that comes with its fair share of groupies. Yet, he remains faithful to me.

He says that the whole sports thing can be overwhelming so he wanted to be with someone who was familiar to him, a little piece of home, and for him that is I. Liz Parker small town girl from New Mexico. We’re both from this tourist trap called Roswell, ya know home of the aliens.

Anyway, we didn’t really date in high school but we were always friends, and when we both ended up in North Carolina for college, we figured it was fate. Kyle and I have a lot of fun together. I go to just about every game he plays. I was even a cheerleader for a brief period of insanity. I suppose Kyle’s my piece of home too.

So if he’s going Greek I say bring on the togas.

Now that I actually want to be a DEB my supposed partner in crime is nowhere to be found. Rush is next week, and all girls participating will be put on ‘silence’, which means no contact with the opposite sex. Or anyone really, they want all decisions made to be free from outside influences.

Therefore, when Kyle invited Maria and I to this party at the frat house we jumped at the chance. Who knows when I’ll get the chance to see him again? He told me he would meet me here because he had some stuff to do before hand. But I’ve been here for almost an hour and haven’t seen him yet.

So Maria’s ditched me.

Kyle’s nowhere to be found.

And I’m standing there geek bopping to the music. Maybe this whole sorority thing does have its merit. I need to expand my social circle.

The party isn’t as loud as would have expected, the music tolerable not that …base you feel vibrating in your uterus. There are a bunch of people dancing, some sitting and chatting, mostly everybody’s drinking.

“Did anyone ever tell you, you look like that Alba chick?” The baritone voice whispers next to my ear almost causing me to spill my punch. I turn around and standing there is none other than my favorite lab partner, Max Evans.

“No I can’t say that they have.” I respond

“Well you do.” He states taking a sip form his cup, “I’m a huge fan of her work.” I’m sure it’s her abounding talent that does it for him. Have you seen that girl’s body? Please...

I nod anyway, and then continue to sway to the music as if he isn’t even there. If I ignore him maybe, he’ll go away.

When he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, I ask, “Is there another reason you’re here or was it just to share that very pertinent piece of information.”

“I wanted to talk to you.”

“I have a boyfriend.”

“I know.”

“Kyle Valenti.” I persist “I think he’s a teammate of yours.”

“He only talks about you all the time,”

I perk up a bit with the knowledge, perhaps a bit hopeful “Really.”

Max nods, “Petite brunette with a stick up her ass he says. But, don’t worry I’d be more than happy to pull it out for you.”

Okay so Max comes over here to not only flirt with me, but insult me as well. Now I’m just plain annoyed. I wish he’d leave already. Can’t this guy take a hint?

I don’t want you here.

Go away.

“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” I ask


“Tess,” he confirms, “she’s off somewhere…being Tess.”

Fine, if he won’t leave, I will. “Well my friend and I, we came together” I say trying to think of any reason to get away from him, “I should go look for her.”

“You mean Ms. Deluca? She too, is otherwise occupied.” He points and sure enough, there is Maria hanging all over some other frat guy. “Why are you so afraid to have a simple conversation with me?”

It’s not the conversation that scares me. Max’s reputation is notorious. That pooled with the fact that I might kinda, sorta be jonesing on him makes me spending any time at all with him a very bad idea.

He doesn’t give me much of a chance to think about it before he grabs my hand and drags me into another room. It’s close enough so we can hear the music but far enough away, so we can still hear each other. There’s a couch, and a bar, among other things. It looks like a posh little lounge area. It’s just the two of us.

If spending time with Max is a bad idea, spending time alone with him is right up there with bombing the U.N.

“What are you doing? Why’d you bring me here?” I shoot off in an accusing tone

He doesn’t seem phased by it, “I told you I thought we could talk.”

He takes the glass from my hands pours out the contents, refills it with something from the bar before he returns it to me. “Here drink.”

I look at him, then back at the cup, not trusting it the least bit I wouldn’t put it past him to slip me a ruthie. But instead of everyone running a train on me, he’d probably keep me all to himself and have his wicked way with me.

On second thought, that might not be so bad.

What is wrong with me? Kyle, loving boyfriend. Remember him?

“Don’t worry it just a little Smirnoff, it’ll go down smooth. Trust me I know how you girls are about your liquor.”

I realize I’ve just been standing there holding this glass of liquor as I stared him for a least a minute and a half. So I make myself comfortable on the loveseat in the corner.

Max of coarse sit next to me, taking the opportunity to lean all over me.
He frowns probably guessing at my chaotic thoughts. I take a sip from of the glass concentrating on how the warming liquid flows down my throat. But really trying valiantly not to think about how nice his thigh feels next to mine.

“Don’t worry Liz I’m not trying to take advantage of you.”

Yeah well let’s just hope I don’t try to take advantage of you.

I nod and a few awkward seconds follow before I ask, “So Kyle, he really says those things about me?”

“I was joking. He thinks the moon and sun rises and sets in your eyes.” I smile, so does Max. He’s looking at me with those beautiful eyes of his and I melt a little. By the end of the night, I’m sure to be a pile of goo.

“The stick up the ass comment was my own personal observation” He amends just like him to ruin the moment with one of his crass remarks.

“So you’re a frat.” I observe taking in the emblem emblazoned on the breast pocket of his cotton shirt, a pale yellow. A pair of khaki cargos completes his ensemble. He’s dressed well enough. Now if I could just get past that fact that he’s an ass, plus the fact that I have boyfriend we might be able to get something going here.

“I’m a member of the fraternity, yes.” Max confirms.

“Frat, fraternity what’s the difference?”

“Would you call your country a cunt?”

“I guess not.” I raise my eyebrows, momentarily stunned by his bold language. But then again I shouldn’t be. I have to keep reminding myself this is ‘pussy galore’ I’m dealing with here. I clear my throat before saying “So you’re a member of the fraternity. Shouldn’t you be off torturing pledges or something?”

I mean, it’s no secret they’re easy enough to pick out. The guys in the black t-shirts littered throughout the place.

Max laughs softly “In due time. Right now I’d much rather play the field.”

Why does it feel like he’s trying to weasel me away from Kyle, his supposed brother? Soon-to-be brother or whatever. Worse still, why am I falling for it? I must be buzzed.

I take another healthy sip from my glass before continuing, “So you really take all this fraternity stuff pretty seriously.”

“That’s right; I’ll be a loyal Deke until the day that I die.”

“I’m sorry,” I laugh choking on my drink “did you just refer to yourself as a penis.”

“Deke Liz, not dick.” He clarifies “Deke as in D.K.E, Delta Kappa Epsilon, deke is a nickname we call ourselves. George Bush is a huge supporter of all things deke.”

“I wouldn’t brag about that if I were you.”

“Right well, fraternities do a lot of good in the world. We only take the best; which is why your boyfriend should be honored to have been offered a bid”

“Okay, so he’s joining this esteemed fraternity. I don’t see what that has to do with me.”

“Nothing I guess.”

“So why did you need to talk to me?”

“Want not need, and I wanted to talk to you because you intrigue me Liz Parker.”

“How so?”

“Mainly how you ended up with Kyle. You’re a straight arrow, more work less play and Kyle is so…

A meathead

Dumb jock

Say something about my boo so I have a reason to smack you, run away, and not look back.

“Not.” He concludes

Aw nuts. How am I supposes to hate you when you make me think about things like why I’m still with Kyle. I look to my glass which has already been drained then take a deep breath before answering “I guess you could say opposites attract. Kyle’s a nice guy, but most importantly I don’t have to worry about his roaming eye; which is more than I can say for a certain cheerleader with tendrils of gold, without said stick up her ass, but perhaps a little something else.”

“That’s kind of harsh.” Max laughs, he knows it’s true “Aren’t all you cheerleaders supposed to stick up for one another?”

“Firstly, I haven’t been a cheerleader for over a year now.” I left the squad and there’s a reason for that. One he’ll never know but still… “Secondly, I stick up for people who make sense. Tess, I just don’t get.”

“What’s not to get?”

“She has everything any girl would want. She’s popular, has the supposed ‘Big Man on Campus’ for a boyfriend, and yet she hands out her ass like it’s going out of style.”

“Did it ever occur to you that Tess just really likes sex?”

“Isn’t that what she has you for?”

“I am but one man.”

“How many men could one girl possibly need?”

“You’d be surprised.”

“And you, what do you need?”

“Opposites attract.” He says smiling brightly and using my answer.

“Right, because you are known for your fidelity.”

“Well did it ever occur to you that maybe I’m looking for something else?” He looks to me as if he’s waiting for me to say something.

But what do you say to that? In that moment I think that for the first time I’m really seeing Max. Seeing that though does a good job at hiding them, he has feelings too. He wants trust, honesty, the whole nine… But even if I have what it is he’s looking for there’s my brother… I mean boyfriend Kyle to consider.

He’s important right?

Funny how I can never find that bastard when I need him.

I should say something, anything, just speak, “How do you expect to find that, if you go sleeping with all these different people?” I finally blurt out

“I’ll tell ya, not much sleeping goes on.” And just like that, the dickhead is back

“So making love?” I amend.

“What? Are you kidding me? You can’t even say it, can you? Seriously Princess, more than happy to yank that bad boy right out of there.” He says gesticulating wildly, I roll my eyes “There’s no love making, no sleep, it’s not even sex. Repeat after me Parker; fucking. Hot monkey lovin’ F-U-C-K-I…”

“…Okay well whatever you call it, if you do that with all of these different people how do you expect to find whatever it is you’re looking for.”

He laughs, more at himself I think, than anything else “You really are concerned about my needs aren’t you? Come here Parker, I’ll tell you what I need.”

I lean in and he whispers something about lubing up, and screwing the arches of my feet. Talk about your kinky fetishes. But I know he said that just to mess with me.

I roll my eyes “Just when I think you might be human you go and say something like that.”

“You wanted to know.”

“You’re a huge dick you know that.”


“Whatever dude.”

A few seconds of strained silence follow before either of us speaks.

He says something that once again makes me think, “So, you and Kyle make love?”

“Ask him,” I sigh, “he seems to tell you everything else.”

“I have, and now I want to hear what you have to say.”

Once again I take a deep breath and begin,.“What Kyle and I share is…”Just then I look over his shoulder and see Alex.

A savior

Thank god.

He’s wearing the requisite black t-shirt. I can’t help but ask myself ‘Has the whole world gone Greek?’

“Um the guys are looking for you Max.” Alex informs,

Max looks between the two of us eyes silently pleading with me to wait for him. But he leaves the room and I book it out of there as soon as he’s gone.

Alex is hot on my heels “What exactly was going on in there?” he asks, “Should I be worried? Should Kyle?”

I shake my head

All good questions my friend, I wish I had an answer for you.


Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:14 am
by Behrystrwbry
Thanks again to:


As I said before hadn't planned on doing a Maria POV originally but that's looking more likely these days.

L-J-L 76

Welcome hope you all enjoy this next part. It is posted in two post due to length.

Chapter Two: To Belong


“Let me see your hands.” Maria demands as she returns from the bathroom, hair still wet, and towel robe on.

I look up from my homework wondering what could possibly be so fascinating about my hands. I shrug and do as requested.

Maria inspects them once over before proclaiming, “This will never do.” And shaking her head, “What time do you get out of your last class?”

“3:50,” I answer hesitantly “Why?”

“I’ll meet you in the square we’re going for a mani and a pedi.”

“Why are we getting done up again?”

“Hello Liz.” She waves the little pink book. That damnable handbook has been the bane of my existence for the past three days “Rush Week, don’t you know the first rule; never attend any rush events without properly finished nails.”

I shrug, and then go back to my homework, accepting the fact that the crazy pixie that seems to have possessed my roommate must have memorized that forsaken book. All I’ve been hearing about all day is rush, rush, rush… Makes me want to rush right out the door so I can actually get some studying done.

“What are you wearing?” She asks

“I don’t know probably whatever I end up putting on today.” I tell her “jeans, a tank, and sandals."

“No, no, no that will never do.”

I never knew that dressing oneself required so much forethought. “What’s the big deal, I thought we didn’t have to dress up until later this week?” I query.

“You’re right; we may not have to dress up. But we should strive to be casually sophisticated.” She instructs, “What about your Paris Blue jeans, and the embroidered peasant top.” She suggests heading over to my dresser to take out the aforementioned items of clothing. Mid stride, she changes her mind and heads over to the closet “Or better yet, those sun dresses we got last summer in Atlanta.” If this were anyone but Maria, I’d have knocked him or her unconscious by now. “But, if you wear that what will I wear?”

Now she’s looking through her closet, every so often, she’ll toss out an article of clothing, and then she’ll go back to my closet and toss one from there as well. The girl is mad I tell you, absolutely ballistic.
Shirts and tops, skirts and dresses nothing seems to be good enough, and our room already looks like a war zone.

“Maria!” I snap to get her attention and she pokes her head out of a closet “Let’s just take a moment to calm down, shall we.” I say, “Maybe we shouldn’t be so eager to join a sorority that judges us solely on what we look like.”

“Do you know who we’re going to meet tonight?”

I shrug

“The, DEBs Liz, among others. But Delta Epsilon Beta is the only one that really matters.” She paces the room as she begins her tirade. And that’s fine with me; at this point, anything would be better than having her deconstruct our closets.

She continues, “They were founded at U Penn Liz, The University of Pennsylvania. That’s like right in the center of those snotty, east coast, aristocrat, Ivy Leaguers. That’s not our stock Liz. So we have to show them that we can hang with the big dogs. We have to show them we can be snotty too…” her voice is high and panicky at this point.

There’s a knock at the door and I go to answer it. But not before making sure, Linda Blair hasn’t started climbing the walls in here.

It’s Kyle and Alex, they force their way in clearly having snuck this far. You have no idea how much trouble we would be in if they’re found here. But actually, I’m thankful to have someone else here. Maria on rampage is just plain scary “Thank God Alex, maybe you can talk sense to her I think she may have finally lost it.” I tell him.

He takes in the state of the room and simply shakes his head. I point to Maria who has now laid a pair of jeans on the bed, and is picking shoes out of her closet, matching them against the jeans, then throwing them at the wall and reaching for another.

“Okay Maria, I think you may have gone over to the bad place.” Alex says approaching her cautiously. The last thing anyone wants to do is catch a heel in the eye or something. He’s able to get her to sit in the desk chair as he pries the sandal from her fingers,

“Maybe you should…sniff some cedar oil or something…” He says breathing a sigh of relief before taking a seat on her bed. Cedar oil is Maria’s relaxation method of choice. And at the moment, she really looks like she can use it. Her expression pained, skin coated with a thin sheen of sweat

And why is she so worked up?

Why are half the girls on this campus running around like a bunch of lost sheep, while the other half get out their staffs in preparation to reign us in like a bunch of mindless farm animals.

It’s simple really;

To belong.

Everyone wants to feel like they’re apart of something greater than themselves. To feel like they have friends that actually cares about them, or maybe just a couple of pals with which to hang out. On a college campus, Greek Life provides that illusion. Whether it’s true once you’re on the inside is anybody’s guess. But if not, at least you get to wear the pretty colors.

Being Greek on campus is like being a celebrity. They walk around with their letters subtly, yet proudly displayed. Some people, like Maria , just get a little star stuck and fall all over themselves doing their bidding, if effort to be more like them.

Part of what I like call the, ‘C’mon, Mom all the cool kids are doing it’ phenomenon.

Maria may have started this to write some expose but clearly, she’s after something else now.

That bug seems to have missed me. I mean I want to join, but let’s be serious; there isn’t that much DEB in the world. And at the end of the day, I’ll still be Liz Parker.

“Girls man,” Kyle says, moving aside the clothes my roommate has strewn about the place to make a space for himself on my bed “I don’t see why you’re stressing about this, once you get there you’ll see that they’re only people just like us.”

He may be right but there’s no need to be cocky, the guys likely already had their panic attack “I’m sure you were the picture of serenity when you went to rush last week.” I say

“Guys don’t ‘rush’ they go to interest meetings.” Alex corrected as he stands in the mirror dabbing on some of Maria’s face cream, clearly the picture of masculinity. “What? This stuff makes my skin buttery smooth, and it smells nice too.

I shake my head at his antics before pointing out, “It doesn’t matter what you call it. You didn’t even tell us you were going.”

“Well we didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up in case we didn’t make it.” Kyle admits

Then his partner in crime adds, “Yeah, but mainly because we didn’t want Emily Rose here to flip out and try to come over and dress us.” gesturing to Maria

“Really Emily Rose, I was thinking more along the lines of Linda Blair, and just waiting for her head to start spinning.” I joke and we all share a hearty laugh at Maria’s expense.

“Oh yuck it up you guys.” She pouts, “Why are you even here?”

“They’ll never find us here.” Kyle says already half asleep.

“Who’ll never find you?” I question

“Not important… Must rest” Alex says, face now baby soft collapses on the mountain of clothes on Maria’s bed.

“You’re wrinkling my jeans.” She screeches before yanking them from beneath him and hitting him, but he doesn’t seem to care much as he too is already half asleep.

I guess Max and the guys in the fraternity finally got around to torturing those pledges.

I shrug, “Okay so now that they’ve invaded, I am going to get dressed and go to class, you are going to… breathe easy, and when I come back we are going to go get beautiful. Right?”

“Right.” She says much less flustered, that cedar oil really works wonders. Maybe I should try it.

I grab my shower caddy and head for the washroom. But before I go, I take in the disarray of our suite. There are two grown, fully clothed men, sleeping in our beds, with shoes, mind you. Which I don’t care how you look at it, just ain’t cute. My roommate’s breathing like a recovering asthmatic. And why?

To belong


The first thing people ask when they find out you’ve gone to school in the South is not your major, or even what college you went to.

All that information is secondary to which sorority you pledged.

It’s funny to think how much power a couple of Greek letters have over some people. It’s almost like a defining characteristic for some people. You should hear the way people name drop ‘Becky is a Tri Delt from UVA’ or ‘Donna pledged Eta Gam at Auburn.’

Conservative New England, where I grew up, is a long way from North Carolina but a fair share of name-dropping goes on there as well. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s why my mom sent us down here to school, so I could join the family tradition and pledge Delta Epsilon Beta like her, and her mother before her, and blah, blah, blah…

It’s not that I don’t like the idea of being in a sorority; I just can’t stand the politics. One thing you have to understand about rush week is that it is the most stressful time of year for any sorority, Bribery and favors are called in from people you may have talked to all of once. A fair share of backstabbing goes on as well. And all of this from girls who are supposed to be the prim and proper ladies of campus.

The first night, was open house, we’re expected to see hundreds of girls, who’re all on a mad rush to meet you, chat with you, and put their name in your brain.

Rushees are herded around the house to have three-minute conversation with as many of the sisters as possible. Having gone through the process last year I know how superficial it can all be. Especially since most of the time the houses have already decided who they want long before rush ever started.

Prospective members are grouped together in groups of about thirty. And on the first night, each group gets about fifth-teen minutes to a house, before being led on to the next by a rho chi.

Rho chis are the anonymous volunteers of each sorority who act as guides for the girls through the whole process. Each group of thirty gets assigned one rho chi. So everyone remains impartial, each rho chi is expressly forbidden from telling the girls which organization they belong to until after bid day.

You with me so far? Fantastic, because rush protocol can be very confusing, and one slip up could cost you the whole thing.

Open house was Monday, today is Wednesday, which means its Skit Night and I was on the committee for organizing our skit, so I’m a bit excited about that. We usually do the same tired skit every year but we decided to jazz it up a bit for tonight. The skits are supposed to tell the girls a little bit about the sorority and we certainly don’t want them to be bored to tears while they watch it.

I recognize a few faces as the first group arrives. I usher all the girls into parlor where our makeshift stage is set up. I address the group and garble off the standard greeting before finding an empty seat. The lights are dimmed, one of the sisters dressed in a gray wig and pearls takes the stage, and we begin.

Certainly not a Broadway level performance but it was cute none the less and we get a few laughs and bunch of applause. After the show, I take the stage again and urge the girls to enjoy the refreshments and mingle.

They only have about fifth-teen more minutes after all. Skit Night is special and we actually get whole thirty minutes but the show took a little over ten, so…

It’s somewhat insane how they expect you to talk to hundreds of girls for such a brief period of time and decide which ones you want to spend the rest of your college career with. This is why in most cases we already have an idea who we will consider long before rush week.

For Example, over by the mantle is Tess Harding chatting it up with a few of the sisters. She’ll almost certainly make it because her Mom’s a DEB. And if that legacy wasn’t enough Mrs. Harding called in numerous favors from the Atlanta Alumni chapter. The stone dolphin sculpture now gracing our back yard is courtesy of them, and we were receiving boxes of cupcakes with the initials T.H. on them since August. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who those were from either.

Legacies are usually a shoe in but Tess Harding has the kind of personality that grates on your nerves, plus her exploits around campus aren’t exactly the image DEB strives to portray. So it took a bit of persuasion to sway all the sisters.

Occasionally during rush events you’ll come across a young lady who is a breath of fresh air and she’ll get tossed in with the rest of ‘em.

Okay lots prospective members, too much to do. I should just dive right in.

I see a pair of girls standing in the corner one with her head buried in the tiny bible sizes rule book the campus hands out to all Rushees, and it seems the other is trying to get her to put it away.

“…She’s coming over here would you put that thing away Liz.” One mumbles

“Hi.” I say

“Hi, Maria Deluca, and this is Liz Parker. Liz say hi.” She elbows her.

“Um Hi…” The brunette says extending her hand, then hesitates “Wait, am I supposed to talk directly to you. There are so many rules I didn’t get a chance to read them all.”

“Of coarse you can talk to her, everyone is talking.” The pixie blond says.

“They might have called ahead for permission.”

I laugh “Hi Liz, Maria, I’m Isabel Evans and yes the whole thing can be a bit confusing but I assure you, there is no rule about talking to me or any of the other sisters.” I tell them.

A few seconds of awkward silence pass. Sometimes talking to prospective members can be just as nerve racking for us as it is for them.

“You look like you’d rather be somewhere else.” I venture

“No, no we want to be here…just don’t really do so well with small talk.” Maria admits

“I don’t think any one here does too well with the small talk.” I tell them earning two shy smiles “See those two girls over there?” I point, “They’re discussing shades of lips gloss. And yesterday I heard two others discussing the nuances of growing rice. I mean, what is that?”

Still haven’t said much but at least I manage to get them to laugh.

“Liz Parker? That sounds familiar. Are you lab partners with…”

“Max Evans.” Liz nods then mumbles something under her breath that sounds like ‘though I’d like to forget’

“He gets on your nerves too, huh?” I relate. My brother isn’t exactly prince charming. In fact, he’s the Frog Prince. If the Frog Prince got a beamer and became and egotistical pimp.

“You could say that.” Liz concedes

I can see Liz is not going to make this easy on me. I keep trying to generate conversation and she gives me these succinct answers

“So what do you think of this whole sorority thing? Honestly, I won’t tell anyone.”

“Honestly it all seems kind of stuffy. But I think there are some good things about it, like the service you do for the community and… the social aspects of it. I’m kind of a nerd and I was hoping being in sorority would help me get out of that.”

“In class with my brother, no doubt you’re a bit of a nerd. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You don’t know what I’d give to get the grades that you two can probably get with your eyes closed. And yeah, sororities open up your social scene but you have to choose your friends carefully.”

“What do you do for fun?” Maria queries

“Sit in the living room her and watch my sisters come and go. They create drama that is way better than any soap opera,” They laugh at that.

I can’t help but think that these two might just be that breath of fresh air. We talk for a few more minutes before it’s time for them to go. The blonde is kind of quirky but not so bad and Liz is one of the few people I’ve met this week that doesn’t seem over eager to impress. She didn’t waste time bragging about herself listing her assets. She called herself a nerd for crying out loud. And that’s refreshing.

Not the fact that she’s a nerd, which couldn’t be further from the truth…

But the fact that she’s real

“I’ll see you two later.” I say as I walk them to the door

And if I have anything to say about it, that’s a promise.
I love the smell of formaldehyde in the morning. Well not really, but as a Biology major I’ve had to learn to adapt, else be ready to yuck up my toast and eggs everyday. One thing I do love however is Organic Chemistry lab. When I took the class last year I got an A, and professor Gilmore told me he would have given me higher if it were possible.

Yes, I’m a suck up.

Teachers pet or whatever.

Anyway, this semester I’m his T.A. which means its my job to help with the parts of the lab they can’t understand. Really what happens is Gilmore reads from his lecture notes and I explain the rest. No offense but the man is boring and without my help a lot these students would be baffled, or rather bored to confusion.

This particular morning I’m a little less enthusiastic as it is Rush Week and last night, after all the girls left, the sisters and I had another one of those all night voting sessions. If you’ve ever tried to get fifty-seven very different women to agree on any one thing, you know where I’m coming from. They can barely decide on what color shoes to wear yet we’re expected to come to a consensus on whom to invite to join the sorority.

I think not.

People asserted their authority,

Others complained about that authority

However somehow, we finally got it done around two a.m. Which is why my body might be here but my brain is still at home asleep.

Still I walk around the lab and offer help where I can.

That is I, Serena Bio major by day, Super DEB by night

“How’s it coming?” I query of a pair who seem to be more focused on avoiding eye contact, than the actual lab assignment.

Max and Liz, I’ve been watching them all semester and they have a very interesting dynamic. They’re both very intelligent but they make stupid mistakes because the tension between them is… well it’s something out of a movie. And it’s only gotten worse recently.

It’s clear they want each other but for whatever reason can’t be together.

If this weren’t Max Evans, I would say he had a little crush on Liz. But I know him and Max doesn’t crush on girls. Girls crush on Max. I’d say what we have here is mild infatuation, teamed with the classic case of avoidance from Liz.

“It’s coming.” Max answers, his statement thick with innuendo.

Liz nods then continues taking notes, not even bothering with the double entendre there. “Would you stop looking at me like that?” She shoots back annoyed….or wait a minute. Is that blush.

“Like what?” he goads.

“Like you want to... eat me it’s distracting.”

“Maybe I do.” He replies simply and Liz blushes again.

I stand there thoroughly amused, watching this sickeningly cute exchange.

So we have infatuation, avoidance…

Let’s add flirting to that list.

But it doesn’t look like Liz is too comfortable with that. She may blush but as soon as she catches herself, she averts her eyes and turns her attention back to the lab.

Then I remember those reasons why they can’t be together. She’s with Kyle and he’s with Tess.

Actually, he’s with Tess and just about half the rest of the female population on this campus.

And Tess isn’t exactly faithful, so he’s really with Tess half the female, and half the male population on this campus.

Okay that’s just too much. My head hurts, and a very wicked picture of a campus wide orgy just passed through my head.

“Okay cut it out Max else I’ll tell your old woman,” I say, because Tess may as well be his wife. Ball and chain I’m telling you “Then she makes you go shopping again.”

“Serena, please go somewhere.” Max says in a deceptively calm voice.

“No I’m kidding.” I say ignoring him and turning my attention to Liz, “Max doesn’t really need a reason to take Tess shopping.”

I’m messing up his so called ‘flow’ I know. But it doesn’t matter because Max is like my brother and he doesn’t need to be running game on her. Liz is a good girl, we had physics together sophomore year, and we studied together a couple times. She’s nice and she has that boyfriend, the short guy on the basketball team, sandy blond hair, blue eyes.

What is his name?

Tip of the tongue, begins with a K


Nope not it.

Well it’s not important but that’s just another reason why this is doubly bad.

Max and Liz

No good can come of it.

Especially since Liz and Tess will soon be pledge sisters. We don’t need that division.

“What’s this, the ‘big bad’ Evans takes his girlfriend shopping, by choice?” Liz teases and I see my little plot is working.

That’s right Super DEB planting doubts in the minds of unsuspecting pledges.

“And he holds her purse.” I add.

“Only because I get to listen to her ipod.” He says, as if that really makes a difference.

Both Liz and I roll our eyes; “In the pretty pink case” I joke, “Please Tess has got Maxie here whipped.” And it’s true. The sisters and I joke about it all the time.

DKE and DEB are the only constitutionally bound fraternity and sorority that I know of. Because of that we host a lot of our activities together, we hang out together, and there are a lot of couples between the two organizations. Max and I pledged around the same time, we’re pretty close and I know just about all of his dirty little secrets. And though I do tease him about it I know his situation with Tess bothers him more than he lets on.

Yes, not a relationship, a situation…

Everyone on campus knows how Tess gets around. At one point, he really loved her, and her whoring ways really hurt him. So he started sleeping around too I think just to feel close to someone, anyone, perhaps several someone’s at the same time…

“There is nothing wrong with doing something nice for your girlfriend, especially if it makes her happy.” He defends as he looks at Liz pointedly, but she won’t meet his eyes. Eventually he looks away, “It doesn’t mean I’m whipped.”

“Sure it doesn’t.” I say trying to lighten the mood.

Liz smiles shaking her head “I’m going to go get the rest of our supplies.”

If Liz was contemplating Max, she isn’t now because she thinks he’s into Tess. Maybe that’s a relief for her, maybe it disappoints her… I have no idea. I have a feeling I’ll find out whether I want to or not. But it’s obviously something she doesn’t want to deal with at the moment.

Hence the avoidance.

What I do know is that Max is feeling a certain way about her… I know this because he wears his emotions on his sleeve.

Once she’s out of earshot Max turns to me and says, “So what’s the big idea?”

“I don’t know you tell me.” I shrug

He gives me that look “Don’t play games Serena, you know what I’m talking about. Stop blocking.”

“Evans, you have a girlfriend okay.” I point out “And at least a dozen other outlets for your…sexual needs. Liz is a nice girl and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

One less piece of ass will not kill him.

“That’s not what I want from her.” He says

“Really.” Yeah right, ‘cause I believe that.

“Yes really, and I need you’re help.” He tells me how he wants me to ensure that he’s Liz’s big brother so that he can gain her trust.

“How do you even know if she’s getting a bid?” I say, he just looks at me with that don’t-play-games look again. The list is already out and he knows what goes on with DEB just as well as I know what goes on with DKE. “And if she were, why should I help you.”

“More Organic Chemistry less socializing.” Gilmore drones from the front of the classroom.

Some Super DEB I am. I’m supposed to be helping yet here I am caught in the middle of this non-existent love triangle.

I look over to where Liz is gathering supplies, and then back to Max. “You have two minutes to convince me.” I tell him

“I’m tired of all the games.” He begins “I just want to feel like I…belong to somebody, and they belong to me, no sharing. With Liz, I know that I can have that. She’s smart, funny, and she challenges me.”

Unlike most of the other ditzes he brings around.

“She also belongs to someone else.” I point out

“Both you and I know Kyle, doesn’t deserves her.”

Kyle that‘s it. I knew it started with a K.

Why doesn’t he deserve her again?

Oh yes, because he like most of the other basketball team members has his share of groupies. Max would know that better than anyone would.

“Maybe but that’s for her to decide without our interference.”

The Big brothers aren’t really an official part of the girls’ process. It’s something we adapted so that everyone would have an impartial member of the opposite sex to go to if she should need help with something. Max is right it’s about trust.

“Just see that I’m her big brother, if we can’t be together maybe we can at least be friends. As it is now she thinks I’m some spineless lothario.”

“Need I state the obvious?” I say, he just told the poor girl he wanted to eat her. If you wanted to gain her respect that’s not the way to do it my friend.

“Please don’t.” He humbles “Are you going to help?”

I nod. “I make no promises”


“…You young women are about to embark on a journey that will stay with you for the rest of your lives. You will make life long friends, confidants…” the guest speaker drones on and I do my best not roll my eyes.

“Don’t you think this is a bit immature?” I whisper to Maria. “The assembly.” I clarify “I don’t think I’ve sat through one of these things since the eighth grade.”

“Liz you promised you’d be good.”

Are you kidding me? I think I’ve been on my best behavior this entire week. Dealing with tea parties, socials, and skits. It’s bid day and by now I’m about ready to tear my hair from anticipation.

An assembly. Way to draw something out. They couldn’t just give us our bids that would be to easy. They have to hold an assembly with guest speakers, alumni of different sororities talking about their experiences, lectures on the dangers and laws surrounding hazing, make us wait two hours before we get them.

The Bids are taped underneath our seats and I had to stop the naughty girl in me from peeking three times already.

I look back to the speaker still on stage rambling… I’m ready to tear her out too. If they don’t hurry the hell up there will be a lot of hairless people very shortly.

“Fine.” I sigh “But so much estrogen in one place can never be a good thing.”

“Well then you better brace yourself for what we have in store.” She tells me.

“Just don’t be upset if we don’t make it where you want.” I tell her but maybe I really say it for myself.

“We’ll make it,”

“If we don’t you know I’ve got your back.”

“Coarse sweetie.” We share a brief hug.

“…At the sound of the horn you will look under your seat. You will find a place card with the name of the house that has given you a bid. At that point you will then proceed in an orderly fashion to Sorority Row to greet you new big sisters.”

Orderly fashion my eye. As soon as that horn sounds, it is complete chaos. Maria and I rip the place card from beneath our seat. And begin screaming hysterically and jumping up and down. We both made it into DEB and before I can really congratulate her, we’re being pushed by the crowd of girls in the general direction of Sorority Row.

There are some girls in tears, others pitch a fit, and others, jump up and down with glee like Maria and I were just doing.

One thing is certain; there isn’t anything orderly about it.

I start running too, caught up in the moment. I see a mother comforting her daughter who is weeping on her shoulder. The mother has purple and gold balloons in her hand. With thirteen very large houses on campus I’m pretty sure everyone got a bid. But it looks like this girl wasn’t able to make mommy proud and carry on the family tradition.

I’ve already lost stride with Maria so I head over to the DEB house if I can even remember where it is. Before I make it, I get shot in the chest with a water balloon.

To say that it hurts would have been an understatement. I look over and see me assailant.

Max Evans,

This guy must have a lo jack on me or something. There are literally hundreds of girls here all dressed in plain white T- shirts and blue jeans and somehow he is able to pick me out of the crowd.

“Oh I’m sorry Parker I didn’t know it was you I just saw a tight rack and had to take aim.”

“Yeah right, you totally did that on purpose.” I accuse as he approaches.

“If you say so.” He says feigning ignorance “Which house did you make?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“You know I’ll find out anyway.” This is true his sister is in the sorority chances are it will get to him eventually.

“DEB.” I say.

“Hey bros over here.” He beckons over five other guys all equipped with balloons “Liz here is going to be a new pledge over at the DEB house.”

Immediately I’m assailed by at least ten other balloons.

I’m soaked “Argh you…”

“Relax Princess it’s just a little Deke love, we are your brothers now and there’s plenty more where that came from… I see you’re proudly displaying our colors.”

I look down and sure enough the pale yellow bra I put on this morning is now showing through my now transparent white t-Shirt.

Before I have the chance to say anything Tess comes over and pulls him away saying something about meeting her mother. So I say bye to the other guys then continue on to the DEB house. I spot Maria and immediately we hug each together and start jumping up and down saying, “We made it” over and over again.

Out of nowhere Kyle and Alex materialize from behind a tree. They call us over, doing their best to remain inconspicuous. My guess is they’re not supposed to be here either. God only knows why. Just another stupid rule someone pulled out of their ass.

Kyle gives me a kiss on the cheek, whispers ‘congratulations’ and hands me a bouquet of pink roses.

And even though they’re not in a romantic relationship Alex likes doing nice stuff for her so he gives Maria an army green messenger bag lined with pink piping, “I figure you could use it for all your… secret files.”

She must have told him about her plan for the book. I know that’s not the only reason she’s here but it’s still important to her.

“We’re not even supposed to be here so we gotta jet.” Kyle confirms, and they’re gone as quickly as they came.

“Isn’t this exciting Liz, we finally get to belong to this great sorority. All our dreams are coming true.”

“Right our dreams.”

I want to do this. But why? Initially for Maria then for Kyle, yet he can’t even be here with me. I never really thought about why I want to belong. Now that I’ve made it, I guess I’ll have to figure it out.

I look around at the other girls all with an excitement I just can’t seem to muster. It’s like someone suddenly flipped a switch in my mind and I have this really strange, really upsetting feeling that joining a sorority is going to change me for good.

And I don’t want to change. I like the Liz Parker I am now.

I look over and see the picturesque moment Tess is having. Both her parents are here, she’s got balloons, flowers the whole nine. But most importantly, she’s has Max.

tune in next thursday to find out what happens


Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:19 am
by Behrystrwbry
Jason's Lover

Once again thank you, I hope you take the time to rewad through my comments above. Note the rating has now changed to adult :wink:

Enjoy :D

Chapter three: Keep it in the Family

The Process-part 1

All thirteen who received a bid, were told to be at the sorority house that evening by 7p.m. We were instructed to bring a sleeping bag, plain gray sweats, a black cocktail dress with the appropriate undergarments, and only the necessary hygiene products for the weekend. So I figured that either we’re in for some type of intensive training boot camp, or your requisite slumber party. Maria and I gathered the designated items, having to run to the local Wal-Mart for a few things before we went over to the DEB house at quarter to.

When we arrived, we were escorted to a large room on the second floor that was for all intensive purposes empty, save the plush pink carpet lining the floor. It didn’t even have windows. Which, have to be honest freaked me out…

They can’t be up to any good, if we can’t even see the light of day in here,

Or even the dark of night.

Hell, I just need to see the outside world.

Or rather, they need to see us… Else, we could be locked away in this box of a room never to be seen again.

There were already a few girls in the room setting up their sleeping bags; they didn’t seem to be too bothered by the lack of furniture, or windows. Therefore, Maria and I simply shrugged, introduced ourselves, and fell in beside them. The remaining girls trickled in within the hour until all thirteen were present and accounted for.

It wasn’t a large group by any standard. And it was hard to believe that after seeing hundreds of girls that week, DEB decided on only thirteen. I guess Maria and I should consider ourselves lucky to be among the few chosen. We certainly didn’t have the status or popularity of any of the girls chosen. There are at least four cheerleaders here; two members of Student government, and the rest were legacies, which as Maria pointed out ‘Aristocratic Ivy Leaguers’ are not our stock.

So what was it about the two of us that had us counted among the greats?

I could see why they’d want Maria. With her as an editor of the campus paper, they have access to the mouthpiece for the student body.

But what about me? I’m just boring Liz Parker. What could I possibly have to offer? I try not to dwell on that very, very depressing fact instead making a silent vow right then, not to be that…. boring waifish little girl, who over thinks things, and is afraid of her own shadow.

From now on, I’m Liz Parker fun and fancy free, I socialize, throw caution to the wind, and wear shirts that show off my boobs…

Well what little boobs I have anyway.

First project socialize;

I’m a junior, cheered on the squad with her for two years, and I think tonight may have been the first time in my life I’ve said more than two words to Tess Harding. Even though it was only about nail polish, it’s still an improvement, because I’m socializing. Turns out the Southern socialite and I both go for natural tones, and she let me borrow her pearl whisper before getting into a conversation about Sunday’s game with her fellow squad members, which I tactfully drowned out.

People were sharing fashion magazines, tips were being traded on everything from which brand tampon to buy, to proper make-up application. Meanwhile Maria was lapping it up with a spoon, as she scribbled down notes in her little pad when she thought no one was looking. For a little while, I honestly felt like I was in that room with a group of my closest friends. That is until precisely 8:30pm when the sisters file in, lined up perfectly like a third grade class.

Ranks were closed,

Divisions were formed.

And it was painfully obvious that the process had officially begun.

It was as if someone had taken a rope and sectioned off the room, cool people on one side, nerds, freaks, and boring waif girls on the other. Tess and I were no longer on the same side as she and the other blue bloods convened in a corner, and were whispering conspiratorially. Which left Maria, myself, student government, and two no-names looking thoroughly confused.

The sisters stood facing us, and we sat awaiting their next move. Being so elite, DEB is relatively small house but not this small. It couldn’t have been more than thirty of us in that box of a room, pledges included.

Finally, one of the sisters begins distributing a bag to each of us pledges before returning to her place in line. “Good evening Ladies, my name is Prudence Halliwell, and I am the president of the Duke chapter of Delta Epsilon Beta.” The one speaking seems to have a bit of an attitude, but maybe that’s just me.

She continues. “In your bags you will find a t-shirt with the sorority’s emblem, and a composition notebook. You are to be wearing these shirts each time you appear before us unless otherwise instructed. In the notebooks, you will record your experience over the next four weeks. These are your pledge books guard them with you life. Both items you must have every time you are called before us. If even one of you does not, there will be consequences”

No, I was right she’s a total cow.

After Prue’s explanation, we were told to change into our pledge t-Shirts and sweats before the first activity. So much for the concept of privacy. Of those of us changing, about a half dozen don’t think too highly of the concept of a bra. The sisters are silent as they look on, but at least they don’t boob rank us so that puts an end to that myth.

Once everyone is dressed appropriately, Max’s sister Isabel addresses us. She seemed like one of the less stuffy sisters the last time I met her so I figure now that the orders have been handed out, maybe we can have some fun. She begins to explain the concept of family, how DKE and DEB is one big happy family. However, within the family each pledge will have another family consisting of a big sister, a big brother, and a pledge brother. Who is actually your big sister’s little brother. A perfect square.

Confused yet? Good ‘cause I am.

We’re told that tonight we’ll be meeting our big sisters who will give us our pledge pins. That must be why there are only thirteen sisters present one for each pledge.

She continues “To find out who your big sisters are we are going to play a game of human Guess who.” At that point each of the sisters’ puts on an article of clothing, a dopey hat, or a pair of those hugely ridiculous plastic glasses, and Isabel goes on to explain that, we the pledges, will figure out who our big sister is by guessing at these defining characteristics.

I immediately raise my hand to ask, “Does my big sister look like a Barbie clone.” and a few of the other pledges break out into sputtering laughter. I joke for two reasons. One, the atmosphere in the room went from semi comfortable to just plain depressing when the sisters walked in. So I wanted to lighten the mood.

Fun and fancy-free remember.

Two, there are enough curves, and fake smiles in this room to open up a Mattel factory. And maybe I’m a little insecure of my little boy body. But, who wouldn’t be in here? Seems like anything less than a model figure is just unacceptable.

Barbie went to college everybody, she joined the DEB house and colonized it with a bunch of other bleached blondes

“You are so bad girl.” Maria mumbles before jabbing me in my side to point out that the sisters don’t seem to find the little guffaw I incited so amusing.

Prue looks as if she wants to slag me with her death ray eyes. “We were trying to do something fun for you guys but if you’re not going to take this seriously…”

I’m thinking ‘Chill out Madame President,’ It’s a game all right.

That woman has got a real problem and it B and ends with an ITCH.

I try to stifle my smirk and, cower in fear but it’s very difficult to be frightened of anyone wearing a pair of Minnie mouse ears. “I apologize Prue…”

“…Big sister Prue.” She corrects.

“Big sister Prue, I apologize. I guess the better question would be does my big sister have blonde hair?”

I’m told that she doesn’t, which narrows things down to only three people in the room. Madame President Bitch herself, Serena or another brunette with a shoulder length layered do and green eyes. So I was joking before, but I think there may be a bit of hair color bias in this sorority all the more reason for us non-toe heads to stick together.

It doesn’t take long for me to figure out who my big sister is since she’s the only, brunette, Latina wearing a tiara. I’m the first to figure it out too. Score one for the brown haired girls I think somewhat boastfully

“Good job Parker.” Serena congratulates as she come forward to pin me. The pledge pins are nice. They have three pearls arranged in a triangle, and in the center is a tiny dolphin with jade stone eyes. “Never take that off.” She whispers to me. Then turns to the rest of the group. “Now if you ladies will excuse us, my little sister and I have some bonding to do.”

I wink at Maria, she gives me a small wave, and then Serena and I retire to her room.

On the third floor, her room is nice, everything is decorated in turquoise and pink, and it has three beds. I can’t help but wonder where her roommates are tonight. Never being one to wonder long I ask my new big sister as much.

“They won’t be coming home tonight.” She informs me. So that means either she kicked them out, or they knew that there would be some sisterly bonding going on and made other arrangements for the night.

‘Being exiled from ones own room’ I mentally note somewhat sarcastically. Can’t you just wait to be apart of the DEB house?

“I think I got on Prue’s bad side.” I venture as the two of us make ourselves comfortable on her bed. It’s over by the alcove and looking out the campus you can see most of Duke University.

Serena and I sit cross-legged facing each other and I start to think I could get used to it here. “Don’t worry she’s that way to everyone.” She assures.

Not sure if that’s a good thing, but I nod, anyway “So I shouldn’t fear for my life.”

“I didn’t say that.” She jokes and I’m thinking circle of fat, big scary paddles, and just about every other depraved rumor I’ve heard about sororities, until “Kidding.” She adds at the last moment. “I thought you had a sense of humor Parker.”

“You guys don’t haze do you?” I ask inanely. Of course they haze, who doesn’t these days. That’s exactly why they give all that information on the laws surrounding it during rush week because someone is bound to break them.

“No.” she answers simply.

“Would you tell me if you did?” I persist

“No.” she says again “We won’t do anything that wasn’t done to us.”

Yeah, that just fills me with comfort, “What does that mean?”

“What are you most proud of in your life?” She asks answering my question with a question. Because this wasn’t confusing enough.

“Being named valedictorian of my senior class back home I guess.”

“And that wasn’t easy was it?” I nod; she continues, “Nothing worth having ever is. Well neither is becoming a DEB.” Again, I’m thinking ‘what the hell does that mean?’ “I’m not going to sit here and tell you all our secrets. You’ll have to wait and see. Just know that there is a process, but anything we ask you to do is to help you learn the principles of DEB and in the end, you’ll be a better woman for it. Okay?”

“Okay.” I say though I’m starting to think that Serena sounds a lot like she’s been brain washed with her whole ‘yeah we’re going to play with your head but it’s really for your own good’ explanation. Ask us? She made it sound like we have a choice in any of this. Then my subconscious comes in and says ‘You always have a choice Liz. You could leave’

Even as I think it, I know I won’t

“Great. So truth or dare?” She shoots off quickly changing the subject. But because I’m not thirteen going to opt for neither.
I was really starting to think that I could live with DEB, and then we start with all this talk of big sisters, hazing, and now truth or dare. That’s like every Sorority myth I’ve ever heard thrown at me in less than five minutes.

Okay, so I was actually into the big sister thing until Serena started sounding like one of the Stepford wives. Sighing resignedly, I go for truth because it seems like the lesser of two evils. And after talking for a while, it starts to feel less like pre-pubescent girl talk and more like an adult conversation.

Serena starts to sound less like a mindless drone and more like the lab partner I’ve come to admire. It turns out initially she didn’t even want to join a sorority, but they recruited her.

Not just DEB, everyone.

Turns out here at Duke they have something called a chapter GPA, which is a cumulative average of all the active sisters in the house’ grade point average. It has to stay above a certain level for the organization to remain active on campus. Serena’s GPA was like a 3.9 when she pledged so all thirteen houses wanted her. She could have gone anywhere but for some reason she chose DEB.


“I know it may not seem like this right now but Delta Epsilon Beta is the most real.” I look at her skeptically “Seriously, you may not like everyone in the house but if something goes down, we all have your back. Deke too, we’re constitutionally bound to them.”

“Constitutionally bound? That doesn’t mean we have to sleep with them does it?”

“No, nothing like that.” She assures and I breathe a sigh of relief “It means that both organizations were founded to be mirror images of one another. We govern ourselves by the same principles, our philanthropy is the same, we’re their sisters and they’re our brothers, we’re all one big happily family.” She finishes, echoing Isabel’s statement of earlier.

Family. A perfect square. Big sisters and chapter GPAs

“Why are you telling me all this?” I ask

“Two reasons. The first being, the process can be trying at times believe me, but I wanted you to know that there are a lot people here that can help you through. All you have to do is ask. You seem kind of closed off sometimes and maybe if you opened up to trust people, things might seem easier”

Okay, so I should learn to trust people. That could take some work but I can give it a shot and it does fall under the vow I made earlier to socialize and throw caution to the wind.

Serena continues, “The second is, I wanted you to know that you don’t have to take any crap from people like Prue. You’ll meet tons of ‘em trust me; but a lot of times their bark is worse than the bite. And if it weren’t for people like us and out above average grades, the chapter GPA might not be what it is.”

So the mystery of why they wanted me is solved. My grades. And I’m sure there are things that the “Prues” of the world have that people like Serena and I don’t. So I suppose we all help each other.

Like a family.

The next day we were given a recess.

Yes a recess, as if we’re six year olds and this elementary. We are given a recess until 7p.m. when we’re told to meet back at the DEB house in our black cocktail dresses. I guess that’s why we’re given a break because heaven forbid some of the pledges from going to a dance without having hair and nails done.

For those of us without the bank accounts to warrant such luxuries it meant an appointment with the shower and a bottle of Pantene. After we were done in the bathroom, Maria and I took turns rolling each other’s hair before settling in our suite for some much needed beauty rest.

We stayed up most of the night talking to our big sisters. Though Maria won’t tell me who she is it seems she really likes her. She won’t shut up about all the unsolicited gossip that ‘big sister’ has given her. Unfortunately, that meant we over slept. And when we awoke at quarter past six to begin throwing ourselves together for the dance; Maria continued going on about the proper way to apply make-up, so says ‘big sister’.

“She also said to throw one of these in your purse just in case.” Maria said handing me the little foil wrapper as we scurry over to the DEB house. Apparently, Maria’s big sister is a gossip, a glamour queen and a whore. ‘Yeah that narrows it down’ I think to myself somewhat ruefully.

“I have no use for that.” I tell her.

“Just take it.” She says snatching my clutch purse and tucking it inside “You never know.”

But, I know all right.

I know I won’t be giving the goods to any of these walking talking Dekes or Dicks tonight.

And Kyle won’t be there so, that puts a pin in that idea real quick.

We don’t even have the chance to go inside when we get to the DEB house because everyone is lined up in the front yard preparing to head over to the Civic Center.

Yesterday we were given places in line according to height and Maria and I aren’t next to each other so we wave before the two of us take our respective places in line. I’m near the front of the line, second to Tess. Who looks well in her strapless party dress, and I tell her as much. The innocent on looker wouldn’t be able to see Tess for what she is, as she looks quite classy tonight.

Dare I say that we all do with our pledge pins proudly displayed over our hearts?

When we get to the Civic Center our guys are already there, dressed in black suits, with pale yellow-collared shirts underneath. They also have these full head, black masks covering their faces, and each is holding a single pink tea rose, the sororities flower. As each pledge enters, one of the brothers comes forward and she is swept onto the dance floor.

“So you you’re my big brother?” I ask as the masked stranger’s arms encircle my waist. He simply nods.

He smells amazing, like fresh linen and old spice. “Do I know you?” I query

“Maybe.” Is his simple answer, his voice sounds familiar as it rumbles by my ear, causing a tingle in the pit of my stomach. But I can’t seem to place it.

Apparently, this is a revealing process but I know all of maybe two guys who are Dekes. One of which, fate would simply not be so cruel as to place me with.

So how am I supposed to figure out who this guy is? That Fraternity is huge.

“Are you in any of my classes?” I ask him.

He answers again with the “Maybe.”

Okay so he’s not going to make this easy. Let’s try narrowing this down by association, maybe he’s on a sports team a lot of them are and if he were Kyle would probably know him. “Do you know my boyfriend?” I venture.

“How do you know I’m not your boyfriend?” he volleys back

“My boyfriend isn’t this tall.” I tell him “And you smell different.” Did I just say that aloud “Not bad, just different.” I cover. Get a whiff of some nice cologne and it turns your brain to mush.

It’s probably best I shut up now, I do, and we dance in silence to the music, for a long while. Every so often I’ll fire off a question that I’m sure will narrow down my possibilities and he’ll just answer with his ‘maybe’ or some other vague answer.

I look at all the other girls happily dancing with their big brothers.

The sisters look on from the sidelines whispering and pointing every so often.

I spot Maria who waves before pointing to the guy she’s dancing with and winking. I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean.

My guy is light on his feet. His body is solid and I can tell he has quite a build underneath that suit. I silently chide myself for thinking about it but I can’t seem to help myself. That soft voice,

The cologne,

And that body…

When the music stops, my guy leads me over to one of our tables before handing me a rose. “This is for you Princess.” He says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.


There’s only one person who calls me that, but I’m going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt and assume that was just a coincidence.

A very random, unrelated coincidence.

God I hope it was a coincidence.

It couldn’t be him, could it?

“Would you like something to drink?” He inquires, I nod, and he heads over to the punch bowl to fetch our drinks. I watch his arrogant swagger as he walks away, it gives me a hunch, and I’m prepared to test my theory when he returns, punch in hand.

“Now I know you can’t possibly be my boyfriend.” I bait before taking a healthy sip of the cup placed in front of me. “I practically have to twist his arm to get him to bring me punch. And he never buys me roses. ” I twirl the thorny flower between my thumb and forefinger.

He leans in, and just loud enough for me to hear whispers, a move vaguely reminiscent of a shameless flirt, “Well there’s nothing wrong with doing something nice for your girl, especially…”

“…if it makes her happy.” I finish for him. “Max?” I’d been purposefully ignoring him the other day when he’d said it to me, but I still heard what he said; now I wish I hadn’t.

Max doesn’t say anything simply pulls the mask over his head to reveal a smirk to match that arrogant swagger.

So fate is that cruel.

Moments later Serena appears by our table, with her very lame attempt to feign ignorance “Parker you’re pretty good at this guessing game stuff, huh? Always at the head of the curve.”

She totally set me up. There are close on one hundred members of DKE. What are the odds that I would end up with Max Evans for a big brother? I smell a rat and it’s either my big sister or our resident gigolo here.

I wouldn’t put it past him. He’d do just about anything to get into my pants.

Total Deke.

Serena disappears for the night before she can confirm or deny my suspicions and Max is left to put up with my pissy attitude

There’s a dance contest for the big brother/little sister pairs.

I refuse to participate.

A line dance.

Still I refuse.

And I really like line dancing. But I refuse to be partnered with Max Evans for anything.

After a while, I think he gets tired of me and I see him skip out for a moment to make a phone call. When he returns, Max covers my hand with his asking, “You want to get out of here.” I nod, not bothering to ask where we’re going.

This is probably not the best idea since we’ve established time alone with Evans is bound for disaster. However when I see his 2006 candy apple red BMW X5 SUV I start to feel a little bit better. Because…well who could be upset cruising down the highway in a car like that.

So maybe I’m a little bit shallow

When Max parks us in the middle, of nowhere and leads me to the center of a field, I’m more than a little confused. He spreads a blanket and the two of us sit. “So are you going to rape me now?” I venture

He laughs at that and nudges me playfully “Parker you’re a piece of work.”

I happen to think it’s a very legitimate question, you drive a girl miles away from civilization it’s for one of two reasons and the other is murder. “What then?” I query, “What is it you want from me. I know that somehow you planned this. Whether some elaborate scheme concocted the day you met me, or just a passing obsession you keep making yourself apart of my life.”

“Obsession.” He balks.” You sure think highly of yourself Princess.” He won’t look at me though. Whether the miles of grass spread out before us, or the abandoned shack not too far off in the distance something is suddenly much more important than looking me in the eye when he speaks.

“Tell me I’m wrong.” This time I nudge him and finally he meets my steady gaze. This man’s eyes should come with a warning. Talk about intense I can barely focus when they’re directly focused on me.

You see why I can’t be alone with him.

Hi eyes

The soft voice

The cologne

It all leads to one thing.


This very real attraction I have to him. And that is no good because I have a boyfriend and he has a harem…

“Maybe.” Is all he says and I want to strangle him from frustration

“Okay Evans we’re going to establish some rules.” I begin with a roll of my eyes “You can no longer say the word ‘Maybe’ when you are with me. Either it is or it isn’t. And I need you to tell me why…Why me?

“Because it was you. “ He finally blurts out. And I’m almost sorry I forced him, taken aback by the anguish on his face. ”Because I want to know you, and I’d like you to know me. Because…” he sighs dramatically before concluding, “You know what it’s not important this was a stupid idea. We should go.”

He’s already climbing to his feet, reaching out a hand to me before I have the chance to react to what he’s admitted. “Evans sit.” I instruct, and he promptly does.

Good dog

Yes, I’m attracted to him.

And he’s clearly he’s …something for me.

So maybe it isn’t the best idea to delve into the heart of our feelings just yet. As per my vow of yesterday, I’m not supposed to be over thinking things remember. And though this guy does usually warrant strange and uncharted territory for me that includes him too.

At least we can talk to each other and that’s good.

Look Ma, no alcohol this time.

And that’s probably more than I can say for the ninety-seven other Dekes I could have been paired with.

“Where are we?” I ask

“Not far from campus. Actually, we’re behind it.” He explains how just beyond that patch of trees is a freshwater lake, on the other side of the lake sits Duke. “It’s probably less than a mile if you walk around the Lake but it’s a bit of a hike So I took the roundabout way on the freeway. Not many people know about this place. It’s not easy to find so sometimes I come out here when I don’t want to be found. I thought you could use a break.” He concludes with a smile.

An adorable dimpled smile.

Even when he’s not trying to be this man is so sexy I could scream.

You see not for one entire minute can I focus when I’m with him.

But there’s my vow, remember.

And I have to admit my boobs do look great in this dress. It’d be a shame to waste the night.

I sigh, throwing caution to the wind “I prefer white roses.” I tell him

He smiles again accepting my humble peace offering. Even though I did kinda piss in his Wheaties earlier this evening, he’s willing to forgive and forget just that easily. If I bitch at Kyle, he bitches back for at least as long.

Max and I just yak on for hours about nonsense. We talk about science, the weather how it looks like rain, and we talk about each other. The one thing that we don’t talk about is the palpable tension between us. And for now that’s perfectly fine.

“There is no way that Prudence Halliwell would do that.” I tell him

“I’m telling you she did.” He insists, “She had the big red nose, floppy shoes and everything. Prue dressed up like a clown her freshman year at homecoming’s tailgate. Some fundraiser thing they were doing. Those pictures are blackmail inducing so if you ever need ‘em.” He offers and I just might take him up on that if I ever need to stick it to Madame President.

“So what did you dress up as?” I inquire.

“Well I dressed up like... Cupid.” he blushingly admits

I sputter with laughter. I can so picture him with the diaper, and crossbow… and I’m sure he has the body of a Greek God. Suddenly I’m tempted to ask Mr. Evans for a reprisal of his role at freshman tailgate… And just like that the tension is back “Why do you have to be that other guy?” his brow creases in confusion when I ask the question, so I clarify “The guy who only wants to get in girl’s pants.” ‘The one who only wants to get in my pants’ I think to myself before continuing, “You’re not like that here. Here you’re goofy, here…you’re sweet.”

He doesn’t answer simply looks down and fiddles for a long time with a blade of grass. I wait patiently. When he looks at me again our faces are mere inches away, ever so slowly we both lean in, my eyes drift closed when I feel his warm breath on my cheek. I know he’s going to kiss me, or maybe it’s me who’s going to kiss him… either way my lips practically itch with anticipation. Then I feel the raindrop.

I open my eyes and look at the ominous clouds. That is when the sky opens up pouring down sheets of rain on the two of us. Max gives me his jacket but it doesn’t take long for the water to soak through that as well. We scurry back to his SUV as quickly as possible. He opens the door and the two of sit laughing at the ridiculous picture we make.

His hair is plastered to his forehead, I can imagine may curls are non-existent and our clothes stick to us like glue. “So go drive… back to campus” I urge

“Are you kidding would you look at the road I’m not driving in this. Sable is too precious for that.”

“You named your car?” You know what they say about men and their cars.


Peering out the windshield, I squint up my eyes trying to see if I can make out the road. “Fine so give me the keys I’ll drive.”

“Are you kidding me Parker, you should barely be licensed to walk.” He jokes.

“What exactly is wrong with my driving?”

“Two words. Summer ’03.” He states.

Okay so maybe didn’t really know how to drive when I came to North Carolina. And maybe it Maria and Kyle three months and a Jetta bumper to teach me. But how could he possibly know that? And more importantly why am I sitting here debating with him about it?

I should be walking home. He said it was less than a mile to campus. I open the car door preparing to step out “What are you doing?” he asks and when I explain my planned expedition he follows with “Are you crazy you would rather trek through the wilderness in heels and a cocktail dress than spend a night with me safe in the jeep and wait for the storm to Pass. I just don’t get you Parker. One minute you seem like your normal sarcastic self we’re joking each with each other and then the next you run like I’m the devil himself. Why is that?”

“Why did you want to be my big brother?” I shoot back and he looks away “Why is it that every time I ask you a pointed question like that you can’t answer?” I insist. But the answer is very simple it’s the same reason I can’t stand to be alone with him. I like you Evans more than I care to admit. “You know why. And we’ve been doing this dance all night. Now I think it’s just best that we go before someone says or does something that they can’t take back.”

As suspected, he doesn’t have an answer to that, instead he climbs in the back seat and starts fumbling around with a bunch of levers and latches. In a couple of minutes, there is a completely level surface, over which Max has laid out another blanket. “You should get comfortable Parker.”

So that’s it. He didn’t even try to answer my question. He’s clearly not driving anywhere in this weather and neither am I. And I was never really going to walk. “You planned this.” I accuse as I join him in the back and ball up his suit jacket to make a pillow

The two of us toss and turn for a couple of minutes trying to get comfortable in our soggy clothing. “Would you quit fidgeting?” He says

“What are you doing?” I ask as he peels off his shirt, to reveal an equally wet wife-beater that does nothing to conceal the definition in his arms and chest.

“Getting comfortable. It’s hot in here. Is there is a problem with that?”

Yes there is a problem, if you’re going to be sleeping next to me with those bulging muscles. I don’t tell him that though. “ Maybe if someone would quit fogging up the windows with their hot breath.” I joke

He turns away from me and I hear him mumble something that I think sounds like “You weren’t complaining about my breath a moment ago when I was going to kiss you.”


He faces me looking me dead in the eye “Go to sleep Parker.”

“Go to sleep.” I balk “You want me to go to sleep in my cold wet clothing,” not to mention horny as Austin Powers, with a living GQ cover sleeping next to me “You want me to sleep in a jeep with a guy I barely know, who by the way set me up for the sole purpose of getting in my pants. I can not…” Before I have the chance to finish my sentence, his lips were on mine, just as soft as I imagined, deft, gently coaxing and silencing me. I feel his tongue run over the seam of my bottom lip begging entrance and that’s when I register; this is wrong. “What are you doing?” I say against his mouth

“Shutting you up.” At the brief opening, he slips between my lips, and all I care about at that moment is the expert velvet flow of his tongue against mine

“This is wrong.” I utter.

“Maybe…” he responds “but if you don’t want this as much as I do, you’ll stop me.” Even as he says it, I know that I won’t. I don’t stop him as I feel his hand inching beneath my skirt. I don’t stop him as it continues to inch higher on my thigh. I don’t stop him as he cups me over the tiny black thong I’m wearing. I don’t stop him as he rubs small circles over the center of my desire, and I certainly don’t stop the lone digit that slips beneath my panties plunging into my wetness. For three very simple reasons;

I’m throwing caution to the wind,

I tire of the inane dance we’ve been doing around one another

And it feels too damn good.

I’m lost in his attentions, his heavenly mouth, and the practiced movements of his fingers as he strokes me to completion. I never stop to think of how many other girls he’s touched this way, that he’s touched Tess this way. I shamelessly grind my hips against his hand as he adds first one, then another finger. My climax surprises us both, him more so than me.

Course I know it’s the first one I’ve had in a very long time.

Bit if I know Kyle

And I think I do…

Max probably thinks I get it this good all the time “You’re easy to please Parker,” he smiles before attaching his mouth to my neck.

“What and you’re not?” I tease already unbuckling his pants. I push them partially down his hips, just enough so that his monster cock flops against my thigh. He feels much bigger than I would have imagined course he’s erect so that may give or take an inch still, that thing I said before about men and their cars…totally bogus if Max is any indication. And I almost want to push him away so I can get a better look.

I squelch the urge instead forming a tight ring with my fingers stroking him root to tip. He starts moving his hips creating a steady friction with my hands. His breath starts to puff in quick spurts against my skin and then I feel his teeth graze the sensitized flesh on my neck I immediately stop. Did he just bite me? “Sorry.” He mumbles against my skin and I’m sure I’d see the crimson in his cheeks if there were any light around us. When I just sit there not moving he says, “Well come on Princess don’t take the toys out if you’re not ready to play.”

I gently push him away just enough so he can see the silent challenge in my eye. Then I sit up completely to release the clasp and lower the zipper on my dress. He quickly helps me out of it I straddle his lap and his hands immediately move to my breasts.

Max rolls one distended nipple between his thumb and forefinger, while his mouth latches onto the other. If awards were given for sex this man should be given the Nobel Prize, because every little thing he does for me has me ready to cream my pants.

His left hand moves to the waistband of my panties, he hooks his fingers underneath and tugs roughly. He’s trying to get them off but the material just bites into my skin. My hands aren’t idle either as I pull the thin cotton of his undershirt up his chest. He stops in his ministrations briefly raising his arms so I can lift the shirt over his heads. When his chest is bare to me, I savor the muscles beneath a bed of tan skin.

Propping my back against his legs he returns to the Hoover action to my chest. I’m not complaining, but how can one man be so fascinated with a pair of mammary glands? So divine, so devastatingly bazaar the way his mouth fits ‘round I think I might come again. And when his pinky dips in my navel, I’m sure I will.

All muscle, big dick.

Can it get much better than this?

He been struggling with my thong to no avail, and now I’m annoyed too. Why’d I wear underwear again? He tugs once, twice, three times before the flimsy strings of black lace pops. “Sorry.” He says again.

“Forget it” I assure tossing the scrap over his shoulder.

I am completely bare to him and I can feel his erection grazing against the crack of my ass. I have to have him inside me now. “You’re dripping Parker.” He observes, his hand now playing between my folds. I pray he can’t see the color rise to my cheeks in the darkness. Obviously, he does because he says, “No I like it.” Dipping two fingers inside me.

I sigh gratuitously “Man you are tight… I have to have you now.” He utters and I barely register his quiet instructions. “Lift up.” I do and he hastily kicks his pants the rest of the way down and retrieves the little foil package.

I silently wonder, does everybody just walk around with these things in their back pocket, as if they’re breath mints or something.

I never knew the simple act of putting on a condom could be so sexy. I shiver watching him roll the latex over himself. He catches my eye, “Cold?” he quizzes. I shake my head before straddling him once again. It takes no time to line his dick with my opening. I hope he fits, and sure, enough I’m full to capacity when he plunges into me “You okay?” he asks when I don’t move.

I nod, simply acclimating myself to his length. I’ve never felt so full in all my life and I’ve ridden cock before. But Max, he must be touching my womb. “I’m fine,” I assure “you just feel different… not bad, just different.”

He smiles, “From Kyle?”

Instead of answering, I take his mouth and begin a steady rhythm with my hips, rolling them over him repeatedly. He meets my efforts with eager thrusts still it’s not enough. I whimper with frustration. And he takes my hips lifting them up them slamming them down against him again and again. “What princess, tell me what you need…anything.” He breathes

“I need you more… deeper, harder.” I utter and with one fluid motion, I’m on my back with Max pounding into me. Perfect, so good , so close, with each thrust he inches me closer and closer to the back door I try to grab onto something so I won’t hit my head and pass out before I can experience this no doubt mind blowing orgasm for the second time tonight. I feel sharp sting between my legs. What the hell was that?

Max peels his eyes open and looks down at me “The condom broke.”

“So…” I shrug,

“So, we have to stop Liz…” He insists.

“No!” I shout, perhaps a bit too eager. I know I’m throwing caution to the wind, it feels good and all, but some things are just plain stupid. This guy has been with how many different girls “I mean… I have something.”I say finally

He extracts himself from me careful not to spill the contents of the damaged condom, before rolling down and tossing it out the window.

I scramble around on the floor searching for my clutch. Once I spot it, I send out a prayer of thanks for Maria’s forethought and practically pull Max back to me by the dick. I almost can’t believe I’m behaving so wantonly but I tell you Max Evans has put a force on me.

I tare the package open with my teeth and this time I get to aid in the task of rolling the condom over him and that makes it even more sexy…If that were even possible.

Max hooks my knee, over his forearm as he spears me once again that massive peter of his. My thighs are practically against my chest as his hips pistons into me. I know I’ll be sore in the morning but right now, it feels too damn good to care. With my legs in this position, I can’t really help him so I simply reach down finger my clit and let him take the lead.

In the rear view mirror, I catch a glimpse of the sinewy muscle of his sweat slicked back as he rolls his hips against me. Man we make a kinky picture. My eyes drift closed with that image in my mind as my climax begins to take me. I feel my muscles start to contract all around him but I try to hold on because I know that he isn’t there yet. Eventually it’s too much and I explode with the intensity of it.

The hot electric energy starts in my center and radiates out from head to toe. When I come down from my high, I notice he still hasn’t climaxed. Never let it be said that Max Evans is a minute man. He’s looking at me with that devilish smirk. “Now that Princess is fucking. Have fun?”

I nod, “But what about you?”

“We’re getting to me,” He says and sure enough, we do as moments later I’m on all fours Max pounding into me from behind so hard I fear we’ll break the condom again. We don’t, and he works me up into another earth-shattering climax and this time he comes with me. He disposes of the condom the same way he did the other one and tangled together the two of fall into a sated sleep.

The next morning when I awake with Max’s arm draped possessively over me I start to feel like the slut that I am. There are no lustful feelings to sugar coat it. Not only did I sleep with the campus pimp but also I thoroughly enjoyed it. What does that make me? Less than a day ago, I was deeming Tess and the rest of those loose sorority girls the whore. I’m no better. It makes me a hypocrite.

When I Max wakes, we dress silently and he takes me back to campus. He pulls up in front of my dorm but before I get out I just have to say something “About last night Max… I think it would be best we just pretend it never happened.”

“Liz I…”

“There’s no need for a long drawn out explanation. It was something we both wanted I think…But it was still wrong. So we should just forget it. And I think it’d be better if we steer clear of one another for a while” I conclude and he looks visibly hurt. I don’t understand why though. I’m giving him and easy out “I mean I don’t care that you’re my big brother, I want you to be we should just probably try to avoid a repeat performance.”

He nods and I open the door preparing to exit. But before I can, he grabs my hand “Liz wait, just…if you ever do ever want to talk about it. I’m here I’ll always be here."

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:34 am
by Behrystrwbry
I must first apologize for the wait... What is it going on three weeks now?All I will say is that it takes a lot of work to graduate, and I'm not just talking school work...Anyway, thank you so much for the bumps.

Welcome to the new readers, I'll respond to individual posts later.

Chapter Four: Just Loose It…

The process p2


“Oh come on like you’ve never done anything to impress a Deke.” I goad Alex. Ever since I told him, what Isabel Evans thinks I am he claims I’m ‘putting on airs.’ Which I’m not; but if it were true, Alex may be just as guilty as I am. “I guess that means you really are a card carrying member of the Republican Party.”


“Senator Wells.” I prompt, hoping to shake loose this memory from the dusty corners of his brain. Senator James Wells, Duke U Alum, Congressional representative of the fair state of North Carolina, and former Deke. Last fall Wells was up for re-election so he made a special visit to his Alma Mater in order to encourage the student body to rock the vote. And what better place to stage the rally then his old stomping grounds, the steps of the Deke house. I’ve never seen so much red in all my life. I mean, republicans were coming out of the woodwork, former Deke men too, and there was press like you wouldn’t believe. ”You covered it for the paper, and went on for three pages about that man. Do you have any idea how hard it is to fit three pages of type, not double spaced mind you, into the layout?” Alex may not know this but it took the staff all night to edit that issue.

“That’s different.” He brushes off.

“Alex, when was the last time you even voted?” I ask. It’s a simple question, which he takes a moment to think about, as he scratches, his head then sighing in frustration “Save yourself a migraine okay. I’ve been your friend since we were three; trust me it’s been a while. And with the Dekes, last spring, you were totally stroking, hoping they’d remember your name when it came time for bids in the fall.”

See, we’ve all done our share of ego stroking and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

“Yes,” he acknowledges, “But I wasn’t telling people I was something I’m not.”

“Neither am I,” Can I help it if Ms. Evans assumed my family must own one of those huge casinos outside of Albuquerque? I did tell her I was from New Mexico and my mom owns a business, most people who pledge DEB have money. Therefore, it’s a reasonable deduction and it’s partially true. Just substitute ‘alien themed thrift shop’ for ‘casino’ and ‘barely recognized outside of town’ for ‘huge’

You see on Friday I got a bid for the Delta Epsilon Beta sorority. Which I’m pretty jazzed about especially after I met my big sister Isabel. I don’t want to get into the whole thing but you must understand that Dekes and DEBs are constitutionally bound one big happy family. So we have these big brothers, big sisters, pledge brothers, and blah, blah, blah…

The whole thing can be quite confusing but as long as I understand those individuals who are important to me, I should be okay.

That’s Isabel Evans, my big sister.

Michael Guerin, my big brother.

And now Alex.

Last night after the dance where I met my big brother, Isabel introduced me to her little brother which just so happened to be Alex, making him my pledge brother. She seemed unaware of the fact that he and I knew each other long before all this Greek stuff. The four of us went out for ice cream where the poor guy spent an hour and a half drooling over Ms. DEB. But I didn’t pay it much attention as Guerin and I were hitting it off as well.

Well if you call insults and arguments hitting it off. But I’ll get to the tortured artist and myself later.

However somewhere during this time, Isabel mentioned that we should all go out to Albuquerque to hang out at my parent’s casino, which immediately caused Alex’s news gathering antenna to go up. I had to subtly pull him aside and explain how that misunderstanding came about. Hence this inane conversation.

“You also didn’t correct her…” Alex sighs running a weary hand thorough his cropped locks, “Look I know how intimidating Isabel can be, believe me I know…” He drawls, further evidence that Ace reporter Whitman is completely infatuated with my big sister. “Heck when in her presence I might even say some things that…You know what, it’s wrong and you should stop before this whole thing blows up in your face.”

“Alex I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.” I say more as a joke than anything else, like I need protection from a bunch of pansy sorority girls.

“I hope so.” With that, Alex got up, as he and Kyle were preparing to leave. Apparently, our celebration breakfast would have to be postponed.

Early this morning He and Kyle came to our dorm room offering to take Liz and me to breakfast. However, before ten a.m. on a Sunday, I’m definitely sleeping and Liz never came home last night, which left me to deal with this impromptu wake up call. It ended up not being as bad as I thought it would be as the two of them made themselves at home watching cartoons and waiting for Liz to show up. I was just thankful I didn’t have to explain to my roommate’s boyfriend why she didn’t come home last night.

When I saw a rather weary looking Liz drag herself over to her bed, I knew why “You look like hell.” I observe going over to sit on the foot of her bed. Her curls and make-up are gone, only sign that she went to a dance last night is her damp cocktail dress. We’re not even going to get into the fact that she looks like she spent the night making out with a vampire. “Liz you have enough hickeys to open up an exhibit.”

“Really.” She says hopping of the bed to check out the damage in the mirror. “Do you think Kyle saw them?”

“My guess would be no…” I mean she was wearing someone’s sport jacket when she came in and Kyle’s pretty laid back but somehow I don’t think he’d take too kindly to the concept of sharing, least of all when it comes to Liz. “It’s nothing a bit of cover up can’t fix.” I tell her going over to hand her the make up I use. “Compliments of ‘big brother’ Evans. I’m guessing that’s his suit jacket?” I use the term brother loosely because I’m sure what transpired last night was anything but brotherly

She nods placing the aforementioned article of clothing over the back of her desk chair, “We went to this clearing somewhere behind Duke, to talk.” She goes on to explain that things between the two of them are civil now, but glossing over the rest of the details, “Nothing else happened...”

“Clearly something happened Liz. Unless you ran into a very eager beaver out there.” I say indicating the teeth marks on her skin. ”Did he bite you.” I ask noticing a particularly angry looking mark.

“So we made out a little. It was a mistake we both know that now. End of story.” She shrugs clearly signifying that this subject is now closed for discussion. Now my news gathering antenna goes up, and the investigative journalist in me will eventually figure this out.

This Greek life thing has gotten to all of us. I have one of my best friends giving me lectures on morality, the other making out with the campus pimp, and myself supposedly hob knobbing with the rich and famous.

Well not really...

But why the neurosis, why the crazy talk, what is it about fraternities and sororities that makes people just loose it?

I don’t know but I intend to figure it out.

Liz and I resume our position on her bed “So you and Alex seemed all cloak and dagger a moment ago. What was that about?”

“He just thinks my little investigation is going to blow up in my face.” I brush off “He told me now that he’s my ‘pledge brother’ I have to listen to him.” I roll my eyes. If I didn’t listen to him when he was my best friend do you really think I’m going to listen now?

I neatly omit the fact that Isabel thinks my family are millionaires.

“He may be right.” Liz says, always the voice of reason. However, I shrug it off because like I said we all do things we may not want to do for the sake of being Greek.

Alex writes articles,

Liz apparently makes out with relative strangers

And I… well I’m entirely sure what I’m doing.

Initially all I wanted to do was join a sorority, any sorority, to write a manuscript, a book exposing all the secrets and back room politics.

Then I started doing my research and I found out about DEB. Delta Epsilon Beta sorority Inc. The ideals they stood for were pretty much in line with mine. However, the deciding factor was when I saw a couple of them here on campus walking through the student union building.

They weren’t wearing their letters, simply turquoise t-shirts accented with pink belts, and everyone knew what those colors meant.

To me those girls represented the epitome of what it meant to be a DEB.

Just about every guy’s head turned as they walked by, while the girls, other sororities included, looked on with a combination of awe, and poorly concealed envy.

That was it; I had a total girl crush.

I was in love and knew at that moment, I had to be a DEB.

So now, not only do I want to write my book, but also I genuinely wanted to join this particular sorority.

Now I’ve worked on the school paper for three years and not once have I lied to get a story. I never needed to because real life is always better then fiction.

Yet isn’t that exactly what I’m doing with Isabel?

And why you may ask?

Because seeing those DEBs in the student union it all hit home for me. It doesn’t matter what you do, all that matters is who your friends are.

This whole time I’ve been busting my ass, writing tons of articles for the school paper, wanting to create something that will some day inspire someone, still people don’t know me from a hole in the wall. Yet all they do is exist and they have everyone’s attention, because when you’re a DEB you’re already on everyone’s radar.

People don’t want to be inspired anymore. They’d rather call in their votes to American Idol than read a poem. I hate to admit this, because I thought I’d put it all behind me when I graduated high school.

But, life is one big popularity contest.

On this campus, the DEBs are the ’it’ girls, and in order to hang with them there’s a certain image you have to portray. When I’m an ‘it’ girl maybe my work will be able to reach someone.

However, I haven’t exactly explained to Liz and Alex all my reasons for wanting this; to them I’m just an unethical journalist.

So I shrug it off, “Let me tell you about my big brother Michael Guerin.” I begin to explain to Liz how I’ve always sorta had a crush on this guy. I didn’t care that he was in a fraternity in fact I didn’t even know until I saw him at their party last week. I liked Michael because he wasn’t an open book; he was always quiet and brooding. I go for the challenges.

But he never looked at me as anything other than this annoying girl in all of his art classes, until last night, until he saw that pledge pin and knew what it meant, “I could just eat him up with a spoon…and actually I kind of did.”

She looks at me doing the universal gesture for felatio, and then raising her eyebrow for confirmation

“We didn’t actually you know…but it was certainly more than a kiss. He’s a nice guy and I’m thinking possible love connection. ”

“I’m really happy for you.” Liz yawns as she fluffs her pillow.

“That’s it?”

She nods, “What did you expect me to say?”

“Chide me on my rash behavior; call me Sluts McGhee, something.” I tell her. This is Liz Parker she never kisses and tells. I’m still waiting on answer as to Kyle’s girth. To talk about sex so openly is like sacrilege. “Why do I feel like this conversation is one sided.”

“I’m sorry.” she yawns again, “I’m really tired maybe I’ll be better company after a few hours sleep.”

I leave Liz alone instead I go to the clutch purse neatly stowed on her desk for answers. I find the condom I gave her last night missing. Looks like her and Evans did a little more than make out, but how could she not tell me, her best friend.

‘Strike one’ I note to myself. With me, everyone gets a three strikes rule where honesty is concerned. As my best friend Liz was always immune but if she want to play that game…

Then who am I to complain I haven’t exactly been forth coming with Isabel. Getting upset with Liz would make me a hypocrite.

I barely have time to think about it as cell phone buzzes to life on my dresser. Of all people it’s my mom. I have to say I was expecting it. Amy Deluca usually gives me a ring on Sunday to see how I am. This call is no different except she asks me if I’ve sold that box of blow up alien dolls she sent me.

I smirk at the irony of the question “…No mom I haven’t.” I begin, seriously doubting that I ever will now.


“Liz it’ll be okay.” I sooth as the two of stand on the side porch of the DEB house.

I’ve stopped being upset with Liz over her little omission of the truth last week. I’ve come to accept the fact that for whatever reason she feels the need to keep her secret and she’ll come to me when she’s ready.

Same as last week, on Friday, the thirteen were called before the sisters. And they told us never to enter through the front door until we’ve earned our letters. So here, Liz and I are on the porch, hidden from view fretting over whether we should go in or not.

“Maria it so won’t be okay. What are the only three things they told us to have each time we’re called?” I list off the requisite items; our pledge books, t-shirts and sweats, and our pins “Exactly and I can’t even do that.”

“They probably won’t even notice.” I tell her, those things are tiny after all. She just looks at me with that who’re–you-fooling face “Okay well, where’s the last place you had it?”

“I wore it to the dance on Saturday and…” as Liz is speaking her entire expression changes as if some horrible realization dawned on her “Oh my God.”

Before I can ask her what’s wrong, someone pulls up in a metallic red SUV blasting music from the speakers, which I’m sure, can be heard all the way down Sorority Row. I don’t know much about cars but I know when a vehicle looks expensive, and I think I recognize the BMW logo above the plates. When Tess Harding, pampered princess, climbs out of the passenger side, I know exactly whose car it is.

“What’s up guys.” she greets as she bounds up the steps past the two of us but not before stopping at the top to wave at her boyfriend none other than Max Evans.

The tinted glass window rolls down and he waves back, but I also notice the salacious wink he shoots Liz…

So does Tess, and she eyes Liz suspiciously before heading inside.

Both Liz and I are too stunned to speak at first.

Liz I think is experiencing a mix of embarrassment and mortification, though she did made a valiant effort to mask it, with that schoolgirl smile and blush she gives Max before he drives off.

I’m just trying to process, what exactly this exchange means, “You want to tell me what that was about?” I finally ask Liz once it’s just the two of us again.

“This is very bad.” Liz says

“So I gathered.” I comment wryly “But why?”

She looks away mulling over her options as she paces the porch.

She can either
a) Tell me the truth and we can both do damage control


b) Keep to herself and brave the wrath of Tess alone.

Which as a side note, is somewhat baffling because Tess has no reason to be upset with Max or Liz considering all the happy relationships she’s broken up including her own.

I can see Liz’s resolve crumbling as she takes a deep breath, “The truth is Last week after the dance…”

“…Hey guys. Did you plan on staying out there all night” I turn to see Serena through the screen door.

“No we were just…”Liz fumbles before saying, “Let’s go inside Maria.” And pushing me through the door ahead of her.

I head up the stairs, but not before seeing Serena pull Liz aside and whispering, “We need to talk.”

‘Strike two’ I note. One more strike and this girl is out.

“So you did go with him last weekend?” Serena says once the two of us are out of earshot. It looks like we’re in some type of closet. When I hear footsteps clump on the ceiling, I realize we’re underneath stairs. Her sentence was more of a statement then a question.

“With who?” I ask doing my best o play ignorant; I know just whom she means. Max, she wants to know what happened. Everyone does, myself included…

But, Serena can’t seriously expect me to bare my soul to her like this. I mean I know she’s supposed to be my big sister but I haven’t even told my best friend this very private, very privileged information.

Instead of humoring my question with a response, she simply opens her fist to reveal my pledge pin. “I believe this is yours.”

“Thank you I’d been looking for this.” I tell her, and she nods knowingly.

“Now I repeat; where did you go with Evans last weekend?”

I can’t believe this I’m a grown woman and somehow I have to report to this other grown woman, my peer, how I spent my weekend “Just somewhere to talk.” I admit.

“You didn’t…” she pauses as if trying to find the right words. I suppose it’s has to be a bit shocking I went anywhere with Evans considering he and I were barely speaking when Serena left he dance, let alone anything else.

Before she can even finish her question I interrupt her “…Not that I have to tell you; but would it matter if I did?”

“Tess returned this.” She informs, “When people start to talk, which they inevitably will…”

“…How does she even know this is mine?” It’s an honest question all the pins look the same.

Serena turns the item over revealing the small LP engraved in the metal. “So as I was saying, when people start to talk, I want to know if I should deny the rumors completely or stay out of it…”

“You can tell Tess or whoever else, if they have something they want to know about what I do with my big brother, they should come and ask me themselves.”

“Okay Ms. Hoity Toity, message received I’ll butt out.” She says as she throws he arms around my shoulders in a hug, but I remain rigid. Serena keeps switching gears; I’m never sure how to react to her. A moment ago she tried to pull rank on me and now she wants to be the ’big sister’ again?

I think not.

The two of us begin walking up the stairs towards the ritual room, Serena leading the way, me dragging behind her, “I could care less myself,” she whispers just loud enough for the two of us to hear as we walk through the halls, “Some people think it’s kind of incestuous when you… with the brothers. But Max is a nice guy so if you like him go for yours, just keep in mind what a precarious position it puts you two in.”

I nod; she accepts my acknowledgement before entering the room ahead of me. The two of us complete the group as Isabel and the other twelve are already there.

Serena and Isabel inform us that they are the co-chairs of the membership committee and if we have questions about our ‘process’, and what’s required of us, we should come to them.

I’m somewhat distracted the rest of the night, for a couple reasons.

The first being, Max. I’ve gone out of my way to avoid him this week. This included taking round about routes on campus to classes, and even feigning sick, skipping lab and getting the notes from someone else. And I never skip class.

I just didn’t want to see him until I could sort things out for myself, then he shows up in front of the DEB house causing me to blush as if I’m thirteen-year-old girl reading some tawdry romance novel.

And that wink. How could he look at me like that with his girlfriend standing right there? Unless he did…whatever he did with me to make Tess jealous.

The mere idea just makes me feel cheaper that I already did and I shudder in response.

I don’t miss the appraising look Tess gives me before leaning over to whisper something to the girl next to her. I imagine what she’s saying. ‘Liz stole my boyfriend and I’m rightfully hurt by this even though I’m fucking everyone in creation. Heaven forbid Max do the same...’

She’s been giving me these looks as if she has my number. I don’t know why I should care but it just makes me uncomfortable that Tess might know anything about me. I’ve heard this girl is ruthless, she can hold a grudge, and the last thing I want to do is start a war with her. Especially over a stupid, mistake.

A very enjoyable yet stupid mistake.

I can’t honestly say that if presented with the opportunity to be with Max again I wouldn’t take it.

All these things combined, are the reasons that while I may be here in the physical my mind is somewhere else completely.

I’m half-aware when they distribute our sorority handbooks, and give a brief overview of the history. Maria seems to be taking notes so I’ll just get them from her later, plus I know she did tons of research on DEB during rush week.

I hear something about each pledge needing to come up with over one thousand dollars in less than two weeks. $1,050 to be exact. When someone asks what the money’s for she gets looks from everyone as if she should know; chapter dues, big day gifts, pledge pins, and other stuff we haven’t even received yet.

I look down at the jewel-encrusted pin adorning my t-shirt. I remember thinking when I received my pledge pin last week that the sisters were incredibly generous. I was too naïve to realize that eventually, I would be paying for it.

We’re told that in addition to that sum of money our pledge class, as a group, is responsible for one activity dealing with the philanthropy and one fundraiser. Generally all things that require more money, and I’m starting to realize that becoming a DEB is a serious financial obligation.

After that, I tune every thing out completely thinking over what I’ll say to Tess or anyone else if I’m confronted. I have to keep in mind I will be in very close quarters with these girls for the next couple weeks…That’s when I hear my name, “…Liz. She’d be perfect.”

Maria leans in and tells me I’ve just been nominated for president of the pledge class. “Um yeah sure I guess.” I say though, it’s not exactly the best idea considering I don’t know what exactly I just volunteered to do.

“On second thought I will run.” Tess says and I’m thinking ‘What did I just get myself into?’ and ‘Why the hell is anything I do contingent on Tess’ decision to run?’

“All officers must be elected under Robert’s Rules of order.” Serena says attempting to throw me a bone. Isabel follows by informing us that each candidate must say a few words about why they’d make a good president.

Hell if I know. Still I take the floor “Um I’m organized, able to balance many tasks as can be evidenced by the twenty one credits I took last semester while maintaining my 3.8 GPA. Um what else I’m honest… that’s important for any good leader right?”

When Tess makes her speech, she makes a remark about ‘knowing how to have fun.’ Not to be a martyr or anything but that was clearly a rib at me. I’m not exactly known to be a party machine.

In the end, the ballots decide. Everyone writes their choices down on a scrap of paper and a baseball cap is passed around to collect them. Tess and I are asked to leave the room as the votes are counted. We stand outside the ritual room silently appraising one another.

When we return to the room, we’re informed that by some random stroke of luck I’ve managed to be elected president of the pledge class. Who’d have thought I could win anything against Tess.

Once everything is settled Serena and Isabel pack up and leave but not before strongly urging us to go over the first two chapters of the handbook. When it’s just us pledges I’m ready to get down to business. “Okay there are 247 pages and 13 of us so if we each take…19 pages…”

“…Whoa Lizzy we have plenty of time for study it’s only ten.” Maria says and I look up to realize that absolutely no one else was paying attention to me as they’re all too busy with the case of ‘mikes hard lemonade’ Tess has cleverly concealed in her duffle bag.

Just great. I’m president of a bunch of air-headed alcoholics.

Maria hands me one of the frosty beverages “You should be celebrating. We’re going to play spades over here. I need you partner.”

This just proves that while I may have won this battle the war is far from over.


Liz was elected president of our pledge class, which I thought was a good thing however instead of being happy about it she’s seems to be somewhat intimidated by it.

We’re stuck in the ritual room at the DEB house with eleven other girls. However, everyone else here is relaxed, talking with one another or just plain acting stupid, taking the time to unwind from the week. And while Liz is half-heartedly joining in the festivities, it is due in large part to the two bottles of malt liquor I had to practically funnel down her throat. I can tell on the inside she’s brooding.

Probably because of that nasty little rumor going around the house, that she bagged Max. Course I know it’s true so I can’t really stick up for her because I don’t know the circumstances surrounding. And she won’t talk to me.

Anyway, this has Tess up in arms and she and Liz have been having an unspoken pissing contest all night. Over a guy who’s probably using them both.

The pledge class is split right down the middle over this nonsense.

It was a six to seven vote that got Liz elected.

One vote that represents her tenuous hold on the group.

And I’m sure Tess has her cronies ‘The Rich Bitches’ as I like to call them, turned against the poor girl.

So while Liz wants to do her best, because that’s the way she is with everything she does, a group of girls here would like nothing better than to see her fail.

“Maria right?” One of the girls asks on the opposing team as I lean over to collect our third book of this hand. We may be having a bit of indecision but the two of us together can still play the hell out of a spades game even with one of us only half-paying attention.

”Maria Deluca.” I beam

“That’s right. Your parents own that casino outside of Albuquerque?” Tess provides and just like that my little white lie rears its big ugly head.

“What?” Liz balks which is a bit of a surprise considering up until that point I didn’t think she heard a thing we were saying. “You’re from where?”

“No talking across the board.” Chastises the other girl, which I’ve come to know as Brooke Davis.

Liz puts down a queen of diamonds, which Tess trumps with the king. “How do you two know each other?” she asks as she collects the book and leads with a heart

‘Must watch the board Lizzie ‘“We’re both from New Mexico we grew up together.” I inform as I throw down a spade.

“In Albuquerque apparently.” My partner adds eyeing me as she plays her card. I don’t think either of us is paying much attention to the game.

“Liz!” I bleat as we collect that book, and then I throw out a heart

“You reneged.” Tess points out.

I drop my hand, as does Liz when I pull her to her feet “You can have the points. If you’ll excuse us my partner and I need to have a talk.”


“Your mom owns a casino?” I ask finding myself in the closet under the stairwell for the second time that night.

“And you’re sleeping with Max.” Maria accuses. This is becoming redundant. Can’t people just have sex anymore without it making the national news? It was just a random act of lustful stupidity.

“Who told you?”

“No one I figured it out.” Maria tells me, and I completely believe her. When this girl wants to get to the bottom of a story she undoubtedly will. “But I did hear the whispers.”


Just fantastic, at this point who isn’t whispering about me, “I wanted to tell you I just didn’t know how. It’s not something I’m proud of.”

“Liz I know you and I know that you wouldn’t do something like this if there wasn’t something there. I guess what I’m asking is do you…like him?”

‘Like’ yeah. That’s one word for what I feel for Max “Maybe.” I admit, “I thought so, but what if he’s using me.”

“Given who you’re dealing with, it is a possibility.” Maria says “And what about Kyle?”

“I hadn’t even thought about him...He’s going to find out”

“Not necessarily. As of now, it’s just a rumor, mere speculation. We need to decide what we want the people to know and what we’d like to keep private. Then we can go do damage control and put the bond bombshell in her place.”

“You’re going to help me?”

“Of course I’m going to help you Liz even though it took you forever to tell me.”

“One week.”

“In best friend terms one week is forever.”

“Thank you.” I say giving her a hug. “Wait a minute you told someone your Mom owns a casino? This is what Alex was talking about isn’t it?”

“Well kind of, but I plan to set things right…” she says and I eye her suspiciously “Eventually.”

“Alright but we may have to do damage control for you once we’re done with me.” I tell her “Take care of it Maria. If someone doesn’t want to get to know you for the wonderful person you are then it’s their loss.”

“I will.”


“Parker…Parker what the hell is this?” I peel my eyes open to see one of the now empty bottles of ‘mike’s hard’ shoved in my face. I look up and am hit with a wave of vertigo. I also see that the bottle is attached to an arm, which belongs to Serena.

I smile burying my head in the pillow once again assuming my big sis is playing some type of game. “I’d have thought you knew that by now.” I joke. Come back after my stomach has caught up with my body.

After Maria and I had our little conversation, we joined the rest of the girls and managed to redeem our name in spades. We painted toenails, played truth or dare, basically all things girly. And I must have crushed at least two more bottles of the aforementioned malt. This must be the reason for my swimming headache and aversion to light.

I tunnel further into my sleeping bag only to hear Serena fire off a bunch of questions which I ignore, “You think this is funny? What the hell is it doing here? Is this how you study?”

“I tried to tell them but they wouldn’t listen.” I mumble from under the covers but I’m not sure she hears me.

“Get up …” She says pulling me roughly by the arm nothing like the sisterly affection of the week before. My whole body hurts probably more so from the alcohol then Serena. As if that weren’t bad enough my head practically explodes when she and Isabel start banging on pots with wooden spoons “Everybody get up now! You’re taking a test”

“A test?” someone whines, “It’s like eight a.m. on a Saturday.”

It doesn’t seem to matter much as the single white piece of paper is thrust at each of us. Five questions so if I miss one I loose twenty points, two and I’ve already failed. We all do our best, which most assuredly isn’t very good as no one even cracked the handbooks last night.

The exams are collected and graded

“Not one of you passed. What kind of idiots are you? How hard is to read two chapters?” Prue spits, She stops in front of me. When Serena and Isabel returned they brought with them Madame President Bitch. Just when I thought this morning could not get any worse “This is your fault Parker.”


“You’re the president aren’t you?” I nod and she continues, “It’s your job to bring them together.”

“I tried I…”

“…Save it.” She interrupts putting her hand in my face “You sicken me, you all do.” She says before heading to the door.

“What should we do with them?” Isabel calls after her.

“Take them to the sticks.” Prue calls back.

One by one each of us is blindfolded, hands tied, and escorted to what I believe is a cargo van, then driven somewhere. The next thing I know all thirteen of us thrust into some field and told to find our way back. Isabel unties my hands and blindfold before she and Serena get in the same van that brought us here and drive off.

I untie the girl next me who then unties the girl next to her until all of us are freed. I look around accessing our surroundings. I see miles of grass around us an abandoned shack not too far off in the distance. “I know this place…” I say whirling around and sure enough, there’s a patch of trees no doubt with a lake behind it and then Duke. “We need to go that way.”

“What? It’s nothing but trees that way.” Tess says, “I think we need to head back to the road and work our way from there.”

“I’m telling you I’ve been here before and Duke is just behind those trees we need to go that way. It’ll cut time” I persist

“Well so have I. My boyfriend Max always brings me here and we always take the highway.” Tess challenges, “Who brought you here?”

“Just… someone. We hiked from that way.” I cover

She simply rolls her eyes “I’m not going to waste time arguing with you those who want to head back to the road follow me.” Tess says walking in the opposite direction and five of the girls follow her.

I shrug and look to the rest of the group “We should get started“

The rest of the group and I head back toward campus slowly but surely The trek is short and like Max said there is a lake behind the trees and though we walk around our shoes and socks get soaked through from the damp soil.

By the time we make it back to the DEB house it’s nearly noon, all of us are weary, dirt smudged, and in desperate need of a bathroom. However none of that seems to matter when the seven of us stand before Prue once again her only concern is where the other six are “How many times have I told you, never to come before me unless you are in your complete number.”

“Actually you’ve never told us that Prue…” I point out but then correct myself when her head snaps in my direction “I mean, big sister Prue.”

“And you. What kind of leader are you? You can’t keep your group together, not one of you passed the test, and you show up her with only half of your pledge sisters. But then I shouldn’t expect any better from someone who can’t even hold onto your pledge pin.” She takes in my flabbergasted look “That’s right I know a lot more than you think.”

“Leave her alone already? “ Maria defends drawing Madame President’s wrath away from me “You’ve all been breathing down her back all weekend. How can you expect her to be responsible for people who weren’t even her friends a week ago?”

“Are you standing up for her?”

“Yeah I guess I am.” She says, “Somebody should.”

“Good.” Prue turns to me once again “That Parker, is sisterhood. Learn it” she then storms out followed by Isabel then Serena.

However before leaving my big sister stops to tell me, “Playtime is over, you have to shape up.”

I breathe a sigh of relief when they’re gone I head straight for my dorm, I don’t wait to be dismissed, I don’t wait for Maria I just need to be alone. I spend about an hour and a half in the shower before changing into my favorite purple t-shirt and a comfortable pair of relaxed fit jeans before curling up on my bed.

Maria was right; I don’t know these girls, they don’t know me how am I supposed to lead them.

Well some did know me well enough about me to nominate me and I was voted in by seven of the thirteen that has to count for something. I’m so confused. And when I’m feeling this way I usually turn to Maria, but she never came back to the room for all I know she could still be at the DEB house and that’s the last place I want to be. Kyle and Alex are no doubt occupied; Serena has turned into the wicked witch of the west.

So whom does that leave me with?

Sighing resignedly, I throw on a pair of sneakers and walk over to the Deke house to ask for my big brother Max Evans. I’m told he’s in the second floor library. I make the short trip up the stairs seeing that remind me that I am no doubt in a frat house. Or fraternity house as Max would correct me. The point is I see things best not mentioned in polite company.

I reach the library and sure enough, I find Max, science books spread out on a table before him. “You actually study.” I say still standing in the doorway.

“What are you doing here Parker?” he asks though he smiles when he sees me.

“I want… no I need to talk to someone. You have a few minutes?”

He doesn’t say anything simply stands and leaving his books where they are takes me by the hand and leads me to down the hall.


“Not now.” He sighs turning around but when he sees who it is “What is it Michael?”

“The pledges.”

“I thought they were building a sculpture or something.”

“They are but its Keebler; he keeps joshing around and getting everyone off task.”

The three of us head to the back porch where we see the group of guys mixing cement. He tells me to wait behind the screen door hidden from view but I can see the guys out there working hard, well most of them anyway. The have some type of conveyor set up; a few mix the cement others form the blocks and other put together the what looks to be the base of their figure.

“And this Whitman is how you attract the fairer sex.” Kyle explains flexing his muscles this way and that, “Specifically those of the Delightful Delta DEB variety. You know, so you don’t go ga ga the next time you’re around Isabel.”

Alex with a T-shirt tied around his head, which I assume, is supposed to be hair does his best attempt at a girl strut “Oh Kyle.” He swoons and falls in his arms.

I suppose I should be surprised but the two of them joke around like this with Maria and I all the time. I just didn’t know they were like this in front of other people.

“What would you know about that?” One of the other guys asks, “You’ve been out of practice for a year now with wifey on your arm.” “Wifey’, are they talking about me?

“The last thing Valenti is, is out of practice.” Another says, “Isn’t that right Keeb.”

Now what’s that supposed to mean? Here I am ashamed of what I’ve done yet Kyle is out having his own ‘fun’ “I look but never touch.” He says

“Who? Your wife of the groupies.”

“Well actually kind of both.”

“Kyle.” Alex warns

“What it’s true you’d think Liz was a virgin the way I have to pry the panties. I mean I love her but I’m no monk…” When he turns around Max is on his heels starting him.

“Finished?” he queries, arms folded across his chest “I mean you must be finished since you have all this time for talk.”

“Uh yes we are…”

“Funny I don’t see a sculpture.”

“That’s because our sculpture is Alex. Whiz Kid here is our sculpture.” Alex quickly strikes a bravado pose “Clearly representing all that it means to be a Deke man…Not buying huh.”

Max shakes his head “I’ll tell you what Keebler you and Whiz Kid follow me I’ve got a special project. I want you to imagine our founders what they set out to do…. Got that picture in your head?” Kyle nods “Good now think about it.” Kyle strikes a pose representative of August Rodin’s famous statue ‘The Thinker’… I get the impression he’s done this before. “Whiz Kid you stand here and hold…this for Keebler, in case he needs inspiration.” He beckons Michael forward with a huge book, which he places in Alex’s hands before positioning him in front of Kyle. I have to admit they do make quite an interesting picture. Turning to the rest of the group Max says, “There’s your sculpture guys make it in their image.”

Max grabs my hand and leads me back to a bedroom on the second floor “How long are you going to leave them like that?”

“As long as it takes the group to finish.” He says simply “But I don’t think you came here to discuss Keebler and Whiz Kid… I mean Kyle and Alex. What’s on your mind?”

“Why do they come to you with stuff like that?”

“You mean like outside.” I nod “Well I’m kind of the president.”

“Of all this.” I motion to the room and house, He nods “How do you know what to do?”

“I don’t really. I just go with my gut instinct. Where’s this coming from Parker?”

“I was elected president of the pledge class yesterday. But no one will listen to me; they all failed the test, and got lost in the woods. Serena and Isabel turned into complete witches, and I feel like I’m about to loose it…” I garble off

“Whoa just slow down for a second,” He says rubbing soothing circles on my back the two of us are sitting on the edge of what I assume is his bed “Take a breath, and let me see if I got this. You’re president of your pledge class but you don’t know what to do.” I nod Max ponders for a moment “Why do you want to be a DEB?”

“For Maria,” I tell him “She’s my best friend and was all excited about it. Then for Kyle, I wanted to be closer to him.”

“Yes, but why do you want do this? You shouldn’t join a sorority for someone else you have to figure out your own reasons otherwise it will just seem like you’re going through the motions.” He tells me.

“Why do you guys make us do all this stupid stuff.” His brow creases so I clarify “Like hold poses like a statue, and hike through the woods…I mean I understand the projects I guess they’re meant to teach us something but…do you have to be so evil about it?”

“I used to ask myself the same question when I was a pledge.” He smiles wistfully as if it’s some grandiose time in persons life, “Now that I’m on the other side I think I realize that the ‘stupid stuff’ is meant to teach you something too.” He concludes but then amends “At least in our minds”

I don’t see what trekking through the woods first thing in the morning is going to teach me. Seeing my skepticism he asks, “Alright Parker what’d they make you do?” I tell him about our little expedition, and how I got the group back to the house, well most of ‘em anyway… “That’s where you went wrong they wanted you to do it together.”


“Because if there’s ever real trouble, like from the school, or just life in general your sisters are supposed to have your back. You haven’t learned that if you left six of them out in the wilderness.”

“I didn’t leave them, they left me I told them they were going the wrong way what was I supposed to do, tackle them?”

“Yes.” He says, “I’m serious Parker. Because you’re the president, responsibility is always going to fall to you. So you needed to do whatever you had to, to get that task accomplished even if that meant knocking them around a bit,” He explains then taking note of my diminutive size. “Or at least getting someone to do it for you.”

“Is there really a need for physical violence?”

“Not necessarily but that’s where your reason comes in. If you know why you’re trying to become a DEB then you may be able to help others see why they’re doing it. Then you won’t have to push so hard.”

I think for a moment “What’s your reason?”

“Because Dekes are awesome.” He jokes and we both smile “Kidding. But my reason can’t be your reason. I’ll tell you someday.” He promises tweaking my cheek affectionately. “In the meantime I suggest you study because if you guys failed that test, there will be another one, and soon. Start by getting everyone’s contact information and start a phone tree, Serena should have that info but if she’s being a bitch I’ll get it for you”

“I guess maybe I can do that,” I tell him, considerably less frazzled simply being in his presence “It doesn’t seem so hard”

“That’s because it’s not hard, you can do it.” He tells me lips mere inches from mine “If you want to.”

Our lips come together in the briefest touch he’s sampling to see if I’ll stop him I don’t want to but I have to, “I should go.” I say hopping off the bed and heading for the door as if the devil himself were nipping at my heels “Thank you Max”

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:36 am
by Behrystrwbry
Yay, I luv ya'll.

Just for all the encourgaing support I'm going stay up as late as I can tonight and work on completing as much as I can. The next part should be Thur or Fri.

repost of 5b, 5a to follow.

Hope ya enjoy the nookie had fun writing it

Chapter Five: How to Play the Game

The process p3


“Another test is coming” When my cell phone rang in the middle of the night this cryptic message is the last thing I expected to hear. Though I’m starting to understand that when you’re becoming a DEB everything is unexpected. The curiously baritone voice garbles off the rest of the information “6:56 a.m. get ready.”

And I’m thinking one of the sisters must be undergoing a routine sex change or I have a guardian angel of the XY chromosome persuasion.

I rub the sleep from my eyes, stretch, then grab the Xeroxed copy of names and addresses off my nightstand, and begin dialing numbers. A little over half of them pick up and I tell them to meet us here in twenty minutes, leaving me with five charges to notify.

Because college isn’t hard enough what I look forward to is serving as in impromptu alarm clock for just over a dozen of my peers.

Stretching once again, I manage to drag myself out of bed, stumble across the small dorm room in the dark to let my roommate know that I have to go.

“Receiving booty calls in the middle of the night now are we?” Maria ganders as soon as I tap her shoulder. “My guess would be that wasn’t Kyle and I’m not so sure I how I feel about helping you squelch this rumor especially if you insist on continuing with this whole cloak and dagger routine…”Maria continues to go on and on about how unethical I am. Apparently, she’d been listening to my conversation, funny how she didn’t hear the thirteen phone calls that weren’t with Max.

I simply roll my as she jumps from one conclusion to the other before I finally inform her “You have to go to. We all do, I mean the thirteen of us. There’s going to be another test in few hours.” I hand her the piece of paper with the highlighted names “I need you to get these two girls for me. They are right across the way in Minor Hall. Try to be back here in fifth-teen minutes, the rest should be here shortly.”

With that, I’m out the door leaving my roommate to process my instructions. I’m relatively certain Maria will do what I’ve asked; just as I’m positive she won’t have a problem with me borrowing her car. After all, it is for the DEB cause which her obsession with is bordering on psychotic, we’ll get to that later,

Mainly I know Maria will do these things because we’re friends like that.

And we have a bond much stronger than any sisterhood. A bond has been forming for close on twenty years now. It can’t be shaken.

Also, she borrowed my jeans yesterday so she owes me.

The trip to the Lakeside apartments is just about fifth-teen minutes away. This is the complex where most students who live off campus stay. I know I won’t get back to my room before the other girls.

No one’s happy about being awaken at 3 a.m. but two of the girls come along easily, while in the other case I had to resort to extreme force.

As suspected, the four of us make it back to the room in a few minutes to join the rest of the group. A select few appear to be fuming about this impromptu gathering but I really can’t care about that right now. When my ass is on the line we study at four a.m. When it’s there’s perhaps they’ll be more inclined to beauty rest.

The room is cramped, every square inch of bed, desk and chair, is occupied. Seeing the disgruntled faces, I have to admit I’m just a bit apprehensive to address them. Still I take a deep breath and forge ahead. “So has any one actually read the handbook?”

“I have.” Maria’s raised hand pops from somewhere within the crowd.

“Besides you?” I say, of course she’s read it she probably memorized it. I love her but that girl is fanatical. “Anyone else.” No one gives any indication either way; I almost think they’re not listening. This is the defining moment where I either take control or I may as well lie down and let these girls walk all over me. I won’t let that happen. I begin explaining how we should go about splitting up the reading when the whining starts.

“You dragged us out of bed at 4a.m. for a history lesson.” Someone says. I can’t see who as there’s scarcely room to breathe let alone search out the disembodied voice

“No I dragged you here because you all want to become DEBs and….”

“She attacked me.” Someone rallies before I have the chance to finish my sentence.

“You’re lucky that’s all I did.” Maria’s lithe figure pops up from somewhere in the crowd.

I can see this supposed study session is quickly degenerating into an all out war and Tess is just eating it up. I’ve come to terms with that, figured out her angle. See, she knows that Max and I were together at least once; whether because of the pledge pin incident or just plain girlfriend intuition...That’s the reason she’s creating all these diversions. She would like nothing better than to see me fail. She’s probably the one who asked that inane question. Did I drag you ‘…here for a history lesson?’

‘Um No, I dragged you here to share with you my illicit fantasies about Max’ I think wryly to myself. Yes, I’ve come to terms with my feelings for him as well, but that children, is another story for another day.

“That’s it I’m leaving.” Tess declares and begins making her way to the exit.

“Walk out that door and so help me you will never see the inside of the DEB house again.” I threaten


I feel like an idiot with the whole group here watching us have it out. You’d have to be living under a rock not to know what it’s about. “You heard me. Leave this room now and consider yourself having dropped line.”

“You can’t do that…Can she do that?” Tess asks one of her friends

“Maybe I can’t but we can as a group.” I provide. Seems like the sorority put some rules in place to deal with bitchy behavior but then she’d know that if she bothered to crack your handbook. It turns out a pledge class can vote to disbar any of its members.

“You wanna be a DEB right?” Brooke, her card partner from the other night points out.

“I was born DEB.” Tess counters

“Yes we know, but wouldn’t it be nice to finally earn something of your own merits.” Maria queries.

Did I mention I love that girl? Always has my back. I try very hard to hide my smile at her perfectly timed comment. I see a few others stifling snickers as well

I guess everyone knows Mrs. Harding bought off the Duke chapter to ensure her baby got a bid. Completely mortified Tess takes a seat and remains humble through the rest of the session. However, I know the game she’s playing is far from over.

We split up the chapters each of us taking a couple of pages to read, and then outlining the key points for the group. It all goes smoothly since I popped off on Tess no one seems to want to cross me. I guess Max was right sometimes you gotta smack ‘em around a little bit. Course in my case it was metaphorically speaking.

We’re all studied up when we’re called to the DEB house later. And much to Prue’s surprise, we all ace the test.

“I see you’ve decided to do right by your line pledge Parker.” She commends and I can’t help but beam a little bit inside then she follows with “I can’t wait to see what you have planned for your Philanthropy on Saturday.” Bringing me right back down to earth. With that She turns to Isabel and Serena “I’m going back to bed.”

Isabel and Serena file out behind her.

As soon as they’re gone, “I guess this means we’re dismissed.” Brooke asks looking to me for approval and I shrug.

“Thank God.” Tess utters.

I almost surprise myself by thinking ‘the feelings mutual bitch’ as I watch her retreating figure.


“They all aced the test.” I relay to Max as the two of us lounge lazily on the side porch of the DEB house. Him in the recliner. Myself swaying in the breeze on the porch swing.

“Go Parker.” He comments as he peruses the girls hard at work on their Philanthropy project “Guess she took my advice.”

It’s a Saturday morning and today is the day the girls present their Philanthropy to us. Liz told me she split the group in half and charged half with taking care of the Fundraising project and the other half with taking care of the Philanthropy. Both groups will help one another but the committees are responsible for each will take care of the details. Her committee was up today and though Liz hasn’t told me what they’re doing all I know is the thirteen of them got up at the crack of dawn and went out back to the old basketball court and started working. Later Max came by and bought them cans of paint

“I’m really proud of her.” I echo, “She’s rising to the occasion.”

“Like you had anything to do with it. From what I hear you’ve been kind of evil to her.” He playfully accuses

“It’s what they call tough love…” I defend; everyone gets a bit crazy when it’s their turn to bring in a new group of girls. It was done to us; it’s only fair “So how goes the whole big brother thing.” I prompt changing the subject “Are we talking possible love connection?”

“I think I’ve screwed that up beyond repair. Liz wants us to pretend we don’t have this incredible chemistry between us…”

“Chemistry,” I muse, “So that’s what they’re calling it these days.” I tell you, these two are a couple of hard nuts to crack. Liz won’t say a word about what I know happened and now Max is being all vague. ‘Chemistry,’ what the hell is that?

I knew that Max wanted nothing more than to get into her pants but Liz… I didn’t think she’d have give in so easily. But I can’t judge her for it, as I too have had my one-night indiscretions and not one of them was as nice as Max.

He simply rolls his eyes and continues, “Anyway, for now we’re just friends. I’ll be here for her when you guys abuse them.”

“Can’t say I didn’t try.” I say referring to my failed hook-up. Though depending on how you look at it this could be considered a raging success. It did accomplish what I wanted from the beginning, maybe now that the sexual tension is gone and they’re ‘just friends’ all the drama between Liz and Tess will die down as well. I would have liked to see Max happy though, Liz too…

He nods in acknowledgement “What about you, who’s your booty call for the moment?”

“No one and I think I’d like to keep it that way.” I tell him “I have school and DEB, trying to have a relationship would just complicate things.”

“Not necessarily, if you find the right person.” He comments with that far off expression then starts fidgeting with his hands before looking me in the eye “Or you could just skip the relationship part.”

“Yeah ‘cause that’s what I want meaningless sex.”

“It wasn’t meaningless.” He says somewhat defensively. Okay, are we still talking about me now? “I mean it doesn’t have to be.” He amends

‘Right because I want to turn into a split personality like you Max. Having meaningless sex with the person I love’ I think to myself. I mean it’s so painfully obvious he’s not at all happy with Liz decision to wipe the slate clean and pretend nothing happened. I see it in the way he watches her when no one’s looking, how visibly hurt he was when she avoided him for an entire week. Or that smile he gets whenever she’s around.

But in typical Max fashion when his love life is in the toilet he turns to others and tries to fix theirs. “I’m serious let me set you up. I know someone who’d be perfect for you. He’s got this edgy sense of humor like you.”

“And just who is this perfect stranger?”

“My cousin.”

“Your cousin who can’t get a date for himself so he’s enlisted your help.” How pathetic is that? No, thank you.

“Getting a date is hardly Zan’s problem. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. I learned everything I know from him.”

He should be so proud “So why are you setting him up?”

“Because I think you could be good for him and vice versa. Just meet him once you won’t be sorry.”

“Okay but if I regret this you will too…”

“He’s a good guy. Isabel…” he calls as he walks by “Isabel, tell Serena how funny Zan is.”

“You’re not playing match maker again are you? Because you know I’ll never back you up on that.”

Did I mention that Max set his sister up with a 38 year old married man her second year in college? And Grant Sorenson just so happened to be her geology professor last semester. Isabel has always been a bit mature for her age but still…

“Can I help it if everything you want in a guy happens to be all the qualities of middle aged balding man?” Max defends

“Either way I’m staying out of it.” Isabel persists

“I just think Zan and Serena should meet.”

“And we will chill Dr. Love.” I say, “Bring him to Homecoming.” Turning my attention back to Isabel I ask, “So how are things going over there.”

“See for yourself.” She prompts and I sit up to reveal the now clear Basketball court and picnic area.

I don’t think I’ve even seen the pavement of the old basketball court that separates Sorority and Fraternity Row; it been so overgrown with weeds.

All the Greek houses are located on a dead end block shaped like a U. At the Juncture are The Deke and DEB houses. The basketball court and picnic area are all that separate the sexes. And according to our sorority records, the Greeks used to throw some pretty wild parties in their day. However, over time they got lazy with taking care of the property.

None of the Greek Houses belongs to Duke, so it wasn’t their responsibility. All of the land has been purchased by the over twenty Greek organizations that reside on that block. That included the court therefore it was our responsibility for up keep. We haven’t been doing such a stellar job.

Therefore, for their philanthropy project, the girls cleaned and painted the court, fixing the broken hoop and benches. I must say this project is something everyone can benefit from.

“They want us to get the rest of the sisters and the guys and head over there.” Isabel informs

“For what?”

“I guess we’ll find out.”

To establish a perpetual bond of friendship among its members, This part of our philanthropy the girls chose to highlight and they did it perfectly. They organized a tournament for the Big Bro, Little Sis pairs, and groups of four to play. Establishing a closer bond among the family groups. You could participate in one of two ways you could either play in the tournament or sponsor a team.

The mere mention of Basketball had the Dekes riled up as more than half of them are members of the basketball team.

“Alright time to score!” Kyle says as he and some of his line brothers are stretching on the court.

“You are talking about the game now aren’t you Keeb.” Alex says

“That too.”

“Kyle!” Liz chides clearly bothered by his seeming lackadaisical attitude toward their relationship. My guess is he’s joking but that may be a bit hard for her to see. Which I think has more to do with Liz insecurities than anything else.

“What babe? You know I love you.” He says placing a chaste kiss on her cheek before heading over to his team.

Liz just sighs resignedly as she comes over to Max and I “Ready to play some ball?” I say trying to cheer her up.

“I guess.” She says though I know her heart won’t really be in the game.

“Come here Parker,” I say enveloping her in hug “I want you to know that I’m proud of you for how well you’re organizing things.”

“We both are.” Max adds joining the hug and making a lovely Liz sandwich.

Then out of nowhere comes my little brother “Aww gotta have the family love.”

I feel Liz flinch when he joins the hug. “Sean!” she says moving away

“I can’t help it I see short shorts and creamy legs and I get a little excited…Nice Parker.”

Max looks like he’s ready to rip Sean a new one. “Keep it in the pants Deluca.” His fiercely protective nature when it comes to Liz is a bit comical since I peeped him doing a bit of leering at the jean shorts and plain pink t-shirt the thirteen decided to make their uniform.

“Let’s just concentrate on the game shall we? “

And that we did. There were thirteen teams but only five ended up actually playing as the other girls opted to work the cash box or cheer from the sidelines. Isabel sponsored our team since she wouldn’t be caught dead on basketball court and Alex her little brother helped Maria her little sister work the cashbox.

Our team however, couldn’t opt out as this project was sort of Liz’s baby.

We actually played very well for a team half of which were amateurs. While Liz and I weren’t very good at making shots we very good at defense and keeping Max and Sean clear so they could make the shots.

The tournament came down to Liz’s team and Tess’s team. And I think my lil’ sis’ liked knocking that girl over a little too much she got a foul for that on more than once; which made the game very close and in the end the other team won.

Blue Devils Deke, and soon to be Deke, Kyle and Luke took the rare opportunity to gloat and lord it over Max. A little good-natured competitiveness among teammates.

Liz however seemed less concerned with the loss simply happy the event was over. “You wanna go somewhere and talk?” I offer

She shrugs “Got a ride?”

I thought she did since she always seems to be driving. I tell her as much. We end up attempting to sequester a set of keys from Hurricane Deluca who was busy flirting with Michael.

Next we went to Kyle who was still gloating with the rest of the Dekes his win with the rest of the guys. “Yeah. I’m probably going to go to the Deke house anyway, the keys are in my bag.” he says pointing to the red duffel by a pole.

Liz and I go over and while looking through his bag among the usual things we find an errant twenty-dollar bill, which she pockets; an opened bag of jerky, which she tosses; and telltale pair of panties, blue lace and most notably not hers.

Looks to me like Kyle’s been running a bit of a game of his own.

“Maybe they’re yours.” I suggest clearly grasping at straws here. But she just looks so sad and I hate to see Liz sad. I’ll say and do just about anything to prevent it.

Having had my own foray into infidelity I know how not to be caught. Leaving a pair of panties in your gym bag that’s just plain stupid. I know Kyle and if he were cheating, which I’m pretty sure he’s not, he wouldn’t be that idiotic and careless about. If for the simple fact, that he really loves Liz. Despite all his talk he does.

So something isn’t right.

She looks at me with those big doe eyes and that ‘you know better’ look, “Do you really think I don’t know what my own panties look like, or better yet where I leave them?”

“Maybe they’re his...” Sean suggests and all three of us look at him as if he’s grown a second head “What Valenti has been known to get into some pretty crazy shit.”

“Sean you’re not helping.” Serena says, “Why don’t we take that twenty by the store and pick up four bags of chocolate chips Kyle’s treat.”

“Serena.” I warn. It wouldn’t be right to just go spending the guy’s money.

She continues anyway “Half to eat, and half for Max’s double fudge chocolate chip cookies, nothing seems so bad after you’ve consumed that much chocolate.”

“You bake!?” Liz balks in question.

“Shh…” I say placing a finger over my lips before nodding my affirmation to Liz. I look around to see if anyone was paying any to our small group. I’m satisfied when I see everyone going about their business in the immediate area. “You know Serena you’ve got the market cornered on ruining my reputation.”

“I think you’ve done a fine job of that all on your own.” she counters and the four of us share a brief laugh at that.

Liz smile fades “The cookies sound great but I don’t know about the company I mean the Deke house is the last place I want to be right now.”

“So we won’t go to the Deke house “I shrug “I’ve got a place off campus.”

I throw my arms around her and the four of head towards my car. As we’re walking, something occurs to me. “Wait a minute let me see them?” I ask then clarify when she looks at me in confusion “The panties let me see ‘em” she hands them over.

“Someone you know?” she queries as I put them to my nose. Curiously, there is no scent. Something definitely isn’t right. I smirk “You know what I don’t want to know.”

True to my word, the four of us go back to my apartment, which is a just fifth-teen minute ride from campus. However, we were sidetracked as we took a detour to the local super market and spent nearly an hour raiding the junk food isle and singing show tunes much to the dismay of passing customers. Though the singing was mostly Liz and Serena and maybe me too a little when Annie came on.

So maybe I have a thing for curly red haired girls.

And doe eyed brunettes as it turns out

Anyway, when we finally did make it to the apartment I set to work on the cookies while Serena put the first of the Star Wars movies. I’m talking about the original from the seventies Episode 4: A New Hope. Liz said she’d never seen it.

Which, in my opinion is travesty.

“Wait ‘til you see Max’s Star Wars action figures. He has a complete set.” Serena provides

“Serena.” Will this girl not shut up?

“What? It’s true.” She continues, “They’re from the seventies in mint condition, never opened.”

“Wait a minute were you even alive when this came out?” Liz asks who’s cracking up over this new information. Between the two of them, I’m sure I will never hear the end of this.

So maybe I wasn’t always this debonair. Maybe in Junior high I was a bit of geek. But it isn’t my fault “My dad gave them to me.”

“So it’s kind of like a family heirloom kind of thing.” Serena deduces “That I did not know. Evans your family is hilarious.”

“Shut up.” I say tossing a handful of chocolate chips at her.

“Some of us were eating those.” Sean says.

“Too bad,” Liz says using the blue panties, which some how had ended up on the floor, as a sling shot.

Pretty-soon an all out food fight has broken out and most of the chips and soda we bought end up in crumbs on the floor. Everyone’s clothes are destroyed, food’s caked in our hair. I imagine we make quite a picture.

I offer everyone a towel before going to check on the cookies “I can give you guys something to change into.”

“No thanks.” Serena says, “Once we get our cookies I think I’m going to head back to campus.”

“Aww do we have to.” Liz whines surprising us both a few weeks ago she couldn’t stand to be near me now she wants to stay “I mean who’s going to help Max clean up. I just don’t want to go back to the dorm.”

Serena and I look at each other then back to Liz. “You don’t have to go. If you trust me, I’ll drive Kyle’s mustang and drop it off by your dorm you can pick up the keys in the morning.”

“Trust you.” She laughs fishing the keys out of her pockets “Please do us all a favor and crash that thing.”

Gotta love this girls sarcasm though in this case I think she may be serious. And for some inexplicable reason I feel sad for Kyle. I know I couldn’t stand to loose her.

I feel sorry for him for all of a half minute before Liz asks. “In that case a T-shirt would be great.” I’m sorry did she just ask to wear my clothes.

I’m not exactly sure how much time passed with me starting at Liz before, “Evans.” Serena prompts snapping her fingers in front of my face “Evans give the girl a T-shirt already.”

You’ll have to excuse me my brain stopped functioning for a moment when this beautiful angel requested to wear my clothes. ‘Um yes please.’

There is something profoundly intimate and sexy about a girl wearing your clothes. It says this woman is either related to me by blood, a very close friend, or we just did “the dew” and she can’t find her clothes.

Course in case none of those are true…but they could be.

I hurry to my room and fish out a plain white T-shirt with the Deke crest on it. “Here you can use my sister’s bathroom.” I say showing her down the hall.

“Your sister has her own bathroom?”

“Both of the master bedrooms do and she stays here sometimes too.” I explain “It’s girly I figure you’d be more comfortable there.”

That and I’d be ashamed to let you see my bathroom. It’s idiotic really considering I just don’t want her to see my underwear strewn about the place and she’s already seen that and a whole lot more. This is Liz she can’t know I’m a slob. Not yet anyway.

When I return to the foyer, Serena and Sean are already divvying up the cookies.

“I’ll just walk home.” Sean informs. He lives in Lakeside too.

“So you gave her your pledge shirt.” Serena garbles around a mouth full of cookies

“I didn’t give it to her,” I correct “And yeah so what.”

“Nothing I guess it’s just only two people have ever worn that thing, you walk around in it for weeks at a time…I just figured it was pretty special.”

“Yeah well maybe it’s time to share.”

She rolls her eyes “Whatever just… I know you’re aware Liz is in a vulnerable place right now don’t take advantage of that.”

“We don’t even know if Kyle did anything.” I point out

“Are you kidding? Is there some secret code of the dirty cheating dogs? There were panties in his bag for Christ’s sake… I think she’s actually starting to respect you don’t screw that up. ” With that Serena is gone.

Leaving me to tidy up my room a bit

I know what you’re thinking but I’m not taking advantage of her. I just know that eventually Liz will get tired and I want to give her a comfortable place to sleep.

Okay so maybe I’m doing happy dance in my head, but I plan to sleep on the couch.

After I’m done cleaning up in my room I take a shower and return to find Liz thoroughly involved in the Trilogy munching on cookies.

I think she may have been a Sci-fi geek too.

I settle in beside her and with remarkable ease, she falls asleep with her head on my shoulder somewhere between the destruction of the first Death Star and Han Solo being captured. I take her back to my room then return to the living room to watch the rest of the trilogy.

I’m awaken to what sounds like crying and I realize immediately that it must be Liz so I crack the bedroom door and peek inside. There she is fast asleep. However apparently she is dreaming about something seemingly upsetting. I assume it must be Kyle. I’m loosing count of how many times tonight I’ve wanted to pummel that guy for hurting Liz.

It’s irrational I know especially since I don’t think he really did anything but I can’t help it…

Eventually her pitiable snivels get the better of me and I join her hoping that she will at least gain some comfort from my presence. I sit on the edge of the bed making sure to keep a good distance between us more for the sake of my control than anything else. If anything, my presence seems to make it worse so I get up to leave but as I’m doing so she rolls toward me and an almost inaudible ‘stay’ escapes her lips.

I know this sound like something out of a bad romance novel not that I’d know or anything… But honest to God she said that. I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried

Of course, I do the gentlemanly thing and resume my position on the bed. She looks so helpless, swimming in the T-shirt I gave her. So I put my arms around her for good measure.

You ever find yourself having the absolute, perfectly, indescribable dream and you wake up to find out its real?

That’s exactly what happened when I woke up sometime during the night wrapped up in Max’s arms “You sounded like you were having a bad dream, whimpering in your sleep.” he explains “I didn’t want you to be alone.”

He doesn’t need a reason to stay with me at this point; I mean this guy knows things about me he definitely shouldn’t know…But if he wants babble a bunch of pointless rhetoric who am I to stop him.

“This thing with Kyle I think you may be blowing it out of proportion.”

“I wasn’t dreaming about Kyle.” I say and when I tell him what I was dreaming about to he simply blushes that adorably dimpled smile. I can’t help myself. I find myself kissing him.

Kissing him to forget what Kyle did to me.

Kissing him to remember what it feels like to feel wanted

But mostly kissing Max, to explore the feelings I’ve had for him for longer than I care to remember.

“Liz what are you doing?” he says against my lips

“That should be obvious…” I respond the vibration our voices and the warmth of his breath adding a delicious component to the lip lock

“We can’t.” He says pulling away to look me in the eyes he’s dead serious.

“Why?” I ask diverting my eyes briefly, “Before I felt bad about it but now…”

“Now Liz you’re feeling hurt, betrayed and this may not even be what you think.” He tells me putting more physical distance between us and I miss his warmth “You’re trying to forget…Believe me I know…You’ll probably be with many people before you decide what you want.”

“Is that what you did?” He nods. This can’t be happening. Max Evans is turning me down. The Ace of the Dekes, who was up until a few weeks ago infatuated with me. But it was me that wanted to put the brakes on and now I’m regretting that decision more than anything. Even, more than my failed relationship with Kyle strange. “Then why can’t you just be a friend…who helps me forget.”

He shakes his head softly then gets up and goes in the living room. I’m suddenly very cold. I wrap my arms around my body and pull my legs beneath me. Tears water in my eyes as Kyle’s word of long ago echo in my head I’m just not the kind of girl that ‘turn guys on like that.’

“Smell these.” Max says tossing the scrap of blue lace in front of me.

“What?” he can’t be serious. Who knows where those things have been I could catch crabs, or syphilis, or something. I’m not putting those things anywhere near my face.

Seeing my distaste “Just smell them.” He urges

Reluctantly holding the underwear between my thumb and pointer I give the a wiff ”They smell like chocolate.” I observe remembering our food fight from earlier


I smell them again “Nothing else.”

“Exactly. Now you’re a smart girl Liz if someone were wearing those, before they were about to have sex they wouldn’t smell like chocolate.”

He’s right. At least not if it were good sex “So what are you saying?”

“Someone who wanted to make you mad probably planted them in Kyle’s bag. ”He offers. But who would do such a thing? Before I even finish the thought one name occurs to me


It’s the one name on both of our minds. “Just don’t jump to any conclusions before you talk to him and in the meantime I’ll return these to their rightful owner.” He concludes.


Liz smiles with what I assume to be relief, and I notice the tear tracks on her cheeks “Parker, were you crying?”

“It’s stupid really.” She says wiping at the fiercely, and looking away

“Tell me.” I urge

“Before when you said we couldn’t… I thought it was because you didn’t want me.” That couldn’t be further from the truth and I tell her as much then move to where she’s standing at the foot of the bed and stand close enough to her to give her proof of that fact.

But even if that were true, wouldn’t it make her happy. I thought she wanted nothing more than to be friends. Liz Parker to this day is an enigma to me “Max?” she whispers close enough to my mouth for me to breathe in her words “The truth is I really enjoyed myself the last time we were alone like this.”

“You mean with the fucking.” I tease. I know where this is heading yet I can’t seem to stop myself.

“Yeah that.” she confirms putting her arms around my neck and whispers in my ear “And even if it makes Tess hate me with the fire of a thousand suns, I could stand for a repeat performance.”

“Good analogy.” I croak. Her hand is now in my shorts stroking me into a nice woody “What about Kyle?”

She doesn’t answer as her mouth attaches to mine and her tongue is busy dueling with mine. Her lithe legs circle my waist and the two of us fall backwards on the bed. My erection nicely cradled by her core.

The shirt has ridden up and the tiny pieces of material girls like to call underwear leave little to the imagination. As her warm liquid soaks through the front of my shorts, I’m reminded of just how good it feels to be inside her. It also brings to mind a particularly vivid fantasy.

My hands ease underneath the shirt, which now rests just beneath her perfect tits, and slowly inch it up her body and pull it over her head. I revel in every curve of her body as I kiss my way down to the juncture of her thighs.

Playing with the band of her plain white cotton panties, I comment, “Not blue lace, but I like.”

She smiles briefly “What are you doing?” she asks as I inch them down her legs.

“I would think that’d be obvious.” I joke, “Just fulfilling a fantasy baby.” I say parting her legs and revealing her sopping core to me.

There aren’t many girls I’ve wanted to do this for. It was more the courteous thing to do. With the exception of Tess of course, but I thought I loved her. Liz however is the only one I actually wanted to taste.

So wet

So ready for me.

I part her causing more of her creamy goodness to ooze forward. I have at it, licking up one side down the seam of her inner and outer lips. I lightly graze her clit with my teeth and lave her wholly.

I add just he tip of my pinky finger. This frustrates her to no end I know, but I don’t want to get her off yet just get her ready for the main event.


He’s teasing me I know. And why would someone do something like that in a situation like this “Ughh would you just…” I blubber looking down at him. Which I don’t care how good it feels it’s just plain weird seeing someone between your legs.

“Just what?” his voice vibrates against me, sending an electric tingle straight to my spine. I close my eyes with the intensity of it. But not before seeing Max’s glittering smirk hover above me.

“Patience Princess…” His soft lips peck my forehead. I feel him reach for something in the nightstand beside us and when I open my eyes, he’s sheathing his erection with a condom.

I don’t care how many times I see this it still turn me on every time.

Slipping his hands around my waist, he brings our lower halves together and enters me with one fluid motion.

Our paces are all off I’m too fast because of the fit his delicious mouth worked me into earlier I need to get this over with.

He however keeps going steady, yet sinfully slow, all the way out then plunging back in. Now established from the other night Max has quite and impressive length and when he moves inside me like this I feel like I could just explode.

Still he moves at a snails pace and I keep trying to hold him there and speed up.

Finally he flips us over so he‘s on the bottom “You want to lead go ahead.” I’m suddenly very self-conscious with him looking up at me. At my sudden lack of movement he questions, “Don’t you like being on the top?” He questions palming my boob.

I shake my head in the negative “Kyle said I was never any good on the top I can’t really get us off.”

“Nonsense Kyle doesn’t know what he’s talking about, you can always learn.” He says leaning up and placing a chaste kiss on my mouth “Firstly never mention his name when I’m inside you. Second, don’t sit on it baby it’s not a stool. Here move up a bit.” He strums his fingers along my spine urging me forward. “Better?” He questions leaning back. He lifts his hips trying to match the pace I’m setting “You gotta ride it like a sea-saw.”

“I’m trying you’re just so…”

“…So what?”


“Parker you are very good for a guy’s ego.” He smirks. Well it’s true every time he move in this position I feel him in my abdomen. It was weird at first but now it’s kind of nice.

I still feel like an idiot “Could we turn off the light.”

“No concentrate.” He answers succinctly, I sigh “Why?”

“Because…this is so weird with you looking at me. You can see everything.”

“I’ve seen you before.”

“In the dark. That was different.”

“Okay princess no more talking you’re loosing focus.” He instructs. ‘Focus’ What the hell? A moment ago I was ready to come now I feel like I’m doing a math problem.

A very big…


…Incredible math problem.

He begins touching me where we’re connected running his thumb over my clit. I close my eyes and concentrate on the sensations.

It feels like I’m riding a wave. I dig my knees into the bed and try to move my hips in time with his.

And I feel him. I feel him everywhere.

Like when you dance and there’s just you and the rhythm of the music.

Its’ just me and Max riding the waves.

I keep my eyes shut but I feel his sweat slicked chest against mine.

I rest my head on his shoulder “That’s it baby. Are …are you close?” I nod “Me too. We’re going to come together. Look at me…please. I want to see your beautiful face when…” The rest of his words are lost as I feel him lengthen and explode in the condom.

I desperately wish we didn’t have that barrier between us.

His amber eyes are the only thing I see as I begin to contract around him only seconds later.

The two of us fall asleep sated, and wrapped around one another.

Sometime later in the night I awake the first thing I see are those amber eyes and the fire ignites in me all over again “You were watching me?”

He nods a guilty blush staining his cheeks. Then his expression turn serious and he begins playing with an errant thread on the sheets “What is this between us.

“Well we’re friends” I provide. I know what he wants but I don’t think I can give that to him. I don’t think I can give that to anyone anymore “Friends with benefits.”


“Max I like you a lot, I know you feel the same way but I don’t see why we can’t continue on like this.”

He nods “You never answered me before, about Kyle. Are you going to break up with him?”

“There are parts of me…of my soul that you touch that Kyle never can. I mean he did at one point but I’m not sure he even wants to anymore.” I admit that’s as close to an admission that I’m going to give him. A ghost of a smile seems to warm Max’s face “But I can’t leave him, at least not yet. But you have Tess right.”

It’s long moment before he answers “Right.”

“Good and as long as you keep her off my back then we can keep this up. Top-secret sex, it could be fun and everybody’s happy.”

He smiles “So what exactly are the terms of this arrangement? Lets say I’m struck with the urge can I just come over and grope you in the middle of the night?”

“Can I grope you?”


“Then that’s your answer.” I say leaning over to take his mouth. I’m not sure we make love but we make something many times that night. And early the next morning before dawn, on his way to practice Max drops me back to my dorm.

I know what you’re thinking that I’ve turned into something I vowed I wouldn’t. That may be true but for the first time in a long time I’m happy.

That’s how we’ll play this game.

There are no terms for this arrangement as long as we’re both happy.

As John Rawls would say, “The greater good for the greatest number of people…”

I just want to make myself happy

Like everyone else does.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:47 am
by Behrystrwbry
Hazz- :D come out of lurkdom more often
Michelle- Yes, that shall be my new "philanthropy" and it's looking like Tues will be hte day to expect an update. :)

Chapter Six: The Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad, No Good Day



“You with me so far?” I question for good measure, receiving nods and grunts of affirmation from the two of them, who sit digesting the part of the story we’ve shared with them thus far. Both Serena and Isabel knew bits and pieces but neither of them knew the unadulterated truth.

Now that we’re all DEBs I decided it would be best to tell them. No secrets among sisters and all that…

Well, actually Max decided then badgered me into it.

He bribed me with cookies and I’m sorry but I’m a slave to chocolate. What girl isn’t? If he keeps baking like this, I’ll be 400 pounds by the time I graduate.

He fooled us all, luring us to the apartment offering baked goods, then holding us captive.

I snuggle further into Max’s embrace. Okay so maybe he didn’t need a reason to hold me captive but the other two I’m sure are none to thrilled to be here.

I grab another of the cookies off the coffee table. Which I feed to him from our reclining perch on the love seat.

“Would you two quit it long enough to finish the story?” Serena prompts drawing our attentions away from each other.

“You’re hot for each other, okay we get it. We don’t need an up close and personal view.” Isabel whines, and were this any one but my ‘special’ and big sister I’d have told them to go screw themselves and been done with it. But I know that they just want to get to the bottom line. And I can’t really blame them.

The way it looks now Maria screwed us all…

Max rolls his eyes and makes a face that his sister and Serena can’t see as I’m blocking him from their view, we share a secret smile “Why don’t you finish telling them Liz I’m gonna go get us a pizza or something.”

“We’re fine just continue.” Serena assures, “I don’t understand. If you and Max were so into each other why didn’t you just dump Kyle and Tess to be with each other?”

“That probably would have been best but…I think we were both scared.” I explain looking to Max who nods his agreement “I knew about Max’s reputation before I even knew him, and how was I to know he would be any different with me. I couldn’t just leave my steady of the past two years for a relationship that may, or may not be.”

“And my parents, they wanted me to marry Tess.” Max adds, “I didn’t want to disappoint them unless I could be sure, and Liz wasn’t giving me any confirmation either way.”

“He’s right I think my mom and Mrs. Harding started plotting since Max brought Tess home the summer after our sophomore year.” Isabel confirmed

“She’s been to your house in Boston?” I question and I’m almost certain my jealousy showed with that comment.

Max nods, “You will too someday.”

“Soon I hope.”

I was somewhat comforted by the idea of meeting the rest of Max’s family, that is until Isabel added, “Max visited the Hardings in Atlanta too.”

“Remember babe I thought I loved her.” He quickly tells me with a chaste kiss, “But now I know you’re the only one for me.”

“How was it?” Serena asks

“Too big.” He says, confirming that her Georgia abode is much like Tess herself, too much for one little girl.

“Anyway” I begin, attempting to bring the conversation back its original focus “if we had come forward with our feelings for each other we may have avoided this whole ugly mess, because after the third week of our process, that’s when things really started to go down hill...”

“…Maria turned into the Benedict Arnold.” Isabel provides.

“Well I wasn’t exactly being a very good friend to her...”

Two Weeks ago

“Table for two please.” Tess’ voice interrupts me from my task at the podium adding receipt. It’s a casual Wednesday, middle of the week and I don’t usually think about my DEB stuff until about Friday so this one here was the furthest thing from my mind.

I shoot Maria a glance at her post behind the counter and she sends me that look signifying ‘I’m here if you need back up.’

Seeing Max sidle up beside her, I just might have to take Maria up on that offer. “Three actually.” He corrects, “Michael said he’s coming.”

Tess gives him a dirty look before saying, “Whatever I’m going to the bathroom,” and thrusting her packages at him.

That is one charming young lady he’s got for a girlfriend there.

Anyway, our sophomore year, thoroughly tired of being strapped for cash Maria and I went looking for work at the local mall. We were thrilled when we found a place that was willing to hire us both. Johnny Rockets that chain of vintage 60’s themed diners. They have a jukebox, serve malts and it’s the hangout for many Duke Students.

Therefore it shouldn’t have surprised me to see Max and ‘She who shall remain nameless’ here. But you’d think out of all the places to eat in the mall they could choose something else. He knows I work here and the last thing I want to do is see the two of them together.

The restaurant is nearly empty so I won’t have any trouble seating them, most importantly not in my section.

“Let me help you with those.” I offer to Max who’s clearly struggling with more than ten bags. “Just follow me.” I lead him to a booth.

“She chose.” He tells me once he’s seated, and the are bags safely placed beside him.


“I made the mistake and letting Tess choose where to eat.” He explains, “I wouldn’t have come otherwise, at least not with her…I’m sorry. I can imagine how awkward this must be.”

“Oh well don’t sweat it.” I assure “I’ll stay out of your way.”

And I will which is why Ms. Deluca will be waiting on them.

He nods in acknowledgement “So what are you doing later?”

“Um I’m not really sure but won’t you be… occupied.” I say nodding my head toward the female restroom. I mean he came in here with his ‘girlfriend’ yet he‘s on the make at the same time.

“I can get rid of her.” He waves off. Then with a decidedly lecherous once over says, “You feel like going for a drive?”

So is this how it’s going to be? Max will just come to my place of work and offer me sex in the middle of the week. While I could get used to the idea I don’t think this is the best way to go about things if this is to remain a secret.

Still blushing straight through to the roots of my hair, I respond, “I’ll call you,” covering my smile with my order book.

“Okay what was that little exchange about?” Maria queries once I join her behind the counter.

‘ Still blushing something fierce I answer, “You and I really need to talk later.”

My best friend gives me that look of skepticism but then quickly dismisses it as some guy, I believe I’ve seen before, enters the diner and heads straight for Maria giving her an affectionate hug. “We still on for tonight?” he asks and Maria nods, speechless but blushing almost as bad as I was

I just shake my head knowingly as I watch this pathetic scene. And that is exactly what we are,


Falling for these GQ pretty boys.

Though this one isn’t exactly GQ, more like windblown rugged charm. Like Orlando Bloom but much bulkier. Once the guy is safely out of earshot I turn to her, “What was that? Or rather who?”

“That was my big brother Michael.” She answers matter of faculty

Michael yes, I knew I’d seen him before at the Deke house.


“And tonight?” I question

“Tonight he’s going to show me how to make pie.”

“Pie?” I question. Yeah right, least not the kind you bake up in pan.

“Yeah he has this really great recipe for Key Lime Pie,” she explains continuing with this pathetic charade “he’s going to show me how to make it.”

“At eleven something tonight?”

“It’s the only time we both have available.” She continues once she realizes I’m not buying “Okay so we really need to talk…”

I say nothing further but I’m still eyeing her unbelievingly when I look over and see Kyle and Alex making themselves comfortable at the counter in front of us. “Hey long time no see, stranger.” Alex greets, while Kyle gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

“We could say the same for you two.” Maria counters, I imagine thankful for the subject change.

‘Gone but not forgotten’ I note, I’ll get to my best friend later. “I take it you’re not here on official Deke business then?” I ask.

“That depends on how you look at the word deke.” Alex says, to Kyle’s stern warning. “What it’s true. You should have heard him on the way over here boasting about how he was going to ‘get himself a piece’, and he wasn’t talking about the pie.”

That kind of pie seems to be very popular tonight.

My three friends’ eyes are on me as if I hold the keys to the kingdom, and I imagine I’ve just turned about three shades. Partially because we’re all sitting here casually discussing Kyle and my sex life, and partially because the idea of he and I being remotely intimate seems foreign to me, at this point.

“What time do you get off?” My boyfriend finally queries to the rapt attention of our other two friends. Realizing the perceived bawdiness of his question, he quickly amends “I mean, from work.”

“Um…we’ll be right back.” I say grabbing Kyle’s hand and excusing us.

I take us to the cul-de-sac entrance which leads to the parking garage, and is right next to the diner; there we have a bit of privacy “I get off at ten but I have a bunch of homework and…”

“Homework,” he muses in the mocking tone that only Kyle can muster, “So that’s the excuse this week?”

“Excuse?” I echo already seeing that this is going to be another fight.

“Yes excuse, every week I try to carve time out to spend with you but you’re always busy, either its work, or school, now DEB…I don’t know why I thought it would be any different this time?”

“It’s not like you’re always free either. You have basketball practice, or Deke…” I fling back

“And still I make time,” is his terse response. To which I’m silent.

He’s right he does make time, he’s the one that’s been putting in all the effort while I’m preoccupied with something else, or rather someone else… I haven’t been fair to Kyle since I started this whole DEB nonsense, and Max started to weasel his way into my heart. I’ve been avoiding my own boyfriend; I can be quite good at that when I want to. I felt guilty and I thought Kyle would figure out why.

Quite honestly, I was relieved when I thought he might be cheating. Speaking of which, “Kyle I found panties in your gym bag…” I blurt out unceremoniously. I hadn’t meant for it to come out like that. But what better place to have out our grievances, than in the middle of a mall that most of our peers frequent.

“Why’d you leave your panties in my bag,” he scratches his head “And what has that got to do with anything?” clearly he’s clueless and this only confirms Max’s suspicions.

Man that girl is ruthless…I mean this is nothing new but it never fails to amaze me the depths to which she will stoop.

“Maybe if you didn’t act like I’m denying you your weekly supply of ass all the time I’d be willing to…”

“…Supply of ass. Liz I just want to spend time with you. You know, like we used to before we both got busy. We had no money so we used to just walk around campus and laugh at stupid jokes, raid vending machines and talk all night...” He’s right, I remember how when it was warm we would fall asleep on the grass underneath the tree by his dorm, and then when they turned on the sprinklers in the morning we’d get up and go to the cafe. I may not be in love with Kyle but I do love him, and we always have together“…it didn’t matter as long as we were together. We don’t do any of that stuff anymore, and you have to swear not to tell any of the guys but…I kinda miss it.”


Just fantastic

Now I can’t even fool myself into thinking I ran to Max because I was hurt…

Why would I be hurt?

Because my boyfriend who actually loves me for me, in spite of all of my flaws, wants to spend time with me.

And then there is the fact that Max could just be using me. If I leave Kyle for him then he turns out to have just been playing games. I’d feel worse than I feel now.

Which is pretty terrible

Because it doesn’t get much worse than being a cheating whore…

But wait a minute. What was all that about ‘getting a piece?’ That certainly wasn’t just about spending quality time and I ask him as much

To which he answers, “Liz I’m a guy, of course that’s part of what I look forward to. It doesn’t mean that’s the only reason I’m there.”

Wearily I sigh, “So where are we going anyway?” I say finally.


“If we’re going to spend time together I’d like to at least know where we’re going” I clarify “There’s not much open at ten and…” before I can finish my sentence Kyle’s lips are on mine kissing me more fiercely than he has in a very long while. Mostly because I never give him the chance.

“You won’t be sorry Liz.” He assures, “As for where we’re going…I’ll take care of that you just be ready when I come back by to get you.”

He hurries back into the diner leaving me stunned and silent and I see Max was watching us through the window.

This is very bad.


When Michael took me to the Deke house, I don’t think anyone actually used my given name. I was just ‘Liz’s friend’ or ‘Isabel’s little’, and the majority of them didn’t even know who I was to begin with. This after two years of consistently writing for the Blue Devil Times.

But then I keep forgetting that many of these frat boys probably haven’t picked up a newspaper since they did their current events assignments in the eight grade.

In that way Michael actually surprised me knowing the actual titles and quoting some of the pieces I’ve written. I should have known then that it was too good to be true. I mean I couldn’t expect him to be intelligent and monogamous.

We’ve been seeing each other on and off for about three weeks, meeting for these late nights sets either by the Deke house or by my dorm. Occasionally our meetings would require a bit more privacy and he would sneak me into his room in the frat house after hours. I know what you’re thinking.

How does a frat house have a curfew on overnight guests?

But they have an in residence graduate advisor who doesn’t take too kindly to the idea of the guys using the house as a brothel. Or at least that’s what Michael told me.

Anyway, it was well after hours before Michael and I finished the pie. He told me that we had to leave it in the ‘fridge for a while and it probably wouldn’t be ready until morning. Therefore, he said I could stay over and wait or he offered to bring me a piece to class tomorrow.

In a house full of hungry males, the pie had about as good a chance at making it ‘til 3pm tomorrow as I did at dying my hair pink.

Not very likely.

Therefore, I opted to stay over. Things between the two us were going very well. We hadn’t put any official name on it yet but I think it was safe to call us a couple. I knew he wouldn’t pressure me into anything, because that’s just the kind of guy Michael is. “So I think my dress for the formal in the spring is going to be green…kind of like emerald.” I tell him later as we lie cuddled together under his blankets.

His roommate is nowhere to be found. And Michael says the guy rarely come home.

“Don’t you think it’s a little early for that?” He cautions, clearly trying to step lightly around my feelings.

That should have been a big red flag signaling for me to pump my brakes, slow down, but I keep plowing along, “I know I’m not a DEB yet but I will be by then and I figured we’ll probably go together.”

“Maria, I’ve been apart of this fraternity two years and not once have I gone to a formal. Those things are a waste of money, just a reason for the wealthy alums to socialize with the new crop of guys, scout out those worthy of the old boys network. What makes you think it’s going to be any different this time?”

“Maybe, but we’re starting a relationship and….”


Uh yeah, “Aren’t we?”

“I haven’t really had one of those either. I know we’ve been seeing a lot of each other but this is just a thing… besides I can’t afford you.” What is that? How does he know any thing about what kind of money I do an do not have? “Don’t look so surprised I know who you are Maria, everyone does. I’m sure I’m not exactly the guy you planned to take home to mommy.”

I pick up my face and leave shortly after that glittering revelation, because what do say to that? ‘Uh I tend not to hand out my ass in casual things… sorry you didn’t get the memo….’ At this point, it would be irrelevant. I feel about as cheap as I look walking back to my dorm at 3am mascara running down my face.

Pretty horrible.

He got what he came for, and worse he probably thinks I’m some snotty heiress he screwed over…Which couldn’t be farther from the truth.

As I round the corner to our hall, I see my roommate quietly closing the door to the room, “Okay Liz big fat told you so…Let me tell you what Michael said.”

“I really want to hear this story I do,” she says as she passes me “but it’s going to have to wait…”

“Where are you going?”

“Out…I’ll explain later but if Kyle wakes up tell him I went to the Library to do homework.”

“Kyle’s in our room?”

Of coarse, he’s in our room. They left the diner together it was inevitable they’d either end up here or his room, and since I was out having my feeling stomped on that makes our room the obvious choice.

My friend is too busy to care which make me feel horrible.

Her boyfriend is asleep in our dorm room unaware that she has gone out for her midnight creep which in itself is pretty terrible.

All in all this is shaping up to be a terrible, horrible, very bad, no good day.


“ Were you with him?” Max questions as soon as I open the door to his SUV. He has this quiet seething anger to him, which is very unusual because he never lets anything get to him. Kinda freaked me out.

I climb into the passenger seat and close the door behind me, “Yes we went to the pool and…”

“…I mean were you with him?”

“No…” I answer truthfully “At least not in the way you’re thinking. And what is with the interrogation? I thought this was casual.”

“I’m sorry Liz but I can’t be causal when it comes to you!” He explodes.

I knew it, I knew we couldn’t just have sex and let that be it. I knew we’d get in too deep, yet I was willing to try and this is exactly the reason I was hesitant in the first place. Feelings, that neither of us can control, “You’re going to have to.” I volley back, “It’s not easy for me either; don’t you think I wanted to slap that girl silly when you two sauntered into the diner!”

“I said I was sorry about that.” He says, once again in that quiet reserved voice

“Yeah well next time, sorry might not be good enough.” Does that mean that next time I’ll hit her? Probably not, but I definitely will give her a few, two reasons, to appreciate what she has in Max.

“There aren’t many pools open this time of night. Are you sure that’s where you were?”

“We went to the athletic building, somehow he had access…We went swimming, talked and he said that he misses me, that’s it.”. I tell him careful to leave out the part of the skinny-dipping, “And due to your display in the restaurant he’s very suspicious of you”

Earlier tonight, while Kyle was in the diner, Max comes over to the counter to order a shake. This is after I made sure the I would have to have no interaction with the ‘happy’ couple, especially while Kyle was there. I can’t be sure where his eyes were as my back was to them but I heard a very distinct ‘Dude, you’re checking out my girlfriend…’ leave Kyle’s mouth

Now come on Evans aren’t you supposed to be player extraordinaire? That’s just plain sloppy

Unless it was purposeful

“Doesn’t he have reason to be?” Max questions pointedly before turning his eyes back to the road and starting the engine “So where we going anyway?”

“Just somewhere I can be with you…Yes, in the way you’re thinking.” I smile “but I also just want to be held.”

Without him saying a word I knew that he‘d be more than happy to oblige.


“Campus News editor, what do we have for your section?” This impromptu staff meeting was the last thing I needed after the night I had. My lack luster attitude was more than evident and when an answer wasn’t forthcoming Ana snaps he finger in front of my face saying “Deluca that means you.”

I take a deep breath then ramble off the articles that are in the works, none o the things I originally had planned “The professor in the English department is up for teñor, Whitman covered it. And it’s that time of year again, ‘Greek Fever’ so Jensen covered that, he interviewed some the girls rushing.”

“That’s it?” Weren’t you supposed to be covering that, some kind of expose.”

Yeah-well plans have changed, “That’s not going to happen.”

“Why? That is front page material.”

“I changed my mind okay.”

Ana Sumner, editor in chief and known member of the Tri Lambda sorority politely excuses the two of us and we adjourn to her office in the media lab.

“What’s really going on and let’s keep in mind you’re speaking to a fellow Greek here.”

Yes of course and I’m going to bear all the trials and tribulations of soon to be DEB soul. Do I look like and idiot? I know you’re our rivals opening up to you would be like shooting myself in the foot. When she glimpses my calm reserve, she tells me to skip the rest of the meeting and get some rest.

Empathizing and saying she knows how hard the pledge period can be.

Can you believe this girl?

I gather up my stack of books and head toward my room. It’s not until I’m already in the dorm that I realize I can’t find my journal.

Not my pledge book, my journal where I’ve written all my deepest feelings and thoughts about DEB, and I better find it before someone else does.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:55 am
by Behrystrwbry
Chapter Seven: Do Me Right

The process part 4


I’m starting to loose count of the number of times I’ve woken up in the past week with those beautiful amber eyes staring into mine. “You were watching me again.” I observe.

Max simply nods and blushes guiltily before moving in for a kiss. “ How you doing…” he inquires as he pulls back the covers to reveal the bandage on my left shoulder, he pulls the gauze back to see that the puckered flesh has turned a sickly yellow but the bruise is beginning to heal.

I know you must be wondering how I managed to acquire such a lovely ‘badge of honor’ and the answer’s simple really


I have a bruise on my left shoulder courtesy of the prim and proper ladies of DEB.

It’s not like they put up a banner that said “Welcome to Hell Week” or something like that; but everyone knew that’s what it was. “I’m fine.” I assure “You don’t have to baby me.”

He covers the bandage then gives me a pointed look “Well I’m sorry if me caring for your well being is babying to you.” After that, he adjourns to the bathroom and I realize how stinging my words are to him.

I can’t seem to do anything right this week. Add ‘biting off the head of nurse and only confidant’ to my list of the worst week ever.

It all started on Friday at around 4pm when Serena called me and told me she wanted a candy bar, a Snickers to be exact. I echoed her sentiment and said the she should pick one up for me too if she went out.

Silly pledge, this task’s for you.

Turns out I was supposed to go get her one. Maria got the exact same call from Isabel. So I called the other eleven and it turned out everyone had gotten a call from their big sister requesting a candy bar. To save time I designated Peyton to go out and get them, while the rest of us got ready for that evening’s set which would no doubt include another test as those had been coming more frequently.

Peyton calls from the supermarket hysterical, claiming that there aren’t anymore snickers. I try to get her to calm down and tell her to go to another store. Turns out the poor girl had already been to five different stores not one of which had the aforementioned item.

The thirteen of us start a convoy searching around Raleigh- Durham for some God forsaken candy bars. Do you know the big sisters bought up every sinker in the city we had to go all the way to Dexter to get them. We were late to our set. So when we finally came to the house tardy, we started off the evening being blasted for that.

That wasn’t the only stupid thing we were told to do, the big sisters tormented us this week. The whole time Max is telling me it’s about sisterhood to find the meaning behind it all. They told us to milk a cow.

I’m sorry but I don’t see what standing in the middle of a barnyard with a bunch of fat heifers has to do with ‘sisterhood.’ And I’m not talking about the cows.

We had tests, at least two a day, one at the ass crack of dawn before classes, and one in the dead of night. And did I mention we weren’t allowed to shower, wash our hair, or wear make-up. We were instructed to wear the same ratty pair of sweats day in and day out, for seven days. After Tuesday when I started to smell myself I had to sneak over to Max’s to have a bath.

They tried to brand us… You know with scalding metal, a lovely little delta symbol with the epsilon and the beta inside. I knew something was up when they blindfolded us and took us to the basement. I was first I guess because I’m the president but I flinched when I felt the heat near my cheek and instead caught the hot iron rod on my shoulder.Fourtunately saving the rest from the torture, unfortunately marking me for life.

Hence the scar.

I really shouldn’t be mad at Max though, it’s not his fault. He wasn’t the one who abused us if anything he’s been my shoulder to cry on the few times I saw him this week. As it is, his apartment is the first place I ran once it was all over. Granted he didn’t try to stop it saying he ‘couldn’t interfere with my process’
But he was there for me.

Though he has been a little snappy lately and I get the feeling he wants more... than what we have now. “Max.” I call to him in the bathroom I don’t think he’ll hear me as he’s in the shower but a few seconds later he emerges a blue towel wrapped around his waist he sits on the bed next to me and waits for me to proceed.

I have a hard time thinking as it’s only a thin piece of cloth between me and his deke jr. I clear my throat “I’m sorry okay…” I begin “ None of this is your fault, if anything it’s mine for being so stupid to think I could get through this without loosing everything that I am but…you’ve really been a great … ‘big brother’ to me so I shouldn’t take it out on you.” He smiles that dimpled smile that’s become my weakness “Do you forgive me.”

“Maybe, I could be persuaded with the right incentive…”

“Really.” I challenge then throw the covers back in invitation “Incentive enough for you?”

I revel in his warm slick flesh pressed against me as he joins me then covers us over with the blanket once again. We fool around for a couple of minutes before I feel a certain appendage of his stir to life. I take him in my hand and can tell that he’s not fully erect so, gently I begin to stroke him “Liz I can’t do this…” he utters

“Really’ cause deke Jr. says otherwise.” I tease

“Yeah well he and my brain don’t always function in unison.” He says burying his face in the juncture of my neck and shoulder, I feel him smile against my skin “Besides I thought you said I was big. How can a jr. be big?”

“Well you are when you’re up, now you’re Jr.…” In the middle of my explanation, he hops out of the bed.

For future reference, insulting a guy’s package is sure to kill the mood

“I was kidding Max your deke is quite sizable.” I tell him. I watch Jr. slip from view as he slips a pair of jersey shorts over his hips “What are you doing?”

“You’re naked Liz. I can’t think when you’re naked. Put this on please.” Max says handing me what I assume is his robe. I take it and belt it at the waist and he takes a seat on the edge of the bed then pats the space next to him in invitation.

“What’s up Max?” I ask as I join him

“Exactly; what is up between us?” He begins and I’m thinking here we go again. Haven’t we had this conversation before about thirty times? And that’s pretty bad considering we’ve only been doing this less than a month. And we always come back to the same conclusion “I want you Liz.”

“You have me.”

“Just you.” He persists, then at my look of consternation clarifies “Meaning loose the other guy.”

“Max you know I can’t…”

“…Why not? Is it because you don’t trust me because if that’s it. I telling here telling you now that…I think I’m falling in love with you.” His revelation doesn’t surprise me as much as I thought it would, possibly because I feel the same way. But up until this moment there was this unspoken agreement of don’t ask don’t tell. But both of us know we care deeply for one other

“Liz when I first met you, you were with Kyle. The two of you looked so happy together and I thought he must be some lucky guy to have someone who loves him so unconditionally. Then I knew you were special when I started hitting on you and you would always remind me that you had a boyfriend. A lotta girls wouldn’t think twice about the fact that they were in a committed relationship before hoping in the sack…”

“That’s the person I fell in love with the Liz that is capable of unfailing loyalty, honesty and morals, which may not seem like a big deal but, trust me, it is.” He continues “ What you said before about loosing ‘all that you are…’this thing we’ve got going now…I feel like I’ve turned you into something you’re not.”

“You didn’t turn me into anything I didn’t want to be.” I tell him knowing that pretty soon I’ll have to tell him the whole truth “With Kyle, he always kept me on a short leash. Then you came along and made me feel beautiful, and sexy, and all these other things I’d never felt before. I went for it because I wanted that…I wanted more than anything to feel like the center of someone’s world as opposed to their security blanket.”

“Then break up with him. Please Liz lets make this real. But you can’t have both of us not anymore. If we’re going to do this we should do it right.”

“What about Tess?”

“Say the word and she’s gone.”

“Why now?” I ask him “You know it’s not going to be easy if we come forward with this in the middle of everything.”

“No it won’t.” He admits kissing my hand “But it will be so worth it.”

I really don’t know what to say to him but his tender words are really starting to get to me. I don’t know that I’ll be able to hold out much longer.

“I know this can be a lot to throw at person first thing in the morning but it’s been on my mind for a while and I had to get it off my chest. But you take all the time you need to think about it.” He tells me “Why don’t I make you some breakfast?” He offers I nod “How does Fruit Loops and yogurt sound?”

I agree and he leaves me to finish readying myself as he goes to prepare our food.

I hear the door to the room creak open as I begin searching around on the floor for my clothing. I assume he’s gone when I hear it abruptly creak shut, but I know I’m wrong when I feel his towering shadow behind me “My sister is out there.” He tells me clearly on the verge of a panic attack, and when I look in his eyes his worry leaks to me.

“Isabel?” I question.

“No friggin’ Mary Poppins.” He spits back sarcastically “Of course Isabel.”

I’m saying it could have been anyone, he did say sister and with the size of the sorority that could mean more than a hundred people. The Evans apartment is like the satellite Deke and DEB house, the place where all that is not legal and officially sanctioned by the organizations takes place. M ore people come through here than the ritual rooms from what I understand. It’s sad but true…

Anyway, the situation at hand is Isabel is out there and if she sees me come out of this room, it’s over. Our secret is out. “There’s no need to get testy.” I tell him “Let’s just stay calm and figure out how to get out of this without blowing our cover.”

“We wouldn’t have to if we could just be open about this.” He counters and I can tell that the whole sneaking around thing is really bothering him. I guess I always knew it did but not just how much it does until that statement.

My face crumples guiltily over that fact for a moment before I steel my reserve and step into leader mode “Max I don’t have time to argue with you now. Are you gonna work with me or not?” He nods somewhat cowed,“ Okay did she see me?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Good.” I acknowledge and the two of us devise a plan for me to get out of here undetected. Max goes out there to set things up for breakfast just like any normal morning. While I grab a quick shower throw on the clothes I came in and climb out his bedroom window. Thank goodness, their apartment is on the first floor.

I don’t think I’ve washed so quickly in all my life.

I walk around to the front and ring their doorbell. Isabel opens the door. “Hey Liz….” she greets with a hug. Did I mention most of the DEB sisters are slightly bi-polar, abuse me one day hug me the next. “If you’re here for some brotherly advice you may have to come back later I think Max is making breakfast for his whore of the hour.” She finishes with a wink.

“I’m telling you Iz there’s no one in there.” He calls from the kitchen.

“Sure there isn’t. That must be why you set out two bowls.” She counters as I enter the apartment and she shuts the door behind me.

“I just really had a craving for fruit loops.” He shrugs, and Isabel simply shakes her head skeptically so Max offers, “If you don’t believe me why don’t you see for yourself.”

She strides right over to his bedroom door and opens it. She peers around a bit before returning her attention to him “Okay Max where’d you stash her? Brooke…Laura, whoever you are…” she calls “You can come out now.”

Meanwhile I’m smiling to myself over their sibling banter as I take a seat the breakfast table. I breathe a sigh of relief that we haven’t been found out but it’s still cool to see Max and Isabel give each other a hard time. It must be neat to have someone to tease like this. Sure there’s Maria but ‘Hell Week’ has my best friend and I barely speaking. She says I’ve changed, I think she’ll get over it but at the moment she’s at some journalist conference in Baton Rouge.

“You know I do come here on occasion just to sleep… alone.” Max voice draws me back to the conversation at hand “Things at the house can be crazy”

“On occasion?” Isabel challenges.

“Well maybe only the one time.” He admits sheepishly before taking his seat across from me.

“You know Max isn’t such a bad guy.” I add then turn to him and smile

“You’ve brain washed your little sister, Max you should be ashamed.” Just then, Isabel’s cell rings and she goes in the other room to take the call.

When we’re alone I lean across the table and take his hands “Please don’t be upset with me. Just give me a few days and I’ll make a decision.”

“I could never be upset with you.” He tells me and I can tell he’s going to lean in and kiss me but when we hear his sister, we abruptly break apart.

Isabel is snapping her phone when she re-enters the common “That was Stacie Brooks apparently they’re having some type of crisis regarding the social this weekend. The crisis being it doesn’t look like there is going to be one. They’re having an emergency meeting of the executive board to see what they can do.”

“Stacie Brooks is a DEB?” I ask

“Yeah she was in my pledge class.” Isabel shrugs

I shrug “I guess this sorority is so huge I’ll never get to know everyone.”

“You know, the sisters are always saying they don’t know you guys either.” She means the current pledge class I assume. And this doesn’t surprise me considering other than Isabel, Serena and on occasion Prue, we hardly see them.

“We should have a Meet Market or something.” I suggest around a mouth or cereal, while Max knees me under the table shaking his head subtly. “DEBs only.” I conclude

“Wait a minute what’s a Meet Market?”

“We used to do it all the time at my old high school. It’s sort of like a dance but there are booths and games set up all around designed with the specific purpose of getting to know someone you never met before.”

“Hmm.” It looks to me like the wheels in Ms. Isabel’s head are turning, perhaps this I why Max doesn’t think I should get involved “So kind of like a bonding thing…or a social would you say?”

“Yeah, something like that. I guess”

“And does it have to be strictly to meet new friends. Could we like invite the Dekes and make it dating thing too?”

“It can be whatever you want it to be. Maybe they would want to help, right Max”

“You mean speed dating and that sort of thing? We once did a social like that” Max says more so to Isabel than me “It would be like a T & A hook up.”

“Not necessarily.” Isabel says

“It will be if we help.” enter the Dekes


I’m not entirely sure how it happened but one minute Liz is explaining to me what a Meet Market is, and the next I’m inviting her back to the DEB house for an emergency Executive board meeting. This may be the first time in DEB history that a pledge has sat in on one of those.

And Liz is practically running the thing.

“Basically the point of a Meet Market is to meet people. If that’s your social then you should probably get the pledge classes to help considering you guys barely know us and we don’t know you either.”

“But don’t you guys have the fundraiser this weekend?” questions Prue

“Yes we do and that’s why the Meet Market would be a joint effort. The sisters would help and if we call in the Dekes and their pledge class that’s almost double the manpower. And it really doesn’t take as much effort as you’d think.”

“So what are we talking in terms of funds? How much does it take to pull off one these so called Meet Markets?”

“That depends a Meet Market is all about the games…” Liz goes on to explain about the games and entertainment for events that she has planned and/or attended.

Everyone will come in white T-shirts equipped with their favorite color marker and when you meet someone you’ve never met before you sign their shirt.

We make plans for a live game of ‘Clue’ and ‘What Would You Do’ on the first floor for those who wish to socialize

And a cross between an ‘All around the World’ and ‘Honeymoon’ theme is for those who’ve come looking for a date. Because lets face it you can’t really have a sorority function without adding the guys.

Ultimately much of the entertainment comes with the guests, they make their own fun it saves a ton of money and sounds like it will be a blast.

“…That way we’re only really using half a thou” Liz finishes

“Unless we hire a bartender.”

“Which is why we buy our own liquor and make the drinks ourselves that could be half the fun.” Agrees Terry who is a self proclaimed lush, however this receives nods of approval from just about everyone in the room with of course the exception of Prue.

“Let’s keep in mind sorority functions are to be planned by DEBs only not girls who have yet to complete their process even if they are a ‘do right’ super pledge.” She says looking pointedly at Liz which doesn’t surprise me because everyone knows she feels threatened by the poor girl. Up until Liz came along Prue was the legendary Pledge Class president of her day.

“It’s a joint function Prudence, Liz isn’t planning it we’re all helping. Besides isn’t this organization about setting precedents. How can we do that if we’re so caught up in tradition we can’t move forward.”

“Yes but precedents approved by the whole Executive board. I think we need to put it to a vote would please excuse us Liz.”

I shrug at Liz and she smiles regretfully as she leaves the parlor.

“Okay Prue it’s time to put you’re jealousy aside. This is a really good idea that could bail us out of a tough situation.”

“A few weeks ago Liz Parker couldn’t do anything right. I’m not even sure she took her process seriously an now you’re all willing to leave the implementation of an event with this organizations name on it to someone like that.”

“Since then Liz has proven herself. Lets face it her group has exceeded our expectations and it‘s joint function.

“Is it really? A few moment s ago we all seemed more than will to leave decorations, music and refreshments all up to Ms. Parker.”

“I personally will act as liaison to make sure everything is carried out satisfactorily. Come on Prue it’s a Deke and DEB only event what’s the worse that could happen. Aren’t we supposed to be a family lets give her the chance to grow.”

I can see Pure resolve crumbling she’s prideful yes but as president all she really wants is what is best for DEB and bringing Liz into the fold is what is best in this case.

“Well…” Liz questions when I join he in the foyer

“We’ve got a lot of work to do ‘Do Right’”


“So now she calls you ‘Do Right’?” I query over the phone. I’ve been in workshops all day at this stupid journalism conference that the Editor in Chief roped me into; Sothern Associations of Student Journalists (SASJ) to be exact.

I suppose I shouldn’t be upset about that. After all conferences like this are a great opportunity to network and make contacts that could help advance my career. More than half the staff from our school wanted to go, but Ana insisted that only the section editors go. I should feel lucky but quite frankly I just don’t like the girl. I digress…

So I was in workshops all day, and came backto the hotel room to find that Liz had blown up my cell, which is surprising considering we weren’t really speaking when I left. I call her back and she immediately starts telling me how the big sisters have roped her into planning some Meet Market for this weekend and how she inadvertently acquired her new pledge name ‘Do right’

“Yeah I think she thinks I’m a ‘goodie two shoes’ or something.” Liz giggles

“If only she knew you were banging her brother.” I say, wishing she could see me rolling my eyes for emphasis.

But then it’s seems my statement has achieved its desired effect as I can hear Liz huffing in defense on the other line. “Must you be so crude? Max and I don’t bang.”

“Yes Liz I must be crude I’m ‘Hurricane Deluca’ after all it’s in my nature.” I say using the pledge name that I was given over the past week of hell. I’ll get into how I earned that tag later.

Admittedly, I haven’t been the most agreeable person but neither has Liz and she’s turned into someone I don’t even recognize, just what we vowed we wouldn’t. She’s turned into an air-headed sorority girl. “If you don’t bang than what; don’t tell me you think what you do with Max is making love?” She doesn’t seem to have a response for that one so I continue, “Is it just about sex with you two, or is he helping you write your papers too.”

I know you must be wondering where all this is coming from. But, as I mentioned before the past week has been hell on earth for us DEB pledges, we didn’t have a moment to sleep let alone think about school… I won’t go into some of the horrid things they did to us, lets just say some of it involved touching parts of animals that shouldn’t be mentioned in polite company.

By the way, all of this will be in my expose. I’ve taken diligent notes. Despite the little bump in the road of loosing my notebook.

Anyway, one evening they kept us occupied from 7p.m. straight through ‘til 7a.m. and as they tell us we’re dismissed, one of the other pledges reminds us that we all have midterms that day, yet we’ve been here all night so haven’t had the chance to prepare. Isabel and Serena go mulishly silent then get into what looked to be a heated debate. I don’t really know what was said. I asked around and no one else could hear.

After a minute or so, they both leave, telling us to wait there. Only Isabel returns carrying a box full of binders and stack of papers. She tells us that the answers to just about every test given on this campus since about 1932 can be found in the box organized by department and course number. Term papers for most professors can be found in the stack. She stressed the importance of paraphrasing if we were going to use them.

That early in the morning my brain wasn’t quite grasping the magnitude of what Isabel was saying. I’m thinking study aids not plagiarism. But she then went on to explain that the sorority had been collecting class notes, papers, and tests for the past 60 years. Every member has been required to contribute at least one, that way if anything happens they all go down.

Talk about loyalty. I mean I wanted sisterhood, but not sisterhood in crime.

Apparently when we’re DEBs we would be called upon to do the same. She also explained they don’t usually share these files with pledges but because they had kept us all night, they felt responsible. Ultimately, it was our choice.

I knew I wasn’t going to do it as it goes against every grain of journalistic integrity. But most everyone else went over and started to look through the files. Liz was among the last and when I asked what she was doing, she explained she had a paper due in Rhetoric that she hadn’t gotten to and was going to see what they had.

I offered to help.

She said she had it covered.

Never mind that this was an offense punishable by expulsion; this is Liz. I couldn’t believe that my friend who once had morals that were beyond reproach was considering doing something so heinous, and I told her as much. I then told her that I knew she was still carrying on with Max. Granted, that was risky considering Tess was lurking less than eight feet away.

But I think at this point I think the sl-ore of a cheerleader has gotten over her grudge with Liz.

Sl-ore, sluty/whore I made it up. So apropos in this case.

Maybe Tess realized she can’t compete with what Max has with Liz.

Either way, Liz was steamed over that and called me on not being completely honest about my background.

After that, I ran from the house as fast as I could. I don’t think anyone heard us, but at that moment, I didn’t want to have anything to do with DEB. I left for the conference on Sunday and the two of us haven’t spoken since.

While she seemed content to act as if nothing happened; I however, was not. I don’t know if she used their papers or not but I sure wrote every bit of that revelation down in my notes

Liz went silent at my pointed question but eventually piped up saying, “Actually yes, Max did help.” And I have to say I wasn’t expecting that “He didn’t write it for me. But he did stay up with me all night to see that I got it done. After you left, I felt so bad I just couldn’t use those files. It’s why I’ve been calling you all day. Maria I wanted to apologize for the things I said. ”

Okay so she apologized.

Should I forgive her? The real question is; should she forgive me. For some unknown reason I kept harping on her all week. Like I needed someone to be angry with. But that person can’t be my best friend.

“God Liz I’m sorry too. I know you and I know that if you’re still messing around with Max there must be something there. There is something there, right Liz?”

“Of Coarse.” She answers assuredly

“And you’ll tell me about that eventually I’m sure. In the meantime I’m happy you’re happy.”

“I want you to be happy too.” She offers. Fat lot of good it does.

I’m glad we’re back on speaking terms. Still… “Don’t count on it.”

“Aw Maria don’t say that. Michael will come around eventually.”

“How did you…”

“…Max mentioned to me that Michael may have said some things that upset you, and that you should know, Michael has a hard time letting anyone in.”

“Mr. Guerin has nothing to do with this.”

“Okay, sure.”

“It’s the truth a I tell you” Even as I say I know she won’t believe me. “When’s the Meet Market.”

Friday.” She provides

“I won’t make it back in time. But do me a favor if you see him in speed dating or anything like that, stick an ‘I have Syphilis’ sign on his back.” I joke half-heartedly

Liz snorts on the other end “Will do partner.”

“I gotta go.” I tell her as I hear my roommate’s keys jangle in the door. I’m sharing a room with nosey Ana and the last thing I need is for her to hear this conversation.

“Okay…and Maria.”


“Even if we’re not speaking I still have your back.”

“Me too. Bye Liz.” I end the call and no sooner than I press the ‘end’ button Ana is striding in the door her jacket pulled tightly around her. “Hey, where’ve you been.”

She has this shifty expression but then again she always looks like that “Oh the staff and I were looking over that layout for the next issue.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked “I’d have come down”

“I tried calling. You’re line was busy.” She takes a seat on the end of my bed, facing me “Who was that on the phone.”

“Liz, roommate.”

“Oh, she’s pledging DEB as well, right? Sorority trouble?”

I shrug.

“Right well, if you want to take a look at your section I think they’re still down there. I’m going to go take a shower.”

Ana heads into the bathroom as I go about getting ready for some much needed sleep. I wash my face of make up run a comb through my hair before moving my suitcase to the closet. As I do this, I notice my pledge book sitting right on top.


My conversation with Maria last night really got me thinking. I’m tired of sneaking around with Max. I really care about him, I want my best friend, and all the people that I care about to know it. Most importantly, I want him to know and tonight no matter what else happens I’m going to tell him.

Isabel and I got ready over the Evans apartment. As the two of us worked together on planning this social we wanted to make a grand entrance. Really, I think Isabel just wanted to help me with my hair and make-up and didn’t want to have to fight thirty other girls for a mirror to do so.

I’m thankful for the help considering I’m not big on make-up. Don’t get me wrong I like to look nice, but with little lip-gloss and a hair brush I’m ready to go.

Though tonight’s event is casual, the requisite jeans and white t-shirt, the way Isabel did my eyes with liner and a smoky eye shadow dare I say I am one sexy bitch.

I know it has only been three days, but Isabel and I have really bonded. While she’d probably deny this to anyone else,I found out she has a bit of a crush on Alex. She asked me if I thought he’d be interested. It was all I could was grin big to hold in my giggle. That boy is crazy about Ms. Evans, and I think she got my drift.

Isabel has great taste. She managed to turn jeans and a t-shirt into a club worthy outfit. Hoever, Max didn’t think it was quite as cute as I dd. “What exactly are you wearing?”

“A shirt, jeans.” I inform simply. While in actuality the jeans barely cover my ass and the shirt is tied to just below my bust line.

I felt a bit daring tonight

“Where’s the rest of it.” He says motioning to my exposed mid-drift

“Oh lighten up Max, she looks hot.” Isabel defends noticing this exchange as she checks herself in the mirror by the front door,

“Yes well perhaps it’s time to cool down here put this on...” he hands me the collared shirt he was wearing over his t-shirt “Isabel, go start the car. We’ll be out in a second.” He tells his sister who’s clearly puzzled by his actions. However, she complies.

“Max you can’t be this obvious.” I tell him once we’re alone. I also hand him back his shirt.

“I can and will Liz. You know I don’t want to play this game anymore. And if we’re going to be together I can’t have you leaving the house with your ass hangin’ out.” He turns me around taking in my low rise jeans, which just so happen to show a little ass cleavage. “literally”

Okay so I am showing a lot of skin. But what business is it of his?

“You can’t tell me how to dress…” I say simply I really don’t want to start the night out this way but if I let him start making decisions now who knows where it will end “ We are not together yet, and even if we were I’d still dress as I please. ”

“Liz…” Max begins but I out up my hand to stop him

“Don’t be that guy Max.”

“What guy?

“Some over-possessive boyfriend.” I provide “I can’t take another one of you.” With that, I leave a thoroughly confused Max Evans in my wake.

The two of us didn’t say more than two words to each other on the way to campus, and I suppose that was fine with me. Isabel seemed quite oblivious to the palpable tension in the car and instead rambled on about details for tonight’s event.

He dropped us off at the DEB house and then went to help the guys get their supplies together for their top secret project. When we arrived at the house, mostly everything was set up. In the foyer on one side they have the speed dating tables, and on the other there’s a table set up with sign ups for clue.

As I walk through the kitchen to the rooms on the first floor, I see various booths and games the most interesting of which is the wedding chapel, with a sign leading up the stairs that says “to the honey moon Suite’

Serena and few of the other girls were setting up the speakers they’d rented from party city. “Liz we need to talk.” She says beckoning me over as soon as she sees me enter.


“About everything really, but the branding I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have let them…”

“Don’t worry about it. Its fine, I’m fine.”

“It’s not fine you’re my responsibility I should have warned you but I didn’t think she’d…” Serena took a deep breath seemingly more upset by this than I’d realized. “Everyone is supposed to have the option to get the brand, option…” she stressed “They’re not supposed to blindfold you and force you. But Prue she has it out for you. God only knows why but I leave for a second and…I’m so sorry.”

“I’m fine okay.” I assure her “I don’t blame you.”

“Yeah well she’s going to find a way to insinuate them on you guys again; its part of the process. Unless you find a way to use them first…”

“How are we supposed to use a brand? You brand cattle not your sisters.”



“Think about it Liz you’re a smart girl you’ll figure it out.” Okay branding, part the process. In the span of a week, this sorority’s so-called ‘process’ has gone from neat and challenging adventure to some kind of heinous means for jealous girls to exact their revenge. And I’m supposed to figure a way out of this?

Before I have a chance to express those sentiments, then find out from big sis what exactly she meant by her last statement. She starts in on another topic.

“And also the files.”

“What files?”

“You know the…. term papers. I heard that some of you were pretty upset about that and were considering dropping line I just hope you’re not one of them.”

“I don’t think it’s right but I’ve come too far to just walk away from this.”

“Good because most of us don’t support that garbage. It’s just for those intellectually challenged and lazy sisters who can’t sit down and study for themselves.”

“We should really talk about that because one day it may get us all in trouble.”

Before Serena has the chance to answer, my male best friend interrupts us, “A little help ladies.” Alex offers

I see that the Dekes have arrived and they’ve brought their supplies. Whatever they have planned it involves a lot of liquor. Guys carrying case after case of beer and other liquor up the stairs. As they file in I find myself searching the group for a certain brunette playboy to no avail.

I feel a warm strong grip on my shoulder, and the look to see Max standing behind me “Leave that wiring to ‘Whiz kid.’ There’s nothing that man can not figure out.” He announces, and my Alex has already begun assessing the problem.

“Can we talk please?” Max asks, then takes my hand and leads me down the hall before I can protest. Once we’ve obtained sufficient privacy, in the supply closet under the stairs he kisses me soundly.

Not that I’m complaining but, “What was that for?” I query once we’re forced to abandon the lip lock as air has become an issue.

His forehead is still leaning against mine as he answers, “You deserved it”; very simply “I upset you. While I don’t know why what I said, upset you quite so much I’m hoping when you’re ready you’ll tell me. But until then I don’t want us to be fighting”

“Thank You.” I smile “I don’t want to fight with you either it’s just…” before I can find the words to tell him

“Do Right!” I hear being bellowed from lips of none other than Prue “This is you’re event, where the hell are you?!”

“I gotta go.” I tell him regrettably then turn to leave,

“Wait a minute.” He grab my arms gently pulling me back “ ‘Do right’?”

“That’s uh… what she calls me now.” I admit

“Everyone or just Prue?”

“At first it was just her but now everyone seems to have taken to it.”

“So it’s like your pledge name?”

“I guess.” I shrug

“They named you; sweet.” He starts chuckling goofily which eventually turn into peals of laughter at my expense

“You think this is funny?”

“Not funny, but oh so appropriate” more laughter “Face it Parker they got you pegged.”

“Well while you’re here laughing it up, I’m gonna go.” I turn to leave again

“Wait what do they call Tess?”

Hell if I know I shrug “I was a bit pre occupied with the fact that they pegged me for some virginal little girl… or better yet a suck up”

“Hmm... if only they knew what you were like in bed.” He says pressing me into the wall “ ‘Do right,’” He utters before closing his mouth over mine “Just saying it make me want you.”

“Max…” I push against him, which isn’t the best idea as it only seems to encourage the hardening of … “This so is not the place.” By this point, he’s concentrating all his attention on my neck “What do they call you?”

“I could tell you. But I’d rather show you.”

“I thought you said we weren’t going to… until I gave you my decision.”

“So decide.”

“I will.” I assure then wiggle free of his grasp “You’ll just have to wait.”

“Where are you going?”

“I have an event to host. You wouldn’t want to interfere with my process right?”

“You’re not seriously going to leave me like this are you.” He says quickly glancing down to his groin. I can’t help but look too

I cup him gently, lean in very close, and whisper, “Think dirty thoughts.”

“That isn’t helping….”I shrug trying my best to maintain my facade of indifference. Then I’m on my way “Parker” He calls “Parker…Do Right… that is just so wrong!”

I head back to the foyer to find out what Prue wants. I’m smiling devilishly to myself about the way I left Max. When I bump right into Kyle “Where‘ve you been?”

“Um I had to go get the…from the kitchen.” I fib. The lies just seem to roll of my tongue at this point.

“With Evans?” He questions

“No… I haven’t seen him.”

“Someone said they saw you go back there with him.” He insists

“Who?” I question instantly because this is a party who has time to be focused on what I’m doing? He points to where Tess seems to be waiting not too far off in the distance. For what reason I’m not sure, but she’s doing a horrible job of pretending not to listen to this conversation.

“She must have been mistaken.” I assure with a smile. Kyle seems to buy it as he drapes his arm over my shoulder, and the two of us start moving through the party. The music is low enough so we can still talk. Though I can see the crowd has really filled out.

“It seems you and Max have gotten cozy.” Kyle observes.

“Well he is my big brother.”

“I know.” He acknowledges, “It’s just there’s this nasty little rumor going around, that something is going on between you and Evans.” I tense as that sentence was the realization of my worse fear. I mean both Deke & DEB are mammoth organizations but I should have known that eventually this information would make it back to Kyle. And it only took what, a month?

“Of course I ignored it ‘cause I know my girl would never do something like that.” I sigh in relief saying silent prayer of thanks. “But if you could just tone down the ‘sisterly’ affection people wouldn’t get the wrong idea.”

“No.” I say automatically

“No?” He questions, as if he can barely comprehend the words that are coming out of my mouth. I guess he never expected to me to outright defy him.

But guess what. That old Liz Parker is dead, the new Liz that likes, being on top, and wearing shirts that show off her boobs killed her. And she’s added a few new words to her vocabulary.

“No.” I reiterate “Max has really helped me a lot during this time and I’m not going to slight him because you or anyone else have something to say about it. I mean you have a big sister you know how it is.”

“Yes but Prue and I aren’t F…” Kyle holds his tongue as we’re drawing attention to ourselves, but I can guess what he was going to say. I’m almost certain he knows and oddly enough I just don’t care. “She’s just my big sister.” He concludes

“What about Tess?” I throw back, no doubt she’s feeding him all this information hoping that It’ll indirectly lead to the sabotage of what I have with Max.

“She’s a cheerleader I’m on the basketball team.” Kyle reminds me “Of course we talk we have things in common.” Yeah and I have a feeling that’s not it. But let’s keep up the pretense shall we.

You don’t know I’m screwing Max and I actually care that you’re messing around with Tess

“And now her word is bond?” I question, “You trust what she says over me.” We stop as we’ve reached the edge of the stage and Prue and Isabel are already up there and motioning for me to join them.

He sighs, seeing I’ll have to go soon. “If none of it is true I don’t see why you can’t just do me this one favor. This whole ‘Big brother’ thing will be over pretty soon anyway.” He concludes mockingly.

“Then just do me this one favor and try to be understanding.” I say turning his words around on him, “Since it will be all over soon.”

He nods then hugs me to him “What the Hell are you wearing anyway?”

“Oh God Kyle don’t start.” I’m pushing away but he hangs onto my hand

“No I wasn’t ‘starting’ I was just going to compliment you. You look... good” He tells me casually “Exposed but good.” I roll my eyes “Let me sign you.” He takes out his marker and turns me around then writes something starting from the small of my back to just where the waistband of my jeans.

I move to one of the mirrors but see but nothing shows up He must have written it in glow in the dark ink or something… “What’d you write?”

“You’ll see.” He says simply giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek “So have fun Liz.” After that he disappears into the crowd.

Once I join Prue and Isabel on the stage Prue takes the mic, “is everyone ready to have a good time?” The crowd roars louder than I would have expected “Alright well tonight is a very exclusive Deke and DEB only social called a ‘Meet Market.’ I will let Isabel explain to you all the rules of engagement.”

Isabel gets her share of calls and whistles when she’s handed the mic. Can you blame them? The girl is model gorgeous “Prue is correct, tonight is very special. But mainly because this event was the ‘brainchild’ of one of our very own pledge class Liz Parker. ” she claps then urges me to take the mic.

I’m almost afraid to. As we remember my introduction to DEB wasn’t the best and while things are good now standing up there with all those people cheering is tad intimidating. It’s like my ‘coming out’ before actually coming out.

They seems to be cheering granted that could be ‘cause most them are already drunk. I silently pray for Maria’s courage take the mic and begin. “Um hi.” More roars and I can barely be heard crowd so I wait for things to quiet a bit before continuing, “Liz Parker here. If you’re here to meet the special someone then this is the place for you. If you just want to make a couple of new friends is the place for you. All of the games will be explained at their respective booths. So go on and…clobber the house.”

With that the festivities begin. I see more than a few couples I recognize start at the speed dating table which Isabel and I were running. About halfway through the night, we’re relieved from our post and I go to check out the rest of the party.

The theme of the night seems to run the spectrum of the dating experience. You meet a person you like over at the speed dating table. Then you head down the hall for a few rounds ‘Have you ever?’ the object of this game is to find someone with commonalities. For example if the question were “Have you ever gotten a tattoo?” If you don’t you go sit down. Those remaining pair up with someone still standing. Essentially you get to know things about your partner without having to ask. As I pass that I’m suddenly looking around for Max. He seems to have disappeared. Maybe he’s still upset with me for being such a tease.

Anyway, if it’s purely physical, you might what to play ‘knights and Ladies.’ Which is kind of like twister but much more chivalrous. My personal favorite. Someone will call out positions like ‘The Mighty Steed’ where the guy will get on all fours and the girl will straddle his back. Or ‘The Reverse Mighty Steed’ where the girl will be on all fours. Either way it’s gotta be fun riding around on a hottie’s back. I peep Isabel and Alex playing that one, he’s riding her back.

Then of course there’s the wedding chapel where you can have a makeshift marriage ceremony performed, complete with a veil and plastic top hat. Then it’s up to the second floor for the honeymoon.

On the second floor is ‘All Around the World’. There are two sisters handing out disposable cameras at the top of the stairs. Each room has been set up to emulate different locations from around the world. Each room is decorated specially by the moderators. of that room. Little treats, and drinks are served from that location. For example in the Caribbean room there is they served Bahama Mamas and pineapple slices.

Finally at the end of the hall is the Dekes top secret project, for if your night really goes well. This is where I found Max. It’s called the ‘Safe Sex’ room. There are condoms stuck to the wall in the shape of the Greek Letters Delta Kappa Epsilon, and there’s a bar serving mixed drinks of varying risqué names. Of course for the educational value there are also pamphlets stacked on the table about STDs.

“Sex on the Beach?” Max offers, when I go to where’s he’s serving drinks behind the counter. “Or better yet buttery nipple.”

“So this is the big secret?” I observe shaking my head.

“It’s no secret Dekes are for safe sex ‘Do Right’.”

“Oh come on.” I challenge “All this is t & a hook up.” I join him behind the counter, but decline the drink.

“I told you it would be. But you’ll never guess whose come through here.” I prompt him to continue “Isabel and Alex ,yep well actually Isabel sent him to grab a condom but she was waiting just outside the door, like I wouldn’t see her. And that’s not even the worst of it. Courtney and Michael.”

“Together? Oh my God what a jerk.” I utter and he echoes my sentiments “You chewed him out didn’t you?”

“He’s a grown man what was I supposed to say.”

“How about stick up for my best friend.”

He leans in very close and just loud enough for me to hear whisper. “Now that sounds suspiciously like something a girlfriend would say.”

“Show me how to make a ‘Sex on the Beach’ ?” I ask suddenly curious how he got to be so good at mixing drinks.

His eyes darken then he realizes I’m talking about alcohol. His eyes never leave mine but he says “Hey Eric.” To the other Deke behind the counter “Why don’t you go…check out the party Liz and I got this covered.”

We’re being so public and I can’t say that I care all that much.

He lines up my supplies then begins explaining the nuances of mixing liquor when Tess’ voice catches his ears. Apparently she got married. She and whoever it is come stumbling in, hanging all over each other. Kyle stumbles in behind them throwing rice clearly drunk off his ass.

Max’s face turns red and I don’t mean ‘blush, you said something dirty red’ I mean ‘I’m going to hurt somebody red’. He walks over and grabs his girlfriend’s arm roughly saying “A word Tess?” The two of them go out in the hall and I’m sure just about everyone hears the echoes of their heated voices.

I go over to where Kyle remains barely able to stand by the door. “You should have been at he wedding Lish.” He slurs handing me the digital camera in his hands and urging me to look thorough the pictures“Is do purty.”

“I’m sure it was.” I tell him. Anywhere you can get married and plastered in the same place is bound to be classy. I allow him to lean on me for a sec before propping his weight against the wall.

“What are you doing here Kyle?”

“Checkin’ out da ‘Safe Sex’ room.” He informs inanely then gets distracted by the display of condoms “We can use these?” I nod and he promptly begin collecting the contraceptives. “Oh and I’m Tess’s the maid of honor.”

“Are you drunk?” I ask

He scratches my head as if taking a moment to think about it. “I do believe I am.” Then breaks into a fit of laughter as if it’s the funniest thing in the world.

Seeing Kyle drunk is always quite a picture and I can’t help the smile that rises to my mouth as he’s bent over clutching his stomach with glee.

Tess strides back in clearly upset and I can only imagine what Max must have said to her . She looks around for her ‘husband’ who seems to have wandered off somewhere. So she calls on Kyle “You ready to go?”

He looks up like a little boy who’s been caught doing something bad and nods obediently. He takes her hand and they go

“Just don’t let anyone take and vantage of you.” I call after them.

“Ditto.” He calls backs. He may have been joking but I’m actually serious.

Max strides in as she and Kyle slide past him. He has a shot glass in hand he asks the frat who’s taken our place behind the counter for a shot of something hard. He obliged and he downs the clear liquid quickly. Not wanting to see Max turn into the blubbering idiot Kyle was, I ask him if he’d like to go somewhere and talk about what’s bothering him.

Max’s response is to grabs a bottle of tequila from behind the counter, grab my hand, and snatch down a bunch of condoms of the wall stuffing them in his shirt pocket as we leave.

The two of us pass the wedding chapel and speed dating table in a blur on our way out of the house. I barely have time to wave goodbye to Serena before we’re head out the door.

Max is more pulling me than leading me and I struggle to keep up as we leave the house. We’re half way to the square before I can get him to stop “Max slow down. What’s …” I pause to catch my breath “I mean you always knew she was fooling around on you. What’s the big deal now, I mean isn’t it a bit hypocritical.”

“This is beyond fooling around. Now she’s flaunting it in my face Liz. There was always this sacred policy of don’t ask don’t tell. I didn’t want to know about it, but I most certainly didn’t want to see it. It wasn’t even about her having sex with other people, it was about respect. If that’s gone there nothing left. How could she bring her latest conquest in front of everyone like that.”


When I finish my tirade I’m out of breath as I pace in front of where Liz is sitting on a bench in the square. I can see she is unsure of what to say but settles for, “So did you break up with her?” When I look at her, she knows that I didn’t.

“I just don’t get you Max. You and Tess’s ‘relationship’ is the picture of dysfunction.”

“Who you telling.” I joke half-heartedly. I take a seat beside her and run a weary hand through my hair.

“So why do you stay with her?” Liz persists.

And I throw back, “Why not, ” simply. “You haven’t given me any reason not to.”

“So that’s it then.” she says as if she’s seeing me for the first time, “You want me to take a risk on you but you won’t do the same for me?”

“Liz…” I begin, but am immediately cut off.

“No don’t ‘Liz’ me.” I can see this conversation quickly degenerating into something I hadn’t intended. And now it’s her turn to pace “Making a commitment to someone isn’t something I take lightly, and I expect that be reciprocated. I’m just glad I’m seeing what you’re really like before I get in too deep.”

“That’s not it.” I tell her

“You tell me I can’t have both you and Kyle; yet it seems perfectly fine for you to have your cake and eat it too.”

“Liz that’s not it. I love you I just….can’t.” I mumble the last part as if I don’t want it to be true. And it’s not that I’m ashamed of loving Liz quite the opposite actually. I’m ashamed that I allowed myself to get so upset about this Tess business yet again. And I’m afraid that if I’m having this hard a time getting over that what will I do when it’s the real thing, with Liz

I can tell Liz is guessing at my chaotic thoughts as she fixes me with her speculative gaze. Eventually she sighs resignedly and resumes her seat beside me. “What’s really going on Max?”

“You really want to know.” I ask, she nods “Okay but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’ve been told I’m slightly crazy.” I lean back against the backrest and stretch my arm behind her. She doesn’t settle into my embrace still I take deep breath and begin. “Tess was the first girl I ever told that I love. She didn’t return the sentiments which would have been fine with me if she hadn’t turned around and slept with Jason Bradley the same week.”

Liz’s mouth falls open and her eyebrows contort before she utters “Poor baby.” Rubbing a calming hand on my thigh and urging me to continue

This is difficult to talk about but I always said I wanted Liz to know me and now she will…. the ugly parts too, “I was devastated when I found them together; I mean I felt physically sick. I didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything. But after mourning for maybe I week I decided to go out and Make myself feel better.”

“That’s when you turned your self into a man whore.” Liz nods in understanding as if it the most common resolution to this particular problem, “To get back at her.”

“No, first I started stalking Tess, around campus, really all around Raleigh. I’d just show up at her a apartment when I knew she was going to bring a guy over. Figuring If she saw me she’d feel guilty and have to stop.”

“Kind of drastic don’t you think?”

“Yeah, eventually Isabel and Serena talked to me and got me to realize how looney what I was doing was. I went back into my depression for a bit because Tess was my world and I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t enough for her. Eventually I snapped out of it, there’s only so depressed you can be living in the Deke house without drowning your troubles in either alcohol or sex”

“And that’s when you turned yourself into a man whore?”

“Yes and no. I mean yes, I was with a lot of different women but I never messed with anyone who was in a relationship, well… until you. I knew how that made me feel and I didn’t want to be responsible for making anyone feel that way.” I explain, “After about a month Tess came to me and we talked. She told me that I shouldn’t take what she was doing personally, that she just really likes sex. She didn’t want to break up she just wanted to be free to…”

“Sleep with you and everyone in creation.” I nod “Didn’t you ever worry about catching something?”

“Of course but we were always safe. Periodically I’d insist we both go get tested. At that point, I didn’t care as long as she kept it out of my face. I mean we’d met each other’s families. And our parents had pretty much planned our nuptials. I didn’t feel like explaining to them who Tess really was. It was embarrassing, all of it.”

“I still don’t understand . Why didn’t she want to break up? Obviously she needed more than you could give her. Why keep up the pretense?”

“Because Tess is incredibly shallow and she thought she had an engagement in the bag. By the time all this rounded out it was the end of my junior year. She thinks if she can hold out until I finish college I’ll propose.”

“Will you?”

“Absolutely not. At least not to her. Not after who I’ve known her to be.”

“So that’s what it’s about? You couldn’t have a skank carry on the Evans name. It’s about pride.”

“Yes Liz part of it is pride .You don’t understand being an Evans at Duke is a big deal. I have uncles and, cousins that go way back. It’s a bit claustrophobic. I couldn’t have anyone knowing about this.” I tell her “Despite all my efforts it looks like they’ll know anyway.”

Liz nods in understanding. Though I get impression that she’s trying to imagine her place in all of this “What the other part?”

“Part of it was that needy boyfriend that wanted so badly to be loved. That’s why I don’t want to see it because it hurts every time I do. it’s like reliving the devastation all over. I get so out of control. Tonight I turned into jealous stalker guy”

“I can understand that, and needing to feel loved doesn’t make you needy, or crazy. You reacted the way anyone who’d been wounded by love. ” I look at her because how can she even believe that, “Okay well maybe not everyone but we all deal with pain differently. I think I’m a little needy too.”

“Who could not need, or want you? I mean you’ve got me completely infatuated with you and Kyle he’s…”

“Yeah well, what if I don’t want Kyle.”

“Okay Parker, I’ve bared my soul to you now it’s your turn. What’s the real deal between you and Kyle? Why’d you get so upset earlier… about your clothes?”

“I wasn’t upset. I was perfectly fine you were upset, then tried to tell me what I could wear. It just reminded me of what Kyle does. I mean at first it was harmless him commenting on something being too revealing. Then it got to the point where he was helping me pick out my outfits; before long he asked me to quit the cheerleading squad. Which is ironic because that’s how I met him in the first place.”

“And you did it?” She nods he affirmation “Didn’t you like cheering?”

“I loved it. I still do.” Liz says, “You have to understand Kyle has a way of asking people to do something so that they feel guilty for making him have to ask.”

“Sounds like he had you brain washed.” I comment

“I was. I thought I was a horrible girlfriend for ‘prancing around the football field shaking my ass for everyone to see’ Is what he called it. But once I quit, I saw him flirting with those very same girls. He wanted me to go dress up like a nun while he was over there ogling all the flesh. It was infuriating so I stopped going to games. I knew he would never do anything so I told myself it was okay. Then Maria chimed in and told me that I was the marrying kind.”

“Excuse me?”

“You know there are some girls that guys marry and there are others with whom they just want to have a little fun.”

I nod,“ So I settled in to be ‘the wife’. Soon I stopped doing all the things that I enjoyed to sit around and wait for him. Brainwashed, understatement I was pathetic.”

“Okay there’s something don’t get. The first time that you and I talked I asked why you were with Kyle and you said because you didn’t having to worry about his roaming eye.”

“I told you I was pathetic. We tell ourselves all kinds of crazy things to make do. And toward the end there, I’d stopped thinking of Kyle as anything more than a good friend. A good friend that I kissed a lot.”

I smile “You’re not pathetic. If anything, you are a ‘brainchild’ that is simply too much for any one man to handle”

“Even you?”

“Only me.” I say “Kyle knew this and he tried to keep you on a short leash because he knew that otherwise everyone would be able to see how incredible you are. And some needy frat guy would come and steal you a way from him.”

We share a brief laugh, and then I fall silent when something comes to mind, Liz notices me tense so I get up and start pacing “What?” she asks

“I have a confession. Kyle didn’t just flirt it was more than that, a lot more. ” She understands what I’m saying but looks for me to elaborate, “You know when we’d go on those weekend trips to play a team in another state. Occasionally he and I would be put in a room together. After the games, he never came back to the room alone. I had my ‘entertainment’ for the evening as well. But I thought it was strange the way he’d spend all day talking about how perfect you were, and that he missed you; yet he’d bring a complete stranger to bed that night.”

Her mouth opens and closes as if she’s trying to form the words that just don’t seem to come so she walks over and smacks me on the arm, hard “Why did you stick up for him the other week when I found the panties in his bag?”

“Ow Because I suspected Tess’s foul play. And if you broke up with him I didn’t want it to be because of me.” I pause to think for a moment “Okay I take that back I did want it to be because of me I just didn’t want to seem like I was seizing an opportunity to undermine him. Keebler…I mean Kyle, he was going to be my brother in a few weeks. Also I wanted you to come see these things on your own.”

She accepts this then goes over to sit on the bench again. “He said I was perfect?”

I nod “I think that’s when I started to fall for you?” I resume my seat next to her so our legs are touching this time “Are you upset?”

“Yes and no. Yes, because I feel like I’ve been a fool all this time. No because, all these revelations confirm what I already knew in my heart.

“And what’s that.”

“That the ‘brainchild’ and ‘the Needy frat guy’ should definitely get together. I love you Max so much more than I ever expected to” I can’t help but kiss her at those words. I’ve waited so long to hear them and I know why . They wouldn’t have meant as much form anyone else

“Oh and don’t feel like a fool I think in some twisted way Kyle does love you.” I tell her “But I love you more.”

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:27 pm
by Behrystrwbry
Chapter Eight: Kiss and Tell

The process part 5


After baring our souls to one another, I invited Liz back to the Deke House. With the party in full swing over at DEB I knew now would be the opportune time to show her a very special place to me. The ritual room.

“That picture above the mantle is the charter chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon here at Duke,” I explain as the two of us enter the large saloon type room. There are pictures lining the walls with just about every important member of Delta Kappa Epsilon since its inception. “See right there…” I say pointing to a specific brunette in the corner of the blown up photo, “That’s my great, great, great, uncle Martin.”

“Great.” Liz echoes, but I can tell she’s quite awed by all the history we have here. Truly, no one is supposed to be allowed in the ritual room, except for official Dekes but now as my girlfriend, she gets to enjoy special privileges.

Plus I wanted to show her exactly how deep Greek life runs in the Evans clan “And on this wall is a portrait of each one of the past presidents.”

“There you are.” She points to my picture in the far corner and I try not to cringe.

“Just…pretend that’s not there.” I tell her all the while she’s pulling me in the direction of the painting.


“I look like such a doofus in that painting.” I admit. It was completed about a year ago, before I tried out this new look, “I have stupid hair.”

“I think you look quite dashing.” She tells me tracing the inscription beneath the frame. It reads ‘Max Evans 2005- Current’

“You don’t like the rugged look?” I ask suddenly self-conscious about my appearance. I thought the fringed, rugged look was in.

“The hair, yes.” Liz answers honestly, brushing my bang out of my eyes “The beard and mustache not so much. I like my guys’ clean shaven.”

“I’ll have to make a note of that,” I promise “Over here.” I clear my throat, then point to another painting a few rows down, “This is my Dad.”

She studies the painting pensively for a few seconds before saying, “He looks like you.”

“Really?” I never quite saw the resemblance between Phillip and myself.

“Especially around the mouth, and jaw line.” She traces the lines on the painting as she mentions them “Your nose is very…aristocratic.” She concludes.

‘How can a nose be aristocratic?’ I laugh to myself but humor her anyway. I close the scant space between us pressing my front against her back, “Is it?” I rub my nose on her neck affectionately as my arms go around her waist.

“Max.” she protests softly yet melts into me “That tickles.” I replace my nose with my mouth gently sucking and biting her there. After all, I gotta mark my girl.

My girl

God, it feels so good to know that she’s mine now.

All mines

“Isn’t this like sacrilege?” She asks briefly swaying my train of thought


“Didn’t you say something about Dekes, and countries, not being cunts or something…” she mumbles. I smile against her skin remembering the conversation to which she’s referring.

When I first met Liz I told her that I considered calling a fraternity a ‘frat’ like a calling your country a ‘cunt’. But I like that my touching her has caused her to forget any semblance normal thought. And all these thoughts of Dekes and cunts cause me to harden against her. “I never did get back at you for the way you left me earlier.”

Her smooth skin goose pimples up at the mention. “What are you going to do about it?” she challenges

I answer her by moving my hands to her belt buckle and purposefully unfastening it. I lower her jeans to just below her cheeks, then snake my fingers between them to see just how wet she is for me.

I know I’m going to have to have her. Making it through the day without sampling this goddess at least once, is nigh on impossible. I push her jeans down around her ankles, and then bend her over slightly.

If the little whimpers she gives when my hands leave her is any indication she wants me just as badly, so I waste little time with preliminaries. I lower my zipper, and before long, I’m slipping into her warm tight cunt.

We both sigh gratuitously at the contact. It’s been - what - three days since we’ve been together this way so you can imagine how starved we are for each other.

“This is different.” Liz observes pushing back against me experimentally. She means the position and it’s true we’ve never done it quite like this before. I’ve taken her from behind sure, on the bed, and kneeling on the floor in my truck, but never standing.

I run my hand over her rounded flesh before getting a good grip on her hips, “Do you like it?”

“Oh yeah.” She answers and together we set a steady pace. I know this won’t take long as we’re both starved for each other, I reach around to finger her clit, and already I feel her legs start to quiver.

I don’t want to hump her too hard against the wall, as I fear I’ll flatten her, but I’m anxious to finish us both off.

Eventually she get frustrated with me and takes the decision out of my hands “God Max… I won’t break!” She breathes already slamming her hips against me.

I increase my pace and force. The painting of my father looming above us and I couldn’t look at it if I tried.

Faster now and I realize I’m not the one controlling this.

‘This woman is incredible’ is the only thought in my mind as I feel her pussy start to flutter all around me. That is all it takes for me to tumble over the edge.

Starved for breath but completely satisfied the two of us pant against the wall. She straightens and I brace my hands above her.

Eventually Liz breaks out into peals of laughter and when I ask what’s so funny she answers, “Man that was quick.”

“Well we could adjourn this to my room,” I say palming her breast “Or just continue here.”

She giggles a little “You know you have like a hundred condoms in your shirt pocket and yet we failed to use one.”

I nod in acknowledgment. Truthfully, I hadn’t even thought about that “Did I need to use something?” It’s a little late to be asking now. Still…

She shakes her head in the negative “I’m on the pill and I trust you.” She says, “I’m just going to leak all over when you pull out. It’s gotta be against the rules to stain the carpet in the ritual room with cum?”

“For everyone else yeah. But since you’re my girlfriend I’m pretty sure you’ll be excused.” I joke and then an idea occurs to me. “Unless there’s something else we can do.”

Liz raises he eyebrow intrigued. “I’m going to pull out but do me a favor baby, keep your legs closed.” That sounded so much better in my head.

“Excuse me?”

“I mean so you don’t leak...” I clarify as I color slightly.

What is wrong with me. I’ve never been embarrassed about telling a girl what I want. But with Liz I just want everything to be perfect.

She does as requested though, and I frown slightly when the cold air hits me, my cock having grown used to being buried in her warmth. I quickly zip up and set about my task pulling her jeans all the way off. I turn her to face me I kneeling in front of her. I hook her left leg over my shoulder opening her delicious cunt to me.

“Max what are you doing?”

Well if you have to ask…

“We can’t do this here...”

Wanna bet

Despite her best efforts I can see she’s already begun to leak a small trail of our juices down the inner portion of her thigh. I lave at it. “Max wait no…” I trail my tongue to her center and taking her clit into my mouth ”…Oh God” she leans heavily against the wall as I work my magic.

After admitting our true feelings to one another, Max took me back to the Deke house, which was surprising because we usually go back to his apartment.

In fact, I wasn’t even aware he had a room at the house. But I should have known better considering he is the president. He said he’d never brought me here before now because of the tenuous nature of our relations, it would have blown our ‘secret’

Now that we’ve decided to make a go of it neither of us care who sees us. I doubt anyone will though, as we went straight to Max’s suite and most everyone was still at the Meet Market.

“What are you doing back there?” I ask sometime later when I awake to the feel of a cold dull point on the fleshy part of my ass.

I know what you’re thinking;


But before you get any dirty ideas, we weren’t having sex, okay.

As soon as we reached his bedroom, we both fell head over tails asleep. All be it naked, but I beginning to think I can’t sleep without Max’s naked body somewhere close by. I’m sure he feels the same way about me so all we did was sleep snuggled in each other’s arms.

We’d had an emotionally trying day. And I was exhausted after all the planning I put into the Meet Market. To think this is just the beginning of my weekend. We still have the fundraiser and homecoming tomorrow.

“Marking you.” Max tells me simply, and then goes on to explain that after I’d fallen asleep he discovered some writing on my back. He whipped out his camera phone to show me the picture he took of my naked back. Granted, it isn’t the best quality but I’m able to make it out

“Property of Kyle Valenti’” I read incredulously. I’d completely forgotten about that. I can’t believe that bastard would write his name on me. I mean that’s something you do in grade school to keep someone from taking your pencil, not your girlfriend.

“I had to clean that nonsense off of you and then mark you as mine,” Max says happily returning to his task at my rear.

“How about we leave it up to me to remember who I’m with.” I say pulling him up to eye level, He comes willingly “I don’t need you to write your name on me like I’m a kindergarten smock.”

“This isn’t for your benefit” Is his asinine response. If I ever had any doubt that girls were more mature then boys, that remark cleared it up for me.

I have to close my eyes to keep from rolling them at the sheer lunacy. Instead of getting into it, I change the subject, “Serena told me something strange yesterday.” I begin laying my head back on the pillow, and when I open my eyes his head is mere inches from mine, “She said that branding was apart of the process.”


‘Okay’ he says, as if I just told him I’m thinking of having soup for dinner. “Is it true?” I prompt

“Well I can’t be entirely sure about DEB, but with Deke, yes we do brand.” He informs matter of faculty.

“So you were branded?” I question, suddenly very interested, “Where?”

A chuckle rises from somewhere deep in his throat, “Funny you should ask.” He rolls over, then scoots up the bed a little, almost to a sitting position, so that his jersey covered derriere in right in front of my face.

I can’t help when my mind wanders to a time not so long ago, when I used to fantasize about his ass, and the way iy fit in his jeans…

I’m ready to reach out and touch that sexy piece of flesh. When Max pulls down the edge of his shorts to reveal the marking.

“You let them brand you on the ass, like a cow?” shocked doesn’t even begin to describe my expression. And not just because he’s been branded but; how did I not notice this before?

Granted, when he’s been naked, I wasn’t particularly focused on that part of his body if you know what I mean….

Instead of being mortified, as I imagine I would be, Max seems quite proud. “That’s right, 100% USDA choice Deke baby.” He boasts..

“It’s cute,” I admit “kind like a tattoo.” Now we know Max’s ass is much more than cute, that includes any imperfections, scars or markings there may be.

“Uh thanks …I think.” He states inanely. Then squawks, “Ow” when he feels my teeth on him.

“Sorry. I couldn’t help it.” I blush. So I bit him, but I’m only human and I’m telling you no one could stare at the man’s tushy and not want to take a bite out of those golden globes.

He blushes briefly as well before pulling his shorts up and resuming his position on the pillow and returning to the topic at hand, “So, it’s probably apart of your process too. But there is a way around it.”

“What?” now my interest is piqued.

“If you find another way to use the brands.” He tells me.

“Like on someone else?” I frown.

“No, my pledge class as a group decided we wanted to get the brands.” He begins, “but other’s have like… stolen another fraternity’s mascot and branded that. Or welded the symbol into a piece of metal furniture, or cement. As long as you use the hot irons it should be fine.”

“Sound so archaic.”

“Well you have to remember when these organizations were chartered. In the 1800s.”

“In the south, where they were in the practice of branding human beings as chattel” It is true that most of the young men and women that founded Deke and DEB were from wealthy slave holding families “Yeah I caught that part of the history too.”

I’m starting to see that while being a DEB is bound to be fun and exciting, like everything else, it has its dark side. And I have to make my peace with that

“I never said we were perfect.” Is all Max says as he pulls me against him. I think he sense my inner struggle because it‘s a long while before either of us says anything.

Eventually I break the silence with, “I think I know what we’ll do.”

“What’s that?”

“You’ll see, soon enough.” I tell him, and he seems to leave it alone after that.

He switches off the light on the bedside table then joins me under the covers; as soon as he does I pull him close. I just needed to something to hold onto

More silence

“I can’t believe you ate me in your ritual room.” Don’t ask me where that came from. I guess just having him naked beside me makes me really…Horny

I find it kind strange given the heavy nature of our conversation a second ago. But I’m find it neat that Max and I can go from the depths of discussion to the height of passion in a matter of minutes.

“Technically, I ate us.” He whispers running his tounge over the outer shell of my ear “my stuff was still in there too.” His heated words only serve to prove that point

“How was that by the way?” Again, I shock myself with the question

“It was kinda nice.” He admits not at all bothered by it “You gotta try it some time.”

“I don’t know if I could get over the fact that I’d be eating my own…essence” I cringe “Even if it is off of you.”

“So you wouldn’t fuck me,” he takes my ear into his mouth “then blow me?”

“God yes!” I utter already pulling the covers back. He’s mostly hard and ready for me so I stroke him a few times before taking position and sinking down onto me.”

“Wait he says meeting my eyes in the dark.” He scoots us over then turns on the lamp on the bedside table. I eye him curiously “What? You’re getting good at this - Quite the riding jockey - I want to see everything.”


“So its official you guys are an item.” I ask Liz that morning when she returns to the dorm room with a grin as wide as a Cheshire cat.

There are only two reasons a girl has a smile like that, and the other is shopping. No doubt, this has to do with with Max.

“Shh you’re the only one that knows.” She confirms.

And who exactly was she expecting to hear, in our room.?

However, I humor her and ask, “Not even Kyle?” I’m thinking there has to be some kind of ethical consideration when you’re significant other of the past two years doesn’t know you have a new beau,

And still thinks you’re together by the way…

But I don’t say anything to Liz though, for now I’ll just focus on being happy for her, and I truly am.

Just in a jealous, can-your-life-be-any-more-perfect type of way.

When I say ‘perfect’, of course that means abandoning all morals;

And when I say ‘life,’ I mean Max Evans because inevitably he’s her world.

But can I really be upset with her for that? I really thought about our conversation last night, I think the only reason I was being so hard on Liz was that things weren’t working between Michael, and I. Sure, my walking around in a foul mood isn’t helping anything

No one likes a sour puss.

So from the moment I set foot on solid ground in Durham this morning, I resolved myself to make the best of this DEB thing.

And when Liz returned to our room a few short hours later I put on my happy face and congratulated her as the two of us puttered around the room putting ourselves together for the day.

The pledge class is wearing plain pink T-shirts today and jean… whatevers. I went for a mini skirt in which I’m already dressed; while Liz still in her bathrobe is laying out a modest pair of shorts.

Looking at the two of us you’d never be able to tell which one of us spent the night having, no doubt, mind blowing sex.

“I’m telling him today, after the Homecoming game.” Liz says informing me of her plans to axe things with Kyle, and on such a joyful occasion.

“Max’s cousin is coming down from N.Y. so they’re going to go hang out or whatever.”

When I hear this, my boy radar goes off.


Of one of the sexiest males on this campus “So this cousin is he single?” I ask hopeful.

Maybe the four us can do a double date type of thing.

“I think so. But Max is setting him up with Serena” Liz says regretfully

So they’ll be a double date but they already have their fourth participant.

“Things will work out with Michael eventually, just give it time.” Liz concludes

Must that boy’s name make into every other conversation? I mean, it’s been - what - three minutes since the last mention of him? And I’d almost forgotten that asshole. I get the feeling Liz wants to pawn me off on him so I won’t bug her about the Max/Kyle/Liz triangle.

But I don’t care about that anymore.

The one person I do care about happens to be a player as well so… “Not five minutes ago, weren’t you telling me he left the Meet Market with that girl?”

“Courtney.” Liz provides

“Exactly. Man I can’t stand her” As if I needed a reason before. Now I really despise her.

“You don’t even know Courtney.” She counters, “Why don’t you just tell him the truth? The only reason Michael wasn’t interested is that he thought you were out of his league. He might feel differently when he learns your Mom sells blow up dolls for a living.”

“I don’t think they’re the kind he’d be interested in.” I half joke

“You know what I mean.” She says fixing me with that patented ‘be serious’ Liz look, “If he knew you were just as weird as he is….”

“…You think Michael is weird?” Not to mention me, but that’s a separate issue.

“Maybe ‘weird’ wasn’t the best word.” She amends thoughtfully “He’s always brooding and quiet, it’s almost like he’s on some top secret mission. He just doesn’t seem like the fraternity type that’s all.”

We haven’t even crossed yet and already the elitism is setting in? But honestly, I thought the same thing when I met him.

I settle for a neutral response, “I’m sure there’s a lot about Michael Guerin that we don’t know.”

“Exactly, and it’s your job to find out.” Liz concludes.

She just may be right.

“So you ready.” I ask Liz as I lean down to tie my sneakers.

“I still have to take a shower. You know wash last night off of me. “

That’s right, all the booze and sex

“Any way I’ll meet you there.” She finishes

“Yeah I have to stop by the DEB house anyway.” I tell her “Isabel called this morning. So is there anything you need me to do. or is everything set?”

We’re selling hamburgers and hotdogs at the Homecoming Tailgate as our fundraiser.

“We’re set.”

With that, I shrug grab my bag, and then am on my way. When I do make it to the DEB house, it’s nearly empty. I guess either no one came home last night, or they are out on the field already. I climb the stairs to Isabel’s room and knock once before entering.

Big mistake

“Oh Maria! I forgot you were coming.” She groggily exclaims upon seeing me.

I simply stare at the scene before me for a few seconds, before walking back out into the hall. “I’ll just wait here until you uh…finish>” I say through the closed door.

Surely, mine eyes have deceived me. That couldn’t have been a naked Alex Whitman, wrapped around my big sister.

Is everyone getting laid except me?

“Maria?” a blushing Alex greets as he exit’s the room, with his shirt and sneakers in his hand. Thank goodness, he’s one of my best friends or this could have been an awkward moment. “I know what you’re thinking but…”

“…Alex you don’t owe me an explanation.” I tell him

“I do.” He insists “And we’ll talk later.”

I nod and bid him goodbye, before entering the room once again. A robed Isabel is stripping the bed. She straightens when she sees me and drops the linens “I wanted to tell you….but you were away….” She’s rambling and I let because how often do you see a flustered Isabel Evans, “And I just got…”

“Some deke.” I provide with a wry smile, and it seems to lighten the mood as she giggles at the situation

“Please don’t say anything to anyone.” She implores

“I won’t” I assure

“Thank you. I’m just not the kind to kiss and tell. And besides that I don’t want to go around announcing to everyone when I’m not sure how he feels about it.” She explains, and then follows with an unexpected question.

“How does he feel about it?” cautiously “About me?”

I shrug “How should I know?” weren’t you the one snuggled up to the dude a minute ago.

I mean don’t people talk about these things before they hop in the sac? However, I’m learning that doesn’t seem to be the DEB way. At least where, Liz, Isabel and myself are concerned. Yet I’m the only one who was burned by it.

“You’re his best friend.” Isabel says bringing me back to the situation at hand “Surely he said something to you on the way out?”

Yes but, the question is would I tell you.

“That’s one of the reasons I asked you over here.” She continues

I frown

“I mean not so you would see us.” She clarifies nervously “But I wanted to ask you if he ever mentioned me.”

Of course I’m gonna tell the girl, no secrets among sisters and all that. Now only if she’d shut her yap long enough to hear it.

“I asked Liz but she was vague and…”

“Isabel,” I say silencing her, “the guy is knees over elbows in love with you.”

“Really.” She asks as if she can’t believe it. I nod.

He didn’t actually say that but if I know Alex

And I thing I do…

“He wouldn’t have….with you if you weren’t special to him” I assure her. When Isabel hears this, a wide smile spreads across her face as she plops on the mattress.

I opt for the chair in the corner. I refuse to sit on that thing until it’s been flipped, sanitized, and covered with rubber.

“You must think I’m pathetic Huh?” she cautions

“Why would I think a thing like that?” I joke. Just because you’re blushing, like a thirteen year old with a crush on a boy…

“Being caught up over a guy.” Isabel provides seriously

“We all get caught up.” I tell her. I know I certainly was.

Foolishly, but truthfully caught up.

“Not me.” She insists then goes on to admit “Not to be vain or anything but I could have anyone, and I’ve dated a lot of guys. Nothing serious because once they realize I’m not your typical dumb sorority girl, they get discouraged.”

Call me crazy but I think Isabel Evans and I are having a moment.

Over the past five weeks, conversations between the two of us have run the gamut

From make-up to, gossip. All completely random things. Nothing that actually related to who we are as people

This is genuine, and it makes me feel like just maybe…I’m gaining a friend here.

Isabel continues “Not Alex though, he actually listens. Last night after we… he and I stayed up talking until dawn just talking. That’s part of the reason I was still in bed at....” she looks over the clock on the wall “Noon! Wow, it’s late. Why didn’t you tell me it was this late?” she says hopping off the bed and going over to her bureau to begin picking out clothes “We have to get down there my parents are probably wondering where I am by now…”

“I was enjoying your heartfelt monologues too much.” I rib once again. But this time it’s partially true.

She rolls her eyes at my antics

“Kidding, but Alex he’s a rare breed, one of the only guys with whom you can have a conversation.” Or at least one of the only guys you would want to.

“You’re lucky to have him and if I need to remind you I will. Don’t screw around with him. Else I’ll have to lay the smack-down on you”

“Noted ‘Hurricane’ no-ted” Isabel humors,

I never did mention how I got my pledge name, ‘Hurricane.’ Apparently I’m somewhat confrontational.

But she gets the point and I feel content enough to move on, “So what was the other reason you asked me here?” I ask

She answers my question with a question, “You write correct?”

“Yes.” I provide cautiously. Why the sudden interest I wonder.

“Is it just non-fiction or do you write poetry and prose too?” She continues

“A little of both I guess.” I admit. Though recently I haven’t had time to write much of anything other than in my for school or DEB.

“You ever publish?” She queries

“Just on some online literary journal…” I telll her “And the ‘Blue Devil Times’ of course>. Why?”

“Just curious….” She begins but before she has time elaborate the door creaks open.

It’s Tess “Hey, I’m not interrupting anything am I?” the smaller blonde asks.

“No, what’s up Tess?” Isabel greets

“Well I needed your advice on something.” Tess responds

“Well come in close the door. You don’t mind if Maria stays do you?” Tess mumbles some garbage about how we’re all sisters before taking a seat “Okay shoot.”

She takes a deep breath then begins, “Hypothetically speaking….”

Uh Oh. Nothing good ever started with ‘hypothetically speaking’ so the journalist in me perks up waiting for the other shoe to drop. Unbeknownst to them I take out my book and begin jotting down notes.

“What if you’d used someone to get back at another person…”

Isabel interrupts then, “….When you say ‘used’ you mean…”

“Used…” Tess confirms,

‘Is there any other way this girl knows to ‘use’ someone?’ I think to myself.

“But it’s not bad because there was a mutual understanding, they were using you too. But then somewhere along the way feelings got involved…on your part anyway …”

“I think you should tell this other person, the one that you used, how you’re feeling they may feel the same way.” Isabel suggests

Tess mulls this over for a second before following with, “Do you think of me as a dumb blonde? A slut?”

Ooo, can I answer that one

“Tess where is this coming from?” Isabel cautions

Tess shrugs “Sometimes it feels like that’s what people think of me. They always have, no matter what I do…So I kinda turned into that. You know substantiated the rumor. But not him he makes me feel like an equal.”

“We’re not talking about Max are we?” Isabel asked and when Tess confirmed her suspicions, continued, “Well I know for fact that isn’t true. He loved you Tess and you totally screwed him over.”

“I know.” Tess acknowledges “And I feel terrible for what I did. But I was scared no one had ever really told me they loved me, not even my parents. I assume they do but they’ve never said the words. So when your brother said that. I sabotaged it on purpose.”

“To protect yourself.” Isabel concludes, Tess nods “And what about this other person>?”

Tess’s eyes shift from Isabel to me, as if she’s afraid to say in front of me, and when she does I know why

“It’s Kyle.”

Man, this just gets more interesting by the second.

“We talked and I think he suffers from stereotypes…kinda like me. People think he’s a ‘dumb jock’ but he’s not he’s clever, and funny and…”

“Okay I get it….” Iz says silencing her. I’m glad because I’m not sure I can take much more of the mooning “First you should end things with my brother. This isn’t fair to him.”

Max isn’t exactly being fair to her either, but it has to end some where

Isabel continues, “And as far as what other people think of you; it doesn’t matter. I know its sounds ridiculous, a sorority girl telling you not to worry about public opinion, but it’s true. We’re only responsible for being the best person we can be. All of us.”

I’m not sure how it possible for Isabel to be speaking to me, and not speaking to me at the same time.

But she is. All the lies, all the secrets have to stop.

I am Maria Deluca from Roswell New Mexico alien capital of the world.

And it’s high time my big sister knewit. I mean she seems like an understanding person


Tess looks as if she’s pondering what Isabel said but then her eyes fall on me once again “What you got there?” she motions to my notebook.

“Nothing.” I say quickly and slip the book back in my bag.

Tess shrugs rising to her feet, “Well thanks Iz, I should be going. So should you, your parents are looking for you.”

“Tell them I’ll be down soon.” Isabel tells her.

Once Tess is gone, I turn to Isabel and say, “That was some good advice you gave her…”

“You think” She muses scrunching her nose, “Well I only speak from the heart.”

Say it now perfect opportunity to wipe the slate clean.

Just do it

Spit it out already

I should just tell her but I know inevitably I’m going to chicken out, “So that’s it. Or is there more to this interrogation?” I say finally

“No. The next week is going to be busy, and I wanted to tell you you’ll need a toga and white dress by next Saturday evening.” Isabel informs matter of faculty

“So this is all going to be over in a week?” Or at least it is, if those outfits are for what I think they are.

“Maybe it’s just the beginning.” She covers obviously having given up too much information. She returns to her dresser to continue setting out her clothes.

Too late sister, that cat’s already out of the bag, “But we’re going to be initiated?” I insist

“You know I can’t tell you that.” She says simply

“Oh come on, no secrets among sisters.”

“Maria, don’t you have somewhere to be.” She urges

“I’ll go. But later I want answers.”


Duke’s 2006 homecoming will definitely go down in the DEB history books.

Not only did we play Virginia Tech, which have been our rivals since… like forever. But half of Deke - the half that isn’t on the basketball team - is on the football team. So they spent the morning getting psyched for the big game. This involved some sacred ritual in the basement for D.K.E athletes. Methinks it probably involved a lot grunting and head banging. And last night’s meet market served as the perfect opportunity to…

Relieve some stress, for some of them.

Around mid morning, the tailgate provided the backdrop for our pledge class’s fundraiser. And as much as I’d like to say, the event went off without a hitch, that couldn’t have been further from the truth.

It all started because of the kissing booth.

That, stupid booth was not my idea, but being a member of a group - a sisterhood some might say - means you must always be open to suggestion.

So the line for the booth wrapped around twice. Guys, young and old, and some if the girls find this disturbing, but as it is Homecoming, your fair share of alumni are present. However, the thirteen of us all take turns so no one will feel overwhelmed.

I haven’t taken my turn yet and with both Kyle and Max present, I’m looking forward to it with about as much as much anticipation as one might look forward to a root canal.

I seem to have a knack for picking guys with a jealous streak…

Anyway, our group is also selling hamburgers and hot dogs with that wonderful little DEB symbol burned onto them. Brands on pieces of meat where they belong.

Ironically, Prue showed me how to use the irons without burning myself. Or at least it would be ironic if it weren’t so disturbing. The girl hasn’t even bothered to apologize to me. But then how do you apologize for something like that…

‘By the way sorry for defacing your arm like that…’

I’m sure it isn’t can’t be easy but she could at least make the effort. Isn’t that what sisters are supposed to do?

Anyway, I’ve been working the grill for the past forty-five minutes. I was supposed to have been relieved of my post fifth-teen minutes ago but my replacement never showed up. When Tess finally does decide to make an appearance, she doesn’t seem to care that she’s late.

“I was with my boyfriend’s family…” She explains and it’s clear she’s trying to get a rise out of me, “You know the Evans came down from Boston this morning.”

‘Boyfriend’ I mock to myself, ‘not for long.’ Then the rest of what she said sinks in. “Max’s parents are here?” I ask. Why didn’t I know about this? We were together all night and he didn’t say one word. Is he ashamed of me, or something?

Tess must have noticed my uncertainty because she chimes in with, “Don’t look so shocked he doesn’t tell you everything.”

“Liz!” I look up to see Max waving me over and I feel a glimmer of hope.

Quickly I turn back to Tess and ramble off some instructions so she doesn’t wind up burning and horribly scarring herself. It’s not as if I care all that much, still…

Before I go over to where I saw Max, I stop by the window of a van to check my appearance.

Nothing in the teeth

Smooth the hair

I’ve never been one to primp but meeting a guy’s parents can be a big deal….

When I finally do reach him, I see Max standing there with someone who could pass for his clone. To say that I was disappointed would have been an understatement.

“Liz, this is my cousin Zan.” Max introduces “Zan, Liz.”

The Max clone reaches out to greet me and his hands are softer than I would have expected given his appearance. Not that he’s unkempt or anything, aside from the spiky hair and the piercing in his left brow he looks just like Max.

He speaks with a barely noticeable accent. “So is this her?” Zan asks. New York I think Max said, so that question come out more like, ‘So is ‘dis hah?’

Long on some vowels, short on other and all that…

Max nods “Yeah, the one I told you about.” he winks

“I taught you well…” Zan comments giving me a full once over. “You sure do know how to pick ‘em.” I feel like he’s undressing me with his eyes “Bet, little lady it’s you and me tonight right?”

“No, no, no…this isn’t your date.” Max quickly corrects, “This one’s mine. Your’s is… Baby have you seen Serena?” He asks slipping his arms around my waist affectionately.

“She’s here somewhere.” I tell him. I haven’t seen my big sis yet today. Or any of the DEBs really.

Well let me rephrase that; I haven’t seen any DEBs that are currently active in this chapter. Once again, as it is homecoming, women of Delta Epsilon Beta have come home the pay their respects.

As for our DEBs, after speaking with Prue earlier, they all seemed to have just disappeared.

“See cuz now I’m confused. Didn’t you say that blonde chick was yours? ”Zan asks

“Well she is…” Max answers

“What?” I question, now I’m confused too…

“Was…” Max amends assuring me then turns to Zan who seems to find the whole situation quite amusing “We still have to work things out… and wipe the smirk off your face because it’s not what you’re thinking. I’m done with all of that.”

“Whatever you say cuz…”but clearly, his cousin doesn’t believe him. And at the moment, I’m not so sure what to believe myself.

“I heard your parents were here.” I say, partially as a question, and partially accusation. I want to see how he’ll explain his way out of this one.

“They are but…”Max begins and both Zan and I give him our rapt attention.

“Liz, I’ve been looking all over for you!” Maria screams as she approaches, deftly squeezing through the crowd.

“We will finish this later.” I tell Max who seems to be breathing a sigh of relief at my friend’s approach.

“Hey Max.” She greets when she reaches our little congregation “And…” she gestures toward Zan.

“Zan.” I provide.

“Nice to meet you Zan. Hurricane Deluca here.” Maria greets taking his hand.


“Maria.” She clarifies, “Hurricane is kind of like a nick name...”

“No I get it. It’s like my name is Alex-zan-der but I go by Zan.” He kisses her hand “But you can call me nice.”

“Not so fast Zan she’s not for you either. Let’s go find Serena.” Max suggests already pulling his cousin away.

“So what’s up?” I ask Maria once they’ve gone

“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for…you know, judging and saying all those hurtful things to you. We’re supposed to be friends and you shouldn’t have to worry about that type of thing from your friends.”

“Well thank you, but what brought thing on.” I ask, as far as I was concerned we were good.

“Well I had a conversation with my big sister this morning and Tess surprisingly. But I realized everyone is judging everyone else. And as a result, we fail to see the real people. No one wants to be stereotyped.”

After that, Maria and I make our way to the booth and settle into our stations.

An hour and I don’t know how many kisses later, I see Maria selling Max and an older man, who I recognize as his father, a ticket.

“Liz this is my dad Phillip Evans, Dad this is Liz Parker.” When they reach the booth, Max introduces me, very non-descript by the way…

Liz parker my – what?


Newest member of my harem?

Don’t leave me hanging here Max, especially in front of your dad.

His father extends his hand and I shake it firmly “Ms. Parker I’ve heard a lot about you young lady.”

“Really?” I blush “All good I hope.”

“Of course.” Max answers for his dad. I think he’s guessed at my chaotic thoughts. Because he gives me a look that says ‘this is my peace offering’

“Well it’s very nice to meet you Mr. Evans.” I say before leaning up to peck the older man on his cheek.

Did I ever mention how tall the Evans are? I feel like a midget next to this man.

Then Max - who’s a bit shorter than his father is - steps up and hands me his ticket “You don’t really need this but…” I whisper to him before wrapping my arms around his neck and indulging him in a tender kiss, which quickly grows heated, and I’m sure draws the attention of those around us not the least of which is Kyle. He and a group of rowdy frat boys linger next in line.

“Dude!?” Kyle questions beer in hand. I’m not entirely sure if he’s on the precipice of insobriety or the verge of a freak-out

“Maybe you should go.” I suggest to Max who’s still clinging to my hand.

“No Ace, stick around.” Kyle urges, “I’m sure there’s got to be a good reason why you’re slobbing down my girlfriend in the middle of tailgate.”

“Kyle don’t do this here.” I implore, making note of Max’s father who’s standing a few feet away. Not to mention the whispers and the pointing of those around us.

“Then when Liz? When and where?” He’s not even looking at me but directly at Max in silent challenge.

Before responding, Max looks to his father. I can tell if the elder Evans wasn’t here Max might do something drastic. “Relax Keebler this is a kissing booth,”

“Relax he tells me.” Kyle mocks “Well Liz someone better charge him because that lip lock you gave him was worth a hell of lot more than a dollar.”

“Maybe you should talk to Liz about that.” Max says quietly, but I can tell he’s trying to force me to admit to Kyle about us.

In that moment, I know with out a doubt that this is it. This is the big, ugly scene I’ve been trying to avoid by waiting all this time. Just as I’m about to tell them both to back off. Serena comes over and tells me we’re having a crisis.

No kidding.

But she means DEB not this little mini drama.

Isabel and Prue make a brief announcement thanking everyone for supporting but informing them that the kissing booth and grill are closed.

“What’s going on?” Max asks.

“Liz will fill you in later.” Serena answers vaguely then tacks on “That is if you haven’t read about it by then,” under her breath. “Everyone is gathering at the house.”

“Even the pledges?” I ask looking for a way out.

“Especially the pledges.”

Max taps me on the shoulder then, saying, “We will talk about this later.” Then giving Kyle a dirty look before stalking off.

Kyle however seems somewhat indifferent, and wastes no time in integrating himself back into the crowd of rowdy frat boys as if the whole thing never happened.


You ever get one of those nagging feelings that no matter what you do, the day is going to end badly.

I’ve had that feeling ever since I arrived at the tailgate festivities this morning.

Of course, the reason for that is that the proverbial shit had already hit the fan. But I didn’t know that. I had no idea what to expect walking into the emergency meeting called by the big sisters less than ten minutes before the football game.

Hell, I was actually beginning to feel a bit better, thanks to my truce with Liz and my talk with Isabel earlier.

That all went to hell with the appearance of ‘he who shall not be named’ at our fundraising hotdog stand.

It’s not very hard to figure out to whom I’m referring, as my hit list isn’t very long. It entails maybe two people on any given day.

And who’s the only male, I know of, that can take down five hotdogs in under a minute, and would be interested in doing so at eleven something in the morning?

You guessed it.

One, Michael Guerin.

I had the misfortune of serving the condiments to, I mean for said wiener. There aren’t many people around as it’s still somewhat early. And here he is trying to make small talk, as if nothing ever happened between us.

“So the ‘rents didn’t want to drive the Porsche up to homecoming?” He questions absently, though something in his tone tells me he knows more than he lets on. “I guess Albuquerque is kinda far, but I’m sure they have a private jet?”

“They aren’t alumni.” I say simply

“Oh, that’s right gets so hard to keep up sometimes” He smiles, then leans in and whispers “I know.” Just loud enough for me to hear.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Don’t you have somewhere to be?” I point out his latest conquest Courtney who’s talking animatedly with one of her friends.

“So you heard?” He says wincing visibly as if he’s ashamed of himself.

Good he should be. “Yeah I heard.” I confirm, “And let me tell you now, I don’t play that share and share alike I’m not Liz,”

“Harsh.” He laughs, “So the truth comes out.”

“What truth?”

“Thanks for having the courage to do what I never could.” He comments finally before getting lost in the gathering crowd.

What the heck was that about?

I don’t have any courage.

If anything I’m a big frickin’ coward.

Strange and then that nagging feeling.

Next, there was this love triangle with Liz, Max, and Kyle. Sure, it’s not really my drama but everyone empathizes with his or her best friend.

Liz already told me she was going to tell Kyle the truth today so I knew the confrontation was coming, but I didn’t expect it to cause such as scene.

There were kissing booths, jealous exes, and fathers involved. And just when the whole thing was about to come to a head.

The big sisters close everything down and summon everyone to the house for this impromptu meeting.

Whatever this meeting is for, it is must be juicy because people are pointing, speculating, and they all seem to have a copy of the day’s paper on hand.

Just fantastic,

There’s the nagging feeling again, whatever it is I will somehow be blamed for it.

Isabel admitted that some of the other sisters were a little leery of me, as I work on the campus paper.
I haven’t had the chance to skim the thing and have no idea what’s inside, I didn’t get a look at the layout before it went to press.

“So what’s up?” I ask one of the other girls from our class.

“This is…” She hands me today’s paper I glimpse the headline ‘Pledging Loyalty to What?’

I smile to myself about the double entendre there then begin skimming the rest of the article.

A pledge was interviewed about some of the not too glowing details of her process. I can relate, and these quotes look kinda familiar.

Wait a sec they look a familiar because they’re mine.

But I didn’t write this.

Well I did, but not for the paper. These are my personal thought and feelings that were never supposed to see the light of day.

This is bad.

“We have a mole among us ladies.” Prue begins by stating the obvious.

This is very bad.

Well maybe not, maybe if I just sit here and act like I’m just as shocked and appalled as everyone else no one will notice. Then I can go find out who’s been stealing my thoughts.

“Whoever you are, just come forward. If you had the courage to go to the paper with this stuff at least have the balls to fess up.” Prue urges.

None of us have balls silly,

Ovaries maybe…

I know I shouldn’t be joking at a time like this, but it’s what I do to deflect the impending doom.

Dead silence falls in the parlor.

Then one word.

“Hurricane.” And nearly one hundred sets of eyes turn in my direction.

“What are you all looking at me for? I didn’t put those things there,” which is the truth I didn’t put those things in the paper. But who ever did really has it coming.

Wait ‘til I get my hands on ‘em

“No way.” Liz says, “Maria wanted to be a DEB more than anyone. Why would she go through all that just to sabotage the organization?”

“How about the fact that she works on the paper, an editor if I’m not mistaken.” Prue comments, “She could have at least given us a heads up that this was coming out. Or better yet stopped it. This whole thing really makes me wonder where your loyalties lie.”

Uh how about with myself?

I don’t have to be loyal to anyone but myself

Well and my mother…considering she gave me life and all.

But the point is Prue thinks she can intimidate me. But she can’t because I didn’t do anything.

“If you recall, I didn’t exactly have loads of free time last week. When would I have had time to write an article, or look over a paper layout?” I point out.

Hell Week was kind to no one.

“I agree with Liz, Maria wouldn’t have done this.” Isabel says.

“And’ we’re supposed to take her word for it?” Tess questions, “She may not have written the article but those are definitely her thoughts, and she’s always writing in the god forsaken book of hers.”

“If she says it wasn’t her, then it wasn’t. Just let it go.” Liz persists visibly irritated by the situation, but more so at Tess….

“Where is that passage?” Tess who doesn’t seem phased by Liz, takes a paper from the person sitting next to her then to skims the article for the desired section before she begins reading “You should find it particularly interesting Liz…”

“…I won’t mention any names but they are the only sorority and fraternity on this campus that are constitutionally bound.” This pledge who wishes to remain anonymous admits.

“Does that mean you have sleep with the brothers?” a representative of the Blue Devil Time inquires.

“It’s not in writing anywhere, but after receiving a bid, a friend of mine did fall prey to the charms of a certain fraternity president…”

Liz’s mouth just opens and closes, as she can’t find the words. If she believes this,

And that’s a big IF

She must think I’m a complete tool, to apologize to her face yet put those things about her in the paper. Sure, I thought them but you’re allowed to have the occasional moment of jealous insanity, and think not so nice things about your friends. Right? As long as you don’t go bad-mouthing them to anyone else.

Finally, and with deadly calm Liz locks eyes with Tess and says, “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Now I’m sure this has nothing to do with me.

The blonde responds with a smirk, “It also says something about self proclaimed pimp and former prude that think they’re in love or something.”

With that statement, Liz goes ballistic and begins to strangle the poor girl.


I lost it.

Seriously blacked out for a few seconds and somehow ended up on the floor strangling the life out of Tess Harding.

Granted I’ve never been a fan of the girl, but I’m usually not a violent person. But she was bad mouthing my friend and no one badmouths my friend

Even if they have the occasional moment of jealous insanity and bad mouth you. But I explain that one later.

Anyway, it’s not long before the two of us have gotten into an all out bitch slapping fight.




Not to mention rolling around on the ground, and making complete fools of ourselves.

Eventually someone pulls us apart and drags us away, and escorts us to another room. A den on the second floor I learn.

“You want to tell me what this is all about?” Prue says while she and Serena go about cleaning and bandaging our wounds.

Nothing major. I seem to have given Tess a pretty good scratch on her cheek. And I’m almost sure I’ll find a bald spot in the middle of my head later.

“Quite simple really, Satan’s minion over there is set on blaming this whole thing on Maria.” I say simply.

“I wasn’t saying anything that wasn’t true she’s just too stubborn to hear it.” Tess returns

“Did you read the paper Liz?” Prue asks

“Well no,” I admit “but I trust the girl with my life that’s enough.”

“You might want to take a look before you rule it out. “ It’s pretty damning evidence.” Prue concludes “But lets be honest ladies, we all know what this is really about. And are you really going let some guy come between sisters?”

Neither of us says a thing because the idea of Tess as my sister is absurd.

Yeah and J. Lo’s my mom.

“And Max Evans at that. Sure he’s a good lay but…”

“You and he...” I don’t even have to finish my question for everyone to know what I mean

“Who hasn’t screwed around with him?” Prue goads and I’m not sure if it’s true or she’s just yanking my chain.

I look to Serena for confirmation and she simply shrugs saying, “He doesn’t tell me everything.”

Tess remains mute

I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to hearing that Max has screwed yet another person, even if all that is in the past

“But we all know he belongs to Tess so now that you’ve had your fun, go ahead and send that lost puppy back to his rightful owner. “

“Watch it Prue.” I scowl, not sure if it’s a threat, or just my frustration with the knowledge.

“Oh my, possessive this one.” Prue mocks, then turns to Tess and says, “SoCo, she might give you a run for your money.”


I know you’re wondering where that one came from. It’s an abbreviated version of Tess’s pledge name.

‘Southern Comfort.’

I’ll just let you imagine how they came up with it.

Silence reins for a few minutes after that as Prue paces the length of the parlor; I’m sure thinking what to do to us. However, it isn’t long before she turns her attention back to Tess and I and says, “Since you can’t seem to work this out like normal people. We’ll have to put you in to solitary.”


What the hell is this prison?

It seems so, as solitary is a room

with no windows,

one door,

and two chairs.

One for each of us.

In actuality, I think it’s a closet, 4 X 6 that they’ve hollowed out for just this purpose.

It’s just darkness and the two us.

Once I’ve resigned ourselves to the fact that we won’t be getting out of here anytime soon. I feel myself to a wall to rest my back against as I have a seat.

I’m guessing Tess does the same because the only thing I hear is her labored breathing once she quits clawing at the door.

Neither of us says anything until Tess comes with, “So did you just get bored, or was it because you couldn’t please your own boyfriend that you decided to go after mine.”

“Max hasn’t really been your boyfriend for a very long time and you have only yourself to thank for that.” I return.

“I always knew he had a thing for you.” Tess admits begrudgingly “But I could never understand why. Who’d want a prudish waif?”

“I guess the same people who put up with dirty strumpets” I shoot back, she frowns “Oh I’m sorry over your head ‘strumpet’ means slut, whore, skank, you know the type.” It’s only you and all your friends

I can tell my remark really smarted when she returns with, “Must be good to sit in judgment the ‘perfect’ Liz Parker.”

“I never claimed to be perfect.”

“You didn’t have to! I know your type, you make me sick” She flings “No matter what you do people think you can do no wrong, they flock to you like you’re some kind of saint.”

Something about what she’s saying makes me think of Maria, and the things in the paper, really her whole attitude toward me all week.

Tess goes on “I mean what is it about you? Leaving my failed excuse for a relationship out of this, you cheat on your boyfriend, you sneak around behind his back and still he clings to you like…”

“…You know Tess, maybe if you stopped stabbing people in the back, and acting like you’re entitled simply because of who you are people would cling to you too” I tell her

I never wanted this...

This sorority,

A boyfriend

Any of it. And I certainly don’t want to be sitting here in the dark with Tess Harding. “Oh and accusing people of things they didn’t do - also not a good way to make friends.” I finish

“Who said I wanted to be your friend?” She throws back.

“Good I have enough.”

“Who like Maria? With friends like her who needs enemies.”

“Maria wouldn’t say those things about me.”

“Wouldn’t she… or haven’t you noticed. That’s right too busy having sex with my boyfriend. Well let me say it plain for you Liz. Maria Deluca wants your life. You got exactly what she wanted coming into DEB. And because she couldn’t have it she decided to make sure no one could.”

“And what makes you the authority on Maria’s thoughts?”

“Oh I’m not. But that pledge book of hers makes for some interesting reading. She should probably stop leaving it around all the time.”

I don’t say anything.

I can’t what does one say when faced with the possibility that their best friend may be jealous of them.

If she is, and it’s a big IF.

Our friendship is much stronger than that

That’s the last thing I wanted.

I would give it all up,


The unwanted attention

Even Max.

If it meant I could have good double vanilla ice cream and one of our patented ‘girl’s night in.

Not knowing what else to do I fumble around it the dark for the light switch, and turn it on once I find it, bathing the two of us in a sickly yellow light.

I look down at the scratches on my arm, over at the red mark welting on Tess cheek. No doubt, we’ve both hideously scarred each other “I don’t think I’m perfect?” I say, kind of as a peace offering.

You know the proverbial ‘Olive Branch’

“And I’m not really a whore… strumpet or whatever” she says simply, “I don’t know if Maria put those things in the paper or not I just said it to annoy you.”

I have to admit not the answer I was expecting.

“I’ve been provoking you all this time because I wanted to show everyone that when provoked, even Liz Parker can turn into a bitch.”

In that moment I realize that, while I may be guilty of having labeled her, pushing her into a stereotype. She’s also labeled me.


That nagging feeling from earlier has been magnified by about a thousand. Now I just feel like one of those monkeys on display at the zoo.

No one believed that I didn’t put those things in the paper and Prue decided it was necessary to read my pledge book. When she discovered that a large part of what’s in the article was pulled from that book she decided Serena needed to see it.

Then the next person

And another.

Until the entire pledge class had read it with the exception of Liz, Isabel, and Tess.

The good news is they decided to keep the details to just the class.

The bad news is now my entire life story is on trial.

It was stupid of me to use that thing as a journal of sorts.

Initially I had two notebooks

One pledge book and one for the notes for my expose.

I had everything sorted out.

In my notes and in my head

But then somewhere along the way I started to like the idea of being in a sorority and decided I wasn’t going to do an expose. Then I started writing everything in my pledge book.

And I mean everything

The worse part is now Isabel and Liz will know everything as well…

And I mean everything.

The sun was beginning to set when Liz and Tess returned from wherever they were and the pledge class, plus Prue re-convened in the parlor. The rest of the sisters knew what was going on but they weren’t involved as only a pledge class could decide to get rid of a pledge. And that is what was happening.

I was being voted out.

Isabel takes a seat next to me looking relaxed and amiable. “What’s with the sun glasses?” I ask.

“My mother.” Isabel says simply. “And her new digital camera she must have taken near a hundred pictures. I’m not sure if I’ve been blinded by the flash.”

“Wasn’t she a DEB? Did she read the paper; she’s not concerned with what’s going on?

“Oh yeah. But one thing you have to understand is my mother is like Martha Stewart…on speed. Never mind that the whole sorority may come to ruin she’s more concerned with the perfect family picture for the albums.” Sounds like a piece of work “You’ll see when you meet her.”

Isabel thinks we’re close enough to meet mothers?

That just makes me feel like crap.

“Don’t look so shocked. I believe you. Like Liz says if you say you didn’t do it then you didn’t and I have your back.”

Isabel sas my back?

That just makes me feel like double crap.

When she read my pledge book she may very well hate me.

“We’re here to decide what and if Maria Deluca should be allowed to complete her process.” Prue says calling the meeting to order

“Of course she’s going to complete it.” Isabel says matter of faculty.

“You three should read this…” Prue say handing the book to Liz “Everyone else here has.”

Liz reads the book while Isabel reads the paper.

As she reads, Liz seems different or rather indifferent. I can’t tell what she’s thinking but when they switch and Isabel reads the book she seems surprised as she reads some things…

And I just sit there waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Why is all this necessary? One might be wondering. It was just an article in a school newspaper.

Gossip, mere speculation…

But it’s much more than that. There’s gossip about sororities in the paper in every other issue.

In the gossip column.

But whoever put this elaborate thing together was smart. It’s an article, talking about how Hazing within sororities is out of hand on this campus, and hanging the whole thing on an interview from some anonymous pledge.

They didn’t mention names but they made sure that everyone who was reading was aware of just who they were referring to.

They talked about the under age drinking,

The late night study sessions,

The files.

The university takes this kind of thing very seriously and no matter what kind of influence Delta Epsilon Beta wields behind the scenes, they’ll be forced to investigate these allegations.

“Wait a minute I’m confused It says here Tara’s implants look about as real as the alien blow dolls my mom sells. I thought your mom owned a casino?” Isabel questions waiting for me to answer.

When I can’t, Liz does so for me, “She sells blow up doll in Roswell New Mexico.” She provides “It’s where she’s from we both are.”

“Is that true?” Isabel asks

I nod

“Why would you let me believe that…didn’t you think I’d find out eventually.” I wince at my big sisters question.

“I just… wanted you to like me.” I murmur. How juvenile is that?

I have just reverted back to third grade.

I certainly feel like an eight year old as the tears begin to trickle down my cheeks.

Crying, when I have no one to blame but myself.

“And you just assumed that you had to be a millionaress for that to happen? How shallow are you?” Isabel flings “Or is it that you think I’m so shallow you couldn’t be honest with me?”

Prue interrupts not allowing me chance to answer, “That’s not why we’re here. We’re here to…”

“…We all know why we’re here.” Tess says “So let’s vote already it is homecoming and some of us have better places to be. Who thinks Maria should leave?”

“I think she should go” Isabel answers quickly “If she would lie about something so stupid…”

“But you can’t vote.” Serena reminds

Only the pledge class can vote. There are six that think I should go, and six that think I should stay,

Plus Liz that makes thirteen.

But she hasn’t cast her tie-breaking vote yet. She simply looks at me as if seeing me for the first time

And I can’t

I can’t stand that it’s come down to this.

“Liz you know me. You know that I would not say those things about you to anyone else.”

But I believe them. And maybe it’s wrong for me to judge her the way that I have, but I can’t… and I don’t want to know what she thinks of me.

So I make the decision for her.

“Screw this I quit.” With that, I leave the house.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:42 pm
by Behrystrwbry
Chapter Nine: There Was A Spirit



“What?” I smile feigning ignorance when truthfully I know exactly what I’m doing.

Seducing my girlfriend.

Though I’m sure that can be quite a nuisance for her, when she happens to be studying.

But my lap, on my couch, in my apartment may not be the best location for that. Firstly, I cannot stop touching this woman.

Secondly, I’m trying to distract her from her melancholy mood of late by giving us both a little fun.

Liz returns her attention to the textbook and turns the page. Meanwhile pesky fingers return to the hem of the t-shirt she’s wearing, eliciting an exasperated “Max,” once again.

“You keep saying my name like you want me to stop or something.” I breathe, my mouth mere centimeters from her ear. My hands caress the smooth skin at the top of her thigh leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake, “Tell me to stop Liz and I’ll do it.”

She leans forward placing the textbook on the coffee table in front of us, and then neatly turns in my lap straddling me. “Your cousin’s in the next room.” she points out.

I knew she was considering it.

“Asleep.” I assure. There’s a bad girl inside of Liz that I seem to have woken up and at the moment it appears that that girl is just as horny as me.

I skim my hands up and down her smooth legs inching closer to my goal with each caress. Our hips grind together and the thin cotton shorts she’s wearing do little to conceal the heat of her desire, as the damp fabric tells me that underneath she must be sopping wet. “This does feel really… really good.”

No kidding, I grunt my agreement in case she didn’t notice the tent in my shorts. My mouth is other wise occupied at the moment.

“But, we can’t.” she concludes like a dash of cold water.

“Why not?”

“Because we can’t…” and with that, Liz hops off my lap. “Does there always have to be a reason. Maybe it’s because we have nearly five hundred pages of Organic Chemistry to get through before tomorrow! Or maybe I don’t know… because I don’t have sex on my mind 24 hours a day!”

Okay what just happened here?

Either I am hallucinating or we just went from groovin’ to blue balls. In 2.5 seconds flat.

“Yeah Max I’m not a piece of meat you know…,” my cousin’s voice echoes from the kitchen alerting us to his presence.

“Zan.” I identify.

“I’m going.” Liz informs before disappearing into the bedroom.

And I blame my alter ego. “Thanks a lot Zan.”

“I know you’re not blaming this on me.” He shoots back “Maybe if you stopped trying to molest your girlfriend.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be ...”

“Asleep?” He provides “Yes but, I came to get something to drink. It’s only a few hours until my bus leaves I should probably start getting ready.”

I know Zan well enough to know the smug look on his face means he’s looking for an explanation “I wasn’t trying to molest her I…”

“…Yeah right, holed up in your room all weekend like some repeat sex offender.”

When he puts it like that it does sound pretty bad; but our time in my room was completely innocent.

Liz came to my apartment Saturday night clearly upset about something. I’m pretty sure it had to do with the article in the paper and the fact that she isn’t speaking to her best friend right now. But she didn’t want to discuss it so I didn’t push it.

We simply forwent the rest of homecoming and ordered enough take out for ten people. Because I’m not sure about Liz, but when I’m bummed my appetite increases exponentially. Then we hung out in my room watching a bunch of those corny movies you see on the comedy channel. While we did spend the rest of the weekend in bed, sex was like the last thing on her mind at the time.

“Liz is going thorough a rough time right now with the sorority and her friend. I’m just trying to be accommodating.” I explain to Zan

“You looked very accommodating a minute ago.” He persists

“I wasn’t pushing her. She was into it too and then all a sudden she started flipping out….Zan you have to help me.”

“You may be beyond my help.”

Liz brushes by the two of us fully clothed, duffle bag on shoulder heading for the front door. I grab her hand, “No baby wait. You stay, I’ll go.” I can’t let her leave, not like this. “I should probably be at the gym now anyway with the season coming up.”

“When will you study?” This is why I love Liz. She’s actually concerned about my study habits, and after I tried to molest her.

Which I didn’t… try to molest her I mean. I told you she’s my weakness. “Later tonight when you’re asleep and can’t distract me…” I tease pulling her into my arms.

She smiles blushingly, before sobering and asking “Won’t you be with the guys tonight you know… official Deke business?”

This is true.

It is our ‘Hell Week’ in fact, as we speak our boys should be gathering the supplies for tonight’s set. Speaking of which, I need to call Michael.

A phone rings interrupting both my thoughts and this cuddly moment I’m having with Liz. It’s her cell. She picks it up and I think I can make out Serena’s Latina twang on the other end. Liz goes in to the other room to take the call.

Official DEB business I take it. It’s not like I won’t find out later.

Zan just looks at me shaking his head before helping himself to the contents of my fridge.

The call doesn’t last very long and Liz returns to confirm my suspicions that it was indeed her ‘big sis.’

“That was Serena, didn’t she ask about me?” Look at this one, he’s like a puppy in heat and that’s saying a lot considering we’re talking about Zan, noted ladies man, here.

“In fact she did. She said to tell you that she’s very busy but she’ll call you when you get back to the city”

“But what I have in mind won’t take but a few minutes.”

“I know, she said that too.” Liz admits “But for future reference that’s not a good thing”

“Ooo Burn.” I say giving my girl dap while Zan picks his face up off the floor

“She also said to be at the house at 3pm on Saturday with a white dress and a toga.”

“Oh” is all I can think to say to that. “You should probably go ahead and do that. I could take you by the mall tomorrow to pick something up if you don’t have anything...”

Liz eyes me skeptically and I know I’m going to crack. “Max…Does this mean what I think it does?”

“Liz you know I can’t.”

“Please.” She begs

I nod

I’m such a sucker.

“I knew it!” she exclaims “We finished everything it was only a matter of time. And if only…”

She’s thinking about Maria now, “Come here.” I urge pulling her against me in a hug…she starts sobbing.

Over her shoulder, I catch Zan watching this scene he seems about as perplexed as I feel. I shrug mouthing ‘help me.’

“I’m sorry I got so upset with you a minute ago…”

“It’s okay sugar...Just tell me how to make it better” I soothe

“You can’t fix this.” she tells me.

I know that but I had to try right?

The house phone rings and Zan answers it. He then waves the phone in our direction saying, “It’s for you.”

I reach for the phone. “Not you.” He motions to Liz “You, sugar.” He winks.

Liz takes the phone seemingly indifferent to my cousin flirting. But I’m not and if I didn’t know he’s like this with every girl I might be concerned. “Who is it?” I ask.

“Some guy, called himself the Whiz Kid.” He provides.


“Alex wants me to come over there.” Liz announces once she finished her heated conversation.

“Maybe you should.” I suggest

“For what? Some half assed intervention…” and just like that defensive Liz is back. “We don’t need an intervention. The only thing that girl needs is a sedative. Or better yet an intervention with the woman in the mirror.”

That girl? Somehow, Maria’s turned into a pronoun “She’s your friend.”

“Was.” Liz amends my statement, “Maria’s not interested in being anyone’s friend at the moment.”

“The point is you’re already dressed. You should go over there and see if you can work it out. Like you said, only you can fix this.”

Well, the two of them can anyway.

Liz mulls this over for a few seconds before acknowledging, “You’re right. I’ll at least go over there. I need to pick up a few things anyway.” She picks up her duffle from where it has fallen on the floor.

“Sugar, for luck.” I offer a quick kiss before she goes. Liz takes me up on my offer and then is on her way.

When it is just the two of us, “What was that?” Zan asks.

“What do you mean?”

“Uh … the schizoid masquerading as your girlfriend.” I suppose I should be offended by this, but it partially true. He continues “Girly went from upset, to balling like a baby, to indignant in the span of five minutes.”

“I told you she’s going through something.”

Zan chuckles wryly to himself, “Sure it’s called PMS.”

You think. Could be why she didn’t want to… “No she’s just dealing with all this Greek stuff.” I insist.

“Freaky sorority rituals…Share your women like your booze.”

“We don’t share our women.”

“Really ‘cause that display between you and the elf at tailgate says otherwise. Then you just pimped your girl out to someone called the Whiz Kid.”

Oh that, “It’s a long…complicated story.” I tell him. A story best left untold.

But knowing Zan he’s not going to let it go “Indulge me I’ve got time.”
And this is how I end up explaining the whole tale of how Liz and I got together and how that led to this silent feud I’ve got going with Kyle. And how Tess’s insatiable sexual appetite kind of started the whole thing.

“Firstly Tess is a skank you should kick her to the curb,” He comments bluntly, in typical Zan fashion “not that you’re much better, but still…”

“As for the newspaper, it sounds like some emotional girly stuff which probably has very little to do with you. Just be there and talk about it if she ever wants to.” My cousin’s always been a man a few words, but he often says more in a few sentences than most people could say in an epic.

Or a newspaper article as it turns out.

“But it sounds like you could really have the elf by the balls.”

‘The elf?’

So juvenile, and yet, so appropriate for Kyle who’s seemingly gone out of his way to make ‘Hell Week’ ten times harder on his pledge class. He goofs off earning the group more work, and making the work they had that much harder. He’s just trying to be a dick to me and I am in turn a dick to the class. Well not really… The president never gets his hand dirty, for security reasons. So I issue my edicts through Michael.

He didn’t earn his pledge name for nothing

The enforcer.

And whatever we decide to put the guys through we, the membership intake committee consisting of about twenty dekes, decide as a group. And they’re not that hard to sway.

But to make a long story short I don’t discriminate in my hazing… what the Keebler elf gets so does the rest of his class.

None of our boys are too thrilled with the brothers at the moment. But such is pledging.

However, this idea, having Keebler by the balls. “What do you mean?”

“Isn’t he one of your bitches?”

“A pledge.”

“Exactly give him a work out.”

Zan is no expert on Greek life. To him, and the rest of America who’ve been influenced by the media and popular culture’s opinion of us, being in a fraternity is about hazing, drinking and sex. Which of course it is, but there’s so much more than that. Not to wax poetic or some shit like that but there is a spirit of brotherhood in everything we do. And it is true that occasionally brothers kick each other’s asses. Especially when one of them is being major jerkweed

“I can’t do that.” it’s not like I haven’t thought about it, “It wouldn’t be fair. And how will that help anything?”

“It won’t, but it will be a hell of a lot of fun.” He says than burst out laughing

That it would be, but Keebler doesn’t really bother me so much anymore. I wait ‘til Zan sobers a bit before asking ,“Can we be serious for a moment here?”

“Uh sure I guess.”

“Liz has reason to be upset with me I haven’t been very fair to her.”

“What do you mean?”

“This weekend with my parents I really wanted to introduce Liz as the woman that I love. But that was hard enough with Tess swarming.”

“I already told you how to deal with her. In fact, I can take her off your hands for you.”

“Can you focus on anything but ass for five minutes?” He nods “So my mom started talking about how my dad proposed and my grandmother’s ring. So I cornered my Dad finally and I told him that there was someone else…I think he thought that meant that Liz was my piece on the side. He said he ‘understood’.”

“Let me find out Phillip had a few side dishes in his day.”

“He was a deke.” Enough said. Who knows what my father got into?

“What happened when you told him she was more than that?”

“He wouldn’t even hear me out. He kept going on about how every man needs to sew his oats before settling down. Nevertheless, he made it clear that he still expects me to propose to Tess. In fact he kind of forebode me to develop anything more with Liz.”

“Weird, but when have you ever listened to papa Phillip?”

“When have I ever not?”

“True enough. You did come down here to stomp around in the shadow of daddy’s Greek letters. But now may be the time to grow a pair. Especially if Liz means as much to you as you say she does.”



This whole thing boils down to trust. Does Liz trust me enough to believe that I didn’t put those things in the paper about her? The answer used to be unequivocally yes. But now I guess the real question is, do I trust her enough to have my back when it comes to convincing DEB of this?

Alex believes I do, and that’s why he’s staged this whole intervention. After two hours and three boxes of chocolate, our mutual best friend manages to convince me that I still have a chance.

With Liz


But is that what I really want?

“Just apologize.” He says, as if it’s just that simple.

To apologize, I’d actually have to be sorry and I’m not entirely sure that I am.

Sorry for what exactly?

“We’ll see.” I tell him.

When Liz arrives, a spirit of tension falls over our once amiable dorm room. I mean, the two of us have danced around in here in nothing but bathrobes, curlers, and our underwear; singing show tunes from the 80’s. Now neither of us wants to be the first to speak. We eye each other wearily as she and Alex exchange brief pleasantries. Liz takes a seat on her bed across from mine in silent standoff.

Alex is sitting at the desk between us like a mediator.

Finally I bite the bullet with, “I’m sorry Liz.” When it’s clear, I have her attention I continue, “I’m sorry that the things I wrote hurt you. But I didn’t put any of that in the paper.”

“I believe you.” She says simply

“What?” that was way too easy …

“If you say you didn’t put it in the paper I believe you. But that’s not the issue. It never was. The fact of the matter is, you wouldn’t have written those things anywhere if you didn’t believe them. And I’d just like to know why?”

That’s a loaded question if I ever heard one.

Then, as an after thought she adds, “You know, I’m sorry too, if you feel I’ve been ignoring you.”

“That’s great. Can we all kiss and make up now?” Alex says, more than a little bit anxious. His heart is in the right place, Alex just has to be wherever it is that the Dekes want him to be…like now. So a speedy reconciliation would definitely be his first choice. But as I said that’d be way too easy…

Completely ignoring the keyed up look on both our faces, Alex goes on, “Liz, you’ll take Maria back to the DEB house and get everything all straightened out. But in the meantime I have to go otherwise, quite literally, it's my ass.”

“Hold on a second, she said she wanted to know why.” I preface, “The truth is, Liz, you haven’t been yourself lately. It seems all you care about is sex and DEB.”

In that order, mind you

Well actually, that’s not completely true. On occasion, she likes to see how much of a bitch she can be but that’s beside the point.

“That’s not you.” I conclude

“How do you know; have you ever asked?” she volleys back.

“Liz this is me.” Best friend since birth; not one of those random girls you now call ‘sister’

She simply smirks at that then asks, “You remember that jean skirt you have that’s three inches above your knee?”

Is she serious with this?

What does a piece of clothing have to do with anything?

“I remember it.” Alex confirms

Liz continues, “Every male within a ten foot radius would stare at you like you were their last meal whenever you wore it.”

I think I see where this is going.


I knew this whole thing couldn’t be over a skirt.

She wants attention and that’s why she’s been acting this way. Liz confirms my suspicions with her next statement. “I asked to borrow it and you just brushed me off like it was the most absurd idea.”

Yes, that is true but she’s forgetting one very important thing, or rather, person, “You know Kyle…” I remind.

“…Yeah, I know Kyle wouldn’t have liked it.” She finishes for me, “But the thing is, I’ve realized I don’t need his permission…or yours to wear something a little daring.”

“Just Max Evans’ ” I snort.

“No.” she insists

“Yeah ok,… and you say Kyle had you brainwashed.” Liz doesn’t have anything to say at this. She can’t because it’s true. She’s gone from one bad relationship to another. All in the name of ‘finding herself.’


She just doesn’t like the fact that what I wrote made her think about it. In typical Liz fashion, instead of responding or dealing with the issue, she moves on to something else. Frustrated beyond words, she goes over to her dresser and begins packing some more of her clothes. No doubt to take back over to Max’s

I’ve struck a nerve with her and for some reason it gives me a weird kind of high. So, instead of shutting up when I probably should I continue, “I’m just trying to help you gain some perspective. It seems to me that you’re less concerned with becoming whoever the hell you want to become and more concerned with assimilating, turning into one of them.” Liz stops what she‘s doing and looks to me for clarification “Come on Liz, don’t make me say it…”

She knows what I’m talking about but won’t budge until I say, “An air-headed sorority girl.”

“I knew it! I know you!” She exclaims, Liz drops the underwear she’s holding, pointing an accusatory finger at me “How can you possibly tell me I’m not being myself when this whole time you’ve been judging everyone and everything before you know the truth? But then, maybe that really is who you are. Isn’t it the job of a journalist to bring their truth to the public? And wouldn’t that make you the air-headed sorority girl?”

I’m sorry, but did Liz just turn my words around on me?

Well actually, they’re our words. It’s how we used to make fun of all the girls we saw plastered with Greek Letters parading around the campus square. And we probably only made fun because it’s what we longed to be. Regardless, the realization kinda stings and now Liz has the high.

When did we start feeding off one another’s hurt?

Liz continues, “I think that what bugs you so much is that I’m a little better at it than you are.”

And the blows just keep on coming. Did she just accuse me of being jealous of her? “That is so not what is happening here.”

Liz shrugs before going to retrieve her underwear from the floor. She’s obviously weary of the arguing, admittedly, I am too. “Let’s just put this whole thing behind us and learn from it.” She suggests “Aren’t we supposed to be, Lifting as we climb, building as we grow…’ and all that”

Sounds vaguely familiar part of a creed or something…. But this woman has turned my words around on me and accused me of being jealous; did she honestly think this would be over? “Wow, so who fed you that line of crap or did you read it in a handbook?”

“I read it in the same handbook that you memorized in under a week.” She shoots back “What changed that has you feeling like the victim?”

“Oh I don’t know, being voted out tends to do that to you.” I quip. Sarcasm has always been my best friend.

Liz just rolls her eyes, “I was asked to remind you that Saturday we’re expected at the house with a white dress and a toga. So it’s up to you.”

Who the hell gives a damn about a toga?

“You didn’t stay for the end of the vote.” Liz explains

Hold on. They vote me out…well practically. Then invite me back?

“That’s it then. Isn’t this what you wanted?” Alex says

It is. Or, at least it was… It shocks, and scares me how quickly this turned around. If you asked me twenty minutes ago, what Liz’s vote was I, for sure, wouldn’t have had a positive response for you. She wanted me out so she could go on being queen of her world. But…

“No.” I say with deadly calm. This way I can go on being queen of my world.

“Excuse me.,” she says

“No.” I reiterate, “So you and DEB with all your everlasting benevolence, have decided to hear me out after all but voting me out. Well, you can go tell your sisters to take their invitation and shove it up their collective arse. Or better yet have the Dekes do it for you. You should like that, considering you're unleashing your inner sex Goddess.”

Liz just stands there shaking her head before saying,, “You’re psychotic.”

“For telling the truth.”

“No, you’re psychotic because you’ve convinced yourself that you are blameless in all of this. And you keep deflecting all the blame.” With that, she goes about slamming closet doors and desk drawers, stuffing clothes in a duffle “I’m going to go. You should too Alex, before you’re late for …the stuff. Maybe we’ll try this again when you join us here in the real world.”


Liz was mulishly silent when she returned from campus. I didn't even hear her come in. I only noticed she was there when I went into the kitchen to fix myself a little snack.. She had returned to her favorite crutch. Studying.

I inquired as to exactly what happened. She hemmed and hawed a bit before flat out saying she didn’t want to talk about it. But then going ahead to do just that.

“She called me an airhead Max. Me…”

Well granted you’ve been a little moody lately but I wouldn’t go so far as to say that “Well didn’t you explain…”

Liz cuts me off with“…She said you were brainwashing me”

Now I’m offended too, “What that’s…”

“…Ridiculous I know… But I’m finding everything about Maria is absolutely absurd right now. I’m too tired to fight her about this anymore.”

What could I say to make this better? The last thing I wanted was to come between Maria and Liz. I especially didn’t want my relationship with Liz to have any impact on their friendship. I remember what Zan said earlier and I get an idea. “Okay, so let’s just have sex then.” I say putting my cheese and crackers down on the table in front of us before joining her on the couch and pulling her into my arms.

You’d think she’d push me away or something, but she simply rests her head on my shoulder and I rest my chin on her head, gently stroking her arms. I know I sound like an insensitive jerk but there’s actually a method to my madness.

“I thought what we have is about more than the physical part?” She sighs. She has to know that’s true by now.

Maybe she needs me to confirm it “I know that. Do you?”

And that, in a nutshell, is the point of this little exercise. I can tell by the enlightened smirk she has that Liz gets it too. We both know we love each other, we knew it before the words were said, so who cares what the newspaper says, or Maria, or my Dad… Or anyone at all.

The doorbell rings and I excuse myself to answer it. Already prepared to pound on whoever it is.

Is ten minutes alone with one’s girlfriend, uninterrupted, too much to ask?

To my surprise and utter annoyance, twenty or so pledges pile into the apartment, plus their big brothers. “Uh Mike, Care to explain this?”

“Figured a nice jog to Lakeside was in order. Plus you got all the good stuff here” he means the liquor. We’ve been stashing our supply at various off campus locations so that if, and when Administration does decide to investigate the allegations made in the paper, there will be nothing for them to find.

“So you brought them to drip on my living room floor.” I say eyeing the group carefully.

“No, I brought them here for the presentation of the lists.”

Ah the lists, of every girl our boys have ever been with. Note: I only refer to them as ‘boys’, because they are. But after tonight, they’ll be men. And you can’t have the lists without alcohol. It’s tradition. But we seem to be short a few, two people.

“Where’s …”

“Oh Alex said to tell you he’d be late since he dropped me off, then he has to go get Kyle.” Liz pipes, who up until that moment I’d forgotten was still here.

Well that explains it. I can’t really be upset with the guy for making sure Liz got here safe, can I?

“She can’t be here!” Michael barks. Looks like he forgot too.

Still, he can’t just come in here giving orders. Only I can do that “She’s kind of staying here at the moment.” I inform him. She has nowhere else to go. I won’t turn her away “She can go in the other room.” I tell him.

“Things are going to happen that the faint of heart shouldn’t see or hear for that matter.” Michal reminds, then just loud enough for me to hear adds “Think about it. Do you really want Liz anywhere near here for what’s about to go down?”

The man does have a point if the presentation of my list, all those years ago, was any indication, this could get ugly. Especially when Keebler shows up

“And … Juvie’s already ogling your goodies.”

Sean Deluca

He wouldn’t dare. “Don’t touch her… don’t even look at her.” I say quickly addressing the situation. This little shit is} sitting his soggy ass on my couch, talking to Liz, not to mention eating my cheese and crackers. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights at the sound of my voice “Juvie, did you request permission to sit, let alone address my… ‘Do right?”

My little bro really does have a rebellious streak. It’s how he got his name.

You just don’t mess with a man’s midnight munchies

“Permission to address your Do right ‘Ace’ Sir?”


“For what reason?”

“Someone should let her know that her shirt is transparent and certain things are showing.”

“What?” I say whirling around to see that’s it’s true “Close your eyes. Everyone close your eyes, that means you too Mike. Liz go… put some clothes on…” I order. Then I realize to whom I was just talking. Well actually, the warning look she gave helped me realize “Please.” I amend

She does and I accompany her to the bedroom closing the door behind us “I have to ask a favor.”

“No worries, I’ll stay out of you guys way.” she says already guessing at my request.

I hate asking her this, “Could you maybe find somewhere else to stay for tonight?”


“I’m sorry to ask but you know what’s about to go down is private…official deke business. No tatas allowed.” I explain, and then suggest, “What about the house?”

“We’ve been told that under no circumstances was I to come near there until Saturday.”

“Let me talk to Serena, she owes me.” Liz complacently hands over her cell phone. When I ask Serena why she can’t simply relegate Liz to her room for one night, she explains that it’s not just about preparation for initiation going on over there. They’re trying to play everything safe because of the article.


I don’t really know the girl all that well but I at the moment, Maria is on my shit list. “And you’re sure you can’t work it out with your roommate?” I query for good measure once I’ve ended the call.

Liz just rolls her eyes before saying, “Wait I think I know someone I can call, just give me a second.”

“Thank you.” I give her a peck on the forehead

I return to the living room to see that the furniture has been moved. I do a quick head count.

“Still not here?” I question. We can’t really start the set without them. So until Whiz Kid and Keebler show up we’re really at a stand still, just forty Deke’s sitting around drinking. I grab one of the six packs in the floor and join them “Is Keeb still screwing around?”

“More or less” Michael confirms

“…What’s the deal?” I question. Really, I just want to know the bottom line. Will he make it?

“He knows his stuff.” His big brother Tommy confirms,

“Let me switch.” I ask all of a sudden. And don’t ask me where that came from but it just seems right .“Just for the lists let me switch.” I persist, “You gotta know Juvie’s list is better than Keeb’s”

“Yeah sure.” Tom says than goes back to his beer

“Uh excuse us…” Michael says pulling me to the corner “What are you doing?”

“Taking care of something.” Getting the elf by the} balls

“You’re not gonna single him out are you?”

“Come on Michael, you know me.”

“Exactly…. Last time I checked, you’re not too fond of sharing.”

“Which is exactly why this needs to be settled..” I tell Michael, as I see Liz silently slip out the front door.


I’ve been disowned by everyone,

My best friend

My boyfriend

And am currently wandering aimlessly in the night.


Okay, so I haven’t really been disowned but I am forced to bum a room off someone for the night. And as I make my way across the Lakeside apartment complex, I see two roving Dekes looking for a set.

Kyle blurs past me but not before placing a very sloppy smack on my cheek “Hey Liz… come on we’re late….” He beckons to Alex who’s only a few steps behind him. “Bye Liz.”

Alex looks as though he’s been running to keep up with Kyle. When he’s hunched over to take a moment to breathe I offer, “Sorry if dropping me off made you late.”

“Forget about it.” He says waving it off as no big deal, “I couldn’t let you take the bus at this time of night. Besides, if it weren’t you it’d be him.”

As if on cue Kyle blurs past the two of us again saying “Wrong way.”

“What’s wrong with him?” I ask Alex, as the two of us look after our seemingly over enthused pal

“Nothing a good night’s sleep and an AA meeting won’t cure. But it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting either one of those anytime soon.” Alex laments... “Some of us have been taking things to compensate for said lack of sleep. I won’t mention any names but…” Alex points in the direction Kyle’s gone.

“Like what?” Kyle’s always been a bit of lush but this sounds a bit more serious.

“I don’t know if it’s uppers, caffeine pills, or something worse…” Alex explains “But all he does is workout, go to class and study the fraternity handbooks. He’s become almost manic this past week.”

That’s doesn’t sound good, alcohol and none of those things make for a good chemistry experiment. I mean even though we’re not together, I don’t want to see the poor guy hurt himself. And the worst part is it may be my fault “Does he know about me and Max?”

Alex cautiously confirms my suspicions “On some level I think… it’s probably why he’s so…”

“Could you tell him for me?” I ask half jokingly half-serious

Alex gets me though and nods amiably “I could, but I doubt he’d remember in the morning.”

We share a brief laugh and the two of us part ways

Okay, my dishonesty has turned a perfectly nice guy into a what…I don’t know. An alcoholic, an addict. But Kyle probably had a problem long before me. Even as I tell myself this, I know it will do nothing to end this blame game.

So I rationalize on my way to the house of the last person I expected to see tonight but probably the first place I should start rectifying this mess

“Tess,” I say as she opens her apartment door to reveal the other eleven girls


“That’s it?” I question.

Whiz Kid nods,

“But your list only has two people on it.” Someone else points out.

“So, not every deke is a man whore” That’s not the point. And Alex knows what I’m getting at, not the length of his list but the absence of a certain person’s name.

“Your list seems to be missing someone.” I wouldn’t say this is a small campus, but Deke and DEB are relatively close knit organizations so when you do something or someone, word gets out quickly.

“…How did you…”

“…We know all Whiz Kid.”

“You don’t have to be afraid to admit you’re smashing my sister.” The fact that I can say that without gagging is proof positive that absolutely everyone in the apartment is inebriated. I’m certain of it. Some of us more than others.

But raunchy talk about women and beer kinda go hand in hand.

“And now for the million dollar question.” Michael prompts “You gotta rank ‘em.”

“Well, Leanna was hot but then your sister has the really big…”

“…Okay we get the picture.” There are just some things a guy does not need to now about his sister…blood or otherwise.

“No ‘Ace’, suck it up.” Someone protests. I can’t tell who as this apartment is so packed, I can’t see but three people in front of me. It had better not be a pledge or I may have to kick his ass “This is no holds barred. He can’t get a free pass just because he’s talking about your sister’s tits.”

This is followed by a resounding “Tit-tit-titties. Tit-tit-titties!” and a double clap.

We have this tradition while during the presentation of the lists, every time someone says the word titties, tit or any conjugation there of, we do the stupid chant

“Don’t make me drop kick you!” I warn,

“You’re right.” Michael says,bringing the attention back to the project at hand. “I do believe it’s your turn…Keebler”

“I don’t think he’s finished,” another disembodied voice informs, and then the crowd parts and Valenti appears from somewhere.

“Let’s see what you got…” Prompts Michael and Keebler hands over two wrinkled pages while working on a third.

And they say I’m a man whore

Michael begins reading the list while Kyle sits cross-legged in the center of this hodgepodge of brothers “… Okay we got Jennifer Tilly. Tanya Sawyer, Pam Troy. Tashsa…something. Jennifer Tilly….Keebler?” Michael addresses the poor boy with patience clearly wearing thin “Did you fuck her twice or is she just that good that she deserved a repeat mention.”

“Well, Tilly is pretty fuckin’ awesome. With that tattoo of the butterfly on her boob” says the elf, already having forgotten the rest of his list.

“But what rank does she get?” Again voice, but no face. It’s kinda spooky.

“One.” says another

“Seventeen” yet another

“Eh I’d say three.” Keeb finally cashes in “On my list, number one would have to be Tess Harding. She has a great rack,”

In my head I’m agreeing, Tess does fill out a sweater quite well. Then it dawns on me, “You screwed my girlfriend Keebler?”

“Who hasn’t screwed Tess Harding?” True.

“Only because you screwed mine.” The Elf admits. What are we in the third grade? ‘You fucked my girl friend so I’ll fuck yours’

“Yeah.” I shrug with a laugh, “And it was pretty fuckin’ awesome. Liz Parker, now she has one perfect set of titties. I mean they are like swack”

Then, “Tit-tit-titties. Tit-tit-titties!” and a double clap

Man that’s getting on my nerves.

“Who hasn’t screwed Liz Parker?” Says another voice and this time I recognize it. Juvie. Does this guy have a death wish?

“Watch your filthy fuckin’ mouth!” I jump up ready to defend her honor. But wasn’t I just talking about her tits? Michael pulls me into a seat.

“Yeah!” The Elf echoes but it doesn’t take much effort for Alex to hold him down.

“The Million Dollar question is, which one is better?” These voices.

“Heaven help us.” Alex says hanging his head in his hands

“Think about what you say.” Michael warns

without a doubt, I say “Liz Parker.”

While “Kyle says “Tess Harding.”

Then in unison, we both say “What!”

“Yeah, you know Liz is like the girl you dress up in pearls and take home to Mother.” Kyle explains, “You can’t really think of her that way. I mean she’s hot but eh…”

“So what! You lock her up in a chastity belt!?” I query incredulously, considering I feel the complete opposite.

“Never that. But I’ve had better.”

“Perhaps all she needs is the right teacher.” I goad “Someone to take their time rather than get in get out!”

“That is, if she even lets you put it in at all.” The elf jokes.

“Watch your filthy fuckin’ mouth.” I jump up once again to defend Liz’s honor, prepared to start wailing on Keebler.

“Okay, let’s end this…” Michael says coming between Kyle and me, “Before someone gets hurt. Guys you have to memorialize these lists on either brick or a paddle.”

“I want to get a T-shirt printed up.” Shouts the elf.

“You can’t.” dismisses Michael. Idiot “Brick or paddle only.”

“What are the bricks for?” Whiz Kid asks

“The wall in the ritual room” answers someone.

“There are no bricks in the ritual room.” Comments someone else.

“The other ritual room… You guys haven’t seen that one yet.” I inform.

“But you will tonight.”

“And the paddles?”

“You’ll see,” Goads one of the brothers “Get ready to bend over.”

“I want to get a T-shirt printed up.”

“Fine, but you have to wear one too!” Michael orders pointing to me “I’m sick of your shit and he’s still making a paddle.” He says pointing to Kyle.

“Okay.” We both say in unison.

“Tess.” I utter as she opens the door to reveal the rest of the group. Our entire pledge class is there. Well, excluding Maria and myself.

Half empty bags of potato chips and magazines litter the floor. It appears to be your standard hangout fare. That is, if it weren't for the errant sorority handbook and notes that line the floor as well. “Have you guys been meeting here like this the whole time?” It's not as though I have a right to be upset. There is no rule that says we have to study as a class. However, if they've been having secret meetings like this no wonder my former partner in crime and I always felt like the odd people out.

"Pretty much" our host answers matter of factually.

This is, of course, followed by my next question, "Why didn't you invite us?"

Gah. 'Us.' It would figure that even after everything I'm still concerned about Maria's inclusion. Old habits die hard I guess.

"Because we don't really like you." Brooke says and a knot forms in the pit of my stomach with that little declaration.

I note the faces of the other eleven; some guilty, others barely concealing a smirk. "She's kidding Liz; learn to take a joke." Tess finally says, much to my relief. 'Kidding,' yeah, I knew that "You can never take anything Brooke says seriously." Tess continues, "She thinks she's so funny."

"I am." Brooke responds unapologetically "You gotta admit the look on 'goodie-two-shoes' face was priceless." 'Goodie-two-shoes' is that what they've been calling me? I'm not really surprised but it still hurts to hear it. At my look of consternation Brooke adds. "Oh come on, like you don't know you're a suck up. Your pledge name alone should tell you that."

"I'm not trying ..." I attempt to defend

But I'm cut off by yet another nay sayer, "...don't finish that." She cuts me off. "There's nothing worse than when a ‘goodie-two-shoes’ claims they're perfect accidentally."

What some are quick to criticize you for, others make fun of? There's just no pleasing everyone. It'd be nice if I could convince myself that none of it mattered. However, because I actually give a damn about what people think of me, I guess that makes me a suck up.

"Come on Liz. Let me show you where to put your stuff." Tess says escorting me to her room. "Just forget what they said.” she tells me once it's just the two of us

"It's just a joke, right." I say dismissively while placing my bag by the foot of her bed.

"Yeah, but sometimes people think they're being funny when really it's just plain mean." An impromptu revelation, certainly not in line with what I would have expected from her.

"It's no big deal.” I fib.

"It is."Tess insists, "I know what it's like to be labeled." Sure she does. But I'm thinking to myself that Ms. Harding’s reputation is well earned. However{,} she is trying really hard to have some type of moment here and I did come over here to bury the hatchet, so I guess I should make an effort.

"Listen Tess it’s like you said, I'm not ready to be your best friend or anything like that; but I do think we can work together for some things." I'm talking about the guys, and assuming she knows this.

"Like what?" she asks. Apparently we're still playing the super secret guessing game. What are the rules again? Oh yes, we are both ignorant of the fact that we’re screwing the other’s exes. Silly blonde, don’t shit a shiter.

What I meant was we could probably help each other out when the talking penises get out of control. You know the ones across the complex drinking themselves into a stupor? "I think you know..." I say and leave it like that.

Tess doesn't push, simply goes on to explain that, their little gathering here wasn't some grand conspiracy. Half of the girls ended up there after cheerleading practice while the rest were called in when they realized how close to the wire we are. However it doesn't escape her awareness that I'm still caught up on the 'cheerleading practice' part. More like drooling over it.

Now before you go labeling me an airhead like some people already have. It's not so much the wearing of micro minis and shaking ones ass that appeals to me. But I am a gymnast, my mother put me in classes when I was young and I've loved it ever since. Being, limber, light on the feet, and don't make fun but I used to imagine myself flying. Of course I know that's not possible but at the top of the pyramid I came close. And it was my little secret that no one could take away.

"If I remember correctly you used to have a pretty mean Herkie.” Tess says referring to the standard cheerleading jump.

"Who said anything about used to..." I joke blushingly.

"Just as arrogant as ever." She observes then. And I'm not usually, but when it comes to gymnastics admittedly I have a bit of a big head. "We're having tryouts in a couple weeks and the girls and I were just saying there aren't any good gymnasts on the team who'd be able to help out the new girls. I mean we're okay but..."

"...Tess I can't," I say stopping her right there. It's not that I wouldn't love to, but talk about ‘assimilating.’ Sorority girl, and cheerleader both in under a month?

"Why not?" she asks curiously.

Kyle is the first name that pops into my head. Then I realize that I couldn't give two craps what Kyle thinks of me anymore. Maria, comes next but really…don't even get me started on her. Finally Max, but I think he'd be thrilled if I were to rejoin the squad. I'd get to travel with the team and I'm sure that we could think up a few creative uses for that uniform. "I don't know." I finally admit.

Tess shrugs "Well think about it."

‘Think about it’ turns into the members of the cheer squad that are still at the apartment showing me the new routine they came up with for the fight song. The worst part is I actually wanted to learn it. I can't believe it was so easy for me to be sucked in. And the really scary thing is that I think I had more fun that night than I have in months.

An hour or so later we all collapse on the carpet sweaty but accomplished and exhausted. While neurotic me, is going over the rhythmic chants they just taught me in my head. "Wouldn't it be cute if at the end you changed all the ‘Blue Devils’ to ‘DEBs’ or ‘Delta Epsilon Beta,’ or ‘Delta Ep or...’ I don't know, you might have to double up on a beat or two but it could work"

"Yeah but then the school’s fight song would be DEB only." Someone says.

That’s kind of the point."What if you all understand what I’m getting at, and we turned the school’s fight song into a DEB only chant." I reiterate my inner snarkiness coming out. I usually reserve my sarcasm for Max, Alex, and well used to be Maria; the fact that my inner bitch has come out for these little ladies is proof positive that I’m starting to consider them friends.

"That might be cool. We could make up a new routine and step the way those black girls do it." Says Mary Jo, southern belle and fellow Georgian like Tess."Did that just sound racist?"

‘Careful Jo, your confederate flag is showing’ I think to myself. What is it about the east coast that makes everyone south of the jersey turnpike loose all sense of political correctness? But it is true that going to school in the south, it’s impossible to ignore the differences between some of the … um ethnically based sororities and those that are not. I wasn’t necessarily trying to emulate them but…

“So maybe we don’t step or whatever…” Peyton chimes, she’s from the Midwest and may be the only other objective person in the room. “But Liz is right it could be fun, and we could teach it to all the sisters when we cross."

"Oooo, we could do it on Saturday at the party." Another girl says.

"I'm sure the alums would love that. us just breaking it down for 'em." Tess points out.

And it’s probably a good thing from what I hear, many of our alumni aren’t very liberal."Well, when the old ladies leave." I suggest and somehow we’re able to all agree to this little project and designate the next two nights to working the details out before initiation.

"Speaking of Saturday, have you all gotten your white dress yet.”Brooke asks then, an abrupt change of subject. “We should all get the same dress. I saw the cutest little a-line at the mall this weekend." Note, she doesn't mention the price because for them it's probably not an issue.

The rest of the night went better than I would have expected. The rest of the pledge class adjourned to their respective homes slowly but surely, and there were no more heart to hearts between Tess and myself, though she did admit to being curious what the guys were up to. Truthfully, I am too.

The next day, our answer came rather abruptly. Little wonder considering I probably got less than two hours sleep last night. The hours fly by as I try to skim the remaining one hundred pages of organic chem. before class later. I'm sitting at a table alone in the square buried in textbooks, notepads and post-its when the melee begins.

First, I notice the pointing and smirks where people think I can't see. No biggie, I assume it's about that heinous article in the paper. And I'm starting to make my peace with that. Then I see Maria and Alex pointing and talking heatedly about something and it ticks me off, just a little bit. Finally Maria shakes her head giving me one last pitying look before stalking off.

Alex joins me at the table asking me if I've seen Kyle today. I'm thinking 'he's your 'brother' shouldn't you know the answer to that?' When I admit that I haven't Alex says "Good. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of him." Again I give things the benefit of the doubt assuming Kyle's probably gone on with another of his drunken exploits; which at this point is getting old.

Alex goes on his way and I'm getting back to chemistry when my cell rings. The number's not programmed into my phone book but I’ve dialed it enough in the past six weeks to recognize it as Tess’. And due to my location under the trees it's a bad connection but I'm able to make out her question "Have I seen Max?" That’s when I become worried as to what he could have done. Max is supposed to be my rock and in all of this, if he's screwing around. Heaven help us.

Taking a deep breath, I text message him to see where he is.


My head feels like lead. I don't know why I drink so much. Every time I tell myself I won't get out of hand. Yet I've run out of fingers and toes trying to count the number of hangovers I've had and that’s just this month. Rough couple of weeks the pledge period can be, even when you’re not a pledge. Thank God it will all be over in a day.

I'm supposed to be studying. Actually I have this vague feeling I'm supposed to be doing some type of damage control. But when I try to concentrate on it the lead bricks come again. So I hide out from all the lights and sounds in one of the private study rooms at the library. As if I didn't already feel like shit warmed over, my ear starts vibrating against the table. I swat at it until I realize it's my cell signaling a text message.

It's Liz

'Where RU?' it says.

'Library.' I text back.

A few seconds before her response of 'I'm coming'


I find him in one of the private study rooms wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a hooded sweatshirt which I have to admit is kind of strange in 70 degree weather. Taking the seat next to him I peck his forehead noting that he feels clammy. So I ask what's wrong with him.

"Hangover." He rasps before returning my affection.

Well that explains it. "You have to be burning up." I comment already helping to remove the thick hoodie. That's when I notice his t-shirt, rather I notice my name on his t-shirt. Plain black with bold face yellow letters reading;

1) Liz Parker
2) Tess Harding

"What is this, a shit list or something?" I joke, which he doesn’t find so funny.

If only

He looks down and his eyes grow wide "No, that's um..."

Tess calls then and I have to admit that may have been his death knell. "I take it you've seen ‘the list’."

I look over at Max in his t-shirt looking like he wishes he could melt into the floor. "I guess, but what's the big deal?"

"Don't you know what that means?" Tess goes on to explain exactly what the lists are. Apparently every Deke has one. A list of every girl they ever screwed, sometimes they streamline and rank 'em. Top ten, top five, or top two, as it turns out. By wearing these shirts it's like announcing it to the world that both he and Kyle have...had me.




Shit, fuck, shit.

That is not a good face. Back to the happy face, mildly annoyed face. Any face that doesn't look like Liz’d like nothing more than to rip off my balls and serve them to me raw.

I knew I was supposed to be doing damage control. That's why I was wearing the hoodie because I'd seen Kyle and realized that somehow he and I ended up wearing matching shirts. Well the names are in reverse, but still it’s pretty bad.

Liz ends her phone call, "I hear you guys had a fun last night."

"You could say that." I just wish I could remember it. Something about beer, a paddle, and titties. I'm pretty sure there weren't any actual boobs involved but we talked about them...a lot

"Apparently. Considering you and Kyle show up today wearing matching shirts. Aren't you supposed to be mortal enemies?" Yes that would be true, but apparently we bonded over our fondness of boobies. Specifically yours and/or Tess's. I can't tell her that though. That'd just make me look like an ass.

Quick say something funny.


"Umm..." Okay skip that. Anything at all will do.


‘Umm...’ is all he has to say for himself. Not that that there's anything at all he could say to make this better.

I should have known better. He is a dick after all...deke whatever. The point is that Max Evans is completely obsessed with his penis.

"It's no big deal.... Nobody probably even saw." Nobody saw, that must be why everyone is laughing at me behind my back?

"No big deal he says... I guess it never occurred to you deke heads that between the two of you, you've recorded my entire sexual history." Max looks shocked to hear this "I hope you and Kyle are happy together. You two idiots deserve each other."



I'm Liz Parker and in less than twelve hours I will be a DEB.

I walked away from Max the other day for who knows how long, possibly forever. And good riddance, he is just one headache I don't need. I got my things from his apartment on Thursday while he was at class and have been staying with Tess ever since. Which isn’t so bad as we hardly ever saw each other. Except for today where I've seen more than enough of her.

We were awoken at 6 am by her mother, who looks exactly like an aged version of the blonde. However, her strands were silvering, piled high atop her head in a severe bun. The lady was ready to induct her daughter into a life of luxury and DEB.

Mrs. Harding is very cold and unfeeling and it's not hard to see why Tess turned out the way she did. She immediately wanted to know what Tess planned to wear for the ceremony. This includes stockings, shoes and undergarments. Invasive much?

The elder Harding seemed to leave me alone other than insisting we all start getting ready at the same time. This was okay because at least I got a free spa day out of it. As I happened to be staying with Tess and becoming a DEB, Mrs. Harding considered me family. And felt that any young lady embarking on such a life changing journey deserved to be pampered, and look her best.

It was fun, other than the whole day mommy dearest kept asking Tess where Max was and how he was doing with the boys. Tess was very vague in her answers and I'm not sure if that was for my benefit or because she honestly didn't care anymore. Still, I asked the people at the salon to put my hair up then, specifically because I knew Max wouldn't like it. It was a fancy doo with Baby’s Breath all coiled and braided; that I couldn't replicate if I tried.

We dressed at the Spa and went straight to the house from there and Mrs. Harding disappeared into the ether, much to Tess's relief. Considering she tries to be just like her, it’s strange that she and her mother don’t get along.

Anyhow, the twelve of us showed up all wearing the same white dress, not required but some felt it necessary. At 3pm sharp we were taken to a room with tables and chairs where we took the written part of the exam. This one had the Sorority’s official seal stamped on it. We were told the rest would come later. Next, we were lined up and taken back to the parlor and made to wait. Tess was the first escorted into the room. That was twenty minutes ago.

I'm Liz Parker and I have a darn good feeling that in less than ten minutes I will be a DEB.

Tess never returned but finally my name was called and I was escorted into a room where Serena, Isabel and Prue were waiting. Our illustrious president was standing at some type of alter thing with a large leather bound book that looked like it could be ancient. "Liz Parker, please step forward." she requests and I go to stand at the altar in front of her. "You have come today seeking the eternal light of Delta Epsilon Beta Sorority; is this so?"

When I affirm that I have, Serena steps forward and hands me an unlit candle. "Please recite the creed."

"Lifting as we climb, building as we grow, loyalty and service from our hearts do flow..." As I continue to recite the creed by heart I realize that this is it. After this, I Liz Parker will be a DEB.

Serena lights my candle with her own. "This flame represents the light of Delta Epsilon Beta sorority. Do you pledge to let it burn with pride and keep our tenets true in all future endeavors?" I nod, and then a smile breaks over Prue’s face, "Congratulation sister." She is the first to hug me.

Then Serena places my official sorority pin just below my pledge pin. "You made it."

Finally, Isabel steps forward and hands me a small box wrapped in turquoise paper with a pink bow. "This is from Serena and I both, she may be your big sister but I'm your special helper."

"She's your secret weapon, a little harder on you than most pushing you to be the best." Serena explains when I ask exactly what a ‘special helper’ is.

"I'm sorry she didn't make it." I say then, and they both know who I'm talking about.

"Me too." Isabel admits "But this is your moment. Congratulations Liz." The four of us have a group hug and then Serena escorts me out to the den on the other side of the ritual room.

Tess is waiting there, and the two of us squeal and run to hug each other when we see the other; knowing we both made it. I would have never imagined myself sharing this moment with Tess Harding. But the evening of October 25, 2005 when I officially became a DEB, there was a spirit of elation in everyone. It's a day I share with only eleven other people in the world, Tess being one of them, and I just couldn't resent her anymore.

If only my best friend could have been there maybe we could have absolved our differences too.


I'm in center of the circle of about twenty pledges. They are reciting the creed, with which I'm so familiar. On the outside of them stands a circle of their big brothers, followed by the remaining membership as well as alums who have come to join us on this day.

Once these soon to be brothers complete the recitation, I ask them to turn and face their big brothers who light a candle and ask them a few other pertinent questions. The whole thing is supposed to symbolize the acquisition of the light of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.

I can only imagine how these guys are feeling right now. When I went through it, all I could think was 'Is this it... Is this why I got my ass beaten and all that other crazy shit?' But when my father pinned me nothing else mattered. Having nigh on one hundred other people view you as brother gives you a sense of belonging that nothing else ever will. Except well...being in love. With that thought I'm reminded of how indirectly this fraternity lead to what I have...or rather could have had with Liz.

Once the ritual is over I make it my purpose to go around and congratulate each of the new brothers personally. "Pretty awesome huh?" I say when I come to Kyle, giving him a manly clap on the back.

"Yeah, it is pretty F-ing awesome." He agrees and I smile with recognition. I still don't remember most of the details but bits and pieces of that infamous night of Hell Week keep coming back to me. And while I still don't like the guy, I realize we have a lot more in common than I previously thought. And he is now my brother in every sense of the word.

"So we did okay." Michael ventures more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah we did." I echo. The two of us stand in silence on the side lines watching everyone make their congratulatory rounds feeling horribly out of place.

"You know, I don't think I ever did thank you for bringing me into all this." He means the fraternity. Last year this time he was my ‘project.’ "It has given me opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise had and I've met a lot of people that..." he doesn't finish his statement but I know him well enough to know that it would have been.’...that has changed me.' "There's somewhere I have to be." Michael says then.

"Me too." I know that I'm on my way to attempt to patch things over with Liz, and he quite possibly will do the same with her best friend. "Need a ride to the mall?" I offer.

"How'd you..."

"Brothers always know."


It's Saturday night and this place is deader than a doornail. I can't say that I'm surprised as more than half the campus is busy being inducted into some brother/sisterhood. Little over four weeks ago was rush week. Well, rush week for girls while the guys had interest meetings. Now it is time for all those pledges to turn in their pins for official paraphernalia.

That is why I took the extra hours. I didn’t want to be on campus tonight, every house abuzz with Greekdom. Plus, I can probably use the money. Unlike back home, diner's like Johnny Rockets don't close just because there are only two customers

When the last couple leaves, it’s just me and Smokey Joe, the manager who’s been on a cigarette break since well… I’ve lost track already. That’s when I see ‘the hair’ approaching the restaurant. Yes I've resorted to calling him 'the hair' because that's the first thing you see on Michael Guerin. He is the last person I want to see tonight. If I were to lock the door maybe he’ll think we’re closed and go away. Michael and I reach the door at the same time. However, he sees what I'm about to do so he wedges his foot in the door.

"We're closed." I tell him.

"At seven thirty?" he says, noting the time on the wall clock.

I look behind me to see that it is in fact half past the hour, and another four till we close."Shouldn't you be at an initiation or something?" I say then, resignedly.

"Shouldn't you?” Grr… this guy really gets under my skin, and the fact that he’s right even more so.

"What do you want?" I ask finally.

"How about the key lime pie." He only requests that because he knows we don’t have any. He’s the one who showed me how to make it.

"There is no freakin’ key lime pie." I say through gritted teeth.

"Look could we talk?" He asks me then, clearly seeing my patience has worn thin.

"I couldn't imagine what on earth we have to talk about."

"The Pie."

I give in and drag the guy to the nearest table, get him his stupid pie and then retreat to the bathroom. But not before telling him "I'll be back with your check later."

I lock myself in one of the stalls and begin sniffing at some cedar oil. Because I am on the verge of either freaking out or hopping in the Jetta and driving over to the DEB house with my white dress and interrupting whatever ritual they're in the middle of with a pathetic 'wait for me.'

It's in the trunk you know; my white dress, the same one I know they're all wearing. Yes I did stalk them to find out. Yes, I'm that much of a loser. And up until this morning, I was sure that I would show up at the house at 3pm looking impeccable. It would be so like me to make a grand entre. But my pride wouldn't let me. My pride won't let me do anything but sit on the toilet of a public restroom crying like a five year old.

I look up at the sound of the door creaking open and standing there is none other than Michael Guerin. "I thought I locked that."

"Apparently not." He shrugs.

"What are you doing here?"

"I really gotta pee." he jokes "Or maybe I'm here for a friend that needs me."

I stand as if to leave but he stops me, and I'm tired of fighting, so somehow I wind up crying in his arms.

continued in next post