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Liz's Work - updated 6/18/09

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:04 pm
by Elizabeth Kivana
Work in Progress(WIP)

To be updated.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:21 pm
by Elizabeth Kivana
Future Works

*banner by erinkatie*

Title: Velondra’s Redemption
Sub-title: Lonnie’s thoughts of her life
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.
Rating: Adult
Parings: Lonnie/Khivar. And memories of of a few.
Summery: This is a short story taken out of Just One: The Weight of the World. In TwofW, Lonnie left for Antar before Liz. She believes, despite what Liz tells her, that it is still her fault that her brother and husband died and she feels the need to redeem herself. These are her thoughts on it, of her end, as well as her life and love’s.

AN: Part of Just One: Weight of the World story in Just One series.
Title: Just One: Antar, my hell
Sub-title: Nine years of my life
Summery:The forth in the series of Just One and the final chapter in Liz's life. In the timeline, it is the middle. It will be written in Liz's point of view on the nine years spent on Antar. There will be no other character from the show in this, expect in her thoughts. It will be dark as it can be, reflecting on all the pain she went through on Antar.

AN: Forth (part of Just one: The weight of the world) segment of the Just One Series

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:51 am
by Elizabeth Kivana
Completed Stories

Title: Just One
Sub-title: The tale of Kivana Eli
Ratings: Teen/Adolt; CC/UC
Summery: Max and Liz are soul mates that that has always been clear. This is a story that explains it, along with several major events of the original storyline (in my point of view). Kivana Eli was the older twin, heiress to the throne of Ryctor. Her father's best friend murdered him and took Kivana Eli and Khivar with him. The two were raised with his own children, Zan and Velandra. Both of Zan and Velandra fell for the siblings.

Liz Parker was Kivana Eli, at least all the good parts. Valerie Benz was all the mean things about her. What happens when you put the two together and learn that Zan never died? You get Kivana Eli!

Small notice. This does not have a happy ending. A long with the show character death, it's end is full of murder and suicide. But this is not the end. There will a sequal to end it with 'happily ever after'.

AN: This is the first of the 'Just One' series.
Title: The Real Ava
Sub-title: First Impressions May Fool You
Ratings: Teen/Mature; CC/UC
Summery: She was the woman he loved and she died in his hands. It wasn't long after that that king Zan learned of a evil plot set by Khivar making sure their destiny was never completed.

Instead of 8, 9 pods came to eath; Five to Roswell and Four to New York City sewers. It is now up to Ava to make things right and to re-claim her position in the Royal Four.

Takes off original after the episode Suprise. It comes on offical Meet the Dupes but without Future Max.

AN: Story that stands on it's on, not part of any series.
*banner by Anniepoo98*

Title: Just One: The Weight of the World
Sub-title: Third Times a Charm
Ratings: Teen/Mature; CC/UC
Summey: Sequal to Just One. Kivana Eli failed and time was returned back. Now she has a chance to make things right, knowing the things that went wrong.

What happens when Ellie gets yet another chance at fixing things? Will she resist making things go her way? Who does she belong with? Who are Liz and Val and do they even really exist?

AN: Second (story-wise final) segment of the Just One series.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:19 pm
by Elizabeth Kivana
I just thought I'd share with you, the various covers I've made for my fictions. I keep changing them constantly, not fully able to find the perfect one. Please, if you wana do it for any . . . I'll be more then happy to have it.

Just One
- first
- second
- third
- forth
- final

Just One: The Weight of the world
- first
- second
- third
- forth
- present

The Real Ava
- first
- second
- present

Antar, my hell
- first
- present

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:31 am
by Elizabeth Kivana
Just One has been updated and counts 40 chapters.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:44 am
by Elizabeth Kivana
Just One now has 44 chapters. It's about 8 until the end, 9 if you count the epiloge.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:58 am
by Elizabeth Kivana
Just One has been completed and I will began posting it's sequal very soon. I decided to put 'The Real Ava' fiction a side for a bit now.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:35 pm
by Elizabeth Kivana
Just One: The Weight of the world has began and is now treated as WIP.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:42 pm
by Elizabeth Kivana
Due to the last two weeks of school in which I'll have to work my ass of to actually PASS, I have decided to make a brake from my present story The Weight of the World.

At the moment, it counts 20 chapters. Bare with me people and I'll get back to ya in the middle of June. Love ya all. Thanks to everyone for reading and as I said in da thread, just because I'm not writting for these two weeks, I'd be really happy if ya stopped by a write a feedback or something. See ya!


Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 4:12 pm
by Elizabeth Kivana
No need to rush, I'm still in a lurking faze. But I took a day off and came here and decided to add a future work to the list, as well a new cover for the WIP. Not to mention that you now can see all the covers for all my stories. Enjoy. Your oppinnion is more then welcomed.
