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You Know I'd Love You better(AU-M/L Adult)A/N 07-11[WIP]

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 5:55 pm
by FamersAmers

Title: You Know I’d Love You Better

Authors: IceQueen & FamersAmers

Rating: ADULT

Disclaimer: We don’t own Roswell or any of the characters We are just borrowing them for a little while.

Category: M/L

A/N:Thank you to the UBER talented Crashdown51 for the kick ass banner!!!!

Summary: Max Evans and Liz Parker are harboring secrets, ones that could destroy not only those around them but each other as well. Having just relocated to wealthy Palm Beach Florida Max has been given the job of a lifetime when he meets Liz Parker. Will they be able to deny their feelings or will they risk it all and fight for their love?

~*~*Chapter 1~*~

“Don’t.” I plead with her. “Don’t move. If you move then we’ll wake up and this will have been a dream.”

“It’s not a dream.” I hear her laugh and roll onto her side her head propped up with her palm

“Well don’t move anyway. Stay here with me. In bed.” I trace my finger down her arm not wanting to forget the feel of her silky skin.

“I can’t.” She rolls over in an attempt to get out of the bed but I stop her.

“Please. Stay.” I’ve never had to beg women to stay with me in bed but there is something about her that makes me want to spend every moment with her even if I only met her last night. I see her grin then straddle my lap before she slides down on me as if we’ve been doing this for years.

“I can’t…” I cut her off by placing my finger on her lips. She swirls her tongue around it before sucking into her mouth. Her hips rock against me in a smooth motion.

“You can.” I say placing my hands on her hips guiding her movements. Needing more from her I flip us over and slide in and out of her painfully slow. It’s my sad attempt of prolonging the inevitable. I pick up my pace no longer being able to take it slow and we reach our peaks. Her hands once again scrape my back but I don’t feel the pain.

“It’s been fun but I have to go.” She says once we catch our breath. I watch her get off the bed with the sheet wrapped around her as she finds her discarded clothing.

I’ve had many women in my life before and I don’t know why I don’t want her to leave. Something is telling me to not let her go but she has to.

“Will I…”

“No. I don’t think so.” She cuts me off in a cold manner. Her tone doesn’t bother me but her insistence on leaving does.

“Ok.” I reply watching her put on her simple black dress from the night before. She ties her hair up in a simple twist and puts her diamond studs in her ears. I don’t remember her taking them off. Well, I don’t remember much about last night except the countless times we had sex.

“Thanks.” she walks over to me and places a soft kiss on my forehead. My forehead? Am I a child?

“Yeah.” I say kind of annoyed. I hear the door slam shut and throw my head back on the pillows.


I didn’t get her name!

How could I have let her walk out like that? I don’t know anything about her but I can’t shake the feeling that I should have gotten to know her name at least.

I just moved to Palm Beach from New York after getting an opportunity to run a five star luxury hotel on the island. My friends and family think I’m crazy but I’ve always wanted to live near the beach so when the opportunity came up I jumped on it. Along with being the president of the hotel I was given a cottage to live in just off the main property.

Cottage isn’t the right word for this place; it’s practically a mansion with three floors and a view of the ocean from pretty much every room in the house.

I don’t officially start for a week but want to get myself acquainted with my staff.

Shaking my head at the situation I get out of bed and take a shower wondering if I and the beauty that just left will cross paths again.


“Good afternoon Mr. Evans. It’s nice to have you with us. My name is Michael. I’ll be showing you around the hotel.”

“Thank you.” I smile and follow him around the corporate office section of the hotel.

“We weren’t expecting you until next week.” He says greeting every person he passes.

“Yes, well I wanted to get myself acquainted with everyone before I officially began.” We pass a set of elevators and he tells me that they go down to one of the many kitchens in the hotel.

“This is your private elevator. It goes from the basement directly to your office. Security will give you a key when you start, you’ll be the only one besides them with a key.” We pass the elevator and walk around to another part of the floor.

“Over to your left is the accounting office and over here is your secretary’s desk. She isn’t in today but her name is Lisa. Nice young lady.” He says walking to a door just behind her desk. “And this is your office.” I walk into a large office decorated in chrome and dark woods with a huge window overlooking the pool area and the beach.

“It’s great.” I say walking around the office noticing a bathroom and a wet bar as well as a couch and a few chairs.

“I hope it’s to your liking, if you see anything missing just let me or Lisa know and we’ll be sure to get it for you.”

“No no. Everything is perfect.” I have a huge grin on my face. I still can’t believe that I’m here.

“Ok well I’ll let you get familiar. I’ll be back in an hour to show you around the rest of the property.

He shuts the door behind him and leaves me to admire the view from my new office. I quickly grab the phone and call Isabel to share my excitement with her.

“Hello.” She answers and I think I woke her up.

“Hey, were you asleep?” I ask because of her groggy tone.

“Yeah but its ok. Where are you?”

“I’m in my new office. I can’t wait for you to see it Iz it’s huge!”

“Yeah well I’m not going to the land of the old anytime soon. But I’m glad that you like it. So have you met your co workers yet?” I hear her get out of the bed and walk down the stairs. She decided to stay in my old brownstone and give up the lease on her apartment.

“Just one so far, well formally anyway but I saw a bunch of people as I came in. It’s strange here in a way.” I sit in my leather chair and swing around to face the window.

“Strange how?” She asks

“Everyone is so nice. I don’t know it’s just…odd.” I hear her laugh and join her too.

“Well that’s a good thing though.” She tells me she’s going to turn on the heater and I smile knowing that I no longer have to deal with winters and snow especially.

“Let me know how it goes once you officially start. Oh and I saw her the other day. She tried to talk to me but I walked away from her.” She snorts. I don’t comment on that. I don’t want to think about that.

“Ok, I love you Iz.”

“Me too.” She hangs up and I miss her more already. We have always been close and have never been this far apart. I’ve always had her to lean on and now that she’s not here I don’t know who I will go to for advice and comfort.

“Are you ready?” Michael knocks on my door peering his head in.

“Sure.” I get up and follow him to another set of elevators.

“These are for everyone else on this floor.” He says once we step in. The elevator has a brass railing all around it and frescos painted on the ceiling. Baroque music plays softly in the background and I see him hit the ‘B’ button.

“This will take you to the basement. It’s where the staff cafeteria is as well as the time clock for employees. You won’t ever have to come down here but I thought I’d show you were your staff works.” We get off the elevator and walk down a long hallway full of people walking to different areas.

“This is the heart of the hotel. There are two kitchens down here, one for the cafeteria and one for banquets.” I follow him around greeting every person I meet.

“Everyone is very friendly.” I say after saying hello to about fifty people.

“Yeah.” He laughs and walks me out a set of doors.” This leads you to the courtyard and right over there is the shops.” He points to a wooden set of doors.

“As you may know we have five shops as well as a golf shop across the street next to the golf course.” I nod and follow him to the newest area of the hotel.

“This is where the new cabanas will be.” It takes him close to three hours to show me most of the hotel and by the time I get back to my cottage I’m exhausted.

I check my machine for any messages silently hoping that I have a message from her but I never gave her my number or name for that matter.

I spend the next few days getting familiar with the island. It’s very different from New York but I still love it. As I drive around I eye every brunette I see closely subconsciously looking for her but none of them are her. I don’t know why she has haunted me this way but she has and I hate it in a way.

“Good morning Mr. Evans I’m Lisa, I’ll be your executive assistant.” A young woman with curly brown hair greets me as soon as I walk into my area of the floor. I took the regular elevator up wanting to see everyone instead of going straight to my office.

“Good morning and please, call me Max.”

“Yes sir. I have your schedule right here as well as your meetings for the next few weeks so you can plan your personal errands around it.” She hands me a large folder.

“Thank you.” She smiles and answers the phone while I go into my office. I’m overwhelmed at the amount of work that I have but it’s keeping me busy. I decide to have lunch in the employee cafeteria wanting to make myself seem accessible to everyone.

By the time I get home I’m exhausted. My phone rings and it startles me for a moment.


“Hey.” It’s Isabel.

“Hey. What are you up to?” I walk out the sliding doors and look at the ocean.

“Not much. So how was your official first day?” She asks me

“Not bad. I have a lot or work so I’m glad. You miss me yet?”

“I’ll have you know that I’m living it up. Thanks again for giving me your place. I love it.” I laugh.

“No problem.” We talk for a while then I go out for dinner. I have access to eat at any of the three restaurants that the hotel owns and choose an Asian fusion place called Ecko. I might as well get to know every aspect of the hotel.

~~~1 month later~~~

“The new beach front property is ahead of schedule and will be ready for season this year.” I’m sitting through a board meeting but can’t concentrate. I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach and I don’t know why or what it means.

“Let’s take a look around and see what’s been done so far.” Michael says after everyone has walked out of the board room.

“Sure.” I grab my suit jacket and follow him to the pool area. The hotel has a member’s only beach club in existence but we are upgrading it. I follow Michael around and realize that I’m literally surrounded by millionaires and their families. The hotel is a playground for Palm Beach’s elite.

“These cabanas are going to have plasma TV’s as well as a full bathroom.” He points to the cabanas. They are more like studio apartments really.

“How many members do we have?” I ask curiously.

“Right now there are two hundred but we have about a hundred more on a waiting list. We can’t have more then two hundred without compromising the level of service.” I nod my head and follow him towards the second pool, the lap pool.

“When we are done there will be a total of four pools and three Jacuzzi’s…” I hear him talk but something catches my eye. I know that I’ve imagines seeing her a thousand times over the past week but this time I’m sure it her. I walk closer to her when I stop dead in my tacks.

I see her in a white flowing skirt and baby blue tank top with matching sandals looking like a fucking Goddess but that is not what makes me stop. She’s with a man, a rather distinguished looking man having lunch.


I’m an idiot and I’m screwed because I can’t take my eyes off her.

“Hey, everything ok?” Michael asks me.

“Yeah.” I shake my head. “Yeah everything is fine.” I try to walk away but I can’t.

“You sure you’re ok?” He asks again

“Do you know that man?” I ask pointing to the man she’s with.

“The one with the white polo shirt?” I nod yes. “Yeah I know him, shit everyone knows him.” I look at him confused.

“That’s Xavier Franco.” Franco? The name sounds familiar.

“You’ve never heard of him?” He asks shocked

“Sounds familiar but I can’t place it.” I’m still trying to rack my brain as to who the heck this guy is.

“Man you’ve really been out of the loop haven’t you? Aren’t you from New York?” He laughs. “Franco imports. Franco Olive oil, Franco pasta. Shit, Franco anything Italian. He started out importing olives and stuff from Italy years ago.”

“Oh.” I’m very familiar with the name now. Anyone who has eaten anything Italian has heard of the Franco name. The thought of him being with the Goddess that has captivated me makes my heart sink. No wonder she couldn’t stay with me. Who the hell would give him up to be with someone like me?

“Why were you asking?” He says breaking me out of my thoughts.

“What? Oh, um no reason.” My eyes are focused on her as I see her laugh at something he said.

“She’s a beauty isn’t she?” Michael says


“She’s always with him too.” He says and walks away prompting me to follow him. I wonder what he meant by that? I wonder why she’s always with him. Well I can guess as to why. If she was with me I’d never let her out of my sight.

I can’t get her out of my mind for the rest of the day. Seeing her again just fueled my wanting to get to know her, to know more about her. To know her name even. I wonder if Michael knows her name. I can’t ask him, that would certainly warrant questions that I don’t want to answer. I assume that Xavier Franco is a powerful man and wouldn’t appreciate me having a one night stand with his lady. Is that what it was? A one night stand? I’ve never been the one to do that but I guess you can never say never.

It’s Isabel’s birthday next week and for the first time ever we are not going to be together on that day. I decide to splurge and get her something she’ll love and go to Tiffany & Co. on Worth Ave. She mentioned a necklace and bracelet she’s wanted to me before I left so I’ll get her that.

“Good afternoon Sir. Welcome to Tiffany’s.” The doorman opens the large glass door and I step into the store. I find it pretty empty and make my way to the back of the store where the sliver is.

“Hello sir. May I help you with anything?” An older lady from behind the counter asks me.

“No thank you. I know what I’m looking for.” She smiles and goes back to polishing some of the jewelry. I browse the counter looking for the set that Isabel wants.

“Hello Miss Parker. How may I help you today?” I hear her say but don’t turn to look. I’m glad that someone else is back here so she doesn’t come bothering me like most sales people tend to do. I know it’s their job but it can get annoying at times.

I hear bits and pieces of their conversation and finally find the set that I was looking for. As I turn around I see her and can’t believe my eyes. What are the chances of her and I running into each other here and she’s alone. Curious as to what she’s here for I move to another part of the store so she can’t see me.

“I have a list of items that I need.” I hear her say as she pulls a piece of paper from her purse. Who the heck buys a list full of items from a jewelry store anyway?

“Ok, let me get them for you.” The sales woman takes the paper and I see her browse the counter as she waits.

“How is Mr. Franco doing?” She asks her. I guess she must come here a lot since they seem so familiar. Again I find that odd.

“Oh he’s doing fine. I’ll let him know you asked about him.” The sales woman blushes a little and starts pulling things out of the counter.

“Will you need them gift wrapped?”

“No just the boxes will be fine. These are for some clients coming in next week.” She picks up a bottle of perfume and smells it. Thought of her silky hair brushing across my chest and her soft hands running down my back make me bite back a groan.

“Are you alone back here?” She asks her.

“No, there is a man here. Humm, I guess he left. I don’t see him. He was right over there.” She points to where I was standing and I’m glad I moved. I don’t want her to see me just yet.

“I’m going to run upstairs and have this bracelet fixed. The lock isn’t working properly. I’ll be right down.” She says.

“Ok, take the elevator up. The railing on the stairs is being fixed.” She nods and walks towards the elevators. When I turn around I realize that I’m right next to the elevators.

I hear her walking towards me and take a deep breathe ready to confront her.

“What are you doing here?” She asks once she sees me. At that moment I realize two things. One, she’s an absolute beauty and two; there is no way I can let her walk out of my life. I’m totally screwed.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 6:50 pm
by Icequeen
Thank you all for your FB. We both appreciate it. :D

L-J-L 76

~*~Chapter 2~*~*

“You left and I didn’t get your name.” I say lamely.

“You can’t be here.” She says looking around as if someone is watching her.

“This is a store. Why can’t I be here?” She hit’s the ‘up’ button and waits for the elevator.

“You can’t be here… with me.” I’m about to respond when her cell phone rings.

“Hello? Yes I’m here….I’m waiting for it now…..Yeah, they should have everything….ok, see you in a few.” She slams her phone shut and blows out a frustrated breath.

“Boyfriend?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. She doesn’t answer me. The doors swoosh open and I follow her inside.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going upstairs too.” She rolls her eyes at me and I can’t help but laugh at her annoyance.

“Why won’t you tell me your name?” I ask her pausing the elevator.

“Because.” she tries to get the elevator going again but I stop her from hitting the button.

“Well, I’m Max Evans.”

“Look, I really have to get going. I have a schedule to maintain.” What is with her?

“So tell me your name and you can go.” Who am I kidding? Like I’m going to just let her go that easy.

“Liz, ok. Now can we please get moving?”

“Liz what? I told you my full name.” I smirk.

“Liz Parker.” She huffs and tries to hit the button again but I stop her. I can tell she’s getting annoyed and it’s turning me on. I stalk towards her cornering her in the far corner of the elevator. She looks up at me with wide eyes and I bring my lips down towards hers. I expected her to push me away but surprisingly she doesn’t. She wraps her arms around my neck and I left her up bringing her legs around my waist.

I’m not the sexually adventures type but lately I have been….with her. Being in a passionate lip lock with a beauty like her in an elevator is not something I ever thought I’d be doing.

“I can’t…” She tries to say again but I bring my lips to hers silencing her. I feel heat on my stomach and realize that she’s wearing a skirt and that said heat is coming from her core. My erection is ever present and the need for her is un-bearable.

Her hands come down to my waist and un buckle my belt while I un button her dress shirt exposing her light pink lace bra. I groan when she reaches into my pants and strokes my erection.

Her skirt is short to being with but I still hike it up then pull down her lacy underwear so that it’s hanging off one of her legs.

Not wasting any time she pulls my boxers and pants down fully exposing me then guides my cock into her tight passage.

“Shit.” I hear her hiss once I’m buried deep inside her. I drive into her careful not to bang her too hard against the glass wall.

“Oh God.” She says when I lick my fingers and stoke her clit. I rub circles around her nub with my thumb loving the look for pure pleasure on her face.

“You like that?” I whisper hoarsely into her ear. I thrust into her in short hard movements wanting to drive her mad before spilling my seed into her.

“Fuck yes!” She says in elation. It brings a satisfied grin to my face knowing that I can do this to her, again. She reaches down and grabs my sac helping bring me closer to the edge. As much as I don’t want it to end I realize that we are in an elevator and that the sales lady must be wondering where she went.

I bring her leg up as high as it can go before driving into her hard and faster needing to feel her walls pulsate around me. I’ve become addicted to this woman and I don’t know a thing about her.

“Oh!” She screeches making me seal our lips together so no one hears her again. I know her sounds and that was the one of her coming close to her bliss.

Her tongue swirls around mine expertly and I have trouble concentrating on my movements and the delicious things that she could do with that tongue.

“Oh fuck yeah.” I moan into her mouth as I feel my sac contract and explode into her. She falls apart right after I do and I let her down slowly.

There is no way she can walk out of my life again after that can she? She hit’s the button to make the elevator move to the second floor and fixes her clothing as I fix mine.

“We can’t do this again.” She says when the bell dings signaling that we have reached out destination and walks out of the door leaving me standing there with my jaw on the floor. Is she crazy? Did she not feel what I just felt?

I’m not going to be a stalker and follow her. At least I have her name now. I’ll just have to wait and plan my next encounter with her.

I head back downstairs and purchase the gift for Isabel then head home with a satisfied grin on my face.


“So how was your weekend?” Michael asks me after our morning meeting.

“It was great.” I answer with a smile on my face. All weekend I kept replaying the session we had in the elevator and now that I have her name I can rest a little easier.

“It looks like it was.” I realize that Michael could be an asset to me since he’s been around this area for years.

“So do you know anything else about Xavier Franco?” If the guy is my competition I might as well get to know as much as I can about him.

“What do you want to know?”

“I don’t know, anything I guess.” It sounds as if he knows a lot about this guy and I wonder how.

“Well like I said the other day he struck it rich with his import export business. He’s heavily involved in real estate and is a board member on several committees around the island. That’s all that anyone really knows about him. His personal life is a huge mystery. All I know is that for the past two years or so he’s come to the hotel with the beauty you saw the other day. I’ve never actually seen them kiss or touch for that matter but we all just assume that they are together.” I find that odd. Again, if I were with her I’d be all over or at least kissing her in public a few times.

“What do you know about her?” I wonder if I’m sounding too eager for information but it doesn’t seem to bother Michael.

“Nothing. I don’t even know her name. The only time I see her is when she’s with him here at the club or at some function. A few people have seen her around town shopping but that’s about it.” This is getting stranger and stranger.

“Why? Are you interested in her or something?” He asks me and I feel myself turning red. Interested doesn’t even begin to describe it.

“No.” I lie. Hopefully he bought it.

“Good because if she is his lady then you can forget about it. That man has more money then he knows what to do with and from what I heard he doesn’t like to lose anything.” I kind of expected that but it doesn’t stop my feelings.

“Do you have the budget reports?” I ask changing the subject before I let my feelings show.

“Yeah, everything seems to be in order except for one shop that is way over budget. I don’t know what that lady is thinking but she can’t order anymore merchandise for a while.” He’s in charge of finances.

“Wow! Who’s been signing off on these orders?” I ask when I see her numbers.

“That would be the man you replaced. Don’t worry, I’ve sent her a memo already.” He walks out and I look over the rest of the reports. I have a bunch of off site meetings today and prepare for the busy day.


It’s been a week since I’ve seen her. I haven’t really tried to run into her but I’ve been keeping my eyes opened wherever I go. It’s a typical sunny Saturday afternoon and I head down to the beach for the first time.

The beach is pretty private, only accessible to the few houses on this side of the island. Most of the houses are only occupied for a few months out of the year by snow birds. Season is about to start so soon the houses will be full of northerners escaping the winter.

I stroll down the beach reveling in the feel of the soft sand between my toes. Finding a spot near the shore. I place my towel down and lay on my side with a book in hand. The weather is perfect. Not too humid with just enough breeze to keep you cool.

“Oh this is rich.” I hear a familiar voice say and sit up. My goddess is standing in front of me with a tiny black bikini.

“I was here first.” I say when I see her laugh.

“Whatever.” She starts to walk away but I get up and spin her around to face me.

“Why are you always running away from me?” I have to ask.

“I wasn’t running.”

“Ok. Why are you always walking away from me then?” I ask catching onto her sarcasm.

“I have things to do. You always catch me at a bad time.”

“Well when would be a good time then?” I let go of her arm and await her answer.

“I’m really busy. I-I can’t.” there she goes…again!

“Why are you always saying you can’t? You can’t talk to me, you can’t be around me for more then a few minutes but you can fuck me?” That came out harsher then I wanted.

“I-I…” I want her to spit it out already. “I have to go.” She says then starts to walk up the beach towards the sidewalk.

“Wait!” I call and run after her.

“You can’t deny the obvious chemistry between us. So tell me Liz, why are you sleeping with me when your Xavier Franco’s woman?” I stand in front of her with my arms crossed.

“I’m not his woman. It’s-complicated.” Ok? Now I’m really lost.

“Well try to explain it to me.”

“I just can’t ok? Just-I can’t. I’m sorry.” There is something going on there and I intend to find out about it.


Again it’s been a few weeks since I’ve seen her and she’s plagued my thoughts every waking moment. I keep trying to go over different scenarios to explain her odd behavior. Maybe he’s in the mob? Maybe he’s forcing her into a relationship? I’m slowing driving myself crazy.

I’m in the office when my phone rings.


“Hey! I got your gift, I love it Max. Thank you.”

“Your welcome. I’m sorry I wasn’t there this year.”

“It’s ok. I plan on coming down for yours in a few months though. We can have a joint celebration then.” I laugh.

“Sounds good. So what did you do? Any parties?”

“You know I had to live it up.” She laughs and tells me about the surprise party her friends threw for her.

“Sounds like you had a good time. I’m glad.” We talk about work for a little bit then she hangs up.

“Hey a group of us are going to head over to Bradlees for a sort of happy hour thing. Do you want to come?” Michael pops in and asks me.

“Sure.” I don’t know anyone here so why not.

“Ok, we’ll meet here around five then.” I nod and get back to my paperwork.


“You ready?” Michael comes back at quarter to five.

“Just a second I want to finish this e-mail.” I finish typing it up and grab my suit jacket.

“You’ll get to meet a few of the guys from corporate. I’m sure you’ve seen them around but it’s hard to keep track of everyone.” He laughs as we walk to the south gate and get into his car.

“So how do you like it so far?” He asks as we drive down south ocean blvd with the top down on his convertible.

“I like it. It’s different then New York but I like it.”

“Yeah I bet it’s different. I’ve lived here all my life but I’ve been up north a few times. I can’t take the winter weather.” We make small talk and pull up to the restaurant a few minutes later. He valets the car and we walk in and join a few others at the bar.

Michael introduces me to everyone once again but I’m bad with names so I’m sure I’ll forget each one of them in a few hours.

We order some drinks and appetizers and get into random discussions about various topics. Again I notice how friendly everyone is. It’s sort of step ford-ish.

“Max you have to come with us to south beach one weekend. I swear you have never seen that many beautiful half naked women in one place in your life.” I laugh along with them but I have no interests whatsoever in doing that. I’ve found my beauty now I just have to get her to not run away from me and all will be right in the world.

A few of the men leave to go home to their wives and it surprises me since they talked about women all night and failed to mention their wives. Michael must notice my shocked expression because he explains to me that they are scumbags. I nurse a beer no longer in the mood to drink after the three I had already when I see her walk in with him!

Why is she always with him? It’s really starting to bother me know. I see them get seated at a table nearby but she hasn’t noticed me yet. I’m thankful because I want to watch their interaction. Thankfully there is an empty seat across the bar so I can get a good view of them. I try to keep up with the conversation with the guys while studying their every move. I see them order drinks then they are joined by three other men.

I see her jotting down what looks like notes and I find that odd. Does she work for him? Why does she spend so much time with him? This is really starting to get on my nerves.

“Check out who’s here.” One of the guys says and points towards their table.

“Man, did you see that sick house he just bought on Flagler? It’s huge!” One of the other guys says. They start to talk about his various houses and I try to listen while watching them interact. They seem familiar but not too close. I can’t put my finger on it but I’m starting to think that they aren’t involved romantically.

“Damn I wish I had the kind of money he does. Take a look at that knockout with him.” I turn to the guy that said that suddenly angered by his comment. I try to hide my annoyance but his attention to her body is pissing me off big time.

“I’m going to get going guys. I’ll take a cab back.” I say to Michael since I rode with him.

“It’s ok. I’ll drive you. I was ready to go anyway.” He throws some money on the counter and says goodbye to everyone.

I purposely walk past her so that she sees me. Taking one last glance at her before I walk out. She doesn’t look like she registered that I was here but I know she saw me.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:52 pm
by FamersAmers
Thanks for the FB guys! Jazzy and I appreciate it!

L-J-L 76
Poison Ivy

~*~Chapter 3 ~*~*

Just when I thought I’d never run into her again I run into her while out on an errand of my own.

“Well well. Look who’s here.” I say as I pull up to the car dealership. I was looking around for a new car, a convertible since the weather here is so great.

“What are you doing here?” She asks me looking around as if searching for someone.

“Let’ see.” I put my finger to my mouth in a thinking motion. “I’m at a car dealership. What could I be doing here?”

“Are you following me?” She asks

“No. why would I do that?” I take a seat next to her and browse through some brochures.

“Who knows.” she says pulling her sunglasses over her eyes.

“What are you doing here?”

“What do you think?” She snorts.

“Well your just sitting here so you could be waiting for a car or something.” she rolls her eyes.

“I’m waiting for someone.”

“Your boyfriend?”

“Why do you keep asking me about my boyfriend?”

“So you do have one!” I laugh.

“I didn’t say that.” She shifts in her seat and checks her cell phone.

“Waiting on a call?” I ask when I see her toying with it.

“Look, I’m busy.” She gets up and scans the floor for someone.

“You have to be the busiest person that I’ve ever met.”

“Whatever.” I see a man approaching her with a smile on his face.

“Do you eat?” I ask before he gets close


“I said do you eat?”

“Of course I do.” She laughs.

“Then eat with me. Have dinner with me one night.” I see him getting closer and closer and get more anxious for her reply.

“I can’t”

“Would you say something more then I can’t.”

“Ok then. No.” The man is steps away now.

“Well I’m going to be at Ecko tomorrow night. I’d like you to join me, I’ll leave your name with the hostess.” The man finally approaches and I notice that Liz steps away from me a little. Almost as if she can’t be seen with me.

“Miss. Parker I have the car all ready for you.” He says handing her a set of keys.

“Thanks Marc, Antonio will be driving it back though, he’s right outside.”

“Ok. I’ll give him the keys.” He walks away but not before looking at me up and down.

“I told you that you couldn’t be here. I have to go.” She says not giving me time to respond.

Something is definitely going on with her and Xavier Franco and if she joins me tomorrow night I’m going to find out.

“So what can I help you with.” The same man that helped Liz came back to talk to me. I tell him what I’m looking for and he shows me a few things. I’m not ready to make a purchase today but I’ll be back soon.


I’m getting ready for tonight as if it’s an actual date, as if she‘s going to actually show. I feel the flutters in my stomach and I stop to think when the last time I had butterflies was. I remember but quickly push the memory out of my head.

I go to the closet and quickly pick out my clothes and get dressed. As I’m buckling my belt my phone vibrates on the table I look over to see who it is. I watch the blue screen as it flashes and something inside of me yells to pick the phone up. But I don’t. I hit the ignore button, throw the phone on the bed and proceed to finish getting dressed.

After spending what seemed like an eternity in traffic I pull up to the Ecko and hand my keys to the Valet. I quickly walk in and give my name to the hostess and leave Liz’s.

“Right this way Mr. Evans.” She seats me and I sit patiently waiting, hoping that Liz will show.

I look at my watch for the hundredth time and realize that I have been sitting her for a good two hours, and she isn’t coming. I go to stand up when I see her standing in front of me.

“Sorry I’m late.” She has the most apologetic look on her face and I can’t be mad. It is the first time I haven’t seen her with a frown or a sour look on her face and I have to admit I like it.

“No, it is ok. I was just going to leave.” She looks around the restaurant and realizes that she has made it right at closing.

“Oh Max I am so sorry.” I laugh and shake my head.

“Really it is ok, are you still up for dinner?” She nods her head with a smile and I take her arm and lead her to the door. I am starting to see a different side of her and I like it.

I thank the hostess and as we exit I hand the valet my ticket. “So where do you want to go?” I ask her not really knowing any other place but here and the hotel.

“Lets do something fattening.” Her face lights up and it surprises me she doesn’t seem like the type who eats fast food, but I smile and as the car pulls up I open the door and let her in.

It has been twenty minuets of pure silence since we pulled out of Ecko and I am starting to go insane. She hasn’t said one word, and she knows it is getting to me.

I can see the bridge come into view and I pray the light doesn’t turn. I don’t know that I can’t sit two more minutes in the car without wanting to devour her.

“Dammit!” I hit the steering wheel as I slow for the changing light at the bridge and I hear her laugh.

I look over at her and smile. “I take it you always hit the light?” she asks.

“Yes, it never fails. I haven’t lived her but a couple of months and every freaking time I cross this damn bridge it always goes up.” She shakes her head and laughs like she knows something I don’t.

“Every fifteen and forty-five.” I look over at her with a questioning look and she smiles.

“It goes up every fifteen and forty-five minutes.” I wrinkle my forehead and look back at the open bridge.

“For future reference.” She says innocently.

“Thanks” I look over and smile at her and the silence starts again and I fidget in my seat. If this keeps up it is going to be a long night.

Finally the light turns and I thank the higher power. I quickly cross the bridge, and find myself driving trying to find something that not only appeals to my eye but my stomach as well

“Oh, Steak n’ Shake” I hear Liz yell and she points and I look in the direction of her finger. I have never actually been to a Steak n’ Shake but from what I have heard they have great chili cheese fries.

I pull in and park, I quickly get out and go to let Liz out. I take her hand and she doesn’t pull away from me. I smile inwardly.

I guide her in and we quickly sit at a table. The waitress is an older woman and as she hands us our menus she takes our drink order and promises to be back in a hurry.

“So what is good here?” I look over my menu at Liz who has already put her menu down obviously knowing what she wants.

“Everything” she says with a smile on her face. I smile back and go back to looking at the menu. I can hear my stomach grumble and I find what a want and put my menu
down and wait for Dolores.

She quickly comes back with our drinks. “Ok what can I get for you.” She looks to Liz

“Ok I would like the Bacon 'n Cheese Double”

“French Fries?”

“Yes, with chili and cheese.” My eyes get wide and I look at the small wonder in front of me and I am curious as to where she is going to fit all of that.

“And for you?” she looks at me and I am still in shock.

“Um…the same.” She writes it on her pad and picks up my menu and walks away.

I look to Liz and with questioning eyes I ask her. “Where are you going to fit all of that?” I am not used to this and it makes me curious.

She looks at me like I have lost it and laughs. “You swear like a girl can’t eat. I am going to put it in my stomach. Where else would I put it? I don’t fit that stereotype Max.”

“What stereotype.” I am curious as to what she is going to tell me.

“The one about skinny people not eating, I eat Max; I eat all the time and I eat a lot, if you don’t like it then too bad.” I smile and shake my head. I can live with that, in fact I think I prefer it.

“No, I like that you eat, you can keep up with me.” She takes a sip from her straw and smiles at me.

“So, are you going to tell me what you do?” I ask her while she plays with the straw wrapper.

“Are you going to tell me why you don’t drink out of a straw.” I laugh at how she changes the subject and I shrug my shoulders.

“Ok, question for question? Ok I ask you ask, I answer you answer?” she shakes her head yes in agreement.

“I don’t drink out of straws because it makes you look like less of a man.” I watch as she crinkles her nose.

“What?” she looks at me like I have lost it, and I cant help but laugh.

“I am serious. Watch look at that guy over there, the one drinking out of the straw, does he not look feminine, look at the way his lips and cheeks are pressed together. Does that not look like a girlish thing to do?” She watches the man for a moment and starts to laugh.

“I never really thought of it that way.” I shake my head she now sees my point.

“But I am right; see real men don’t drink out of straws, we drink from the cup. Now, what do you do?” She continues to roll the wrapper around her finger and just as she is about to start Dolores brings the food.

“Ok, I work for Franco imports.” She says as she pops a French fry in her mouth.

“What do you do there?” ok she works there, she must be important to have to be so secretive about everything.

“I’m Xavier Franco’s personal assistant.” She takes a bite of her hamburger and I laugh.

“That is it?” I continue laughing; she looks at me and takes a bite of her hamburger.

“What is with the whole don’t talk to strangers secrecy?” she keeps her eyes fixated on me and something tells me there is more to this story.

“There’s not secret. Maybe I just don’t want to talk to people.”

“Yeah, nice try. Really though why are you always running away from me?” It’s been killing me since I’ve met her.

“It’s complicated. I’d rather not get into it now.” I can tell that she’s getting uncomfortable but it’s got me more curious.

“So what kinds of things do you do? I saw you at Bradlees’ the other night.”

“I handle his business and personal affairs. We were there for a meeting.”

“So what about you? Where are you from originally?” She asks me clearly not comfortable talking about work. I tell her a little about my life in New York leaving a few things out…for now.

“So, if you are from New York, why are you here in Palm Beach, I would rather be
there.” I smile, sometimes I think the same thoughts.

“Well I needed a change. I no longer wanted to stay in New York and when I got the opportunity to run the hotel I jumped at it. Don’t get me wrong being away from my friends and family is hard, but this is a new start, something I need and want.” She shakes her head

“I wish I could say I have done that. I lived here all of my life. I have traveled for Xavier to insane places and done so many things and had many opportunities, but I have lived in Florida all of my life. Sometimes starting over is a good thing.” I see something in her eyes as she says that and I almost ask but I don’t want to pry.

“So how long have you worked for him?” her mouth goes up and she looks up like she is looking into her brain.

“Six years, which let me tell you is about six years too long.” She looks at me like she knows what I am going to ask. “I worked for him a year before I became his PA, I worked in billing and when Jessica, his first assistant, left he offered the job to me.” I
shake my head and pop my last French fry in my mouth.

Dolores brings the bill and I look it over. Liz pulls out her wallet and I put my hand up. “I asked you to dinner remember.” She frowns and I tell her to put it away. I know she wants to argue, but she won’t win.

I take out my wallet throw some money on the table for the tip and then take the bill to the register. I quickly pay and then lead Liz out to the car.

“So what are you up for?” I am hoping she doesn’t want to go home, this getting to know each other thing is working for me and I am not ready for the night to end.

“What do you say we go to the beach?” I can do that.

We are walking on the beach shoes in hand and she is talking about her life.

“So I graduated with a degree in education but as you can see I am not doing anything with that.” She looks over at me “What about you?”

I kick the sand with my feet and stuff my other hand in my pocket. “I went to school to be a doctor.” her beautiful brown eyes are wide with surprise.

“So why are you running a hotel?” I smile and think about that.

“Medicine was what I wanted, but my heart and my passion were/are no longer there. So when I got the chance to come here I did.” She looks at me and smiles.

“I understand that, I never became a teacher but I don’t have the passion to do it like I once did, we change as we get older, we get better.”

“Or worse” I raise my eye brows and she laughs.

“I like my life right now.” She says and I wonder what she meant by right now.

“Right now?” I have to ask.

“Yeah. I mean I don’t plan on doing this forever but it’s good, for now.” We walk a little further and find a spot near the lifeguard station.

“Just how close are you and Franco? I mean you two looked pretty cozy and everyone thinks your together.”

“What is your obsession with this? I don’t want to talk about it and it’s none of your business how close Xavier and I are.” She storms off leaving me with my mouth open once again.

I guess she really doesn’t like talking about him after all.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 6:09 pm
by Icequeen
Thank you all for your FB. :D

~*~Chapter 4~*~

“So have you heard about the ball next month?” Michael and I are going over last weekends revenue and he brings this up.

“I’ve heard about it but don’t really know much. What is it for?” I staple the papers together and turn to face him.

“It’s a fundraiser. All of Palm Beach’s elite come in and donate money to the charity they picked this year.” It doesn’t sound like my thing.

“All the board members of the hotel have to go since it’s going to be held here. So have any date prospects in mind?” His question catches me off guard since we’ve never discussed women on any level.

“I don’t really know anyone here and co-workers are off limits to me. Been there done that and it’s not a good thing.” I laugh.

“Well everyone is off limits to you here anyway due to your status at the hotel. It’s not forbidden per say but frowned upon.”

“Doesn’t matter to me anyway.” I want to tell him about Liz but decide not to. I don’t know him that well anyway.

“Well you should bring someone. It might be uncomfortable for you if you don’t. You know…questions and all.”

“Why would anyone care?” I ask.

“Max, this is Palm beach. The only things to do here are shop, eat, go to the beach and gossip. Trust me these old ladies have seen and heard all about you, they are going to be curious and when you show up without a date you better believe that they will start asking questions.” This little island is like a soap opera.

“Well then I guess I better either bring a date or brace myself of the aftermath of not.”

“You do that. Hey, I don’t know if your into sport or not but there is a basketball game on tonight.”

“Yeah, I was going to watch it.” That is the only sport I actually like anyway.

“Why don’t you come over? We can order a pizza or whatever.”

“Alright. Hey why don’t you come over to my place. I have this huge theater in there that I haven’t used yet.”

“Cool. I’ve never been to one of the cottages. I heard they are really decked out though.”

“Oh yeah. So stop by around six. I’ll leave your name with the guard.” The only thing I hate about living on property is the security. If I want to have visitors they need to check in with the twenty-four hour security guard. It’s kind of funny since I’ve lived in the city and never had a doorman or anything. Now that I live in one of the safest places ever I have a guard.

“Ok, I’ll see you later then.” He walks out and I look out my window to the ocean and think about Liz. I don’t have her number so I can’t call her and haven’t seen her around since that day.

Her vagueness the other night is really starting to bother me. What is she hiding? Why is she so secretive about Franco?

My phone rings and for a moment I think it’s Liz but then again she doesn’t have my number.

“This is Max.” I answer.

“Max, you haven’t called me.” It’s Isabel.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been busy.”

“Too busy to call your sister?” I laugh and ask her what she’s been up to.

“Oh you know the same.” She answers. We talk a little about what’s been going on then I hang up. I miss her more then ever but I needed to get away and she understands that.

As I look out the window again I can’t help but wonder what Liz is doing right now. I wonder if she’s thinking of me at all.

“Mr. Evans, you have a meeting at Bradley’s in thirty minutes.” Lisa buzzes me and snaps me out of my thoughts.

“Thank you.” One thing about this island is that everything is pretty close by and there is minimal traffic.

I gather my things and head out to the meeting.

A week later I get the shock of my life when I receive and invitation to attend a dinner party at Xavier Franco’s estate.

“Is this for real?” I showed Michael the invitation.

“I guess so. But why would he want to invite me over?” I ask secretly wondering if it has something to do with Liz. There is no way he could know right?

“I don’t know but you better go. Franco is not a huge fan of the word ‘no‘.” He hands me the invitation and I stare at it again.

“There no R.S.V.P. What do you think that means?”

“That means it’s not a request.” The way he says it scares me a little. I think he knows more about Franco then he’s letting on.

“Well then it’s settled.” I change the subject and talk about work. I wonder if Liz is going to be there? Maybe this will give me a chance to learn more about Franco and if Liz is there I’ll get to see first hand exactly what their relationship is all about.


Hanging out with Michael was interesting. I learned that he and his wife are currently separated. He wants to work things out with her but he thinks it’s over. He hasn’t seen her in months. I wanted to tell him that I could relate but that would just open the flood gates and I don’t want to go there.

We’ve gotten together a few times over the past few days and I’ve enjoyed his company. I didn’t have many close friends back home, it makes me miss Isabel more then ever.

Tonight is the dinner at Franco’s house and I’m a nervous wreck. I have a gut feeling that Liz will be there and I don’t know how I’m going to react to seeing her with him.

Splashing on some cologne I crab my keys and drive to the Franco mansion. To say it’s a mansion is a major understatement. When I pull up to the house I have to give the security guard my name. He goes into his little booth and makes a phone call then opens up the second gate revealing a long brick paved driveway. I drive up only to find another security booth. This time I’m asked to step out of the car and the guard actually uses a hand held metal detector on me. My car is also searched and it’s starting to freak me out. Who the hell is this guy?

“Have a nice night Mr. Evans.” He hands me my watch and opens the second gate so I can drive through.

The house is a three story Mediterranean monstrosity with a large fountain in the circular driveway. A young looking kid opens the door to the car for me when I pull up to the front door.

“Good evening.” He says and I hand him my keys. I can’t wait to tell Isabel about this I think to myself as he drives off to park the car.

I walk up the three steps to the front door and see a butler open it for me before I can grab the handle.

“Good evening Mr. Evans. May I take your coat?” He asks. I hand him my jacket and stand in the foyer taking in my surroundings. I feel like I’m back at the hotel. There is a circular table with a marble statue of something on top of it. To my right and left is a winding marble staircase.

“Max Evans, I’m so glad you could make it.” I look up and see a man standing at the top of the stairs. I assume it’s Franco since he knows my name.

“Thank you for inviting me.” As he walks down the stairs I watch his every move. Instantly I notice that there is something about him that’s grand. The way he carries himself is of a person of grand stature. He’s what some may call larger then life. And this is before he stands in front of me. I’m not a short man by any means nor am I small but standing face to face with the infamous Xavier Franco makes me nervous a little.

“It’s nice to meet you.” He says extending his hand to me. I’ve seen him before but looking at him up close is a totally different experience.

“You too.” I shake his hand and notice the firm grip he has on mine. It’s almost as if he’s challenging me. Does he know about Liz and I?

“Why don’t we have a seat in the cigar room. Our other guests aren’t as prompt as you.” I follow him down a long hallway to this cigar room of his. I can’t stand smoke and hope that he doesn’t light one up.

“So Max, do you mind if I call you Max?” He asks. I nod. “ How are you liking our little Island?” He pours himself a drink and I see him opening a box that I assume holds his cigars.

“I’m enjoying it so far. It’s much different then where I was before.” I purposely leave out any details wanting to know how much he knows about me.

“Yes well I’m sure it’s much different then Manhattan.” He hands be a drink without asking me what I wanted. “So Max I’m sure your wondering why I asked you here tonight.” He motions for me to follow him and we sit on a plush leather sofa.

“Yes, I was actually.” I take a sip of whatever he gave me and find out it’s brandy.

“Well as you may know I’m a board member at the hotel and as a member I’d like to get to know the man in charge so to speak.” We are sitting on opposite ends and I wish I would have sat in one of the chairs across from him. I can feel him eyeing me from his side of the sofa.

“Yes I am aware of your status at the hotel but we could have gotten to know each other at the meeting last week.” I see him smirk and wonder what’s going on in that head of his.

“Well you may not know this yet but you will see that I like to do things my way. This is my way of getting to know you.” He lifts his glass to his lips but doesn’t take his eyes off of me. It’s unnerving.

“Mr. Franco your guests have arrived.” I maid knocks on the door and announces.

“What’s your name?” He asks her taking both her and I by surprise.

“Sir?” She asks.

“What. Is. Your. Name.” He says slowly and I can tell this is not good at all.

“Lydia sir.” I see Franco stand up and stand with him. I don’t know him but I have a feeling he’s going to do something and I want to be there just in case.

“Well Lydia do me a favor. Get your shit and get out of my house. Didn’t anyone teach you that when you knock on a door your supposed to wait for an answer before barging in the room?”

“Sir I…”

“Don’t say anything. Just get out and don’t come back. Your check will be mailed to you.” The maid looks like she’s about to cry and I feel for her.


“I said don’t talk. Now get the hell out of here!” He slams the door in her face and calmly walks back to where we were seated. This guy is nuts. One minute he’s fuming mad and the next it’s like nothing happened.

“Now where were we?” He asks me and I’m still shocked by what just happened.

“Um you were saying that this is your way of getting to know me.” This time I sit across from him. I catch him look at me and smirk when I take my seat.

“What the fuck is wrong with you! You have Lydia crying out there!” I see her storm into the room thoroughly pissed off.

“Max Evans, meet the lovely Elizabeth Parker.” He says not noticing her anger.

“Elizabeth. This is one of our guests for the evening.” She looks at me and I can’t help but smirk. I guess he didn’t tell her who would be coming over tonight.

“It’s nice to meet you.” She says as if we’ve never met before.

“Same here.” I say and sit back down.

“Why did you fire her?” She asks him avoiding eye contact with me. I can’t help but notice how beautiful she looks tonight.

“She’s incompetent. She has no manners. Why don’t you join us?” He scoots over on the sofa making room for her to sit next to him. When she sits down I see him place a kiss on her cheek and see red. Something about him touching her like that angers me. I try to get my emotions in check so I don’t blow it in front of Franco.

“Elizabeth here is an angel.” He says pouring her a drink. I simply nod. I picture myself reaching over and punching him in the face.

“Who else is joining us?” Liz asks him.

“You’ll see.” A few moments later the butler knocks on the door and waits for Franco to tell him to enter then announces that the rest of the guests are here. I guess he’s been briefed on manners.

We are led to a large dining room adorned with gold chandeliers and ornate woodwork. The table is elegantly dressed and looks like it could seat about thirty people comfortably.

“Max why don’t you sit here.” He says pointing to the seat to his right while Liz takes a seat to his left which means she’s sitting across from me. The rest of the guests take a seat, there are six of us in total.

“Max I want to introduce you to everyone.” Franco goes from person to person giving me their names, each person here is a board member at the hotel as well as a millionaire, some several times over. I’m starting to wonder why I’m here and what the purpose of this dinner is exactly.

“So Max how are you getting along at your new position?” One of the gentlemen asks me.

“Oh, very well. It’s a change for me but I like it.” I see maids come out with dishes and assume that dinner is served.

“What the fuck is this?” Franco asks as the plate is put in front of him.

“It’s lamb sir.” She says frightened.

“Xavier, let it go. It‘s fine.” I hear Liz say.

“What is this!” He asks holding up a piece of garnish.

“It’s lemon zest sir.” I have no idea what his damage is and wait for his next move.

“Am I supposed to eat this?”

“N-no sir. It’s garnish.”

“Xavier, stop it. It’s fine just push it aside.” Liz says softly.

“I asked you not to put anything on my plate that isn’t edible. I also asked for the meat to be on top of the salad. You do speak English don’t you?” Ok this guy has issues.

“Y-yes.” I can see tears forming in her eyes.

“She didn’t cook it, just relax.” Liz says to him in vain because he’s so mad he’s turning red.

“Your right. I’ll be right back.” He gets up and takes his plate with him. Liz offers me a small smile and starts eating without him. I look around and see that everyone else is too so I dig in.

Just as I’m about to put the food in my mouth I hear glass breaking and a slew of swear words. Liz doesn’t seem affected by it as the rest of us are and that concerns me. Is he always this nuts? He must do this often if she isn’t bothered by it.

“Sorry about that.” He comes out a few moments later followed by another maid carrying a plate of food for him. This time it’s plated to his specification and I see him smile in satisfaction when it’s placed in front of him.

Almost an hour later we are finishing up our dessert and I notice that after all that drama he took two bites of his food. Conversation was mostly about the hotel and different things about the island. Our guests are snow birds and reside the rest of the year in Boston. I also learned that they were in business with Franco. I couldn’t help but watch his interaction with Liz. After the kiss on the cheek earlier he didn’t touch her again the whole night but kept her close. Or maybe it was her that stuck close to him?

I can’t help but replay the incident that occurred earlier and the one before that. He seems to have a short fuse and that is not a good thing. It worries me that Liz is around this guy and maybe even alone with him at times.

After dinner we went out back and had an after dinner drink. His backyard is large and overlooks the ocean. There are a few small steps that lead to a private beach as well as a infinity pool with Jacuzzi.

“So Max I’m sure you’ve heard all about the charity ball next month.” Franco says.

“Yes I did.” Why would he ask me that? He knows it’s at the hotel, of course I would know about it.

“Isn’t it great?” One of the men asks me.

“Max the reason that I asked you here as well as these board members is to get to know you but also to see if your vision for the hotel is the same as ours. You see we have a long tradition and we would like it to upheld.” Who does he think I am?

“I have no intention of changing anything. I only want to improve on what you have going so far. I am aware of the history of the waterfront hotel and I only want to uphold that.”

“That’s good to hear.” We sit and chat about minimal things then I excuse myself to the bathroom.” It’s down that hall fifth door to your right.” I nod and walk inside the house. I wonder what all these door lead to but don’t’ dare open them. Who knows what he has in there.

Finally I find the fifth door and walk into a large bathroom. It’s tastefully decorated much like the rest of the house.

As I finish washing my hands I hear a soft knock on the door. I slowly walk over to open it and get the shock of my life when it’s Liz.

“What are you doing here?” I ask not that I’m not glad to see her but considering where we are it might not be a good idea.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry for the other night. Even though you were being an asshole I shouldn’t have walked away like that.”

“You could have called me or something. Why did you chose now to tell me this? We could get caught.” I see her walk closer to me and swallow hard. This is not good.

“We’re not going to get caught. Besides we aren’t doing anything anyway.” She’s inches away from me and I want her badly but I know this is not the place.

“Why do you let him act like that? Why do you let him touch you?” By the look on her face I know that I shouldn’t have said that.

“Ugh your impossible.” She says and walks out.

“That went well.” I laugh and finish drying my hands off.

“Max, did you get lost?” I come back out and find that the other guests have left.

“Yeah.” I laugh and try to play it off. I wonder where he thought Liz was? We sit outside for a while longer and I try to get information on Franco’s business and life in general but he always changes the subject.

“Thank you for joining me this evening.” Franco walks me out to the front door.

“Thank you for inviting me.” He simply smiles and pats me on the back.

“Elizabeth our guest is leaving.” He calls into the house. A few moments later I see Liz stand next to him and shake my hand goodbye. As I walk away I have to stop myself from turning back just to look at her one last time.

As I drive home I replay bits of the night in my head. I know two things. One, Franco is out of his fucking mind and two, I’m not going to be able to get Liz out of my mind. Like I said before, I’m fucked.

I pull up to the cottage and park my car in the garage. When I walk in I see the red light blinking on my answering machine.

“Max, It’s me. I changed the number at the house. Someone was being a pain in the ass. The new number is 212-555-1680, give me a call sometime. I know you hate the phone but call me anyway.” I write down the number then delete the message. After a quick shower I settle in front of the TV and give Isabel a call.

“Wow you actually called me back. Are you sick? You’ve called me three times this week.”

“Hello to you too.” I laugh.

“So how are things in sunny Florida?”

“Good. I like it. Had dinner with Xavier Franco today.” I say wondering if she knows him.

The Xavier Franco? How the hell do you know him?” I guess she’s heard of him.

“He’s on the board of the hotel. He invited me over to get to know me I guess.”

“So what’s he like? Is he as hot as he looks in his pictures?” I roll my eyes.

“I wouldn’t know how hot he is Iz but he’s interesting.”

“What did you talk about?” She asks.

“Nothing really. Just random things.” I laugh at her interest in him.

“I hate it when are you so vague. Fine don’t tell me then. What else is new?”

“Nothing much. Still trying to get adjusted at work but I like it.”

“So as you can see I’ve changed the number here at the house. She…”

“Isabel please.” I cut her off.

“Max you need to deal with this.”

“I know ok? I know Iz.”

“Ok well I don’t want to fight with you. Give me a call later on ok?”

“Ok. Good night.” She says goodbye and hangs up. I get up and walk to the back of the house overlooking the ocean. I can’t help but wonder if Liz is going to stay at his house or not. The way he kept calling her Elizabeth bothers me. He seems like a control freak. Scratch that, he is a control freak. I can’t help but worry about Liz spending so much time with someone like that.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 10:37 pm
by FamersAmers
Jazzy and I thank you all for your feedback. We appreciate it and find it interesting reading your thoughts on Franco, Liz and Max. Thank you to the lurkers too, we know you are out there! :D

~*~Chapter 5~*~

~~Liz POV~~

Xavier and I watch as Max leaves and I can feel him watching me. I look at him, he smiles and I glare, I would love to give him a piece of my mind about his dinner party but I don’t.

“He seems like he will do a fine job running the hotel.” I look at him funny and wonder what the hell he is up to.

“Did you think he wouldn’t?” I seriously question his sanity at moments.

“No, I just wanted to make sure.” He looks at me and brushes past me to re-enter the house. “I have an agenda Elizabeth.”

“You always do.” I say under my breath. I follow him back in the house I know I have a few messes I will have to clean up after. I look down at my watch and sigh. I was hoping to call it an early night, guess not.

I proceed to make sure Lydia is taken care of and then make sure everything is ok with the cook. He managed to do a nice job in scaring him, I am not sure why he makes an ass out of himself in front of everyone, I try to ignore it but sometimes it is just too much.

I find the study door shut and I do not knock nor do I wait for his reply. When I open the door he looks up at me from over his book. He starts to open his mouth but I hold up my hand.

“Don’t say a word. Lydia is gone and you are going to have to find new help. I am not going to help you either.” He tilts his head and puts down his book.

“Why not?” he has a smile on his face and I almost want to go over and wipe it off for him.

“Because you go through them like they are water Xavier! I help you hire them and then you fire them, then I clean up the mess, or you make me fire them and I still clean up the mess. I am not doing it this time, you fired her so hire someone else yourself.” He says nothing he picks his book back up and pretends to read.

“I didn’t get to ask you what you thought of Max.” I feel my body tense and I am glad my back is turned.

“He seems like a nice man.” I hear him chuckle but I turn around. I bring my glass to my lips and lean against the wet bar.

“Nice, yes. He is very good looking, and he is 28.” I don’t know what he is getting at but I keep my eyes locked on him.

“And, is that supposed to mean something?”

“No, but you two are the same age.” I chuckle and set my glass on the bar.

“Well thank you Captain Obvious, your observation has once again saved the day.” He wrinkles his brow and puts his book down. “So he is 28 lots of people are that age.” He says nothing and turns back to his book.

I look at my watch and decided it is time to go. I don’t know how much more of this I can handle. “Goodnight Xavier.” I grab my purse off the bar and proceed to tell everyone good night before finally leaving.

Up to this point I hadn’t really given any thought to what Max had said to me until dinner. But, sitting across from him, watching him and the other board members I couldn’t help but think that this life was not what I imagined.

~~Two weeks later~~

I am on my way to pick up some last minute things for Xavier when I see Max across the store. I almost want to hide behind the clothes rack but something stops me.

He is picking out ties and I watch as he puts them up to him trying to see which ones look good. I have to laugh, he looks like he has no idea what he is doing and I have to admit it is cute in a way. Having some experience in this I walk over to see if I can help.

“That tie will not go with that shirt” his head shoots up and he smiles that famous smile that makes my knees weak.

“I was wondering if I was ever going to see you again.” I shrug my shoulders, smile and pick up a tie from the stand.

“I have been busy. Ok this one will go really well with this shirt and the one you have on.” I hold it up and he looks at it and smiles.

“Thanks, how did you get so good at this?” he takes it in his hand and I smile and pick up another tie.

“I work for Xavier, I have to be good at it.” He doesn’t smile he just watches me as I proceed to pick out three shirts and two more ties. I hand them to him and he takes them.

“Thanks, you saved me a lot of time.” I smile and nod.

“It was no trouble really, you looked a little perplexed and besides I couldn’t let you make a fool of yourself in public.” I suddenly realize what I said and he just laughs and shakes his head. I hear my phone ring the familiar tone and I roll my eyes.

“Excuse me Max” he nods and I step aside to answer the phone.

“Yes?” I don’t think I want to know what he wants especially right now.

“Elizabeth I need you to go to New Hampshire and pick up the dogs and some important documents.” My eyes go wide and my mouth drops. I look at my watch and see it is already 2:30. Max looks over at me and I smile.

“You can’t be serious? It is 2:30 Xavier!” I don’t believe this. I know I can argue till I am blue in the face but I know I am still going to have to go.

“The plane will leave at 3:30 you need to get there as soon as possible. You will come back tonight.” My eyes go wide again and I flip my phone shut. Two seconds later my phone rings again.

“Yes” my teeth are clinched and I am trying not to lose my cool. Max is watching

me and I am trying my hardest not to make an ass out of myself.

“I need you to finish those errands as well; I need my shirt by tomorrow.” I calmly walk out of the store trying not to go off on him right there.

“Look it is the shirt or the dog and the papers, you chose. But I don’t have time to go halfway across Palm Beach to get your shirt and then drive to the airport in an hour to make a plane. You want the shirt you get it yourself.” I hang up the phone and find Max has come outside.

“Is everything ok.” I shove my phone in my purse and I look up and smile.

“Yeah, I have to run to New Hampshire on some business for Xavier.” He looks at his watch and the look on his face is almost priceless.

“Right now?” I smile and shake my head.

“Wait Liz, I wanted to ask you something.” I look at him and he suddenly looks like a seventeen year old boy asking out his first date.

“The charity ball in a couple of weeks…”my heart drops, I know what he is going to ask and once again I will have to turn him down. I hate this, I really do.

“Max, I wish I could, but…”

“I know, you can’t” I see the disappointment in his eyes and he doesn’t say anything more. I decided this would probably be my time to go.

“I will see you around Max.” he says goodbye and watches me walk to my car. I start to run and when I get inside the car my anger boils over. I hit the steering wheel and let the tears come to my face. This is really starting to suck.

~~ Max POV~~

I watch as she walks away from me and I can’t help but be disappointed. I new that she wouldn’t be able to go with me I just wanted to get a feel for it, hoping that maybe she would. But I knew better than that.

I don’t watch any longer I have a few more things to pick up and as I head on my way to do them my phone rings. I don’t bother checking it, I am sure they will leave a message, they always do.

An hour later I am riding the elevator up to my office when my phone rings again. I decide to put it on vibrate so it wont bother anyone in the office. The bell dings and I step onto the floor and see Lisa.

“Good afternoon Mr. Evans.” She smiles at me and hands me my mail and my messages. I thank her and walk to my office. I throw it on my desk and go through the paper work on the new cabana’s. The sooner they are up and running the less I have to worry about.

I hear a knock on the door and look up to see Michael. I think about Lydia at Franco’s, but I quickly brush it aside as Michael enters.

“Some of the guys are going for the game again, you want to join.” I am about to say something when the phone once again rings. I hit the ignore button and Lisa knocks on the door.

“Mr. Evans I hate to bother you, but some of this stuff needs your signature today.” I wave her over and as she hands me the paper work my phone once again goes off. I look at the screen and quickly hit the ignore button and throw it on the desk. I sign the papers and hand her the file but they are both staring at me.

“What?” I am curious as to what they are thinking.

“Please don’t take offence to this, and I do not mean to pry.” I shake my head. I don’t get offended easily and it would take a lot of Lisa to do so.

“You have worked her for a while now and every time your personal phone or your work phone go off you send it to voicemail. I know you said you don’t like the phone, so why don’t you turn it off.” I smile and I realize that in the last month she has gotten to know me pretty well.

Michael looks at both me and Lisa “Why don’t you just get a new number.” I look at my phone and my face goes straight. It would be easier to get a new number, but I can’t at least not as of right now.

I take the phone turn it off and they both laugh. Lisa excuses herself and we both watch her walk away and I turn back to Michael.

“The game sounds good, what time?” he tells me he will just swing by and pick me up on the way.


I get home from the game around ten and I see the red light blinking on the machine. I press the button and my thoughts are confirmed. It is Isabel.

“Ok, you turned off your phone? Anyway call me when you get in. Love ya” I hit the delete button and go change out of my clothes and pop in a movie.

When the movie ends I look at the clock and realize that I have forgotten to call Isabel back. I pick up the phone and dial the number.

“Wow, I didn’t think you would call me back, you and that phone and getting pretty close. I think I like this new you.” I smiled and roll my eyes.

“Isn’t it grrrreat!” the sarcasm is heavy in my voice.

“Sure what ever you say Tony!” we both laugh and I realize that I miss her. “And you turned off your phone? Max why don’t you change the number? That is what I had to do. Seriously people need help if they can’t get the hint when they blow up the phone and NO ONE PICKS UP!” I laugh, she does have a point.

“ But, seriously, how have you been?” there is concern in her voice and I can only imagine that sisterly look on her face. The one that has pity mixed with it.

“I am fine Isabel, I am doing great. Michael, he works for me, he and I have gotten pretty close, we go to watch the games and stuff, it gives me someone to hang out with.”

“That is good Max, you need that. What else, how is the hotel and your buddy Franco.” I laugh at her statement. The last time I talked to her I had a run in with Franco at the hotel and he wanted to make sure once again we were running together on the same page.

“I haven’t seen him at all since then. The hotel is good, the cabana’s are going to be up and running soon so that will take a big weight off my shoulders.”

“Sounds like things are running smoothly.”

“They are, how about you and the brownstone?” I miss my brownstone, I miss New York. But I could never go back, and that saddens me.

“Good, it is all good. So have you checked your schedule?” I can here her antsy tone and I smile.

“Yes, but here is the deal, I have a charity ball to go to. The hotel is hosting it and I need to be there. Do you want to go?” I can here he suck her breath in and I know she is excited.

“Yes, did you even have to ask? You could have demanded and I would have hopped on one foot to get there.” I laugh and roll my eyes, she hasn’t changed since we were little and that is more than comforting at times.

“Yeah, I know, but I better get going, I am buying a new car in the morning.” I hear her suck her breath in again.

“What are you buying?” she would ask that, she has to know everything.

“I haven’t decided yet, I am thinking safe, ya know.” I know she is rolling her eyes and I hear her blow out her breath.

“Max, here is some good advice, and you seem to listen because when I told you to go somewhere you had never been you chose Florida and then you moved there. When I told you to do things you had never done, you went sky diving, bungee jumping, racecar driving, and you learned to fly a plane…” I cut her off

“Isabel, do you have a point, because I know everything I have done?” I don’t need her naming off every unsafe thing I have done in the last six months.

“Yes I do, and stop being such a FB.” FB, what the hell is an FB? I contemplate asking but decided not to test her right now.

“You did all of those things and you are going to get a safe car? Max, buy something you have always wanted. Like that bright red convertible you wanted for your sixteenth birthday that goes a million miles per hour. Do what you want to do Max, don’t do what every cow…” cow? Who says the word cow and where does she come up with this stuff?

“…this side of the Mississippi wants you to do. Because this safe thing… isn’t you, it never has been. You just felt the need to conform.” I see her point and I know she is right, I need to start doing things for me.

“Yes mother. I will see what I can do about that tomorrow.” I know she can hear my sarcasm and she tells me to stick it. I laugh and as I tell her goodnight I cant help but get excited for her upcoming visit.


I sit in the dealership waiting on the man to help me when I see Liz again. I decided to talk to her seeing as how I don’t know when I will see her again.

“Wow twice in one week, I am starting to think this is fate.” I saw her yesterday and she was supposed to be going out of town on business?

“Imagine that, if I didn’t know any better I would think you are stalking me.” The look she has in her eyes is dangerous and she has no idea how badly I want her.

“I wouldn’t have to stalk if you just gave me your number, and aren’t you supposed to be in New Hampshire on business?” I say softly in her ear so no one hears. As I pull away I watch as she looks around making sure no one has seen.

“Max…” she doesn’t have to say anything I already know. She has said it so many times before it is etched in my brain. It plays across like one of those scrolling signs… we can’t.

I back away from her as the man comes out and hands her the keys.

“Thanks again, I appreciate you doing this on such short notice.” She gives a sympathetic smile to the man and I assume Franco threw a fit this morning over the car and Liz is embarrassed.

“It was no problem Miss Parker.” He simply smiles and then turns to me. “Sir, I will be right with you.” I nod my head and when he leaves Liz comes up to me. She hands me a piece of paper. She says nothing; she simply smiles, turns and leaves.

I stand there watching, clutching the paper in my hand. She is a hard woman to escape but she is an even harder one to get over.

The sales man comes back out and I quickly shove the paper in my pocket. “Ok sir, what can we do for you today?”

“I need to buy a car.” He shakes his head and smiles

“Do you have anything particular in mind?” I shake my head and smile remembering what Isabel said.

“It needs to be fast, red and a convertible.” He laughs a little and I feel a little like a man in his 40’s going through a mid life crisis.

“I have the perfect car for you.” He turns to the lot and I follow him.

~~3 hours later~~

I am driving off the lot in my brand new red BMW 330Ci Convertible and I am thinking I could get used to this really fast.

As I drive I let the wind pass through my hair and the smell of the air is fresh and I can’t help but feel free. I continue to drive until the sun starts to set. It would probably be a good idea to get home.

2o minutes later I am home and I walk in to the dark again. I am beginning to not like the dark and I remind myself to turn on a light for myself tomorrow.

I see the red flashing light on the machine and I hit the button.

“I tried calling your cell but you didn’t pick up, I assume you are at the dealership. All I have to say is it better be fast. Oh and I got my ticket, I am flying in on the 14th, but I will give you more info later on. Call me when you get a chance, don’t worry I won’t hold my breath. Love you.” I laugh as I delete the message and feel my phone vibrate.

I look at the screen and contemplate picking it up. I keep looking at the name and the butterflies become present. My finger goes to the button and just as I am about to push it my voice mail picks it up. I almost hit the return call button but something stops me. I sigh and leave my phone on the counter. If anyone else calls they can leave me a message, right now I need to be alone.

I quickly head to my room, change and head out to the beach. I need to think and that seems to be the perfect place these days.

I sit on the hard sand staring out at the dark sea. I feel a little lost, like I am really not where I belong. I am not really sure where I belong, but I know it isn’t in New York.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:54 pm
by FamersAmers
Jazzy and I want to thank you all for the feedback and as always thanks to the lurkers!


~~ Chapter 6 ~~

“How the hell do you deal with the humidity here? It’s killing my hair and I’ve only been here a few minutes.” I pick up Isabel at the airport and drive back to the house.

“It’s not that bad.” I laugh and point out some of the landmarks as we drive along the coast.

“I have to admit it looks a lot prettier then New York.”

“Yeah the palm trees are a nice change.” We approach the hotel and I tell her to look to her right so she can see it.

“Wow it’s beautiful.” She says.

“And my place is next door to the hotel.” I say as we pass the security guard.

“Isn’t it funny that you lived in Manhattan for so many years and you move to Florida and now have a security guard?” I laugh because it’s true.

“Oh my God, Max it’s gorgeous!” I open the front door and give her a quick tour of the house.

“Well you’ve done nice for yourself.” She says once I show her the back part of the house.

“I like it.” I show her to her room then we sit outside and enjoy a light lunch.

“So tell me about this ball.” She asks sipping her iced tea.

“It’s a charity ball benefiting St. Jude’s hospital. They host once every year at the hotel and raise a ton of money. As president of the hotel I have to attend.”

“Yeah I figured. You’ve never been one for all that high society stuff.”

“I’ve made arrangements for you to get a dress and your hair and nails done at the hotel’s salon. There is a very nice boutique there as well. I’m sure you can find something there.”

“Max you didn’t have to do that.”

“I wanted to. It’s the least I can do since you came all the way down here.” I smile and am happy to her see her happy as well.

“Ok so I have three days to pick something out. What are we going to do in the meantime?” She asks adjusting her hat to the breeze from the ocean.

“Whatever you want. I just have to run to the office sometime tomorrow to sign off on some paperwork but I’m all yours for the next week.”

“Good cause I intend to take up all of your time.” her statement worries me a little. It’s not that I don’t love her or want to spend time with her but I have a feeling that she’s going to want to talk about something that I’ve been avoiding. She has a tendency to do that.

We go out to dinner that night and I contemplate telling her about Liz but that would bring up a dozen questions that I don’t want to answer, not that I would have the answers anyway. I don’t know anything about Liz.

“So tell me about what you’ve been doing out here? I know you don’t work 24/7.” We sit on the back patio and look out towards the ocean.

“Not much really. I’ve gone out a few times with Michael from work.”

“Meet anyone interesting?” She asks with a raised eyebrow.

“No.” I lie. I don’t know why I bother because she can smell bullshit a mile away especially from me.

“We have met before right? I mean we do know each other right?” She asks me.

“Umm yeah?” I have no idea what she’s getting at.

“Ok so why are you bullshitting me right now? You know you can’t lie especially to me so why bother?” Just as I suspected, busted.

“I’m not. I haven’t met anyone.” Another lie. I’d like to think I’m getting better but I doubt it.

“Well good because…”

“Isabel please, ok?” I cut her off before she goes where I think she was going to go.

“Whatever.” She rolls her eyes and I feel badly but I’m not ready to talk about that…not now.


“So you bringing anyone tomorrow night?” Michael asks me as we walk around the hotel.

“Yeah.” I’m distracted for some reason. I haven’t been able to think
straight all day actually.

“Well? Who is it?” He asks as we step outside to the beach club area.

“My sister.” I say scanning the area for Liz. I don’t know why I’d think she’d be here but I look for her anyway.

“Who are you looking for?” Michael asks me.

“What? No one.” I don’t spot her and walk the other way towards the spa.
“So your sister, she hot?”

“What?” I turn to look at him.

“Is she hot?” He asks again and it pisses me off for some reason.

“She’s my sister man and trust me she’s not your type at all.” I like Michael but he and Iz have nothing in common. Plus I know her type and she tends to go for the nice quiet type which is definitely not Michael.

“And why is that?” He asks sounding annoyed.

“Isabel doesn’t go for the outgoing type. She’s more into the whole nice shy type plus she hates any kind of sports and likes to spend her free time shopping. You two have nothing in common.” I walk past the spa and into the retail section.

“Your right.” He says following me towards the shops.

“So you going solo or what?” I ask him getting an iced coffee.

“Nah, I’ll find someone to go with. The last time I went solo I ended up
chatting with some bored housewife. Not exactly my idea of a fun night.” I laugh and walk to the elevators.

“Alright I have to go over these reports so I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says and walks to the other set of elevators.


“How much longer Iz?” I ask for the fifth time.

“A few more minutes.” She says for the fifth time. It’s been over an hour since I’ve been dressed and two hours for her. I sit on the bar stool not wanting to wrinkle my tuxedo as I wait for her.

I spent most of the day making sure everything was prepared for tonight. The ball is being held in the gold room which as the name states is mostly gold colored.

“Ok I’m ready.” She comes out of her room wearing a long black gown with white trim around the bottom and bust area.

“You look great.” I say then grab my keys and wallet.

“You look handsome yourself.” She smiles and I help her into the car. We could have walked but I know how much Isabel loves her shoes so I don’t suggest it.

I valet the car and walk into the hotel going towards the elevator to take us up to the ball room.

“We can leave whenever you want. We don’t have to stay for the whole thing.” I say as we ride up.

“Are you kidding? I love these kinds of things. It’s not everyday that I get to rub elbows with the rich.” I laugh and step out of the elevator guiding her towards the party.

“Wow.” She says when we walk into the room. Everything looks like out of a fairytale.

“I know.” I say wrapping her arm around mine as we make our way into the room.

We spend the next hour meeting and greeting people. For a small town there are a ton of people here which is good for the cause. Isabel is in heaven and fits in perfectly with this crowd. She’s charming and is currently surrounded by a small group of men who seem to be hanging on her every word.

Michael managed to come with someone but he doesn’t look to happy. I take him aside and ask him about it but he changes the conversation.

“I knew he would come.” He says prompting me to turn and look at what he saw. That’s when I see her looking like she stepped out of a magazine. She has on a simple emerald green gown with her hair slightly curled framing her beautiful face. Franco shakes hands with everyone with Liz hanging off his arm. It takes every ounce of strength that I have not to run over there and pull her away from him.

“Man I’d love to be him.” Michael says watching Franco make his rounds. I agree with him but I’m sure my reasons are different. I’m not interested in the money or the power, just the girl. The woman that has captivated me from the moment I saw her.

“Yeah.” I say not wanting to ignore him. My eyes follow him around the room and I see that Isabel has spotted him as well. She doesn’t walk up to him but I see her watching just as captivated as everyone else.

I stop watching them for a while and sit down at my table. Isabel joins me and we are served dinner soon after. I see someone approaching our table and realize that it’s Franco. Great!

“Max do you mind if we join you?” He asks while pulling out the chair for Liz. I guess it wasn’t a question really.

“Please do.” I say as he sits down across from us.

“I’m sorry, we haven’t been introduced my name is Xavier Franco.” He extends his hand to Isabel.


“So are these things always like this?” I cut her off before she can say her last name only to get a look from her. I don’t want Liz to know that she’s my sister for two reasons. First, it’s kind of lame that I had to ask my sister to come with me as much as I love her and second, I want her to wonder who she is.

“Yes pretty much.” I watch the waiter place food in front of him and hope that he doesn’t freak out like he did at his house.

We eat our meal speaking on various topics but nothing too personal. Franco talks of his business briefly but Liz hasn’t said a word. We steal glances at each other every now and then but she’s pretty much kept to herself the whole time.

After dessert Franco gives me the shock of the night.

“Elizabeth why don’t you and Max dance with each other?” Liz looks at him with wide eyes while I try to hide my happiness of having the chance to be close to her.

“I don’t know.” She says softly.

“Come on, you know I don’t dance and you look too beautiful to just sit here all night.”

“Alright.” She says not sounding too happy but I’ll take it.

“Are you going to be ok?” I ask Isabel not wanting to just leave her there.

“I’m fine.” She smiles and I take Liz’s hand in mine as we walk to the dance floor.

“You look beautiful tonight.” I say once we get to the dance floor. I hold her close to me but not too close since I catch Franco eyeing us.

“Thank you.” She says softly placing her hand on my shoulder. I have to fight not to pull her flush against me. Thoughts of ripping her dress of flood my mind but I hold back.

“Your date is beautiful.” She says but I detect a bit of jealousy there.

“She is.” I say with a smirk. I can’t help but love the fact that she is jealous. It’s written all over her face. We dance as close to each other as we can get with all these people around and I dread the song coming to an end.

“Why do you think he wanted us to dance together?” I can’t help but ask.

If Franco expects me to believe that he and Liz are together then I don’t
see why he’d ask us to dance.

“Who the hell knows? He’s always up to something.” She rolls her eyes and I catch her staring at Isabel who is now engrossed in conversation with Franco.

“I want to see you again.” I blurt out.

“Max you know that we...”

“Please don’t say can’t again. You are always saying you can’t, say yes for once. I don’t care what we do…I just want to see you.” I don’t know what’s come over me.

“I’m sorry.” She says and the song comes to and end. I walk behind her back to the table and find Franco and Isabel laughing together.

“Have a good time?” Franco asks pulling Liz’s chair out for her. For a psycho he has good manners.


Isabel is now in the mood to dance so I go out to the dance floor with her.

“You two looked chummy.” I say swaying back and forth to the music.

“He’s a nice guy.”

“He’s crazy Iz.” She rolls her eyes at me.

“Whatever. You don’t even know him Max.” What is it about Franco that has everyone defending him?

“I know enough.”

“He knows I’m your sister.” She says as I spin her around.

“Must have made his day?” I snort.

“What is this power struggle you seem to have going on with him about? I saw him staring at you when you were dancing with his girlfriend. What’s really going on Max?” I hate the fact that she called Liz his girlfriend but don’t show any emotions.

“Nothing is going on.” I assure her but I know she’s not buying it. We finish our dance and I need some air. I tell her that I’m going outside for a while and she decides to sit at the table.

I can never get enough of the beach and the breeze that comes off the shore. I stand along the sea wall and stare out towards the ocean. There are a million stars out tonight. A perfect night to be out with a loved one.

“I love looking out towards the ocean at night.” I hear her say behind me but don’t turn around.

“It’s beautiful.” I say feeling her stand next to me.

“So how is your first charity event going?”

“Not bad.” I stare straight ahead not wanting to look her knowing that thoughts of taking her back to my place will come to mind.

“So who is your date?” I hide my smirk when she asks. I knew it was bothering her.

“No one.” She doesn’t say anything for a while and we both stand in silence.

“I meant what I said. I want to see you again.” I say softly still not looking in her direction.

“Max.” She sighs. “It’s not that I don’t want to but you don’t understand.”

I move closer to her and turn to face her. The moonlight illuminates her face beautifully and I regret facing her now.

“The only thing that matters to me is that I want to see you. I don’t care about him Liz. I want to spend time with you.” I can’t resist and trace my hands up her bare arms.

“Ok.” She says and I should be happy but it seems like she’s just giving in because she knows I won’t stop but I’ll take it.

“My place? Next Saturday?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“Your place.” She says with a smile. We stand outside staring at the beach for a while before she goes back inside.

~*~ Liz ~*~

“Well that was a lovely evening.” I want to smack the stupid grin off his face but I resist as we continue to pass people and say goodnight.

“Wouldn’t you agree?” he’s looking to me as we wait for the car. I simply smile trying to hold back my contempt at coming here this evening and then making a fool of myself.

“Isabel, she was a lovely woman.” I know what he is trying to do and with his stupid grin I grin back.

“I didn’t really talk to her.” He chuckles but I do not look at him, I don’t want him to see the look on my face.

“Shame, very nice young woman, she’s from New York.” I still say nothing as I think about his words. New York, she had to have been someone from his life before.

“That is nice.” Xavier helps me in the car and once he gets in he continues to talk about Max.

“You two seem to be getting along quite well.” My eyes shoot up and his face is expressionless and it almost frightens me. I however say nothing and wait for him to continue.

“I saw you on the patio.” I continue to stare him in the face.

“And? We were simply talking, is that a crime?” I think my mouth is going to get me in trouble; however Xavier says nothing and turns to stare ahead.

The silence is almost unbearable and I am uncomfortable. Xavier is not the silent type and seeing him this way with me worries me. I watch as we pull up to the house and as the driver gets out, Xavier locks the door to keep him from opening it.

“You will not make a fool out of me, do you understand?” my body has gone rigid and I suck in my breath.

“Remember Elizabeth, people can see what you do, and they report it to me. So the next time you want to stand romantically with Max out in the open think again.” He turns to unlock the door and stops.

“Certain behavior is expected of Xavier Franco’s girlfriend… and Elizabeth, taking him to the Stake-N-Shake is not one of them.” He opens the door letting himself out and I slowly let my breath out.

Xavier opens the door for me but I hesitate getting out. That is the first time in six years Xavier Franco has ever spoken to me that way and it scares me.


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:11 pm
by Icequeen
Thanks for the FB! You’ll have to wait a little longer to find out what exactly the deal is with Liz and Franco. We hope you’ll stick with us.

L-J-L 76

~*~Chapter 7~*~*

I stare at the piece of paper that holds Max’s number and I look up at the clock. I know that I should call and cancel our date but I can’t make myself do it. In fact I don’t want to do it, I like Max and I was actually looking forward to this date.

I catch a glimpse of Xavier looking at me through the window of his office and I know that I need to cancel. Even though he acts as though nothing happened he knows I’m pissed at the way he spoke to me.

I look up at the clock again, I need fresh air. Grabbing my things I tell my assistant that I’ll be out of the office for a while.

I walk out the building doors and let the warm sunlight hit me. The stuffy office was enough to make me go insane. I decided to head to the beach for some time to think.

When I get to the beach and quickly take off my shoes and find a spot on the warm sad to relax. As I stare out at the blue sea and the soft white caps I can’t help but get frustrated with my life.

I think back on the last five years of my life and I haven’t had anyone exclusive to date, in fact I haven’t had anyone really interested in me. Some of that stems from Xavier, actually all of that does. People don’t mess with Xavier or his possessions and that is what people see me as, his possession.

I think to my future and know that something needs to give. I’m on a fast track to nowhere and this secret that I’ve been keeping is killing me.

For the first time in five years I almost feel lost. I have this amazing man who wants to date me, treat me well, and just enjoy me for me and I wish I could participate. I wish I could throw all of this out the window, tell Xavier to take a flying leap
and let me do as I please.

Yet, something in him the other night bothered me, something I had never before witnessed and as much as I want to make something work with Max, I don’t want to mess up my deal with Xavier, I cant mess up my deal with Xavier.

I hear my cell phone ring and I know it is him, I contemplate not answering but I know if I don’t he will call me back over and over.

“Yes?” I hear him snicker and I roll my eyes.

“Is that anyway to answer the phone?” I switch the phone to my other ear and let out my breath.

“What is it?” I know he can sense the frustration in my voice and he gets straight to his point.

“I need you to fly to New Port and meet with a man I want to go into business with.”

“Wait, hold on.” I rub my ear to make sure I heard him right and then ask him again.

“You mean Newport Beach? As in California?” he tells me yes and I can feel my blood start to boil.

“And why can’t you go? This is your business deal, why do I have to go! Oh wait I know because you aren’t human and you need to close this deal so you send me!” I don’t bother talking to him any longer I hang up the phone and stand up.

I pick up my shoes and look out to the ocean; there is no end in sight. Hmmm it mirrors my life.

~~ Max~~

As I stare at the clock I realize that I need to hurry and get back to the house so I can make sure everything is in order for Liz coming to the house tonight.

I still can’t believe she said yes. After all the no’s and we cant’s she finally says yes and I want this to be perfect.

The clock finally strikes 3 and I grab my things and head for the elevator.

“Goodnight Lisa, and have a great weekend.” I smile at her and she of course smile’s back and wishes me the same.

I get home and see the red light on the machine blinking. It has to be Isabel it always is. Hitting the play button I put my briefcase down and loosen my tie.

“Hi Max this is Liz… Parker…I know this is last minute but I am going to have to cancel our date tonight. I am really sorry.” I can feel my blood start to boil and I don’t finish listening to the message I simply delete it.

I quickly call the security guard and let them know that Liz won’t be coming and I out the chicken back in the refrigerator. This is it, I have had it. I am no longer going to try to get something to happen between Liz Parker and me. I am simply going to leave her alone. I can’t deal with this. I decided right then that I need a night out and tonight is that night.

~~2 hours later~~

I quickly get in the car and head for some club. Michael told me he was going to be there tonight and asked me to join him if I didn’t have any other plans. It isn’t my thing but it beats staying home alone.

I quickly pull up to the place I am supposed to meet the guys and I give my keys to the valet. As soon as I find Michael I order a drink and sit with him and the rest of the guys. We talk for a while and then quickly get a table in the back where we people watch.

I proceed to drink my beer and listen to the guys talk about the women in the club. I see their perceptions of them and I see my own. They don’t differ much. Most of these women look like they are out for one thing, sex. I know that sounds terrible to say but it is evident in every way.

We sit there for a few more minutes when one of the guys brings a few women over. This isn’t my idea of fun, but I go with the flow, it beats sitting at home watching the wall.

I notice the young woman sitting next to me, she is petite and graceful and her blonde hair is pulled back in a nice ponytail. I am not one for blondes but she is striking.

“Hi, I’m Marcy”

I smile and shake her hand. “Max.” we then proceed to spend the rest of the night engaged in conversation. She is not a bimbo as some of the women at the table are; she is quite intelligent and working toward a degree in international business. I actually find her incredibly interesting.

At the end of the night I don’t find the need to take her home with me nor does she hint at wanting to go.

“Well Max, thank you for the evening of intriguing conversation. I didn’t waste as many brain cells coming here as I thought I would.” I laugh at her statement knowing exactly how she feels.

“Yes, it was fun, maybe we can do it again sometime?” she smiles and hands me a piece of paper. I know it has her number on it and I smile.

“Do you need a ride?” I am only trying to be polite.

“No, girlfriends are in the car waiting. But thank you for asking. I hope to see you again Max.” she says nothing more and I watch as she walks away.

This night didn’t turn out as bad as I thought it would.

~~ 1 week later~~

Tonight I am taking Marcy out for dinner. During the week I decided that pining away for Liz would get me no where and since she isn’t biting I needed to move on.

I check myself over in the mirror and make sure that I look alright and then grab my keys and head for the address that Marcy gave me.

She looks beautiful and is dressed quite modestly which I have to say I actually like. We make small talk in the car and it isn’t anything like the awkward silence that accompanied my trip with Liz.

We get to the restaurant and sit down. The waiter takes our drink orders and we look over the menu.

“So Max what exactly do you do?” I smiled and put my menu down having decided exactly what I wanted.

“Well I operate the Waterford Hotel here in Palm Beach.” I watch as her eyes go wide and I chuckle.

“Wow that is awesome. How long have you been doing that?” she takes a drink of her wine and I watch her movements.

“Not very long, I just moved here from New York City.” Her eyes go wide again.

“Wow New York for Palm Beach, I think I would have chosen the latter, old people vs. cool. Yeah the latter.” We both laugh and I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“Hello Max” I look up and see Xavier Franco standing there with none other than Liz or shall I say Elizabeth.

“Hello Xavier.” I shake his hand and the man proceeds to call the waiter over to out two more place settings at the table. This man has to be insane. No one invited him to sit here.

I look to Marcy and give and apologetic smile but she waves it off. She has moved over next to me and when I feel her hand I my knee I know she is ok.

“Max you remember Elizabeth.” He pulls the chair out for her and she sits down not saying a word.

“Yes I do, hello Elizabeth.” I smiled politely and then proceed to introduce Marcy. I watch as Xavier kisses her hand and swoons her. I watch as Liz and Marcy exchange pleasantries and then Liz looks to me with a look in her eyes.

She looks angry but something in her eyes tells me she is upset. But is not this my fault, she canceled on me. I can’t help but feel a pang of guilt over the look on her face. I like Marcy but the second I look at Liz my stomach flutters.

We proceed through dinner and have a nice conversation between the four of us and surprisingly Franco didn’t send his plate back once. I however sent mine back; they put chives on my potato.

When dinner finishes Marcy and I excuse ourselves, we are trying to make a movie and I am surprised that mister rude doesn’t invite himself along.

I take one last look back at Liz and Franco before going out of the restaurant. I almost
want to stay if only to let them be the first to leave, but I don’t.


I watch as Max and his date walk out of the restaurant and I take a sip of my wine. I knew that coming out tonight was a bad idea but heaven forbid the child go alone.

“Well, they make a cute couple.” He is doing this on purpose. I try not to let him know it is bothering me. I want to blame this on Xavier, I want to tell him that had he never made me agree to this stupid arrangement I wouldn’t be in this position. But I can’t blame him; I did my part in this.

“Well, shall we go?” He stands up and doesn’t open my chair for me, but that doesn’t surprise me. He only does it for show, what would people think if they knew he was really an asshole.

“Don’t worry I will get it!” he looks at me with a what the fuck look and then leaves me at the table while he heads to find his driver.

We quickly get into the car and he drops me off at home. “Elizabeth, tomorrow bright and early we have a conference call with Italy.” I roll my eyes and get out of the car and slam the door. I don’t really give a shit about his conference call at this point.

I get in the house and head straight for the cabinet. I pull out the bottle and pour a small glass of liquor and quickly down it. I need the beach.

I quickly change my clothes and head out the back of my condo to the beach. It is a nice night and the water is still. I head to my favorite spot and make myself comfortable.

I find myself sitting here a lot these days and the more I sit the more I think that my life is not what I wanted. I think sitting and thinking is not doing me any good.

“Is this seat taken?” I look up at the familiar voice and see Max. The moonlight is lighting up his features and I can’t help but picture his muscular body in connection with mine.

I don’t say anything; however he knows he can sit. He quickly sits beside me and brings his knees up and wraps his arms around his knees.

“So, that was an exciting night” he keeps staring at the ocean and I give a slight chuckle. Exciting it was anything but.

“How was the movie?” he nods his head and curls his lip up.

“It was alright, I mean it wasn’t Oscar worthy but it was entertaining.” The tension between us is high and I know he can feel it.

“Max about last week…” He looks at me and stops me from saying anything.

“Don’t say you’re sorry, because if you were sorry you wouldn’t have called the day of to cancel. I like you Liz, I like you a lot. However I am not going to play this game. You can choose you know?” I look at him his words hitting me hard.

“You have to make a choice sometime in your life, but I won’t beg you to choose me
and I won’t wait around for the rest of time pining over you. I am not that guy, and I won’t be that guy.” He stands up and I look up to him.

“You have my number when you make a choice call me.” He slowly walks away not giving me anytime to explain the reason I canceled, but then again he didn’t want to hear it.

I sit there a little while longer staring out at the dark sea and I let Max’s words sink in. Maybe I can choose and live the way I want and be happy. After all it is my life.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:19 pm
by Icequeen
Thanks for the FB everyone. Just a little longer and you will know all about Xavier Franco. :D

~*~Chapter 8~*~

Work has been crazy with construction almost finished. I’m glad for the distraction after the conversation Liz and I had the other night. I don’t know what compelled me to go to the beach that night after my date with Marcy but I’m glad I did if only to see her again that night.

I hate that I have this need to see her after her I can’t bullshit but I can’t deny it. Marcy is a nice girl and had I not met Liz I might have thought about pursuing something with her but I can’t do that. After seeing Liz in the restaurant I couldn’t get her out of my mind.

My private line rings and this time I answer it.

“Max Evans.”

“Oh wow what a miracle you actually answered. It’s Armageddon.”

“Hey Iz.” I laugh at her dramatics.

“So how are things in sunny Florida?”

“Fine. Everything is fine. What about you?” I look out my window and stare at the ocean. I can never get enough of the view.

“The same. I do kind of miss the beach though.”

“I knew you would. Come back anytime.”

“Oh trust me I will.” We talk a little about what’s been going on with her until she brings up something that I don’t want to talk about.

“Isabel, I’m tired of talking about this.” I let out a breath and pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Well I’m tried of dealing with it over here. It’s not my problem Max and you going away made it my problem by default.”

“I know and I’m sorry but I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

“Right now? You never do. Max you need to…”

“I have to go Iz. I love you.” I feel bad but I hang up before she says anything else.


“So what are you plans for this weekend? I was thinking of heading down to Miami or something.” Michael and I are taking at look at the new area outside.

“I don’t have any plans yet. It’s still early in the week though.” It is only Wednesday.

“So how are things with you and that chick what’s her name?”

“Marcy. Ok I guess.” He smiles at me and I wonder why.

“What?” I ask him.


“What?” I laugh when he’s still looking at me oddly.

“You got it bad for someone but it’s not Marcy so I’m wondering who it could be.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I’m not seeing anyone.” He couldn’t know about Liz could he?

“That is what I’m wondering. I do know that there is someone though.”

“Ok? So all this should be done by next week right?” We continue to walk around and everything seems to be pretty much done.

“Yeah. The fliers have gone out and we have fifty new members this month. That’s the most we could take. There are another hundred on a waiting list.”

“Are there usually that many people waiting?” It seems like a lot to me.

“Usually a little less but with the new additions more people have become interested. We are at complete capacity now though.”

“Good.” We finish our inspection and I head back to my office. Marcy called the office but I didn’t know what to say to her so I didn’t take the call. She’s a nice girl but she’s not for me.

Home alone again and I stare out the window overlooking the ocean. I contemplate going out with Michael but decide not to. Just as I’m about to pop in a DVD I get a call that someone is at the front gate for me.

“Mr. Evans there is an Elizabeth Parker here for you.” Sebastian tells me.

“Let her through.” I wonder what she’s doing here and wait for her to drive up to find out.

“Hey.” She says once I open the door for her.

“Hi.” She looks stunning in a simple black dress much like the one she wore when we first met.

“Can I come in?” I realize that I haven’t let her in yet and open the door wider letting her in.

“Why are you here?” I ask not meaning to sound rude.

“I need to talk to you.” I offer her a seat and take one across from her.

“You look nice. Back from a date with Franco?” I smirk.

“Yes. Well, yes and no. It wasn’t a date, it was a business thing.”

“Dressed like that?” I laugh.

“Can we not talk about him right now please?” I shrug and let her continue.

“I was at this meeting and as he’s talking about whatever I sat there thinking about things. Thinking about me and my life.”


“And I can’t go on like I have been. Up until you came into my life I thought it was perfect but now I’m not so sure.”

“Wow. Umm I’m not sure what to say.” This is a shock.

“I don’t need you to say anything. I-I want to be with you….if you still want me.” She bows her head and I stand up and kneel between her legs.

“I want to be with you Liz you know that.” I place my finger under her chin and bring her eyes to mine.

“But what about your…”

“It was nothing. I was upset that you canceled and she’s a nice girl but she’s not the one that I want.” She smiles and I reach forward and seal our lips together. Her arms wrap around my neck as she pulls me closer to her.

Gently pushing her back on the sofa I lay on top of her and run my finger through her hair as I continue to explore her mouth. I miss being with her, I miss tasting her and tonight I get to do that again.

“I want you.” She says breaking away from our kiss. Her lips are puffy and her hair tangled and I can’t help but think that she looks beautiful at this very moment.

“Then you’ll have me.” I lift her up and carry her to my bedroom. I lay her in the middle of the bed and go into my nightstand searching for protection. We didn’t use it the first few times but I’m not ready to be a father anytime soon and rather not tempt fate.

After finding the condom I can focus on pleasuring her tonight.

“Come here.” I pull her down the bed so that she’s sitting on the very edge with her legs spread out.

I kneel in front of her and lift her dress up pulling down her panties with my teeth. With my head under her dress I quickly lick her center getting a low moan from her. I smile and pull my head up then insert a finger into her soft folds.

“You like that?” I ask watching her lick her lips in anticipation. I’m straining against my pants and pull my finger out so I can free myself. I can’t wait to be buried deep inside her.

“Impressive.” She says once I’m fully exposed to her. I smirk and guide her up the bed lying next to her.

“You have way too many clothes on.” I say tracing a finger up and down her arm.

“I do don’t it? Well what do you think we should do about it?”

“This.” Greedily I pull down the straps of her dress exposing her breasts to me. I don’t care if I broke it or not I need her now. I take her nipple into my mouth and suck hard gently biting down with just enough pressure to cause a little pain but not too much.

“Oh God Max.” I remember from the first time she was here that she likes it rough….really rough.

“Take this off.” I order her remembering that she also likes to be dominated. She sits up and pulls the dress off tossing on the floor.

“Come here.” I position myself over her and tease her folds with the head of my cock. I want to bury myself inside of her right now but I wait wanting to tease her a little more.

“Maxx.” She hisses as I feel her getting wetter and wetter by the second. I push inside her a little giving her a taste of what’s to come.

“Oh God that feels so good Max.” I reach down and rub her clit with my thumb.

“Fuck!” I can’t take it anymore and push all the way into her. I’ll pull out before I cum I think to myself.

“Yes!” She screams when I enter her digging her nails into my back. I bite my bottom lip at the pain but I like it.

“Shit Liz I need to pull out.” I say as I pound into her harder and harder.

“Don’t. Please don’t.” She begs. I see her breasts bouncing up and down at every thrust and know that I’m not going to be able to last much longer.

“I-I have to.” I pull out and hear her frustration. “I’m sorry but I have to.” She nods and smiles telling me it’s ok. Quickly I grab the latex and roll it over me wanting to get back inside her as soon as possible.

“Now where were we?” I thrust into her in one swift movement and grab the headboard as I plunge into her over and over.

“Oh Fuck yeah. Harder Max.” I can’t believe that she can take it but oblige with her request.

“Oh God right there don’t stop.” I know that I’m hitting her spot every time and can feel myself getting closer and closer.

“Max I’m coming.” She pants wrapping her legs around my waist bringing me closer to her. She sucks on my neck and I know that she’s going to leave a mark but I don’t care.

“Max!” She screams as she convulses around me. I pull out and discard the latex before pulling her next to me.

“You scarred me.” I laugh feeling my back stinging.

“Sorry.” She laughs placing a kiss on my arm.

“I like it.”


As I lay here with her wrapped in my arms I cant help but think of what’s next. She told me that she wants to be with me but I’m not sure she’s ready to leave Franco behind. I know that she can’t just leave the arrangement she has with him.

“What are you thinking about?” She props he head up in her hand and looks at me.

“I’m just thinking about you and Franco.”

“What?” She laughs.

“I’m happy that you want to be with me now but what about him? Are you going to tell him?”

“Don’t worry about him. I’ll handle it.”

“I’m not worried about him. I’m worried about you. From the little that I know about him I already know that he’s not going to be happy when you tell him about us.” I trace my finger up and down her arm.

“Max, don’t worry about him. I can handle him.” I want to say more but the conversation is cut when she rolls me over and lays on top of me. She sinks down onto me and I’m trying to enjoy the moment but I can’t shake the feeling that I have in the back of my mind. This is not going to go over well at all.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:33 pm
by FamersAmers
Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback, Jazzy and I greatly appreciate it! This is fly by so sorry for lack of personals! Thanks Lurkers!

~*~Chapter 9~*~

~*~Max POV~*~

Tonight is my first official date with Liz since we decided to be together. I can’t help but feel a little anxious and excited.

She has yet to tell Franco about our relationship and this almost feels more like a covert operation than a relationship, but I understand her apprehension. Yet I still want to be able to go out into public and hold her hand, hold her close without someone being suspicious of us. But it will happen when it happens.

I hurry and make my way into the kitchen so that dinner can be ready by the time she gets here. She told me that Italian was her favorite food so I am trying my hand at lasagna. It smells good so far. I only wonder if it will taste as good as it smells.

I look at the clock and realize that she will be here any minute. I need to change my shirt. I head to the back room when the phone rings and I know who it is, I can tell by the ring tone. I don’t bother looking at the caller id as I press the ignore key. I really need to change my number.

I quickly change my shirt as the house phone rings informing me that Liz is here. I make sure every thing is in place and I wait for her to come to the door.

She looks beautiful, simply dressed in jeans and a shirt and I can’t help but smile. She walks in gracefully and kisses me softly. I kiss her back with the same softness.

“Hi” I smile at her as she pulls back from me.

“Hello, come on in.” I step aside as she takes a step in and I hear her take a breath in.

“It smells good!” her face lights up knowing that it is Italian and I cant help but smile.

“I made lasagna.” I make a face that says I am not too sure about it.

“I am sure it will be good.” We head to the kitchen and she helps me with last minute items and as I place the glass pan on the table her eyes light up.

We both get our plate and I notice that her plate is full. I laugh and she looks up.

“What?” her face is so serious and my eyes point to her plate. She doesn’t smile or show an expression and as she puts her plate down.

“And, I told you I eat, I eat a lot. First I do not in anyway starve myself, second I don’t care what anyone says.” She looks at me with wild eyes and I smile.

“I like it, I like that you can eat.” She smiles and looks at my plate.

“Yeah more than you!” I look down at my plate and realize she is right, it is kind of bare.

“I am saving for seconds.” She laughs and tells me she is too and I just shake my head.

We finish eating and as we clean up the dishes we decided that we should probably get to know each other a little more.

“Ok favorite movie?” she bites her lip waiting for me to answer and I can’t help but find it attractive

“Gladiator, you?” I hand her a plate and she dries it.

“Two Weeks Notice with Hugh Grant.” I give her my famous what the hell look and she laughs.

“That is a great movie.” I have never seen it, and so far I don’t plan to.

“Never seen it.”

“Never seen it?” The look on her face makes me think I have broken some scared girl law.

“It explains my demented relationship with Xavier. Everything that Sandra Bullock has to go through in that movie Xavier has probably done or thought about doing it to me.” I have to laugh, her demented relationship, that doesn’t seem to really explain it.

“We will have to watch it, then you will understand why I love it so much.” I hand her another plate.

“Ok favorite pizza?” her face lights up again and I am beginning to think she really loves food.

“One with everything on it, except anchovies, because that is nasty!” she crinkles her nose and has a look of disgust on her face. “You?”

“I am a cheese man, nothing on my pizza but cheese.” I know I am a picky eater.

“That is like only liking Vanilla ice-cream.” She looks at me and then realizes that all I eat is Vanilla. She holds her mouth in embarrassment and laughs.

“Sorry, I didn’t know.” She didn’t know, but this is why we are having this conversation.

“It is ok, I know I am a picky eater. It balances it out, you eat everything I don’t.” she glares at me as she dries the glass pan and hands it to me to put away. “What about you, favorite ice-cream?”

“I like all of it, but my favorite would be chocolate chip cookie dough.” Yuck! Why would anyone want to put raw cookie dough in their ice-cream?

We finish the dishes and I ask if she wants to take a walk on the beach. I don’t hesitate asking now seeing how it is dark and there isn’t likely to be anyone on the beach.

~~ Liz POV~~

As we walk side by side, hand in hand I can’t help but have butterflies in my stomach. I know I shouldn’t but it can’t be helped.

“So, what is your favorite song?” I smile; I really like this getting to know each other idea. It is kind of refreshing to know little details about people, the ones that only close people know.

“My favorite ever is Sealed with a Kiss.” I see him look at me in surprise. “Yeah, my mom used to listen to it all of the time and I have always loved it. I have always wanted to dance to The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra. My favorite classical song is Nessun Dorma. I love the words, they are simple and beautiful and the melody is beautiful as well. I love music, I have since I was little.” I love it and as he looks at me interested in what I am saying I smile, most people don’t take the time to care.

“What about you?” he looks at me like he knows he wants to tell me but he says nothing.

“I probably could have told you that a year ago with no problem, but now I am not so sure.” The look in his eyes is vacant and I almost want to press him further but I doubt whether or not I should.

“So tell me what it was a year ago.” He smiles and without hesitation tells me.

“Crash into Me by The Dave Matthews band.” I love that song!

“Ok so what is it now?” he shakes his head.

“I don’t know, isn’t that funny, I don’t know what my favorite song is.” I shake my head.

“No, we will just have to find you one.” he smiles and kisses my hand. We find a perfect spot on the beach and sit down facing the black sea.

The night is calm and as the waves make their way to the shore they seem to be the only disturbance on the beach.

“So tell me what else should I know about you?” I look at him as he asks me the question and I think hard about it.

“Well, you know my favorite movie, song, pizza, ice-cream flavor. My favorite flower is a tulip, I like the color pink, my favorite book is The Awakening, I love Italian food, and I hate fish. Hmmmm…. I hate being touched.” He looks at me funny; I know it is because every time he sees me Xavier is touching me.

“I know what you are thinking, but I hate being touched. I don’t like it when people touch me. I never have, I never will and Xavier only does it because he knows it drives me insane. However, certain people touching me is ok.”

“Wow, I will keep that in mind.” I squeeze his hand tighter telling him it is ok that he touches me. “Ok what else.”

“I sleep on my stomach, I hate silk underwear, I hate boar’s hair hairbrushes, I love the smell in the air right before it rains. I love rain, hate thunder and lightening and I am an only child.” Wow I think I told him way too much.

“Wow, ok so I guess this means it is my turn.” I shake my head and he starts.

“OK, I don’t have a favorite flower, my favorite book is anything by Steven King, my favorite color is red, I love all food, and I miss hotdogs. I miss being able to step out on the street and get a hotdog from a vender. I love the cold, I miss the snow. I hate chocolate cake, socks, hair, and really loud obnoxious girls. I have one sister whom I adore and am very close to, I miss my friends from New York and I miss my brownstone. I hate phones; in fact I don’t know why I have one because I don’t answer it. I have to change the sheets on the bed all of the time and I like to sleep curled up next to someone.” He lets his breath out and looks to me.

“Really you hate phones?” I can see that, Xavier doesn’t much care for them either, but he is always on it, driving me insane.

“Yes, the only really have it for Isabel so she can get a hold of me in case there is an emergency, otherwise I wouldn’t have one at all. I don’t like talking on it, if you have something to say tell me in person.” He shrugs his shoulders and pulls me closer to him.

I rest my head on his shoulder and we both continue to stare out at the open sea, something out being out here with Max is more than comforting.

~~Max POV~~

Liz and I both decided to call it a night and I walk her out to her car and kiss her goodnight. I watch as she leaves and when her tail lights disappear I head into the house.

I see my phone on the bed and see that I have six missed calls. I check them and see that Isabel has called me. She didn’t leave me a message and that is a first. I am surprised she didn’t leave me a message telling me about how I will never call her back.

However I think I will shock her and call her back.

“Max, don’t you know that normal people sleep this late at night.” I chuckle and I can hear her sit up in the bed.

“I know I am sorry, but I wanted to call you back.” I can just see her face.

“You know I am starting to think there is something seriously wrong with you. You and that phone are connected now.” She is crazy.

“It is different when you live a thousand miles away Isabel, I cant just run over to the apartment and see you, so I have to call.” I hear her laugh

“True I guess, I only wish you called more while you were here!” I roll my eyes

“Isabel I lived two miles from you, you saw me everyday did you really need to talk to me too?” I really wonder why more people don’t take up my philosophy on phones, why call if you don’t have to and why use minutes when clearly you can talk to people in person.

“So what is new?” I know she called with a purpose and I am sure I know what it is and I am asking for it.

“Max, you know I love you right? You have to do something and quickly. Ignoring this situation is only making my life miserable. You need to do something and fast otherwise I am going to do it for you. I love you, I will always stick up for you and be here for you, but this is affecting me now and I am getting fed up. Either you make it go away or I will.” I am almost in shock; she has never been this up front with me.

“What do you want me to do Isabel?” I really don’t know what to do or how to take care of this.

“I really don’t care at this point Max, but fix it!” she talks to me for a few seconds before hanging up. I throw the phone on the bed and let my breath out. I really almost wish I had asked Liz to spend the night.

~*Three days Later~*

Work has been as busy as ever and I haven’t seen Liz in a couple of days, not since we had dinner at my house.

I haven’t bothered calling, and neither has she, maybe the whole phone thing scared her.

Lisa quietly knocks on my office door. “Come in” she slowly opens it and I can see the huge file in her hand.

“You want me to sign?” her face says it all and I chuckle as she walks to my desk handing me the file.

I take it rummage through it quickly making sure that everything is in order and she tells me it needs to go to the merchandising department.

“I will take it down there, I want to get out of this stuffy office anyway.” She looks at me puzzled and I tell her it is ok, the fresh air will do me some good.

The elevator ride is long and boring and the damn thing couldn’t get to the bottom floor any faster.

As it opens I see several guests and I greet them each with a good morning and how is your stay. It is important to make them feel at home as much as possible. I look around the lobby and immediately my eyes fall on them.

Liz and Franco are here and he is holding on to her waist. Something in me burns and I can feel my blood start to boil. I have never been a jealous man but as I watch him with his hands on her knowing she doesn’t like to be touched makes me want to charge at him.

“Max!” I hear my name and I know it is Franco. I turn around and watch as he and Liz make their way toward me.

“Xavier, so nice to see you again.” So nice to see you again, I sound like a woman! He takes my hand and squeezes and I squeeze back. I feel like I am in competition with this man.

“You remember Elizabeth?” I look at her and as she puts her hand out to shake it I take it and kiss the back side of her hand.

“Nice to see you again.” I look up at her and smile.

“Likewise, is there anything I can get you two today?” I want to choke this man.

“We were just headed out to the beach, care to join?” he knows I cant, that is probably why he asked.

“Oh I am extremely busy today, maybe some other time. But have a wonderful time and if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.” They both bid me good bye and I watch as they leave.

His hand on the small of her back makes me cringe. I can’t watch anymore. I deliver the file to merchandising, tell Lisa I am leaving and I head for home.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:41 pm
by Icequeen
Hope everyone had a happy 4th of July and for all the Non-Americans hope you had a happy Tuesday :D Thanks for all the Feedback!

~*~Chapter 10~*~


Seeing Liz with Franco has really been bothering me for the past few days. It’s bothered me so much that I haven’t called her or returned any of her calls. I thought I could do this but now I’m thinking that I can’t. Why should I? Why should I have to wait for her to break it off with him? I feel like I’m the “other” man and I don’t like it. Scratch that, I AM the other man. How fucking pathetic am I? I’ve come down to sneaking around with some other guys woman. I can’t do this, I shouldn’t do this.


I have to tell him today. I can’t keep this a secret anymore and I don’t want to. I care about Max and it’s not fair for me to do this to him He hasn’t returned my calls and I know that it has to do with Xavier.

I decided to start by dropping hints to sort of feel him out. I can tell in an instant how he feels about things by what he says. One of the perks of knowing him for so long, I can read him like a book. Unfortunately, well actually fortunately I have to work from his house today paying some bills so I’m sure to run into him eventually.

I pull up to the house and walk towards the home office getting myself settled in before I start. He’s not here yet so I can actually get something done before he comes in and starts breathing down my neck as usual. I hear a soft knock on the door and tell whoever it is to come in.

“Ma’am would you like anything?” A new maid comes in and asks me. I feel sorry for her already. She has no idea what she’s in for.

“Just some iced tea please with lemon.” I try to be as polite as I can knowing that he’s not when he’s here.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Call me Liz please.” She smiles and closes the door softly behind her. I guess she was schooled on the proper way to open and close a door already.

She comes back a few moments later with my iced tea and the mail. The man gets more junk mail then anyone I’ve ever met. In an effort to save a few hundred tree’s I’ve started recycling all the junk mail.

“Elizabeth there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.” I hear him come in and don’t bother to look up from the computer. He knew where I was, it’s where I always am when I’m here alone.

“Well here I am. What is it?” I still don’t bother to look up at him. I’m sure he has a smug look anyway and it will just piss me off anyway.

“I need you to go to the car dealer. Marc has a car ready for me.”

“Again?” I roll my eyes and continue to balance the check book.

“Park it in the garage, I don’t want it to get wet in the rain.” He says ignoring my comment.

“Fine.” I finally look up at him and sure enough he has this smug look on his face. God, I want to smack him sometimes.

“I’m having a dinner party next week. I’ll need you to handle all the preparations again.” What else is new?

“How many guests?” I pull out a piece of paper to jot everything down.

“About fifty. It will be sit down, I’ll also need you to book a few hotel rooms for some of the guests. I’m sure Max will be able to help you with that.” I look up at the mention of Max’s name and see a smile on Xavier’s lips.

“I don’t need his help to book a hotel room.” I say trying to play it cool.

“While your at it why don’t you invite Max as well, I’m sure you’ll be happy to see him.” What the hell does that mean?

“And why is that?” I know I’m feeding right into it but I’m curious.

“No reason. I have to run, I’ll give you the rest of the details tomorrow.” I scribble some notes down and look back up when I realize that he didn’t close the door.

“Yes?” I ask him when I see him standing there like an idiot.

“I was just trying to picture Max’s face when he comes to the party and see’s you on my arm. I mean you are he are dating right?”

“What are you babbling about now?” I try to act calm. This isn’t the way I wanted to tell him about Max and I.

“You can play stupid all you want Elizabeth but know this.” He walks over to me and flattens his palms on the desk leaning towards me inches from my face. “ You and I have an agreement and above all I‘m an excellent businessman. You know how I feel about contracts. You won‘t be getting out of this so easily.” He walks out leaving me with my mouth hanging open, literally. This is not good at all.


I decide to head over to Max’s tonight. I can’t take him avoiding me any longer and figure if I show up he’ll let me in. Well, I’m hoping that he does anyway. I mean he wouldn’t be that cruel to not let me in right?

I pull up to the cottage and park my car next to Max’s. The guard let me through easily and I wonder if he knows Xavier and if he would tell him that I come here. I know most of the people that Xavier knows but not all of them. I can’t continue to be paranoid and step out of my car fixing my skirt.

I walk up to the front door and stop to take a look around. For a second I can picture Max and I sitting on the back porch drinking hot chocolate watching our kids play on the beach.

“Your losing it Liz.” I say to myself then ring the doorbell. He told me not to a hundred times, it’s not even locked but I ring it anyway.

“Hey.” He opens the door and I gulp. He‘s not wearing a shirt and his shorts and hanging dangerously low on his waist.

“Can I come in?” I ask. He steps aside and lets me in.

“So what brings you by?”

“I wanted to see you. We haven’t talked in a while.”

“Liz, I can’t do this. I like you…a lot but I can’t play second fiddle to Franco. It’s not right.”

“Your not second fiddle Max. It’s just-”

“Complicated, I know. Look I don’t think that there’s anything to discuss. You are with him so there can’t be an us. It was a mistake, I’m sorry.” He walks to the door getting ready to open it for me to walk out.

“Max please! You don’t understand.” God I wish I could tell him.

“There isn’t anything to understand. You aren’t available and it sucks but I have to accept that. Please, don’t make this harder then it is already.” He opens the front door and I feel the tears burning my eyes.

“Max-” I sob.

“I’m sorry.” He kisses my cheek and steps aside for me to walk out.

I break down when I get inside my car. This sucks. Why can’t I just tell him? Why am I putting myself through this?


My heart broke tonight for the second time in my life. I don’t know if I was in love with Liz but it hurt as if I was. My body screamed for me to not let her walk out but my head was telling me to let her go. Telling me that she isn’t for me, she isn’t mine to have in the first place. My timing was off and it hurts me to think of what could have been. I wanted to love her forever. I knew I’d love her better but it’s too late. None of that matters.


I try to keep myself busy with work but my head isn’t in the right place. Everywhere I turn I see Liz but it’s not her.

“Man, did you sleep at all last night? You look jacked up.” Michael comes into my office with a stack of papers for me.

“Yeah, it was a bad night. What’s up?” I don’t want to get into it right now.

“Not much. A few of the guys are going out to this bar in Lake Worth, you want to come?” I’m not in the mood to go out but when I think about my other options, like sitting at home being miserable, I decide to go.

“Sure, I could use a night out anyway.”

“Good. I’ll pick you up at seven then.” I agree and dive into the stack of papers he’s left for me.

I’m running late and quickly shower and change before Michael gets here. I’m not really a bar person but it’s better then staying home all night thinking about Liz.

I get a call from the front gate and tell them to let Michael through. After rushing to open the front door for him I search for my wallet and keys.

“Hey are you almost ready?” He asks me

“Yeah, let’s go.” We get into his car and head off.

“Man did you see that new sales girl?”

“No. What store?” I ask not really interested but not wanting to be rude.

“The spa. Man, it sucks that we can’t date co-workers cause that girl is a ten.” I shake my head and laugh.

“So I take it that things are really over between you and your wife?”

“Yeah that ship has sailed. We signed the papers yesterday.” He doesn’t seem upset at all which I guess is a good thing.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” I say thinking back on my own situation. I wish I could be like Michael.

“Hey, are you ok? You spaced out there for a second.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I snap out of my thoughts and get ready to enjoy the night.

We get to the bar and walk in finding the other guys and joining them at a table near the Karaoke machine.

“These girls get so drunk soon you’ll see them dancing on tables and singing love songs.” One of the guys says. The lift up their drinks in some sort of toast and I do the same.

A few hours have passed and I’m kind of over judging every females breasts and backside by now. I want to leave but Michael is having the time of his life. Note to self: bring own car next time.

“So Max, how do the women of Florida compare to New York?” One of the idiots asks me.

“I don’t know. Women are women right?” They start to laugh and I can’t even begin to know why. I hate guys like this.

“Oh shit! Looks who’s here.” Michael says getting our attention. I scan the bar trying to see who he’s talking about but can’t find the person.

“What?” I ask him wondering what has him so interested.

“That!” He says pointing to two guys getting rather close to each other.

“So what it’s two guys making out.” I shrug. It’s not like I haven’t seen that before.

“Not just two guys. Look at the one sitting down.” One of the men is sitting on a bar stool with the other one standing between his legs.

“Holy Shit!” I blurt out maybe a bit too loud since the music just stopped after some jaded girl just finished massacring “I will survive” for the hundredth time tonight.

“Is that…”

“It sure the fuck is. I can’t fucking believe this shit. Give me your camera phone.” One of them says. I’m no longer paying attention as I stare at the two men.

“You can’t just snap pictures of people like that.”

“This isn’t just people. People would pay big for something like this.” I tune them out as my mind tries to process what I’m seeing. It can’t be true. There is no way right? This is crazy, it’s like some fucked up soap opera. I can hear the dramatic ‘Dun dun dun’ already.

“Where you going Max?” Michael asks me as I get up making a beeline towards them. I’m going to get some answers…tonight.