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Kissing the Sun Goodbye(AU,Liz/?,Teen) ch.6 7/18/06 [WIP]

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:12 am
by Zansgirl

Title: Kissing the Sun Goodbye
Author: MCR(MissCaptainRoswell/Zansgirl)
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Jason Katims owns the characters Liz, Maria, Jeff, Nancy, Michael, Max, Kyle, Isabel, Tess and Courtney. And the author of Twilight, Stephenie Meyer, owns the characters Edward, Emmet, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice.
Couples/Category: Liz/? And this is an AU without Aliens and sort of a XO, since some characters are out of a book.
Summary: It is in Liz’s POV. Liz Parker is going to live with her dad in Forks, Washington. Her mothers is off to Florida with her boyfriend and Liz thought it best to go and visit her dad. Liz is a Goth. She wears mostly black clothes and, yes she paints her finger nails black, too. And she does believe in God, for who else could have made the human species. Anyhow, Forks never has any sun. Everyday is cloudy. What happens when, at school, Liz fines herself attracted to a paled dark clothed co-student? What happens when she finds out the truth about him and his family? Will she kiss the sun goodbye?
A/N: This story came to me while reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. If you have read the book you can see that this is nothing like it, except maybe the plots location and the dad being a the sheriff.
You all should know what Jason Katims characters look like. I thought it may be hard to identify Stephenie Meyers characters so I have linked the pics I have chosen for them. I also, did a pic of Liz.
Just click the names:Liz, Edward, Emmet, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice

Chapt. 1


I’m giving it my all. I’m going to deal with it. Even if the sun only shines once, maybe twice a year, I’ll be ok. I usually like the dark. But, I do like sun every now and then. Even if the people on the streets give me strange glances and I’m called Witch or Goth. I still like going out in the day, too. I mean there might not be a lot in Roswell, New Mexico. But, being with my one and only friend is nice. Maria and I hang out a lot. We might not have the same likings in clothes and music. But, we both have an infatuation with one thing. Vampires. We are obsessed. On Fridays, we go out and rent every Dracula movie, even if it is century’s older then us. We get The Forsaken, Underworld, and my favorite of all the Queen of the damned. There’s more like Vampire Clan with the luscious Drew Fuller. But, if I were to name all of them I would be stuck with thinking and miss my plane.

See, I’m moving to Forks, Washington. The wettest, rainiest, cloudiest place on earth. My dad Jeff Parker lives there. See, my parents split when I was only two and I would be thrown like a black pillow back and forth from Roswell, New Mexico to Forks, Washington. From the sunniest place on earth to the cloudiest. From deserts and plateaus to rain forests and mountains.

At first I loved to go a see my dad. He might have been the sheriff of Forks, but he was still my dad and I loved him. He would let me turn the sirens on in his suburban police car. And we road around town all day. He’d take me to the Ice Cream shop, even if the sky was pouring rain. Then, I got older and less important. I started staying home alone. Never being able to see my dad and Forks became the last place on earth I wanted to be. So, I stopped going all together.

Not being thrown around like a ragged doll, let me spend more time with my mom, Nancy. We went shopping and she didn’t even mind taking me into Goth stores. She really appreciated my whole wardrobe. She never cared about what I was wearing. I could have walked out of the house with just my underwear and she wouldn’t have mind. Well, maybe she would, but not that much. Then, Ben came along. And my mom was swept off her feet. All the shopping spree’s were called off, because she had to go to one of Ben’s performances. Ben is a guitarist in a band called Shredder. With the name you’d think it was heavy metal maybe, but really it’s more like bohemian rock. Don’t get me wrong Ben is great and he’d be a great step dad. It’s just my mom has no more time for me. Plus, Ben might get signed down in Florida and my mom really wants to go, but I don’t. So, I’m going up to Forks, to stay with Jeff.

“I’m gonna miss you so.....much Chica.” Maria says as she hugs me tightly in the airport waiting room.

“I’ll miss you, too wannabe Goth.” I laugh and wipe a tear away from my face not caring if my black eye liner and mascara spreads.

Once Maria and I part my mom takes me into a hug and I feel like all capabilities of breathing have been taken from me.


“Nancy, let her go.” Ben chimes in. When my mom lets go he puts an arm around her and takes one of my black painted finger nailed hands into a shake. “See, you soon, Liz.” He says with a smile and suddenly I’m pulled into a group hug with my mom and Ben. Quickly followed by Maria.

“Flight 12 is taking off in twenty minutes.” The speaker blares. And we all unfasten our grip on each other. I grab my roll-away and carry on. I give them a smile and then walk towards the girl at the counter. I hand her my ticket and pass-port. I look to my family and the only one standing there is Maria, smiling away. Tears streaming down her face as she gives me a small wave. I return her wave with a nod of my head and then walk threw the open door. Not looking back. Keeping my eyes forward.


It’s five hours later and all the passengers are getting off the plane. I stand up and grab my carry on from the compartment above the seats and am ushered to move by a lady that doesn’t even take the knowledge of my presence. I turn around and glare at her with my dark brown eyes. “I’m sorry. Am I in your way?” I say sarcastically. “If I am, by all means, tell me and I’ll move to the little corner that can only hold a bat. Just so that you can move ahead and get off the plane, just like everyone else wants to.”

She just stares at me looking at my brown eyes, black hair, and lips. Her eyes trail over my clothes and stop at my black painted finger nails. I squint my eyes, not believing she was sizing me up and probably judging me right away.

“Is there a problem?” I ask her coldly.

She jumps and looks me in the eyes, her own showing fear. Fear? Me? This pastel is scared? Of me? I let out a laugh and walk away towards the flight attendant, who securely guides me off the plane.


Ok. Who in the hell came up with the luggage wheel. I’ve been standing here for thirty minutes trying to get my roll away. It has passed four times and I can’t get it because of all these stupid people in my way. I say excuse me and they look at me and scoff. Not even moving for the gothic girl. I should have known. Everywhere I go, it’s all the same.

Finally grabbing hold of my bag I walk for the exit. I really don’t want to be hear and plus, I have to catch a bus to Forks.

Walking out of the airport I see the bus that has ‘Forks’ in neon red letters, driving away. I run after it waving a hand, “Stop! Stop! I need to get on!” I yell.

For the first time, someone has stopped for me, other than my mother. I walk up to the automatic door and it flings open. “Going to Forks, little missy?” The guy asks and I shake my head, “Yeah.” I say and walk up the three steps in my four inch high boots. I show him my bus pass and put some money in the clear plastic box.

“Just take a seat and we’ll be in Forks in no time.” He tells me with a smile. A crooked one. I smile back and nod my head slightly.


An hour. It took an hour from Port Angeles to Forks. At least it wasn’t five hours. I probably would have died if it was.

Getting of the bus I see that suburban police car and a smiling Jeff, getting out of it. He holds out his arms. I admit I hesitate, but I wrap my arms around him anyway. “It’s been to long.” He says and kisses my forehead.

“Yeah, sure.” I tell him. Maybe it wasn’t long enough. Don’t get me wrong I love Jeff it’s just that, it’s going to be the same thing. He’s going to be to busy with work that I could probably break a hundred plus laws and he wouldn’t know.

He pulls away and takes my bags, leading me to the car. He opens the passenger side door for me and waits for me to get in. Once, I do he shuts it and puts my bags in the back.


We drive up to the house and I barely even remember it. I get out of the car and look up at the sky and it looked like it was almost night, but as I look to my watch it’s only 1:36pm. I shake my head. This is so totally not right. I mean it’s day, yet the sky makes it feel like night, or at least, almost.

Jeff opens the front door and guides me up the stairs, opening the door, revealing my old bedroom that I used to use, when visiting. Everything was the same. The bed was centered with the door there were to night stands on each side. Lamps on each of them. There was a wooden desk underneath the window and an office chair. And on the other side was a closet and a recliner in the corner.

“Make yourself at home.” He says, “I’ll leave you to unpack. And to get settled in.” I nod my head and he sets my bags down and backs away from the doorway, closing it as he leaves.

Finally, some peace. After hanging up my clothes, which are mostly black, and getting everything situated I sign on to the laptop that I sat on the desk.

Signing onto my email I see that I already have two emails. One from Maria and the other from....tada...Mom. I close the laptop, not really wanting to explain about my trip. Right now I’d like to sleep. Yes, sleep sounds good.

I stand up and there’s a knock on my door, “Come in.” I say and the door opens.

“Hey, I was wondering if you were hungry? We can go into town and grab a bite.” He says.

I shake my head, “It’s alright, Je...Dad. I ate on the plane.” I tell him.

“Well, if you need anything, just ask.” He says and leaves.

I walk over to my dresser and get out my pajamas....or well sweat pants and a t-shirt. I put them on and sit on my bed, bringing my journal into my lap.

I click the top of the pen and start to write.

So far, everything good. Jeff and I are at a distance, but things are good. I start school tomorrow....yippee....what joy. I bet it’s going to be the same as in New Mexico. Except here, probably nobody will accept me for me. They’ll just see the Gothic Girl and judge me just like that lady on the plane did.

I set my pen down and bring my hand to my mouth covering a yawn. I shut my eyes for a minute and am completely taken over by sleep.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:45 am
by Zansgirl
Thank for the FB. :D

Chapt. 2


‘I tear my heart open
I sew myself shut
and the reason is
that I care to much
and our scars remind us
that the past is real
I tear my heart open
just to fe...’

I slam my hand down on my alarm clock and bring it to the covers throwing them off. I sit up and wipe my eyes and yawn. Looking around and not recognizing where I am. Then, it all hits me. I’m at Jeffs. I’m in Forks, Washington. And....I’m starting school....Today.

I get up and walk out of my room and across the hall where I remember the bathroom is. I think. Yep, it’s there. I walk in and take myself a shower. Drying my hair when I get out. I wrap the towel around me and go to my bedroom and look through my closet. I get out an inch above the knee length black skirt and my long sleeve hoody shirt that says New York in red blood spilt letters. I go to my dresser and take out my bra and underwear putting them on and then rummaging through a drawer to find my fish nets. Aha. I found them. I put everything on and look at the clock, 6:49. I’m doing pretty good. I go over to one of my bed stands and pick up my black plastic bracelets and put them on. I go over to the mirror and take my black eye liner and put a thick coat of it on my eyes. Followed by some red eye shadow. Then, some mascara. I check out my hair and it looks fine, down.

I grab my backpack and coat and head down stairs where I see it is empty. I walk into the kitchen and look at the frig seeing there’s a note.

I had to go to work.
But, your old friend Isabel
is coming to pick you up for school.


I shake my head. Man, I haven’t seen Isabel in ages. Well, ever since I was 11. So, almost seven years. Wow, that’s a long time. I suddenly hear my stomach growl and I go over towards the cabinet, opening it to find a box of Captain Crunch. I grab a bowl and pour myself some, adding some milk to it as I sit at the breakfast table.

Right as I am about to take a bite, there’s a honk. I roll my eyes and drop my spoon in the bowl, standing up and taking it over to set it in the sink.

I grab my backpack and open the front door to see a 1968 Ford pick up truck. With a one smiling Isabel inside. She waves her hand outside the window, for me to come. I close the door and lock it with the house keys Jeff gave me.

I walk over to the truck and she gets out, surprisingly taking me into a hug. I lightly pat her back, as she backs up to look at me.

“I can’t believe it has been almost seven year.” She says with a smile.

I smile back, “Yeah. I remember when you’d run off with my black lip stick and say that you wanted to be a Goth, too.” I laugh.

“Would have been awesome, if my mom would have let me.” She says with a slight sigh but, quickly perks up.

“So, how is Diane?” I ask and Isabel rolls her eyes. “That good, huh?”

“Well, if being a pain in my ass is good then, yeah.” She says and I laugh. She looks down at her watch and rolls her eyes, again. “Well, it’s time for school. What fun, huh?” She says sarcastically.

“Oh, yes.” I say getting into the passengers seat, “School is just filled with fun and joy.” I laugh as she gets in. She starts the truck up and heads down the road.


Isabel parks in the Forks High School parking lot and we both get out at the same time. I look around at all the cars and all of them are 1960 to 1990 cars and trucks, but then there’s the Silver Bentley Continental GT. That’s sitting under a tree.

“Wow.” I say as Isabel and I walk up to the school.

“Yeah, the Cullins kids own it.” She tells me and I have no idea who she’s talking about.

“The Cullins? Who are they?” I ask as we walk, looking over my shoulder at the silver car.

“Oh, just some kids that moved here four years ago. They live on the outskirts.”

“Oh.” I say, not paying attention, still dazzled by that damn car. “Umph” I bump into something hard. I look up to have my soul captured into two blackened eyes. I’m speechless, until I hear giggling. I look to the side and see two girl standing with two other guys. I look back to the eyes that have taken my soul from me, “I...I’m sorry.” I say and move to the side, as he walks off over to the Bentley, followed by his little group.

I watch as he walks and can’t help to look at his butt. Isabel puts an arm around my shoulder, “Those are the Cullins.”She says and turns me back towards the school.


Johnny Depp used to be the one I day dreamed about in class. With his shoulder length hair and goatee that’s turning into a small beard. But, now my mind can’t get off of what happened earlier. The teachers talking and I can’t hear a word. I think I’ve officially gone depth. My mind’s filled with the black orbs that have seductively taken my soul. I’ve never seen eyes so black. I don’t think he was wearing contacts.

“MISS PARKER!” I hear my name yelled and I jump and look around. The class starts to laugh, but I don’t care. However, I do care about the look the teacher is giving me. It’s the death ray. The look teachers give their student when their not paying attention.

“Yeah?” I say and the class laughs, again.

“Who wrote Macbeth?” She asks me.

“William Shakespeare.” I state clearly and her look turns shocked and then a smile appears on her face.

Ring. The bell is off and I get a free period.

I walk down the hall and to the quad. Where I see nobody at all I know. I walk past all the people, who are giving me the ‘she’s a freak’ looks.

I just keep walking, Until I get to the soccer field. I set my back pack on the wet grass and look up and the sunless sky. Why? Why couldn’t Jeff live in a sunny location? And it didn’t have to be a really sunny location, but at least a place that had a sun.

Suddenly a soccer ball falls into my lap and five shadows hover above me. I look up to see the two girl and their fella’s along with my soul keeper. I stare at them for a moment and then grab the ball and hand It up to them, “Here.” I say and the dark haired girl takes it.

“What’s your name?” One of the guys ask with a weird look in his eye.

“Liz.” I tell them skeptically. They just stare down at me, except my soul keeper, “And you guys are....?”

“Emmet.” He says motioning to himself, “And this is Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Edward.” He says and I look up at Edward.

Ed...ward. Eddie, Edward. Edward, Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, Edward. I smile as my mind jokes.

“It’s nice to meet you guys.” I say and they are all giving me a weird look. But, Edward is still looking off into an invisible space. I look down at my watch and start to stand up meeting the girls at eyes level and looking up at the guys, “I have to get to class.” I say and pick my backpack up. And start to walk away. Once I get to the bleachers I look back and see only one figure standing there. Staring at me, is my Soul keeper. Edward. I look away for only a moment, to look back and find him....gone.


Finally, lunch time. I walk into the cafeteria and once I have my tray of food, I’m waved down by Isabel. As I walk over to the table she’s sitting at, I see several of the faces that have given me strange looks today. I sit next to her and she starts to introduce me to her friends.

“Of course you know Max and this is his girlfriend, Tess. That’s Courtney and Michael and here....”She look to her other side, “Is, Kyle” She says and I see the twinkle in her eye. Little Izzy has a crush. Kyle takes my hand into a shake and gives me a smile.
“It’s nice to meet you, Liz.” He says and he’s the first out of Iz’s friends to tell that it’s ‘nice’ to meet ‘me’. I smile back.

“Likewise.... So, are you and Izzy dating?”

Kyle starts to cough up what he’s drinking and Iz has this horrified look upon her face.

“No, their not dating.” I look to Max as he tells me this, I give him a glare. I wasn’t talking to him. He shouldn’t have answered a question that was not meant for him ask.

“Oh...” I say I grab a chip from my plate plopping it into my mouth. Max keeps looking at me and I look away immediately. Max has a girlfriend, yet he’s giving me the look of lust and can I just say....It’s making me sick.

“Oh, my god. Edward Cullins is looking at our table. Is my hair ok?” Courtney gasps and tries to fix her ‘no need to fix’ hair.

I can feel the hairs on my neck stand up and I turn around slightly and my eyes are captured. I can’t seem to take them away from the black orbs that are penetrating me. But, suddenly he looks away.

I turn back to everyone and just stick another chip into my mouth. Everyone’s talking to each other and I’m left out of every conversation. I get up and walk out of the cafeteria. They didn’t even seem to notice. Not even Iz. My oldest friend.

I walk to the soccer field. And sit up in the bleachers. Looking at the sky hoping that I can catch a glimpse of some sort of yellow ray. But, no. The sun is even ignoring me. But, hell I really don’t care. I’d rather look into the depths of those blackened pupils. Something about Edward Cullins has me all caught up in these weird feelings.

Suddenly I feel the hairs on my neck stand, again. I look to the left and see nothing whatsoever. I look to the right and it’s the same. Then, I feel someone touch my shoulder.

“Ahhh.” I scream like a little girl and jump up, turning around at the same time. And there I see him, my Soul Barrier. I can feel my heart beat invade my eardrums. And then my eyes eye site starts to get a little blurry, I feel my feet beneath me wobble. Then, everything goes black.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:06 pm
by Zansgirl
Yes, I know I'm evil. :lol: But, here's the next chapter and thank for the FB. :D



I open my eyes to find myself staring at all things blurry. But, as soon as my worry starts up it is brought down, when my blurry sight clears. What happened? I was sitting on the bleachers and then....Oh, my god. I FAINTED. IN FRONT OF HIM! I hear a stir in the corner and I turn my head. To see a pair of feet sitting in a chair. I can’t see who it is, for they are covered with the darkness of the corner.

“Glad, to see your awake.” A soft, beautiful voice says. It sound like an angels voice. “I thought people only fainted like that in movies.” He goes on, “So how are you feeling.” He asks coming out of the darkness, his pale beautiful features showing. His soft hair. The colors between brown and blonde.

I go to open my mouth and nothing comes out. He just stares down and me I quickly sit up, from my lying position. I go to speak and again and words have reached my vocal cords. “I-I’m doing good.” I tell him, staring into his eyes, “What exactly happened?” I ask.

“Well...” He says and walks closer to me. “You fainted and I caught you before you could go tumbling down the bleachers.” He tells me.

I feel very embarrassed. “Uh...Thanks.” I start to look around the room and I stand up, getting really dizzy in the process. Edward walk to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

“Are you sure your ok?” He asks

I look into his blackened eyes. “Yeah, just a little head rush.” I tell him and I feel my feet start to wobble. Edward quickly puts an arm around me.

“I think I should take you home.” He says and starts to help me out of the nurses office.

“I’m fine.” I tell him and start to unwrap his arm from around me. “Whoa.” I say getting off balance and clinging to his arm. “Sorry.” I say.

“It’s alright. And what were saying?” He asks and looks at me, he’s right eyebrow up.

“Ok....fine maybe I should I go home.” I tell him.

He smiles and he leads me to the front desk. “Clara, Liz isn’t feeling well, I’m going to be take her home.” he tells the assistant.

“And will you be needing a pass, Edward?” She asks.

“Yeah. I have to go home afterwards. Got a call from my dad.” He tells her and we start to walk out of the office.


In the car everything is quiet. I’m looking down at my hands and not out the window or at him. I’m just trying to keep to myself, for if I say anything, I might make a huge fool of myself. It’s like I care about what he thinks about me. When, usually I don’t give a crap what anybody thinks about me. I mean sure, when my family sometimes gives me weird looks, it hurt, but, only a little.

“We’re here.” He says and I look up to be staring at my house. Wow, he must have drove really fast. It only took like ten minutes, when in Iz’s truck it took like twenty-five.

I just sit there for a moment. I turn to him, “Thanks for the ride.” I tell him and he smiles and gets out of the car. Ok, I’m confused. What’s going on? He walks over to the passenger side and opens the door revealing a hand, for me to take. I smile and think to myself that, not only does he have great looks, but he’s a gentlemen. “Why, thank you.” I say and take his hand which is ice cold. I quickly take my hand away and he gives me a weird look, like he’s confused. “Your hands are just cold.” I say and take his hand, again. I get out of the car and he shuts the door, walking me up the porch steps to the front door of the house.

I grab my keys out of my black backpack and open the door. I turn to him and he’s leaning against the wall. Staring at me. My soul is yet, again, caught by his sparkling black orbs and I can feel myself getting light headed. I close my eyes and suddenly feel hands on my shoulder.

“Are you ok, Liz?” I hear his angel voice ask.

“Yeah,” I say and open my eyes, “I’m just feeling a little light headed is all.” I tell him. He nods his head, no expression on his soft, pale, beautiful skin. “Do you want to come in?” I find myself asking. Why? Hell, I don’t know.

“Uh....I don’t. I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” He says and starts to back away from me. Great, finally when I think I meat just a guy that wouldn’t judge me for who I was, who was in a way, with his black clothes, sort of like me, he just disappoints me in backing up from me, as if I were some horrible disease.

“Oh, ok. I get it.” I say with a little disgust in my voice and turn to go inside, when I feel a hand grip my arm. I look at him and he has an apologetic look upon his face.

“Liz, It’s not that I don’t want to come in. It’s just it’s not safe. I shouldn’t have even drove you home.” He tells me and my mind is so out of control at this moment. It’s not safe? What was that?

He turns his head, like a watchdog does when he hears a sound off in the distance. “Your, dads home.” He says and I look out to the driveway. No police suburban in sight.

I look back to Edward, “I don’t see Jeff’s car.”I tell him and he gives me a confused look and walks down the porch steps to his car, giving me one last look before he gets in and drives off into the sunless horizon.

Suddenly, my dad pulls up and gets out, “Hey, honey. What’re you doing home so early?” What the................

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:19 am
by Zansgirl

Chapt. 4


It’s Friday, three days since Edward had driven me home and during these three days the sun has been shining. Yes, the sun. The sun had finally come to lay it’s yellow rays upon Forks. And during these three shiny, sunny days, Edward hasn’t been in school. I mean did I say something wrong on Tuesday. All I asked was if he’d like to come in. It wasn’t an insult. I was just asked him inside. Maybe we could have talked. I would’ve liked to have gotten to know him a little.

“Liz, I’ll get the dishes. Isabel will be here any minute. You don’t want to miss that party do you?” Jeff says and he’s definitely not the same worried kind of dad that I used to know. He actually sounds a little happy to be getting rid of me for the night.

“No, I don’t. But, I still can do the dishes. I’m already ready.” I tell him looking down at my black knee length shirt, black belt, maroon and blank tank, some black and white stockings and my combat boots. I look back up at Jeff and he starts to shake his head.

“Liz. Go, watch TV or something. Go talk to Maria on the phone and tell her about this party you’re going to.” He tells me and I give him a confused look mixed with a little bit of that weird look. “It’s just ever since you’ve been here, you’ve cooked dinner and cleaned the dishes. Let me do it for once. I’m the dad.”

“Whatever.” I say rolling my eyes and walking out of the kitchen. Up the stairs and to my room. I grab my black bag and my leather jacket and head back down the stairs and out the door. Where I see that 1968 ford pick up truck driving into the drive way.

I run over to it and hop into the passenger seat. Isabel smiles at me. “So you ready?” She asks.

I look to my watch and smile, “It’s almost 11:00pm and I’m with a friend about to go to a party. Hell, yes I’m ready.” I say and Iz honks the horn and pulls out of the drive way, heading down the road.


We drive up to a creepy looking mansion that’s blaring with music and cars parked all around it. Izzy turns the engine off and we get out of the truck and walk up to the door. Izzy just opens it and we both walk inside, where I see lots of pastels dancing with each other. Great no one like me here. I’ll just be the in the corner watching Iz and her other friends having fun. But, then I see four pairs of eyes watching me.

I remember them from the soccer field. Emmet, Jasper, Rosalie, and Alice. Emmet is wearing black jeans and a black button up shirt, untucked, with what looks like black boots. Jasper is looking nice in his red and black shirt and black pants, some black vans on his feet. Rosalie her beautiful above the knee length dress, making her eyes look even darker, fishnets barley showing with her knee length boots. A black choker with silver studs around her neck. Alice, who is waving me over, is wearing a really short black and red plaid skirt with a black off the shoulder shirt, along with black stockings and two inch high Mary Janes.

Iz is already off talking with Courtney and Tess. So, I walk over to the four. And I stand there silent, not sure of what to say. Alice is smiling and looking me over. Rosalie is, from what I can see, giving me some death glared. Jeesh, what did I do to her? Emmet and Jasper are looking at me without any expression on their faces.

“So, my brother drove you home.” Alice says still smiling.

I nod my head, even though her words were not a question. I look to the sides of me and at all the people. Hoping that if one of the four were to jump at me with a knife that someone would help me. Hopefully.

“You like my brother don’t you?” Alice says and my eyes widen. I have know words for her question. I mean, what am I to say? Oh, yes, I am deeply in love with you brother, he is my soul barrier, and that he will always have a place in my heart? I don’t think so.

“Uh...Excuse me?” I ask.

“What going on over here?” I here someone ask from behind me and I turn around. His eyes black as coal. And his skin pale like the last time I saw him. He still carries my soul.

I hear a small laugh from behind me and look to see that it is, Alice. Why was she laughing? And looking at me?

“Nothing brother, just asking Liz a question. Which I think I have the answer.” Alice says and grabs Emmet’s hand and walks away. Rosalie and Jasper doing the same.

Edward watches as his siblings walk off into the sea of dancing teenager. Then, he turns to me. “ So, what was the question?”

“What question?” I act dumb.

“The question that your not wanting to tell me.” He says.

“Oh, yeah, that question. Um....Not going to tell you.” I say and walk over to a table that has drinks.

I feel a breath at my neck, “And why not?” I hear Edward whisper. I drop the cup that I have grabbed and turn on him, looking straight into his eyes. I open my mouth to talk and nothing comes out. Why? Why couldn’t I just talk like a normal person and tell him that I just didn’t want to tell him?

He leans closer, just an inch away and I can feel his cold finger trail down my arm. “Come on tell me.” He says seductively.

I’m about to just blurt it out when there’s a crash and I come back to my senses. “I thought it was dangerous to be around you.” I say and his eyes squint slightly and his face comes to the expression of confusion. Then he starts to nod his head lightly and backs away. The sea of people engulfing him.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:12 pm
by Zansgirl
Thanks for the FB. I'm really glad that all of you like it. :D

Chapt. 5


I thought that this party would be a time for me to really interact with my fellow schoolmates. Man, was I wrong. Everywhere I went I got glares and people just stared at me like I was a disease. The only time I felt welcome in this creepy mansion was when I was with the Cullins. But, now I don’t even know where they are. It’s been two hours since Edward was engulfed by dancing teenagers and I haven’t seen one Cullins sibling since then. It’s like they just disappeared. I’m left in a place where I’m not wanted. A place where I’m being judged by first glance. Judged, by people who have only seen a waterfall that has been built into their swimming pools. By people who think that their shit don’t stink and that I should bow before them like their some high and mighty gods. The only people that have talked to me, would be Isabel and my new found friend, Kyle.

Both, who have shown me kindness while I’ve been here. I could say that Max has shown some sort of kindness, but then again, I could also call his kindness sexual harassment. He must be drinking because every time I pass him in this joint he grabs my ass.

Michael is also nice, but he always gives me weird looks like I’m some kind of devil worshiper, which I’m not. I highly believe in God. I might not go to church to show him that, but I do give him thanks at the dinner table.

Courtney is a very nice person, but whenever she sees me talking to Michael I get the popular death glare. That’s off the friends list.

And then there’s, Tess. Well, for one she’s not my friend whatsoever. She probably thinks that I’m going to snatch Max away from her. But, who in their right mind would even want him. I mean, unless you like you ass grasped all the time. Two, even if she were my friend I’d probably get stabbed in the back more then I’d like to. Lets just say I just don’t trust her.

Finally after an hour of just walking around I find myself dancing with Kyle and Isabel. Then, I’m pulled away and am forced to dance with a person I haven’t even laid eyes on, yet. I try looking up and his hand is keeping me from looking at him. All I can see is the redness of his shirt and the smell of alcohol. Then, I feel myself being led off the dance floor and into some room where it is very quiet. A room where the music sounds as if it’s miles away. I know I’m still in the mansion. It’s just where at?

I’m thrown onto a bed and I quickly look up. And there I see....Max. What the hell is going on? I can see in his eyes the hunger that I always see when he looks at me. The lusting look that Tess is left without. A look that has me scared to death.

He starts to walk over to the bed and starts to sit on the bed and I feel his lips touch mine. I quickly push him away and jump off the bed.

“What the hell are you doing!?”

“Aw.....come on. I know you want me. I can see it.” He tells me and lifts himself off the bed.

“The only thing you should be seeing is the disgusted looks I’m always giving you!”

He smiles, “Disgusted?”He says in a chuckle. “I don’t think so. I think that you have crush on me.” He slurs.

“A Crush?” I laugh. “On you?” I go on. “I don’t think so.”

His drunken smile has faded into a frown and I’m deeply afraid, although I’m keeping It inside.

The next thing I know he’s coming at me and I’m on the floor. Max hovering over me. “Don’t ever laugh at me, again!” He yells, as I bring a hand to my pained cheek. I look up at him my face filled with shock, disgust, hatred and most of all....Fear.

I watch him as he bring a had towards my face and then bring it back to himself and starts to rid himself of his pants. No, this is not happening. I’m not going to let this happen to me. I start to get up when a forceful hand pushes me back to the ground.

“Don’t get up. Your gonna need something against you back.” He says and knees down and start to touch my skirt. I slap his hand and start to kick and hit him. Only, for him to keep going. Then, Max goes flying across the room and the next thing I notice is being scooped up into a pair of strong arms. My face buried into the mans chest. And when I look up I see my rescuer. It’s Edward.


I feel my eyes are heavy, but I must open them. I need to know where I am. I need to wake up. I slightly open my eyes and I sit up, not recognizing where I am. This room. I’ve never been in this room before. I look around a bed beneath me, a couch across the way with a flat screen television with all the works. The walls are black, from what I can see with the little light in the room. Posters all over them. Poison. Metallica and more. I get up and walk around, seeing that there are paintings also coving some of the wall space. There absolutely beautiful. I mean the scenery of them all. It looks like Italy, Greece, Paris, London. I mean I wouldn’t clash band posters and scenery paintings but, still it makes the room more glamourous.

I walk over to a stereo and look over all Cd’s and records. If I were to imagine a heaven this would be it. Great music and fabulous art to lay my eyes on every second of the day. Yep, this would definitely be heaven.

“Your awake.” A girls voice fills the room and makes me jump, dropping the cd that was once in my grasp.

I turn around and see, Alice. Edwards sister. Why is she here?

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m not gonna bite you.” She says with a smile and walks over to me.

“What am I doing here? And where’s Edward?” I ask, remembering his face was the last thing I saw.

Alice takes a deep breath and goes to sit on the couch. “Well, Edward told me that you may need a girl to talk to. That’s why I’m here instead of him and your at our house. This is Edwards room.”

This is Edwards room. I was asleep on Edwards bed. I smile slightly.

“Liz, Max Evans attacked you.” Alice says and the rest all comes to me. All the images. What he was trying to do. What he did. He didn’t get far. But, he almost did. If it weren’t for Edward.....Oh, god. “Liz? Do you remember what happened?”

I nod my head and sit on the other side of the couch. “He was going to....But, then Edward came.” I say in a hoarse voice.

“Yes. Edward came.” She says and there’s a long silence. “Are you ok, Liz?” Alice breaks the silence.

I shake my head. “No. I thought....I....I just....” I’ve never been like this before. This scared little girl sitting here, it’s not me. She’s foreign. I’m a foreign person to myself at this moment.

“Liz, I’m here if you need to talk. I’m your friend. So is Jasper and Emmet. We’re all here for you, Especially Edward. Who you know is more then a friend.”

I nod my head. Yes, Edward was more then a friend. He was my soul keeper.

“Soul keeper indeed.” Alice says and I look up at her.

“How did you....I mean...I didn’t.”

Alice scoots closer to me. “Liz, I’m different. I’m not your average teenager. You know that.”

I look away. Yes, I knew Alice was different. I just don’t know how different. I mean can she actually read minds? I forget about everything when I go back to what she said a minute ago. She said that Jasper, Emmet and herself were my friends. What about Rosalie? I mean, I know from all the glares I should probably know why she’s not my friend. But, why isn’t she?

“She’s jealous of you. That’s why. She’s also different. Jasper, Emmet and Edward are different, as well. It’s just we have accepted it. Rosalie hasn’t.”

“Rosalie, jealous of me? Why? I mean I’m not rich. I mean look at the car you guys have. And by the look of this room you guys have more then just that car. Why be jealous of me?” I ask.

“Because you have Edward and she doesn’t. Because you can walk when the sun comes out.” Alice says looking away from me.

“What? Edward and Rosalie are brother and sister. Why the hell should she be jealous because I have him? I don’t even have him!”

Alice laughs, “Their not brother and sister. Jasper and I are Edwards siblings. Rosalie and Emmet are brother and sister.”

“What?” I ask. Then, I remember, did she say something about walking in the in the sun? And that being something for Rosalie to be jealous about?

“Liz, I’m going to let you in on the family secret.”

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:28 am
by Zansgirl
Chapt. 6

I’m sitting here listening to everything Alice is telling me. Part of me is like ‘whatever’ and the other part is wanting to just run away. But, for some odd reason my feet have planted roots and won’t let me move. That’s probably the third part of me, the part that wants to know everything. The part that is so interested in this families secret.

Alice stops talking and I’m still just staring at her. Waiting for myself to wake up from this ridiculous dream....After about twenty minutes of silence, I figure out that this is not a dream. That everything Alice has told me is real. Everything.

“Liz, are you ok?” I hear Alice’s voice.

I stand up and walk across the room, “So let me get this straight. You, Edward, Emmet, Jasper and Rosalie are all Vampires.” I say in a soft laugh. Alice just looks at me and I can see in her eyes that there is nothing funny about it. “Ok.” I whisper, “So, am I like some snack or something?” I say a little worried. I mean a few days ago if I were asked to meat a real life vampire I would be all up for it, but now things are different. Different how? I don’t know. I mean, I thought I’d be psyched to meat a vampire, but all I’m feeling at this moment is fear.

“No, your not a snack.” Alice says with a laugh.


“Why, what?” She asked.

“Aren’t vampire supposed to be vicious and rip the throats out of all humans?” I say with a swallow.

Alice laugh, “You’ve seen way, too many movies. We aren’t vicious, unless you call Rosalie a vicious bitch and we don’t rip throats out, we like to think of ourselves as vegetarians.”

I smirk as she calls Rosalie a vicious bitch, “Vegetarians?”

“Yeah, we don’t feed on the living, or humans I should say.”

“Well, what do you eat, then?” I ask.

“Animals.” A voice comes from the door. Edward walks in. “We eat animals.”

I look him up and down and I know that I should probably be terrified of him, but I feel more comfortable now that he’s here. I look over at Alice as she lets a laugh escape her mouth. I give her a confused look and she puts her hands up, “Sorry, I couldn’t help, but overhear.” Oh, another thing, Alice can read minds. Isn’t that great, anything and everything I think she can hear, well, only if she’s in the room with me or is channeling me. Weird.

“Um, another question, why can you be out in the day? I thought you weren’t supposed to be out during day or you’d like burst into flames.” I ask and tell.

Edward smirks and says, “Well, if you’ve noticed Forks isn’t really sunny, so we can go out whenever the sun isn’t shining.”

“That’s why you guys weren’t at school for those three days. I thought I said something that made you hate me.” I say relieved.

Edward walks closer to me and brings a hand to my cheek and caresses it softly, “I could never hate you.” He whispers.

I’m so dazed by his eyes that I can feel my legs fall beneath me, but am caught once again by my soul keeper. I look up at him and he has a small smile on his face, I can’t help but return a smile back. “You ok?” He asks.

“Yeah, I think I’ll live.” I say and then I squint my eyes shut by what I just said, “I’m sorry.”

Edward laughs, “Don’t be. You will live for a very long time.” He says and I swear my heart has stopped beating, what did he mean? ‘You will live for a very long time.’ What did that mean? Am I snack after all?.

“What he means is that you will live a long healthy ‘human’ life.” Alice says and I can finally feel my heart again. “I’m gonna go. Give you guys a chance to talk and leave you in the surroundings of peace, with out any interruption.” She says and walks towards the door but, before she shuts it behind her she says, “Be a good boy, Edward.” The door shuts and I’m left in the arms of a man I’m not so sure how I feel about.

He helps me over to the couch, incase I fall again. I sit down and he sits next to me. There’s a silence, a silence that’s unwanted. I want to ask a question but my lips don’t move and my vocal cords feel like there shot. I don’t know what to do. I’m alone in a room with a teenage vampire. I don’t even know how long he’s been a teenager.

“I’m 112,” Edward says breaking the silence.

“A hundred and....hold on you can read minds, too?”

“No, I just felt like telling you.”

“Why?” I ask.

“I want you to know everything about me.”

“Again, I ask why?” I say with curiosity. Then, I thought of the saying ‘Curiosity killed the cat’ and maybe asking wasn’t such a good idea.

“I like you, Liz. I’d like to get to know you and I’d like you to get to know me.” He says with a twinkle it his black eyes. I can’t help but, smile. I mean I was terrified but, now I’m completely flattered. That’s the first time anyone has said ‘I’d like to get to know you’ while I’ve been here. I’m glad it was him. All my fear is gone and now I’d just feel like I could do anything, I have someone sitting next to be, a someone that wants to know me. My dad doesn’t even want to know me, my moms to busy with Ben to even try to get to know me. Maria, she thinks she knows me and all the kids at school don’t even want to try to know me, for I’m a gothic kid. But, now I have Edward and I’d love for him to get to know me. I’d like to get to know him, as well.