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Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:28 am
by Djinn
Realising the possible insult I may have caused the last time I was here, I want to take the chance to appoligise.

The last time I was here I had some very negative things going on, things which aren't really the kind fo thing I like to talk about, but in any case it was tying up alot of my time (and personality for that matter) and one of the first things to suffer where my various online commitments.

So for any harm or insult I may have done, I am truly sorry.

I am now back, my life is a damn sight better then it was the first time around; I'm am now genuinly back to my usual happy self (which I suppose you never quite got a chance to see). So as I move on, pressing on with my various endevours, I can only hope that I can earn back the respect that I was so selflessly given before I bit your heads off. :roll:

So with all that said, I can only hope you can forgive me for my trollish behaviour and that I can once again become a trusted and appreciated member of your community.

Thank you for your time.