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Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:12 pm
by Corina Star
Evie and I were searching through my mom's stash of pictures she showed me. She told me one cold Chrismas morning after we all opened our presents. I was ten at the time, but I was still very intrested in where my mom hides all her photos. She told me not to tell dad because she has a whole bunch of embaressing photos of him.

It was all of our parents aniversey, but mostly Max and Liz's. Well instead of celebrating just for Max and Liz they do it for all of my parents. It's mainly because if it wasn't for Max and Liz, Jason, Gillian, and my parents wouldn't have even crossed each others paths.

Evie and I decided on making a family photo album that includes everything about our parents. Evie brought some of her photos from our summer vaction and pictures of Max and Liz on their honeymoon. I told Evie we could use the pictures from my mom's stash to add to the photo album.

Jason and Gill called our parents and told them that we'd meet them at the crashdown for their usual get together. Jason and Gill agreed to go buy the cake for the suprise party.

So Evie and I are here in my living room and Evie is looking for the cover photo to put on the album. One picture catches her eye and as she grabs the picture her eyes fill with tears as she has a flash.

My guess is the flash was followed by the vision. I knew that it must have been horrible because Evie starts to scream stuff like, "No, that isn't going to happen!"

I go up to her and ask what's wrong and when I lean down to hug her, I see her vision. At that moment I didn't want to believe it either, but I had a feeling that there was going to be sadness today.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:33 pm
by madroswellfan
Oooh I like this! Can I be Jason and Max?

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:21 pm
by Corina Star

As she imforms me on what she saw, I stare at her blankly. Really trying hard to focus my attention on her. It's kind of hard when you just saw your parents death flash before your eyes.

"I know," I state simply, "I saw it, too."

I still have that feel like something sad is going to happen, really sad. I can't really put my finger on what, but I know it's bad.

"I have this bad feeling, you know? I sense destruction, and lots of sadness." I tell her.

"Whatever is going to kill our parents it's not going to take it's time. Who ever is trying kill our parents is going in for the kill." I say.

Then I reply determined, "But we're going to beat him to the crashdown."

"Let's head out."

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:36 am
by aliensister

Looking into the review mirror of Dad's old blue and white mustang that mom and dad gave me for my sixteenth as we go around a corner, I check the giant pink box that carries the cake for Uncle Max and Aunty Liz's Wedding Anniversery.

Taking the corners slowly still has me worried cause Evie gave me this duty and well she can be slightly a control freak when it comes to things like this and it doesn't help that I'm a speed freak when it comes to driving.

Jason leans forward to fiddle with the radio, he knows if it was anyone else they'd lose their fingers. I don't really like anyone to play with my car, I love it as much as my dad when it was his. You see we're all close Dante, Jason, Evie and myself but Dante and Evie have a special bond and so do Jason and I.

"Oooh Jas, did I tell you Jessica Fields has a crush on you?" I say jokingly but can't help the small pang of jealousy and I'm not sure why but lately it's been happening more.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:18 am
by madroswellfan
ooc: Hope this is ok?

Name: Jason Mark Whitman
Age: 17
Personality: Jason is a quiet guy. He seems to be more like his father than his mother, but there are many people around the school who think that he is rather hot. He likes to study, but he's not as 'geeky' as his dad. When the going gets touch he likes to teleport out.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 5:41 am
by madroswellfan
I'm bored. Why cant I be studying somewhere. Not that I'm a geek but I like keeping busy. And ok, I can think of worse things since Gillian is here with me. I lean forward and start fiddling with Gillian's radio, knowing that she wouldn't complain
"Oooh Jas, did I tell you Jessica Fields has a crush on you?"

Jessica Fields is one of those girls who aren't a cheerleader or about to be made prom queen... but she is still one of the semi-popular people. Everyone likes her. She seems very nice... she sits on side of me in Math (Gillian's on the other side). So when Gill just comes out and says it... its a bit of shock.

"Nah..." I say dismissively. "Jessica? Come on... she could get any male in the student body. No way."

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:16 am
by aliensister


"Jessica? Come on... she could get any male in the student body. No way."
Jason says like it was impossible and I shake my head at him and roll my eyes.

"Sometimes Jas, your so ignorant to the world around you" I say laughing at him."You underestimate what an amazing catch you are, your a terrific person, easy to get along with, nice and your kinda cute" I say with all seriousness and a bit of a blush.

Jason would be the perfect guy for any girl and I should know I'm like the person who knows him better than anyone. He's such a sweet heart, last year when I was sick he made me chicken soup and brought it to me with my homework from school which I wasn't so thrilled about getting. I'm not dumb I do pretty well actually but I dont like to study or do homework, So Jason helps me.

We spend so much time together, we work out together, we hang out going to the movies and just hanging out at each others houses and though with also do this with Evie and Dante we do it more with just the two of us.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:25 am
by madroswellfan
"Sometimes Jas, your so ignorant to the world around you" She says, laughing at me. Hey! Mean...

"You underestimate what an amazing catch you are, your a terrific person, easy to get along with, nice and your kinda cute"

I turn to her and raise an eyebrow. "O...k.... what is it you want? Cos I'm already helping you with that project and I already agreed to go see that chick flick with you at some point. What is it now?" I say sticking my tongue out at her. She always wants something.

"Besides, if she really did like me, which I doubt, it would bring down her social standing... its kinda laughable. Me and Jessica... I mean I would have no idea where to take her on a date..."

Where would I take her? I mean... hell why am I thinking about this? I mean... ok I dont date much... but its laughable like I said. Besides... Jessica's very cool... but why would I want to date anyone right now? Plus Jessica only ever has boyfriends, she doesnt just date a guy. I don't see myself as a boyfriend type. Okay that might be because I'm not experienced in that area... but Im happy as things stand.

"Like I said...pure laughable."

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:26 am
by Corina Star
I catch my keys that Evie hads throws to me as we jump in the car. I start the car and drive to the Crashdown. I have to keep myself calm at the moment to keep me from freaking out.

"I don't get this, though." I reply confused. "Why was I able to see your vision when I hugged you. It felt like a spark you know?"

My eyes stay perfectly glue to the road as I'm talking to her. It's not very hard to do so because I can talk to people without looking at them because I can read their face even though they aren't looking at me.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:33 am
by aliensister

"O...k.... what is it you want? Cos I'm already helping you with that project and I already agreed to go see that chick flick with you at some point. What is it now?" I pull a face like I'm shocked that he would think that I wanted something, which I'm not cause I usually do want something and then I poke my tongue out back at him.

"Besides, if she really did like me, which I doubt, it would bring down her social standing... its kinda laughable. Me and Jessica... I mean I would have no idea where to take her on a date..." My stomach grows cold as he rambles about Jessica and I put it down to another emotion I don't understand.

"Like I said...pure laughable." I pretend to nod solemnly. "Oh ok, you have swayed me I agree it is totally laughable you Jason Whitman are a dweeb and no one will ever want to date you!" I say trying not to laugh and keep a straight face as we turn another corner on the highway.