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The Hunt (AU With Aliens~ Adult) Max/Liz Complete 8/16/07

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:21 am
by Roslover39
<center>Image </center>

Banner by Shiesty23

Thanks to My BETA Morning Dream Girl, for continuing the journey with me.

Much love and thanks to my muse Irish77.

Title: Roswell: Dark Embrace – THE HUNT
Author: Roslover39
Rating: AU with Aliens/Adult

Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell belong to Melinda Metz, The WB & UPN.

All vampire references belong to White Wolf Game Studios/Mark Rein Hagen, Steve& Stewart Wieck.

This fic is the extension of the original BLOOD TIE challenge created by Shiesty23& Zygote.

<center> Preview</center>

Newly crowned King Maximus of Antar and Zyrinian High Priestess Elizabeth Cylix Parker are alien vampires from enemy planets who happen to be in love. Destiny brought them together, but chaos threatens to pull them apart.

Liz is on her way to her home planet of Zyrinia with Michael Guerin, Max’s second in command to find and eliminate her ruthless father Kivar Cylix and rescue her best friend from Earth, Maria Deluca.

Max settles into his role as king amid political and familial responsibilities, making his desire to personally avenge his father's death virtually impossible.

Liz’s cousin, Alex Whitman and Princess Isabel of Antar’s attraction for each other smolders as he remains on the planet for his own protection.

Can Max preserve a kingdom thrown into turmoil from his father’s death?

Can Liz bring her father’s reign of terror to an end and rescue Maria?

Will Kivar’s henchmen be brought to justice?

Can peace ever be realized for Antar and Zyrinia?

All BLOOD TIE characters return and new characters are introduced.
Experience the love, the suspense, and the drama:

<center> THE HUNT </center>

<center>Please click here for updates</center>

Glossary of Vampire Clans:

Assamite: Furious assassins, mystics, sorcerers and

Brujah: Brooding warriors with fiery tempers and great passion.

Cappaddocian: Oracles and sages who contemplate the greatest mystery of all-death.

Followers Of Set: Caretakers of forbidden knowledge, ingenuity and guile.

Gangrel: Masters of beasts through the discipline of animalism

Lasombra: Affuent connivers

Malkavian: Deranged outcasts

Nosferatu: Disfigured pariahs

Ravnos: Unethical con artists

Toreador: Muses, poets, and artists

Tremere: Scholarly deposers

Tzmsce: Manipulators of flesh

Ventrue: Power on and behind the throne

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:30 pm
by Roslover39
Maria Deluca is whisked off to an obscure mansion. Tess Harding waves her hand; causing Maria to become aware of her surroundings. Her breathing begins to labor as she remembers being forced from her home.

“Where am I?” Maria asks, terrified.

“You’re on Zyrinia – Liz’s home planet,” Kyle informs her.

“Zyrinia? You two must be on drugs. There is no such thing as a planet called Zyrinia. Why would you want me to believe we’re anywhere but Earth?

Better yet, why do you think we’re not on Earth?” she questions, wondering where they really were.

Tess smirks at her preparing to give proof that they aren’t on Earth anymore.

“Because it’s true; if you don’t believe me take a look for yourself,” she replies to Maria while waving her right hand, causing the roof of the residence to vanish.

The shock of Tess’ abilities is parallel to the night sky Maria is witnessing. The clouds on Zyrinia are the color of a deep orange; a brown moon and stars shining brightly green.

Maria closes her eyes and begins to internally chant to herself; trying to calm herself from the impending hysteria.

They drugged me. This is just a drug-induced psychosis. I’ve closed my eyes and when I open them again I’ll be in the nearest insane asylum safe and sound.

In a toying mood, Tess responds to Maria’s thoughts and decides to daunt her more.

“Oh no hon, we didn’t drug you; but in time you’ll wish we had. If you want to come out of this predicament alive, you better pray that your friend Liz comes to your rescue and soon.”

“If she doesn’t, a far worst fate awaits you by someone else’s hands,” Kyle chimes in.

Maria feels herself slipping away as she passes out the second time from dread.

* * * * * * * * *

On Antar:

Isabel is in the library mulling sorrowfully over the revelation that Kyle Valenti, her childhood friend, led her father to his death. She tries to hide her emotions when Alex walks in but finds she can’t.

“Isabel, is there anything I can do for you?” Alex asks, trying to comfort her.

Isabel gestures for Alex to sit next to her on a divan.

“Did you hear about Kyle?” Isabel asks.

“Yeah, Liz told me. I’m so sorry Isabel,” he says, not quite knowing how to respond.
“I wish there was something I could do for you.”

“Alex, your being here is making me feel better, thank you,” she tells him softly, taking strength from him as he wraps his left hand around her shoulder, causing her to melt into his arms.

* * * * * * * * *

Liz and Michael reach Zyrinia under the cover of night. While carefully surveying the environment they find themselves at a modest dwelling surrounded by acres of land.

Instantly Liz remembers the area and gestures for Michael to follow her to the nearest entrance. Once there, she knocks before waving her hands in front of herself and Michael rendering them invisible.

An elderly woman answers the door, seeing no one at first before Liz and Michael come into focus. The woman looks at Liz and smiles happily.

“Honey bear it’s been too long!” Claudia Cylix declares as she gestures her guests inside the dwelling.

Liz greets her grandmother with a huge hug as soon as she walks inside.

“Is it safe here?” Liz asks scanning the room.

“Yes honey, but why are you here? Have you forgotten how dangerous it is for you to be here?” Claudia asks concerned as she motions for her guests to have a seat. Her elation to see her granddaughter is tempered by the potential danger.

“I know grandma and I’m taking extra precautions while I’m here.”

Claudia’s worried expression brightens somewhat as she glances at the handsome young man with Liz, wordlessly inquiring who he is.

“Oh! I’m sorry – this is Michael Guerin; I met him on Antar. It’s a long story but he’s here to help.”

Michael and Claudia shake hands as Liz continues.

“To be blunt, Father killed King Philip of Antar and ordered the kidnapping of my best friend from Earth,” Liz informs her grandmother.

“This doesn’t surprise me in the least unfortunately,” Claudia says with a small frown on her face.

“When your grandfather and I had Kivar, we had no idea it was possible for a person to grow to be so vile.

We did everything in our power to save him to no avail.” She looks down at her clasped hands before continuing. “I'm thankful your grandfather died before he could see Kivar as he is today.”

Liz puts her head down sorrowfully as she ponders everything her father has done over the years. Gathering her thoughts she asks a question.

“Grandma I need someone who can get me to father. Can you help me?”

Claudia takes minute to think of whom she could recommend before she answers.

“I think I have just the person for you. I’ll make arrangements to get him here tomorrow morning. You two stay here tonight – it’s much safer than anywhere else,” she replies, leaving no room for argument.

* * * * * * * * *

When Maria comes to once again she finds herself confined in a dank cell and can hear someone heading her way. She makes her way off of the floor and takes hold of the bars as she waits to see who is coming, hoping to find sympathy and a way home.

Maria casts her eyes on a ghoulish figure. She screams in shock as she backs into the wall.

It continues to head her way with a tray of food and water. Stopping in front of the cell, it peers at Maria before sliding the tray of food through a slot.

It speaks to her in a very low and fiendishly sinister voice.

“This is all you’ll get until tomorrow morning,” glancing once more at the meal then Maria before hobbling away.

I’m not here! This is not happening! ” Maria continues to think to herself as she slips down the wall on to the damp ground – scared stiff with her head in her hands.

* * * * * * * * *

Night covers Antar while Max lies in bed thinking about Liz on Zyrinia. When he hears a knock on his door he steps out of bed, throws on his black brocade robe and makes his way over to it before letting in a disturbed Isabel.

“I’m sorry Max, I can’t sleep – there are too many things whirling around in my brain.”

“That’s ok Iz, I can’t sleep either,” he admits, making his way back into the room.

“Thinking about Liz?” Isabel asks.

“Yes and Michael… wondering where they are and if they’re safe,” Max answers.

Isabel nods and takes a seat in a chair opposite Max’s bed.

“Max what are we gonna do about mother? She’s not getting any better and I’m scared that she’s slowly fading into torpor.”

“I wish I knew Iz, but for the life of me I have no idea what would snap her out of her depression.” Max says shaking his head as he takes a seat on his bed. “She lost her husband – I don’t know if there’s anything we can do to help her.”

Isabel starts to ponder, thinking of the one person who might be able to cheer her mother out of her current malaise. Her mind made up, she soon leaves Max’s presence to dream walk the person before too much time passes.

* * * * * * * * *

Once comfortably in her bed, Isabel takes an old composite out of her top bedside dresser drawer and studies it before slowly beginning the trance necessary to enter the person’s mind.

“It’s Isabel, I need you to come to the palace as soon as you can. Mother is miserable and I know your presence would cheer her so. Please, it’s very important that you come!”

Isabel wonders if her plea will be heeded as the connection fades.


Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:36 pm
by Roslover39
Claudia showed Liz and Michael their rooms before bidding them good night and going to bed. Returning to the living room, both too wired to sleep, Liz finds herself opening up to Michael.

“Michael I’ve never been scared of anything in my life until now. I’m terrified of not reaching Maria in time,” Liz tells him some time into their conversation.

Michael is taken aback by the emotions Liz is displaying.

“What is it about this girl that made you two such close friends?” he asks.

“Well, Maria’s sweet and spunky. She’s intelligent but she knows how to have a good time; she’s beautiful but not vain,” Liz replies. “Most importantly she reached out to me when I had no one. If she’s harmed in any way, I’ll never forgive myself.” Liz finishes quietly, putting her head into her hands.

Trying to comfort her, Michael walks over to Liz and gives her a short but meaningful hug.

“Don’t worry Liz – we’ll find her.”

“We have to Michael, we just have to,” she replies, trying to hold back her emotions.

* * * * * * * * *

The next morning, Liz wakes before Michael and finds her grandmother concentrating with her hands on her temples obviously having an internal conversation with someone.

Just get here as soon as you can.

Liz walks over to her and gives her a big hug.

“Good morning grandma, Were you communicating with the person you were telling us about last night?”

“Yes, he’ll be here in a while. He says he’s able to help you infiltrate your father’s defenses,” Claudia tells her.

Hoping to avoid interplanetary war, she goes on to tell Liz, “Honey since you’re back on Zyrinia I think the time is right to contact your followers and re-acquaint yourself with the nobles.”

Taking a few moments to think about it, Liz concedes. “I agree. I think we should find a way to extend an olive branch to the five planets and Antar as well. If my father, and men like him, are going be eliminated we have to form strong bonds with the other planets.”

Claudia smiles at her granddaughter. “Honey bear I always knew that you were born for greatness. Kivar tried to use you for his evil plots but now you will be the Zyrinian symbol for peace and goodwill throughout the galaxy.”

Michael walks into the room scratching his head and yawning; his body language effectively telling Liz and Claudia he didn’t get much sleep.

After Liz and Claudia greet him Claudia turns her attention back to Liz.

“Liz, I know you’re powerful but you need someone that can offer the element of surprise. The man who is going to help you can do that and more.”

As Michael, Liz and Claudia sit down to breakfast, a knock sounds at the door. Claudia goes to answer it, letting in a gorgeous vision in black leather. Claudia greets and ushers him into the dinning area. Liz is busy eating, but when she lays eyes on the visitor she almost drops her fork.

“Liz, Michael this is Zan. He’s the one I was telling you about.”

Zan nods at Michael and winks at Liz making her stomach do flips.

Damn he looks just like Max, she thinks to herself.

Michael thinks the same thing before wondering how much of a pain in the ass Zan is going to be to them as he notices the lustful glare Zan is giving Liz.

Zan is Max’s mirror image – the only difference being the fact that life as a mercenary has prematurely aged his gorgeous face a bit and he wears his shoulder length hair in a low ponytail.

Where Max was more refined due to being born and raised as royalty, Zan’s demeanor was coarser given that he was abandoned at a young age and raised by Gangrel clan.

Zan notices an empty chair beside Claudia and has a seat. Claudia asks if he would like some breakfast. Zan gestures no with his hands.

Zan turns from Claudia and stares at Liz as he asks, “You Kivar Cylix’s daughter?”

Liz nods her head.

Zan continues his train of thought, smirking and licking his lips seductively, “He definitely did something right having you.”

Claudia places her hand over Zan's as a gesture for him to stop acting out. Zan turns to her and nods as Michael speaks.

“Look man, we’re not here looking for dates. We’re looking to take Kivar and his two accomplices by surprise and eliminate them. If you can’t keep your libido in check I suggest you get the hell out of here now!”

Zan stares at Michael with a devilish smirk. As both men slowly rise with confrontation in mind Claudia grabs Zan and Liz does the same with Michael.

“We have no time for a testosterone show down. We’ve got to find Kivar and Liz’s friend.” Claudia informs both men.

“I don’t know how long you two will have to deal with each other but I recommend that you come up with a feasible plan. Zan is the man for the job at hand.

My granddaughter’s life is at stake; she and I are depending on you two to push personal feelings aside and assist her in this task,” Claudia states leaving no room for argument.

Michael responds first. “I can ignore this clown if I have to. I just hope he can keep his mind on the job and not Liz,” he says, staring forcefully at Zan with his last sentence.

“Why? Is she your woman?” Zan asks, secretly anxious for the answer.

“That’s none of your business,” Michael replies, getting angrier by the minute.

“Look, not that it’s any of your business,” Liz starts, entering the conversation, “but yes I have someone – so that means that our relationship is and will remain strictly business.’

“Whatever you say doll,” Zan answers with a hint of skepticism in his voice. Having had his share of women, Zan knew that the sparkle in Liz’s eye when they first met meant that she found him as attractive as he found her.

She breaks his train of thought with the night’s instructions.

“Ok we need to get to wherever my father’s liar is after dark.”

“Sounds like a plan to me; what do we do in the meantime?” Zan asks, once again staring lustfully at Liz.

Michael doesn’t hesitate to grind out his reply between clenched teeth. “Stop hassling Liz and concentrate on what you’re gonna do to help us when we get to the sight, got it?”

Zan throws Michael an irritated sneer and slumps onto a comfy couch alone and broods instead of angering Claudia further by picking a fight with Michael.

* * * * * * * * *

Kivar, once informed that Liz’s best friend was delivered, ventures down to the dungeon – curious to see what the Earthling looks like. When he makes it to the cell, he peers at her like a child would a prized animal at a zoo.

Maria looks back and attempts to inform him of her plight.

“There’s been a huge mistake. I’m not supposed to be here,” Maria states with pleading eyes.

“You’re being here is no mistake Maria, I assure you.” Kivar tells her with a slight sneer on his face.

“How do you know my name? Why am I here?” She asks stepping slightly away from the bars, but determined to get answers.

“You’re here because you made friends with my daughter Elizabeth. She went to Earth to get away from me.

Silly girl! When will she realize there is no escaping me?” Kivar states as he starts to mumble beneath his breath. Snapping back to reality, he looks at Maria again.

“I needed someone to lure her to me and you fit the bill quite nicely.”

Maria shudders as she takes in Kivar’s words before gathering up the courage to ask another question.

“What if she doesn’t know I’m here? What if she doesn’t come?”

“She knows you’re here,” Kivar tells her with a dark grin. “The sooner she gets here the better off you’ll be – maybe.”

“Maybe?” Maria utters.

Maria’s reaction to what was said amuses Kivar as he peers at her briefly and walks away from the cell laughing.

“MAYBE?” she screams after him.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:51 pm
by Roslover39
Author’s Note:
There is no relation between Jim and Kyle Valenti in this story.

It’s a beautiful morning on Antar with Isabel strolling into the dinning hall in a great mood. She finds Alex already there about to receive breakfast from a servant. The servant bows to Isabel who smiles and gestures the servant off while Alex rises from his seat to greet her.

“Good morning Alex,” Isabel chirps as she reaches him and gives him a warm kiss on the lips.

“Good morning! I don’t have to ask how you’re feeling today, what's new?” Alex replies while beaming from the kiss he received.

“Alex, I think I’ve found a way to get mother out of her depression. I’ve contacted an old friend of her's and he’s agreed to stay with us for a while.

“That’s wonderful news Isabel, so when is he coming?”
He asks standing in back of the chair next to his that he's holding it out for her.

Isabel sits down while turning to face Alex as he sits down.
“He should arrive sometime today. I can’t wait to see the look on Mother’s face when she sees him.”

The sight of Isabel so blissful sends a tingle down Alex’s spine as he nods and softly brushes the side of her face with his fingers.

<center> ******* </center>

Later in the afternoon, the queen’s old friend arrives. Max, Isabel, Alex and the queen are assembled in the solarium for lunch when a servant announces his arrival. Ecstaticly anticipating the queen's surprise, Isabel persuaded her to take lunch out of her suite.

“Your highnesses, James Valenti,” The servant proclaims.

Like a switched flipped on in her mind, the queen’s eyes start to sparkle with a radiance unseen since Max’s return as she peers up from her meal to see her old friend standing there.

“James!” the queen shouts with joy as she turns and smiles with happiness.

“My lady, it’s so good to see you again.”
Jim bows as Max, Alex and Isabel smile warmly at his presence.

“It’s been far too long, what brings you here old friend?” The queen asks totally but happily surprised.

The last time Jim and the queen saw each other; Max and Isabel were teenagers. They’ve kept in touch since then through royal transmitions.

“Izzie contacted me. She was very worried about you so she asked me to come in an effort to cheer you up.” James answers as he beams at the queen but doesn’t move from his spot.

“Isabel, what a wonderful thing to do, thank you sweetheart. I shutter to think of how much my children have worried about me.” The queen gazes at her daughter and son with eyes full of love as they return the gaze.

Turning back to her friend she states with a renewed vigor.
“ I’m so glad you’re here Jim. So, how long can you stay?”
Jim answers, “As long as you need me, oh by the way I have a surprise for you.

Jim gestures to an as yet unseen person, "Come on out honey.”
A tall slender woman comes into view.

“This is my wife, Amy.” Jim takes her hand and they head to the massive dinning table. He then introduces his wife to all assembled and Isabel introduces the couple to Alex.

<center>***** </center>
Evening arrives on Zyrinia as Liz, Michael, and Zan make final preparations to infiltrate Kivar’s liar. A very concerned Claudia has something to say before they leave. She calls Liz to her for what she hopes will not be the last time.

“Liz what you’re about to do isn’t gonna be easy. I implore you to let these young men help you. I can’t stress to you enough how much your lives depend on your ability to work together.” She hugs Liz as she continues.

“God speed honey bear, I love you.”

“I love you too grandma.” Liz replies as she kisses her grandmother’s cheek.

Claudia goes on to shake Michael and Zan’s hands while admonishing them, “Take good care of my baby, she’s all I have.”

Michael and Zan walk over to Liz as they answer simultaneously, “we will.”

Liz steps in between them taking their hands and they disappear from sight leaving Claudia in thought, frightful of what the trio will encounter.

<center> ****** </center>

Liz, Michael and Zan appear at Kivar’s liar.

It’s a huge configuration that is surrounded by a huge gate and ferocious hell dogs.
Michael looks at the hell dogs as they snarl and bark ferociously asking, “how are we gonna get inside with these things guarding the perimeter?”

“I’ll show you how,” Zan answers as he gets as close to the hell dogs as he can being restricted by the huge gate.

Methodically he stares at the hell dogs and suddenly they’re sitting at attention quietly like playful pups. It is then that Zan’s body de-materializes.

Liz and Michael look at each other utterly puzzled by what happened in front of them.

To add to their bewilderment, one of the hell dogs walks to the head of the other dogs and sits in front of Michael and Liz. Soon a communication starts in Michael and Liz’s minds.

“It’s me, Zan. I’m inside the hell dog in front of you. As a member of Gangrel clan, I can inhabit and communicate with all types of animals and beasts. I’m going to go inside and do recon in the lair, you two go back to Claudia’s. I’ll get in touch with you if and when I find anything.”

“Be on your guard Zan, my father is very powerful. If your cover is blown, he won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Liz cautions him.

“Don’t worry doll, I was born to do this.” Under Zan’s control, the hell dog winks at Liz and trots off in the direction of the huge building.

Michael is once again perturbed as he shakes his head and comments on Zan’s behavior.
“Did you see that? Damn even on recon he still finds time to flirt with you. What are we gonna do with that guy?”

Liz turns to Michael and replies calmly, “We’re gonna let him do his job and we’re gonna go back to grandma’s and wait for word.”

Michael scratches his head showing his frustration then he and
Liz join hands, disappearing into the night air.

<center> *****</center>

Zan finds himself in the company of twenty other hell dogs roaming around the perimeter of the building as he searches for an entrance. After a few minutes he finds an entrance and uses blood magic to open the door and he gallops inside.

Once inside he finds a winding staircase that ascends and descends. Zan decides to go downstairs first. He encounters a long dimly lit passageway that leads to a huge brightly lit room. Noticing no one else there, he treads toward the light.

<center> ******* </center>

On Antar:

Alex and Isabel decide to take a walk in an effort to be alone while the queen and Max get re-acquainted with Jim and meet Amy for the first time.

Isabel feels electricity go up her body as Alex gently takes hold of her hand.

Smiling brightly, she turns to him to express how she feels about him and the situation they find themselves in for the first time.

“Alex, I was very wary of you and your cousin when you arrived here; slowly but surely you’ve managed to penetrate my defenses. Now I find myself looking forward to seeing and being with you everyday. I don’t know what the future holds for us but-”

Alex interrupts her,
“Isabel, let’s enjoy what we have at this moment.”

He brushes his hand against her cheek stroking it lightly as he continues to speak.

“It’s my hope that you’re feeling more at ease with Liz as well. She’s demonstrating how much she cares for your brother by putting her life at risk on Zyrinia.” Alex mentions as he searches her eyes.

“Yes, I’m very aware of the risk she’s taking and I can’t deny the effect she has on Max. He was happier than I’ve ever seen him when she was here. The thing is how is he going to reconcile his relationship with her to his subjects? He’s still settling in as king. If the wrong people found out about him and your cousin, that may possibly cause civil war.” Isabel replies.

“ I’m hoping that taking down her father will prove that Liz is not the enemy and that she and your brother will have a chance to be together. I know that she feels the same way that Max does.”
Alex lifts Isabel’s right hand to his lips and runs kisses across her palm, as she sighs with pleasure.

<center> ****** </center>
Maria is half asleep in her cell when she hears the sound of large huffs coming toward her. She looks up and notices a huge beast of which she’s never seen before.

Before she can get her bearings on the beast in front of her, Zan changes back into his usual form causing her to go into hysterics and holler, “ Oh my God! Whatever you are, please don’t hurt me!”

Zan rushes to the cell placing his hands on the bars as he speaks to her in a low and calming tone.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here to help you. Your friend Liz sent me here to find you.”

“What, what’s going on? Max is that you,” Maria asks totally confused.

“Max, no my name is Zan and I’m here to get you out of here.”

Maria can’t believe what she’s hearing and wonders if the man standing in front of her is real on the figment of a brain out of control.

Sensing her fear, Zan tries to sooth her as much as he can under the circumstances.
“Please don’t be afraid, your friend Liz Cylix sent me here to locate you.”

“Cylix, I know no Liz Cylix. What’s going on here? “

Zan is totally befuddled by the question Maria posed to him and gestures for her to remain calm with his hands. He tries to convince her that all will be well.
“Look, she described you perfectly and we have no time for this, she’ll be here in a minute and we'll get you out of here.”

Using Gangrel blood magic, Zan contacts Liz who focuses on his location and transports her and Michael to the dungeon. In a flash they materialize inside Maria’s cell.

Maria is so overcome by all the magic that’s been going on around her that she’s almost unable to breathe. Sensing this, Liz runs to her and braces her from falling while Michael and Zan survey the area.

After deeming the area safe for the moment, Michael peers into the cell while Liz tries to connect with Maria.
His first glance at Liz’s best friend has his senses whirling by the beauty of her face and the terror he sees in her bright green eyes. He steps into the cell to assist while Liz tries to calm Maria enough so they can get her out of the cell when Kivar appears from out of nowhere.

“See Maria, I knew you would bring Elizabeth to me.”

Maria throws her hands over her face in terror in response to Kivar and his pronouncement.

“Michael get Maria out of here NOW! I’ll deal with my father,” Liz instructs while never letting her eyes leave her father.

Just as Michael grabs for her arm, in a blur Kivar captures Maria and holds her in a tight grip in front of him.

“ I WANT ELIZABETH NOW!!!!” Kivar shouts. Then he starts tracing his index finger along Maria’s erratically pulsating jugular.

“It’s over Cylix, let go of her and accept death like a man!” Zan shouts before turning back into a ferocious salivating hell dog.

With a blood-curdling growl he stands at attention ready to pounce and tear Kivar to nothing when Liz steels herself and declares,

“Zan, this is my fight!”


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:09 pm
by Roslover39
Author’s Note: Celerity~ Inhuman quickness.

Thanks Zanity :) :wink:

Liz stands opposite Kivar ready to take him out when he decides to make a move of his own. Taking one last look at Maria’s jugular he plunges his sharp fangs deeply into her neck. All eyes in the room focus on the savage act as Maria screams violently and the life force slowly drains from her body.

Realizing it’s now or never to save her friend, Liz waves her hands fiercely in Kivar’s direction and the force of the blow causes Maria’s body to collapse out of his clutches. In a flash, Michael utilizes his power of celerity to seize Maria's body before it hits the ground while Liz and Kivar stands toe to toe.

Rage distorts Liz's lovely face as she screams, "You fiend!"
Her palm makes contact violently with her father’s face in reprisal of what he did to Maria.

He lets out a maniacal laugh while propelling Liz backward with his powers.
“Is that all you’ve got? You’ve grown weak living amongst humans. Join me and I’ll make you strong again.

“Never, someone’s going to die!” Liz exclaims loudly as she prepares herself for her next move.

Kivar dodges her strike urging, “Elizabeth I don’t want to hurt you. Give up and come to me NOW!”

Just as she launches her next assault, Tess and Kyle emerge in the cell in front of Kivar holding hands.

In a fury by the act of Kivar’s allies, Liz waves her hands and sends Kyle and Tess flailing through the air. They land on opposite ends of the cell hitting the ground violently. The blow knocks both of them unconscious. After scanning the room, Liz discovers that Kivar can’t be found.

Now beside herself because Tess and Kyle’s intrusion allowed Kivar to escape, Liz screams violently as a maniacal voice reverberates in her ear.
Elizabeth, this is not over. You will come to me!”

It is then that Zan rushes to her to focus her mind back on the dilemma at hand.
Liz, there’s no time for tirades. We have to take care of your friend and fast!”

After conferring with Michael and Zan, it was decided that Kyle and Tess would be keep in the cell as prisoners. Liz used her powers to prevent them from escaping. They will be interrogated at a later date.


Max is sitting in the library deep in thought when a servant announces that he has an unexpected visitor.

“Your highness, Larek is here to see you.”

“Good morning your highness, thank you for agreeing to see me.”

Max gives his ally a warm smile as he declares,
“Larek, it’s always a pleasure to see you, even for reasons of state. Please have a seat.”

Taking a seat opposite Max, Larek explains the reason for his visit.
“Max, I’m sure you know that the five planets joined Antar in mourning your father’s passing. He was a wise and just king. But now that the mourning period is over, we wish to know your plans for Antar’s future. As you well know Antar’s fate is our fate.”

Max organizes his thoughts carefully before disclosing his plans then reveals,
“I intend for Antar to continue on its current path while reactivating peace negotiations with Zyrinia. As you know, my father’s efforts while commendable were unsuccessful. I intend to realize his dream of peace for the two planets in the course of my reign as king.”

Larek peers at Max baffled by what he thinks is misguided ambition.
“Max, all potential negotiations with Zyrinia failed because we couldn’t find anyone brave enough or with enough influence to oppose Kivar and represent the planet.”

Max smiles at Larek hoping to convey his confidence in the upcoming peace negotiatons.
“My friend, I think I’ve found a way to alleviate that problem. Just leave Zyrinia’s representation to me. What I need is for you to do is set up a mutually agreeable day and time for the representatives and nobles to come to the palace. At that time I will crystalize my plans for Antar and the peace process. I’ll also need you to send word throughout the Zyrinian underground that peace talks will commence in the not too distant future.”

Larek bows to Max and his wishes as they rise and head to the library door. A servant stationed outside the door gestures to Larek and escorts him out of the room. Alone once again with his thoughts, Max’s mind turns to Liz and the projected peace summit in the hopes that the peace negotiations will be the beginning of peace for the two planets and a future for them.


At Claudia’s:

Claudia is busy contacting Liz’s followers in hopes of setting up a meeting to discuss Zyrinia’s future and re- introducing her into Zyrinian society, when
she receives word from the underground that the new king of Antar is organizing a peace summit. Feeling that she is in harmony with the fates, she knows instinctually that her plans for Liz was right on. As she goes over plans for the upcoming meeting in her mind, her thoughts are disrupted by the presence of Liz, Zan and Michael.

Wanting to know how things went at Kivar’s lair, Claudia finds her full attention diverted to the lifeless girl she’s never seen before in Michael’s arms.

Quickly she instructs Michael to lay her on the couch as she heads there.

Noticing the dreadful state the girl is in Claudia asks,
“Liz is this your friend?”

“Yes,” Liz replies as she rushes over to the couch where Maria lays. Knowing what has to be done to save her friend, Liz tries to talk herself out of its inevitability.

“Grandma, I love Maria but dying might be better than being embraced, I’ve witnessed the horror that ensues from the transformation from human to vampire. She didn’t ask for any of this to happen to her and it’s just not fair for her to suffer the consequences. So many terrible things have happened to her because she knows me.”

Claudia focuses Liz’s attention on the graveness of Maria’s condition.” Look, she’s turning ashen as we speak. Honey, the only way your friend is going to survive is if someone embraces her and now! Your friend’s life is slipping away each second you hesitate.”

Michael grasps the urgency in Claudia’s words and without warning springs into action. For the first time in his life, he rips a gash into his left wrist as Liz willingly but somberly assists. She participates in the ghastly rescue knowing full well the hell that will be inflicted upon her friend in the name of saving her life. Peering into Maria’s humanity for the last time, Liz reluctantly opens Maria’s mouth so she will receive the blood that will forever alter her existence.

Michael stands over Maria and lets his blood trickle down her throat, unleashing Maria’s terrible transformation from human to vampire almost instantaneously.

With a violent gasp, she regains consciousness and suddenly a burning sensation begins in her stomach. As her body becomes stiff and cold, Maria opens her mouth to scream but nothing is heard as the transformation sends devastating pain throughout her vulnerable body.

Then she experiences the indescribable horror of her soul being trapped inside her dying body instead of descending back to The Creator of all things as was intended. In a few moments the transformation complete and Maria experiences the indescribable hunger for blood for the first time. Taking hold of Michael’s wrist, she willingly accepts Michael’s life force as her own.

It is with that action that the two are bonded in body by blood. Maria’s hair and skin take on an iridescent shimmer as a kind of conformation of her descent from humanity. All in the room notices forlornly as Maria’s new life begins and she stares out into space uttering nothing.

Only a breath away, Michael waves his right hand over her face but gets no response. It is then that Claudia urges Michael to carry her motionless frame into Liz’s room in hopes that she will soon recover her sensory abilities. When he reaches the room he lays Maria on the bed and takes a seat as Liz sits on the bed holding Maria's hand. They decide to remain awake all night watching intently for any change when Liz is taken away from Maria's side by Claudia who wants to discuss what happened at Kivar’s liar.

“I was prepared to kill him but he got away. It was as if he wanted to avoid the confrontation at all costs.”

“Liz, throw that thought out of your mind. You won’t be so lucky next time. You will meet up with him again and you have to be ready. You have a job to do and if you don’t have your wits about you he will kill you when that time comes.”

Claudia then changes the subject and brings up Zyrinia and her hopes for Liz's future.

“ Liz I believe your being here has presented a prime opportunity at such a time as this. I think you should recapture your status as high priestess and represent Zyrinia at the peace summit that King Maximus of Antar is organizing.”

“What do you mean, I came here to find my friend and eliminate my father. What other reason could I have to be here?” Liz asks Claudia.

“I wasn’t born yesterday honey, you have Michael here who is King Maximus’ second in command with you, why is that Liz?”

Never discounting her grandmother’s keen insight, Liz realizes it is futile to try and keep anything from her. Liz bids her to have a seat; she does the same
and goes about explaining everything that lead to her return to Zyrinia.

“To make a long story short, I met Max when he was still crown prince on Earth at the university I was attending. His father’s death sent him back
to Antar and the forensic evidence proved that the killer was a Zyrinian.

An earlier entanglement between us brought me first to Antar and now
here to find father. One thing led to another and we fell in love. We want to be together but a life for us is out of the question without peace between Antar and Zyrinia.”

Upon hearing the passion in Liz's voice, Claudia gazes lovingly into her granddaughter’s eyes and asks, “Is he your soul mate?”

“If you mean someone I could spend the rest of my life with, yes grandma but we may never get the chance to be together. Everything is just so complicated between us.”

Claudia rubs her granddaughter’s shoulder and explains.
“Let me set your mind at ease Liz, if the relationship wasn’t complicated he wouldn’t be your soul mate.”

Later on Zyrinia:

Maria is asleep, as are Zan and Claudia when Michael and Liz decide to discuss their puzzled thoughts about Zan. Michael asked Claudia to convince Zan to stay there under the guise of needing help against possible reprisals from Kivar or his henchmen until he could get some answers about his identity.

Understandably, the things that Michael and Liz have encountered while on Zyrinia has allowed Michael to feel at ease just enough with Liz to discuss his suspicions about Zan with her.

“Liz did seeing Zan for the first time freak you out as much as it did me?”

“Of course it did Michael, I surely didn’t expect Max’s mirror image to waltz into the room.

Michael rises up and starts to pace the room while revealing his thoughts.
“That guy looks too much like Max for my comfort, not to mention the fact that he annoys me. As Max’s second in command, I need to do some investigating into his past.

Liz nods in agreement and replies, “Yes and the sooner the better.”


Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:09 pm
by Roslover39
Author’s Note:
Sire: the vampire who embraced another.
Fledgling: a newly embraced vampire.

<center> ZAN</center>

That guy looks too much like Max for my comfort, not to mention the fact that he annoys me. As Max’s second in command, I need to do some investigating into his past .
Michael Guerin

Yeah, my past is quite questionable. I'm an enigma in every sense of the word. But there is one thing about me that is crystal clear, people
who come into contact with me have definite feelings and ideas. I've got definite feelings and ideas about them as well. Is it fair to say that either you love me or hate me or there’s just no middle ground? I think I'm one hellava great guy to know, but more importantly someone you'd want in your corner if your ass was in trouble.

Well, before the search into my past begins, I'm gonna allow you to take a small peek into my psyche and get an idea of what makes me tick and how I feel about the people I find himself among:

Liz Cylix:
What a woman! She’s just the type of woman I want in my bed and by my side. She’s the type of woman that could make me consider becoming faithful, imagine that! Liz is everything I want in a woman, she’s strong, intelligent, beautiful and hella sexy. There’s no way around this. The die has been cast. I want Liz, and I have every intention of possessing her in every way. Right, she said she has someone. You know what I think of that, F@@@ HIM!

Claudia Cylix:
I’ve known Claudia for a long time and she’s just about the only woman outside of Lacertiane of Gangrel Clan that I respect and admire. She’s a very strong and wise woman so I can see where Liz got her qualities. I can imagine Claudia at Liz’s age, taking no shit from anyone and holding her own with grace and nobility. Oh, I’m sure she was just as beautiful then as her granddaughter is now. If Claudia were closer to my age, I’d give her a shot.

Michael Guerin:
I HATE THAT COCKY BASTARD!!! If it weren’t for needing to stay in Claudia’s good graces, my fist would have connected with his face the first day we met. The sooner I get that fool out of my face the better. NOBODY tells me what to do, and Liz, of all people doesn’t need a f@@@@@ bodyguard. I’ve got her in my sights and nobody, not even that fool is gonna stop me from getting what I want!

<center> ~~~~</center>

Michael’s mind was made up. He was determined to poke his nose into my past. He was desperate to find out if I could pose a threat to that king/friend of his. Wow, probably for the first time in his life, his bullheadedness didn’t cloud his better judgment.

I'll never be able to fathom why instead of prying answers out of people on an enemy planet he doesn’t understand and possibly getting his ass kicked as he's known to do, this time he went to an authority for direction?
But hey, it would have given me a huge hard-on to see his actions explode into a political incident. Then I’d finally be rid of his ass.

<center> ~~~~</center>

Most alien vampire clans form and maintain close bonds, but most clans are not Gangrel Clan. We are savage by nature and blood thirsty almost without exception. Most members of this clan shuns close attachments of any kind, making how I came to be embraced Gangrel very unusual. Lacertiane, supreme leader of the clan found me near death as an infant and took me in. It least that's what she told me.

Once I was old enough to understand, Lacertiane taught me to master the blood magic that came to me from the embrace. Not only that, she took great pains to protect me from those who didn’t appreciate an enigmatic entity in their midst until I was old enough to take care of myself. Come to think of it, Lacertiane was the only person to show anything resembling care and concern towards me, so basically I matured and came of age on my own. To this day no one knows exactly why she took me in.
When I turned eighteen; I left Lacertiane and the clan. As expected, there were no sad farewells like you have with family or close friends, only Lacertaine telling me that I was welcome to come back at any time.

I chose to remain a virgin until I left Gangrel clan, not because there was anything wrong with my riffle or lack of female interest but because I found the females of the clan beneath me. They were too much like me with their brusque, almost masculine ways to arouse me in any way whatsoever.

I might be brutal at times but even I want a woman who can appreciate all that I have to offer and give as well as she gets. I’ve got a tremendous sex drive along with the ability to keep it under control…. if and when I choose to.

A craving for danger, adventure and wanderlust led me to join a band of intergalactic mercenaries I met up with almost as soon as I left the clan. Almost instantly I found being a mercenary the perfect profession for me. It gave me the ability to take out my ever-present aggression and get paid for it. It also gave me the ability to be alone (or not) and travel the galaxy in the hunt for the next campaign

It was on the various campaigns that I honed my abilities as an intergalactic Romeo with as many foreign women as I could. Although I received a lot of the clan’s unsavory ways through the embrace, I found I also possessed a magnetism that the members of Gangrel didn’t have. Too many women to count were tempted to my bed because of that as well as my impressive physical assets.

<center> ~~~~</center>

Claudia went to Lacertane, an old and trusted friend to find out everything she could about me. After a lengthy discussion, Claudia came back to Michael with what she was able to unearth.

“Michael, unfortunately there wasn’t much information to be had about Zan. My friend from Gangrel Clan found him. He was abandoned as a child and she embraced him into the clan. No one knows where he came from or why he was abandoned.”

“Thanks for checking it out for me Claudia, but I just can’t leave it at that. There’s got to be someone that knows more about him than that. Hell, he could be a plant, no offense Claudia.”

Ever calm and composed, Claudia replies with opinions that Michael won’t receive as calmly as she did to his.
“None taken Michael, so I really hope that you'll accept what I’m about to say with the same grace. First of all, I need to tell you that Liz can take care of herself concerning Zan. I also need to tell you that he is a more than formidable opponent should you get into an altercation with him.”

Of course Michael didn’t take the last remark the way Claudia had hoped.
“Claudia, that guy is the last person I need to be concerned about. He just needs to leave Liz alone and I’ll tell you why. King Maximus of Antar is like a brother to me and he’s not gonna be betrayed on my watch.”

Claudia can't believe her ears and attempts to set him straight on some things.
“Honestly Michael, I really believe that’s a decision my granddaughter has to make. If your king is the one, Zan doesn’t stand a chance with her. Let me say this, I think your hands are more than full now that you’ve embraced a human. You are now a Sire to a fledgling. In my experience humans take to a vampire’s existence the worst of all life forms. Instead of constantly running interference between Liz and Zan, Maria should be your concern."

Now Michael is way past irritated by Claudia's comment about Maria.
“Don’t worry about Maria, I intend to be there for her, if she’ll let me. I know I did the right thing in saving her life but the way she’s adjusting to it and to me; it’s making me second guess myself and as a soldier that’s something I could never afford to do.”

Claudia lightly strokes Michael's shoulder as she brings alittle more reality into his frame of reference.
“Michael, I hope everything will work out and she will accept you… in time. I mean you two are bound to each other. But it could get worst before it ever gets better between the two of you. As the bonding process
takes hold, she’ll find that she’ll be able to finish your sentences, read your mind and visa versa. If she doesn’t accept her new life and you, her life is going to be one long nightmare that she won’t wake from and she’s going to blame you. Just tell me one thing Michael, why did you embrace her, her life or death had nothing to do with you.”

Michael peers up into Claudia’s eyes in all seriousness while declaring with conviction,

“I was compelled to do what I did!”


So, that’s my story as far as I know it to be. What will the future hold, I have no idea but I’m sensing that whatever it is, it definitely won’t be boring.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:54 pm
by Roslover39

She’s my best friend in the world…. or so I thought. I was living with a stranger…. a dangerous stranger. Her drama followed her and now my life is forever altered. Yes, she rescued me, but didn’t my life become her responsibility the moment she decided to withhold her true identity?
Maria Deluca

I came to Earth with the sole intention of avoiding trouble and see what happened? I went from the frying pan right into the fire. Can things be any worst? I’m the reason my best friend suffered unspeakable things at the hands of my father.
If I stayed on Zyrinia, Maria would be safe and sound on Earth.

Maximus of Antar: ~ we’re from rival planets and we found ourselves drawn to each other like moths to a flame. Guess what, the inexplicable lust we felt turned into love. Now how much more Romeo/Juliet can you get? Yes, we want a life together, but it’s not gonna happen if our planets can’t come to the peace summit and find common ground.

Zan: ~ Yes I felt something the moment I laid eyes on him but what? Is it just the fact that Zan is Max’s mirror image or something more that I just can’t explain? Fate has a f*cked sense of humor. I must admit that I find him to be very dangerous and very exciting.

Michael Guerin: ~ I swear that man is worst than Grandma. I mean the way he takes it upon himself to act as chaperone whenever Zan comes near me. Does he sense my confusion concerning Zan? Instead of wasting time and energy trying to cock block he needs to save all that energy for Maria. She’s changing and I sense she’ll prove to be more than a handful, even for a blood and guts soldier like him.

Maria Deluca: ~ I enabled my father to use her in a game of cat and mouse that resulted in the loss of her humanity. Her life will never be the same and it's all my fault. Somehow we both will have to live with that fact.

On Zyrinia:

Grandma and I have taken possession of my father’s lair and arranged to have the most significant meeting of my life there. At this meeting, I will communicate my resolve to change the fate of the planet.

An hour before the meeting begins, Grandma restates its importance to me.
“My dear, we have to get you named as representive for the peace summit. That’s not gonna be an easy task."

"We have to show all who attend this meeting tonight that you have the power, determination and the will to take Zyrinia out of the dark ages. We must also capitalize on your interaction with the outside world. Your perceived defection came up against much scrutiny. We have to make sure they accept your return as well as your time abroad as an advantage."

The moment of truth arrives and I’m more than ready to outline the importance of the summit and my resolve to represent Zyrinia. I’ve got to convince all in attendance that I’m this planet’s only hope for change.

In time, nerve wracking silence is replaced with lively chatter as the guests arrive. I make it my business to greet each one personally as Grandma looks on. I surmise that curiosity has brought more people than I thought to hear me discuss my re-emergence on the planet and its future. After all have gathered, I take a deep breath and head to the podium. I arrange my note cards before addressing the audience.

“On behalf of my grandmother and I, thank you for coming here tonight. I’m well aware of the negative thoughts concerning this meeting being held here but I felt it important to show my dedication to this planet. It is my intention to transform my father’s domicile into what will be my home. In time this house will come to represent the first of many changes. Ladies and gentleman, I would like….”

Just as I’m feeling at ease with the audience, a member of the Zyrinian nobility rises abruptly. I ponder her audacity as she interrupts my speech.

“Ms. Cylix, let’s cut to the chase. Why should Zyrinia involve itself in the peace process at this moment in time?”

All eyes are on me as I attempt to answer her question flawlessly.
“ I believe now is the time to end the constant threat of war that has keep our planet and Antar from coming together in peace. I applaud King Maximus for his dream of a peaceful future and his commitment to see it realized. To that end, it is my desire to represent you at the summit as a way of showing my commitment to this planet’s future.”

My daring declaration results in a deafening hush throughout the room. Grandma takes the opportunity to convince the crowd that I’m the only choice for the task ahead.

“Ladies and gentlemen, King Maximus expressed his resolve to negotiate with a power player in an effort to legitimize the proceedings. That is why I’m convinced Elizabeth is the right person to represent us. She is the future of Zyrinia and above all she’s a Cylix.”

Another member of Zyrinia’s elite voices opposition.
“I beg to differ on this issue Claudia. This summit has been a long time in coming. It’s vitally important that our representative be in tune with our concerns, our issues and our way of life.”

Clapping and shouts are heard as the audience expresses their unity with what was said.

Grandma walks over to join me at the podium. I step aside respectfully as she proposes compromise for the good of the planet and the peace process. She gestures to the crowd and they settle as they return to their seats.

“I need to make one thing perfectly clear, Elizabeth and I understand your concerns. And to that end we’re willing to make concessions. I propose that you allow Elizabeth to attend the summit and I assist her.

Since there are issues of Elizabeth's patriotism, let me cover that. As you all know, I’ve made it my business to engage in all areas of the political process here. While I don’t possess the access with the outside world, Elizabeth does. Together we have a perfect combination of youth and experience. Ladies and gentlemen, having stated our cases, can you afford for us not to represent you at such a time as this?”

A few days after being embraced, Maria started to stabilize so Grandma thought it the best time for Zan and I to begin the re-organizing process at my new home. Each time we went, Michael chose to remain at Maria’s side.

After getting rid of the hell dogs (with Zan’s help) and the remnants of my father’s old regime, I promptly installed my own defense team by utilizing the followers Grandma kept in contact with while I was on Earth. All that was left was it’s transformation from deadly domicile to a fitting dwelling for me.

Kyle and Tess remained detained in the dungeon there; I know they were the ones that kidnapped Maria. I have every intention of making them pay dearly with their lives.

When the day came for Zan and I to interrogate them, I sensed something just wasn’t right as we reached the house. Being a Cylix though, I was taught to expect the unexpected.

“Zan be on your guard, I feel my father’s presence,” I tell him as we make our way to the dungeon.

As Zan and I rush to the cell that Kyle and Tess occupied, I peer quickly into the cell. Just as I suspected there’s evidence that my father was there.

“Damn, I knew it!” I shriek as I witness Kyle and Tess’ mutilated corpses.

“Your father did this, why?” Zan asks as he looks at the bloody remains.

I step away from the cell and closer to Zan as I tell him that’s on my mind.
“I’m surprised at you Zan. I figured you would know that vital information is never divulged to the enemy. My father just eliminated what he believed were weak links.”

I’m surprised Zan doesn’t reply with a smart-ass answer. He just looks down at me then heads upstairs as I follow close behind.

After a couple of hours, Zan and I make arrangements to leave the house. It is now that he decides to comment on the statement I made earlier. He grabs me and draws me close to him.

“Make no mistake doll, I understand everything pertaining to war.
I was curious to find out if we were on the same page.”

Stepping quickly into my personal space, Zan whispers seductivelyl in my ear.
“There’s more to me than just combat baby, much more. I wish you would let me show you all that I have to offer. I swear you’d never regret it!”

Zan continued pleading his case as I compared him to Max in my mind. His voice was velvety smooth and sensual, and for a moment I felt as if I was with Max.

I shut my eyes as I let this voice transport me back to the last time naughty things were whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes and gazed into golden orbs that seemed so familiar yet so different. The eyes before me showed signs of adversity and sorrow.

Next I gazed at his lips. They were full and sensual but there were faint lines around them from Panatelas he smoked sporadically.

It was then that I emerged from my fog in time to realize it wasn’t Max at all and catch Zan leaning down to kiss me.

I pushed against his firm muscular chest in an effort to separate myself from him and the situation.
“No, stop it!” We’ve got to keep our wits about us, my father could appear to us at anytime.

Those words I said to Zan were also meant for me. I’ve been away from Max too long and I’m missing him more than ever. I’ve got to keep my mind and emotions together until I can get back to Antar. In typical Zan style, he walked off clearly very annoyed at me. I'm sure he's wondering how I'm able to resist him.

Two days after the meeting, my followers and the nobles voted unanimously for me to represent Zyrinia at the peace summit with the stipulation that Grandma accompanies me. Michael and I are currently making arrangements to go back to Antar with Maria and Zan. Grandma will stay behind and finalize our plans before we head to the summit.


Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:09 am
by Roslover39
<center> MAX </center>

I’ve been away from Max too long and I’m missing him more than ever. I’ve got to keep it together until I can get back to Antar .
Elizabeth Parker Cylix

On Antar:

With one fell swoop, I plant her on the bed. I pull my pants down, wadding my shoes in a ball with my pants and boxers. I kick them to the side and make my way onto the bed.

My mouth starts to water as I ready myself to enter her garden of ecstasy. I kiss her passionately as I align myself against her threshold.

“Oh God yes,” she moans as I enter.

“Oh,” I mutter roughly as I proceed to give her everything I have.

I lick my lips as she groans and adjusts her hips, taking me deeper into her. My muscles strain as I bury myself inside her as far as I can go.

I want her so bad that my movements are jerky at first, but soon I find my rhythm. She curls her legs around my hips; meeting me stroke for stroke.

“Oh Max, “ she whispers breathlessly from the intense sensations she’s feeling.

I hiss blissfully to her as I focus on the action of our joined bodies.

In a fit of passion, she grabs my ass firmly, causing me to become harder than steel.

“Max,’’ she cries as she writhes under me, her head twisting back and forth on the pillow.

Oh, now I'm there and I really need to cum, but there’s no way I’m going over before she does. I brace myself on one arm as I brush my thumb over her pleasure button.

She pants as I stroke, swirling around over and over.

“Cum for me baby,” I plead in her ear as I feel myself slowly losing control.

“Oh yes.” She screams as she erupts in a white-hot explosion around me.

Finally, the longest, strongest release she’s ever experienced pulsates through her body, as I follow her lead to Nirvana.

“Ohhhh,” I shout as indescribable pleasure courses through my body.


I find myself roused forcefully from sleep by the aftermath of an erotic dream. Beads of sweat line my forehead as I sit up and realize everything I felt wasn’t real but my body responded as if it was.

Just the thought of Liz made my body pulse with such force.
My eyes flew open the moment my sexual tensions were released.

“Damn”, I mumble to myself while forcing the sheets from my body.
Shaking my head in disbelief, I rise out of bed and pad to my bathroom for a shower. Sadly, my routine begins again and I ready myself for another day.

I’ve been having this dream since Liz left for Zyrinia, but lately it’s become much more intense. It's bloody torture viewing her so beautiful and bare and yet being unable to touch or feel her.

After my shower, a servant informs me that breakfast is served. Instead of heading for the dinning hall, I order it be brought to my suite.

After eating and dressing, I try pushing the erotic thoughts that plagued me earlier from my mind and focus on the business of state.

As I enter my office at the palace, my Secretary of State informs me that the Battle Cruiser Capricornus has been acquired for the peace negotiations. After receiving that bit of news, I breeze through my schedule feeling a little closer to a life with Liz.


After dinner with Mother, Izzie, Alex, and the Valenti’s, I head to the library for a stiff drink and to be alone. I pour myself that drink and slink into my favorite leather chair.

While laying back and willing my mind to clear of the day’s duties I take a sip. I feel the warm liquid seep slowly through my body as another vivid vision of Liz starts to invade my consciousness.

I take another sip of my drink in hopes that it will slow down and eventually stop the visions, but it doesn’t. Oh no, the erotic thoughts don’t stop but intensify. My body responds by throbbing with almost the exact intensity it did this morning.


The sound of breaking glass is heard as Alex passes by. He peeks into the library inquiring, “Hey everything ok?”

I look up quickly, “Oh Alex, please come in.” I run my fingers through my hair in frustration.

A servant rushes in to clean the mess I made while Alex walks into the library. He takes a seat and waits until the servant leaves before addressing me.

“Forgive me if I’m overstepping my bounds. Now I know we haven’t had much interaction with each other but it seems something is really bothering you. I’ve been told I’m a great listener.”

I make an effort to compose myself before speaking.
“Sorry Alex, the affairs of state as well as other things always seemed to take priority over our getting to know each other.”

I can't fool Alex, he knows exactly what's wrong with me.
“It’s Liz isn’t it?”

I look Alex in the eyes and admit,“ Yes, I miss her so much more than you can imagine.”
I'm feeling as if a burden has been lifted from my shoulders with that admission.

“So do I,” Alex replies.

Alex lets out a chuckle and in an effort to lift my spirits, he shares a childhood memory with me.

“ Every time Liz and I played with the neighborhood kids on Earth, she’d come home just as dirty as I did.

Without fail my aunt, her mother always glared at Liz and asked what am I going to do with you young lady ?

As always, Liz would peer up at her mother with shrugged shoulders and using those big eyes of hers.

Her mother would tap Liz lightly on the bottom while ordering her to take her bath before dinner.

It was the cutest thing I ever saw. Then Auntie would shake her head at me while gesturing for me to go home and do the same.”

Alex’s recollection brings a bright smile to my face.
“What I wouldn’t give to see Liz in action as a child.”

“She was really something Max. I mean she practically pulverized a guy who dared to pick on me on the school playground. Can you imagine little Liz standing up to a bully almost twice her size? And that was before she was aware of Zyrinia or the powers she had.”

The conversation continues as a servant enters the room. Alex and I are laughing as the servant leans down to whisper in my ear. I rise instantly and nod to the servant as he leaves the room. Regrettably I turn to Alex and make my apology.

“I’m sorry Alex, but duty calls. I’d like to continue this conversation at a later date.”

“Of course Max, we’ll speak again.” Alex rises to face me.
I gesture for Alex to remain there and make himself comfortable. Then I turn and leave his presence in an easygoing and relaxed mood.

Talking with Alex about Liz was just what I needed today. Somehow, it made me feel closer to her.

I return to my office as my Secretary of State makes final preparations for the peace summit. I remind her that a starship escort will be essential to ensure the safety of all who will be aboard the battlecruiser for the negotiations.

As soon as the stateroom designations are made, I make sure that Liz has the best room available and that her room will be next to mine.

After receiving word that Claudia Cylix will be accompanying her, I make sure they have separate accomidations. I intend for Liz and I to spend every night of the negotiations together away from prying eyes.

I can’t wait to be with her again, to gaze into her eyes, to feel her in my arms.

Yes, I know that intergalactic peace is the most important reason for the peace negotiations but I have to admit that my reasons are personal and very selfish.

I’m doing all this for one reason; because I want to live openly and share my life with the woman I love.


<center>Maria POV sneak peek</center>

Liz didn’t want to utter the word VAMPIRE in my presence, but hell I’m not stupid. I’ve seen enough vampire movies to get what was going on.

I refused to believe that vampires really existed and it’s blowing my mind to know that they really do. But what really messes me up is the fact that the people I find myself surrounded by were never human to begin with (Liz was born half human).

I mean these people walk around in daylight, they eat, they sleep, they have sex and even reproduce.

scary thought!

This truth…. my new knowledge of alien vampires beats the hell out of anything Bram Stoker could have thought up!

If I ever make it back to Earth and intend to keep clear of the loony bin, I'll have to keep all of this secret until death…. if in fact vampires die.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:04 pm
by Roslover39
Author’s Notes:
Discipline~ the mystical blood powers of vampires. (Blood Magic)


I love Maria but dying might be better than being embraced. I’ve witnessed the horror that ensues from the transformation. So many terrible things have happened to her because she knows me. She didn’t ask for any of this to happen to her, is it fair for her to suffer the consequences ?”
Elizabeth Parker Cylix

I was a small town girl from Earth who now inhabits an alien body as I try piecing together who and where I am:

Liz: my best friend in the world…. or so I thought. All the time I was living with a stranger. I was living with a dangerous stranger and now my life is altered. Yes, she rescued me, but my life became her responsibility when she withheld her true identity back on Earth. The realization that I’m forever changed because I know her is too much to wrap my mind around. No longer human, what does life hold for me? Do I really want to live this way?

Michael: I have this guy hovering over me; watching my every move. Liz tells me he saved my life, but I’m wondering if it would have been better if he let me die. It’s so strange but I must admit I feel some sort of strong attraction to him. He’s not human…. but now neither am I. I was told that we’re joined in body by blood. Now what the hell does that mean?


At Claudia’s:

While Liz and Claudia are meeting with her supporters and the nobility at what used to be Kivar’s lair, Michael and Zan are at Claudia’s looking after me. Since becoming embraced, I’ve been slipping in and out of consciousness.

Today I wake from my hazy existence and notice Michael asleep in the chair by my bed. I feel the urge to reach out and touch his hand, so I do. By doing that I scare him out of his visibly uncomfortable slumber. He jolts out of sleep; his sudden movements unnerve me enough to make me flinch a bit.

TodayI’m feeling the most clear-headed since I’ve been sentenced to life in vampire hell. Up until now I thanked God for unconsciousness, at least then I existed in some comfort. At one time I was throwing up so that Michael placed a bucket by my bed after the time I missed the toilet.
Peer down at my hands once again I notice the silvery metallic sheen illuminating them as I mourn the death of my humanity.

Michael moves slowly like he’s scared he’ll startle me again. I can see the effort to explain everything the best way he knows how showing on his face as he grimaces. I let him gather himself before my interrogation begins.

“Where am I and who are you,” I ask.

“My name is Michael, I’m a…. friend of Liz’s. We’re at her grandmother’s house.”

Not wanting to explain too much too soon, he tries to change the subject.

“So how are you feeling?”

“Oh no you don’t,” I exclaim while shooting him a stern look. “It’s time to cut to the chase. Look, just tell me what the hell is going on. I’m hungry but not for food, I taste blood in my mouth and somehow I know it’s not mine.”

Just as I figure Michael is about to come clean, Liz rushes into the room. She and Claudia just returned from the big let’s get Liz reinstated as a citizen meeting. She smiles brightly and jumps on the bed attempting to give me a big hug.

“I was so worried about you. It’s great to see you awake and looking well.”

Appalled by what she just said, I push Liz away from me in a fit of anger mixed with frustration.

“Tell me Liz, do I really look well to you? The last time I felt completely myself, I’m sure my skin and hair didn’t shimmer like toxic waste.

I was right in the middle of getting your friend here to clue me in on what’s going on but it’s just as well that you do the honors.”

Liz glances in Michael’s direction but instead of beginning the difficult task of explaining everything to me, she attempts to hustle Michael out of the room with the quickness.

Makes me no difference if he’s here or not, but I am wondering why she doesn’t want him here.

“Maria, I’m gonna tell you everything but I need Michael to leave so we can discuss things in private.”

Clearly Michael isn’t having this, and protests strongly to Liz trying to exclude him from the conversation.
“Oh no you don’t Liz, I’m just as involved, NO I’m more involved in this than you are. I have every right to be here!”

That’s it; they’ve done it. Now I must show them that I’m not playing with them and I want answers!
“Listen, someone is gonna tell me what the fuck is going on and I don’t care who!”

I’m getting madder by the minute as Liz and Michael stare at each other like they’ve been struck dumb. Lucky for me Claudia comes in and sits bedside me on the bed. Her soothing voice and world-weary yet still beautiful face calms me.

“Maria, I’m Claudia. I came in here because there are some things that you need to know and Liz and Michael seem confused at this point.

It’s time they got around to telling you everything you need to know and I’m here to make sure they do.”

Liz and Michael’s faces seem as if they’ve hit the floor at Claudia’s audacity to butt in. Hell, someone had to kick start their asses in gear and Claudia seems to be the one to do just that. I'm glad she came in.

“Yes, Claudia I want to know everything. How long have I been here, where am I, what does the future hold for me?”

I’m trying to be brave but my entire being is full of dread as I prepare to receive the answers I seek.

Before I could get one word out of Claudia, Liz politely tries telling her she has no right to butt in.

“Excuse me Grandma, but this is my and Michael’s concern. You should let us explain things to Maria the best way we know how.”

Ah, Claudia is not having that, and wastes no time setting her and Michael straight.
“Liz, your friend needs to know the whole truth and not some sugar coated version that you and Michael concocted.”

Liz nods in agreement to what Claudia say. She rises to her feet and attempts to get as close to me as she thinks I’ll get her get.

“It’s like this Maria, you were kidnapped from Earth by two of my father’s flunkies
in an effort to lure me back here. After finding out where you were, Michael and I came right away to rescue you.

Just as Michael was about to get you out of the cell you were in, my father used his powers to capture and impale you. By the time I got you out of his clutches, you were near death.

I transported you here and my grandmother told Michael and I that the only way you could survive so much blood loss was through the process of being embraced.”

“Embraced, what does that mean Liz,” I ask terrified of the answer I’ll hear.

“Michael saved your life by sharing his blood with you. He let it run down your throat from a gash he made in his wrist. That’s why you have a newly acquired taste for blood, his blood.”

I must admit that the thought of someone else’s blood being forced down my throat was enough to make me wanna puke again. For a moment I placed my right hand over my mouth to stop the gag reflex.

After that, Liz stopped speaking and peered at me. I guess it was her way of allowing me to grasp everything she said. I knew that wasn’t all she had to say and I wanted answers to everything.

“So how does all that affect my life?” I prepare myself for the gory details.

Liz didn’t want to utter the word VAMPIRE in my presence, but hell I’m not stupid. I’ve seen enough vampire movies to know what was going on. I never thought that vampires really existed and it’s blowing my mind to know that they do. But what really messes me up is the fact that these people were never human to begin with (Liz was born half human) I mean these people walk around in daylight, they eat, and they sleep. They have sex, procreate and everything. This truth that I have about alien vampires beats the hell out of anything Bram Stoker could have thought up! If I ever make it back to Earth and want to stay clear of the loony bin, I’d have to keep all of this secret.

Liz takes a deep breath and tries to explain the vampire way of life.

We are a complex and very organized race of life forms. We have clans, mine is Assamite and Michael’s is Brujah. Because he embraced you, Brujah is your clan as well, but you won’t have to worry about that. Michael and I are gonna take care of you as you go through your transition.”

“Transition, what transition," I ask.

Liz continues,
“Maria, all clans have specific disciplines~ blood magic powers that are inherited when you are born or embraced into this life. We won’t know which specific powers you will possess until the transition is complete.”

“How will I know when the transition is complete?” I ask wishing that this whole experience was but a terrible nightmare.

“You’ll be able to communicate with Michael without looking at him or saying a word, you’ll feel a power surging through you that’s more powerful than the most pleasurable feeling you’ve ever experienced.

After the transitional period, participating in blood rituals will leave you highly aroused.”

Liz runs her fingers through her hair as she searches for my reaction to what she said.

Everything I’ve heard is just too weird and bazaar for me to comprehend. frantically I turn from Liz to Michael shouting,
“My God, why didn’t you just let me die?”

Michael gazes at me with eyes full of compassion as he explains why he did what he did.

“All I can say is this, from the moment I looked into your emerald eyes, I was drawn to you. I felt a connection so strong but I had no idea that it would lead to embracing you that day.

When Claudia told Liz that you were slipping away and that if you weren’t embraced you would die, I felt that you were slipping away from me personally.

I couldn’t allow that to happen. Maria, I did what I felt I had to do, I just hope you won’t hate me the rest of your life and mine for it.”

Now I’ve got an excruciating headache and I need to be alone and I ask for everyone to leave the room. After rubbing my temples for a minute my head stops throbbing, Zan struts past my room.

I call him into the room. He and Claudia are the only ones that have managed not to annoy me even though I would hear him and Michael shouting at each other when I was lucid enough to make out what was going on.

“Welcome back to the world doll!” Zan is leaning into the doorframe seductively.

“Thanks, I think,” I reply trying to be nice. No need to bark at him, he did nothing to me.

I vaguely remember him in the dungeon on the day of my rescue.

“Why are you here,” I ask just to be nosy.

“I was summoned to help find you. I know I’m gonna regret saying this because I overheard the big pow wow in here but I must tell you that Liz was frantic to find you.

I can tell she loves you because she put her life in jeopardy to find you. Look sweets, I know that life can be real fucked up.

If your life weren't spiraling out of control, I’d tell you a real sob story.

Life gave you lemons; Liz and what’s his name are trying to help you make lemonade.

I know you’re mad as hell and I get you, but having people who care is so important. I’ve said what I wanted to you, now I need you to do me a favor.”

“Sure, name it.” I’m anxious to find out what he would want me to do. I have to admit that his sex vibes are strong, but clearly he’s not my type.

“Don’t tell anyone about our conversation, I got a rep to protect.” He winks at me with a sly smirk.

I nod to let him know his possession of a soft side is our little secret. I grin at the thought of him driving biker babes crazy back on Earth.

I venture out to what looks like a living room for the first time since I was brought there. The first thing I notice is Liz and Claudia huddled like they’re making plans.
I decide to break the ice with a straightforward question.

“Ok It’s obvious that we’re not on Earth, that Shirley Temple looking bitch that kidnapped me took great pleasure in making me aware of that fact. So, where are we?”

My presence startles them but then my question is answered.
“We’re on a planet called Zyrinia. It’s millions of light years away from Earth, in the Andromeda galaxy.”

“What's going on, you two look very busy.” Claudia is the first to speak. I take it Liz is being when and when not to speak to me.

“ Maria I know you’ve been through a lot and I’m sure the last thing you want to do is meet new people, but Liz has an important meeting to attend in a few days. She wants to keep you safe so we’re gonna take you to King Maximus until she’s able to come for you and take you back to Earth should you choose to return.”

Liz and Claudia tell me about the upcoming Peace Summit, the bloody rivalry that has existed between Antar and Zyrnia and her and Max's desire to be together.

I got back to me room to sit on the bed and think of everything I've heard today. It was amazing that I could take it all in without going stark raving mad. I think it's safe to say that I'm in a situation that cedar oil won't cure.

Well I’m on my way to another planet and I'm terrified. Lord only knows what fate has in store for me next!

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:24 am
by Roslover39

Damn, I knew it!” I shriek as I witness Kyle and Tess’ mutilated corpses.

“Your father did this, why?” Zan asks as he looks at the bloody remains.

On Zyrinia:

On the way back to the house, Liz was deep in thought trying to figure out how to
tell Michael about Kyle’s brutal murder at the hands of Kivar. Of course she knew that he was the proverbial soldier who has seen and done it all but, she’s not preparing to talk about an anonymous casualty.

Not wanting her task to turn into an all out testosterone brawl because of something said offhand, Liz persuaded Zan to make himself scarce while speaking to Michael. Once at the house, Liz found Michael stationed at Maria’s side as she slept. She gestured him out into another room so the conversation wouldn’t wake her.

“Michael, I have something to tell you about your brother and what happened at the house.”

“What is there to tell? You took him out and got revenge for Maria. Ok, I knew all along you intended to kill him. That is what you were gonna tell me right?

Yes, It was my intention to kill him, but my father got to him first.”
Liz noticed a look of surprise on Michael’s face for a second, and then it was back to soldier mode as usual.
“Never figured he’d do that but it makes sense. He didn’t want any information about his possible whereabouts disclosed. That’s a condition of war.”

As she suspected, Michael showed no emotion. Then she made the mistake of bringing up Zan.

“Even big strapping mercenary Zan was as surprised as I was…”

A menacing scowl appears on Michael’s face at the mere mention of Zan’s name.
“Zan, Is that idiot behaving himself?”

Hoping to avoid a potential confrontation, I lie while nodding yes. Just as I manage to get out a subtle sigh of relief, Zan enters the room. His eyes are blazing with white-hot aggression as he heads straight for Michael. It seems as if Zan had been laying in wait for just the opportunity to get at him.
“And what if I’m not? Who the hell are you, Liz’s mother?”

The scowl on Michael’s face evolves into a malicious smile.
“I’m the man that’s gonna kick your ass, that’s who I am.”

By this time, Zan and Michael are toe to toe.
“Bring it on bitch!” Zan is so ready for a fight that a smirk appears on his face as he dares Michael to throw the first punch by lightly tapping his own chin.

With lightning speed Michael pushes Zan, causing him to hit the floor. He gets up and lands a blow to Michael’s chin. The blow knocks Michael on the couch. Zan goes down to grab him by the throat and commences to choke the life out of him.

“SHIT!” Fearing the worst possible outcome, Liz waves her hands forcing Michael and Zan to opposite sides of the room unable to speak or move as their bodies hit a part of the wall hard. They will remain plastered to that wall until Liz sees fit to release them.

“Guys, If you’re gonna kill each other, do it somewhere else. I’m not about to clean blood off of grandma’s floor.” Liz swaggers away leaving them alone in the room.

Minutes later, Claudia finds Michael and Zan the way Liz left them. She knows instinctively what led to their present state. She walks up to both of them marveling at two brawny man who were stopped in their tracks by her little Lizzie.

She walks around the room shaking her head while shaking her finger in both their faces. “ I warned you two to stop it, didn’t I?”
She peers at them one last time and leaves the room laughing.

After a long while Liz releases Michael and Zan from the spell, then she admonishes that she can do far worst to them if provoked further. They get the message and calm is restored for the moment.

Finally alone to think in peace, Liz reflects on her hazel-eyed Adonis.
“ I just can not wait to get back to Antar. I need a mental vacation away from this madness and Max is the cure for what ails me.”


With all the arrangements made to return to Antar, all that was left to do was communicate with Max in a dream. Liz spent enough time with Max to know just when he’d be asleep. She waited for just the right time and entered his mind carefully.

“My king!”

“Liz, Is that really you?”

“Yes, it’s me alright. I’m so glad I was able to do this without Isabel’s assistance. I need to spend time with you alone even if it’s just in the dream state.”

Liz arranges for a room that looks just like Max’s bedroom on Earth to appear. She walks into it as thoughts of their lustful first night together take over.
“Come on in Max, I promise you’ll be fine. I need to be close to you, to touch you.”

Max makes his way into the room and the memories start flooding back to him. After a few tentative minutes of disbelief, he rushes over to Liz. He enfolds her in a warm embrace.

“Liz I’ve missed you so much, are you alright?”

“Yes, but I’ll be better once I make it back to you. That’s why I’m here, to tell you that Michael and I would be back on Antar with Maria and the man that helped me find her tomorrow evening.”

“I’ll arrange for everyone to be in the Solarium for your return. So you found Maria, that’s great. A mystery man eh, I’ll make special arrangements for him since he was instrumental in finding Maria. What about your father?”

Liz places a finger over Max’s full lips then gazes into his eyes.
“I’ll tell you all about that after you’ve made love to me countless times. Let’s just enjoy the time we have together right now because it won’t last.”

Max nods and strokes the side of Liz’s face.
“I love you so much Liz. How much you’ll never know.”

“Can’t be as much as I love you though,” Liz sweeps a few strands of hair across Max’s forehead.

“Well there’s only one way to find that out,” Max replies.
“I remember hearing this archaic Earth song once that stated that the love a person has for another can be felt in their kiss. Care to test that theory?”

“I thought you’d never ask. I’ve dreamt of your kisses, Max.”

Max tilts Liz’s head up as he lowers his.

Just as their lips touch as softly as a feather on the wind, the dream state releases both of them back gently to their respective realities. Both lovers awaken touching their lips in longing for the kiss that wasn’t to be at that time.


It’s been a month since Maria was embraced; slowly but surely she’s coming to terms with her new life. Liz is trying to do all she can to help but she’s finding herself bumping heads with Michael when she’s not the victim of Maria’s frequent bursts of temper.

Damn it Liz, what do you want me to do? Should I thank you for saving my life, should I tell you that you did the right thing by letting Michael turn me into a freak? My humanity and my dreams left me the day he embraced me. So please excuse me if I’m not taking my new existence the way you hoped I would.

It’s their last night on Zyrinia and Liz is resting on a couch when out of the blue Zan gets down on his knees and slinks his way around to kiss her. Liking the sensations she’s feeling, Liz goes with it kissing him back until she opens her eyes. She finds herself gazing at Zan.

Shocked Liz raises her hand to strike him but her hand never makes contact with his face.
Zan catches her hand and exclaims,
" Stop fighting me, you want it and we both know it!”

If that’s so, how come you’re constantly sneaking around like a rat?”
Liz poses with eyes filled with anger as she snatches her hand away.

“A rat, I don’t know what the hell that is. What I do know is that you can’t
admit your feelings, but that’s ok. I’ll take whatever I can get doll.” Zan’s eyes sparkle lustfully.

“Damn it, you’re an arrogant bastard!” Liz shouts furiously before heading to her room.

“Fuck yeah, and I can back it all up baby!” Zan hollers back smirking as he watches her storm out of his presence.

She slams the door and leans against it in an effort to take in what happened while catching her breath. It takes her a while to collect her thoughts and that bothers her. She hates that Zan’s kiss caused butterflies in her stomach.
She hates to think that she’s cheating on Max mentally every time she allows Zan to affect her the way he does.

Zan’s kiss is different than Max’s, it’s more urgent, more desperate.
But why am I thinking of his kiss? Why am I letting him torture me the way he does? I want Max but at the same time Zan is appealing to me more than I’d ever admit to anyone. What is it, chemical or could it be much more?

While Liz is pondering what just happened, so is Zan.

For a female so tiny she’s got willpower out of this world. It’s never been this hard for me to have my way with any bitch but Liz is different. Am I losing my touch? Oh hell
no, maybe she does love this dude she’s trying to get back to before the peace summit.

Whoever this bastard is, he must of put it on her real good. But it won’t matter once I get my chance. All I need is the right time and place to work my magic. I know she wants me, her eyes tell me that and I can wait for her to come around. Shit it doesn’t matter where I get it here or on Antar, but I will get it. I will have Liz!


On Antar:

Isabel is in her suite doing what she’s been doing a lot of lately, thinking about
Alex. She’s frustrated because their intimate contact never makes it past a passionate kiss or warm embrace and she’s ready to take things to the next level.

I’ve tried everything short of shouting I WANT SEX! to get him to take things into his own hands but to no avail, Alex is such a gentleman. He always seems to break away just as things seem to be heating up.

Maybe I’m just fooling myself; maybe he doesn’t feel the same way I do. Maybe he just doesn’t want me. I never thought I could feel this way about a man; the daydreams, dreams and just being in his presence is making me crazy.

I’ve never considered approaching a man before but I have to know how he feels and the sooner the better!

Unbeknownst to Isabel, Alex is just as frustrated as she is.

Yes I want Isabel, but I dare not do anything to offend her. She’s a princess for God’s sake, how do I approach a princess for sex? If I want to put the moves on her, whom do I ask for advice, Max?

I’m sure he’d be thrilled to know I want to have my way with his sister. I’m surprised he hasn’t interrogated me since I’ve been here and spending so much time with Isabel but I suspect Liz has something to do with that.

He probably trusts me because I’m Liz’s cousin. Is he wrong to do that? I’m so screwed, I want her so bad it takes everything within me to keep from ripping her clothes off but I guess I’m doomed to want her.

She possess such a regal presence that I’m sure any advances I would make would shock her. But then again it’s much more than sex, I’m falling in love with her.

I don’t belong here so how do I declare my feelings; is there some kind of protocol for that? I hate to think that Max and the queen already have someone picked for Isabel to marry and they’re just being polite to me because of Liz.

How do I know that she won’t be engaged as soon as I leave here…if I ever make it back to Earth. Oh my God what could be worst, leaving here and never seeing her again or staying and watching her marry another man?


The queen socializes with Jim Valenti in her suite before the big welcome back celebration later that evening.

“So Jim, where is your beautiful wife?”

“ I convinced her to take a nap before dinner,” Jim replies. Amy tires so easily these days.”

“All is well,” she asks very concerned.

“My lady, Amy is in the best of health. In fact she’s so healthy that she’s carrying our first child.”
Jim grins from ear to ear as the queen rises to give him a huge hug.

“That’s wonderful news, I couldn’t be happier for you. There’s nothing more joyous than the arrival of a new life.”

The queen takes a seat beside Jim as she asks, “do you know what you’re having?”

“No but we’re hoping for a boy,” Jim replies as he beams with pride.

The queen nods as her mind wanders off to her children’s births.

Later that evening:
Activity is going on in the solarium as all gathered wait for Liz and Michael’s return to Antar. It’s the time of day where Antarians enjoy a light repast.

Servants have placed a tray of what looks like hors d’oeuvres on a cherry wood table. The queen is talking with Jim and Amy while Max, Isabel and Alex are nibbling on the light snack when a bright light enters the room. The light dissipates to reveal four figures.