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Little Katie Whitman And The Big Question(Teen,1/1,9/18/06)

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:31 am
by killjoy
Title-Little Katie Whitman And The Big Question


Disclaimer-Own nothing from Roswell.Katie is the only thing I came up with and trust me she makes me no money.

A/N-A little more to the story Little Katie Whitman And The School Bully.Hope you like it.

Katie loved family get together's like the one that was going on at her house right this moment. Mommy said it was so much easier to be a family now that everyone important was in on the big secret.

Whatever that meant!

But like she said family get together's were fun. Everyone was loud,lots of good tasting food got cooked.Not to mention that someone would always slip her some extra candy when her mommy wasn't looking.

But none of that was important right now. Katie was on the hunt for her daddy.For she had a question and mommy always said Daddy was the smart one.So she would ask him her question.

And finally Katie found him .Sitting next to mommy at the table the two of them surrounded by everyone in her family .Auntie Liz and Uncle Max,Auntie Maria and Uncle Michael and last but not least Auntie Tess and Uncle Kyle.

Having her mothers straight forwardness and not being one to beat around the bush,Katie went to get her question answered.

"Daddy?" Katie tugged on Alex's shirt.

"Yeah sweetie?" Alex smiled down at his daughter and than took a swig of his orange soda.

"Daddy where do babies come from?"

It was a contest between Max and Michael to see who could spit their Snapple the farthest across the table.Poor Alex on the other hand started chocking on his soda .Lucky for him Maria reached over and patted him hard on the back a few times.

"Thank you." Alex gasped out still half bent over nodding toward Maria.

"You're very much welcomed girlfriend." Maria smiled.

Turning back to look at his daughter Alex said hesitantly.

"What was it you asked Daddy,sweetie?"

"I asked where do babies come from?" Katie repeated her question.

"Oh boy that's what I thought you said." Alex sighed nervously.

"Hey munchkin?" Kyle called Katie and smiled when she looked his way "Your old Uncle Kyle here will tell you where rug rats come from"

Kyle took a deep breath and than winked at Katie "They hatch out of pods."

"KYLE!!" everyone in the room but Katie shouted at Kyle.Tess reached over and cuffed her husband on the back of the head.

Turning to look at his wife Alex shot Isabel a please help me look "Uhhh sweetie,pumpkin would you like to handle this?"

Please oh god would you please?!

But Isabel's eyes were a glow with laugher as she only shook her head negative.

"Sorry hon I would but oh gosh darn it she came to you first." Everyone at the table could see that Isabel was barley holding in her laughter.

"Well Daddy where do babies come from?" Katie asked for a third time not understanding why everyone at the table was looking so funny "I wanted to know because Sally Jenkins has a new baby brother.And she said her mommy told her they got him out of cabbage patch and he grew there?"

"See what did I tell you sweet pea?" Kyle nodded at Katie "You got to grow 'em in pods."

Tess reached over and clamped her hand over Kyle's mouth.

"Babies don't really grow in gardens do they daddy?"

But before Alex could think of a good response for his daughter's question Max came to his rescue.

"Hey you know what?" smiled Max "When I checked the fridge a second ago I think I saw a big box of strawberry ice cream in the freezer.Is there anyone here who might want some strawberry ice cream if I go get it?"

"Ohhh ohhh ME ME!" Katie jumped up and down her question now completely forgotten.

Alex quickly jumped to his feet "Well in that case lets us go get some ice cream than!"

"Alex!" Isabel sighed "We're about to eat dinner.The last thing she needs right now is ice cream!"

"Hey if my daughter wants some ice cream,than by god she can have some ice cream." Alex said firmly than bent down and swooped Katie up into his arms and made his way toward the kitchen.

Plus it keeps me from answering that question again until she's thirty!