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Nightmares (AU,Teen,10/2/06)COMPLETE

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:43 pm
by killjoy


Disclaimer-Own nothing of Roswell and make no money.

Summary- A few of the Roswell gang have some bad dreams.

Author's Note-This started as something I was going to put over on the 'Things Roswell Characters Would Never Say' thread.But it got a little long.Not to mention I sent it over to KarenEvans to check out and she demanded that I put it out here as a story.As everyone knows I'm a Lamptrimmer fan so I put Kyle in here.But Karen thinks I should do one of for all four couples.If you like this and think I should please let me know.

PS-This will be short.Kind of a gag thing.Oh and thanks to Karen for beta,checking and listening to all the stuff I send her. :D

Chapter One

Kyle opened the door to his bedroom and was just about to step into the room when the sight he behold made him stop almost in mid step.

"Well hello there." came the voice from his bedroom.

Paused in the doorway Kyle's jaw was suddenly on the floor. For sprawled across his bed,wearing what look liked almost nothing was......

"Guerin what the hell are you doing in my bed!"

"Waiting for you handsome." Michael winked from where he was currently stretched out over the bed.He than started running his hand up and down the bathrobe that he was currently... and what looked like ONLY thing...wearing "I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your bathrobe."

"Bath...robe...wai...waiti...waiting...for me?" Kyle squeaked out.

"Yep" Michael smiled as he rose up from the bed while starting to unfasten the strap that went around the bathrobe "I got thinking the other day and came to a conclusion."

"a...con...conclusion?" Kyle squeaked again.

"Oh yes." nodded Michael "I got to thinking and I decided why should I waste my time trying to figure out who I should be with? Maria my earthbound love? Or Isabel my destiny and my past?"

"Why should I even bother with the two of them? Especially when I could have a young hot stud like you." And with that Michael finished removing the robe's belt and with both hands quickly threw back the bathrobe.......

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Kyle rose up to a seated postion on his bed,sweat pouring down his face.

"Kyle sweetheart are you alright?" a warm comforting hand started rubbing up and down his back.

Gasping for air Kyle turned in the bed to find Tess,her eyes open and wide with worry and concern as she rubbed his back.

"Gees sorry hon." an embarrassed Kyle muttered to his girlfriend "Just having a nightmare is all."

"Oh ok." Tess continued to rub comforting patterns on Kyle's back "It must have been a bad one.What with the way you were tossing around and yelling like that?"

"You have no idea." Kyle shook his head.He than smiled and bent his head over so he could plant a kiss on the top of Tess's head "I'm sorry I woke you hon."

"It's ok." Tess sleepily mumbled out as she once again curled up into Kyle's side and went to sleep with her head laying on his chest.

As his girlfriend slept Kyle could only look up at the rooms darkened ceiling while thinking....

Dear God that is the LAST time I eat a whole pineapple and anchovie pizza right before I go to bed!