Forgotten: 3/3 (10/5 Adult) [complete]

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Forgotten: 3/3 (10/5 Adult) [complete]

Post by Behrystrwbry »

Title: Forgotten or night forgotten (revised)
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Max or Liz they are the creation of Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, & owned by 20th century Fox.
Author’s Note: This is a repost of a story from about a year ago. It was a bit longer then. But I’ve gone back and revised it to get at the crux of what I intended from the beginning. It was bugging me so I fixed it.
Summary: What else happened between Max and Liz the summer between season 2 or 3?

Only 3 parts all of which are written so no wait. :D


The soft rays of the television cast their luminance about foyer of the living room, a stark contrast to the rest of the room, bathed in darkness. Max came to the gradual realization that he had been sitting there for the last hour simply watching as the measured rays slowly shadowed and crested, sculpting the delicate features of her face. It was one of his favorite pastimes, studying Liz, on even the most relaxed occasions. In that quiet time of evening he felt closest to her, closer than any other moment of forced intimacy their somewhat estranged relationship might provide.

This had become their nightly ritual; watching television cuddled underneath a blanket on the couch at either of their houses. After Tess' departure, and Alex's death at her hand Max and Liz had been inching their way back together. Hurt feelings on both parts made relations between them strained at best. Corny jokes and awkward silence filled the time they did spend together.

Liz suggested Max join her in watching one of her favorite television shows, simply to break the ice. Since then it became a common practice initially with them meeting only on the weekends as they were still in classes. Now that they were on break for summer, they found themselves together nearly every night. This particular Wednesday Max and Liz were at his house. Watching TV was a common activity and Max relished this time with her because it helped them maintain the same level of normalcy most couples had. The angst-filled problems that plagued them during the day rarely bothered them here.

"...I think he still loves her," Max cautioned as the program broke for commercial. "He just has some issues of his own he needs to work through and can't really be concerned with her feelings right now." This was also part of the ritual - comments and questions on the show of choice.

Their discussions usually remained relatively neutral, almost as if there was an unspoken agreement not to disturb the peace. However, the slightly annoyed puff of air she expelled demonstrated that perhaps this conversation would be different.

Her eyes once expectant now turned back to the screen with seeming rapt attention "I think the whole thing is crap," Liz said, without so much as glance in his direction.

"What, the fact that he loves her?"

"No, the whole 'I love you, but...' idea. Why must it be I love you, but something?" The scant light from the tube prevented Max from truly seeing her but the steely edge of Liz's voice spoke volumes. "True love is unconditional; there shouldn't be all this extra baggage involved."

"Sometimes that's just the way it is, the circumstances can't be helped. And personally I agree with him." Max assumed that wasn't the response she was hoping for, but it was the truth, he did agree. Max never got why everyone was always so down on this character. In many ways, they were the same. It was hard enough being a teenager slowly having to face the responsibilities of an adult, even without the added complication of love and soul mates. His status as an alien king certainly didn't help matters. All this guy wanted was a partner and someone to love as his equal and have those feelings reciprocated. Max just did not see what the big deal was.

"You would," Liz mumbled under her breath before turning her attention back to the TV. Her posture resembled that of a little girl who hadn't gotten her way. She was huddled under the blanket, her pouting mouth set in disappointment as she ignored the source of the problem.

Girls. Would Max ever understand them? More importantly, would he ever understand this girl? Liz was the love of his life. At one point, he had been relatively sure of that, but things had changed drastically since their innocent days of yore. She was different now - they both were - and Max was utterly baffled as to why a seemingly harmless discussion over a television show was upsetting her so. Liz was ignoring him, that much he knew and he could not allow it to persist. Max shut off the TV in order to get her attention.

"Hey I was watching that!" Liz protested

"This is more important," Max began "Somehow I get the feeling that this stopped being about Dawson and Joey a while ago?" It was the only thing that made any sense. When he gently took her hands in his and she looked away, it confirmed his suspicions. "Talk to me...Liz it's the only way we'll ever be able to get past this." Whatever "this" was. When they were together, it was as if a chasm had formed between them and he had a good idea of the reasons for that.

They were in complete darkness now, not even the soft light from the television to aid in his appraisal of her features, but he heard the pain in Liz's voice as she spoke. "The truth is you really hurt me when you slept with Tess. And every time you mention your son it reminds me how you were unfaithful to us."

There it was.

That same angst filled problem had managed to hemorrhage into their sacred evening like the bloody plague it was. Max knew this was a subject of tension between them. This was the "chasm" so to speak and he had no idea how to help bridge the gap. He loved Liz. There was no doubt about that, but he also loved his son and he was beginning to wonder if he could have both of them in his life without someone feeling neglected.

He moved closer to her on the couch placing his hand on her cheek. He needed to feel where he could not see. The softness of her skin was a balm to his soul "Liz..." Max drew her small frame against his own hoping that she would gain the same comfort in the small intimate gesture that he did. When he felt her muscles relax and the tension leave her body he knew that she did.

He had come so close to losing her when he nearly left the planet. Now the simple pleasures of being able to hold and be near her gave him hope. He placed a tender kiss in her hair, drinking in the strawberry scent of her shampoo that was so... Liz. He recalled the very first time he'd caught the scent of strawberries and Liz, the night of their first kiss. If Max had known then what a sloppy mess of things he would make of her life, he would have never allowed himself to carry things this far. He told her that whatever they went through "it would be worth it because they had each other..." Could he honestly say he believed that now? They were so naive then, but the reaction was still the same.

Fingers threading through silky strands.

Hands gently cradling one another.

All things familiar, and before Max could think about it their lips had come together in a tender kiss, just as they had that night. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew there was something they needed to discuss but it was lost on him as his hand caressed the satin skin just above the waistband of her jeans. They may not be speaking but their bodies were communicating in a way that was much more primal than mere words.

Then the flashes came. Liz did not see anything so much as felt his emotions. Impressions of what must have been going through his mind at the time of the incident. He had been so alone, confused about what he was feeling but he had no one to talk about it with. At the time, he was not speaking to his sister or any of his friends. Except for Tess, and despite what they shared there was always reservation and doubt looming in the background.

"You never trusted her did you?" Liz had broken the kiss but never the contact; she needed to be close to him.

Max nodded though he diverted his eyes.

Liz continued "That's why you have to find your son, you're afraid for him?"

Once again, Max nodded his eyes drifted closed at the warming sensation of her breath on his cheek and he leaned his forehead against hers.

Sometimes Liz wanted to believe that Tess had mind-warped Max into loving her. It made the heartache easier to bear. However, she never had the courage to ask him. Afraid of the answer would kill her. Now that she understood what was behind Max's assertion to find his son, truly felt it, she wanted to help him.

"Show me." the request was barely audible, Liz's voice sounded strange even to her ears. She could tell by the nonplused expression creasing his brow that he didn't understand what she was asking, "What it was like to be with her." She clarified

"Liz I can't." He protested on instinct

"You can, I know you want to." She could feel evidence of that pressed firmly against her thigh "You've already shared your self with... someone in the most intimate way; I want to share that with you too."

"Liz this isn't some kind of...competition." the statement came out a little more abrasive then intended but Max needed Liz to understand that there was never any comparison between her and Tess, not in his mind, and especially not in his heart.

Liz didn't respond right away, somewhat cowed in the face of his declaration. "No," she began quietly "but it's what I need." She didn't meet his eyes, simply fiddled with the errant thread on his collar. He knew things about love, about intimacy that Liz did not. She wanted him to show her, and to learn from him. Perhaps this is the way it was supposed to be all along.

"When we make love I want it to be for the right reasons." He told her.

"It will be... It is?"

How could Max refuse her? The girl he'd been dreaming about for the better part of the last year was asking him to help her become a woman. He knew it was too soon for them. They had barely discussed Tess, his son or any of the things that would be an issue for them. From experience, he knew that rushing into a sexual relationship too quickly would only make a bad situation worse. However, Max didn't want Liz to think that he didn't desire her because he did... so much. Likely he'd have a difficult time explaining all that to her. Looking at the silent beseech in her eyes he could not say no. He had already made his decision, in a way she made it for him.
Last edited by Behrystrwbry on Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Behrystrwbry »

Thanks guys for the FB. Here's the next part


Easing his way from beneath her, Max took Liz's hand in his and led her down the hall to his bedroom. Once they were inside, he closed the door behind her. However, when he reached around to lock the door with his powers, he thought he saw a bit of reservation as she seemed to shrink away from him. "Liz," he cautioned, "you know we can stop at any time."

She smiled up at him, and then their lips drifted together once again. Max opened himself to their connection he was hoping they would share more flashes so that he could have an inkling of what Liz was feeling. However, nothing came and for a fleeting moment, Max thought it might be intentional on her part. Her kiss was fierce, plucking at his mouth repeatedly with coarse discord. Nothing like the leisurely exploration, it usually was with her. And before Max knew what was happening her hands were under the hem of his T-shirt, she stopped her assault on his lips only long enough to lift it over his head.

Liz loved the heady feeling of taking charge; she reveled in the hard contour of
Max's body as it pressed her into the door. She inhaled deeply his scent; a combination, of faint sweat, the peppermint shampoo he used, and that telltale hint of Tabasco. Fleetingly she wondered if Tess had felt the same when claiming a gift that was supposed to have been hers. Liz wanted to make him mindless with passion, make him forget that anyone else had ever made him feel this way, and in the process, help herself forget as well. She buried her face in the juncture of his neck and shoulder, nibbling, sucking, and marking him her own.

She was moving too fast, rushing what Max wanted to make a sweet and memorable experience for her. He placed his hands on her waist in attempt to slow the undulated movements of her hips against him. This only succeeded in causing her shirt to ride up and he quickly discarded it somewhere on the floor behind them.

Both topless, the feel of her warm skin against him was mesmerizing. Only her bra separated her pert mounds from his touch. But Max could feel the tiny pebbles of her nipples against him beneath the thin fabric. Her hands, her lips, he was being swept up in Liz so that he did not even realize when she unbuckled his jeans. His hips jerked when he felt her small warm hand encircle his member stroking insistently.

"Is this what she did to you? Is this how she got you off?" Liz's sarcasm wasn’t lost on him.

Hearing her speak that way caused Max's hips to jackknife violently against her.

He had her flush against the door causing the frame to shake with the effort. And for a moment, Liz was afraid the noise would wake his parents but she did not have time to think about it long as he crashed his lips to hers silencing her whimper of surprise.

Max removed her hand from his boxers placing it around his neck. “What’s the rush?” he queried softly. Did Liz truly understand what she was doing to him, what she was asking for? He was nearly wild with desire. However, he was determined to make this experience memorable for her. Because when it was over you couldn’t take it back. Coasting his hands over her jean clad hips he drew her legs around his waist and released her mouth. "Liz we need..." he sucked in a breath" slow down."

"Mmmm Hmmm." She uttered all the while grinding her center against his erection.

Max let out a low snicker deep in his chest and nearly tripped when he began walking them over to his bed as his pants were down around his ankles. He dropped her in the middle of the mattress and she was laughing at him as well. "You think that's funny do you?" he said righting himself. "I've got your funny right here." He bent to take his pants the rest of the way off, and took the condom out of his back pocket before going to join her on the bed.

Seeing the small foil package in his hand Liz was reminded of that future version of Max and the things he told her "There you are Max the saint, just walking around with a condom in his back pocket...” The knowledge had upset her then and now she briefly wondered where said protection was, the night he was with Tess. The thought was like a dash of cold water to an otherwise hot and lighthearted moment.

The pensive look on her face caused Max to believe that Liz might once again be having doubts. When she inched away from him as he approached, he had to ask. "Do you not want to...have you changed your mind." Liz shook her head no though somewhat unconvincingly but managed a shallow smile as he said, "Then come here."

Liz crawled toward him on the bed and Max indulged her with a languid kiss as he leaned over her. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, he let her take the lead. They lie down on the bed together and Liz situated herself on top of him.

They lay like that for a long while simply enjoying the closeness before Max coasted his hand over her back to unhook her bra. Liz sat up for a moment so he could peel the satin away from her. Max simply looked, appreciating the newly revealed flesh before reaching up to tenderly fondle her. "Beautiful" he uttered barely a whisper

Max's open appraisal of her made Liz a bit uncomfortable, so she leaned to kiss him. She could feel him fit very comfortably between her legs causing warmth to unfurl in her belly. She rocked against him experimentally but it was not enough. Easing away from him Liz undid her jeans and stepped out of them.

They were both only wearing their underwear when she crawled toward him. Max stretched on top of her and the skin-to-skin contact was deliciously unsettling.

Max could feel her attempting to inch his boxers down but he stopped her breaking the kiss "Liz wait ...I mean are you sure. Once we do this things will change." He searched her face for any sign of uncertainty. He saw none, as Liz nodded.

Using his powers, he blinked out the light once again bathing them in darkness before he took off his shorts. Putting the condom on was fumbling and awkward as he had never done it before. During his one and only sexual encounter he, stupidly, had not used protection and there had not been a need for one since then. Max was silently thankful he had the dark to shroud him while he performed the task. Still he saw her watching him with fascination and his cheeks began to color. To take the focus off him Max ran soothing circles up her thigh and together they inched her panties down her legs.

When he lay on top of her Liz let out a whimper of surprise at the feel of his unrestrained, organ so close to her. There were no barriers now, no jeans, shorts, or even thin material of her underwear she was bare to him. The feeling made the prospect of sex much more real and suddenly Liz was no longer as sure as she had been only moments before. Max was right things would change and Liz had no idea what to expect. Every time he positioned himself at her opening, she would inch away.

At first Max thought, it might be him that he was doing something wrong. However, each time she would slide away like a slippery little jellyfish. "I'm gonna need you to hold still." He said

Despite her uneasiness, Liz managed a jerky nod.

Burying his nose in the crook of her neck Max once again, tried to enter her still she moved away "Liz?" he let out a frustrated sigh then buried his face in the mattress

"Max I'm sorry I'm just...gonna need you to talk me through this, okay."

He could feel her trembling against him putting his own discomfort aside Max placed a tender kiss on the apple of her shoulder and ran his thumb up and down her arm in what was intended as a calming gesture, it didn't seem to do much for her. He found her behavior somewhat contradictory. He could hardly reconcile this trembling young woman with the vixen that had been fondling him in his shorts a moment ago. Further evidence that she was not ready.

His voice was soft as he spoke, that soothing baritone always melted over her like warm honey. "Liz we don't have to do this, we can just lie here and..."

"No I want to, I'm just..."

"Scared?" he provided

Liz did not respond simply gazed at the ceiling trying to ease her jangled nerves with deep calming breaths.

It was clear She didn’t know what she wanted so Max wouldn’t ask again, he simply rolled off her and pulled Liz tiny frame against him. He used the blanket at the foot of the bed to cover them. After a few moments of her quiet snuffles, he tilted her chin upward so he could see the tear tracks on her face. She tried to wipe at them so he wouldn't “What’s wrong?”

“You must think I’m…I can’t even seduce you properly.” She blubbered

“In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m all there with you.” Max held her gaze as he entangled their legs intimately, bringing his latex covered member into contact with her heat. He wanted to show her exactly how much he did want her.

Liz couldn’t help but smile in spite of herself. “Not you,” she blushed “I’m the problem.”

Max reached between them to test her slick folds “There don’t seem to be any problems there either…” He whispered against her cheek “You like that?” He smiled watching as her eyes drift closed as he continued his sexual exploration of her body. He wanted her completely relaxed for their coupling, “We’ll go slowly, and we won’t do anything you don’t want to okay.” He said, she nodded, and then he pulled he flush against him.

Max touching her this way wasn’t anything new for them. He’d brought her to completion with his hands many times over the course of their sporadic courtships. And the familiarity did wonders to clam her frayed nerves. The only difference was, there were no clothes between them this time. and she could feel every muscle as he moved against her. A satiated smile spread across her face as she gave herself over to the tide. She was so close to going over the edge she barely noticed when his fingers left her until they were replaced with something else. “Is that you…” she couldn’t even bring herself to finish the sentence.

When she saw Max’s wry smile she had her answer. Trace guilt gleaned in his eyes, as he asked, “Did you not want to…” just he the tip of him was inside now “I could pull out.” Liz shook her head in the negative as she eased her hips forward slowly forcing him deeper inside her. When he reached her maidenhead, he said, “It’s going to hurt.”

“I know.” She mumbled lacing her arms about his neck. It was too much to look at him and acknowledge what was happening between them “Just get it over with.” She uttered over his shoulder. Perhaps an abruptly strange way for a girl to ask someone to take her virginity, but honestly how Liz felt.

He braced his hand on her behind as he thrust forward one final time completing their union. And when he did his his emotions crashed over her like a tidal wave




But mostly she felt Max’s overwhelming love for her. Emotionally full yet incredibly lonely at the same time.

Tortured is the best way she could think to describe it. She was still Liz Parker and quite aware of the copulative act taking place between them, but she was also Max Evans.

They were one.

When it was over, she clung to him, wanting to maintain these feelings for as long as possible. This was the closet they had been in their entire two-year love story. She saw him completely and never wanted it to end.

Liz imagined they must have lain like that for some time.

Intimately connected and complete.

She gave an audible whimper of protest when eventually, he withdrew and she was alone in her own mind again.

Max placed a gentle kiss in her forehead and told her he would be right back. But knew with almost certainty that it would be a very long time before they went back to that sacred place again.
Last edited by Behrystrwbry on Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Behrystrwbry »

I'm glad you got the feeling I was going for with this. It may not have been a pleasant place but nesessary, and probable IMHO. Anyway thank you so much for reading. :)



When Max closed the bathroom door behind him, he couldn’t stop the tears from falling. And they were not just his tears, but Liz’s as well. Tears she cried over the past six months. An inexplicable sadness that nothing could fill, except him. And finally, Tears she wouldn’t allow herself to cry over his betrayal with Tess.

Liz never even allowed herself to be upset with him for very long. She’d simply buried those feelings. But Max had an unadulterated view tonight, during her strange attempt to patch things over. And that is why Max was crying. He had allowed what should have been the most special night of her life to turn into a rushed an uncomfortable competition. He could have stopped it, but he’d always been powerless when it came to giving Liz what she wanted. Even if it turned out to be wrong for them.

Though he would give it his best effort, Max He didn’t see how he could make this right. After cleaning himself up a little, he used the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face before returning to his room.

Liz knew when Max returned, as she felt the bed dip behind her. She expected him to join her under the covers and was somewhat confused when the light from the bedside table clicked on. She turned to see him fingering the spot on the bed wistfully. He was wearing the boxer shorts he had on earlier and she almost felt like she was intruding on some type of private moment when she realized what was holding his attention.

Virginal blood “Is that from me?” Liz questioned incredulously.

Max looked up, purposefully locking eyes with her before he wordlessly nodded.

Liz buried her face in her palms and Max thought he heard her mumble something that sounded like, "Could this be any more embarrassing."

Acting quickly he waved his hand over the spot, so it was gone. He removed his shorts and joined her under the covers spooning in behind her. “Hey, that’s supposed to happen, it’s completely normal.”

Liz simply eyed him dubiously over her shoulder. How could he be so blasé about this? Didn’t he know how embarrassing this was for her? ‘Of coarse he didn’t know because his first time had been perfect and…alien’ she thought to herself. But not all the alien powers in the world, could take away the awkwardness she felt at that moment.

Max’s lips warmed on her temple and she tried valiantly to ignore the fact that he was naked behind her and his penis, flaccid or not, was resting on the small of her back.

Max’s felt her tense as his arms went around her. He ran a soothing hand over her hip, before stopping to rest on her abdomen, “Are you sore? I can make it better.”

“No.” she said pushing his hands away and hopping out of the bed, “You know what I should go clean up.” With that, she grabbed his t-shirt from the floor before heading across the hall to the bathroom. Leaving Max to contemplate her skittish behavior.

Liz closed the bathroom door behind her, breathing a couple deep breaths. She had to stop this. Acting as if she didn’t want Max to touch her, when the truth was she did…she desired that so much. But every time he did, she couldn’t help but remember that he touched Tess that way, and created a baby with her. That thought managed to taint the whole experience. She wouldn’t allow someone who wasn’t even on the planet to corrupt her life, not even for one night.

Liz returned in somewhat of a better mood Max observed. But she remained on her side of the bed, lying on her side facing him, as she leaned up on her elbow. “So, was it different?” she asked

To say that Max was surprised by the question would have been a lie. He knew it was coming so he answered with care, “Not entirely, it was…”

“Was she different from me?” Liz interrupted before he could finish his thought.

“Liz why do you ask these questions?” he fired back, his voice wasn’t loud but very express, “I don’t compare her to you, I never have. But if I did, you’d win every time easily. What happened with Tess was wrong. She felt wrong because she wasn’t you. It was a mistake that I’d really like not to relive.” He implored “Liz please don’t…Let’s not let this ruin tonight.”

“I’m sorry…” Liz mumbled, “I won’t ask again.”

“And I’m sorry too,” He said already reaching out to her “For…everything.” Liz truly felt he meant it, even if she wasn’t ready to absolve him completely, she’d made up in her mind that Tess would come between them no more. So she closed the space between and kissed him tenderly as she settled into his side.

“You gonna sleep in that thing?” Max asked thankful to be close to her but suddenly aware of the only piece of clothing between them.

“It’s a bit chilly.” Liz provided.

He nodded accepting this, “Do you ever fantasize about me?” Max asked after a few moment of companionable silence. He could see that Liz was puzzled by his question so he clarified “With like different hair, longer and maybe wearing leather.”

“I don’t remember that no,” Liz answered gingerly she knew that he’d probably seen her memories of his older self’s visit earlier this fall, but she wasn’t ready to talk about that. She hadn’t been ready for a lot that happened tonight “but we all have fantasies Max.” she held his gaze when she asked the next part “Why?”

“I guess I thought I saw something from you, and it felt so real.” He said, “You think I should grow my hair out?”

“No, but I could go for some facial hair maybe.” Liz told him with a smile. She tweaked his cheek and was treated with that trademark dimple of his “If you could change anything about me what would it be?”

“Nothing.” He answered, “You’re perfect just the way you are.”

“Hardly.” She said with a roll of her eyes, and kept ‘em closed as she felt his hand underneath the shirt, on her thigh, and higher until he reached her entrance. She liked him touching her, she did. But couldn’t help the image of him touching Tess this way. And then his playing at the inner portion of her lips caused the burning sting between her legs to return and she flinched

This didn’t go unnoticed by Max and he offered up his healing ability once again. “You sure you don’t want me to take care of that?”

“No I’m fine.” She said already moving away from him.

“You sure?”

“Yes, you know maybe I should just go home?” She said then “I’ll feel better once I’ve had a shower and a good night sleep I’m sure.”

“Liz stay, please…tell me what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“Yes there is…You can’t even stand for me to touch you…It wasn’t that way before we…”

Liz sighed resignedly before answering “This has been the single most mortifying night of my life, it was horrible.”

“Didn’t you enjoy yourself?” Max asked quietly visibly cowed by her declaration, “I guess what I mean to say is; didn’t you… at the end didn’t you…come?”

Liz shook her head “It’s not about the physical part Max. I wasn’t ready… that should be obvious by now.”

“You regret it.”

“I don’t regret being with you. I regret that I let my… other feelings cloud the experience. I acted like a little girl, and bled on your bed for Christ’s Sake… I don’t want to remember my first time like this. I just want to forget this whole thing ever happened. ”

“Well you know no one first time is perfect. Mine wasn’t” Max admitted, and then continued when he realized that he had her attention. He moved closer to where she was sitting on the edge of the bed, “I had no idea what I was doing, where things went… It was messy and uncomfortable, in the observatory for crying out loud…” He went on “And it’s really awkward when one person has a bit more experience than the other.”

“So Tess wasn’t…”

Max shook his head in the negative, “I was the only virgin present that night. So I can understand why you’d want to forget.”

“So what if we give each other a free pass. We can pretend tonight and…that night at the observatory never happened.”

“It’s not that simple for me. I have a son.” He told her but could already see how uncomfortable that idea made Liz so he amended his statement “But we can forget tonight and not let...this happen again until we’re both really…really ready.”

Liz nodded with a shallow smile “Sounds like a plan.”

“Will you at least stay here tonight?”

Liz nodded, “But we should probably put on our clothes because there’s no reason I’d have to sleep with you naked unless we were…”

Max nodded blushing slightly “You could use the shower it you want.”

“There are towels in the linen closet across the hall just try not to disturb my parents.”

Liz went about gathering her clothing, which were strewn about his room then went to have her bath before returning to his room to greet a fully dressed Max. She had her jeans and T-shirt on as well. But when she went to join him on the bed decided she could leave the jeans off. He was wearing shorts and T-shirt and he quickly spooned in behind her. “Liz you know eventually we’re going have to talk about it.” He wasn’t just talking about sex; He meant everything…Tess, the baby, Kyle all of it

Liz nodded in acknowledgment, as she snuggled into his side “Not tonight though. Tonight is about forgetting.”

They lay in silence for a long while teetering on the edge of sleep until "Max?" he ventured.

"Mmm." he said his voice heavy with sleep.

"Just so you know; I did."

"Did what?"

Last edited by Behrystrwbry on Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I spy with my little eye something that starts with B.