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Fatherhood-Starting! (Mature/Adult, CC/Slash)

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:18 pm
by AntarPrince04

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Disclaimer:The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.
Catagory/Rating:Mature/Adult; CC/Slash (Pairings at bottom of Post)

Michael has an ulterior motive for being obsessed with "Destiny"; he secretly loves Max but is afraid to tell him. Finding out that Max is a king and that he is his second in command his resolve to protect Max (as well as to prove himself in someway) has become much more intense and he is rarely seen without Max as he seemingly never leaves his side.

He grows to dislike Liz out of Jealousy and when he discovers that she has "slept" with Kyle, his dislike of her becomes all that much more intense. And one night when Max is particularly sulky about this Michael lets him drink, figuring that as long as he watches him Max won't get too bad. In this state he eventually finds the real reason Michael is always with them and He sleeps with Michael getting him Pregnant instead of Tess.

Tess's character is similiar to cannon. She believes that Max belongs with her and is willing to do what she has to do get there, even messing with his mind to do so.

Side Note: As stated, this is similar to Canon, so Tess DID kill alex and knows about the bargan with Khavar. It's up to you to decide what her resoning is.

Jesse is the new guy in town, a new teacher (no not Lawyer guys, teacher is cuter) at Roswell High, but the New teacher has his own secrets. Jesse Ramirez is an undercover Special Unit agent, who is sopposed to get close to Isabel and by default the Pod squad; But when the time comes, and as he grows closer to Isabel he begins to question himself and his job. Will he do his job and turn the group in, or commit Treason and protect Isabel and her Family? The Choice is yours.

Ever since Max healed Kyle Valenti things have been off. Strange bouts of nausea, fatuge and a host of other things. Kyle see's Max Evans naked in his dreams; an odd occurance sure, but not something to be overly worried about. However, when he starts pulsing with power thats clearly are not human - then you worry; and Why does he feel compelled to protect Michael. What the hell is ging on; and who holds the answer? The most unlikely of people - his own dad.

Note: I don't really have a plot for maria, I figured we'd just use her as needed. All the same, if someone DOES want her say so.

Intended Couples

Max/Michael; Michael/Kyle (Threesome at times)


Liz- MagikHands
Max- Magikhands
Michael- Antarprince
Kyle- Anna-Liisa
Isabel- FaithfulAngel24
Alex (figment)- Me
Jesse- Isabelle
Jim Valenti - Me (When Needed)

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:42 pm
by AntarPrince04
Okay! All we need is an Isabel and we're set. Does anyone want, or know anyone that would wanna Play her?

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:27 pm
by magikhands

I can't believe that this is it. It's over. Done. Final. The End. The list goes on, but I still can't get the image out of my head. It is there when I'm awake. It is there when I'm sleeping. Haunting me.

I was such a fool. Thinking I was someone special to her. Thinking that she felt the same. At one time she did. But not now. Not if she ...

I don't want to think about it so I wander the streets of Roswell. It's late and it's quiet out. I have no destination in mind, just letting my feet wander aimlessly hoping my mind would quit working, but it's not working. Frustration starts to set in and when I look up, I find my self in front of a familiar door.

Somewhere deep inside I knew I would end up here. I always do. Anytime things go wrong, or life is just too much, I return... home.

Raising my hand, I knock and wait.

"Hey Michael." I say when the door opens. "Can I come in?"


Hope that is ok Chris

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:08 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
This looks really good :D Can I have Isabel?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:01 am
by AntarPrince04

I flip the channels lazily from my place on the couch. "Seventy-five channels and nothin' on." I'm not at all surprised by this.

Of caurse, I'd usually be at the Crash doing my evening shift with Parker, but it's my night off - and I am Bored! Of caurse, it's probably a good thing recently. Stuck with parker till Closing, I don't pity the fuck in those shoes.

Aliens, I sneer inwardly. I never liked her; for a number of reason's that I don't wish to think about at the moment, but with Alex's death... Well lets just say that if I were stuck with her that long - it's always dead after a certain point in the evening, Roswell being a small town - lets just say I wouldn't help our situation.

There's a knock at the door and I stand with a tired sigh making my way to the door. Opening it I see Max in front of me, he looks upset - big surprise... My ire isn't with Max. Well, not completely, but once again with Liz. Though, I know Max. He'll whine and sulk, and Parker will be a self-rightous princess and enevitablly they'll get together again, and by defult I'll Vomit and bite my tongue.

"Hey Michael," he says quietly. "Can I come in?"

I just nod and step to the side indiffrently. "Sure."
Sure thing FaithfulAngel24. I'll add you right now

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:44 pm
by magikhands

Stepping inside the apartment, I can't help but look around. There is clothing thrown around the room and dishes piled in the sink. An empty pizza box sat on the floor by the couch and the trash can was near full.

"Isabel hasn't been by in a couple of days I see." I smirk knowing that my sister made visits here every three or four days to nag Michael about his housekeeping skills along with helping him clean up. My neat and orderly sister.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:57 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

I’m not really sure where to begin. Isabel Amanda Evans was the name I was given ,but it’s not who I truly am or is it? I don’t know where my alien side ends and my human nature begins. Is there a significant difference between the two? Alex always told me that I was that of my own making. Now he is gone and with him goes my dreams of ever having a quasi-normal existence. I guess the others will just have to deal with what’s left of me.

I wanted to get away from here. From Roswell my supposed home. When in actuality It’s not even in the same solar system as the place where I’m from originally. I take comfort in the thought that I could simply hop on a bus and be in San Francisco in a matter of a couple of days. However I won’t. I’ve promised Max that I will finish the year out with the others. In all honesty a part of me does feel like I need to stay and try to protect the people I love and care about.

It’s just a fact that those who are close to me have a tendency to die and I’d like to try to absolve that once and for all. I’ve lost my first love but I won’t lose myself in the grieving. I’ve signed up for some duel enrollment classes. I want to be prepared for college when I finally get to go. Also I founded a ‘Sunshine Committee’. My guidance councilor informed me that admission reps adore that sort of thing.

Still with all my numerous activities I have distanced myself from the group. I kind of had to in order to get through the pain. Max is still mourning his loss of what could have been with Liz while Michael remains just as sulky as ever. I so have to go over to his apartment tomorrow. I haven’t been in nearly a week and I’m sure it’s an absolute pig sty. I swear I don’t know what those boys would do without me. Those two aren’t the only ones I’ve neglected.

I’m not entirely sure why I haven’t tried to spend more time with Tess. I’ve kind of been avoiding her without even realizing it. I guess I’m just attempting to move forward with my life and with her still adamantly pushing Destiny I’d just rather not deal with the confrontation. Sighing I sit down at my vanity and stare at my own reflection. The long blonde waves cascading across my shoulders offer me nothing but painful memories of long since past. I desperately need a change. Something to signify this different phase of my life. New beginings.

With a swift flick of the hand I chop of my luscious locks into a chin length style that defines sophistication and poise while adding a trendy flair. Still it’s not enough. Something’s a miss. “I’m tired of being blonde. I haven’t seen any of the fun they advertise in the commercials.” With a casual stroke and a mere thought my hair darkens to a chocolate shade of brown. “Perfect.” I evaluate with a slight smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:31 am
by AntarPrince04

"Isabel hasn't been by in a couple of days I see." Max Smirks at me as I shut the door and return to my seat. I don't play host and offer him anything, it's Max he knows where the Kitchen is. Plus, well, I dn't play host.

I just scoff at his jab, and feel the couch sink again as he sit's down. "I can clean. Isabel just seems to enjoy doing it. " I retort . "Besides", I say cautiously. "She's been occupied." Maybe working would help keep her mind off thing's. Lame I know, but it is a possibility. Isabel does odd things when she deals with internal issues.

I suppose it's fitting in a way: I get sulky and pissy, I can admitt that to myself. Max gets angsty, and Isabel... Well, it's Isabel. One of us has to be the quirky one.

"To what do I own the pleasure Maxwell, or did you just came to critique me appartment", I tease him.

Not much I know and kinda lame, but it is what it is

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:06 am
by magikhands

I sit on the couch and give Michael a glare. I'm so not in the mood for his teasing. But this is Michael. I should have known better when I teased him that he would retort with his own smart-ass remark.

I shake my head. "I'm sorry Michael. I just..." I let out a shaky sigh. I'm tired. So tired of everything lately. But how do I tell him that? According to Tess I'm the King. It's my responsibility to watch over and protect my family. But it's not just my sister, Michael, and Tess that I feel responsible for. It is Maria, Kyle, Liz....and Alex.

I failed Alex. I couldn't save him. I couldn't help him when I was needed the most. Why was it that I was able to save Liz. To save Kyle. But not Alex?

Alex had been a loyal friend from the beginning. And he was infatuated with Isabel, who was starting to return his feelings for him. For once she could be herself, completely with someone who liked her. But no longer.

And what about this Destiny crap that Tess keeps pushing down our throats? I'll admit to feeling an attraction to Tess, but I don't love her. Not like I love Liz...or... I turn my thoughts away from that for now. But it's not just me it's affecting. She swears that Michael and Isabel belong together. They are more like brother and sister than potential lovers. They are extremely protective over each fact, all three of us have been for many years now. But I just don't see the two of them together.

I look up and meet Michael's eyes. "I can't do this anymore."

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:45 pm
by AntarPrince04

"I can't do this anymore."

Max looks at me; I mean right at me. I can see the sadness - see it wieghing on him, but I groan to myself. It's not that I don't care! Of caurse I care; it's Max. It's just that everytime he gets like this it's generally got something to do with Liz and he knows I don't like her, I'm just not sure that he knows why.

All the same, I smile in understanding - which is something that I rarely do around the others. I bite back my repeatative 'I told you so'. I've been doing that alot recently.

"It'll all work out Max", I tell him. "It always does..."