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Temptress' Fanfiction

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:32 pm
by Temptress
Soooooo, I decided to make one of these when I realized I had more than three floating around. :D

Works in Progress:

Breath Me In
Rating: Adult
Catagory: Max and Liz
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell and unfortunately I do not own Jason Behr.
Summary: Takes place after the prom episode "Heart of Mine". A birthday party for Tess is being arranged and Liz is a reluctant participant. What happens when old urges take control and denying what you want is no longer an option? All couples are CC.

A Dupes Indulgence
Genre: UC, CC
Pairings/Couple: Z/L Eventually, Z/L/M
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: - I own nothing but my torrid fantasies. Please dont sue.
Summary: Zan comes to Roswell and is instantly drawn to Liz and is sickeningly fascinated by her and Max’s relationship. Or at this point the lack thereof. However, his obsession is not of the flowers and butterflies variety. He was brought up to be an emotionless shell but its only a matter of time before our resident star crossed lovers bond begins to infiltrate his senses and makes him into something more. Based sometime after Max in The City except Max and Liz never decided to be friends again and Zan didn’t die in Meet the Dupes. Besides that everything else happened exactly as it did in the show.

Authors notes: Max and Tess are sort of together in this fic, however there will be no romantic Tex scenes as that will make me dry heave. Please note that this is NOT a fluff piece. Zan is NOT a nice person here. He is selfish and can be coldhearted. He was brought up in an indifferent world and he always gets what he wants. No matter the cost. No matter the people that get in his way. Will that eventually change? Read on and find out as I think I’m already revealing too much.

Also please be aware that there will be heavily sexual scenes, so any people of the pure soul mentality beware. This fic is not for you.

The Elements Series:

Part 1 of the "Elements Series"
Rating: PG
Category: Max and Liz……sort of
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell and unfortunately I do not own Jason Behr.
Summary: Well……This is angsty…. It takes place after the episode “The Balance” in Season One…..from….someones…point of view…….It’s based off an idea for a fic that I almost wrote but decided against so I changed it into this one shot.

Part 2 of the Elements Series
Rating: Adult
Catagory: Max/Liz.......sort of
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell and unfortunately I do not own Jason Behr.
Summary: Confidence gained from an earlier decision is slowly dissipating in the face of an undeniable heat. But choices have to be made…..
A/N: This particular part "Fire" is a different take on the opening scene of the episode "Sexual Healing". In order to better understand this part you must read "Air".

On Hiatus:

Fates Intervention

Title: Fate’s Intervention
Category: CC Max/Liz
Rating: PG-13 for now
Spoilers: Definitely for “Max to the Max” and anything else that occurred in Season One.
Disclaimer: I own nothing of “Roswell”. If I did I would happily have Jason Behr chained to my radiator at home where I could play with him anytime I want.
Summary: This fanfic was an idea from a challenge written by truluv:

Alternate Ending to Max to the Max - What if Nasedo had saved Max in the fun house and let Liz get captured by Pierce. What would Max have done to Nasedo / How would they have gotten Liz back? What would have happened to Liz?

There are quotes taken directly from the episode “Max to the Max” and I am not claiming any rights to them nor am I claiming that they are my original words. They belong to the writers and creators of Roswell and are being used here to move the story forward.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:10 pm
by Temptress
Updated Part 5 of A Dupes Indulgence. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:14 pm
by Temptress
Updated (Finally) Breathe Me In! :shock:

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:02 pm
by Temptress
Hey Guys!

Im having an Authors Chat tonight at 8:00 PM EST at Roswell Heaven! Come join me to disucss this and any other fics I have!

Hope to see you there!

Click the link below to take you to the board and then join live chat!

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:51 pm
by Roslover39
I enjoyed the chat last night

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:52 am
by Temptress
Stars At Night 11

Thank you for being at the chat with me! It was alot of fun, even if you guys snuck spoilers outta me! :P But seriously, it meant so much to see you guys there and hearing your thoughts about my stories! Hope to speak to you guys again soon!

Flora :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:28 pm
by Temptress
Breathe Me In Updated! :D

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:26 am
by Temptress
A Dupes Indulgence updated on 12/28/2006!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:03 am
by Temptress
Breathe me in Updated 1/17/2007!!! :shock:

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:00 am
by Temptress
Hey guys! I posted a small summary on my fic. I'm going to copy and paste it in here. It was based off of a question(s) by ShatteredDreamer!
Temptress wrote:
ShatteredDreamer wrote:
“You will remember none of this. You will keep only your base powers and the very weakest of anything else you have learned. You will not conceive a child with Liz. You will not follow the Path of Cursena. And under no circumstances will you complete your circle.”
Okay, I'm confused as hell and trying to piece together the Antarian past and the FutureMax past from the future (if that made sense) with the present. I went back to the part where Liz and Max started getting visions while they were making out and came across this. This was part of FutureMax's past where Tess went to visit him in the bathroom after him and Liz were married. So the Antarian past would've already had to happen, right? Now I'm wondering if Zan and Danae completed the circle or Path of Cursena before she left Antar, esp. since Tess mentioned Max "not completing the circle under any circumstance." Does it sound like they may have finished what they started back on Antar or am I grasping at straws (which is possible since I really don't want him to be with Ava/Tess, whether Liz/Danae leaves or not)? More please... :D
Hey! Thanks for your feedback. Now, to answer some of your questions:

Remember, we are dealing with three very different timlines here.

1st timeline: Their life on Antar - At this point in the story, we have to figure that Zan and Danae did NOT get to complete the process of their bonding circle being that they got interrupted by the attack of Danae's mother Isis, which we know Ava had a hand in simply because she sensed the amount of power being transmitted from Zan and Danae. Liz also senses that it wasn't completed by their alien counterparts as is mentioned when she speculates to Max after they 'wake up'. Now, did Present day Max and Present day Liz get to complete the'll just have to keep reading to find out! :twisted:

2nd timeline: Futuremax's Timeline - Now this is where it can get hairy. In future Max's timeline, all we know is that Futuremax told present dayLiz that their relationship had been "Cemented" when they made love. While we don't necessarily know what that means, we DO KNOW that it was NOT a bonding circle being that: A) FM and Future Liz had no consious knowledge of the term 'bonding circle' and B)Future Tess was going back and forth over the years to make sure her caps were in place in Future Max's mind, we can confidently assume that FM and FL never, ever completed their circle. We know they had a deep connection. We know they did 'something'. We know that FMax's powerbase started to rise as well as FLiz's but we also know that FTess put an abrupt end to it with her cap on his powers. And Future Max subconsiously let her. But a bonding circle it was not.

We also know that the world ended not necessarily because Tess wasn't apart of their group but because FutureMax could not accept who he was. By the time Earth was attacked it was too late. FM subconciously let Tess put those blocks on him simply because he wanted to be human. Not alien.

Can there also be an assumption that now that Max is accepting his alien side that this may be apart of the reason for the vision of their Antarian life? Did the failsafe (remember that?) kick in also because of this reason? Read on and find out.

3rd timeline: Present day Max and Liz - While I think I've gone over everything I can reveal in the above paragraphs I think it bears repeating that Max and Liz in any version, (half human, alien or otherwise) have never completed a bonding circle. They have never followed The Path of Cursena ( :o !! Yeah, you guys STILL dont know what that is. Heh, heh. In due time people. :wink: ) When Max was Prince Zan he refused to accept what his duty was thereby refusing for years to up his powerbase until much later than he was supposed to. Futuremax refused to fully accept his alien side thereby unconsiously also refusing to up his powerbase and not having the ability to overcome Future Tess' mindblocks/caps.

Now, however, hopefully, Max can overcome his issues with his alien side. Hopefully, Liz and Max can get it right this time around, but there is still such a long journey ahead of them.........

Who is Tess' fellow conspiritors? Is this Tess just as much of a victim as Max and Liz? Was she lied to in Future Max's Timeline as well? Are the conspiritors that she has now the same as the ones in Future Max's timeline? :shock:

Whew......I think thats enough confusing questions for now. I hope I answered some questions, but I have to be honest, I hope I raised some more! 8) I love to keep you guys guessing!!

Any more questions, feel free to ask!

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!!

Flora (Temptress)