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The Calm Before the Storm - Epilogue - 10/24/07

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:54 am
by ñusta
Title: The Calm Before the Storm

Author: Ñusta

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB
and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Rating: NC 17, Adult with Slash, read at your own risk

Couplings: CC/UC

SEQUEL TO THE MARTYR OF ANTAR: Life goes on away from Roswell

Chapter 1

As soon as Stuart let go of him and stepped aside, Michael felt Serena hug him from behind and wrap her arms around him. She laid her cheek on his back, between his shoulder blades and he felt her vibes coursing up and down his spine as she glued her body to his. Michael sighed with the peace it gave him and felt a hand in his. He opened his eyes which he hadn’t even realized he had closed and saw Isabel with Stuart’s arm around her shoulders and his hand in her other one. Michael smirked and closed his eyes again. Serena turned her head and kissed him through his shirt but Michael felt her lips on his skin.

- You’ve been feeling a little off, right love? - Serena whispered against him, laying her other cheek on him and checking out Liz, who was standing in that direction.

Liz shrugged and Serena knew she meant she sensed nothing wrong with him; after all, Michael had always been a sleepyhead. Liz giggled picturing him passed out on his school desk, making Serena giggle with her and send Michael an extra nudge along with her vibes.

- I’ve been sleeping like…a lot, though I don’t feel unusually tired or sleepy when I’m awake, I just have to lie down and I’m off. - He confessed.

- Let me fix it. - She said knowing he had felt her scanning him.

She guided him to a matt and Uncle Derek took the opportunity to address his guests.

- Well, c’mon! Don’t just stand there! Make yourselves at home. What can I get you guys, are you hungry, tired? -

- No, we’re fine; we rested all day, and dined on the way here. We just wanted to be with you, thanks for receiving us, in spite of the risk. - Max said.

- What risk? Alien powers here! - He chuckled and Max smiled weakly, hoping that would be enough to keep them all safe.

They all took deck chairs and watched Serena at work. She had gently eased Michael on the matt and knelt between his thighs. She kept his clothes on, but they could see her hands working under them. She placed her hands on his thighs, just above the back of his knees and worked her way up slowly. When she arrived at the brands, she immediately felt the way Max, Isabel and Maria’s worries and fears were affecting him. She sent him a jolt that made him start and wince, to begin channeling them out of his body. Then she kept going with her hands splayed out and her thumbs connecting with his spine. She pushed in, digging for the lowest vertebra, tickling him and making him wiggle and gasp.

- Hey! Ok, ok, hold on and keep still! - Serena grinned at his sensitivity.

She travelled up, pushing in with both thumbs together, rearranging his energy flow, and he could feel it bubbling to a boiling point. When she reached the eighth vertebra just under the cervicals, she proceeded down again. This time Michael felt the heat following her thumbs all the way back to her starting point, leaving him when she pulled away from his body. Serena raised her hands to the sky and twin fluorescent white streaks of lightning shot up from them. She shook her hands and gave him a double spank before she got up.

- Ok, you’re as good as new. - She said turning to see they were watching her with awe written across their faces. - He should have blocked you all off, because he got charged with your tension. Don’t feel bad, you didn’t direct it at him at all, it just channeled into him through the brands. You couldn’t help it, he could but he didn’t, probably wanting to know exactly how you were feeling. Well, that’s him. He can’t help it either. -

Michael took a deep breath and rolled on his side just in time to receive Laurie in his arms and Maria clinging to his back like a monkey. Isabel was itching to go to him too, but she didn’t want Stuart to feel left out. She sent him her loving vibes through her brand and watched Michael jerk and smirk, locking his eyes with hers over his sister’s head. Then he felt this strange pull, and his eyes ended locked with Stuarts, who gave him a knowing look. Michael remembered they had made a connection of sorts, when he was hurt and Stuart had made contact with deep intimate parts of his body on several occasions. Yes, Stuart knew what Isabel was feeling and was ok with it mostly because she accepted his feelings for the alien boy too.
Liz felt her whole head tingling, surprised that she could tell exactly what was going on inside both Isabel’s and Stuart’s minds. Her eyes and mouth opened wide when she felt Serena’s voice echoing in her brain.

“ Good! Your empathy is getting stronger!...Well, answer me! You just have to think it! Cat got your…vibes?” She mentally chuckled.

Liz relaxed and concentrated on Serena.

“Do they know I know?” She sent, dreading her answer.

“No, you’re the empathic, not them.” Serena reassured her.

“Whew! Then why does Michael feel me?” She was baffled.

“Because of his blood, that’s why he’s the only one that can have a two way connection with you. No one else can.”

“But you can!” Liz insisted.

“But not through empathy, it’s different, it’s because I’m a Seer. I can open channels no one else can.”

“Not even Michael?” Liz asked.

“He doesn’t need to. His ultra sensitivity creates a direct way automatically with you through your empathy, like a reflection, his Royal blood absorbs your power and sends it back. That’s why he’s the only one who can block you out, and you can’t. He can access you anytime he wants because your empathy is there constantly and he can even be selective in what he wants to send back, to protect you. He’s a protector, before anything else.” Serena smiled, rolling her eyes from left to right.

Liz got the message and blushed beet red when she noticed they were now all staring at her, arching their eyebrows. Michael, of course, was smirking and she knew he knew exactly what was going on between her and Serena.

- Ok, sorry, just wanted to know how Liz was going with her powers. Now, I think it’s about time to put you all at ease. First of all, I want to assure you of your total safety here, and ours too.
We’re going on vampire mode now. We rest during the day and work at night. We started today, so we are all wide awake. Your “suites” are back, under the copse of trees, like last time, only now they are much larger: four bedrooms, bathrooms and TV sets included, and a working area, with a computer. The invisible entrance is linked to your alien energies. We can see and use the stairs going down, but no one else can unless we want them to. Strangers can even walk over it without knowing it’s there. Our main worry, right now, is to work on your powers so you will be able to go on with your lives by the time summer ends. We will keep in touch with those who can help us using Isabel’s dreamwalking powers, which, as you are aware, can lately apply to more than one at the same time and I can also help there. Max and Michael’s powers need no help, just focus to enhance them, that’s all. We need to develop the new ones, that’s Liz and Kyle’s. From what I know, Liz can manage a defensive blast, and the beginnings of a shield, which since you couldn’t focus it to go out of your hands, it began to course through your body looking for a way out. When you let go and blasted Tess, everything fell into place. Now you can access it when you want it. -

- But…- Liz interrupted.

- I know, you haven’t felt it in a while because you have had no need for it, feeling safe with Michael, to blast for you, and Max, to shield you, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Don’t worry; I can coax it out without the least discomfort. Your main power is your empathy, which has already begun to show with people not close to you. Excellent!
Now Kyle, we know Tess has also given you her mindwarping, which hasn’t shown in the least yet. We’ll work on that, but we’ll go very easy, helping it come out in due time, and now that you know about them, you don’t need to go through what Liz did, out of ignorance. At the first sign, I’ll help you focus it to create your shield and get it stronger each day. Your blast will also be defensive, yet strong enough for what you may need.
Maria will have no problems because Michael will be the one to turn them on, and he will be very gentle and careful. As you can all imagine, the method he will use will be very pleasant to her and him too. - Serena chuckled and they all joined in, nodding knowingly. - Derek has been doing his own investigations to find the way to integrate you without any suspicions. Your donors, Max and Isabel, were tragically killed almost four years ago, in a skiing trip in Switzerland. Apparently they fell into an inaccessible cave between very high peaks right in front of their helpless parents and they had to give up trying to recover the bodies after months of useless rescue expeditions. The shock sent their parents into a stroke that has left him unable to talk or move and she developed premature Alzheimer’s disease, of something just like it, conveniently leaving them useless to communication. Their rare “insane” babbles are all about aliens and UFO’S, which, believe it or not, will serve our purposes as you will soon see. -

- What about Maria and Liz…and Kyle? -Michael asked.

- They’re totally safe in their human status. No one apart from us knows of their present condition, so they’re not considered dangerous at all. - Serena assured him.

- But that lady, the one we saved from mugging, she must suspect me…- Liz said looking worried.

- Well, you said Max was with you when you stopped her attacker, so you’ve both probably taken the blame in the eyes of the FBI, though you were just along for the ride, but I think there’s an easy way to find about it, soon, ok? -

- What about Michael? - Isabel wondered.

- We’ve taken care of that too. He’s Michael Dupree now, Laurie’s brother. There are still a lot of people who knew Charles Dupree, both senior and junior, just one look at him, and they will have no doubts about it. He’ll go to Laurie’s high school in September and anyway, Derek had informed the people working at Laurie’s that all you guys are here in a witness protection thing, so if anyone asks, you’re Laurie’s cousins from the East. It will be the same case with those people who knew your donor’s family, and never saw their children as grown ups, just heard of them. Don’t worry; we’ve got it worked out. We just have to go easy until everything falls back into place, you’ll see. We have enough time to get our act together before school begins and we can get the rest of you guys doing what you wanted anyway and we’ll see to it.

- Cool! - Everyone involved exclaimed.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:33 pm
by ñusta
Thanks for the feedback, Imnotic, so glad to hear from you too!

Chapter 2

- There’s been another change of plans that we are working out. Though we knew the FBI was after you for some time now, we didn’t see this attack on you coming, at least not so aggressively. Truth is we never wanted to have any kind of involvement with human authorities, but some things are out of our hands…-

- Am I reading between the lines or you said “another change of plans”? Which was the other one? - Michael asked Serena.

- Well, sorry Max…- She turned to him. - It was your healing Liz that wasn’t in our plans and brought the attention of the human authorities that we never meant to get. I’m not blaming you, it just happened, you meant no harm, and I’m glad we have Liz with us, but the FBI is one hell of a problem. I’ve had an idea that might get them off our backs, so we’ll try it as soon as we can. Right now we have these issues that must be clarified. It’s this thing about the acquired powers…-

- I’m afraid I’m guilty of that too…- Max scoffed.

- No, Max, you’re not. Your healing does not give powers; it just opens the access through which powers may be acquired. - Serena informed him.

- But right after I healed her Liz and I had flashes of our lives that we had no way of knowing any other way! - Max insisted.

- Those are not powers! Any of you can do that through the simplest physical contact. You just accessed her mind, and didn’t block yourself out, that why it went both ways. Michael saw Maria but he didn’t let her see him blocking her out because he was sure his sordid life would scare her away. Isabel never really opened up with Alex, that’s why they never had any flashes, but she was about to do it, when he was lost to you. - Serena turned to Isabel. - With Jesse it never happened because at first, you didn’t want him to know who you really were, and when he found out, his reaction was so traumatic to you, that you never opened up to him because you knew he wouldn’t like it. You never tried to get into his mind, at first, not to be discovered and then because you were afraid of what you would find. It was wise, and I’m thankful you didn’t. You’re not ready for it yet, you’ll find out, but the time’s not right, please trust me. I’ll take you there when it’s safe for you. -

Serena nodded and Isabel nodded back, accepting.

- Serena, Liz started developing these alien things more than two years after I healed her, can you explain that? - Max wondered.

- Of course, she was ready to receive powers since you healed her, but she only got them at the time the symptoms appeared. Haven’t you figured it out? C’mon Max! Don’t you think it was real slow to have her powers start kicking in after such a long time? - Serena smiled.

- I don’t get it! - He exclaimed, but Liz was getting this weird look.

- They started soon after that “Enigma” night! Michael! - She turned to look at him with her eyes wide open and her hand covering her mouth.

- Right! You got them from him, not from Max. Michael’s the only one who can give you powers because of his Royal blood. Remember Liz, how did they start? What happened first? - Serena took her hands in hers.

- I started feeling funny; I thought I was coming down with something, though I didn’t feel exactly sick. Then I started heating up the things I touched, I even set my books on fire and that’s when the electricity thing began on my hands. - She said.

- That was your shield, which Michael had given you for your protection, automatically after you made close contact with him. Did it cause you any discomfort? -

- No, I was just afraid of it cause I didn’t know what it was. - Liz admitted.

- It happened when you felt tense, afraid or threatened, and all you had to do was let it out of you, unfortunately you didn’t know how to do it. - Serena told her.

- No, wait! When Max tried to heal her…- Kyle started.

- Max! What did you do? - Serena was alarmed.

- We went to the desert with Kyle and I tried to heal her but she started screaming! - Max sounded quite worried.

- Oh no! You could have killed her! The shield took you for an enemy trying to take her protection away, and instead of exploding out of her hands, it imploded into her body! - Serena paled.

- It was burning me! I begged him to stop and when he did, I got these hateful feelings for Max and got a few things out of my chest. - Liz remembered.

- You reacted according to what your shield was feeling: that Max had been attacking you trying to leave you unprotected. - Serena explained. - Max, do you remember when you first activated your shield? -

- Yes…- Max nodded. - It was by accident. I was in school, heading for a class and I got this feeling that I was being watched. A door closed and I went to see who was behind it. I was very scared, and when I opened the door to the janitor’s closet, a man inside, wearing a strange metal mask pointed a torch at me. I raised my hand to protect my face and this weird green light came out of it in front of me. I freaked out and pulled my hand back, away from it and it disappeared. The man was just fixing something with soldering equipment and he was surprised, thinking the light had come from his torch. I took off real fast. -

- Fright activated it, you thought the man was attacking you and you protected yourself. - Serena explained. - Did you realize you had done it? -

- Well, that evening, I tried it a few times in my room but nothing happened. The next night, still confused, I went to walk in the park and it started raining. I did the same movement to keep the water from my face and there it was again. It also went away when I got under a tree and lowered my hand. The rain wasn’t stopping so I decided to take a run home, and a small bird came at me blinded by the rain and it happened again. I had noticed that when it was on, the rain didn’t get through it and neither did the bird although it was flying straight at me. Back in my room, I tried doing it imagining something was coming towards me and it worked, so I mastered it in a week. -

- What did Michael and Isabel think of it? - Serena asked.

- I…I didn’t tell them, but they saw me use it against them that time that we went to find out about Brody. I wanted to go in alone and I stopped them with it. - Max confessed.

- It wouldn’t have stopped Michael, but it would have worked with Isabel. - Serena assured him.

- Good to know it. I stopped cause it surprised me. - Michael said.

- I should have one too, right? - Isabel asked doubtfully. - If I do, why can’t I make it work? -

- You do Isabel, but you haven’t had a chance to use it because so far, you have not felt the need to protect yourself. With Whittaker and with the men at the burning lab, you were attacking, the shield is defensive. You’ve always felt sure of your powers, so you’ve never felt the need to defend yourself. Still, we’ll have to test it, and maybe you will need a boost, don’t worry, we’ll work it out. - Serena squeezed Isabel’s hand, eliciting a smile from her.

- What about me? Shouldn’t I be getting my shield already? Or Michael didn’t give me one? - Kyle wondered.

- Yes he did, and you have it, but it’s different in males. Women feel vulnerable, that’s why it showed in Liz the way it did. Males hate to feel vulnerable, so you’re the one that’s holding it back. You’ll get the electricity but now that you know what to do with it, you’ll have it under control right away. We’ll work on it, ok? Anyway, we also have to work on your mindwarping. Tess gave you her power, remember? - Serena told him.

- No, no, that doesn’t make sense. You said only Michael could give out powers because of his Royal blood, then how could Tess give it to Kyle? - Max doubted.

- Because she was dead. Her power would be lost and her status allowed her to pass it on to anyone she wished.

- So now I’m worth more if I’m dead, cause then I would be able to give Liz my healing powers, right? - He exploded.

- Max! - Serena scoffed. - Yes, your powers would have to be passed for Michael’s safety, but with Liz, they would work with anyone but him. -

- Why? - Liz went, very outraged.

- Because you’re a girl, you can’t connect with Michael like Max can, and that can’t be changed. For his sake, Max would have to pass it to another male. This isn’t making any sense, where did that come from, Max? - Serena complained.

- Because you’re the one who isn’t making sense, this is not what the aliens told Michael. - Max said.

- Their answers were ambiguous because you still didn’t know all this. They couldn’t disclose it to you yet. Of course the powers would kick in automatically in the humans once they entered Antares atmosphere, but that doesn’t mean you can’t access them here with my help. You didn’t know me yet, and it wasn’t up to them to tell you who and what I am. - Serena said, sensibly.

- But Langley…- Max insisted.

- Langley never said you gave them powers, Max, he just mentioned “the powers given to your human mates” but never even hinted who had given them. You were already quite uptight with him so he didn’t want to make it any worse. I can refresh any of the incidents if it will help you clarify the whole thing. - Serena told him.

Max closed his eyes for a few seconds and concentrated hard. When he opened them again, he just nodded, and Serena knew he had recalled the whole thing.

- And me? Oh sorry, and Stuart too? We haven’t been healed by Max so we’re not accessible to powers…- Maria wondered.

- It’s only you, Maria, Stuart has been healed by Max. - Serena said.

- No, I haven’t! - Stuart protested.

- Don’t you remember that bullet that went over Michael’s shoulder and grazed your temple? Max healed that. - She reminded him.

- Oh, right! But does that count? - He doubted.

- Yes, enhanced by the contacts with Michael, of course. - She smiled.

- They haven’t been many…- He said somewhat wistfully.

- I meant the really important ones, when you healed his body. Those are the strongest ones. Then come the sexual kind, which are very strong too, in their own way. -

- Ok, so what about us? - Maria persisted.

- So far, all I get is that you won’t need your shield so you may as well wait for the trip, where they will come to you as I have explained. Stuart will have to control his shield, just like Kyle, and since he hasn’t been given any powers, maybe Michael could take my suggestion and make him a healer too, as back up to Max, not replacing him, mind you, so don’t freak out Max. - Serena warned.

- Can he?...I mean…WOW!...Will I be able to…you know?...Heal? Like Max? -
The look in Stuart’s face was priceless. - I wouldn’t be the official one, of course, but I would be learning from Max, right? Oh yes, please Michael! -

- If Serena tells me how to do it, sure man, my pleasure. - Michael smirked.

Stuart clung to Isabel’s arm, now dumb with the emotions that were going on in his head. He couldn’t believe it was true, he was just hoping they weren’t joking.

- We’re not, Stuart, you can be sure of that. I absolutely recommend it. Michael sure needs two doctors! - Serena laughed at his expression when he realized she had known his thoughts.

- So I’m the only one that has to wait! - Maria said, very disappointed.

- I’ll be with you all the time. I need you with me. You make everything worth it, Maria, please find it worth waiting too. Cause we’ll be together. - Michael took her in his arms and kissed her.

- Mhmm…- Serena called their attention away from Michael and Maria back to her. - Where were we? Oh yes, Liz, now we know how your shield started, but there’s something else, your blasts, those were clearly from Michael, though you all can do it as a defense mechanism. But for a human girl to be able to blast as hard as Max and Isabel, the source had to be the warrior. Tell me about the first time. -

- The night Tess came back. - Liz looked smug. - I sent her flying to the back of the room. I was so angry that I wasn’t at all surprised until later when I realized what I had done. It was awesome! -

- Michael is the only one that can do it without his hands. - Serena said.

- Hey right! I can, I had totally forgotten it! Tess had me cracking rocks by just concentrating and focusing hard on them. But it only worked with rocks…- Michael scoffed.

- No Michael, it works the same as with your hands. - Serena assured him.

- Uh uh, it doesn’t. That night Nicholas attacked me, I tried to do it just like Tess showed me, because she had said I could, but it didn’t. -

- It didn’t because you couldn’t make direct eye contact with him, he knew it, that’s why he was behind you all the time. He couldn’t let your eyes lock on him. -

- Whatever, anyway it didn’t help me, but now that I know, I’ll just have to keep on practicing with you. - Michael winked making Serena laugh.

- And what was the hearing thing? - Liz asked her.

- What do you mean? - Serena was baffled.

- About the time I started getting the shield, I also got this thing, that I would stop hearing what the persons were saying to me but I knew they were talking because I could see their mouths moving, and when the audio came in again, they sounded in super slow motion, like…-

- Under water? - Serena provided.

- Yes! You’re right! Just like that! It really freaked me out. What was it? -

- The audio went out to tune you for your empathy. You had no problems connecting it with Michael because of his blood, but with the others, you eventually needed to touch them. Once it got started, it never happened again, right? - Serena asked and Liz nodded. - Ok. Let me show you “your suites”. -

Serena got up and led them down to the trees.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 6:40 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 3

When she arrived at the right place, she stopped and with a wave of her hand, the ground faded so they could see steps going down. She preceded them and they followed. Once they were all inside, Serena turned to them.

- Ok, that’s all you’ll need to get in and the same to get out. I want some practice, Isabel, you close it. -

Isabel waved her hand and the ground returned sealing them in.

- Ok, now you Michael, open it again. - Michael complied successfully and Max closed it back again. - You see, you’ll have no problems getting in and out. -

- What about us humans? - Liz said a little unsure.

- I presume you’ll be with one of us all the time. You’ll be able to do it by yourselves as your powers develop. - Serena told her.

- Well, Liz will be with Max, Maria with Michael, Stuart with Isabel but what about Laurie and me? - Said Kyle, very concerned.

- Liz and you should be able to master this soon enough, don’t worry, we’ll work on it asap. And anyway, there’s a backdoor that opens straight into my house for emergencies, you’ll see. - Serena watched him nod, not very convinced. - Now, let me show you your rooms. -

Another wave of her hands brought a decent light on, and she had the three aliens practice turning it on and off as they had with the entrance to the alien underground headquarters. There was a narrow alley and there were two doors on either side with a large open room at the back.

- The four bedrooms are exactly the same in size…- Serena began.

- May I choose mine? - Michael asked when she paused as if expecting him to interrupt her.

- Sure, go ahead. - Serena smiled, quite smug, sure of the outcome.

Michael went into the first one on his right and they saw him look up and wave his hand back and forth. He came out and went to the one across doing the same thing. He went to the next one on his left and came out smirking but still went to the last one across. Then he headed for the previous one and said he would take that one. He was surprised at the giggles and chuckles and turned to them.

- Liz and Serena knew you were going to choose that one, and they told us so when you went in the first time. - Max explained. - What’s so special about that one? Serena said they were all the same. -

- This is the only one not covered by the trees, and I can make the ground invisible to see the stars and the sun. - Michael informed him.

- How did you know? - Max turned to Liz and Serena.

- I could tell he was pleased when he saw the lack of trees. - Liz said.

- And I know my prince and what he likes. - Serena looked at Michael with love in her eyes.

- May I? - She asked and guided them to the rooms she chose for them, Max and Liz on the first on the right, Kyle on the next, and Isabel and Stuart on the first on the left.

- I assumed you would like to stay with Stuart, is that alright? - Serena asked Isabel, and her smile proved her right.

- Guess I’m the lucky one with a room all to myself. - Said Kyle, not sounding that lucky. - Why couldn’t we choose like Michael? -

- Because you would have chosen the ones I’ve given you just the same. Check the closets. - Serena said. - And the mini-gyms on the corner of the ones on the right. There’s a bar across the corner so Max can easily reach it and hang himself from it to do his thing. Who knows what would happen if he loses his much worked for and treasured abs! You have one too, Kyle, just in case. - Serena chuckled at her joke as Max’s ears went beet red along with his face.

They all rushed into their rooms to do as she had said and came out totally pleased and pleasantly surprised.

- Why don’t Michael and Stuart get gyms? - Kyle wondered.

- They’re not into that as much as you, and if they want to, they can use yours. Michael’s Royal blood keeps him in great shape, he does his push ups plus the sex, which even if you don’t consider it exercise, it’s because you don’t get it both ways as he does, and he’ll be riding everyday. You know what muscles he’ll be working out on horseback for everyone’s pleasure…- She winked at them and continued, beaming at now three blushing males. - Laurie helped me choose what she knew you would like when we went shopping at the mall. -

They all started thanking both Serena and Laurie.

- No need to thank us, you’re now my family, Max and Isabel have my dead cousins’ DNA, so now they’re them. I never knew them but they’re alive in you. - Laurie said to the ex-Evans.

- And you’re the closest to a family I can get here on Earth, so I’m glad I could do this for you to make you all feel at home. Now, let’s go to the workshop! - She led them into the large room at the back.

It was as wide as both rooms with the alley in the middle and just as deep.

- This is where we will be working out everyday until you are in complete control of your powers to make sure no freak accidents will occur. First we have to know where we stand as far as our alien side is concerned. Isabel, we need you to contact Agent Suzanne Duff, ok? - Serena asked her gently.

Isabel nodded as they all sat automatically in a circle. Michael went to the back of the room where there was a stack of mats and brought one with him.

- Here, Iz, you’ll need to get comfortable to do this. -

- I’m fine like this Michael, thank you. - Isabel said from where she sat snuggled against Stuart who had her arm around her.

- Oh well, may as well…- Michael said placing it on the ground and stretching out on it with his face on Maria’s lap.

Some of them shook their heads, others rolled their eyes as they scoffed, but they were all smiling at Michael.

- What? - He asked with a confused look on his face, but Isabel’s eyes were already closing so he shrugged and snuggled comfortably.

Their hands closed the circle and their eyes closed as they relaxed. Only on Isabel’s, the REM showed her brain was quite active in spite of all.

Agent Suzanne Duff had fallen asleep on the right side of her couch, her back pressed comfortably against the cushions as her TV showed the repetition of the late news.
Suddenly, her eyes opened as she felt the distinct sensation that she was being watched. She gave a jolt as her eyes saw Isabel sitting just like her on the other end of her couch.

- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. - Isabel felt guilty.

- No, no, it’s alright, I was hoping you would come to me. - Suzanne smiled, very pleased. Ok, I’ll tell you all I know. The group that attacked you at the graduation was not my people, but the Alien Hunters working without our consent, and considered an outlawed group because of their secrecy. We didn’t know their identities until today. The soldiers they took with them were the followers of Pierce, and the guns had been taken from our headquarters without our knowledge or permission. They were all captured after they left the building and headed out to their secret headquarters in the desert. We have the elite ones who were the leaders, in our prisons, for interrogation and their subordinates have been shipped this very night to battlefields where the army will need them, as punishment for what was considered an act of rebellion. I’m sorry about Jesse…-

- What? What happened to him? - Isabel exclaimed, visibly worried.

- He was quite lucky. They were about to shoot him in the back of the head execution style when we caught them. - Suzanne was surprised by Isabel’s concern about her traitor husband.

- Why? It doesn’t make sense. He wanted to come with us; he said he didn’t care about anything else! He had changed but I wouldn’t let him! It wasn’t right! -

- Isabel, didn’t Michael tell you? - Suzanne treaded carefully.

- Michael? Tell me what? What do you mean? - Isabel was freaking out.

- Ask him, it’s not for me to tell. Jesse was working with the dissident group. He had been ordered to go with you. In case that failed, he had to plant a bug to know your every movement. -

- No! That’s not possible, Kyle and Michael checked the whole van for bugs as soon as we took off and were out of sight. They found nothing. - Isabel assured her.

- He was given the newest kind, so small it’s impossible to see or detect unless you know what to look for. The thing is it worked for some minutes and then it just stalled. You must have found it or perhaps Michael’s powers did it unwittingly. When Jesse returned disappointed that he hadn’t been able to join you but quite pleased with himself for planting the bug, he couldn’t believe it when they received him very pissed at his failure. He swore he had been successful with the bug, but they showed him it was active but silent, and had been like that for over 20 minutes, which meant they had found it and got rid of it. - Suzanne concluded.

- No, I’m sure they found nothing! - Isabel was quite certain.

- Are you sure no one tossed anything out of the van, no matter how unimportant it may seem? - Suzanne wouldn’t let go, and then she saw Isabel concentrate and start going pale.

She held out her hand to her and it was trembling. Suzanne didn’t get it.

- My rings! I gave them to Jesse at the school auditorium before I left to join the others, and Jesse put them back on my finger when he said goodbye. - Her voice was shaky with the tears threatening to fall. - As we started moving, I began to play with them as I usually do when I’m nervous, and I was also sad because Jesse had sounded so sincere and heartbroken, but then I remembered how bad it had all turned out when he found out about me, the way he looked at me when he caught me using my powers, as if he hated me for it, not being able to forgive me for lying to him, and I came to the conclusion that it was for the best of all of us to stay away from him. I started thinking of Stuart and the possibility of being with him and I took them off and tossed them out of the window. It couldn’t have been on my wedding ring, because there was no place to hide it, but my engagement one had plenty, if it is as small as you say. -

- Well, anyway Jesse has now decided to come back to us and is spilling it all out to try to convince us to forgive him and that he is useful to us with all he knows about you. Yes, the FBI is very interested in you now, but for different reasons. - Suzanne didn’t sound very enthusiastic.

- What do you mean? They were already quite interested in us; remember those files you found some time ago? - Isabel reminded her.

- It turned out they weren’t ours, that’s why they were encrypted. They were from the Alien Hunters, using our computers but making them inaccessible to us. Now they’re interested in what they can get from you, but they’re afraid of Michael thanks to Jesse’s account of your powers. He’s convinced the FBI that its leaders’ decision to use your and Max’s powers would be positive for the good of mankind and science, but Michael is a threat and perfect for experimentation. He’s even gone as far as saying that in case of his capture, he is the only one who knows how to deal with him and it should be his privilege if he leads us to him. I’ve been thinking that the only way to make my colleagues accept that Michael is not aggressive but defensive is having both Jim Valenti and myself give our testimonies on how he risked his life to save ours, but at the same time, I’m not so sure of our safety if we do. - She considered.

- No, Suzanne, Michael would not accept it, and in the possibility of a confrontation, Michael would rather die than admit to anything that might endanger any of you. He’ll probably have them kill him insisting he’s never seen you in his life but that would not work with Jim, I don’t even want to think what Michael would do if he saw him in danger. There must be another way. - Isabel scoffed.

- Believe me, that’s all I have right now. How can I get in touch with you if anything else comes up? - Suzanne wondered.

- Ok, here’s what we’ll do. What time do you get up? - Isabel asked her.

- Usually I’m up at 5:45am. That’s the time my alarm wakes me up. - She answered.

- Fine, if you have something to communicate to me, turn the alarm off, so I’ll try to dreamwalk you everyday at 5:50 am. If I can’t, it’s because you’re already awake, meaning you have nothing to tell me. It’s totally safe. - Isabel nodded.

Suzanne agreed it was a great idea and they hugged before Isabel broke the connection.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:29 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 4

Michael didn’t need to look up to know all their eyes were on him. He felt Serena’s hand caressing his hair although she was the farthest from him across the circle. Even her voice seemed to come from right beside him:

- Michael, you must tell her, they all need to know. Do you want Isabel to go back to Jesse? I don’t think so, and she won’t when she hears what he did to you. Remember, no secrets? - She saw Michael wince. - I know, honey, you were trying to protect her, but you must do it now. -

- Michael, please! I need to know! - Isabel begged, her eyes full of tears.

Michael sighed and shut his eyes tight before he made the connection. He began with the dreamwalk fiasco, the way Jesse had spiked the green Tabasco on purpose, pretending he had bought it by mistake to be able to do what he felt like doing to him. Then he told them how he captured him and took him to their desert headquarters to torture him until he was rescued. Jesse managed to stay out of sight so nobody even knew he had been there. When it was over, Michael just let go and lay slumped on the matt, his face buried in Maria’s stomach.

- Oh my god, Michael, I never expected it to happen that way! - Isabel was shaking with shock.

- I’m sorry, Izzie, I didn’t mean it to go that way either. - Michael muttered.

- Michael, it wasn’t your fault! How could he…! - Isabel shook her head, still in tears. - I was so stupid! I should have listened to you! I should have never married Jesse! -

- Isabel, it was your choice, it was your decision…you saw it as your way out of a very stressful situation, no one can blame you! How could you possibly know who he really was? - Michael pushed up and crawled towards her, taking her in his arms.

She sobbed into his chest as he kissed her hair and pressed her against him. Just like before, he knew all the eyes were again on him, this time horrified with the knowledge of what Isabel’s husband had done to him.

- Next time I see Jesse, I’ll tear his eyes out! - Isabel exclaimed between sobs.

- No Isabel! That’s just why I kept it to myself! He mustn’t know you know! You must keep him on your side for your sakes, you and Max’s, forget about me! - Michael told her.

- What? Michael don’t you realize it yet? You’re the most important one of us; you’re the only one with Royal blood, the last of your dynasty! Our people are counting on you to give them royal heirs; it takes only you to pass on the bloodline, no matter who you have children with! - Isabel faced him.

- No Iz, my blood would make them targets for our enemies! - Michael said, outraged.

- Michael, they would have constant protection! - Serena assured him.

- Sure, that would be living in a kind of jail without having done anything wrong. They wouldn’t be able to live a full life just because of who they are! I couldn’t do that to them, no, it’s not a good idea. - He shook his head and frowned.

- Things have changed, Michael, the Antares situation is very different now. People are sick of Khivar’s regime. Everyday there are fewer people in thestreets, they prefer the tunnels to the sunlight with Khivar. They are sick of fighting, of losing their friends and family. The young ones want to be able to marry and raise their children in peace, not under the threat and fear of death. They long for the quality of life their elders remember and tell them about. Now that they have taken refuge in the underground, they regret their stupidity and the ones who mostly do so are those who have deserted Khivar’s army. The dictator has only a small group of close friends with him, but he can see the shadow of doubt even in them. His bloodthirsty foreign mercenaries are the only ones left to do his fighting, knowing their massacres will never be forgiven and there is no way they will leave the galaxy alive. The Antares outnumbers them but they need a leader who will give them the courage they need for the final showdown and that is you. You’re the only one who can do it. Everyday they beg your father to bring you back, because you’re their prince, their warlord and their salvation. - Serena watched Michael wince as he was reminded of Courtney’s similar words, which Maria had referred to as “ass sucking”. - I’m repeating you father’s words from the last time I communicated with him a couple of days before you arrived. -

Michael turned behind him to see the reason for the strange look in Isabel’s eyes and was shocked to see Maria paler that he could have thought possible.

- What have I done…what have I done…- She babbled nonstop, her whole body shaking.

- Maria, no! - Michael rushed back to her and wrapped his arms around her. - It’s not your fault, we didn’t know Courtney was really on our side, how could we be sure we could trust her? -

- He’s right, Maria, her approach wasn’t very reliable, we had every reason to doubt and fear her until Nicholas told us what she did in the end. What could you possibly have done to make you feel so bad? You were jealous, who wouldn’t? - Isabel tried to comfort her.

- I convinced Michael not to trust her because of my dumb insecurity, that’s what I did. Now that I realize my mistake, how do you think I feel? - She sobbed.
- Serena is right about the heirs. I must step aside and let you two have the life you deserve together. -

- Maria, don’t be silly, your children with him will also have his Royal blood, didn’t you just hear me? - Isabel said.

- I don’t think the Antares would accept half human hybrids. You’re Antares, that’s what your people want. - Maria insisted.

- Maria, I have you, and Isabel has Stuart, what are you talking about? - Michael asked.

- Then I won’t mind if you have heirs with her too, to please your people, and I’m sure Stuart wouldn’t object either, knowing how important they are to them. I would still be here for you, if you still want me. - Maria turned to Stuart.

- I understand, I would allow it too, it would be an honour, and Isabel, you wouldn’t lose me either, if it’s ok with you. You all know how I feel about Isabel, and how much…I love Michael too. - His eyes turned towards the floor, at the end, not being able to face them when he mentioned his irresistible addiction to the boy, adding: - At least I don’t have to rape him to enjoy him. -

He had really muttered the last part to himself, but it came out a little louder than he had meant it to. He knew for sure that they had all heard it and he was obviously too embarrassed to look up again.

- Thank you man, and no, you don’t, you can do anything you want to me anytime you want to. You know it and you have, huh? - Michael smirked, amused at the doctor’s unexpected shyness at the issues.

- Thank you, we both love Michael and I love you in a very special way because of it. - Isabel squeezed Stuart’s hand and smiled at him when he forced his eyes to meet hers.

- Are you serious about the heirs? - Michael asked them, in total disbelief.

His eyes opened wide when the three of them nodded, very seriously.

- Ok, ok, cool it. Serena also said that the war has to be over to be able to raise a family in peace, so that’s what should happen first. - Michael nodded.

- True, but remember time here is not the same as on Antar. You guys are going to return about the same age you died. Vilandra should have been able to have a child as soon as she became a woman at thirteen, not the usual thing there either, but naturally possible. It’s the same with humans, right Stuart? When a girl starts menstruating, it means she is physically able to have a child. - Serena said.

- Right but not recommended, because although her body is able to procreate, her growth has not yet been completed, and it will definitely stop when it happens. - Stuart went totally professional.

- What about Rath-Michael? Wasn’t he also too young? - Isabel asked.

- With the amount of hormones he had had the scientists pump into him, he was just as ready as her, with the advantage that being of Royal blood, it wouldn’t tamper with his growth at all. - Serena said.

- Then why didn’t they? Wasn’t the Royal family having problems begetting the much needed children? - Maria asked.

- Isabel wasn’t mentally ready, no one knew the outcome, and as you know, Antares girls decide when to get pregnant, and that wasn’t in Isabel’s mind yet. -
Serena answered.

- You’re lucky your alien side has saved you from unwanted pregnancies! - Maria sighed, as they all noticed Isabel was looking very uncomfortable.

- Isabel! You’re not! Not Jesse’s please! - Exclaimed Maria.

- No I’m not! But I didn’t know about my alien thing, which seemed to work with Michael when we started so young, so I used the human way: I’ve been on the pill for quite some time. - Isabel assured her.

- You know what can happen with the pill, I hope. - Stuart said, not wanting to alarm her but seeing he had. - It can mean multiple births, like, say…twins. - He informed her.

- It may not only happen because of the pill, maybe you can help me work it out. - They had all completely forgotten about Uncle Derek who was staying out of their way.

- How’s that? - Stuart asked.

- Well, I’ve done some research, and it’s like this: Laurie’s namesake, her great grandmother, had twin brothers, one of which died at birth probably with the recessive genetic defect of her chromosomes which she passed on to both her twins. Apparently her sister Meredith also had it and passed it on to her son Herbert. He in turn, passed it on to his son, who married and also had a boy, Robert, after his grandfather. He in turn married and had twins with the same blood condition, which had somehow skipped a generation. The same thing happened with the Duprees. Laurie’s father and his siblings didn’t have it. There’s something else you don’t know, Laurie, you born a twin too but your sister died just as she was born, unable to adapt to the defective chromosome, although her body showed no flaws. You weren’t identical, you had separate placentas. About three years later, your mother became pregnant again and your aunt Meredith got engaged. It turned out the guy was desperate to have kids and when she went to a doctor at his insistence, to make sure she could give him what he wanted, it turned out she couldn’t have children, and the guy left. She was so traumatized that she took it out on your mother out of jealousy, and your mother’s condition set her off. Your father decided that since Meredith couldn’t be sent away, he sent your mother to this beautiful private clinic where she could relax and he visited her everyday. Unfortunately, children were not allowed so you were told she had gone on a trip to visit relatives, remember? - Laurie nodded and he continued. - She was fine there, on a special diet, pampered and happy except for the fact she couldn’t see you, but your dad took lots of pictures of you and took them to her. She was expecting twins again, and it was going to be a surprise for you. It wasn’t mentioned at home because of Meredith and in the end they were glad they hadn’t. The twins were a boy and a girl. The girl was born cyanotic, she couldn’t breath and she died in seconds. The boy took his time and was born almost twenty minutes later, and though he fought for his life all night, he died next day. Your parents were heartbroken and the autopsy results were that the chromosome defect had mutated so that the girl couldn’t adapt to it, the boy took it into himself to save her, but her lungs had been left too weak and she asphyxiated as she came out. The boy was stronger but his efforts to save his sister cost him his life as the excessive amounts of the defective chromosome turned against him. Your father thought the doctors were speaking nonsense so he had a second and even a third opinion from European experts. He was surprised when they told him what unborn babies could do, specially twins. The weaker one would sometimes kill its sibling to gain its strength to survive and the other one would allow it to happen, just to help the other one. Something like that had happened, except that the stronger one, the boy in this case, had used his strength to take unto himself what was killing his sister to save her, not caring that it would kill him. The boy was given the name Michael before he was buried, and the girl was named Ada after her grandmother. They were never mentioned because of the traumatic effects on your mother and probably on your grandfather too. Right after that, your parents decided to travel to forget about the tragedy they had just gone through and their plane crashed. That’s why the Dupree twins and the Tyler twins were able to be used for cloning you guys. - Uncle Derek said.

- Derek! Why hadn’t you told me? - Serena snapped at him.

- I just found out a few hours before they arrived. You were in your full concentration, resting to be able to do what we are doing now, and I had woken up and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I went to the computer to go on with my researches. I haven’t had a chance to tell you until now that the whole thing came up. - He shrugged, apologizing, though there was no need for it.

- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get jumpy, please let me find something out, I need just a few seconds, please? - And without waiting for their answer, already knowing what it would be, she closed her eyes and went into a trance.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:28 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 5

Scarcely three seconds later, she opened them and nodded, taking a deep breath.

- The baby brother tried to protect his sister from the defective chromosome’s effect which killed her, Laurie, like he would have, had he been your twin, but it was useless and it took his life too. Our people recovered his essence and though they had decided to use your grandfather Charles’ twin’s essence to create Rath-Michael’s clone, because of his protective nature, they changed it for your true brother’s, because of what he did for his sister. He would have been the spitting image of your grandfather, anyway. - Serena’s eyes were full of tears and she noticed she wasn’t the only one.

- Why did Langley say it had been grandpa’s brother’s essence used to clone Michael? - Laurie asked.

- Because as far as he knows, it had. The change was made by the scientists and they had no need to inform anyone outside their elite group. Anyway, it was the same family and the same name, and so, the same DNA. - Serena said.

- What about the girl my dad loved, the one that left and that you thought she was pregnant? - Laurie asked Uncle Derek.

- She was called Julie Stevens, and apparently she wasn’t pregnant. She took a job in South America but she never made it. She died in the plane crash in the Amazon jungle. Just found out too. Sorry to say it, but that information will come very handy to explain about Michael. - He told her.

- It’s so sad that we will have to take the place of three dead persons. - Isabel shook her head.

- I know, but you will be giving them back their lives, think of it that way. There was no premeditation in their tragedies, so I guess it would be some kind of reincarnation, at least, that’s the way I would put it. - He gave a sad smile, sharing Isabel’s feelings.

- You said the Dupree “twins” but Michael’s twin sister’s lungs were too damaged so they must have used Laurie’s, right? - Liz frowned when Uncle Derek chuckled.

- I was expecting that from you and just waiting. Laurie’s twin’s essence was used by our scientists to clone Ava and Tess. - Serena informed.

- What about the Tyler twins? - Michael asked.

- As you can imagine, both Ethel and Herbert were against their son marrying an executive of a very big company. He had always been very shy and thin and it was obvious she was after the money. They eloped and only came back when she was about to give birth and they were broke because she had had to quit her job. Remembering their own experience, Ethel and Herbert took them in and forgave them. Two years after she had the babies, she started working again as successfully as before and even got Robert a great job in the company too. The children lacked nothing, except their parents’ attention, and their grandparents did what they could but Wendy had always resented them because they had been against their marriage. - Uncle Derek nodded.

- So how will you explain Max and Isabel being in the East and in Roswell at the same time? - Liz wondered.

- By the time their kids reached school age, the Tylers, who travelled a lot, shipped them to Switzerland to some relatives to raise them so no one saw them after that. Wendy was exasperated because they looked so much like their grandparents and she had terrible fits of anger as they resembled them more as they grew up, so they took that decision. Wendy thought they would think her weird, which she was, if she admitted her feelings about their kids, so she just said they were being raised by relatives who didn’t travel as much as they did and had all the time for them. She would say that they visited them as often as it was possible, which was also true, though it was Robert the one who did the actual visiting. The few people who knew them always said they were very strange people and they never saw their kids after they took them away, so we’re safe there too. We will say they sent them to the Duprees in Tucson, since their real location had never been mentioned, but the kids never arrived and no matter how hard they tried to find out what had happened to them, they never could in spite of all the money they spend in investigations. They knew those who knew them thought they were strange, so they invented the Switzerland story to justify their tragedy. Then four years ago, they called the Duprees as they usually did every year on the date of the disappearance, with hopes of any news, but they weren’t home. The servant who answered told them what they had done to Laurie, and they were so outraged that he suffered the stroke and her latent Alzheimer’s condition was severely activated. That would coincide with what really caused them. - Uncle Derek frowned. - No one here knows the real cause. All they know is that they returned from their trip like this due to a shocking impression. They really couldn’t care less, as they were never the friendly kind. -

- What were their names? - Liz wondered.

- Sam and Mabel. Kind of close, huh? - Uncle Derek said.

- What about Michael, what can you come up with for him? - Laurie asked.

- I’ve worked that out. His “pregnant” mother survived the crash, was taken care of her head traumatism by the natives who rescued her, but she never fully recovered. There were days when she was rather coherent but they got fewer with the years and she died when the boy was 6. The natives took him to some Americans from the Peace Corps in that region, who brought him back to the US and took a night bus across the country bound for the East. Unfortunately, they fell asleep during the trip. They didn’t wake up until the morning and the boy was missing. They had no way of knowing where he could have left the bus because it had made several stops on the way. They never found him. Now, Michael, you will say you got off the bus to buy a coke and missed it. You hitchhiked and some potheads on a pickup van gave you a ride saying they would catch the bus you were after, but they were too high and by the time you realized what was going on, you were lucky that they stopped to take a leak. You took off and hid until they left. You fell asleep and next morning you ended at the ranch where you were found. -

- What about the people involved? - Michael asked.

- Don’t worry; nothing alien powers can’t solve. - Serena looked smug. - You guys will be in college by September, you’ll see. How do you like that? -

- Fine, I think it might work. I’m only worried about the FBI finding out the truth about the real ones. - Liz scoffed.

- Agent Duff may be able to help there, since things have changed there too. How are you guys doing? - Serena asked them.

- I’m getting sleepy, just don’t put her in danger, ok? - Michael sighed.

- You know I wouldn’t Michael, and it’s almost 5am. We all definitely need a break. - Serena started getting up and they all followed suit. - Oh, before I forget, this is the back door that leads right to our house, so use it anytime you feel like it, ok? -

Serena pointed to a door on the right hand side of the room.

- Is it a tunnel? - Kyle asked apprehensively.

- Yes, but it can be lit just like these rooms. - Serena told them.

- What if I’m alone? - Kyle regretted the dread in his voice.

- You can use this cell phone to call me and I’ll light them for you. - Serena pointed to the small phone in a nook by the door with her phone number taped to the back.

Kyle smiled and nodded. They walked to their rooms and Serena took the tunnel with Uncle Derek, turning on the lights and closing the door after them.

Michael trudged towards his chosen room dragging Maria who was clinging to the waist of his jeans. He reached the bed and sprawled in the usual face down position he favoured to sleep, waving his clothes off on the way down. Maria lay beside him and he automatically covered her with his body as she reflexively wrapped her arms around him. He leant one side beside her on the bed to distribute his weight not to crush her, and still be able to protect her. The door was left open, and they could see them in profile with Michael’s back to them. As Isabel passed by, she couldn’t help looking at him wistfully and Stuart understood perfectly how she felt.
He squeezed her hand, letting her know he did and when she turned to look into his face, she saw her exact thoughts mirrored there and squeezed his hand back.

Serena and Uncle Derek waited until 1:00 pm to check on their guests. As they came out of the large room, they noticed the door to Kyle’s room was half open and the room was empty. They turned the other way to Michael’s room and found them all together in the bed which had been enlarged to fit them all. Michael lay in the middle and they were all huddled into him. Serena understood that the presence of the warrior made them all feel safe.

Michael felt Serena’s essence and became aware of where he was. He tried to move and felt he was being held down from all directions by a giant octopus. A tentacle held each of his legs as he felt another one nestled between them ending against his ass, two others held his arms and pressed into his sides, lazily travelling up and down his back. His face seemed to be lying on one of them too but instead of the slimy cold texture which should be expected, he felt a familiar warmth surrounding him. There was a gentle hum around the area of his hips and legs and realized it was made by the sound of whispering. He felt Liz was one of the sources and then he recognized Maria and Isabel as the other two. He detected the three other presences on his upper body as definitely male, and he slowly sensed Max and Stuart at his sides, and the scent under his cheek was unmistakably Kyle’s stomach. Comfortable with his family, he went back to sleep. Serena cleared her throat softly and felt six pairs of eyes homing on her. Smiles were shared and an invitation for breakfast. Laurie entered the room as they carefully disentangled themselves and started getting up. She had a covered tray in her hands which she laid on a small table by the bathroom door. As she turned, Isabel waved her hand over Michael’s hips and clothed him with some snug sweat shorts for decency’s sake and Laurie’s too, beating Max to it by a fraction of a second.

- I knew he would still be asleep, so go ahead and have your breakfast. I’ll stay with him and feed him when he wakes up. - She rushed to take Kyle’s place as he got up and eased Michael’s face on her lap the second Kyle slid from under him. Michael felt everyone leaving him but then his sister was there with him and it was alright, he wasn’t alone.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:51 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 6

- Michael…- She whispered as she stroked his hair, smiling when he sighed.
- Hey, baby bro, are you awake? -

She caressed his cheek with the back of her fingers. Michael purred and turned his face, kissing her hand and smiled, writhing and whispering:

- Laurie…? -

- Michael, Isabel is not going back to that beast of a husband, is she? - Laurie asked him.

- No, not after this. - He whispered back.

She reached out and took his hand in hers, giving it a squeeze.

- I’ve been thinking…if you had been my twin brother, would you have done the same for me? - She wondered.

- You know I would have given my life for you without as much as a thought. - His voice was husky with sleep, his eyes still closed.

- Am I a bad person? According to what Uncle Derek said, I fall in the first category: I killed my twin to survive! So I guess I deserved what happened to me. I feel so bad about it! - Laurie sobbed.

She felt him pulling her down beside him and wrapping her in his arms as he rolled on his side to face her. His lips were barely and inch away from hers, and she was surprised by the cotton candy scent as his words reached her ears.

- How can you be responsible for something that happened when you weren’t even aware of it? If your twin allowed it, maybe it was because she wasn’t going to make it anyway! Don’t blame yourself for the two idiots who should have taken care of you instead of taking advantage of the situation for their profit! - Michael’s eyes never opened.

Laurie shivered as his lips reached hers, closing her eyes and receiving a sweet brotherly kiss. She was overwhelmed by the love she felt for him and couldn’t help sobbing.

- Laurie? - Michael whispered so close to her lips still.

She opened her eyes and was lost in the liquid honey pools staring at her. Then she saw the most beautiful smile anyone had ever given her and she pulled him down against her. Michael just lay there in his sister’s arms and enjoyed this wonderful feeling of belonging, of being at home, with his sister; he tasted the word, and knew she was having the same feelings.

- I still can’t believe you’re here with me, Michael, that I really have a brother, I love you so much! - She squeezed him as tight as she could.

- You see, Laurie? How can you be a bad person if you are willing to share what belongs to you with me, out of the kindness of your heart? - He turned his face kissing her hair and the tip of her ear.

- Michael, I’m not sharing! It’s yours too, you are my brother reborn! We have the same DNA, it was your alien side that made it possible and I have so much to thank it for. And I was afraid of aliens! - She giggled as she relaxed her hold.

If anyone walked in, they might get the wrong idea, seeing the siblings lying together in bed, the boy practically on the girl, but the love flowing between them was absolutely pure and innocent.

- Are you hungry? - Laurie asked him as she kissed his cheek.

Michael growled and rolled away from her to let her up. Laurie brought the tray to the bed and smiled as he consumed the extra nourishing breakfast exclusively prepared for him by Serena.
Her life had changed so dramatically since her scary meeting with this boy, due to his uncanny resemblance to her grandfather. It had gone to learning to trust him and then the revelation of who he really was had shattered her world. He was not only her brother, but also an alien hybrid, who had been a feared and admired young warrior, the true Royal blooded heir to a throne he did not want, and for which he had suffered so much, until his betrayal which led to his cruel death. As the secrets of his previous life were revealed, her new found love for him had turned into awe, of the amazing person he was, one of a kind, no doubts about that. There couldn’t be another Michael or anyone like him, he was so special! When Michael finished eating, he realized that Laurie was looking at him with a sad look in her eyes.

- Hey sis, you ok? - He asked, very concerned.

- Yes, I was just thinking how my aunt and uncle could get away with it with none of the doctors moving a finger in spite of knowing what they were doing. How ‘human’ of them, huh? I’m beginning to think aliens are more ‘human’ than humans themselves. - She scoffed.

- I don’t know what I would have done if they had physically hurt you…- Michael frowned.

- Oh Michael! And I hurt you, sorry about your balls…- Laurie sighed.

- What? - Michael was quite confused.

- That night in Roswell when I took off from Jim Valenti’s house and you caught up with me? I creamed your balls…- She truly regretted it.

- Oh that! You were scared, you were just defending yourself. - Michael smirked.

- From you! What an irony! - She smiled.

- Well, that’s life! - Michael said and stretched. - I need a shower. -

He got up slowly and headed for the bathroom.

- Michael! You just stuffed yourself, shouldn’t you wait? - She asked worriedly.

- No, I’m still in time, I’ve just finished. - He closed the door behind him as Laurie took the empty tray and left the room.

As they entered the back room to return to the house, she heard the whole gang arriving at the connecting door. The first one to burst in was Maria, asking Laurie about Michael. Then she rushed towards him.

- Well, those two will be busy for a while. - Kyle nodded feeling all their eyes on him. - Wanna bet? -

They chose to ignore him and turned to Serena.

- It’s ok, Michael’s energy is a little too strong, so without that distraction, I want you practicing in each corner of the room not to have your energies clash. With Michael on top of all we would end up having Sylvia, Anita, Javi and Rubén picking us off the trees or fishing us out of the pool. Not good really. - Serena suddenly narrowed her eyes as if listening to something no one else but Liz and her did.

- Oh, so you heard that, Michael? Glad you enjoyed it! - She laughed and turned to them. - Maria wants to know what she’ll do while we have our hands full… She and Laurie will be needed at the computer to keep a file with all the details of everyone’s progress…Maria thinks it’s a bad idea to have it recorded in case it might be discovered…Don’t worry, I’m having it encrypted in the Antares language, so even if the code is broken it will be impossible to understand. Yes Michael, I agree: cool! Take your time, kid, I’ll fill you in when you arrive. -

- I’d like to do that…- Said Kyle, grinning and immediately regretting it when he saw the look in Laurie’s face. - Sorry, kidding…-

Serena decided to change the subject and began to get them started.

- Max, your shield and your healing powers are working fine but what if the person you need to heal can’t open his or her eyes? You need to perfect your technique so that you don’t need them to open their eyes to heal them. What you have to do is practice seeing them through their closed eyelids. Go to that corner and practice on Stuart. Now, Isabel, your dreamwalking has got much better since now you don’t need to have a picture of the person. All you have to do is focus on his or her face from memory and make a mental picture to contact them. So what you need to do now, is practice on your shield. We know you have it, but you need to learn to activate it. You’ve seen Max do it with his, so picture yourself doing just that until you master it. Focus on it flowing out of your hand as you push forwards with your palm. Once you get it going, we’ll go to closing it, but you need to access it first. Go to the opposite corner from Max. -

A giggle and a growl had them all turning to the doorway from the bedrooms to see Michael carrying Maria into the room. When he saw all eyes on them, he placed her gently on the floor and smirked his apology for the interruption.

- Ok Maria, you’re just in time, I need you to help Liz. - Serena turned to the girl in question. - Liz, your empathy with Michael comes natural, but you need to touch others to make it happen. You’ve been getting good at it lately, so now I want you to practice without the physical contact, just through nearness of by simply concentrating on the person through visual contact. Since Maria has been your friend since childhood, you’ll begin with her to facilitate it. Try to get what Maria is thinking, and Maria, please, don’t think the obvious things but make it a little difficult to see if it’s really working, ok? - She exchanged smiles with Michael’s girlfriend and guided her to one of the empty corners left before she turned to the last pupil involved.

- Alright Kyle, your powers are just beginning so we’ll go easy. Remember Tess has given you her powers already better and stronger than she had while she was here with you, but you have to master them so we’ll try those first and then when you access them, we’ll go to your shield, which by then, should be a piece of cake. Practice with Laurie, use the two senses which are most important for a mindwarp: hearing, and then we will go to the more difficult one: eyesight. Concentrate in making her hear what you want her to. - She pointed to the last corner available.

- Can I use my own techniques to concentrate? - He asked, looking very serious.

- Of course Kyle, whatever you need to make it happen. - Serena agreed.

The second she turned to see how Max was doing, Kyle’s loud ‘Ohmmm’s’ had everyone losing concentration and turning to him with a frown.

- What? She said I could use anything that was necessary, and Buddha is what really gets me there. - Kyle said, offended.

- Go into mute mode, please? We need silence here if we’re going to get anything done. - Serena was adamant and Kyle had to comply, not very happy about it.

They waited to make sure he had got the message and watched Laurie trying hard not to laugh at Kyle’s tightly shut eyes and mouth emitting the soundless ‘ohmmms’. They were about to return to their own thing when Laurie said with a look of surprise:

- How did the dogs get in here?...Oh wow, Kyle, was that you? -

- Thank you Buddha! - Kyle exclaimed opening his eyes and beaming.

- Sorry Kyle, but we can all hear the dogs as they’re right above us, I assure you Buddha had nothing to do with it. - She was truly sorry to see the look of disappointment on Kyle’s face so she decided to encourage him: - Keep trying, keep it simple at first, you’ll be there in no time, you’ll see. -

Kyle started all over again full concentration.

Serena went to Michael whose expression was clearly asking her: ‘What about me?’ She walked past him, grabbing his hand and whispering: - You come with me. -

She led him as far away from the others as possible but still underground. They stood at the exact point where they had been after climbing down the steps leading from the garden.

- I think we’re safe here. - She nodded. - Michael, your blasting powers are very powerful, but you need to focus in controlling your temper cause that’s what doesn’t allow you to graduate the amount of force you need on each occasion, and that’s your worst enemy. Your emotions and feelings are too strong, that’s not bad, but when you’re fighting you must put them aside. Keep them safely out of your mind, you need to focus on the fact that you’re doing this to protect them, so you need to do it right. You don’t need your hands, like the rocks you cracked with Tess. Just imagine exactly what you want to happen and send your energy to make it real, without any anger, just determination and sure you will succeed. That’s all. So now I need you to try it on small subtle things, only moving them, graduating just the exact amount of energy you need, nothing more that might change the result. Can you do it honey, for me? - Serena coaxed him.

- Of course I can. - He said confidently, blasting the door of the nearest room instead of just opening it.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:44 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 7

It took only 5 seconds to have the whole group from the back room come running with eyes and mouths wide open in fear. They found Serena efficiently restoring the door to its original shape and Michael just standing there with pink cheeks, not a full fledged blush, but the nearest to it.

- Michael! What happened? - Yelled Isabel, scared out of her wits and hugging him from the left as Maria did the same from the right, dumb with shock.

- I don’t know, I was focusing on just opening the door when suddenly I got this lifelike vision that a group of suited guys looking suspiciously like FBI’s were just behind it waiting for me to open it to pounce on us. Next I know, I’m blasting the door to toothpicks. Where the hell did that come from? - He frowned, totally confused.

Liz had been turning paler with each word coming from Michael, the last thing she remembered was trying to convey to Maria something to establish a two way empathic contact with her, because she had no problems receiving her thoughts but she wasn’t getting through to her as she wanted to. She tried sending her an image fearful enough to see if it would work and imagined suited FBI’s standing behind the door leading to the shelter, ready to jump them. She knew Michael could block her out, but she couldn’t keep him out of her mind. Hadn’t he blocked her out? Had she inadvertently sent him her thoughts as she was trying to do it with Maria? She had to find out, it would have to be something that left her no doubts, and she could only think of one incident, shocking enough to prove her point. She closed her eyes and focused, concentrating to the maximum, and hoping Michael would forgive her. Suddenly, Michael doubled up with pain, grunting and clutching at his lower stomach area. Maria and Isabel had to let go not to be pulled down with him.

- Michael! - They shouted together.

- I’m so sorry Michael; it was me, now I’m sure. I’m sorry I had to do this to you, but I had to be sure! - She rushed to him and kneeling on the floor in front of him, gently helped him up to his feet.

Michael was wincing and breathing hard, his eyes shut tight with his arms wrapped around Liz, struggling to stand on his own.

- Shit! That hurt! - He bit his lower lip as he slowly straightened up, his hands on Liz’s shoulders.

Max was staring at them with a mixture of anger and jealousy going both ways.

- Why didn’t you block me out? You know I can’t, I thought you had! - Liz said gently, going on tiptoes to kiss his cheek and run her fingers through his hair.

- What’s going on? - Asked Kyle.

- Yeah, same here! - Said Stuart.

Liz sighed dramatically and explained what she had been trying to get to Maria, ending sending it to Michael instead. Then to make sure she was on the right track, she sent him a vivid memory of Stuart’s exploration of Michael’s body to convince the other doctors that he was ready to go home.

- That’s called a ‘colonoscopy’, and if done correctly, with the patient sedated and relaxed as a result of the medication, it’s just uncomfortable, but since Michael’s alien side didn’t allow the sedation to take place long enough, it hurt like hell, because of his resistance, as he tried to fight the pain. It’s usually done with the patient on his side, but knowing Michael would be more comfortable face down, I did it like that so it would be easier for him to deal with the pain. How could you do that to him, Liz? It was cruel! - Stuart was shocked at her ruthlessness.

- I couldn’t think of anything else, I feel so bad about it! - Her tears were running down her cheeks.

- Why didn’t you just ask me? - Michael wondered.

- Oh my god! Why didn’t I think of it? - Liz was very distressed.

- It’s over, it’s ok. Now we know what happened. I’ll keep you blocked out in the future; I’m not risking another pain in the ass of that kind. -

- Thanks for specifying… - Chuckled Kyle, again feeling Laurie’s disapproving gaze which made him mumble: - Oh shit! -

- Ok, guys, back to work. - Serena clapped her hands.

- Excuse me, Serena; please I need to know about the powers I’ll get from Michael. At least that’s what Langley said would happen. Was he right? - Stuart looked determined to find out asap.

- Yes, it’s true; it’s really a way of thanking you for taking care of him and also through your physical contact. - Serena practically whispered the last part, a little concerned about how Laurie was taking all this. - It’s up to Michael to decide, but maybe you can suggest what you want, after all, he owes you his life, and that kind of gives you the right to choose. -

- Just ask, man, anything in my hands, it’s yours. You’re getting the shield anyway and whatever else you want. - Michael smirked.

- I might be asking too much…- Stuart felt pretentious.

- I owe you man, nothing is enough, tell me…- Michael locked his eyes with his.

- Healing powers and empathy, so I can know exactly what my patients feel and need, and how they are taking it. I don’t ever want to submit anyone again to the torture and agony I put you through, because of my lack of those two powers. - He said.

Serena stepped up and took both his hands in hers, using her powers as a seer.

- Stuart, Michael mustn’t give you what you already have. You are already a healer, an excellent human healer as our own scientists put it. If he gave you alien healing powers in this environment, they would just clash with yours, canceling each other and leave you with nothing. You have these unfailing instincts that you have developed through your training, and which are a very rare gift, both in alien as in human healers, I might assure you, in any kind of healer in the vast universe. It would be a terrible loss to have them go away trying to attain what could be your downfall in your media. Empathy, on the other hand, would be the perfect complement you need, to keep you in the right track of diagnosis, showing you what to attack and how with the correct available medicines, going straight to the cause of the damage and/or ailment. Remember you will be working with Max, to boost whatever cannot be reversed or overcome with human technology. Your newfound powers will show you the most subtle way to credible reasons for the ‘miracle’, keeping both of you on the safe side. In Antares atmosphere, though, your alien healing powers would kick in automatically, since Michael is willing to give them to you, to adapt to the differences of the other anatomy, making you as efficient as you were on Earth. I’m sure you will agree with me on this, right? - She locked her eyes with his.

Stuart was impressed by her accurate delivery and couldn’t help nodding, sensing the others’ respect at the amazing piece of information Serena had provided.

- So empathy is ok for the time being? - Michael asked.

Stuart smiled and just nodded.

- How do we go about it, how do I give it to him? - Michael asked Serena.

- I’m afraid in the same way you’ve given what you have to the others, you have to make a…physical contact. So, we’ll leave you guys alone to work it out. C’mon guys, we have still a lot of work to do. - Serena ushered them back to the back room as most of them left a little reluctantly for their own reasons, but knew it was for the best.

- Your room or mine? - Michael smirked.

- Which one’s nearer? - Stuart said eagerly.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:52 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 8

- If we know what’s good for us, we better spare Maria and Isabel...Kyle’s. - Michael emphasized.

- Isn’t his room next door to the ‘workshop’? - Stuart asked.

- I can soundproof the room. - Michael answered.

- What about Kyle? - Stuart sounded concerned.

- Mmm...- Michael made a face and nodded. - I’ll take care of him later. -

- Fair enough. - Stuart shrugged, making a face too.

Stuart reached out and grabbed Michael’s ass, giving it a squeeze. Michael growled and winced, jokingly.

- I’m in dire need to take your temperature! - Stuart kept it up.

- Then I better lie down, you have a rather large instrument. - Michael winked.

- Right! I’ll need lube, I’ll get some. - But before he could turn, Michael reached back and stopped him grabbing his wrist.

- I know Serena, you’ll find it in any bathroom. - He smirked.

- In that case, I should say she knows you quite well. - He nodded.

- Better than you think. - He chuckled as Stuart’s eyes narrowed, and he explained: - You have a dirty mind, doctor, she was my mother’s best friend! -

Stuart placed both hands on his butt and pushed him into the room until he was standing against the foot of the bed.

- Well, do it now! The soundproofing! - Stuart arched his eyebrows as Michael grinned and swept his hand around the room.

- Done. - He bit his lower lip as he checked Stuart over his shoulder.

He pointed his fingers towards the floor and stepped easily out of his boots, kicking them aside. As he was about to wave his clothes off, Stuart stopped him.

- No, I want to do that. – He insisted, pulling Michael’s black sleeveless t-shirt out of his snug sweat pants.

He slid his hands up his back, hooking his thumbs on the garment and slowly pulling it off over his head. He tossed it aside and pushed his fingers into his hair as Michael shook it back in place. Stuart pressed his face into his back, between his shoulder blades and kissed him, feeling his heart and breathing speed up. He kissed him all the way down his spine as he crouched behind him and his hands travelling down his ribs, reached the waist of his pants. He wrapped his arms around him and unlaced the cord at the front, then just as slowly, he slid them down, his hands enjoying the feel of his skin over his ass to his thighs. Stuart pushed Michael forwards on his knees, bent over the edge of the bed, so he was kneeling behind Michael, and he leant to bury his tongue between the firm buttocks all the way up to where he knew he would tickle Michael silly.

- Ahhh! - Went Michael and squirmed, pushing his ass back into the doctor’s face.

Stuart nipped the muscular rump as he kept doing it down the strong thighs, bunching the cotton sweats all the way down to his ankles, getting it off and proceeding to the other leg, to send it beside the t-shirt as he continued the nipping up the other thigh to the opposite starting point.

- Assume the position, boy! - He ordered with a spank and Michael climbed on the bed crawling forwards until his insteps were hooked over the edge of the mattress.

Stuart turned his hands so his palms were on the silky insides of Michael’s thighs, spreading them wider.

- Don’t move...- He whispered, bending to kiss the place he would enter, once it was properly prepared to receive him.

Michael shivered in anticipation and Stuart rushed to the bathroom and returned chuckling.

- Fire and ice, huh? Serena sure loves me. – Michael guessed what had amused his human lover.

Stuart unzipped his pants and let his full erection slap against his belly. He opened the jar and scooped a glob of the special mix, spreading it over his cock but leaving the head to be slicked by his pre-cum. What little was left on his finger was enough to allow him to screw it into Michael’s tight ass. He shoved it as deep as it would go as Michael squeezed and purred in pain and pleasure. Stuart screwed it both ways a few times, then forced it out enough to press his fingertip against the sensitive prostate gland making the boy writhe and moan. Stuart massaged and teased to give a maximum of pleasure without reaching an orgasm, until Michael couldn’t help begging him:

- Please! Shove it in! I can’t stand it any longer! -

Stuart aimed his cock with the aid of his thumbs, and thrust the pre-cum bubbling head in. Michael whimpered and bucked, hissing as the slick thick length opened his narrow passage until it was lodged as deep as it could go. Stuart had to stop, not only for Michael to adjust, but to prevent himself from coming. Sheathing his cock into Michael’s ass was the utmost sexual experience. The encasing was velvety soft and so hot, the friction maddening. He started a rolling motion, staying deep inside, then pulling out an inch on a sideways slant and pushing it back in the same way. Then repeating it to the other side and over again, each time adding another inch until it was coming almost completely out and back all the way in. Stuart changed to a forwards and backwards slant but couldn’t keep it up because it almost had them coming. They kept still until it passed and Stuart started a slow deep penetration, taking it all the way out to push it in right away, making sure Michael felt his whole length and width at a teasing pace. Michael was enjoying it thoroughly.

- Can you feel what you’re making me feel? - He whispered.

- I sure hope so, cause you’re driving me out of my mind! - Stuart whispered back, absolutely sure of what he was making Michael feel.

He skimmed his g-spot and dipped under him so he could plough in so deep, he could feel his balls pressing against Michael’s. The boy was ready to lose it and Stuart could feel this coming feeling as he had never felt it before, and he knew it was Michael’s, not his. The empathy was kicking in, and he could tell what Michael’s next move would be, a fraction of a second before it happened. It was as if he was about to come in two different dimensions. He sensed Michael wanted it hard, and that’s just what he gave him. He started ramming him as he knew he needed and Michael’s orgasm triggered his with such intensity, he thought he was exploding. He actually was, into Michael, and the boy was twisting and sobbing, feeling each searing drop which was shot into him.

When he was finally able to move, Michael found himself on his side. He tried to roll back on his stomach and was surprised by a sharp pain shooting up his ass. He couldn’t help grunting a fraction of a second before he realized someone was glued to his back and a still erect cock was sticking into him.

- Did I hurt you? - A concerned Stuart asked, his arms around him holding him closer.

- Nah, just didn’t think you were still that hard. - He winced, throwing his head back over his doctor’s shoulder so their lips could meet.

Stuart’s cock jumped inside Michael and the boy gasped.

- I better check you up, or we’ll start all over again. - Stuart said reluctantly as he carefully eased himself out.

- Ungh! No problem, we need a shower anyway, so let’s do it there. - Michael chuckled.

- Michael, they might think once is enough…- Stuart was doubtful.

- Well, I guess your empathy will take some time to fully kick in like Liz’s did, so maybe a boost would shorten the time? - Michael winked turning to face him as he rolled over and pushed up on his knees to help him do his thing.

Stuart could see the scars were a little red and sensitive as they reacted to his fingertip giving them a gentle nudge.

- Michael, are you sure…? Stuart insisted, sliding his finger in to probe for damage as Michael squeezed and hissed.

- They’re all blocked out, just in case. Hey, I didn’t forget this time. Relax, man! Will I live? - He teased, feeling Stuart pulling out.

Michael got up giving his lover an inviting smirk as he headed for the bathroom. Stuart hurried behind him, his eyes couldn’t leave Michael’s ass.

He got in behind him and before he knew what was happening, he saw Michael reach back and rub his hands down his forearms. Stuart couldn’t believe that was all it had taken to end up totally lathered, as Michael pressed back against him and squirmed getting his back soaped in a very pleasant way. Stuart found his hands dripping liquid soap so his arms went around Michael and used it on his front. As he crouched to do his legs, he made eye contact with his butt and almost drooled as he watched his cum sliding down the inside of his thighs, mixing with the suds.

- Michael…- He whispered.

The boy automatically leant forwards, hands on the wall, spreading his legs and pushing his hips back. Stuart needed no further invitation. He grabbed the slippery mounds and held them apart to slide his tongue all the way up and down, then prodding and inserting it to taste himself and shudder with excitement. His cock couldn’t get any harder, as he got back up on his feet, making Michael feel it against him and shiver with desire.

- Oh yes…please…- Michael bucked as the slick head slid down to where he needed it and growled as it rammed into him.

Stuart shoved it all in, in a fluid motion, filling him completely and he could swear he could feel electricity running up his arms branching in two directions: his cock and his brain, the source was the palms of his hands on Michael’s ass. The other point of contact, inside him, sent a heat wave to the same two places, wrapping his whole body in ecstasy. He knew Michael wanted him to fuck him hard, fuck the daylights out of him and make him beg for mercy, as if he would ever do that! He was messing with his mind, and he knew it was his empathy. It had been so fast! Could it be possible that his deeper contact with Michael was what was making it happen? Well, it was happening, again he knew the boy was going crazy with pleasure, the way he bucked and clenched and whimpered and purred and squirmed, what else could it be?

- Michael…Michael! - Stuart shouted, as the boy came, sending him such amounts of lust that Stuart felt his own orgasm rolling out of him like a tidal wave.

- YESS… MICHAEL! - He screamed, and this time he was certain he wouldn’t be able to get it up again in hours.

Stuart felt Michael sliding down backwards, his knees touched down but didn’t stop there and kept going, taking him along, not to lose contact. The boy ended face down on the floor with his hips jutted up. Stuart was squatting, straddled on Michael’s butt, holding up his upper body on his hands, his shoulders leaning backwards, much like Max did, keeping himself deeply embedded into the young body. Michael was moaning after each intake of air, his face cradled in his forearms. Stuart’s attention went to the way his brands were shining and the images of Max, Isabel and Maria jumped in front of his eyes in a very realistic flash. They were trying to get through, worried about Michael. The boy sighed and it seemed to work as he whispered: “I’m fine…we’re in the shower.” Stuart smiled realizing Michael hadn’t moved his lips, and yet he had heard him whisper as clearly as if he had really done so. He wondered if he would be able to stay in this weird position as he felt the aftermath giving him the floating feeling, but when he felt himself sliding out of the boy, he knew it was over, and there he was still, where had the time gone? He expected to be stiff, but he wasn’t, so he got up slowly and patted Michael’s thigh.

- You ok? - He smiled when Michael groaned and started pushing up. - Wait. -

Michael froze on his knees leaning over on the wall and Stuart rinsed him thoroughly using gravity and water along with his hands. Then he hugged him and helped him up. Again Michael used his powers to dry him, but Stuart insisted on using a towel to rub him dry, enjoying the feel of his strong young body. He did accept, though, a quick double alien clothing and they went to join the others.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:58 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 9

They were surprised to find them just sitting around, apparently doing nothing.

- Look at them! Lazing on the job, shame on you! - Joked Stuart.

- We missed you…- Serena smiled for all explanation.

- Well, we’re back. - Michael smirked.

- Ok, then, we want to make contact with Roswell, we thought the best would be to start with Jim Valenti, if you also agree. - Serena asked them.

- Great! I want to know how he’s doing too. - Michael nodded.

- Ready Isabel? - Serena turned to the alien girl.

Isabel reached her arms out to Stuart, and he rushed to her, sitting beside her and holding her close to him. Then she turned to Michael and whispered his name. Michael smirked and went to lie beside her, with his face on her lap. Maria was called next, so she went to sit beside Isabel, opposite Stuart, leaning her head on the taller girl’s shoulder. She reached out for Liz who came over with Max by the hand and they sat beside her, all of them snuggling against Michael. Kyle and Laurie did the same across from them, also in close contact with Michael and Serena wrapped it up, in front of Isabel and Stuart with her fingers pushed into Michael’s hair.

Isabel visualized Jim’s face and easily got into his home. He was sitting on his couch with Amy DeLuca by his side, his arm around her shoulders. She expected an interruption by Maria, but she didn’t seem surprised at all, to her and everyone else’s relief. Jim sensed them immediately and looked up, but Amy seemed completely unaware of their presence. The communication was totally mental.

“How is everyone? We’re very worried about you.” Isabel sent.

“We’re slowly adapting to being alone. It’s harder than we thought, to be honest. Your parents and Liz’s at least are there for each other. But to Amy and me, it’s been quite lonely, I hope Maria doesn’t mind that we have needed each other more than ever now, because of the loss of our kids. To our surprise, there was an apology on the headlines of next day’s papers from the FBI for wrongly assuming we were in danger of explosives during graduation. People accepted it and even thanked them for their concern, can you believe it? Of course to us, it was a lame excuse for their not being able to get their hands on you guys. I’m so glad they didn’t. To everyone here, you all took off early the very next morning to get settled over the summer for the college you were going to attend next fall. When they asked us about you, we all said the same thing, that you had it planned since the beginning of the year, so it was no surprise to us. Yesterday, since everything had calmed down, we got some stuff together and we all went for a picnic to the area of the Pod Chamber, and burnt Liz’s diary as she asked.
Ok, your turn, how are you guys doing? How was the trip?” Jim sent back.

Isabel gave him an account of most of what had happened and what Serena had ready for them. He told him Laurie and Stuart were there with them, and they were working hard on their powers.

“Is Kyle doing alright? Is he behaving?” He wondered.

“Ask him yourself.” Isabel smiled and placed an uncomfortable Kyle in front of his father, who jumped to his feet and ran to him.

“I’m fine, dad, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Kyle nodded.

Jim gave a satisfied smile and patted his arms.

Isabel felt Maria trying to get through to her, wanting to get in touch with her mother. She thanked Jim getting Kyle back with them, and focused on Amy who suddenly seemed to realize they weren’t alone. Isabel projected Maria’s image in the TV set and Amy’s eyes doubled in size.

“Maria! Is Michael alright?” She said quite loudly.

Maria was quite put off by her mother asking about Michael before her.

“Yes, he’s fine.” She answered automatically. “Why…?”

“Are you taking good care of him?” Amy interrupted.

“Yes mom, what is it with you?” Maria was confused. “Shouldn’t your question be the other way round?”

“No need. I know how much that boy loves you Maria, I’ve had proof enough, believe me. Just tell him to be very careful. I want to be sure he will always be there for you.”

“He will mom, aren’t you going to ask about me?”

“I can see you’re fine, I miss you so much, my baby, but I’m sure you’ll be much better anywhere but here. Be happy, for me? And please, don’t be angry with me, you know I like Jim, and he’s a great guy. You’re ok with it, right?”

“Sure mom, you’ve got the right to be happy and protected too.” Maria didn’t dare ask her if she knew about Jim’s eventual change, so she decided to save it for another more appropriate occasion.

Isabel then had a very personal and touchy meeting with her parents, bringing Max along with her, to end in a good cry which included the four of them. Then she contacted Liz with her parents with very similar results.
When everything was said Isabel broke the connection and they found themselves absolutely exhausted. They could hardly believe it when Serena said it was because they had been at it for a little over two hours. Serena’s powers had been responsible to make it happen, but Isabel had done a great job. It was almost 4:00am so they called it a day.

Michael placed his arm around Maria’s shoulders and she put hers around his waist. When they arrived at their room he gently pulled away and sprawled on the bed all stretched out. Maria sat by his hip and asked him:

- You ok? -

He nodded, trying to hide a wince, but she was aware he was dealing with his sore gut because he had unblocked himself when he returned to the workshop. She leant over and started kneading his shoulders, feeling him relaxing under her deft fingers and her familiar touch. She massaged him all the way down to his thighs and back again until her hands were cupped on his ass. She gave him a squeeze and a spank.

- So, how was it? - She wondered.

He rolled on his side and reached out for her, smirking. Maria lay beside him and felt his warm body covering her. Her hands wrapped around the small of his back where she crossed her wrists and pressed him even closer. He grunted and jerked as she asked:

- Why did you block us out? - She gave him an extra nudge and he sighed, expecting it this time.

He raised his face from the crook of her neck and faced her, his lips almost on hers.

- Because with the kind of connection we were having, Stuart would have sensed you guys and he would have been uncomfortable. He wouldn’t have been able to let go and it would have been useless. - He kissed her but she turned away, resting her cheek on his.

- You haven’t answered my question. - She whispered.

- I just did. - He whispered back.

- No, not that one, the first one, how was it? - She insisted.

Michael captured her lips in a passionate kiss, flashing her the whole thing to the last detail. When he broke the kiss to take a deep breath, Maria had this defeated look.

- How can I compete with that? - She shook her head.

- You don’t have to. You’re a girl, my girl! You’re the one for me! - He exclaimed.

- But I can’t give you what they can! - She whined.

- You can and you do, and I don’t mean your toys…you’re the only one who fucks me both ways at the same time. You invented OUR GAME. - He emphasized the last two words. - I don’t do that with anyone else. -

- Michael, I just make you feel what you give to me, and you’re always so gentle and tender with me! When I want you to go faster and harder, you please me, but you’re always very careful. - She explained.

- Isn’t that what you want? It’s not enough for you? - He sounded hurt.

- Of course it is, baby, and I love you for it, but that’s why I can’t make you feel the rough kind of fuck you like to get from their huge cocks…- She tried to make sense.

- I know I’m not as big as them…- This time his male pride had been very hurt.

- No, no Michael! You’re getting it all wrong! You’re still quite big there, believe me, ask Liz and Isabel, you know we can’t lie to you, you’re perfect, Michael. That’s not what I mean! I would like to give you what you like to get from them, but it’s impossible because you would never be rough with me, and I wouldn’t like it either, so I feel bad about it for you. I love the way you fuck me, Michael, I have no complaints. - She felt her eyes fill with tears for having made him feel bad.

- It’s ok, babe, you can always use your toys with me, real guys don’t have vibrators, you know? - He teased, kissing her eyes and licking the salty tears running down her cheeks. - Please don’t cry, it just kills me to see you cry, it always has, I’ve never meant to make you cry! Please Maria…- He buried his face in her hair and moaned.

- Hey, I’m fine, come here…- She tugged at his hair and made him look up at her.

His eyes were shining and she was lost in them, hypnotized by their liquid honey colour. She regained control when he closed them and she felt she was dripping wet as he started pushing into her. She could tell their clothes were gone, but she didn’t know when he had made them go away. As if she cared! All she wanted was to feel their bodies joined, as close as possible, and to make him know how much she loved him. She felt his love enveloping her, and she sent him hers with all her strength. They started their game and made love until they fell asleep, fully satisfied.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:59 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 10

Maria opened her eyes to find herself snuggled against Michael’s side as he lay facing away from her. Their positions reminded her of that morning when her mother had caught them in her bed and chased Michael away with a newspaper.
She giggled and straightened up, raising her arms and yawning as she stretched luxuriously. Come to think of it, she had seen all her friends yawn, but never Michael…she had to admit there were quite a few things that were different in her Spaceboy. He moaned and she knew he was missing her warmth, so she propped her upper body on her elbow and watched him sleep as she rubbed his back. He snuggled, straightened and stretched out, writhed and squirmed while he moaned and whimpered. She loved watching him sleep, his movements were so free and unrestrained, totally uninhibited, but it would be the same if he were awake. The word “self conscious” wasn’t in his dictionary. She heard the click of the door lock and looked beyond Michael to see it opening slowly. Liz peeked in and smiled at Maria, who waved her in. Liz rushed over to her side and Maria flexed her legs to make space for her friend. Liz lay just like Maria but upside down, their knees pressed together, their faces tilted to the same side, Maria’s on Michael’s shoulder and Liz’s on Michael’s thigh, in full view of each other.

- Alright! Spill to the last detail! - Liz demanded.

- What are you talking about? - Maria grinned.

- Maria, Michael didn’t block himself out last night, so I know there was plenty of action. I want to hear all about it. - Liz persisted.

- But you just said you got it from Michael…- Maria teased, knowing exactly what she meant.

- I know you drove the kid crazy, and did all kinds of kinky stuff to him, but I want to know your side of the story, cause there’s no other way I can get it except from you. So I’m waiting…- Liz arched her eyebrows to make her point.

- Shit, Liz, I really am a bitch! I always find a way to make the poor boy guilty about something and let me do anything I want to him! I’m sick, you know? - Maria covered her face with her hands and laughed.

- Maria, this kid would have no problems giving a nun kinky ideas, better still, a saint! Look at him! - They both looked at his ass just when he snuggled again and pushed it towards them. They turned to each other and laughed out loud.

Michael had no idea what was going on behind his back. He felt through his empathy that Liz was near and having a good time, and that was enough for him. His girl was there too, having fun with her best friend and he was right there to protect them if they needed him. He sighed and went on sleeping.

- Maria…- Liz was getting impatient.

- Ok, ok, first I…- And Maria proceeded to give her an accurate account of all that transpired during their encounter so Liz could understand why she had sensed the incredible amounts of lust and pleasure she kept getting from Michael while they were at it and matched them with what Maria was telling her.

- I hope we didn’t ruin your night…- Maria was finding another reason to feel guilty. - Were you and Max…? -

- Yeah, but, you know? ...we…well…- Liz wasn’t quite making sense.

- Oh no! I’m so sorry! - Maria covered her mouth with her hands.

- No, don’t be. It’s like this…Max was pretending he was doing it to Michael, of course, having his eyes closed helped him some, though the huge difference in depth and muscle tone must have required all his concentration. I wasn’t that lucky, cause Max likes to be ridden, and Michael doesn’t, so to me it was impossible. I just concentrated on the pleasure Michael was getting from you and that got me where I wanted. So thanks, anyway. - She shrugged.

- Oh Liz, are things that bad with Max? - Maria frowned.

- No, we just accept our guilty pleasures, and it’s working fine. Honest! - She assured her.

- I thought you had managed to go back to that soulmate thing you used to have, you looked so happy when you guys got married…- Maria scoffed.

- I was and I am, Maria, we’re a family now, so we’re always close to each other, that’s ok with me, I’m glad Michael is with you, I love you guys so much! - Liz was totally sincere and Maria knew she was happy in her own special way.

- You know he’ll have to make it up to Kyle? - Liz asked.

- Huh? - Maria’s eyes almost popped out of her head.

- He and Stuart did it on Kyle’s bed to spare you and Isabel, so you wouldn’t get funny feelings from your beds. Very thoughtful, right? But Kyle spent the night having wet dreams and jacking off like nuts. Didn’t help much though, he’s still damn horny with Michael’s ass on his mind. - Liz giggled.

- Oohhh, I’m going to kill Spaceboy, maybe we should just let Kyle torture him, he deserves it and Kyle has the right, but we’ll watch, what do you say, bestfriend? - Maria’s lips were curved into a wicked smile.

- What can I say? I absolutely agree! - That sent them laughing their heads off again.

- MICHAEL! - Kyle roared as he approached the bedroom, making Maria and Liz jump up.

- Uh oh! - They went together, and rushed to hide in the closet just in time to be out of sight when Kyle barged into the room.

The sight of the naked sleeping alien boy had him drooling, as Michael mooned him in his sleep.

- Oh shit! - Exclaimed Kyle, loosing what little control he still had.

- I’m so going to make you pay! - He whispered just loud enough for the hiding girls to hear, and they trembled in anticipation, longing to see what Kyle had in store for Michael.

They saw Kyle fish his cock out of the fly of his loose sweat pants and jack himself a few times to start his juices flowing before he pounced on the bed and on his unsuspecting victim. He spread Michael’s thighs wide with his knees, slid one hand under his stomach and heaved his hips off the bed as he quickly pushed the pillow under him before he couldn’t hold him up any longer. Then he unceremoniously held him apart with both hands and rammed into him with just his pre-cum for lubrication. Kyle felt his aggressive cock force its way through the sensitive and still sore tissue and heard Michael grunt as he clenched hard against him.

- Ahhh…Unghhh…- Went Michael, waking up as he clutched the sheets and buried his face in his pillow, not sure what exactly was going on or who was doing it to him.

- Payback’s a bitch, huh? - Kyle chuckled as he stretched as far as he could over Michael and bit him hard on the shoulder. His forced position pushed his cock hard against Michael’s front but too deep to nudge his prostate.

- Kyle…hurts…- Michael moaned, yet he bucked to get him in deeper still.

- And you love it…you’re going to come like the whore you are! - Kyle pulled almost out and plunged in with all his weight behind him.

- Ooohhhhh…- Michael winced and writhed as Kyle scraped him raw inside, pounding into him mercilessly.

Michael was whimpering and sobbing but he wasn’t doing anything to stop him or discourage him.

- You like it! Oh yes, you like it! - Kyle went on fucking him hard, with all he had, his nails drawing blood from where they were digging into Michael’s butt, not giving a damn about the brands.

Michael’s heavy breathing filled the room as he squirmed and slithered under Kyle. Maria began to get up from where she was crouching beside Liz, worried about the way Michael was suffering, but the smaller girl grabbed her arm and stopped her, pulling her back down.

- No Maria! This is just between them, and Michael is allowing Kyle to do it. He can send him flying any time he wants but he’s taking it because he wants to. We know how much they’re both enjoying it. All the pain Michael’s getting will make him come just as hard in the end, totally worth it to him, that’s why he’s also making it hurt. Look at the way he’s moving, you know what he’s doing! - Liz whispered into Maria’s ear.

- Kyle’s right, Michael’s a whore! - Maria frowned and nodded.

- Maria, he didn’t ask to be the way he is…- Liz said softly.

- I know, I love him just like he is. But he’s still a whore. - They both giggled into their hands.

- Yesss Kyle…hurt me…harder…YESSS! - Michael shouted as he came.

Kyle shoved hard into him, as Michael gripped him like a vice, shuddering and thrusting himself back against him, craving for Kyle to fill him. He didn’t have to wait long for his human lover to catch up with him.

- Michael! Michael…oh shit! MICHAELLL! - Kyle screamed and shot his load deep into the alien boy.

Michael growled in pleasure as he felt his insides flooded with Kyle’s hot cum. Kyle rolled them on their sides, staying spooned into Michael, still deep inside him as the aftermath hit them. The hiding girls could see Michael’s firm stomach glistening with his own cum as Kyle reached over and took his cock in his hand. Michael winced, shutting his eyes tight, half smiling in the ecstasy brought on by his alien side, as he shared it with Kyle.
Knowing they were in a world of their own while it lasted, Maria and Liz slipped out of the room to join the others. Max and Isabel knew what was going on, subtly informing the ones that didn’t, and Serena kept them busy until they could all be back together. Maria and Liz blended in just as subtly and no questions were asked.

Maria kept checking her watch impatiently until a complete hour had gone by since they left the room. She fidgeted for the next half hour, unable to concentrate in what she and Liz were working on. Finally, she couldn’t take it any longer and brought Liz out of her focus too.

- Ok, what’s going on? - She asked for only Liz to hear, as if the rest hadn’t noticed her plight and weren’t also affected by it.

- They’re coming out of the shower…- Said Liz, hoping to comfort her, but quite sure she wouldn’t.

Maria knew Michael had blocked her out of her brands and was a little pissed that Liz didn’t seem to be in the same situation by her answer.

- They sure took their time, huh? How long does it take to…Oh shit! They did it again in the shower! - She shook her head. - Of course they did, what was I thinking? Kyle’s cock and Michael’s ass…Obvious! -

- Michael is ok, Kyle was careful…- But Liz didn’t get an answer.

Maria simply left the room and no one tried to stop her. She was ready to keep knocking until they opened the door but she found it closed but unlocked. She decided to catch them at whatever they were doing then, opening it quietly and stepping in. Kyle was standing behind Michael, with a huge towel around his shoulders that covered him almost completely down to his ankles. He had another on his head, making him look like a middle aged wife, not the stud he was with her Spaceboy, and it was all Maria could do not to laugh out loud. Michael was taking it patiently as Kyle rubbed him down with another towel, stark naked as they stood in profile to Maria. She watched Kyle taking special attention to Michael’s thighs and ass, being extra gentle on the last as the alien boy winced and moaned, to then start struggling to towel dry his hair, although he was standing up on tiptoes. Michael solved the problem by shaking his head and using his powers. Maria decided it was about time to make her presence known.

- Michael honey, are you alright? - She said gently, her anger gone at the sight of his gorgeous body.

Michael turned to her, with a sweet smile that she saw wasn’t quite hiding a wince. He had sensed her the second she had touched the door, but waited for her to make her move. He reached out for her and she jumped into his arms for the kiss she had expected as soon as he woke up. Kyle gave a defeated grin and started backing out of the room, unable to take his eyes away from Michael.

- Better get dressed…my clothes are in my room…- He babbled and reluctantly cleared the door to have it shut in his face.

- Damn aliens! - He chuckled, and rubbed his hands treasuring the hell of a fuck he had just had.

He trudged reluctantly away from the object of his lust, wondering when he would get lucky again to have another go at that first class, out of the world piece of ass.

When she heard the door close, Maria broke the kiss sliding her hands down Michael’s back and spanked him hard with both hands. Michael gasped and whimpered through gritted teeth.

- You owe me big, Spaceboy! - She locked her eyes with his.

Michael hung his head and nodded.

- Bed, baby? - He whispered.

Maria chucked his chin up and gave him a peck on the lips.

- I may be a bitch, but no, Michael. Right now you’re physically hurting and healing, I want you 100% able to deal with me. Later…- She grinned and heard him sigh softly.

Had Liz lied to her and Kyle had roughed him up again in the bathroom? Maybe she had meant he had not been that mean the second time....She got his clothes and before she could stop him, Michael waved them on, giving her the chance to double check her thoughts. Pretending to wrap her arms around him, he spanked him hard again, taking him totally by surprise.

- Unghhh! Maria! - He gasped and winced, ending in a whimper.

- Alright, cut the crap! What did Kyle do to you? - Her tone said she meant business.

- You saw it. - He smirked.

- You knew we were in the closet? - Her eyes went wide open.

- Of course I did. - He tilted his head, biting his lower lip, and Maria almost kissed him again.

- Did Kyle…? - She made a face.

- No, no way. He would’ve peed in his pants, or worse still, inside me. - He imitated her.

- Why did you block me out after we left the room? - She inquired.

- You had been cool with it the first time, but I wasn’t sure if you would take it so well again. - He explained.

- Why not Liz? - She persisted.

- Because she could deal with it. - He made it sound so obvious that she had to nod in acceptance.

- Ok, let’s go now, they’re waiting for us. We haven’t been able to concentrate at all knowing what you guys were about, so let’s make it up to Serena, who was about to throw a fit. - Maria hooked her arm in his and began to pull him towards the door.

Michael pulled her to him and gave her one of those kisses that made her whole existence worth living. He had to hold her up when he let her go, she was so dizzy.

- Ready to go? - He said with the most endearing innocent smile.

She could only nod and walk shakily beside him.