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285 South

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:56 pm
by kaia
I DVR all the Sci-Fi epis and was watching 285 South the other day.

I've seen this epi several times. I always think about the 1st time it aired and my girl and I were on the edge of our seat once they entered Athertons house and heard the noise. Great stuff man.

Anyways..... when I was watching I noticed something that kinda bugged me and thought I'd see if anyone else has wondered the same thing.....

Ok...Micheal takes Maria after school. How long before she calls Liz is not known...right? Liz, Max, and Isabel are hot on their trail. Meanwhile Kyle is at home trying to get ahold of Liz. Presumably several hours passes, its now nighttime. Liz even mentions they've been gone awhile. Kyle calls Liz and is turning onto 285 South. Jetts dies, M&M seek refuge at the nookie motel while Max and Co. hit traffic. Isabel then sees the Jetta, they bust in on M&M. They all start talking and BAM Kyle is walking in the room.

How in the hell did Kyle ctach up to them?? He was waaay too far behind. Even with the traffic jam I just dont see how its plausible for him to have caught them.

I know he walked in for the drama aspect and I'm really just nit picking. Still bugged me though :oops:

Anyone ever notice that....or something I missed as to how Kyle could have caught up with them?