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Knights of Darkness (ADULT/XO/cc/uc) need 1(Casting call!)

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:35 pm
by StormWolfstone
Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Banner was made by: louloulou32 THANKS LOU
Title: Knights of Darkness
Author: Storm Wolfstone
Rating: Adult
Couples: UC/CC
Disclaimer: I own nothing on either of the fandoms from which this RP is based. I have simply taken creative control and in no way mean disrespect to the creative basis of Roswell, Smallville, Buffy or Sherrylin Kenyon.


A terrible darkness has suddenly enveloped Earth, the sun only lasts for a short time, four hours a day, in which peace is capable of being found, however when the sun fades, death and chaos abound. Creatures that look like Gods sweep through the streets sucking the souls out of humans and leaving the bodies dead. Those set by the Gods themselves to protect humanity try to intercept each attack, but their numbers are not as high as they once were. The Dark Hunters are forced to realize they need help in fighting the Daemons who would destroy humanity.

Only one of the Dark Hunters is heard by the Gods and Goddess’s upon high and is given a way to add to their numbers, given the knowledge needed to find those that can help. Armed with this knowledge, a select few go in search of those that will aid them. They are joined also by other ancient warrior breeds, Were Hunters.

DH Characters:

Name: Ceriman Vlachos
Age: 2198
Abilities: Light Telepathy, forms mist, telekinetic.
Background: Ceriman was born in an age when wars happened on nearly all shores. When Kings and Nobleman abound. The third son, he had only his sword to pave his way into making a name for himself and was sent to learn of war from a young age. Brought up in musty barracks that were filled with filth, overfilled with young soldiers, it was a tough lot, but Ceriman gained rank, his strength was well known.

By adult hood, he was a General, commanding his own troops and leading them into battles. However, it wasn’t an easy life when love entered in. He found himself wounded on the battlefield one eve and taken in by a maid within the enemy’s fort. As he was tended to, healing he came to know her for a Princess who captured his heart. She in turn fell deeply for him, but theirs was a love that could not be for Fate had something else in store.

As he left to return to his troops, calling off the attack on her father’s people he was struck down from within his own camp by a traitor who wore the colors of his own family, which could only mean one of his own blood had ordered his death. With vengeance flowing in his last thoughts he was surprised when he was given the chance to gain his revenge as long as he made a pact that would make him a Dark Hunter.

Name: Shalimar Antimisiaris of Karpathos
Age: 2012
Abilities: telekinetic, pyrokinetic, time travel, heals others.

A slave born, Shal as she is called for short was always fighting to remain alive, living with the daily beatings she received. However, as she reached her adulthood, she was bought by a man who thought to train her in pleasing him and instead trained her not only in the bedroom but also with weapons. He showed her love and respect, gave her the means to protect herself and gave her freedom.

Of course, not everything was meant to remain good in her life, the Fates had decreed that she die and die she did by the hands of her new love’s only son. Her death was horrible, rape and torture that left her bitter in death. Thus, she too bartered her soul for vengeance and became a Dark Hunter.

Name: Roderick Demas
Age: ???
Abilities: Meld with shadows, teleport, telekinesis, time travel, telepathy, shifting into animal forms and foresight.
Roderick is the second oldest Dark Hunter, created from a race of people that are otherwise extinct. He is more then a human and was born more then human. He is a Were Hunter as well. He was ridiculed at birth, seen as a freak because he was three animals in one, but also because he showed signs of being both forms of Were. Panther, Lion and Tiger, Roderick never fit in any one place, but he has fought for centuries, learned for ages what it is to remain in one frame of mind. Not one Were Hunter or Dark Hunter challenges him without expecting their death.

In that same frame, he was also seen as being the mediator once he earned his place of respect amongst the other Were’s. He has not yet been mated in his lifetimes.

Name: Marina Triantis
Age: 248
Abilities: Shifting into tiger form, teleportation, a limited time travel, and limited telepathy.
Background: Katagaria at birth, she remained in animal form until puberty upon which she had a rough time learning to control her change. Still, as she did, she found herself longing for change, not yet mated and not wanting to be. She knew if she remained with her clan they would not stop until she found herself mated and thus, she fled into the future.

For the past five years, Marina has lived amongst the humans in Smallville, learning what she can from them and befriending many. (She’s even made friends with Clark, but neither knows the others secrets)

Name: Raze Calpis of Macedonia
Age: ??
Abilities: No one knows what Raze is capable of, because none ever sees him coming.
Background: Raze is a Dark Hunter or, is he? Long ago, Raze was born in an age when records weren’t kept, his child hood is deeply guarded and he never talks about himself. He’s never been good at being friends with others. Dark Hunters are often wondering why it is that when he is around them they aren’t depleted in power. They can understand why that is with Roderick, but they can’t comprehend it with Raze.

At one point, Raze vanished from all contact, no one other then the first Dark Hunter ever knowing what happened to him, then suddenly a hundred years ago a strange rift in time appeared for a mere moment bringing Raze back into the scene.

Name: Serafina Rallis
Age: 782
Abilities: Time shifting, shape shifting (animal, panther), telepathic
Background: Sera was born three hundred years into the future, an Arcadian that seemed to gain an unnatural control of her shifting ability when puberty reached her. She became the alpha within her clan, but one day she was captured by a Katagaria clan and held, forced to watch as all of her clan was wiped out. When she finally managed to break free, she gained vengeance and jumped through time into the past, farther back then she’d planned. She has since simply lived in Roswell, watching things and wishing she could trust herself to protect those she’d sworn to protect.



Couples: at some point in the middle


Starting Couples:


Roderick gathers together the Dark Hunters and Were Hunters that he knows he needs in order to help fight against a common enemy. It is at this time that he makes his way to Smallville and finds Marina, telling her what he needs and Marina in turn tells her best-friend and boyfriend, Clark her secret, wanting to make certain he knew that when she left, she would be able to take care of herself but that she had to go. Clark convinces her to let him go, not explaining himself completely but showing her a little of his abilities so that she knows he can help.

Marina keeps his secret and manages to convince Roderick to allow her to bring Clark along. Rod, who has the ability to sense things acutely doesn’t argue, not quite knowing what it is about Clark, but knowing that he could help them.

Roderick then takes them to Roswell where he knows the others he needs to gather are, though he isn’t completely comfortable with the fact that some of those he was told about were human.

Willow gets a visit shortly after the bus drives away from Sunnydale from a Goddess telling her to go to Roswell. She doesn’t understand why this Goddess would choose to visit her, but seeing as how some of the other things she is told are important, she decides to make the trip and ultimately finds herself with company. Of course, the Goddess had told her to convince Angel and Buffy both, so she’d done what she had to.

Cast List:

Roderick – Storm
Marina – Storm
Shalimar – Storm
Willow – Storm
Raze – Storm
Clark – Madroswellfan
Michael – Nightshadeisis
Ceriman – Nightshadeisis
Serafina – louloulou32
Buffy – FaithfulAngel24
Alex – Storm
Isabel –
Max – Madroswellfan
Liz – alizaleven
Tess – alizaleven
Kyle – maougha
Angel – Madroswellfan
Maria – Fehr's Bear

Roswell – After Cry My Name (Alex is dead, or so it’s believed, however there was no evidence of suicide at all, it was a true to life accident.)

Buffy crew – After the last episode of season 7… everything’s gone along with the series except that Kennedy died and somehow the Slayer power reverted back so that after the battle was over, Only Buffy had it… not even Faith was slayer material. Robin and Faith went somewhere to settle down. Dawn stayed with Giles and Xander where they settled when Buffy decided she did need to go with Willow and Angel to Roswell.

Angel – Non-cannon… player can decide from which point they want to have him come in from.


Posts must be written in 1st POV unless they are co-written with another.

Posts must be at least 3 paragraphs with expressions of emotions/thoughts and if it's called for verbalization.

NO RUSHING! There will be times when I will post a message stating that we need to wrap up the current day... at that time people will have a week to do so.

If you are going to be away, let someone know so that we can temp characters.

No using other people's characters without permission from the player.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:38 pm
by StormWolfstone
This is just a little information... I own none of it, it was borrowed from the official Dark Hunter site for an explanation behind the Katagaria and Arcadians.

Our Gennisi (Beginning)
Come with me, modern traveler, back to a time that has been shrouded by mystery. Back to an ancient legend that has been mostly forgotten. Or at the very least...


We see remnants of it in our advanced world. What present-day mortal doesn’t know to fear the light of the full moon? To fear the howl of a wolf? The cry of a hawk? To look with caution into the darkest alleys. Not in fear of human predators, but in fear of something else.

Something dark. Dangerous. Something even deadlier than our human counterparts.

But mankind didn’t always hold this fear. Indeed, there was a time once, long ago, when humans were humans and animals were animals.

Until the day of the Allagi. They say the birth of the Were-Hunters, like most great evils, started out with only the best of intentions.

King Lycaon of Arcadia had no idea that when he wed, his precious, beloved queen wasn’t human. His wife held within her a dark secret. She was born to the cursed Apollite race and was destined to die in the heart of her youth... at age twenty-seven.

It wasn’t until her last birthday when Lycaon watched his beloved die horribly of old age that he realized the two sons she had born him would follow her to an early grave.

Grief-stricken, he had sought out his priests who all told him there was nothing he could do. Fate was fate.

But Lycaon refused to heed their wisdom. He was a sorcerer and he was determined that no one would steal his sons away from him. Not even the Fates themselves.

And so he set about using his magick to elongate the lives of his wife’s people. Capturing them, he magically spliced their essence with various animals who were known for their strength: Bears, panthers, leopards, hawks, lions, tigers, jackals, wolves and even dragons.

As he blended the animal with the psychically enhanced Apollites, two creatures were created. One that held a human heart. One that held the animal’s. Each one possessed traits of the other. No longer human, no longer animal, it was a bastard hybrid of the two species.

He spent years perfecting his new race, until at last he was sure he’d found the cure for his sons. Blending them with a dragon and a wolf, the strongest of the animals he had experimented with, he imbued them with more strength and magic than any of the others. In truth, he gave of his own power to them.

In the end, he received more than even he had bargained for. Not only did his sons have longer lives than his wife, they had longer lives than any known species.

With their magical abilities and animal strength, they now lived ten to twelve times longer than any human.

The Fates looked down and saw what the proud king had done. Angry at his interference into their domain, the Fates decreed that he must kill his sons and all like them.

Lycaon refused.

It was then the Fates sought out their own form of punishment for his hubris. His children and all like them were cursed anew.

“There will never be peace among your children,” Clotho, the Fate who spins the threads of life, proclaimed. “They will spend eternity hating and fighting until the day when the last of them breathes no more.”

And so it was. Whenever Lycaon blended an animal with a human, he, in fact, made two beings. One being who held an animal’s heart and one who held a human heart.

Those who walked as men and who held human hearts were termed Arcadians after their Lycaon’s people. Those who held animal hearts were termed Katagaria.

The Katagaria were born as animals and lived as animals, yet once they reached puberty, when the magical powers were unlocked by their hormones, they would be able to become human– at least externally. Their animal hearts would always govern their actions.

Likewise, the Arcadians were born as humans and lived as humans until their puberty brought with it their magic and their ability to shift into animal form.

Two sides of a single coin, the two species should have been at peace. Instead, the goddesses sent Discordia to plant mistrust between them. The Arcadians felt themselves superior to their animal cousins. After all, they were humans with human rationale while the Katagaria were only animals who could take human form.

The Katagaria learned quickly that the Arcadians weren’t honest about their intentions and would say one thing, then do another.

All throughout time, the two groups have preyed upon each other while each side took the moral high ground. The animals believe the Arcadians are the real threat while the Arcadians believe the Katagaria must be controlled or put down.

It is an endless war.

And as with all wars, there has never been a true victor. There have only been casualties who still suffer from the prejudice and unfounded hatred.

I am Damos Kattalakis, leader of my Drakos patria (clan) of Arcadians. As one of the direct descendents of King Lycaon, I am a Regis for the Arcadian Council which tries to maintain some sort of peace with the Katagaria Council. Ours is a never ending struggle as we try to enforce some sort of rules onto two warring races who want nothing to do with rules of any sort.
Born half-human, half-Apollite, we were stricken by the ancient gods and cast down out of jealousy. My great-grandfather sought to save us. To preserve us.
Out of his love and magic we, and our cousins, the Katagaria, were born.
Since we are born of two worlds, we walk of two worlds. Time and dimension have no meaning to us. We aren't bound by the laws of mortal physics. Mystical and mythical, we walk through dimensions and time, and even space itself-- Finding our home and peace wherever we can.
We are half animal, half human. Half demon and half saint. At war within ourselves and without.
A race of both wizards and barbarians, we are capable of extreme compassion and utter, cold-blooded ruthlessness.
We have been called many things by those who fear us: demons, witches, warlocks, sorcerers shape-shifters, even vampires and devils.
Pursued by our enemies and even by our own, we are the last great race of warriors.
With our spiritual brethren the Dark-Hunters and Dream-Hunters, we help to patrol the universe and to keep mankind safe.
Our dominion is the ethereal. We go where our brethren can't. The third part of the Triad, we complete the Pyramid of Protection that was once promised to the humans.
We hope you enjoy your visit into our realm.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:40 pm
by StormWolfstone
Also borrowed from the official site

We are Darkness. We are Shadow.
We are the Rulers of the Night.
We, alone, stand between mankind and those who would see mankind destroyed. We are the Guardians.
The Soulless Keepers.
Our souls were cast out so that we would not forewarn the Daimons we pursue. By the time they see us coming, it's too late.
The Daimons and Apollites know us. They fear us. We are death to all those who prey upon the humans.
Neither Human, nor Apollite, we exist beyond the realm of the Living, beyond the realm of the Dead.
We are the Dark-Hunters.
And we are eternal.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:14 pm
by Fehr'sBear
could I play Maria?

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:14 pm
by StormWolfstone
Definitely, Maria is yours :D

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:03 am
by KarenEvans
Isabel please :D

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:09 am
by StormWolfstone
definitely and thanks for joining you two!!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:29 am
by StormWolfstone
I'm waiting to hear back from people for Liz, Max and Buffy... if anyone knows someone that would take Angel that would be great!

Roderick – Storm
Marina – Storm
Shalimar – Storm
Willow – Storm
Raze – Storm
Clark – Madroswellfan
Michael – Nightshadeisis
Ceriman – Nightshadeisis
Serafina – louloulou32
Buffy – FaithfulAngel24
Alex – Storm
Isabel – KarenEvans
Max – (pending)
Liz – (pending)
Tess – alizaleven
Kyle – maougha
Angel –
Maria – Fehr's Bear

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:42 pm
by StormWolfstone
Okay, I'm finishing up a post plus JP that will help start this off... once they are done... we'll be ready to start. I'll give a week from today to hear from those that are pending for Liz, Max and Buffy... if I don't hear anything I'll open them up completely. In the meantime in case someone is interested in those characters, please PM me so that if they end up opened up, I can just place someone :D

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:46 am
by StormWolfstone
okay, we now only need an Angel and I'm waiting to hear back from two people for Liz and Max...... however if I don't hear back on Liz I have someone else that has shown interest.

Can anyone take Angel?????? lol