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The Sheik and his Brazen Princess M/L Adult A/N 3/27/08 (WIP

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:54 pm
by Zanssoulmate08

Title: The Sheik and his Brazen Princess
Author: Sarah
Disclaimer: Roswell is not mine, however, regardless of what his marriage liscense says, Jason Behr eventually will be! 8) This is the result of reading one to many romance novels... :wink:
Summary: Sheik Maj al bin Rulared (known as Max to his American college friends) has recently come into power as the sole heir to his late father's kingdom Antaria, located near Saudi Arabia. Max's only problem is that to become ruler of a kingdom with such old world customs, he must relinquish his harem and settle down in marriage. But there's a catch. Max's American mother wished for him to wed an American woman of noble blood. The only option is Princess Elizabeth, the youngest, and illegitamite daughter of King Jefferey of Lyaria, a small Italian kingdom just off the coast of Italy. The wild princess has no intention of giving up her freedom, regardless of how much this handsome sheik makes her swoon...

Rating: Adult

A/N: I was gonna post this as a challenge but the idea just wouldn't leave me alone. I honestly don't know when I'll update, but if y'all are interested in the concept, I'll be happy to write it! :D Thank you Frenchdreamer for this AMAZING banner!!!


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:33 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
A/N: Mmmkay, here's the first part: :D

~Chapter One~

Sheik Maj al bin Rulared was furious. He glared at the lawyer sitting opposite from him in his father's office. Correction, his office. He still couldn't believe that the old man was dead. Though Philep al bin Rulared had never been much of a father to his only son, Maj, or Max, as he preferred to be called, still had a hard time believing that his only living relative had now passed away. And now he had no choice but to add on to his little family.

"I will not." He stated forcefully, years of royal breeding evident in his heavilly accented voice, "I don't care what the will states. There are plenty of eligible women in Antaria. Respectable women. Elizabeth Parker is not an option."

"Begging your pardon majesty," the lawyer began in earnest, "But Miss. Parker really is the only option left. Her sisters Isabella and Serena have already been wed. "

"She is illigetamate. Her mother was a whore and Jeff Parker knew better than to stray from is wife. Though how that could occur with someone as beautiful as Alessa for a wife is beyond me." Max smiled, remembering fondly his time spent with the Parker family. Jeff's eldest son, Michael had attended Yale alongside Max and the two had become fast friends. "Surely the Parkers don't approve."

"On the contrary, sir. but when Miss. Elizabeth was discovered to be His majesty's daughter, the whole family welcomed her with open arms."

Max studied the picture of the youngest Parker, lying in the folder on his desk. She was beautiful, to say the least, with a mischievious glint in her whiskey colored eyes that hinted at a passion Max was sure he'd enjoy. Her lower lip was slightly fuller than the top and he could just imagine the pleasures that it could bring. Her golden skin tone and waist length chestnut hair were obvious products of her Italian heritage.

"And what is Elizabeth's perspective on this marriage?"

Gotcha. He thought when the lawyer began to stammer, "Out with it Mr. LaVoy. She's not interested, is she?"

"Well, sir, she is still rather young. Barely more than twenty three I'm sure, and well, she'd much rather spend her free time galavanting around Lyaria with that Khivar Duvey man you met at the conference last week."

Max scowled at the image of the smoothly polished Frenchman. He'd hated the pansy on sight and the thought of him with the woman Max intended to marry, "Very well, I always have enjoyed a challenge. I'll have my people schedule a flight to Lyaria. I suppose I'll have to hurry if intend to have her wearing my ring be the first of the year."

He glanced one last time at the picture of his future bride, then slipped it into the folder and bid adieu to Earnest LaVoy. He crossed over to the bar and poured himself two fingers of brandy. Whether Elizabeth Parker realized it or not, her days of carefree flirting were at an end.


Well? Any good? :D


Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:05 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
A/N: OMG I cannot buhlieve so many people are interested in this! :o Thanks so much:

Itzstacie- I feel like such a dork…thanks! :oops:
Amelia- you are the best baboon in the whole wide world! Even if you are rabid! :lol:
Alex Balex
LairaBehr4- Hey you! I swear, that's like my all time favorite word! :D
alizaleven- Hola mi amiga! :D
dreamsatnight- sadly my man took the plunge on Nov. 10th and I still haven't stopped crying! :cry:
Queen Fee

I'll try to post as often as possible! :D Here's the next part:

~Chapter Two~

"Oh ma cherie! Your skin is like dusted rose petals shimmering on the golden wings of dawn! Your eyes are like endless pools of midnight! And your lips! Ah ma petite, your lips are the most lusious passion fruit. If only mine own lips were fit to taste that passion!"

Princess Elizabeth Parker glanced over at her companion with a disgusted sigh. Royal protocal be damned, this man was getting on her last nerve, "If only." she replied, less than a little enthusiastci, "Khivar darling, would you mind fetching me a flute of champagne? These passion fruits are a little thirsty and the 'divine strawberry' of my throat is parched."

The frenchman stood stiffly, his eyes narrowing at the insult, and strode across the room. "Dusted rose petals my ass." Liz grumbled to herself, leaning back in her chair.

"That was classic!" Her half-sister Serena giggled, joining her at the table, "Kyle and I just about died at the 'divine strawberry' line!"

Liz smiled at the red head then glanced around for Kyle, "And just where is said husband?"

Serena rested her hand on the swell of her seven month pregnant stomach, "He made me sit down while he went to talk to Michael. Mikey's old college roomate showed up for the engagement party, and I think the three of them are talking."

"I haven't seen Michael or Maria all night. Trust me, if I had I'd have used them to get away from Romeo over there."

Serena giggled again, delighted with her younger sister, "Izzy said they were probably having sex. You'd think Kyle and i would be a good example of how not to have sex before the wedding."

Liz smiled then indicated Serena's ring, "Hey, you guys made it last week with two months to spare."

"That's true. Izzy and Alex had had Bradley for a month before they tied the knot."

"You want something to eat Rena? I was gonna head over to talk to Michael and I think he's by the bar." Liz asked standing and smoothing down the skirts of her champagne colored dress. ... logid=1150

"Nope, I'm good. Say hi to Michael's friend Max for me while you're up there."

"Alright, be right back."

A/N: Kinda short and sucky I know, but I'm in a hurry! :|

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:38 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D Low on time so this one's gotta be short...I'll have part B up by the end of the week...hopefully! :oops:

Queen Fee
Maxssoulmate- Hiya sissy! :lol:

~Chapter Three-A~

"Max, man, you've gotta meet Maria. She's amazing."

Max tore his gaze away from where Khivar was slobbering on Liz and sent his best friend a wry grin, "She must be if she managed to get you to settle down."

Michael rolled his dark eyes at that, "Please, I'm not the one with the harem, Sheik al bin Rulared."

It was Max's turn to roll his eyes as the two men made their way towards the bar. Michael never referred to him by his title, and Max did the same in return. Their friendship was based on trust rather than politics, "True, but I have a feeling that when I do take the plunge, I won't be spending the entire engagement party upstairs romping with my fionce."

Michael smiled, all innocence, "I haven't the foggiest idea what your talking about."

The two men laughed at that and Max smiled when they were joined by Michael's brother-in-law, Kyle, "How's life in Paris, Lord Valenti?"

Kyle shrugged, "I enjoy being ambassador, but with the baby on the way, and Lizzie's arrival, Rena's been pretty homesick. How are things in Antaria?"

"Dull," Max replied distractedly, his eyes glued to the sultry brunette making her way towards them, "They could use a little...spicing up."

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:51 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
I know, I know...I suck for taking so long. Thanks for sticking with me guys! :oops: :D

~Chapter 3-B~

Liz made her way towards the men at the bar, her smile dissolving when she caught sight of the intensly good-looking man standing next to her brother. 'So this must be Max', she thought to herself, 'It's a sin for any man to be that yummy'. Catching Max staring, she sent him a slow wink, then leaned over to hug her brother, "Have fun upstairs Michael?"

Michael grinned, "I have no idea why everyone seems to be so interested in the fact that I went upstairs."

Liz rolled her eyes and smiled at her brother-in-law, "It's good to see you again Kyle. When are you and Rena heading off on that well deserved honeymoon of yours?"

Kyle glanced nervously from Michael, to Max, before finally settling his eyes on Liz again, "Max, Michael, Alex and I have some business to work out with your father...negotiations, if you will. We'll head out to Venice for the honeymoon after."

Liz's eyes narrowed in suspicion, but evermindful of the stares directed at the kingdom's newest princess, she let it slide, "You must be the famous college roomate I've been hearing of Mr.-----?"

"Rulared." Max supplied, taking Liz's offered hand and bringing it to his lips. He allowed the kiss to last a few moments longer than protocol deemed necessary before letting go, "It's truely a pleasure to meet you, Princess."

Liz felt a shiver run up her spine at the intimate way he said her title, more like a nick-name used between lovers than anything else. She stiffened slightly and let some of the warmth leak out of her dark gaze, "Likewise. My sister Serena extends her greetings. If you'll excuse me, my other sister and her husband are arriving soon and I'd like to spend some time with my nephew before he's sent to bed."

"Of course." Max smiled rougishly, I'll look forward to our next meeting, Princess."

There was that shiver again, "I'm sure you will." Liz replied coldly before making her way into the enterance hall.

Kyle let out a low whistle and turned to Max, "Now do you see why they call her the 'Ice Bitch'?"

"Watch it." Michael warned softly, "I happen to love that Bitch."

"Well I do too...I just don't know if Max here could handle her as well as we do."

"I'll handle her just fine, Kyle. Elizabeth Parker is going to be my wife, whether she likes it or not. Ice Bitch or no, the agreement I've made with her father still stands. I just need to give her time to adjust when she finds out. I'm sure she'll come around to my way of thinking."

Miichael and Kyle burst out laughing, "Yeah, good luck with that."


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:59 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
Here's a little snippet to tide you guys over... Enjoy! :D

~Chapter Four~

Liz tucked her two-year-old nephew into the nursery, having kicked out Isabel and Alex promising that she truly didn’t mind. Bradley represented all the innocence that she had never possessed, or had never been given the chance to possess at his age.

“Auntie Liz, will you sing me the lullaby that your mommy used to sing to you?” the two- year-old asked, rubbing a tiny fist over his sleepy eyes.

“Of course I will darling, close your eyes tight, okay, baby?”

Bradley nodded in adoration, “Mmkay.”

Golden slumber kiss your eyes,
Smiles await you when you rise.
pretty baby,
Do not cry,
And I'll sing you a lullaby.
Care you know not,
Therefore sleep,
While I o'er you watch do keep.
pretty darling,
Do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby.

By the last few lines the little boy was out and Liz ran her fingers through his golden hair. Unbidden, memories of her own childhood came to haunt her.

She and her mother Nancy had lived in Detroit for as long as Liz could remember. Dirty apartments and dirtier men had become the norm. Nancy was never lucid enough to sing lullabies by the time Liz had turned four, hallucinogens having been a favorite escape. At thirteen, Liz had been forced to pay for her mother’s drug debts. She’d lost what little had remained of her innocence to her mother’s dealer, and had been responsible afterwards for the “payment” of her mother’s addiction. If the apartment reeked of sex and there were mirrors lined with cocaine, things were pretty damn clean.

But it had all changed on the night of Nancy’s overdose the year before. King Jeffery Parker- Marionez III was her father, sometimes Liz still couldn’t believe it. He’d once fallen in love with her mother. How ever foolish it may be, Liz could take comfort that she was a product of love, not the result of a frenzied coupling in an ally for a toke.

Rising slowly from her perch on the end of Bradley’s bed, she tip-toed into the hall and ran straight Max Rulared, “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were stalking me.”

Max frowned, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were less than thrilled to see me.”

“Intuitive, aren’t we?” she replied sarcastically.

“Alexander said I’d find you here, I wish to have a word.”

“Look, buddy. I don’t have hundreds of members of the court watching me at the moment and you don’t exactly inspire warm and fuzzies in me if you get my drift. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.”

Max’s expression turned pained, “Five minutes of your time.”



“You’re down to 4:57.” She reminded coolly.

“I have a proposition for you…”

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:47 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
Because I love you all so very much, I'm gonna give you another quick chapter. :D XOXO, -Sarah

~Chapter Five~

Max stood outside of the little boy’s bedroom, smiling slightly at the lullaby that Liz was softly singing. He knew now that he’d defiantly made the right decision. Princess Elizabeth would make a fine mother for his children.

Unsuprisingly, she was immeadiatly on the defensive when she caught him lurking. He was surprised that she’d given him a chance to make his case.

“I wasn’t entirely truthful when I told you my name,” he began.

Liz arched a dark brow, “Do tell.”

“My birth name is Sheik Maj al bin Rulared of Antaria. Your father, myself, Michael, and your brothers-in-law have been negotiating our marriage.”

Instead of the fury Max was anticipating, Liz burst out laughing, “You’re kidding, right?” Shaking her head at just how crazy her life had become since she’d found her birth certificate and saw King Jeffery’s name, she led Max into her room and closed the door behind her, “You’re not kidding. Alright, listen up your majesty. I’m gonna say this once, and only once. I don’t know you. I don’t like you. And regardless of my duel citizenship, I’m an American first and foremost. We don’t do arranged marriages. It may be appropriate where you come from, and hell it was even be appropriate here, but it ain’t gonna happen. So why don’t you save yourself the trouble and hop back on your camel and go on back home to your harem.”

It was Max’s turn to laugh, “Contrary to popular belief Princess, camels aren’t as abundant as one might think. I’ve personally never seen one in my life. I’m much more of a horse man myself.”

Blushing furiously, Liz glared daggers at him, “Sorry. That was rude.”

“Yes it was.”

“I’m still not marrying you.” She added defiantly.

“That remains to be determined, love.”

“I refuse to let someone else to make that decision for me, besides, you don’t even know me. Why would you want to marry me?”

Max took a step towards her, testing himself as much as her, “I’m a man who knows what I want. When I see something that I desire, I take it. I desire you, Princess. I knew you were mine from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

Startling them both, he pulled her roughly into his arms and brought his mouth down to hers. Here was the fire he had sensed laying under the ice. Here was the woman beneath the princess, he thought to himself as he took advantage of her gasp and slid his tongue into her mouth. She overwhelmed him. The headiness of her scent. The silk under his fingers as he ran them over the curve of her ass. Mine. The thought entered his head and blocked out all others. He would have this woman for his wife.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:44 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
A/N: Thanks for being so great about waiting guys! I appreciate it! Now lemme know what y'all think!! :D

Chapter Six~

Liz couldn’t help herself from slowly sinking into Max’s, or rather Maj’s embrace. She ran his fingers through the dark silk of his hair, sighing in appreciation before dark thoughts of her mother’s dealer entered her mind…

She’d always been Leon’s “Little Lizzy”. His own personal sex toy up until her eighteenth birthday. She’d left her mother to pay off her debts on her own, finally deciding that her body was nobodies but her own. Leon saw things differently. She could still remember the beating he’d given her when he’d tracked down her hotel room, and the brutal way he’d raped her on the dirty tile of the bathroom floor. Force. God, Liz hated to be taken by force.

“Get the hell off of me you son of a bitch!” She shoved at his chest, but she might as well have shoved at a brick wall for all the good it did her. Thought of Max were intertwining with Leon and for a moment her vision blurred and instead of her opulent bedroom, Liz was standing in that horrible room at Motel 6, “I am not your personal plaything to be used whenever you want!”

Max’s passion-hazed eyes narrowed, “I don’t consider you anything less than the beautiful woman that I intend to marry. Believe me, you’ll enjoy the many ways that I intend to use you.”

“You arrogant, insensitive bastard.” Liz whispered, her voice colder and more deadly than a January frost in Detroit. “I. Don’t. Want. You. Get that through your thick skull. I’ll be speaking with my father and step-mother tomorrow morning regarding the terms of our ‘marriage’. Hopefully I can undo the damage you’ve caused. Now get out.” She strode across the room and swung open her bedroom door.

Max made his way over and stood in the doorway and glanced down at his betrothed, “We are far from done here Elizabeth.”

“Believe me sheik al bin Rulared. We are very much done here.” She slammed the door in his face, then collapsed onto the floor and buried her face in her skirts to muffle her sobs.


Max made his way down stairs and left the castle before he was bombarded by questions. He was furious! He'd felt Elizabeth respond in his arms. Knew that she felt the fire burning between them. What was the woman's problem.

Cursing, Max pulled out his cell phone and dialed his secretary, "Find me as much information as you can on Elizabeth Parker's life before she was discovered to be Jeff's daughter. Don't spare any of the details." Sooner or later, Max would find the source of Elizabeth's problem, and when he did he'd do his damndest to get past it.

Re: The Sheik and his Brazen Princess M/L Adult Ch 6 [WIP]

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:59 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
A/N: I'm baaaaaaaack! did y'all miss me? Well I've been getting harassed by some very bossy but well meaning fans of my arrogant sheik and his brazen princess to resurect this fic, so with out further ado...:

Chapter 7:


1. unrestrained by convention or propriety

"How dare you!"

Jeffrey Parker Marionez looked up from his paperwork and scowled as his youngest daughter barged into his office. It was the morning after his son's engagement party and he was making a point to outline all of Michael's duties in the coming years as the next king. It was a very sentimental moment for him and he quickly wiped his eyes before Elizabeth noticed his distress. It seemed only yesterday he had held his newborn son in his arms, and as he looked into her furious eyes, Jeff felt a pang of regret that he'd never had those years with Liz.

"Is there a problem, figlia."

"You're damn right there's a problem!" Liz slammed the office door behind her and sat on the edge of her father's desk, looking for all the world like the troubled young girl he had loved so many years before. It pained him to see Nancy everytime he looked at Liz.

"Would you care to elaborate or are you content to rant?" Jeff wanted to know. He raised his eyebrow at her look of distress, "Talk to me figlia. What troubles you so?"

"I spoke with sheik Rulared. He told me you and those idioti you call my brothers are planning the 'terms of our engagement'."

Jeff gave a gallic shrug, "You are well matched."

"Well matched?!" Liz's eyes glittered in outrage, "That bastardo thinks the sun rises and sets at his whim! I want to talk to Alessa about this. Surely she realizes that this is a terrible mistake."


"Don't you daughter me! I need someone on my side here!"

"Why must there be sides? I've known Max for years and I know he'd be good to you. Alessa and your brothers agree. You could find love with him if only you would let yourself let go of the past."

Liz stood from her perch on the desk and narrowed her dark eyes, "I've told you nothing of my past."

"Darling the police reports spoke for themselves. Talk to Max, just give him a chance." Liz bit her lip in thought, "Humor an old man."

"What old man? I see no old man." Liz smiled warmly and kissed her father on the cheek, "I'll think about it, but I'm not making promises."

Re: The Sheik and his Brazen Princess M/L Adult Ch 7 2/4/08 pg2

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:27 am
by Zanssoulmate08

lol don't worry guys i didn't forget about my sheik and his princess. Promise! I'm just suffering from a slight case of writer's block. I know where I wanna go with this next chapter but so far it's not transfering into words very well. As soon as I work out some minor details tho, I promise it'll be up.

Don't hate me!!! :mrgreen:
