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Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch503/29/2015

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 2:11 pm
by mary mary
Roswelllostcause: We're almost there...enjoy :)
Eve: Max is a really big Pain in this one, but a cute pain. How's your bathroom coming? I'll bet it looks nice. Mine was done 1 1/2 years ago but it was a mess...the valve on toilet stuck and flooded the damned bathroom and my bedroom and started down the hallway by the time I discovered it. Took the construction crew 5 weeks to replace the bathroom floor,redo the hardwood floors, remove wallpaper, paint walls and the whole Mary Ann...what a mess. At least you caught yours in time. Check that toilet!!! :roll:
Carolyn: Did you get your hubby home yesterday? I'll bet you're both happy. Tell him good luck. :) My prayers are with you. :D

Chapter: 50

All too soon Friday evening was there and everyone was at the cathedral for the rehearsal. Of course the magnificent seven were all scrubbed and decked out in their finest but their moms were nowhere in sight.

Their moms were all hiding in the choir loft praying that God in His infinite wisdom would smile down on these hellions for Liz’s sake.

Liz on the other hand didn’t have a care in the world as far as the boys were concerned. She knew they would be wonderful, not a doubt in the world.

She was proud to have them there and she introduced them to her father and her best friends with as much pride as she would have if they were her own boys.

The boys were perfect little gentlemen just as she knew they would be and she beamed with happiness. They practiced seating Amy and Diane and then Isabel and Maria took their little arms as well and allowed them to lead them down the aisles to seats just for more practice.

They understood that they would be seating a lot more ladies tomorrow and Max asked if they minded doing this because they didn’t have to if they didn’t want to…They all said they wanted to do it because it made Liz smile. Max nodded, said okay, and then the boys headed to the back of the church where Liz was waiting.

Michael was Max’s best man and Alex was Maria’s escort for the ceremony; the three men stood at the front of the church while six of the young boys all took their places on either side of the runner, three on each side, while Jeremy held Liz’s arm and beamed with pride.

First Maria went down the aisle followed by Isabel. They had to lay three runners down the center aisle due to the length of it and when Liz’s gaze saw the length from the rear of the cathedral she thought maybe she should have worn her jogging shoes, that aisle seemed endless.

When Maria and Isabel were in place Liz started her walk with Jeremy holding her arm…no mother could have ever been prouder and to say that the boy’s mothers were proud was an understatement. Their dads were pretty proud of them also, but they weren’t upstairs hiding out. They sat right up front, in the first pew so they wouldn’t miss a thing and they beamed right along with Liz.

When they got to the altar and the monsignor asked “who gives this woman to this man?” all seven little boys said in unison…”we do your honor sir”…and they brought the place down. Anne and Katy wanted to die and Liz giggled, she motioned for the boys to come to her and she whispered… “You don’t have to say your honor…just say ‘we do’”…

“But Liz, it’s more respectful to say your honor”…then Liz nodded in understanding…they weren’t trying to be funny…they wanted to be correct and respectful…

“Okay guys…instead of saying your honor say ‘we do monsignor’” She nodded yes in a questioning way and they thought about it for a minute and nodded in agreement…they all turned around and said in unison…”we do monsignor.”

The monsignor looked at the boys and smiled and then Jeremy gave Liz’s hand to Max and they proceeded to get on with the rehearsal. After everyone understood what their duties were they all headed to Luigi’s for some great Italian food and a good time.

Around 11:00 it was decided that tomorrow was going to be a big day for all of them and then Pete wanted to know where Max was staying tonight. Max got a look on his face that practically sent chills down Pete’s spine; he didn’t know Evans could look so menacing.

Liz looked at Pete and smiled…

“We have all been informed that Max is spending the night in his own bed and not with Michael or anyone else…He has informed us that at six o’clock tomorrow he will lay his eyes on his bride for the first time as his bride but nothing will change between now and tomorrow.”

Then Pete took hold of Max by the shoulders and said “Hey buddy…look here…we don’t mess with tradition…You’re coming home with us and there’s not a damned thing you can say about it. Kiss Liz goodnight and she can bring your tux to the church tomorrow and you can change in the men’s room.”

Then Michael piped up and said it wouldn’t be necessary…his bag was packed already and in the trunk along with his tux. Max glared at Michael and Michael smiled, ignoring the glare. He’s seen it many times and then he said, “Hey man, it’s tradition…now get your ass in Pete’s car and we’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.” Then Max, with a scowl permanently planted on his face, thanked Michael, dropped the scowl, somewhat, and kissed Liz good night. He whispered to her that he would be thinking of her all day tomorrow…

“Oh me too Max…I’ll miss you. Be good and listen to Pete and Anne okay?”

“Yes mother”…and Max bid everyone goodnight and went home with Pete and Anne.

“I really didn’t think it would work.” Liz said as she got in the car…

“Neither did I.” answered Diane…

“I don’t think any of us did.” And then Maria and Isabel added an “Amen.”

Then Amy piped up with

“Liz? I was wondering…” and Liz stopped her dead in her tracks…

“Don’t even say it Amy…I’m too happy right now and nothing about tomorrow will be changed…got it?”

“Got it.” And they drove home in silence. Liz knew what her old friend was going to say about the ‘magnificent seven’ and she would not let anyone put a damper on her big day. It was settled.

* * *

The next morning Liz woke up at 9:00 a.m. and couldn’t believe how late she had slept. She hadn’t done that in years. She felt really rested though and was looking forward to having a wonderful day.

She got up and went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and washed her hair. She would work her magic on it later and then she found some jeans and sweat shirt, put those fuzzy slippers on her feet and went in to make her bed.

She decided to strip the sheets and send them down with the dirty towels and underwear from the bathroom and then she took the clean sheets from the linen closet and made up the bed. She opened her bedroom door only to run into her dad coming down the other end of the hall…

“Good morning dad…are you just getting up too?”

“Oh no Liz…I’ve been up for awhile now. I was talking to your Mom…just checking in to see how she was doing.”

Liz walked over to the laundry chute and threw all the dirty clothes down the opening then she put the basket in the dumb waiter and sent it down to the laundry room as well. This gave her a chance to think about what to say to her dad…

”Oh, how’s she doing?”

This was her first encounter with her father alone so she motioned him into hers and Max’s rooms… she took her dad past the bedroom and into the little sitting room with the fireplace. She picked up the remote and lit the automatic log and motioned for her dad to sit down. Jeff sat on one of the overstuffed chairs and Liz took the one opposite him and they sat for a minute before Jeff spoke again…

“She’s doing better Liz, she’s trying very hard to learn new ways and it isn’t easy. It wouldn’t be for anyone I’ve been told, but I will not make excuses for either one of us. There aren’t any for our behavior but we are trying Liz. We’re trying to work out our own problems as well as your moms. After all she didn’t do all of this alone.

“Father O’Brien is working closely with the therapist and we’re all trying to understand how her religious logic is all messed up. I have to go with her occasionally to help understand my part in her problems as well. My passiveness and willingness to just let her run amok didn’t help a damned thing either. So between the two of us we managed to really screw things up…but hopefully we can fix it in time.

“I am only happy that you were able to grow up fairly normal in spite of us Liz and I thank God every day for Max Evans and his family…They have been your family forever…they have been the family we should have been Liz and I can only say I am so sorry that we hurt you. You’ll never know how sorry I am.” Jeff was practically in tears.

“Dad, I know you’re sorry and I am sorry for you but you have to know that I don’t hold any grudges…the only thing I ask of you is that you understand me and my feelings.

“I can’t feel close to you, I want to but I can’t. Dad, I don’t know you. I am sure you are a wonderful caring person but I don’t know this first hand.

“You are welcome in my home any time you want to come, so is mom if she can behave herself. But Dad, you have to know that I will never let her belittle me or degrade me ever again. Max will not tolerate this from her either. And Dad, I will not prevent him from stopping her and as long as she knows this and understands this she is welcome here any time she wants to come.

“We don’t want our families alienated from us; we want our children to know their grandparents and to be a part of our lives. But there has been enough unhappiness in my life to last me a lifetime and I don’t want anymore. Does this make sense to you?”

“Yes Lizzie, it makes perfect sense and I won’t let your mother ever hurt you again, trust me. It’s time for us to build some sort of relationship with each other and to get to know each other and I think we can, what do you say?”

“I say it’s about damned time Dad.”

Liz got up and walked over and gave her dad a kiss on the top of his head and told him it was time to go get some breakfast…she was starved. He laughed at her and then asked about the laundry…

“Come check this out Dad, you won’t believe this place….”

“Oh yes I will Liz…even if it is unbelievable.”

Liz giggled at her dad’s remark and explained the laundry chute, the dumb waiter and by that time they were down stairs and standing in the laundry room Jeff was looking around in amazement. “Liz, I don’t think Roswell’s Laundromat is this big.”

“I wouldn’t know dad but I wouldn’t be surprised. If we do start a children’s facility here we will probably need to add another couple washers and another dryer just to keep up with sheets and bedding.”

“You’re serious aren’t you?”

“Oh yes Dad, Max is working on his doctorate in psychology at Penn State, his new classes start in January and he’s been working on his thesis. He is using my experience as part of his paper…

“We want to help people with problems like Tess before they have a chance to develop into dangers to society…I feel that there could be a genetic defect causing these problems and If I can get my company in on the bandwagon we may be able to get funding through them to conduct enough studies to find a cause and possibly a cure.

“Maybe we can use the talents of Joanne, Cynthia, Claudine and Bernie as well. Max and I didn’t really get into it too deeply Thursday night but we might be able to help the girls with some of their financing and then have them work here with the children after they graduate…they would be paid of course, but we would like to use their talents. We really like them and think they would be a tremendous asset to the facility.”

Jeff just stood there and listened to his daughter speak as an educated adult for the first time in his life and he was truly amazed at her maturity and wisdom. How is it that he never took the time to realize her genius? She truly is magnificent he thought as he watched her sort clothes and load washing machines…he just shook his head and then Diane poked her head into the laundry room and told them breakfast was ready…She looked at Liz and started laughing…

Liz looked at Diane with a puzzled expression and said “What?”

“Check out the bride would you…washing clothes like Cinderella.” Liz just laughed and said “Come on…let’s eat.” And they headed to the kitchen where everyone but Max was loading their plates…’God, 6:00 o’clock can’t get here soon enough’ she thought. Then she reached for the phone…Isabel grabbed it and said…”Who’re you calling?” And gave Liz that ‘behave yourself or else’ look. Liz looked at her and said sheepishly…”Max.”

“Huh-uh…put it down.” So Liz put the phone down and took her plate to the table and sat down like a good girl and ate her breakfast. Everyone tried to keep the conversation going and worked on keeping her busy but it didn’t work…finally she said she was going to go upstairs and take a nap…

Isabel looked at her and said… “No phone calls Lizzy girl…”

“Okay, okay, no phone calls…good night.” And with that she headed back up the stairs and set her alarm for 3:00 o’clock just in case she did fall asleep. She was a little tired…she was sure it was more mental than physical but it didn’t change the fact one little bit that she was still tired.


Meanwhile back in Roswell a little Toyota was speeding down the highway toward the Las Cruces airport in order to make the noon flight to Philadelphia. She would arrive at about 4:30 and by the time she got her luggage and caught a cab she should be at the cathedral by 6:00…she only hoped she would make it on time.


Pete and Anne were doing their damnedest to control Max. Pete had never seen him like this in all the years they had known each other. “What if she changes her mind Pete?” Max was beside himself, the world as he knew it was across town and he felt like he’d been abandoned or worse.

“Max, are you insane? She’s adores you…it’s not going to happen, please you have to relax. We will be at the church at 5:45 like we were told to be and she will be there…my God man, relax already.”

“Okay…I’m relaxed…see.” Pete looked at his friend and he was shaking like a leaf.

“Max, I swear, I would get you drunk if it was any other circumstances … but you have to relax, you’re going to have a stroke if you don’t”

“Okay, okay…let’s play cards or something.”

“Okay, cards it is.” And Pete went looking for a deck of cards.

Anne just stood there shaking her head. She couldn’t believe that Mr. Joe Cool himself was acting like a basket case. Maybe separating the two of them wasn’t such a good idea after all…She had called Isabel and she said Liz was doing everything in her power to sneak a phone call. They probably should have just left the two of them show up at the church together and tradition be damned. Oh well…it’ll work out.


Liz’s alarm went off at 3:00 just like it was supposed to and she was so glad that she had set it…she had fallen asleep.

She took her engagement ring off and went to the safe and removed the wedding rings. She slipped the solitaire into the wedding jacket and took Max’s wedding band with her and headed down the hall.

She knocked on Isabel’s door and Alex came out with his pants on and his shirt hanging open and Liz never said a word. She handed him Max’s wedding band and Alex knew he was to give it to Isabel, no words were necessary. Then she went over to Maria’s room and knocked quietly and Michael came out dressed about the same way that Alex had been and Liz smiled up at her old friend and held out her hand.

Michael looked down at her and winked as he said “You can have them back in about two and a half hours” Liz looked up into Michaels eyes and smiled.

“Thank you Michael, I needed that.” Michael bent over and took his old friend into a fierce hug and whispered… “Be happy Lizzy, you deserve it.”

He put the rings in his pants pocket and kissed her on the head and closed his door. Alex smiled at her as she padded down the hall to her own room and then he handed Max’s ring to Isabel…She smiled and told him to put it in his pocket for her and he did, they agreed ‘This was a good day’.

Liz went up to the attic and brought her gown and the rest of her things to her room. She sat at the dressing table in the bathroom and took the curling iron and started doing her hair and before the iron was heated Maria came in and picked it up for her.

“Remember Liz, we used to do this for each other all of the time.”

“I remember Maria, but don’t go too crazy…I want to look like me today.”

“Oh, I promise you Liz, you will look like you…now up or down?”

“I think pulled back and long…no?”

“I think we’ll try a couple of ways and see which looks best…we have time.”


So Maria worked with Liz’s hair and she pulled it up…it looked great…she pulled it back, it looked great…then she asked, “How does Max like it?”

“Hell, I never asked…Oh wait…he wanted it down for the prom…down I guess.”

“Back and down it is.”

And when Maria was finished Liz’s hair looked beautiful.

Then she brought out the new makeup she purchased the other day when she was out shopping and started to apply the foundation…Isabel and Maria were both in Liz’s room by now and both girls wanted to try this new stuff…it looked so light and natural. Liz handed over the jar and both Isabel and Maria couldn’t get over how nice this stuff felt…”Where did you get this Liz?”

“At that little boutique in the mall. They had a demonstrator there the other day and I tried some. It’s really nice isn’t it?”

“It’s wonderful…I’m going to go get Mom and Amy…they need to try this.” Isabel was elated with the texture and look of this new cosmetic.

“But is it the right shade?” Liz wanted to know.

“Hey, they can always wash it off.” Maria answered…

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

And soon Liz’s bathroom was full of women applying makeup like a bunch of school girls playing. Believe it or not they all looked great in the stuff.

Soon all Liz had to do was put her gown on and decided to do it at the church in the bride’s room, that’s what it was there for, so she put her gloves around the hanger in a plastic bag and Isabel carried her veil downstairs to the waiting Limo.

Liz threw on a pair of jeans and a windbreaker over her bustier while Maria grabbed her shoes and she carried her gown in the garment bag it came in out to the waiting limo. They were all on their way while Michael, Philip, Jim, Alex and Jeff all followed in the truck. Charley, his family and the girls all followed in the Escalade and things were looking up for Dr. Liz Parker…’soon Max, soon’ kept running through her mind. God she felt like she was going to combust if six o’clock didn’t soon get here.

Philip still hadn’t seen his wife’s dress…she got dressed in Liz’s room and Liz helped her with her hair. She put it in a very pretty French twist and was he in for a surprise. All of the women thought she looked positively radiant.

Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch51 4/2/15

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:50 pm
by mary mary
Eve: LOL, the big day arrives and Max won't have to sleep alone tonight. Hope all of your tiling is finished...I know what a pain it is to have that stuff going on around you. Enjoy the new floor. :)

Roswelllostcause: Hi Helen, take a load off and read a while...enjoy. :D

Carolyn: God, I remember when granddaughter in N J got married, that went way over budget and I think my son-in-law turned gray over night but it was beautiful...You're right, just throw the budget out and visit the bank. :roll: :roll: :roll: I don't care how small you
think it's going to be, it never works out that way unless you elope and even that can be over the top. Anyway, Liz's big day is here and at the start of this I said I was working on the 3rd part of this series and had to're going to be stuck w/ part 2 shortly and hopefully by then I'll have the 3rd part worked out. Or...I can pull a Trulov and give you bits and pieces, but I promise I'll finish it. How's hubby doing. I didn't mention it before but when I was 54 I had a c-4, c-5 cervical fusion and everything turned out great. But I was much younger then and suffered horrible head aches...haven't had one like it since. Tell him I've still got him in my prayer list. :D

The Big Day

Chapter: 51

By 5:30 everyone was milling around the church and Liz was seated in the bride’s room waiting for things to get started. She looked like a vision. Her dress fit her to perfection and Isabel could swear that she’d had a boob job…That bodice was really filled out today and then she got busy and forgot all about Liz’s boobs.

She and Maria were as beautiful as ever, their dresses complemented each other perfectly and each one wore a single rose in their hair tinted to match their bouquets which coordinated with their dresses.

Liz carried white roses and she had a single white silk rose attached to the crown of her veil which came right down to below her chin…just enough to cover her face.

At about 5:55 there was a knock at the door and Philip came to escort Diane down the aisle…He did a double take…

“Diane, you are absolutely the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

And none of the girls felt the least bit slighted by his remark… she was stunning.

Amy and Jim had already gone down and Jeff was seated in the second row from the altar on the left side of the cathedral. The first pew was reserved for the “magnificent seven “along with Isabel and Maria.

Liz walked out behind Maria and when she looked over at the side entrance of the church sort of in a corner. She lifted her veil and took a closer look at the woman standing over there and almost started to cry.

She motioned for Jeremy to come to her and he was at her side immediately…she pointed to the woman standing by the suitcase and Jeremy nodded…Liz whispered something to him and Nancy never took her eyes off Liz. God she is beautiful Nancy thought silently.

Jeremy went over to Nancy and held out his little arm to her…Nancy looked at the young boy and then to Liz…Liz nodded to her mother and Nancy allowed the young boy to escort her down the center aisle and seat her next to her husband.

Max, Michael and Alex all stood there dumfounded and then Diane and Philip smiled over at Jeff who had tears in eyes. Amy and Jim were overjoyed and soon the music started. Liz reached up and put her veil back into place, Isabel checked her out and smiled and squeezed her hand as Maria started down the aisle.

Soon Isabel followed Maria’s lead and then the traditional wedding march began…

the six little boys walked down the aisle …three on each side and then Jeremy, held Liz’s arm in his just as his uncle Max had shown him last night. When the six little boys got to the front of the church they split three on each side forming a V and Liz and Jeremy stood at the foot of the altar in the center of the V. The monsignor smiled down at all of them and asked in a very clear and audible voice

“Who gives this woman to this man?” And all seven said in unison…

”We do monsignor… your honor… sir.” And Liz cracked up…if there were tears in the audience they were all gone now…The monsignor looked at them and smiled…Jeremy gave Liz’s hand to Max and the service began.

Max was so nervous he could hardly repeat his vows and when Liz said her vows to Max she reached up and held the side of his face, looked right into those honey eyes and made sure he heard every word because she meant them from the bottom of her heart.

Nancy had no idea what was going on but she was certainly impressed. She never questioned a thing…she was just happy that she decided to come and participate in this happy occasion.

When the monsignor told Max he could kiss his bride Max folded Liz into his arms and kissed her till she thought she would never be able to breathe again and everyone in the church applauded. Then they were off to a party. Max couldn’t take his eyes off Liz…he was, without a doubt, the happiest groom that ever lived.

When they formed the reception line Liz proudly put her arms around her mother and introduced her to everyone she knew. Jeff was so proud of both of them that he could hardly keep from crying. Nancy would never know just how important all of this was to him as well as to Liz.

When Joanne and the girls came through the line Liz gave them a huge hug and thanked them so much for all of their help and then she told them that as soon as she and Max returned from their honeymoon that she would like to talk to them before they headed home for the holidays…they all said they would definitely call her before they left Philadelphia and moved on to meet the rest of the party whom they all knew except for Nancy.

They had no idea why Nancy just showed up today but figured she had business or something elsewhere and no one was any the wiser.


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch51 4/2/15

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:00 am
by keepsmiling7
Ginger "master of fluff" produced and outstanding wedding. I knew you would, but favorite part was Nancy finally showing up.
And wasn't it nice that the mother of the groom looked so special. We don't have those days very often.

My granddaughter called several weeks ago after she discovered that the place she wanted would cost 1/2 as much if they married on Friday instead of Saturday. She wanted to know if that would be a problem for any of the family. Everyone would be coming from out of town, but with over a year to plan they could certainly make appropriate arrangements. She's getting smarter as we roll along.

Hubby didn't get to come home on the 28th but will today instead. I might be MIA for awhile while we get settled......but would appreciate a few prayers.
Happy Easter everyone,

Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch51 4/2/15

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:09 am
by begonia9508
Hey Karolyn, good news for you and your husband! Have a nice Easter and I will pray for him.

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch51 4/2/15

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:13 am
by begonia9508
Hey Ginger,

Fantastic part!Beautiful wedding for Max and Liz! Especially that Nancy tooks the time to show on her daughter's wedding and I hope she won't start again with her critics!

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

PS You're right, the tilings was an awfully dirty work and I found dirt everywhere, even in well closed closets! Now, I just have to clean everything... next week! :?

EVE :wink: :lol: :mrgreen:

Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch51 4/2/15

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:26 am
by Roswelllostcause
Great part! Glad Nancy made it in time for the wedding. Yes now I can sit back and relax! I moved last weekend so it had been a very busy week!


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch52 4/9/15

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:24 pm
by mary mary
Carolyn: Hope hubby is home and doing well, I've had him in my prayers, let's hope the man upstairs is listening. I had to chuckle at your note about the granddaughter found out the same thing when she was planning hers...she got married on a Sunday and saved a bundle also. I guess it's business as usual with these places. Glad you liked the'a a bunch of pages for the aftermath, more fluff as usual.:)
Eve: Glad your tile is finished and hopefully the cleanup as well. I don't think Liz or Max, or anybody else for that matter, will allow Nancy to criticize anything...besides, what's to criticize? Everything is working out just fine, right? :D
Roswelllostcause: Lord in heaven, I don't envy you one bit with moving. I've thought about getting a smaller place and when I look around I think "NAH!" Let the kids get rid of this STUFF...although you haven't reached that part in your life yet. Glad you enjoyed the update, here's one more. We're winding down this tale I think. :D


Chapter: 52

Max took Liz to the Mediterranean for their honeymoon…he was the only one who knew where they were going besides his travel agent and Liz was flabbergasted when they arrived at their destination. She didn’t think they would be taking a honeymoon until some later date being it was so close to Christmas.

“Don’t you want to go Liz?” Max asked in an almost disappointed voice.

“Of course I want to go Max…but what about Christmas?”

“Liz, Christmas is going to come around whether we’re here or there or elsewhere. It’s only for 2 weeks…you can shop to your hearts content while we’re there. Just think of the unique Christmas presents you can buy” he added very enthusiastically. That did it…It didn’t take her very long to get packed when they got home from the reception. She could hardly sleep she was so excited and then, on Sunday afternoon, they were on their way.

They bid the family good bye and Liz gave her Mom an extra special hug and told her to nose around the house…it was amazing. Nancy said “I can see that, and I will Liz…thank you.”

Liz looked at her mother and told her the same thing Max had said to her…

“Mom you don’t have to thank me…just enjoy yourself. Take Amy and the rest with you. What Amy hasn’t seen Diane and Isabel have.” And with that Max and Liz were on their way.


When Max and Liz returned home from their honeymoon they were amazed at how many wedding presents were in the entry. You couldn’t get through the place for packages. Liz looked at Max and said…

“I thought we made it clear that we didn’t want any presents.” Max looked at her and grinned… “I guess people didn’t give a shit what we want.” And Liz started laughing… “Where are we going to put all of this stuff Max?”

“I haven’t a clue Liz.” And then Liv came through the door with another big box… She set it down and went over and gave Liz a great big hug and Max got one as well…

“You two look happy and rested.”

“Well, we were until we saw all of this…My God we’re going to have to hire someone to open all of these.” Olivia laughed at her and said,

“I didn’t know where else to put them.”

Then Liz said…”why don’t we put them up in the attic and then we can go through them at our leisure and write thank you notes as we open them?”

“Great, I’ll get Charley and Johnny to come over and haul them up there for you…how’s that?” Max chuckled.

“God Max, it sounds so blasé but I don’t know what else to do about all of it.”

“Liz, it’s not blasé, it’s realistic. Now let’s get our bags upstairs and get settled okay?”

“Okay…and Liv…it’s so good to see you, thank you for taking care of all of this for us.”

“You’re welcome Liz and I never got a chance to tell you at the wedding but I thought you were the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.”

“Amen to that…” Max added and Liz blushed and thanked both of them…

“I think you’re both prejudiced.”

And Max agreed with her and then took their suitcases upstairs and Liz followed.

After they got all unpacked Liz asked Max what they were going to do for Christmas and he asked her what she would like to do… “I don’t know…at first I thought I might like to go to Roswell but now that we’re home I think I want to celebrate Christmas here. Can we invite everybody back for Christmas too?”

“Sweetheart, we can do whatever you want to do…now by everybody…do you mean everybody that was here for thanksgiving?”

“Yes…and I want to have a tree trimming party for the kids. What do you say?”

“Okay…but we’ll have to do it soon because I’m sure that Pete, Josh, John and Jay all have families they would like to spend time with too.”

“Okay, I’ll give Anne and Katy a call right now and see what we can come up with.”

“Fair enough and I’ll give Charley a call and I’ll help load the presents in the attic… are you sure you’re up for all of this?”

“Of course I am Max…I’m fine.”

So Max got hold of Charley and between the three men they had the attic loaded with wedding presents in no time. Max read some of the cards as they carried boxes to the elevator and some of these people he hardly knew…he was beginning to wonder if maybe they hadn’t brought home the wrong people’s presents.

God, I wonder if that’s what happened he thought…and then decided that Liz probably knew those other people. Good Lord, what if it really was true though. He ran that idea past Charley and Johnny and they started laughing at him…

“Max, for an intelligent man you surely do come up with some strange ideas.” Charley said as he continued to load the elevator for the third time.

In the meantime Liz had talked to Anne, Katy, Susan and Marge and all four women said that this week-end would be the best time to have a tree trimming party and what time. Liz thought for a minute and wanted to know if they could come over about ten in the morning and plan on staying all day. The parents wouldn’t have to stay if they didn’t want to but she wanted the kids to decorate outside too.

Anne told her she needed her head examined and Liz told her that the boys always listened to her and then Anne laughed…”yeah, like they did at the wedding?” And then Liz laughed,

”Oh Anne, that was priceless…they really thought they were being respectful…honest. They didn’t do that to be funny…I swear they didn’t. Jeremy was so sincere when he told me that he thought the monsignor should be honored. He just didn’t associate the words with the meanings. Believe me, I loved it. Honest!” And Anne said

“Whatever Liz…I still think you’re nuts but yeah, they can come and spend the entire day…as a matter of fact I’ll be looking forward to it and I know the rest of the girls will as well. Maybe we can get some Christmas things of our own done in peace. We’ll see you then.” And they signed off. Liz was elated.


Liz went up to the attic and found Max, Charley and Johnny stacking wedding presents all over the place…

“Oh Max…leave room to get the Christmas decorations out of the other room honey…the boys will be here Saturday for a decorating party and we want to be able to get to the stuff easily.”

“Just how much decorating do you plan on doing Liz?”

“Just as much as I can Max…”

Charley and Johnny looked at Max, both hid grins a mile wide, and then started to rearrange things so that there would be room for Christmas stuff…Max started to help, he knew it would be futile to argue with her.

Today was Wednesday and they had til’ Saturday for her to get to the mall with the truck and buy everything in sight. This should be interesting to say the least.

When Charley and Max came back up with another load of boxes they saw a light on in the other room. Max looked in and found Liz sitting on the floor with an extension cord and she was surrounded by strings of lights checking them all out.

She had boxes of spare bulbs she managed to find somewhere and was replacing burned out bulbs as intensely as she conducted experiments in the lab. Max shook his head and walked off to get more boxes. Charley looked in and then followed suit.

“You know Max…Margaret found that it was cheaper to just buy more lights than it was to buy just the bulbs.”

Max looked at Charley and winked… “Leave her alone Charley, as long as she’s doing that she’s leaving us alone.”

Charley nodded and followed Max back to the elevator and started to help Johnny unload more presents. ‘Max wasn’t quite as oblivious to what was happening as they had first thought’…

“Johnny, how many more boxes are down there?” Max asked and Johnny looked at Max and grinned…

“Well, I thought that this was the last load but the UPS guy just drove up as I was getting into the elevator. I don’t know what the guy had but there was a shit load of packages.”

“Oh for God’s sake”…then Max laughed…”Liz bought some stuff while we were gone and had it shipped…maybe that’s what it is…Christ, I hope so…we’re going to have to hire a crew of stenographers to write thank you notes…either that or have carpal tunnel surgery when we’re done with this.”

Both men laughed at Max and headed back down in the elevator…Max told them they could go on home that he would finish up with the new stuff…

He sneaked up on Liz who was still intent on checking out light bulbs and bent over and kissed the top of her head. He told her he was going down stairs for a minute…she said “uh huh” and kept on screwing in light bulbs. Max chuckled to himself and figured she would be busy for two days at least.


When Max got down to the main floor he discovered that the boxes that had been delivered while they were on the third floor were in fact the things they had shipped home from the Mediterranean.

Liz had done a lot of Christmas shopping while they were there so at least they didn’t have that to worry about now that they were home. All they had to do was wrap the stuff up and get the tree ready to decorate. He knew there was a huge 16 foot tree in the attic and it was one of those pre-lit things so all Liz would have to do would be to have the kids put the decorations on it but maybe she wouldn’t want that one...

‘I wonder what she’ll put on it?’ he thought…’As a matter of fact there are several trees in the attic…Hell maybe she might want a real tree…we’ll see when she gets finished testing light bulbs.

As a matter of fact I’ll go up and help her and we can talk about it. That will be fun now that the entry is all cleared out. And it will be fun to have a Christmas decorating party with the kids. I wonder what it will be like next Christmas with our own little one to share Christmas with…he or she will be about 6 months or so by then’…Max got a very faraway look in his eye and he suddenly couldn’t wait to get back upstairs to his wife and her light bulbs. Wife, what a great thought and babies…God, babies!!!

Olivia poked her nose out into the entry and asked Max if they would be wanting lunch anytime soon and Max said he’d call her on the intercom as soon as he got back up to the attic…she smiled and said great… Max loaded the elevator with the UPS delivery boxes and headed back up to see Liz.


By Saturday Liz had the 16 foot tree set up in the grand hall as she now called it and there were boxes of decorations sitting everywhere.

She had a nice live 8 foot tree in the small living room and two 12 foot artificial trees on the front porch, one sitting on either side of the double entry doors. She hung a huge wreath on each of the entry doors and she had boxes of lights for the kids to drape all over the fence poles at the front gate.

She had wreaths in all of the bedroom windows and she had Charley string lights all around the perimeter of the house…upstairs and down.

Charley actually hired a construction crew of men to come in with a bucket to put up the lights around the roof and Max just shook his head and scratched his ear. She was definitely losing her mind and he loved it.

When Katy dropped off all the kids on Saturday she actually stood back and laughed at Max…

“You know she’s nuts don’t you?” And Max laughed with her…

“I’m beginning to think so.” He said. And then she was off as fast as she could go.

“Have fun Max…and don’t kill anybody.” She said as she got ready to drive off,

“I won’t…enjoy your day off.” He said.

“Oh, I intend to, believe me…I’m off to the spa to have a massage and then a manicure and then a pedicure and then I may even get my hair done.”

Max laughed at her as she drove off. All of the women took turns watching all of the kids so that they could have a day of pampering but today they were all headed in the same direction to have a girl’s day and they were thrilled that Max and Liz wanted to spend the day with the boys. The boys thought the world of Max and were just as happy to be with Max as anyone alive and now with Liz as well. They loved them both and loved being with them.

The minute Liz saw the boys she let out a huge “HI!” and gave them all a big hug and asked them what they thought they should do first…They took one look at the humongous tree in the entry and asked what she wanted done with that. She showed them all of the boxes and then explained her plans for the day. The outside and the inside needed to be decorated and she thought maybe they should start outside first before it got dark…the boys agreed and each one picked up a box of lights and headed to the front door.

Liz asked if they would rather ride down to the gate since it was so far and it would save time and besides they needed to take a ladder with them. They thought about it for a minute and then Jeremy asked,

“Can we sit in the back of the truck?”

Liz said “Sure, I’ll even sit back there with you.”

Now Max knew she was nuts…but then, when he thought about it for a minute, he realized that there was no way she would let them ride back there alone so he got the truck out of the garage…loaded the boxes of lights inside the truck, loaded the kids, Liz and the ladder into the truck bed and headed down the driveway to the front gate.

It took the boys about an hour to string the lights around the poles and across the top of the gate while Max and Liz sat in the truck bed and watched. After some quiet discussion among themselves they proceeded to change the colors of the lights on the strings to suit themselves. Max and Liz let them do whatever they wanted, having no idea what their plans were.

Liz had a couple of large thermoses filled with hot chocolate and every so often the boys would ‘wet their whistle’ as Max called it and then, when they were all finished, Max and Liz stood back and were amazed at what a really nice job they had done.

Each string was neatly wrapped around the poles in such a way that they looked like a candy cane…they had coordinated the colors so that both sides matched, using only red and white light bulbs. Now they understood what the big conference had been about and it was beautiful.

Liz was amazed at how much time and effort the boys put into the job and it only took them about an hour. Of course there were seven of them but still they did a wonderful job for the short length of time considering. Max couldn’t believe it…he scratched his head and smiled at Liz. She just had a way with these kids, a way that made them want to please her and he loved it.

By the time Anne came to pick up the boys at 9:00 p.m. the front gate was all lit up and she thought…’boy, Max must have come down here after the boys went up to the house and fixed this up … it really looks nice’.

When she got to the front of the house the entire place was lit, the two trees at the front entry were all aglow with miniature white lights and there were big green wreaths on the doors but the kicker was when she walked into the entry way and the boys were all on the floor crawling around a huge decorated tree with stuffed animals of every size and variation imaginable set in the branches.

They were putting an electric train together which wound its way around a miniature city under the tree. Anne stood there amazed and there Liz and Max were, sitting on the steps, watching the boys as though they were in a trance.

“When did you sneak down and redecorate the poles Max?” She whispered when she finally got his attention.

“I didn’t redecorate anything…they did it all…I swear Anne, they did it all; even the stuffed animals.

“Jeremy got to use the ladder because he’s the biggest and the rest stood on the stair steps and chairs. I helped by hanging over the banister upstairs with a couple of them but they told me where they would look the best and voila…we have a Christmas tree.

“I think they did a beautiful job and we will have everyone over for dinner when you can all make it and everyone can see just how handy they are… they work very well together…just like a well-oiled machine.”

“Yes, just like their daddies.” And Anne took a seat beside Max and Liz after removing her hat and coat and proceeded to watch the boys finish up their work of art, which it truly was, a work of art.

Liz made Anne a cup of hot tea and asked her if she would like to sit somewhere else and Anne said “No way, this is fascinating.”

When the boys finished with the train and all of the little houses had been situated where they wanted them along with people, bridges and other various city paraphernalia the boys apologized to Liz for not finishing the other tree but Liz assured them that it was alright.

“It’s just a small tree and I am sure I can handle it with Max’s help.” She assured them. Anne raised an eyebrow and Max explained…there’s a smaller live tree in the living room. Anne grinned and simply said “oh” and let it go at that, everyone needed Christmas trees all over the house, apparently Liz did anyway.

The boys all said “Okay” and got their jackets and were ready to go home.

Max gave each one of them a hundred dollars for being so helpful and they all said thank you and then Jeremy, the spokesman for the group, told Max that if he needed help with anything else to let them know…Max grinned at Anne and told the boys he definitely would and then they were off.

Anne thanked Liz to the point that Liz was becoming embarrassed,

“Anne, you have no idea how much fun I’ve had today…and if they tell you they got to ride in the back of the truck it’s true…I rode with them.” Anne shook her head and said…”See you later.” She took her crew of seven and headed home.

They were all spending the night with her and she thought she just might get her tree out for them tomorrow and put them to work at her house, they really did great work.

When all the guests were gone and the Evanses stood back to admire the handiwork Max kissed Liz at the foot of the huge Christmas tree and told her how proud of her he was.

“Liz, they did a beautiful job…I had some doubts when you suggested this but I am truly amazed at what they did. It’s beautiful.”

“Thank you Max…I knew they would do a good job…they are so willing to please. All they need is for someone to show a little faith in them. I just love it! Tomorrow we can do the little tree in the living room and put the presents we bought for everybody under it. What do you say?”

“Whatever you want sweetheart,” Max got an evil looking grin on his face and said.

“Now, are you hungry at all? I think I could go for a piece of pie.” He’d been waiting for what seemed like forever for his pie.

“Well, maybe a little piece…what kind did you have Liv fix today?”

Liz knew he had something on his mind for hours and by process of elimination she knew it was pie. She’d been waiting for him to bring it up since the kids left but he waited until the last few decorations were in place before bringing it up, talk about self-control. God what patience, she knew how he felt about those pies.

The entire day was perfect, just perfect and now pie…who could ask for more?

“I believe this one is apple.”

“Oh goodie…I love apple pie and ice cream; race you to the kitchen…” And she took off for the kitchen before Max could register what she had said.

Soon they finished with their snack while discussing the events of the day and all the fun they had with the kids. They rinsed their dishes and put them into the dishwasher before heading up the back stairs to bed.

Max had checked all of the doors and lights earlier and was now groping Liz’s backside as she climbed the steps.

He was in one of those fun and teasing moods, a leftover from a fun day, and she laughed along with him.

She swung her hips in an exaggerated move and then started to remove her sweater while humming the tune to the stripper.

By the time they reached the bedroom Liz was stripped naked from the waist up, tossed her sweater and bra on a chair and then slowly wiggled out of her slippers, never taking her eyes off Max.

She turned her back to him and did a figure eight with her hips while unzipping her jeans, keeping time with her bump and grind melody, then continued to move around the room slowly as she hooked her thumbs into her underpants and jeans at the same time. She continued swinging and swaying her fanny to the beat of her melody then she went into a bump and grind rendition of a stripper tossing her jeans and underpants at Max.

She danced her way over to a window and grabbed one of the drapes hanging there and used it as a prop for the rest of her routine.

She slowly pulled the drape across her middle, covering herself from her boobs to her ankles and then she stuck her leg out, raised it high into the air and smiled at Max, giving him a wink as she did so. She slowly brought her leg down, wrapping it around the front of the drape and then slowly moved her foot to the floor while allowing the drape to fall from her body.

She walked away from the window, swaying in a sexy fashion, smiling the entire time. Max simply stood there and watched slack jawed.

He was still holding the jeans she had flung at him and she continued on with her little dance.

Max wanted to laugh but he was so turned on he could only stand there and gape, ‘where in the hell did she learn this shit?’ he wondered.

Liz loved it…his expression was priceless. She would have to send Maria a thank you note for stealing all of those tapes from her mother’s bedroom when they were just kids…then she giggled as she remembered the two of them trying to do those dance routines themselves so long ago. They tried using the pole on Maria’s canopy bed for a dance pole, and God that was fun; they actually pulled the pole loose once. It was almost as much fun as this was.

“Come on Evans, what’s taking you so long” she teased. “Don’t shake the tree if you don’t want the peaches.” She was giggling now along with a sexy smile and slow eyes. That should teach him to play with her ass.

Now Max guffawed and soon he was just as naked as she was… without the impromptu entertainment of course, and he growled as he laid her down on the big warm bed…

“I’ll show you peaches you little imp…come here.” And she did as he commanded…oh life was wonderful.


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch52 4/9/15

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:42 am
by begonia9508
Hey Ginger!

Wonderful part!

Max knows Liz really well... because I think other husbands would be really enervated by her way of doing things but him, Max, he only rolled on eye at her way of doing things... That was so funny! :lol:

But so complicated, her decorations! :shock: :shock: :shock: EVE :wink: :mrgreen:

Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch52 4/9/15

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:34 am
by Roswelllostcause
Great part Ginger! Liz really is going to be a great mother! She might be a little crazy but I don't think Max would have it any other way.


Re: Lyin: Eyes (AU,M/L,MATURE) ch52 4/9/15

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:53 am
by keepsmiling7
Life is wonderful indeed.
Sometimes Liz just wears me out with all of her activity jumping from one thing to another.
Love the fluff Ginger, makes me so happy.
Looking forward to more,