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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 48 8/8

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:02 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I agree with Jeff and everyone Kivar is setting up a trap. But the question is what is Kivar and Nicholas really up to. DEATH TO KIVAR AND NICHOLAS!!!! I hope someone sends kivar and Nicholas to hell where they can rot forever. I'm glad that Maria agreed to be a granolith keeper. Hopefully Maria can handle everything that comes with being a granolith keeper. Hopefully Michael and everyone can handle the powers Maria will have. I'm really hoping when Max, Liz, Serena make Maria a granolith keeper nothing goes wrong and no one will stop them. Will Max, Liz, Serena be able to make Maria a granolith Keeper? Will it be painful for Maria? Will Maria be able to handle the pain? Will it take long for Maria to be a granolith keeper? What powers will Maria have? Will Maria be able to help in the fight? Will Maria be fine? What will happen when Max, Liz, Serena and Maria go back to the Crash Down? Will everyone know? Will Michael stay close to Maria? Will Jim, Cal, friends and parents wait for Max, Liz, Serena and Maria to return? Will Max, Liz, parents and friends come up with a plan to kill Kivar and Nicholas? Will Max, Liz and friends kill Kivar and Nicholas? How will Max, Liz and friends kill Kivar and Nicholas? Will the parents help in the fight? What will the parents do? Will the parents stay back? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents live through the war? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents live a long and happy life in peace? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle and Ava all finish school? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Ava, Brian and Serena get married and have kids? Will Liz and Serena be pregnant when the fight starts? Will Max, Liz and friends find Cal daughter? What will happen when they find Cal's daughter? Will Cal's daughter help in the fight? What will happen after the fight? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents be able to live their lives in peace? Will Cal and his daughter stay or go to California? So sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz, friends and parents.

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 49 8/9

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:36 am
by Roswelllostcause
Eve Maria is very brave to do this! Kivar and Nicholas are not going to expect that Maria would become a keeper. Kivar may not even know it is possible for a human to become a keeper!

Carolyn Diane heart had been telling her that Liz would never harm her. But after hearing how powerful Liz would be when the Queen's seal became active her head was going wild with the possibility she would lose control.

L-J-L 76 It is very possible that it is a trap. But only the good guys know that Maria is going to be there and have powers!

Part 49

Liz glanced back at Maria as they rode in the Jeep out to the Pod chamber. She could feel how nervous her friend was. This was going to be life changing for Maria. After today she would no longer be a normal if not slightly wacky small town girl. She would become a hybrid. She would gain powers. But she would be given full control over then too. The ride was silent as each of them was lost in their own thoughts. Liz glaced at Serena who was looking over what they would have to do to make Maria a keeper. Max pulled to a stop near the rock formation that held both the pods and the granalith. They walked up the side of the mountain and then entered the pod chamber.

"OK once we enter the granalith chamber Maria will need to lay on the floor on her back. In each hand she will hold a healing stone. Max will place the key in place. Then the three of us take the remaining healing stones and let our energy active them. The energy will then flow into Maria changing her to become a hybrid. Once that is done the four of us connect to the granalith. She then if deemed worthy will have a permanent connection to the granalith." Said Serena
"What is that like Serena? Always being connected to it?" Asked Maria
"Until you become use to it there will be this feeling of power flowing through you. My connection didn't become active until I was fourteen. My dad told me that I was a keeper just like my grandmother on Antar had been. Now Maria, this will now be part of your family forever, or until your bloodline comes to an end. Your first born daughter will take your place after you die. Males can never become keepers. If let's say you don't have a daughter, then it would go to your granddaughter. While it can never be passed on in an active form to a son they can hold it until there is a female to pass it on too. That is what happened with my dad." Said Serena
"OK. Uh will this changing me thing hurt?" Asked Maria
"To be honest we don't know. There are no records of a human being changed this way." Said Liz
"But this is safe?" Asked Maria
"Yes. Humans are not that different from antarians. Antarians are just an older race of people." Said Serena
"Ok let's do this." Said Liz


Jeff watched as the others sat around waiting for Max and the three girls to return. He could tell that Amy was worried about her daughter. He watched as his wife sat down with her to try and clam her. He glaced out the window and saw a woman he hadn't seen in a few years walking up to the door of the Crashdown. He took a deep breath and waited for her to enter. The only one who hadn't seen her in longer was Nancy. The woman walked in causing everyone to be on guard.

"It's ok everyone! This is Serena's mother." Said Jeff
"Hey Ms. Kent." Said Brian
"Brian, Jeff, Nancy." Said Donna Kent
"What brings you here Donna?" Asked Jeff
"Where is Serena?" Asked Donna
"Out with her sister." Said Jeff
"Maybe we should talk about this somewhere else." Said Donna
"Donna, everyone here knows the family secret." Said Jeff
"I have to say that is a surprise. Brian when did my daughter tell you?" Asked Donna
"Well Ms. Kent, she confirmed it a few days ago. But I have known for a while. Since sixth grade. I saw Rena heal Bucky the bunny from science class." Said Brian
"You never told anyone?"
"No ma'am. First off I didn't think anyone would believe me. Second I thought if someone did by chance then Rena would be taken away and I would never see her again. I just couldn't live in a world that I didn't get to see her." Said Brian
"Donna, you know Nancy. The others here are Cal Langley, Amy DeLuca, Philip and Diane Evans, and Sheriff Jim Valenti." Said Jeff pointing out each adult.

Donna just nodded.

"The kids are Isabel Evans, Alex Whitman, Kyle Valenti, Michael Gurien and Ava." Said Jeff
"No last name Ava?" Asked Donna looking at the punk girl
"Ain't never had the need for one. I ain't had a job nor gone to school." Said Ava
"What do you mean you don't go to school?" Asked Donna
"Donna, Ava is part of the Royal four. She grew up in New York. Some how her pod and the other three in her group ended up in an abandon subway tunnel off the sewers." Said Jeff
"Where is the fourth four this group?"
"She was a traitor who nearly killed Alex and was going to hand the rest of us over to Kivar to be killed." Said Michael
"Ok. Now where is my daughter?"
"Donna, Serena, Liz and Max help to make Liz's friend Maria into a keeper of the granalith." Said Nancy
"Serena is the last of the keepers." Said Jeff


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 49 8/9

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:47 am
by keepsmiling7
Anxious to see how Maria turns out as the keeper.....

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 49 8/9

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:57 am
by begonia9508
I am quite suspicious about this woman, who just came from nowhere! They haven't seen her since a lot of years so I would be a little bit suspicious... :roll:

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 49 8/9

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:00 am
by Natalie36
maria will make a good keeper

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 49 8/9

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:13 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. Good thing Serena is going over everything. Hopefully everything will go smoothly for Max, Liz and Serena. I agree with begonia9508 about being suspicious about Donna who appeared out of no where and asking a lot of questions. I don't know if I would trust Donna Kent yet. Why is Serena's mom there? Is Donna going to try and take Serena way? Is Donna evil? Is Donna going to hurt anyone? What will Donna do? What will happen while the others are waiting for Max, Liz, Serena and Maria? Will Maria feel any pain? Will Maria be able to handle it? Will it happen quickly? What kind of powers will Maria have? Will the granolith except Maria? What will happen on the way home? What will happen when Max, Liz, Serena and Maria walk into the Crash Down? What will Liz feel from Donna? Will Liz be able to tell if Donna is good or bad? What will Serena do when she sees her mom? Will Serena be happy or mad? Will Donna tell Serena and everyone why she id there? Will Max, Liz and friends go practice their powers? Will Max, Liz and friends be ready for Kivar? Will Max, Liz and friends go and meet Kivar? Will Kivar and Nicholas come to Max and Liz? What will happen when Max, Liz and friends see Kivar and Nicholas? Will the parents help in the fight? Will the parents stay out of the fight? Will Kivar and Nicholas go after the parents? Will Max, Liz and friends win? Will Max, Liz and friends kill Kivar and Nicholas? Will Max, Liz and friends finish high school? Will Max, Liz and friends go to college? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Ava, Brian and Serena all get married and have kids? Will Liz and Serena become pregnant before and after the war? Will Max, Liz friends and parents live a long and happy life in peace and together? So sorry for all the question I was just wondering please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz, friends and parents.

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 50 8/10

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:46 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn We will just have to wait and see how Maria turns out.

Eve Donna Kent isn't a bad person. She just doesn't want her daughter involved in any of this.

Natalie36Yes Maria will be a good keeper.

L-J-L 76 Serena is eighteen, almost nineteen, so her mom can't force her to leave. Serena is going to help her sister and the others weather her mom likes it or not!

Part 50

Liz watched as the green light charges passed over Maria's body. She could hear her friend sobbing softly. It was almost done. Then it stopped. Liz looked at both Max and Serena. Liz then knelt next to Maria.

"Maria how do you feel?" Asked Liz
"God Liz! I feel like someone has been using a jackhammer on my head!" Said Maria
"Sorry. You want one of us to check to make sure you are ok?"
"I feel fine. I mean other than my head that is."
"You sure?"
"Yeah let's finish this so we can get back to town."
"Oh and Liz, you might want to keep those thoughts about what you want to do with Max to yourself."

Liz turned bright red causing Max to raise an eyebrow.

"Uh Maria, you might want to work on that. It may drive you crazy if you don't." Said Liz
"What is Liz talking about?" Asked Max
"Well Moon doggie it seems I can pick up on others thoughts." Said Maria
"That is so not good." Mumbled Serena
"Hey how do you think I feel? I am the only virgin in here with three people who keep thinking about what they want to do to their lover!" Said Maria

Serena turned a deep shade of red when Liz turned to look at her.

"You and Brian?" Asked Liz
"Yeah. Liz, I have loved him for a long time." Said Serena
"Hey Rena, I don't think it is a bad thing. Dad might not like it." Said Liz
"Yeah well I got the Queen on my side! You can always tell him to fuck off. Besides he lost the right to share his opion of my boyfriend when he decided for you to drug you so you would have sex." Said Serena
"Rena, what is done is done. Now that Maria is no longer the lone human girl let's get her connected to the granalith." Said Liz
"You got it Queenie."

Liz rolled her eyes. Ten minutes the four of them were back in the Jeep having hidden the crystal key in the pod chamber.


Kivar walked into Dara's room. He watched the woman as she stared out the window.

"The King is going to die."
"Kivar, you have no clue the power you will be going up against."
"Please Nicholas told me how weak those brats are!"
"The young Queen is very powerful. As is her sister."
"I will have both the little Queen and that half breed keeper! They will watch as I kill everyone they care about!"
"Oh there will be deaths when you take on the King and Queen and the rest of them. But from what I see it will be the Royals that come out on top."
"Your visions aren't always right."
"They have all come true in the last two years. I knew that the King would save Elizabeth Parker. That she would become the rightful Queen of Antar. That the harvest in Copper Summit would fail. That the King would never take your deal at the summit."
"Why haven't I killed you?"
"That is the one thing I have yet to understand."

Kivar left and Dara looked out the window and smiled.

"You have chosen well my young Queen. Your friend is the perfect choice to be a keeper."


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 50 8/10

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:10 am
by begonia9508
Oh God! :lol: They have chosen the wrong Keeper! :lol:

Maria is a blabbermouth who can't control what she says and to whom she says it and being the keeper now, they should tried to stop or block their dirty sexual thoughts! If the can... :lol: :lol:

Thanks EVE :lol:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 50 8/10

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:28 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I'm glad Liz is so worried about Maria. So Maria can read thought. Now that is going to be interesting and I say nothing is going to be the same after that. Wow I so can not believe Maria told everyone what Liz's thoughts were about Max. I agree with Serena about telling her father off about her boyfriend/lover. I really hate Kivar and Nicholas. I hope someone will them really soon. I hope Dara's vision are true. Will Kivar and Nicholas get their hands on Max? Will Max fight Kivar and Nicholas? Will Michael and the other stop Kivar and Nicholas from hurting Max? Will Kivar and Nicholas grab Liz and Serena? What will happen when Kivar and Nicholas get Liz and Serena? Will Liz and Serena fight back? Will Max and friends try and stop Kivar and Nicholas? Will Max, Liz and friends be able to stop Kivar and Nicholas? Will Max, Liz and friends kill Kivar and Nicholas? Will Max, Liz and friends meet with Kivar and Nicholas? Will Max, Liz and friends come up with a plan to kill Kivar and Nicholas? Will Max, Liz and friends plan work? What will happen when Max, Liz, Serena and Maria walk into the Crash Down? What will happen when Serena sees her mom? Will it be a good thing or a bad thing? Will Kivar and Nicholas surprise attack Max, Liz and friends? Will Max and Liz sleep together before the war starts? Will Liz become pregnant? What will Maria's powers be? Will Maria's powers be helpful in the fight? Will Max, Liz and friends go train? What will happen when they train? Will Max, Liz and friends be ready? Will the parents help in the fight? Will the parents stay back? Will Max, Liz, parents and friends survive the war? Will Max, Liz, parents and friends live in peace? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle and Ava all finish high school? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Ava, Brian and Serena all go off the college? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria. Alex, Isabel. Kyle, Ava, Brian and Serena all get married and have kids? Will Max, Liz, parents and friends live a long happy life together? So sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz, parents and friends.

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 51 8/11

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:03 am
by Roswelllostcause
Eve They didn't know what powers Maria was going to get! :lol:

L-J-L 76 Yes Maria can read thoughts. That just might prove to be rather interesting.

Part 51

When the Jeep pulled in front of the Crashdown and parked Serena stared into the window and made a face.

"What is it Rena?" Asked Liz
"My mom is here."
"Is that a bad thing?" Asked Maria
"I'm not sure. She has never really liked that I have embraced my alien side. She would rather that I never used my powers and lived a human life."
"I'm sure that she loves you." Said Liz
"I know she does Liz. But the fact is I have had these powers for a long time. I think that they are part of the reason that she let dad into my life."
"We should go in. Serena remember babe if your mom can't accept you for who you are then you got the rest of us for a family." Said Maria
"Maria is right. As far as I am considered you are a member of the Royal family Serena." Said Max giving her a hug.
"Thanks Maxie." Said Serena with a twinkle in her eye.

Max just shook his head and the four of them headed in. As soon as Serena walked through the door her mother grabbed her arm and pulled her into the back room.

"What the hell were you thinking taking off like you did!" Said Donna
"Mom in case you forgot I will be nineteen in less then a week!" Said Serena
"You are still living in my house! You will follow my rules!"
"Mom, I am not going back to Dexter with you. I am needed here!"
"Serena Rose! You don't belong in this alien mess of theirs."
"Yeah I do. I am not fully human you know that! I never have been. They need me!"
"This is your father's fault! He should not have gotten involved with Nancy and me!"
"If he hadn't there is a good chance that Nancy would be dead. You wouldn't have had me."
"Like that would have been a hardship. You have no idea how much I prayed that you wouldn't do something stupid as a child in front of someone, that no one would find out you were a freak!"
"Is that how you have always felt? Fine after we finish what we need to do in a couple days I will be back to get the rest of my things and you will never see me again."

Just then Liz, Jeff and Brian came back. Jeff looked at Donna very upset. Brian had pulled Serena into his arms and Liz's eyes had gone dark and had sparks in them that scared the hell out of the woman.

"Ms. Kent, you are going to go home. You will not cause MY SISTER any problems when we all come to pack her things. If you do cause any problems I will see to it that the cozy life you are living comes to an end. You will also never have a peaceful night sleep again. Oh and if you breath one word to anyone about what you know about aliens, I will personally see that you end up locked in a psychological ward for a very long time. Is that clear?" Said Liz
"Jeff! You can't expect me to listen to this child!" Said Donna
"Just do what she tells you. Liz is not only my daughter who I love every bit as much as Serena. But she is also my Queen. I will not go against her wishes." Said Jeff

Donna left in a huff. Liz looked at her dad the sparks dying down.

"She hates that Rena isn't a normal human." Said Liz
"I never knew that. If I had known I never would have left your sister there." Said Jeff
"I know. Give Brian your apartment key. Let him take her up stairs." Said Liz

Jeff nodded and handed the young man his key. He then led a still very upset Serena upstairs to her room. Nancy came back to see what was going on.

"Is everything OK?" Asked Nancy
"Donna more or less told Serena to make a choice. Leave her alien side behind or get out." Said Jeff
"Where is she now?"
"Brian took her upstairs. We should leave them be for now." Said Liz

Jeff and Nancy nodded and the three of them went back out into the Crashdown.