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Pushy Big Brothers

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:00 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
I'm not lucky enough to be blessed with one, but my Best Guy Friend has decided to take on the role for me. :roll: The guy I just started dating is soon going to be cornered and told to "respect" me and keep his "hands to himself". I can't get my BGF or "big brother" to lay off, no matter what I say or offer to bribe him with. I've known him for years and haven't given him any advice to dump his skanky-ass girlfriend, so why does he have the right to interfer in my love life? :x Does anyone else have this problem with an actual brother?


Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:30 pm
by dreamer19
I have an older brother but he could care less what I do. He never talks to me or anything and we live in the same house. I'd like to have some kind of relationship with him. I'd even welcome a pushy older brother. But I'm not holding my breath and all he is now to me is a stranger. :|

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:45 pm
by RosDude
Ok as an older brother I have to say that your “brother” is just looking out for you. I actually only have one younger sister and three older sisters so I am EXTRA pushy on her. But I do it for two reasons. #1 being she’s the only sibling I have that I’m older than. #2 if somebody ever did something to disrespect her, my four other brothers and I would open up a huge can of whoop ass and it’s only fair to let him know. lol In short. If the two of you are close enough that you actually call each other brother and sister than he sees you as any brother would and it is his duty, no his honor to protect you. Just like any brother would.


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:54 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
Thank you! That's so sweet! I never really thought of it like that! :D


Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:53 pm
by sam25_2003
Having 3 older brothers..I can relate believe me. :D ..However if you tell him to back off...and he doesn't inform him your going to go overprotective sister on skanky girlfriend..(That usually works on mine) The overprotective thing is a 2 way street...|(Believe me I have done it before to my brothers)

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:53 pm
by NotYourChick
My older brother Michael is the same way. Everytime one of his friends try to ask me out. They ask him.(i don't know why) He always tell them the same thing 'i'll kill you.' So then I never get asked out by his cute friends. So I know how you feel.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:03 pm
by Elizabeth Kivana
Big brother. Jeez. Well, I have three. One is my brother (8 years difference), my half brother (19-20 years difference) and one is my really good friend and husband of my best friend (6 years difference). My brother is a hot head. You can't really talk to him for a long time. He loose his temper very quick. He's very know it all and likes to yell at me. My best friend met him once and was like, please don't invite me again when he's around. He likes to boss me around and is demanding, especially with school. No relationship big brother kind of thing. And he's very private when it comes to his girlfriend. He refuses to talk to me about it.

My half brother, I don't really have this relationship with him but he's pretty cool. He's like the fun guy. He'll call me his little sis and he'll amuse me and is totally different temper-wise then my brother.

And then the friend. He's not short fuesed. In fact, he's like the real deal. When we first met, he was like, I don't know you. But the fact that my girlfriend (now wife) loves you like a sister, I will protect you. And as we got closer, it was friendship based. And then recently, I realized what a realistic friend. He's older and he has a lot more experience with relationships and life and I can always count on him to be honest and to guide me. He's very sharp on the tongue so he won't be afraid to explain it in a very honest and to someone rude way, but to me, it's really good. He's not gonna go, keep your hands of her to guys, but even if it's his best friend, he wouldn't let him hurt me. Like his best friend, he was like at first, don't fall for him because he jus got out of a relationship. Then things almost got a bit heated and he was like, okay I'm not involved. When his friend told him honestly, I'd kind of like to get together with her but not relationship type and I said I wouldn't mind it, he kept clearing out of there and giving us space. And when his best friend said he told him he didn't think I was pretty and he planned on a physical thing (when he's drunk), my dear non-brother sat me down and told me doesn't deserve. That he know that I'm a good person and that his best friend is just wrong and he shouldn't get involved with him. And that he's stupid to think anything less of me then they do. That was just the most recent example of how good of a friend he is.

So, I have three examples of brothers, but I have to say I love the non-brother the most as my older brother because I do feel secure with him and I get good advice from him and I can learn so much. I'm pretty sure that qualifies in the big brother awards category. And it just makes me go both ways. Any bitch tries to ever get in between of the two, there will be blood involved. I'm a very protective person myself.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:20 pm
by killjoy
Well I am a big brother and I've always tried to look out for my little sister.But I try not to interfer in her stuff.I feel that I can look out for her but also respect the fact she's over eighteen and an adult who can make her own choices.

I'm also smart enough to know that my sister is way smarter than me so I've learned to trust the fact she knows what she's doing. :lol:

Now having said that I have no problem badly beating up or killing anyone who tried to hurt her *shrugs*

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:48 pm
by Zanssoulmate08

He dumped the skank (YAY) and is now totally being pushy in a good way. The newest guy I was involved with just accused me of something Horrible and my "brother" is pissed. Lucky for me the two of them share the same first class so Josh (the asshole) is in for a year of hell. :twisted:

So i'm petty. Sue me. :P
