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City of Damnation (Mature, AU) *Recasting*

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:09 pm
by Loxyanissa14

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO ifs, ands, or buts.

Title- City of the Damned
Rating- Mature
Disclaimer- I own nothing.
Summary- This story takes place in a town called Haven. Haven is small and very old. All shops and most houses lay on Main Street or are in walking distance of Main Street. Haven is surrounded by woods on in the north and east and on the west lays an ocean.

The Micah buys a large house that lays up in the woods. He asks that Max, Zan, Tess and Devlin get out of the city and join him. They respect his wishes and enter the small town of Haven.

Michael has hunted the warlock who killed his father for a year now. His trail ends in the small town of haven. Him and his pack rent an apartment while they to pick the scent up again. Kyle enrolls in the local high school.

The Bixby Coven

Valerie Bixby-Valerie is the oldest of the five Bixby’s. She is 24 years old. She graduated high school and later went on to graduate college with a degree in business. She now owns her own café in the small town of Hayvan. A town she decided to move the family after the deaths of parents. Valerie is strong willed and determined. She can do most anything she sets her mine to. She takes her role as the eldest very seriously. She plays by the rules the elders have made into coven laws. The rules that her mother broke any time she could. Valerie is determined to be a witch and have a normal life of her own. Her powers are astral projection (the ability to produce a ghost like self) and teleportation (move from one place to another in an instant). Another power she occurred after the death of her parents was the sense of where everyone in her family is located.

Caleb Bixby- Caleb is 22 years old. He graduated high school and doesn’t feel the need to attain college when he already has a job. Caleb fills his days with hunting and killing the supernatural, werewolves being his specialty. He has a reputation for his hunting skills. He has never lost a mark. This sends most packs on his trail and as long as they track him down, he will kill them. Caleb is a loner of sorts. He loves his family but refers to move around a lot. Caleb has the power of fire shaping (meaning he can produce and control fire).

Lexi Bixby- Lexi is 20 years old. She is a high school graduate and is attending courses at the local college in hopes of one day leaving behind her job as a waitress in her sister’s café. Lexi is just as capable as her brother Caleb to hunt and kill but Lexi refers to act as normal as possible. She and Valerie are really close. They share a lot of the same views. Lexi can be shy and some what quite. Her power is precognition (the ability to see future and past). This usually occurs in her dreams but she can will it by the touch of an object or person.

Danya Bixby- Danya is 18 years old. Danya recently graduated high school and is trying to find herself in two different worlds. She loves the thrill of a fight. She loves the way her knife feels as it enters a vampire. She loves the thrill of a good hunt but she loves her sisters. She fears if she chooses a path similar to her brother her older sisters will push her away. Danya is intelligent and beautiful. Her power is illusion (Ability to alter or deceive the perceptions of another).

Raegan Bixby- Raegan is 17 years old. She goes to the local high school and knows exactly what she wants to do with her life. She wants to hunt like her brother. Valerie allows her to help track but when it is time to kill Valerie feels Raegan isn’t ready for it. Raegan misses her brother dearly when he is gone. She feels he is the only one who understands her. Raegan is a bit of a trouble maker. She has a wild side and doesn’t mind showing it. Raegan has the power of Telekinesis.

Useful Notes
*All the Bixby’s were trained to be hunters. To kill the undead and werewolves. They all have there own weapons of choice. Mostly knives and swords.

*Elders- a counsel of the oldest witches who think it is there job to keep the balance between good and evil. They have rules for witches. If they find you have broken there rules they send there minions to find and capture you to bring you before them.

*Patience Bixby is the mother of the five Bixby children. At a young age she fell in love with a vampire. The vampire was later captured by the elders. For this reason Patience hated the council. She broke many rules and loved every minute of it. She was killed by a coven of vampires she had been hunting.

*Witches and Warlocks have a very different smell to vampires. There blood is sweeter and therefore it is a rare treat for a vampire to snack on one.

*There are other covens around the world but not all of them hunt vampires and werewolves. Witches and warlocks powers can vary.

The Vampires

Maxwell William O’Riley the 3rd- Max is 234 years old. He and his twin brother where 23 years old when they were turned. Max came from a wealthy banker. Over the years he has been able to have what ever he has wanted. Whether it be women, blood, cars, houses but he has never been able to feel whole. Maxwell has all vampire powers. Max seems to be the “good” one where as his brother is not. Max is protective of his vampire coven. He makes sure they have every thing they need or want. Max prefers to keep his life a secret. He feeds only when he must. He lives in New York City.

Zander Edward O’Riley the 4th- Zan is 243 years old. He loves everything about being a vampire He loves the power he holds over the lesser beings of the world. He feeds as often as he can. He is cocky and arrogant. He has all vampire powers. He lives his immortal life to the fullest. The only thing he regrets is the promise he made to his brother. The promise to never reveal yourself as a vampire in less you are prepared to kill the person. Zander wants to live in the light instead of the shadows. He wants the world at his finger tips but for now he stays by his brother’s side.

Micah Hollows- Micah is 1,001 years old. He became lonely 250 years ago and decided he needed a companion. His chance came when he stumbled upon two twins. The twins were wealthy. They had everything they could want except immortality. Micah enjoyed how two people could look so much alike and yet be so different. One thing about them was the same, the love for each other. So Micah turned them both. Now he mostly stays with them. Some times he leaves to do his own things. Micah stays to himself. He likes to watch people. He enjoys the way Max feels he needs to take care of every thing. Micah has vampire powers and another. He can see quick glimpses into the near future.

Tessalynn Ann Heights- Tessalynn is 104 years old. Max made her when she was 17 years old. Tess came from a poor family so when a dark stranger offered her immortality she took it with out hesitating. Tess loves Max more than she has ever loved anyone. Tess would love nothing more than to spend eternity by his side. Tess loves the hunt of mortals. She loves to hear them scream as she sinks her teeth into them. Tess has vampire powers.

604 years old
Appears to be 22 years old. Devlin is from California and was sired when he was 22 years old by the leader of a coven of vampires named Mercutio. Devlin lived with the clan for a few years before parting and finding a new family. Devlin has a hard time following orders and “rules”, but his new family accepts him for him. He’s a bit of a smart-aleck. He uses his good looks to lure his victims in. He can read the minds of others most of the time. Some humans are a little harder to read than others.

Useful Notes

*Vampire powers- Mind reading, superhuman speed, mind control and the ability to bind a person to them. They have very good hearing. They can hear a person’s heartbeat. They are stronger than humans. They heal really fast but if there is enough damage they it takes longer.

*It’s very painful to turn a person into a vampire. It takes 3 days for the person’s body to die so that they can be reborn as the undead.

*To kill a vampire decapitation is a must. Although they do not burn in the light they are sensitive to it. Vampires are at their fullest power during the night.

*Most vampires kill the person they feed on but it is possible to pull away though it is hard. The smell of blood consumes vampires as they feed. They are very vulnerable during these times. If a vampire does not kill his prey he can alter their mind so they never knew what happened.

The Werewolves

Isabella Kenler- Sensuous and sassy, Isabella is a beautiful 23 years old. When Isabella’s husband was killed by a witch she joined Michael’s pack. Isabella is very independent. She goes off a lot by herself. Isabell has the basic werewolf powers. *White fur coat

Kylelander Gibbs- Kyle is the average 18 year old male. He attends classes at a local high school. His pack moves around a lot but he finds a way to stay in school. He is usually a football player where ever he ends up. He is fun and happy. He loves his pack like a family. Kyle did have a family but he left them for his new one. He hasn’t spoken to them since he left. Kyle has all werewolf powers. *Black fur coat

Samara Darren- Samara is 21 years old. She as lived with a pack all of her life. When she met Michael she knew he was her mate. She left her pack to be with him. Samara is smart but can be blinded by her feelings for Michael. Samara has all werewolf powers. *Gray fur coat

Michael Guerin- Michael is 22 years old. He met Samara when he was 16. They have been together since then. He met Kyle shortly after. Michael is Alpha male. He leads the pack where he thinks they should be. Michael is head strong and stubborn. Lately Michael’s feelings for Samara have been fading a new addition to the pack has sent his senses tingling. His attraction to Maria is hard to ignore. Michael has all werewolf powers. *Brown fur coat

Maria Holdings- Maria is 19 years old. She finished high school and found her self in a new pack. She is very attracted to Michael even though it doesn’t seem as if they get along with each other at all because of how mush they fight. Maria hopes to soon take Samara’s place at Michael’s side. Maria has standard werewolf powers. *Gray fur coat

Useful Notes

*Werewolf powers- Shape shifting into a large wolf (women are a bit smaller than males.) They are faster than mortals but slower than vampires. They are however stronger than vampires.

*Most all werewolves ate born that way. Some people who are bit multiple times can be changed.

*Full moon is when the pack is the strongest. They usually hunt together at this time.

*Werewolves can be killed when large amounts of pure silver entering their blood stream. Of course decapitation would work too.

*Werewolves take mates that can change over time.

The Drakon
Draco is a Drakon. Drakon is a creature of myth and legend. It is said that Drakons are half Dragon half man. They have the ability to shape shift into beasts with four legs, a tail, talons wings that have the ability to fly, they can also breathe fire. As men they can blend in to the human world. They can grow scales that act as armor. Their eyes let them see far away distances and magnify close objects. Their eyes are the only part of them that give them away as something more than human. They can breathe fire in their human form as well. There are not many Drakons left and the ones that are still alive have lived for centuries. Drakons are strong and independent. They do not travel in flocks but prefer to be a lone. Draco has lived in the small town of Haven for sometime now. He loves the high cliffs that rise above the ocean. He loves the small game he hunts in the forest.

*If there is any character that I have written for that you want but might want to change their bio please feel free to ask me and I’ll be more than happy to replace the bio I have written for a new one.

*Feel free to take more than one character

*If you ever get stuck and can’t think of any thing to write feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help.

*I left the plot open in hopes of getting better creative ideas. I just wanted to supply the people and place.

*There is no set coupling so feel free to change partners at will. Though Vampires, Werewolves and Witches hate each other you never know what could happen. *wink *wink

*If there are any questions fell free to ask.






Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:18 pm
by Fehr'sBear
ooh! i love, love, love this rp idea. can i try Caleb?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:20 pm
by Loxyanissa14
He's yours........

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:22 pm
by Fehr'sBear
yay! thanks. :D

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:05 pm
by Loxyanissa14

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:16 pm
by Fehr'sBear
hmm, I can't help but look back at this again, and really, really want to take on another character. Would I be able to have Michael too?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:47 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
Can I have Lexi? I love your ideas!

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:22 pm
by emmylala
Wow! Sounds like this is going to be a good one. I'd love to have Maria.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:36 pm
by Loxyanissa14
I'm glad people are interested I was afraid it wouldn't do all have who you asked for

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:05 pm
by ~Ruby~
Can I have Tess, please?