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A change for a human (m/l) ADULT complete 3/4/07

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:26 pm
by force
Posted on the wrong section lol so i retryed it on the right one
First off i own nothin. secondly i do not have a beta so please bare with me. So please be honest with your posts.
Summary: What happens if Liz never went to florida but she was taken. What if she was the only key to save Earth and Antar. Will she be enough.

Chapter one

Liz pov
I’m Liz Parker and two days ago I wish I had died. I was supposed to be on a plane to Florida to get away from everything, instead the skins took me. I wished the first blade stroke on my arm was the last but it was only the beginning. The pain that the blade is marring on my skin is enough to kill a weaker person. This room is barren, all brick with blood stains. Empty chains and rotting skeletons lay along the far wall. This place is probably the entire basement of the house or place I am. The smells of dead rotting bodies are enough to make anyone throw up. It is worse than dead fish. The insects that crawl over and through the dead. Makes you wonder what is waiting to feast on your open wounds. They have me chained to a wall and they have taken apart my skin on my arms and placed this metal alloy there. They have placed this metal all over my body. It is forming to the bones, I can feel the fire as it slows mends it self. This metal is like an addition on to my bones everyone. It’s taking the same structure as every bone on my body. Some how there are very little scars. The pain has knocked me out several times. The pain is like someone setting you on fire. It also feels like being run over several times by a car. There are others with me but they are not awake ever, I wonder if there dead. One reminds me of Tess she looks exactly the same, but I’m not so on guard around her. I just want the pain to stop especially since they have touched me in ways I never would ever want, except for by a lover. The vile of liquid that they keep injecting into me at first burns, and then it feels like I’m splitting in two. You feel the liquid in your blood system, then you feel like your skin your bones and everything else is splitting. At first I thought it was just a drug to keep me a sleep but now I realize there going to try and use me to do something and I can only guess what.
While Liz was thinking this in her mind she sees the men enter and this time they take the one that looks like Tess. The man next to her is awake and is trying to break his chains but to no avail. Blood falls down his body as he fights and screams. The screams fall on deaf ears of the captures. He stops struggling once they leave the room. He looked close to death but was fighting with everything in him to stay alive. He has something different about him. She couldn’t place until he looks at her. His eyes are solid blue. The man says his name is Straight Edge.
Straight edge explains; “That is my wife and they are hurting her so I fight for her. I must tell you that you are no longer human, well not what you once were.”
Liz questions;” What do you mean I’m no longer human?”
Xavier another man in the room answers;” You are now one of us. A human that has been changed by an alien at first. Then these creatures will try and train you to be a killer. To kill the ones you love and everything you care about have you noticed you can see things a little differently.” His eyes are a solid green. He is similar shape to Straight edge.
Liz answer;” Yes everything has a black tent to things. I would love to ask more questions. My only concern at this moment is getting the hell out of here. How do we do it and most of all when do we before they kill us.
Xavier;” My girlfriend Serena is on her way with a few of our followers. Who changed you? They did more things to you then us.”
Liz;” Who has changes me is my business, once were out of here I will answer that but not before because I don’t want to take a chance. “
Straight edge;” Very well we understand that and because we do not know your name. We shall call you blade because of the things they put in your body. As well as once were out of here we will trade stories.”
One week later the broken souls in the basement endured more than enough beatings and test to drive anyone to the breaking point and beyond it. The creatures run test to see who can last the longest in a fight, sex or just in beatings. There are too many things to test and each day the broken fear for there lives and what will happen next.
Liz pov
Today the beatings are not as worse but I finally realize what they meant by I was changed. I burned a guard until his seal broke. The skins are pathetic with the one weakness if it is ever exposed there race will fail. I’ve gotten so many abilities it scares me I don’t know the extent of everything. I do know that I will not be here for long. The others have informed me that Serena will be here in a day’s time, and then we are going to escape and destroy everything here. Ava the one that looks like Tess, Is nothing like Tess. I get the feeling from her that something about Tess isn’t right. The others have decided to head to Roswell with me. We all feel more of kindred group form everything that we went through. They look to me to lead them most times in situations and i am unsure if that is wise. They are going to get a house and everything after we get out. My body and soul feels so alive now, I can feel everything with some extra details that have been added to me. I am stronger; they enhanced everything on me with a chemical and blood mix. Out of the group I am the strongest mentally and physically. I know what max feels like now with the weight of the world on his shoulders. You would think I would be dead with the amount of blood that I have lost and they have not replenished it. I think everything they have done to me is a test to see how far they can take someone before they stop feeling. I have felt some remorse when I killed several of the skins. I do feel that I am no longer Liz parker. I am blade and I am the leader of the shadows now. I am no longer innocent I passed that stage the day I was touched. I can feel the power everywhere; it mainly shows in my eyes. There completely black since they started there experiments on me. What they don’t understand is that they have open Pandora’s Box, hell we be apon them now. The box of death contains more that I even know.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:28 pm
by force
Heres part two
Meanwhile in Roswell
Michael pov
Max is moping around because Liz is gone but he also feels something is wrong as well. Tess is trying to get with max on any occasion but max as basically told her to go to hell. Just because Liz isn’t there doesn’t mean he loves her any less. I like parker she seems to balance out our group before Tess got here. For some reason I don’t trust her at all. I feel she is always trying to get into my mind. I’ve put this block up to make sure she can’t enter. Things that Liz has told me for some reason have given me better control on my powers. Maria is on edge a lot lately and she won’t tell me why. I seriously think this destiny crap is shit; we should be able to choose whomever we want. I wonder though is max's feelings and Maria weirdness related. I still can’t get close to Maria since I killed him, ill hurt her as well. Pierce deserved to die but I took a life for the first time and I won’t doubt that it will be the last. Alex is definitely a different story he is always there for isabeal and I’m glad she just needs to drop the ice princess act.
Mr. Parker;” Michael can you come here for a second I need to speak to you”
Michael walks into the parker’s side of the house. Michael asks;”What’s up Mr. P”
Mr. Parker explains;” Michael keep this to yourself but Liz never checked in. My sister said she was never on the plane, and the airport says that my car never made it into the airport long term parking. So we were wondering do you think that you and Maria can run it while we try and find my daughter.” Michael concern for Liz is out of control but knows he has to bottle it so the parkers aren’t suspicious.
Michael;” Yes sir, if there is anything else you need let me know. Are yall going to the police station to report her missing? Or are you checking the dessert for your car Mr. P.”
Mr. Parker;” Yes we are going to the police. Please just watch the restaurant and stay in our spare bedroom tonight since will not be here. Here are the keys to open up in the morning”
Mr. Parker hands Michael the keys. Michael heads back down stairs. He tells Maria since it was close to tell the pod squad except Tess that they should stay.
Maria;” What is going on Michael?’”
Michael;” Just do it Maria I have to do some things before this meeting.”
He leaves her standing there as he goes up stairs to check things and to possibly get anything from there rooms. He gets nothing at all. He heads back down stairs to see everyone there except Tess.
Max questions;” what is going on Michael and why exactly did you exclude Tess?”
Michael explains;” the reason I called all yall here is because Mr. Parker just told me Liz never got on the plane and that her car never made it to the airport. They are now looking for Liz. We all know Liz wouldn’t just up and leave without telling her parents or Maria where she has gone.
Maria;” that’s why I haven’t heard anything from her I was getting worried now I’m beyond it.” She reaches for her cider oil to try and stop from panicking.
Max;” so why did you not want Tess here then Michael”
Michael;” I feel she is always trying to get into my head to convince me of something I don’t agree with. So I believe at first she might be good but something about her makes me very afraid of her and that is not a good thing at all. She always seems as If she has another agenda.” He visibly shutters at the things he thinks she is trying to do.
Isabel;” did Michael just admit that he is scared of something?”
Michael;” it’s not the point. The point is that Liz is gone and Tess is always trying to fuck with my mind.” He says getting more annoyed and angered at each second.
Max comments that everyone should get some sleep and they will figure out what to do after we all had some rest. Everyone agrees and they retire to their homes and Michael to the parker’s residence to keep an eye on things.

A change for a human (m/l)NC-17 2/23/07

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:47 pm
by force
The following day at the compound where the shadows are being held, the escape has begun. First the prisoners break there chains that have held them for what seem like a life time. The guards should have known the chains wouldn’t hold them forever and their bodies would grow immunity to the serum they inject into them. The skins are trying everything to keep their subjects from escaping. The place is on a full lock down mode. Serena is currently putting charges everywhere around the place to blow it to no end and she also has vehicles waiting for them. On the inside Liz and the others are quickly following the mental map they have in their minds. They are taking out any guard that gets in there way and destroying every file on them. Once they reach the main computer room Liz and Xavier get to work on the system. They find out that the skins are working with the government and they have full access to the main frame. They destroy all the files and send a virus through the main frame corrupting everyone’s systems. One of the insiders on the shadows was sent a note to burn the files on them and the organization and to blame the FBI for illegal animal tapering in the compound. As they are leaving the main computer room Liz and straight edge blow the computers up with their powers. Once in the corridor to the outside world where Serena and the other shadows are waiting; one of the guards has a special gun ready and is fired at Liz catching her in the shoulder and paralyzing her form the neck down. Xavier went to reach for her, only stopping when Liz screams at him. She knows that this is for the others safety and is willing to go to hell for them.
Liz;” NOOO don’t, get out of here why you still can. ill get out wait for me in Roswell. I will find you go now before it is too late.”
Xavier and the others kept going as Liz sat there unable to move.
Liz pov
As I watch them go I know that they will blow this place to kingdom come. I have to reserve my energy so that I can get out of here alive. The pain I feel is noting but mental, I can feel it trying to take over the brain to force me into unconsciousness. I can’t let it win or when the charges go off I am dead. I can feel the chains going around me at this very moment. They have drug me to wall and chained me to it. I know that the wall I am on has no charges for the fear of one of us getting caught. The skins are not concerned with the others it seems they only want and need me. That is a very good thing because they will never see it coming. I can feel Serena dream walking me.
Serena;” Liz are you on the main wall where they kept you before or are you some place else.”
Liz;”I’m on the main way blow it now. While they are still here I can get out just do it. Leave me a bike and some clothes.”
Serena;” ok good luck my friend hopefully you are as good as you think you are.”
Serena leaves my mind and I can feel the rumbling of the ground and the skins start running around scare shitless. I can feel the fire form the charges. I concentrate on a shield around my body to protect me. I also try to intensify the fire to kill all of the skins. I see the walls cracking the dead bodies falling and everything becoming unsettled. I feel myself blacking out as the fire is slowly dissipating. Just before I completely black out the entire place crumbles on top of me.

Outside the compound
Serena;” lets leave one bike for the Liz and get out of here. She will get out after she unburies herself.” They leave the bike and some clothes. While there are riding away ava kept looking back wanting to stop and go get Liz but the others made her keep going. Ava feels like she is leaving here sister there and a friend. Once they reach Roswell they start looking for a suitable house to live in. Two of them find one just on the outskirts of town. As the other two went into town, after cleaning up the house a bit to get some food. While they are waiting for there food the other two join them.
Maria walks over take the order of them. Maria;” hi I’m Maria, would you like a booth or a table.
Straight edge, “Thank you but we are with those two.” as he jesters with his hand.
Maria, “Well is there is anything I can do let me know.” As she is about to walk away Xavier stops her.
Xavier;” Are the parkers here?”
Maria; “No they are the police station can I help since I’m acting manger?”
Xavier;” Can we have there number please its concerning there daughter?”
Maria;” hang on please”
She walks over to Michael and informs him what they had said. He walks over to them
Michael;” Where is she at?” The others immediately recognize him and do not fear him so they inform him.
Serena;” She was with us when we were captured by the skins. General Rath you must understand what they did to her. She is right now buried under the compound where we escaped form she told us to leave her where she was and she would find us.”
Michael;” so yall just left her there to die didn’t you?”
Liz walks in all bloody and her eyes are bright black.
Liz;” I told them to leave now back off Michael. Where are my parents? You might want to close the place down.”
Michael;” looking for you as we speak” He directs Maria to tell everyone there sorry but they have to close the place down. All the customers live with promises of a free meal.
Liz;” I see. Serena did yall find a house to live in that met your qualifications.”
Serena; “Yes blade we did but let’s get you there to get you cleaned up.
Michael is very defensive about this he place himself between them and Liz. Liz places here hands on him and explains that there ok and that she will explain everything later after she has had some rest. The shadows leave with Liz and head to their house. Ava and straight edge stop at the store to get some bedding material and some first aid equipment.
Max gets up and tells the others that they are having a meeting when they are all free. Until then max goes and sits at the table and continues to write in his journal.
Max’s journal
The only reason that I did not go to Liz is because her look at first scared me and I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to after she left me. She left me when I needed her most. So why go to her, but damit all want to do is hold her in my arms and tell her it will all be alright as long as were together. If only she would understand that I don’t want anything to do with that bitch Tess. Something seems so off with her I haven’t ever been able to place it and Michael’s words the other day has got me thinking about it. She always tries to weasel her way into my head I can feel it like something climbing up my skull. I’m glad I worked so hard to keep Isabel out of my head. The thing with Liz is I feel her power and I feel this animal instinct to protect her like she is my mate not Tess. I would do anything for Liz but she just needs to see that I am here for her if she would let me be. I also glad that Michael is starting to think of Liz as more of a kid sister than anything else. It means so much to me to have there approval for someone I care so much about. Liz is my soul mate I know it she is my other half and she will also leave me empty until she realizes this. I love her with every little ounce of my heart and soul. I wish we could go back before Tess got here I just don’t like her especially after she got me to kiss her that day in the rain. I want to run over to Liz but I guess because i am so wounded I couldn’t get my self to do it and now I realize what a mistake that has been.
Max closes his journal and decides to go to see Liz. He gets up puts everything away and goes across town to the house that they were describing to the other two who were getting food for everyone. He knocks on the door. Serena answers it and questions him;” can I help you?”
Max:” yes I need to see Liz please I was her boyfriend before she left me. I just want to make sure she is ok. Ill leave when she wakes up if you want but I just have to see for myself please.”
Serena;” you’re the one that changed her aren’t you?”
Max:” I don’t know what your talking about….”
Serena laughs;” your king zan I know who you are. I was wondering if you would deny it or accept it. I see that you’re so used to hiding that is how you answer things. I let you see her but you must know that terrible things have been done to her and she screams in her dreams.” She tells him as she leads him to her room. He sits in the chair next to the bed just watching Liz as she sleeps.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:11 pm
by force
Liz‘s dream
I can feel the skin on my body being ripped apart and I all I can do is scream. I feel them burning the alloy onto my bones. The wave a nausea that comes over me is so strong I puke all over myself. I can feel the man as he takes my innocence from me. I scream and I pray for help but I know there well never be any because I am here alone and no one can save me. I feel it as he penetrates me I can feel his muscle jump when he reaches my barrier and I scream.
Liz’s is woken up by max and he looks scared out of his mind. He just pulls her into a hug and holds her while she cries.
Max whispers; “i am here for you if you want to talk. so it doesn’t haunt you. I know what is like to be captured, i am sure it’s not like what you went through but I will try to help you. I can heal you if you choose.”
Liz’s; “Max you may only be able to heal the physical wounds the mental wounds well never heal.” As she says this he looks into her eyes to form a connection with and to start healing her. With her as tired as she was from the energy use and the dreams she doesn’t have a single guard up and he sees everything that has happened to her in the compound. After he breaks form the connection pain is etched onto his face and tears are falling free.
Max; “I’m so sorry that you had to go through all of that. All I can do to help you is be here for you and I hope and pray that is enough. I want you to know that I saw everything and if you ever need to speak to me or just to be held or whatever you want I will be here. I won’t let anyone ever touch you again you are mine and always will be.”
Liz stares at Max’s in shock at the possession in his voice when he says that she is his. Her heart and soul is begging for her to answer him truthfully.
Liz; “yes max I am yours and you are mine I always loved you. I had to leave you that day at the cave. I think you are the only one that can help me through this by just your presence is enough for me to have some comfort and heal.”
Max; “Any day you need me I will be there for you. I love you Liz and I want to be with you I know you may not want a relationship after what has happened. I just letting you know that I will wait for you forever.” He bends down and kisses her forehead and pulls her tighter in the embrace. He slowly rocks her back to sleep. He gets up to go meet the others. “I know ya’ll know who I am. I want to know who all of you are and how you know me. I can heal your wounds if you wish as well.” Max calmly states.
Serena walks over to him, she points out each person. She also explains about herself, Xavier, and straight edge.
Ava; “I’m ava as you know but what you don’t know is that i am not your queen. I’m one of your protectors I think tess has a deal with khivar to kill ya’ll. I’m not exactly like her even tough we look alike. I’m more of the original ava not the cheap version. Sorry about that i am not her number one fan,” She continues to explain that they have healed already cause they weren’t as badly tortured as Liz was. Max feels Liz starting to wake up he walks back in there and lies down next to her. She snuggles up to him and he strokes her arms for comfort. Liz questions when they are having the meeting. Max first wonders how then understand that she saw things from him as well. Max tells her tonight so they get dressed and head out into the main room with the other are. They all head to the crash down for the meeting.

Crash down
While here the pod squad is setting up for everyone and wondering where max is out, since his phone has been shut off. When he enters with Liz in his arms and the others are behind him. Michael gave them a snort of disgust since he clearly doesn’t want them there.
Max; “First off as you can see Liz Is fine. The people here can be trusted they are here to help against the war with khivar.”
Tess; “how can they possibly help? Why do you look like me? All we need is the royal four.” Liz slowly stands up and sits on a chair back wards.
“No the royal four is not true. Ava is the true one naseado has lied you were never queen very nice mind warp might I add. You are the traitor tess a few skins decided to give me all of their little secrets. They can help for a reason I don’t want to explain to you because you will use it to help khivar.” Liz states as her eyes shimmer with the black glow to show the power she has. Ava places her hand on Liz’s shoulder.
Ava; “blade calm your self there is another way to get you point across. We know you only look out for us. You feel you have to as our leader. We trust your judgement but if we kill her then khivar will no that we are ready.” As ava sits back in her chair, Liz steps closer to tess and whispers into her ear and places her hand on tess’s neck. Only the shadows know what Liz is doing. She is going through tess’s head and is telling her who she is and that she is human. She has stripped tess of her powers and her memory. Liz slowly moves away and motions for Xavier to walk her to the curb. As straight edge calls a cab service to come pick her up.
Serena explains what Liz did to tess as well that Liz is the leader of the shadows. A group that is meant to protect earth from those that wish to cause harm. As well as to stop khivar and get the royals to either safety or to their throne if they choose. The rest of the pod squad had tons of questions. For every question that was fired at the shadows Liz easily dealt with. You could tell who the leader of there group was just by watching them. Liz had this air of authority with everything she said and did. Since it was well past 12 everyone decided to meet in the dessert near the pod chamber for some demonstrations.
Liz went up stairs to tell her parents what happened and that she is ok. That the group is no longer after her after they mistaken her identity. The parkers believed the story and were glad Liz was home. They left her to go inform the police everything that has happened to Liz. While Liz stayed home she took a long bath to relax and think.
Liz journal
With everything that has happened to me, I realize I have to stay strong and never show any emotion. Max and the other shadows are the ones that have seen me scream. To show the emotion of the pain would make me a weak leader and solider. Never will I allow it. I know I won’t be sleeping that well since I can only remember what they did to me. the thing is I know khivar will attack soon. I can feel it with everything in me he wants blood. He wants zan’s blood, which I can not allow. No one touches what’s mine and he is mine. The power I feel is more controlled now but if it was ever uncontrollable god help us. I will kill khivar because of the things he has done to me. He has made by body this way, always hungering for Max’s until I get it. I can’t allow myself to get caught up in the lust that is us. I do truly love max but right now its lust that is pushing me to take him to my bed. I can not allow that since everything that has happened, another person touching me the way that they did is enough to kill me. I feel my power come to life as I think about this and it’s not safe for anyone to be around me when i am like this.
Liz closes her journal puts it back behind the brick in the wall. She goes and finds her parents and tells them she is taking the car she needs to think. They agree because they get the feeling Liz isn’t telling them everything that there is to know. So she gathers the stuff she wants to take with her and drives out to the dessert near the pod chamber. Once she arrivals at the camber she grabs a blanket and few other things. She lays the blanket down and lines the outside of it with candles. Then she takes several of the weapons that she grabbed form the shadows house. Lays out one sword and various different types of knives and guns. She raises her hand to start the fire and lifts the flame tip of the candle and slowly burns the shadows symbol onto each weapon. Once she has done this, she takes a meditating position. She begins to heal her self by taking her self back through everything from a different view. She see herself raped, beaten and being trained. She remembers the feeling of power she had once she truly learned what she could do. Almost every power that you can think of she has. Liz sat out there for over four hours until max showed up.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:05 pm
by force
AN: liz was held a lil over a month

Chap 5
“Liz are you ok I felt you call for me” max calmly states as he moves closer to her.
Liz;” yes i am ok i am just trying to control my power so when I remember things don’t explode around me”. She moves to lean against Max’s chest; he wraps his arms loosely around her. He whispers into her ear: “If you here just trying to calm your powers why did you call for me”.
Liz;” I didn’t call for you because I was in danger, but it seems I called for you because I needed you. Max for some reason ever since they have managed to make me more alive with my senses, I felt things. This strong urge to cement us, and being extremely possessive of you.”
Max;” I've always been possessive of you but do you think they just made it so you’re more aware?”
Liz;” Maybe, i am not sure though. The only thing that I am sure is that khivar is on his way here to prepare his final attack. He wants your blood max and he will stop at nothing for it. We need to get the others and get them trained as soon as possible.”
Max;” we will but not tonight. We get you home tonight and you into bed and ill hold you until you fall asleep.’ He helps her up and packs her stuff

The following day
Liz asked max to inform the group to meet them at the pod chamber to train. Liz stopped at the shadows house to grab clothes and her weapons that she just engraved. Told the others shadows to do so as well.
Serena;” You feel it don’t you? You feel him, the pain he has caused us and he is still connected to you more.”
“It’s better for him to be connected to me because I can escape him. I can fight his control I think in the older days the royal seleclty could protect themselves. They are weak now and do not know complete control. Get some targets we need to sharpen there skills” Liz calmly states and she puts her last weapon. It totals to about 12 weapons and plenty of ammo for her guns.
They all leave on there bikes to reach the pod chamber. They arrive there after the pod squad.
“Why are they here they have nothing to do with this.” Michael states as he is jumping of the car. Liz is immediately in from of Michael.
“They have everything to do with you. Since they no control beyond your lifetime as well as what can trigger your abilities.” Liz says as she motions for them to take there charges.
The shadows grab there respective charges and separate. Max and Liz are together and they step over closer to the pod chamber.
“you were an amazing king on antar I listen to so many stories from khivar and Serena. Serena told me a way that I can open your memories to that if you choose.” Liz states.
“I want to know what I can do and everything I need to do to protect us.” Max answers with a look of determination on his face.
“You will not be as strong as me or as your past self because your powers have not been used as they should and will be getting stronger each day you use them. the problem is that it won’t be in time for when he attacks.” Liz says as she slows raises her heads and places them on his temples. She enters his mind and she only images of her everywhere. She can feel everything he has for each of the pictures. One image recently of her crying. him feeling like he cant do nothing but hope his love is enough. Then she feels the barrier on his past, she unlocks it and is stunned but his life on antar. He was a just and fair ruler. He was amazing king and the reason he held It for so long it was apparent. Then it showed of Isabel’s betrayal and max understands that she won’t do it again. While all of this is happening he sees Liz’s entire life and why they call her blade. It’s in antar and it is written on her front hip right under wear the pants cover. They break from there exchange and decided to check on the others. The closes to them are the human groups learning self defense and weapons from straight edge. Each of them are given pamphlets on workouts as well as there own weapons and ways to hide them. they then move on to Isabel and Serena, which are working on her dream walking and other mental abilities. After Liz is satisfied with the progress for one day they move on to Xavier and ava which are with Michael. He still as stubborn as ever and wont listen.
“Blade can I please show him how easily he will be destroyed by the enemy.” Ask ava letting some of the irritation slip in her voice.
“Show him his memories on antar so he will stop bitching. Serena will get Isabel’s to work then. After that we only need to work on completing the four square power surges and training everyone in self defense.” Says Liz and she is slowly feeling a change in Isabel as we speak.
“Isabel knows I can feel her power shift. I want everyone to practice everyday and they have to because khivar wants my blood. He will stop at nothing to get it.” Max exclaims as he understands what he has to do. He looks at Liz and the one thing he knows is that she is linked with khivar.
Liz pov
I feel the heated stare of max and I know my time with him will be short i am not just antar protector i am earths as well. I have to protect earth from its self. There are more than humans on this planet. Things live among them that will destroy them unless we protect them. Myths aren’t always lies there is truth to them because they have been seen. There are also the experiments of the X’s. Damned government has no clue what they have done. By changing the status of certain people you begin a new race. Gahh damned khivar I feel his power increasing he is getting closer to earth. Only time will tell if the royals will be strong enough.

Three days later the training has improved and the others are getting stronger but last two sessions they have noticed that Liz hasn’t joined them. Serena explains that she is just settling some issue with herself and not to worry. Max knows different. he senses Liz is in a strong amount of heat it seems.
Max asks “Serena can I talk to you in private for a second.” He gestures to the vehicles while people are working out.
Serena questions, “yes Max what can I help you understand?”
“what’s really going on with Liz” max wonders.
Serena answers,” she is in a heat like a cat her sense are all weird. You remember that it was just chemicals it was other animal dna as well that they mixed the side effect. If you go to her be careful ok?” Max nods and get in his jeep and goes to find Liz.
He finds her at the shadows place in the shower.
Max calls the through the door,”Liz its max are you ok in there” He doesn’t hear Liz get out of the shower. She opens the door while being completely naked and grabs him by his shirt and pulls him inside. Locks the door with her powers and there lips crash together. He immediately hardens. He grabs her and pushes her against the door as there lips continue to duel with one another for dominance. He rips his lips form her mouth and starts a trail down her neck to her pulse point where he begins to suck and nibble. He feels more than human need he is just driven my lust, but by his need to mate with is queen. His alien side is mending more properly with his human side. Liz’s eyes are black as she rips his shirt form his skin then begins to rub her hands over is nipples. Max releases her neck and goes lower to her breast. He takes one hand and massages the left and the right he greedily takes in to his mouth. Liz moans and uses her hands to push max back some as she reaches for his belt. She quickly does away with his belt and pants and then his boxers so his matching Liz in nakedness. He the resumes he sweat torture on her body. He switches from her right breast to her left. Liz is moaning and becoming very wet. He smells her arousal and places her on the cabinets and licks and nibbles his way to her heat. He teases her first by licking and touching every other part but her heat. She grabs his head and forces him to her core and he starts with his tongue slowly flicking it across her lips. He uses his hand and inserts two fingers into her hole and licks her clit. He starts massing her inside with his fingers and he sucks on her clit bring her to orgasm. He removes his fingers and licks them. Then kisses her with reckless abandonment. Liz still reeling for her orgasm slides forward until her lips are barely touching his powerfully hard manhood. He stops her. “are you sure you want to do this because I don’t have much control left?” he asks. Liz answers my pushing forward until he was all the way in her. They both let out a moan of satisfaction. Max didn’t want to move yet just savoring the feeling of being in his mate. He slowly starts to pull in and out when her squirming becomes unbearable for him. He increases his speed and pulls Liz into a kiss. They see there memories of all their kisses and their pasts together and they see the future of a wonder life together if they win this war. Once they break the connection both of them have reached there peaks crying out each others name. Lays together until there heart beats and the human sides become more in control again.
Max harsh voice “Liz are you ok?”
Liz’s equally harsh and husky voice,”Max it was going to happened but I don’t think I could have asked for a better first time. Now how about we shower and meet up with the others.”

Meanwhile on ship heading to earth.
Khivars pov
I felt the bonding of the king and the bitch. Damn them I will have the bitch as my fuck puppet and the kings blood. No one denies me of my right as king. The bastard should have never been king he was not worthy. I killed him before I will do it again. Then my lovely help vilandra will come back to me because she always does. I must sleep to reserve my energy for this battle it will not be easy but earth and antar will be mine.
Khivar retires to his chambers after he increases the speed of the ship together there in a week earlier rather than later.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:12 pm
by force
Liz and Max meet up with the others at the crash down to have dinner and help clean it up. The shadows notice the new aura around the king and queen and understand that no one can defeat them now. Michael questions “so Liz what happened recently not being at practice and all since you told us we need to “Liz answers,” I was controlling my abilities on my own since they are not wise to be around others when I do.” She senses Khivar is going to be there within the week and that the others are not close enough for the battle but they will have to be ready whether they are or not. Max sense Liz distress and questions her in his mind and amazed to have her answer back. a week and khivar and his forces will be there. Serena seeing this asks” ok mental people over there enough of the mental conversation what is it that you are hiding from us?” Liz answers” Khivar will be here within the week and that we will need to be ready for him. He will definitely want the grandilth and we cannot allow that. The relic is for the royals. “The others are stunned to know what they have been training for is going to be here quicker than they thought it would be. They each start to fear that this fight would be the last for some and the beginning for others. Liz senses everyone change with fear starting to control the. She knows she might lose some of her friends with this war. Everyone goes to their homes to digest and relax until the next day of training. Liz leaves at 2:30 to go and sit and relax near the pod chamber. She lays out a blanket and just stares up at the sky just praying that the future will be a happy one.
Max pov
Dear journal,
Wow today has be an interesting day. I first was worried about Liz because she wasn’t at practice. I can sense her almost all the time. I just didn’t sense her at the moment so I was scared. Then I just felt the need to get to her as soon as possible. Then I have no clue one moment i am making sure she is ok then the next were making love. My alien side took over but it wasn’t completely in control I still knew what I was doing. I know that it won’t be me alone that will destroy khivar. I know that Liz is the strongest and I fear she will be uncontrollable with her powers.
Serena pov
God Liz is in a constant struggle with the connection with khivar. She wants to kill him but her control is beyond incredible. I know I have this bad omen like something will happen to me and Xavier. I fear for our lives. I know that in the end everyone thinks that it will be max that takes on khivar I know different. I know it will be Liz but I wonder will she as a human survive.
The next week is incredible intense in the training. Max and Liz have been working on hand – to – hand combat as well as their powers. Michael and Isabel have been doing the same thing. The shadows are helping the humans with their skills for combat. Their parents are wondering where the kids disappear to and comeback bruised and bloody. For some reason a couple of the parents know something terrible is going to happen.
Khivar awakens at 4:20 am earth time. His ship lands softly in the desert. He steps off the ship and wonders what these people would be like as slaves. The smell of that bitch is so strong she must have been here in the last week. She has marked it. Damn she might be stronger than I thought, I smell the pathetic king. He is an unusual smell. The ritual of the mating has made them both stronger. This will be a fun battle. Hmmm ill wait until later today so this will be reviled to the entire world once I have won.
Liz awakens with a start and knows khivar is on earth. She calls everyone to warn them. Also to ready themselves for battle on this day. She can’t sleep so she grabs her ipod. My December currently flows through her head as she meditates to see if she has forgotten anything.
this is my December
this is my snow covered home
this is my December
this is me alone
She remembers the beating that she received as well as taking the life of the skins. With each first stroke of the blade she educed onto them she craved the kill. Know one knows she needs and desires the hunt and the kill. She is the perfect solider that is needed.
and I
just wish that I didn’t feel
like there was something I missed
and I
take back all the things i said
to make you feel like that
and i
just wish that i didn’t feel
like there was something i missed
and i
take back all the things i said to you
She relives them taking her innocence and her identity. From that moment on she was no longer Liz parker. Next she sees the training missions they set up for her.
and i give it all away
just to have somewhere to go to
give it all away
to have someone to come home to
this is my December
these are my snow covered dreams
this is me pretending
this is all i need
and i
just wish that i didnt feel
like there was something i missed
and i
take back all the things i said
to make you feel like that
and i
just wish that i didnt feel
like there was something i missed
and i
take back all the things i said to you
She grabs her weapons and lays them out in the order she would to put them on. She grabs her guns first. She takes them apart and cleans them. Then grabs her blades and cleans the blood off of them and sharpens them.
and i give it all away
just to have somewhere to go to
give it all away
to have someone to come home to
this is my december
this is my time of the year
this is my december
this is all so clear
and i give it all away
just to have somewhere to go to
give it all away
to have someone to come home to
She puts her weapons away and then sits back in her meditating position and closes her eyes letting her alien side come to front and she centers all of her energy and abilites. She drifts into this half awake and half asleep state and a black hue is emitting from here form. Land of confusion filters through her head and the final thoughts.
I must have dreamed a thousand dreams
Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
They're moving into the street
Now, did you read the news today?
They say the danger has gone away
But I can see the fire's still alight
They're burning into the night
There's too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And there's not much love to go around
Can't you see this is a land of confusion?
This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth living in
Oh, superman, where are you now?
When everything's gone wrong somehow?
The men of steel, these men of power
Are losing control by the hour
This is the time, this is the place
So we look for the future
But there's not much love to go around
Tell me why this is a land of confusion
This is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth living in
I remember long ago
When the sun was shining
And all the stars were bright all through the night
In the wake of this madness, as I held you tight
So long ago
I won't be coming home tonight
My generation will put it right
We're not just making promises
That we know we'll never keep
There's too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And there's not much love to go round
Can't you see this is a land of confusion?
Now, this is the world we live in
And these are the hands we're given
Use them and let's start trying
To make it a place worth fighting for
This is the world we live in
And these are the names we're given
Stand up and let's start showing
Just where our lives are going to
Will I be human when this done. Will I only be a killer, an animal, a solider? Will there be any humanity left in me after this battle. Will I be able to save everyone?

At 12 everyone meets up at the crash down. Then they move up to Liz’s room and are surprised to find it torn to pieces. Liz smells khivar and hisses the name. Liz explains that this was just a scare tactic and that it has no real meaning to it besides that. Just a way to let them know that he’s on earth and wants us to know it. Liz informs everyone that she will meet up with them at three she has to take care of the parents with the least amount of info as she can. She tells them that there may be something terrible happening. If anyone were to look for them not to trust them and make sure that they are armed and ready to protect themselves. She meet up with everyone at the shadows house. It’s three and everyone is unsure of what to do until Liz suggests they go to the pod chamber because no innocent bystanders will be injured if anything were to happen to them. Once they arrive at the body chamber max grabs her and takes her a little away from the others.
Max softly says,” Liz this is going to be a bad, but no matter what happens know that I will always love you. That will never change. When this is all over I will make you mine legally my earth standards.”
Liz Responds in the same tone,” Max this war will be unplanned and I don’t know the out come. No matter what if anything happens to me promise me you will move on. I love you with everything in me but sometimes endings aren’t always happy” She quickly but passionately presses her lips to his and they walk back over to join the group. The others are impatiently waiting for this battle. Liz tells the other shadows to set the traps and the wires in the desert. They go about 20 minutes away and set them so they would know when the enemy was close.
Khivar senses the bitch is close so he tells his men to send a search beckon out. His men pings them and he issues the order to attack the royals and he wants their heads.
Liz knows he’s coming towards them she can sense him and suggests to the humans to go back since it will not be the safest since they have no powers. They deny saying that they will not leave us alone to fight the war. Their planet is involved to and why shouldn’t they defend it. While they wait for the first traps to go off they talk about their futures. How they want to go to college after they graduate high school. Get married and have a family and nice job after that. Around 6 pm the first traps were set off and they knew that in 20 minutes the battle will be fully engaged. By 6:30 everyone is in a battle with the skins and the rebel antarians that follow Khivars lead. The shadows are destroying the skins and antar rebels. The humans seem to holding their own with the skins. The royals are mainly fighting the rebel antarians and skins. The massive army started to push the royals and everything back. Liz is somehow separated from the rest of the royals. Khivar slashes her back and she stumbles forward. But quickly re captures her feet and face khivar. Khivar states,” we have more of an army you will fall and u know it four of yours are dead already and the others are close to it how can you possibly think your going to win. Earth and antar will be mine.” With a quick sweep of they eyes she sees Kyle and Maria unmoving and bloody. She knows their dead and Xavier and Serena are as well. The others are on there knees trying to fend the attack off. She sees max fall from exhaustion and injury then everything in her just snaps. She lets out a blood curdling scream. Her eyes emit black then blackness has the electricity shooting through her veins. The metal alloy shapes itself and shoots out her hand like claws on top and then shoot out her elbows like a single claw form each elbow. Then little spikes come out of her skin everywhere. If you were to touch her you would injury your hand. Khivar takes an involuntary step back. She attacks everything and everyone that opposes her. She has lost touch with humanity at this moment. She kills everyone except khivar and her are the only one left standing of his army. Liz calmly states,” Today you die a painful death. All those who you have killed will come to haunt you and your blood is mine. You made me a monster. I thirst for blood I bet once I have your I’ll never thirst for it again” Before khivar could react she lunges at him and catches head in her hands and immediately sinks her mouth on his neck taking his blood. Forms the connection and start to let the souls of the past kill him. Khivar lets out this inhuman scream and everyone watches and he changes into dust. A black beam flows out of her into the sky and she then clasped. Everyone thinks that she passes out but in reality she killed all the skins and antarians or other alien that wished to cause harm on earth and on antar. Her mind and soul is currently searching through the lost souls of the dead looking for her friends. Max is trying desperately to bring back all their friends. He was only able to heal the wounds not revive them. Michael holds Maria cold dead form and cries and he clutches her to his body. Everyone sees a black shadow figure float into Maria and she opens her eyes and gasps. Michael continues to hug her and cry now because she is alive. The next shadowy figure to return was Xavier. He prays that she can get to Serena in time. While she is searching she feels herself losing touch with her body and her humanity. She can feel no pain and nothing at all but she knows that if she doesn’t get back to her body she will be lost forever. She screams and is jolted back into her body. She awakens with cuts all over her face and body. The blood drips down her body. Xavier advances on her screaming at her to bring Serena back saying that no one was supposed to die. Telling Liz it was her fault that she is not longer here. He swings at Liz only to have her catch his fist. She hiss and throws him backwards and tells him that he needs to backup. He stays on the floor when he sees the look in her face. It is complete destroyed the emotions there is enough to stop anyone in their tracks. She tells everyone to leave before she snaps again her energy is still unstable she doesn’t know if she has the control required to stop it. Everyone starts to leave taking Kyle and Serena’s bodies with them. Max stays put and stares at Liz. He walks forward softly telling Liz that he will not leave her because she is a part of him. They are bonded and nothing she can do can destroy that. That he loves her and will never let go. He grabs her face bringing her into an intense kiss and connection. He shows her all the good things that she has done. Also all the things that she has been through in her life and survived. He shows her what she just did as well to show her that her love for all her friends and for earth saved them all. He also shows her an image of them possibly getting married if she allows it. When they broke apart Liz cried and cried for Kyle and Serena and for Xavier emptiness. She cried for the ones that she could not save.
Several months later
Liz pov
Dear journal
Most of the people have gotten back to their normal day lives. Isabel and Alex are engaged and have decided to attend university of New Mexico after they graduate. Michael and Maria are also engaged and will move to New York as soon as they graduate, so Maria can continue singing. Ava and straight edge went to antar to try and heal a broken planet. They have the power of queen and king their. Kyle’s death was hard for his father. He married Maria’s mom and they have left the state of new Mexico. Xavier asked for forgiveness for attacking me and for the things he said. I gave it freely. He now helps me and the group we call the shadows. We help every nonhuman live a normal life. We help them control there abilites, how to hide them, we relocated, and changed there information. The parents all know what transpired that fateful night. Max and I moved in together. We are engaged and are waiting until we are out of college before we get married. Each day he shows me that I can love and that I do. I got my happy balanced ending. I’m Liz parker and to the shadows I’m blade. I’m happy with my life and one day I will be Liz Evans. So for now I’m a protector of earth don’t cross me ……

The end