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What Real Life's Like Thread 4 (CC TEEN)

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:22 am
by ~Ruby~
Title: What Real Life's Like
Category: AU
Rating: TEEN (?)
Coupling: CC
Disclaimer: We own nothing to do with Roswell.
Summary: Eight strangers from all over the country tried out for the TV show 'What Real lifes like'. Once picked they have to come together and live in one large apartment/loft in Miami Florida. They have to work together at a radio station that the TV show has assigned them to.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Name: Maria Alejandra Deluca
From: Miami Florida
Age: 22
Interests: Music, singing, writing and having fun.
Personality: Maria is that girl in high school you always saw but never really interacted with. She's unique, confident, flirty and easily hurt under that icy exterior. She has always known what she wanted to do with her live and that's to sing.

Name: Elizabeth Kari Parker
From: Georgia
Age: 21
Interests: Books, science, and friends.
Personality: Liz is the girl everyone sees as smart and virginal. She's sweet in that innocent and quiet type of way. Or at least that's how people precieve her, but underneath all of it she's just like any other girl that wants to have a normal life where her whole family isn't watching her every move and she can just be herself.

Name: Isabel Katherine Anderson
From: Long Island New York
Age: 22
Interests: Money, clothes, hair, having fun, and of course herself.
Personality: Isabel has always been outspoken, she's always said exactly what's on her mind regardless of consequences or other peoples feelings. She's the girl in high school everyone looked up to and now the girl people look at and wonder 'is she a model' 'is she an actress' well the point is they know by looking at her that she is someone special. Isabel tends to be a little self invovled and guys often think she's a goddess the only problem with that is that Isabel thinks so too.

Name: Tessa Emilie Harding
From: Queens New York
Age: 21
Interest: Having fun, being wild, going out, partying, making trouble and just being crazy!
Personality: Tess is spunky, outgoing, fun, careless, happy and really into having fun. Her motto is be wild, have fun, go crazy because lifes too short to waste a second. She's known back home as the 'trouble maker' because she knows how to party and isn't afraid to be herself no matter what.

Name: Michael Daniel Guerin
From: Los Angelas California
Age: 23
Interests: Girls, fun, girls, painting, girls and trouble.
Personality: Michael is a born sweet talker, girls say he probably came out of the womb talking sweet. He knows how to charm the ladies and get exactly what he wants. He's a bit arrogant and loves flirting. He's a bad ass from birth as well. He enjoys having a good time and just being carefree, he'll try anything twice and he's never meet anyone who could out smart him.

Name: Max Landon Evans
From: New Mexico
Age: 23 ½
Interests: People, life, friends, fun, girls.
Personality: Max can be really quiet and a bit shy. Once you get to know him that all changes, he's full of life. He's into having good times and making fun memories. He wants memories he can look back on and say "I did that' because he doesn't want to regret anything about his life he wants to embrace it, overall he's a pretty laid back dude.

Name: Kyle James Valenti
From: South Carolina
Age: 22
Interests: Sports, girls, life, fun, and partying.
Personality: Kyle is the guy in school that people thought kicked everyones ass. He's known as the 'Jock Boy' the one that everyone looked up to. people have always expected thing of him which is why he's just looking to have fun without any expectations of what he should or shouldn't be like.

Name: Alexander Matthew Whitman
From: Illinois
Age: 23
Interests: Girls, fun, computers, people, and partying.
Personality: Alex is sweet, he's really a very caring person and he likes making friends. He's always been somewhat of a class clown, the humerous one. He loves joking around and making fun of life and situations. He can be seriuos when he wants to but prefers a good laugh, he likes laughing about everything because in his opinion if there's no laughter then there's no life.






Maria: rpchick2006
Michael: isabelle
Tess: lizandzackfan
Kyle: Sternbetrachter
Alex: Sternbetrachter
Isabel: KaraGail
Max: isabelle
Liz: Sugarplum7


None really.. Please try to post at least 3 times a week
Please DON'T rush everything
Have fun

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 9:15 am
by Sternbetrachter
wow, a fourth thread :D and it took us only what ... 3,5 years to get here :D

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:51 pm
by Sternbetrachter
bumping this back to page one

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:42 pm
by isabelle
Okay ....


Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:12 pm
by ~Ruby~
I’m perfectly aware that I need to post for Isabel. I don’t need a reminder, thank you very much.

ETA: As I stated in the last thread, my grandfather is seriously ill in hospital. We are not sure what is wrong with him, but he has been in hospital for three weeks and is getting worse every day. I’m extremely close to my grandfather so at the moment I’m going through a hard time and can’t focus on other things.

If my not posting is such a problem then I will happily drop out of this role-play and someone else can deal with all of this.

On another note, I have spoken to Bre and she has agreed that Maria can be recast.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:47 pm
by Sternbetrachter
hey, I didn't want to imply that things are moving to slow for me - just wanted the actual thread to be on top again

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:51 pm
by ~Ruby~
Here's a Isabel post. I don't know when I will be able to post again. Between going to the hospital, looking after my cousin and work, I'm pretty busy and feeling drained.

Again, if my lack of posting is a problem then just say the word and I will hand my character over to someone else.


"That's not fair! You wanted to talk after all. And honestly, I don't really know where to start myself." He says with a sigh as he leans back against the bench. "I guess I could start with admitting that I'm confused. You kissing me was the last thing I expected, Isabel. I'm certainly not complaining about it but ... it surely was a surprise. A very pleasant one but still a surprise."

He confused. I’m confused. What a great pair we make. He isn’t the only one surprised about the kiss. I hadn’t meant to kiss him. I’m not sure what was going on in my head. Okay, so maybe I know what was going on in this dumb blonde head of mine. I wanted Alex to kiss me. I’ve never been able to wait for anything that I wanted. I’ve always grabbed it with both hands. Still, the kiss surprised me too. After all my friends only rambling and vows to stay away from men.

"Okay, I really really really like you - just like I did since I met you here the first day, that hasn't changed in the slightest in the last weeks, even though I promised to ... let go, or something. And ... you'll never know how happy I am about the kiss but ... I don't want to get my hopes up and then have my heart broken, Isabel. Like I said earlier, 'It's up to you'. If you want us to be ... more than friends, then I'll be more than happy but if you don't then that's fine too as long as we don't play games with each other. Okay, that was a slightly longer speech than I had planned. Sorry."

He stops talking and I chew over his words thoughtfully. I want to make sure that I say everything that I need to and that I don’t come across as a stupid idiot. I hope that Alex hasn’t got me on a pedestal. I don’t want to start something with him, only to have him realize that I’m not the person he thought I was.

“I don’t play games, Alex. Not when it comes to important stuff like this and I would never ever intentionally hurt you. I hope you know that. This last couple of weeks have been so confusing for me. In fact, this whole experience away from home has been confusing. I didn’t expect to meet anyone and then I met Jake…”

He opens his mouth, probably to protest that he is nothing like Jake, but I raise a hand to silent him.

“I know, you’re nothing like that jackass, I’m just trying explain…something.” I roll my eyes at my own stupidity. “I’m not sure what, but maybe its important. Jake really hurt me. He made me feel so insecure. I’ve never felt like that before. I’m Isabel Anderson. I don’t do insecure.”

I smile faintly and roll my eyes again, “And then there was you. And you made me feel completely different. You quickly became one of my closest friends in the house and I will admit I felt kind of hurt when I found out from Kyle that you feelings for me. I felt like you had been lying to me all along. That our friendship had been a lie. It hurt more then what Jake did to me.”

I pause briefly, considering my next sentence. “I like you a lot, Alex. Probably more then I’ve ever liked anyone else. I just…I’m still confused. Whatever this is, whatever is between us, I want us to take slow. Really slow. As in snail pace slow. If that’s okay. I mean, it isn’t just up to me to decide.”

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:55 am
by Sternbetrachter

Isabel's quiet for a very long time - at least for me, it appears to be a very long time. When she mentions Jake, I'm about to point out that Jake's not worth having her fret over him but Isabel interupts me and I remain silent.

I'm getting all angry at Jake again when isabel admits how much the bastard hurt her - if he were here now, it certainly wouldn't be me who'd get knocked down this time.

Oh great, I hurt her too? Just my luck! But ... she would have kept some distance between us if I'd told her of my feelings, wouldn't she?

“I like you a lot, Alex. Probably more then I’ve ever liked anyone else. I just…I’m still confused. Whatever this is, whatever is between us, I want us to take slow. Really slow. As in snail pace slow. If that’s okay. I mean, it isn’t just up to me to decide.”

Snail pace slow? Wow, snails aren't known for their speed, that's for sure. Considering that we will only be here for a few more weeks, that might mean that by the time we leave, it would be okay for me to hold her hand in public.

No, I won't get all paranoid now! She likes me. She LIKES me - A LOT! That's what I have to focus on. That's so much more than I could have hoped for when we first came here. I will not be all negative about how fast or slow we move, just as long as we do it together.

"Okay." I say, turning to Isabel. "Snail pace slow is fine with me, Isabel. It's not like I had planned to ravish you within ten minutes behind that tree over there anyway. That's not what this ..." I motion between the two of us, "... is about. I just ... I'm afraid you have to give me pointers the whole time cause I'm really unsure what 'snail pace slow' means. Is it okay for me to hold your hand and to tell guys who are hitting on you to leave you alone or would those be too forward?"

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:08 am
by Sternbetrachter
Michael's still at the bar right?


"Be right back. I'll just get us two tequillas." I tell Tess as I move to the other bar. I still don't get why they sell the tequilla only at one of the five bars here - weird!

Ordering two, I lean against the bar, only now noticing who's next to me. "Oh Michael, my roomie! How's it going? Already found someone for tonight?"

Please, say no! I want to have one night of peaceful sleep! Please!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:31 pm
by rpchick2006
I was, uhm, wondering if I could possibly take Maria.