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Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:09 pm
by Twilighteyes
RATING: Mature
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything.
SUMMARY: What if Liz went missing after jumping off the bridge with Max?
THINGS TO KNOW: The shooting took place in September of their sophomore year and the white room happened in January . Nesado blew up the air force building with Pierce inside. Nesado died too. (Kind of like what Tess did.) The whole destiny, skins, and dupes never happened. All parents know about the aliens and Liz getting shot. Being told after Liz turning up missing. Liz parents died 6 weeks after she went missing. Everything will be explained in flash backs in the story. And Liz is a year younger than everyone else but in the same grade on account that she is so smart.

Any questions, please let me know.


one.............. two............. three.......... four........... five...........


"Sir." Saluting the general standing in front of him.

"Relax, Alec." Started to make their way down the corridor. "There has been talks of your fondness of subject 252."

Not relaxing at all. If the General was here. Things were not good. Not that I wasn't expecting him to show up after what happen. Automatically coming on defense. "Only to try to gain information sir. See if I could get her to corporate a little."


"Nothing sir. At least nothing we already knew. And now..."

Cutting him off. "But she does talk to you?"

"Very rarely sir. And not after what...."

Holding up his hand stopping. "What does she say?"

"Just wants to go home sir." Sticking to her original statement. Not that she has told me anything that they would consider important. You know. Just basic human emotion. Normal life. No aliens or super power. Just a tortured. Abused. Scared. Despite everything they have done to her a beautiful amazing 17 year old girl.

Moving once more. "You think after the death of her parents and being told that everyone of her friends were dead. She would give that up. What about the 73 hours you were in lock down?"

73 hours they didn't get to constantly watch and monitor her every move. All because lightening struck and fried all the wires in the compound. Sending the whole compound into complete lock down and total darkness. They say it was one and a billion shot. One and a billion shot that got me sealed in her room without any one seeing or hearing us. Hours where I slowly began to gain her trust. Hours where I began to see her as a person. Not a assignment or experiment.

"Nothing really. 252 experienced 2 seizers and was unconscious most of the time. Sir. I have all this in my report."

This happened more than 8 months ago. Why all the questions again? After 3 weeks of debriefing. Not to mention the battery of exams and blood drawn from me. I thought the matter was closed. Then again there was the issue of Burk and the other two. Silently groaning. Which just mean they opened up that part of the file once more. Great. I should have known.

"I know what your report says Alec. I wanted to see how attached you are to the subject. I wouldn't want this to cloud your judgment."

"No sir." Never telling anyone about the conversations he shared with her. The connection I felt with her now.

"And the situation with Burk and the other two guards?"

I knew they weren't going to let it go so easy. Through clinch teeth. "I didn't know rape was part of the experiment."

Burk and two other guards went into her cell alone after hours. They took turns raping her. She fought back. The first time she had fought back in 1 and a half years of torture. Not doing her much good. Leaving her with a dislocated shoulder. 3 broken ribs and wrist. Shattered cheek bone. Not to mention the 36 internal stitches that was required.

I was 2 hours away on leave that weekend. 48 hours of much needed free time. Not being able to stop a nagging feeling that she wasn't alright all night. That she needed me. Finally by 2 in the morning I couldn't take it anymore.

They where coming out of her cell. I snapping the necks of the first two quickly. I would had killed Burk too if it wasn't for the other three guards that were coming on duty, pulling me off him.

Looking at me once more. "No it wasn't. It was an unfortunate event. But you killed two guards and nearly killed Burk, Alec. It's been 8 weeks now and he is still in the hospital. He is on our side. You know if it wasn't for your impeccable reputation and record. You would be long gone.

Me killing the guards wasn't as big of deal as me messing up Burk. The guards were top rank but expendable. Burk was one of his unit. A lot of time and money went into train him.

"Yes sir."

Stopping in front of a sealed door. The third security post he had been through so far. Waiting as the general slid a card and punched in a code before placing his palm on a scanner. All that was needed to open a steel door. Preceding once more down another hallway. Stopping half way down. Being constantly aware of the cameras recording his every move. Wondering again how they could let them rape her. Then again what didn't they do to her?

"As you know. Things have not progressed as we have would have liked."

You mean the torture of an innocent girl? Not voicing the thought out loud.

"It is becoming more impairment that this little exercise needs to come to an end."

"Sir?" Feeling a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach.

A steel screen panel slowly started to make it's way up the wall.

"There is no point in going on. Besides the results in the extra brain activity and the traces of cadame x in her system. Dr. White and Pratt have not found any evidence of alien or super natural proof. Since she still won't participate in any of the test willing. And after... Well they concluded that she has retreated to far into herself. Practically catatonic. It's becoming quit clear that 252 is human and knows of no aliens. I don't know why Pierce had her name on that slip of paper. The only god damn thing that they can savage from the explosion. Years of studying. Killing and covering up her parents death. Billions of dollars wasted. All for what? Nothing. Waste of time and resources."

Just to tortured an innocent girl.

Panel stopping. To reveal a window to what looked like a dark 5 by 7 white steel room. Watching the general hit an other switch. Casting the room in an erie dark purple light from the night vision built into the window. Rom contained a toilet and small sink. The only other thing it contained was a small girl wearing green hospital scrubs lying in a corner.



Not taking his eyes off her. Only seeing her twice after that night. Trying to be careful and not draw anymore attention to me and her. Both times she been unresponsive. Not saying a single word. Just lying there. The only way I could tell she was alive. Was by her slow steady breath, occasionally blinking of her eyes and the steadying beating of the heart monitor on the wall.

The bastards didn't even have the balls to keep her in the infirmity until she healed.

"The higher ups are getting to nosy. I need you to take care of this situation."

"Sir?" Not taking his eyes off Elizabeth. He couldn't possible mean. Want me too...

"Everything Alec. This whole bunker is to be erased. Every trace of it's existence. Including every trace that 252 was ever here."

Not taking his eyes off Elizabeth. Not moving from her spot on the floor. She would just lie there. As if she thought the slightest movement would began another round of torture.

I knew this day would come. They were never going to let her just walk out of here.

"Call what ever team you want for the rest of the building. But I want you to personally take care of 252 and everything pertaining to 252. Every trace is to be taken care of before you call any one else in. No need to save any of the data. No one is to know that 252 ever existed. Do you understand?"

"Sir." Finally looking at the man standing next to him. "I..."

Cutting him off. "It is not your place to ask questions soldiers. You have made good decisions in your career so far. I would hate for one more bad decision to end that."

This was a test for me...

Looking once more at the girl in the room. I know very well what would happen to me if I started to question orders or refused now. I know too much already. I already crossed the line once. To disobey or question now....

"Do you understand."

"Yes." My own life would be in question.


"Yes sir." Louder this time. Looking the man straight in the eyes.


one........ two........ three........ four.......... five.......... six.........


It had been two years. Four months. 18 days. 14 hours and some odd minutes. Since that night. The night I was freed from the white room. The night Nesado died. The night that me and Liz kissed that one last time. Since I held her hand and jumped off that 50 foot bridge. Loosing her some where in the rushing freezing water.

Two years. Four months. 18 days. 14 hours and some odd minutes. Since my life changed forever. Since my life became every moment of thinking and searching for any sign of Liz. Feeling the undying guilt of loosing her. Failing her. Blaming myself.

The only thing that kept me sane is the promise to find her and bring her home again. Yes. Liz was alive. Very much so. I knew in my heart.

I could feel it.

Feel her.

Eventually, even see her........

At first I had Isabel dream walk Liz. Isabel coming out of it crying hysterically. Taking me and Alex 20 minutes to calm her down. Just to reveal that Liz was drugged, in pain and terrified. Liz had no idea that Isabel was even there. Too hurt and terrified to response to her. Isabel saying that it was far worst then anything she ever felt before. Even when she dreamed walked me in the white room.

It terrified me but it proved that Liz was alive.

Not to mention the dreams I had and then finally the visions.

The dreams were first nightmares. Visions of what they could be doing to her. I would wake up in cold sweat. Shaking. Some times even screaming her name.

The vision came just three days after her parents death. 6 months. 12 days. After she went missing. Isabel and Maria just retrieved me from the river banks. Telling me what had happened to Liz's parents. Me and Michael were searching once more. Any signs or clues they might have missed. By then I knew the land better than the back of my own hand. Knowing in my heart that they didn't miss anything.

I remembered that I was feeling over whelming guilt for Liz and her parents. Some how a car accident didn't seem right. I fell asleep from exhaustion just to wake from another nightmare of Liz being tortured.

There she was....

Just sitting there beside me. Battered and bruised in green hospital scrubs. When I reached for her, she disappeared.

Everyone said that it was just another nightmare. A hallucination. But I knew better. I knew Liz was some how trying to contact him.

The second came two days later. At Liz's parents funeral. There she was. Standing three feet from me. Green hospital scrubs. Electros attached to her head and what looked like her chest. Looking at me before looking around. Watching her eyes rest on the two coffins being lowered into the ground. Tears slipping silently down her cheeks.

Saying her name and taking a step towards her. Having her vanish once more as I reached for her.

I could tell everyone thought I was losing it. I didn't care.

I would have thought I was losing it too if it wasn't for the fact that I felt Liz. I knew in my heart that Liz had somehow found a way to connect with me. Appeared to me.

That night in my room she came again. Standing in front of me. This time I didn't reach for her. Afraid that she would disappear once more. Staring at her for the longest time. Just watching her stare at me before she began to move around the room. Slowly.

That when I first noticed that she wasn't completely solid but she wasn't invisible either. She still had electros attached to her head. Wires coming out of her scrub top. Guessing they were monitoring her heart rate and brain activity. I noticed for the first time that her fingers on her right hand were bandage. A healing cut on her right eyebrow. She seemed to walk with a limp.

She was there. I could feel it. Really feel her. Just like I always could after I had healed her. Through their connection.

"Liz." Almost whispering her name. Afraid she would vanish.

She looked at me. Her eyes. So full of sadness but also love and hope.

"You can hear me?"

Giving me a faint smile.

"Where are you? Are you alright? Tell me where you are." The questions rushing out of my mouth. Watching the frown form on her face turn to pain before she disappeared once more.

Petty much after that Liz came often. Some times she looked more solid then other times. Bandages, bruises and cuts came and went. The electros and wires always remained. Sometimes she would even have IV's tube attached to her arm. I watched as she lost more and more weight.

She would watch me. Be with me. Some times I would even get a small smile. I strived to try to get her to smile. They came so rarely.

For the most part her eyes stayed the same. Great sadness but still hope and love when she looked at me.

But she never spoke. Not a word ever.

In time I learned that every time I asked what was happening to her or where she was. She would become upset and disappear. It was almost like she couldn't think about that and be with me at the same time.

So I stopped asking.

Just cherishing the time I had with her presence. Talking to her. She seemed to like me just talking to her. I told her about my search. About any information or clues that I found. Telling her about their friends. How they were doing. School. Telling her everything that she missed.

Dreading the moment when the look of terror and pain would flash across her face before she disappeared again. Leaving me with guilt and terror. Imagining what was happening to her. Praying each time that no new bandage or mark would be on her when she finally returned. Praying each time that she would return.

My friends quit talking about me being crazy. I really think Maria was the one that finally convince everyone that I wasn't losing it. Saying that me and Liz connection was strong enough to over come anything. That she loved me more than anyone. That Liz would find a way to some how be with him.

Isabel, Michael and Tess believe that it's some kind of new power of mine. That I is some how could bring Liz to me. That the connection that they formed when I healed her made it possible. That it wasn't actually her body but her subconscious mind. She would disappeared when she woke up.

We still searched for Liz. I will never give up on her. Not until I can find her. We still search every possible lead. No matter how far off.

I couldn't believe that they graduated. That I actually had enough credits and the grades to do so. School wasn't a priority. I only went when there wasn't a lead to follow. To put my parents minds to rest. To keep myself busy.

That was the only good thing that came of all this. My parents knew and excepted me. Them. Still loved me. All the parents knew for that matter. Including the sheriff and Kyle. They had a lot of questions at first. I don't remember their initial reaction and questions. I was too consume with finding Liz. Iz, Michael, Tess, Alex and Maria had to answerer all their questions. Everyone took it well enough. The Parkers even thanked me for saving Liz's life. They never once blamed me for losing Liz. I think they thought I blamed myself enough.

I spent all his free time here and most nights. Where I am at this moment.


Laying on the couch in the break room. I could hear the playful bickering of Maria and Michael. Alex's and Isabel 's soft voices talking. Tess's laughing at something Kyle had said. Music from the radio.

If it wasn't here. It was on Liz's balcony.

Since Liz's parents death, Amy has taken over the Crashdown. The Parker's Will stated that Amy would be the legal guardian of Liz if anything ever happened to them. Controlling all assets until Liz was 21.

The Crashdown seems to be the gathering place. Everyone pitched in and help. Amy, Maria, Michael, Alex and Tess all worked here. The place was exactly the same except that Amy now sold her alien knickknacks here too.

Hearing Tess laughter once more. That was another thing that changed. Tess was with Kyle. Both becoming close after Tess moving in with him. The Sheriff thinking it was for the best since Nesado dying.

Isabel with Alex. My friends have all paired off. They were happy. I was happy for them.

I need Liz.

Where are you?

It's been almost 7 weeks since I last saw her. 3 days. 7 hours. 23 minutes and counting.

Look of terror and silent scream as she disappeared. I didn't sleep the rest of the night. Or the next. Just imagining what they were doing to her.

By the 4th night. I had Isabel dream walk her. I have been having her do so ever so often. After much convincing, of course. She was terrified to do it again after the first time. I hate asking her but it was Liz.... Isabel understood.

I could see and feel Liz, yes. I is just hoping that the dream walk could just somehow tell us something we didn't know. Some clue to finding her.

For the most part Isabel never gets much. Just flashes of feelings. Pain. Fear. Loneliness. Sadness. Mostly numbness. Liz has learned to some how push Iz out. Leaving Isabel shaken to say the least.

5 days after she disappeared he had Isabel try again. All Isabel had gotten was darkness and numbness.


Empty was the word she used.

I don't know what to make of it. Afraid to know. The only good thing is, that Liz was still alive.

He had to beg Isabel to do it again after that. Isabel not liking the feeling at all.

The last 4 times since then have been the same response.

I just don't know how to find you.

You have never been gone this long before. What is going on?

The feeling that something was terrible wrong was getting worst and worst.

Should I continue?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:19 pm
by Twilighteyes

one..... two..... three....


Alec POV

Reading the cover of the thick binder. 252

It's Elizabeth Parker. I wonder if they really think by labeling her with a number made her less then a person?

Flipping open the big binder

Reading the first page.

Page 1

Feb 3, 1998
Subject 252
Elizabeth Parker
DOB October 22, 1983
Roswell New Mexico
Found alone side of river banks of the Cherokee river. Found while in the search of two teens. One male. One female. Jumping off the bridge together 3 miles up stream. Unconscious when found. Suffering from minor cuts and bruises. Broken femur bone. Mild case of hyperthermia. School ID with name and picture.

Interrogation. Claims to know nothing. Wants to go home.

Heat test -Normal
Cold test- normal
Brain scan- high level function
DNA- normal
Blood AB- contain cadame X
MRI - normal
Skin - containing cadame X
Hair- Containing cadame x
Bone scan - normal
Shows high tolerance to pain.

So far all test have came back negative except two abnormalities. Scan of brain show a high leave of brain activity. Blood and skin tissue shows trace amounts of Cadame X.

Continue to administer serum 462 at normal dose to be safe.

Notes: Question? Is Elizabeth Parker so kind of hybrid human? Question? Was Pierce on to something? Was that why her name was on the slip of Paper?

Stapled to the back of the page.

Clear bag containing a small burnt piece of paper with the name ELIZABETH PARKER. Underlined three times. Big question mark. With the word KEY circled. Note on bag. Only remaining document found at Kennedy Air Force Base.

Flipping through the pages. Reading bits and pieces of each page.


Background check shows that Liz Parker is biological daughter of Nancy and Jeff Parker. Baby and childhood test are all normal. Normal childhood ailments. Requiring parents now.

Pratt pulling off fingernails on left hand during interrogation. Still claims to know nothing.


Parents are completely normal. No signs of Cadame X any where in systems. No high brain activity. Parents terminated.

Test Records of Maria Duluca, Alex Whitman and Max Evans all came back normal.
No need to obtain anyone.

Note: No leads to where subject 252 required cadame X. Shows no signs of using higher brain function. Still not cooperating with test. Stopping serum.


Pratt ordering biopsy of all organs including heart and all 5 hemispheres of the brain. Allowing no sudation. Body showing signs of shock.

Note: Pratt is convince that 252 can and will heal herself. Saying 252 can use the power without us really being able to monitor it. Although, 252 does heal at a good normal rate. 252 still does not show signs of extraordinary power.


Bain biopsy Leaving her susceptible to seizes.


April 1 1999

Broke fingers Has does nothing to heal herself or stop pain.

Note: Pratt is become more irritated with the lack of response from 252. Her unwieldiness to corporate with him is just aggravating him more. Is quick to cause pain. Pratt is convinced that 252 has some kind of physic ability. That she knows more than what she said. Refusing to terminate. Convinced that he will be able to convince her to cooperate one way or another. Ordering room to stay incomplete darkness while she is there.


Page 201

Second and third degree burns on right wrist and arm healing normal.


Note: 252 Still won't cooperate with any voluntary test.


April 1 1999

Three seizes today.

What the hell? All because of a scan showing that she suppose to possible have 10x the brain power as a normal person and this Cadame X crap. A mineral that is supposed to be alien. Not found not found on earth. Hello. You guys don't know everything in the world. Aren't they finding new bugs and germs all the time that they didn't know existed?


May 1 2000

Personal note: Pratt still will not allow us to treat or medicate 252 injuries. Only allowing us to do the bare minimal to keep 252 alive. 252 Has been in shock ever since the beating and rape. After slicing own wrist and restrained. Has not responding to any outside stimuli. I'm afraid that 252 has given up. I believe 252 will stay unresponsive. Pratt on the other hand believes that 252 show immense signs of improvement being the first time that 252 has fought back in 1 and a half years.

Treat anything. God. When did they ever treat anything that they did to her? Do they honestly still believe that she could heal her self? Then again they wanted her to levitate object. Catch things on fire. What the hell did they think she was.? Super women? She still has a god damn limp and has seizers.


She is a seventeen year old girl. One that will probably never recover from this. She slit her own wrist in the infirmity. What more did they need?

"Damn it." Running his hand on over his face.

So what to do? Am I actually helping her by killing her and putting her out of her misery? Is that what she wants? Or will she be able to over come this? Am I doing the right thing? Do I sacrifice myself? If I get caught. We are both dead.

Looking down at the two bodies at my feet. Dr. White and Pratt. Both with single gun shots to the head.

"More than they deserved." Wanting to conflict more pain on them. To harm then the way they harmed Elizabeth.

Picking up the bodies one by one and putting them in the incinerator. Along with eight remaining guards that knew and handled Elizabeth. Every video tapes, samples, disks, files, every shred of proof that Elizabeth ever existed here burned. The only remaining evidence of Elizabeth. Was Elizabeth and Dr. Whites person note binder of her that he was just reading.

Picking up the binder.

Can't put this off any longer.


two...... three............. four...............



"Please Iz."

"Max." Pleading with him just as much.

"Isn't there something else we can try?" Alex trying to give Isabel an out.

"There is nothing else." Trust me. I wish there was. Feeling bad for asking Isabel to dream walk Liz again so soon.

I don't have a choice.

"When was the last time?"- Maria

"Four days ago." - Alex

"It's just..." Isabel shuttering involuntarily

"You think she's dead." The words coming out cold.

"No one said that." Michael patting me on the back.

"No it's not that." Isabel speaking quickly. Squirming in her seat.

Alex putting his arms around her. "It alright."

"When is the last time you saw her?" - Kyle

"It's been over 7 weeks." Michael answering for me.

"What has been the longest gap?" -Kyle

"46 days." Michael answering again.

Longest of my life. Liz also came back with her right arm and wrist looking burnt.

Iz taking a deep breathe. "It's just the emptiness that I feel when I'm with her."

Tess sitting close to Isabel. "Emptiness?"

Tears in Isabel eyes. "It's like being in an ocean of darkness. Lost in nothingness. I feel like I'm going to get lost in it too."

"You don't feel anything else? She doesn't push you out?" Clearly hearing the concern in Tess's voice.

"Not the last three times." Alex answering for Isabel. Pulling her tighter towards him.

"Are you......" Tess glancing up at me worriedly. Knowing what she was about to say.

Cutting her off before she could ask. "Liz is alive."

"It's just Max. Isabel has always got emotions from Liz before." - Tess

"I know she is alive." I would know if she was dead.

"I think if she was I wouldn't get anything." - Isabel

"Compared to the nothingness your getting now?" Tess still looking doubtful.

"It's an overwhelming feel but it is still there. It is a feeling."

"It's just probable Liz's new way of dealing." Michael speaking up.

"I can only imagine what they are doing to her." Maria putting her arms around Michael.

I can imagine. that was the problem.

CH 3

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:44 pm
by Twilighteyes
Warning: Gets worst before better. Trust me.


One..................... Two...................... Three.......................


Alec POV

Taking a deep breathe. Turning the lights on dim before entering Elizabeth's cell.

Taking me a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dim light.

God help me. Hell, there is or was no God here.

Looking down at Elizabeth prone body.

Exhaling slowly before making my way the short eight steps to where Elizabeth laid.

Deep breathe.

Kneeling down.

Please give me the strength to do this.




"Elizabeth. It's me Alec."

Using my finger to check her pulse.

Slow steady beats.

Not that it needed to be check. Clearly hearing the low steady beeps of the monitor that was built into the wall. Monitoring her heart rate and brain activity.

Just wanting to see her response to my touch.

No movement at all.

Is it that you are too far gone or do you even recognize or still trust me?

Carefully turning her over so she was lying on her back. Her good eye staring blankly forward. Her right eye still blood shot. Cheek beneath still slightly swollen from the crushed cheek bone. Her right shoulder bend in a ghastly angle that was anything but natural. Her right wrist no longer banged to hide the red swollen ridge scar.

They couldn't even bother to repair the damage that they caused you. Cursing them for the hundred time that day.

Maybe you would be better off dead?

Was I doing the right thing?

Willing to know the answerer that I knew wouldn't come until it was too late.

"Elizabeth. Please."

Just some small sign you are still with me.

No response.


Maybe it would just be easier for her this way.

Leaning down and whispering in her ear.

"Elizabeth. Do you remember what I told you that night we were alone together? The poem that I told you. My favorite poem? Remember the meaning behind it? I know your smart. I know you understand. Remember that poem. Hold on to it. Do you understand Elizabeth? Hold on to it."

Pulling the syringe out of my pocket. Using my teeth to pull off the cap.


Whispering in her ear once more. "Trust me ELizabeth. Trust me."

Taking a deep breathe.

Disconnecting the plasma line from the IV. Plunging the needle into her IV line. Pushing the clear fluid in.

God help me.

"I'm sorry that I have to do this. I promise I will make this as quick and painless as possible."

Heart rate increasing.

Watching her body seize once. Eyes rolling back in her head.

Placing a hand on her chest to help steady her movement.

Her body seize again.

Increasing beeps becoming one steady constantly beep.

Elizabeth stills.


Please let me have done the right thing.

Two...... Three........ Four......... Five.......... Six.........

God help me.

Seven.......... Eight...........

Standing up.

Nine.......... Ten.........

Turning off the machines.


Checking for a pulse once more. Carefully detaching the electros attached to her chest and head before picking up the lifeless body.

Fourteen............. Fifteen...........



Turning slowly in the white and gray swirling mist. Reminding me of the time a cloud settled into the valley. How I couldn't see more than two feet ahead of myself. How we all played hide and go seek for hours in it before the cloud finally lifted.

Still hear Liz's laughter that day.

Feeling her all around me.


"Max." Liz's voice coming from behind me.

Turning around quickly just to find more mist.

Taking a few steps in that direction.

"Max." Liz's soft voice once more coming from behind.





Turning around once more.






"Liz where are you?" Turning around in a full circle.


"Liz. I can't see you."


Turning once more.

Starting to feel desperate.

Something was seriously wrong. "LIZ!"

"Max." Whispered voice coming over my shoulder once more.

Turning. "LIZ!"

"I'm sorry Max...."


"What are you sorry for Liz?"



Turning again.

"Where are you?"

Feeling getting worst.


"I loved you Max."

Feeling a rush of wind wash over me. Liz's love.

Feeling Liz's presence gone.

"NO! LIZ! NO!"


Opening my eyes to see Isabel face.

"You were screaming Liz's name Max. It was a nightmare Max. Just a nightmare." Trying to reassure me.

Searching my subconscious. Any sign of Liz. Any feeling. Searching for the feeling that has always been there since I connected to her.


Emptiness I have never felt before growing. Growing deep.

Sob escaping me.

No. No. No. No. No.

"Max?" Clearly seeing the fear in Isabel's eyes.

"She's gone."

"Who's gone Max?"

"Liz. I can't feel her anymore." Another sob racking my body.

Don't hate me.....

I warned you. But as I said before. As Alec saids Trust me. Or better yet, Trust Alec. Remember it is a M/L story.


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:52 am
by Twilighteyes


Two hundred seventy two...... Two hundred seventy three........

Come on. Come on.

Pulling the SUV sharply in the turn. Barely keeping it on the road.

The lack of headlights in the heavily wooded area with the setting sun making it that much harder to see and to maneuver the SUV. My training going into effect. Not taking the time to turn the lights on.

Subconsciously keeping track of how long Elizabeth has been dead. Two hundred seventy four.... Two hundred seventy five...... Two hundred seventy six........

Come on. This is taking too much time.

The plan was to go to a secure farm house that I located out side of the 100 acers of wooded land the compound occupied.

It took more time then I anticipated to get her out of the building. Having to take time to get the video and data feed. The much needed proof of the job was carried out.

Damn it.

After five minutes down irreversible brain damage starts to develops.

Pushing down on the accelerated once more.

Barely aware of the fact that I was now going over 100.

Two hundred seventy seven........

Not going to make it to the farm house. I do need to get a little further away though. Just to be on the safe side. Not that I was really worried about running into anyone. All personal being dead and all.

Better to be careful though.

Two hundred seventy eight..........

Thank god we are in the middle of no where and the fact that the compound had relax security on the out side of the building helped.

It helped a lot.

After all the 232 population of Reedville Colorado thought the compound was just a small testing site for new baby products. Not a three story deep underground scientific military base. That could house and work up to 90 key personnel and security members.

The only out side security was the occasional digital cameras hidden in the trees. The security gate and the surrounding ten foot high barb wire fence. It would cause too many unwanted attention if there was guards patrolling the perimeter too. All the security that was needed was on the inside anyway. No way anyone that wasn't authorized could get through the front entryway. Much less any further to know what was taking place inside.

Two hundred seventy nine..............

Far enough away.

Pulling sharply over to the side of the road. Stopping. Turning the SUV off at the same time.

Knowing the area well enough to know exactly where each of those cameras were. Survey the surrounding area quickly just to make sure.

Two hundred eighty......... Two hundred eighty one......

Jumping out. Quickly going to the back and opening the hatch.

Two hundred eighty two........ Two hundred eighty three....... Two hundred eighty four........

Sliding the fake board out of the bottom of the floor. Revealing Elizabeth's body.

Two hundred eighty five....... Two hundred eighty six...........

Carefully taking the body out of the hiding place.

Two hundred eighty seven........ Two hundred eighty eight..........

Laying her down flat on the hard ground.

Two hundred eighty nine.........

Ripping open her scrub top. Revealing the three inch surgical scar between her breast. Taking a second needle out of my pocket.

Noting the two inch surgical scars on her right and left side of her stomach

Two hundred ninety.......

Deep breathe

Using his teeth to pull off the cap. Plunging the needle in the middle of the scar into her heart. Pushing the yellowish fluid in.

Two hundred ninety one......


Come on. You can do this.

Two hundred ninety two.......

Taking to long..

Feeling for a pulse.

Two hundred ninety three.........


Come on. Don't give up on me now.

Two hundred ninety four..........

Tilting her head back. Pinch her nose. Beginning CPR.

Breath... Breath.... Began pumping her chest. One two three four five. Breath... Breath......

Two hundred ninety five..........

Breath.... Breath..... One two three four five. Breath......

"Breathe Elizabeth."


Two hundred ninety six........

Feel for a pulse.


Two hundred ninety seven.......

I took to long.


"You can do this Elizabeth. Fight."

Breath...... Breath.... One two three.

Two hundred ninety eight.....

"You hear me."

Vaguely aware of the sweat dripping down my face hitting hers.

Four five. Breath.... Breath....

"Fight Damn it."

Two hundred ninety nine....

Brain damage....

"Do not give up on me now."

It's been too long. I took too long.

Three hundred.

It's been five minutes without oxygen.


Feeling the panic starting to take over.

I really killed her.

One two three.



Punching her chest.

Body jerking from the hit.


Punching her chest again.

Body jerking once more.

Leaning back on my heals. Cradling her head with a hand.

"You can do this. Elizabeth. I know you can. Please fight. Just fight one last time. PLEASE!" Shaking her. "FIGHT!"

Watching her body jerk in a spasm. Gasp for breath.

"That's it." Cradling her face with my hands. "That's it. Just breath. Come on you can do it."

Elizabeth eyes fluttering open and close again.

Watching the slow rise and fall of her exposed chest.

"That's it. Just breathe baby. Your doing it."

Feeling for a pulse.

Watching her small body take another breathe. Then another.

Finding a weak but slow steady pulse.

I'll take it.

Checking her chest to make sure I didn't break any ribs or rebreak the ones that were still healing when I hit her.

Not finding any more damage then they had already caused her.


Closing the two half of the ripped scrubs.

Feeling relief at once.

Going quickly to the open hatch of the SUV. Retrieving the portable oxygen tank with mask, water bottle and blanket. Quickly going back to Elizabeth. Covering her with the blanket. Turning on the oxygen on full. Carefully placing the mask over her nose and mouth.

Checking for a pulse once more. Finding it a little stronger then before.

Better. Not the best. But it was good.

Barely enough light left to see her clearly. Finally looking at her once more.

One good eye and one slightly swollen red eye staring back at me.

This is good.

Not expecting her to be awake yet.

"You with me?" Keeping my voice soft.


"Elizabeth? Are you with me?"

Hopefully dying has brought you out of the self induced trance. Without brain damage.

Confusion flashing across her face.

No your going to be fine. You've lost too much already. It wouldn't be fair.


Wincing as she slowly nods her head. Tears slipping from her eyes.

Relief washing over me.

"You did good. You did really good." Keeping my voice soft.

Wiping away the tears and my sweat. Feeling her tense underneath my touch.

Stopping me.

"It's alright. I'm not going to let anyone ever hurt you again. You understand me?"

Looking at me for a long moment. Confusion still clearly showing on her face. Finally nodding her head ever so slightly.


Using her good hand to remove the oxygen mask. Watching her good eye grow wide as she search the dark area around us.

"We are out of the compound. You should keep the oxygen on a little while longer.""

Shaking her head no a little. Starting to get up. Wincing at the pain.

"Whoa." Holding my hands out to stop her movements. Careful not to touch her. "Take it easy for a moment. You were dead for five minutes. Give your body a moment to adjust."

Closing her eyes as she settled back down.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth. This was the only way I could get you out of there. I had to have evidence to show that you died."

Nodding her head slowly. Still not opening her eyes.

"In a lot of pain?"

Opening her eyes slowly to look at me once more. Shifting her weight a little off her right side. Using her left hand to pulling the blanket closer to herself.

"I don't want to give you any meds for a while. We need to let your system take care of the drugs I already gave you."

Looking at her shoulder. The unnatural angle.

God that has to hurt.

"I can put your shoulder back in place. But it's going to hurt ready bad while I do it. The problem is it's been eight weeks. It's already began to heal. I'm basically have to rebreak it and set it in the right place again. Once it's in the right place. It will be a little sore for awhile but it shouldn't be too bad. With any luck you will be able to use it again."

Watching her bite her lower lip. Seeing the uncertainty and fear in her eyes.

The most emotion she has shown in eight weeks. It's a good sign right?

Very good sign.

Feeling guilty nevertheless.

"Sorry. It's the best I can do at the moment." Looking around at the growing darkness. "We need to get going soon. We are still on the base property. We still have to get through the gate. They are the only ones left to get through."

Confusion written all over her face.

"Elizabeth do you remember what happen to you? Where you are?"

Confusion still clearly evident. Watching her eyes search our surrounding once more.


Eyes focusing on me once more. Nodding her head slowly.

"You remember?"

Nodding her head once more.


Why don't I believe you?

"Do you remember who I am?"

Nodding her head once more.

"Who am I?"

"Alec." Coming out a hourse whisper.

Her raw voice bring a smile to my face. "Good. Good. OK....." Looking around at the darken sky.

Holding the water bottle to her lips. Careful not to touch her. Giving her a sip of water.

Coughing. Spitting up some of the water.


Pain flashing across her face once more.

"I'm sorry, Do you want to try some more?"

Slowly shaking her head no.

We need to go.

"Lets get out of here."

Nodding her head once more.

"I'm going to have to touch you. Lift you up to put you in the car."

Nodding her head once more. Whispering. "Shoulder?"

"You want me to fix it?"

Biting her lower lip once more. Shaking her head ever so slightly yes.

"Are you sure? We can wait."

Nodding her head yes again.

"Alright." Not being able to hold onto her broken wrist like I would normally do. Using my left hand to take a hold of her elbow and my right hand firmly on her shoulder. Feeling her body tense underneath me. "I know this is hard but I really need you to try to relax."

Biting her lower lip.

Not feeling her relaxing in the least.

What did I really expect?

"Your going to feel a really sharp pain. I'll do it quickly as possible."

Nodding her head slightly.

It's now or never.

"OK, Deep breathe."

As soon as she inhaled. Putting all the pressure on my right hand while twisting her arm up and to the right sharply. Feeling the bone slip into place.

Looking down to see the tears slipping down her cheeks. Her lower lip bleeding from where she bite it.

"I'm sorry."

Watching her exhale as her eyes slide shut.


Checking for a pulse. Finding one immediately.

Just passed out from the pain.

She has taken more and survived, than most grown men could handle.

Placing the oxygen mask over her mouth and nose once more. Before carefully picking her up and placing her back in the trunk of the SUV. Placing a blanket carefully under her head. Another one to cover her more.

"I'm sorry. It's just until we are clear."

Placing the panel over her once more. Covering up any signs of Elizabeth being there.

Lets get you out of here.

Getting in and started making my way slowly off the grounds.

Flipping open the phone. Hitting memory 3.

"Code?" Female voice on the other line.


"One moment please."

"Karves speaking."

"Karves. It's Alec. I need you to clean up a building for me."

"The usual?"



"Been relocated. I'm sending you coordinates now."

"I'll take care of it."

Hitting the end button. Punching in the destination and hitting send button.

Punching in the number to the general private line.

"Yes." Answering on the first ring.

"It's done."

"The girl?"

Glancing in the rear view mirror. "Terminated. Sending information and video feed now." Taking the micro chip transponder out of his pocket. Connecting it to the phone.


"As we speak."

"Very good Alec."

Line going dead.

Glancing once more in the rear window.

"We will see."

chapter 5

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 10:35 pm
by Twilighteyes
I have worked on this part what feels like forever. I have changed it six times so far. I don't know if I really like it. I don't think I captured the emotion and confusion and detachment that the part was to hold. Please. Please tell me what you think......



"Isabel I need you to just do it."

Why does she always have to argue? If me or Max had the damn power we wouldn't ask.

Max being unresponsive now for almost 2 days. Just lying on Liz's bed. Not speaking. Not moving at all. Nothing seemed to be snapping him out of it.

It's not like we have much choice.

"But it's just going to be the same....." - Isabel

"Isabel. Max is not talking. The boy is practically catatonic. It's the only way we will know for sure." Maria trying to reason with Isabel.

"But..." - Isabel

Cutting her off. "Isabel. You want to help Max or not?" Losing my patience with her.

"Yes. What if Liz is." Hesitating. "Gone?"

Mean dead? Not saying the words out loud that everyone was thinking.

"Then you won't get anything at all will you?" Coming out harsher then I actually intended.

Sometimes it sucked to be a dick.

Isabel nodding her head in surrender.

"Come on Isabel. We will go to the guest room." Alec putting a comforting arm around Isabel. Starting to lead her out of the room. Looking back and nodding to me.

"In the meantime. I want to talk to Max alone."

"Do you think you can get him to talk?" Tess looking up at him questionably at Liz's bedroom door.

"I'm going to try."

What the hell does she think I'm going to do?

Tess and Kyle making their way out of Liz's room.

Maria wrapping her arms around me.

Hugging her tightly back. Kissing her on the head. "Go."

Wanting nothing more than to stay in her arms.

Feeling her reluctant letting me go.

"It's going to be OK."

Feeling everything but OK.

Looking up at me. Nodding her head once. Before walking back wards slowly out the door. Her eyes telling me that she didn't believe the words either.

She has been though so much because of us. All of them have.

How could Maria believe? We both knew the score.

Liz's has been gone over two years now with no leads. The only sign of Liz Parker has been Max's visions of her. And hell at first I thought Max was just going crazy. With time finally excepting that Max really saw her. That their connection was that strong. That Max intensify or changing the connection when he healed Liz. That or it was some new power Max required.

Still wondering sometimes if it was just my own guilt making me willing to believe that it was true.

Then I have Max telling only me about the different cuts, bruises and bandages that would appear and disappear on Liz. Making it harder to believe that it was his imagination. He would never picture Liz hurt on purpose. No matter how guilty Max felt.

One thing I was sure of with out a doubt. Maxwell Evans loved Liz Parker since the moment he laid eyes on her in the third grade.

It has been over eight weeks since he has last saw her and now this. Max waking up screaming. Saying that Liz was gone. Next thing they know Max runs all the way to Liz's apartment. Laying unmoved and unresponsive to everything and everyone ever since.

No, things are going down hill. Fast.

But what did I honestly expect? I'm surprised that Liz lasted this long. After what Max told me about the short time he spent in the white room. I can only imagine the hell that Liz has gone through.

Liz is human. There is no reason to keep her. Unless they knew that Max saved her. Then why haven't they came back for Max? Any of them for that matter. It doesn't make sense.

Shaking his head at the thought.

How many times have I analyzed this?

Face it. The government was screwed up and we are never going to get the answerers they needed.

"Michael?" Maria's voice pulling me out of my thoughts. Focusing once more on Maria. Seeing the concern once more in her eyes. Somehow knowing it was for me this time.

"It's alright Maria. Everything is going to be alright."

Nodding her head. Closing the door softly after her.

No. As long as Liz was still alive. Then we don't give up. We owe her that much.

Feeling guilty once more.

They have her because of us. Because I didn't protect her.

We should have made them stay away from us. Then Liz would still be safe. Her parents would still be alive. Having no need to go see the Congress women, they wouldn't have wrecked. Max wouldn't be in the shape that he was in right now.

Then Max wouldn't have got to spend time with the love of his life. Tess wouldn't be with Kyle. Isabel with Alex. The parents wouldn't know about us and be cool with it.

I wouldn't have Maria.

Running his hands through his hair.

God, I love her. I don't know what I would do without her.

The constant joy of my life. Even when we are fighting.

My little fire cracker.

I will get Liz back for you. For Max. For all of us.

It's funny how Liz brought them all together. Even with her gone she was the glue that held them together.

We will get you back.

I will not give up.

Looking at Max lying on the bed. Just staring at the wall. The only indication that he was alive was the rise and fall of his chest and the occasional blink.

I'll be damned before I let you give up either.

Knowing Max felt the most guilty.

Scratching my eyebrow. "Maxwell. You need to snap out of this."

Kneeling down in front of him so that I was eye level with him.

"It's time to stop. You are seriously starting to freak everyone out. This isn't helping. We know that Liz is still alive. Laying here is not helping you or her."

Standing back against the wall.

Signing. Running his hands though his hair one more time.

Can I really blame him? If this was Maria. I would have cracked years ago.

"Max... I know this is hard and unfair. We have no idea of what is happening to Liz... But we have to keep going. Fighting. It is the only way to find and get Liz back. Giving up is not the answerer. It's been over two years now. Two years that she has fought to survive. Are you just going to give up on her now? Now when she probably needs you the most?"

"I felt her die?"

"What?" Startling me that he actually spoke.

Looking at him still staring at the wall. "I felt her die." Voice void of emotion.

Dead. No Liz is alive. Is that what he thinks?

"No Max. Isabel dreamed walked her. Isabel said Liz's presence is weak and foggy. But she is there. Liz is still alive. I don't know what happened but she is still alive."

"I know. But I felt her go. I felt her so strongly one moment telling me goodbye and then she was just gone. It felt so unbelievable empty." Finally looking at me. "It was like I died too. I wanted to die too."

"You don't feel her anymore?"

What the hell happened? Was their connection gone?

"Yes. Liz is here now. I can feel her. But....."


Why do I have the feeling I don't really want to know?

"It's not the same."

The same? What the hell does that mean?

"I'm not following."

Not that I understand fully the connection that they shared in the first place. Sure I can see and feel what Maria was feeling when we are together. But I have to be touching her. Holding Maria. What Max and Liz shared went beyond that. Chalking it all up once again to Max healing Liz or some new power Max possesses.

"Before I could feel her so strongly. She was always there. A prominent part of me. Even when she was going through something horrible." Watching him swallow. "Even though they were hurting her and she tried blocking me so I couldn't feel it and know. I still felt her so strongly. I knew she was alive. Even when everyone else thought she was dead."

I remember.

"And now?"

"It's like a whisper. Something I have to cling too, to keep here. I'm afraid if I let go even for a second. She will too. I feel like I'm losing our connection. Losing her. Something changed. It's different. Almost lost." His voice void of emotion. "I feel lost."


"That's not the worst of it."

"What?" Feeling a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"For a small second. Just a second. When I felt her die. I felt relief."


What? About what?

"That she was dead."


"Max." Laying a hand on his shoulder.

"No, Michael. You don't understand. I have spent over the last two years knowing they were hurting her. Doing god knows what to her. Knowing that she was fighting. Hanging on to me. Knowing that they were doing all this because of me and what I am. For just one small second. In that second I was glad that they couldn't hurt her anymore. That at least it was over for her." Finally looking at me. "How could I do that? Feel that?"

"Because Max, you love her. You don't want her hurting anymore. That is not a bad thing."

"Isn't." Coming out a statement not a question.

"No Max. It's not. That's called love."



I want to go home.

Everything is stiff and hurts.

Pushing away the pain.

Taking me a moment for my eyes to adjust to the brighter light from the nightlight that lit the room. Not much brighter then the room I just left. Just enough to make my eyes burn. Sending shooting pain through my head.


Blinking a couple more times.

Waiting for the pain to lessen. Slowly starting to adjust to the slightly blurred vision I had moments before.

I want to go home.

Starting to see a little more clearly.

Eyes still bleary.

Moving into the room further.

Movement to the left.

Stopping me.


Holding my breathe.

Slowly turning to her.

Watching her slowly do the same. Holding my hand out just to have her do the same.


It's a mirror.

Exhaling slowly.

Moving a little closer to the sink and mirror that hung above it.

Ignoring the pain I felt with each move.

I want to go home.

Looking at the girl I didn't recognize in the mirror.

Feeling my pulse quicken once more.

Is that really me?

Not taking my eyes off the mirror. Leaning closer to see better.

Bring my good hand up and careful touching my face.

The long dark dishevel hair. The deep red blood inhuman looking blood shot eye. The broken multicolored cheek beneath it in stages varies stages of healing. The dark purple scar on her forehead going through the eyebrow. Scar on the chin.

A face and eyes I did not recognized.

I want to go home.

Is this really me?

Clumps of my hair missing in different places as if it was shaved or torn out.

Moving my hand off my face to touch my hair.

What happened to me?

What have I've become?

My face before flashing across my mind.

Cute. Smiling. Eyes that showed life. Untouched. Quickly changing to a fist smashing into it. Pain.

Pushing the image away.


Looking away from the image.

No. This isn't right. What happened?

I want to go home.


Is this home?


Things are different. Very different.

But what is different from before?

What was before?

Do I really want to know?

Feelings and images threatening to consume.

Sharp pain shooting through my head.

Squeezing my eyes shut.

Forcing them back.


Taking a breath. Slowly exhaling.

Pain lessoning once more.

I need to know what is going on.


To survive?

Doesn't look like I've been doing a good job of it so far.

Recalling the girl I no longer recognized in the mirror. Careful not to look. The image in my mind was good enough.

At least I match the rest of my body.

Not to mention how I felt.

This room?

Have I been here before?

Slowly looking back into the room I just came from. It contained a bed. Table with what looked like medical supplies. A picture and glass of water that I had sipped out of. Two windows on either side of the bed. A bathroom that I now stood in and a slightly open door that I was sure led to the rest of the house.


Some how knowing that I have not seen the room before. Somehow knowing at the same time that it was non threaten.

How long have I've been here?

Cold hard steel flashing before my eyes. Pushing down the wave of nausea and fear that came with it.

A room?

Steel. Cold. Windowless.

A cell.

It was dark. Cold. Dark for so long.



Is that why my eyes hurt. Why they are blurry?

Thankful now that the lights were not fully on.

I remember what things are. What they were called.

Door. Window. Arm. Glass. Water. Bathroom.

How did I end up here?

What was before.

I want to go home.

Why am I wearing only a big army t-shirt and panties?

Why does it hurt when I moved?

How it hurt just to sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed.

How did I get all the scars, cuts and bruises?

Why couldn't I put my full weight on my right leg?

Why does my chest hurt to breathe?

Placing my good hand on my chest.

Why is my wrist and arm bandage and in a sling?

I know Alec put it back in place but why was it out of place in the first place?

I know Alec didn't do it.

The guilt in his eyes right before he fixed it though?

I don't understand.

I want to go home.

"It's alright Elizabeth. Your safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you again." Alec's words sounding in my head.

Giving me comfort.

The look on his face when he said them. The look in his eyes. The feeling that I felt. I trust him. I don't know why but I did.

More feelings there. Rushing underneath the surface.

All with one thought.

I want to go home.

Closing my eyes.

Images all jumbled together. Swirling. Come forth consuming me.

Making me nauseated. Taking my breath away.

Of Pain in my leg. Of cold. Of hard cold floor.

I want to go home.

Of scalpel cutting my wrist. Of bright red blood on my hands. Of hard rough hands on her body. Of pain in my shoulder and cheek. Of hot fire.

I want to go home.

Of cold merciless hands holding me down. Of snap shots of dead people. Of blinding light. Of doctors. Of angry screams. Of needles going into me.

I want to go home.

Of pain in my stomach. Of men. Of electricity going through me. Of demands. Of a man and women dead.

I want to go home.

Of pain in my head. Of darkness. Of screams. Of feelings of being ripped in two. Freezing water.

I want to go home.

Of constant pain everywhere. Of Alec

Holding fast onto the last Image. The only one that I didn't fear and I could make sense of.

Alec's face. Hovering over my own. "It's alright, Elizabeth. Your safe now. No one will ever hurt you again."

His words.

"It's alright, Elizabeth. Your safe now. No one will ever hurt you again."

Taking a much needed painful breath.

Making it back the two steps just in time to empty the little water I had drank and stomach acid into the sink.


I want to go home.

"It's alright, Elizabeth. Your safe now. No one will ever hurt you again."


His name is Alec. I know this.

Elizabeth. My name. Doesn't sound quite right.

It's my name never the less. Sounding right coming from him.

From Alec.

My face now.

Careful not to look back into the mirror again.

I'm no longer the person I was.

Which was what?

Doesn't matter.

Elizabeth. I'm Elizabeth.

I want to go home.

He smiled when I said his name.

It made him happy. Why?

The look of fear and concern before I said it. Why?

What is going on?

Does it have to do with the images?

Pushing them away before they could resurface.

Rising out my mouth.

Not liking the uncontrollable feeling and fear that comes with them.

I want to go home.

Not wanting to think about them any longer.

Something else....

Making my way slowly back to the bed.

Something small. Lingering underneath it all.

A feeling. A tingle.

Something forgotten. Something I should know.



But what?

I want to go home.

"Hey." Looking up to see Alec come into the room. "Your up."

Statement doesn't require an answerer.

Watching Alec run his eyes over me. Inspecting me. Looking for something.


"You have been asleep for about two days. I was starting to worry."

Is that long?

Sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How do you feel?"


Nothing. I feel nothing.

Waiting for my response.

"Are you in pain?" Sitting at the edge of the bed.


My chest hurts. My body aches. Pain.

Hurts when I think about it.

Shaking my head slowly no.

"Are you sure because it would be safe to give you something now."

Something? Pills? A shot?

Looking at the table of medical supplies. Bottles of pills.

Image of needle going into my arm. Pills being force down my throat. Made to swallow so I could breathe again.

Looking down at my arm seeing the bruised healing trace marks rom the needles.

It happened. It was real.


Closing my eyes and shaking my head. Pushing the thought away.

I don't want to remember.

I want to go home.

What happened?

"If your sure?" Hearing the uncertainty in his voice.

Opening my eyes to look at him once more.

Sure? Sure of what? Oh the pills. No.

Tears burning my eyes.

"Hey. It's alright." Moving closer to me.

Pulling myself back out of his reach.

Cringing at the thought of him touching me.

I want to go home.

Stopping his advance. "I'm sorry."

For what?

What happened? What don't I know? What am I missing?

Looking around the room once more.

Where am I? Am I suppose to know this place?


Feeling lost.

I want to go home.

Eyes resting once more on Alec.

What happened to me?

I want to go home.

"Elizabeth?" His voice just above a whisper. The concern in his eyes. "Say something."

"Home." Not recognizing my own hoarse whispered voice.

I want to go home.

ch 6

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:24 pm
by Twilighteyes

Warning language!





Looking at me. Pleading with her eyes. Watching her mouth open and close with no sound coming out.

"Here." Picking up the glass of water.

Watching her eyes go to the glass back to me to the glass again.

Holding it out for her. "It's alright. It's only water. It will help with your throat."

Watching her hesitate a moment longer before gingerly taking the glass. Shaking slightly as she brought it to her lips. Taking a sip. Watching her wince. Still not taking her eyes off me.

"Your throat will probably be sore a few days. Since you haven't ate solid food or drank in a long time. It might take a few days for your stomach to adjust too. I'll start you out on liquids. Like Jell-O and soup and we will work your way up to more solid food. Hungry?"

Shaking her head no.

"I really think you should try to eat soon. Your going to need your strength. I don't want to have to put the IV back in."

Looking down at her hand.

Having cleaned and treated all Elizabeth's wounds. Adding antibiotics and bandage them. While she was unconscious. The IV in her hand had started to look infected from the lack of care. The hand still looking red and puffy under the band aid.

She's be lucky she doesn't end up with blood poisoning.

Damn them all to hell for not taking better care of her. For taking her in the first place.

Finally looking away from me to stare out the window next to her. Still not responding back.


No response.

"Elizabeth look at me."

Waiting for her to slowly look back at me.

The sadness and fear in her eyes was overwhelming.

Lowering my voice once more. "I'm sorry. You know you can't go home. It's not safe. Everyone thinks your dead. Remember?"

Seeing the uncertainty and confusion in her eyes. Watching her bring her good hand up to her chest.

"You don't remember do you?"

The confusion more evident.

"Elizabeth can you tell me what you know?"

Watching her bit her bottom lip as she looked away once more.

"Who am I?"


Voice still sounding raw.

"Who are you?'

Hesitating a moment. "Elizabeth?" Sounding less convincing.

"Do you remember what has happened to you?"

Squeezing her eyes shut. Shaking her head a little. Tears slipping down over her cheeks.


"I.... " Opening her eyes once more. "I want to go home."

"Do you know where home is?"

Looking once more at me.

Shifting gears.

"What is the last thing you remember clearly?"


"What else?"

"You fixed my arm." Moving her hand to her shoulder.

Hating to ask.

"Do you remember how it got hurt?"

Staring me.

Maybe it was better that she didn't remember.

"I..... " Shaking her head a little. "Not sure." Bring her hand up to touch her head. "Doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't?"

Shaking her head.

"Tell me and maybe I can help."

"I......" Closing her eyes once more. Whispering. "Bad.... It hurts...." Bringing her hand to her head. "Cold...." Wincing. "Mixed up." Tears slipping out under her closed eye lids. "Slips by so fast. Scared. Pain. Darkness. Numbers. Men. Cold metal. Just impressions." Opening her eyes. "Slipping by. Hard to grasp. I don't understand....."

It's the most she has spoken since that night.


"One. Two. Three. Four."


"Images don't make sense. How could it had..." Shaking her head a little. "Doesn't make sense. Five."

"Elizabeth. We will make sense of it all."

"I need to go home please." Coming out a small whisper.

"It's not safe."

"I don't understand." Looking away from him.

Should I tell her that her parents are dead? Does she even remember that?

"There nothing there for you anymore." Getting up. "I'm going to go make you some soup."

Waiting a second to see if she would answerer back.

Knowing at the same time that she wouldn't.

The question is. What do I do with you now?

Feeling the cell vibrate on his leg.

Pulling it out as I walked through the door.



"Alec here."

Pulling the door partially shut behind me.


Recognizing my clearly pissed commanders voice at once.


"Better yet. You know where I am?"

At the compound.

Playing stupid. "No sir."

"AT THE GOD DAMN COMPOUND!" Raising his voice once more.


"Cut the crap Alec. Where the hell is everyone?"

"Taken care of sir."

You know this. I sent you proof.

"They were suppose to be transferred. I was hoping it was some god damn joke."

"You said to take care of the building and everything in it. That is exactly what I did." Coming on the defense.

"Alec you know damn well that I meant the girl and everything pertaining to her."

"With all do respect sir. Everything in that building pertain to the girl." Being careful to say girl not Elizabeth.

There was no way I was going to let any of them walk out of there alive after what they did to Elizabeth. It's the least I could do for her.

"Damn it Alec. Now I have seven families that I have to visit and tell them that their loves ones died in a massive car accident. Thank god the others don't have families. I do not have time to mess with this."

Their loved ones should know what monsters they were holding and torturing an innocent girl!

Biting my tongue.

"I want you here now."

Looking back into the room at Elizabeth. Seeing her still sitting on the bed looking out the window.

"I can't do that sir."

"The fuck you can't."

"No, I mean it's going to take me a few days."

Watching Elizabeth start to rock slightly back and forth.

"You have 96 hours."

Hearing the click of the phone before I could responded.

Damn it!

I have to go back or they will defiantly know something is up.

Knowing they would automatically go over the last year of my life. Seeing exactly where it started to vary. Wouldn't be too hard for them to see that it was Elizabeth. Looking more closely at her death.

Damn it!

Elizabeth whispered voice. "One...... Two............ Three........"

This can't be good.

"Four...... Five......." Pause. "One...... Two......"

What the hell have I've done?

Better yet what am I going to do? There is no way I can leave you alone.

"Four ....... Five........."



Looking up from the picture of Liz I was holding to see Maria in the door way.


Watching her come over and sitting next to me on the floor.


"Just counting to five. Over and over again. Ever so often. Numbing feeling."

It gives me the creeps.

Not saying it out loud.

At least it was better than nothing.

"I don't know what it means." Looking at Maria.

"I might have an idea about that."

"Really, because I have nothing."

"When we were in the third grade Liz went through a stage of having bad dreams. Something about being lost and not being able to find her way home or something. They were pretty bad. So bad that she wouldn't even spend the night at mine or Alec's house. She was terrified to sleep at anyone else's house but her own."

"I remember that shortly after I met her. She seemed to look tired for a couple months. Like she wasn't getting enough sleep. Like there was something on her mind. I used to worry about her."

"Boy did you have it bad. Even when you first met? We were in the third grade." Smiling and shaking her head.

"I knew as soon as I saw her that I loved her." Looking back down at the picture I held. "I was happy just to know that she was alive and well. Just to be in her presence."

"I know." Taking a hold of my hand.

"Liz said being with you was like breathing for the first time. She loves you very much."

Blinking away the tears that stung my eyes.

"Hum... So the counting?" Not wanting to start crying.

"Yeah, the dreams were bad enough that her parents even took her to a doctor for it."

"What did they say?"

"I forget what they actually said it was. I know they gave her sleeping pills for a while. They didn't seem to help though."

"So how did the dreams stop? Did they just go away?"

"See that's just it. I don't think they did. Liz just learned to deal with them."


Sounds just like her. Liz can over come anything.

"Yeah, I asked Liz once about it and she told me that her father told her a secret."

"A secret. I'm assuming that you know this secret."

Nodding her head. "Liz told me that her father said if she was ever having the bad dream. All she had to do was close her eyes and count to five. That she would wake up safe and sound at home in bed."

"You think that is what she is doing?"

"I don't know." Maria sounding unsure.

What? Liz thinks she stuck in a nightmare and if she counts enough she will wake up safe at home?

Why doesn't this make me feel any better?

No the thought didn't make me feel better at all.

Chapter 7

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:52 pm
by Twilighteyes
OK, sorry for the wait....

The poem that Alec tells Liz came from one tree hill. Lucus saids it. I don't know who wrote it etc. But I do not own anything. It's not mine. Also, I used some parts of the shows. Also the red light in the eye from the brain washing is from Dark angel. Don't own it. Don't own any of them. Please let me know if this is a problem.....

Also, this may be a little confusing. But then again. So is Liz..... Please let me know if you have any questions....




"Lizzy bear just count to five and open your eyes and you will be safe at home." My father kissing me on the forehead. Pulling the blankets tightly around me. "Safe and sound. I promise Lizzy. You will always be safe. Now close your eyes and sleep. When you wake I will be here and you will be safe and sound."

Image shifting.

Daddy and Mommy lying on stretcher. Covered in bloody sheets. Blank. Unblinking eyes. Hollow. Staring at the ceiling.




Image changing.

"I love you Liz."

Dark hair gorgeous guy pulling me close to him. Resting his forehead on mine. Hands on either side of my face. "I have always loved you."

Closing my eyes as he kissed me.

Pulling apart.

"I love you too Max."

Squeeze my hand tightly. "Don't let go." Kissing our joined hands.

Looking down at the rushing cold water below us.

Seeing the head lights on the bridge right before we jumped.

Image changes

Straps that held me down digging into my skin.

"Tell me what I want to know and I will let you go home." Big brown hair man standing over me.

"I told you that I don't know anything. Please...."

Tugging more against my bonds.

"I told you. I can keep you awake every moment of this." Holding the scalpel up for me to see. Gray eyes full of evil.




Sighing. "I guess we will just have to investigate for ourselves." Bring the scalpel to my exposed chest.

Dark red blood began to seep out as the man began to cut open my chest.

Screams echoing in my ears.

Image changes.

Darkness. Nothing but endless darkness.

Voice coming out of the dark. "It's ok. Your alright now. You had a seizer."


"Alright?" Male voice once again.

"Yeah." Finally replying.


"Would you like some water?"

Not answering.

"25...... Elizabeth is it?" Hearing the uncertainty in his voice. "That is your name right? Elizabeth?"

"Yes." Coming out a whisper.

"I'm Alec."

"I know. Your new here."

"Yeah, just got assigned here about three weeks ago. I'm on a break."

"Your call this a break?"

"From what I normally do. Yeah."

"What do you normal do?"

"The powers out. I think we are trapped in here."

I suddenly laugh.

Alec started laughing.

I laugh harder.

"I guess that was a pretty stupid thing to say."

"You think?"



"I think that was the first time I ever heard you laugh."

I laugh once more.

"OK. OK. That was another pretty stupid remark." Hearing the smile in his voice.

"Really? Because I have so much to laugh about."

"Sorry." His voice suddenly sober.

"Yeah, so am I. So am I."

Clearing his throat. "So are you thirsty? I'm pretty sure I remember where the sink is."

"No, I'm fine."

"I hate the dark."

"It gets better."

"You think?"

"I know. It makes it easier to sleep. Better then the never ending blinding white light. I guess."

"Really. See I would just cover my head with a pillow."

"No bed, pillow or blanket."

"Damn. Now tell me what the point of that is?

"To suffer."

Movement once more.

"Elizabeth. Why are you here?"

"Because my body contains cadame X."

"Which is?"

"I have no clue."

"And White and Pratt are keeping you here because of that?"

"I guess."

"What aren't you tell me?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"I mean I find it hard to believe that you are here because you have some kind of x thing in your body. No scratch that I do believe it."


"I just have a feeling you are leaving out something though?"

Not answering.

Movement once more.

"That's fine. I got time. I have a feeling with these braineacts its going to take them a while to restore power. Know how to build nuclear bombs but when it comes to changing a simple light bulb. They all get lost. You are going to be stuck with me for a while. Hope you don't mind."

Image shifting once more.

Rubber gloved hands holding me down into ice water.

Image changing.

"There's my favorite girl."

Tall lanky guy puts his arm around me.

Turning and smile at him. "Hey Alex. How are you."

"Fine you?"


"So my house tonight?"


"Listen no chick flicks alright."

"Come on Alex you know you like them."

"Liz you are so killing my man hood."

Laughing. "That is so not possible."

"What's not possible?" Pixy blond girl coming up to join them.

"Hey Maria." Giving her a hug.

"Killing my man hood."

Maria bring her hand to her chest. "Never!"

"You two are going to be the death of me!" Alec throwing up his hands.

"You love us and you know it Whitman." Maria kissing Alex on the cheek.

Image changing.

Strapped down into a chair. Two men in hospital scrubs attaching electros to my forehead.

"Please. Please don't do this. I have done nothing wrong. I don't know anything! Please."

The two men working. Ignoring me.

The big brown hair man walking into the room.

Seeing the fear clearly on my face. "Please. Please just let me go home."

"This is how it is going to work." Walking around me. "I will ask you a question. If you answerer it correctly we will go to the next. If you answerer wrong. Well, lets just say it's not going to be pleasant for you. Shall we begin?' Stopping in front of me.

"Please. I told you I don't know anything."

Leaning down in front of me. "Now. Now. We both know that is not true."

"Please. Please just let me go home."

"Tell me what I want to know and I will."

"I've told you every thing I know. Please!"

"Now. Now. I was hoping we didn't start out this way." Watching him turn and take a pair of pliers off the table. Talking hold of my hand. "Do you want to change your answerer?"

"I don't know anything." Coming out as a whisper.

"Have it your way." Taking a hold of my hand. Using the pliers to rip off my thumb nail.

Screaming. Tears running down my face.

"How did you require the cadame X?"

"I don't......" Shaking my head.

"Where you shot in the dinner and healed yourself?"

"I don't...... " Shaking my head.

Feeling another nail being ripped off.


"I told you 452. I am done playing games with you."

Image changing once more.

In a room with nothing but wood chips.

"DO SOMETHING WITH THEM!" Big brown hair man yelling at me through the glass.

Standing there. Not responding back.


"Pratt don't you think she would have demonstrated some kind of ability if she could?" Dark hair medium built man next to him.

"I KNOW SHE CAN DO THIS!" Pratt yells once more.

"Maybe if you just take a step back and look at the whole picture." Dark hair guy.


"PRATT! I think that's enough for now. I'll monitor her while you go get a coffee." Dark hair guy.



Silver shining fog all around me. Swirling. Twisting and moving about.

What the hell?

Something else.

A familiar comforting feeling all around.


Knowing the feeling of her presence any where.

"LIZ! LIZ! WHERE ARE YOU?" Walking further into the mist.

Suddenly there she was. Standing in front of him.

"Liz." Running up to her.

Reaching out and touching solid form.

"Liz" Pulling her against me immediately. "I've looked every where for you. I thought you were gone. I was afraid I would never see you again."

Thank you god.

Holding her against me. Not responding to me at all.

Pull back a little so I could see her face. "Liz?"

The right side of her face was an ugly black brown yellow and blue bruise in varies stages of healing. The right eye itself was deep red blood shot. There was a scar on her forehead and another running the length of her chin.

My god. What have they done to you?

Eyes unfocused looking behind me.


Following her line of sight. The scene that played out before us.

Recognizing the Crashdown.

"Maria stop. Max does not like me. This." Pointing to her face. "No way. Max Evan would not give me the time of day. Besides, I think I'm with Kyle. He's a good friend."

"That's just it Liz. A friend. Besides, aren't you the one that said it was just casual?"

"Yes, but that doesn't make a difference. Max doesn't see me that way. No one see's me that way."

What is this? A dream of some sort?

"Girl, you are so blind." Maria walking away.

"Liz are you dreaming?"

This doesn't feel like anything I have dreamed before.

Too what?


Scene changing

Liz strapped down to a table. Large man with brown hair in a lab coat leaning over her. The look on his face was one of pure evil.

"I'll tell you what 252. Once I'm done with you will beg me to listen to everything that you know. You will do exactly what I say."

Watching Liz wince as the man sticks a needle in her arm.

"You will do exactly what I tell you to do." Shoving a rubber ball into her mouth. "Exactly when I tell you to do it."

Seeing the fear in her eyes.

"You are going to tell me exactly what I want to know."

Pulling down a machine that was above her. Hitting a switch that made a red beam of light go into her left eyes.

"Shall we began?"

"NO!" Taking a step forward.

Screen changes.

Liz and Michael at the Crashdown.

What the hell?

"Max told me what happened."

"Oh he did." Liz suddenly looking unsure.

"Yeah he did." Michael walking around the counter.

"I'm sorry Michael. I promise you will I will find it."

"You remember a few days ago. I saw you right here writing in it. I asked you what you were doing? Do you remember." Stopping in front of Liz.

Liz nodding her head.

"You said it was nothing, but it wasn't just nothing was it?"

"No." Coming out a whisper. "Michael what do you want?"

"See I had to find out if it really was nothing."

"You. You took my journal."

"I had to see if it was a threat. That you were putting us all in danger." Michael pulling out Liz's journal.

Michael had it?

Looking from Liz back to the scene playing out.

"Michael why didn't you just get rid of this? Everyone would know about you."

"No Liz." Michael taking Liz's hand. "They would know all about you."

"Michael." Liz looking away shyly. "Does Max know about this?"

"No. You know what? It would be really great if you didn't tell him."

"I won't."

You didn't.

"Thank you Liz for being my friend." Michael pulling Liz into a hug. "Thank you for giving me another reason to be jealous of Max."

Scene changes.

Total Darkness.

What the hell is this?

Taking a step backwards. Standing next to Liz again.

"Liz? Baby? What is all this?"

"Elizabeth?" Male voice coming out of the dark.

"I'm still awake." Liz's voice.

"I'm going to find a way to get you out of here." Male whispering.


"Alec." Liz whispering.

"Let me tell you my favorite poem."


"Do not let your fire go out. Spark by irreplaceable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the not quite. Of the not yet. Of the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish. In lonely frustration for the life you deserved but never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours."

"It's beautiful."

"I learned this poem when I was in high school. I don't know why, but I love it. It reminds me of you. Liz." Signing. "I have seen men fall and give in when lesser things have been done to them. For you to still be here now and in your right mind."


"It's amazing." Tone of voice hanging. "A 98 pound girl that kicks butt!"

"Alec!" Hearing the laughter in Liz's voice.


"Ow! Oh now you ask for it Elizabeth!"


Hearing Liz erupt in laughter.

Feeling jealously go through me.

Who the hell is this guy?

"Stop! Stop!" In between Laughing. "Alec stop!"


"Truce! Truce!"

Silence for a moment.

"I promise Elizabeth." Alec's voice suddenly sober.

"Don't risk yourself for me Alec. Enough people have died for me." Sadness her voice was unbearable.


Scene changing.

Liz lying bloody and naked on a table. Her hair matted down with wet and dried blood. The right side of her face swollen and bloody to the point you could make out any distinct features. Her right shoulder at a grossly wrong angles. The wrist obviously broken also. Lots of blood on her belly and thighs. Varies cuts, bruises and scars marked the rest of her body.

My god.

Resisting the urge to throw up.

"I told you I would do it didn't I?" Brown hair man standing over Liz's broken body.

A barely conscious Liz looking at him with one eyes.

Holding up pictures for Liz to see. Flipping through them.


Sickening feeling getting worst.

Feeling Liz tremble next to me.

"Liz?" Looking once more at her. "Liz baby?" Placing my hands on either side of her face. Situation myself in front of her so all she could see was me. "Liz. Liz look at me. Just look at me."

Don't watch this.

Watching her eyes slowly come to focus on me.


Confusion "Max?" Clearly not sure that it was really me.

"Yes baby it's me." Nodding my head.

Looking past me once more.

Following her line of sight.

Brown hair guy whispering in Liz's ear. "You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to let Burk do what ever he wants to you every night."

Feeling her tremble more.

"No. Liz." Turning her face to look at me once more. "Look at me. Just me."

Eyes looking once more at me.

"That's it just look at me."

Watching her search my face with her good eye.

God baby what have they done to you?

I need to find you now.

"Max?" Voice shaky.

Nodding my head. "Liz where are you?"

"I don't...." Shaking her head. Tears coming down.

"Do you know?"


"Think baby. Please think."

"I.... You....." Closing her eyes.

"Please baby. Tell me how to find you." Desperation setting in. "Just give me one small clue."


"Your not really real." Seeking to her knees.

Following "Liz?"

Opening her eyes. "Your not really here." Shaking her head.

I'm losing her.

"Liz. I'm here. Right now."

Crying harder. "Your dead. I killed you."

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:00 am
by Twilighteyes
[/sizeCHAPTER 8


Thunder crashes and shakes the windows. Rain beating against the roof and windows as it pours down.

Startling me from sleep.

Having came back from making her soup to find her sleeping. Falling asleep myself in the chair beside her waiting for her to wake.

Looking over from the chair I was sleeping on to the empty bed that Elizabeth was suppose to be on.

Wide awake now.

Damn it.

Jumping up. "Elizabeth." Quickly scanning the room.

Damn it.

Checking the bathroom.


I can't believe I didn't hear her get up.

Going out of the room. Scanning the living room.


Seeing the front door open.

"Damn it!"

Going out the door.

Rain immediately soaking my cloths.

Seeing Liz about 10 feet away. Soaking wet. My t-shirt that she was wearing clung to her body. Head tilted up towards the sky.

Last thing you need is to get sick.

Lightning flash followed by another crash of thunder.

"Elizabeth?" Going to her. "Elizabeth, you need to come back inside." Standing in front of her.

Eyes closed. Head still tilled up.

Come on..

"Elizabeth?" A little louder this time.

"You were there in the dark." Still not looking at me.

Lightning flashes and thunder follows.



"You were in the dark with me. A cell I think." Opening her eyes.

She remembers....


"It was so dark. Quiet. Something...... was missing....... in the dark." Sounding unsure.

Missing? What could be missing? Lights?

No she said quiet.

Does she me the monitors?

"Do you mean a beeping sound?"

"Beeping?" Watching her close her eyes a moment before wincing as if the thought actually hurt her before opening her eyes again.


"Yes. There was beeping. In the dark."

"That's right. It was the machines monitoring your vitals and brain activity."

"But not when you were there?" Clearly confused.

"No. The electricity got cut off. I was locked in with you."

Nodding her head.

"We should go back inside."

"No." Finally looking at me.

The pain in her eyes was unbearable.

Looking away from her.

What did I expect to see when she remembered?

Lowering my voice. "You shouldn't be out in this cold. Your still healing."

"Home. I need to go home."

Looking at her once more. "Elizabeth..."

Not this again.

How do I explain there is nothing there for her?

Not to mention it's not safe.

Looking away from me once more. Whispering. "I know their dead Alec."

Lightning and thunder once more.


Looking at me. "I still need to go home. I can't explain it." Closing her eyes. Reaching out her good hand as if to grab something. "It's there. A feeling. So close I can almost grab it." Opening her eyes. "Just a feeling that something is missing. Important. Something I should know but don't. I need to know." Shaking her head. "Have to know. I don't know how to explain it to make you understand." Closing her eyes. Whispering. "One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Jumbled up. Confusing. I just need to go." Opening her eyes and looking at me once more. "After that I will go with you where ever you want me too. Please."


How do I make you understand?

"It's just not safe."

"Please." Pleading with her eyes for me to understand.

Damn it.

"No one can know your still alive. If the wrong person saw you."

Confusion flashing across her eyes. "I'll.... " Hesitating. "I'll be careful." Biting her lip. "You will be there. I just need to see my room one last time. One more time to see it was real. That a life was real."

Staring at each other.

"It exist. It is real. It is possible. It is yours....." Clearing hearing the desperation and sadness in her voice quoting my favorite poem. "Please....."

Watching the rain wash over her face.

Are there tears too?

How am I suppose to say no?

Because it's reckless and can get us both killed.

What the hell.

"Ok." Nodding my head.

Maybe you just need to say goodbye.

She needs to know there was something besides the cell.

Everyone needs closer.

What the hell did I just agree too?



"I don't know." Pacing back and forth.

"Max, you need to calm down and tell me what happened."

Sitting down in a chair. "I don't know. I was trying to reach out to Liz. Just concentrating on our connection. The next thing I know she is standing in front of me."

"So you can see her again?" Michael sitting down across from me. "That's great."

"No. I could actually touch her."

"Touch her. As in feel her? Where you here?" Seeing the uncertainty clearly as he looked around the room.

"No." Shaking my head.

"Where were you?"

"I don't know. It wasn't a place exactly."

"But you could actually touch her?"


"Feel her?"

"Her very breath. Her heart beat. Her trembling."

"Like in your dream?"

"It was different."

"I don't follow."

"That's just it. I don't know." Standing once more. "She was hurt Michael. Hurt bad. He was hurting her."


"I don't know who he was. But he did all these things to her."

"Max. Are you sure you didn't fall asleep?"

"No. It wasn't like that. It was....."


Liz's memories?

She was confused.

So confused.

And scared.

So scared of that man.


"It was her memories. I think."

"Memories?" Hearing the uncertainty in Michael's voice.

How do I know it for sure?


Looking at him. "Michael did you take Liz's journal?"

"What?" Clearly shocked by my question.

"Did you take Liz's journal?"

"Liz told you? You never said anything about it before. I always thought she kept it a secret."

"No. I saw it. You showed up at the cafe after close. You gave it back to her and asked her not to tell me You hugged her."

"Yes." Standing up.

Nodding my head. "She only told me that a good friend gave it back to her. She never said it was you. You started being nice to her after that."

"How could I not? Liz wasn't the least bit scared or disgusted by us. She loved you and cared for us very much. I knew she would do anything to protect us." Looking away from me. Clearing his throat. "So um that is what you saw?"


"Liz in a flash that you used to get from each other."

"No it was different. It was like we were both watching it."

Closing my eyes.

"Liz and Maria in talking in the cafe. Liz talking to some guy in the dark who promise to get her out of there. Her hurt on a table."

Picturing Liz's bruised, bloodied and battered face.

Oh god.

"I think it was things that Liz remembered."

"Like where she is?"

"Moments of her life." More to myself then Michael.

I can't believe they hurt her like that.

"Max? Think. She had to give you something."

"No." Shaking my head. "Her face Michael. What they did to her."

Liz's bruised and bloody face so clearly in my mind.

"Focus Max. She had to give you something. Something to tell you were she was."

"Scared. I could feel her trembling. Confused. Like she didn't know who I was at first. She said. I couldn't be there. She said I was dead. She thinks she killed me."

"That doesn't make sense."

When has anything made sense?

"That's it. She was gone."

"But you can still feel her?"

"Yes, but it's like it's at a far distance. The connection is different. Something has changed."

"What?" Michael lowering his voice.

"The feeling is different."

"Max, I never claimed to understand and know the connection that you and Liz shared. I understand it goes greater than the one that I share with Maria or you, me and Isabel share. It might have something to do with you healing Liz or everything you two have been through together. Sometimes I can't decide if it's a blessing of a curse. Either way I believe that any kind of feeling you have is a sign. A sign that Liz is still out there some where. Some how or some way we will find her. I promise you."

Nodding my head.

What exactly are we going to find?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:48 pm
by Twilighteyes


"Come on Max. You need to come. One last camping trip before we start going away to college, Man." Kyle looking at me with the look that said I'm being difficult again.

"I'm not going to collage."

Why won't they just let this go?

"It will be good to get away for a while. Clear our heads and get a new perspective on things." Michael sitting down on the chair across from me.

"We all need this." Maria sitting on Michaels lap.

"I just don't feel like it right now."

"I hear Colorado Springs is beautiful." Isabel crossing her arms.

Just let it go.

"I think it will be fun." Tess putting in her two cents.

Alec coming into the room. "Did I mention that I just found out that the government owns most of the surrounding woods? High fences. Security gate. Saying that they are using it to test products. Funny thing is, there has never been any records of any test results. Plus the fact that they even own the property is buried under piles of paper work of sub companies owned by other sub companies.''


Is that where they are keeping Liz?

"Interesting. Don't you think?" Michael giving me a cocky grin.

Why didn't they just tell me this to begin with?

"You don't think it was going to be all fun and games do you?" Michael giving me a knowing look.

"What are we waiting for?" Getting up.

"Just need to pack." Maria standing also.

"Meet back here in 30 minutes."



Watching Alec move around the room. Putting clothes and bathroom toiletries into a duffle bag. Leaving the room to just come back a moment later with some cloths.

"Here. Put these on. They're clean." Putting them on the bed next to me. "Sorry, it's all I have that is even close to fitting you at the moment."

Using my good hand to shift through the cloths. I see a pair of white socks. A big gray t-shirt that is obviously Alec's and a pair of green scrubs pants.

Blinding white room.

Seeing myself sitting naked on a cold metal table. Doing my best to cover my self.

Whole body aching.

Man walking into the room. Throwing green scrubs at me. "Put them on."

"Elizabeth?" Alec kneeling in front of me. Look of concern on his face. "Are you with me?"

Pushing the feeling of panic away.

"Elizabeth?" Worry in his eyes.


Looking past him.

Green walls. Soft carpet. Bathroom door way. Windows.

I'm in the room that I woke up in.

Safe here.

Looking at Alec once more.

Safe with Alec.

Nodding my head.

I'm here with Alec.

"What is it?"

Shaking my head.

"It was something. Your trembling."

Wrapping my good arm around me. Shaking my head no once more.

Softer. "You remembered something?"


Shaking my head.



Nodding my head.

"Want to tell me about it?"

Shaking my head no again.

"Are you sure. Talking about it might help."

Nodding once more.

Clearly uncertain. "I'll pick up some real cloths as soon as I can and a pair of shoes. Maybe there might be something at your house."

Nodding my head once more.

Real cloths that fit.

"You have to try this on." Maria coming up to me with a form fitting red halter dress.

"No way Maria."

"Come on. Just try this on. Max will love you in it." Holding the dress up to me.

"I really don't think it's me."

"Do you need help?" Once more back in the room with Alec.

Looking up at him. Alec staring at me with concern. "Elizabeth?"

"What?" Coming out a small whisper.

"Do you need help getting dress?"



Getting dress.


Shaking my head no.

"OK." Still looking uncertain. "I'll give you some private. I'll just be in the other room. Call if you need me."

Staring at him.

"Ok." Leaving the room. Pulling the door most of the way shut behind him.

What is happening to me?



Glancing over to see her still staring out the window up at the sky. The dark passing scenery not letting her see much.

Hell I can barely make out her face with the little light from the dash.

Not that her eyes can still take much light yet.

How weird it must be to see the world again after being locked up for so long.

Even if it is only the stars at night.

How much does she really remember?

She obviously remembered something else before we left.

Look of fear on her face as she sat there almost in a trance. Starting to shake.

Hell, it took me a few minutes to get her to snap out of it. Calling her name over and over again until she was actual was focused on me again.

It was hard not to touch her.

Wanting so much to push the hair out of her face.

It's hard to remember that Elizabeth doesn't like to be touch.

Not that I blame her.

Not being able to erase the look of fear on her face when she first woke up. How she flinch away from his touch. How she still does.

Elizabeth was so beautiful.

With time her face should heal. Her eye should clear. Bruise will fade.

As far as what she will be able to see out of it is another story and her cheek bone will need surgery to correct it properly. All the broken bones will all probably need surgery to correct properly.

I'm sure I will be able to find a surgeon to do it. Even if its not in this country.

That will all take time though...

Hell, I'll just settle for her to smile a genuine smile.

To be happy.

Hardly showing any kind of emotion since we left a little over four hours ago.

Not speaking at all.

Only being able to draw out the occasional nod or shake of her head.

It's almost like she is retreating into herself once more.

Am I losing her?

Maybe seeing her house and her room will knock her out of what ever state that she is sinking in.

Duluca. Amy Deluca took over the crashdown and her apartment above.

As far as the records show she still owned her own house. Hopefully that meant that Elizabeth apartment is vacant. As far as what is left in it. That might be another story.

The file did say that Amy has continued her search for Elizabeth.

Maybe she kept the apartment intact.

That would at least help her remember.

Remember a time when pain and torture wasn't a factor in the day to day.

What did she remember?

Is she going to be able to handle what happened to her?

Did I make the right choice?

Am I just prolonging the torture?


Elizabeth is strong. She will over come this.

She has too.

What am I going to do with you?

Taking another quick glance at her before focusing on the road once more.

Take you to your house. Let you spend a little time there and then what?

You can't stay in Roswell. No, there are too many undercover agents there.

Take you to my cabin?

For how long?

Can I even leave you alone? Would you be all right?

I have never been this unprepared in my life.

This reckless.

I have always had a plan. A mission.

What have you done to me?

Taking another quick look at her.

Still just staring out the window.

How can one little girl change my life so drastically?

Compromising everything about myself.

My safety. My future. My career.

What the hell am I thinking?

I'm thinking there is something wrong with torturing a beautiful innocent girl. That is what I am thinking.

Bad guys. Corrupt men. Pure evil. Men with power. Men period.

Not a girl that has done nothing to deserve this.


I did the right thing.

Glancing at my watch.

4:20 in the morning.

I have less then 85 hours left to report back.

What the hell?

By this time. There should be nothing left of the building. Just a shell if the cleaners did their job right. Which they always did.

Why the hell would he want me to go back there for?

Do they know what I have done?

That I didn't kill Elizabeth.

No, I would be dead. We both would be.

Maybe they are wanting to see what I will do?

Where I would go.

Maybe this is just another one of their sick experiments.

It's odd. Giving me the 96 hours in the first place. Usually I just have to report back right away.

Then again I have never said that I couldn't come before.

Is it just me or am I just being paranoid?

What ever. It's kept me alive this far.

GAS STATION 45 miles.

Checking the gages.

Little more than a half of tank.

Thank god I filled up at the last station.

We should stop and get some snack. Coffee. Coffee would be good.

"Are you hungry?"

Only getting Elizabeth to eat a couple sips of soup before she refused to eat anymore. That was over four hours ago.

Not wanting to force the issue at the time.

She has been told what to do enough in her life.

I'll try some jello this time.


Slowly turning her head to look at me.


Shaking her head no.

Sighing. She is definitely not making this easy.

"How about something to drink? It will help with your throat."

Nodding her head yes this time before turning to look out the window once more.

Ok then.

Silence is killing me.

Turning on the radio.

You don't remember me but I remember you.
I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you.
But who can decide what they dream?
And dream I do....

Who sings this song?

Evanescence. Yeah that's it.

I believe in you.
I'll give up everything just to find you.
I have to be with you, to live, to breathe…
You're taking over me.

Girl sure does have a voice.

Such a girl song though.

I live save me better.

Have you forgotten all I know
and all we had?
You saw me mourning my love for you
and touched my hand.
I knew you loved me then.

Reaching up to turn the dial.

"Max." Shaking her head.


Looking over to Elizabeth. "What?"

I believe in you.
I'll give up everything just to find you.
I have to be with you, to live, to breathe…
You're taking over me.”

Turning off the radio.

"Max." Touching the window.

"Who is Max?"

"Stop." Coming out a whispered.

"What? Elizabeth, we are still in the middle of no where. Did you remember something?"

"Rock. Hand. Light." Hurried whispered.

That doesn't make any sense.

"Stop." Reaching for the car door handle.

Grabbing her hand. "NO!"

Immediately feel her start to struggle with me. "No." Hearing the fear in her voice.

Hong honking. Blinding white light stinging my eyes.

Letting go immediately.

Wrestling with the wheel. Slamming my foot on the break. Headlights of a jeep swerving past. Feeling myself start to jerk forward. Reach my arm out in front of Elizabeth as the SUV coming to a abrupt stop on the side of the road.

Where the hell did they come from?

I could have swore the road was empty a moment again.

"Elizabeth? Are you alright?" Looking over to find her curled up in the seat. Covering her face with her good hand. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Damn it.

Literally feel the fear coming off of her. Her shaking. Whimper slightly.

Lowering my voice. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to grab you like that. I just didn't want you to open the door and fall out."

Hearing her labored breathing.

"Elizabeth?" Keeping my voice soft.

Damn it!

"Elizabeth? I'm sorry. I promise that I won't hurt you. I will never let anyone hurt you again. I promise. Your safe I promise. Your alright. I promise you, you are going to be alright."

What am I suppose to do?

I'm in over my head here.


No response.

"Elizabeth look at me. Please...."

From the glow of the dash I slowing watching her raise her head up. Hand and hair covering most of her face. Eyes shut.

"That's it. You ok?"

Nodding her head slowly. "My eyes." Coming out a hoarse whispered.

Headlights were too bright.

Damn it.

"It will stop in a minute. Just keep your eyes shut for a few minute."


"Good. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to grab you like that. I just didn't want you to fall out."

Nodding her head once more.


"Max. Hand. Light. Rocks." Taking her hand off her face. Turing once more towards the window.

"What Elizabeth. That doesn't make any sense."

"Here." Putting her hand on the window.

"There is nothing here. We are in the middle of the desert. Your just confused."

Using her good hand she once more reaches for the door knob.


"Please." Desperation in her voice.

"OK." Undoing mine and her seat belt. "Wait, I'll get the door for you."

Getting out of the SUV.

"Hey are you OK?"

Looking up to see two guys coming towards me.


Note: Song by Evanescence, “Taking Over Me” I don't own it.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:24 am
by Twilighteyes
At least I made the part long.... Its taken on a life of it's own. I had to post in two parts.



"Max. You want to tell me what we are doing?" Michael following close behind me.

"I don't know. It's just a feeling."

Liz. It feels somehow like Liz.

Some how some way.

"A feeling? Max..." Clearly hearing the doubt in his voice. "Isn't it bad enough that the guy almost ran us off the road?"

"I can't explain it."

The driver door of the black SUV open. Watching a tall, well built short hair blond guy get out. The very dim car light showing him was wearing jeans, white t-shirt and a jean jacket.

"You could have stayed in the jeep."

Like Michael would have let that happen.

The unspoken rules, no one is ever left alone.

"Do you need help?" Hearing the words come out before I even thought to say them.

As he looked up at us his startled look change immediately turned to an unreadable expression. Raising and lowering his left hand twice as he look at us up and down.

He's taking inventory.

"No. I'm good thanks." Standing stiff. Legs apart. Shoulders back. On guard.


"Are you sure?" Michael stepping up beside me.

Knowing Michael picked up on the same signs.

"No. I'm good." Glancing in the SUVs. Nodding his head before shutting the door.

Full moon allowing them to see clearly.

His voice.

Looking at him closely.

I know him?

"OK then." Feeling Michael's hand on my shoulder. "Max."

Yes... But where?

Question look on his face. "Max?" The blond taking a step toward us before stopping. Hand going behind his back.


"Who the hell are you?" The blonds whole body change to defense.

Feeling Michael tense next to me.

His voice.

He was with Liz in the dark.


Could it really be?

Pulling out a gun and aiming at us. "Who the hell are you? How do you know my name?"

"You were with Liz in the dark?"

"What?" Michael shifting next to me. Shock clearly registering in his voice.

"What? How did you..." Seeing the uncertainty on his face harden once more. "Who the hell are you? Who sent you?"

It's him.

"Do you know where Liz Parker is?" Michael taking a step forward.

"Stop where you are." Alec pointing the gun at Michael.

Michael stopping and raising his hands.

"Michael." Sending him a warning.

We don't need him to become trigger happy.

"We just want to know where Liz is." Keeping my attention on Alec.

Lights from his jeep headlights flood the scene.

"Damn it." Alec holding his hand up to block the glare, shifting the gun between me and Michael. Taking a step back.

"Max? Michael?" Maria calling.

"Maria stay with the car." Michael yelling's. Not taking his eyes off Alec.

"I don't know who you are talking about." Unable to read his expression once more. Nevertheless becoming less patient. "Turn off the damn lights."

"Deluca. They said to stay in the car." Hearing Kyle's voice yell followed by foot steps.

"Maria!" Hearing the growl in Michael's voice still not turning around.

"Damn." Alec shaking his head.

Raising my hand up. Concentrating, sending a burst of energy to switch off the headlights.

"Max?" Michael growls.

Alec waving the gun. "Maria Deluca. Amy Deluca yours mother. Has legal custody of Elizabeth Parker after parents death." Stating it as if he was reading it off a piece of paper. "I'm assuming your Maxwell Evans." Looking at me. Tilting his head

"Yes." Taking a step forward. "How do you know that?"

"Read it in a file."

File? What?

"You know where Liz is?" Maria taking another step forward just to have Michael stop her.

"Yes." Alec relaxing slightly.

"Where the hell is she?" Michael shifting Maria behind him.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" Kyle behind me.

"You first have to tell me how you knew we where here?" Standing firm.


"We didn't." Michael answering.

"I find it hard to believe that you just knew we where here. In the middle of no place." Alec holding up his hands. "That you just happen to stopped here of all places."


"Your the one that swerved into our lane." Michael taking a step forward and stopped once more.


Could she be....

Started making my way to the passenger side of the SUV.

"Hey." Alec moving to situate himself in front of me. "You need to tell me what is going on here."

"We are looking for Liz Parker." Maria coming up once more beside me. "Do you know where she is?"

"You first need to tell me what the hell you are doing here. How you know who I am?" Alec raising his gun once more.

How do I make him understand?

"Look, I don't know how to explain it so that you would understand."

"Try me." Tilting his head.

"I just did."

"Your going to have to do a little better then that." Holding the gun a little tighter.

"Max." Michael shifting next to me. Telling me that he was ready to blast the gun or even Alec away.

No, Liz trusted him and if he knows where she is. Blasting him is not the way to go.

What am I suppose to tell him?

Hey, I'm an alein. I healed Liz and now we share a bond. I love her more than my own life and will do anything for her.

'I promise you Elizabeth. I am going to get you out of here.' Alec voice in my head.

"Look Alec, do you know why they took Liz in the first place?"

"The people I work for don't exactly need reasons."

Tell me about it.

"Me and Liz share a bond." Switching tactics

"A bond." Looking as if he wanted to laugh.

"We can feel each other sometimes."

"Max." Michael warning.

"Feel each other?" Seeing the scepted in his eyes.

"Yes." Taking a step forward.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you buddy." Aiming the gun right at my chest.

Holding my hands out to my side. "I can feel when she is hurt, scared, happy, sad. Its a connection we share."

"And you just happen to feel it now?"


Staring at me a moment. Searching my face as if the answerers were there somewhere. "You know when Liz is in trouble?"


"When she is in trouble?" Alec repeating the question.


Alec studying me closely as if the answerers he thought lied somewhere in my face.

Did he know? Could he feel Liz?

The question leaving an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Running his hand through his hair. "Yeah..." Letting out a sigh.

"Liz is really special. I need to find her, she's not doing to good at the moment."

Lowering the gun. "No she's not."

My heart beating faster. "Where is she?"

"You need to know a few things first before I take you too her."

"Anything." Taking a step forward.

Wanting nothing more to push Alec aside and open the door to check the SUV.

That's not going to win his trust.

Feeling that having Alec's trust was very important at the moment.

"No one can know she is still alive."

Be right back....