In Over My Head (A/I, CC) MATURE 7/22/07 Ch.7 AN 9/8/08(WIP)

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In Over My Head (A/I, CC) MATURE 7/22/07 Ch.7 AN 9/8/08(WIP)

Post by vegas312 »

Author: vegas312

Title: In Over My Head

Rating: MATURE for language

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, so yeah please don't sue me as all I own are a stack of books and a tempermental laptop.

Coupling: A/I, ALL CC

Summary: This is actually based on a challenge by Lillie:
I hope you guys don't mind if I post a challenge on here. I was watching TV the other night and there was this movie called Mystery Date on, and I thought that it would be so interesting if the premise had Alex and Isabel in it.

Alex is kinda nerdy, and with the help of his older brother and sister, they get him a date with Isabel Evans. Alex is determined to make this the best date that Isabel will ever have. He goes out and gets a makeover and plans to dazzle her. Well, nothing goes right on the date. Some people mistake him for his older brother, who is not always on the right side of the law.

This is really just supposed to be a funny story. With pretty much Alex and Isabel being the only couple
AN: I've never seen the movie that she's basing the challenge on, so this is going to be all me. :lol Also the title for this fic comes from The Fray's song by the same name. We'll find out a bit more about Alex and his siblings and friends in the next part.

This is my first AU (I like to hide in CC lol), so be gentle with me. I don't know how many chapters this will be, but I do know it'll be short since I got a few other stories to update.

Banner by: Ilyme4Ever

Chapter One "Answering Machines Are A Pain..."


An answering machine came on as the occupant of the apartment was currently sprawled across the dark blue couch with headphones on as he kept his eyes closed and listened to the music.

"Hi, this is Alexander Whitman. Unfortunately for you I'm not here right now, but if you're lucky then just maybe I'll call you back. If this is about a gig then I will definitely call you back, but if this is my family then I got to say that you must respect that restraining order I took out on all of you." There was a pause then a quick chuckle by the deep, masculine voice before he resume speaking again. "Just kidding mom. Anyway here's the beep so do your thing."


"Alex, pick up the phone now. This is your big sister, you know me...Emily. I know you're home so pick up the phone! I know what Charlie did was wrong and I mean really who would have thought that the big dummy would sleep with your girlfriend. That slut! I can't believe she thought that you would fall for that whole he's your twin so she thought Charlie was you. He's your fraternal twin, not your identical twin. I tell you if I ever see that redhead bimbo, it will be too soon." She paused for a second and a thump could be heard in the background as if someone had hit a hard surface. "I hope you're not over there moping because she's so not worth. And I say that we disown Charlie...from now on he's dead to the both of us. Yup, no wait he owes me money. After he pays me back then he's dead to the both of us."

As Emily started to really get into her rant about the money Charlie owed her, a click was heard on the machine to signal another phone being picked up.

"Emily? Are you on the phone dear?"

"Mom! I'm on the phone talking to Alex..." Emily was interrupted by Mrs. Whitman's excited voice.

"Alex? Sweetie, it's me mom. You know the woman who went through seventeen hours of labor to deliever you."

"Mom?! No one wants to hear that! I mean really some things you should keep to yourself." Emily wailed.

"What? It's true. You just wait until you have to go through the pain that is labor and until you do I don't want to hear you complain about it. And why isn't Alex speaking? Alex? What are you doing?"

"He's not picking up the phone. We're talking to his machine. Alex, this is Em. Ignore Mom and her labor talk. Now this is what we're going to do. I'm going to drive up to Berkley and we're going to go by the bimbo's house and egg it. I've already got the eggs and the toilet paper in the car. I just need to get..."

"Emily Charlene Whitman! You and your brother are not going to go toilet paper someone's house. I taught the two of you better than that. Do you hear me Alexander Charles Whitman?" Mrs. Whitman bellowed into the phone.

"Did you have to call me by my whole name? I mean really mother. Besides if we don't egg the bimbo's house then that means we're going to do it to Charlie's. You know what maybe we should do them both." Rustling could be heard as Emily started counting over the phone.

"Em? What are you doing?"

"Counting my supplies of toothpaste. I think toothpaste will be a good way to help stick the toilet paper."


"What was that? And Emily stop counting the toothpaste!"

"That was Alex's machine. It means the message is coming to an end. Alex, call me whenever you're ready to go do our mission. Hey, we should totally wear all black and camoflouge."

"Alex, ignore your sister. I think your father dropped her too many times as a child. Call me when you get a chance. Love you." She made a kissing noise before hanging up.

"Oh thank God, she got off the phone. Seriously don't let Charlie and The Bimbo get you down. Love you little brother."


"end of message."

The phone rang again until the machine clicked on and repeated it's message to let the caller know to do his/her thing.


"Hello? Son, it's me Dad. Nice joke by the way with the restraining order. I think I'm going to use that one on my phone as well. Hope you don't mind. Now why did I call again?" A brief silence before he started speaking again. "Oh yeah, I heard from your sister about what Charlie did. I'm sorry son. Now look Em told me about her plan or as she's now calling it, 'Take down the Bimbo Factory,' and I got to say that I don't approve of it."

Again silence greeted the machine. "Alright that last line was just in case your mother was listening on the phone again. While I don't approve of your egging Lauren aka the bimbo's house, I will help you egg Charlie's house because he should have known better. I think I got a couple of waterguns around here somewhere. Call when you get a chance. Take care okay? Love you."


*end of message*

For the third time in not even ten minutes the phone started ringing again until the machine came back on.


"Alex, pick up the phone! We know that you're there. If you don't pick up the phone right now mister..."

Another voice could be heard in the background, "Yeah, he's really going to pick up the phone with you threatening him and all." Brief pause. "Now Maria there's no reason to get all violet. Oww! Damnit that hurts. Michael, you need to talk to your woman about taking some kind of class about her temper."

"Kyle, don't make me hurt you again. Tess, would you please do something about your boyfriend?" A pause again. "Thanks Tess. Oh please Kyle, that pillow didn't hurt so act like a man already."

"Michael, how do you put up with her? Do something man."

"You're on your own man."

"Maria, you're supposed to be talking to Alex not crushing Kyle's ego." A girl's voice could be heard.


"Thanks Liz. I almost forgot why I was on the phone." Laughter could be heard in the background.

"Max, you're not helping by laughing!" Liz scolded.

"Okay I'm ignoring all three of you guys. Now Alex, don't let what your idiot brother and your nutty ex-girlfriend do hurt your feelings. You can't sit around being depress because then it will take that much longer to get over her and the hurt. You should come out and join us at the club tonight before it gets too crowded. Of course, I'll be singing for a bit and hey we could do a duet too."

"Maria!" Five voices yelled.

"What? Alex loves singing with me so all of you just hush. Anyway hit me on the cell when you get to the club okay? And you better be there otherwise I'll come and get you and you don't want that. Alright I'm getting to hang up, so everyone say goodbye to Alex."



*end of message*

Dark blue eyes opened and stared at the ceiling as the music continued to pound in his ears. Turning over on his right side, he pushed the dark bangs that hung in his eyes out of his way as he leaned over to stare at his watch. He squinted as he tried to read the watch in the darken room, but still couldn't see anything. He reached over to grab the watch and miscalculated the distance as he felt the air under him too late to save himself as he fell off the couch.

"Ouch! Damn it!" Alex swore some more as he rubbed his head and glared up at the offending watch on the coffee table. Tentatively sitting up, he swore again as he felt the beginnings of a headache. Looking at the watch, his eyes widened as he took in the time and realized that he was going to be late meeting with the others. "Then again I didn't really promise to go and I'm sure they wouldn't mind me sitting at home instead."

Pulling the earplugs out of his ear, "Boston by Augustana" spilled out before he hit stop on his ipod that luckily hadn't broken in the fall. "Yeah, there's no way that they expect me to hang out tonight after everything that happened. Still there was the time that I had my wisdom tooth taken out and decided to stay home only for all of them to show up here loud and disorderely." He sighed before standing up and groan again at the pain in his head. He placed the i-pod on the coffee table, before shuffling over to the other side of the living room where the phone and answering machine sat on a hall table. A red light blinked rapidly on the answering machine as he stood there with rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Should I or shouldn't I? That is the question. Well my question anyway."

Alex closed his eyes and blindly hit the play button before he lost his courage. "You have three new messages." The mechnical voice of the answering machine stated loudly. The first message started playing and Alex opened his eyes to stare in amusement and disbelief as he listened to his sister and mother argue on the phone. He winced at the part where his mother mentioned the seventeen hours labor. "Why does she always bring that up?" He laughed as Emily's voiced boomed the very same question. A second later the message ended and the second message began.

"Only Em would be able to recruit Dad in her plans of revenge. I should probably call those two before they actually drive all the way down here from Seattle only to get arrested." Knowing his older sister and his dad, he made a mental note to call them early tomorrow before they got on the road. The message ended and the third message began.

He didn't say anything as he listened to all six of his friends encourage him to come hang out at the club tonight. The message soon came to an end and the machine clicked off leaving Alex in silence as he continued to stare at the machine.

"What to do? What to do? I probably should go down there, but I really don't want to hear about Lauren and Charlie. I mean what am I supposed to say? I didn't really love her and it didn't hurt me that she cheated on me, but the fact that she cheated on me with my brother, my twin brother, is something that I don't think I can forgive for a long time." He ran his hand through his hair musing it up as he tried to deal with the unfamiliar feelings of betrayal, hurt, and pain that were overwhelming him. Not sure what to do, but not wanting to sit in his empty apartment alone to think about it over and over again didn't really appeal to him.

He reached up and grabbed his jacket before getting his keys out of the bowl next to the phone. He patted his pockets for his cell phone and sighed with relief that it was there. Shrugging into his blue jacket, he walked down the hall and headed towards the front door. Opening the door he stepped out and pulled it shut behind him. With a quick turn of his key, he locked the door and made his way over the elevator. Hitting the down button he waited patiently for the elevator to arrive and stepped in when it came. The door closed with a thud and started heading down as he leaned against the wall and wondered helplessly what he had gotten himself into now.

Last edited by vegas312 on Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:16 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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chapter two

Post by vegas312 »

Title: In Over My Head

Author: vegas312

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell so please don't sue me as all I own is my laptop and a stack of books.

Rating: Mature

Coupling: A/I, CC

Summary: See previous chapter for more details. ;)

AN: Oh wow! I really didn't expect that much feedback, but you guys totally blew my expectations out of this world. Thanks so much! *hugs* And it seems that everyone is in an agreement to not like Charlie. lol I have my work cut out for me that's for sure. ;) Hope you guys enjoy this part and any errors are mine, but I got to plead sleepiness as a reason since it's now 5am. hee hee Anyway enjoy and oh yeah the cat situation I know a cat like that. lol Sorry if the chapter seems so short, but I'm hoping to update at least once a week.

cassie ~Thanks so much. Yeah you got to love Emily and Mr. Whitman. We'll be seeing Isabel in this chapter.

kerri ~ *smooches* I'm so excited that you're reading my little story. Thanks for the feedback.

Trude ~ LOL Yeah Emily and Maria should get along great. Can you imagine the two of them working together? muwhaa

snooze824 ~ Thanks so much for the feedback and it means a lot. Hope you enjoy this part.

Laure ~ Hey you. :D Glad to see you over here. I'm glad you like the characters. I'm having a ball writing them.

chanks-girl ~ LOL Yeah Mr. Whitman is Emily's partner in crime. :lol:

bluebballjumper ~ Welcome to the darkside! ;) Just kidding! lol I love converting people to the gazer goodness. hee hee Thanks for the feedback.

Rodney ~ My fellow lamptrimmer, you know I got to have Kyle/Tess in here somewhere. lol I don't think I have one story where they're not a couple. ;) As for Mrs. Whitman, well someone has to be the rational one in that family. :lol:

Kara ~ Good to see you. :D Thanks so much for the feedback.

LovinGuerin2Much ~ Glad you're liking the story so far. Here's hope I don't disappoint. Thanks for reading. :D

Mary/Ilyme4Ever ~ Yeah babe I know you're lurking (lol), but thanks for telling me what you think. ;) I wouldn't post anything if you weren't pushing me to write so thanks sweetie.

Chapter Two: "Trouble Comes In Pairs...."

As the elevator came to a screeching halt, Alex placed his hands on the wall to keep from falling. "I knew there was a reason as to why I hate elevators. Riding in a little box in a dark hole just suspended by a rope is not the best mode of travel. Then again maybe I shouldn't have thought of that. That's all I need to top the night off is having a panic attack." Before he could move the elevator door open to reveal an older woman with short white hair standing in front of him carrying what seemed to be ball of fur, but was actually a cat. The woman seeing Alex beamed before stepping in and reaching over to press the lobby button.

'Oh no, not Ms. Patterson and her cat. Why couldn't she have caught the earlier elevator or the one after this? God, if you're up there then you have one odd sense of humor.' Alex groaned as the door closed and the elevator started. 'I can do this. It's just two floors left and then I can escape before she does serious damage to me.'

Alex was brought out of his thoughts by a warm hand gripping his hand. Startled he stuttered, "Um, hi Ms. Patterson. How are you?"

"I was wondering when you were going to say hi to me. And aren't you going to say hello to little Coco here?" She leaned down and kissed the white cat in her arms. Letting go of Alex's hand she bent down and set Coco on her feet before standing back up. Alex having gotten his hand back hurriedly stuck both his hands in his pockets hoping that it would keep her from grabbing hold of him again.

"Now where were we?" She placed her hands on her hips as she tapped her high heels as she stared at him with only could be deescribed as a look a predator has when it corners its prey. Moving quickly she stood as close as to him as she could with the only barrier between them being their clothes. "I haven't seen you around the building lately my dear. I really do wish you would take me up on my offer to come visit me and Coco one night. I promise you that we'll all have a great time."

He cringed as he felt her breathe on his ear and slowly tried to move out of her way only for her hands to appear on the wall around him thus trapping him in her embrace. 'She wants me to come visit her for one night? She's old enough to be my grandmother for crying out loud. I don't want to be the college freshman to her Ms. Robinson because it's not going to happen. Still I can't hurt her feelings.' Swallowing nervously he tried to think of several ways to reject her idea, but couldn't think of one except continue praying that something would happen to help distract her from him. "Um, Ms. Patterson, I really don't think that would be a great idea. You see I have a a What I mean to say is that..."

As he tried to think of something else to say he heard the elevator ding before it came to another screeching halt. Taking advantage of the distraction, Alex moved quickly out of her embrace only to trip over Coco. Coco let out what could only be considered a screech before settling down to the business of biting Alex's pants and ankles.

"Damn it." He hissed as he felt the cat's sink her teeth in his ankles again. He tried to roll over only for Coco to start barking loudly and trying to hop on his chest. 'Is this cat barking at me? What the hell? Does it think it's a dog or something?'

Before he could curse some more at the events that had led him to be sprawled across the floor of the elevator with a sixty year trying to cope a feel and a cat he was pretty sure was the Devil's right hand man biting his ankles, the elevator's door open only for him to hear the one person in the world he didn't want to embarass himself in front of.

"I didn't know that the building was now putting on shows for us." An amused voice interjected.

Alex groaned before moving away from Coco and muttering at the cat, "You manhater. It's not my fault that your owner gave you a girl's name and you're a guy. You should have been named Demon instead. And in case you don't know it, but you're a cat not a dog."

Laughter reached his ear and he groaned again as he felt himself turned red. "This is just great. Just great." Standing up he turned to find a tall blonde woman wearing a black cocktail dress with black heeled sandals leaning against the elevator's door and softly laughing. It was her. Isabel Evans. The girl who had sat in front of him in Political Science 101 freshmen year two years ago and who happened to be one of his best friends' sister. The girl he had fell in love with from the moment he had saw her, but had also known that he wasn't the type of guy to hold her attention. Not sure what to say he nervously tapped his fingers on the wall in a beat before he realized what he was doing and quickly shoved his hands in his pockets.

Gathering up the courage to finally look at her gaze he was met by warm brown eyes. "So should I catch the next elevator or what? I don't want to interrupt anything." She asked innocently while trying to keep a smile off her face.

"Yes!" Ms. Patterson glared at the young woman leaning casually against the elevator.

"No!" Alex shouted not wanting to spend to another moment with Ms. Patterson and the cat he was now privately calling Lucifer. Seeing the eyebrow that Isabel raised at him yelling, he cleared his throat. "What I mean to say is that you're not interrupting anything and that the lobby is the next floor so you should um ride down with us instead of waiting for the next elevator."

"Alright, I'll take my chances with you and catch a ride down." Isabel stepped in the elevator and hit the lobby button. Moving to stand next to Alex, she gave Ms. Patterson an angelic smile as the elevator's door closed. Again the elevator started its ride again as the three occupants and one cat wanna be dog stood silently as they all stared at the door.

Finally after what seemed like eternity, the elevator reached its destination and with a thump came to a halt. A second later the elevator's door opened into the lobby. Ms. Patterson smiled at Alex and smiled seductively, "Until next time Alex." Glaring at Isabel she gathered Coco in her arms and left the elevator with a huff.

"You know if that woman had death ray eyes I think I would be dead on the floor." Isabel's voice was filled with disbelief. "Are you sure I didn't interrupted anything? Maybe a strip tease gone bad?"

Alex, who had started walking out of the elevator tripped as he heard Isabel's last question. "What? Strip? No, no, no there's no stripping going on here." He felt his face go red with a blush and silently cursed his inability to keep his feelings off his face.

"I'm just teasing you. So where are you headed? Are you going to Justice?" She walked out of the elevator and stopped in front of Alex. "Max mentioned that the others were going tonight and wasn't sure if you were coming or not?" She missed the sadness that flashed in Alex's eyes as she dugged through her black shoulder bag. "Why is that I can never find anything in this purse? I swear there are mischevious elves living in my apartment determine to drive me crazy by misplacing all my things."

Not hearing anything she looked up from her search to find Alex staring blankly at the wall next to her. She took a moment and studied his face and saw nothing out of place until she came his eyes. Sucking her breath in at the hurt and pain in his eyes, she closed her purse. 'I wonder what happened to him today. Yesterday when I saw him he was whistling and making jokes like he usually do. I remember he mentioned something about wanting to surprise his girlfriend with breakfast since he hadn't spent a lot of time with her lately because of finals. Maybe something happened with him and his girlfriend. But why? Alex is a great catch. He's sweet, funny, and he listens. What girl wouldn't be happy to have him in her life?' I'm probably way off base with what's wrong. Wishful thinking maybe?' She smiled ruefully before discarding the idea as to what was wrong with Alex. 'How about I help him instead of wondering about his martial status.'

'Aww come on, he's totally cute. Especially with those glasses and the beard. And his eyes are to die for.' Trying to ignore what had to be the evil 'I steal other people boyfriends' voice that was muttering in her head, she started whistling a familiar tune rather loudly.

Alex shook his head and tried to forget all thoughts of finding Charlie over at Lauren's house early that morning when he had stopped by with crossiants and coffee. Hearing the familiar tune that Isabel he was he could only gape at her in disbelief before he found himself laughing. "You know I never thought I would see the day when Isabel Evans was whistling the Oscar Mayer song. I didn't even know you could whistle."

Isabel stopped whsitling to grin at him in delight that his eyes were now full of merriment instead of sadness. "What? I think everyone knows that song. I use to sing it everytime my mom made us bolonga sandwiches. It drove poor Max crazy which was the whole reason for it. Well it worked until he started singing this damn Spice Girls song that made me grind my teeth everytime I heard it. My parents would just shake their heads and let us sing each other to death while they hid in their room safe away from the karoke that had gone wrong."

"Are you serious? Oh God, I thought my family was the only crazy one that did odd things like that. Its a good thing that my sister, Emily, doesn't know about the singing to annoy someone idea otherwise she would do it everytime I'd disagree with her." He snorted as he thought of a younger Isabel and Max singing songs that each knew would annoy the other. He bursted out laughing at the image.

"I'll have you know that I wasn't that bad." She rolled her eyes at him. "Sure, sure laugh at me. That'll show me to tell you anymore of my secrets."

He stopped laughing and bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing, but let out a chuckle as she gave him an icy look that would have frozen and had frozen people who didn't know her into fear. "Okay, I'm done laughing. Honest." He crossed his heart when he saw the suspicious look she gave him. "I guess we should leave before Maria calls me with another threatening call again. Do you want to ride with me since you can't seem to find your car keys?"

"Thanks that would be great. I'm usually more organize, but with finals and everything I'm lucky if I remember my name. At least spring break is around the corner so I can relax and take a breather for once."

The two headed out of the lobby and stepped into the biting cold air that was unusual for the Californian weather at that time in the year. Isabel shivered and rubbed her hands on her arms seeking some kind of warmth. Alex seeing the shiver shrugged out of his jacket and laid it on her shoulders. She smiled as she gathered the coat around her as they hurried over to the black Honda Accord that was parked across the street. With a quick touch of the button on his keys the car unlocked and Alex hurried over to open the passenger's door for Isabel. Waiting until she was settle in the seat before closing the door and hurrying to the driver's side.

A moment later the small car was headed into traffic and the two was just content in not speaking rather choosing to listen to the radio instead. Isabel looked out of the side of her eyes and stared at Alex's profile before looking away to stare out of her window. Alex looked out of the corner of his eye and stared at Isabel's profile before looking away.

"So, this is strange weather we're having huh? You're from Seattle right?" Isabel fiddled with the strap of her purse as she looked down into her lap instead of looking at Alex.

"Yeah, the city of Starbucks, rain, and the Space needle." His lips formed a small smile at thought of home.

"Definitely different from California huh?"

"Oh yeah, it's definitely different that's for sure."

"You know I just found out the other day that you have a twin brother. I didn't know that you were a twin too."

Alex's hands tightened on the steering wheel before he spoke, "Yeah, my brother Charlie is here too. He's my fraternal twin although people seem to think there's one heck of a resemblance between the two of us. We apparently look so much alike that no one seems to be able to tell the difference between us."

Isabel hearing a strange note in his voice turned to see him clutching the steering wheel tightly and figured that she had somehow touched upon a situation that was best left alone for now. "Oh, okay." Turning back to stare out the windown nothing was said between them until they reached their destination.

Handing the keys to the valet, Alex got out and hurried to Isabel's side only for him to find that she had already got out. Alex stuffed his hands in pockets as he wasn't sure what to say to cut through the tension that seemed to have enclosed over them. 'Great. Now I've let my depressed mood spilled onto her night.' He started to open his mouth to say something deep, but the only thing that came out was, "I"m sorry."

She nodded at him. "It's okay. Everyone has an off night. Maybe we should head in now."

Nodding back at her, he motioned for her to move ahead of them and the two stopped in front of the bouncer who was giving them an evil look as if to say 'don't even think to ask me to let you in here.'

"Hey Grant. What's going on? You're going to let us in there right?" Isabel smiled at the dark haired who leered at her.

"Well that depends on whether you're going to go out with me anytime soon?" Grant smirked.

"Sure, no problem. Your wife and your three kids I'm sure will be thrilled to go out with the both of us." She smirked back at him as he glared at her again. "Tell them I said hi."

Letting out a laugh he waved her and Alex through the door before turning to glare at the next person in line.

"Is he really married?" Alex looked back at Grant as Isabel led them through the entrance into the club.

"Yeah, his wife is my study partner. They're really a great couple actually. Hmm I wonder where the others are at?" She stood on her toes as she tried to look through the ocean of people dancing on the floor. "Do you see them?"

Alex looked around to see if he could see his friends, but all he could see were people dancing to "You're All I have" by Snow Patrol. "Nope, I don't see them. Maybe we should go..." He paused as a voice interrupted him.

"Hello Alex."

He turned around slowly to find a short redhead standing before him. "Hello Lauren."

Last edited by vegas312 on Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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chapter 3

Post by vegas312 »

Title: In Over My Head

Author: vegas312

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell so yeah please don't sue me. I mean really all I have to give you is a bag of jellybeans and I'm not into sharing.

Rating: Mature

Coupling: A/I, CC

Summary: I'm too lazy to write it out again, so please see chapter one for more details.

AN: Thanks so much for the feedback. It means so much to me. *hugs*

Trude ~ Yeah I wanted to establish some kind of relationship between Alex and Isabel before they end up on the date from hell. :lol:

chanks-girl ~ You'll see Emily in the next part. ;) The tag team duo of Maria and Em will be coming soon. muwhaa

Selena ~ Hey you! Good to see you over here. As for the Whitman family, well they're loosely based upon my own odd family. hee hee

Rodney ~ LOL You're the only one to catch the Grant bit. Well that sugar er grandma is one persistent lady as you'll see later on. ;)

cassie ~ Yup they're neighbors, which means more times for them to run into each other. ;)

bluebballjumper ~ Thanks so much for the feedback. I wanted some kind of relationship between Isabel and Alex.

AN 2: Song below isn't mine. "I don't wanna be" is by Gavin Degraw and nope not mine.

AN 3: Guess what? I'm doing an author's chat at Roswell Heaven this Monday, the 16th at 9pm EST. We're going to be talking about this story and others that I have done. I'll be answering questions and giving away spoilers, so please stop by. Hope to see ya'll there. ;)

Chapter Three: "A Wicked Sense of Humor Indeed..."

"Lauren." He stared at her in shock not really sure what to say. He hadn't thought he would be seeing her this soon. 'God, your sense of humor is really killing me. I mean really.' He wasn't sure what to say or what to do. 'What is the proper etiquette when one talks to the girl who cheated on you with your brother? Hi, how are you? Thanks for shagging my brother. Yeah I don't think that's going to go over so well.' This was the girl that he had thought he knew everything about and the first girl in two years that he had felt something for. He knew what he felt for her wasn't love at least not yet, but he had hoped that with some more time that the affection he felt for her would turn into something 'How could i have been so wrong about her? It's like I didn't even know her at all.'

"Alex? Aren't you going to introduce me to your little friend?" Lauren asked as she gave Isabel a fake smile and looked her up and down.

'Whoa! What's this girl's problem? And what does she mean by little friend? What the hell is that supposed to mean?' Isabel narrowed her eyes at the shorter girl.

" Lauren this is Isabel. Isabel this is Lauren." Alex cleared his throat and pulled at his collar as he felt the tension in the room.

"Isabel? My what a," Lauren paused before continuing. "unusual name. Anyway Alex I wanted to talk to you since you never called me back earlier." She gave Isabel a look of distain before turning her attention to Alex. "I wanted to talk to you about that unfortunate event that occurred this morning."

'Okay thats it. I don't know what's this girl's problem is, but she's a second away from being introduced to my foot. I don't know where Alex knows this nutcase from, but someone needs to teach her some manners.' Isabel smiled coldy before speaking, "Thank you for the compliment although you must don't get out much if you think my name is unusal. Where do you hang out usually? Is it a small, white room where you're by yourself at all times?'

"Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to? Why don't you leave so I can talk to Alex in peace?" Lauren asked angerily as she whipped her attention back to Isabel.

"Maybe Alex doesn't want to talk to crazy people." Isabel retorted.

"I'm sure he wants to talk to his girlfriend." Lauren smirked as she noticed the color leave Isabel's face.

"Girlfriend? You're his girlfriend?" Isabel stared in disbelief before turning to Alex. She opened her mouth to ask Alex whether it was true or not, but seeing the misery on his face she concluded it was true. Reaching over she gave his arm a squeeze, "I'm sorry. I'll see you later." She moved away and started walking into the crowd.

"Isabel?" Alex called out and watched as she stopped and turned around. She gave him a brief smile and waved before heading into the crowd on the dance floor.


He turned back to see Lauren pouting up at him and he barely refrain himself from rolling his eyes. "What the hell do you want from me? And why were you so nasty to Isabel? She didn't deserve that from you."

"Why are you taking that tone with me? And that Isabel girl was nasty to me first." Tears glittered in her eyes causing them to look like melted silver. "I just wanted you to know that what you saw this morning was just a big misunderstanding."

'Is she serious? She has got to be kidding me. Maybe Isabel is right that Lauren spends time in a small white room talking to herself.' A smile played at the edges of his mouth as he thought more about it.

"See I knew that you would understand." Lauren smiled at him and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek but only met air as Alex pulled away. "What's wrong?" She asked confused by his actions.

"What's wrong is that one you insulted a person that I consider to be a friend and a nice person. Also that you somehow think that I'm stupid enough to think we're going to get back together after your so called misunderstanding, which I really don't believe."

"It wasn't like that. I thought he was you. Your twins for God sake. I mean how am I supposed to tell the difference." She threw her hands up in frustration that he wouldn't believe her like she wanted.

"We're fraternal twins!" He yelled not caring that people were starting to look at them in curiousity. "Fraternal does not mean that we're identical. And oh let's not forget the fact that Charlie isn't even sporting a beard at the moment or wears glasses."

"Okay I'm sorry alright. You don't know how sorry I am. Can't we moved past this?" She sniffed.

Alex let out a sigh and looked around to see people staring at them. Not wanting to have this conversation at all especially in a nightclub full of people he reached down and grabbed her hand. "Come on let's go sit on one of those couches and finish this conversation without everyone and their mother staring at us." She nodded her head in agreement and let him guided them over to one of the suede white couches in the corner.

"Why?" He whispered as he looked up to meet her gray eyes. "That's all I want to know. Why did you do this and why did you pick Charlie of all people?"

"I..I..I was lonely all the time since you haven't been around lately. As for Charlie he was just there dropping off some notes from calculus
class. I was lonely okay? We've been dating for two months now and I feel as if I don't even know anything about you. Whenever we hang out with your friends they tell all these stories about you and your family, and there I am your girlfriend and I haven't even met your family. You won't let me in, it's like I"m on the outside looking in.' She reached in her purse and pulled out a tissue to wipe her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you felt that way. I haven't introduced you to the rest of my family because like you said we've only been dating two months and I didn't think you were ready to be introduce to my eccentric family. Why didn't you ever mention that you were feeling this way? As long as I've known you, you've never hestitated about letting everyone what you're thinking." He felt guilt overcome him. 'Am I the reason why she cheated on me? Could this have been foreseen if I had only paid attention? What kind of boyfriend am I?'

"I don't know. I just don't know. But we're talking now, so can we start over maybe?" She looked at him hopefully.

"Lauren, I'm sorry that we grew so far apart that you felt that you couldn't talk to me. However, I don't think we can start over. I think its best if we break up."

"What? Why not? I don't understand why we can't get past this. I don't think our break up has anything to do with Charlie. It's just a convinent excuse you're using so you can break up with me. You've found someone else." Bitterness tangled her voice as she stood up clenching her fists. "Its that girl isn't it? That Isabel girl? She's your new flavor of the month isn't she? What you're tired of red heads and now its onto blondes?"

Alex could only stared incrediously as he watch her rant away. 'She cheats on me and I'm the bad guy in this relationship? Flavor of the month? Where is she getting this stuff from? If anyone should be pissed off, it should be me.' "I don't know what you're talking about. Isabel is my neighbor and friend and that's it. You got some nerve talking about me finding someone else when you're the one that cheated."

"You know what? I was wasting my time on you. I should have went after Charlie instead of you. He's the better looking of the two of you. As for your so called neighbor, I wouldn't get my hopes up of her going out with you. If she wants to date a Whitman then she should hook up with Charlie instead." She sneered not caring what she said as she hoped that she caused him as much hurt as she felt. With one last look of distain she grabbed her purse and stomped away.

"And that is the end to a shitty night ladies and gentlemen." Rubbing his hand over his face tiredly, he tried not to think of Lauren's words about Isabel rejecting him. "Right like Isabel Evans is really interested in a nerd like me. It doesn't even matter since I think it might be best that I swear off women at least for now. Maybe I should make my way home, I just got to find Isabel and see if she can catch a ride with Max." He stood up and made his way through the crowd of people that were coming into the club.

"Alex!" A drunken voiced yelled behind him. "Bro, what are you doing here?"

'It can't be who I think it is. The universe wouldn't be that cruel to me would it?' Alex stopped and stared up at the ceiling as if waiting for someone up there to acknowledge his question.

A moment later he found himself being turned around into a hug by his obviously drunken brother. Shrugging off his brother, Alex took in the same dark curly hair that he himself was sporting and the brown eyes and wondered what it was about his brother that everyone seemed to adore him. 'Especially your girlfriends.' A voice whispered at him. Ignoring the small voice, he turned his back on Charlie and started to move away only to be stopped by the hand on his arm. "Charlie, let go of my arm." He told them calmly. "I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now, so let go."

"Hey, you're still not mad are you? I mean Lauren threw herself at me, and after a few beers I didn't even know what was going on. Come on man, I'm your brother. Some girl isn't supposed to come between us." Charlie grinned at his brother, but he lost his grin as he noticed that Alex was just staring at him in disappointment. "Bro, say something. We're brothers. You're supposed to forgive me no matter what. It's us against the world man."

"You're right. We are brothers. But you know what? You're always going to be my brother and I can't change that fact, but right now I choose not to forgive you. Maybe one day we can talk about this, but right now I'm done talking with you about anything." He looked away and ignored the pain at not being able to talk to Charlie. They were twins and best friends, but right now talking to him was like remembering that feeling this morning when he found Charlie in bed with felt as if someone had stabbed him in the back.

"Bro, you don't mean that." Charlie pleaded as it finally got through is alcohol haze that his little brother was serious. "Say something."

Alex pulled his arm away from him and moved away from him. He started to walk away but paused as a thought came to him. "Oh by the way Emily is looking for you." He continued walking and a brief grinned covered his face as he heard Charlie let out a small scream. 'Alright that was wrong of me, but he deserved to be awake tonight wondering what Emily is planning to do to him.'

Moving through the bodies that were shaking to the music, he looked around until he spotted Isabel sitting at a table near the dance floor with the rest of his friends. He reached the table in a few minutes and was greeted by a chorous of hellos from his friends.

"Glad you made it here Whitman because I think in a few more minutes Maria was going to send out a search party to find you." A guy with spiky light brown hair told him. The girl next to him leaned over and smacked him on the back of his head. "Oww! Geez Maria do you have to be so violent? Maybe Kyle was right that you need to take some kind of anger management class."

"Michael, take it like a man." Maria rolled her eyes at him before focusing back on Alex. "So what took you so long? Why are you standing up? Have a seat."

"I'm not staying long. Actually I just came over to tell Isabel I was going to leave now, so I was hoping that she could catch a ride from Max and Liz." He looked down at Isabel. "Would that be okay?"

"Sure that's fine. I can catch a ride with Max and Liz when they head home." Seeing the nod of confirmation from her brother, she smiled at Alex. "I'll be okay so no worries. Are you okay by the way?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit tired, but anyway I'll see the rest of you guys later. Have a goodnight." Waving to everyone he wandered back into the crowd unaware that all of his friends were watching him leave.

"What's going on with Alex?" The blonde girl next to Isabel asked. "Is he okay?"

Isabel turned back around to answer. "Tess, I don't know. We were fine until we got here. I mentioned his twin brother on the way over here and he got all tensed. Then there was the minor confrontation I had with this girl who I think is his girlfriend."

"What? Lauren was here?" A girl with long dark hair who was sitting opposite of Isabel asked.

"Liz, babe that's not the way to ask Isabel questions." Maria said. "What we really want to know is what was that two timing bitch was doing here?"

"Wha..what? Two timing? She cheated on Alex?!" Isabel asked in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"Yup, Alex caught her in bed with his twin brother, Charlie." Maria gripped her glass tightly.

"With Charlie? Oh my God, that's terrible."

"What's really terrible is that she's going to get away it. I wonder what she said to him. Knowing her she probably blamed the whole thing on Alex." Tess grimaced. "She's a selfish bitch like that."

Everyone nodded in agreement to Tess's statement. Liz reached in her purse and pulled out her cellphone. Hitting the speakerphone button, she started dialing a number as she told Tess, "Oh she's so not getting away with it."

"Liz, my little jedi what are you up to?" Maria grinned wondering what her friend was up to.

"Oh you'll see in a second." The phone started ringing before she could explain further.

"Hello?" A female voice answered the other line.

"Hi, Emily? It's me Liz."

Tess and Maria grinned as they finally caught onto what Liz was doing while the guys and Isabel looked on in confusion not sure what was going on.

"Hey, Liz. What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know that Alex was just here at the club, and that he had a bit of a run-in with Lauren."

Silence greeted Liz's statement.

"Emily, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. Hold on for a second." Everyone could hear Emily yell for her dad. "Dad, where are the car keys? We're going on a road trip." A second later Emily came back on the phone, "Thanks Liz. I'll see you this tomorrow sometime, but don't tell Alex."

"Okay I won't. See you tomorrow. Bye."

"Bye." A click was heard as the phone call ended.

"Liz, you evil genius. I'm so proud of you. Aww my little grasshopper is learning a lot from me." Maria beamed.

"Who's Emily? Wait, she's Alex's sister right?" Isabel asked.

"Yup, but I tell you she makes Maria looks like an angel in comparison." Michael snorted.

"Well, then I can't wait to meet her." Isabel smiled.

Meanwhile, Alex had finally arrived back at his apartment grateful that he hadn't run into Ms. Patterson and her Devil spawn cat. Locking the door behind him, he kicked off his sneakers and wandered over to the stereo that sat in the corner. Finding the cd he wanted he hit play and made his way to the couch. Falling back he laid down and closed his eyes as his let the day's worries catch up with him. 'Why doesn't anyone ever want me for me? What's wrong with being just me?'

I don't need to be anything other than a prison guard's son
I don't need to be anything other than a specialist's son
I don't have to be anyone other than a birth of two souls in one
Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been tryin to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I'll be somebody
I'm tired of looking 'round here wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me

I'm surrounded by lies everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by identity crisis everywhere I turn
am I the only one to notice
I can't be the only one concerned

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I'll be somebody
I'm tired of looking 'round here wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be

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chapter four

Post by vegas312 »

Title: In Over My Head

Author: vegas312

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell so yeah please don't sue me.

Rating: Mature

Coupling: A/I, CC

Summary: Please see chapter one for a more detailed summary.

AN: Thanks so much for the feedback everyone, and this chapter is more of an introduction to Alex's family. Hope you like it.

Trude ~ Yeah Lauren is definitely a pain in the butt. lol Alex's eyes are blue by the way. ;)

chanks_girl ~ Hee hee I'm sure Emily has a few chose words for Charlie. :lol:

Rodney ~ You're not the only person wanting Alex to punch Charlie. lol

cassie ~ We haven't seen the end of Lauren and her manipulative ways just yet.

bluebballjumper ~ Thanks! Got to love Em and her dad. ;)

Chapter Four: "The Bell Toll For Thee..."

The Next Day


There was no reply from the young man curled up in a fetal position on the couch with a pillow covering his face.

"Alex! Wake up or I won't be responsible for my actions."

A small snore was the only reply.

"Well can't say I didn't warn him."

A second later Alex found himself hitting the floor hard and waking up when the pillow that he had been hugging on when he was asleep smacked him in the back of the head.

"Um, what the hell?" He blinked his eyes at the morning light and the sudden pain, and moved slowly off the floor to stare in disbelief at the sight before him. "Please tell me this is a dream or rather a nightmare." He glared at the woman with long dark hair and blue eyes who was currently sitting on his couch eating a bowl of cereal. "This has got to be a nightmare." With a groan he laid back down on the floor and banged his head on the pillow.

"You know you can get a concussion from banging your head like that." She said matter of fact and went back to eating her cereal.

"Gee thanks for the information. Emily, what are you doing here? How did you get here? And please tell me you aren't eating the last bowl of cereal?" He sat up and wondered if he had somehow had been sent to hell when he wasn't paying attention. 'Maybe I got hit by a bus or something.'

"Hmm which question should I answer first?" She pretended to ponder as she stared at the ceiling. "You know I don't know which to answer first. No inspiration this morning for me. Still so many questions, I should be able to answer at least one of them."

"Emily!" He yelled. 'Why am I not an only child? Was it too much to ask for?'

"Do you have to yell? I'm not deaf you know. To answer your question we flew up this morning."

"Wait, who's we?" He waved his hands at her. Seeing the expression of her face that read 'who do you think I'm talking about,' he groaned and went back to hitting his head on the pillow.

"We as in mom, dad, and myself. By the way would you like some alone time with that pillow because you're certainty spending a lot of time with it down there." She grinned at him as he groaned again. "As for what we're doing here well dad came to be my getaway driver for the egging of the house, and mom came because she had stole the keys to all the cars thus making us take her with us. I told Dad we should have gotten a taxi instead, but he said Mom would just hunt us down at the airport and give the both of us a lecture. And yes this is the last bowl of cereal as Mom is in the kitchen making breakfast for her growing little boy."

"Growing little boy? What am I five?" Alex seriously gave thought to hiding out somewhere in the apartment until his family had left, but the only thing stopping him was the fact that they would find him. He was interrupted out of his thoughts by a pillow whizzing by his face. "Emily, would you stop please?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I can't help it if your couch is possessed and wants to smack you with its pillows. You should think about hiring some kind of ghost buster or someone to come check it out." She smiled innocently before humming the Ghost buster theme song, and occasionally muttering, "I'm not afraid of any ghosts. Who's afraid of ghosts?"

"I'm adopted aren't I? It's just that no one will tell me the truth."

"I've been telling you that for years. You and Charlie." She rolled her eyes. "Of course no one believes me when I say it. Anyway speaking of Charlie he left this crazy message on my voice mail late last night. Know anything about it?"

He tensed at the mention of his brother's name before relaxing and muttering in the pillow. "I might have told him that you were looking for him."

"I know that its establish that I'm a genius and all, but I so haven't learned the muttered pillow speak. Hmm I wonder if there's a course offered in it? Now how about you get off the floor and talk to me for a bit?" She looked down at him in concern wondering if if her two brothers were going to get pass this.

With a grumble, he stood up and slumped down on the couch besides Emily. Throwing his arm around her he gave her an affectionate hug before letting go. It had been awhile since he had last seen his sister since she went to school on the East Coast, but he always looked forward to spending time with her. "You know I've missed you. How's M.I.T.?"

"School is fine and I've missed you too. I'm just trying to enjoy my spring break and wondering if I'm going to need bail money sometime this week. So what's going on with you and Charlie? And you still haven't told me about the crazy message on my voice mail. The only thing I understood was something about me not torturing him with a Dawson's Creek marathon and that he thinks you hate him."

"Dawson's Creek?" He snickered. "That was pretty ingenious how you tied him up that time and made him watch all of season one. I'm just glad it wasn't me."

"Hey, no one breaks my laptop and gets away it." She blew on her nails and buffed them on her shirt. Turning back to glare at her brother she poked him in the shoulder. "Alright no more stalling tactics, so why does Charlie think you hate him? Besides the obvious reason of course."

Rubbing his hands across his face, he said. "I don't hate him. Right now he's not exactly my favorite person, but no I don't hate him. I just don't get why he did it and why to me. I'm his brother for crying out. This just sucks. In one day I lost my girlfriend, my brother and my best friend. What am I supposed to do now?"

"Want me to kick his ass? If you don't want to do that, then I can always tie him down and make him watch season one of Smallville. I'll just keep rewinding to all the parts where Clark Kent take off his shirt." She smiled as she saw his shoulders shaking with laughter.

"Thanks Em. I needed that. I guess I better go take a shower and find a change of clothes. Hey, where's Dad at by the way?" He stood up and stretched.

"He's helping Mom make breakfast since she didn't want me around sharp objects for some reason." She shrugged. "Go take a shower and I'll hold the fort down from Mom busting in the bathroom to check on you."

He gave a quick salute before heading down the hall towards his room. Wandering down the hall he thought about what he had told Em. It felt pretty good to laugh about the whole thing although he still had no idea what he was going to say to Charlie next time he saw him. 'I still can't believe that he doesn't even feel guilty about what he did. Sure he wasn't the only guilty party in what happened, but he's supposed to know better. What kind of brother does that? As for Lauren, she just showed me a whole other side to her. Those things she said to Isabel was just downright mean and nasty. I can't believe she thought that I was trying to hook up with Isabel. Isabel doesn't even think of me like that, she just likes me as a friend."

Entering his room he went to his closet and pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans and a white button down shirt before heading to the oak dresser in the corner. Opening the first drawer he grabbed a pair of boxers and a white t-shirt and a pair of socks before closing the drawer back. He laid his clothes on the bed before heading towards the master suite bathroom. Closing the door behind him, he paused for a minute and quickly locked the door. "That's all I need is Mom or Emily coming in to check on me. I wouldn't put it passed either one of them." Suddenly feeling wary he leaned his face against the mirror and took in his wild unruly dark hair and dark blue eyes staring back at him as well as the huge beard he had been growing for the past three months. "How am I supposed to forget and forgive?" He closed his eyes and stood there silently.

Meanwhile Emily was leafing through a magazine when the doorbell rang. "Now what?" She got up and made her way down the hall towards the door. Hearing the doorbell again she cursed under her breath. "A bit impatient aren't we?" She unlocked the door and swung it up with a scowl on her face. Seeing the last person she would have thought to see she raised her eyebrow before stepping out in the hall and looking around. Not seeing anyone else she stepped back to block the doorway and took in the rumpled clothes and the dark shades covering his face. "If it isn't the prodigal son come to visit. What are you doing here?"

"Mom invited me for breakfast and to talk things over to Alex, although I did apologize to him last night." Seeing the angry look on her face he quickly told her. "Look I don't want to get into it with you. This is between Alex and me, so you should leave everything alone."

"Wow, is that right? You better have one hell of an apology for Alex to make up for what you did. If it was I, I wouldn't forgive you this soon at least not without some groveling on your part. That part where you want me to stay out of your business, I got to say you're right. I shouldn't butt in what's obviously a problem between the two of you, and so I'm just going to leave it to the two of you."

"Are you for real?" Charlie asked suspiciously.

She moved away from the door and motioned him to come in. Just as he was getting ready to cross the doorway she slammed the door in right in his face causing it to hit him squarely on the nose. Leaning back against the closed door she smiled as she heard a mini scream in the hallway. "He's such a sucker."

"Damn it Emily! Open up this door."

Before she could say anything, Mr. Whitman walked into the hallway and stared at her curiously. "Is there someone at the door? I thought I heard the doorbell rang."

"It was just the local womanizer coming around to be a general pest." She smiled innocently at her dad.

"Dad, is that you? Would you tell Emily to open up the door?" Charlie could be heard yelling.

"Em, open up the door and let your brother in."

"Do I have to?" She looked like a child who had lost her favorite toy.

"Emily Char.." He started to say.

"Okay, okay. Why do you and mom call me by my whole name? I never get to have any fun around here." She continued muttering to herself as she pulled the door open. Opening the door she found Charlie holding his nose and a tall blonde girl standing who seemed to be nervous holding a dark blue jacket over her arms. Ignoring Charlie, Emily asked bluntly, "Who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Isabel Evans. I live three floors down and I just wanted to return this jacket that Alex let me borrowed. Is he okay by the way?"

"Did you say your name is Isabel? I think Alex mentioned you to me once before." She thought about how he had raved about a girl named Isabel two years ago so much that she had been wondering if Alex was going to bring her home, but he had just stated that they were just friends. 'Just friends huh? Interesting.'

"He did?" Isabel smiled. She didn't know why the thought that Alex had mentioned her to his family made her so happy. 'Okay maybe I do know why it makes me happy, but he probably mentioned me in passing is all. He doesn't like me like that.' "Do you think it would be okay if I come in and say a quick hi to him when I give him his jacket back?"

"Sure come on in. This is my dad, Mr. Whitman, and the idiot holding his nose is Charlie. I'll just take you to Alex's room." Turning back to Charlie she gave him an evil grin. "You might want to put something on that nose."

Isabel looked at the three people and saw a bit of Alex in all of them. Looking at Mr. Whitman she noticed that Alex had his eyes. "You and Alex have the same eyes. Please tell me I didn't say that out loud." She groaned. "What's wrong with me?"

"I think I like this one." Mr. Whitman grinned. "Em, go ahead and take her back there while I chat with Charlie for a bit."

Emily nodded and gave her dad the thumbs up sign before leading Isabel down the hall. Mr. Whitman turned back to his son and sighed. "Come on and let's go put something on that. Your mother is going to have a fit when she sees you in this condition."

"But Dad," Charlie started but was stopped when his dad shook his head at him.

"We'll discuss this later, but son you got a lot to think about today. All I'm going to say about is that what you did was wrong and that's my piece on it. You just better be glad that all Emily did was slam the door in your face and not do some real damage to you. You better do some hard thinking." Saying that he lead his quiet son towards the kitchen.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang and Emily rush to get it all the while smiling as she thought of what Alex's reaction would be when he found Isabel waiting for him in his room. "He so owes me an awesome birthday present next month."

Hearing the doorbell rang again, she rolled her eyes before pulling it open. "Who the hell are you?" The young woman with red hair demanded.

"Are you Lauren?" Emily asked.

"Yes, and who might you be?" Lauren glared at the taller girl.

Emily turned around and yelled. "Dad, I'm going to need that bail money a lot sooner than I thought I would."

"Why is that?" Mr. Whitman yelled back.

"Because we have a representative of the Sluts' R' Us at the door."

Last edited by vegas312 on Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vegas312 »

Title: In Over My Head

Author: vegas312

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, so please don't sue me.

Rating: Mature

Coupling: A/I, CC

Summary: Please see previous chapter or chapter one.

AN: Many thanks to Mary (Ilyme4Ever) who made me an awesome banner for this story that you can see on page one. Go check it out. Also many thanks to her for being my unoffical beta for this part. Believe me I wouldn't have gotten a chance to update if she hadn't bribed me into doing it. lol Thanks so much for the feedback everyone.

killjoy Not a Dawson's Creek fan huh? :lol: Emily thanks you for the bail money by the way. ;)

Trude There's always fun to be had when everyone is around. Just wait until everyone else shows up in the next chapter. :D

cassie Here's more Emily for you. :wink:

bluebballjumper Thanks. I'm glad you like the Whitmans, and it's been really fun to write them. Hmm I'm not sure if we'll see Emily hook up with anyone although you did get me to thinking.

chanks_girl LOL Emily has only just started. Thanks for the feedback. ;)

Allie Xie Welcome to the story. Thanks for the bump by the way. Glad that you're liking Emily. :D

Grace52373 Welcome to the story as well. It's been awhile since I've seen you around the board, so I'm glad you're back. :D You'll see Maria in the next part. Ah the mischief that's to be had with Maria, Emily, and Mr. Whitman. lol

AN2: My apologies for not updating in the past two weeks, but the computer was in the shop. I will get us back on track, and I will be updating once a week again. Now go read and enjoy!

Chapter Five: Snoopy, Peas, and Coffee

"Excuse me? What did you just call me?" Lauren stared angrily at the taller girl who was blocking the entrance to the apartment. "I don't know who you are and how you know my name, but in case you didn't know Alex is my boyfriend." She placed her hands on her hips and wrinkled her nose as if she smelled something that stunk.

Emily crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow as she stared back. She took in the long dark red hair, the green eyes that were glaring at her, and the tight white and red stripped dress she was wearing. 'She looks like a candy cane that has gone sour. I hope she doesn't make that face for long otherwise it might stick like that. Heck it looks painful to me.' "Really? Alex is your boyfriend? Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, Alex Whitman is my boyfriend. He wouldn't want me standing out here if he knew that I was standing out here." Lauren wasn't sure what was going and why all of sudden Alex had all these different women hanging around. 'First the blonde and now the brunette. He belongs to me.'

"It's amazing how you're able to remember that Alex is your boyfriend today, when yesterday you couldn't figure out what he looked like. One minute you're claiming mistaken identity, and next you'll be claming that you have amnesia. Personally I just think you're a liar and a cheat."

"I don't know who you think you are," Lauren started but was interrupted by Emily.

"I think I'm Alex's older sister Emily. At least that's what my driver's license says. Now while this little chat we're having has been amusing and all I really think its time that you leave." She uncrossed her arms and moved away from the door. "You're just lucky that I know Alex would be terribly embarrassed that I kicked your cheating ass up and down the hallway. We wouldn't want the other tenants to complain or anything."

"You're his sister?" She stared in shock not even hearing Em's threat. "Oh my God, I'm so glad to be finally meeting you. Is the rest of your family here as well?" She started tugging at her clothes and patting her hair. "I mean this is such a great and sweet thing that Alex did."

'Is she for real? The girl has lost her mind or something. Whatever her problem is she's not getting in here and upsetting Alex. No one upsets my baby brother except me and that's my right.' "How in the world did my brother end up with you? He usually doesn't go for those who are vacant, that's usually Charlie's type of women. Hmm come to think about it, that explains a lot." Emily rolled her eyes before stepping away from the entry and motioning her closer to the door. "You might as well come in since you're here and meet the folks."

Lauren moved forward and smiled happily that everything was going great. "This is so great. Alex must have called all of you last night after our talk."

"Stop!" Emily made a stop motion and watched the other girl halt. Digging in her pocket, Emily took out a hand full of money and pulled out three dollars. She handed the money to Lauren who looked at her in confusion before taking the money.

"Um thanks, but what's the three dollars for?"

"Well two dollars is for the two months that Alex had to suffered in your clutches, and fifty cents goes for your time for Charlie. I'm going to need fifty cent back. Oh you know what, you can keep the extra fifty cents. Thanks again for your manipulative ways and turning my brothers against each other. Thank you and um yeah please don't come again." With a smile, Emily grabbed the door and slammed it hard. Leaning back against the door she heard a loud scream and whistled happily. "Wow, there really is a sucker born every minute."

As she moved away from the door, she looked up to see Charlie striding towards her holding what looked to be some kind of white bag on his nose. 'Oh this should be really good.' She leaned back against the door as she waited to see what would happen next.

"Emily, what's going on? And who's at the door?"

"What? No hello, no greetings. I mean I'm hurt by your lack of courtesy. Is that a bag of peas on your nose?" She leaned forward to see the label and sure enough it was a bag of peas. "Well Mr. Green Giant its nice to meet you. I got to say you do an awesome job of modeling peas. Maybe I'll have some for dinner tonight." She started laughing and started reading the nutritional value on the side of the bag out loud. "Hey peas don't have a lot of calories."

"You're not funny! I wouldn't have to wear this thing if it was for you. Now who's at the door?" He moved the bag away from his nose and touched it hesitantly. Feeling pain he winced before putting the peas back on his nose. "

"Well I would give you three guesses, but knowing you we would be here all day. It's your partner in crime from yesterday morning. You know, she's short, a redhead, and really demanding come to think about it."

"My partner in crime?" He looked confused for a minute before understanding came to him. "Lauren? Lauren is here?" He ran his left hand through his hair obviously agitated.

"Yes she's here. Probably on the floor rolling around while holding her nose. You know that thought comforts me. I might even do a happy dance to celebrate. Maybe you should go get another bag of peas for her, or oh a bag of mixed vegetables would do the trick. Speaking of which, how's the nose?" She grinned as he winced and moved slightly away from her.

"Em, that shit wasn't funny. You can't go around beating up people because Alex's feelings are hurt. Besides I doubt Alex wants you fighting his battles for him." He crossed his arms and stared at her, which was a bit hard as he had the bag of peas smashed under his arms. Feeling the water dripped off the bag onto him, he cursed silently all the while trying to not let his sister see.

"Really? Good to know." She mimic him by crossing her arms and staring back at him.

Before anything else could happen, someone started banging on the door. "Alex!!!!!"

"Does this girl ever give up?" Emily uncrossed her arms and moved away from the door. "Does she want the neighbors to call the police on her? Actually that might be a good idea except they might say that it's Alex fault for having a stalker of an ex-girlfriend. I see I'm going have to explain it to her slowly and maybe spell it out that she needs to go away." She reached for the door only for Charlie to reach out and push her out of the way. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Look I know you're our big sister and all, and that you want to solve all our problems. That's great, but we're adults now and this is not your problem."

"That's the third time that you mentioned that I need to stay out of your business. Maybe I wouldn't be in your business if you hadn't screwed over Alex with his girlfriend and the pun was indeed intended."

He opened his mouth to retort when more pounding on the door interrupted him. "Oh for the love of," he pulled the door open startling Lauren who had her hand raised in mid-air. "Lauren, what are you doing here? And what do you want?"

"Charlie? What are you doing here? Anyway where's that sister of yours who slammed a door in my face? What is wrong with her? She could have broken my nose if she hasn't already." She touched her nose as she let a few tears appear in her eyes. She gave him a brilliant smile that showed her pearly teeth at their best. "You're sister is really funny, but I really would like to see my boyfriend now. I mean I want to reassure him that everything is fine between him and I. What happened wasn't really my fault."

"Lauren, what are you talking about? What about yesterday morning and the night before that?" Charlie stared down at the girl in disbelief that she was now claiming that what had happened between them was none of her fault.

"Charlie, I mean really get over it." She smiled again and flipped her hair. "I thought you were Alex is all."

Emily gasped before moving from behind her brother. She looked between the two people and her eyes narrowed as she saw the guilty look on Charlie's face. "Mistaken identity huh? Apparently she has no problems with figuring out who's who except when it's an inconvenience for her. I think the two of you deserve each other." Saying that she gave Charlie a shove out the door and watched as he fell into Lauren. Closing the door behind her, she locked it and walked towards the kitchen.

She entered the kitchen and found her parents drinking coffee and reading the paper. Upon her arrival the two of them looked up and smiled at her. Mr. Whitman took in the disgruntled look on his daughter face and asked, "Are you still going to need that bail money?"

"No, I don't think so." She picked up the coffee pot and poured herself a cup of coffee. Taking a huge sip, she sighed happily all the while avoiding her parents. "Aww there's nothing like a big cup of Joe to get a person going in the morning. Have you ever wondered why coffee is called "a cup of Joe'? I mean really who's Joe and why is he worth a cup of coffee?" She was rambling and she knew it, but she wasn't going to even talk about what she had just done. Well at least she thought so anyway.

"Emily? What did you do? And why do you need bail money?" Mrs. Whitman pulled her glasses off to stare at her daughter.

"Um, well I kind of hit Alex's ex-girlfriend in the nose with the door and pushed Charlie into her knocking her over." Emily said it so quickly that it took a minute for Mr. and Mrs. Whitman to understand what she said.

"That's my girl." Mr. Whitman grinned and saluted Emily with his coffee mug.

"Charles! Stop encouraging her."

"Huh? I thought it was a good thing to encourage one's child to succeed in all things."

"You're not funny dear. Now Emily, I want you to go back out there and let your brother in."

"But Mom.."

Mrs. Whitman held up her hand to signal that she should stop speaking. "You'll let your brother back in and Alex will decide what to do about Lauren. It's Alex's responsibility to deal with what's going on not yours."

Meanwhile, Isabel found herself standing alone outside of what was Alex's room. She looked back and forth down the hall not sure what she should do. She bit her lip as she silently debated whether to go in or not. "I can't just go in his room. I mean it wouldn't be right, but I do have his sister's permission to go in.' Standing in the entry way, she nervously played with the ends of her ponytail before stepping into the room. Not seeing Alex, she hesitated again wondering if it was the right thing to do. Looking around she to make sure he wasn't sleeping or anything, she moved further in the room. "He must be in the bathroom or something." She said out loud while looking around his room. The first thing she noticed as she stood in his room was the huge collage of pictures on his wall facing his bed. Isabel hesitated a moment before sitting her purse and Alex's coat on his bed. Dropping the now forgotten items she moved to stare at the collage and noticed pictures of Alex with his sister, brother, dad and presumably his mom, as well as pictures of all of their friends. She smiled as she noticed a black and white picture of three little kids who were chasing a puppy across the lawn. "Definitely a cute kid." She touched the picture and started to move away until another picture caught her attention. It was a picture of her at the Christmas party Maria had thrown at the dorms last year, and at that particular moment she had been laughing at Kyle and Michael's attempt to break dance. "The two of them should never, ever attempt any kind of dancing." A chuckle escaped as she thought again of the dancing that had been done that night. "I can't believe he kept this picture. I wonder why. Hmm, it's probably nothing."

Isabel looked at some more of the pictures of Alex's family before moving away to check out the rest of the room. Wandering to his dresser she saw that he kept it neat and orderly with a few CDs stacked on it along with cologne and loose change. She resisted the temptation to peek in his drawers to answer the age old question of whether he wore briefs or boxers. 'It wouldn't be right for me to invade his privacy. Nope, I'm not going to look no matter how much I want to." Biting her lip she stared at the top drawer debating with herself some more before giving in. "He wouldn't know right?"

Taking the silence as an agreement, she opened the top drawer and found many colors boxers in there. Seeing a pair with Snoopy on it, she picked them up and let out a laugh. "Got to love Snoopy."

"Isabel? Is that you?"

Startled at the voice, she turned around clutching the boxers to her chest as she found Alex standing there wearing sky blue boxers and holding a white t-shirt in his hand. 'I didn't hear the bathroom door. Oh god, oh god. Okay, I just got to be calm and cool. That's the way to play this out. So how come it's not working?'

"Alex. Hi. I just came to return your jacket that you let me borrow last night. Your sister told me that it would be okay to be back here." She placed her left hand on her hip unaware that the boxers were dangling from her finger tips and waved her other hand in front of her face. "Wow, I think its going to be a bit hot today."

"So you stopped by to dropped my coat off huh?" He turned his back to her and began putting his t-shirt on.

Momentarily distracted by the muscles on his back tense up as he raised his arms, she nodded her head before she realized that he couldn't see her response. "Yes, I came by to drop of your coat. You know maybe I should go wait out in the hallway until you're dressed." Heading towards the door unaware that she was still clutching the Snoopy boxers, she stopped when he called her name. "Yes?"

"Would it be possible for me to have my boxers back?"

"Oh! Boxers! Right I have your boxers." She turned around and saw him blushing and she sincerely hoped that she wasn't blushing as well. "Sorry about that. I better go wait in the hallway because yeah that's where I'm going."

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute." He took the boxers out of her hand and watched her go. Waiting until the door was closed he let out the breath that he had been holding. "Isabel Evans was in my room and clutching my boxers. Isabel and my boxers! I can't believe it. Wait a minute, what if this is some kind of joke by Emily? She wouldn't do that would she?" He paced around the room trying to figure out if this was some of joke. As he went past the clock for the fifth time, he realized that Isabel was still waiting out in the hallway while he still haven't gotten dressed yet. Rushing towards the bed, he hurried and threw his clothes only once falling in his attempt to get his jeans on. Finally dressed he took a deep breath and opened the door to find her waiting.

"Well, I'm sure we'll probably find my family in the kitchen making breakfast."

"I really should get back to my apartment and leave you to your breakfast. I don't want to interrupted anything." She smiled at him and tried to not think about him catching her with his boxers. 'It's so not my day.'

"No! Um, I mean you should stay for breakfast since I know my parents always make tons of food." He shoved his hands in his pockets not wanting her to leave, but not sure what to say to make her stay.

"I guess I can stay, if you're sure that your parents won't mind."

"I'm sure. Besides its free food and you got to eat right?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

She laughed at his antics and nodded her head. "Right, got to love free food."

"Let's go eat then." They headed down the hallway unaware of the potential disaster in front of them.
Last edited by vegas312 on Tue May 15, 2007 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vegas312 »

Title: In Over My Head

Author: vegas312

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell so please don't sue me.

Rating: Mature

Coupling: A/I, CC

Summary: Please look at chapter one for a more detailed summary.

AN: I know, I know what took me so long to update. Let's just say my muse took a vacation and forogt to send me a memo informing me. It's been awhile since I've been inspired, but I think its coming back to me. Thanks to Trude, Rodney, cassie, chanks_girl, cassie, Grace52373, and Rims for the feedback and bumps. Totally appreciated them! Have a great weekend everyone! *hugs* Only four more chapters to go so happy reading!

Chapter Six: "Assault with a deadly egg or something like that"

The two continued walking down the hallway each aware of the other, but neither saying anything or making any kind of eye contact. Alex looked out of the corner of his eye and took in the girl that had always enchanted him since their first meeting two years ago. He knew many people when they first met Isabel looked no further then her looks and so they never got a chance to know the person inside, but he knew that the person she was inside was just as beautiful. 'Even though this weekend started off so horribly, I got to say that its ending a whole lot better. Who knew that when I woke up today that I would find Isabel Evans in my room holding my boxers?' He chuckled and stopped when he noticed that she was looking at him questioningly. Clearing his throat, he shrugged and tried to pretend that everything was okay.

All too soon they arrived in the kitchen where they found a scene that way too familiar with him. Isabel raised her eyebrow at the sight and turned to Alex and started to ask him what was going on when she noticed that he was silently laughing. "Care to share the joke?" She asked and poked him in the side with her index finger.

"No joke, just that it's like being back at home for Sunday breakfasts. Something always goes wrong and it usually involves Emily and her pranks." He snorted and took in the scene of Emily and his mom having a tug of war over what looked to be a carton of eggs. "Yup, just like being back at home. Knowing Em, she's probably plotting to assault someone with a deadly egg again."

"Assault with a deadly egg? Um, what?" She wasn't sure if she heard him right, but continued to be too fascinated by the sight of the tug of war to turn around and see if he heard her.

"Let's just say that there's a new rule at our old high school that's entitled the 'Emily Whitman's Assault with a deadly egg rule,' which was established when Em decided to throw eggs at the football quarterback at a pep rally. Oh man, I haven't thought about that in ages. Assault with a deadly egg."

Hearing a snort, she turned around to see his shoulders shake as he tried to hold in the laughter. Seeing this caused her to let out her own laughter and pretty soon the two of them were laughing so hard that the others in the room turned to stare at them. Everyone watched the pair as they leaned on each other and snorted.

"What's so funny?" Mr. Whitman grinned at the couple all the while happy that his son was actually laughing at something. 'Any girl who makes my son laugh like that is good in my books.'

"Nothing Dad. We're just talking about something that happened at school." Alex straightened up and quickly changed the subject as he knew that his sister would only start ranting away about the injustice that was done to her. He made a quick motion to Isabel not to say anything by making a zipper motion across his lips. "So Mom and Dad, what are you guys doing here? I didn't know I was in a for a surprise visit this weekend."

"Alexander Charles Whitman! Is that any way to greet your mother? You know the one who was in labor with you for seventeen hours! I can't believe we flew way up here, and my little boy is being so rude to me." Mrs. Whitman sniffed and started thinking through her pockets for a tissue.

"Mom, I didn't mean to rude. I was only saying that I didn't know that you were coming up for a visit since Emily just came home for spring break is all." He looked helplessly at his family for some help, but only found his Dad actually smiling while Emily was shaking her head at him and mouthing 'sucker.' He frowned at them in confusion before his mother reached over and gave him a tight hug before pushing him away. Before he could say anything his mother had turned her attention to Isabel and was rapidly asking her a million questions while pulling her over to the kitchen table.

Emily moved to stand next to her brother and patted him on the right shoulder while his father went back to drinking his coffee. Alex looked down at his sister in confusion and asked, "Um okay, what just happened here?"

"Hmm how do I say this? Oh I know. Mom just played you for a sucker with the fake tears so she could get to your friend there without you getting in her way. By the time mom gets done with her, she'll have her social security number and her credit score. If there are any embarrasing stories you don't want Isabel to know about then I would suggest you go over there before mom starts sharing them." Emily watched her brother turned two shades of red as the thought of the stories their mom could tell, and she did her best not to start laughing.

"She wouldn't would she? Oh God, she would!" He quickly hurried over to the kitchen table to see what was going on. As he reached the table, he heard his mother say, "he was such a cute little boy. Why I remember this one time Halloween where he was dressed as a police officer and decided to take all his clothes off and run through the sprinklers. He was such a cute little boy even if he did do the oddest things. You know I think we have that on video tape since it was his year trick or treating."

"Mom!" He bellowed not caring that he startled the two. "I think Dad is wondering where his breakfast is. He said something about making it himself and you know how the stove likes to catch on fire whenever he tries to boil water, so you might want to go over there and supervise him or something." He grabbed the nearest chair next to Isabel, who was staring at him in amusement.

"Alex, you don't have to scream at me. I'm not deaf yet so there's no reason for the yelling. And what's this about your father cooking? He knows that he's not allowed any stoves anywhere. Why does the man insist that he can cook is beyond me. Besides he's just standing there drinking his coffee so he can wait a bit longer for breakfast. We're still waiting on..." She paused as realization crossed her face. "Oh My God! How in the world did I forget about him?" She turned to stare at her daughter who was in the middle of sneaking a couple of egges out of the carton. "Emily! Drop those eggs and go let your brother in right now!"

"Charlie is here? You invited Charlie here?" Alex stood up not caring that his chair had fallen. He felt such a mixture of emotions whenever he thought about his brother and right now he didn't want to deal with it. He had never been so angry or hurt by someone that he wasn't sure what he would do if they were in the same room. Why couldn't his family understand that he needed time to just think about everything and then he would talk to Charlie? Why did everyone have to mettle in his life? He was twenty-one years old and they still treated him as if he was the little five years old, who had run across their yard naked.

"Yes, I invited Charlie here so the two of you can finally talk. He's your brother and the two of you need to talk." Mrs. Whitman looked up at her son knowing that he didn't want to talk to his brother, but she was determined that the two would make up soon. Moving her glance away from Alex, she stared at her daughter, who was standing quietly watching them. "Now Emily go and get your brother and his company."

"He brought company?" Alex asked in disbelief. He didn't know whether to scream and attempt to throw everyone out, or just go hide out in his room with the rest of the coffee. The only thing keeping him from doing either one was that one his parents would be angry at him for doing so, and two he didn't want Isabel to leave.

"Actually no, the red head Medusa came on her own claiming that the two of you are still together. She's lucky all I did was slam the door in her face and knock Sir Peas-a-lot into her." Emily started to say more, but was interrupted by Alex.

"Lauren is here too? What is this? Stalk and drive Alex mad day? This day is going from bad to worst. We broke up last night and she was all too happy for it, and now you're telling me she's claiming we're a couple. Are you sure she's not talking about Charlie? She was all too happy to point out that he's a better boyfriend than I'll ever will." He said bitterly while running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"She said what?!" Isabel and Emily shouted together. Emily narrowed her eyes before slamming her cup down and running out of the kitchen.

"Oh crap! Em, come back here!" Alex took off hoping to catch his sister before she did something she would regret later.

"I can't believe she said to Alex. What is wrong with that girl?" Isabel sat her coffee down before standing up and smiled at the Whitmans. "Thanks for the coffee and now if you'll excuse me I think I'll go see if Emily needs any help." With that she walked out of the kitchen as Mr. Whitman looked on in amusement and Mrs. Whitman looking confused.

"I really like that young lady. Now Anna, I guess it's going to be the two of us for breakfast." He smiled at his wife, who rolled her eyes at him.

Meanwhile, Alex hadn't gotten to the door in time to stop Emily from opening it. He did catch her in time from throwing a punch by picking her up before she could get to Lauren, who was smiling happily at him. Charlie was holding a bag of peas to his nose as he looked on. Emily struggled to get out of Alex's arms as she shouted that she was going to hurt the redhead Medusa.

"Who's Medusa?" Lauren asked Charlie curiously.

"Are you for real? What exactly are you studying in school?" He asked in disbelief wondering if she was as ditzy as she was portraying herself. As she started to reply, a bell dinged and everyone paused to watch the elevator open up. Three girls stepped off and stared in amusement before finding the person they had come to visit.

"Emily!" The three shouted.

"It's the girls! Hey Liz, Tess, and Maria. You're just in time for breakfast." She said conversationally as if she hadn't been struggling to get out of her brother's arms to hurt his ex-girlfriend.

"Did I miss the email where it tells everyone to visit me today at this particular time? If so, how come I didn't get a copy?" Alex sighed and wondered if he was going to have to call the police on his sister and friends, because he was pretty sure that they were all planning to kidnap Lauren and leave her somewhere.

"If there was an email then I didn't get a copy." Isabel said as she walked up and stood in the doorway.

Lauren who hadn't been paying any of the other girls any attention turned when she heard another familiar voice. Seeing that it was the girl who was with Alex last night at the club, she glared at her. "You! What are you doing here? I thought I told you last night to stay away from my boyfriend."

"Which boyfriend? Alex or Charlie? Because you don't seem to know which one you're dating at the moment. Besides didn't you tell Alex last night that you were more interested in his brother than him?" Isabel stared at her coldly.

"How dare you?" Lauren stuttered.

"Wait a minute!" Charlie yelled and whistled when he realized that no one was paying him any attention. Everyone turned to stare, glare, or look in amusement at him. "You told that to Alex? I can't believe you. First you come over here pretending that everything that happened last night was my fault. Next you're telling Alex that you can't tell us apart, when in reality you're the one who invited me over and then preceded to get us both drunk. I mean what's your new story going to be. Oh I know its going to be that you have split personalities. I know I'm partly responsible for what happened yesterday, but you can't laid the blame for your own actions on Alex just because you want to be blameless."

"Everyone should go in the kitchen and have breakfast. I want to talk to Lauren alone." Alex said quietly as he let his sister down and motioned for everyone to go in the apartment. Silently everyone headed into the apartment leaving Alex and Lauren alone.

"Alex, I..." She started.

"No, I think its my turn to talk now."

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Post by vegas312 »

Title: In Over My Head

Author: vegas312

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, so please don't sue me.

Rating: Mature for language and anything my muse wicked mind might think of lol

Coupling: A/I, CC

Summary: Based on a challenge. Look at chapter one for a more detailed summary. Many thanks!

AN: Sorry about the lack of updates again. I've just started a new job, and have finally settled into a routine with everything. Well that and I got sucked back into watching Doctor Who. lmao I hope you like this chapter and my apologies if its too short, but I kind of wanted to get the whole Lauren thing done with. ;) Next chapter will be a bit longer and yes the rest of the challenge will be popping up as well as that all important conversation between Alex and Charlie that's needed. Three chapters to go! Woohoo

AN2: Many thanks to everyone that's reading this and those that left bumps as well. Special thanks to Trude, chanks_girl, Grace52373, Allie Xie (your comment had me lmao..that's something actually Emily would say instead of Alex lol), Laure (thanks for the bump at RH), Lillie (glad you're liking this...thanks for writing the challenge), Rodney (begging huh? lol Thanks for the lamptrimmer jokes btw hee hee), and KaraGail (I think she finally got a clue lol).


Chapter 7: Love stinks or does it?

The door closed with a thud leaving the two to stand there staring at each other in silence as neither wanted to be the first to say anything. He stared at her, taking in the dark red hair that he had once teased her was like her temper and that on days when they had done nothing more than curled up together he would stroke. He remembered all the times they had laughed, kissed, and joked around. What had happened to that girl? The girl, who he had accidentally ran into at the coffee house two months ago. The girl, who instead of making him feel like a klutz had laughingly told him that it was okay since she had done the same thing to others time and time again, so it was no big deal. They had started off as friends until he had finally worked up the nerve to ask her out on a date, and from there they had become a couple. That was they had been a couple until two days ago, and even now after every thing that had happened he still wasn't sure how things had gone so wrong. Maybe things had gone wrong long ago, and he hadn't just wanted to see. Or maybe she wasn't the person he had thought she was.

Dark blue eyes briefly met gray eyes before looking away, and he looked down to stare at his Chucks hoping for some kind of guidance, whether it be divine intervention or the gift of words. 'Anything would be great right now, although I haven't had the best luck lately.' He chuckled ruefully before clearing his throat and pulling his gaze away from his sneakers. He looked up to find her staring at him with an indescribable expression that gave him no clue as to how to approach her or the situation. 'Alright its now or never, well at least five minutes before Emily comes out to see whether I need to be rescue or not. Knowing her she's probably standing on the other side of the door with a glass, or standing on Charlie to peek out of the eye hole on the door. Okay enough of my rambling. I can do this. I have to do this.'

"Lauren, what's going on? Why are you here? I thought last night you made your intentions clear that you didn't want to be with me anymore, and that I believe that we're just not meant to be together. What's changed from what last night?"

"Its just that last night I was upset that you were breaking up with me, and I got angry and said all those things that I didn't mean. I wanted to hurt you as much as you did me last night. You didn't even give me a second chance or anything. Its like you just gave up on us as if nothing that's happened in the past two months meant anything at all. Although, I guess I can see why you're not in any hurry to work things out." She flung the words bitterly at him as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Lauren, you didn't sleep with some random stranger although that would have been just as bad. You slept with my brother, my twin brother who's my best friend. I'm not sure how one bounces back from something like that, and I rather not find myself on Jerry Springer with you and Charlie. How am I supposed to forget that? I just can't forget that, but if you want to be friends then maybe one day we can give that a try." He gave her a helpless smile not really sure what else to say or do. 'What does one do in a break up like this?'

Anger flashed in her gray eyes as she straighten her shoulders and tighten her grip on her purse. Anger, and something that seemed like resignation settled on her face as she stared at him. "No matter what I say you're not going to take me back are you?" She said as a matter of fact rather than a question. "I know I messed up, but you know what sooner or later we've would broken up because your heart would have belonged to someone else the whole time."

"What are you talking about?" Confusion colored his face as he stared at her.

"You don't even know do you? No matter what you tell yourself or who you try to fall in love with, your heart has already been claimed a long time ago. I hope you finally get what you want because despite everything that I've said to the contrary you are one heck of a guy. I'm going to miss you Alex Whitman. God, am I going to miss you." She moved close to him and stood on her tip of her toes as she reached up and kissed him on the cheek. She closed her eyes as she rested her head against his shoulder before pulling away. She gave him one last smile before walking to the elevators. Hitting the down button she turned to him and waved. "Goodbye."

He could only stare in shock and confusion as she waved bye before stepping in the elevator. He continued to stand there even after the doors had closed. Leaning back against the wall, he let himself slide down until he was sitting on the floor. Closing his eyes, he wondered what Lauren had meant when she said that his heart had been claimed a long time ago. 'What is she talking about? Was she talking about Isabel? No way. Even though I fell in love with her two years ago, nothing came out of it and I was able to move on. I can't be still in love with her. I mean crushing on her sure, but love? Am I still in love with Isabel Evans?'

Behind him the apartment door opened and Charlie and Emily stepped out the door. Seeing their brother on the floor, they gave each other a concern look before stepping over to where he was sitting. Emily sat next to Alex with Charlie taking a seat next to her. No one said anything until Alex with his eyes still closed told them they didn't need to sit out there with him.

"You're our little brother so of course we're going to sit out here and mope with you. Even though we're hoping to drag you inside where there's food and television, but hey we can hang out here too." Emily teased him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah what Emily said except for the food part although I do vote that we bring the television out here." Charlie added.

"The television huh? Awesome because I brought five videos of the teletubbies with me just for you." She grinned at Charlie, who paled at the thought of watching five videos, which meant five hours or more.

"The teletubbies?! No! Its not going to happen. You got the wrong guy. You can't make me." He shook his head at her.

"Well I have some extra strength duck tape and some rope if you need it Em." Alex opened his eyes and grinned down at his sister.

"What part of its not going to happen are the two of you not understanding? What did I do to deserve five hours of the teletubbies?" He started to say more, but seeing the pointed looks on Alex and Emily's faces he dropped his head. "Oh! Right. Well teletubbies it is then. Just no tape or rope okay?"

"Deal. So Alex what happened with you and the ex? You know maybe its a good thing the two of you broke up because she was exhibiting stalker tendencies there at the end." Emily moved her head off of Alex's shoulder to stare at him.

"I really don't want to talk about it. Let's just go eat breakfast and hope that mom isn't letting dad do more than help prep breakfast, rather than cook it." He stood up and reached down to help his sister stand. Seeing the concern look that she was giving him as well as his brother, he gave them a small smile. "Look don't worry about it okay. I won't be seeing Lauren anytime soon except for around campus. Everything is okay with us now, and I just have some things to think about. She said something weird. I don't' know. How about that breakfast?"

"What do you mean she said something weird?" Charlie asked as he stood up.

"Nothing much. She seemed to think that I'm in love with someone else, in particularly Isabel. I mean I'm not in love with Isabel anymore, so I don't know where she got that crazy idea. Anyway I'm going to go in now." With that he hurried into the apartment before either of his siblings could say anything.

Waiting until the door closed behind him, the other two looked at each with a raised eyebrow and a curious look.

"Well it looks like Alex has started to forgive you since he didn't throw a punch at you and has now acknowledge your presence. You do know that you owe him since all I'm making you do is watch teletubbies right?" Emily crossed her arms as she looked up at Charlie.

"Yeah, I know and I promise not to do anything dumb like this again." Seeing the look she was giving him he sighed and placed his right hand over his heart. "Alright, alright. I, Andrew Charles Whitman, hereby swear that I will not do anything on this level of stupid again, and that if I do I will not tell the parents if Emily has planned revenge against me. There are you happy now?"

"I guess so, but you really need to work on the wording on your pledge some more. Now there's one thing that you can help me with, and I'll only make you watch three of the Teletubbies tapes." She smiled happily and rubbed her hands in glee as a plan formed in her mind.

"What's that?" He asked wearily wondering what he was letting himself in for. With his sister, a guy could never know she was thinking.

"You're going to help me set Alex up on a date with Isabel. Cool idea right?"

"What? Alex just broke up with his girlfriend! He doesn't want or need a pity date. There's a word for this: rebound."

"Um no. He was on rebound from Isabel and that's how he ended up with Lauren."

"Huh? You've lost me, which is nothing new I assure you."

"Oh shut up and listen to my plan." She rolled her eyes at him before pulling him down to tell him her plan.

Last edited by vegas312 on Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In Over My Head (A/I, CC) MATURE 7/22/07 Ch.7 pg.6[WIP]

Post by Bixie »

Author is ready to update.
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Re: In Over My Head (A/I, CC) MATURE 7/22/07 Ch.7 AN 9/8/08

Post by vegas312 »

AN: Hey guys! *waves* I come bearing good news, well at least I hope its good news. Hee. Chapter 8 is completed, so I just got some final editing to do and hopefully (no complications bearing) I should have it up by Wednesday night. Also many thanks to jbangelo and BixieSandra for dragging this out of the D&B Section for me. Thanks ladies!

Also I just wanted to remind all of you about the Fanfic On Demand Auction, and that it has started today. Bids are going on now, and there are tons of Roswell authors (jbangelo, Kath7, cardinalgirl, StarGazerUK, Midwest Max, Behrsgirl77, Anniepoo98 to name a few) as well as myself up for auction. Even if you can't donate anything, then please pass the word onto your friends. You can find the bidding HERE if you're interested.

Ah come on, who doesn't want a custom made fanfic to themselves. Plus you know that the fic will actually be completed. ;) Have a great day guys and thanks for hearing me out.