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Fight For You (OTH L/P Chapter 1 4/11/017) DEAD AND BURIED

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:05 pm
by LPdreamer08
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: What if... the girl that Lucas was 'losing' in season 2 was Peyton? What if he realized this too late? Will he fight for her? Leyton, Jeyton, Naley, Breyton (friendship) BrookeFelix
AN:Okay, so I like barely watched season 2 on account of a disappointing storyline. Anyways, I decided to change a few things. So this takes place around eoisode 2.10 but I've changed the timeline so just bare with me. It's slightly AU. Since I don't know much about season 2, the timeline and events might not be in order. I also changed some of the details. Please feedback!

Fight For You

Chapter 1- I Could Use A Friend

As he left her room and began to descend the stairs, he was still thinking about the conversation he just had with who he thought was a very good friend of his. He had been wrong though. She seemed so different from the girl he had come to know. She was still her broody, sarcastic self, but there was a sadness hidden beneath her green eyes. He hadn't realized until that moment how far him and Peyton had drifted apart. There had once been a time when he would have given anything for her to look at him. Maybe that's why her words left a slight but very evident stinging in his chest.

"When was the last time we even had a conversation about something real?"

"I just thought you could use a friend."

"Yeah, I could use a friend, you know? But you don't qualify as that anymore, Lucas. Because a real friend would know about all the crap that I've been dealing with lately."

The most painful thing about what she said was that every word was true. He couldn't believe how far they had drifted from eachother. He couldn't believe that he had let it get this far. When he reached the front door, he wanted nothing more than to run back up those stairs, burst into her room and hold her until everything was okay. But he knew things wouldn't be okay. Deep down, he didn't know if he was the one to save her. And that scared him. From the first moment he had ever layed on Peyton Sawyer, he had wanted to save her from whatever made her so angry.
He sat in his truck for a full minute before starting it and driving home. He looked through the windshield up to Peyton's window. He could imagine her laying on her bed or sitting in front of her webcam, diligently working on her next dark drawing as she lost herself in a good song. He looked away from her window as he started the truck and drove off.

He slowly trudged through his bedroom door as he arrived home.

"Mom?!" No answer.

He was happy with the solitude at the moment. All he wanted to do was lay down and get lost in a good book. He walked over to his bookshelf and picked out one of his favorites. He plopped himself on his bed and opened up to his favorite part. However, he couldn't quite focus on the words. His mind kept going back to Peyton and how it felt like he was losing her.

After reading the same paragraph about 15 times, he stood up, grabbed his basketball and headed for the Rivercourt.


She was putting the finishing touches on her drawing as she sat against the headboard of the bed. One of her favorite songs was playing and she couldn't help the small tug at the corner of her mouth. Despite her gloomy disposition, she had a chance to forget about her problems for about three minutes as she let herself get lost in the music. When she completely finished the drawing,she held it away from herself to get a full look at it. It was a picture of herself, alone and isolated. Standing behind her was a tall lean figure with his hands stuffed in his pockets. The caption read: "I could use a friend."

She rose from her spot on the bed and walked over to her desk. She pulled out a black folder and slid the drawing in. She was about to close the folder when an older drawing caught her eyes. She drew this right after Lucas drove her home when her car broke down.

"You don't know me."

That day kind of felt like this day. She felt like she didn't even know him anymore. They hadn't spoken in over a week and even when they did talk, it was about meaningless nonsense. She couldn't help but be angry at him as he suddenly decided to show up and be a real person again. What made it worse was that he was the one who had broken down her walls. Before he came along, she was guarded. The only person she fully let in was Brooke. And now, she could feel the walls building up as she felt the familiar loneliness.

She felt very alone. Jake was gone, Nathan and Haley were married, her dad was a thousand miles away, Brooke was in the middle of steamy romance with Felix and Lucas just wasn't there. Well, he was there and then she just kicked him out.

"Whatever you think, I really do care about you, Peyton."

Yeah, whatever. She had just dismissed it when he said it. And now, hours later, she hated herself for being weak and wanting to have let him stay. She quickly closed the folder and walked out of her closet just when a rather sad song began to play. It perfectly matched her mood. She sat down at her computer and decided to check her email.

"Hey P.Sawyer! Wahtcha doin?" said a very cheery Brooke Davis as she came bounding through the door and laying herself on Peyton's bed.

"Nothing much," mumbled Peyton as she pretended to be busy reading an email. She really didn't want to talk about what happened at school and she knew that Brooke was going to bring it up sooner or later.

"Ugh! Can we please listen to something that doesn't make me want to kill myself?" asked Brooke as she flicked her wrist towards the stereo.

"Yeah, well, that's not very far from how I feel," said Peyton as she turned in her chair, facing Brooke.

"Look, P. I didn't come here to talk to you about the llocker thing. Despite what you may think, I know you. You need time to cool off before anything is said. I came over here to propose a girl's night at the awesome B.Davis' house. It would just be you and me, just like old times. You know, before--"

"Before the world happened?"

"Yup," said Brooke with a bright smile on her face.

"Okay, fine. Just let me go get my stuff together."

Brooke jumped from the bed and ran over to Peyton, throwing her arms around her and giggling like a mad woman.

"Okay Brooke, I kinda need to breathe."

"Oh! Sorry!" Brooke said as she released Peyton from her death grip. "Now get your skinny ass moving so that we could be on our way."

"Okay Cheery."

Peyton walked into the bathroom and closed the door as Peyton, once again plopped herself on the bed. She accidentally knocked over Peyton's purse and the drawing of Jake and Jenny that was resting on her nightstand.


"Is everything alright?" yelled Peyton from the bathroom.


She bent down to pick up the purse and it's spilled contents when she noticed something unnerving. A small vile filled with white powder. Next to it was a small, shining mirror. She couldn't believe her eyes. Peyton told her that it was just a one time thing. She lied. Brooke became worried. Then she noticed the drawing on the floor. Jake. She stuffed everything back into the purse as she heard Peyton exiting the bathroom. She set it on the nightstand just as Peyton opened the door.

"You ready?" asked Brooke as she turned towards the blonde girl, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

"Just about," said Peyton as she came to stand next to a tense Brooke. "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh! Fine! Let's get out of here!"

The two best friends left the room and headed down the stairs, ready to forget their problems for the night.

To be continued...