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Bedazzled (ADULT CC/UC) *Starting*

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:21 pm
by madroswellfan

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Title: Bedazzled
Disclaimer – I don’t own anything that is Roswell or to do with the film “Bedazzled
Rating: ADULT
Couples UC and CC

Meet Tess – aka the Devil. Or if you prefer, Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer or the Princess of darkness.
Tess wants souls. To get souls, she gets a person who says “I’ll do anything to…” and uses them for her own advantage. She promises 7 wishes for that person’s soul.

Now let me introduce you to Mr. Jo Normal / Mr Pathetic… ahem…I mean Max Evans.
Max is completely utterly alone. He works 9 until 5 at an office job that he doesn’t like. He has a sister that he’s never got on with at all An Isabel (and an Alex) can be added if anyone wants to play!!!, his office “friends” always try to ditch him… and he’s hopelessly and utterly in love with the girl who lives on the floor above in the office…. Who doesn’t even know he exists.

Max goes to a bar after work to find his work mates, (who said they weren’t going out tonight) are there. They convince him to go and talk to the Maria, the girl he loves, who quickly walks away, since she’s a bit scared of the weird guy she doesn’t know. He utters those magic words and bada-bing, there comes Tess.

In a nut shell
Max makes 7 wishes. His wishes always go wrong.

Liz is Maria’s best friend and has actually always had a silent crush on Max but is far to shy to ever let him know. And since there workmates all hate Max and she’s to shy to say anything she just goes along with them.

Michael has always had a crush on Maria…infact he often ends up in the janitor’s closet at work with her. So when at the bar he finds out Max has a crush on her, he sends him to go and talk to her knowing it will go horribly wrong. Every time there is a wish, Michael tries to do something to get Maria.

Maria is a little flighty. She doesn’t really know what she wants from life. And as Max wants to please her, what he wishes for keeps changing dramatically. But secretly the one thing she wants is Michael. And she hasn’t a clue really as to why.

Now for those of you are thinking that it’s all about Tess, Max and Maria, it is not. In every wish, Liz and Michael are always there and Liz is always attracted to Max and trying to let him know in her own little way, and Michael is always there to try and steal Maria.

Tess aka the Devil – MadRoswellFan
Max – DreamWeaver
Liz – MadRoswellFan
Michael – Alizaleven
Maria – aliensister

1) Long posts (at least two paragraphs) with expression.
2) No rushing! No drastic changes to the story line unless you've contacted us and other players involved.
3) If you aren't going to be a round for a while, please say so we can arrange a temp. If we don't here for you for a while and you don't tell us we will recast.
4) Have FUN!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:31 pm
by madroswellfan
Ok we're in the bar and Michael and Liz are there with a group of other people from the office. Maria's by the bar... and hey when she leaves max she can always have some fun with Maria... ;)

Why are they all so mean to him?

Okay hes not the most...obviously perfect man in the world. But I can't help but think that beneath that geeky exterior is the heart of the most wonderful guy...
And yet they all hate him. They all hate him and I just don't know why. Because to me... to me Max is heaven.

Kyle is telling one of his famous stories about how Max one day did something which makes everyone laugh at him. But all I can think is... he still seems perfect to me.

Maybe one day he'll see that there exists more women in the world than my best friend. Maria DeLuca.... why does she get all the luck! She's my best friend, and I love her and all but... why can't he see I exist? I turn to Michael and see him staring at someone at the bar. I snap my fingers at him. "Hello? Guerin, you there?" I smile. "Off in your own little world again? I'd have thought you would join in the Max jokes..."

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:18 pm
by madroswellfan
Uh... bump?