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Twilight (Adult UC/CC XO Sv Btvs) *Started*

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:57 pm
by madroswellfan
Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Title: Twilight
Rating: Adult
Authors: MadRoswellfan and FaithfulAngel24
Disclaimer: We don’t own anything from Roswell, Smallville, or Buffy
XO with Buffy and Smallville
Couples – UC/CC

Roswell canon follows up to “A roswell Christmas Carol.” In season 2.
Smallville canon follows up to the end of season 2 (“Exodus”)
Buffy cannon follows up to “Two to Go” in season 6.

There are many reasons why people reach for there dark side.
Some, like Willow from BtVS, endure a great loss that causes them to reach within themselves for revenge.
Others, like Clark from Smallville, feel so much guilt that they do the one thing that will cause them to feel no more.
And some… some have evil thrust upon them.

This roleplay picks up from a few weeks after “A Roswell Christmas Carol”. Max is in the cave, the only place he has ever seen his birth mother. He has been coming here every few days since Christmas, not sure what to do with himself without Liz. As he leaves, he goes through his daily ritual of going to the nearby stream and drinking the fresh water.

But today… today he will meet a new side of himself.

Outline of the roleplay:
Max will unwittingly have the gandarium attack him. He falls to the ground and immediately reaches a dark side of himself.
Willow meanwhile has just defeated Giles in battle and has retrieved all his power to add to her own. But she feels two more presences on earth with equal power. She immediately uses her powers to seek out Max and meets him moments after receiving the powers.
A few minutes later, it so happens that as Willow and Max are fighting each other Clark meets up with the two and after fighting with no clear winner they join forces to take over the universe.

Chloe using her amazing skills tracks Clark down to Roswell. Bad Max immediately starts to pursue Chloe. Willow and Clark very very quickly start up a very fiery relationship.

Max, being the closest to Maria decides he wants a partner in crime. The gandarium allows him to affect others. But he wants all the bad power to himself. But when he goes to see Maria he changes his mind and turns her bad too.

Liz is desperate to get Max back before something happens to him.

At Sunnydale, Buffy is told she is not allowed to follow Willow as there is a big uprising coming. But Xander is determined not to lose Willow and decides to go to Roswell. Spike after retrieving his soul, goes to Buffy and finds out all the news. Buffy begs Spike to go with him for Xander’s protection. Neither of the guys like this but Spike eventually agrees.

Beginning couples:

Early on couples:

After this couples are to be determined by the way the play goes. But the following is a list of couples we want to explore:
Max with Maria, Chloe and Liz
Xander with Willow (and Chloe?)
Spike with Maria (and Willow?)
Clark with Willow and Chloe

Max will eventually turn Chloe bad.
Clark will drop his red K and turn good.
People will move from the good to the bad side and vice versa.
There will be casualties in the rpg. If you take a character we may PM you at some point to ask if you would mind if your character ‘bit the dust’. We may then be able to offer a different or maybe even a new character.

Current bad guys:

Current good guys:

Max – MadRoswellFan

Maria – FaithfulAngel24

Liz – DreamWeaver

Clark – MadRoswellFan

Chloe – FaithfulAngel24

Willow – LizandZackFan

Spike – RiaRath101

Xander – DreamWeaver
1) Long posts (at least two paragraphs) with expression.
2) Be aware that characters will die. By signing up you agree that you have understood this.
3) No rushing! If you have ideas on where you want the rpg to go or you want to suggest the next coupling for your character, please PM me and faith and any other character involved.
4) If you aren't going to be a round for a while, please say so we can arrange a temp. If we don't here for you for a while and you don't tell us we will recast.
5) If we have both worked with you on a rpg before there will be no need for samples. However if you are new to rpging we will ask for an audition piece just so we can see if you will work in the role.
6) If there is a role you are simply dying to have added to this rpg drop us a line and we will consider it.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:52 pm
by Dream Weaver
Hey guys this is an awsome idea!

I would love to take Liz! :D

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 8:09 am
by madroswellfan
She's yours hun!

Check out the banner I made for this ;)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:13 am
by FaithfulAngel24
That looks awesome Mad :D Great Job :wink:

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 10:08 pm
by Dream Weaver
Can't wait! :D

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:36 am
by FaithfulAngel24
Come on guys :D

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:04 pm
by Dream Weaver
Hey Guys......I can take Xander!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:03 am
by madroswellfan
Xanders yours hun!
We need Willow and Spike!!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:58 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
I love the two new pics. Gorgeous!!! Wonderful Job Mad! :D


Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:13 pm
by lizandzackfan
I'll take Willow.