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Cyber Delights (AU/CC Adult) 09/22/07 [COMPLETE]

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:22 am
by suicide_eagle_rath

Title: Cyber Delights

Author: suicide_eagle_rath

Disclaimer: The characters belong to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, WB and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement intended. I am only attempting to finish a riveting story from one point of view.

Rating: Adult

Pairings: CC /AU

Summary: Liz is dared into a “cyber sex” chat to collect data for a paper.

Author Note this is for adults.. no one under legal age ….

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:23 am
by suicide_eagle_rath
Cyber Delights


Abyss_Maker: Come on I dare you?

Love_Dreamsr: Are you crazy Maria, that is gross.

Abyss_Maker: Chicken, CLUCK…… CLUCK….. CLUCK.

Love_Dreamsr: I am not chicken just cyber sex stuff is well ewwwww.

Abyss_Maker: You want research for the essay you are writing right?

Love_Dreamsr: Well yeah, but I can get info off the net in reliable areas.

Abyss_Maker: Prof said he wanted original research. How are you going to get that kind of research? What is more reliable then seeing how guys actually talk sex on the net?

Love_Dreamsr: So how do I find this cyber sex chat Maria? Advertise?

Abyss_Maker: Not a bad idea, there are some single web sites.

Love_Dreamsr: NO

Abyss_Maker: OK …. hmmmmmmm

Love_Dreamsr: Well?

Abyss_Maker: I am thinking

Love_Dreamsr: Maria this is silly, I can make it up. It is only a small paper on modern cyber sexuality. How will the Prof know?

Abyss_Maker: Right, and what would you say as a male, since your paper deals with the male view of what they say.

Love_Dreamsr: Things like hi there, how are you, I love to make it with you

Abyss_Maker: That is not how they cyber sex Liz.

Love_Dreamsr: And how do you know?

Abyss_Maker: Pleading the fifth

Love_Dreamsr: YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abyss_Maker: Hey one time thing with this guy, Michael, damn he could curl my toes.

Love_Dreamsr: Not THE Michael, the one you are dating?

Abyss_Maker: Ah, silence is golden.

Love_Dreamsr: Yeah, right. So you can tell me all the gory details.

Abyss_Maker: Nope, got to learn for yourself. Sink or swim as the case may be.

Love_Dreamsr: Thanks a lot ..nice friend you are

Abyss_Maker: LOL, hey I will be on another window if you need help, can feed you lines and such.

Love_Dreamsr: OK

Abyss_Maker: Hold on… brb

Abyss_Maker: Ready? I found a guy, he wants to chat.

Love_Dreamsr: Who????……WHERE?????

Abyss_Maker: A friend of a friend of a friend.

Love_Dreams: NOOOOO!!!!! You are serious?!!!!!!!!

Abyss_Maker: howling

Abyss_Maker: Yuppers….. just pretend you are a sultry vixen, he will never know who you are, think of the last time you had sex then recreate a scene from it. Like telling a story.

Love_Dreamsr: Yeah but I hear people get naked and fuck themselves on the cams

Abyss_Maker: Liz you have control, only do as much as you want, if you want to play with yourself go ahead, much funner though to screw with his mind. Men are pushover; he will be cuming with your words.

Love_Dreamsr: Oh my god… lol

Abyss_Maker: Think of the power that your little words have over him when you type.

Love_Dreamsr: Did you play with yourself?

Abyss_Maker: No way, I was laughing my ass off half the time, using all those phrases from porno stories you read on the web. Amazing how guys like to hear that shit.

Love_Dreamsr: LOL.. so nothing?

Abyss_Maker: Not in cyber space, but boy when we met it was hot, he was a lot better in person. Not such an ass as he appeared on line. But we also took time before hand to know each other.

Love_Dreamsr: I do not want to know him, just want data for what men say and do during cyber sex.

Abyss_Maker: Okay then you still got that others MSN name, you remember the Lizard one

Love_Dreamsr: Oh god I almost forget,…..yeah….lol

Abyss_Maker: Log into that, I will add you and him.

Love_Dreamsr: Okay, I do not believe I am going to have cyber sex with a stranger

Abyss_Maker: Keep telling yourself … it is for an A

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 9:05 am
by suicide_eagle_rath
Thanks Roslover39, Natalie36, Mistress9, thetvgeneral, BehrObsession, dreamer19, alizaleven,Bri+Jason2830, and behr_able for the great feedback. Hold onto your hats, the game is just warming up.

Cyber Delights


////////////// RELOGGED INTO CHAT UNDER NEW NAMES///////////////

Lizard_D_2: MARIA!!!!!

Vixen_Fox: Keep it to a dull roar there L. ….lol

Lizard_D_2: L? LOL…. so we are using initials. Going Sean on me?

Vixen_Fox: lol.. Yeah tacky and Sean….. hmm that does match .… but keeps our real names private

Lizard_D_2: True

Vixen_Fox: Okay ready, got your sexiest clothes on?

Lizard_D_2: clothes?

Vixen_Fox: They also like naked.. you can go that route.

Lizard_D_2: LOL…… please kill me now.

Vixen_Fox: PRETEND!!!! Remember L it is all a game, he knows that you know that. This is to see you can out sex, out last, out gross the other person.

Lizard_D_2: LOL .. I am not going to make it.

Vixen_Fox: Think wanton hussy, street walker.. WHORE

Lizard_D_2: LOL, hmmm ….okay .. I got a picture in mind

Vixen_Fox: Cool, whom

Lizard_D_2: Ex-roommate, Tess. Remember her, the four guys a day…. that month of hell I was forced to room with her

Vixen_Fox: OMG.. almost forgot her, perfect.

Lizard_D_2: Okay lets do this, going to fuck this guy till he screams in ecstasy as I slide my tongue….

Vixen_Fox: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ummm Liz sure you have not done this before

Lizard_D_2: Nope, got a porno story on another window, cut and paste…lol

Vixen_Fox: LOL

Lizard_D_2: Well you said you used one… so if figured

Vixen_Fox: Yup! Okay ready to add, follow my lead and then I will go.

////////G_F has been added to the conversation.//////

Vixen_Fox: Hi there G_F how is it going?

G_F: Hey there, I love a vixen fox

Vixen_Fox: well I love a man who can keep it up….

G_F: Then I am your man

Vixen_Fox: Good so L here will be well satisfied I take it

Lizard_D_2: Hi G_F

G_F: hey there, why name Lizard

Lizard_D_2: Because my tongue can do wonders

G_F: Whoa… ladies my heart… the blood is rushing down. SOOOOOO is this a threesome? OMG ……soooo horny chatting with two sexy voluptuous women. So what you two wearing? Naked?

Vixen_Fox: Of course, I always go naked for you.

Lizard_D_2: Darling I always dress…. Half the fun is removing items

G_F: Agreed !! Like to slowly have them removed?

Lizard_D_2: most defiantly …..item by item….. inch by inch ..

G_F: slowly and with lots of kisses caressing each uncovered spot....

Lizard_D_2: …deep sensuous kisses....

G_F: ….tongues entwining to dwell on a soft caress

Vixen_Fox: WOW ..OKAY THEN ….. I shall leave you too hot bodies. Have fun sex….. I am off to jump my boyfriend.

G_F: Stay and play with us

Vixen_Fox: Sorry but my boyfriend is real and at 12 inches he needs me …LOL

Vixen_Fox has left the conversation.

/////////////Begin private chat////////////////////

Lizard_D_2: DID YOU LEAVE!!!!!!

Vixen_Fox: No still here doing my music composition that is due tomorrow.

Lizard_D_2: You scared me….

Vixen_Fox: Me?????.. you with the clothes one piece at a time!!!! LOL damn girl that was HOT

Lizard_D_2: hee hee .. He is sleazy… ummmm Hey Maria.. ummm…. is Michael really 12 inches

Vixen_Fox: lol .. no more like 10 and a half

Lizard_D_2: OMG

Vixen_Fox: Hey Liz.. snap back to reality there……game Liz, remember the game… get your data.. make him beg for you .. then dump his ass..

Lizard_D_2: LOL.. speaking of which …ass is calling me back

Vixen_Fox: I am here.. keep me informed…lol

/////////////End private chat////////////////////

G_F: Hey Lizard you leave?

Lizard_D_2: No I am here.

G_F: I would like to watch you undress slowly for me, take off all those cumbersome clothes down to black lace panties before you dive in.

Lizard_D_2: Oh you would huh? Black lace panties?

G_F: So you play with yourself Lizzie?

Lizard_D_2: I play with men, more fun than alone.

G_F: That sounds good to me, I like to play.

Lizard_D_2: I like the feel of a man,

G_F: .It can be fun alone when you are chatting with a guy like me

Lizard_D_2: Oh lover I like that fantasy …. one can feel you.

G_F: .....outside and inside i expect...

Lizard_D_2: inside .. deep ..

G_F: throbbing, pulsating - hard and deep...

Lizard_D_2 : brb

/////////////Begin private chat////////////////////


Vixen_Fox: What happened?

Lizard_D_2: he wrote: “ throbbing, pulsating - hard and deep...”

Vixen_Fox: LOL bound to get worse before it gets better …. So you guys already throbbing? So what were the words before he throbbed Liz? There must had been somehting you said... snickering….

Lizard_D_2: Funny Maria real funny.. think this guy is serious?

Vixen_Fox: Who knows, bet you can get him to blow his load in less than 10 minutes.

Lizard_D_2: EWWWWW….. hmmm you think so?

Vixen_Fox: LOL

Lizard_D_2: Okay I am not going to be me for the next few minutes I am going to act a role. The usual me Liz Parker is gone . I am going to be slut girl Tess in all my glory

Vixen_Fox:: lol I'm gonna laugh my ass off go for it!

Lizard_D_2: I am turning on the heat, let see if I can SHOCK HIM …

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 5:38 pm
by suicide_eagle_rath
Thanks thetvgeneral, alizaleven, dreamer19, Natalie36, BehrObsession, and kittens for the feedback.. In response to what kind of teacher.. A FUN …………..Okay the heat is on… just who is who is G.F. …lol mmm maybe Mr. Owl knows…lol

Cyber Delights


G_F: Hey Lizard .. my cock is all hard and hot for ya.. where are you?

Lizard_D_2: I am here, so how shall we play.

G_F: Hard dirty fast..

Lizard_D_2: hmmmmm I can see taking off your shirt, button by button…. feeling the hard muscles underneath ….dropping my hands to undo the belt…

G_F: mmmmmmmmmmmm yeah baby feel my hard cock straining to get out.. sit in my lap baby

Lizard_D_2: I hike up my skirt, I went commando for you as I ease down on your lap

G_F: ooh yea baby that is it .. I can feel your wet pussy as it slides along my thighs

Lizard_D_2: So what does GF strand for lover….ohh I love your cock

G_F: Oh baby yess.. slide it in and you will have Great Fuck

Lizard_D_2:GF for great fuck…lol Okay prove it

G_F: ALL RIGHT …Ready to rock and fuck

Lizard_D_2: okay where were we

G_F: mmmmmmm….oh yes, I am stroking my fingers inside your panties, moving them to the side, I smell your pussy juices

Lizard_D_2: oh yess

G_F: I am sliding your panties down your thighs and off your legs.

Lizard_D_2: yesss

G_F: I am teasing your lips apart to feel your pussy juices on my fingers

Lizard_D_2:oh yess

G_F: I am slowly tracing my fingers uncover your clit and softly caressing it and then pinching it as you drip as I slide them in…… your pussy juices warp around me


G_F: Are you sure you are with me?

Lizard_D_2: What? Oh of course lover … use your tongue

/////////////Begin private chat////////////////////

Lizard_D_2: MARIIIIIIAAA!!!!!!!!!


Lizard_D_2: Does the word EWWWW mean anything….

Vixen_Fox: LMAO!!!!

Lizard_D_2: Okay this guy is sick.. one more time he uses the phrase pussy juices I am going to neuter him.

Vixen_Fox: Pussy juices .. sick … so what have you said

Lizard_D_2: I am laughing so hard cannot type.... yesss .. do it harder… LOL


Lizard_D_2: My ribs hurt

Vixen_Fox:LOL .. sounds like typical sex talk.. ya ya ya...

Lizard_D_2: lol he thinks he's hot shit!!!!!!!

Vixen_Fox:LOL yeah all men think that

Lizard_D_2: bla bla bla..…..

/////////////End private chat////////////////////

G_F: I am spreading your legs apart to look upon the rip pink pussy. Shaved?

Lizard_D_2: of course

G_F: Good I use my tongue slowly licking aside the soft hairs until I find your clit.

Lizard_D_2: Thought I had no hair.

G_F: You yell out for me to open up your pussy lips with my warm tongue and probe gently inside licking up the juices…. my tongue pushes in tasting your delicious pussy juices...

Lizard_D_2: Oh please continue

G_F: I wish I could see you getting excited by my tongue

Lizard_D_2: oh yess

G_F: You can feel my tongue, in and out, sucking on your clit, you are clawing at my head to pull me closer in deeper

Lizard_D_2: oh yeah I feel it deeper

G_F: Your are squealing with pleasure.


G_F: Do I excite you

Lizard_D_2: Definitely

/////////////Begin private chat////////////////////

Lizard_D_2: Oh brother

Vixen_Fox: LOL... what is happening

Lizard_D_2: Maria I swear this guy is just talking has no idea what I say .. like he is reading a script..

Vixen_Fox:lol really

Lizard_D_2: he said I SQUEAL.. what I am a pig?

Vixen_Fox: LOL

Lizard_D_2: GEEESH ….am I bored!!!!

Vixen_Fox: LOL

Lizard_D_2: Really….. I am sooooooo bored.. …Do all men see it this way? I mean are they are all alike? Amazing what one will do …lol

Vixen_Fox:lol bored with cyber sex!!!!! That is funny….

Lizard_D_2: Yeah .. not what I thought!! It is like he is in his own world and all I have to do is say YESSSSS

Vixen_Fox: snickering…. No playing with yourself?

Lizard_D_2:Please had more excitement from Bambi .. brb ..oh goody pussy juices is back in action ..

/////////////End private chat////////////////////

G_F: Mmmm baby my tongue strokes your head clit hard, I feel your excitement building as my fingers dive deep inside. You let out loud moans you pussy drips for me.

Lizard_D_2: ooohh moaning

G_F: You spread your legs wider as you let me in deeper. My tongue is hard and strong as it shoves in, my finger s help. Your pussy juices are flowing as

Lizard_D_2: Ohhhhhhhhh yes

G_F: I can feel your pussy start to grab me, you are climaxing as my fingers are added.

Lizard_D_2: I push deeper with my fingers, you want more and more thrusting yourself against me.

G_F: Your clit is hard, I pinch it as you yelp out in pleasure

Lizard_D_2: more more more

G_F: Your organism is building as you start to tighten

Lizard_D_2: yes

G_F: My tongue just flickers against your clit you want to come yet I keep you from coming.

Lizard_D_2: works for me baby

G_F: : You are enjoying my fingers… whole fist is in your pussy and you want more

Lizard_D_2: Fist!

G_F: Finally I allow you to come as you spasm and writhe against my hand

Lizard_D_2: yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

G_F: Did you come? Are your fingers up into your pussy, drenched in juices.

Lizard_D_2: of course

G_F: I want to lick all those tasty PUSSY juices up and clean you with my tongue

Lizard_D_2: oh yes

G_F: Enough?

Lizard_D_2: oh darling I have not begun yet

/////////////Begin private chat////////////////////

Lizard_D_2 okay I need a bath in disinfectant!!!!!!!!!!

Vixen_Fox: lol playing dirty huh, what is he into water sports?

Lizard_D_2: Water sports?

Vixen_Fox: You know golden showers

Lizard_D_2: ?????????????????????

Vixen_Fox: urination during sex

Lizard_D_2: EWWWW .. okay I am now grossed out….. who does that ?

Vixen_Fox: LOL.. very unusual people???? …lol

Lizard_D_2: well NO

Vixen_Fox: good!! Then why the disinfectant

Lizard_D_2:He thinks I FUCKED myself and wanted to lick me clean …..

Vixen_Fox: LOL.. ewwww really…lol you told him you came….lol

Lizard_D_2: he thinks I really did

Vixen_Fox: OMG!!! DAMN lol that is GOOOOOOD work

Lizard_D_2: I'm offended

Vixen_Fox: You can get a job on the phone… Hi I am Brandy I am 44DDDDD and I love tedddy bears…LOL

Lizard_D_2: He thinks I'm doing myself

Vixen_Fox:he is probably jacking off and doing his own fantasy thing

Lizard_D_2:he is? YUCK…. he is stupid.

Vixen_Fox Ask to see him

Lizard_D_2: No

Vixen_Fox: Sure see what he says. Have you said anything yet about sucking his dick or riding him?


Vixen_Fox: No?

Lizard_D_2: No, still copying phrases from that story to start my assault

Vixen_Fox: COOL

Lizard_D_2: Oh god again….eeewww okay that is it …. he is going down … see how BIG of a man he is,, time to make him sweat …I am ready

Vixen_Fox:Go for it girl.,. make the horny turkey blow his wad…LOL

/////////////End private chat////////////////////

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:54 am
by suicide_eagle_rath
Cyber Delights


Lizard_D_2: So ….

G_F: I thought you were exhausted and went to sleep.

Lizard_D_2: No I am still here

G_F: Great so feel like blowing me?

Lizard_D_2: Blowing you … do you have anything big enough to blow?

G_F: Just so happens I have a full hand full… a big handful… think you can handle it?

Lizard_D_2: got a name for him?

G_F: ummmmmmm …. Kingship …

Lizard_D_2: Kingship!!!! So you want me to get on my knees to the king

G_F: ummm yea ..sure.. ummm.. kneel

Lizard_D_2: Sound unsure of yourself G_F .. are you sure you want me to blow you or fuck or would you rather blow and fuck …

G_F: Oh baby both .. yesss

Lizard_D_2: Then you better hang on.. see you are already dripping pre-cum…excited huh…

G_F: Fuck yeah

Lizard_D_2: Well then it appears the little king there needs to be kissed or you will drip on the floor

G_F: go on

Lizard_D_2: oooooohhhhhh … I want to taste....

G_F: mmmmmm yea – wrap those lips around me baby and suck

Lizard_D_2: Soft licks…. flicks of the tongue against the tip.. licking the pre-cum that has collected

G_F: I’d love you to lick it clean...

Lizard_D_2: Small drops of clear pearls, one by one sucked into my mouth

G_F: You are being so wicked there Lizard lips .. I love it

Lizard_D_2: Lightly drawing my tongue downward. Teasing the shaft, swirling the base and rising back to the mid point

G_F: Oh baby you do realized that once I am hard it's real hard like steel, velvet covered steel. None of that floppy soft stuff, a man’s hard steel shaft …

Lizard_D_2: I like feeling it harden ... the muscle tensing at the thought of what my mouth feels like

G_F: fuck yeah

Lizard_D_2: slowly i come back to the tip ... then in a sudden inhale of air, suck it deep into my mouth, warm moist you tremble at my touch

G_F: ohhhh .. brb

Lizard_D_2:G_F: hmmm feeling alright?

/////////////Begin private chat////////////////////

Lizard_D_2: I need SCOPE

Vixen_Fox: Why?

Lizard_D_2: I am blowing the creepy little bastard

Vixen_Fox: LOL

Lizard_D_2: Remind me how does this get me an A?

Vixen_Fox: Male perpspective in a cyber chat room.

Lizard_D_2: Oh yeah .. can sum that up in one word…. HORNEY

Vixen_Fox: LOL…. So why are blowing him?

Lizard_D_2: He asked me to suck his kingship

Vixen_Fox: WHAT? His kingship? What the hell is that?

Lizard_D_2: The name for his little part.

Vixen_Fox: No!!!!! LOL really.. that is good.. So you blowing him…… hmm much experience in that department Liz? Confession time….lol

Lizard_D_2: No, I am using lines from that story .. You know I never knew porn could come in handy in a conversation…lol

Vixen_Fox: lol You know he's touching himself right now

Lizard_D_2: Ewww that was a vision I could had done without. Bet he looks more like Shrek than say Jason Behr.

Vixen_Fox: oooh go for it Fiona….LOL.. shake it

Lizard_D_2: I'm about to blow his mind.

Vixen_Fox: Really how.. I want all the details....

Lizard_D_2: I just told him I suck his whole cock in my mouth .. I think he came…LOL


Lizard_D_2: LOL

Vixen_Fox: Women One .. Men as usual lose it …LOL

/////////////End private chat////////////////////

G_F: Hey Lizard you like to to ride and fuck hard ... fast deep .. I am so hard like steel in you

Lizard_D_2: hmmmm ... now that would be nice

G_F: I love hearing the hard slap of flesh as I drive into a woman especially from behind. But I can get off when she's on top.

Lizard_D_2: oh yeah please more more please

G_F: Diving in real deep while she comes on my cock screaming my name.

Lizard_D_2: name? great fuck.. your namesake

G_F: My balls hitting her tight little ass

Lizard_D_2: Huh?

G_F: I hear her moaning out in pleasure as I feel my balls tighten and then explode inside her. Deep filling her.

Lizard_D_2: Her? Got someone else there G_F? Not into threesomes.

G_F: huh? .. oh no baby I am talking about you. ,, hmm where was I .. oh yess …I let my cock spurt the hot cum inside you, as some dribble out because I have overfilled your pussy.

Lizard_D_2: oh joy .. overfilled

G_F: Oh baby I stay so hard like steel. Even after pumping you fill of my cum from the back I watch as it leaks out, dripping onto the flour, knowing how potent I am.

Lizard_D_2: still hard huh?

G_F: I need more, as I am still hard as I push into you again. She is so wet with pussy juices. My semen drenches you inside. I slop in and out of you. The wet noises of our sex

Lizard_D_2: slop.. oh how descriptive

/////////////Begin private chat////////////////////

Lizard_D_2: Lord we are back to pussy juices and I am bored

Vixen_Fox: Why?

Lizard_D_2: Cause it is all the same to him.. I swear he is reading this out of a book.

Vixen_Fox: Maybe a virgin…lol

Lizard_D_2: He is talking in the third person.


Lizard_D_2: “Diving in real deep while she comes on my cock screaming my name.”

Vixen_Fox: lol.. maybe you two are reading the same story …lol

Lizard_D_2: Wake me when he comes.. taking forever.

Vixen_Fox: LOL

Lizard_D_2: Lord how many times can a girl say yes, ooh … love it .. LOL

Vixen_Fox: LOL..

Lizard_D_2: Okay this is done.. the fuckign ass just told me he is potent because he came inside and his “cum” is leakign onto the floor after he “overfilled” me

Vixen_Fox: Wow a romantic…lol

Lizard_D_2: A fickin’ DICKHEAD

Vixen_Fox: LOL..

Lizard_D_2: SLOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vixen_Fox: WHAT?

Lizard_D_2: He is saying he slopping in and out of me.. GROSSSSSSS

Vixen_Fox: ewww males … into beastality I bet ..hmmmm…. well he is a pig so technically…

Lizard_D_2: Do not say it … NO ….

Vixen_Fox: LOL

Lizard_D_2: He has to be copying this from a book, he is going in and out OF person from “she/HER” to “you” …

Vixen_Fox: LOL..figures.. he must be a real loser

Lizard_D_2:I am going to end this

/////////////End private chat////////////////////

G_F: Your nipples are so hard as they press into my chest . By the way I shave it so you can feel my hard pecs and abs.

Lizard_D_2: Oh I love the feel of hard muscles…

G_F: She pushes up to met my downward thrusts, holding me inside like a vice grip as she strives to milk me, to enjoy every last inch.

Lizard_D_2: Hey G_F I feel like you are carrying on two conversations.. she?.. her?

G_F: ummm no I am just…

Lizard_D_2: hey I will let you finish with her.. got all I needed.

G_F: Hey baby! Do not leave, I have to come again.

Lizard_D_2: I am sure you can take care of it yourself, small hand job for you.

G_F: Wait I got my cock all hard and dripping here for you

Lizard_D_2:bye …. nice talking to ya …… I’ll call you…..Do not call me.

Lizard_D_2: has left the conversation.

/////////////Begin private chat////////////////////

Lizard_D_2: Okay men are PIGS. No self control at all.

Vixen_Fox: Why?

Lizard_D_2: if their cock aches they fuck it,

Vixen_Fox: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lizard_D_2: if their cock swells they fuck it

Vixen_Fox: on the floor here..

Lizard_D_2: if their cock throbs they fuck it

Vixen_Fox: shit….. my ribs ….. hurting ….laughing

Lizard_D_2: See no self control at all.

Vixen_Fox: ………in pain laughing so hard

Lizard_D_2: It is obvious males write smut to fuck themselves.

Vixen_Fox: So you got some info for your theory.

Lizard_D_2: Yup.. Men are different that women when it comes to cyber sex. We write with emotions and feeling, men write to fuck.

Vixen_Fox: LOL yes they do. They want to think they are the only one. as in the oh my dear I am a virgin. Only you can deflower me. LOL

Lizard_D_2: LMAO.. deflower!!!.. snickering… continuing in my serious voice… Women can multi task do more than one thing, although I may write a story about sucking a cock, I could also be thinking about doing the dishes or my term paper. Men on the other hand have sex on the fuckign brain.

Vixen_Fox: BRAIN? lol what brain ….he had none .. no blood ….oxygen

Lizard_D_2: well one thing is for sure if your dick is always hard.. well that says it for the

Vixen_Fox: lol… yup men are brain dead …..more in some men ..LOL

Lizard_D_2: basically all the blood leaves.. deserts ….. surely cells die .. lol

Vixen_Fox: Vacant world up there for them….LOL

Lizard_D_2: Since he is “always hard”…lol… I almost asked.. “so Viagra really works huh?”

Vixen_Fox: LMAO!!!!!

Lizard_D_2: I had to erase twice.. so tempted

Vixen_Fox: I bet it is dead and he is trying to revive it.

Lizard_D_2: I bet he was old and really uses Viagra. Where did you find him?

Vixen_Fox: Sex Talk, a chat room. Wonder if he has sex with anything other than his hand? Betcha he was getting off all the time.

Lizard_D_2:ewwww DISINFECTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vixen_Fox: LOL .. Spraying you down.. Lysol goes a long way …lol

Lizard_D_2: Women are more word minded, we write it because it's nature and life. Males write to basically see themselves getting fucked every which way from Friday.

Vixen_Fox: no kidding.. just like a typical male until we mold them into being a human., No depth, no character, just a “head” that he thinks with, to bad it is the wrong HEAD

Lizard_D_2: Every male right now is going, what I have another HEAD…lol

Vixen_Fox: LOL.. wow it is late..hey I'm going to bed. Oh first want to double date tomorrow?

Lizard_D_2: Depends! Is it is KINGSHIP?

Vixen_Fox: LOL ….. Lord no!!! A friend of Michael’s. His name is Max

Lizard_D_2: Have I seen him?

Vixen_Fox: Not that I know? He is taking that same funky sex culture class you are taking but a different hour. Otherwise he is pre-med.

Lizard_D_2: Wellll…hmmmmm

Vixen_Fox: He is gorgeous.. I have seen him

Lizard_D_2: In that case I trust your eye. Okay

Vixen_Fox: Cool then tomorrow you shall meet the man of your dreams.

Lizard_D_2: As long as he is not G_F ewwwwww…lol

Vixen_Fox: lol.. night night see ya tomorrow

/////////////End private chat////////////////////

one part left to go .. not over yet….lol

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:23 pm
by suicide_eagle_rath
Cyber Delights


King_M: Hey Michael

Dr. Love: Hey, DID YOU DO IT?

King_M: Yeah, I need some Scope.

Dr. Love: God Max grow up, it was just a little sex talk.

King_M: Michael, where did you find that script?

Dr. Love: From Hustler. Found it under my roommates Kyle’s pillow… those pages were dog-eared.

King_M: Okay I need some antibacterial soap now; god only knows what he did to that page I was holding.

Dr. Love: LOL Max, sure you were not getting off?

King_M: No.

Dr. Love: No, not even a little hard there?

King_M: No, I prefer to actually be with the girl.

Dr. Love: Yeah sure…lol… So how was it? Was she hot?

King_M: I guess so.. she wanted to fuck me.

Dr. Love: Bet if you had offered to go over there she would had said yes.

King_M: Probably, but I am not interested in one-night stands. I meant here must be a girl out there for me. You know a nice girl, there has to be a few left.

Dr. Love: Hey do not knock booty calls, it keeps down the tension, when you have nothing else those kinds of girls keep you alive.

King_M: Is that what Maria is, a booty call?

Dr. Love: Hey watch it how you refer to my girl Max. I am serious about her

King_M: No insult intended Michael. But I know you have sex with her.

Dr. Love: Sure I do, but it is not just sex.

King_M: No?

Dr. Love: No, I don’t just fuck her and leave her.

King_M: Is the doctor in LOVE?

Dr. Love: Shut up

King_M: LOL

Dr. Love: Hey Maria has a friend she wants you to meet, a geek like yourself.

King_M: Not interested

Dr. Love: Come on, Maria says she is really cute, very smart

King_M: Hmmm wellllllll

Dr. Love: She is exactly what you need, perfect for you Max.

King_M: Why you so insistent?

Dr. Love: I am doing this for you Maxie.

King_M: Michael?

Dr. Love: Okay Maria says she will blow me if I set up her friend and you. She thinks you two are perfect for each other. She says it is love destined… or some such crap.

King_M: God Michael…. You made that deal with Maria right? .. you are sick

Dr. Love: Sick maybe but you get a hell of a good date with a sexy chick and I get a BJ

King_M: Shaking head

Dr. Love: Come on she is expecting to meet you. If you do not show up you will disappoint her.

King_M: Okay when and where

Dr. Love: Tomorrow, 7pm at Square One

King_M: ok see you then

//////////// AFTER THE DATE /////////

/////////////Begin chat with Liz and Maria////////////////////

Abyss_Maker: : Knock Knock

Love_Dreamsr: Hi there Maria, how are you

Abyss_Maker: Great, so how was MAX? Gorgeous right? Tell me I am not good?

Love_Dreamsr: Okay he is very very very cute,


Love_Dreamsr: hey stop checking out my man

Abyss_Maker: WHOA.. your man!!!! .. girl what happened after we left

Love_Dreamsr: Nuthin

Abyss_Maker: SURE

Love_Dreamsr: We talked for like hours, he is so great

Abyss_Maker: AND THEN…………………………….

Love_Dreamsr: ummm well he kissed me goodnight

Abyss_Maker: is that all?

Love_Dreamsr: yes

Abyss_Maker: so a good kisser?

Love_Dreamsr: the best, he melted me

Abyss_Maker: so you had a good time? Max is a good catch right?

Love_Dreamsr: Yes

Abyss_Maker: Yes what?

Love_Dreamsr: Yes Maria you know your men and Max is a perfect match. I bow to your power and psychic abilities.

Abyss_Maker: lol.. Liz call you tomorrow. Okay? Michael is coming out of the shower.

Love_Dreamsr: Where are you Maria?

Abyss_Maker: At his apartment, and no I am not telling

Love_Dreamsr: lol okay see ya

Abyss_Maker: bye

/////////////End chat with Liz and Maria////////////////////

//////////// THE NEXT DAY /////////

/////////////Begin chat with Liz and Max////////////////////

King_M: Hey sweety, how are you today?

Love_Dreamsr: Max .. hi good morning

King_M: Did you sleep well?

Love_Dreamsr: yes thanks

King_M: I enjoyed our date

Love_Dreamsr: So did I, especially the last part

King_M: The kiss?

Love_Dreamsr: yea

King_M: You did huh?

Love_Dreamsr: oh yes

King_M: So did I, a lot. Hey I was wondering if you want to go to an exhibit at the science hall today, say around 11 then go for some lunch.

Love_Dreamsr: I’d love to

/////////////Begin private chat with Maria and Liz ////////////////////

Abyss_Maker: Hey there

Love_Dreamsr: Well hi there, how was YOUR night?

Abyss_Maker: No speaky the English…lol

Love_Dreamsr: lol

Abyss_Maker: So what you up to?

Love_Dreamsr: Max, talking to him now on the other screen

Abyss_Maker: Wow how romantic, calls you first thing in the morning

Love_Dreamsr: He asked me on a date this afternoon

Abyss_Maker: Really, well GO GIRL

Love_Dreamsr: I said yes

Love_Dreamsr: good

Love_Dreamsr: I think he may be the one

Abyss_Maker: the one?

Love_Dreamsr: you know prince charming, the ONE!

Abyss_Maker: yessssssssssssssssssssss

Love_Dreamsr: lol thank god he is not that G_F person … ewwww I still am Lysoling down my computer

Abyss_Maker: Yeah but G_F I bet is good in

Love_Dreamsr: PASSING

Abyss_Maker: Maybe you need to check out the ass on Max in person, see if he is good in bed.

Love_Dreamsr: OMG NO, will not now

Abyss_Maker: No!!!! LIZ check out the man’s ASS.. lord you are not dead are you?

Love_Dreamsr: Okay yes I kind of did get a feel of his ass when he kissed me

Abyss_Maker: LOL.. Great I need to go shopping

Love_Dreamsr: Shopping? What for?

Abyss_Maker: I will wear a pale pink dress

Love_Dreamsr: ????????????

Abyss_Maker: As your MAID OF HONOR ..

Love_Dreamsr: LOL

Abyss_Maker: lol.. at your WEDDING

Love_Dreamsr: Getting ahead of ourselves

Abyss_Maker: I do no think so remember I can see the future

Love_Dreamsr: Oh right that magic 8 Ball

Abyss_Maker: My 8 ball never lies

Love_Dreamsr: And what does the mysterious orb say?

Abyss_Maker: Most Definitely

Love_Dreamsr: “Most Defiantly” to what? Men are pigs? Maria is nuts?

Abyss_Maker: No to “Will Max marry Liz?”

Love_Dreamsr: lol

Abyss_Maker: So we need to start plans, what colors?

Love_Dreamsr: Maria I need a shower, lets try and get through the second date first before I order china pattern.

Abyss_Maker: Okay.,. then see ya later

Love_Dreamsr: see ya

/////////////End chat with Liz and Maria////////////////////

King_M: Did I lose you?

Love_Dreamsr: No sorry Maria popped on to say hi.

King_M: Say hi for me

Love_Dreamsr: Ok

King_M: ummm Liz, I was meaning to ask?

Love_Dreamsr: Yes Max?

King_M: You are in that sexual relationships class right?

Love_Dreamsr: Yes

King_M: Did you do the assignment on cyber sex and how it affects society?

Love_Dreamsr: Yes I turned it in

King_M: So curious did you use personal first hand information?

Love_Dreamsr: No, I coped out and used some magazines.

King_M: Oh!

Love_Dreamsr: Did you?

King_M: Nah, I used other sources also , just seemed kind of seedy to talk sex with someone you did not know

Love_Dreamsr: I agree

King_M: Now maybe with someone special… what do you think?

Love_Dreamsr: omg …lol

King_M: Well you know what I mean, if two are committed to each other, they can indulge in a little fun

Love_Dreamsr: I agree, then the cyber stuff would mean something, otherwise it seems sort of empty

King_M: I agree

Love_Dreamsr: So I guess I better get a shower and dress for later

King_M: Oh right, I cannot wait to see you

Love_Dreamsr: Me also

King_M: Ok then bye till later

Love_Dreamsr: bye Max

conversation ended

/////////////Begin with Maria and Michael ////////////////////

Dr. Love: Morning Babe

Abyss_Maker: Michael, good morning lover, sleep well

Dr. Love: Yeah you know it, you drained me

Abyss_Maker: lol learn to keep up …lol

Dr. Love: maybe I need some more practice?

Abyss_Maker: lol figures

Dr. Love: So how is the matchmaking coming?

Abyss_Maker: Perfect, I am good if I say so myself/

Dr. Love: And what if you little guinea pigs ever figure out you set them up?

Abyss_Maker: Awww what set up, a little harmless game to see if they were in tune to each other.

Dr. Love: Harmless game!! Lol … Max over here was spraying himself with Lysol. He does not do games.

Abyss_Maker: hee hee Liz also had a can of Lysol.. see they are a match .. Neither plays games even when given the opportunity

Dr. Love: So that was your experiment for the paper, to see how far people will go?

Abyss_Maker: Yup, I got an A. What grade did your paper get?

Dr. Love: paper? I believe in practical experience.

Abyss_Maker: Please tell me you did not do a porn DVD

Dr. Love: Nah, but good idea. No, I used prior years experience for my data. Got an A also…. not bad for someone who hardly attends class.

Abyss_Maker: prior years experience? Michael have we got some talking to do

Dr. Love: Come on Babe you made me a new man, I am a one woman man anymore and that one woman is YOU

Abyss_Maker: Better be if you want to have use of your equipment

Dr. Love: Ouch, that hurts even thinking

Abyss_Maker: Did you know Max is taking Liz out this afternoon.

Dr. Love: Yeah he is on the other screen just told me.

Abyss_Maker: So that give you any ides?

Dr. Love: Bed and you

Abyss_Maker: MICAHEL!

Dr. Love: Okay how about a stroll through the park on this lovely day with my lady

Abyss_Maker: You can be an as someday Michael

Dr. Love: Yeah but you like my ass, want a nibble. Let you take a bite or you can chew on it.

Abyss_Maker: MICAHAEL… anyway Thanks for helping me set up Max and Liz. I think they are falling in love, she needs someone.

Dr. Love: No Problem, It benefits me as well. Max now has someone to give those puppy dog looks to.

Abyss_Maker: OMG you did not tell Max she was Lizard_D_2

Dr. Love: No, my lips are sealed around your hot nipples.

Abyss_Maker: Michael!!!!

Dr. Love: Well I like them to be

Abyss_Maker: Talking about Max and Liz

Dr. Love: You did your part oh guru of the matchmakers, now let nature takes it course. She likes him and he finds her body HOT

Abyss_Maker: He does!!!! Good good, my plan is falling into place. I am sure the sex between them will be explosive. She likes his hard ASS

Dr. Love: Ass!!!! Maria you are not checking out Max’s goods are you?

Abyss_Maker: Of course not Michael why should I? Batting innocence eyes….

Dr. Love: Good because I am not checking out the cheerleader Troy’s inner thighs either


Dr. Love: Gotcha ….lol

///////////// the end ////////////////////