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The Struggle Within R/M Z/L UC~Mature~ ~ Chp15 9/13/07 [WIP]

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:06 am
by Roslover39
Many thanks to Tanya7496 for this beautiful banner.</center>

Title: The Struggle Within
Author: Roslover39
Category:UC-Rath/Maria- Zan/Liz
Rating: Mature

Disclaimer: Roswell and its characters belong to Melinda Metz, The WB and UPN.

Zan moves to Roswell after Ava is killed in a freak accident. Rath tags along not really caring one way or the other. Lonnie decides to stay in New York. The trio seems normal in every way until a freak occurrence brings change.

This story is dedicated to RiaRath101, the person who encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone and write a fic I hope she will really enjoy. This Rath is for her!

Special thanks to my BETA Thetvgeneral.

It's another hot and steamy night in Roswell and Maria Deluca walks out of the bathroom. She's drying her long blonde hair after taking a shower. The July heat surrounds her and makes it feel as if water never hit her body. She's at the apartment over the Crashdown that she shares with her best friend Liz Parker. They're managing it for Liz's parents.

Jeff and Nancy Parker decided to retire early and move to Florida. Jeff's many investments yielded them a little over one million dollars, they felt good leaving the cafe in the capable hands of Liz and Maria. They venture back to Roswell every blue moon to check on things but are determined to remain in Florida. They decided to enjoy their lives while still possessing a remnant of youthful vigor.

Maria worked the day shift to allow Liz time to study for one of her many tests at Roswell U. That leaves her with her night free and she wants to have a good time...for once.

She has her outfit of choice on the bed in anticipation of going to Fantasies, that hot new club just outside of town. It's only been open for two months but it's acquired a reputation for being rowdy and somewhat dangerous at times. Maria is weighing the pros and cons of going to the club in her mind.

If Liz were home and knew I was preparing to hit that club, she'd read me the riot act. She'd tell me how dangerous it is and ask what would I do if i got into trouble.

Maria shakes her head trying to get Liz's voice out of her head. She's tired of playing it safe, she wants to experience life on the edge just once.

Safe is boring as hell, she tells herself. And with that she goes into her bedroom to put on her clothes and hit the road.

Maria looks hot in a black leather bustier and matching short shorts. She gets confirmation of that fact thirty minutes later when she's in a line that heads to a burley guy with a clip board. He takes a good long look at her provocative attire, gives her a lusty grin and gestures for her to go inside. Feeling so sexy, Maria runs her fingers through her hair seductively and sashays inside the club.

The club is electric as dancers gyrate seductively on the dance floor.Fuck You Like An Animal by Nine Inch Nails is blaring from huge speaks located all over the club as colored lights illuminate the room. Maria finds the music intoxicating and wastes no time heading to the dance floor without a partner.

At the bar, there's a tall and muscular man with a glass of ice water in his hand. He's watching Maria as she moves to the music. It seems as if he can't move. It seems more like he's riveted to his vantage point. He would love to join her on the dance floor. He'd love to introduce himself by rubbing his cock against her ass but he's there strictly to work. He lets out a growl of annoyance as he remembers that fact.

The mystery man stands at the bar lurking long enough for Maria to turn and peer at him. It seems everyone else in the club have faded away as they size each other up. Then the sound of breaking glass and frantic shouts bring them back to reality. In a flash, the mystery man rushes over to the trouble and the club owner gestures for the DJ to stop the music. An abrupt announcement that the club is closing early leaves bewildered people on the dance floor.

Intrigued, Maria looks around to see if she can find the mystery man as she heads for the front entrance. She finds and casts her gaze on him for a second because behind her annoyed people are pushing. In passing, she notices a strange name on his employee name tag~RATH.

Maria makes it home. Not wanting to talk about her night, she tips in to find Liz is half asleep in a chair. Just when she thinks she's going to get to her room without the inquisition she hears,
"So, where were you tonight?"

Liz asks while laying uncomfortably on the arm rest. She's peering into the semi darkness of the room.

Maria gives her a guilty smile and states,
"Liz, oh you're up."

Then she crooks an eyebrow.
"Hey, why are you up?"

Liz sits up in her chair and faces Maria,
"I wanted to make sure you got home ok, since you didn't bother to tell me where you were going."

Maria tells Liz about going to the club and spotting a sexy guy by the name of Rath.

"Rath; what kind of name is that?"
Liz isn't the least bit concerned about the guy's name. She's concerned for Maria's safety.
"Maria, tell me you're not going back to that club. I heard it draws troublemakers like a magnet."

Maria walks over to the couch near Liz and plops down on it with a look of euphoria on her face.
"Liz I don't care about the club, I gotta see that guy again. What can I say, it was just something about him. It was like I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame."

"Maria, have you forgotten what happens to moths that get too close to the flame?"

A grimace mars Maria's pretty features because she's not happy with what Liz is telling her.
"Oh lighten up Liz, you're too young to not live life to the fullest. You know what you need, you need to stop being a prude and go find yourself someone sexy. Turn your brain off for a change will ya? Just let go and get laid!"

Liz is appalled by Maria's comment.
"You know what, I'm just trying to keep you safe but I see my opinion isn't wanted. I'll take myself to bed like I should have done in the first place. "
She huffs at Maria and goes into her room.


Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:33 pm
by Roslover39
Liz and Maria are at the Crashdown working the Sunday dinner shift. The steady rush they had stopped after eight PM. Liz walks into the dinning room from the kitchen to find only Sheriff Blackwood, Eddie, his deputy and Kyle Valenti chatting with Maria.

"Maria,"Liz calls to her friend.

Maria excuses herself from the men's company and goes to see her.
"What's up chica?"

Liz leans down on the counter and suggests,
"Let's close up early. I don't think we're going to get another surge of customers tonight."

Maria nods with a huge grin on her face.
"Cool! I wanna go back to Fantasies tonight."

Maria notices the beginnings of a scowl form on her best friend's face. She takes this opportunity to clear the air on the issue.
"Before I get another lecture, please remember that I am over twenty-one and happen to be very responsible."

Liz nods in agreement and the frown on her face softens into loving concern.
"Just be careful, ok?"

Maria nods then gets an idea.
"Hey, wanna come along? Oh come on Liz,It's really great there. I find the atmosphere intoxicating."
Maria starts to prance around her friend.

Liz shakes her head and tells Maria,
"No thanks, I've got homework but have a good time. What do you say we get these stragglers on their way. Then we can get on with what we need to do."

"Sí sí capitán!"
Maria gives Liz a quick salute then gets over to the men to break the news in her signature style.
"Fellas, you ain't gotta go home but you gotta get the hell out of here!"

The three men exclaim in unison while peering at Maria.

Maria chuckles,
"Oops sorry guys, I got a little carried away thinking about my plans for the evening."
She starts prancing slowly around the room.

Eddie wants to be a part of her plans.
"So, what are you doing tonight? Maybe we can hang out together."

Maria's eyes start to sparkle as she tells him what her plans are.
"I'm going to Fantasies, that new club tonight. Somehow I don't see that as your idea of a good time."

Eddie's hopes are dashed by Maria's answer but he doesn't give up.
"Yeah, you're right about that. Is there any way I can persuade you to change your mind and do something with me instead?"

"Sorry Eddie, but my plans are set for the evening."

Eddie shows his concern but his feelings run deeper than what's on the surface.
"Be careful, we've been getting a lot of bad reports concerning that place."

"I will thanks Eddie."
Maria taps him on the shoulder in passing. That touch means more to him than she realizes.

To hasten the Crashdown's closing,Liz walks over to the cash register and announces,
"Tonight is a wrap guys. Who wants to take care of their bill first?"

The Sheriff picks up two bills and walks over to the register.
"I'll go first and I want to pay Eddie's bill as well."

Eddie follows behind and protests his boss' gracious gesture.
"Thanks Sheriff but there's no need to do that."

The sheriff turns his attention to his deputy with a smile.
"I insist and you will accept."

Eddie prepares to leave the cafe.
"Ok Sheriff, thank you."

Now what or who can I get into tonight?
Kyle ponders his plans for the evening, then walks over to Maria who is putting chairs on top of the tables.
"Mind if I tag along tonight, I need to find a sexy woman and get laid tonight."
Kyle glances over at Liz at the cash register with lusty thoughts as he waits for Maria's answer.

While heading to the front entrance Maria exclaims,
"Sure Kyle, but don't get in my way and don't cramp my style!"

The quote takes Kyle by surprise.
"Hey, that's my line!"

"Yeah, I know."
Maria chuckles as she lets Sheriff Blackwood and Eddie out of the cafe. Then she turns her attention back to Kyle.
"If you're going with me, you need to run home, get changed and meet me back here soon. If you're not here by the time I'm ready to leave, this train chugs on without you!"

"Ok, I'm going, I'm going."
Kyle rushes out of the door and into the night while Maria finishes up her work and gets changed for tonight's festivities.

Maria and Kyle make it inside the club with no problem. She's casually sexy wearing a bright red halter top with tight black jeans. Kyle is wearing a brown country-western inspired shirt with blue jeans. Maria finds herself swept up in the seductive atmosphere as soon as she enters the club. Like last night, the titillating effects of the music wafts over her. But unlike last night, there are a lot fewer people on the dance floor.

Kyle glances over and catches his friend swaying to the music.
"Come on let's dance, you seem more than ready."

Maria grabs Kyle's hand and they rush to the dance floor.

While the couple move to the music, a pair of dark eyes zero in on Maria. He watches her every move with much interest as his libido comes alive.

Suddenly a tingle goes up and down Maria's spine. Then she pivots around Kyle who's too caught up in the music to notice and surveys the room. She finds the guy that was staring at her last night staring at her again.Like last night, she tries to read his face. Again he shows no emotion.

The music stops and Maria is thirsty.
"Kyle will you get me a drink?"

"Sure, I need one too."

Kyle rushes to the bar and a calculating Maria uses that time to go over and talk to the guy who's been staring her down. As she walks his way, he notices Kyle going to the bar and starts to seethe inside watching his every move. When he turns his head back to the front, he finds Maria standing in front of him. His cock leaps inside his pants at her presence.

Maria says trying to sound sexy with a sassy grin.

The guy nods and continues to ogle her body.

Nervously she clears her throat, then gestures with her hands for him to look at her face as she speaks.
"So, I was at the club yesterday when it closed early. I was wondering if you could tell me what happened. I noticed that you went in the direction of the trouble."

"A fight," he answers slowly in a low and sexy tone.

Maria stands there for the next few seconds hoping he will say more than that but he doesn't. After a few seconds of dead air she starts to walk away.

"Dat ya man," he asks breaking the silence.

"Huh?" His question takes Maria by surprise.
She turns eagerly to answer him.
"The guy that I'm with, oh no. He's just a friend."

She takes a look at his name tag and utters,
"Do me a favor and say your name."

"Rath," he tells her."
Definitely a man of few words, Maria surmises as the sound of his name plays in her mind.

She's pulled back to reality when she notices Kyle heading her way. Then she reaches into her purse and pulls out a black ink pen. She takes the pen and writes her name and number on Rath's palm.
"Call me," she tells him before leaving his presence.

She heads over to a vacant table and gestures for Kyle to get his attention. Before taking her seat, she looks over her shoulder to find Rath still checking her out.

Who was that mountain I saw you talking to," Kyle asks while passing Maria a Margarita. He's enjoying a Harvey Wallbanger as he waits for her answer.

"He's a bouncer here. There was a disturbance last night and you know me, I had to be nosy and ask what happened."

"You were here last night?" Kyle is surprised to hear that. "Who did you go with, Liz?"

Maria crinkles her nose at Kyle.
"Are you insane; Liz wouldn't be caught dead here. She even tried convincing me not to go but my mind was made up."

"Oh yeah, for a minute there I forgot who I was talking about."
He laughs and takes another sip of his drink.

Maria takes a minute to look around the club again, then she thinks about Rath. She finds everything about him appealing. She thinks about the earrings in his ears, lip and right eyebrow. She even likes that he's sporting a Mohawk. It makes him so un Roswell like. But what she really finds sexy about Rath is how every inch of his six foot two inch frame is covered in hard muscle. She imagines her hands slowly roaming over each and every part of that body.

A low moan escapes her when Kyle brings her back to the present by asking,
"Hey are you alright?"

It takes everything within her to sound unfazed when she answers,
"Oh yeah I'm just fine."

Then a busty redhead approaches the table.
"Hey, would you like to dance?"

Hell fucking yeah is what is going through Kyle's mind but he decides to play it cool.
"Sure, why not?"

Kyle rises quickly and takes the pretty girl's hand. Before heading to the dance floor, Kyle gives Maria two thumbs up.

"Yippee Ki-ay Kyle,"
Maria responds as she watches the couple head to the dance floor. She gets the feeling that Kyle won't be sleeping alone tonight by the way the busty redhead is forcing her ass into his groin. She knows that Kyle hit the nookie jackpot when the girl kisses him hungrily.

I hope Mr. Sex Or Death has rubbers with him, Maria thinks to herself.

She spends the rest of the night attracting Rath's admiration in one way or another.

Rath makes it home to find his homeboy Zan sprawled out on the couch in his boxers watching porn. Zan changes the channel he was watching and turns to ask a question.
"Yo, how dit go tonight? Did that bitch ya told me bout come back?"

Rath looks at Zan menacingly and barks out.
"She ain't no bitch!"

Zan springs into a sitting position on the couch and sneers at his friend.
"Shit, excuse da fuck outta me. Since when bitches ain't bitches?"

"When I saw dat girl last night."
Rath takes a seat on the floor by the tv.

"Does da mean ya ain't gonna fuck her and run,"
Zan asks confused by the change in his friend.

Rath shrugs his shoulders in deep thought.

Zan peers at his friend very surprised by the way he's acting.
"This bit....girl gotta be somethin. Yo, she got a friend?"


Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:23 pm
by Roslover39
Author's Note:
I forgot to mention in last week's update that Maria and Kyle are step-siblings. Image

Its another hectic day for Liz Parker. She's casually cute in jeans,a plain white T-shirt and her hair up in a ponytail. She's got a full day of school and work ahead of her. She rushes out the door of her apartment and down the familiar Crashdown stairs to the Jetta she and Maria share. She plops into the car and turns the ignition but the engine doesn't turn over. Instead of the usual robust hum of the engine she hears what sounds like a sick wheeze. She tries three more times before she bangs her hands against the steering wheel in defeat.


She starts to think about how expensive the repairs might be. Then she reaches over to the passenger seat and takes her cellphone out her purse. She places a call to the garage for a tow truck, but she doesn't recognize the voice on the other end.

"Yo, Toby's Garage."

Liz is startled by the foreign sounding voice.
"He.. hello may I speak to Kyle Valenti please?"

"He ain't here. What can I do you for?"

Liz frowns at Zan's apparent lack of telephone etiquette while wondering if she should tell him what she wants.
"Ok, I need a tow truck for my car; it won't start."

Liz gives him her address, gets out the car and takes a seat in one of the chairs outside the cafe. After about twenty minutes, she hears a honking horn on the street then a truck pull into the alley. Liz looks into the truck hoping that somehow Kyle got the message about her car. That hope is blown to hell as she watches a guy she never saw before get out of the truck.

He cuts a glance at Liz's way but says nothing as he locates the car and goes about his work. He's got on the usual outfit of work coveralls but unlike the other guys at the garage, Zan has on a black do-rag. Liz's mind starts to wander as she treads closer to him. She hopes he's not the voice she heard over the phone.

Zan finishes hooking the Jetta to the tow truck when he asks Liz a question,
"Yo, ya coming to the shop wit me?"

Damn it! That's the idiot I spoke to on the phone, she tells herself. It's official, I'm in hell!

Liz nods her head as she heads for the truck. A sneer forms on her face but Zan doesn't see it because he's too busy starting up the truck. As a polite gesture, he reaches over to the passenger side and pulls the door open for her. Liz's mouth flies open at the gesture. She told herself that he belonged to the Neanderthal family before then.

She gets into the truck hoping for a silent trip as Zan slowly runs his eyes over her. He gives her a sly smirk then says something she finds degrading.
"As little as ya is, I shoulda picked you up and helped ya in the truck."

Liz feels her face becoming flushed from a growing annoyance to her driving companion. She turns to him and tells him,
"As much as I would love to wile away time chatting with you I have things to do. Can we be on our way... now?"

Zan shrugs while muttering,
"Have it your way Queenie!"
He bows his head mockingly at her then starts the truck.

After what seems like forever to Liz, Zan figures out what's wrong with her car. He ushers her over to the car to show and explain what's wrong. Liz perceives the way he's talking to her as chauvinistic because he goes about it in a slow and deliberate way.

Liz wastes no time voicing her complaint to him with hands on hips.
"Look, you don't have to explain things to me like I'm stupid. I'm more than capable of understanding what you're telling me."

Zan steps back and gazes as her,
"Sorry doll, the average bit..."

He looks at Liz and decides to use a word other than his favorite word of choice for describing women.
"The average female's eyes glazes over when I tell em bout the damage to da car."

Liz wastes not time setting him straight.
"Well, I'm not your average female!"

Zan glances at her again without saying a word.
Da feistiness makes her sexy as hell, he thinks to himself as he struts over to the makeshift desk to make out a bill. He goes back over and gives it to her.

Liz looks at the piece of paper. It seems as if she got the wind kicked out of her.
"I..I can't afford that! Are you sure the repairs are going to be that expensive?"

His eyes meet Liz's,
"Doll, I got betta things ta do than cheat ya. I make my dough honest."

That's it, that sentence made Liz take pause in how she spoke to and thought about him.
"Oh, I didn't mean to insult you in any way."

"Fagitaboutit," he tells her.

Then he comes up with a plan that he feels could benefit both of them.
"I'll eat the cost of da repairs if ya go out wit me."

Liz is appalled,
"But you can't do that, someone is bound to find out. You'll lose your job, go to jail and I'll be accused of seducing you into that harebrained scheme. Oh no buddy!"

Liz shakes her head at what just came out of her mouth. She never thought of herself as a femme fatale and doubted anyone else did.

Zan's eyes start to sparkle as she tries to convince Liz to take him up on his offer.
"Who could find out, ain't nobody here. I ain't telling and if you don't nobody will know. Come on baby, we can do dis."

"No, I can't do this! I can't have that on my conscious."
Liz walks over to the counter at the front of the garage. Going into her purse, she takes out her check book and painfully writes out the check for the amount owes.

Zan follows behind frowning as she writes. She tears the check out of the check book and glances at it with sorrowful eyes before giving it to Zan. She turns to him with her head held high and exclaims,
"There you go, my debt is paid in full. Now can I please have my keys?"

Annoyed, Zan looks at the check then goes into the pocket of his gray coveralls and tosses her the keys to the Jetta.

Quickly, she gets into the drivers side of the car and backs out slowly. As she turns the car forward she notices Kyle heading into the garage. She calls him to her.
"I gave your new co-worker a big check for repairs to my car. Make sure that my repairs are noted and credited."

Kyle nods his head and heads inside.

Zan looks on from inside the garage raging.

Liz gets back to the apartment with half the day gone and rocks in her jaws. She plops herself in a chair by Maria and tells her how her day went.

"Was he cute," Maria asks full of anticipation.

"He was a Neanderthal Maria."

"Ok, but was he a cute Neanderthal?" That's all Maria wants to know.

Liz tilts her chin up proudly as she proclaims,
"What difference does it make, I have no use for Neanderthals. That's why I stopped seeing Kyle. Your step-brother is part Neanderthal. No offense."

Maria thinks about what Liz just said.
"No offense taken. Hey, I had nothing to do with my Mom and Kyle's dad getting the hots for each other and getting hitched. Now back to the Neanderthal issue. I don't find myself attracting Einsteins so I'm not gonna aid you in your personal pity party. Who knows, this guy might not be as dense as you think. You've got to learn to give people half a chance."

"A chance," Liz can't believe her ears. She shakes her head annoyingly.

"Maria, I gave that idiot half my day as he tinkered with the car.
That's all he gets from me. By the way, you owe me half the repair cost."

Then Liz starts to grunt and hop around the room like she figures a caveman would.
Maria laughs and falls back on the couch waving her finger at Liz.
"Be careful who you put down missy. He might be the one. Just think, you could be the mother of Neanderthals." She takes a minute to think of what she said then laughs hysterically.

Liz gasps, grabs a pillow from behind her and throws it at her.

Zan makes it home at nine PM from a hard day at the garage. He goes into his room and strips off his grimy coveralls, wife beater, boxers, steel toe boots and socks. He rubs his achy left bicep as he strolls into the miniscule bathroom. He turns on the water in the shower then turns to look at himself in the mirror.

His thoughts go back to how things were when he lived in New York.He thinks about his on again off again girlfriend and then of Liz.
She wouldn't accept nothin I'd do fa her, he thinks to himself as the steam in the bathroom cancels out his reflection in the mirror.

Fuck it!
He wipes the moisture from the mirror to peer at himself one last time before getting into the shower to wash the grime and all memory of the day away.


Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:00 pm
by Roslover39
New York City:

Zan, Rath, Ava, and Lonnie are bounding up the concrete subway stairs. They're talking about what they're do for the day when they pass by a fruit stand. Zan gets an idea and casually brushes his hand across the cart. The fruit falls onto the ground.

"I hope dis ain't all we having today,"Rath tells Zan as he picks up a piece of fruit.

"Just stick wit ya boy!" Zan walks further down the street searching for more bounty.

"Ya da man duke!"

Lonnie and Ava are busy chatting away.

Ava asks,
"Will we always live in New York? I'd love to see somethin else."

"Gotta be somethin betta and I plan ta find it," Lonnie reassures.

Just as the foursome clear the fruit stand, an out of control Mack truck speeds onto the sidewalk. Everyone but Ava manages to steer clear of the vehicle. The trio watch in horror as the truck fatally pins her under its wheels.

Later that evening
Zan, Rath and Lonnie talks about Ava.

"She always wanted more. She wanted Mr. Romance an dat just ain't me. Can't believe she ain't here no more."

Zan tells Lonnie and Rath.
"Didn't seem like she belonged wit us. She had feelins we ain't got."

Rath shakes his head.

Lonnie interjects,
"Like wat, sympathy an honesty? I don't need no damned feelins.Look, she came, she went. She was in and now she's out!"

That's as sympathetic as Lonnie gets. She didn't shed a tear; she's not that type of woman.

Zan and Rath found as beautiful a mound of land as they could and buried Ava with flowers they stole.Not being religious, they give her a reverent moment of silence.

Lonnie agreed to everything they did and that left them puzzled. She didn't fuss about their plans because she had plans of her own. Behind their backs, Lonnie arranged for the local university to take the body. She pocketed the cash.

Present Day in Roswell:
Rath enters the sparse dinning room and notices that far away look that Zan sometimes gets. He has no idea what to do to help his friend.

"Yo, ya thinkin of da night when Ava got done in again?"

Zan nods his head but doesn't look his friend's way.
"Did ya love her,"
Rath asks while taking a seat opposite Zan.

Zan gives Rath a dirty look.
"Why da hell ya ask me dat?"

Rath peers back at him annoyed that he has an attitude.
"Ya look like ya gonna cry like a lil bitch, that's why."

"Fuck you Rath."
Zan gives his friend the finger while rolling his eyes.

"No, fuck you!"
Rath leaves slamming the door hard behind him.

Zan looks at the door and feels bad about speaking to his friend the way he did., but he can't help it. He never loved Ava but he did care about her. It's not just Ava he's thinking of, he finds himself wondering what his sister is up to.

He asked her to come along with him and Rath to start fresh but she refused preferring to deal with her grief on her own. Rath was glad that she decided to~ in his own words keep her ass in New York.

Back in New York, the guys had lives different than the ones they have in Roswell. Zan lived with Lonnie, Ava his on again off again girlfriend and Rath. Lonnie was also Rath's lover.

They all lived in an abandoned hovel in Brooklyn. Zan and Rath were tough as nails thugs who stole and got into fights on a regular basis, but they quickly realized that Roswell was a small town.One that gave more opportunities to get caught when doing wrong than in the bustling big city.

So far they've been able to keep their noses clean. The jobs they have pay enough to keep them from having to do underhanded things. Regardless of their now model citizen status they're bound to run across a friendly member of the Roswell police department and sooner than they thought.

Rath called Maria but didn't say much. Since the conversation wasn't a success, she decided to invite him to the Crashdown and have lunch with her the next day.

Rath strolls into the cafe and all eyes are on him but for different reasons. The women are drooling over the bulging muscles highlighted by his white wife beater. The slouchy jeans he wears still shows off hard sculpted gluts.

The men are frowning at the earrings, tattoos and his Mohawk. Most importantly, Sheriff Blackwood is keeping his eyes on Rath because he's new and looks like trouble.

Maria spots and rushes over to him.
"Hey man, I'm glad you could make it."

Rath nods his head and just stares at her. Knowing she's got to get communication going, she gestures for him to sit in a booth and she joins him.

"Ain't ya working,"
Rath asks while scanning the room.

"It's usually slow this time of day. That's why I asked you to come. So where are you from?"

"New York."
"So, what brings you to Roswell?"
Maria hopes she can get more than just one or two word answers out of him.

"My homeboy's bitch got offed and it fucked wit his mind. He needed ta get away and start fresh."

Wanting to know everything about Rath, Maria asks,
"Did, you leave someone in New York?"

Rath nods,
"Kinda, she was a great piece of ass but totally psycho from time ta time. She knew she wasn't da only bitch I was fuckin and I knew I wasn't da only cat."

Maria doesn't know how to react to Rath and his openness. She's never had a man use that kind of language with her. She knows that she shouldn't be turned on by this type of guy but she is.

She can't help herself. Just as the conversation continues, Eddie walks into the cafe. He looks Maria's way but notices the sheriff and has a seat opposite him.

"Who's that,"
The sheriff asks very concerned.

"I have no idea but I'm gonna ask Maria. That guy looks like trouble."
Eddie is determined to find out everything about Rath.

Maria notices the sheriff and Eddie staring at Rath and notices the vein in his forehead start to pulse because of it.

She decides to keep asking questions as a way of keeping his attention on her.
"How long have you been living in Roswell?"

"Almost two months."
Rath turns his head from Maria back on the two lawmen staring him down.

She realizes that she has to do something before the already tense situation escalates. She touches his hand to recapture his attention.
Sparks fly through her body as well as Rath's. Both try to appear as if nothing is happening.

"Hey, don't worry about them. I'm off duty as soon as my replacement arrives. What do you say I get changed and we get out of here."

Rath's face lightens a bit.
"Whateva ya want baby, I'm wit ya."

Maria grabs Rath by the arm and bids him to take a seat at the counter while she goes back to work. She passes the sheriff's table and Eddie asks for a refill of coffee. She goes to get the coffeepot.

When she returns, Eddie asks,
"Who is that guy?"

"Eddie, I don't think that's any of your business."

Eddie disagrees,
"You're my friend and a Roswell resident. As deputy, your welfare is most definitely my business."

Maria folds her arms over her chest.
"I'm sure you wouldn't be so concerned if the man that I'm with looked more like your average resident, am I right?"

"Yes Maria, I can't deny the fact that the way your friend looks is sending up a lot of red flags with me as a law enforcement officer."

" Not to mention any preconceived notions you might have toward people who look different than the norm."

Eddie is taken aback that Maria would want to bring up that subject with him.
"I can't believe that you would bring up the issue of bias to me. I've lived most of my life on the reservation.

I know how it feels to not be treated like the rest in this town at times. But as law enforcement it's my job to go with my hunches, it's nothing personal."

But it was personal and Eddie admits that to himself as the conversation comes to an end and he watches Maria go back to her friend at the counter. Maria almost jumps up and down when she notices Agnes walk into the dinning area.

"Hey Maria."

"How's it going Agnes."

"It's going ok. Hey Maria, I need a quick smoke then I'll be ready to start my shift."

"Ok that's fine,"
Maria gestures to Rath that she'll be ready to leave the cafe soon.

Agnes goes to the back entrance and comes back ten minutes later to start her shift. Maria runs upstairs to change out of her uniform and put on some tight white jeans and a thin fitted brown T-shirt.

Rath watches Maria head to the back and at the same time he feels Eddie's eyes on him. He can feel the aggression building up in him but he's keeping himself subdued because of Maria.

In New York he wouldn't have hesitated getting into a fight with any man that dared to stare him down. Maria has caused him to act more responsibly because he wants to impress her.

After what seemed like forever to Rath, Maria bounds down the back stairs and into the dinning area. She smiles brightly as she heads for Rath, to the ire of Eddie who watches intently.

"I'm ready, come on lets go."

Rath lets his eyes roam all over her body while nodding his head. Maria is pleased by his attention as they head out of the cafe. Sheriff Blackwood and Eddie watch and turn to look at each other not knowing if Maria is safe.

Rath leads Maria to a banged up black Camaro. He heads for the drivers side of the car before remembering that he's supposed to open the passenger side door for her.

Before she realizes what's going on, he rushes back around to her side of the car and gestures for her to allow him to open the door.

"Thank you."

He nods as she smiles and lowers herself into the seat.
I wish Blackwood and Eddie could have seen that, Maria thinks to herself as she watches Rath get into the drivers seat.

"Did those guys give you trouble while I was changing?"

"Nothing I ain't handled before. I'm used ta da hook staring me down in New York."

"The hook?" Maria has no idea what he's talking about.

"Yeah doll, da cops, the hook, da fuzz, da pigs, da long arm of the law."

Maria shakes her head and laughs,
"I never knew there were so many names for the police."

"Ya never been bad have ya doll?" Rath winks at Maria then starts the car and they head to his place.

When they arrive at Rath's place, he remembers to get out and open Maria's door. Chills go up and down her spine as he extends his hand and helps her exit the car.

His cock is already hard from being with Maria part of the day but watching her sashay into his house makes it throb hungrily. He wants to fuck her brains out but wonders if she'll let him have her so soon.

Maria steps inside to find a very modest flat. The only furniture is a dilapidated couch, a coffee table that has seen better days and an old worn out 15" screen TV. The walls look as if they haven't been painted in over a decade.

Rath regains her attention.
"Can I get ya somethin ta drink?"

Startled, she turns to face him.
"A soda would be nice, thank you."

"Damn it's hot today!"
Rath gestures for Maria to have a seat as he takes off his wife beater and heads into the kitchen.

Maria can feel her body warm and her nipples harden as she stares at the defined muscles in his back, shoulders and arms. Once on the couch, she lets feelings of arousal take over as runs her fingers through her hair.

Then she lies back on the couch with her eyes closed. Rath enters the room and catches her in her euphoria. He stands silently as he watches her run her hands down her legs.

It is then that she feels she's being watched.That realization makes her tremble slightly as she jumps up and turns her head in Rath's direction.
When her eyes meet his all she notices is his sexy grin.

"Sorry ta interrupt ya."
Then he walks over to her looking as if he could eat her alive. As he passes her the can of soda, their hands graze each other. Both can feel the sparks of seduction building but each wants to get the other to make a move.

Rath sits on the couch leaving ample space between the two of them. No words are spoken for a long moment as Maria takes in the musculature of his torso. Then she decides to get ballsy and suggest they play a little game.
"Rath, have you ever played Truth or Dare?"

"Yeah but it's been a while."

"Then let's play. Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," Rath replies.

Maria asks,
"What is your favorite tv show and who would you like to do off that show?"

"Sorry doll, don't watch much tv .My turn."
Rath smirks as he thinks up something.
"Truth or Dare?"

Maria answers,

"Tell me somethin ya done ya swore ya'd never do."

She thinks for a moment and then tells him.
"Well, when I was ten I swore I'd never have sex until I was married. I forgot about that when I started dating this hot boy in high school.
Ok, Truth or Dare Rath?"


Maria is smiling on the inside as she thinks of something to make him touch her.
"I dare you to give me a piggyback ride."

A light seems to come on in Rath's eyes as he leaps off the couch and grabs Maria. He lifts her over his shoulder as if she weighs nothing and starts to buck like a bronco for several minutes.

Being so close to Rath is making Maria burns inside as she feels the tight muscles of his body between her legs as he gallops around the room. And he can feel her nipples on his back and smell her arousal.

When he can take being teased no more, he moves back over to the couch to let her go. That's when he loses his balance and falls on top of her.Rath can't hold back his desire for her any longer.

Quickly he adjusts himself on top of her, grabs her legs and places them around his waist.

Breathlessly, Maria asserts,
"We don't seem to be playing the game anymore."

Rath touches her nose with his,
"I got another game I wanna play." He takes her in a hungry kiss.

Maria gives into that kiss by surrendering her mouth to him.
Rath goes from her lips to rain kisses on her neck and then to her clavicle. Then like a man possessed, he rises up to lift Maria onto himself and remove her top and bra.

He lowers her back down to slip off the jeans that Maria just unbuttoned and unzipped. Then he leans down to reach her panties. He sniffs them and for a moment he closes his eyes to take in her essence.

When he returns to the business at hand, gently he removes the panties and gazes down at her body.
"I knew ya'd be beautiful."

Maria rewards him with a smile as bright as the sun and then she rises up to undo his leather belt. She lets the belt snap in the wind before it hits the floor. Then she unbuttons and unzips his jeans.

She grabs the waist to pull them down but Rath decides he wants to do that. He teases her by slowly pulling them down to reveal black boxers.

He gets up to take off the jeans and then slowly he pushes the boxers down his legs to reveal an impressive cock.
"Damn! Now that's a dick!"

Rath smirks as he tells her,
"And I know what da do wit it. Ya sure ya wanna do this?"

"Hell yeah! Let's get this show on the road!"
Maria opens her legs wide in invitation. Rath finds his place between them.

As Rath makes himself comfortable she changes her mind.
"We're gonna do this my way!" She pushes Rath flat on his back and straddles him.
"Shit baby yeah!"

Rath is clearly enjoying the sensations as Maria starts riding his cock like he's a bucking bronco.

"You like that baby,"
Maria asks breathlessly as she bobs up and down.

"Fuck yeah I like it." Gently he takes hold of her hips to synchronize their movements. She keeps going and going until it feels as if she's gonna ride Rath's cock clear off.

"Damn baby ya know how da fuck."

But Maria doesn't hear a word he says because she's too caught up in the pleasure holding her body and mind hostage.

"Oh Rath I'm about to....."

Just then they hear a key go into the front door lock.


"Oh hell, who is that Rath?" Maria starts to cover her breasts but won't get off his cock.

"That's my dog Zan, he lives here.


He knows he should get Maria off him but he doesn't want to. He's too caught up in what he's feeling. Just as the door is about to open, Rath rises off the couch taking Maria along with him. He runs into his room slamming the door closed behind him.

He rushes over to his bed and lays Maria down on it carefully as he goes down with her. They're still attached to each other.

Afterwards, Rath gets out of bed and takes something out of a drawer and returns to the bed. As he lays back down, Maria notices he has a cigarette and a lighter in his hands. He lights it and takes a long drag.

"Ya wanna hit it?"

Maria looks up and smiles.
"Oh no, I'm feeling good right now." Then she decides to get serious.
"I have to tell you that I don't jump into bed this quickly. It's just..."

Rath stops her,
"Don't worry doll, I felt the vibes. Didn't think ya would let me have ya tonight. I'm glad ya did, I wanted ya so bad my dick ached."

"Oh, poor thing. I was giving you fits?"

Rath leans into Maria to say,
"Doll, ya got no idea."

Maria grins as she replies,
"I think you proved that by making me cum three times."

Bringing his body closer to her, Rath plants a kiss on Maria's lips before telling her,
"I had to cum so bad but didn't want it ta end. Felt so good in ya."

"You made me feel really good too."
Maria kisses him back.


"Dog, I gotta talk to ya."
Rath looks down at Maria who is slinking down under the covers and tells Zan,
"Later duke!"

Mumbling is heard in the hallway and then a loud door slam.

"Who was that,"
Maria asks while easing into a sitting position on the bed.

"Zan, da guy I told ya about. Don't worry, his ass ain't gettin in here."

A smile forms on Maria's face as an idea forms in her mind.
"Actually I would like to meet him. Tell me, is he cute?"

Rath gives her a sneer then asks,
"I don't give a shit if dudes is cute or not, ya dig?"

Maria holds out her hands,
"Calm down baby! "

Maria starts to giggle at Rath's intensity.
"Sorry babe I didn't mean to imply that you were into guys. I asked because I got a friend that needs a good man."

Rath turns the tables on Maria with his question.
"Is ya girl sexy?"

Maria ponders the question and replies,
"Yeah she can be with the right guy to bring it out in her. She is very pretty though. Why don't we hook them up. If Zan is half as sexy as you, I'm sure Liz will love him."

Rath nods and then hugs Maria while kissing her neck. They put their scheme in motion after having sex one last time that evening.


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:40 pm
by Roslover39
Rath drops Maria off in front of the Crashdown. It's still open so she enters through the front door. She notices there are no customers and It's twenty minutes until closing time. Just then José, the cafe's cook peers at her from inside the kitchen and blows her a kiss.

She asks him,
"Hey where's Liz?"

He gives Maria a smartass answer.
"She's in her skin babydoll."

He sticks his tongue while she gives him her best "you're an ass man" sneer. It's then that Liz enters the dinning room from the back of the cafe. She's in her uniform with school books in her hands.

She places her books on the counter then goes over to the front door. The time has come to turn the sign in the window from open to closed.

Then she turns to Maria to say,
"I hope your day was better than mine." She takes off her antennae and walks back to the counter.

"Yeah I had a great day!" Maria follows her over.

Not wanting to go into how she spent her day in bed fucking Rath, Maria changes the subject to what's been on her mind since she left his place.

Leaning on the counter she suggests,
"Liz, let's get dressed up and go to Senior Chows tomorrow night."

"Why, what's the occasion?" Liz looks up from her biology book.

Maria's eyes are wide with excitement.
"I'm in the mood for food that's not served in this establishment."

She plays with Liz's book to get her attention.
"So, what do you say?"

Liz taps Maria's hand and peers at her book again for a minute. Not taking no for an answer, Maria gets to work to convince her. She starts banging on the counter.
"Oh come on Liz, life is more than work and school! We both have the day off tomorrow, why don't we throw caution to the wind and try to have a good time."

Liz takes another minute to think about it and then says,
"Ok, it's a date."

Liz gets up from the table and heads to the employee entrance as Maria rubs her hands together in triumph. She wants to do the happy dance but then Liz would smell a rat.
It's a date alright, she tells herself happily.

Maria pulls her cellphone out of her purse. She calls Rath to make sure he shows up tomorrow night with his friend[/i]."

The night of the date:

Maria is on the phone with Rath while Liz is dressing in her bedroom.
"Yeah, it's all set. See you soon babe."

Maria closes her cellphone and then calls out to Liz,
"Hey woman, I wanna get to the restaurant while the kitchen is still open."

Liz rushes out very confused.
"What's your hurry, we're just going to eat. It's not date night."

Maria gives her a look of bewilderment as she places her hands on her hips.
"How would you know, you haven't been on a date since you stopped seeing Kyle. Let me say that was the right thing to do. I myself can't date a guy that doesn't make me moist."


"Oh grow up Liz, sex is going on in the world. Every straight woman could use a high hard one every now and then. Even you Elizabeth Claudia Parker!"

Maria is so busy fussing that she doesn't notice how nice Liz looks. She's wearing a white sundress that shows her body to its best advantage.

"Well, am I dressed good enough for this evening's festivities?"

"Va va voom Chica. That dress is fabu girlfriend!"

"So glad you like it. I bought it two weeks ago but had no idea where I was gonna wear it. You're looking good yourself."

"Oh this old thing," Maria replies with a chuckle.

Actually the outfit isn't that old. She's wearing tan walking shorts with a Pucci inspired silk halter top with no bra.

Maria looks over Liz again.
"I'm glad you're wearing that tonight."

"Why?" Liz is getting suspicious about Maria's motives.

"Because you never know who you might meet. Shall we be off?"
She tells herself,Damn Deluca, you're heading for the touchdown. Don't drop the ball now!

"Ok Maria, did you eat anything today? Is hypoglycemia making you act so strange?"

Maria nods her head glad that Liz still has no idea what's about to happen.
"Right, that's exactly right. Wanted to bring a big appetite with me. Now, let's just go."

Maria gets behind Liz, ushers her out the door first and locks the door with a mischievous grin on her face.

Maria gets out of the Jetta first, then peers down the street and the parking lot of Senior Chows looking for Rath's car. She notices it parked on the curb and the butterflies start to take hold of her.

She walks over to Liz, drapes her right arm around her and declares,
"Girl, this is gonna be a great night."

Man, she loves this food more than I ever imagined. Liz thinks as she shakes her head and they head to the front entrance of the restaurant.

The two friends walk into the restaurant and wait for someone to sit them at a booth. Maria is eyeballing the room looking to make contact with Rath. She walks past him on the way to the booth they're being ushered to.

Maria winks at Rath and he at her as she sits in the booth two booths over.

Zan notices and asks,
"I saw dat shit, who's dat? Oh snap I think I know da bitch with her. Dat's the bitch dat gave me a hard time when I was trying ta cut her ass a break."

Rath looks at Zan but says nothing.
Dis is gonna be some fun shit, he thinks to himself.

The girls take the menus but only Liz peruses hers. Maria is too busy making contact with Rath. Liz thinks Maria's attention is being diverted away from her to the kitchen. She asks,
"Maria what is it, do you see a fire in the kitchen?"

Maria gestures to Rath with her head then turns her attention to Liz.
"Oh no, I thought I saw someone I knew here."

Just then Rath rises in the booth.

"Where da hell ya going," Zan asks.

"Will ya chill da hell out? Damn!"
Rath makes his way over to the girls. He's wearing slouchy black jeans with a Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll short sleeved t-shirt. He has his box of cigarettes wrapped in the left sleeve.

When he gets there he addresses Maria.
"Hey Doll!"

Then Maria starts lying through her teeth.
"Hey Rath, I didn't know you were here. Rath this is my best friend Liz. Liz, this is the guy I told you I met at the club. Why don't you have a seat; that is if Liz doesn't mind."

Liz nods that she doesn't mind but her face is saying something totally different. She's starring at the tattoos and piercings that adorn Rath's body and wonders what it could be that Maria likes about this guy.

Needless to say, her night is going to get worst in the next few seconds.
Rath takes a seat next to Maria and kisses her on the cheek. Then he declares,
" I got a friend wit me. Can't leave him there."

Maria sniggles to herself as words fall out of her mouth.
"No problem, why don't you invite your friend to come over and have dinner with us."

Liz's eyes get large and then she kicks Maria hard under the table. When Maria's eyes meet hers, all she sees is anger.
"Oww ...I mean Oh, I forgot to order a drink. Now where is that waitress?"

Rath gestures for Zan to make his way over to the table. He struts over confidently wearing slouchy olive green army pants and a light weight black long sleeve shirt. The shirt outlines every sinewy muscle perfectly.

Maria is very impressed with Rath's friend because he's tall, dark and smolderingly sexy. But not Liz, she doesn't want to meet any friend of Rath's and wishes she was elsewhere. Then to her horror she realizes they met before.


"You," oh shit!"

Maria asks startled by the revelation.
"You know each other?"

"Maria, this is the guy that fixed my car that day."

Oh shit!"Zan doesn't like how this is turning out.

Maria is wondering if getting them together was such a good idea after all.
It's clear that Zan isn't amused being with Liz and hearing her complain.
"Ya bitched to ya girl about me? All I did was try ta make things betta for ya."

"Yeah by setting yourself up to get arrested. What would you tell Toby as they slipped the cuffs on you and escorted you out the garage? That I used my feminine wiles to make you lose your mind and not accept payment for the repairs?"

Zan is hot under the collar.
"What the hell are ya blabbing about? Ya said ya couldn't pay for da repairs. I put my ass on the line because I thought ya was cute but......"

"OK!" Maria stands up and steps in to stop the argument.

Zan turns to leave but Rath grabs his arm tightly. He whispers softly,
"Ya said ya needed ta get laid. Just play along and get the panties."

Zan pulls his arm away from Rath's grasp and sneers at Liz.

Maria tries to get the situation under control before someone explodes.
"Why don't we start over from the beginning...."

Liz is not very happy with Maria right now.
"What is this, was meeting like this your idea all along?"

"Well Liz I....." Maria finds herself at a lost for words so Rath steps in.
"This is my dog Zan. My bad; had no idea ya met before. "

Liz glares at Rath then Zan with her arms folded. Zan returns her look with one of his own.

"Liz, you will be cordial and let the man sit down, right"Maria asks.

"Huh?" She can't believe that this is happening to her. She wants to strangle Zan and Maria.
She gestures for him to sit next to her. From the way she greeted him, Zan figures it's best to put as much air between them as possible. He sits almost on the edge of the booth.

The waitress gets to the table to take the orders. Liz orders first since she spent alot of her time starring at the menu.
"Yes, I'd like the beef enchiladas and the vegetable chow mein."

Maria orders next.
"I'd like the General Tao tacos with a side of Asian vegetables."

The waitress turns to Rath for his order.
"I'll have da steak fajitas and da lo mein noodles."

Zan is the last to order.
I'll take a Mexican pizza and a oriental chicken roll up."

The waitress takes the menus and heads for the kitchen. There's a moment of awkward silence and then Zan has an idea.
"Dog, let's play pool before da food comes."

Rath doesn't want to leave Maria's side but knows his friend is irritable enough to leave the restaurant. He doesn't want that.
Rath takes a minute to whisper in Maria's ear. She giggles as he slides out of the booth.

"Lets do it!" The guys head to the pool table.

The girls watch the guys leave and then Liz fires at Maria with both barrels.

"What was on your mind Maria? Why didn't you tell me we were meeting two guys tonight?"

Maria confesses why she did it.
"Liz, you need a man In your life. It didn't seem like it would happen on its own. I decided to help you out."

Liz leans in closer to her friend and asks,
"Do you have any idea what kind of guy I like?"

A chuckle escapes Maria before she answers the question.
"I'm not sure; the last guy was Kyle but you gave him the heave ho. I'm glad you did though because I always found him boring. I wanted to help you broaden your horizons."

Liz's mouth falls wide open at Maria's audacity.
"With that guy? For all we know him and his home boy could be rapists or mass murderers. I'll take boring anytime, it's nice and safe."

Maria replies,
"Yes boring is safe but it's not sexy, or thrilling or dangerous."

Liz gasps at the word dangerous. Her eyes are as big as saucers. Maria goes on to explain what she means.
"Yes I said dangerous. I needed to feel out of control for once in my life. Rath does that for me and you know what, the sex was great."

"You've slept with him, already?" Liz can't believe her ears.

A sly grin appears on Maria's face as she exclaims,
"Yeah and I'm gonna do it again!"

While Liz and Maria are talking, so are the guys. Zan has alot to say while they pick up their pool cues.
"Dude, that's da bitch that gave me a fucking fit at the garage. I can't stay here wit her, she's a pain in my ass."

Rath peers over at Liz in the booth then turns his attention back to Zan.
"But she got a booming little body. Ya can't stay cause of dat?" Rath will say anything to make his friend stay.

Zan sighs,
"Dog, she's a fuckin smart chick. She ain't gonna let me hit it."

Rath isn't ready to give up on getting his friend to stay.
"Am I hearin ya right? I thought ya was da man. Ya like challenges, well here ya go! She's Maria's friend so she can't be too pure Polly. Maria is one hellava girl."

That unmistakable crooked grin forms on Zan's face as he starts to gesture in a way to make Rath think he might be interested in Maria.
"Bet! Yo, can I get a turn?" Zan asks with a wink.

Clearly, Rath is not amused by his friend's enthusiasm.
"Don't fuck around duke. I know we shared bitches in da past but I ain't sharing her!"

Zan laughs and drops his cue stick onto the pool table.
"Damn dog, I was just shitin ya. Ya must really like this one."

Then Rath notices the waitress who took their orders walking to their table with the food.
"Hey da food is ready. I'm hungry as fuck!"

Zan nods then picks up his cue stick. He places it back on the wall with Rath and heads back to the table.

Dinner is filled with tension but for different reasons. Rath and Maria are feeling sexual tension for each other while Zan is feeling a mix of sexual and confrontational tension being so close to Liz. Liz is trying to decide if the evening is still a loss for her.

Just when she figures the situation can't get any more unbearable, she looks up from her plate of food to notice Maria feeding Rath the food on her plate.
It's established, I'm in hell!

She looks over at Zan from the corner of her eye to find him watching her. A surprising thing happens to her, her body starts to tingle as she makes contact with his hazel eyes. Then her gaze goes down his arm, his thigh and a huge bulge.

The sight makes her quiver on the inside.
He's definitely sexy but he's so not my type. How would I explain a guy like him to anybody I know other than Maria? My parents would think I had a nervous breakdown.

Quickly she focuses her eyes back on her plate of food. She can still feel Zan peering at her. She hopes he didn't notice her staring at his dick.

The quartet finishes their meals and head out of the restaurant. Rath and Maria are walking arm in arm while Liz and Zan are walking behind them stealing looks at each other.

Rath walks Maria to the Jetta as Zan and Liz follow close behind.

"I had a great time tonight." Maria is rubbing his muscular chest.

"Me too doll. Meet me at da crib later," Rath asks eagerly.

"I want to but I'm sure Liz wants to read me the riot act tonight. It's only right that I be there for the tirade.

"Good luck doll." Rath kisses Maria on the lips then strokes her cheek.

Liz rolls her eyes and shakes her head at how free Maria is with him.

Zan's velvety baritone voice brings Liz back to reality.
"It's been real seein ya again," he tells her sarcastically in passing.

She makes a face while looking up at him.
"Yeah, it's been a real picnic!"

Zan makes a face back at her and then walks off with Rath into the night.

The ride back to the Crashdown is a quiet one but things change as soon as they get into the apartment. Liz makes it inside first and sits in a chair by the door waiting for Maria to make it inside.
"Maria, how could you?"

Maria takes a seat next to Liz and tries to explain the reasons why she arranged the surprise dinner date.
"Liz, you're a great girl and you have much to offer a guy. There's got to be more to your life than just work and school. I just want you to meet a great guy and have a good time.

Ok, I know that my friend's friend isn't the type of guy you're used to but I just want you to be open to different men and experiences. I'm sorry if this night was a nightmare for you."

Maria grabs Liz's hands.
"You've got to believe me when I say that I would have never arranged this evening if I knew he was the one you had a run in with."

Liz has a confession,
"I know and actually, it wasn't a total loss. Seems like you and your friend really get along."

"Yeah, it was like lightning struck me the moment I saw him. It seems it was the same way for him. I know he's different from your typical Roswell guy but I really like being with him."

Liz rubs Maria's hands as she declares,
"Maria, that's all that matters. We can't live our lives for anyone but ourselves. If tattoo man makes you happy then I'm happy for you."
Maria hugs Liz.

"Thanks Liz, I'm not saying he's the one but it's great right now. Oh if you don't want to see Zan again, I'll tell Rath not to bring him when he comes to the cafe'. "

"Thanks but that's not necessary. He works at the garage so I'm sure he'll stop in from time to time. I don't wanna run off any customers.

The conversation gets interrupted by the phone in Maria's bag.
"Oh I bet that's Rath making sure I didn't take you out over this evening. Tell him everything is fine."

Maria kisses her on her cheek, opens the purse and answers the phone.
"Hey babe! Oh yeah, it's cool."
She gets up and heads to her bedroom.

Liz goes to sleep with two thoughts running through her mind; Zan's intoxicating cologne and beautiful hazel eyes.


Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:06 pm
by Roslover39
Two weeks have passed since the date at Senior Chows. Both Maria and Liz are working the evening shift when Kyle enters the cafe with Zan. Maria is the first to notice the men and gestures for them to be seated at her station.

It's not very busy so Maria can get right to them.
"Hey Maria, have you met Zan? He's new at the garage."

Maria puts her hand on her right hip while informing him,
"Ha ha ha, late as always. I met him two weeks ago."

"Oh well, whatever!" Kyle frowns at his step-sister.

She rolls her eyes at him playfully and then turns her attention to Zan with a warm smile.
"Hey dude, how ya doing?"

"Can't complain. I'm starved what's ya specials?"

Maria goes into her recital of the day's specials when Zan notices Liz enter the cafe out the corner of his eye. His senses are caught up in the shift of her turquoise uniform against her legs and the sway of her ponytail in the breeze.

He also notices the blush of her cheeks and the ready smile she gives each customer.
Maria notices Zan staring at Liz and suggests,
"Go say hi to her. She won't bite you unless you're into that sort of thing."

Zan laughs,
"Yeah ok, guess she can't get too mad wit me sayin hello."

Zan gives Maria his order then makes his way over to the counter where Liz is working. Kyle starts to stare at them while giving Maria his order. Then he leans in closer to Maria looking as if he's about to get up and go to the counter.

Maria pushes him back into the seat with a warning,
"Look Kyle, I know you still care for her but you had your chance. Things didn't work out so do me a favor; don't make up shit about Zan to tell her. Just let it go, alright?"

"Shit Maria!" Kyle frowns at her as she walks off to place his and Zan's dinner orders.

When Zan reaches Liz, she's putting more coffee in the coffee maker.
"Wat up?"

Liz remembers the voice and her face perks up a bit from the revelation.
She leans against the counter while speaking.
"Oh.. hi, how are you?"

"I'm chillin, you?" Zan notices just how dark and beautiful her eyes are as he tries not to gaze into them.

"Busy, I can't wait until we close. Then I can get upstairs and study."
"Ya go ta school?" Clearly not what he wanted to hear.

"Yep, the University of New Mexico.

"Wat ya studying?" Zan decides to take a seat at the counter as the conversation continues.

"Biology, I want to be a Microbiologist at the most and a Biology teacher at the least. Are you in school?" Then she wonders why she asked him that.

Zan's expression gets serious.
"Yeah, da school of hard knocks."


Zan continues,
"I been takin care of myself as long as I can remember."

He goes quiet as his eyes focus on the counter for a few minutes. Then he resumes his train of thought.
"Rath is my family. New York is where we from. My sista is still there."

"I figured that; the accent gave you away. So, what brought you and your friend to Roswell?"

" When my bit.....girl died, I had ta get from New York. The southwest looked as different from there as it could get. Rath and I drove until we hit Roswell. I saw da help wanted sign at da garage. Rath got da job as a bouncer at Fantasies."

Always feeling like she missed out not having siblings, Liz had to ask,
"Don't you miss your sister?"

"Kinda, but she ain't da easiest ta get along wit. She's a world class bitch. Me and Rath is betta off wit her keepin her ass in New York."

Liz is taken aback by his comments.
"Well, I'm sorry you two don't get along. I have no brothers and sisters.
She Figures it's time to change the subject.
So, did you place your order yet?"

Just then Maria strolls out with the food he and Kyle ordered. The conversation that she witnessed Liz and Zan having didn't fail to make an impression on her. Happily she places the plates on the table as Zan walks back to his seat opposite Kyle.

Eagerly Kyle asks,
"Have a nice chat?"

Maria kicks Kyle from under the table. She leans down to his ear to whisper,
"Remember what I told you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," an irritated Kyle replies with a frown.

Zan gives Kyle a don't fuck with me stare then glances over at Liz before devouring his meal.

Maria strolls over to Liz with a satisfied look on her face.
"So, Neanderthals can hold conversations."

She laughs as Liz glares at her.
"Leave it alone Maria, he came over and we had a conversation. It doesn't mean I'll be picking out a wedding dress tomorrow."

Maria comes around and bumps Liz on her hip while laughing gleefully.
"Well, ya never know doll."

But her party will be a short one. Her mother, Amy Deluca walks into the cafe with River Dog, the elder of the Mesaliko Reservation located outside Roswell.

Amy runs the only tattoo parlor within fifty miles. Always wanting to reinvent her art, she's meeting with Riverdog to brainstorm on some new tattoo styles.
"Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

River Dog turns up his nose.
"Amy, don't you know that stuff will kill you? If you really want to buy me something, I'd love a Peppermint tea with lemon."

"You got it."

Amy bellows from across the room.

"You called Mother," Maria asks while rolling her eyes.

"Yes, get me a coffee and a Peppermint tea with lemon for my friend here."

"Yes Mother!" Maria turns to go into the kitchen when she hears Liz declare,
"Oh there is a God and he loves me!"

"Big baby!" Maria mumbles as she enters the kitchen.

Amy and River Dog continue their conversation on tribal tattooing when something captures his attention. He turns in his chair to peer at Zan.
"River Dog, something wrong?"

He turns back to Amy.
"Oh no, it's just that I felt a great energy coming from someone. Figuring that I know everyone in this room except the guy talking to Kyle, he has to be the one."

"Energy, what do you mean?"

Riverdog explains,
"As you know, all life has energy. In my experience, I've come across extraordinary individuals who possess greater than normal amounts of vitality."

Amy throws him a cynical look.
"Please River Dog, don't tell me that you believe in aliens or something. I've been hearing that mumbo jumbo since I was a child. The closest I've come to aliens are the tattoos and novelties I sell at the shop. I mean, I wouldn't know what to do if I came face to face with one."

Knowing he needs to change the subject fast, River Dog lies to her.
"No need to worry about that Amy. Everyone knows that aliens only exist in fantasy."

Amy fakes wiping sweat from her brow.
"Whew, I'm glad we're in agreement. There's enough stuff to be scared of like past due bills and pregnant daughters."

She peers around the room and shouts,
"Maria, where is that coffee and tea?"

"Coming Mother!" Maria rushes out with the cups.

As Amy focuses her attention on her first sip of coffee, River Dog watches Zan walk out the cafe with Kyle. Maria turns to walk away after greeting River Dog when Amy stops her.
"Guess what happened to me yesterday?"

"What Mother?" Maria isn't finding her day with Amy amusing.

"A tall and muscular stranger came in looking to get a new tattoo. I'll never forget this guy, the tattoos he already had were very nice."

"Oh that's nice Mother."

Amy continues,
"But what I really found interesting was his accent and that he had a Mohawk."

Maria almost turns green when she realizes that her mother is gushing over her guy. She turns to face her mother and exclaim,
"Mother, I happen to be dating that guy!"

That revelation makes Amy sniggle.
"What; well that's good to know." She's impressed and surprised at the same time.

"Mother, Rath is too young for you to even consider. Do I have to remind you that you got a husband at home."

"Rath, is that his name? Well it fits him and let me tell you something missy, he's over twenty-one so he's more than old enough for me if I were on the market. Calm down Maria; I'm very aware that I'm married. Just because I picked my meal, it doesn't mean I can't continue to check out the menu."

"Ewwww!" Maria stomps angrily back into the kitchen.
She finds Liz and declares,
"Help! I'm in hell!"

Why Maria,"Liz asks while grabbing for a big container of ketchup.

"My mom has eyes for my guy."

Liz turns to Maria trying not to laugh. She leans against the kitchen counter.

Maria continues,
"Yeah she gushed to me about some guy with a Mohawk coming into the tattoo shop yesterday. Now tell me Liz, how many tall, dark, and handsome guys do you know walking around Roswell with a Mohawk?"

Liz shakes her head while picturing Amy's antics.
"Only your guy hon. Sorry to hear that and I'm sure Jim wouldn't be pleased either."

"Oh it gets worst. When I told her Rath was too young for her, she informed me that any guy over twenty-one would be fair game if she wanted to play. Oh I gotta hurl!"

She slaps her right hand over her mouth and hauls ass to the employee restroom.

Liz shakes her head, I thought I had it bad.

By the way:
Maria is not pregnant, just weirded out!


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:10 pm
by Roslover39
In the dessert there is a steady beeping going on deep within the Earth. The noise affects Rath, Zan and Riverdog, who peers into the dawning sky from the reservation while thinking, It has begun!

It's two hours before Fantasies opens. The bartender is cutting up fruit and arranging the assorted drink glasses. Music wafts through the air as the DJ checks his equipment and previews new songs. Rath is helping the waitresses set up their stations when a noise assaults his ears.

The sound is so deafening , it almost sends him onto the floor in pain. One of the waitresses notices and rushes over to steady him.

"Are you ok honey buns?" She asks with a lazy southern drawl as she reaches down and squeezes his ass purposefully.

The squeeze takes him by surprise and it jolts him a bit. Always in control, he turns to her to say,
"Yeah I'm ok, thanks."

The waitress looks him square in the eyes to tell him,
"Good! But remember, I'm here whenever you want me honey buns."

She gives him a smoldering look, glides her fingers through her hair and mutters,Oh the things I could do to that gorgeous body, as she walks off.

He savors the touch on his ass as he watches the waitress sashay away. Then he realizes she's caused him to have a raging hard on. His mind wanders to how he would have arranged to go home with her if he didn't care for Maria.

Knowing that the boss won't be there, and that the assistant manager is scared of him, he calls to ask Maria to meet him at Fantasies.
"Hey doll, did ya hear any ringing in ya ears in da last ten minutes?"

Maria has no idea what he's talking about.
"No babe, why do you ask. Are you alright?"

Rath decides to change the subject.
"Yeah, just wondering. Ya comin over tonight?"

"Sure, I'll be over. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry bout me. Hey, why not meet me at da club. We can make a night of it."

"Ooooo ok, see you tonight!" Maria hangs up her cell phone and whirls happily into her bedroom to pick out an outfit for the evening.

It hasn't been a good day at work for Zan. Toby come in to oversee all the work being done. Rath decides to call and Toby answers the phone hollering over the noise in the shop.
"Hey Zan, get the phone and don't take all day. Time is money and my eyes are glued to my watch."

He points to it while peering sternly at Zan.

Yeah, yeah, yeah ya fat bastard," Zan grumbles as he slides from underneath a black Lincoln Continental. He places his tools at his sides, rises up and grabs a grimy cloth off of the hood to clean his hands.

When he realizes the cloth is as dirty as his hands, he wipes his hands on the front of his coveralls and heads to the phone.

Kyle stops tinkering with a carburetor long enough to notice Zan storm to the phone with clinched fists. Kyle wonders if Zan is gonna punch Toby who is eating a hoagie and drinking a beer.

Zan grabs the phone from off the counter and speaks into the phone with much attitude. Toby backs off to give Zan privacy as he speaks.

"Hey duke, did ya ears ring bad today," Rath asks.

"Yeah , dat fucked me up. What da hell was dat?" Zan is anxious to know what's going on.

"I got no idea. Why don't ya come to da club tonight. The Jack Daniels is on me."

"Bet! I'll need a drink after dealin with that asshole Toby all day."

Zan looks around to see where he is, then he thinks about getting his drink and sex on later. But his elation is short lived.

"Zan!" Toby roars as he walks towards him tapping on his watch.

"I'm gonna strangle dat fat fuck one day! See ya tonight homes."

Zan gives Toby a menacing look,hangs up the phone and struts back to the Lincoln. Rath chuckles and hangs up the phone.

Maria is in her bedroom singing along to the music on her radio when Liz peeks her head in the doorway.
"You're in a good mood tonight."

"Yep, I'm meeting Rath at Fantasies. We're gonna make a night of it. What you got up for tonight?"

"Oh the same old thing;studying."

"What?" Maria rushes over to her radio and turns it off. Looking back at her she asks,
"Did I hear you right?"

"Yeah Maria, I have to study. That's the whole part of going to school."

"Dang Liz, you're twenty-one years old and you have no idea how to have fun."

"But Maria, I'll be applying for graduate school soon. I don't have time for fun."

Maria waves her finger playfully in her friend.
"You gotta make time for it babe! Tell me Miss. Parker, what will be the highlights of your life? Studying for tests and exams, no I don't think so. There's so much of life you have yet to enjoy, have you ever had a drink, have you ever skinny dipped, had sex so good that it curled your toes?"

"Maria, you know I haven't done those things. You don't have much experience yourself, if you've been telling me the truth."

Maria laughs,
"Right, but I intend to get much more and Rath is just the guy to get it with."

"I bet." Liz turns to walk out Maria's room when she's stopped.

"Liz, I don't ask for much. Do me a favor...please?"

Liz turns to ask,
"What Maria?"

"Come to Fantasies with me. Rath is a bouncer there and he won't let anything happen to us. Come on girlfriend, shake your ass and have some fun for once. I promise I won't ask you to do anything else ever!"

Liz looks at Maria and laughs.
Now I know that's a lie, but ok. I'll go to the club this once."

"YES!!! You won't regret this." Maria starts prancing around the room.

"I'm regretting it already. you have no idea how much...."

Maria grabs and stops her sentence.
"Oh no, please don't say you got studying to do. We're gonna go to the club and have a good time, right?"

Maria wraps her right arm around Liz while smiling brightly. Liz nods her head reluctantly while silently praying that a fight doesn't break out or the club doesn't get raided.

Toby decided to give Zan the last repair of the day. he's left alone to close the garage while he and Kyle leave early. He's mad enough to kick dents in a couple of car bumpers and a mud hole in Toby's ass.

After he calms himself down, he closes the garage. Then he takes his black do-rag off, throws it into a pocket of his coveralls, and heads home on his Harley.

When he gets inside,he peers at the clock on the wall in the living room and his mind starts to wander again on tonight's festivities. He thinks about the liquor, the throbbing music and the scantily clad hoochies waiting to bump and grind on him.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, he jumps into the tiny shower. After drying off he changes into black jeans, a wife beater and a black canvas vest with a hood attached. Now dressed and ready to go, he picks up his keys and heads into the night.

Maria is sexy in a form fitting green dress that makes her eyes sparkle like emeralds. She's in the bathroom checking her hair and makeup in the mirror. After deciding that she's ready to go, she heads toward Liz's room.
"Liz, the party train is leaving the station, come on girl!"

"Ok Maria, give me a break!" Liz strolls slowly out of the room in a purple microfiber blouse that hugs her delicate curves along with a black knee length pencil skirt. As usual, she has her hair done up in a ponytail. Maria takes one look at that and objects instantly.
"Girlfriend, we're going to a club not work. Here, let me help you."

Maria walks around Liz, takes down her ponytail, fluffs out her silky chestnut brown hair and unbuttons two buttons on the front of Liz's blouse.
"Now, that's so much better! You actually look like someone that wants to have a good time. Oh Liz, can I get you to do one more thing?"

"What," Liz asks scared to actually find out.

"Can you push up your boobs just a touch?"

"What?" Liz can't believe her ears.

Maria bursts out in laughter.
"Sorry chica, I just had to ask. Let's go!"


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:07 pm
by Roslover39
The girls arrive at Fantasies. Rath notices them from his station at the door, goes to them and greets them.
"Baby ya look hot!" Rath declares to Maria as they hug briefly.

Then he turns to Liz while still embracing her to say,
"Nice ta see ya ."

"Thanks nice to see you too. You know Maria coerced me to come here tonight."

Rath replies with a smile,
"Good! Ya too young and hot ta stay at home."

Immediately, Maria punches Rath hard in his side.
"Hey, watch what you say to my friend man!"

He laughs and tells her,
"Ya know it's all about ya doll." Then Rath kisses Maria on her neck."

"If that's the case, dance with me right now!"

"Ok doll but just one dance. Da boss ain't here but I still got a job ta do."

Before the couple walks off, Maria admonishes her friend.
"Liz, have a seat and try to have a good time until we come back."

Liz nods, frowns and then gestures them off with her hands as Maria pulls Rath onto the dance floor. Just then Give It To Me by Timbaland featuring Nelly Furtado starts to play.

"Oooooh, that's my fucking song!" Maria rushes to find a spot on the floor then starts to dance in front of Rath with her back turned to him. Rath moves in closer to her and wraps his arms around her waist as they grind seductively to the music.

Just then Zan makes it inside the club. Still frustrated over how the day went at work, he heads right for the bar.
"Yo Dave, I need a shot a Jack Daniels now!"

"Coming right up, hard day at work Zan?"

"Ya could say dat. I wanted ta stump a mud hole in my fat ass boss."

The bartender laughs,
"Can't pay the bills like that."

He prepares the shot and passes it to Zan who replies,
"Yeah but I would feel fuckin good."

"No doubt!" The Bartender shakes his head while going to tend to other customers. Suddenly the bar area gets packed with people and Zan feels a body crush into his back.
"HEY! Watch where da fuck ya goin."

"What did you say to me? How dare you....."

Shit !
Zan recognizes the voice and a chill goes down his spine as he turns to find Liz standing beside him looking very upset.
"Liz,Liz, I didn't know it was you. How ya doin?"

She peers up at him with a sneer,
"I was doing fine until you cussed me out. Don't worry I don't want to touch you."

Zan chuckles,
"Aww, don't be like dat Liz. I thought it was some drunk or a faggot bumpin in ta me. Let me make it up ta ya. Buy ya a drink?"

Liz looks up at Zan confused.
"I don't drink so I wouldn't know what to ask for."

Trying to be helpful Zan asks,
"Ok, wats your favorite fruit?"

Liz thinks for a minute then replies,
"Strawberries are my favorite fruit but I don't want a Strawberry Daiquiri."

Zan decides to ask the bartender for help.
"Yo Dave, da lady wants a drink but she ain't a drinker. Wat should she get?"

Dave comes closer to ask,
"Miss, do you like coffee?"

"Oh yes I do." Liz nods with a smile.

"Then I suggest a Russian Bride. It's kahlua with vodka, cream and cream de cacao."

"Oh that sounds great, I'll take it." Liz can't wait to taste it.

Zan reaches into the back pocket of his jeans for his wallet.
"How much for da drinks Dave?"

Just as he's about to go into his wallet for the money, the bartender holds his hand out.
"Oh no Zan, as a friend of Rath's, your money is no good here. Both drinks are on the house."

Zan grins,
"Good lookin out dog." He slips his wallet back in his pocket and turns his attention back to Liz.

"Ya here by ya self," he asks while watching her take the first sip of her drink. Liz takes another sip and then answers Zan.

"I'm here with Maria. She's dancing with Rath right now. I was at a table over there." She points in the direction when she notices Maria and Rath heading to the bar. He walks up to Zan and greets him while the girls look on.
"Glad ya here, homes. Need ya to look after da girls, I gotta get ta work now. Been playing long enough." Rath winks at Maria and then kisses her. He struts off to his station at the front entrance.

Liz's favorite song starts to play and she starts swaying to the music. Maria notices and grabs her hand and Zan's.
"Why don't you two dance."

Liz nods, downs the rest of her drink and heads to the dance floor with him.

Suddenly ohhh and ahhhs can be heard coming from the dance floor. Then the crowd parts like the red sea to show Zan grinding into Liz as he holds her hips tightly. This spectacle is not lost on Rath and Maria who both inch closer to the dance floor to get a closer look from where they are. Maria can't believe her eyes, while Rath figures Zan is gonna go for the panties tonight.

Zan's dick is telling him to take her home tonight. He knows that although she's dancing like a hoochie, that doesn't mean she'll let him have her. He knows it's the alcohol that has her that way, and Zan is a man that has to know that it was lust and not alcohol that got him laid.

Liz wants some tonight too but she doesn't want him to think he got it too easy. So, they both settle for rubbing up against each other for the moment as the music plays.

It's closing time and Liz, Maria and Zan are off to the side waiting for Rath to get off work. Each is doing their own thing to pass the time as the steady crowd of patrons file out the front entrance of the club.
Liz is swaying around without obvious musical accompaniment. She liked the Russian bride the bartender suggested so much that she bought three more. Now she's feeling no pain.

Zan is watching girls in various forms of undress walk past him. Some are walking out under their own power and some are being assisted out by friends. And Maria is watching Rath assisting people out the door while trying to keep Liz from doing something embarrassing. She's twirling around and bumping into Maria to the music in her mind as she starts to sing.

Both Zan and Maria recognize the lewd song that Liz is singing. Always the faithful friend, Maria turns to Zan to say,
"Hey man, I saw you two bumping and grinding. She's still a good girl; she's just had too much to drink. You take advantage of that, and I'll hunt your ass down and even your boy won't be able to stop me."

He looks over at Liz still swaying by herself, then he answers,
"Shit!, I got ya Maria."

She nods and gives him a devious grin.

When Rath is finished and ready to go Maria has a request for Zan.
"Hey dude, Rath and I are going to a nookie motel. Do me a favor and take Liz home. There is no way in hell she can drive. I'll take the car."

"Sure Maria, I can do that for ya. Not sure if she'll wanna get on my bike."

"Dude, in her condition she can't refuse your offer. Don't worry about it, I'll talk to Liz before we leave."

Maria reminds her that she's going with Rath and that Zan is gonna take her home on his bike. She's still very tipsy which is making her slur her words.
"Vroom vroom don't worry about me Maria, I always wanted to take a ride on the back of a motorcycle."

Maria looks at her friend dumbfounded.
"Oh, do tell!"

"Yeah, don't worry honey, you have a good time at the motel."

Liz's breath almost made Maria stagger back.
"Whoa girlfriend, how many drinks did you have?"

"I can't remember." Liz appears as if she's gonna cry. Maria calms her down and then she and Rath stay long enough to make sure Zan has no problems. Then they leave for the nookie motel.

Liz is having the time of her life on the back of Zan's bike. So much fun that he's almost finding it hard to keep the bike steady as they whizz through the streets.

Damn, how coulda girl that little make my bike swerve so much, Zan asks himself. His time with Liz is just about to get even more interesting.

Suddenly Liz shouts,
"Hey stop the bike, stop this bike now!"

Zan can't believe his ears.
"Wat, wat the hell ya talking about?"

"I gotta throw up. If you don't stop now, I'm gonna do it all over you and this bike!"

Quickly, Zan brings the bike to a stop.
"Damn, good thing I took a hick road. Wat if we was in traffic?"

Liz doesn't say a word. Instead she jumps off the bike but only makes it a couple of inches before she's spewing chunks."

Wat the fuck did I do ta deserve this shit, Zan thinks to himself as he places his hands over his ears. The last thing he wants to hear is Liz calling to the porcelain god loud and clear.

After a few minutes, Liz gets back on the bike. Still feeling sick, she lays her head against Zan's back and holds him tight for the rest of the ride.

Zan gets Liz back to the Crashdown safely. He gets off his bike, picks her up and helps her into the cafe. Her head is still spinning from all the drinks she had.

Once inside the cafe, he lets her down and she goes into the employee bathroom to splash cold water on her face. She returns to find Zan sitting at the counter. The cold water cleared your head somewhat.

"Ya alright?" His eyes and seductive voice are making her think things.

"No, but I will be. I shouldn't have bought all those drinks. I thought because they were sweet that they were harmless."

Zan decides to poke fun at her.
"Yeah, ya can't hold ya liquor."
He gives her a knowing smirk.

Then Liz gets right into Zan's face.
"Thanks for bringing me home. You didn't have to do it, you know?"

Zan pulls back quickly from the foulness of puke still on her breath. Not wanting to hurt her feelings he decides to take his leave.
"Sure, well I gotta be goin. I got work tomorrow so I'll come in and check on ya then. Good night Liz."

She bids him good night and ushers him out of the cafe. She wonders why he wouldn't kiss her. Still too tipsy to contemplate what didn't happen, she staggers up to her room to sleep off the alcohol.


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:58 pm
by Roslover39
The next day as promised, Zan comes to the cafe for lunch and check on how Liz is doing. He notices Agnes and Maria working the room but no Liz, so he gets Maria's attention by asking,
"Yo, where's Liz, she a'ight?"

Before Maria can utter a single word, Liz enters the dinning area looking green around the gills.

"Hey babe, I ...."
Maria tries to explain about Agnes filling in for her but Liz cuts her off.
"Maria please not so loud. I feel like my head is gonna pop off. "

Maria places her hands on her hips while exclaiming,
"I figured as much. Since I was the one to convince you to go out, I thought it only fair to call Agnes to fill in for you. The way you were last night I knew you would be in no shape to work today."

Liz whispers,
"Oh I knew I loved you Maria Deluca. If you were a man?"

"Liz, please don't go there girlfriend."

She tries to laugh but it hurts,

Rubbing her temples she asks,
"So, are you sure that you and Agnes have this shift covered?"

"Definitely Chica! Just go back to bed and I'll come up and check up on you later."

As Maria hugs Liz, Jose the cook peeks his head from out the delivery window to taunt Liz.
"Ha, same old little Lizzie. What's wrong Doll, can't hold your liquor?"

Zan throws Jose a menacing glare without saying a word. Suddenly Jose remembers he's there to work, not run his mouth.
"Oh shit I'm burning my food!" He rushes back to the grill hoping Zan won't follow him back there."

Then Zan turns his attention to Liz.
"Hey I came ta get some lunch and see how ya was. I guess Maria is taking good care of ya."

She answers still whispering and holding her head.
"Oh yeah, she's the very best. After God made Maria he broke the mold."

Maria co-signs,
"And ya better believe that!"
The outburst makes Liz's head hurt more as Maria snaps her fingers in the air and then sashays her way to the kitchen for more table condiments.

Satisfied that Liz is alright, Zan places a to go order with Agnes when Liz stops him. She leads him to a secluded booth to ask a question.
"Ok, what happened last night is a blur to me. I noticed that I got home in one piece and I still had my clothes on when I woke up this morning."

Liz clears her throat and leans into Zan so no one but him can hear what she has to say next.
"What I want to know is did I do anything embarrassing or immoral last night?"

Zan wastes no time giving her the play by play.
"Well ya grinded on me quite a bit but hell I liked that! Ya was singing this nasty song. I never thought I'd hear you sing something like that.

Then ya made me pull over on the road while ya puked ya guts out. I had to cover my ears from the sounds coming out ya. Then when we got to the cafe ya offered ta kiss me but I refused because I didn't wanna take advantage of ya."

And ya breath was kickin, he thinks to himself not wanting to hurt her with that bit of information.

Liz is shocked to find Zan so trustworthy.
"Well I guess I'm in your debt for taking such good care of me last night. How about lunch on the house?"

"Now ya talkin baby!" Zan gives her his trademark sexy grin and wink.


Two weeks after the beeping in the desert, Rath is roused in the middle of the night. Awakened by a vivid dream, he sits up in bed trying to make sense of what he experienced. Nature calls and he gets up to go to the bathroom when he hears Zan stirring in his room. It is then that something tells Rath that he wasn't the only one to experience that dream.

After leaving the bathroom Rath realizes he's not sleepy. He decides to see if Zan wants to talk, so he stands in the doorway to ask,
"Duke, are ya up?"

Zan turns in bed and then sits up.
"Yeah I just woke up. I had da weirdest dream."

Rath walks into the room and leans against a big dresser opposite Zan's bed.
"Let me guess, ya saw a planet wit thick red water and three moons."

Zan's eyes get big with surprise.
"Dats what I saw in da dream. Wat da hell is goin on? First da ringing in the ears an now da dream."

Rath thinks about what was said as he runs his fingers through his Mohawk.
"Do ya feel different?"

Zan looks at Rath and responds,
"Naw, I still wanna kick the shit outta Toby and still need ta get laid."

Rath chuckles,
"Sorry duke, I can't help ya wit those problems."

Zan nods and chuckles.

The guys talk a little longer and then Rath goes back to his room. Both guys go back to sleep.

They continue to have the vivid dreams but the content changes. Rath starts to have dreams of the whirlwind galaxy while Zan dreams of being amongst huge symbols in the Roswell desert. Rath begins to sketch the design in his dream with the only things he has, pencil and paper.

Rath shows Maria his sketches and she notices his talent. She buys him a beginner art set to encourage his gift.

Zan decides to get the design in his dream as a tattoo on his right upper arm. Rath draws the design and they go to Amy Deluca's tattoo parlor the next day.

They enter the parlor to find Amy alone listening to White Rabit by Jefferson Airplane.

<center>One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall</center>

The guys have no idea what she's listening to but they notice a familiar odor wafting towards them. When Amy finally notices the guys she puts out her joint and turns off the loud music.
"Rath, so glad to see you again."

"Yo Amy, how ya livin?" Rath gives her a very friendly grin.

"Life is good what can I say. So what can I do for you guys?"

"Tell me why ya didn't tell me Maria was ya daughter?"
That's been on his mind ever since he found out. He found Amy cool enough to hang out with but he knows Maria wouldn't be with that.

Amy looks at him and then chuckles.
"Now why would I want a fine young man as yourself to know I was a woman of a certain age.
She walks over to them.

Zan leers seductively at Amy and adds his two cents to the conversation.
"Yo baby, you look good enough to eat."

He sticks his finger into his mouth and then pulls it out slowly. That simple gesture sends shivers up and down Amy's spine. Rath feels that now is the time to introduce them.
"Oh snap! Amy this is my homeboy Zan, sorry duke."

Her face turns crimson as she nods to Zan who in turn gives her a frisky wink.
Amy recovers her composure enough to declare,
"I vote myself the official Roswell welcome wagon. This town needed new blood so welcome, welcome, welcome!"
She's smiling like she hit the lottery.

Zan takes it upon himself to speak for both men.
"Thanks Amy but it can't be too boring wit you around darlin. Oh before I forget, I wanna new tattoo. I got Rath ta draw it out for me."

He passes Amy the drawing and she takes a look at when one of Rath's tattoos gets her attention. She gets closer, grabs his bicep, and rubs her fingers against the skin the tattoo is covering. Right then as luck would have it Maria and Liz enter the shop with her lunch.

To say the least, Maria is not pleased by what she sees.
"Mother, what are you doing with my boyfriend?"
She gives Liz her mother's lunch and folds her arms.

"Watch your tone young lady. If you must know I was just checking out one of his tattoos. It's very well done."

"Sure that's all it was Mother?"

"Yes Maria! Is that my lunch you casually gave Liz, I'm very hungry."

"Yes Mother." Maria takes back the bag, walks over to her mother, and gives her the sandwich combo.

Zan and Rath look at each other and laugh inside knowing she's hungry because of the joint they caught her smoking.

"A curious Liz asks,
"So what brings you guys here?"

Zan answers the question.
"I had a weird dream about a symbol. Rath sketched it fa me and I'm getting a tattoo of it. Amy is the only tattoo parlor in the area so dat's why we is here."

"Is that a'right Maria,"Rath asks upset with the way Maria addressed her mom.

"Yeah babe that's alright with me." Maria can feel the tension between him and her over Amy. Rath decides to have a long talk with Maria later about the situation. Just as Zan makes arrangements to get the tattoo done, Riverdog walks into the parlor.

He has a seat next to Amy and says nothing. The silence in the room is too much for Amy so she takes the opportunity to greet him properly.
"Hello my friend what brings you here today?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me!"

Riverdog knowing that Amy or the others just wouldn't understand the real reason he's there he decides to lie.
"Actually I wanted to see how you're doing with the native designs I gave you. Our tribal artist is getting old and we're looking for someone to mark our braves at the coming of age ceremonies. Would you be interested; of course since you're not native you'd have to be put to a vote."

"Actually Riverdog, I've got native American in my family. My mom is part Cherokee."

Liz looks at Maria,
"How come you never told me that about your grandma."

Maria replies,
"You never asked."

When Riverdog leaves the parlor one thought fills the minds of both Zan and Rath. They ask the question in unison.
"Where is this reservation?"

"The Mesalika Reservation is off the highway. If you like I can take you there to see it." Maria is wondering why both guys are suddenly interested in going there.

"Naw, I think I can find it but thanks doll." Rath and Zan decide to head to the reservation later that evening. Both feel drawn there but have no idea why.


Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:28 pm
by Roslover39
After obtaining the location of the reservation, Rath and Zan head out there. Riverdog is there waiting for them. When they arrive, he walks over to the car and greets the guys happily as they get out.
"For a minute I thought this day would never come."

Rath gets right down to the business at hand.
"Hey, why are we here?"

"All in good time gentlemen. Now first things first, where are your families," Riverdog asks pointedly as he gestures for them take a little walk with him.

Zan sounds annoyed as he answers the question.
"We ain't got no parents, if that's what ya mean. Rath and I ran up on each other when we was six. It's been us ever since."

Riverdog stops and turns to peer at the guys like he doesn't believe them and asks,
"Where are the girls?"
Rath and Zan stop abruptly to look at each other. They wonder if someone is playing a joke on them.

Before they can think of what to say, Riverdog takes it upon himself to answer his own question.
" Lonnie is in New York. I also know of how Ava passed from this life. Gentlemen, we have alot to talk about."

The three men continue walking until they come to a secluded cave. Riverdog goes inside and Rath and Zan do as well after scanning the area. After everyone is inside, Riverdog bids them to sit down lotus style on the ground. After they are as comfortable as they can be, he goes on to explain everything.
"I know about you two and the girls because I was with you at the beginning of your lives and I've kept careful tabs on you since our lost separation."

Riverdog rises his voice to get their full attention.
"Gentlemen, there was a life before this one on another planet. Four people perished in a conflict that enslaves a planet, but their essences were duplicated, cloned, and mixed with human genetic materials. The hope was that they might be recreated to resemble human beings to survive. All inhabitants of that planet are counting on the four people returning to free them from tyranny.

Zan, you were a brave leader/King in that other life. Ava was your young bride and Queen. Your sister Lonnie was betrothed to Rath, who was your second-in-command."

Zan's mind is spinning. He thinks that either Riverdog is playing games or that he's going insane. He stands up to utter,
"Planet, wat da hell are ya sayin? Are ya tellin me dat alien shit fifty years ago really happened and we're part of dat? Dat's why we here, we was drawn here?"

Riverdog nods his head,
"That's not all gentlemen. We transplanted the four of you in New York in an effort to give you every chance to mature and come into your powers without interference.

Yes, you have alien enemies that will stop at nothing to prevent you from reclaiming the glory which is Antar. Here on Earth your human enemies feel that they have every right to destroy anything they don't understand.

Nothing has changed; they've destroyed every ancestor of yours that made the trip here but you. You've not only survived but you've flourished and now is the time to get on with your real lives."

Rath laughs nervously,
"Powers; we got powers?" Rath doesn't believe anything that Riverdog is saying and just wants to leave."

He tells Zan,
"Let's go duke, dis guy is on something more powerful than da shit we caught Amy smoking. I had enough of dis shit!"

"Bet," Zan is in total agreement. "Yo, we outta here Pops!"

Riverdog knows that something dramatic has to happen to convince them of what he's told them. He waves his hand and a gun appears as they head for the cave exit.
"Sorry to do this but you have to believe what I've said. If I'm right, Zan will be able to heal you."

Rath hears that and it alarms him. He turns back to face Riverdog.
"Heal, what da hell ya babblin ....."

That's the last thing that Rath utters before Riverdog points the gun and fires five bullets into his chest at point blank range.

Rath hits the ground hard.

Zan can't believe what he just witnessed.
"OH SHIT!!! Why ya do dat ya fucking bastard?"

Now Riverdog points the gun in his direction as Zan lunges at him with murderous eyes.
"Look Zan, if I shoot you, who's going to heal Rath? You're the go to guy here. Now stop wasting time and do as I say. Lay your hands on Rath's chest and concentrate on healing him."

The rage inside Zan urges him to ignore the command and tear Riverdog apart for shooting Rath. But he's scared to death that Rath might die, so he does as Riverdog orders. He falls to his knees beside his oldest friend and places his hands on his blood soaked chest.

Zan looks down and starts to panic,
"It's so much fuckin blood, wat if I can't heal him?"

Riverdog lowers the gun and reassures him,
"You can do it; I know you have the power. Just concentrate on healing him and it will happen, I promise."

Quickly, Zan closes his eyes and concentrates hard on healing Rath. To hedge his bets, Zan also mouths a silent prayer. That's something he hasn't done since he was a little boy. After five seconds, a green ray can be seen coming from and through Zan's hands.

The sight overwhelms Riverdog who cheers Zan on,
"That's it," he assures him. "You're healing him like I knew you could."

Riverdog starts to laugh joyfully,
"After all these years, this day has finally come!" While he celebrates the momentous occasion, Zan is demanding loudly that Rath respond to what he's doing.
"Come on homes, I know dis is working cause I can feel it! Ya can't die on me!"

After a few more harrowing minutes, Zan feels his powers diminishing. He thinks he's failed and Rath has died. Out of breath and sweating heavily, Zan falls to the ground too exhausted to move when to his surprise he hears that familiar voice.

"What da hell happened here? Why is my clothes covered wit blood, did I kill somebody?" Then the last few minutes come back to Rath.

He rises up slowly and points in Riverdog's direction.
"Ya shot me ya old son of a bitch!!!"

Rath rushes over to Riverdog with menacing eyes. The old man holds his hands out and precedes to stop him with logic.
"Yes, I shot you. But I had to do something to convince you and Zan that everything I told you is true. You would have died from your wounds if Zan didn't use his powers to heal you. Now do you believe me?"

Rath stops within a few feet of the man he wants to kill looking confused. Not convinced that Rath still won't hurt him, Riverdog waves his left hand and a green ray separates them.

"Damn, can I do that shit?"
Witnessing the green ray and Zan's healing hands change Rath's mind and convinces him of everything.

Slowly Riverdog lets the green ray dissipate.
"My boy, you can do that and more. Why don't we go and see about Zan."

"Zan,Oh yeah. Shit!"
Rath rushes over to his friend.

Zan is flat on his back clutching his temples.

"Ya a'right duke?"
Rath gets down on his knees and stares down at his friend. He's so grateful to him.
"Tanks for savin my life. Dat was some serious shit ya did."

Zan nods his head but says nothing. Riverdog explains to Rath what is happening.
"The act of healing is very taxing to Zan's body. Each time he does it, he needs rest to replenish his strength. Let's get him in the car so you can get him to bed. Why don't you two come back tomorrow about the same time and we can continue our conversation."

Riverdog orders two braves to carry Zan to Rath's car.The two friends leave the reservation befuddled over what they saw and heard. They are also unaware that two people were watching their every move.

An ecstatic Riverdog goes to the sanctuary on the reservation grounds to share his wonderful news with a vibrant young woman.
"Its done! At last, I've met with them and told them everything."

He thinks about what he said and revises it,
"Everything that is, but how you fit into their lives."

The young woman throws him a look disappointment and annoyance.
"But why, you know you're gonna have to tell them about me sooner or later."

Riverdog tries to calm her,
"I've told them enough for today. I'll tell them everything else they need to know and introduce you to them tomorrow."

The young woman likes the sound of that,
"Good! I've waited long enough for this!"

Riverdog puts his arms around her to say,
"Yes, I know my child. Just one more day and you will begin building the life you were destined to have."